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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 29 Jan 1875, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, Ji'lUDAY, JANUARY 29, 1875. 1 30 =====================================~============:=::::o=====:c:=====;======:;;;:;;===~:;;;::c;;;;;;:=;;~:;:;;;;=;;;:~====;'===================================l'~======:'.'.=="'.'~~"'.'.~~'.'.".~==~==""'=='.'.'.'.'.~~~~~~~=::~~~:=:::===':"~l':::':========".'.:'.~===================="I~-=-::;-=-=== -= -=~=-=-~:::'.::"=:='.~============== DAYS - - - :o:- 30 W. BUN~EY, SOMETHING NEW ID BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! B U IL D E R , E T 0 ., . SA.LE! GOODS GIVE :N busin()sS, and workll1g- at t he ll!OSt r easoua,IJlo in·iccs,tu ensn1·e a. continu:i111;e of pu blic pa.tTon- - ;t) : .:i.gc. V-l. J3.j::ipr<:!l)U.1'6dtobuildhon~i:s, etc., on the lnost motlern style of arc11iteoture. Johbing promptly att eude'd to. rluus uutl f.!pcc ifi- Any one wislii ug to have Photo,; rJlllarged frow ca.tions got u p 011 application, ou t be most roa- . old piot ures of dccei~sed frieudi; ) i.:&n get the 1 fo~~~ 01J~~~~~i~~~:cic~t~·l~et ~~~0~:f 2~~:~~io~~~ BePstoretu1·nthri.nk1:1tohisfriendsfo1·thesnp Bowmanv1 "lle· sa1netlone ! DRY GOODS ~u~ p . . ~, u m - - -:o :-- -"'. , Mutu~l oe . 1 'rll ,. .&.1 iu~ur~ttttt. :c A. "'"' C ~ . ..., .la Life Assurance Society 1:iOUable te1n1ES, and of c\'erv d e::;cL·iption. Office , :.u1d Sho]_), io Str eet,~ nenrly opposite Mr. ! T. Bowdon"· Bown1anville , Dec. 24Lb , 1874. 10-ly. 'l'ait & Arthui·'s Gallery, they having gone to g;c~t ~~t A. BRIGNALL t ti E"()6 r ['ti TH~ ,. ~ MILL~oN Q . I . 11 111 .ESTA BLISHED 1840. C~NADA C HIEF 0Fl'1 CE.~. - - - :o:--- l:Jl, S1'. ,TAMES s·rrtEET, MONTREAL DIRECTOR S. "\"7ALT.1Ut StL\NLY, E.sq., 1'-1 P., Chainuaau, D tJNO.o\N ]f!AODONALD, E1:1Q. ~Ll.Joll'l' . E. CAMPBELL, C.:B., St. Hilaire. 'ruE HoNon.AnLE Jo11N 1 ROBEitT EASrroN, A1' ][JS I) BY soLA; ~'~l~imnA, I 1 eXJ1ClHW in purcLasiug Sell;:; by fal' lite CHEAPES'l' D RY GOODS)IN ]30\VblA "'fYiLLE. No clc~riu g salo in the Cheap Book, Stationary, Fancy Goods and Toy Warehouse. Town Hall Buildings ...n ~O'H ara's Old Stan<l, R,, 1~ . i<i p.1:epai:ed tu sell n.t g1·ea.tly reduced prices fut· Thirty D:tys, the followiug good::i, viz., C d of Thanks. a,r rrHl~ SuUscdbcr rutul'lll:l i h ·u1ks to those who 1J:.n·t..! givt;JU hin1 tlleir patrun agt'l in tJJe past, ---:o:-- -- TVam Dolls, China Dolls, Glass cmd Chi net Ornamen ts, T oys fo1· G fr ls& Boys, Children's Slwighs, Spfondul Picture Books, A lbmns, Work B.axes Writ·ing Desks, Lm·ge lot of Beaut~ful Pictuns Frwrned; Concert·m as, Satchels, Pui·ses, Wi cket W01·!~ Baskets, S·ilt·M· Plctted Cruets, and Co)ce Baskets, &c., &c. H'll,ndr·eds of ]lfctgctzines cmd Books, Note mul Letter Pctpe1·; Lots of JJlusic and Jewefry . A Beautiful Papier Mache Portfolio .given to all persons lmying $4.00 worth of Goods at Reduced Prices. and 'vould inform the fann ers t.)1at he has 1·e· yiairod and refitted his l\fill, a,nd is now pl'cpnt· cd t o nttcnd t o thefr 'vauts in the milling- line. IIe i1:1 al so conducting n. for th o cxj)l'Cf!S }HU'pose o[ enlarginrr pll.otob~·aplrn,w icih they ma~o from \he '"1~llost card to life s1ze. '!hoy would ~e1u1ud the 11ublic tha.t they i;till st.riv· ing to imp rove their ·work iu PhotOb'Taphy, and t hey arc now turning out Pictnrcs I""h · ' · I Jr. .le! le! now .i:\ s :;i.. v:Bjk?,·Y:'"i:ow<ltoJ?:R10Es quot ed by bin1 . HAMJLTO::i, IInwks· GRANT. burg, Ont. Rl£SIDEK'l SECRF'l ARY.-J.AMES IV h1 f#U ' a.n<l n erds 110 f1ut her arguJUent than to visit J~i s ~storc n.nd se c fQJ: yourselves~ - - -- t,:pccial indncemeu t t o .purc11ruiers, during t h e ])resent lnonth some lines i1 1 \\1I NTEI::. GOODS "'·ill be offered at a "-'l ll 'e5I t bl" h d. "el .-is ai lS e .. a,o t S PECI A L FEAT U RES. 'l'h e BNTfR~ ritoFl'l'S bolo11g to and nre divi1l ed amongst t ho PoUoyhoklera. LIV.E S, DECLINED :BY OTHER COMFANIES, or Oll which an extra Premium would be required, can be assured at the ordinary rates of this Society, Equal to Toronto Work. - - :o:Cabinet anll four-fmuth. si..ze matle equall y :) ;,; good ns their cardli. Go and yxamiue ispeci· mens, nud h o convin ct·!l t.1H 1.t they aru doiug well. ]~xtru. pri.ub; c:;.u he hatl oJf til<l negn.tiYe& 'l'b ".l y kuep on hand ·~ud fur'f; ale, ~\u GREA_T SACRIFICE! to cleai· t ho atock. under a special arra-ngemcnt SPEOIAI. NoN-FOFEITAD.L E PoLIOlES issued uuder which only 10, 15 01· 2(l Annual Pay ments aro reqnU·ed, pa.ynlent 1mcuring Policy for a stm1 asRurcd proport ionate to the l)Ul'uber of premiu1nH l)ai1..l, t~lldfree jrom fubU' GENERAL STORE, arnl hrwi11g purchaticd s touk for C -1\. S I--I, fa givi11g b~i.rg in Assortment of Frames A Beautiful Life-like Picture of Hon. E. Blake for '.10cts. Prince of \Vales for 30ots ; the pair for GOcts. self "'orthy of continued patrona:.;o. --1 Blttt1S C.A. SH. T he Proprietol" believes in a. Nitnblo ·S ixponce being Uet.tcr thn.n a S low, PoJO ng Shilling . 1 'Dry Goods, Cheap as the Chea:pest. Dowm<~uvillc, No\' 12th, 187;1 bp-043-rnG-tf lt. E. J'etnl'ns hi~ thanks to t h o inhabitants of llo\v111anvillc and -..·ici..JLity, for· lihcral p:~tronage, but especially for hi.:. brillia.nt SLtceoss a.t lii iil OliriR t m:.i.s S nJ.c, and h opes to prove hi1n- . R RAS1'0N. ly-mtl. 1 Bow1mnvilllc, J an. 20th, 1875. Dress Goods, Crockery,Glassware, Th e Best Paper! l"ry it! · . & c. I I Po.lay' Free. E"rnlifully ltluslratd. Grocer1es, ~fr. Gr::i..y. 20cts, worth 12t cts. at 35cts, 20cts. at " 38cts. 25cts. at " " 45cts, 35cts. at All Wool Plaid " 15 and 25cts. at 10 12~c. Winceys · worth $3.50. $2.25 at All Wool Shawls $4.50. at $3.50 " " $2.00. $1.00 Ladies' cloth jackets at " $3.50. $2.00 " " at $5.00. . at .$3.50 " " JACKET" CLOTHS FROM 75cts. per YARD Dress ,,Goods Dominion OrO'an Oo'v. BOWMANVILLE P1·eaent the following testimonials fl'om coin 12etc:;nt judges of Orgnn3, i]'ostimoni:iJ fro .John Camidge, :&-Iua. Doc .. Canluar, Enf!ID.nd. · J3ow1J1ruLviJle, 24th D ee., JS7:·;, 7'o the llfanagei·s D ominion U1·g(ln Co . GENTf,~M'EN .- I liko to phi.yon your Orgnus t :> ~o IB so sweet au d steady. 1i nd the workmru1snip a,:n<l fi.nil\h c::i:xcl1cut, ~ud in t.: \·ery particulti.r they arc equal, if uot sup~riv!', to any I have ever hearrl. IIopinJ they will u1eet public avprccintion. T .HE ooymcnt of preniiunl-8. Bfontr.RATEi U.itions. Prrn:~11uMs and n1ost liberal ctiu· ' Prosj)ectuses,Proposal .Fol'lns, &c., st.ippliotl on ::i.pp ication at the liead U1iiuu, or auy of th o Agencies. J.i\.11J!;S GllANT, l{e!>. Secretary. AG.l1~N·.r l i'Oli BO,,TMAN 'rrLLR, C.BARKER, " Obacever Office, n !(ing St. JOHN CAMIDGE t he following fro1n Rosa JJ'Eriua : Howm~\nville , DccemJx>.r 22, 187:J, To the .1(anauc1·s < if th1; Dmninion O?'[lan Co. G.1~N'.l'J,f~tJ~ll. - I havo mueh pleasure fr1 te~t fying t.o tlte c:xc elle.nt qnalitios of tho Orga supplied by y ou v.,t Jny coucort last Sa.tnrda evening. 'l'he tone is sweet and very powe1·f and the combination of stopt' most Adru:iraU I am stu·e your instru1n('.uta will find favor Clnirches, as they are singulo,1·ly adapted fr, sacred 1nusic. \Vishing you eYcry !nl·cess, auJ that the public may patroni:1.c nn.tivc manufn.<, \· turc. I remain G·entlemen , Very respt-ctfully, ll~a<l ~2·1y Bownln.nville, Juno 24th, 1870. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;o_ -;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;::::::= JI S'J.1AifD. - Ilccently oc(:iipied. by S. V Al~STONE. TYRONE. Tyronu) Dec. 17, 1874. Levi Morris ! Important Announcement ! --=--~-o~~--- Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c. }fr . :\iorril; \YvulJ inL. nn the gc uN·al pulJlic that he is in·e1,1arei..1 t o fill oi·1.ler:: fur I'la.ning and. :!11.Catching, 111oiddhngs of 'alt desm·iptions, '1"1.wning, &c., &c., ~or Great Reduction, in Dry Goods! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. - --oo- gc1u..:rn.l building , on SHORTEST NOTICE, aml in GOOD JTYLE. li e '\·ill also eontrauts for buildi.Jig1:1, anJ Pl1.Ylil MUIDOUI BIOS. Having decided to nmke . a change iu their lius~ n css, are now se1,li.~g for CASH their large i·,nd well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, M:1llrnery, . Clothiilg, Crockery and Ghtssware, SPECIAL A1'1'El'ITION 1'0 JOEDlNG. Shop and Residence on Liberty Street Bowmn.n"·ille, D ec. 2li:>t, 1874. 13 .tf. THE AT AND BELOW COST ! Sabbath School J\.n un scct()rin.n , Ensi~n, Q Illustrated Paper, ft..n· Siibbnth S chools . 'l 'l10 S toe k h >wrng· ' b eon pureh asecl in . th e B"ES'J' MARKE'l'S, bn}'ers can P·iibl;,. .,,, u . ' lJ . 1 1 LJ:J.Oni11 depend 0 11 getttng ·..,~ox, i y, at - ownianv'i11e, 0 nt. J.fOlUo' .AND BET:J.'ER GOODS FOB 'l.'IIEIR MONEY The Editor ha!> bocu connccte<l, tuore or lcsi:I, closely with[tth S chool:i, fron1 Lis boylioud, and will endea vor the n rn kc the E~STCN overy \V:.\V \VOrtby oi t.ho support of SabUat h School~, T he unscctu.riau 0hu·ract~r of t h o,re nt.lers it suita.Ufo fo1· v.,uy School. ln cunnection tlicrc· 'vith 1 a Snpple1ncµt fa publislicd, conto.inini; N otos ou the Intei·n n.tionn.l seties of S. S. Lessons. These aro ca1·cfully in·cpared , and nn1st prove of greo,t value to Uo~h '!'cacher o,nd Scholar. .:>0 th yen.r cnjoy1:1 the witleat circulation of ally ,~·ookly n Owspapei· of t he kind iu the ' vorlJ. J-\ uc'v volume colllniences January 1, 187G. Its contents embrace the In.test ~rad 1nost i11t<:'rcsting information pertaining to tho Indnatrial Mechanic<Ll, und Scientj fic Prog1·csE1 of the worl~l; Descl'iptions, v.:ith l: e01ntiful En!n·avings of New Iuvcntions,:Ne·w·Illlplemcnts, ~ew IJrocesse!:l,a.nd I1nprovod In<lu~trie s of all ki.n<ls; U i:;cful Notes, ltecipes, Sn.~gcstions a.nd advice by l~ra.ctical \Vrit~rs, for \ V'orkn1en 111id Emp l oye r~1 in o.11 the various nr ta. r l'he SOI1£NT Ll!'IC A~1l5RICAN is the cheapest a.nd best Til ustrated weekly paper pnb·' li1:1he<l. Every ntunbc1· coµta.in1:1 from 10 to 15 oliginal engTayi.ngs of ne>v rn~~cbinery n.t1<l. novel itH'entio11r.. ENGlt.A.VINGS, illustratin ~ Iruprovcmeute, Discoveries, and ltnpo: r t.ant "'orks, pertaining to civil a11U. l\!echa,uical Engineering, I\1Uliug-, !\.fining a.n<l Metalllll'b'Y; Records of t he la.Wat i)rog1·css in th~ application of Steam, S t eatn Engincedng, U.a.ilways, Ship Buildin ~, Nftovii;ation, Telegraphy. Tolegra-plt Eng1 neer1n;;.:-. El.,.ct:ricit;y,_ Ma.gnetisw, Light and lle:it. · F Alt)iERS, 11-Iecha.nics, Engineer~) In-vent· or s, 1\f annfaeturerli, Cl1eu1ists, Lovers of Scienct' 'l' crs Clergymen, Lawyers, and Peoplt: of all Profc~sioua, will find t he Scienti fic ..imerie.n u u sefu l to the1n. It Should have a pl<1iceln eve1·y Fa.wily, Lihrary 1 Stu~y, 9flicc, ~nd Counting 11.ooru; i.n every JieMl.1ng ltoom, Coll ege, .l\. ca d emy, or School. A yca1"s numbers conttiiu 3;12 po.gcs a:nd. seY- · rfhousnnds of vol· eral hundreJ.;::-a. umes ll,J.'C ·pre1mrved for binding and reference. 'J1he prD.ctical re~ipts are wcll "·01·th ten tilncs tho i:;ubscrip tion pl'ico. '.rcrms, $~.20 a year by, including posta.go. Disoouut to Clubs. Special circulrns n.nd Speciincns $Cut free. M.n.y be had of nil News Dc1ilers. Inconnection , with t h cScien·tific A1noricu.n :Me1:1ars·. Munn & Co., m·c Solicitors of American an d ]foreign Patents, awl ha.Hj tho lii. r geBt ef;tablishment in t h e wodd. .!\'fore than fjfty thousand upplications have beet.:. made for patents through thui1· agency. rn.tents are obta:ined on the best tonns. Mu fi. els of New Inventions and sketches e:xaminetl nnU. o.d vil~t; ft·ee, A special notice is mude iu the Scic1 :.tilic L\me1·ican of all Invoution1;1 Patented t..llro11gh thii; Agency, ·w ith the niunu and rcsi-. deu1;c of the Patentee, Pi\teuta m·e oft en sold in part Ol' whole, to ])Cl'SOW-l attl'rtct ed to the in ventiQU by 13u0h notice. Send for Pamphlet , 110 llages, coutaini.:ng tlnd full direction!:! for obtaining J'atents. . Address for the Pn.per, or con cern in g Patents, l\1UNN & CO., 37Park1-tow, N.Y. :Er:i,nch Offi<..:l', Cor. F a.nd 7th S t1:1., Wash.ingto11,D. C. Waterproof Cloaking at 85c. " $1.25. " at $1.15 " $1·50. Black.Velveteen at 65c. " 85c. Winter Gloves from 12J cents yer pair. All kinds of wool goods about half price Tliu SCII~NTIFIC A[\.1ER1CAN uow iu Ht) Yard wide factory fianne at 40c. A few trimmed hats at half price. Ilemenibcr the Place, 1\iext Do01· lo ]tJr. Oonsaul'H Grocery Store, Dounnanville. Jan. 8, 1875. ' 10-21nos. Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON. (Estnblished 1803, l{KAD OFl'IOES.-1 Old St., a.nd Pall 1-In.ll. London. GENERAL ~(l:ENCY 1 }' OR 0.ANADA :- -24 St crnment Montl'eal. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs R. O'HARA. A. M. DAl\LEY President. l\.fanagcl' .BowmanYille, Janua t·y 15, 1874. Lp·o3-ut16. ROSA D'ElUNA. · Subscribed and invei;ted Ca1Jital and lleseri·e h'und. £1,~65,000 S\erling. li'unds invested in Canada-- 105,000. II (JE J. Insurances against loss by ]'ire are effected on most favorable terms, and loss~ paid with <>11 t reference to the 13oN:d in London. J DODSWORTH, Inspector. fl, . RINTOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, Montrea ()lteapStore Has now ·~full R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent fo1· Bowmanville and Vicinity. 36 13owmanville, June 4th. 1S60 m.o.43-30.4-w James assorted St.ock of McFeeters. AGENT T .l:-IE I E.Lepha,nt House HE UNDF.RSIC N l 1:D in retunting thanka to hi~ 1na11y friends ~nd thl:l public gen1:: 1·ally for Lht: hbern.l p::i.tron:i.gc exte nded to hirn during the past 18 years, begs to n.nnouncc that from and after the 15tl1 Scpte1nber, he will carry on the sau1e bus iness, Lut more ext::nsiv.cly under the name and styl e of Jol:LN l\foLEOD &. Co. Pron1pt vayment of aU accounts is rendered in1perati ve by t11 is liueiuess arrant.;cHJEmt, and all per;:..ons indebted will take notice and g overn tl1oms0h·es lbCC~rcliug~J. . 0 11111111 illBiil PATENTS Groceries . Dry Goods,· Boots & Shoes etc., etc, which for For the following Insurance Companies and other InstitutiouH, viz ,:-' 'l'he Q.Ul~~),T l'ire and Life Inslrrance 0010.· p11ny. CH'lJital , £2,000,000. $150,000 depositfld with the Do1ninion G·overnmcnt, for-the TJ1-otec der$ in Canada. The ISOIJATED RISK l1'iye Insurance Com pany ofCanado. Capital U00 1 000, - 0nooft11e LcKt n.nU. chea11cl\t Con1pu.niea doin "' business in the D o1ninion, for Va:rn1ers aud ItJ;latcd liisks T 'l'he CAN ADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. with a, Savings Bank <lepartn1ent. The UNION A~J) PEJtI\fANEN'l~ Building a.ud 8aving's Society. i:rheRe la.ttel' instltntions advance Loans on Real Ji:state, 011 terms unusun.ll v easy for the borro,ver. Bow1nan\·ille, E'ob. 6th, 1873. B!lliEI Quality and FOR THE Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl TYRONE. JOHN McJ.TW~. Bowrnru1 \'ille, Sept e1n ber 4tb, 187;1. T John McLeod & Co T HLibe:i·al Support and H Patronage Ecxten~led lou~ E woulu SDlicit \ he ·ame so to J ohn McLeod, and take$ this orl1or tunity of in· !forming the 11ulJlic, that tb~y Ji:.i \'e 1 at t his EsL11libhment tkm in any other house in the country. BEST Organs THE BANNER LATEST FROM THEI DISCAR DED I Galt Eady, and secure Barg(iiJls, as tlte ·whole Stock must be sold at once, j'1r CASII ONLY. :Bible Christian FUR REGIONS Mink Furs at Wholesale. Grebe, very fine . . South Sea Seal, best quality. Alaska Mink, prime. OLD SYSTEM, 0 I - l'an::cIB of 5, 10, 15, et c., 11t t11 c rJJte of 30 'l 'EltMS , THE 1 GROCERY 1 DEPARTMENT Sit· l'o,,tage eta. p er year. Single copiel:i., 40 cts. l'lfE'E . .A Jtli·oss, C. U1\ltlCEl1., EJJJ'IOn, Uowma.nvHle, On t, EI.ONG C ~EDI'l'S, E Ln~1- L is now c01uplcte with t'11e choicest supply of What the Press say about it ' rf1U::: ]~ FSlO N. ...... ~ ..,.e Jia.v e been favored with LL Ghr istnuis Goods, Ra isens, C1ir1·ants, ga1·s, Peels, etc.,, at all Prices. Bowm:1nviJle, Dec. 24th, 1874, MURDOCH BROS. t:OP.Y of the J.-,'ll-'.l i{fn frum thll l~ditor,nt t he West Durlrn.m r1 i.nting E stn.hlislnncnt. rl'ho 1!.'n ~ i.qn ifl a paper prcpn.rucl cspcdally for Sabb:.ith Schools, nnd in our opinion wdl Ltdp,pt ed to its object. So great a fa..rorite )Hts it become, t h;:i..t we li sar (what is Yl·i·y unu snn.l th such enterpriBC I<) it 1i!fs11tovt<d for t h e first year a. fiu:i.ncia.l success. Th e illnstn1tions lll.'e suitable and suffiuicntly num erous, while th e r en.ding nui.ttcr is hcaltJly in ton e, n1cy in H t yle.and so varied as to su it the taste of t he genern.l \Ve cong ratulate the Editor on havpubliu. ing ca.tercd so succos8fully to t he 1)11bHo \\'ant, and '\Ve congratulate tho you11 g nnd t he public on having so chnrming n. sh~t presented monthly for tho pernsv..l of tht::ir c:hilJrt.ui.-Oslul~t;a RrJon1w1'. .. The En~i.un is 1u:at1y priutl'<l on good paper, i1:1 illustrated, and t.:outai1ls healthl.Y r ea ding: nHi.ttet. "it ought to hav e a fa;rg(J circuh~ti on . -.P elci·b01·0' Jtxa1nincr. SEWING I\1.ACHINE COMPANY, 01·' SHElWlWOKE, P. Q ., Hnviug recently perfected BOOK ROOM .MA:B.XUSd a,X~YlC:B.'S p 0 Buffalo Robes, F U R King St., Bowmanville. L and \.\ill conduct th eir crc<lit neas :.\s follows : EALL AC COU N'l'SE 'vill bu ST 0 RE H il~t A N T . REl:~~~~HD ii M n . .MAYE~. having a thorough knowledge! of the Fui· trade,, h~ pu1·c~a~ell onlJ_" .l!'irst~l aaa ~tock, and ia ma :position to g1ve sat· lB.fD.ct1on to all; No"\\· is the time to givu 1nm a. caU, a.."ithoae >Yho co1ne first are firat · served. January, 1st May, and 1st September l1n eac-i cind every 11ecw. important lmpro1'13j!nents, ill their celcbmt ed J _ O rgans .l AND Gentlemen's Jlitrnisliings, ]fats, Caps, --:l:f:-- In the ease oI .._,fnnufuctnrers, Mechanics, and others, whose accounts may a1nount to $00. 00 01· Over, their note,if agrued upon,wiLI be taken i1a.yablD at t be Ban k fo1· · a. stated petiod. ' 1 H A N T H l-,__ p ~c. ALWAYS GET Family Sewing Machines, Axe prepa1·ed tn ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. Cash Purchasers AND High est Price paid for Raw Furs Eow1uunville, Oct. 21st, 1874: "" Finsrr..cLASS DOMINION BANK. BOWMANV JLLE. GuAH.. AN T EE THE~t EQvAL, IF NOT SUPERIOR, ON }""or THE Sabbath School Library I DENTISTRY VI. BELL & Co's. ! Prize llfe<ial Orga.1is \.Vhich in 1873i :it the Provinci~l J1 ' t\ir, b eat c\'e1·y 1\merican nnd Can ntli.un Organ , taking the ll'l 'ltS'l' l>JtJZl~ . Ah·o t.lrn l'l:DiJW llt\ <l to l).ny n ow b~Iore the 11ublic, SIMPLI CITY OF CONSTRUCTION EASE OF OPERATION , UNIFORMITY OF PKECISE ACTION Kt ANY RATE OF SPEED, capRcity of ru nge and adapVihility to variety of work , tine or coarse , r;rc ~ n t. CONTINENT. Depot; KIN !J STREET, BGWMJ\NVILLE, 0 I Stoc~NDLarge IQ U Well Assorted !U H 1will always get goods at prices ent :Fr:N·E, as ? Ul' l;,T~at ui1n will be to court this cla~ti of tra ~ e . l Prompt Payers on credits short l'apilal , l'aid Up, HEAD 0 1t11,1,J.\, CoBOUBG, BOW'ftlAN\' 11 . LE, $ J,000,000. ' o·FICICJ.~. TORONTO. BRo'..NCH OFFI CJ{ S : Of-:ILA_W.\, \Vrtl'l'BY UxB1 u'nc.-1:, HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO THEY STAND ( l::ostou. ) 'l'he so Cd ehratcd Bfachincs o bt~ined tl1 0 .... VVhiuh h:lci t;"tken Forty- n·i 11e S Strowger Bros. E N EWC.A.STL:m Having rcmov:~_t:'_~~? commodious prc;mises, Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box . 1.\. _'!Pleud id variety of S'rOVE S, fot· wood 01· coal. ' B0wm~u\·illr;,, JOHN McLEOD & CO. Septcmber,1th1873J E I - s 'l'hi::i Ila.nk, in a.dditio11 totran~a.ctiu g th e ns\.l:i.l h 1.t nking business~. offers t o the t1ubli e a.IL the n.dva.n t ::vr~ of :o ::laving l"nstitution ·with tbo sectu'ity ~f n. ln.rge paid-up capital, by the 111cau-.:; c l a SAV I N\.iS DEPA1t1'.\lBNT. I ritl:!rest allo1Vcd on ~11 depos its of On e D<Jllar and u1Jw nrds, '-\.t the of F1v.E p er ceot. per a1ulu1n. llepositors can witbd1·n.,v either t h o whole 01· IJ,ll)' p o.rt of t h eir deposits :Lt any tiine, wi~hont previous notice. Spcciu.l 1·ates of interest allowed upon dep osits with notice uf withdrawal. .!\1neric[tU Currency and S ilve1· taken on de~ 'f)OSit. ·urafts granted pa.yablo in Great 13ritain, ,lTnited States anJ :;i,ll parts of C1.1.JU\d1L i}W'Deposits can b <;\ remitted by inuiJ,;,uldrcss·cd to t h e D01ninion Bank (registered) , wlicn in n.ll callt11:! <~ P; receipt will be scut by .return pos~. J.. A . CODD, .4gt:11t, Bow1n:'l.nville, .Jan. G tl1 ~ 1874, 15-tf. FIRST p 111z11'. · Desirable Farm Property FOI~ - -:o:- \Ve lian~ SALE. now tht1 1 v;;tried and J. M. Brimacombe, L.R,(J.D.S. A8 F$I ST ED AT THE held i n ~Iontrea.lin 8C'1itembcr: 187;L wnute<l. .ny - -- :o:- - :Provincial Exhibition, G. D LOCKHART, L. R. C. D. S THE KING- OF J. T. ANDERSON, BOWl\iANVILLE, LOCAL , 1QJtNJ hy-n'J7-·1 ~,i.l - J FEESMODERATE. OFFlCB over Jl!cULUNG'S Store Bowmnnvil ie. ·u ec. L~74 . SEWING MACHINES, - :0:- - y1· . FOR SALE. 11-t f. - - - - - - - -- - - - Good bu~ldings n.1~d fenees, and la..rge young or· chard . Fut' p:irt1eula.ra, n.pply to . 'Vu. 'l'UEP~, lIAYDO N. Uct. 29tb.1S74. 5·tf. -- -.,....---------- - - - - N~~;~~~~~,~~80~~;~~~;~:.-~c~;: New Tailor Sho:P, J .Q H N H E A L J .Gl,>OD ~l!:CO:KD HANTJ Pia no for sn.lo N. B. - '.1'11 0 8ubBcrilJe1 jry 11 ul a, fn 1L 1 (11 i11g . J>n ce .${i:.i, <ler .!\.gent. Uu Lh a~ th e sp\ cu::t l ug-C' l.H\'( fo111nmil5-t£ J. :'):[. BI~Il\J.c\ a.buve. r am prcr1a1 eel t<J c:i: clu:L11ge l 'i auosthe . ..---- - 01·ga11R, Org an s for ::\felodeons, a.Isa Sew fur I , ~~ l\fn.ch111Cs, 0 11 rea:;onalilo tel'ms r It )~Ou \tVa ut:. Uoocl Broad, Use the A 1FI,\.'l' Spleu<lid l"'roporty of the late Mr. B. 1Vli tcl.1cll, beiuA" notth ]1 aJ. f of Lota Nn. ;H , m1U. J2, in th\! (ith 0011. of Darlington, compri~in,f..i 200 ttci·e::i- 35 being flupcrior \Vood lanLl. Th ere i~ on tbc front of the prerni1:> e.':! , n VIJ L'Y fiw:.1,gentlt:1na.n's stone i·co;ideucc, with lawu ttnd fl ower g D.rden, to tho renr of which is ii b<:1auti(ul Mn.ple Grn'lc. A lso woo<l ahed 1 ~t aUh', driving hou gc,etc.· aude vcry ncce1->sary convciricuuo. The whole, 1_1hou t tun <lt:rel! , is surround ed Ly a · t horn hedge. 'l'horc fa a Honse, witl1 t hrc.1har na,wlth a.11 outhnilJingi; . 1\. never fail ing sttc.a1n of wa . tor runs tlu·vugh tho preinio;es. There is also 11 splcn<liJ Orchard of fru) t, bon;>:""iug trec!'l, a1Hl <1 kituhcn ganlu11. 'J' he property is ill a. gooJ s~ato of cultivation, fin d ir~ r e~vsdBd ~is 1 ,hc most de1:1 iraLle b ctwetJH lGngstQn n.ud Londu11 . For {u.rtl1er p articulars ;i.1 >ply to Mlt8. H. Ml'l'CHELL, 'I SELECT STOCK (JI!, IN SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yet off..:red to the people in 'Vest D ul'11am. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, ' beg to inform the public gm1 ernlly, that they are now ~nttbled to offer tbti1n Better Inducements in tho line of --o-- For the Holidays! G-ift l:Jool~s, Grocery B11si11ess, (;!S REGARDS PRICE & QUALlTY) t han any othc1· bouso in the County. P,,·ang's Splendid .d lbums, Gelebfflie<l Ohronws, ~cld rc."l S, J. J.01. 15th, 1875. 6 G trios. s . DONEY, '1'"'0' 1' r .o. __ I~imnoml 1 0 f>ha.11·a ]:' . 0. bp-tf-tn44-o32. TO PElt DAY .-A gcntt!\Vuntcd~ i11g cla..-;sr:.a of wo1·king p eoplo. of either iscx, young or old , 1nako iuore money at work fqr w:i in th~ir sp are n101nent~, 01· all the t iine, than at n.11ything el se . l'artieu hirs free. PoRt card to States COt:;ts but two eents. ..Add ress G. 8'l 'I KSO:N & , CO .. Portland, I\fn.ine, U.S. October 27th. 1874. 1y -bp-o43.rn5. j)1 ioroscopes JCalc·idoscopes Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. NO'l'ED FOR CHEAP I. · (!) ~'tallt !j _c...__ __ Nove1nbrir !:itb, 1874. ~ Qi!nl~c.11. $5 inG·ly $20 01 lhc fi1;e st clesc1'ip- . ' t-ion, Ladies' Cornpanions, Des/cs, Pocket Books, &c., &o., MARRIAGE LICENSES l SSU ED Ill' JOHN J. WILLIAMS I Chern·wcod Post·ofllce Pickering Ont IGOOD FITS GUARANTEED BowmanviUe, Sep. 4th, 1872. 11149-tf. ' LA'l'E '\V'J'rH F. Y. CO\VLF., begs!to ll1funn th e public gt<:nerally, that be haa cou11nenc~d bnsiness int.he Shop next to tbo U .. pre?S Office, one door e'8t of ,r. .Milne'e. Havin g had several yca1'ft cxpoi·icnce in th1~ trade, he hopes to sa.t.i s f~, all w}lo n1ay f:i.vor himwi\hnc·ll. . . N tho belon g· ing to t h ? subscriber, cout1-..ixlii1g an ~u.: re of ( s~" A. "lOU~O· ~01\.'[A.N r cc('ntly from land, 011 wlnuh are two <lwelhng hon sc:t, une ! l!.ingla.nd, ll a1tu11.h on, w~erc she cou ld JLH1~e ,very <lcriirablu, a. blacks.mi t h ~l10p, n. ca.r riaz o herself g-c1)01·n.l)y useful, behind the, iu shop, n.nd t1t n.ble and dnviu g- hO\ll':e. Al ~ o n, t li c J)rcHs1 nak1ng- departme1.1t. ( ·I' <tK .('\ osii-;t:\u i.. uu1uber of good f1 ·n lt lree.s. 1\.vply ifb~· lettcr I Rook-kec]!)cr. licfe1·ent.:~s kuid ly pt'rQJ1t teL1, t i.) 1 prepaid. to J'MLJJ.:S "(;O.LLA'o . _,Ui,,J', l:!cvern.l rc ::.pectttblc persous, both in Town a.nil I\1tnip1Jsn., OountTy. .._\.ddress, or J. H. EYNOl.\r, N . A. , 0BSERV:ER. Office, B(1 wrnanv.ille . bp·tf· ruS·o17. No. 7, 6th. 0011. Darlington ..· Dec. 3r<l, 1874. 10-tf. I Yil::~~y1~~:~~'ii"" I I . WAN ~ED. ____ _ H' 'tiling NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT CODD DRY GOODS! -oA lVeight ancl ,l{easm·e Guaranteed in e·vM·y instance. CLOTHING, etc. SPECJ AL LINE, to pleaeo n.ll, and every one, A lal'ge and ~plcntli(1 I by f rff'. A ~ldrc es -..vith te1' cent r1;>tntn St~tmp, 1L YOUNG, 17:~ Orct'nwi cl1 Sr.X. Y. OL·t. list, J.&74. bp 1nU-040-G1ns. WORK .at horn c, n1ft1cnr tcm:\tt'; s :i5pcr " All~ t week .cln.y 01' ov('11ing . .Z\io Capital O F n 1Ve sencl 'i,·afurthtc pa.d.:u:Jc nf GoodH 1 Collection of. S f> EM.·001:u.1op:ic Vicews 'J'bt Cornhi ·w ere honght t\t best r ates, and pn r chasers wlll. recciYc the Ucuefit. 'I'eais a, S:peoiality. J. L. STROWGER J. D. STROWGER. Ne\vcastle, August, 14th, 1874, Cor1nvall Blankets f t. T ..1a.wrcnce'Uall/l'on ·iitn Corner J{ing- v..nd,"lle:<;t 1farktit Sh·Hit n,(jf ·

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