THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY JANUAI~Y ~9, 1975. -----~- -;:-- --·-=- ===~==~==============;c=====:=~===:::==~=~~=::========~~ JMwomennreth·ewives,andregn· They (I! or the Ob.'!en~er.) also constitute the great maal3 of our doLaml Poor. A Remarkable.Cure, mestic servants. On them depends the JH RODERT COLLINS. -proper ventilation of the roo111s,ancl especialI've another off1.:r, \~1fe - a tw enty at:1eti rnore :.\fn. EDl'.io~i~ - .t\.bout tho latt~ r v~t of J..uly, ly tho sleeping roon1s 1 in which all 1nanOf hi;;h and tli-v prai1ic b111d, as le\ el n.s ::i. Ao(lr; une of R. James' harro-wing, \d1cu n. kinll, on an average, sp(ud one-third of I thou~ht I'd vn~1t 1lla1 fil!8 yon fir-st, as J.Al."i yer hook of oneof the trace chnins got caught in one their lives, Children are too often shut up POETRY. FARM AND - - --z= - - - -- - - ____ K~TCHEN. -== child. lators of the domestic households. !UTUllN ! 1874. J.ust Arrived at the S. 1 rrR WIN, OSH A V\TA is sbevring a. Brady said 'J.lo tell how th1ng,; '"ill turn out best, a wo· 1na.u i" &!lend of the hor8'.::ls' fotit, Just hel1in(l the coffin Joint. allda.y in crowded nurserie~, and when ill, rrhe ga,,h \\as a frightful one. 'l'hree daya ~~fter, when the jag-ged a.n<l l@oi!(i fie;,h was cut away, are anhjecte<l tu numerous ahsnrd rr.rnedies · f h ffi · · f d re· before inedlcal as&ista.ncl; is sent for. Their And,~ hen the l(Jt i " pit..d f,.r, t1>od Wl.l hfl.\'t~ got the cov ering o t c co n J01nt wa.s oun the deed, :o:o,,eJ, and joint oil ruqr,iing .from. the wound. clothing is oflen ur:eless or neglected, the I'll sl\iy that I am 1 atkl:ed-it's .lll the land\\ e rrhe coffin joint was laid completely dictation of fashion rather than of comfort ueed Such \Yas the a"angcr apprehended, that the and ,.armth being attended to. The clean· ~\11rl ~1r:xt \\e·n seo abuut th e yard, and fix the I o"vner offered a .,/ete1ina1~~ -Sut!{titi~ $50, if he liueaa uf the houee also depends nn wo1nen, lio usc U1l some, \Yould cure the womHl. -...Md Farrier not con· nnd the removal of organic matter from ['\. l rn t·11:' in tbc cn1rse of time t:.:i Lave a ~;cntingto undertake the matter., 'he commenw<l. to doctor the animal himself; and in eight f~rnitt)re ancl linen, the decomposition of " n... Letter l)() wti. wcek<.i, tlrn horse wns nble to work, and_is now which is i:t0 productive ot disease. Further, WTFJ~. _ conip1etcly well the proper choice and preparation of food 'l'lwi c· t 8 no use of talking, l 'hJrle 8 · you buy A 8 a 'vo111Hl fuim which joi.ut oil i·uu:!!, has are entt·usted to then1,-all thf!$e arc phvtll· tha.t twe 11 t i' more, Ueen consid~red incur1.thle, I thoughL.thiEi cure ological sublect$, th8 ignornnce of which is ' .A.:nd v. e'll go sclimping all our live'! ,and olways ti f bl" . "~i~ .._.or iy o pu ica1ion. constantly leading , to the greatel:it uuhappibc Lo.r:..d I>uu.... [f any one doubt-s this sto.te1nent, th~ horse · I A h }""or thnty yc:1rs we'~!:! h1gg'i::1 and e·aved, cle· C f F cn<'1on, v·IC · I neflS, 1ll hl:!alth, and deal I u1ong t e · can be seen, on Lot 4, l~t on . .,o I . I . t . t tl \h trying half uur nee d , . Co;intv. l\fr. R.~ James has cnred 1:1evera,l wor Clng c usst:"s I is oo 1r~quen y e Jfil "\Vhilo n,U \'\ e ha....-e to ~how for 1t :=t..ic tax 1cce1pt.s caaes :;imila~ to the OI)e mentioned, and several providence ancl igno1-a.uce ol tho ~·on1en~ :l.nJ deeds! cnn attest tlie ti nth of these $tatements. "vhich lend to the inte1np~rance and brutah~ I'd :;ell the land, ff it were mine, and bltvti a EYE , \VirNJi:BS. ty of the men, from which origiuate halt the bPttt r bon1<', Cam bray, Jan -, 16tl,l, l}\7G~. crin1~ knnwn to our police offices aUU cOnrts \i".'".t'. ..,~..,..,,J , . . ., ·' . , ·· 1 i ' f· o .t ·~hr street, .uid of'justtce. Additional arguu1entq for the tll.k.o life as it cv1ne. Benefits from Hoeing. study of physiology by woinen niny he deIf we could 1i\·e l\B otlw1 s live, ana have \\·ha.t " -!ti lri\recl fr.on1 the consideration nf-(1). the efotb crs do, I oo mitny persons '\ 10 use w 1 ioe, sup1 1ose \\'e\l hve enongb i:a ~~h ~ pleasantei, r.,irl h .vu ,1 t bat the chief benetj't dciivcd fiom it is to ]'" ill· -~&C~ of fnf:ihjonttbJe clothing--tbe t1gl~t lac· plenty too. tli e weofls. rrhat 1 certainly, is au important, j u1 ;:1 naked shoulders, t.lna slioes, b1gb-heP.l· \Vc:eds are ell hoots- often subver.iive of heulth ; (2) "'iVlu lJ othet~ l1a\e .flll1'Js.cments, [l.nd lux u r y, n. 11(1 wmk, and one gre:~tly w~gl 1Jcl:f!r1. uot only in the way of cultivatingthr> eropa the greu.t objects of n1arnai:,e- the 1)roduc· hooks, .ln!!t t hink how !:!LJ11@ V we have lived, anJ how which, we plnnt, but they rob them of_ Jauch of· tion of lJealthy off.,1.11iug-and all Lbe. f'ore;the nutrirneut which they need. Hoeulg,then ·. sif1ht and provision required but too 1his old place looks. 1 ' t d tl an essential soi vice in respect to dc!}troying l · ' t th 'J'h nt other L~1'Ul J'Oll Lvught of \Vell"-,that too~<: is the weeds. · o ten neg1tc e. 1rong 1 1gno~-a.ncE>, o e so 1nany ~ t! U"~ Thele nie other afh·antages however, which danger both ot moti}er and clnld i (3) th1: Of clt>0,I ing up, and fencing in h,~;; cost 1ne q 11 ite connnouly 6 verlookecl. Let us see:- proper r:1nploy1nent of wotneu, which Sboul<l n1any t ears. The loosening of the soil in the operatjou of be tegulate<l \.nth regard to conforrna· Yes, Ch:.rles,I'vu th u11ght of it a hundred tirnos hoeing-. is beneficial to tile plants as much as the tion and cOn':ltitutiorn'l; nntl (4) nursing the \ll' rrt)te, de"h»iction of the weeds, or more so 81 ck which is one of thB tUO:'lt holy occ11 pa· And w t,ud~1 e d if it ically paid to - aJ·~«lYS be !\-Ioh1tnre a·bpnn<ls in tl_1e ;'l.tmosphcrc ·luri!12' ) tion~ of woincn, un<l which would he niuch La.nd Poo:, the J:ottcAt inonths, nnd is absorbed and retain- I . . I d I h d · ) · · le j more. iute11 1genl " ~ . v one I t cy posses.::P , H u o1y hou8e, took tJlea..~ur e 1.'hat hcd we buil 1 .ed most auund~ntly by a so11 w 1 nc 1 u1 in t 1 . mo&.t fiiable state. Prof. Sch1uber found that ph:~s1olog1cal knowledge. Hence wo1nen H1 as it come, Otu d11ld1en, onc.i so dear to us, h ·~d never ldt 1,000 gra.ins of tlt;:ff cln.y abso1bed in 25 houl,'S, all ranks of society should have physiology onr home only 36 grain.a: of moisture from the air; whilst taught to them. It should l)e nu essential I grieve to think of \q~>iLed -weekf:I, and years, gitrrlen mould absorbed 42 grains, and tine n1ag. subject 111 their rJrilnary, secondary, and and rn.onths, and days, neaia. absorbed 76 gr:~inB hioher schools. So ~trong nre n1y convic"'b.le for 1t all we never yet h'!_d une wcid of 'fhen ngain, pulverir.c<l soil enables it better tJ;lH! on tbi-s suldt-ct that I eetecnl tt a i.:pec. to ietuin the mois.ture absorbed ·, , , , . . 1 , prr.1 se The soil, in ordei to be healthy aod active, ial tl.uty to }et;ttue on l-'·l~ s1ology to \\O· Men c<-111 us rich, !Jut we are pom-woulcl we d I I I <l J A.: Jight, porous soil admits the rnen, an w H:~nevt"r 1<\Ve oue so, 1aVe 1nust breathe.-. not f!cely gi~e rr1 e land with .111 its fixtu1es f0r a b etter \\ay 1,, and thus it is fed and greatly invigorated found thenl n1o?t attentive ond )ntert:.>isted to live? by .t1rn atm.1;:iphere . in the s ubJe~·t, posse~~iug iu<lt>ed a peculiar '!'he SUJJ's rD..ys hent a liard soil inuch ci11icke1 aptitude for the study, an<l an instinctive l)on't think bLUUlllc" )'0 1, Charles yon ;:ire ti1nn a loose oue, ~ ·' \I ie h ott er tlle soi·1 18 . · 80 feehn:z, "heth~r as se1 vnnts or mistresse& rui-._ 1 nut ,.J,. \\it to bla.1ne, h th t ·11 b 'I 1· f ' mnc c grcn. er w1 e 1110 rom wh~s or Ii1otlH:1·a, that lLat~c.ience conttdns I've plticd yon these m:.u1y y t: a.u;, lo see ynu it. So th.Lt the hard soil is deprived of its m0fa tired and lame. tu re m.noh sooner than one of a loose texture. for thetn, more lilan any other, the elements It'::i jus~ the way we s~.t~·ted out, our plu,ns too The roots of-plaut,, e.~n tiu<l tht1ir w.Ly through oJ teal and useful knowleJge.-Advance fu.r alH<td; a moist, loose soil in searr)h of fo0d,much bLtter - - ·---- -· ·- - "\-Ve' \tl wuin the cream of life a·\!\'li to lea" e than they can through a hard, dry soil. ., I Say. j) 'l'he soil that has been plousrhcd wcll,and then So111e people are in lhe habit of iepeu.ting kept loose near the surface by the action of the hoe, ,;.m receive and 1in1a the iain wat·r that 'r 83)' to al1nost every sentence to which fallfl, while a hfl.rd soil wiH alll)w mo3t of it to they givl· urtt:rancc. Oil uue olcasiuu a run off into the v1.W.leyi> 1~JH1 t>tie.uns ~\.':I it fi'l.llf:;, la·l~ r.1ng the btll fur ber ioottuan. On his Mi$. PaJ. tmgton, read1u~ of Lbe f.:t.1·1ke of the l1et 118 hoe throu ~ hout all the aea.:,on until the t:Jllt(,;:ring ~lie Raid : ' r say, Jan1eA, I wire drawers, ie·na1k:ed · '_i\..h, mo what n~w· cr('ps rue perfect ... d, and while engaged in work, faugl ecl things won't they \'ear ne:xt ?' been to }frs Thoinpsou\~ aud b~ard say thRt obs ~n./e a.nd th e l)encfit we mn.y deriv~ AN AUl'EltN,\TTYM.-Su.:;hi Lib:irty h&" thit- f101u it,-.<,ew Eriyland Fanne1·. you ea1cl that. [ am in the habit of saying teen lo·.:rers, ~~nd e(),,ch of them. exclanns, ~ GiYG ' 1 say' to e\.·erJ word I say. N o\v, if I do roe libe1ty or g:ive me de,tth l' say 1 I say' tu every v.'ord I say, it does not NEW MILLINERY. Alt:...:i a lot nf GRANJ) OF lIAIR, I' AN CY GOODS, & .AJso a huge ~tock of S1 APLE &FANCY DR.Y GOODS, Which excel in STYLE :md VALUE. Stamps for B&iding and Em· - -- o- - - I Millinery and. Ma11tle Depairtment Replete witb Latest Styles & Novelties. MOURNI~~G FASH-10Ns'Th1rty (30) Days! for Spring just to hand. 'b:roidy. · ----:o:---as usual. N GOODS A SPECIALITY MRS· A. FLETCHER Bcn,n1anville, April 7th,1874. The discerni11g Public have evidently discovered the right place at which to purchase their t A Lcirge Stock of Cloths an d 1'1·imnii11gs. 1n adf to (h·der . Pits Guaranteed. Latest Styles in H dts, Shfrts, J'frs, &c. Gents' Furnishings ! BOOTS and SHOES ! BO\l'/MANVILLE VVINTER PURCHASES. Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co l!'or the pust two months, McCLUNG BROS.' Sales b11ve heeJ1 far in advance of Sales for the correspunding months of any previ onR year. It is very evident from the way iu which Cnstcm and R eady Made Clothing, Overcoats, Shawls, Dress Goods, Bbnkets, Furs, Buffo lo Robes, and \Vinter Goods genernlly, have left the Establishment, clnring October and f Ladies' and Children', Fine Make. CHgAP!!;ST GOODS in TOWN CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. [ NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. I Manufa,otures uf IEXTENSr\TE No~;~~~heir AND i l PilICE8 ' The intelli,,ent Yeomanry of West Dnrham and South Olltnio, are becoming fully aware that OSHAWA affords the Best Ma1:ket; her Mau.u- · factories supply the Best Implements ; mid her cnterpnsmg Merchants sell tne JllOJRt Stylish Guods,at PHICES 1gulated 1Jy" liealtl1y cornpetiLion Oshawa,W "'t. Kin~ St ,.;ept. 23rd l8i4 ' \.VOOD AND IRON J'AODEilAT1~- ttsked, luwe been folly appreciu,t,ed. WORKING MACHINEg 'i. NEJFFBL'S and OBSERVE, Fo1· the next NEW AT Double Turbine Vlater Wheels, and Cei.stin gs of a.11 Xinds ltEPAIJ~S done on the (30) ---:u:--- days1 l rm 1 GREATEit Attacks than 1Her wilt lie made 1 GHEATER Inducements than ever will be offe'l'ed ! GREATER Bargct'ins than ever will be giren ' All Wool Diagonalt1. Homespun. FrenchRcps. Plaids. l\1erinoes. I _ _ ___ ·;:_:= = =====-=::=-::= Cr· for Chickens. " " " Russfan Twill'!. Plaid Wincics. Pbin do. Sha"\r 1:: : NO.TICE, "\\'~ e ha\'·e no\v on hand a large quantity of I Fhnnells Common and Gang Plows, that wiH be s'.:>ld a.t j~~8'·1 Jliibz --o-- fUttl a, F1'1ll 1"Jn1rply of . 5"11!1.fu LOW PRICES tf. ALL Bowmanville, Dec., 1874. I AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, !vfarch 6 1873. l\.ead1ng the gre ::i.L Sput·deon's declarntiQn, POTATOES. ·A cigar ii:i a th1ngtothnnk G1)<l for,' a Na .. y Ya.rd school boybonght ,t 1,;ig-,r. He w:l.$ uftBl'· w·ards l:!een h au~ing o\ er f' fence, but he \·'t.a not givinl{ thanks.- ~Vwih l'fl1 on. . .\ ri:~bomas street school b::iy hMl Just got his face flxcd to iung ' Let us love one auothe1, i wht;Jn v, ~nowb«-11 hit hun 1u the mouth and so (11nf1 tr.0d him t,hat he yelled: ·Dill Sykes, ju,,t do that ag1u aud I'll drn.w y <.n u efl.r off.'- R011ie Sent. A colored ge1.1tler~an went to \.10J1,,1L lt one of world. the 1nost 'high-to:ied' lawyord in Doston, anU. =::::::::::::::;--:: _-:: . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~ n.ftc1 stullng his said. 'Now I kno\Ys you's a lawyer; bllt I '\dsh you '\~onld please, ~ri.1, ) Jll~fl tt'll rne the tr nff 'bout d11t matter.' 1 A French scientbt clu.iws to have d1:,scovereJ an u 1:n..«.l\, " loJJh nu.k i·!l iti; h Qme lH the nndJle of cigars 1'Im1y a male h 1man lntiect - lie1ght five fe(:t, ag0 fr11m i>i:..teen-~e~ni,, ali;o t o ha,\1· made a hot,f!.Z at the end. .1:.\. X t w IIampshire fa.n1i1y has Wl!:ltl one !ltove Glwup Viuegar '.!-- i 'fi.ka 1~ qua.1Jt1ty of cmn1non for twenty-eight ye~1s, \\ hilti a Det1oit man O.FLD most respeetfully tentler bis sincere has kiekcd th1cc to piec es witl11n a year. J rish potatoes, wash 'them~ until they ar{' thor· thanks to hi:i numerous friends und cusSome men, Ros soon a.s th1;1y get a ] little down_ ougl1ly c~ean, place. them in a large ve~sel and tomers, and to the public generally, for tlie boil th em11ntil done. D1·a.'n off en.rcfully the ht:'fUtt3d, gofoJ t l«:> C1~ 11ks:to\·e 11ght1r way. very liberal support he hns received since his ·St1a1;ger, will you tiy fo l1and with us ut ' ' ater they were cooked in, straining it 1 if ne· couunencing in busines3 ; an<l ho1Jt18 Ly eu11· t1nuHd strict personal attention to bwiness, and poker?' '1ha.nk you, g1.;ntlenwn. but th e11:1 c el:!!:l!tl y, Ln ur~ler t9 rt' IJJ l1\ e llVCl y particle of the offering nothing but the purest a.rtieltil:!, at the potato 'l'hen put this potato warter iu a jug are seveutuen reasons . h.~ I ca.nno~ f'Ct.:()lnmo most reaaonable prices, to ensure a continuance date you now' 'Sei: euttien 1L.~G ,>ll::i for not or keg, wJ1 ich set near the s"tov e, or in some of public patronage. J. tI. would call speci::i.l attention to his \'ery playing cax~ls '1 .Pl',ty, wh~1t a1 ,. t 11 'Y ?' '\\Thy, phtoe wEere it will be kept \V,Lrm, and add one superior stock of tbe {11,oi t is I'c any morn:\\ ' ' d~op l that's pountfoE sug~r to about two and one-h3.lf gal. 10118 of tlr~ water, smne bop yeast. Let it stand cnou,-:h, i: ei: e1· 1 1.11r.1 d Lhe tit her ~1.xteen . ' for 4 weeks,an<l yotJ. will have excellent \iaeg~, A gent'eman, wbile "alkiog in his g-ardljn, at a cost of six 01· aevr:u cen1;ij per gnllon.-,\:hich are sure to give the bust satisfaction. c:;i.ught l.ns gruUent'I a~lel"p und0r a tree. He Jo11~·r1,_aJ: of. (}h@1btr11. A well selected stock of s~oldeJ Li o1 Buundly f 11· h;s laziness, nnd ended ~,.~----..;..:. by telling lnm sud1 .~ ;il 11 i:r[pi.r d w ·..s u1Jt ,1·01-thy Hvgienic C1uta.ti·d Pie. - Two tablespoons of DRUGS, to en1oy th!:! lii)lt t,f tLe f:illl.l 'It "as that Grl\ham~fl.onr, and one tea.spoon Qf corn-starch, CHEMICALS, ieason <cxHetly,' 1m1d tho gardener, ' that ] crept 1:1 tlne.d smoothly juJ;o one-half pint of ntllk. To up 1tLtO Lbu sh o Hle. which add thretl well-beaten eg-g13, anether hal.f· PATENT lrfEDlOINES, 1 lt h essential that. potatoes be kept entirl:l/Y fron1 the li 0crht in order tha.-t their ell.ting "Un.Iities be not impa.i1ed. fhey belong t, 1 a f;rnily of pla11t ~ (Solanum) highly pOiAonous. If the tubers are exposed to the light they change col· or, a.ud eveutt1a1Jy hccutne gree11 ll:ven ex· osnre to the air in dalkness causes this change to take place, althouJh more slowly. The po· tnto immedin.tcly loses its f11rinaQeous qualities, and, n,t last, the tubel' becomes .1bsolutely pois· onons. Indeed, rnany peisons 1ire careful to pai.:k those potatoes intended for l,ite Spnn;.:and Summer ul'!e, in d1 y s::i.nd or earth, and tb·e iR ll~ doubt .that th~s \rooted, they w~l l eta1n theu nonual c;ond1t10n th<1n 111 any other way. Nen"rthC'les<;, those who,at gather· iug tiwe,a1e .i,,~ 1,;arl:'ful :G posi>ible to keev tb ~·in from the sun an<l air until they '110 finally pit· ted, neNl h~ive no ca.use to complain of the quality:, ii onlv the crop be healthy, and of the 1nost npprO".'cd variety. b~cuu1e yon to say that I say 'I say' to e\.. ery Hancheste1" Housei, September 24, 1874. word 1 say, Jame.;;.' 1 Olu1dren should guard against th is and the like vulgarilies while they are youug, else they will u~e tben1 when they grow up without knowinK 1t, juet as this lady chd. - -- -- S (; clu~1on trorn t'be ,~·orld prepare~ us lor colnrnuniou with Go<l; and coru1nunion "·ith God ' J>repnres us for intercourse with the 1873-... 0 .. 1873. - - o- --- A BI <~is no .v l a:;iug at l -{, TJ A l"-I DRUGS AND MEDICINES TRELEVEN S FALL STOOK. Dress Goods Newest Style. of the Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? Bowmanville Drug Store, ·GREY co~rTONS of the best n1ake, iududing tl1e celebrated ANDERSON & Co. Beg to announce to the Electors of "rest D'?'l~a1n and surrounding cotmti·y, that t he::i. '"ill 1:1 ell · their unmense J. HIGGINBOTHAM -STORM ONT. lOct Cottons l W at Cowle's---Splendid value- STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOE S. , l At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. ' and he 1s determined to continue to sell at thc ~c 1uinously low prices cheaper than the d1eapest. Why h e eau do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ' Second, what he can't buy chettp enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. --o-- PRINrI1S of unequalled fit¥ovi"isio'i~~35~~:;::¥~~t~~:;~~~~ IOOOpr~. STYLE and QU A.IiITY · STORMONT Missei:; Peb(tland Bu.ff Balmtorals, at 1.50, p(w pai1-, for CASII O.Z\T L Y. 1000 Pairs Women's~ Misses' and Chilcl's ]l',/t Boots, the v.hole to be so1cifor CA S H UN LY. . ' --o-- CALI.,,.AND SEE FOB YOUBSl!liLVESt AND Call enrly nlld se" cure your Winter Supply, while the nrnh is going on at 1 ~vm.i rhhug in a 'Yood· oLher d.iy,~ whet1 it ltttl}' OJ'lJP~ i'c bo\\ed to him. Fie returned the bow, ra: :iu l hfo hnt, smiled sweetly, ~nd wo.s i·.lSt ""nd1;<ring- \\IJO she w.1s, when · she cam(:' over :.i~· tl .,.,,hi Q pered 111 h1s ear: 'Oh ! I'll fix: yuu fo1 this, ok1 nlan P '!'hen he knew it was his wifti.- Deu·uit P'i'C;:'S. . .'\.. neu.t -'Ji;;htr::d rnan u.~e1tu&- <: N-l'tlit;> wartl pint ·of nnlk, ono_ tablC 1;1poon 0£ sugar, and 'a little l_ emon juice iC<leS1 r'CCl~t: ~\l,1 stilT.f!d tog et¥· er and poured into a well hutite_xedl"platc or pie tm, and bakt;Jd in- a quick o~·e.n. The flour will sett!~ to tht..J 'liot.tom and {oim a fine t'rust without sh._ortening. A. spoon of 'd b'siccn.ted cocoa. nut ad<ls n1uch to its deliciousnePs, 1 BRUSHES, OWrJBS, SRO ULDER-BRACES, SUPPOR'L'ERS, Etc, Btc. kept con~tnntly Examh1e the stock, which ~01nv1L<\es everything in the trade, of the very latest and lllost clegn.u styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and Arn.erican 1nannfacture. 1-Ie still continues to manufacture to order, fro1n the best of mo..terial, and none but, tirst·clas~ \\ crkme.n kept. B R I NG Y 0 U R F R I EN D S W I TH Y-0 U. --o-'-- o-- COTTON BAGS, THE BEST ANDERSON & CO'S., in the ,World. Special Lt>rn of COTTONS at COWLE'S. :Bowm _anville, Dec. 10th, 1874. ==:;:;:.:;;::::=:::'======:::;: ::'..=:'::::===-:=============================="="-~ Boot; & Shoe Em.pori.u :rn. TO THE thanks PUBI_j~[O. ~enerally, ~ Orders Promptiy Executed, and Good Fits Gu.a ranteed He has in Htoek an endlesl:! yariety of Ladie~' an<l Gents' 3x.u1.toga, 'rrunk~, "\1 alise54, &c. 1 all of which he is selling cheap fo~, 'VALTER WIGG & SON, favors, latf·ly added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all parties -who ro< tY f.Lvor him with a call. Gl'eat iuducemente held out to those purchasing at ou1 ef:!t.'l.hh sb me1it. P ie· tures, Lookino- Glasse::i. etc . i:;ramed to order, and in every style San1ples of the different kind of ~fould1n~>"S cai1 he seed at the ware·1oum. Vle would al1:10 beg to infot'lll you , Llrn.~, having purchasu<l a b ~Ye pl~ ase to on hnnd. 'I he o'\vner of a N ashvi\le Rtreet i nilroacl Lt ied to rid"' (1n one of hio1 la.-Jt week for noth1ng and the driver 'bounced' him. 'l'he an~er who liad n~a<l. that story about the great \\ ar· rior o.ucl t1w inflexible scntincJ, expcct_od to be promoted, but is now looking for a JOb.-Louis· i·iUc Commercfr~l. · · Physio1ogy 'for Women. I>eH\o·e1 iO g theiopcning l~ctnre in the new L<tdies' course on 1Pbysiology, nt the Uni· versity of Edinbnrgh, Prof, Bennett made the~c cxc1~ Uent - . OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at tLe vei·y lowest prices. . Remember the Stand "-:SIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. --o-- READ.Y- ~f ADE returning to their numerons customers and thA public for past I Nwould respectfuUy invite their 11.ttention to our present stock of furnituHli as we M. TRELEVEN. Bo,vmanville, May 13, 1874-. CLOTHING Good and Girls should be warned ot th.e danger they· run in n1n.rr;r.11g i rtilroacl b1 a,kesmen. An enthusia.stic member of that fra,teinity, on being awakened the other night from a. dren,m of an impending crash by u. train, found himself sitting up lll bed, holding his wife by the ears, ha\ ing nearly twisted hci· head off in h1s fra.ntic effo1t8 to 'down hrakes., A Sw1aa boatman iecently pulled a would-be suJcide out of Gevena. AJJ J1 o ut· ~ or two after· t}1C;l 110a.tu1an <liscovered the same man by the neck to a tree, buttl id not inter. ftire tl1at time. '!'he 1nagiatratc summoned him to answer why he did not prevent the suicide, hut he replied tJ1at he supposed the gcntlem!ln liad unJy }1u ng Limr:i1;i]f up to dry. ,l remarks:! have Ieng formea the opinion that phy- Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B. - Co11ntry store-kef.pers supplied on the most a.dvantageous terms. A i;hoice selection of L.A}.-fPS for i,,alc cheap. fon, B"11vcna.uvillt'. Dec !SUS. siology, besides being: e:-isential to the n1edi· cal student, should be introduced as an eJe. mentury subject of educat1ou in all o~u· schools-should be taught to all class"" of society. It is an ascer~arned fact that 100,. 000 individuals perish annually in thh~ -========================================= !Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders Confectionery Depot. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Cheap. SPLENDID NEvV HEARSE, w1::1 sh:tll be ready at a 1 timeti Clothing M ade to O:rde It is a well-known Fact tliat Cowle !tas the best Tweeds in the countr.1J. .,... ,,, r.;, B - Coffins kept on ban o attend fnuerals, on shmt notice aud teasonnible t euns and madti to order, at the NElV DOMIN IN RETAIL FURNITURE WA RE-lWOifl. hawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. § FEED MILLS. l:lignificance of a Wink. Switb., the auctionee1·, is a popular mn11, a w1t ::tnd a g~ n tlemn n . ~o per;:oit i::i offended at whn.t he sLtys, and many a heftrt)' !fl.ugh has betin provoked by sayings. Ho was recontly"d in the sale of veuer&ble household fu1niture and fixtures. He had just got it@ 1 g01ng, going, o,nd a halt, go1n~,' when he eliw a smiling countenauce,on an agricultural should er,wink at him. A wi ok i::i ttS guurl nod to a blind hor3e OF a. f'ha.'t'p-sightcd nuctl'.)neer ; so Smith winkeLl and the man 'vinked, and S1nith kept · going, g oing,' with a lot of g1ns::i v:aro, stove plpes, ca.tpets, pots, and perfurnt'ry , and finally :this lot was k1101,;ked kOWlJ, ·To whon1?' srud S11Hth, gazing at the smil· ing strruii;er. 'Vlho?' Golly ' s.;iiJ. the st1 ang'Cr, ' l don't kno'v who, 1 'VV'hy, you, sir !'said Smith. "VI10 ru e ?' 'y ' b"d h "d S . h _, you 1 on t e 1ot RaJ. n11t ' '},:le? Hang uIC if I did,' ini>isted the strang. er. _ ? 1 ;;i.sked Smilh. ' '\-Vinking ! \'fell I did 1 and so did you at me. 1 I thought v~11 was winkil'lg- ~s mu~!! as to say keep d11,rk, J ll fool somebody on this lot of ,' t · rr , I Vi'ln . 1 d ' B U . , Ullu \:C V.? much as to i:;av.1 I'll bf! hanged if you d("\;u't ll'i ster . ~ Nomorij goods-.... ere sold.thnt day. '\Vhy did you not wink anJ. J~eep winkiug- ?' country frorr1 cuuses which are easily pre· ·.\.nothe:r cat· load of the aboYe noblr> a1·tidcs on Nothing cllea1m tlwn the lOct Cottons J!l!~t a.rrivell, a.nd for Sale, at the ahovc dPpot venliUle 1 aIH.l that a lar1-:c aruOLlnt ·or 1n1sery HESE MARKSARJ<] 'l'HE CHEAPEST, the way. Cowle"e, New Frliit and Confectfonerys, the most lasting, the least troublei;ome, and is caused by ~n igncra-nce of tbe laws bf 1nost Qompltite ever invl;luted. They arti used I>J>Jri.~o call at the heal11'. W oui <:ih in 1ill cl ~sse ~ and degf ees anrl recommended by many of tht best Breeders iu the United.States and Oana<la, such as G. B. ol BOCH::t 'Y, bave ruor} ro do with the pl'l'e_e..r· I~m ing, Salem, 1vlase., President l'I e\V England Bo -vv JYIA:N" LLB vation a~nd dnration of buman life, cv~n ' '7 ool Growers' Society; John S. Ross, Henne· DATES, FIGS. LEMONS Farm Implement Forwarding Agency (west of the Ontario Bank.) pin, Ill ; Profes.Ror M. Miles, of the State Ag· than rtien. It has bee argued that; inas· IN ricultural College, Lam:iing1 Jviiol1. ; Hon. Geo. ORAi'VGES TO ARR. VE R. W. JA) !ES, mn'Ch is e\·en~ tbe hnltes now insliactively B1own, rroro'fltO, Ont.; John Snell, Edmonton, Out. On ?itiark is stamped tho owner'i;; Soft Shell Alrnonds,Jlill16rts, Brazil and T.V all · IGng St., l3own1anvillu. how to take Carc.,~ of their young, so fuust na.11rn mid the Sbeop'e number. 'l'hey will be King Street, Bowmanville. Euts, J(eiller's .t.1:Iarmalade, TVcst Indicx, Ho"urn,n\i1lle, ])c. 5, 1872. nlO. wo1ne11 be alJ]e to do the 'ilUrne. But the Bent free, by mail, 01· express,for only four t:ents Prese-rved Gin96r, Pears, l)lurn.c;, :J..'o· htima.n infant ii t_he,Jno~t helpless of crea· each, a.ud will for TWENTY YEAJlS. matoes, cf; I'ecic(1eo, Green l)eas, Gfi" 0flsh must accompany all orden> turcs, aud nothing is rnore hi1nont~ble tharl Green Gorri &; Lirna }Jeans. ARCHIBALD YOUNG, Jn., to witn itSS the nnxictie~ an d agony of the EW DUR ABLE. Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin SOMETHING N · J · d Sn.r.nia, Ont. n1 ~ tl1er ns io how she should n1an· r11HB subsCJ.'tbcr fa prepared to build nnd re· N. B -·· Spcc1a in ucement given to egar,Sa!mon, Lobsters and Sardines lMJ.r Orders addressed to the 1'-IE1WH~'L' and OB· fl"IIvIE :&10NEY a 11(l J~AD OH saved l J!'rcnch age hei first-born. In no systetn uf educa Tomato Sauce and Pickles Q,l Poll,jfi r'L'lu~ F renr h (),t Puhsh 1s preCASH Purchasers. SEHVER Office, for any quantity, \viH 00 filled n.t ti on arc we, men tangbt, the structure and re.the above-n1entio11ed price, as quickly as he lVltgoris, Buygies, and Cuttei·s, Thi::y J1a.v1:: come and are cmning, tLt the l!Tu1t pnre<l for C,trri.ig-~~. B ugg ie"' , IIa11v;·s~, Boot"S I llnd Shoes, and all kinds of Li:' .tthel. . . It will I Depot Marks can be made a.nd s~nt. quiren1er1ts of the off1-pring wlnch will be give ar1v articl1:1 of ) ,1·a.ther, rt 1nost bulhant ap· c. B<\RKER, SHELL & SHELLED OYSTE itS pc.<L111ncO, a.nd nt the sa1ne tiu1e 1 f1om its oily com1nitted 'to their charge; au<l c~1tainly, c.f eve1y desc...ription, at t1ho1t notice, a.nd o Buwmanvillc,Dec. 28th.1871. ml3 ly reasonable tei-ms. propertii;.::.;, tBu<li> mneb Lo pl0scr ve lt, it will a..l· no error can be greater than to suppose tha~ QUA [,lTY is the ie,t of CHEAPNESS way ,, bo moist and plrnnt; aud 11u~y be exposed tile senses and instincts are sufficient for to \va.ter anJ. wa::: hcrJ, SJ. nd ~111 not lose its biilli· T. DARLINGTm,anco, ancl it is not to be fearo.!d that auy cr~t s t tcachiug nrn.u ae to hi.$ pbysical, vital and Bow11t.:t1n lllP. Dec. 'ith.187.) n9·tf CalTiages Painted and Trin n: cc. will oettle on sai(l Le,-t.t.]wr -.,, hen preserve<l with intellectual ~'riots. The ei101mou~ loss ot the above Oil. I1'or the wood\vo1k of Buggies, ' , Carriages, a.nd I1'm:·n iVtu i:::, there i.s not a bet.ter life among infunts has struck all who h<..1ve J 111ticle in use. 1'.I:anufa.ctured by A SIMON & given atteution to t!1e s,ul!jet·t,nnd Lhl're ~can Co Tannci s ,tnrl Cw riel'8, formerly of France, 110\\' of lih1ladelph1a, P1.~., Inst1 uct1ons - Shake be no que~tion that tl11s is ,1nu1nly ow i ng to bottle. A few dtqps on a pi1~ ce of sponge,,tpply wishes to inform his nun1e1ous friends and <us neglect, want of proper fooll or clolh1ng, or on the p1emises 1"\Vtne ~pecial attentiou 18 given it lightlv to the leathr.r, and you '.\>Jll ubt mn. the to aJl I have writtea these few lines tom er!:! thn.t ho hm1 t cmovti<l to cleanliness1 of fre~h air and. other pre\'enli· fitH~ s t lu5tre. Pr~ce 7-5ct~. pct hottle,or $7.50 pt.1 And all Iha.veto say, ~ <lo.ten. ,JQJf N b1'IALBl Sole _ ..X gen t, flow. blc Gnusc~;"a. Dr. L \nC'!l:ite.v tells us, when c~rriage work, imd General Iho,t you can find me still at home rnanville. . . . . July lGth, 1874. 41-fi mos . where he will bu found with tbe most com I am not gone away ; coroner . ab1y writu1g O\}. this. topic, thctt, a8 'Vould beg to inform the ladies of Bowman ville Jobbing. 1 for Central Middlesex, he So all my kind old friends mny c01ne , hol<ls one hun. and vicinity. that .:=he 1.s picpared to take orJ.ers o · tc n.sso:rhneut vf for Dressmaking,r~ncl fill th e same with dcspath And all the young :'Ines too f dre,d iuque st':I annually on children found l!J the A.nd get their ga.nnents 11ict'\ly made suffocatei.l iu bBd by the side of theiJ: 1not1i- All wo1·k dmie at this Establislimwnt In fa.3hion.e that are new, FASIIIOK. 1 crs, and Le calculates that in this \\ ny, 3)~ ha» · th" rl~y appointed MR B.\HK_llR 'Vhere old and young dei..r frit>uds JPay Her expetiuncc fully wart 11nts her. in pro1uising ODO infants are d<'StroJ ed annually in Great warranted. the Ex!l a1::n e H:;i~nt for the ~ale of niy '\'UL· ! meet Ho..tisfaction. ll · I .,_ \[ · · r·A~TZEn PH· ~ for liO win rinv1lle. Ont Bu ckler's old stand ~ 1n town. Please call. r1lf11n none, nttnuata JP. in nine cases out. ;.\ welcome greeting by R. PE. A TE. Res1dence, Corne-r of Church Street, and ... . ,TOSl1P f [ MASON ,P. P. one door castof 1'fayno.rd'e HoLel. A call is rr.spectfu1ly solicited. :.\:£ Square. J J.JACOHS. of ten to th e grv"' ~ lgnorunce ot those 1noth~ ,T. MORRIS. Bow111anville, June 19th 1873. Uowmv.nville, Sept, 10th, 1874 m~tf. .Bowmanville, Sel), lat .. 1873. l3o"m1:rnvi11e, Vee. 4th, 1873 . era of the laws which govern the life of the Bowman1·ille, Oct. Jst, 186!.l. __ ______ ____ _ Dana's Patent Sheep Marks King Street East, Oshawa. · The Satisfaction given by MOB BIS' T CARRIAGE SHOP Choice Lemon, Orange i a.nd Citron Peels, I vr BL.A_Nl{ETS.... BARNUM I B edivsed by the S"-th fact10n given h y :S1'Y1 ALE to hi~ numerous patrons Ho i s now ploased to announce that he has ou hand a ~arg1.1 and varied as;,01trront of Large Variety Wi:nceys--a. Dead. Job M ill BOOTS AND SHOES of the best quality, and IB anxioud that t}wy sb1.1Jl eel to work.~ :: ::!Ourl a~ p oss1bk. A.11 ?'rices, All Sizes. F. Y. C S. MASON 0w eI 1 All Xind.s. . SO, HO! ---- Ladies' Pnmella Congress at 80 cents " Balmorals, extr a high cut · · $1.25· Gentlemen-of Fa.shion. No"thin.g to Bea t it. NOT SO FAST. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, ~'elt Goods, A Blacksmith's Shop i;>ressmakil1g·, &c. Hiss H eall 1 BUCKLER'S OLD STAND Harness, Trunks, &c. Special attention given t o i' A OARD. CUTTING AND FIT'l'ING and none but iirst-class wor kmen ern plo ved , thus insuring good value every cr u;1: I c. Whips, Trunks, &c. r I STORE.-Ono door aast of C01 niah'a Je\Y elry tore K1ng Street, B owm an ville. . Ro"W'lllnn ville~ s~pt. .J. SMALE. 2Jrd, 187.~ --------- --