· · · RATES OF ADVERTISING PEN AND SCISSORS TOWN COUNCIL A Cab net Counc l bas been held nt 0 ··ui.l a.ivert sements w 11 be n11erted a.t the rate of Five Cents per I ne first ineert on and boro Two Centi per 1 ne ea.ch euhfiequent maert on Mr Carly le has decl ned the honor of Ad vertl88ment under 10 I ne.s ISO cts tbe Order of the B·th Advert sements n~erted n OBSERVER and The V vlunteers fro n Bat! rat proceeded MzllOJl.lN~ M Seven Cents per hna fir&t meer ion and Three Centi per line each subsequent to C.raquet on Fr day ne The Russ an Governn en t Las ackno ~ SpecirJ. contract for apace m&de on applica !edged the i ew order of th ng· n Spa n I.ion. From KansM th e follo v ng sad news is Advert sementa sent n w thout written n telegraphed tract on.a )e netirted unt l ordered out a.nd G !ford the constable k li ed by tl e Frenclj, Charged accordmgly JlowMANVILL'E Feb 1st 1875 Counc I met pursuant to adJOJrn nent. M n bers all present M nu e· read a8d confirmed Con mun cat ons were presented from " T S ott T T Colen an J Lnugl I n J McFauden H AF etcher and H G Dodds u I upp y ng tor tl e office of Cb et Constable Iron he Pol e Mag strute cert fyrng to th e ffic e cy of Mr Cole an as Chief Con able f on W M Horsey applymg fo the office of A sessor A 11 don ta! le men was removed to N ewcas le for bur al From Mrs Prout apJ l) ng for ad- Refer on Satur la) r ed to Poor Rel ef Con n tee A, mber of accounts were presented at d Baron ::;t Leonarda foru erl Lord Cl an cellar of England d ed on Fr day ast, aged referred to F a c Con lll ttee Tl e By law lor appo n ment of Town 94 years Officer \\as read second and th rd t mes The M as onnry collect ons n d ·I Churches n th amount to $2 500 C tv of · THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY lEBRUARY 5 1875 MEETING OF THE BOARD SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF We do not hold ourselves respo sible Jo of our c,,,,. '8ponden s A P1t1ful Dehrlum OJ""'°"' Post Office Hmts ,.u BOWMANVILL~ FEB 5 1870 · Caraqu t d t rba ce N B contJnues lo be the cause of ntense exc tt\me t E gl W Not ce· of B rths "' d Dea the w ll of the r ot rs have been comm be moerted in the MBRCHAN"r from th s and the others under arrest date for 2o cente eact msen vn Marr ag·s ed thi. wtek 60 cent· The reports from the army of K ng·A fonso ore f11vorable to h s ~f tlJeS y s co. ee fir~ubdcribera who are in arre'\rs for The Span ab Government has s· ued de the l..t Volume of th a paper w 11 confer a crees prob ti t ng the press o d scuss the l·vor by oa.ll 1 g ar d sot ti ng Ma y Acts of the M atry or o I ub s a ~ news s an old say g m ekl" make a m kle hke y to give ntormat on o M I ary opcclally applicable to o r bnsmess Par matters to the Car st· Also forb dd ng ttes mdebted to us for JOb work and ad vor attacks o Royalty and R go ttsing will also please take the h nt The unsea.qonablc droutl nbo t Naet ua, N H JS result ng n serous nconven ence OANVASSING Ali'D Bl!.INGINll Several to farmers and manufact ers VOT.EBS TO THE POLLS. m Ila have stopped for wa nt of ater From ho se to house canvaBStog together Faro ers are compelled to melt s o "Iii to b with the general pracl et> of hrrng g men ta n \\ ater for th r catt e and gr at suff r to the polls has grown mto a nu sunce and ng 18 appreht!nded unless a cl an 0 e con es in the best interests of all concerned shou d opeee1ly fir All matter advert sen ents &c ntcnd ed for pull cat on must be banded 10 be ore 12 o clock noon on Th r.day ---------- "" It affords men belonging to the order Jn e<rl·brat. a pretext lor.u dry Jtm Crow &rttca. Vi o·lt men-men ho:iestly w1l Jmg to obltge-onnccustomed to res st the cajolery ol the des gnrng lind themselves well nigh torn m p eceo by the condendrng partie· and weary of the importun tv now of th1e man then of that one re·olve npon a course which upon rellectton they would wilhngly retrace but it 18 · late There are strong men however never ap proached aft·l any such aty le who looll w1t!J a feehng aktn to contempt upon the part ea who revel n the weaknessee ot others b t who ncvertheleos mp ty to the r weaker brethren will doubt e.. aosiat m roll ng a·ay tb1" rem· ng reproach by makrng it a er m nal otft:nr.e to ask a n an for h s vote or to hr ng a votet to tho polls U nt 1 th ta s done the Ballot will fatl to protect the very men wl o most need it I be abandoned A ne v potato d sease I as n ade s ap pearance m Alger a w t1 n the last t o years and has totall v deotro) ed t vo th ds of tne crops and th~atens to do even a larger amount of nJury Potatoes a ack ed by the pest are utterly vorthless for purpose whatever No an mal w 11 eat then and on open g he tubers t s tound that the) are honeycombed n the ceo re and filled w th a black sh ma er al that g ves fo th a verJ offens e o !or Tl e grub which 11 orka the m sch ef is nk ow n Europe and the nome has been given to t of llryotropha solnnella ""Y REGISTER All are fa I ar w th 11 e declarat on The Lattle mu·t be fougl tat tbe Pulls while prepared to aJ t ts truthful ess, we,. tbmn. that, 1 ier tb~ ex st H ~lt:ct on law v.b1cb tla ks to · R or u A<lm n · tTA. Jon g ves evt!ry u au whose 1ncome ab ounts to $400 ~r a1 nutn o.nd who s as eeset-:d fur e t;l c e n and b) tile laet asseearue t roll of l s in I a ty and who shall I ave n all other respects com plied with the ter ns ol th A t the r ght to Tote 1n the t>lecll n f our Parhamentary Representative battle the first must be fou ht o the !l.ssa,.men Rull R formers should ev·rywhere be on the alert and see to the voteis J st for t nJese eare be taken to prevent proper namee be I g left off a d mproper on~s be g p 1t on It wtll be tu va n to tll k of f gl t ng t out a the poll· Let Reg ·ter I e the watchword Pos aibly some respectable men will sacr flee their poltt cal n~bts rather than be suhJect ed to the annoyance of canvassers &c let auch be looked aft r and shown that now the prmlege of vot ng e p t with n the r !'each thev owe a duty to the r country whtcb they can vt co ' ate tly sl r k The anno1ance r ferre I o n U·t be ~ot rd of as IOOn ae poee ble TBE LEPINE OOMMOTATION Lep1oe sent en ed by Ch of J usttce Wood h be hanged for h s part tn the Scott mur der Is to be twpr aoned for two v·ar., and to be !err ved of 1 · poht c·I r i;hts Tbs Commutation of hts sentence 1s the Gover nor Generals act wubout adv" ng with h s Cabmet 1 be Attorney General as per the 1nstructlons tece ved from H e Excel lene1 prepared tho nece.... ry legal tnotrn llteL t for g v ng olfoct to Hl! Excellency s purp .. by so domg he .. a M tmster of the Crown tacitly at least consented to tbe Uovernor General s view Lord Carcarvan has used the teleyraph to expr"8· h s approHI of Lord Duffonn s ac tion m this case It,. possible that here and there an m div dual may be found who 1! he bad had a vo ce m the matter would have clamored for bts blood there can be no doubt how ever but that the general aense of Lhe com munity hea1t ly approves the act on of His Excellency By act ng w1tl out the adnce of his Min sters h s Lordship has hfted the qneatwn ont ot the ruts of party pollucs aud thus depr ved the professed poht cans bf a field day 1n Ottawa In the oprn on of eome partteo, lor the Ministry to have ad \'tsed the Commutat on would have been a b under for them to have allowed the ;en tence to be execute l would hale been a eri.me we presume aon1e parties y; ill con lend that they should resent tbl8 sl gbt Sotne of our exchanges learr.ed n the Jaw more ti an no ta to that Lord Duffer n has rxceeded I " a thortty We 1 re· me how eYor that his Lor<lsh ~ ki ew w bat he was about and as we have -seen the r u pertal Gover ru~nt approle l s conduct It is probable ti at when the addres· n answer to the speech from the throne shall be u1 der du1c ss1on the sul~~ct w II rece ve aome attenuon from both sides of tho H~nse be bat aa it may we r Joice that the country 18 S!lVed the d scred1t wb ch would ha\ e attached 1teelf to tho execut on O( Lepme ~ e hope soon to hear that 1t d h .. surrendered himself mto the bands of J· st ce and so hastened the end of th s very unhappy affatr Remark ng pon tbe butter trade an Amer can traie JO rnal pays a anrlsome compl ment to tlle product of Cana<l an da re& n the extract fol ow g Son em a nnderatand ng prepa l n regard to Eng sh market repo ts a d c ulars co fu Amer an and Connd an I utter In son e instances Canad an s repv ted as Auer can at pr ces v.h ch have not been q ota le or real R d for Amer can and none bas b e obta nable for xport of a qua ty lo µue w th the finest c.u·d a On h 14 h November A:m r ttn was q o ed at 20 o 130.s and Canad an pr ne o cho ce 135d o 14<; per cwt Only ·r a n grades of E g l!Bb and Ir sb b t er are quo t d h g er ] rom the Lo don Adve se we lea u that Mcsaero. Peters a d 1 McCo ru at ed upon be v dow of the a e Dr F esh n a and paid over to her n Juli t e bala n e ot s· ury h h would have been d e to Le deceased husband had he I ved to uu p e he 1abore as pastor l:J that d s ct unt next Conference The a so on behalf ot themselves and a ft:w fr tuds land ed o Mrs. Freshman a pur~e cotJ tu n n $ 8 'Rh ch they stated was the corum encerrt:u t of a n en or1·l funrl wl ch ou d be large y acreased l>y on tr but ons fron fr e throu~hout the country Tl e noul e g ner os ty d splayed by the co rel 0 on sts of the late D.t Freshman n u gat ng the w ow and orpl a s is deserv ng ol I e I ghe t pra se and bus m·de a deep mpr a on upon the memnr es of every member of be fam ly They cannot exp eM ti e r g at tude n terms that "au d ful v con e) tbt: r feel ngs but thev de re to re urn ht: r h·artle t thanke to all who I ave S) npath s ed with aud a·s ·led tt e n n t e r ·fll t oa rhc id·a ol a Memor al Fund wh cl vas put m pmct cal shape bv Messrs I ete rs and McCormack last e emng l trust be I betall acted t pon tone to it can be forwarded to Rev J a o FreBhman Gananoque eldest son o1 ti e Rev Dr who has been appo uted adm u s trator of the estate FIRES On last Friday n ght the Beaufo t Asylum Quebec was destroyed by fire and thr e of the unforunnte inmates per shed n the :B.ames The marvel s that there vas ot a ionoclast 435 Fe nales were removed f on the bmld g the great <l fficult s a end 1ng that removal may be m g ue l ~h e n t e know that son e of t e poor er atures rushed 1nto corners and refuse to be re moved others l!ed down the corr dors nto the darkest cellars and wer found sl vcr mg with fear wh le others ran up n o the cupola and on to the roof Drs R oy and Vmcellet wore nearJy s ffocated by th e en1oke 1u the r liero c efforts to save th e women The fire s supposed to I ave bee ca sed by one o[ the unfort nate mmates STRATFORD Moved bv Mr Loscom be seconded by Mr Trelevan That the Mayor and Reeve tb the Pol ce Magistrate be a Cpmm \tee to define the dul ·s of the Ch ef Constable and hat tb Mayor anrl Reeve do aul mit to th s Co uc I al the next meet ng thereof a n e orand n of greement set 1 g out the dut es to be perfo n ed by tho Ob el Con table as wdl as the salary and fees to be rece ved by h m therefor Carried. Mr Tl ompson frow the epec al Co~ t tee a ppornted to preparpe Rules of Order for the Counc I aubm tted a report Ad opted Mr Tl ompson gave notice that he will at next meet ng of Counc I introduce a by law for the appo ntment of an officer to en lo ce the tavern an 1 shop I cense Act Mr Loscon be gave not ceof a by law for tie I cens ug and regulat on of taverns an l s ops where I quor a sold n lo vn >Ir Losco nba s not ce of by law to re move snow fron the s dewalke v.:as al owed tQ stand, over t 1l next n eet ng of Council Mr Mann ng noved that the names of Mr Torrance Mrs Sanders Mrs Hennesy M s Prout auLl Mr Dav dge be pl·ced upon tie l st ot per ons re eiv ng ad from to The no on y; as not carr ~d but the natter 1eferred to Poor Rel ef Uo fi n t tee t ins rue ons to n est gate each cas ~ an I report at next mtetlng T e C erk "as nst uc e I to bave pnnted fi y cop · ot R Jes of Order of tl e Ooun llowmannlle Feb 2nd 1876 On mot on W Thompson was re eleeted Char an Mo td by Mr McClung eeconded by Mr Brttta n That F Y Cowie be re elected Secretary and Treaourer tor the ensumg year C.uned Members preoent Messrs Thompson McDougall \\ u<latt McConachtt McC!ung Br ttam Bur Jen M lne Ci w1e ()u!J tt M uutes of last meeting r.ad and con fir ned An apphcalton was piesented bv Mise Moorcraft ask ng for an ncrease of salary Moved by Mr Burde1 ~econded by air McCl tng That theapphcatwn be Javorably J'ect!lved and tt at an lIJcrt:ase of salary of $40 per nnnnm be granted earned Moved by Mr McCiu g seconded by Mr M D ugall That he salary of Mrs R ck.rd be rncreaaed to $300 per annum Carried Moved by 11r C m e seconded b) Mr McOlung That Messrs Wmdatt, McC01 a h e al d Ratel iJ be the Vuntrng Comwittee for ti e ensu ng year Carr ed Moved by Mr M lne seconded by Mr Burden That the Object Lesaons and Mertt c.rds roferred to by tho Inspector ·· ne cessary for the lower divtston be obtai ed by the Vl8lt g Cvmm ttee at the e:xpense of th s Board aad further that the neces srry Reg sters are suppl ed to all teachers requ rmg them Camed Moved by Mr Culi tt seconded by Mr McClung That all accounto, before be ng p·ssed by this Board sl all be presented properly cert fied to the F nance Comm1tt'e and embodied by it m a Report which report shall be dealt with by thts Boord Carr ed The T< wn Inspector presented a semi annually re}ort of tho School which was rece ved and filed A number ofaccounl· were presented and referred to the Fmance Committee Moved by Mr Burden seconded by Mr W McConach1e ti at tho suggestions of the PnbC1pal be i'lld over for conS1deratlon at the next meetmg of the Board Carried The Pr 1 cipal s &Dort waa very sat sfae tory and it 1s wt th much pleasure we g ve a synops s of it ATTESDJ.,.CE il.T SOHOOL JOllJ'llalism 111 Bowmanvllle To tM Editor of the Me cl ant -· · · at on MEBOHANT w tb an art and Slander ng and so bnng ng 1 to play the "or t pass o s o the human heart I appcul to ) o r judgment Mr Ed tor and sl t too bad that honest pea eab e p·op deA1re. to obta n local nformat ou a rl n tell gence shall be compelled to pny lo and see such trash as s n er.Iv h uted a above Very Respectfully Your Vi M IV! DATT Darington Feb 2!1Jl 1876 RKMJ.RKS We are m peifect ·) mpathy v h tl e ' iew; exprease d b y our Corre·ponJent bu at the same t me we eubm t that our rep J headed Lying and Slander ng was Jo dly called for by tho attack made the Statesman We pres me o r Corresponden Las seen last week s lBSUe of the Statesma u vh ch Ha expresses mncb aattsfaot on w th th' state of ti e school-from the lowest to the htKheat d V'ls no good ·ubstant1al work 1s bemg done and a goodly number of pupils are always ready for promolton at the regu Jar pcnods Twenty ne ~ pupils entered tho H gb School at the midsummer cxammat on and n neteea at the last one mak ng the com parat voly large nun ber of 39 wtth n · x months There are now 76 regularly pase ed pup I· bes des 8 other· wbo are too far and Mr Loscombe ad anced to be pnt m Mr Kern ott a Di V1' on The Pr nc pal cm fidently trust· that n any fut re claos ficut on the lospec tor nay make Bowm·nvllle 1nll oc upy a h gher pos t on than it has done iu the pa at A Feddler s Wonderful Ride F o tie Reading Eagle To the Ed tor of a.,, M chant R EASTON S 1'h rty Da)s Sale M Cl ng Bros aie deter 1 ed to cons d crably red ce thelI Stock Now for Bar gn ' l On Sunday n orn ng about 5 o clo I Stratford 1 stened to tl e alarm of fire the devo r ng element n ade fea 1ul h voe The loeaes arc roughly e· nated "' fol Iowa A G Mackay $26 000 A \' ll am son&Co $l50JO J H Nasmyth&Co $18 000 Jeff ry and McLanhnn $20 000 Arch eacon Fuller $8 O A Ma I eson $15 000 H T Buller $5 000 H rne & Clark $3 000 D A McLeod $ JO O Du·can $500 A MacNa 2 000 Jo O"en $500 ll1 ss Bryne $1 oOO Doubtless some of the a ove las es a e pa tally covered by na ranee The Bea o and Re ald w 1 make arrangements mmed a e y outfit DEDIOATION Lecture. Wl o can ·ell the cheapest 1 Don t forget the Lect1 re to night under n the a av ces of the Y M C A. Dr Mc Ltllan ie well spoken of as a lecturer b J the preM and I s ouhJect The Ele TOWNSHIP COUNCIL nents of Nut onal Greatness 1.s one that comn ends itself to all Pr ce of admls HAMPTON Feb 1st 1870 s1on 15 cent1o. The Assoc at on t:xtends a ru t pursuant to ad~ur ment cord al n v tat on to the public ti> attend Mem ers all p e eat M nut s rea I and co tined u cat ans p sented -From W County Orange Lodge At the last regular meetrng held at R C m e and C Ba ker tenders for town sh p p al g Iron Thos B uc tc !er for Will amsburg on Monday the following ceda f om R cha d W odley Henry Hock brethren\\ ere unan moualy re elected o:fH e en Tl os B a o be a I A Dean ten bearers for the en·utng year John Gog dera for 1 lank I orr G o A wde and Lev g ns W C M W Henderson D C M To e apply ng for the office of Asse.. or James ll ngham 0 C D Deacon C T from W H Rooer. ap1 IJ ng for the office W Lucas. C S R R. Loscombe C D of C John Mc Keo C L The n~t meetm11 of Tow sh I Cle k I et tons presented Erom A B Camp will be held m Eamsk llen 1e I u d e e en others for o d to John Fo:x J om James W ll a s and fifty I ur other. Shortly after one o clock yesterday morn pra g the Uounc I to a low Mr McFee ter nu I ca r er to pass through the toll mg a fire broke out in Mr Town s oat g te tree o tol The last named pct t on meal and gr1St m ll and m a short hme partly acceded to bv charg ng only one naught but a portion of the walls were left stand ng The " nd was blowrng a perfect ha f rate Tb to I gate wa· put up to public com h rr cane sparks and fiery cmders were pet to and b d off by John R gg· the earned Ill all dtrectwns and the town was only ·aved from a fearful conflagration by p es nt occupant at $005 Mr W ndutt ntroduced a by law for the the watcbfulne·s and act1vny of household appo utrnent of Aa8easor Read three t mes era. The fire 1s supposed to have been caused by the dry k In sufficient precautrnn and pas ed The Collector su brr tted a B ll of abate not hav ng been taken with the dampel'll. .About four car load· of flo lr and a quan ment $3649 wh ch was allowed Moved bi Mr Sn th seconded bv .Mr t ty of Rra u Ill the storehouae at the east Rund e tl a t hav ng exa ned tho tenders end of the n II together w th the mach1 for pr n ng for the year 1875 Ille tender of nery books &c were destroyed The luso W R Cl m e s accepted be ng the lowest s est mated to be about $10 000 part ally covered by insutance Mr M D Wilham · C r ed Moved by Mr Sm lb seconded by Mr slaughter house, s tuate near by contam ng W ndatt ti ·t tl e me for rece ng tenders b des, sheep ·krns, tallo-. &c &c. was also for ce lar for th s corporut on s hl!rebv ex destro)ed and 12 of b s hogs burned to tended to n xt meet ng of the Counc l death The firo was one of the fulrcest that ever occurred in town C rr ed Uo ed by Mr \\ ndatt ti at aa Mcclung Bros Half dollar Tea Extra A I gb H C uogs ~ood R EAS ON s 30 Daya Sale ..,. Sin - I rei=id tn to L:.tl) ~ asue of t nn E<l tor al of fac a ns ur posed o be by the Ed tor of the Statesman No as one of the electon of t ; Const tue cy I I ke fare pl·) and the tru h o I e ·pok en In reference to ·ny q arre be two Editor. I <lou t nterler w 11 preva 1 and r for one can openly a <l tr thf lly My that no man h a d Mr E.)l)lon speak th "ords state I 1 y the St.at'8man last eek nnd I " I nect the 11 nnJ d acuss the sad quest on nnd Eynon shall pres do at the meet n etate what t vaa he sad at then ect the Town Hall I here aay M Eynon s vords were r s Ing from h a aeat Mr McLeod you act the man and ) ou v 11 be returned And secondly he sa rl tie same wo d but ti the E<l tor of the S<at mw w ll m e ue for a fa r d1sc s on on th a n alter a d If be can be sust· ned by Mr Eynon I treat b m to a Gold Watcl the n ·of one hundred dollars Sho Id he fo l to n akc good bis post on he must bear the expca CHANT AARON J3trCKLER Gover or Kellogg who was befo e lie Congress onal Comm ttec n ade a long ata. e n ent comlllenc ng w th the L eg s nture of 1865 and comrng down to the pres nt H d ffers from bis teot rnony before the Su Commtttee only n begmn ng at an earl er date and n the state be ng nore elaborate ly prepared Governor Ke log cl ar ed that the l ol t cal troubl es of the State s nee \be war began w h tb e "\ agran t L a" s Jobs and Monopopo passed by th e Leg ·latnre ot 1860 and 1866 convened under Pr~s dent J ol nso11 s Recons ruct on po cy an l bosen at nn ele t on n w b h a e but "h te n en par c p·ted an t at the f nanc al troubles a so <lated frorr that pe od that the L ·g slato e hav ng approp ated $t3 000 000 n excess ot ts re e p" a arge port on f wh ch nmo nt had b n f nded under Governor Warmo tl a l had a deJ n swell g the debt to ts p c nt propor ons he aleo empba cally asa rted hat he d ffercnt u onopol es al ud ed to n tie reports of Mr Foster of the Sub Con ru ttte ere \\ th l!!Carcely an except on all pa·se<l before he cawe nto office and be u bn tted the state men of th Leg la r e Act to sl ow that none of them cou d ha e ecome a la v "1tho t th e con sent of th e Den ocratic n cm I rs of the Leg slat c l l e· · FARM: FOR SALE St 1\{a y s m ar et I ouse Fo fu t t clllars ap1ly to J JUN WIIIMSl ER St llfa > s P 0 Jan 1 2ns SPECIAL NOTICES Be ng Lot 16 and po t of 1 Bun ha. d 119 a e tuat ed n Horse For Sa.le. j Jan 29th 1870 I RELIGIQl]S SERVJCES ~ Ed·tor of the Me oh~nt ON THE EDITORS TABLE SCIENCE OF HEALTH for Fehr ary is an excellent number of a megaz ne wl cb 11. wou Id pay every person to read for the I ract1cal nformat on 1t eonta ns It opens with a ep cy sketch of Wbat I know atout noctonngo conta na also Hygteae 1n Schools Catarrh Popular Pb'" ology ii I strated D phtena Cause and Cure fhe Treatment of S ck People Maize or Ind an Corn varithea, w th Rec nes for Uooktng A Medical Educat on Phya c ·ns for Schools Effects of Fear on Health N ce Christo as Dmuer How to Reltevo the Poor Food for the Timid Clothing for Oh ldren The art cles are all oeasonable aud practical Now is a faverable t me to subscribe Only $2 a J ear or 20 cents a nnmbe: Address S R Wells Pubhaber 389 Broadway New York E urn sh yourselves w th a dopy of the lNTERNATIObJ.L RAILWAY and STEAM Nil.VIGil.TlON GUIDE for the current montQ, Price 20c May be purcb.a""d in tbocaro A rascal named Peckham was s"'ntenced to two yriara n pr son me t and to I ay a fine of $500 for sell ng obscene p cturea In New York Who arc gentleme 1 G ts pad· ex ceedi ly cheap at McC!nng Br.off. I The New Cburch m Hampton 11 (D V) be ded cated A 10 day sermon at 11 o clock am by Bro bar! r D nner at 12 30 Afternoon meet ng nt 2 30 addresaes by the brethren Jol ffe and rea at Clarke J H Evnon 10 the cha r R EASTON S 30 Days Sale 4 o clock. Puhl c u eet ng m the even g in which the Brethren W Hooper J K en In Chma. .Magn ficent Chtna Tea Sets ner and E Roberie w ll take part Bazaar cheap at McClung Bros dunng the day n the Town Hall 'I be ded catory ser ce w ll be cont nued on We learn that Mr John Li le ha· pnr t:>abbath B o Roloerts s expected to preacl eehaeed tbc stock a d bus !less of Mr Cou at 10 30 am and at 6 30 pm a I Bro aul and w ll about the beg nn ng of Apr I Hooper the Pres dent at 2 30 pm Col move i to the prem ses ol the latter Look lect on at t e preach ng serv ce s out for h s new advert sement next week Tickets for D uner 50 els for Tea 2 els cost 1 red Move by Mr Sm tl seconded by Mr Rund le tbat ffif'e ug:a or t1 ~ J o 11 ca ions ot P bmas e s Ji ence V wers a d Pound keepers be I eld at the follow ng places 0 Satur<l·y Feb 13 b at 2 o clock at To~ a H al Han p on Bradley · School House sect oL 14 S boo Hou·e m Tyrone S boo! Ho se Mt Carswell Carr ed .Moved liy Mr Sm h seconded by Mr Cle ens that tend ers v 11 be received up to next eet ng of the Couuc l to bu Id t vo s one abutments tor a br dge at Blacl· a creek on th ma n oad plan· and spec fi at on to be seen at the Clerk o office Car rel ' The Ree e "'s nsir cted to grant orders o the Treasurer for the follow ng sums Vm B nghan coll ct ng school and survey rate $44 13 H T Phil ips lettmg toll J R·le $2 R turn ng Officers late munic pal elect ons $ 12 R. ~ "datt postage stat on ery reg ' ru on f es e c $3 l 66 poor re 11 $33 00 c l ·dJo rned to Satut lay 20th n t at 10 a m l~ \\!"DATT Townah p Clerk Srn,-I was pleased to see yo r rcn arks m the last lSSUe respect ng Pol t cs n .Mu mClJl"l affa rs I s nccr ly hope tie po v ers that be and tbosb that have to be I take heed therefrom and govern tbemsel s accord ngly for any other cou se voul<l be followed by unpleasant results ns I w endeavor to show n the eequel 1 If poht ce arc to govern our to vn must of necess1tv affi ct our churches for men will read ly asMc ate v th tho e of a kindred sptr t pol t cally t orally sec a ly intellectually and financ al v I wo d .,J 1s th s state of th ngs des ra1ilei 2 The Counc 1 of onr town ti at ah oul 1 have for 1ts gllard ans men compoi< d of tho most tnl gbtened and co nprel en v m nds would be allowed to rema natl ome s mply because poht ca ly we con d not carry the largest nun b r of 'ot s W this state of th ngs truprove our o er tax d popnlat oni 3 If th s partv fued s folio ed out n e"tery d ta I of mercan le 1 fe \\-C must ol necess ty have stores for Reformers stores for Conservat ves stores for I depen<la ts Eltores for the lo\ers at ¥h sk) so es for tllose who don t pretend to love wh s l but never btless take nnd ns a seq u ce want an uul cenaed giogery und er a d ff r ent 11ame wl ere syr pol equ ls mola see and other such coud enta ure sold ·nd where those of sue] nkl ng may lave h fill and no q eal ons asked " ll things produce harmon) CJr ro. e etandard of noral tyl 4 Follow ng out the dea t must tho national quest on-th s n tselt vo l<l not be pleasant to rellect on I o instance supposing we have n Irish cry an Eng I sh cry a Scotch crJ -wl at ould be t i e result! why a battle of races Ia th s l e1rablel If these gentlemen are read, !or the fray why I am w ll ug and pre[ ar l o stand by my nat on at all b aurds v ll n furl my flag and let 1t float m the b eeze f t be necessary to repeat ti o scenes auU show theoe plotters that the vay of trans greasors s hard and that th e fl ag of olu E gland shall ot ue trarur t d o or 1 e sone desp sed a nca.pa.b ee ls th s co ··en l W I t I roducc barn ony1 P h3pe some of tho e who l u.v ra 6C l h queatwna" ll expla n? AN Eis GLIS!n AN Ja SUNDAY FEBRUARY 7tl 18 :;T JOHNS CHURCH-A]\GLICAN Scrv ces n th a ch rch t cc eve y Sun lttJ - at l l o c ock n the mo n ne and at 7 n the e en ng b:f'Rev D ~facnab OANADAPRESRYIElUAN School n e afte noon at Farm to Rent. So c oc ce ext ORONO Sa bb1:toth at 11 n the nor nu g and at 6 30 lll ti e evon ng by R v J Sm th S bba t 9 KIRK-Serv cc once eve y ~a.bbath oclok nthe no ng Rti M Pastor Jan S h 1875 18 2t. A. HOUSE AND LOT CONGREGA'IIONAL- S on S·bbath n 0 and at (j MEI RODIS I next at 10 30 30 m the even u R Cade DIRCIPLES Se e t ce e rJ Sabba h at JO 30 o clock n then on mg and 6 30 th e en ng y Elder Liste S n d y S hoo at 2 30 n the &.fteruoon OOM lEJ\U l AL BOWMAN' II LB P o<l u o Me cha YO C NG MEN 8 CHRIS lI \N ASS OCI A l b 4 s0 'IION -A Cottage P yor mee g at iVI ?tio a<1:hcnd car Facto y on Tuesday e en l! al W 0 1 00 t 0 5 0090 ng ne"t at 8 o clocl p m lhe Sp n W heat 0 6 0 0 67 R ye publ c are o d 1 y n ted to tte l Ba e Oats Butte D s edHog P erui SEED WHEAT. SALE DO BushelB of Seed \\ at FOH (G,old n Dro2 ) Apply at tho S bsc be s W I t o a Clo erS d Ef.gs "ool Hay lORO:NTO O 0 to 1 CO 0 3 0 0 5 0 3 t o 0 40 01Sto020 7o0 o 8 00 OOOtoOO 0 40 0050 O 12 t o O 15 OOOt 000 0 0 10 FebruMy 4th 187 "ERRY SoL M d 3rn 19 FARM HANDS WANTED ViO GOOD GE:NEHAL F ARM H !\.NDS who undt!rstand the managem t of l a m Stock and gene a farm ng a o a 3' ou fa. m ha d age about 17 ab e to p ow e JOHN BELLWOOD 19 f Cla ko Tp Feb 2n<l l87!i FI Wheat Sp ng Wbe l{ie Ba ey t T Pas Oat ll tt e Eggs Woo Hay U esed H g P o a. ocs I · · ·