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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Feb 1875, p. 3

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THE Jl.IERCHANT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1875. =======:~=====;=====~~=::::::~~~~~~=====:====~~~~r=~~~=~-- -----··c-----,-.c_= The Best Paper I Try it I §!tt.$\ttllttte. 'l'I-IE i F"c. y cautifully ~IPostage The SCIENTIFIU .A 0 lllustmte(i, 3 · o DAYS 30 ---:o:--- world ; D 1:scriptio11s, "it h :Bt'autifu l 1£ng ra. v- . 1 ing-s of N ew lnvcnt.ions, Nti\vlmplem cn tt·. N ew I Processes, and Improved I ndustl'ics of all k in ds ; ! Utreful Notes, ltecipcs, Suggestions and advi ce by Practical \V1·iten-1, for \Vorkn1cn a.nd Em · ploycrs, in all tht· variOU!'I art!'!. If you wnnt a. ~1ERICAN now iu its oOLh Y'"'· e.,j oys the widest circulation of auy weekly 11 e wspaper of t he kiud in thl;! \~·odd. A now volnme commences J a nnat'Y 4 , 1875. Its content ~ t·rr1brace th e latest and rriost int~restjng- info1ma t ioi1 p ertai lJi ll:! to t he ln dustrial. ~l~<.·. h.:mic::tl , au<l Sci 1:mt.ifi c Pro~rel!s < ·ft.he 1l, E L J: A N C E Mutual Life Assurance Society School lnnsign, Ill t t d ."[)) . US ra e ['" aper, - ..t1-n unscctal'ia.n, E'IT AB TJSHED 1840 1-..: I G · n... ~ · · f1..ll" S a b b::tth Scl.lools . CLEAl1,ING SALE! Q Q D ~ ...._~ C C~NADA CBIEF OFFICES. Published Month ly, trt Bowma11.illc, Ont. 1'ho Editcr has bl"! eu con nected, Ulore or l ess, clOl'lely wit h SchC1oli1, fr o1n hia boyhood, anrl will endeavor t he tu~ke th e H:-; !i:i IG~ ever y way \Vortby of t he support 0f S11bb1.1th Scl1nols. 'l'he unsei.;llHian char:ictel' of the pu pcr,rcnden 1 it suitable for any S clmol. T111·onnet:t i0n t here · with, a Suppl en1 en t is pn bli ::.he<l , containing on thti l11 tt'r11 atin11a l l:\~ Ji.tit1 of S. S. Ler;. fiOU S. 'l'hcsc are cm·efully prl'! r arecl , nn tl n1ust prove of great vl'Llue to both 'J~ea-chl· r :u1d 13l, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL DIRECTORS. "\iY~~'\J'..·TER SltA. Ni..t, Esq., ?i.1 P., Cha.irmaan, DUNCA~ ~fACDONALD, Esq. MAJOn T. E. CA~Il':SEJ.L, 0 .B. , St. IIilaire. 'l'nE HoNORARLE JouN HAMIL1'0N 1 Hawksbur.~. Ont. G_IVEN BY _ )., AV'VAY · THOROUGHLY I RELIABLE 0 STOCK-TAKING· SALE - ·- -:o:--- R. G A FOR N S Th· scrnNTrnlC A~lEIUCAN is the c_hcapest tl.l~d best Illustrated weekly paper pub- 1 h i;hed. 1£\:cry number contains from 10 to 15 01iginal engravings of new ruachintiry and nov· 01 ( Discoveri", and Important '>forks, pertaining V to civil and .111ecbanical Enginecl'ing, .111illiug, ( J=> OBEI=>T EASrroN ~ ~'NG'RA'v1NGS,illnstratin·Irnprovemcr.ts. AT HIS ' l\fining and 1',:[etallurgy; Recordi'i of th e latest l nheap Book' Stat1·onary' Fancy Goods and · ·Toy Ware · house - --;o:--- RESIDENT SECRFTAUY. - ,TAMES GR.\NT. S P ECI A L FE A T U RES. Th e ENTIRE Pn.O P' ITS b1;1long to and are di vid ed amongst the Pulityholders. Rc11 olar, TERMS: Parcels of 5, 10, 15, etc. , a t ro t e of 30 cts. per yea.r . Sin i;ilc c op ie~ 1 40 eta. l)ost ng c FBEE. A.Jdress, Parlors,$chOOO}S, or Churches, Appl)" to llng1ueering. ):{ailways, Ship Builrling, N a.viftion~ .1\:1i:graphv.. Tel~!:,rraph En~ineerin .!..\' , progreas in tho ·pplicotion of Steam, Stearn j~ w..-Q 'H , ' Old St ] a1a S anc, "ld'ings.~ =« - 1'O'Vll H a11 Blll · t;clrRc~ltR~~~i:~1~~1;:~1Jlut~~~e~~~~ti1111ent · R . . E. i ll prepared to aell at greatly reduced prices for Thirty Days, the followi ng goods, viz.J I.rvEs, DECLINED DY OIBER COMl'.ANIES, or on \vhich an extra P1·cmiunb would be required, cn.n be assured at the ordinary rates of this Society, un~er c. TIA RICER, E D I'IOJt, Bowma.nvillc, On t , ll.ICE & BAitXEit, .Agents for the McOLUNG BROS. are marking down their Prices, in view of taking Stock. They are determined to reduce their Stock to the smallest possible dimensions, a.nd will make it an object for Oust0mers to buy,even though their purchases may be kept over for next Winter's use. eral hundred Engrav1nl!B. Ulll l' S 1 Vnx Dolls, China Dolls, Glass and China Ornaments, Toys for Gi1·ls & B C" "d , ' ··1 . h s l · d'd p· 7, Alb U»iB, w"O?' k lJoxes, . all Profe~sionf.! will fiud the :::icieutilic American . OYS: il'H 1 en 8 >.:J eig 81 p en i ict ure B001cS, uscfol to them'. It should hav e a place in ev~ry Writing Desks, Large lot of Beautiful Pictures F1wrned; Concerti na.s, Fumily ·. Li»mry, Study, .office, ond Oountmg Satchels PU1·ses Wicker Work Bnskets S;lve"' Plnted C'~·ts · d va " ke Room. in t'.!Vt;L"Y n.1:i;1..d1ug l{ootn Colle ·~e ...icad' ; Ii w .. ' v w I \A.e ' a?1 cmy, ~r School. . ' " ' Baslcets, &c., &:c. Hundreds of Magazines and Boo/cs, Note and Lette1· A year'· numbers ""ntam 8~2 pa;:es and sev· Pa>Jer · Lots o~ Music and Jewelry I o; s, ll-lanuf~tums, Ch, mists,Lovers of Science 1o""hers, u.rgymen, Lawyers, and People of 'lhomlltuds of vol· are preserv ed fur binding and refercnc(;. 1' ' 'J · What the Press say a bout it: a special a)'l·anyement TRrn ENSIG)l. - '\Ve have been ta-von~a w1ti1 :i SP.RCIAr. NoN-FDFEIT.ABLE POLfCIES issued under '"hich only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay copy of the En sign fi" o1n thr. Edi tor ,:i.t t ho Th~ cRt Dllrham P1inti ng Esta bh -,bn1 ent . 'l 'h e 1:.·11siqn men.ts are required, each paytnent set.'Uring is a pa.per pre pared especially for S ahb a't h Policy for a sum as.~ure d proportionate to the Schools, anrl iu our opinion \\'l'll adapt · number of premiums paid, mid free fro11i futur ed to its object . So gn~a.t a fa vorite h 11~ it b~ come, that we h~ar (wha.t h1 vl:'ry u n usual with vaymcnt of pre1niu·ms. 1:1uch enterprises ) it has proved f or th e first y enr 'l 'he illust rat inns ~ uit MODERATE PREJIIIUYS and most liberal con- a financial success. Prospectuses, Proposal FormH, &c., supplied on application at the Head Office, or any of the Agencies. able and sufficiently n1 1merous, 'vhile the rend· ing matter is be:ilthy in tone, racy in styl e :·~n d so vari ed as to s11 it the taste of t he "geucral publlc. 'Ve cong lat e the E di t or on h n.v. ing catered so succesi::fully to t he public.: \nt11t, and we cor gTatulate the v onrg and the publi c on baving so charmi ug" a sheet presen t ed mon t hly for th1:1 p er mmJ of their ch il dren . -- 'J'ho pmotical recei pts are wcll "·orth ten times A Beaut.iful Papier .Mache Portfolio given to all pe1sons buying $4.00 worth of ditions. BEST 0 R G A N S Of\ TH.a the 1:1ubscription lJl"ice. 'l'ern1>1, $ 3 . 20 a year by mail, jncluding post:lge. Discount, to Clubs. Special circulaxa and Specimens seut free. .May be h~(l of all New s -Dealers . Goods at Red:ucea Prices. p A TENTS A Beautiful Life-like Picture of Hon. E. Blake for 40cts. ; P rince of '\Vales for 30cts; the pair for 60cts. ,~1~h~i~~s~I~~~ · t ifie A1nerican R.. E. r etul'n~ his. thanks to the · inhabita nts of Bowooanville and vicinity, for their liberal hu~ ~ ~ p.,.cially f(ir hi8 bi illiant success a.t his Cb1·istmas Sale, a."tJ.d hopes to prove him· self worthy of continued patronage.· -'l'EltMS CASH. The Proprietor believes in a Niinble S ixpence beiµg better than a Slow, Poking Shilling. .JAMES GRA.NT, Rea. Secretary. AGENT FOR BOW.111ANVIT,LE, C. llARKER, " Observer Offic~." King St. 32-ly Bowmanville. June 24th, 1870. So/or BARGAINS that are really wo1'th Calling Bargains, pou must go to McCLUNG Bros. · CONTl£\iENT. W. BUNNEY~ ' , ' I! 811 P I · - -- :o:- · bl pvrt he has recro.verl th1:1 past t'vo years, and Bring in your W:ife and Daughters and th~ BIG SLJ!IGH ; t h ose _misera. e hop_cs, by coutinued. Rttict personal attention to Cutters hold nothing! When you see our Pr1ces you will not be afraid to Buy. bu.81ne~a:, and working; a.t the trJost r_easonable · · · . , prtces, to cnf'lu~e.a cont11111aoc1::: '."f pubhc patron· The articles enumerated m the subJomed list, will be disposed of at PM·- ag e. W. 13. "prepar·ed tn bmld hou·ca, etc.· , l l l . on the most 1nodcrn style of architecture . . Jobticu a t y OW prices. hinp: prumptly attl:'nde~ to_. PJans and ~pecifi1 IEeJ,rB W r6turn ks to his frienrls for the 8 U I L D E R · .E T C We offer special Bargains, then in LADIES' WOOLEN JACKETS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, . SHAWLS, HORSE BLANKETS, OVERCOAfS, GENTS' PLAIDS, CROSS OVERS, CLOUDS, :BLANKETS, RAILROAD WRAPPERS, PEA JACRETS, LADIES' SKIRTS, &c. cat1oris got np on apphcahon, on the 1nost reit.sonahle terms, and of every dei>:cription. Office and Shop, Ontario Street, nearly opposite Mr. T. Bowclen's. Bowtnanvilhi, Deo. 24.t}i, 1874. lHy. Messre. Mnnn & Co., itre Solieitots of A1nerican and Foreign P at ents1 and h a ve the li\l"Jest est ablishmen t iu tlie 'vorl<l. More tllan fifty thou~and f:LPPLi~tions have beer.. made t or patents through their agency. Patent s are obtained on the best tel"lns. Model s of New i n ventions and ~ketches exan1ined and advic . 'l free. A special nuti ce fa rnad e in the Scietitific A1nerican vf all Inventions Patentf' d 1 gh this Agt:lncy, with the name thro1 and resi ~ di::nc:e of the Patentee, Patents an1 often sold in part or whole to persons attracted to the in \·ention by a11ch' notice . Send for Pam phlet~ 110 pal{es, containing l a.nd fnll directions for obtaining Patents. Add cess for the Paper, or cou cern; n~ P atents, MUNN & CO 37 Park Rl w N y h 13 Uffic~. Cor. F ;,'nd 7th Sta., \.v'o.shin,;ton 11 (:. 0 Oslta.wa R1ifu1'lne1'. . ~be E'n.~ir1n is n t a.t ly pr~ ntt·d on good -p ap el\ is illustrated , 8nd co n ta in~ h enlth ly rl' a.rliug 1natter. I t. ought t o Jia ve n. large cir(:u1ation. - Pete1·bo1·0' B x am inm·. patronage, E o wroau vlllle, Jau. 20th, 1875. R. HASTON. ly·m9. Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON. (Esta_blisbed 1803. HEAD OF>'IOES.-1 Old Broad St., and Pa.11 Mail. London. f). T I-IE St ' 1J. .ELLIOTT'S GENERAL crament 4..GF.NCY FOR 1 ~fontreal. CANADA :- 24 E.Lephant House HE UNDERSIGNED in returning t han ks to h~ inany frii:1H l u nnd tb e public gen era.Hy for the liberal patronage extend ed to him dtll'jng the past 18 years, begs t o announ ce th~t frotn and after t he 15tl1 Scpt cn1bel·, h e ""·ill e;n.r1·y on the s&me bu:;iiue ss, but m ore ~x t ·.msi v ely under the name and style of JOHN 1'lcl ·. EOD & Co. Pr·ompt payment of a.ll accoun t s is rendered imper1;1.tive by tb is bu~ine s s arrung.enu.:int, and all persons indebted will please tak ~ n otict! and govern tbemselves accordingly. Bowman··illc, Se11t1;:n1ber 4tb, 1873 . Subscribed and invested Capital and Reaerye Fund. £1,965,000 Sterling. Funds invested in Canada105,000. T (Jke,apStore Card · of 'I'hanks. have iven him their pt:ttronage in tbe pa.<Jt, wonld i11forin the farmers that he has re· pairerl and refit,tP.d his MHI, and is now prepared to attend to their want~ in the milling line. H e is a.ho conducting a lnRUra.nces against loss by }"ire effected on . most favorable terms, and losses pai.d with out reference to the Board in London. Wintm· Dress Goods at Breathing P?·ices ! F:A.CTdf· China, Glassware, Earthenware, Lamps, &c., &c.· at unheard of PRICES· J DODSWORTH, RINTOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, :P.fontrea --:o:-- Magnifl.cent CHlNA TEA Sets But don't believe it! Call and See/or Yourselves! · TYRONJ-1~. Has now a full nsso1ted Stock of Inspector. ft . R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. 8owmanville, June 4th, 1860 36 m.o.42~39.4w- JvHN llfcLBOl). T and HE SuLacl'iber returns tha11ks to those who MoOLU~NG Bowmanville, Feb,, BROS.· GENERAL STORE, an<l ha ving purchased hia st ock for 1875. CASH, is givin g b argains in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware. Groceries, &c. ST.A.ND .-Recen tly occupied by Mr. Gray. ed .Solution of the Pl'otoxi<le of I··on, is so cornbinca as to have the tJ ha'racter of an, ali1nent, a.s easily tliqestc<l and assimilatea with the blood as the si:niplest food. It incPeases the quantit11 of Nature's Own VUaliz i nq Agent, I ·r on in the blood, a nd cu.res "ti tlio1isrir1,d illaJ' ' si uiply by Ton·i ng up,Inviqonltlna au< l l'italizinf] the System. T he en1'iched and vitalized bloo<l p el'meates e.v ei·y 1>art of the body, repairi1ig da1J'iaues <t/lt cl ivaste, tfons , c;ri,d l eavinf] notltinq fo,. d·lsease to fee<l upon. This is the secret of the wonderful success of thi s r mn mly i n cm·tnu Dyspepsia, Livm' Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic D ;a >'1'hrea,Boils, Ne1·vous A jfections, Chills and FevePs, Hmn01·s, Loss of Constitution al Vif]01', Diseases of tlte Kidneys and Bladde.·, Female C01n1>la· i nts, ancl au tz.iseases 01·iqina.tiny in a bad state of the blood, 01· accompanied by debility 01· a low state of the system. BdnfJ fl'ee f1·om 'Alcohol, in any f01·m, its erwrqlzlny effects tire not followed by co" 1·espom lin!l 1'eactiou,, biit a1·e p e1·1na1i c1i t , ·infii· sea1·clti1i:1 &"" d'...I The Pe,.uvian 811,.up, a Pl'otect- D omi~ion THB Oro·an Co'v. Groceries Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes etc., eto,· which James McFeeters. AGENT T i Jo~~u~~i~~~~.~ C o lT H I Libe1·al Support Pat r onage BOWMANVILLE P 1-escnt the following tcglimouia.Js frotn c:om petCnt judg-es of Or-,.ranJ. 'l'estimonial fro John Camid g-e, l\:fus. Doc., Ca.nluar, England. Bow' m :l.n villc, 24-th Decq 187$. for r.;,:20-rbid secr e- 'l'o the ]fr.tnagers Dominion (>rgan Co. G1~XTL E :U. l:: N .-1 lik~ to µlc.y on your Organit t .~ .e i ~ so s weet a ri d !!t f"' a.cly. A rid the workm 11nttnip nnfl finish excellent, and in every p articular they an1 eq nl"lil , if not superi or, to I ever h c1.rrl. flopinJ they will meet public nppreciation. .JOR N CAMIDGE R ea d the fnl lo wi ng fl'om Ro£>a D 'Erina. : Bowman villo, December 22, 1873, To tlt ~ J famagcrs of the Dominion 01·gan Co. GENTLEMEN. - I have much pl1:asure in test fyin g' tD t he cxcdlent qualities of the Orga supplied by y ou at ruy conce1't last Saturda evening . 'fhe t one is sweet a.nd very powcrf a.ud th e combination of stops ruost admirab I a rn Rure yout· i,nstruments ""'ill find .favor Churche<l, as tht:"y i-u·e singularly ~dapted fCl sacred m uaic. \.Vishing- you every success, and t11at the public tuay patronize nu.tive manufan . ture. I r ernain G entlemen, '\Tery reRpectfully. Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl TYRONE. For the following Insurance Compa.niee 1 and other lnstitutiona, viz:'fh e QUREN Fire and Life Ia~ur~nce Comp::iny. Capital£"J,OOO,OOO. $150,000 dcposit~cl ·.vith tbc Dominjou GoYernme nt, for the protec ders in Ca.nad!t. The ISOLATED RISI{ Fire ln surnnce Com pany of Ca.uado. C a pital 500'00.0.- 0ne Qf the best l\nd cheape:.i t Compo.nic:s doing bnsin ~ "a in the D ominion, for Farm.e rAand Isolated Riilks and! H I E . extended so 1ung t.o J"olu~ l\.IcLcod, and take:. this nppo!·t unity of formin g the p ublir., t hat they ha.YI: in-1 1 E DISCJ\RDE D 1 111 [F, with a.;t"H Bank depnrtn1e11t. 'l~he UNION A~n PERMAKEN'l.' Building anrl S1:1.vh1g's Society. The~e latter instltntions ad"'fatice Loans 011 lleal Estate, on te1'ms unusuallv for the borrow er. Dowmmn·i11 e, },eb. 6tll, 1873. The CANADA LAN DED CREDIT CO'Y. SYSTEM,l ELONO- Cli.E:OI'l S.f T.'i I!J L L OJ.' 1 ··a nd \'ill cond 11 ct t l1cir cred i t btui; n e~s ~s follow s : S. V ANSTnNE. TYRONE. Tyrone; Dec. 171 1874. EALL A CCOUN'I'SE - --:-·- - -- ------- - · Wood Worker Wanted. DENTISTRY! p H ·w ill hfl BR1 YDEBED on the Levi :Morris ! Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash; Blind:i, Doors, &c. ? l!t'Ion'is \\rould inf .. rm the µ-cn<·ral public that he is prepared to fill orders for R.OSA D'EitINA. I .111MEDIATELY, by the undersigned. A 6rat class wood worker, on lii;ht and heavy Wm. COLWILL, Tyrone. Tyrone, .Feb. 10th. 1875. 20-3w. wo1·k . of the systmn, and buil<l'llt(f up an I··on Constitution. life into si11(1 st1~e11,gth, all parts viyor, an.d n e·;,o Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HAR A.. A . .111. DAULEY Pn:1sid ent. Manager aowmanville, January lei, 1874. bp·o3 -1nl6. :Sible Christian A LATEST FROM THE. 1st Janua r y , 1st M a y , and 1st 1 H ; p SeptembcrlA 1 n eac.'i a ncl evM 'Y year .; LOST. N Sunday last between the Eastern Hou!i6 and the Drill Shed, a <lark br~wn Bo::'· .Ar.y person leaving it at this office, will be suitably rewarded. Eo"·manville, Feb. 10th, 1875. O - . I J. M. Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.8. M ou/d,.ngs of aU desc'riplions, .ASSISTED BY Pla.ning a.nd Ma.tohing, Turn'ing, &:c., &:c., for general bt1i1Ulng, ou ivealc, slc/r,ly, su.ffe'r in,g creatu·r·t;tJ~ to stro1iy, healtl;,y, ancl luippy men an<l women; <tncl frwalids cannot ·r easonably hesitate to qive it a t··inl, Sec that each bottle has PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown in t he qla ss. :Pa.1l1.:phlets Fi.·ee~ Thousands lutve been chanqecl by the use of this ,.eme<ly, from FUR REGIONS Mink Furs a.t 'W·holesa.le. .Grebe, very fine. South Sea Seal, best quality. Al· aska Mink, prime. N SOlVIETHING NEW in Bowmanville. :n:- T 1 In the case (it i~'[:lnufuctnrers , )f1:H,J1anics, arid ot h ers , y;hmse nccounts inn.y an10un t to $50. 00 or over, theh· note,if agreed u pon , will be tak en payaLL e at t\i e lsauk for a. stah'd pel"iod · . N T T HE G. D LOQKHART, L. R. a. D. S WANTED. Buggy a.nd Wagon Shop. . ConR~a.nt em· · 1-""lf.Dlent will be giv£n. Apply 101med1a.tely, to SHORTEST A FIIUlT-OLASS WOOD-WORKER in a FEES MODERATE. Bowmnnville, Dec. 1:::174. Seth W. Fowle & Sons, Proprietors. NOTIOE, No. 1 lUllton, Boston. and in. . GOOD STYLE. SOLD ~y DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. pay:iJ Any one wi shing t o have Photos enlarged from old pict~re s of dci;;eMed friends, 9aQ. g~t the done ~t BOOK ·ROOM · Buffalo Robes, H , Cash Pur chasers AN D & Arthur's Gallery, they hnving gone to grea.t expense in purchasing and fittin g up a He will also take contra-:. te for buildinge, and H Q Stool~rnDLarge IQ MARX'US MAYE:Et'S FUR STORE, ijWellAssorted !U I will always get goo ds at p1ices cut FINE, as our great aim will be ( to 1_;ourt th i~ of trade . Large and dark 1 all at Prompt Payers on credits short King St., Bowrnanville. pc.. MR .. .J. MOUNCE, TYRONE. 18·tf. .J a.n. 28t h 1 1874. OFFlOE ove1· McCLUNG'S Sf:i n. SPEOIAL ATTENTION TO JOBBING. lHf. AND for the express purpose ot enlarging photograph~ , wh cih th ey make from the HmaJ.lest card. to life size. 'l'Ley would remind the public thnt they are stiU i;triv· ir1g t0 improve their wQrk in PpgtograpJiy, ~114 t hey arc n ow t u rning out A HO'C'S.i:. A:N:D I.OT F OR SALE. situate on 1.... -0n the premises. quire of MR. TH0.111A~. 17-tf. Bowmauville, Jan . 22nd, 1875. _ ~ario Street. En· New 'l'ailor Shop, JOHN f Shop and Residence on Liberty Street Bowm<i.uville, Dec. 21st, 1874. 13-tf. l ·Ma. h-IAY.ER, havmg a thorough knowledge of the Fur trade, has purchased only First?L ass ~tock. and is i,!l a :position .t.o give satv1 faction to all. lSo'v IS the time to give ' him a call, a s those who come first are first Sel've11. s S s r QdYc!J S, E E A c;plenclLd v1niet y of Cook, Hall, Parl or. a nd Box JOHN :).foLT W D & CO. Gentlemen's Furnishings, Bl)..vmanville, S optember4tlll B731 =,,.....,===== ____,. = ·--- --Al.WAYS GET flats, Caps, <%c. SEE:D 'WHEAT. SALE FUR (Golden 60 Bnshels of Seed Whe·t, Apply at the S·1bscriber'· w. WERRY, SOLINA. February 4th 1 1875. pd-3ins-19. D~op.) HEAL, Fioturea Sa.bbath School :C.ibra.ry ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. .L. ~ fDn:athe intblic gent1rally 1 that be has com~--ed b11eineaa in the Shop next to the EY· men... ~ce, one door enst of .r. llilne's. presa l:. 'tad tu::veral exper"en.e" in the ~vibngh. ~to satisfy all w})O may favor .A.'fE WITH F. Y . CUWLE, begs'to in· FI:RS'I'-CL.A.S S THE B.ANNE:R W. BELL & Co's. Pri~e 1Ycdal 0 rgans SE,VING l\1ACHINE 1 Equal to Toronto Work. -:o:Ca.biu et rind four·fonrth si"'e equally as Go and exn1nine speci· mens, a11d he convinced that th ey are doing \··ell. Extra. prin ts can be had off eld uegatives. They keep oo 4..or} and for s&Le, an Highest Price paid for Raw Furs, Oct. 21st, 1874; FARM HAND WANTED, A G.o~nFITs· GUARANTEED m40-tf. THE tr aue, e 01' good ns th eir cards. Young fa.rn1 hand. aged about 17, able to plow well. Assortment of Frames JOHN 13ELLWOOD, 19-tf. Clarke Tp., :Feb, 2nd, 1875. :Depot, l.· <t. NO'l'E D DOMINION BA.i.. K. BOWMAKVILLE. Capital, Paid EVERYWHERE tu act as agents tor those eeltibrAted Chea.p Pictures. Agents 1:asily 1aa'ke $5 per day, F?r·full particuhtra, apply to .Box 180, Bownia.nville · TT,aJ~ted MEN, wo"""· cmLDR·N, ,.,. " eiv~ry \Vhich in 1873, at th e Provincial Fair, beat Amtjrican und Carrn.dian Organ, t<Yring the FrnST PRIZE. COMPANY:, OF SllERBROOKE1 F Q., Havi ng r~ cen tl y Cheap as -the,st. Ro wmnnvilk·. Nov 12t h, 1873. bp-o43-rn6-tf Star Dry Uoods arid C!ot hing House. F O R 01-IEAP Up, $1,000,00<l. TORONTO. HEAD OFFICE, TO PER DAY.-Agento Wanted! in·r clasa..:a of 'vorking people. of either se:x., 0 yo ung or old, make 1nore tnoney at. work f,..r us in thtiir spal"O 1001nent11, or all tbs time, than at anyt.hing- e]se. Particulars fr~e. Post cs.~d to States coats bu one cent. Aadre&:J G. STINSON & CO.. Portland, ~Jaine, U.S. $5 $20 BRANOH OFYlC!e: 0SHAW.\· ORJLLIA, WmTBY, COBOURG. UXBRlDGlC, BOWMANYILJ.E, IHALLETT & DAVIS PIANO (Bosto11. ) ha~ -11·o the l'enow ned D~sirable Farm Property perfected KINC STREET, BOWM/iNVILL~. Important Jmprunements, \Vhich tnken October 27th, 1874. ly-bp·o4o.m5. COM!.1!$RU1AL. BOWMANVILLE Corrected by J. 1\.fcDouga.ll,P1oc"luce Mercbant BOWMANVILL.E 1 Feb. 11th, 1875. Fall Wh.-t .............. . ..... 0.90 to 0.95 Sprill" Wheat.. ................ . .... 0.82 to 0.87 Rye.~ ......... . . . ...... _......... 0.65 to i~1 Barley ......................... O. 90 to · Pea· . . ............... .. ........ 0. 70 to 0.7 2 Oat· ............................ 0. 35 to ~g Butter ............... . ........ 0.~2 to S 25 Dn:t:ii:>~d Hogs, . . . . . · · .. · ...... · · IJ. 00 to . ~ This Ba.nk, in a.ddition totransa.ctiug the us· ual ba.nking business, offers to the public -all ihe adv&ntagt:1s of a. Saving Institution with the security of .a large capital, by the means ot a. SAVINGS DEPART)lENT. Interest allo,...ed on all deposits of One DolJa.r and upwards, at the rate of }"IVE per ceut. per annum. Depooitors can withdraw either the whole or any part of their deposits at any time, v.·ithout previoas notice. . . Special rates of intere~tallowed upon deposits with notice of withdrawal. American Cnrre.JlCY and Sil;er taken on de- F01·ty- ni ne · Ji'frst Premiums. I in t l. celebrated FOR pl'i!<i ng 2nO u.ere o; ~S5 SALE. hciug: snp~ri1·r Strowger Bros. NEWCAS'rLE Having rem oved to more commodiousprcmisei., IN DRY GOODS ! --:o:- Wu ha.Ye now the lnost varied uud CLOTHING, etc. ---a- A SPECIAL LINE, \Family . Sewing Machines, rrl}I AT S pl on rlid Property of the late Mr. B. :&ilitcb eH, being the norLh half of Lots No. :~t. and 32, i.n t he 6Lh Con. of D a rlin gt o11 , com· '"·ood lnnd. fi11e ,g en tlem an '$ R tone re~irkJJc c , with la wn and fl qwer garJen, to the r ear of .vhioh fa a benuti· fnl Ma.ple Gro-ve. Ah!O wood sh ed,stabh', dt"iv· ing honse,st c., :i..nd every necPss:uy conv enience. The ' vhol e. about ten acres, is surroun ded by a thorn hedge. There is a, Farm House, with tbrer: harns,,vith }Lll onthnildings . A never stream of wa· t cr runs thl'ongh tbe premises. There i s ahm a sµhm d i.<l Orchard of fruit bcai:ii1 g t~·ct.)s, and a kitch en garden. The property is in a good sLate of cultivation, :~nd is regarded as tJio 1nost deEiirabh1 Uetwf'en l{ingstou and London. For further particulars auply to '!'here if4 (in the front of the proinises, a very ·---:o:THE KING OF Arc prepared to G o ARANnic T HEM EQUAL, SELECT STOCK OF SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE y et offered to the people in YVest Durham. POTHERGILL'S BLOCK, Corn,vall Blank:ets Corner K ing anfl \Vest J\Ja.rket St. Lawrence Hi'Ll L(J'o;-ont.) Stre1~ t IF NOT beg to inform the public generally, that the y a.n~ now enabled to offer then1 ufo.a S u r ERJOR. For t.o any uow b~fo1·e the publi c. SEWING MACHINES, --:o:- - ------ - 4---·· Better Inducements -~· ··- --·-- - i· Drafts granted payable in Great Br1ta.1n, l.Tnited States a.nd all parts of Canada. WDepoeits can be remitted by mail,addres.sed to the Dominion Bank (registered), when in all cases a. receipt will be sent by return post. Bowmanville, .Jan. Oth, 1874, 15-tf. ~~ .. SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION EA.SE OF OPERATlON, UN I FOR~HTY OF P RECISE ACTION AT Al\Y RATE OF SPEED, in th~ line of ---o-- .111RS. 13. MITCHELL, Osha.wa P. 0. For the Holidays I Groce1~y ]a.nd, 011 which are two d welling Qhou ses, one very deaira.ble, a bl:-id·a~u1 ith shop, ::i. c:: n ·ria"e shop, and atable and d riving L ou~e . Also ;:ia nun1ber of good fruit trees. Apply, if hy ]e L te1 ', prepaid, to J Abl ES COLLACU'1 vr , ~I ari po!:; a., the \ illage of 'J.'yrone, t h e. p_n~ n1faes belo1lgI~ 1ng to the snbscribe1·, eont :unin'"" ll.Il ::i.cre of 7 Pnta-toes ..........·.... ~ . , . . · . · . 0. ti5 to 0. ~& Eggs.................. ., ........ 0.18 to 0. Wool.. .......................... 0.00 to 6. 00 Hay .. . . : ..................... 10.00 to 10,00 Clover Seed ... , ........··.....·· 5.00 to 5. 2:> J. A. CODD, A11cnt, N. B.-Tho Subscriber is not a· Sub, or ing I der A gent, but has the special agency forunabove. I am to exchange Pianosthe capacity of ranbO and ndap tibility to g r eat vari ety of work, fine or coarse, Org~uB, Organs for :.\felodeons, also S ewfur ~fachines, on reasonable t1wms. .!\.ddress, Augu· i 6tb, 1874. bp-tf-m44-o32 . THEY STAND UNRIVALLRn. These Oelebratetl ].fachines olita..i11t:ld the If you Want Good Bre ad , Good !'a.rm for Sa.le. J .. S. DONEY, Trnon P.O. Jtu1. 15th, 1875. tl -6mos. TQRONTO, Feb.11th. 1875° l'allWbeot.................... _.. $ 0 95 to 0 99 91 Spring Wheat ................... 0 91 to 0 70 Rye .................. , ......... O 70 to o· Barley " ............... " .. .. .. . 1 04 to 76, 'Peos .. : ......................... 0 75 to 0 4 · · Oat>! ...·...·...·.. · , ..··...·....· 0 00 to 0 ) '!ORO~To, N r ORTH bolf of Lot No. 14, 7th Con. Dor· lington. containing 100 acres, more .or le&J. Good buildings and fences, and large young orchard. For particulars, a~ply t _ o Oct. 29th. 1874. PR I Z J1 ; Ai' THE 1 ~huuoutl Qtnltt,11. N oven1bPr 5t h, 1874. \V:::t1. ruER, HAYDON. WANTED. could horself g-euera lly useful, in tbe Dress1nakini:r departu1ent, orasA!'sista.nt B ook-kee)':ler. )l1Jfior encl:'s kind ly perrr1itted, tn Butter ....... . , ................. 0 25 to 0 3 MARRIAGE LICENSES I SSUED BY A YOU N G WOMAN recently from ByJ;1ngla.nd, a situationt where she ma.J~e behind the Counter, 1 Dressed H oge ....................... 8 00 to 8 2) Potatoes ........ . ....... , ........ 0 00 to 0 0 li·y . . . ........................... 14 00 to 22 o, Eggs . ............................ U 30 to ,o 3 W1>0l ..···....·······.·. , ···.··.. 0 00 to (J 0 JOHN J. WILLIAMS Cherrywood l'Gst·ofi':ce l' ickering Ont s~vernl respcctl'Lblc pe:rson fl , both in Town and Ooun trv. AddrC'ss. K . A .. OBSERVER Office, Bowma.nville. D ee. 3rd, 1874. lO·tf. I GOOD SECOND HAND Piano for sale Provincial Exhibition, A Price $65. helcl in 1'Iontreo.l in Septc1nber 1873. Age s m35-tl J. ">L BRTM ACO:v! BE. v..-anted . -------------W Q R·< At home, m:l le or te1nak; $1Gper Gift Books, Splendid .A lbmns, Ohrornos, Prang's Celeb,·ated U se tha M icrvscopes, ]{aleidoscopes, (AS REGARDS PRIOE .f: QUALITY) of t:he finest dcseripthan any oth~r house in the C ounty. tio n, 'Lad:ies' m6·ly Oornpanions, NO PRESENTS ClVEN, BUT GOOD lV1'iting Desks, Weight and 1Weasure G'Uaranteed P1Jcket Books, &c., &e., in every instance. to pleruie ;;i..ll, i:.nd every one. Business, e!. bp-tf·m 047 . or .J. H. EYNON, No . 7, 6th. Con. Darlin gt on FARM ticulars: apply t o Boi1ig Lot 16 and '})art Th:iJ1nes 0011. Elanchard, 119~ a c1· r;e, i; iLua.ted uue n:iill;) fl·o10 St. i\Iary's inacket bous1..· . 1'..,or f urt h er r1111·· ,Ji) lll · vf 15, SALE. W HDISTER. St. Mary's P . 0 . 17-2rn os. Jan, 1st, 1875. J , T , A NOER S Q~t... I , 1 ~ BOWMA?lVI LLE, · J ~ O OAL A G]J,. J ,, ; IFOR All 1 by·o37-o24·1y> l ·ve ek .d:ty or evening. No Capitat J Jf'"e Per1d"l-ahurf;le package of Gcods by Jµ :>.:J f1·re· A.rld reS>i wit h ten CQUL !"(~!;ftt'lJ S'tan1p, 1\{. Y nc:-:G-, 1 7~ G l',_;e n.,vich Sr.. N. Y. ~ ""ea Ste X" eose opic V i e"\!VS A !"°go and cplundid Collecti on of The Goo< b wero bought at bes!: ra.b~-~ , 11n d pur chasers will receive the benefi L ~!U a ~ Horse !:'or Sa.le. 0 6pe.l"tl ~11· tyD ~ ~\:ti QI A dad< Bm1.nti~11 I Y""_oung .~ ar1"', r iB ii;iJ 5 ye'.'rs ol~ ; J.a.y, " ~ ,, '" tra ve.1 ler, eit·h<.r J. L . STROWGER Oct , 1st, 1874. bp·mu·ol0-6ms. J. D. s·rROWGER. Newcastle, Augu1>t, 14th, 1874. I1 ! ~ \np-I e ~ ou Dl ~ . _ ~.::.(ldle L; . 1 Rp!,·nrlid r1a 1 gr; en i 1 ~1 nsU'eu. .0 1· ID J. i:l. DOWff. lG·tf. Tyrone , ..Tan. 1-tth 1 1'37J , I ·~ l

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