F~IDAY ... :FEBRU:A:RY 12, 1S75. ' =>=:==================~:::=:::;;:::::========-=-=-=-=-=-==-=== -:::::c::=::==-===::.·==================================: :..:=======-~=-======-= =--=-~ - --=-=== ~~-=-=====::::::==================================================-=-==-========-Ull 1111n, an"d a sweetheart, n pretty, clingi~g POETRY. FARM AND KITCHEN. linle girl, both of,,. whom he had long ago Early Saved. 0 car ly saved ! Gone to thy ri::al ing-placa, ~~-===============-=-= -=-= """ - ~ -~-~ ~--= What Every Wife ought to Know. f'rorn a Lect1wc by il:fonstl'!W I)allfo. abaudoued. But there wns nothing to be Every action and en10tiun deplet ~s thei )L,Yl5i· \V ithout the fight or race, cal system b'I1lki tlJ.e fir;;t food .absorbed by \Vithout the toil or 1nvea.t, a splendid assm tment of men n.nd animnls, is the only natur:il n1ixture, The burden and the fret, containing all the elements of blood, su.vo the 'l'he sorrow and the sin, coloriui;. \Vater constitutes three-fourths of 'l'he bitter war within ; the body. 'l'o worlr well, t.ither physically or is she"1 ing ~1 "They tt-:ll n1e yon are \V1thont the 1 ~ aily strife mentally, we 1nu~t Le fetljuihr.:iou::i)y 1.1ud thor- quie.tcr street. Of this tempestnou>1 hfc ! .A.lsu a lot of oughly. the "orker inust eat mixed food. Rogers's son," he saicl. "Dick Rogl"'ra was Foocl properly administered .stimulates ,the sys- the only fueud I hau fur yearo, aud for his Only in dt t.ams since then, !REAL HAIR, FAN.CY GOODS, & tem as \-dne does, only m1Jrc naturally. ,. 'l'he sake I'd like to save his boy. Are you wilOnly in drenma we've n1etlong night hours empty the 8toma~b, deplete. ling for nie to try 1i· Brief meeting and quick pn.rting thh-1, "Oh, you can try," 01·' .A.Jso a lnrge stock of the system; and chill the body. On arising, the muttered the lad with an in1becile laugh. Yet can ,.,..e e'er forget physical CCindition is low:, and should be re· 'lhe 1;1hort but blessed past, This rnune!c!':s friend, no.thing dauntt>d, took" cruited. If we losti time at early mornin~ in The days ·of ch1ldhood's lo\·e h11n to a clrnud.Jer in his own boui"\~ ruu.1 put bringing tho body up to its natural heat a-ud Uut i:ihurt in swePte~t prime, rl'lwre he nnrl his ~on _kept 1 strength, we cannot regf\.in it during tbe day. biol to brd, 1'0 be l'esnmerl nb(l\'1;:1? Which excel in STYLE and VALU E · A hPaltl1y nlaJ) 1;t·i1uiu·s about oue pouuU of nu- \witch o.ud guarlh·d thii! poor wretch for 0 early su.vcd, not lost ! trnnent per day to keep him in good cond.itiQ~ : months, like u pri:Joner, keeping liquor fro1u ---0--Life nnd not death is thine; [coast 1 Vllule a. wurking rna.11 would need <laily fi.,e him, at1d trying to supply iL by 1ncdico.l Not ;.wrecked, but landed snfe]y on the potinds of solid mixed food, two and a half treattnent. \ A. pliySician be errii)loyed, but for Spring just to hand. \Vhere s11n1:1 forever shine, would be enough for persons who lounge and W<'.tS not ntle to pay for a nurse. ,Any one Bo1·n not to die, but lh 01 sleep inuch. ~ 1 Thy lifo is ll{)W begun ; who ho.H bad to deal with Rvi,~tiin ofmauia!' Life, !iaid the lect1ner, c<l. h lte sust<Wut:'tl two 13orn not for storm, but ca.Im, or tbree we~ks on t:\\"O ounces a. day. A change a +votu ca1~ guess how agncult a~? loathas usual. 'lhy hea'.'en now is won. on.. e a ta!-,k he l1nd -:iet -bin)se1r. U.r:ig~a.te. of diet should follow a cl1a.uge of sea.sons- -iu S MRS· A. FLETCHER Horn not fnr 11kht, but day, winter, fats nnd sweets; in summer, fruits, fieh [ul cr10!1gh it wn~ at fir/jt, for Roge~ St!._~15· 13u~ma.n\ille, April 7th,1874. l\,~ ~\ u ,,J-.ru1 ~~ thy .eun, and lighter meats. :M.ilk and eggs.a blood food ; gled against ln:s tormentot·13 :.,vi th the fer.ociBorn not for earth, but heaven, steak, a flesh food; potatnes and wht'!at, wl1i~h, ty of-just what he \\'as-a' ctarving _in[~a~. · Thy one bl'ief ho11r is rlone, being beating n1ateria.l, arc fuel ; ~d coffee, a .A .s rt1 !l.~on begon to return and bis unnntqrAll now with thee is well, stimulant. al strength to va.ni!sh, he wou1d bf>g the.nl ln ~ Thou thtice-beloved one! Dr. Lewis's Receipt for a Bed. ~ hi:; intr.nrn.l~ ot' ten.son not to fail hitn, · but A Lcvrge Stock of Cloths and 'Trimmings, made to Otdm'. Fil> Gv,aroan\V c'll meet thee in the land 1 to work out the experi[t1ent c:it.i1cr . t0 sac~ ~ \Vhcro sorrow is unknown, -1 . . teed. Latest Styles in Hats, Shfrts, Ties. &c. T'o sit with thee in light, ~t t?e .eiglit ~o~rids \\l1ich a. nian eah <1nd ee~s or tlt!atb. "I~ is nly 1a~t chance," he U p(11J tlie ettirnal tlirone ' ~rinka in a day, it rn _thoug-ht _:hat not le'-s t~an ' would cry; "for Oocl's !:lake be pntient." five pounds leave$ his body tn.rough tbe slnn This fiicnJ with his son did work it out And of these n\."e pnund>i a f',i)llSldcrahle percent' ' . . LadieH' and Children'· Fine Make. CHEAP~~ST GOODS in '!'OWN age i:scapes during thP ni;ht while he is in Led. through all the toul, untne.n t1onabJe details, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &(}. of The larger part of this is water, but in addition and. the encl w1u1 not cl ea.th, but snccess. NEW STYLES, A LARG» STOCK TO SELEC'.i' FROlVI, there is much effete' a.nU poisonous m<.ttter. This, " I-Io w soo n," asked a friend of Ro~cra attervYOOD AND IRON being in great part, gaseous 1n form, permeates ward", 'i \YCie y'Ju trusted alone ?1' "Kot How drcaiy seem~ each hon1\ every pai-t of the bed Thus all parts of the tor two j ears," he answered laughing. ii I 'l'he intelligent Yeomanry of ',Vest Durham and 8outh Ontario, a.re beAs it slo·.\ ly, slowly goes, bed- mattress, hlanket;o. 1 ,mwdl.~:isbe~ ts-i:!,)On was out oJ j,til but iuj.iil bonnd:..-:, Dv you coming fully aware that OSHA WA affords the Best :Yh,rket; her ManuTo the man who Rits in anguish beuome foul, and need pt11Hicatio11. 'J'hc m:i tfactories supply the Best Implements; and her enterprising Merchants \V1th a boll 11pm1 l1i1:1 uose ! Nl!CF:PEL~S tress nee& this renova.tion quite as innch :.ts the re1nenil·t:il' ilrnL l.u1k, n1uscular young ft·llow sell tlrn most f:ity foh Gucids,at PRICES rguiate d by" healthy competition sheets. To aUow the sheets to be used without who had a diJ>3k bei:iide me iu the office 1 Ile Osh:.wa,W<lst, King St i""iept. 23rd 1874. it rcnlii;tio poet with a, .bnd cold seizes hi.s washing or changing three or six month!:' would took it with the condition that he conld lyre and sings : be 1egarded ns bad housekeeping, but I insist, lt>a\'e it to dog me night nnrl da.y, to nry He lwess;ed his face a.gains~ thr:t }rnue; if a thin sheet can absorb envugl.J. of these P'11s rrlen.ls nnd to 1ny bed. That WQJl the son of (It was the Christmas Eve), onous excretions of the body to make 1t 1111fit th~ nui.n who sa\ eel int:>. Ile was taken from A moisture g~hered in his nosefor nse in a few days, a thic!<- mathess, v; Lich R. l11 c.ra1ivP Rituation in order that he might lie wiµed it with his sleove. can absorb and rcta.in a thnu~and times as rnueh of the poisonous excretions, needs to be purified b~c0111c rn1 j~ikr."" G·od. -lilc~s hhn ! How and Paying up - " Coming down " as often <.:ertalrJlj as once iu three 1non tlP-1. A l used to c.ur~e h11u ! "Can't you trust mv ' 11lattrcss c.mnot be renovn.tecl in this way In- hon9r r' I won Jc; cry. "I'm not convb1c~d }faterialized spirits -Frozen whiskey, deed, there is no other way of clcn11ing n mat- that) onr honor has not the consun1ption 1 " AT How to make goo<l 1 uffa-Send thu 1Julilislair tress bnt by steaming it Pl' picking it to pieces, 1 tl1e Scolch-Inshnuln \.\OUld say. H We ll fifty cents n. li nt- for thc!11· and thus in fragtll.tint1::1 exJ)(1i.oii 11g- it. t,q1he d11 cct put 110 hu1dt:ns on it uutill 1t liaa rt>gainetl The reason why Pagans are so far behind- rays of the snu A.a these prucesse!l are scarce· 1ts btialtl1." "Your Jriend was wealthy no tk.uie 011 thl:l hand in the march of civ1lization, is becr.tuse ly practicabl~ with any of the ordm ary 1natd0uht, and so able to give both time anrl tresses. I am decidedly of the opinion tha.t the they are euch idol people. "On the contrary, good, old fw.hion ed Htru.w bed, "hich can evl'.:ry mon ey to j our ca~P. 1" Dien \\ho travel ba.reft'l<lted nround a newly three month'J be exchanged for f1e~h stt\\W and bfj is but the ou ner of a stnall hat-stort,aud cnrpetc.·d bctl r.1om often tind then11;eh·es on the tlie- liek \\fl.f':hed, ·j~ the "\V(:et,eet aud h 1::,LlL111el:lt Bussittn Twilh Diagonak supports his family out of I bat. Hti iB rich All Woulj " rong tack. Plaid Wi ncies. of beds. If, in the winter seas11n, the po.rou&· or nol1li~ 01lly in the deed anfi spirit of Homespun. " "\Ve ha.ve ho"' on hand a large quantity of 'l'h1::1re i~ n ithing rnore hoza1dou"' tha.n to b~ nesa of the str<;Lw be.!1 Jll,Lkes it a little uncom- fr1eu1\~hip " All tliis wa~ years agu. RogPlain do. FrcnchReps. " both!o!l ing an irr't.-..ble woman with fooJlish ques- forta.bl e.sprend oYer it o. comforter or two woolSha1rls. Plaids. " (11'8 is no'r an 111du~tnous, honorable man, en: blankets, which s11nuld be washed' as often tions 011 wa~h du.y. that w1J~ be sJld at Flannelhi. ~1erinoes. 1i1.1ri1Pd t o hid o!d lovP, n:1th bis gray·h11ir· as e\.·ery two weeks. \Vi th this !}rrn.n gc1n~nt,1f 1 You a.1·e- too pc1 t cntirdy, j\fiss,' said a 0 arLh, bringing to it ed 111oth( r by hiR lH the you \Hll~h all the bed ®' erlllg a~ ofi"1:Jn ai~ ouce teacher to a pupil. 'Yout' whole demeanor ir; in one or two weeks, you will have a delightful, ot r petu ril ben eJ1r.tion,. of benignant old agl'. a coritmuons rniademeal! 'n· ' he.-.ltliy be<l. Kow, i,f y~iu le41vo tbe bed to air fiis frH:nd !"ells hatH-tnakes no spe1 ch1 . s Kever trust withs. i;ecret a m~rried man who witlt open winduVI s during th B <l ·.1.y, and p.0t n or bruit of any sort in the world. Noloves his wife, for he \dll tdl her, :;ind 8he "ill mnkc 1t up for the nigbt, before evening, you Bow1nanvillc, 1\-larch 6 1873. tf. body has tc:cogrd.sed In him a hero Yet tell her !'ister, and her rli!Ste1· will tdl every,)ody, will bJ-1.ve nddcd grPat1y to the swefltness of --o-your rest, and in <'onsequence to the tone of who. for the fake of a dQad or living friend, ' Somebody says K ing Kotfee is a wre{;k.' vm1r health. I ht'&i.lily wi~h this go()d cha11 ge would go and do likewise 1-N. Y. Ti·ibune. He muet be a miset(l.bl-:: Wt eek, indee<l., or he ~onltl bC everywhere introduct!rl, Ouly those woul<l l1a.vu moH1 <:tll!:'e than to 8pell Coffee with Se.p'tember 2'4, 1874. - - - o -- y;bo htn 11. th1ll:l attended' to th:is important ma.t ' 1'he.r-e i~ no greiter 1 ui8tf1.ke i' says an n K. ter can Jlldge of ib influence on the general 1 en1inent diviue, than to suppose that . ~·~==~~=~======~========-=.=.:::-.:-.::======-===::::::::::::::=: A genteelfarrner in lviasirn.chusetts, a retired hen.1th and spin ta Ol11ist1,tn; can irup1ess the worl<l by agrecBostonian, didn't know how to take a wagon 1ng with it, No! it is 11cit conformity tliat wheel off to grcn."e the axle, and so he bored !Jrease Yo~r Nails. we wn11t; it IS being nl1lc to beat the ,..-orld holes through the hub and1po11red in the gre1u1e, I u1 its own way; Untit is to stand apart and One of the teclm iea l Journals say;; : }~very T\\ o n1edkal societies met in Portlund the above it, < tnd to pro<luce ~he impreRsion of a other day. .c:\. co.r Jond Qf grave-stones allso Rt'" farmer who has had occ~ion to drive a. nail into l~UAJ::-I holy nud a ~epard.te life; this only cnn give rivtd during the rlny. It is not oftt'n that the se.i.soned vu.k post$ kuo.,.,.s lts li!tUi ity "to 1.ieud I u::; a trne Ohristia.n life. nt·d break If the point be tnoif;tened 1n the is now ra.gi11g at cteins.l fitness of things e.tick.s out iu this manmonth it will usually d1 ii B more kindly. Oil 11er. Nt~\V" cu sto1n<i, though they be never so Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct is still better, but then it is inconveniont to dip _..\ Scotch divine recently praying, said: 'O ea.ch nail separately into it Anotlier pvint ob- r1<l1c11lo11:..-:, nuy 1 let then1 he nnmanly, yet Cottons? Lord, gi "e unto us neither poverty or ,riche.;i,' served , is thnt bo1.uds become loost· e-., entnatly are fullowccl. und pauf:'ing Eolerr.nly a moment, he aJded, 'es- from the rusting of the nails, wb~ch commun1· J·eciaUy pove1 ty ' catiug to the wood, c:;urne~ not 0)1~,r au eu h~1...:e· '!'he young mo.n who resolved to c01nmit sui· mentof the nail hole, but the wen1ing a\1D.,y of of the b<!st tnake, incluc.hng the celebrated c1<le because his S\veethea1t married an under- the nail itself, rendeling the fenc e. or the buil<lat th..: tuker, owes bis hfe to the Re(·o11d 8uLu1 thought in g shn.ky and insecgre. 'l'b is mJty Oo pre" cnted by heating a11y rough grease until it smokes, tlrn.t lrn ini~ht he furnrnbing his rival o. Jvb. anrl then pourin~ it over the nailR to b!:l u::ied 'lhc J_.ouisvi1le Cour1'er·Jourrml claims that The grease -Will penufa,tte tbe pore s of the u·ou, !Oct Cottons at Cowle's---Splendid it was a copy of th.\t paper }frs. Poti11har aucl ca.use the 11n.1ls to JM.Gfthout rustin~, an , value. wn.nted of Joseph. V"'" cry hkcly-we alway:'! indefinite p·r;?d. JJe~ides this, no t'ou.ble will I hen1d it v.as son 11.:L11 11 1 !{ '~id<ed she wanted then Qe exJ.Jenenced Jn drnrng thein into thq 'I hate O.UJthing tlrn.~ occ11pii::s n1oro Epace hn.1dest wOod. The I enf:l611 is that the coating 1 ll!O G LlJ 1nost. respectfully tender his sincere than it is worth,' snyt! '\Tilliau1 lfu:ditt ; ' I of "':fease prevents contact of air anrJ conse- 1 f ~ thanks to his nun1erous fnends and cus. I 0 · · · ·· ' · ' tomerR, ·nd to the public generally, for the and he 1s determined to continue to sell at thC8C J t<inously low pr1ces 1 hate tn see a k:icl of b.:111dbo:xes g-u iil1>11g' the quently, _ of nnequal1ed ~ ~ 0~1dah.ou. O:'ygen .18 t 1 le. ~peat ~levery libPrn.l support he hns l ccdved since his h h \" 1 strco- t, an< I hate to see a paicel uf big wmds stroyl:!r tf 11on, au£{ ,1no1atln·e is the rnductrng I conimencuHr in busines 3 ; and hopes by con· cheaper than t e C er.pef't. 'Y l1y he can do i t '~ ithont anything in them.' cause. I ti~u<"d striot personal attention to business, and First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! _ _ _ ___ offering nothir1g Lnt the purest articles, at the S d J t j 't b J j ) ~ t mostrc·asonable prices, to ensm·e a continuance econ , 'v la 1e can uy c 1ectp enoug 1, ie 1nar1u1ac UL E' S ('1a1n. J.ouitm J(elJogg t"=!ll~ n11trntb1:1. She Uses of Basswood Bark of pnblic patrona,ge. Third, he is satisfied with small p;rofits: Bays, for in~tn.nce, that she wouldn't ina.rt')' ll1e .T. n. wonld ca.11 ~pecial f!tLu11tiou to hia very Fourth, lie sells for casl1 j h t>bt uwn HI .A.1111·de,t. It 1:> a juke, hoWever. superior stock of A gr()at varietycof article.:!i including grain ~he knows we'-i.·c .b1::en mn.rricd a number of -~ Fifth, he sells at bot.tom prices. 1 bags, wagon COH~ra, floor coven~. iope~, sails, yea11;.-Ror.he6fer Democrat. etc., i~ made h.1 R.uR ~Vli, from the inn t\r 12s'.rk of \V 1:1 snE!pect that ·~hat most grieve(]. t11e young the b"sswood or linden tree, n. 1 nill;on of trees THE wluch Me snre to give the b~st satisfaction. AND ji larly "110 1ep1esc1,t1i<l J{a.tie Kiag in Philadel, being destroyed a.nuually in\ the n;i:inufo.ctur e, phia \, 1t.. t11e fa.et that she \Vas popularly sup- and the va.lut.:i µf tlie m ticles Qtotl .1e1:1d < A we!l ael edecl Btook of Q t mo unt: pos d to be more than 200 years old. ing to $2.400,COO. The ~b,irk is collected hr the DRUGS, !Examhl.e the stock, which comvrfaes e\'orythh1g in the t1ade, 11fthe v~iy h.ttl:'dt auU.1nost ;l~g-1111 styles and patterns, of :Eng1ish, Canadian, and .An1el'ican nutn ufncturc. 'Vhy fil't: shtep tbe lea.o,t mol"'~I of ltlliu!ials? peasants in I\.fay and".Tune, ·w-lieu th'i:i _. n.sceut of. CHEJlJICALS, - o -Becauao they ga1nbol in their youth, spend the sap renders penling '0nsy. Tlfu.t nf the lowff Ht still continues to ma.nufactuiti to orde1, from the best of matoriru, a.nd 110uc but first-cl:iss ......- PATENT JlfEDlCINES, lrn,ch of their time on the turf, ll!.R!!Y~ of thctn er part of the ti·unk, , g!}nera.11~· emplo:yetl for Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. workmen kept. roofing, is obtained in piece-~ about Dt by 3:J feet, -oblncklcgs, und they all get tltieoed at last. BRUSHES, and is wa.l'll))~d and p.re1:1sed tu pre ve11t its cirThere's whm·e the man has the ad\.·11.ntag-e. cling. That of the upper part of the t1 unk and OOl;fBS, He can undress in a cold room and have his bed of the branches is tied in bundles and rotted He has in stocic 'o.n endless variety of Ladies' and Gents' Saratoga 1'l'nnk.,, 'ia.l1f:le::1, &c., all of wnrm before a woman has got her hair-pins out under water until Soptcmb-er. when it is ddcd SHOULDER-BRACES, which he jg selling cheap for cash -o-and her shoes untied. by. . .aJd . of Wat, a.n d sepU.rated irito t11in, delicate SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ei;c. Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT" drawn by Two Horses, King fit. ~trips, 1rnita.hle for w·ert"tin¥ into JiHi .. t~1ng,' ancl J.\ Cle,ela.nd youth of 1ather fast proclivities foll in love with a parson's daughter, Rnd a.s 1i varying i11 wejght, U.cJorChng to £he *use to be kept i..onstantly Oh hand. The Jieavj est j~ suhl ttt t h1:1 :r-H.J11i1 OILS, PAINT, cli11cher to his claims, snid to the r1H·erend mfl.d e of it.. Bowman ville, May 13, 187 4. gentleman, ' I go my bottom dollar on pious- No,·gorod lJ.,air, at ahout $24 per hun<ll'H<l done. Tbe end, through the usual horrors of deliriurn treniens, was apparently not far off One day, 1ls Hoge.rs wa~ creepin~ to the 11c.1re.::t hor for liis 1norning bitters, a 1nan, wbon1 he barely knew by sight, took h1n1 by the elbow anJ. wa;k~J. i,vith him into a !UTUllN ! 1874. S. TREWIN, 0 SI-IA A, -v\T Just·Arrived at the FASHION HOUSE NEW MILLINERY. (JR.AND srroOK 'l l STAPLE & FANCY DllY.GO_ ODS, Replete' with Latest Styles & Novelties. Stamps for Baiding and Em- broidy. FASHIONS Important Announcement! · - Millinery and Ma11tle Depairtment " ·~O'C'Rl~ ING G-OODS. A SPECI.~::.:::. .J Gents~ Furnishings I BOOTS and SHOES ! Great .i:ted.\1.Ction, in Dry Goods ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery, & Glassware. · I ---oo--- · BOW MANVILLE ....... l l ) , Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co I C:rumbs !or IV.tanufactures MURDO UH BROS. Having decided to make a change in their b~;iness, rcte now selling for CASH their !urge and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery imd Glassware, w ·oRKING MACHINER.i AT AND BELOW .. COST! ........ Double Turbine The Stock having been pnrchused.in the BEST ;\fARKETS, buyers can depend on getting l . F!tL STOCK · Water Wheels, MORE AND BETTER GOODS FOR THE'IR k[QNFJ.Y at this EskLblshment than in any other house in the country. Ca.stings of a.11 XinO.s REPAI!1S Call Early, and secure Bargains, as, the wlwle Stock must be sold at once, for .CASH ONLY. --~---==-- SHORTEST NO'l'XCE, THE GROCERY . DEPAR.TME NT · I Common and Gang Plows, is now complete with, the choicest supply of LOW PRICES Ohi·istm as Goods, Raisens, ·Chllr1·ants, gars, Peels, etc., etc., cit all Pr·ices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 187 4 AT · THE SHOP. MURDOCH BROS. Kanchester Honse, 1873. -o- 1873. L .,_ A BIO- FA.LL STOCK. DressGood.s NeW:~hst style. l 1 l f T&ILEfENS· DRUGS ANO MEDICINES GJtEY COTTONS STO R·M ONT. Bowmanville Drug Store, ANDERSON & STOOK_QF J300TS & 1000 prs. lllisse.i PeOaland Bu.ff Balmw1·0.ls, (Joo SHOES, l Reg to ·~nltouuce to the Electors of Wetit Du t hatn and surrounding countrv, that thcJ will sel l their itnmense ~ J. HIGGINBOTHAM At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. 4 I STYLE and QUALITY ;i'I~;"~vtiisi·~;;~:35~;,;sC1., 1~eit~~;~~0;;;~ nt 1.00, pe.1· ;1<i 1r 1 fvr GAS!:l O"Ji<"'"LY. 1000 Pairs Women's, Misses' and C'illild's Felt Boots, (/fr _ v:hofo 'to be soldfm CASft ON LY. ' STOB:MONT T).YE STUF~S CA.LL AND SEE FOB YOVBSELV"i:s B RING Y U R F RIE N D S W IT H Y Q U --a-Call early :md seciu;e y.onr Winter Supply, while t,he ru~h is going 011 COTTON BAGS, at BEST the World. ANDERSON & CO'S., . Boot &_ Shoe EDl.poll :!-iu.:m.. Howm_.?nvillc, Dec, 10th 1874. -- Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed TO -THE-PDBJj_[Q;, ~~ ~ ... READY-J\IIADE and vVALTER· WIGG_ & SON, returning thank~ to their nutne~on,s customers o.nd th!1 public g1·11c1':".i>liy, for past fav11rs·, I Nwould their attention tn otu· stoCk of furniture, as we ha' e lately respectfully~ invite pres~nt 1 M. TRELEVEN. CljOTHING- Good Cheap. no"1. you a coat,sir ?' s@id a suspicious tltilor to ~i SUFoipectcd customer. 'Oh, ye1:1, sir. with the greatest plt!aJ-lure.' · There JUSt ~tand in t1H\t position, pleat:e, and look right upon that n')t1r:e while I take yc,ur tneasure.' C11stomer reads tl:e nutice : · 1\·rms cash ' '~1ake Wfliciht. COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD y loweEit prices added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all pal'tiers who may plea.Re tu fo.vot· him with a Gall. Great inducements held out"to th:ost"uurchasL'lg at ou1· estabhsl1m e.n t .Pie· tllres, I... ookin~ l{.1aKJies, ~le . fH'!j.1ued .to ori.ler, and in evt:t:y style. Sam1Jles of the different ki11d of J.\.1uuldiug_ s can. be seed at the \Ya re-room "\Ve would also beg to inform you, tlia ~ 1 having purc.!!._aat=:d a / Clothing M ade to O:rde SPLEND LD NEW HEARSE, Wu The Story of Rogers. One of our- f.u11ily nt the VeJ to use ouly as a DH~dic1ne; but ult<:r hi s sail) unpopuJqr m::i.n, put the usual que::tion : death sbe 11 t1u ned to It in he1 gnt"f, a11d I ·.Are yvu willing to go, 1ny friend?" ·Oh, yea,' said the f:iick man, ·I n1u.' '\Vell,' said the died, HOti:....1nauy uwuth~ I~ tter, a- liopdefl', stmple-minded deacon, I um glad you are, for helpless drunkard." all tbe neighbors a1e willing. Let uo t!::!ll a companion sto1·,r as tr 1Je a>1 At a. recent term of the Circt·it Courb- in. · l3ourbon county, Ky , a mnn Wf!S sentenced to light to night:A f'l::lw ye,1rs ago on an~' ennny 1non11l,g, twtl yeard in the penitentiary for killiug anotht'r man, while n. aecond prisoner, convicted of steal- a heap of filthy rags 1night blJ .:;et:n strcL\:h· ing twerLty bushels of wheat, was sentenced to cd on some of thG bales of a pri_per WJ.re three years and 6ix months. house iu a Jlfighlio1111g city, w1LU u. stron14 J.\. curtain zealous but ignorant negro prea.i.:l1er in exp0unding to his flock a..~ to the astonishing naLurl:l of 111iracles~ got a little confused in the matter. He Fa.id : 'My beloved fricnde, the greatest of all 1niracles wa.s 'bout the loaves and fishes. Dere ·was 5,000 loaves and '3,000 fisht"s' an' de twelve 'postles had to cRt tleut alJ, and de mhacle is tley didn't bust. 1 }Japer$ pre,1cht s a strong tempPrnnce f:.t Ttll(1l1, hJ Slll'ply telling the story of n wo1nan wbo, alter ~trug A I\.faryland nmn whose wite droppec1 dead a ghng with tht· rretl'Jnaturat 5:.trt'ngth ol .'\, fow days a.go, had the fun er al put off 1ne day loving wift~ and nioth .: r 1nr JPILTS nga1nHt lon).{l:'.r to get the balance of lus corn husked the demon of drink that po~s;;<;~f'.t>d he1 ll'. H'· He ~id it wouldn't make nny difference to l~er, hand, conqnPrt!d ii, nnd 111l:l.ile ht1n 011ce a;,i 5be was al\\ RVS good·riatured. rnore n frcenian. In h-islust iqness, lir,uidy A ~ood deacon ma.kin~ an official visit to a dy- wa'I pre<::('nl.u.:~1 ;-wl1wh he 1i)'il::i sLTot: g c11011gh ing neighbor. who was a \"erychurlh1h and uuh·e1· Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B - Co11nt1y store-ker.pers supplied on the mol:lt advantageous terms. A r:hoice selecti~' n cf L.--'\ 1\.fPS fo:r ~nle cheap. 8 Iv ni.1viltt". o~~. l86S. 6m. FRUIT, AND Straw-Cutters ! ~ it is a well-known Frict that shall be ready at a] tin1e~ o attend fnuerali,, on short notie[;) and rcaaon ~\.bl\f te rm:s- ~ N. B.-·Coffins kept Q!l br.tn and tnade to order, at the Confectionery Depot. TVI-lOLESALE and RETAIL ' J :;3'!; arrived, and for Sale, n.t th e n.bovc tfopot Nev/F1·uit and Oo11feciionerys, MOB BIS, CARBIAGE SHOP (\~est of the Ont.'.1J:io ~<\.nother Grain Grinders FJ3}ED lVfILLS. cu.r load. of the above uoblt> nrt1cles on tho way. J>lense cnll at the _________ ,_ Nothing oheqzm thmi Cowle has tile best Tweeds in tlte countrp. ---~-- NEW D01'IIN10N'.RETAIL PUR_NI1'URE WAEE-R0011I. the !Oct Cottons Ootulc's. Dana's Patent Sheep Mar.ks ========== ==--=-=--=--.::-.:-.,_.=_____ The Satisfaction given by JIL~RKS lHbwa.~ King Street East, Oshawa.4..ug. 26th, 1870, Tiank.J DATES, FIG;S, LEMONS ORANGES 1'0 ARK VE Choioe I.em.on OranO'e · B o -vv :MAN v r LL E C1't on' 'Oe le Farm Implemont Forwarding Agency a.n. .:i Yo r · e Iii, R. w ,TAMES, !{iuri St., Bo,,·mn.nvilhi. RowUJanville, J)cc. 5, 1872. nlO. BLANI{ETS IN Street, Bowmanville. this buL of UEl d1fftiri.:n!. a coo1plexLQn as J ay· Soft Shell Almoncl,,Filborts, Bra·il m1d Wall Euts, Keiller's .Afarmalade, rvest India 1-'reserved Ginger, " Pears, J>lums, To'fnatoes. c& PeacheJ, Green Peas, ·Large Variety :Oea.d --........--~ N. B ---Specia 1 inducement. ... 1 Green Oorn 'l"\l.{J_J sub~...:1iber is pre.pa.rad to build and re· 1Jall · &; Linu1t B,:.;ans, SOMETHING NEW ANO DURABLE. Vil Polish 1"l'ench Polish rn pre paied Ca.rriag-ea, J~ vrj.,, 1t"::i, lf.1..i 11~· .,,s, Buut8 and Shoes, and. all l. .ind ,~ (1 f L t'n.ther. tt \\ill _, Wcigons, Biiggics, cind Cuttm·s, Our Dominion :Excelsior Raspberry Vin ej:ar,Sahnon, Lobsters.and Sardines Tomato Sauce and P.ickles 'J,hey havt=: cun1ti aJ1U ar~ cqming, at the F1 u1t Depot. - ]_.ABO!{. 1i01(EY n.'Ud TI1YIE Tin~ Oil for ~ saved! l'1 c,11lt ·--------- the most lasti11g, tho least trouble...,ome, and 1noot ootnplete t!Yer invented. 'l'hey artl used and reconunendcd by many of thf bust Breeders in the Uznt~U States a!ld Canada, si1ch as G. B. LoringA Sa.kn1, Mnsa., President New E:ugland. "\V:ool l+ruwer~' Society; John S. Ross, Henne· pin, Ill.; Pt·ofeasor ]..f. J\-Iiles, of the Stnto """\.grieulturaJ College, LansiJu;, ~Ilch,; Hon. Geo. Brown, 'I'. oroRto, Unt. ; J uhµ Snell, .Edrnontoni Ont. On each llfork is stamped ~he_ ow.n·1"s nume and the Sheep's number. '!hey will be sent j1·ee, by µla.il, 01· express, for only fou1· cents each, will last for 1'WENtY Yt-;.1uts. r:4'1"" and CR.sh 1nnst n.ccomPany all orders THESE A.RE '.l'HE CHEAPEST, 8ARNU~1 I I I>QQTS A)\ID SHOES ) ..._' ~he s fl('~lP8<J<l by the sutrnfachon given by ::L~IALE to hrs tunn1;10nd patr11nti He is no;v pl e ;..i,.<,10 tl to announce thnt. he has on hanJ a .m·gc and "\<~11ed asso1 tn ent o 1· · ' · .., \ 'l of 1 g1"ven to CASH Purchasers. smell of .:stale tobacco and whiskey lia.ngiug about it. Turn1nnc' it ovet (\\lhich .)OU CO'Jl1l vf eve1y d~,,,1..rq1tiou, [l_t ~ ahmt notice, and o · re<tRonable te11.nt>. <lo a.:s thuugh it wt:h~ a lagi auy LlllJt:. alle1 ten o'clock iu th~ llHJrning), you would iind the swollen purple face of "vhat }Ht<l once beeu a h~uJ. so111e young iuan, lSut t ll ere n1.1.is SHELL ~ SHELLED OYS1'1<.:RS QUA in·y is tl.e lest of GlfltAl'NRSS. 'l'. DARLINGTON Bowni:1n1;1llf·. Dec. ,1th.187::5. n!)-tf I . conun a·rum v. · b···· . a I'end' us th e. f oll own1g l\;.IJ is together too n1uch fur ua,and we l1ave no 11esi· tatiou in giving it up. Perhaps some one who has had the ddirium t1 emtn~ mort1 than th:ree or fom· times can give our esteemed correspond· fmt t}ic reriuired information. "to the editor of the timea Dea:r Sir i wish I little hope that the bleuml oyo or tlnck I tongue would gire an iufa:- lligcnt ans\\~1 I rrhe Pmt Hope Tune1t savs: A Grumbler The ptirters passitJg by \\oulLl pu::>h ldm 1 Carriages Painted a11d . b 11clb .:: en " 11 usilie, b ut nat rou 0 1 .Y. 'I'/ w _tn1,e when he had l.ieen UJUllj, ge n erous young fellow aud a f'avo~ite in._the oiiiee. 01 Young Rogers ;" fiomc one -r:ould give" you liiS Lii;,~ tory in five minutes: '· ..11.~ken to rn1n-no cbauce-po1Jr devil. SLokr.s (thf! propri etor) Ion tho A Black:smith's Shop Dressmaking, &c. ]llt:o!niM~K,werc special nttcntion i~ iz1ven to all ~ ~- - --- ----- --- - gi1re any article of J_.e.1t] 1l:l1, a 11101>\, bi itl htnt !:lp· pcrtrane~, and at the sn,rne t1u1e, fron1 it~ mly propertied, tends iutwh to ptf' ;;ei vc it, 1t w~ ll al· W 'ay& be moist and plrnnt ; llll(l lU<t)' \Je exposed to water tul<l ,vaslwd, anU v. il( nu1. lo::,:~ i ts lJnlh9 I ance, and it lS not to be feltt ed tlrnt nny crust ··1·11 settle on said Leatlte1· \\hen 1) u·~e1 vt·rl \\ith '· theabo:.,e011. Fortbcwot)dWorkofBuggics. -~~-· - ----------..-------- --·-Oa.niagcs, and 11'urnitt11~, t ht·· ~ ~ :;i u ut tt. lieLter articlein1118e. lv1anufacturedby A Sn10N& .-..~~Mov ~l. CD., Tanners and C\1rtiers 1 fo11nedj of F1:tnce, Q. ~ M now of eluladelph1a, Pa., Instructions - Shake bottle. A f..:w drops on 111JiHee of spoug-e,apply it lightly to tho leather, and you mil obtam tho A I OutiBtlu~tru. J'1h~e 75cts. per ,h ottle,01 $7.50 p1,;r j · Gk1 dozen. .JOH)! SMA L E, Sole Ageut, Ho"- wisb" to inform his numerous friends and ous j ruarn1llo. j tomers that hP has reronved to 1 F y f CowIe' 1- 1<., Sarnia, Ont. ' Orders a.ddressed to the l\IERCHN'l' and OBSERVER Office, fo1 any quantity, will be filled at the above-mentioned price, as quickly as he )fark~ Call bt! made and s;:nt . [ C. BARK.EU., 1 B "'! D ·8 h 1871 13 l 0~~1:°an _ vu e, ee:_ ·__t · · m Y ·' ' AROifIB .l TD YOU~TG J A~ bet1t 4.Ualit}r, u,ud is anxious th,1 ~ tll'"'Y shall set to work a~ soon as Jiossiblt>. All Prices, All Sizes. All Xinds. H II - ·· Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents 1..10 HO' Balmor"'l", extra ' h;ah O -'--· h' N ~ $1.25~ '!'!I ~ ~ ~d. Gentlemen._ · __ of ,,. a.s ion. I Oi..n.llllg_~o 1.UCft'" :.i.~ .. --t« ·1 - cut - · - .l;.'1-"" 'lDl $ 11£1: EIQN - NOT -SQ FAST. I have writteu the$.(: fc\V lines _ _ GENT'S BOOTS. ~ Rubber Goods, F0lt Goods, T _ Cnning~ work, untl General J b· ub uig. . Beal ¥lould b11g to inform the ladies of Bowmnntille and vicinity, that she is prepai.:ed to take u1tlers fpr D1essniaking-,"~f~l ~!the sarne with dcspath July 10th, 1871. 41 Omos. B·U "'KLER'S OT.D STAND \J · where he \\ill be foun1l wifl.l th ti ruoat coou cte asoortment ~1f to j.\,k you · question Or two on wich SI<le Does a 1'-1nn where his fase ·w hen a person is running for election And hiil neighbor refraina from "oting beca11se he is a. Dice mnn \Vhen he kncws that His riv.:tl is the best ot the two Aud sneakf'-1 into the poling place th!'}n leave!! \\ith out voting for ea.ther. 1 j coul<l not turn him out to stnnc', so stm 1 All ~VO'l'k clone cit this Establishment gave huu a no1n1nal salary and suffered h1m 1 to hang about tbr: hoirnc .{n:r, h e l'lhou Id to.J~ e 1 "..£a}'J'aa1ted, . . ,, , to worse conT:..-:es than dnnlnng. 1" licre I A. call iH resp:CtfullY solicited, vre:e hintsi too, of a widowe<l 1f1other1 tl.Jr ay .T. ~I ORRIS. off 1n the country, who had been clependeut Eow·n1n.nville. Oct. 1st. 1869, r I r LA':rEST ! - FASI'TIO"'"::L Harness, j_'. j · Her eX]Jcnencc fully_ ,:i,.-an·ants her in promiail1g sat1BfaCt10n. Residence, Cotner of Church Stieet, :-..ud ltlarket Sqn~re . _ _ Bowman"-JIJc, l>ec. 4th, 1813. I the 1.'..';:cr.fu~uC a~ent for thB f:l a1e of my \""u1- ha'" th.is d:i..y appoi11ted ~1H . U. B .AHK.ER \Vhips, Trunks, &c. Bowm·nville, Sep. lot . · 1S73 . I I 1 CA7UZED PE)l"S fot Howmanulle, Ont .TO SLI'II MASO~ ,l'. I'. ,f ,r J AOOBS. BowmB.11v:illa, Sept .10th, 1814 m-tf. in town Plcusc call. Bncl1ler's old stand! onti door ca;:;t of 1-faynar;d\o IIotcl. I And all I have to say, l'ha.t you CBtll find nie still at hon1c I aru not gone a.way ; So all my kincl ohl ftienU.s D'ft.Y come ; · _ And all the J:Oung ones too And ;;i:et their r;u.rm~uts nie1·ly 1na.de In fashions that are new, \~~thcte oltl nn<l young der...r friencl& may ll)eet J\. welcome greeting by R. PE.A.TE. I1owma!1Yi11o, June 19th 1873.· runks, &c. Speoi&l attention gn ou to CUTTING AND FITTING th~~ and none but first-cla8R 'il:orkm on employed, ini'i\trin"g good value every c:ots1;1 Stl'ORJ( - One Joor .) !l"t of C01n1sh's J ewch'y tore. IC1ng Stretit, Uuw w "n v1Jhi · Bo\Ynm.nv11le, Si::!pt. 23r·l. ,J SMALE. 1 .1)7:~~ --- - -----"--