· AND THE MERCHANT. GENERAL ADVERTISER ton, Clarke and Oa.rtwnght, It IB a. common platform, open to the flee dl8CUB81on of all qu ee- C1rcula.tes largely in the 'l'ownsb1ps of DarliDg· ns 1u vrluch the genera.I public are concern ed. TERMS. · WEST DURHAM Seventy-five cents per annum1 in A d vance. The 'Merchant' and Obser· ver,' $2·00. RATES OF ADV .l!iRTISING. Steam Job I'1'intingO:ffi.ce KING STREET, BOY{)!ANVILLE. One column 45 per annum Half do. .. · 25 " Quarter do. .. .. J5 " TrstisHut adi;ertrncments,5 cts per hue fu"St in s.ertion, and 2c. per hne, each subseouont on ·. AND GENERAL A DVER TISER COME and SEE IIII~L'S · NEW " t<! birds w<:re about lo become extinct in that 'Whv, Carlo 1s ,ts fat-as fat as-as a--" region Their dogs, even, recogtJ1zed tlnB Hu~ n11nd wns unt' qual to 9.8nnlle, e~coi gr1:at cry and little-,vool cor.du1on ofth111gs, and be terminated the sentence Jn a n111r "There Is Once In a While a Man," aud hour.dell uffJOjOusly at th" s~.art, Lut mnr. BY }Ul.$ c A ]'ITU I rrs can1e honJc crest!allen, with un a1rof canine I\Iore sdeuce; mort! su1oke 1 more ptcfound hun11hat1on that would have aroused !\-lr 1ned1tnt1on Directly, Cbarley Burnh<tm Through a.11 tht.i thionging marts of hfc, Jtfaj he\\ 's tentler~st "' n1path1cs. looked around with son1e show ot vital· 'Vhere men rush to and fro, After Lreakfasli?~g, u snally tu the1r roon1, tty. In battle scenes, or mortal strife, the f1ttncls enJO} cJ a long a.nd contenlpla· 'There con1esthe stage,' sa.1d h e. Forever come and go, live s1no ke upon the \\l!1e v1azza in front of The driver's bugle iaug 1nerFily an10ng So1qe lag belnnd, some g~1 ai-;tJ ty, then y,.1n<lo\\1?, }1P.t)EsSl) regarding the t':ver· the clultcd sand-lnlb that lay glowing in Some lc11d the march1ng 'an , T.1ank God 1 'mid the thousands on the way, varied mnnne view tb at la) bcJore them the oru.11ge light of the setting sun The 'There's once in a while a 1nan ' u1 fl a'>htng breu.dth nntl bc>,Luty rl'he1r next young n1en lean ed forward over ibe pitlZZ fl· labor \VaA to nrrey then1sclves 1n wonde1ful rail. and sc1utin1ze<l the occupants of the Among the m1lhona ot th e pa.st, Who sweep like phantnms by, n1orn111g costurn~s of very shaggy English vehicl e, as it app1oached Anrl c0wereU beneath ea1.:h 11~u1g blast, 1 Old gentlernan and ladv n.w, and two cloth, is li111~ flasks and field glas!;es about 1 And all fu1Jotten lie, their sho ulch:rs, and lo1te1 d own the bea.ch, children,' snlll Ned 8ali:-1hury; 'I hoped A ft-w loomed up hke tall pine trees, to the point and back, making tnuch unne there would be s.001e nlce girls ' Bore evct y curse and ban, ceso;iary effort over the wa lk-a bnet in1leThu~, in a voice of ineffable tendernEi:S rro flo[\t some ba.nnet on the broe ...e, 1 wlnch tl1ey <::.poke of as tl11.:1r 'coni:iL1tut1oa- and poetry, but Lbat odd, llred little d1awl, There'a onco in a "h1le a man ' al' This killed time tt!l bathing hr7:'r, an<l so ep1dtn11c Jn sorne of oui n1nvers1t1es Thousn.ndsi in g1 eedy haste {or gai.u, ·hen came nnot her sn1ol\e on the piazza, 'Look there, by Jove" crit"d Ch1nley, In parihn!t nfter gold, at1d a11othtir toilet, for dinner ...i\..fter din \\Ith n real interest at laetJ 'nO\V that's what '\Vreck all at once a noble natn e ~ ner, ,i t=1est::i. 1n tlie ruon., wLcn the \\eath- /I call the regulal' thing" 'l'h~ir hnnesty is sold , But he1e and the1e .t f ew stand tiim, er was trcsh, \~lien otherwise, u1 hamtnocks The 'regular thing,' was a low, fuurL1ke stats slnne o et the land , hung ftotn the rnlters ot the pitiZZa 'Vl.Je11 wheeled puny-chaise of b11.Sket work, drawn · F rom truth nnd r ght they never t1un 1 they had' been dom1c1l ed a few days, they by two Jolly little tat p101es, black and "l'here's once 1n a wlnlc a man 1 found it expedient to send home for what shiny ns vnlcan1te, wluch JoggE":d lnp1dl} Some bind their hE>arts with bands of r>teel they pleat!ed to term then 1 crabs1 and 10, JU:3t tar enough behind the stage to avo1tl To swim upon the tide , 1 t1aps,' <Lnd exci ted the envy of Iese furtu- 1te dust To p1t1ous caDs they DO\ er yrnkl nate gu(·sts bv <lnv1ng up and do\'vn the Thie veL1cJe WllS dnven by a. young lady Then· money, lo\ e or prtde, b~ach at a racing galt to d1$i:npate the Ian- of decided beauty, w1th a spice of Amazon But here ls one and Lhere is Q11e 1 guor of th e aftet dinner sleep 1an l!iptnt She \\as rather slender and very \\ ith heart to gne and p\an, Thie was the regular ront1ne lor the day straight, with a Jallnty little hat and fect,th· Sh1nei! in the soul warrn a.a t he sun, ' There'tS once in a "h1le a m;tn, 1 -\'aue<l, occa.noaally, when the tide served, ~r. perch el c.~quett1shly abo\e her dark by a ti~h1ng trip down the nDiro'v bay 111- brown hair, which "as arranged in one 'VhoJe r.rv"W«:.li:i in sorrow, cr1n1c and woe, side the point For such etnergenctes, they heavy mass antl contint>d 1n a silken net Are passed unbetided by, And many a man has s&.nk so lo1v, provided tbems~lves ~nth a sa1l-huu.t and Her co1nplexion was clear '"itbout bril 7 ' ' cleave bun there to d1«: ~ skipper, lured for the whole season, and ar- hancy, h er eyes blue as the ocean's hor1But here come::i one, he lifts him tqJ 1 rayetl tbe1usclves in highly nautical \lg zon, and spanned by. !:!harp, cbaructcrl'·t1(' Hc holds hon ttll he i:stand~, Tl.Je results were, large quantities of sar browa; Ler mouth small and decisive 1 nud 'Vrmgs from hUJ lips each fatal cupd1n c::1 and pale sherry consum1.:d by the her whole cast of fentu1es ind1cn.t1ve ot ' There's once in a while a rp.an,' \Vhen stntesm<.1n advocate a ca.uae, Becau1:1e it's 3ust nnd right, And meu go firin forhone8t awe, 'V1th all their po\Yer nnd u:nght I sa.y there's ho~ for all that's good, POSTERS, PAJ\fPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS "' CHEQUES, NOTES, · HANDBILLS, LABELS, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".......""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~~~~~~~~~""""""""'""""'!"""'!~""""""""""""'""""~""""""""""""""""""""~~""""~·~.....,......,........,......,......,......,......,........~~ CARDS, TICKETS, &c, &c, &c. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1875. lfUMBER xxr VOLUME VI. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Tnu ns "ill lea.\?e Bo\\·ruanv1lle Stat10 n, Bo\\tnan¥ille t1me 1 as follows GOING 'VF.ST. GOING EAST. 1 POETRY. Loca.l A'I1xed Express* Express 7 22, a tn I ~xpress 2 30 pm [ Local 9 27 a n1 : ,8 20 a.1 n. . 7 55 p .m . 9 00 p.m l\f1xed . 4 03 p m 9.00 p m I E:i-:.I.Jreaa *rlns train 1uns every morn1ng of week, llondaya excepted. l'he tollow1ng trains now stop at Saxon y fo1 pacsengers 7 30a. Ill Local gulng \Vest, due at 3 40 p. Ill }11xed gon1g east, due at .2 55 p m j)..11xc'i g-oing \Vest, due at 7 45 pm Local going east, due nt ' Well, there isn't a great deal of game tl e stage door Putting one foo't on the There HI so1ne fislnng, but "e haven't step lie tunH:, to 1he landlord~tud ;;a'R cnught n1uch .' 'I e.ay, Fqu11P 1 I paid }OU thre~ nine' How do you kill time, then 1' pences for n1y b1eakta,,t, and I rather cal· Sahsbusy looked puzzled. culat<~ I got the value of u1y inon ey You 'Att.-1t 1s a first rate . air. you know will find ther1 spoons 1n the coffee pot I The table rn good, and) ou can sleep hko a Go ahf.ad, dr1\er- ttme's up r all alJoa1d, , top. And then, you see, l hke tO smoke Thioutreal t11ne . ~================== Fall &Winter 01~y G6otls ---0:--- arouu<l, a!Jd. do noth111g, on the sea shore "Gettmg Ready '.l:o Be Married" It is real Jnlly to he on thti sand, a-w, with 1 o.11 sorts of little bugs running over you, and \ \ e do not at tlus t1n11:: preR11111e ton1ecldle listen to the water S\v11sh1ng abo~t 11 \,oJt.h the lasl11on-., Lut des1 e 'o speak a word 'Let's try it P cru~d v1vac1ous ].f1ss Chap· to those unfortunate <lnmsels \Vho a te Llbonman 1 and down she eat on the sand The ously Hgett1ng reLaly to be 1n nr11ed 11 othero Joilo\\ed her exf\mple, and in five \Ve lat~ly tllul tu 11:.itours~ lf 1n tbP place n11nutes tl1ey \Vere p1clnug lip prettj peb- of an arqna1ntn11ce "ho v.ao; p11:s1ng throngh bles aud cbatt111~ away as soc1abl} ns cou1 1l tills 01de111, 1u1d "'e c<1.111e to thi.: conclu~1on be The rnmble of the warmng gong sur· (To be Continue'! ) J. CHAPLIN, DE.ALER IN A LARGE LOT OF pnsecl them J.· 1uit (ind 01 namental 0 .IJ'lotiera, &:c:, &c. Tree~. Secd/j, Bulb~, LADIES' and. GEN'I'S' F't1BS '· HOW ZEKE PARSONS UOT HB BREAKFAST Some forty years ago, before railroad::; \\ere iuvented, and when the peovle o'.lt 'l'o Masters of M1 U. guara.ntees tn furrnsh nothing but Fn-st class trees, and true to na.tne, .1<ldre.:i P. 0. Box. 55 8owtn.~nvtll1;; hp ly ml7 04. Jan 2211d, 1875 ·" VERY , Bowmanville. Nov. 1st, 1873. OI-IEAP. west ~\US 'r'i f re not 'c::ry flush of 1noney, there L. O.L office) LANK CERTIFICAES, Apphc·tio B at at thia regular rates &c., &c , can be procured - DS Bowman ville, July 7th, 1873 .... Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGERY---SILVER S'I' ~ . Nig,\;it calls answered at l>r. BoJle'rs old 811'· gery. or at Dr Iie1d'a residence Bo·vmanv1Ue, Jan. 14th, 1875 164f. a tavern on the Great National road in Ohio, \\here tbe stage passengers from Wl!eelrng breaklasled The londlord of tbo 1uu naa noted far his par~1n1ony, IL ben1g gent rally known und d1ecuseed by travell ers that it was difficult to get a full meal then~ because of tht somewhat cunou1:1 co1nc1clet1ce that the stagt! was always read,\, an<l the Jn\·cr blowu1g h1s horn, bt:forc the passengers had time to p.ntake of c"·en a 1uo<lf!rate share of the good things set before them. Prof. J. Ruse, lC A'l'E of Baxter University of 11-iua GRA.DU F12tlndsh1p, .N cw York. · Teacher of Piano a.nd Organ, cultiva.t1on 0 Voice. SWHlD~~ Thorough Bass, Harmon y, Co1upos1t1on, &c 41 -ly Darlington, July 16th, 1874-. yonng 1nen 1 an d a reasonable nun1ber of sea· bass aud blackfish caught by their skip· D. ·P:E.A.TB, TAILOR. I , Gentlemen's & Boy's Garment s ~IlLDE IN 'l'HE ~EWEST STYLES. .Bo,vrnanY11le, July,'%!, 1869 ' ' R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, !iOLICITOR IN CFTANOF.:RY, if: c 0FFICE,-0v1;:1 }{cClung's Store same fl at as J 1\-I Brimacomb's Dentu,l Rom~ BowmanTille, Oct. 27th, 1868. ly MARRIAGE LICENSEs I ISSUED Bl'- ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. duly nuthouzcd to ii:.sue l\:fair1age I 11cienscs NEW GOODS I --o-- H MR. JOHN hngton, Dai I· EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Con (utar Bethesda ChurchJ " Dudmetojj, :;,o, 10, 1874 m8 ti. W. H. \YILSON BOWMANVILLE, ' Stock F11llJ Assorted. · · General Agent for Pl.ANOS, ORGANS, NELODIANS and SEWINGMACHlNES ---·o·--1 GOODS A1 RIC~HT PRICES ! AT Raymond Sewing Machine A SPECIALITY. lnHt1 u~tion g1 ven, and Insb uments and ~I chtncs gua1 u.nteed Bowma.nville, .Tune 18, 1874. , J. & W. J McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF rrHE GOLDEN LION, Sept 25th, 1874. AUCTIONEERS llo1· the Township of DM·lington BOWMANVILLE. I-L T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. f101uvtattcnt1on gnen to sales, &c, O!l ieason able terms. WU1.. Bari:on, ENNISKILLEN. !'3."le8 p1on1ptlya.ttended to on reasonable terms. :Robe1't Youn-g, l:TJ·'l'EIHKARY SURGEON, Graduate ol \ the Unta.rlo Veterinary College By ap potntment Veterinary Surgeon to the 'Ves t Durham .'.l.nd Da1bn6tou Union .t\.gricultu1a1 Societrns Agent'fo1 the Live Stnck B1anch of th e Dea.voi and Toronto :friutual Jfire Insuranc Vetennary 1"Ied1c1nes constantly on hnnd C1;1.1l1:1 fioro the country promptly attended to. Offico - One door ea&t of R Man1ng's Fur. n1ture \Vareroom R-;:s1dence over S Burden's store, corner of King and Scugog St1eeta', IlO\\D1anvillle 1nltf . Co · - LUMBER. - T HE Subscnber respectfully requests n.11 par ties indebted to him for liumber, to settle thell' a.c0ounts " ith<"lnt further delay. And he hereby 1nforms builders, and otbei s in want of lumbe1, that he lS [repared to supply them at cash 1 ates for Ca.sh llenceforth he intends to <lo a cash busurnsa THUS SMITH, Lot 19, 6 Con. Darlington. m8tf ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London, and Glasgow apply to FOR l11ckets, or 1nftrmat1on, ,V, A. NEADS, Agent Bown1anv11lo, .Tune 9th, 1871 tf-30 NEW GOODS · My New Goods h,we Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. 1\lrs. Mason, BeJS to inform the pubbc, that she has ;ust re HAMPTON ' S7'A11J.PING done on SBORTEST NOTIOE IJct 8th ,18i4. 2-31noa. ce1ved a splendid new assortment of Fancy Goode, Berlin Wools, etc, \vh1ch she w1ll sell at as low price as they ca.n be bought for else ,·,,there NEARLY ALL C01VIE TO HA.ND and tbe a-5sc1t,uent will he found w. BUNNEY, VERY COMPLETE AND BUILDER, ETC. Eegs to return thanks to his friends for the sup pt1rt he has received the past two years, and hopes, by cont111nell Rtuct person~ attention to bus1n~ss, and working at the n1ost reasonable puces, tu en"'ute a cont1nuanct of public patronnge \V, B. is pr.::pated to build hou~es 1 etc , on the most modern style of architecture ,Jobbinlo{ p1 cJmptly N.ttended to Plans and specifications got 11p on a.pphcation, un tbe tnoflt rea.scina.ble teuus, aor.l of tl\ ery description Office anfl Shop, Untano Street, nearly opposite Mr 1' Eowdcn's PRICES MODERATE The Public are Rohcited to call and see for tliemseh es. Bowumnnll·, Dec. 24th, 1874 13 ly Hampton Sept 8th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN bp per Tbeie "Pre no re~ulo.r' hops' 11t the Brant House, but dancing tn a quiet \Vay cvtry 'l'h!lre's life b°Te"od in the lilnd , e\;1 n1ng, too. fiute, v1ohn, and , 111hncello, English con1plex1uus of Ullugled rose aud breakfast. '\Ve'll not give up, but sttll thank God pl11Jed by sorne oft.he waiters. I<~or a.time, snow, and a dash of gultl-dust 1n 11e1 hall, 'But he'll Lnake.} ou pay 37 cents before Useful Weddmg Presents. "l'here'a once Jn 3 "'htlc a 1na1l.' ) 011 sit down to the table,' suggested a pass B ui nh a m aud Salisbury cltd not nungle J wh<:re tbe sun tou ched 1t Il er eyts, ho\' A YOUNG larly of Ball 1rat, Eng, about conmucl1 lu those fest1tn:es, Out loitered about ever, 'verc dark huz el,1:1.nd full of htl!, sliaded enger · templating ruatrunony, \\a~ nsked by her · \\T<1al I don't obJeet to paying ior in; the halls and piazzas, \·ery elegantly dress and intensified by tbe1r long sweeping 1 frtenda what kind ol \\ edd1ng presentf\ she ed and barbered, (Thon1as w~s an unnvul· lashes. Her 1nouth \\a s a. rosebud, and. he1 g1ub-that's all lair enough-but, when tbe 1 WHY cd coiffeu1) and 'lpp;.1.rently somewhat en clnn and Unoat faultli;:ss in the d elic1ou::i ·hot 1s paid, I guess I'll have the value of wouldhke, and replie d th ·t she would p1efer THOMaS WAS DISuseful to ortia.1nental on<·e Her 'vedd1ng CHARGED. nuye. curve uf then hnes In 11 \\'Ord, she \Vas DJ}' rnon ey-you see if I don't' JOUrney cons1a.ted In going from the house Th at t\\ u wetl-groy, n, healthy young men somewhat of the Venus-di l\'Iilo t) pe her " fhe pasaengers were all anx1ous to see) other parents to a cot tage I'n tue v1c1n1ty,and A. ~E ~ BIDE SKE'ICH should leucl such a. life us tb1s for an entire co1u pnn1vn "us more ot a Diana Boih and tbeJ did not hove to wall long on arr1v1ng th Pre she fo und a barrel of flour, 'Breaklast 1s nearly ready, gentlemen,' were neatly habit ed in phnn travelhug DY GEORGE AR~OLD SU lllITJ er, Tl1li.;ht turpnse oue ol n JllUle ac . t1v e teinpe1,1tnent The a1n1le!'sncss and dre~ses and cloak~ o1 black und \vlnte pl 1:1.id. stud the obseq1.11011s landlord, as the stage a Jar of bntter, a coinplete se t uf cooinng Brant Beach HI a long pron1ontary of Jock f t d d ~acaucy o an txb ence cvotc to no aud liuth seeu1ed uttely unconl'.'iclous ot th e drove up to the door. 'You will have time nten::;1l;i., a p1r.ce of merino, a i:::et of crockery and sand,Juttlng out at an acute nngle froni thl , f ·ware, kn1vet1, forks, spoons nud glassv. ar~, ear y purpose eave ones own com 01t batter) of eyes at1d eye glasses that eufilad· to take a wash nnd then you \\ill please pu.y a hart en portion of the coast Iti:i fat the"'t t I k ' ' ~nough honee h0ldgroccr1es to last s1x n1 orith:s noy,s ed them fron1 the whole length of the ptaz at the bar be fo re suting dl)y; n, to save time and on her table u r eceipt for the p1epaJ n1ent extre1n1t is marked by a tlc of hlan '- iuus soon Wt!ary any n1au w 10 Y P J "hf~t is the mean1ug of real, ea1ncst hle- za, as they passed. The stage will \V,Ut twenty-hve m1nutes' of a year'~ rent for the cottage, \\1th two rnlored, wn>e washed boulde1', i ts JUnc 1i t t.i \\ 1th a b utt 1e t o he f oug ht aucl a · "\Vho are thl·y 7' asked $rilisbury ~ 'I The u.bluuons n ere p1omptly made, and lion wuh the rna1n land 18 the site of the VIC t 01y t 0 1.10 " B t b I 'VOll. ll t e:;e (:': e.g11nt dou't know tb1.::n1 ' each nia n paid his 37 cents; but the break £10 notes pinned to a paper, .:>n which was Brant House a wateriaa Ince of excellent wntten, ,, To purchase something U'!eful." ' n P young ~eutleu1en cotuptthended notlung '.Kor I,' su.1J Bur;1lip.n1, 'but the) look fnst wad not f,l.nnounceG. until w1th1n a few repute. Was not this tLe r1 ~ht ].ind ofnhlitaIJ!HHsu1 ul all that; tbey had lieen l>orn with gol<l- like people to kuow They 1nu.st be so1ue. mo1ne11ts of the time appointed to start. Thc ottracltons of this spot are not nu- en spuons in ti 1c1r 1nou t Its, nn d ecl ucatt! d body.' for a young couµJe of houted means, nbout The pas5cngPrt1 sat dO\Vll lo their meal, n1erous There is surf-hathmg nil olong on 1 1t' Iica.te Iy u1s1p1 d Iotos starting out upon tbeir matr1tnon111l ca.reer, y t o swa11 ow th e < Half an bonr lnt cr, the ho[el-office \\as uut had scnrcely tasted the coffee \\·hen they thEI outer so:le of the beach, nud good S\v11n - 1 1oney tiu1t fl uws lllt'X l1au sti bl y 1rom sue I1 ber;i1:gcd by a sc..:ore of young n1 en, all anx1 henrtl the nnwl::llcome i:iound of the dnvtr's and 'vas tt not n101e lie<lti.t1ful thon dnphcate nnngon Lhe inner The fi ~l1111 1 ' t ~ fur h , '"' ' t:i tn1ng spoons Clothes, con1µle:x1onE1, ou11 for a peep at the hu;t nanJt!S Up0n the ho1 n, and the au11ouncen1ent-' Stage starts plated fiRh-knneR, and other trash nsualJy and in still weather, yucht1ng 1s rat her n I I t d I given upon hl\.e occas1ons? pv lS l o manner, nn t 1e avo1 d nace of any register It 1s 11te<lless to su.y that out tn three n1iuutcs, gentlen1en 1 fu\·or1te amusement. FurtlH·r than thif'I ' kl uu , o l SJJO , CI\:, \\_, - th e s1n1p Ie o b~ec,s , oI 1 'n herenpon eight grunJbhag p~sengers fnen<lo "ere not in the crowd K t!cl Su.lisTHE GOLF' STrtEAM -The deepgea Qound· there ts httle to be sa1d, save that the hotel thelr sol icnu de bury was no 1nor~ tbe tnan to l'xh1U1t cn11 hastened to bolt a few mouthluls, and gulp is conducted upon hherll prn1c1ple.:i, nnrl I do not know that I ha\ c any se11ous o:;ILy than Charley Buruhatn war; the n1an do\Yn the re1naiude1 of the1r first cups of Ings of Lieut B!.:iryman have done n111ch to the society gene1ally select confirm a pre\ ions theory A.S to the causequarrel with st1ch Jdlows, utter all 'fh ey to JOlu in a. e:crarulile for anytl11ng under cc ffee. or one of the CilU:,PS-ofthe Gulf Stream I But tu tl!e lov er of Nature- and who h~s J.Hl ve so111e su ong v1rtues They are al ways 'Stage read\ I-time up r-a.ll aboard 1 ' the sun They batl l'd1,r.u.ted theu e1notions IS ascertained that, at the depth of t\VO thou the courage to avow himself aught el:3e 1c!eun, and you1 rou~h diamond, though clcnr d0\\!11 1 out of sight, and piled upon sung out the drlver 1 and the aforesaid sand feet,at the stra~ts ot Florida tbe t en1per· tbe sen shore ca11 never be n1 onotonous Tbe eight hastened to resu1ne their sents in the manly a nd ".{.iu1agcous a~ Creur d e-1100, 1s tbern a 1nounW.1n of well·l)!ed 2nort1a S\v1rl and sweep of e\ er Rh1ft11.g waters-llture of the ocean is onl" three <l~i:11ees abo1c Not eo the Yankee horse-dealer, not apt to be scrupu lou sl y nice 111 lua h:ab1ta But, sorr1eho\v or oLher, tlJcse f1;:\lows who veb icle the fl.)tng tn1 st o! foan1 break1nl-(' away into Affalnltty i 8 another \lrtue The SallaLtuy take no trouble Ill i;: al WD.J 11 t be first to gain \\ho was nt that n1on1ent, discussing the freezlng, "While 111 th e cl~ep soun<l7ngs on the telegraph route it is f<1un d the tcn1pernture a gray and 1-:hostly dist<tncc rlo"n to thti a.ud Bu1oba1n l\.intl ot man Oea1s n1ahce the cud A speci!l.l Provid ence ace1us to rncriti:; of a sirloin steak about the size of i;:i ten to fiftee n degrees belo~v the freezing Ueacb-thec::tei na l <lroneotocean, nnnglinJ.! toward n o one, an d is d 1sagre('n bl c on Iv e.1d the poor, helple1:1s creatures So, \\ hile lur:i two haaJs. point. Hence, accord1t1g to,\·elll1.no\\:nlaw, it·elt \\ilb ol1e's talk by <lay Rnd with tlw iv) ·e 0 asd41 ItlI 'h nmmer auc. l totJgs · the crO\\l1 still preased a.t tbe oJtic~ desk, 1 u} some You'1l be left, s1r-tbe stage is about light dance music rn the parlors by nwht· u t 1I1tanun All he as ks ts t o be pe1m1tte d Je1ry S\\ayne, the head clerk, hnppened to to atart-1t runs here upon exact tlme,' su1d the comparntively " a11u a nd light ,vaters of ,.., the gulf, 1uade lighter by the inasses of fresh all these are uct1ve eources of a passive t o 1c11 e a\\ ay I11s pIea,:: ant l 1l c nnn10 Iesteo..I to pass directly by the piazza wbe1e the Ill· the laudlurd to EzeJoel water ft0m the M1sfnos1pp1 ,tnd other rivers, pleasure And to he at Jeug:th upon the L , 1 1 t I '\' '\.Vaal, I ha1n't got breakfast; and 1f tbe as~ y, 1e is ex r eme y ornan1enta 1 r e ert ones s~t, and, ra1s1ng a conncal eye, sa .. 11se and fio 1v off to" urUs Lhc colder regions tawny sand, watch1ui{, wi th halt cl osed 11 II I1k l' 1o see pretty t b ing'l, anu I n.ni. sure luted them stage runs on time, let her run , I ruther of tho North ; at th e snn1c ttnte the denser eye:S, the heavuig \Vavc~, that mount aaa1nst th at Ch ar Iey B urn h am, 111 I11a l res ll, w b t t e n 'Hea\'y aruvuls to night See the turn- guess I shall have the value of my 37 cents waters of the Northern Atlantic n1ake their a. dark-blue sky, wherein greflts1lvery mas~ d k t h I fi I h b d f before I leave thJS table.' uc ~u1 , "it 11s ne, t 1orottg - re ace out 1' way son'hward to r estor e eq u1hbr1um Thus ~so f cloud floiL 1rlly on 1 \lb1ter than the l' b 1 <lb 1 In a moment more the stn~e d1d . . e:tart,but 'Yes,' n1ur1nurcd Nt!d sunht sails ltJ11t fade and L7ruw 'l.ud fade gent c as n gu s-s ate y n snowy Panthere are t\\O Clllrentf'l1 an upper and an un0 'Old Chapman and larmly }J15, <laugh- \\lthout Eztk1el, who cuntinned h1s attack a1ua, Ins hloude 1noListache ca1efull y po1utder, fiowiug in con t1a1y d1rect1ous The Id ) nl ong t b e Iiot1zon, wl11 l e so1ne 1.ur danlsel J b ·'] d ~ , is go eu 11ur c 1 usteu ng 111 tbe most ter dro\e the pony-phrotun, \\ Ith her friend, upou the ed1bltis Bi:::cu1ts, cofl'~e, cakes, SI t s c I ose b v, read u1g ancient b ru a s o 1 a upper ISapparei1t clnd \Vel! kno"n as the &c, &c., d1'appeared rapidly befor· the eyes a l\11ss Thurston Itegular nobby ones I L" l<l I I f l d p1ctureFque posSlble little waves, Ins httle Gulf Stream; The una.er 1~ hequenllydemstmp e ine re, or 0 er egcn ~ 8 0 ave .an ted neck nl>bon-tho only bit of color In Chap1nan's the st12am::1L1pman, you kno\v, of the aston1dhed landlord. rorua11cc-tell 1ue, n1y eater of the fnslnon· onstrated by tlie t1ct of imtnense 1ceberge I say, squire, (s1.ud he,) these ~akes are Worth thou.sands uJ n11l11ons r l'd hke to '·l I t · lb 1t version we II hts dress-tied 111 n. stllclto11sl5 careless knot, reaching do\vn tho·1 sa.ncla of feet belo\v the au e o oi:i, J;s not is a c be connected '\'Ith Ins family-by tnarr1age, about e!lt, aad I guess I'll tuke another '· uud Ins pure, uuta1ate<l gloves of pParll surface of the ocean, Ucing seen float111g ~ort i your JJav111g 1 1 grist of c111 And \vh1le th~y're cook1n' 01 Javeud er, \vao:, if J muy be alluwed say " and Jerry went off, ruUt11ug his crop Tb ere is an tur o f eai:n: COl'.13. b 1IJt ) an101Jg- gray southwEtrrl against the A11rf1ice current I peel bead , and smiling all 01 er, as was lib· on 'en1 I~ll eat a couple of them b1led eggs, t 1e ex pretic.Ioni Just as pre.tty as a picture the gu('>sts at the Brant H ouse, a d1spos1tion N d S 1 l a nd a piece uf ha.rn, Raise your O\\ n pork, ~ e a is iury w1s not 1 ess 'a JOY fore\ er' wont on t he part ol all to contribute to th e gen d l , ' 'I know wbo they are now,' ea1d Chur- squire 1 'flus \\'us a 'niazin nice ham. \V1ll CHEAl' BrrrEHS -The Pharrnaccutical lle.tccor ing to tie u1ctun1 o 1 llic 1ute Mr eral au1useinent, that mak l: S a sun11u e1 ~o K H d k vic10 gh;es the fotlo..,.ing forr11ula 1nanufac'~let a cous1u of tbe1re, Joe Faulkner, you li;t your gal, here, pour n1e outanotht1 eatti e "'as ar Pr tbun Buruban1 ley JOUrn on the beach far more agreeable than ' cup ol coffoo. Land is tolerable ebeop turing 111edic1nnl bnters "Take ot cheapest a.broad, two years ac::o Douced line fe llow w1Lh ve1y bla..:.k ha1r an<l. a moustache worn in certain Iarger, n1ore l requente d \vutcr1ng F b II 1 ro11nd here, I .!!'pose, for I see there o.iu't wb1oke;1o an inch finite quantity ; of any bitter .Ar1ny ' 1n l 1 1e n1anner t!lc re1Jc cu tri..lljfe b d ' placea, \Vhere one 1s always Ill danger of dis h 1 1 Dewin' vegetable, 11erb, fl ower, root or bark, q. s. 1 Tno manly art of wago:i1ug 1s not pursued much grO\\ tiJ ot heavy timber. w ic J )ecurne im, an 1ncrea;;ed tie air coter1ng thnt the gentlemanly p~r~on \\11th very v1gorously at Brant Beach The 1oads pretty good trade, I gue.ss,n1n't you, squire 1' ~I1x aud tinvor \\Ith nnylhu1g or nothing Put ot pensive melaucholy that d1etrngmabed wI 1om h c lltl:s b een f rater0Jz1ng is u faro .1 -and thus Ezekiel kept queot1onrng my In bottles,a111l e1nploy an expe1t J1nr to \Vr1te d ea Ier, or ti lat t h e l a dy w h o I1as l 11lr faecl- Ills uark eyes, thoughtful nlt1tudes, and are too heavy back from thd wat~r, un<l the labels and cert1hcates Present o. fe,v bottles host until he bad made a hearty meal. drive 18 confined to a nurro\V s t11p of wet t d h A h It S II s len der figure, Not that he was 111 the 18 1 na e uu noaymlL erse ti ' aorue least de ree ensn e or melanchol " or saild along tL e shore , so cnrrrnges are few, ~<\.s I've got a long \\'ay to ride before to editors and cler1o?yn1 e n of taste, advertise considt=>r the Brant 1Ather fllo~, and rn inv h 1 lg d p ), d1nr1er,' continued the horse-dealer, 1 per largely ,tnd sell foi GOO pe:r cent ubove cost 1 t at 1e 1a cause to )e quite the con· and the ponJ·ChasA bccnn1e a d1sting111shed good f olk were a trifle surprrned wl1 e11 .l'Yir J haps) ou'll let your gal get me a bo" I of of material" 1'01111.:rcase the plotitBtllJ 1nore el~ment a.-t once So.lishury and Burnnan1 Eu S b 'I C 1 tlary, bnt 1t wos hJB ·tyle, aud he did it \VP. should suggest Lho.t the manufacturer win a 1ts nry anc1 1' r 'hares Burn i.-..cll wlnrled pa8t it 10 th ei r light trott ing wagons milk; tor l'tl hkc son1e bread and milk to ha1n arnv"d by tbe late stage lron1 Vi-?1k tshould go in for \vhol esalc undert.tkcr's bus/ top oil' wllb rrhese two liutterihes sat, one afternoon, at a lunous pace, and looked ho.rd nt the haSBet SLat1on 1 '~ HL trunks enough for t\' o Tile milk""' speedily placed before the iness also, a custon1 r.r in the first instance, upon the piazza, smok1ni.,:: 'ery large c1· t\\O yon11g l(td1ea in pa~s1ng, Lut nlthout first-clnss city belles, and a tnost uncxccp wou1<l b~ certn1 n ~o rr:qu1re the other instance Kara, lost apparently in profoundest mec11- elic1uug even the smallest i.::lauce f1on1 them hungry gu·st, who thereupon called for n before long. tional mnn-ser\a11t in grey livery, Jn cht1rge spoon, bLlt<-110 spoon could be found, rrhe lu retur11 ._ tat1ou . Burobn1n, with Ills graceful head of two beauttful setter-dogs 'Confouuded ,zistingue looking g1rlf'I, an d waiter gul S"td she bad cert:unly put on six resting upon one delicate hand, Lia clea1 These geutlen1en see1ued to ha\ e 11uag1n· Pumshment of Covetousness blue eyes full of a pleaeont light, and lns all that,' owned N~d; 'but, ;:n~, iearfnlly sliver table spoons \YhAn she snt the table, e<l that they were about vislt1ng eo1ne \Jack and ao they were gone, sornebody must have unconscious of a fell ow P ft1ee '\arn1ed by a caln1, u11consc1ous am1lr, . 'fl>e story of M1da,, the Phrygiau krng, woods wildt- rness, so1ne savage tract of coun This cond111on of inatle 1 ~ c0n tinned until stolen them Tho landlord looked bard at ls an apt 1llustrat1or1 of a covetous man 's n11ght h ave been revolving so1ue splend id 1 try, r~rnote, unh1t!nded 1 111elan cbol), rhe the young 1uen \\ere actu1!ly driven to at the Yankee schc·nc of nn1\· ersnl plnlanthropy des1re when grttutecJ. Tho an c1eut tnon· slow ,' for Lhey brought aln:1oet everyth1ug only ntteiunce, ho\,e\er, forced f1(11n Jnin knowledge to each other that they shottld 'Oh, yon neel1'11t begin to suspect n1e, arch asked a favor of Uie gods, and they with them that m en ot elegant leisure could by til e suhhn1 e thoughts that permeated not m1nd knowing the occupants ol th~ equ1re 1 I've had a first-rate breakf9.st, and agree<l. to grant hun \\batever he should require, as 1f the hotel \Vere Uttt four walJ;i lns soul, was the em1sE1on ot a white roll- pony-carnage. It \\as a great conceao1on, beeu too \\ell treated to be mean eltough to desire. The moiu1rch, overJO)cd, cleterand a roof, \Vhtch they must furnish "1th 1ng volun1e of frugr.1nt sn1oke, acco1npa- and \\as rewa.rded duly. A b11ght, hand steo.l your spoons -but I can't say as much n11ned to uJake the 1avor inexhaustible. thPtr own chatlles. I an1 sure rt took 111ecl l1y two '\ords so1ne boy oi seventeen, Miss '1 1hurston's for al 1 of us. There \\as one chap \Vho,no'v He prayed that ,vhate' er he touched niight Tho1nas, tlle man ser\ant, a whole day t o ' DJoced hot!' b1otbe1, ca1ne to pass a fe\v days at the sen- I thrnk on't called seveml times to hove a be turned rnto gold 'l'be prayei was grantunpack the a\vntne;s, the boot Jacks, the Sahsbury <lid not reply He ·at, lran- s1Ue, and fraternized Jllth everybody, but spoon handeu to b1m When he got up, I ed, and bitter \\ere the consequences gHme-liog..i, the c1gnr boxee, the gun8 1 the 1ng back, "Ith 1110 fiuget8 interlaced he.- \'las especially delighted with Ne·l Sahs- noticed that be \Vas Envfull) riled and anx- Whatever the lung touche d clid turn into ca.tnp F:tool@, the liquor casr8, the bathnir:i· hind l11s head, ancl ht ~ sbado"y eyes liury, \\'ho took him out sa1hng and sboo t- tous about son1etha1g or other.' gold. He laid his httnd upon a rock und s111ts, bnd other paraphernalia that tLesa do\,ncast, as In sud rerr1e1nbrance of eome 1ng, aud, I o.m vlra1d, gave him ctgari, ' Aud do) ou really thrnk that he took it bec<1me a huge ma" of gold of priceless pleasure-set k ers brought It n1ui:.t Uc ownlong lo:it lo\ e So 011glit a poet have stealthily, when ont of range of Miss Thurs· the spoons 1' asked the anxious pubhcau value. He clutched J1 1s oaken staff, and 1t ed, howe\er, that tbeu roon1, n large one lll T'he result wa.s, thut the lookld 1 ' ' lnle steeped JU n1ournfully ra.p- ton'a tine t!yes, 'De\v I think 1 No, I don't think, but I bt:ca1ne in hrn baud n bar of virgin gold the Bachelor's Quarter, fac1u g the aea 1 wore turous day drean1s oi re1ucu1bered pass1on lirst l1n1e the lad wnlkeu on the bench w1tb an1aart1n,' rephecl the Yankee. A.t hrst the lllOl.l.lrch 'SJOY ,vas lHJbounded, a very comfortable, t:portsn1anhke Jook, and severance So m1ght Tenuyson's hero the two g1rl<1, and n1et the .) oung men, 1n'lf they're all as green as you a1e, rouud and he returned to his palace tbo most fawhen all wus arranged. have mused, when he sangtrod11ctlons of au enth1udastic nature ·were bere, I guess I'll come and locate at onct, vored of mortalti J·.la., ' for the short Thus surrounded, the young men betook lli8tantly sprung upon them An attf!1npt fnr I'd be sartin to make my fortiu' roghtcduess of man He 8 ,1t at tLe table " Ob, tha.t t'were possible, themselves to the deliberate pursuit ot idle at couvereation follow ed After long gnef and pa.111 1 The landlord rushed out to the stabk, and all ho touched t urned rnto mockery of plt?b.sures 'l'hey arose at n1ue and \vent To find the arms of my true lo\ e How do you like Brant BeacL 1' asked a.nu st..1.rted off a man on horsehack to O\'er· his wish, to pure, sulHl g< ld Th~u the con· down the shore, intauubly r1::turn1rg at teu R ound rue once aga1n ' Ned. take the etage. lu about three quarter$ of vict1on came rushing upon his humbled with ant! unfortunate srupe, wluch was pte· But the poetic hps op~nr.d not to EUch 'Oh, 1t 1s a pietty place,' fN1d 1\I1ss Uhap.. un hour it wa_a drt\'en up to the tloor1 ngu1n, mind that Jte must plllBh Jtoni his gra.ap .. f:l~t ved. on ice, "1tl1 much cerPtllOD), till n111nber:i. Sali~bury ga;o:;ed, Jong nud t>ar- wa11, but not lively enou ~h ' when Ezek1el leisurly prepared to take lns In~ w1sb-d1e 111 th e 'n1d,t ot plenty, and wante<l At thi s rate 1t took them a week ni?s lly, nnd flllcllly gave vent to 111s en10· 1 \Veil, l~urnhntn a11d I f1rd 1t pltasant, seat ren11:'1ub~I111g thP o· J!,U1'l s,\' lno he bad to shoot a Lre akta~t J but to sec th ctn s'\I !y tion8, n1d1cat1ng, \\ 1d1 the nn1lJer tip of Lis aw, we 11ave J ot~ ot tun' 'W l II yon p Ica.f:le point out t be 1nau who hea 1d, 'the l-!O<l8 tta 11 ' t l v.. s c " in n 'l Ot take fortb, spientl.1tl 1u \el\ {;li.:!l:'ll nnd cor<luroy 1 ctf:ar Lulic tl.~ ~ctt~r that tilcpt 1n the sn11'Indeed t \Vhy, '\\b,1L do .)'011 fl(J r you th 1 Hk ha.s ta.ken those spooufl,' nltt::> batk tht>lr gtltl-l,' h e 11, 1, 1 k<l to th!:! 1?.ttirnly with to1J·boots and a cou1plete li,1rn es ~ oI sl11111" nt hi "' 1~1.: t ; Oh, I don't kno\v E"t!lJ tbu1g' µer~dtbo1r1nk~etier. sunlin~ D1011)i::111s to J!t;f o1·e to b1n1 the green cord and patent leather stta .:_)~ 1 you 1 '8hoc 1dnK pl1ct>, this, i'vr dogs"-! arn lH tbe shootn1g good 1 I ,e,n\ you \\ltb 'Point h1n1 out 7 - sart1nly I will ' Th~ coa1seQt . \II( 1'1t fuoll , .. "I cl d eJ iver I.1n1 f ro1n \\·ould hnve 1mng1ued that all tho ga.1ne s o1ry to ctJy bt· pro~1011nc1;;d it 'do.wgs,'- )OUI gun::.i, JCSttrdtt~ ' horse dealer tht1~upon gC>ea out untl openi;. the curse of gold. Oue vleasaut J_!.!ne morning, the stage lelt Whcelrng as nsual at four o'clock for Columbus; and some gentlemen, who had travelled the route, soon began · tu talk of the prub,b1hty of gettrng a full mormng qn1ck. talent and independence. Upon the seat befl1Je her sat unolhtr 1ueal ~t the tavern 1n question A 1l ci 1nont datusel, Jea n1ng 1ndolentl) back in 11 coiner horse dealer-Ezekiel Pnr::iOllS-JOtned in of the carnage: Tlns one was a Jntle fture1 the C'onve1sation,soty1ng, that he'd be darn'd than the first, ha' 1ng oue of those beautdul tt any Hoosier could clusel hlm out of his that if n1c-n were ob11r~ed to subnllt tc, so 1nuch shopp1:ig, <1.n·I n1atcb111gi nod ad\1s1ng and "Lr)111g u11 1 " they "ould break then prou11se nl tt:nc r tl1a11 they do-1he 1asca1a Now, girl~, th1d cvntirlent1al-la 1t not t~k1ng too natch thought for the 1norrow,to work and \\'Orry) onrselves 1µto l ean ne<:.s of body and soul in 01d er to asto und " )lour ac qua1ntu.nces hy th e vauetJ of) our bridal ap purel? \Ve coufess-no, it l S not a si n, we boast-that we have nn eye-two e) es~for that most cha11n1ng \is1on 1 beaut1Jul wonHUI richly u.nd beco111ingl) dressed, to ferrnnine loveliness we gtud).('e nothing \\·1th1n the bonds ot taste and ot a pur~o w luch is open at one e~d £01 cbauty, and \\'e think o. httle modest extravagancc,l' en1f 1t bus to he plauned tor, n1ay be purdoncd on the clay\\ luch should be the faire st Ill a n1a1den's calendar, But to mul\e up gnr1nents for years and yenrs to prepare a tJOVASeau ten t1n1es as elaborate as ever 'vas needeU u1 ihrtatlon Jay8-girls, wbat are )O'l th1nl\1ng otl Don't von know that an unrnllled face 11 ill ple"'e th e br1de- grooni more than forty rufTl ed sk1rts1 Wouldn't you J:l.!$pect yourselve.::. 1nore were J Otl to"get 1cndy" by lea rning new waya to he really useful, than if you m,lke yourselves 111competent for nnythiug but to exhibit i.:ew dresscs1-Ghristian Unif}n LITERATURE. I I ______ I