:'flIE MERCHANT, FRIDAY :FEBRUARY:. 19, 1S75. POETRY. The Church Spiders. Two spitle ns, Au th<' stol'y ; oe,.;, Upon a. ]h·ing Lou L, FARM AND KITCKEN. Advantages of Sma1l Farms· your defence.' counterpart to this is the story of the It"sh Lorse-stealer, wJ10, when . ~ " · A cor1·espo1aleu t \.1:1·ites to the Deparhnent of Agriculture from Vnn Buren, ll·Wtt, tha.t he is running a s1nall farm of forty acr~s, with Eutured the meetiu g-hous~ one tl:;ty, twenty under cul ti va.tion in fruit, ·egetabler;P A~nd hflpefully were hea.rfl to say, and tnnall grain. ·· Thfy inco1nc yaries from " H ere we t!liall have at least fair play, $1,000 to $2,000 a.-j<·ear," he appears proud to '\Yith 11othi11g to prevent.,. j acknowledge. The 1nQ1e industry a11d intBl· ]~a·~h chose big pl nee ttnd went to work . lect one puts into an acre of aoil, the more 'l'he li~ht wdJ8 gre'tY 1ipacc ; I money he fa likely to take out of it. His judg· One on the 80 fa spun his thread, .111ent ~hou!d tell him wbeat crops w:ill pay nest But !:! hortly can:w .th<:: t:\tj xtun dL·cad, ii~ the ma1ketl'.I \vithin his reach, .w ith a small _\ nd swept him off, <ilHl so) half dea.d, fni·m olm;;e in ha.nd, small taxes, and small outHo l'.loug.ht anothei· place. go for labor, feerl, anU wwrkiug Stock, There 1ls both art and goo(l sense in keeping rlown ex1 · l'l\ tl'y the pulpit next,". said he; 1 penses on the farm, and in .other branches of "There, 1'urd }~, hi a prize; I bu~iness . · · The desk appea,rs so Ill.'.U.t and clean, S Jccess in hIJage a.11d· husbandry depends on Besides, huw often 'lw. ve I seen , t.b.~ capacity of the I,iurnan brain, rathe:r than 'The riastor bru .~liing fli t' 8 '. l' on the sizE- of oric's pl~nt£tion. One family,by He tried the pulµit, but a.la1o ! Hkill, iudustry and economy, hecomea rich by His hopcf:. proved vit~ionarv ; cultiYo.ting twenty acres only, while another \Vith dusting- brmih the !!exton <:am(~ family grows poor by the bad rnanagerucnt of And spoilt his georn etric game, 2000 under the plon·. It js-not the pursuit, but Nor gi\·e hiln tin1e or spaoe to claitn the n1an that is a ~failuie, :!'he farmer often The right uf sanctuary. g1·a;,,ps more acres than he can h~dle to the At lengtb, half i:-;tan- ed, a11d weak and 1..:an, best ndva.ntage, and all :~1e wori:i or Je~f:i sLighted at certain times and aeasQns to the iujury of ]TH ~1111 L.d,t. h iR form er neighbor, his cash income. L~bor is misdirected, or neg· \\ h'< aJ .. l.., .. ~·' · . · t! "O 1')11 .c\ 11.nd 1oun<l, lected till out <if scasou, \Vhen vitality in_ seeds He weighed ths f1 action of a pound. j and cultivated plants does no good. On·:i. small And looked as if t]1c art br/d found fa.r111 !:lH!J'Y blow may be struck at ~he proper Of living without labor. n1omcnt. ·· l{ow is it friend/' he asked, "that I E.,·ery person ha~ but a limited qunntlty of .Endured such thnmps n.rul knocks, force, physical n.nd mental ; a.nd it is the most \Vhile you have grown f:IO very gross?" I comli'lon of all 1nistake~ to dilute and 8prcad thia "'Tis plain,n he :i..usweredi "1.wt 11 lo.-~ 1 fol'ce over foo large a surface. It is not the I've met filncl:l ti ri;t T !-lpnn across tliffm.lion of nrnscufa.r ~tre11g-~h 1 l>ut its conceu. The Contribution Box." tration that bores artesian well~ , and draws a - Alice Clark. f.:iuntain of liviug '"at er from th e strata of rocks hundreds ot feet in thickneH::J to the surf act! for the use of uneducated man. J)jffttsed labor ou a. large farm, is like the scattered rays of light in the interstellar spaces before the telescope "'"oman\1 Iights~Kis.'Jes. collei..:L~ theu1 tugetl1er, au<l thel·eby ex tends hu' man vision and knowledge to millions 0f suns How to be hone ~t -K eep out uf puliti.::s. and worlds before unknown. \Vherc to go\\ hen short of 11iuney-G11 to 11hc oultb.·u.tor of the earth need~ tin1o.; aud work. opportunity for profita.ble study. How shall A dean shirt is one o( woina.n'd best gifts to he co1nmand such an a.dva.nfa1.ge ? Not, surely, by holtling mo.re la.n1d thnn lie uses with any man. benefit to his family, or tn in::i.nkind a.t large. ..:\.. bizzy-Lo<ly iz likti a ridt ch1;:e::e·-Jf11ll ov 'l'he democratic doctrine of seeking '~ the grent· little things. est good 0f the grtiatetit 111.unber1 " forbids all 'l'biedug in th e nntElditll. Picking ladies land monnpoly. Seventy-live ruen are said to own one·half of the soil of Scotlaud. Such a. pockets. state of Rooicty ca.nnot lb.st many centuriet_.1 in A }...,act-.r\ wan rnay bti very sharp, a1lCl yet the futu te. IJive and let live, fo a principltl ne\·er cut an acquaintance. good for all time.-- 1\raslwillc Union and Ameri· How to rnake inuney go as far as possible. - C((n. ({ive it to foreign 1nissions. . 1 I O'Connell nad obtained his acquittal, exclaitned1-in the exuberance of his gratituae, '0cb 1 councellor! l"ve no way liere to thank your hOnor; but I wish 't I sa·w you knoCked down in n1y own parish-wouldn't I bring a faction to the rescue'I' Another abunilaut claes ut at r.ries are those of the confusion which results from sleepitig and dreaming. \Ve read in Hi~ eroclee that a man 1net ·o. fool, and said to hitn, 1Sir blockhead, I saw 11nd Eipoke to I you in Juy sleel:J!' 'A tl1uusa11<l pardon~,' [ was his reply; 'I was so busy I <lidn'~ hear ' AUTUMN! 1874:. S. rrREWIN, OSHA-W- A, GRANJ) OJI Just Ari:ived. at the , FASHION HOUSE u. splendid ai:;svrtn1ent of NEW MILLINERY. A..hiu 1 lut vi. S 'l' 0 CK ' REAL HAIR. F.AN CY GOODS, & ·\-ou lieJ· he replied, 'l was in the country.' Annth· er worthy dreamed he was selling n suckingrpig,for which he asked a hundred pence. Some one bid him fifty; lie stoutly refus~d, and in his energy woke up. As pig nnd 1noney were alike denied to his waking· eight, he speedily clci:et.l bi s eyeB again and, extenclin_g his r.&Im, smd to the dru.nuland bidder, 'Well, well, let's have tbe fifty!' A variatiori of ,tbls cla.i::;; is Lhe Story or the two fooJt<, 01:e of whom <lreuru ed "tlHLt he bnd tretlden on -a nail, :ind strt\ig.htw.ay (uu waking) biiud11g<>d his foot, lliR ""co1nrade havin,g asked a.11d learned tbe re~s6n 1 delivered biu1!'lelf of- the 1w~e observation:~RightlJ arc we culled fooli:,;11; for why ever do you g'1 to rest without your 6hoes ou?' ~~,:~".:::,~:1:;0~'.··n~::;.:~:;~~~·;~'.~ 1 ~,:~: three days Lack, in n1y <lrenms.' S1 APLE & FANCY DRY GOODS 1 · Stamps for Ba.idil1g and Em- broidy. Which excel in STYLE and VALUE. ---o--- FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. as \\sua.l. Important Announcement ! ----o---- :M:illinery and Ua11tle De:partment · Replete with Lat.est Styles & Novelties. MRS. A. FLETCHER MOtfl\1}1 ING GOODS .A SPECIALITY Bowmanville, . April 7th,1874. 1 BOWMANVILLE Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- Great ~~ed.uotion, in · Dry Goods! Furnishings I Gents' A Large Stock of Cloths ancl 1'rimmings, made to Urdei'. Pits G·u amnteecl. Latest fityles in flats, Sh:irts, 7'1e.s, &c. J Machine and Implement Manufacturing Co Crumbs for Chickens. Tbti doctors and their patients nre not Ladies' and Children'. Fine Malm. CHJ<;AP~:81' GOODS in TOWN forgotten in the old jests. Tbere is the CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS,, &c. case of one who, hnving' hH<l his uvnla op· NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. erated upon, was bidclen not to tafk. - .Accordingly, he -desired hi-s sla~e to return for The intelligent Yeomanry of West Durham and 80;1th Ontario, are behim the &alutatior·s ot' thdse who b1dc hint coming folly aware that OSHAWA affords the Best Market; her M~nu good-'tllorrow; - but, when this was done, factories supply the Best Implements ; and her enterprising ~ferchants kept sayiug to ea.ch iu th~ fu1IJesa of his 8elJ tlle rn11;t ;)ty li.ih Goods,at .P lUCES rgulated by a. healthy competition courfesy: :·D on't take it as au ·a ffront if my slave salutes you in niy stead; my n1edical man has l1idden u1e not.to talk.' Anoth er fool being sic:k ~gr_eed with the doctor that he would par him a fee if cur_ ed . So when his wifi; l.,i lainE'd Li1n for diiuJong wine when in il high state of t'e\·er, he retorted, 'What! du )'Oll \\aut iue to get well, then, BOOTS and SHOES ! Ma.nufa,otures of llURDOUB BROS. Having decided to make a cha.uge in their business, are nuw selling for CASH their large anrl well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, WOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINE R'i. AT AND BELOW .COST! The Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on .g etting NEW All Wooll Double Turbine ================:=:o:===::======;:=:o====:::-==---=======Water Wheels, Osbwa.We,t.. King St ~ept. 23rd . 1874. I FALL - STOUR AT · l and It-lost }Jeople are like eggs-too full of tlH:m· ·i!eh·es to hold anything else. F~cts Worth Remembering. and to have to pay the doctor his feel .>\.. 1uan ie told of, who steing a physician con1iug1 ~ltpped out of sight. A friend obsen..-ing this ai-ked the reason, 1Well,' said th!:! other, "tis some tjnie since I have been sick, and really I'1r. ashamed to be seen Castin gs of a.11 ltind.s MORE AND BETTER GOODS FOR 'l'IIEIR iJfONEY at this Establshment thun in uny other house in the country. REPAIIiS · done on the - Call Ea1·ly, and secure Bargains, as the whole Stock must be sold at once, far CASH ONLY. One thousand sh~ngle!-(ln.icl f0uriochc.s to the In ascending the bill of prosporit.r, may ,..·e weather, \vill cover one hundred an11a.re feet of J)evcr meet a frienJ. surfaui:\a.Dd gve poundP of shingle nails will fa~tr 'If t~ n1t1n has a tiger by the tail, which would en them on. One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed be the best for his personal t<Ufoty-to hold on th(Ln the nu1nber of square feet to be covered, Ol' t·J lt:t go ?' because of the lap fn the siUing and the ma.tch· · \Vhy did y·nt pass yesterday \\ithout look- ing of the tl.oor. ing a.t u1e ?' sa.id a be'tutiful \voman to Tallt-JtOne thou3ai1tl la.th -will c6ver seventy yards of ra.nd. 'l3ecnuse, n1a.<l!\u1, if 11- had looked, 1 surface, antl cl.even pound:i of la.th n.a.ils will could not ha'" e p1;1.si;ed ' 1 nail thom on. Bight bushels of gooml lin; e, 1;;ixteen b11shela ' Pnp:.i.., are you ~ro\\.-ing taller all the tiuie ?' ')lo, 1ny chi1cl ; wl1y do you ask?' u 'Cause of sn.nd, and one. busheil of hair, \viJl make en- ' the top of ;\'Our h~a.d fo poking through your ough gpod mortar to pfa.ster one hundrt-d square yarrfo. hair." A Curd of stono, three bnshfl.ls c.;f lime. and a .A little girl on the t1 u.iu \\as n.sked wht~t ·cubi.c yard of Aand will Li.y oue~hundred cubic niotive was taking her to the dty. 'l belie·le feet of wall. tl1ey ca.U it tlHi 1ncomotive,' !:'!.'l.i~l tho little inno- · li'i ve eourS"es of. brick will lay one foot in cent height on a chimney, ~ix bricks in a conr~e will Four 'totlJies' dO\\H u. 1nan'8 thro-it these tna.ke a. flue four iuclrns wide r.nd t\velvc inches cold tlays (oiayi; fl. Scotch col1temporary) \Von·t long, and eight. briCks in a c~nrs~ will ma,ko a s widtl and sixteen inche1! long. warm a man half so n1u r!h as a f'l ingle hot puno.:h flue eight inche_ - P1·airi.e Fanner. on the nose, by him.' Arnong the old storiei:i which are 7ers old, and l:ltill current iu son1eshnpc-, are those of the ordn· to stuff a pitober, tbat hnd served as a liu\ £:tcl', with foatberil hy way of' ruaki11g it sulter; tbat at' the sitnpltton who, wanting to crosA the river in a hurry, preferred to ride into the ferry· boat and not alight; th at of th e m'o.n whu, -going to enq lllre for a 8ick friend, was told by his widow, '...<\.las, be'1:1 gone!' and simply replied, 'If he returni:;:, will you say I calledr thnt of 1dn1 '"ho when called to task for usu rpirig hid hall-porter's fnnctions, and saying 'not at home with ~1is O\VD lips, pro· c.etded to pick a quarrel with his visitor be· cunse he doubte<l his word, though he "·onld ha\'e LeJieved his slave's. 1 " " Diagonals. Homespun. FrepchReps. Flaid's. Merinoes. Russian Twills. Plaid Wincies. Plain do. Shawls . Fhmuells. SHORTEST NOTICE, 'Ve havti now on hand a large quantity of THE GROCERY - DEPARTMENT Common and Gang Plows, that wiH be eold at is now complete with the choicest supply of LOW PRICES tf. Ohristtn as Goods, l~aise1is, O·ur1·ctnts, gars,' Peels, etc.; etc., at all Prices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874. AT THE SHOP. . Bowroanville, March 6 1873. --o-- Manchester House, Scpte1nber 24, 1874. Bo'W'm.anville. 1873. -o- 1873. ---o--- MURDOCH BROS. A little boy asked a l.L<ly who made her iliacl1ine ]01· A s.~o rtin[! PotatoeJ.-r:l'his ina· tet:th. 'lt!y Ure!1,tor.' she replied.·- ' \\1 ell,' chine consists of long rollers, a. hopper, n."so1t· sa.id the ~·oungavw, 1 D r . - - nH'lde my ma's, iug board and gradiDg chute\.!, so co1nbined and up.' ·1'ot ·so,' wrote the simple slow·goc1· :uu.1 th~y beat yonr·n clean ont of sid1t.' nn·anged th;.'lt the potatoes being 51lovelled into tu answer1 ·on thr. f'!,\n1e niellium of cornmug nic&tlou; 'Y·"tl wait for ruP, 1- 1ifelhod·isl. Au cxpt'tienr.ed tc~ar.h m· ~·lYH th(l{, it io; inl}1of:!· tlrn hopper at one end and caui:ied tu run a.101 1 ~iblc for a Sunday school scbolar, with a boil, to the assorting board and the rollerf'!, the sma.ller sritisfactorily fasten l1is lnind dO\\ll even upon potatoes will escape between the roller and the the 1'-imple~t expol-:iticn of the !:lchetnc of sa.1 va· assorting hoard, whilo tht:- larger onea ·will be dischu.rged at the end. 'rhc distance between tion. the roller or rollera and the ai:osorting boa.rd in· at the ·'-\.. Doctcr's wifB <~ttenilJtled trJ n1ove him by rreaHe1; from the head towv.nl tL e tail, itlHl the h~i' tears.' ~~h !' ..:aiJ b;;, · te ur~ are uH::~ess . I potatoes esca',)c through the apaco, varying in have anul:-,·zBd thetn. Tht·y contain a little size in the sa1n~ mewrgre., so. t,hat they ca.n be phos1,.1hate of lime, som~ chlorrtte of sodium 1aJ1rl separated into two o't' more grndcs by suitable wut~r. pfl.rtitions in~o receptacles be;ow. The ass;)l'tA r:ch (lfticer of tcvcuuc t.hc other dity ru;kcd ing board is adju:otable toward and frmn the 11 lnun of \\it \vhat ,.;ort of .'.L thin:.r :ipulencc \·:n.~. roller, ~o ai:J to change th ; grade at will. OULD roc,st respectfully tende1· his sincere 1 It fo a U1i11g,' n:pliod tlit.: r.11il ol:lo!Jl1cr·, ' which tl1'a11k!! tv his uun:ie:rous friends and cueJ..'ooth·Aclw. -l!'or the benefit of t,hose who may can gi\·c a rascal the fld\'a!lt'"-gt' nve1: nn h011e1,t tomers, and to the public generally, for the need n little consolation, ·wu publii;h the follow· very lib·Ta.l support he haa received since his 1nan.' iug from a corre1:1pondent of an exchange: commenci11g in businef!3 ; and hovea Ly con· VVhen ;~ Pe1,;· i~t1 :q1eak~ up :H.d ~e,y:j tha.t the ·' If i111Y oue 0f onr readers suffer from tootb.· tinued strict personal attention to bufliness, and r-,hnh is an o1d long-uosed rhlncct;;ro::i.,llC\ l1at:r j ns t ache, or neurali;,ric affectionl!'., acising from. teeth offering nothing but the pu1·est articles. at the nrnst reaaopable prices, to ensure a continuance a.b(1Ut timt', hef1Jre his h2ntl flies off1 to sBnd in any state of dccny, they inay ex1Jcricncc re- of public patronage. . \\t1 nl to Iii:;! \~ift: that ~he uw·1l11't sit up to un J. H . would call special attention to his \"Crv lief, instantan~ous and permanent, by saturat· · Jock the 1mll door f r,r lilm that t.:H·n1ug-. - Dctruil ing a smn.ll bit of clean cotto11 ut wool, with a superior stock of The last jest we· dte i~ that of the fuuliC!b G reek pc<lcslriuus, one of \\·11on1· having laggt:d behind and lo1:1t sigb t of his fellow, nn reaching fl. 111iles~one found thnt he had written upon it, ·forne on and catch tne A l~URH ia now ra.gJng a,t F A_LL STOCK. ---o --Dre ss Good.s Newest"Style" . l l of the , 1o0 TBELEVENS· Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? DRUGS AND MEDICINES or t.bc b~8t make, including the celebraterl Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid value. ANDERSON & . their iinmenile ()o· ' Beg to announce to the EJectm:s oC\Vest Durham and sut·rounding country that the~ will i-;dl W STOOK -oF of unequalled BOOTS & SHOES, l I At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. f"1't e P1·u~. Perpltxetl ::duit'i kr. n lw haJ made a garlut!Ut fot a r'ciuth, !' lid fnnnd hin1self unable to dir;110 ~e' {the :;.;111l'l11:,1 fullness which appeared wlH 11 t1 y1ng it ull tho yuung ca.ndidntc, declnrcU vociforuur;iy: 'l)!:! coat is goot ! Is no fault 1·f de CL)11t. Dt: Loy i1; too thin.' a. h ~- of a candy dealer on Tues~ay. 1 Six sticks f r liv1.: cent.~ ~ · 'Sjx ~tiuki:i (ul' fivti <..ents, eh? 1."ow, lem'me s-ee.. Six :ticks ~for fi~·e cents, &\ o for four cents, four for three c~nts, three for two cents, two for one cent, and one for no· thin'. I'll take one. 1 .And he '"·alkcd out, leadng the candy man, in a state of bewilder· lntnt . 'HP'f inuch is y(1Ur stick candy?' inquired strong solution of a!nmonia, and applying it immedi~\te]y to tl1e affected tooth. 'fhe pleasing contrast instantly produces, in sume case, a fit of laughter, although a. moment before, "'e xtreme r-uffering- and anguii:Jh preYniled. I have used the r{~ merly for over one year, aud ha Ye obt~in· ed e~lfficient proof to \vn~ra.nt pubEcation.' -..;::---. .It is shbtel} that the.. pestiferous potato-bugs were pretty effectually cleaned out of Prince \Villiam County, 1.,.irg-inia, last ~um~e1· by the wa1:1ps. In som.o other places, where partridges abound, they a.re claimed t6 be fii-st-ra.te exter· minators. Wetbink j_ t better to raise partridg· cs than \Vnsps ; but then c..-cry one to his liking. STUFFS wldch ~.r(l f .Ho·e and he ts detennjned to continue to sell at theRe J'Ui uo usly low prices chenper than the cheapest. Whv he ctin do it. J<'i1'st, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Second, what he ca.n't Luy cheap enough, he manufactures ! Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! ]fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells a.t ·bottom prices. ' -o~. ND STYLE. and. QtT AL:CTY STORMONT fii~~vtii~io·i~35~:::~Chil~:~~Ui~·~;i~o~'. 10001Jrs. 1J.luu;es Pe/Jnland Bu:(} Balmorals, at 1.50, per vair, for CASH O... ¥L Y. 1000 Pciirs Womei(s, Niwo' and Child's Felt Boot,, the u:hole to bo sold for GASH ON LY 1 C01 TO·N 1 1 '1 H E BAGS, --o---Call early and sccme your Winter Supply, while the rnsh is going on at to gh·e the h\:st satisfaction. CALL .AND S:JmE FOB YOUBSELVJES, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exuu1ine the stock 1 whiob comvrises everything in the trndc 1 of the very la.te8t aud n1ost elcr.q1 n fltyJc~ and patterrn:i, uf Engli1:ill, 01;1,naditi.11, altd AJHedc·au tnitnu{aQ~l\ff,l. -o. HI;' ~tHl co1Ltinue1:1 to rnanufw.:tnre to order, from the Ue1:1t of material, :.uul nvw:i hut first-cln.ss v; crkmt'n kept . -o- A well seleoted stock of . · ke1Jt wnatantly on"hand, , .A gentlt-:,tna.n dining nrt ::m hotel~ whose ser· OILS, PAINT, \'ants were 'fe~v and far between' dispatched a A new c6llection of tl1e' anCiCn( Greek COLORS, VARNISHES, lad among them for a cut of b~~ef. After a lon" jests .of Hierocles and · Pb ii ager has Leen tirve the 1ad returned, and was asked by th: pulJlislit!<l. f!jcently, of which Blo..clcwoocl's and WBJTE J,EAD fo.iutand hungry gentlenlan. ' Are vou the .1.lfaqazi11c, h1 it:s r~view, gives specimens of at the very lowest prices. lnd ·who took awo.y my plate for this ~ef, inany jokt:s which a.re none the Jess good Horses and Cattle Medicines. 'Yes, sir.' 'Bless me,' r1::sum~tl the huugry wit, ' how for Lein~ old. Of the quality of some of N. 13. - Country . store-keeperfl · supplied on these je~t we havH the following sarnpleR: the 1noat a.<lva:nta.geous terms. yu\l have grown ?' A d10ice selection of LA!vIPS for tiale chenp. 'Th~ visitoi· of any large asyhnn wjJl G1v1:xG HAl'l'lli'ESi:i . --'l'o gh·e happinesg, it Bi 1v:n::i.'.lville. () ,~c. 1868. 61n. have been struck with the curious hazines8 is sa.id,is Go<l·llke; but there are different v,:ays of giving it. 1\"c presume few would choose it as to tin1e and nnn1ber which characteriz~R as it is e:aid once to have been admini:lltered by a large_stction of_ hs unfortunnte ~nrnuteR; I a raptaiin iu the 11~vy,who , on weeting at:riend and t111s obfnscu.hon of the renson1ng ancl ns he landed, boasted that he had left his ,.,·hole reflectfng focUlty is very ornrketl io the ships company the happiest f ellowa in the wo1 ld. Creek ai 1r1 pleton, '.A. 1uani' we read, 'Huw ti()?' asked hil:! friend. "\Vhy, I have costed aiooli$l1 physician with a stat(:nicn t just fiogged seventeen, ani] they are happy it is ot his case: 1J)octor 1 when I wa.lre up out {w~st of the Out.~rio Bank,) over; and all the rest ore happy ihat they have of sleep, 1'01 half an hour in darkness be· csaped ?' fore I recover 1ny sight ns I ltrn·c it no-w.' A hasty ma11, with hi~ m·rns full of his \.'\-ife's 1 Ay 1 _indeed!' said the physjciJn; 'lhc.n 1< ing Street, Buwmanville. ba,ggo..ge, thought he "·as left by the train lnst don't wake up till the half· hour's over.' night,and running rapidly across 11 platform fell In one of tbc jests~ we r ead that 'au AL over a truck. He stradclle<l one of the handles defite wante<l to hang hiu1se]f. The rope and rode it for a. second, lnngecl forwi-i.rd, u.nd got hii:t-legis tangled up in the crofifl pieces, when hroke, and he· bfuised hiti head. \:Vithout 1_1HliJ. aubs(,;ribcr is prepared to build and re· the-malicious thiag :r.eilirP.d up and .!:!lid forward delay he ran to the apothecary's for a plas· pLnr ju.«t enmigh to throw the man off his balanc~ ter, appli ed it carefnlly to the Lruh;ed Wago ·1is, Buggi~s, wnd .Ov.ttei«, anrl get him dowu ; he blacked his eye and phicc, nnd ,tbcn pr.-.ccede!i to carry out 1ii:3 bro~e h}~ spectacles againist the l·andle, and suicidal project.' The jok[j r1:1uinds t!ie (,f c\·ery 11r~~c,rir·Wu11, 3L ihvrt notice, 11nd o ran o\:er his foot with the -..vheels, and even inai:;flzinist of the ane..:doted told in the re·i:mnable term1:1. · after he- got- away from it and was seatetl in tlie plcnsnnt 1nC1noriu.l of Archibald Constabh· 1 C.\r he says the truck rt1.on after him. and kicked hi m twfoe iu the ribs before the brak(:;m::i.n could by his son, recently published. An uld Carriages ~ainted and 'I1in n cc. take. it ::i.way fron1 him. rlcaf aunC uf the publisher was on her tl~ath-bed, and her n1ind 1 alvtays eccentric, .A r;tylish young lll:lJ.1 l'CCl'Utly otopped !i"t_ '"nn inn in a su1all town in California. He calltld had begun to ...vaver and fail. ' Aon/ l'lhe for' the drinks' for all about the place 1o1evernl said lo ber attendant, -'if I Bhould hespart:"d timea, micl waved Jd., bantl in a loFdly 'vaY to to be ta.ken f\Way, I hope iT1y nephew will on the .vreUJises,were special attention is given . to a.IL the innk~eper, as though to say, · 'l'hii;i is mine.' get th~ doctor to upen my be~d, aud ticc He was so a.gree.'1ble that they all took quite n whether anything can be done for my hearc~.rriage work, t>nd General liking to him. Noxt iu0111ing, aHer brtiakfast, ing.' he '\'a~ starting off, when the boo;t apologetically · l G k f' ~' c ' l · · · Jobbing. 0 ur typrca ree - Ow· , ~cuo ~!:lQ.eu~, it l" remarked, ·'!'hat little bill.' 'Oh, bless your soul, my friend, h1H'n't gnt a cent,' said the fel- suid, was \\-l'iting Lo his talherfrom Ath~Df1, low "l"'hen why didll't yon tell IJH:1 sb before~· and pluming ldmeelf on his progress in All work done at this Establishment said tl1e J1oat. 'Wt:IJ,' replled the traveller, rhetoric and Eloc11ti0n, lo acquire which he 'if you hadu't been so inquisit.ive I wouldn't bud been sent'thither. He added this parawa1·ranted. have tohl yon now.' The point wns well tnkcn. graph~-' And I pray, sir, that on returning j a 1d the landlord insit...ted on '"lll.pIJing up for A cnll is respeotfqlly solicited, .r. 1\-IORRIS. h'm a. J o~t1e of his lwBt nii a tran-!lliug con1pa.n. hon1e I n1ay find you a defendant on a ca pital charge, that I may air n1y oratory in Bowman\'ille,. Oct. lst, 1869. ion. . DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT JIEDIOINES, BRUSHES, OOJlfBS. SHOULDJ<.;R-BRAOES, SUPPORTERS: Etc, Ek In . BEST the World. J2owm_~11ville, Dec. 10.lliJ.~1874. ANDERSON & oo:s., Boot & Slioe ·Bm.porimnJ.. Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He has in ~tock READY-MADE TO THE PUBI_j_EO'. 'VALrrER vVIGG & SON, a~ded _thereto. thatdve m?'y thereby be ennbled to snppl y all pai·ties who may plea~e to fu.vor lnin with a ?alL 1 ....Treat inducements lrnld out to those purchasing at our estahbsbn1ent. Picti~rcs, Looking. Glasses. etc., sramBd to order, and in every style. Sample$ of the different k1111~ of Moulthngs can be seed at the ~v are - roorn. - \Ve -..vould also beg to in forn1 you, tha~ · having purchased a l an entlle~s variety nf Ladiesi and Gents' Saratoga. 'rrunks, "\taliscs, &c., all of wfiich hfj is selling dieap for c<tsh -oJ.Io~ses, Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two .Bowmauville, )fay 13, 1874. King St. CL01 HING 1 M. TRELEVEN. Good and Cheap. rctnrniug thanks and public g-HneralJy, I Nwould respectfully 111v1tc their n.ttenbon to our present stock of furniture: as we ha ~o ~heir n~1merons .customers th~ for pa..~ favors , Ye lately ! Clothing Ma.de to 0 rd e it is a well-known Fact tliat Cowle has the best Tweeds in the count1·;i;. lOct Cotfo11s SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, wc shall be re~dy at al tim no attend fnuet'u.la, on short notice and reaaonniblll terins. N. B. - Coffins kept on ha.n anfl tna.de to 01·1J er, at the ------ 'ac- 1 UOBBl'.S' L f CARR I AGE 81:--!0P Straw-Cutters ! FRUIT, AJ\'D Grain Grinders Confectionery Depot. TVHO LESA LE and RETAIL f; FEED 1\IIILLS. " J :::.st arrived, itnd for Sa.le, at the a.hove del)ot NEW D0"11INION RETAIL J?URNI1'URE WARE-JWON. hawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. ._ New J:t'1·v.it and OcnjectfonM'YB, · Another car load of the above noLlt> articles on the "'·ay. Please ca.II at the Dana's Patent Sheep Marks IN ~ the mu.at la.sting, the lea.st troublerome, and most complete ever in \.·ented. g_'ht:y a1·c nsc<l and reco1nmended by many of tht- beiit Breeders in the United States and Ua.nada, such as G. B. Loring-A. Saltim, 'l\tass, 1 Preside:ot New E_ggland WoQl li1'0wert1' Society; John S. Ross, Henne· i)in, Ill. ; Pl'ofessor lt:I. 1\-Iiles, of the State Ag· riculturnJ. College, Lansing, 1\.fich. ; Eion. Geo. Brown, 'l'oro:ato, Ont.; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On ea.ch Mark is stamped the owne1"a name and the Sheep's number, 'l1hey will be sent/ 1·ce, by mail, O'I' e:itpre'ss,for only four cent1> erJ.ch, and will last for T"'ENTY YEARS· fW"' OP.sh must accompany all orders AROIHHALD YOUNG, JH., Sarnia, Ont. Orders addressed to the MERCHN'r and OB· SEitVER Office, foI any quantity, will be filled at tbe above·mentioued price, as quickly as he ' l\.iarks can be made and s::int. Th,e Satisfaction given by Choice Ii,emon, Orange I B ow 1\1:AN v r L cL E . a.:iid Citron Peels, Farm Implement Forwardilig Agency DATES, FIGS. LEMONS OliANGEi3 TO Al!R. VE Soft Shell Almond.~, li'ilbert~, TJrazil and 'fVall lf1~ts, THESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST, BARNUM s eclh;ised by the ea.tii:-;fa.ctrnn given by S1'IALB to hi3 numerous pati··ms, lie is nu\V' plea..<Jed to announce that he has on hand a ~ a.q:e a.nd varied assorttr ent o R. W. Ja:_1,rns, Kinz St., Bowmanville. Large Variety Winceys:;.i;!, :Oea.d .N. B.···Specia I inducement given to ' Row1nan\.·ille, ])ec. 5, 1872. lllO. J(ciller'."i ilfar1nalade, TVest India, J.>rc.<?erved Ginger, Pear.I{, Plums, To1natoes. & t>eache.~, Green 11ea.!{, Green Gora & Li1na )Jeans. SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. BOOTS AND SHOES of th.., best quality, a.nd fa a.11xiOuii th<1ot they shall ~et to work a:; soon as possible, Our Dominion Exrelsior Raspberry Vin rrIME :\-10!\.-EY and I~ABOR saved! .Pre.nch Oil Polish. Thiit 'French Oil Polish is pre· egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines pared fu1· C~t.rria.ge s, Buggies, Harness, Boots Tomato sauce and PJckles They have co1no and are coming) at the Fnut Depot. CASH Purchasers. r 8RELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUAUTY ;,. the test of CHEAPNESS. T. DARLINGTO)I' J~own1a nvill~ . Dec. 4th.18~J. A Blacksmith's Shop Dressmaking, &c. Would b·g to inform the ladies of Bo~manville ancl vicinity, that she is prepared to take orders for Dres.srnaking,"~nd flll the same with de;;pnth It \Yill und Shoes, ancl u.11 kinds of Lea.J;ber. give any artiu]l:;l l)f J ,entlier, a most brilliant appeara.:nctt, and at the same time, from its oily pi·upe1'ties 1 tends mucb to prt'serve it, it will al\\'O.Yf:. be moist and pliant; and may be cxpost:d to w(l.ter niuj waSJbcd, and will not lose its brilli· ance, and it is not to be feared tha.t any cruf:!t wiJl sottlu on said Leather when prt>served with the above Oil. Fo1· the woodwork of .Buggies, ()arl'iagel:l, 3,nd rurniturtt, there is not a better nrticle in U.t!e. 1fa.nufactured by A. Su11uN & Co, 1 'l'annerH and Cru·rie1s, formerly of Prance, now of l'hiladelphiu., Pa.., lostructions-Shakti bottle. .lt few drops on a pir'!ce of sronge.a.P.ply it lightly to the lea.ti.Jet, and :you will obtain the finest lustro. Price·75cts. _per bottle, or $7.50 per, ""-ishi:s to inform his nnm ervus friends a1Hl cua doz~u. .JOHN Sl\IALE, Sole hgent, Howtmners tba.,t he has rerooveJ to mauvi.llo. . .1 July 16th, 1874. 41·6 mos. e F. Y. Cow1 REMOVAL.a S. MASON 0. BARKER, Ho:wmo.uville,Dec. 28th.1871. ml3 ly All Prices, .A.ll Sizes. All Xinds. ' 80, HO! ---. NOT SO FAST. Ladies' Prunella Gongress at 80 cents " " BalmoraJs, extra high cut $1.25· Gentlemen of !'ashion. Nothing 'to Bea:t ii:. GENT'S BOOTS. ~~ ---- ;: . · I . in the · · LATEST FAS I-II ON. Her expet i(m ce fully_waJ'l'!1nts her in promising sat1sfachon. Hes1dence, Corner of Church Street, anU ~lark et Squr.re. Bo,vmanville, !Jee, 4th, 1873. A. CARD. - Harne13s, c. BARKED my YUL· I hnv~ this dn.y appointed I\1R. th· Exclu.!ive CANIZED PENS for t>owman-iille, Ont. ·~'nt for the sale of j JOSJt;PI{ ~l~t.\..SO..N.,P. P. J. J.J A COJ3S. B<1wmsHn·illc 1 Sept.10th, 1874. m-tf, I . -rhaY.e written these few lines And all I have to say, That yon can find me still at hom-e wbtl1·e he \vill be found with .th<:i n 108t ~oni ...__ - I am not gone away; ct1;1 asao1·t1nent vf So all my kjnd old friends may con1e ; And all the young oneti too ..And g-et their garments nicflly made In fa3hion.i tliat a.re ne\\'. \Vhere old and young d etir f.rie-11tfo 111ay · meet in town. PleaSf! ca.II. Buckler's old stand A. weloomc ~rc cting by R. PE.A.'.I.1E. on8 door east of l&1a.ynard'6 Hotel. .Bowmanvilfe, Sep, lat., 1873. Bowrnanville, June 19th 1873. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, BUCKLER'S OLD STAND Whips Trunks, &c. ---"- Special attention given to CUTTING AND FIT'l'INGand. none but first -clase- workmen croplorod,. thu s insuring good Yalue every case. 'T runks, &c. . I S'l'OR.R. - Ono door ~a.sit of Cnrnish 1s.Tew·elry tore, King Street, Bowmanvill11. J . SMALE. _ BowurnnYille1 Sept. 2~krl, i 37:~'J. · ----- - --- -----~--- -