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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 Feb 1875, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, F.EBRUAHY 26, 1875. Con, 6, Township of Darlington. S~ecifica· ti oni:J can be seen at H. Pl:£IJ,LIPS Hotel, H ampton ; at the residence of '\.V. CLEMENiS, E sq., 'l1yrone; rrnd at the office of J. WADDEJ,L, 0 rono. 'l'cndel'~ wiU be opened at 2 p. m. 27th nst. W. DERllYSHTRE, . Orono, Fflb. 15th, 1875. 21-2w T,T/a~~ted M .. -. WOMEN, cmLDREN, .a:re eoliCited for the erection of a. TEKDERS CHEESE FACTORY, on Lot :No. 9, 1 .31., s.· T. JAMES STREET, MONTirnAL I I Lyle & THE BANNER ---:o:--- Having purchased the Stock of P. W .. O~NSAUL, will move into the premises occupied by him, m Ma.rch next. BOOK ROOM SEWING :MACHINE \.V ALT.l::lt SH..\.NLY, THE IIoNOl~AnLx Di:;NOAN MACl>ON ALD, _Esq, DIREOTOR8. Esq., Mr.. Ch,airnuta11, . .Joui.- HAll.JJ~To~, Rawki;. I The Peruvian Syrup, a P1·otec~ ed Sol1~tion of the P>·otoxide of Iron, is so combinect as to have tlie cha'ractev of' an, alinient, as easily cligestetl and <tssimllated wlth the blood tis the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own VitaUzing .lfgent, I1·on in the blood, antl ~u1·cs 'fa tliousa,-icl ills,JJ si'lnply l>11Toning up,Invigoratinf} mul Vitalizing tlte Systein. The enriclwd an<l vitalized blood pe1·11wates evm'Y pm·t ofthe body, 'l'C'}'>ai'ring <la1nciges wrtd ivaste, sea,rclvin{.f e.Mt ·ino1·bid sec1~e MAJOR rr. E. o.urrnELL, 0 burg-, Ont. n.. St. Tiilnire. HESIDE:<T SECRFl'All'Y.-J.nrns GnANT, f'f' HJ EVERYWHERE S P EGl AL FE A T U RES. 1'b.e }JNTITIF. PROFITS bclo11g to ::i.nd are di vid e<l atnongst the PoUqllwlders. to act as agents for those celebrl\ted Cbeap Pict 11rea. Agents easily n1ake $5 µer <lay. F?r full particulars, apply to Ilox 180, Bo,vwanvi1le:_ Wood Worker Wanted. first class wood worker, on li~ht a.nd heavy carriage \VOrk. Bear lil Mind! Lrvu:s, DEC.T,JNEu Br Ol'HEn 1 COJ\:IP~t\..NY, OF SHERBROOKE, Y Q., Ila.ving l'eaently perfeoted wJ1ich an extra P rcraium would r,e required, c:i.n be S.Qf:!Llred at the ordinary ra·tc.~ of this 8ocicty, Co::ir:F,L~11cs 1 01· on I l\fivJEDIA.TELY, by the u1Hlerslgned, P. That they will. keep only the hest of everything in their. line, and satis- AND ·1.irtdol' C£ .'lpccial arramgerttent faction to custo_mers will be their constrnt arm. 'Vm.. COLVlILL, Tyrone. 20-3w. Tyrone, Feb. 10th. 18i5. Important Iinpronement.~, :Con1inion OrO"a.n Co'v. BOW MANVILLE THB WANTED. FlRST·CLASS WOOD.WORKER. in· A 'Buggy and \Va.gon Shop. . Cons?nt em ployment will be given. Apply 1n1med1n.tely to 1 In order to reduce my present Stock, I will, for the iu tbcil' celll11·a-:,1.d Pou101.1::s ix~ued uncle1· 'vhich only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pa.y n1ents ate requiredi each payme'nt r:;eouring Policy for a sum a.~sured proportionate to the ntui:iber of premiums paid, andft·ecfrom fui111· SPECIAL ?-.Y ON-FO!i'!Lll'ADLF. Family Sewing Machines, MR. J, MOUNCE, Jan. 28th, 18i4. 'l'YRO~E. School Library Are prepared t" GU.i\RANTEC.THE!\1 18-tf. A lIO'O'SE AND LOT _i SALE. situate on Onta.l"io Street. .EnFOR q_uire of MR. THOMAS, on the prcmrnea. Bowma.nville, J::i.n, 22nd, 1875. 17-tf. Next 20 Days I Give great bargains in Groceries; Crockery, Glassware, &c., FOR CASH, Bowmanville, Feb. 12th, 1875. EQU.tiia, IF NOT SUPERIOR, to ~11y 11 0w beforo the i·ublic. 1!.,or Present the follo,ving t estirooniah frorn com MoDF.UATE PUElUOMS and most liberttl cc·n· petent judges of Org-nnJ. 'l'estimo11ial fro John Can-lid~~' 1vfus . Doi.:., CRJ1luar, Bng-la.nd. -ditions. jjowmanville, 24.Lh Deo., 1870. Prospectuses, Proposal .Form8, &c,, supplied Z'o the ]Jfwnagcrs Dom.i:r1.ion. Organ Ca. GJ:o::N'l'LEME:X . - I Hk' to pluy on y0111· Organs on applica.tiolt at the Head Uf:ficc, or any of the ,Agencies. tC" .e is so B\veet and isteadj:. And the workmafHl.llip and finish :XcelleJ1t, und in every JAMES GRAN'I', pru·ticufa.r they a1·e equal, if not sup~rior, to Res. Secretary. any I han~ e,·er J1ennl. liopin;J they will rneet i1ublic appreciation. ~ AGF.:N'l' ~'OR llO\YMAN VIJ,LE, uayrtient of preiniwm..,, t-ions, atid lem:ing nothing for diseuse to feed upon. This is the sec·1·et uf the won<lerfitl success of this remedy iT· citriny Dyspepsia, Live.· Compluint, Dropsy, Chronic Dla1·1~hrea,Boils,.._..,,{e1·vous.A.ffeclion,s, JOHN CA~flDGE C.BARKER., FARM HAND WANTED. able to fa.rm hnna.-:i.;ed about 17, .A Young plow well. Clarke '£p., lfeb, 2nd, 1875. SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION EAS C: 01" OPERATlOK. UNIFORMITY OF PRECISE ACTION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, capacity <.'f rang-e and aclnptibility to gn!at ·ni.riety of work, fine 01'. coarse, Depot, JOHN BELLWOOD, 19-tf. J. LYLE. FARM FOR SALE. Being Lot 111 ruid riart. of 15, Con. Blanclla.rd, 119~ acres, f:'ltuated one m1le from St. Mary's market house. ll'or further par·, apply to THJJY STAND UNR/VALLEfl, Tbe::ie Celebrated Macbin~a obta.ira::d the ~ING STREET, BOWMANVILU:. GEl'i'fLEM:)i:.N, ·-·l h!"l.Vt": n;1uch plea.sutc in tljst fying to the excellent qualities of the Orga supplied by yon at my eoneer·t Saturda evening- . The tone is sweet and very powerf and the coinbiuation nf fit.ops ruoRt admirab I am ffilre your i11 strumeuts will find fnvu1· Churches, as thl~Y singularly adapted fo sacred music. \\ri1;1lJiJ)g you evoil ry success, nnd thnt tho public may 1)atronize nri.tivo n1an1~fac. ture. · I GHntleme.µ, -Very respf'ct.fully, 13owrna.nvilfo, Dece'!I1bcr 2~, 1873, To the 1lfctnC1.ge1·s of the Donti?1-i<.1;n Orutbli Co. llead the following- fron1 Rosa D'Erina; " Observer Ofiicl:!," J.(ing St. 32-ly Bowmnnville·.J unu 24th. 1870. Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON. (Establhhed 1803. Pall l\fall, London. GE~EHAL IIEAD OFFtOES. - 1 Old Rroud St., and -\QE~OT FON. CA!\AD.\ :- 24 St Jf)HN WHIMSTER. St. Mary's P. 0. F I R S T PR I Z J1; A1' l'HE lWSA D'ERIN A. Every Instnunent Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. A. M. DARLEY c.rameut , Loss of Constitutional V'ig010, Diseases of the K 'l dney s and Bladde1·, Female C01n1Jlaints, and an disea.·es 01'iginatiny in a bad state of' the blood, or accomparde<l 011 <lebiUt11 01' a low state of the system. Being f1·eo t'roin Alcohol, in any fo1»n, its ene1·gizing effects al'e not followed by CtJ1'1'esponding 1·eactiort, but ai·e pesrniancnt, infu· si1iy st'reu,yth, viyor·, and neiv life into alt pai·ts oftlw system, and building ttp an b·on Const'itittiori. Thoiisands have been change<l by the use of this 1·einedy, f1·om iuea.Jc, siclcly, snjfcring c1·ea,l«>'es, to strony, healthy, and invalids cannot l'easonably hesitate to aive 'it a tl'lal. See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the alass, Pan"lphlets F.i·ec. Chills and ·Fe?Jers!J Hn11io1·s, happy 'lnen.. atitl 'W<nnen; an<l J a.n, lst, 1875. 17-2mos. --:a:-Age s 'Ve hnn:i no\Y the most varied and Pre::ald~nt,, ~ianager aowm1inville, January JG, 1874. bp·o3-ml6. Fund. £l,9G5,000 Sterling. · Subscribed and invested Cii,pital and Hescrve Funds invested in Canada- 105,000. · Horse For Sa.le. 1 P1·ovincia.l Exhibition, held in 1\-Iontrcal i n September, 1873. wanted. Beautiful Young M;;e, rising 5 :vc.ars ol~; A dark Bay, is a g,?Od either in single or double. Splendid saddle beast. tr~veller, w '..l'rial given if desired. '!fyroae, Jan.14th, 1875. J. s. DONEY J, T. ANDERSON, )Jy-o37-o24-ly· BOWMANVILLE, iocAL AGENT Insurances agrunst loaa by Fire cffcc:t.ed on 1noe.t favorable terms, and losses paid wlth out referonco to the Board in London. J DODSWORTH, RIK'l'OUL BROS. I uspector. . Gen . .Agents, M ontrea Seth W. Fowle & Sons, Proprietors No. 1 lUilton Plncl', Boston. 16-tf. 11,. R, LOSCQJ,\UlE, Barrister., Agent IT you Want Good Bread, Use th« SELECT STOCK OF for Bowmanville and Vicinity, Bowma.nv..ille. Jnne 4th. 18GO. 36 TTl.o.4:~-39.4,v SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. ~imuond !lla~t ®akt~. m6-ly NoverobPr 5th, l _ Si4. FOB SALE. STOCK-T.AKING· SLt\.L.E - --:o:·--- A l1'00D SECOND HAND Piano for sale Price $65. 'OMBE · m35-tf J. !vI. BRIMAC Card of 'I'hanks. Subscriber return!! thanks to those who have eJven bitn their patronRge in the ptHlt, and would inforpi the fn.rmere that be has re· paired 'and reiitb~d his ~fill, and is now prepar· cd to attend to their wq.nts 1-q. the 1nilli11g line, He ~ also condµct ing a SABBATH SCHOOJ:. LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE Y\t offered to the people in 'Veat Durham. -0-- James TYRONE, R::w now a fl11l r:,s.;;ortt:d Stock of McFeeters. AGENT 'l' 1c 1 E - Clood. Fa.rm for Sa.le. .ch~rd half of T,ot 14, 7th Con. Dar· N ORTH llngton, containlug 100 a.cres, more or less. Gcmd buildincre and fencca, and large young or-_ .,li.,or Particulars, app!y to \VM. 'l'UER, HAYDON. ,Oct. 29tb, 1874. 5-tf. ~o. McCLUNG are marking do\vn their Prices, in view of taking Stock. THE For the following IDsurance Cornpani1$ 1 a.ncl other Institutions. viz :The QU }:EN Fire al:\d J,.,ife Ior;nmnce Compeny. Capital ~~.000,000. $150,000 depo~itt>d ·Nith tP,e Dominion Gove1·nment, fu1· the protec i: l ors ln Canada. The ISOLArl'ED RISK Fire Insurltn~e Com pany of Canarlo. Capital 500'000 . ..--- 0ne of t.hiel best' and cheapeRt Compa.YJie~ doing b11F1inf'Fis iu the Dmninion, for Fatmerri nnd I solated Rfrlrn ~'he For ·the Holidays ! Cl-roo~ries Gift Books, Sple1ulj,d .A lbv,.ms, P1·ang's Celeumtecl Chromos, }Ificrvscopes,K(itei.doscopes, OJ the jin;:,st description, Larlies' ·/ . Compa.n ions, :EJ.e:pha,~t House 'l'hey are determined to ~·educe .their Stock to the sm:1llest ]JOSsible dimensions, and will make it an obJe('.t for 01rntomers tg lmy,even tj1ougb _,Ct ho""1 m·le or.lemale; 535per their purchases ma.y be kept over for next Winter's use. WORK week da ,. or cvonmg. No Oap1tal fOR ALL! We 8 ~, 1/val«:·b~epackage of Gcod8 by tnaU free. Address wi~_l\ t~n ca~1t retu1n M. YOUNG, 173 GreeO\\"lCh St.N. Y, Oct: 1st, 1874. bp-m.'.'~0-6ms. ' GENERAL STORE, anrl haviug purchased his stock for Dry Goods, :Boot~ & Shoes CANADA LANDED CREDI'l'CO'Y. with a, S<t.>vin.!Z"s :Bank department. 'J'he U~ION AND PER~I.A.NE)I'l~ Building .a m1 Saving's Societ,y. rrh ei-le h:otte1· inetltutions advn.nce y,,c,a,nf>. on lleRil Estate, on terms unusuallv e&!ly for the . rrT·I l~ ' UN.DE HS! GJ..~El) i 11 rfjturniug thanks to h i> i11anv frh:nds an<l the public gt'll<~rally Sofo1' BARGAINS that a1'e really worth Calling Bm·gains, you rnust go to McCLUNG B1·os, ---:o:--- 01\. SH, is giving bargains in ing clasBdf! of working people. of .either e; , young or old, inake more money at. work for a in tht:it· spare 1noments, or all the trme, thnd at nnytbiug eh1e, Particulars fr~e. Post car \o States co~ts bu ouli cent. Aadres$ G. STINSON &..CO .· Portland,, U.S. $5 TO $20 PER DAY.-Agcnt~"1,.nted! '.Bring in your Wife and Daughters and the. BIG SLE.IGH; those miserable Cutters hold nothing I When you see our Prices you w1U not be afraid to Buy October 27th. 18i4. ly-bp-o43.ro5. New-'ra,ilor Shop, JOHN HEAL The articles enumerated in the subjoined list, will be disposed of rtt Par. · ticularly low prices. We offer special Bargains, then in CROSS OVERS, CLOUDS, BLANKETS, RAILROAD >-VRAPPER1', PEA TACRETS, LADIES' SKIRTS, &c. 1 ' Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. S1,AND. - Reccntlyoccnpied by Mr. Gray. Writing Des/cs, Pocket Baofcs, J;c., &c., to please all, nnd every one. etc., etc, which for borrower. Bowmn.nvi.11~. li'cb. 6th, 1813. Quality and Cheap fo1· th e Jibel·af extended to hi1n during the pnst 18 years, bl\!,!B to anuour::cc thrut from iutd after the 15th Scptem btit\ lw will cari-y on the se.rne business, but lnnrc cxt·~nsii'ely uncl~r the n1vne and style of JOH~ lriCL!iOfJ & Co. Prompt vayment of all accounts is rendered imperati ve by this bu.<iiness a.rrangc1ncnt, and all vero:ons indebted will please take notici: aud govern tberuselvtls accordingly. JUHN McLEOTJ. BowmanYilki, September 4th, 1873. A large and splendid Collection of Stereoscopic Views 'l'he Goods w~re bought at best rates, and pul' chasers will reoci\'O the benefit . ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED .J. ELLIOTl TYRONE. TiJoh!,~::~~:Ul~ Co'T H H EI i L LADIES' WOOLEN JACKETS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ATE Vll'L'H F. Y. UO,VLlJ:, b~gs~to in· SHAWLS, form the pnblic genlirally, that he llns co1nHORSE BLANKETS, r.ucnced business in the Shop nex~ to, the Ex. flress Office, one door east of .T. M1Ine a. . ~ OVERCOATS, Ila..ving had several years experience Hl the GENTS' n.AIDS, trade, he hopes to satisfy all who may favor him with n ca.11. $.VANSTONE. Tyrone, Dec. 17, 187-1. Libe,·al Support and · . Patronage TYRONE. LATEST FROM THE extended so long- to Jolin McLeod, tind t.akes this or;ipo1-t11 nity of in· 1ro1·m1ng the pulJ1r0, that they h ave E FUR REGIONS -- --- .h.LWAYS CtET - ---------- - - - THE ..:\n nnsecta.rinn, DISCARDED GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Winter Bpwmanville, Efop. 4th, .1872. m40-tf. D1·ess Goods at .Desirable Farm Property China, Glassware, , Earthenware. . Lamps, &c., &c., at unhear~g~ PRICES. Il'!agnificen'G CHlNA -TEA ·sets I FOR r:rHA~' 7 SALE 'lerty of th· late Mr. B. Brnathing P1·ices ! F'ACTd ! Bat don't bdieve ·it' Ca,U cmd ;1¥1 ink Furs at 'Wholesale. Grebe, very fine. South Sea Seal,. .best quality. Alaska Mink, prime. IOL D t';'l>,'l'r:'J. l'f ~~~~~~ 1 Sa.libath School Illustre~ted Pt!bl,i'shed lifonthly, i"tt Jy;01i1 ·seI.ves.1 See f01' FI:EtS'r~CLASS Paper, fvr Sabbath Schools. . Pen ~ ro, -.. 0 rth Jia.lf of Lots No. M1tchcl1 1 being the l. f D lington com;~11 ~ud g2, in the ~t]l 05n1· ~..,, .... e:for wood 1land. pr1s1ng ....00 acres-&; being sui,, ..,mises u. very There is on the front o~ the pr._ . ··"'-. J~wn and fino,gcnt1eman's stone reeidence,_ wit. .. , beautillower garden, to tho rear of which is...._ drivful Maple Grove. Alao wood shed,sta.blC', . . ~ lug house, etc., a.ndevery necessary cun\.·enien, 'l'ho whole, about ten acres, is sun·ounded by a thorn hedge. '£here is a. Farm House, with thl'e0 barns, with all outbuildings. A never failing stream of water runa through the pren1iscs. There is alao a splendid Orchard of fruit- bear-ing trees, and a kitchen garden. ']'he property is in a good state of cultivation, and is regarded a.a the most desirable betwt>en Kingston n.nd London. ]'or further particulal'S anply to S I d'd p McCLUNG BROSo Bowmanville, Feb., 187;3. W. BELL & Co's. If you want a JJow1ncoiville 1 Ont. T}j:OROUGI;IL¥ REJ;.IABLE Prize Medal Organs \Vhich in 1873, at the P!·ovinciaJ. Fair, heat every American nncl Canadian Organ, ta.king tho FmST PRIZE. Alf:io the i·enowned 0 RGAN FOR s Parlors,Schcools,or Churches, Apply to a.nil will endca.vot· the make the ]~Xf::IO·:C'f every way wo1tby of the support of Sabb nth Schools. rl'he unsectarian character o~ the paper,rcnders it flUitable for a ny Sd1001. In con~)ection there\\:itl\, a Supplement i~ pnbli~l~ed, c~nt~ining ?\ otes on thl.l I n tl:'rJJational sencs of S. S. Leijsons. 'f'hesc carefully pre1Jared, aw.t must pruve of great vaJue to both ':Pcnchc1' and rrbo Editor has been counectl'd, JJlOre ~}r less, closely with Sabh::itb School.J1, from. his bo:rhood, Rchol:tr. Parcels of .5, 10, 15, etc., u.t the rate of 30 eta. per yefll'. Sing.le copje~i 40 cts.. P'ostage FREE. Ad<lres8, C. TERMS, HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO (Boston.) XVhich hns taken :r.rns. B. MI'l'CHEL;L, EARl{ER, EDITOR, Dowmnnville, Ont. Gentlemen's Fut·nishinC1s, !fats, Caps, ~c. - ·- : f : ' : - El · L Buffalo Robes, MA:tiXUS MAY:E:It'S p FUR STORE, H A N J..arge and .;l::.w:k, all at anil \i jll conduct the .·ir credit bnsi· ucss a.s follnws : EALL ACCOUN'l'S will be ·RBNDl!:BED on the King St., Bowmanville. of tho ll\n· trade, has purchased _o.nly .Firstdaas Stock. and is in a p01:1ition to give sat· i 1:1faction to all. Now is the time to give hin1 n. ca.ll, as those who come first first Sel'l"CJ. MR. l\fAY!iit, having- a thorough knowledge! 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September 1n eac~i an cl eve·1·11 year. ~~:STEM, E q; L E p H A O" v~~r-~~~~~, '14:""' '!"1"1"11!1 A . I Oi>bawa. P. 0. Augu·t 6th,1874. bp-tf-m'14-o32 . FQrty-nine Fvrst Premimns. Agents for the ~:o:-- What the Press say about it' 'l'HE ENSIGN .- We ]1~i\1C Ueen tavored with a copy of the E11si9n from the Editor,at the \Vest Durham Flinting J<: stalJh,;lJrnent. The JCnsign is a paper prepar~d e6_ pe0ia..Uy for Sabbath Schools, and iu nur l.!Jlin ion well ndapt· ed tu it;'5 object. So great a fn,.,orite hfla it be· comC', tl1at we· b~ar ( wlw,t i~ very unusual with tiuch eiiterpriseg) it hiu1 proved for the first year a :financial snc:cef:is. The illust-rations are suitable a n d sufficiently nun1crous, v!h jle the read· ing ina.tter ie ht>.<i..lthy in tQne. racy in Rtyle nod 1:10 varied as 1.o suit the taste of the general puhlic. \Ve co11g1·atulate the Editor on having catered ~o successfully to the public want, nnd we c0Pg1·atulatl-l the youvg- and the public on having so charming- a shet.-t presented monthly for the i >oru aa.1 of their ch:ildren.-- ALL KINDS OF. FURS REPAIRED. T the case oI .1.\-In.nufu.cttrrera, l\ried1anics, n.nd otherH, whose Ju.ccounts n1a.y a1nount to $50.00 or over, their note.ii ugnied upon,wilJ be taken payabl(J at tlrn Bank for I a sta~tf'd vec_ iod. 1 In 1 N T The Best Paper! Try it! :Postage Free. Beautif"Uy It/1<.trated. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs Bowmanville, Oct. 21st, 1874. 'l'Hl: BEST ORGANS ON THZ Cash Purchasers · AND Prompt 'l1he SOIE:<TIFlC AMJ<RICAN ia the cheapest and best Illustrated weeklypaperpub· lit1hed. )~very number contains from 10 to 10 otiginal engrn.vings of new machinery and noY· el inventions. ENG RA 'TINGS, illustrating Improvemeuts, Di1:1coveriei:i, and Important Works, pet-Laining ta civil and J\.Iechanical Engineering, Milling," l\fi.ning and lvletallurgy; ReoordA of the latest progress _in the ';'-PPlicetion. of S~ea:m, Steatr>. J;!:ng1neer:mg, Railways, Slnp Buµd1nf<f, N .._.,.·i<Tn,tio~ ':l1elegraphv. 'releJraph Engm~...:ering, }JlPctricity, lla{,,"lletistn, Ligb~ ~d B'..:at. FAl{.l\i'l..b:RS, !vicchanws, Ent:,'lP:cers Invent· ors, j).Iauufacturers, Ohemists,L:u\·erf! of Science Tea<.:he:rs, 91erg_y!llen, La~·drs, and Peoplt of all l)rofeSlilons, will find t}_e Scientific American useful to them. It sho:c1ld -have a place in every Family, Library, St:;ll.cly, Office, and Counting Room; in every :'l>Cadil1g Ruo1n, College. Acad· emy, or School·. 'l'be SOIENTll.,IC A:\fEltIC.1.\.:\1" now in its OQth year, enjoys the wide$t circulation of n.riy weekJy newsvaper of the kind in the world. A new volu1ne commences Ja.nuary 4, 1875. Its contents embrace the l~test and most int+ol'estlng information 2ertaining to the Industrial ],1.echanical, and Scientific Progress of the worl~l i Dci;criptions, with Beautiful Engravings of New Inventions,Ne_ , vimviement.s, ,New Processes,and lmproved Industnes of all kinds; Useful )Totes, ltecipes, Suggestions and advice by .Practical 'Vrite1·a, fot· \Vorkmen and Emplovers, in all tht- variouA n.rta. · THE KING OF SEWING MACHINES, H Q! · - -- - - - · w1ll alwn.vs get goods n.t prices cut FIN i:::; as onr !-'TC<.t.t aim will be to court this cla.s~1 of trade . Payers on credits short H Q 3,oDAY-s 30 ---:o:--- CO NTll\IENT Stoc~~;arge .A ·rplenclid v::i.ricty of - -: o : ~T. n.-'l'bc Subscriber is not CL.EARING GOOI)S GI.VEN A'\.VAY BY AT HIS der Agent. but ha.a the special above. I am prepared to exchange JJ1anos Organe, Organs for A'.lelodeons, also Sewn1g l\fachiues, on rea.sona.ble tern1s. .!Udress, ,J. S. DO~l~Y. TYUOl'iE P.O. 1 .T till. 15th, 1870. 6 -61nos. !~ Sub, or ;),,gene~ for !ur unthe Levi Morris I· Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blind~, Doors, &c. l\fr. l\'forrifl would infvrm the pulJlic that he ia prcpai:c<l to fill orders for Oshcewa llcj01·mer. The E'nsign is i10a.Uy printed on good pa.\)er, is illustrated, and crmtu.ins he<tlthl,Y rl·a(_ing :~;~~;boi~:~;~7,!~i,~~/"v" alarge mm1latiu,n. DENTISTRY ij/ WelrAssorted !U s· s Strowger Bros. E s ! 9odYI~ E Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box SO,O. JOHN McLEOD & ' NEWCASTLE Having :i;emove<l to commodious premis~~. IN no,v,movil le, Septerober4thls73i 110,jB ERT EAsrroN, Cheap B,ook, .Stationary, Fancy Goods and · 'Toy ·Warehouse. . DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE. Fla.ning a.nd Matching, Mouldings ciU descriptions, Turw&ng, &c., &c., fO!' general building, on of FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to inform the public generally. that the y are now enabled to offer them Capit'1.l, Paid Up, ' HEAD OFFtOE, $1,000,000 .l TORONTO. .A year's ·~1u1nber~ contain 832 pages andsev- ~O'Hara's Buildings.~ IlRl...!\CII OFFICES : eral hunilA.t·ed Engravings.. 11bousands of voJ:p:-O!:!Ha.WA, OR.lLJ.1.A , ntnes aJ:e pref!erved for· binding and reference. 'f"HlTDY, J)a"\'t:, the following C:onouna. 'J'h~ -prnctical roce.ipts ru-o well v;orth ten timca R. E. 1s prcparcd.,.to sel a t greatl,y re d ucecI p ·ices for Thirty . " ~ goods, , viz. ·, UXBlUOG E, llOWMANYII.LE, the subi!cription pt·ice. r.L'erms, $3.20 a year Wax Dolls China JJolls ().lass and '~.ina Ornan~ents, Toysjo1· Gi1·ls &: by mail, including postage. Discount to Clubs, This Bank, in addition tu tl~o usSpecial circulars and Spt.:!citnens sent free. :\fay Bovs Children's '.eig!u/ Sple?~ id Pict1;,re Books, A llnims, 01·/c B?xes, ua.l baokiug bua-incsa, off~irs to U1;e ~ubhc _all be hud of ull News Dealers, 't ,,. B ~;.ful p~res Frcvn·,ecl; Concei·tinas, tbe ' ·t" D 1 L W ?'i advo.utarrte of a Sa;vmg In!::it1tut1on with 't ng es,cs, a rg6 o OJ eain "./. · . ' " d G . t and (Jalrn the security ~A""'f:INl'nS Iu connection ~f a hu·ge paid-up capital, by the 1 ue s, ·' mea.nS. ot a SAVI~Gf:! ~ v:ith thcSc_ien- Satchels Pm·ses W ickm· Work Bas/e<,~f~ S'<lve1· .J;, ate DEl'AR1'.llEN'.L', · tific American ' ' .. ' B o "s Note ttncl Letter H ·undrecls of Jl![ agazv,~'eB cmc' o /\."<. Interest allo·ved on all deposits of One Dol~Ieijfil's . ?t-Iunn & Co., an.i Solicitors of Alneri· Baskets, &c., &c. lar and upwards, at the rate of ]fIVE per cent. oa..n i:Lnd. ]'oraign Pa.tents, and have the I 'ape?'; Lots of Music a·.·i.d J eivelry. per annum. . . la~est eatnblishmeut in the 'vorld. Afore than Depositors can w1thrl;ra"'- either ~he w~ole- or fifty thousand applications have beei:. madtl for A Beautiful Papier .9.che Portf'iillo given to al~ persc'1lS buying $4.00 worth of I any'jlort of.J:heir deposit· at any time, without patents through theil· ageucy. · · previous notice. . . Patents are obtained on the best terms. l\IoPrices. Goods at Reduced Special rateso~ interest allowed upon deposits tlcls of New Inventions and sketches examined .. · · .. f --.'~ .l! , 40cts .. with notice of withdrnwal. . · and advice free. A special notice is made in the Beautiful Lue-like P10ture E. Blake <01 · · ' .American Currency nnd Silver taken on de· Scieritific Anle1·ican of all Invention1:1 Patenlt'd thl"Ol~gh this Agency, with the name and resi. 8 Prince. -of ales foT 30cts ; the pair for 61~" · po~!~rts grnnte<I vayabte in c;tr·at lrritain, dcnce of the Patentee, Patents are often .sold · - : . ~ - ----.. . . . ~heir liberal l~nitecl Sta~e:o nnd all pa~ts of Oana~a. d in part or whole, to persons attracted to the in_ R. E. returns hi.ii tk.'19.fu.s to the .inhabi tu.nts of Bownl m1VJllc nncl v1cu11t.v, fo1· ""-..: hl (#"'"De-posit!> ca.n be _ rem1tted,by ma1l,ll.d rcs.s.. veutiuu by such notice. Send fo1' Pau:1]>hlot, 1 i:<Cl to tlte Dorniuion Ha,nk _(reg1~tercd), when 110 pnges, containing h"'vs and full directions ''onage, hut ~SpF!cj~liy :for his brilliant ~ueceB~ at hi a Christmas Bale, r:i..u<l hopc:,l to p.:iY~ n ~elf worthy of continued patronag~. ·-l'El tb'IS O...<\..Sl-l. . , . . allca!!'.1:18 a. Pai;1o1-Book receipt will be seut .Y for obtaining .Patents . The l'roprietnr be1ifJ\o'OO in a. ){itnLle Sb;' l)ence being'lr th::in fl Slow, Puk1ng Shtlhnr; · . retu 1·n post. Address for the Pa.per, or concerning Patent!!, J. A. CODD, Ao<nt, lt-lU.NK & CO., 37 Park Row, lV.Y. Branch 4 · ~ ly:ro 9. I j2owmanvillc, .Jan. 6th, 18741 15-tf, (Jffice, Oor. F and 7th Sts" "\Vashington,D. C. C lld Stan r Town Hall SHORTEST NOTICE, and in Better Inducements J. M. Brimacombe, LR.C.D.8. .ASSISTED Bt GOOD STYLE. He will also ta.kc contracts for Uuildi 11gs, and . in th~ line of s, t lf pa-ys G. D LOCKHART, L. R. C. D. S Grocery B11siness, (AS REGARDS PRICE & QUALlTY) than any other house in the County. SPECIAL A1'1'ENTION 1'0 JOBBING. .I. .... ... Shop and Residence on Liberty Street 13-tf Bowmanville, J)ec. 21st, 1874. FEES lVIODERATE. OFFICE ove;· JifcCLUNG'S Store. Bowmanville. Dec. lil74. Star D1y Goods and C!othing House. NOTED FOR CHEAP .l NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD Weight ancl Meas·u1·e Guaranteecl in eve?·y instance. A of Hon. WANTED. her~olf ';:-ener~lly useful, behind the Count.e1'1 in the l)ressnrn.kin;::- depnrtment. 01· ns 1\tis1stant Bol1k-kee,,er. B.Bferences kiiidly l?ern,1Ltted, to ~eYernl respl~ctable per~ons, both 1n '] own and Couotry. A<ldres~. . N. A., 0J?SERYEH. Office, Eow1nanYLlle. 11-tf. DRY GOODS! CLOTHING, etc. ---o-- "IN A YOUNG WOMAN recently from ByEnnland a situa tion, where she could make I 1 bu MARRIAG-E LICENSES H5fiUf.'D J:'\1 Teas a Speciality a A SPECIAL LINE. JOHN J. VVILLIAMS Cherrywood Post-office _ Pickering Ont - -' · ,;. - - - R RAS TON. Dec. 3rd, 1874. 10-tf J. L. STROWGER J, D. STROWGER. Newc.. tle, Augu,t, 14th, 187-f. Corn't\'a.11 Blankets St. Lawrenoa Hall, 'J'c.·!'onto Corner King and'Y 1st Market Street ntiA l .I 1 j

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