THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY FJf,BRUARY 26, 1S75. AFRM AND KITOHrnN. New arguments, but no signature to the pl~dge, aud the unwelcome crusader took herself and her pledge out of the way. .,. Was she right, though, in offering a ple.rlge that in- -·--====== What the Choir Sang Abo<1t the Bonnet. POETRY. AUTUMN ! is shewing a 1874. . Just Arrived n.t the terdicted liquor-cookers l 'It is a little thing,' one says, 1 A. foolish little u1aiden bou-;lit a fo01ii:ib little bonnet, With a ribbon 1~n(l a, feather and a bit of lace upon it And, that the other maidens of the little tO"wn might know it, She thought she'd go to tnceting next Sum.lay, just to show _ i t. But, ~hough the little bUnw::t was scarce larger than a <limM, 'l'he getting of it s· e ttk:d proYed to be ..\ work of tirne · , So, \l·hen 'f·~·as fairly tied, all the hells had stopped their ring:iug; J\nd wheu ~he came to mecMng, sure euough, th<J fulks were singing. to be S? fussy about.' And that is just the trouble in tbis world cf ours. The little things are neglected, and soou there is something big and serioµs. l\.fany a housekeep~r, famous for the smack she gives her cookery, is TREWIN ' OSHAVV A, GiiAND OF IFASHION HOUSE a e.p1e11did a~sortrr1ent of NEW MILLINERY. the 1:1kin. The hands way be made soft and white by ·wearing at night large ~itten.s_of cloth filled with brnn or oatmeru, a.nd tied closel;r a.t the wrist. A lady who had white soft hands, So this foolish little raai<len f:ltood awl \\'Rited confessed that she had a great tlen.l of house-·work o.t the door, . to do, and kept them white as an idler's, by AnJ. sh1;1 shook her ruffles cut 'behind and weariug o:itmeal rnitte11}J every -i1i~ht. 1:11uuotl1.fH.l tben.1 clQwn b~fo1·e. · 1 Hnllelui.a ! halleluia. !11 bang the choir above To Cook Rice P1·o_pe-rly,-Put one e,upful of · he1· head.. .. rice and one-fourth of a cupfnl of watel;' in a HarJ.1y kne>\' you l hnrdly new )' ou !') were the saucepan, cover alJd pla.Ce it over a good. fire ; words sh~ thought they said. after an hour the water will be evnpora.ted, and the rice cooked, dry,and \Vith the grains distinct, not in a. pnste. Sufficient salt shonldcross be added in the tlrst place, and cnre should be That she - ga_v~ _ hCr 1i~t1t:1 _1nouth a. twist, her ta.ken not to di.sturb the rice while cooking. By little head a toss ; adding a little Lutt1;1r, an<l .aJlowilig the rice to Fo1· she thou1;illt tho very hy1nn th~y sang wa.s dry a little more ov-er a. g~ntle fire, a more deli· . all aboat her bonnet, · cnte dish is prepared. 'Vith t.he ribbon a!_1d the feath~t and the Lit of lace uvou jt, .Aud she would-'nnt wait or lis~en to the serinon training her boy for the wine.flavor th·t marks it so often. 'I often .thought. what I should do if Oatmeal for Oomplexion.-'l'ho complexion Fred took ~to drinking,' said a notable house1na.y be imProved by the me of oatmcnJ., which keeper to a ·f riend. 'It is so dreadful. conta.ins a small amouot of oil that is good for What if it should come into my dish 1' At the same time she '"·ns n1ixing in liquor in · s 0 cl{ l R:8AL HAIR. FANCY GOODS, &. Ahlo n large stock of srrAPLE & FANCY Dl\Y GOODS, Which excel i1~ STYLE and VALUE. Stamps for Baiding and Ern- b:roidy. Important Announcement !· I Fred's dainty dishe,, And one day when he missed the o1d winc·fluVor in tl1e pud- ding sauce' on the t·l<le,he petulantly tipped the chair bltck and refused to eat any uf the food. The dreaded shadow came nltimately, and the tricnd spokeo of above 1hought that the. !mud of the {uother that stirred the wine into t.he son's food h~d mixed tha fatal gloss fo'r him, She helped to form bja taste for ---o--- FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. as usual. 'Millinery and Ma11tle Department Replete with Lat.est . Styles & Novelties. Great :Reduction, in Dry Goods! ---oo--- liq Uor. , The little leak in the. dam makes way for the hig flood. But there is another point to be thought. ·of. If liquor js used fr1 cooking, so1ne one musL sell it. The women that groan 'in the -parlor over tlie liquor tFnffiC 1nay lie foster- ~ING GOODS A SP~CIALITY Gen ts' Furnishings A Lcwge Stock of Cloths a,nd 1'1·Vinrnings, made to Order, Fit8 Guamnteed. Latest Styles in. Hats, Skids, Ties, &:c. Ladies' and Children', Fine Make. CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN CARPETS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c, ll!IRS. A. FLETCHER Bowmv,nvillc, _l\pril 7th,1874. Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. BOWMANVILLE ~iao'.hine e,nd Implement !t!an ufacturing Co or the prayer, l:h1t tJatter~d down the silent Street and hurried - up tbe s'tair, r11ill she reached-her little burea.u,and in a baud· box., on it Had hidden· safe from critic's eye her foolish little bonnet. WLicli pi:oves, my little maid~'n, that each of you l':ill find In ev.ery sabbath service but nn echo of your mind ; And that little head, th8.t's flllt>d with siJly little l:l.iri:I, "\Vill nev1;1rget a blessing from seruion or froin prayers . · for Chickens. 'Vhat is slosh? It's snow matter. 'l'he wa.r of raci,,s-i·aces for offico. . Charity stays at home in cold weather. Everyday cheerful~ess is one of thti great vir· tnes. 1)ent.i~t The Thistle Tax.-The Canada. Thistle ii" gra- ing it in the kitchen. Sorne genteel grocer n1uPt keep in his dually ,vorking its \vay 'Vcstward, having no\V that bas snch u reached Iowa. and l{anaas. It appeared in Iu- dosky cellar the vintage " dian~ tt.Od Illi111:.tit11:1ev:era.l YCfl.l';' fi.gO, but viqor- twang to · it, or bottles of old, snapping, oua 1neo.'sure~ were ta.ken on the part of the connlry cider. We would like to know Sta.tes, and the warfare_ is c01.stantly .kept up. how much of the liquor traffic of the coun· :rtlen are employed r..t regular \ to dig and try is based On the patronage of its kitchens. burn the. plants. it beiag ineffe0tual to leo.Ye It ls the accur~e<l trade ·we are trying to tbem on the surface of the ground to dry and die. '\Vherever this thistle gets a foothold in a sweep out of existence, and yet the k'itchen comn11u1ity, the damage i..8 equal to a tax Of ten too often neutraHzeS f he \vork cf ternper· per cent. on all the fa.rming land, at a fair ya}. auce. lep;ii:;lation. \Ve ought. to think about uati"'n. It is agreed that the seed was first in. this matte1 very seriously. traduced, a.Ild it is still introdµced, in ·the bay There js reason for t.he . cooking-clanee in with which fruit trees ar~ pa.<!ked. It Would be the crus.,der's pledge, Jlfay they put nn better to raiee one's Own trees, and have even inferior fruit, tha.n to be thu~ burdened. Grang- ex:tra through this plunk, and secure it es, ngricultural S0(..'1eti1;1s, and Clubs should -make 1 fast to the platform ! This invasion of the it an especial business to ·watch the Canada kitchen was nnnonnccd by a speaker we thistle. heard once. It is time that the kitchen should be invaded, and the enemy skulking Cut this oi,t.--Bvery person should know how there be put to an ignominious treat a flesh wound. Every one is liable to tional Temperance.Society. be placed in circumstances. &way fl-om sm::gical yeterinary aiO, where be may save bis own life. the life of a friend or a beast, simply by the exercise of a little common sen~e. In the :first plaae, close the lips of the wound within the hands-and hold them firtoly together to check the flow of blood until 'several stitches Gan ·pe taken Md a bandage ai:>piied. Then bathe the ,vound· for a lonJ time in cold water. " Should it be painful,' 1 n. o_orrespondent- say~, " take a panful of burning coal~ a.nd ~prinkle\tpon ·them corumou b1·ow11 sugar audJioh:l tlrn wound part in the smoke. In a · minute or t'wo the · pain will be 3.llayed1 · a nd the recovery proceeds rapidly. Jn my case a. 1·usty nail had made a bM wo.nnd in my foot. The pnin a.nd nervous irri t&tion were severe. 1fhis -\va.s all removed by holding it in smoke fifteen minutes, .and I was alile to re8ullie my I"eadil,ig in .:-01nfort. VVt1 have often reccornmended it to oth.,~r.s with like result. week one of my men had a fingernail torn out by a pair of ice tongs. ·It b_eca.n1e very pai.nful, as was to be ~xpectcd. Held in sugar smoke twenty minutes, pain ceast:d and 1J1·01nise(l recovery . 4 BOOTS and SHOES ! lv.t~n ufactures of MURDO UH BROS. F laving decided to make " chauge in their business, are now selling for 0 ASH their large arid well assorted St0ck of Dry Good.~, Millinery, Clothing, ·Crockery and Glasswai·e, ' · NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. I - 'VOOD AND WORKXNG IRON . The intelligent Yeomanry of West D~lrham and South Ontrrrio, are becom in" fully aware that OSHAWA affords the Best. Market; her Manufactori~s supply the Best Implements; and her enterprising J\fercl:a~ts seli the most Styfoh Goods,at .PRICES rguiated by a healthy compebt10u Oshawa, West. King .St :~;ept. 23rd. 1874. MA CRINER i NB:JFFJl!lL'S AT - AND BELOW COST! NEW· ·wooP " " " I FALL AT STOfJJ{ Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds and Double Turbine Water Wheels REPAIRS T he Stock haviJ.1g been pnrchased in the. BEST MARKETS, buyers can · depend .on e-etting ' MORE AND BET'l'El? GOODS FOR THEIR 1¥IONEY at this Establshment tlmn in any other house in the country. J?ure v.·ater, or toast· and water, is the only and proper beverage for children ; an·l if the parents take ei ~her ale or wine, they All BA'l1 TINGS Diagonals. Homespun. FrenchR~ps. Call Ea1;!:y, and secure Bargains, as the wllole Stock must be sold at once, f;r CASH ·ONLY. bo.llacF- 1 0, who oau iell the jnws 1-l'e feel.' A phy$foiau advised a patient to take a walk on an empty atoroach · ~·bosi:, ~tomach ?' fe~bly n·skcd,tbe inYali<l. A Keva.da. editor gravdy nnuonnces that he never can 'vrite fluidly until he's bad a glass or two of whiskey. A Nr:\'ada. man \vho ha.daev. e nhomely daughtert'I, got a paper to hin~ that 11".! had seven kegs filled with gold in his cellar, and every girl ,.,.a~ married in five n1onths. should on no account suffer their children even to taste. 'A few d1ops cannot injure the dear c!lliid,' .says tbe indignant father; but a few drops to the tender and suscep.tible stomttch of a child are equal to a few glasses to the a~ ult. Besides, it leads to a bad ha hit; for if children be allowed to taste frequently, they wm like it, and will often be found draining the glasses left on the djnner t"ble, or supping freely wlien it is within their rench. If a child becomes fond of fermented drinks, it is hardly possib1e to preve'nt his becnn1ing a clrunkard in oftc-r life.. Let me n1ost earnestly entreat, n1ost so]en1nly warn you, to prevent this Plaids. Merinoe,s. Twills, Plaid f Wincies. Plain do, Sha'wls. Flann ells. ~us:Jn · done on tho NOTICE THE \\..,.e have nO\V on hD.JJd tha.t will be i.i. large quantity of ' GROCERY _DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest supply- of Common and Gang Plows s~ld LOW ' Oh1·istm as Good8, Raiscns, Our1·ants, Su· ga1·s, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. PRICES at Bowmanville, Ma1·ch 6 187-3. --o-~ AT THE SHOP. tf. Bowma.nville, Dec . .24 th, 1874 .. MURDOCH . BROSa , I thought 1 (wR:; . c1u~el'~he didn't holler out the last titne I 'h it him,' said 1frs. Huse, qf ~.\Jnba.Jna, to tho jury >vho w·~re trying her for the murder of her husband. · An excellent joke is told of a hfagistrate, who instead of fining the prisoner, tacked it on to the mnn who had him in chn.1:ge. H:.s attention Ibeing called to the fact,he spluttered out, 'Con--fon11d it, you rm;ical, lea\'e the man . alone, then." J;lowm.anvi:lle. September 24, 1874, ~·===:c:===::::::::=::::::::::=:::::==::::=====~=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 1873. -o- 1873 · ---o--- Your House. fatal ha.bit-the temporal, the eternal we]. far· of your child depends upon it, I woul1l rather never taste either wine or ale again, than that my children sbonld have to plea<l my exarnple as an excuse for'them. .It will not be need1u1, surely, to protest against spirituous liquors being given to chil<lren; ancl yet tJ1e n1edica.l n1en whose worka I have consulted lay much streBs on the subject, as they say it is n very common pr~ctice a111oug tbe poor aud uneducated. · Do think 1:1eriously about it, if you are going to build one, befor1;. you lay tlie foundatiun stone. · II ow: charming1y naive she i.s,' said a young There is so much of vour whole career depcufls bean to a crusty old gentleman; '~na;ve !' c<X· upon \Yhere it stand,r9~. Don't put it down in a 1.:la.iined the latter 1gazing through h1s ap~ctac.le1! hollow! You mfl,.y call it a vale or a. dell,a Uale towanl the coqu1;1ttish beauty indicated, 'I , or a \·alley, or whatever poetry comes upper1 should say u10re of a tool. most; but, my word for it 1 you will be in a hol· Mrs. Laing-, an Omaha woman, glided softlf low after all. It is not rc11l1y i:icccssary that up behiull King l{a.lakf\Ua and-f'tolc a ~is~ ! vour new structure should go upon the site your But the joke of thing is that the Omaha ~ra.ndfather honored with his, just because the wag<1 pa~sed · off a g\)Od-looking negro for the well and thf;l garden and the footpaths are located. Go from point to point on the farrn j fin'cl King. where you have th1;1 fa.v or o.f sun and air-curA CalifOJ·nfo, m;u1 tied one end of a rope rents; the inost cheery view and grandest outaround his waist, a11d hi.111:iowed a cow with the look ! Get upon a hill where there ia breathothcl'. He thought he ]1n.d the cow, but ll,t the ing room-where you can look dov.-'ll upon the end of tbe first half mile he began to suspect wodd anrl it will be forced to look up toward that the cow had him. you. There's ·m ore in it than yoa ~ay imagine. A Philadelphia 1nan n1.ys that when ldd ,·d fe There's a saving of henlth and spirits, and pa~eta up in the 1no1niog '"'ith a jerk, r.nd negleo· tience and self-resp~ct and-dignity hid therein . ting to do up hei: hair, goes silcnl~y abont l.1er A feast of beauty contir.ualJy bf'iore the eye, work, shµ, is 1n:tterinJ.izing,a dornestw row -which is an unsm~pected famine to doctors-before 1dp,ht will shtike tl~e boui-Je to its founda- Ab, you \viU Jlpd a large JJer cent.age of cuniiort to your life by considerate in this. tion. _And when you have your choice, why . The Gem gia nt:gro ba..-; nu 1.norc fo.ith in banks. not set to work to beautify it? A bit of a fence He Jays his n1oney out in f,tore clothes and hair and the wife's offvring of rose bushes in the oil, nnd the uews of a sus~t:insion causes hiin to : ' Bust a.·»ay w1d ye, but you yard is not the best ~·ou 011-n do. ~ Spread out a . trifle. Don't mur~er ali the trees off for the t·RJl't hurt desc l{~ven<ler pant;s.' sake of the grass. If nature forgot them, you ··v eir do yon tink de world will come to an can 1:1upply the deficiency. I tell you it Will pay. end t n.~ked a Gel·ma.11. It will bring a c~sh ·value to your f~rm to hitve '(), yil'obably in alJout three montha.' an~wt;ir it.known as the one in the neighborhood; <'rl the jnkur. it will get you customers and ba:riains . an~ in· 'Tfo, \·ell; I no ca.res for dat.' exclaimed fluence, if ~hat 'is what you most p'r.ize, which I Haus, with B smile- of satisfaction ; 1 I pe goiug trust is not. But, above n.11,it will lie the strong t~ > l'\rffalo (lis spring.' eet' wull of defence you can build between your It is said th~t sometime during the present children and e;il influeric(J,if y~u put your heart e ·work, l\Ud a ehrine where their mcn1or· yel'l.l' a pn.rty of one hundred E~glisbmen is com· into th_ ing over to tbie country on a grand buffalo iee will worship for ever !-llu1·al lte.w Yorker. A house without-a pictu.~ia like a stem shorn hunt, '1st! 'Uah ·! '.Ark!of its fair flower8, If you Would make a roOiu 11he 'orn of t.he 'unter is 'eard on the 'ill. A Phi.invillb c1tir.gyman insists t'lnn.t he saw a look neat, cheerful and h01;nfllike,...' (lrst, n.trd snake forty feet long and as big around as a bar- above all el~e, rob it of its staring/naked wnUs, rel of whiskey. A pretty good sized insect by covel"'~ng thein up with modest .and refined pictures. that. -WeliavenO doubt that he saw it, but he unquestionl:l.Uly aaw the barrel of whiskey before he saw the snake. It seems more rea.aonThe tenclency of won1anly feelirig must not abic. someho'v, be excluded from exerting Ha due inflllence A Ven11ont farwer stroked his grey locks and on works ~I Jit.erature, because when the saclly ren1arked: 'I didn't know how old ·and character of a lJ~tion ia Once truly ·formeJ, feeble I \\'n.5 until I went to lick J a.mes this morning, He's only seventeen, but I couldn't that noble sense of delicacy which is peculiar to the sex may do much towards mainmake him holier.' A letter passed through the Detroit post· taining it jn its purity, rind prevent it fron1 office the other day,bearing the following super- overstepping the limits of the beautiful. Rcription: 1 To the Fat Ku53 what etl.dits the Pontyac; w~ekly Gazette, and send me a dunnin letter in a en"·elo11e he .stole j Pontyac, Micl1 i- The Cooking Ola.use to the Temper~an.' A BIG is uo·.v ragiug at FALL"STOOK. Dress Goods Newest'Style. ---o--of the · TRELEVEN S Have you seen Cowle's '; cheap 10 ct Cottons? ~ of the be~3t DRUGS AND MEDICINES at tlie niake, including the cckbrated . STORM ONT. lOct Cottons Bowmanville Drug Store, at Cowle's--·Splend id value. ANDERSON & Co. Beg to ann01.l.rice to the Electors of W cat J. HIGGINBOTHAM f thanks to his numerous friends and customer6, a.nd to the puhlic gctterally, for the very liberal support he has recch·ed since his cou1mencing in businesa; nr1 d Luves by con· tinued strict personal attention to bu.<iineas, and offering nothing but the pure~t articles. a-t the most reaeonable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. J, H. would call special attention to his very superior stock of 'fvOULD n1vst respectfully tender hi!! 1::ip.cere PRINrl1S of unequalled :o'-!r~am and surrounding country, that the;> will sell thell' immense and he TJYE STUFFS · which a.i·e Stlt'C to give the bust satisfaction. ~ weU seler.teci atock of determined to continue to sell , at these 1 uinously low prices Why he can do itcheaper than the cheapest, First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Second, what he can't buy"cliettp enough, he ma.nufacturee Third, lie is s&ti'l,fi'M with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for ct\~h ; Fifth, he sells at bottom priCes. 1s STYLE and Q'C' ALI'l'T 8TOCI~ OF At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. ~ B OOTS & SHOES. STORMONT riI:;"ovEais~oii~,35~0"i1~e7ti"~~~~; ' 1000 pr!1, .Mwlies l·ebalffnd Bvj; Bcilrno1'Cil1:J, COTTON BAGS 'l,H E BEST . lll the World. Speci~I CA..LL AND sm:s: PQB Y'O'UBSELVEISf A::-ID -o- ' at 1.5.0, pe1· pafr 1 /err CASH JJ}rLY. 1000 Pairs Women's, ivlisses' and Child's Felt Boots the ichol~ to be sold for CASH ON LY . . ,' . '/ --o-·~. · - . Call early ttnd secure ?Our Winter Sgi)ply, while the rai>h is gofog on at, DRUGS, CllEMIOALS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, C0,~1BS, BRING Y 0 UR FR IE ND S WITH Y O.U. Examine the atocki whfoh co1nprise8 evorythiug in the trade 1 of the very latest and most elegan _ $~yles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and .A.merican l1HMlufai;ture. -oHt: still continues to manufacture to order, from th1;1 best of material, fl.nd none bi1t first-class wt·rkmen kept. · -o- . Line of GOTTOJY-S at OOWLE'S. n01.v1.1!:'!DVillc, Dec. 10th, ~4. ANDERSON . & CO'S., Boot & Shoe Em..poriu.m:., Orders Pro,zriptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. READY-NfADE SHOULDER-BRACES ' I : . . SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ek kep~ .(.Oll.sta:D,t!y oli hand. He bas. in stock an· endl'ess variety of LadieEl' it;1d Gents' Saratoga 'fcunks, \..,.. alises, &c., {l.U of 1 which he is selling chea1} for cas'h. · -o- CIA OTI-IIN G Good TO TH:E PUBI-'IC. 'VALTER WIG·G & SON . JN,returnin? thanks ~o t:h11ir· n~merous.cust,on1ers the public ~~nerally, ,for p~t faYors, \~ ou1d 1·e~vectfully 111 ntc thew a.ttcmt run to n,u.r present stock of furniture, ai,,i. we have lately a~de<l..the1·eto, that1.1we ru~y. thereby be eunbled to snp-pJy a11 parties ~who n:1n.y pleaae to fic.vor him '\lth a. _call~ 1 ..:a·eat inducements b eld out to tho1;1e pu1·c1iasing at ou1· establishment. Piot~rea. Looking. Glaase8, etc .. r:;r~tmed to orclor, and in evl:lry style. Samples of tbe different kin~ of l\fmthhnga can be seed at the \·rooru. We ,.,-01rld aliso beg to inform you ' tli a", 1' having purchased a and OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at t.4.e very ·lowest prices; Il-own1a,n"ille1 ~fay 13,·1874. M. TRELEVEN. Cheap. ' Clothing M· ade to Ord. e It is a well-known Fact tit at Cowle !ias tlie best Tweeds in the count1',1J. Nothing chectper than the I Oct 1 Cotvle's. Horses and Cattle Medi~ines. - N. IL-·Copntry store-keepers supplied on the most advantageous terms. A choice selection of LAMPS for ba.l1;1 cheap. B1iY'ml.nvlllE', Dec. 1868. 6m. IStraw-Cutters ! AND · · Grain Grinders Confectionery Depot. WHOLE ALE and RETAIL ~ FEED l\tfILLS. .Ju:at arrived, JlIJ.d !D:t: Sale_ t at the above depot FRUIT, SPLENDID NEW .HEARSE, we shall be l'l!l ady at a I times:o attend Cuueralfl, on short notice and reasonu.ble terms. N. B. -Coffins kept o J 1 han and IIJ,ade to onler, at the. ---------·----BLANI{ETS IN Ootiot1S - NEW D011:IINIOJ'( RE'l'AlL FURNITURE WARE-ROO,lf_ 1rnwa, Aug. 26th; 1870. King Street East, \Oshawa. UOBBIS' ance Fledge, CARRIAGE .SHOP New Friiit ancl Ccnfectfonerys, Another cn.r load of the ab1')ve JloblP articles on the i.vay. ', where do the Cows get the milk?' 1.sked ""'illie, looking up from the foarning pan of milk which he ha.d been intently regarding. '\Vhere do you got yourt.ears ?' was the answer. After a thoughtful si1cnco ho ngain broke out, ']l.!amroa, do the cov.-s have to be spanked? An Idahinan having accidentl,r broken a pane of glass in a window of a house, was ma.King the best of bis way to get out of sight, but, unflwtunatelyfor Pat, the propriator stole a n1arch on him, a.nd having seized him by the oolln.l' ex· claimed :-' Dklnit you break that window?' 'To bo sure I did,' replied Pat: 'and didn't you see n1e running home for the money to pay for it?: Brows:f l3tulker of Oa1·mel loafe(] around all day tryil1g to get the 11igh1;1st bid for his vote. He wanted three dollars; but just a!'! they were a.bout to compromise on t.wo dollar~ aud a. half, the suu went down and the inspe..:tor <lfclared the polls closed. All he remarked wn.s, ' Great Crosit.r ! is it poS,Siblc 'Pm not in time to vote for the Constitutional a1nendn1ent prohibiting bribery at elect_ ion..s. 1 'I sa.y, mister, did yoLl see a dog cowe by here that looked as if he were a. year, or a year and a half, or two ye~n:i old?' said a Y a.nkee to a countryman at the road-aide.-' Yes,' said the, thinking himself quizzed. He passed about an how·, or a;ri hour and Bhalf, or two hours ago ; and is now a. mile,or a 1nile and a half, or two miles ahead ; and he had a tail about an inoh, or o.n inch and a half, or two inches long.'- 1 'l'hafll do,' said the Yaukee; 'you're into me a ioot, 01· a foot and a half, or two feet.' Choice Lemon, Orange ,. ~ Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the most lastiug, the least tronbleaome and most complete tfVer invented. 11hc::y are'used ~n<l re~?~mended by maD ;y, of thf best Breeders in the United Stat1:1s and Canada, such as G. B. Loring~ Sa.l1:1m, Mass., .President I~e"- Englaw..f' \\_r ool Gruwe1'.s' ::;;ociety; ,Joh:p, S. Ross, Henne~1n, Ill. ; Professor l\'[, l\filca, of the State Ag· r1eultural Collt?ge, Lansing, Mich.; Hon. Geo. Brown, Toronto, Ont. ; J Ohn Snell, '.b;dmonton Out. On each D-fark is stamped the owner'~ name and the Sheep's numb~r. 1'hey will be sent free, by mail, VJ' exprees,fur onty /cur urits each, and will for'l'Y Yl!l.ARS.. W' CMh must accompany all orders Please call at the The Satisfaction given by 'Well, if therewasn'tatlutteratsome of the doors! What, ·ign a temperance pied gel that meant to eign away the right to " give a.nd. Citron Peels, B o '\V JYIAX v IL r., E (n·e.!jt of the Ontario Dank.) · DATES, · FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES TO ARJLVE Soft Shell Almwnds,Filberts, Brazil and w,.z1 Euts, l(<Jille·r's 11/arrnalude, TV est India P1·eserved Ginger, Pea·rs, Pl.ums, .1' &: Peaches, Green Peas, Green Corn &· Lima Beans. Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R W. JAMES, l{ing St., Bowma.n ville. Rovnrianville; Dec. 5, 1872. Large Variety 'Winoeys--a. Dead J ( lJ .N. B.---Special inducement given to CASH Purchasers. T HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEA.PEST the pie·meafo good generou· dnsh of hrnndy or hard cider 1 Of coJl,rse n~t. There '\1tas BA.RN UM King Street, .Bowmanville. neighbor So-and·so, not to c·ll n.a me·. She was right in the midst of a whole -cookingbatcb.' rrbe StO\'e WM getting ruddy, trying to keep up with its mistress. The raisins had been rloned. The sifted flour lay white as 11 snow·drift. Then came the mixing und flavoring. , Bottle after bottle of "extracts,' was uncorked. Box .after box · of spices ·was opened. ' lfl1e room was fairly redolent with od.ors, as if n breeze right from Araby itself were blowing through tlie kitchen. IMting a bottle big enough to make an old toper foir1y' crnzy at the sight, tbe thrifty cook eays : ' I must splasb in a little of t.hia br-' Jfngle ! jingle! Jingle! went tbe tloor bell. " 'Good morning, nejghbor. " I an1 going the rounds with my tempefa~cc pledge; and 1Nant you t9 sigu jt.' It .'\"!ls a_,s:rious-eyecl, deternlined·lookiog womun that bad been nlO, - -.-c-.., - - - --.- -- -- --- ,TIIE. subsci'ibet ii; prep;.red to build and re· ' pair Our Dominion Excelsior RaspbettyVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles · Tho,v have come and are coming, at the ~ Fruit De1;ot. SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. MO:'<EY a11dLABOlt tmved ! French 'llDfE Oil Pul-ish. 'l'hik lt'rench Oil Polish is prepared for Carriages,, :Bugg-ies, Jl1u·ness, Boot's and Shoes, and all kinds of Leather. lt will give any mticlo of Leathel', a mofolt hr'illiant appearant'.:~, ancl at the snme tiu1e, from its oily prvperties, tends much to preserve it 1 it will al. \\·ayr. be moist and pliant; and may be exposed to water and washed, and will not lose its brilliance, anfl H fa nof to be fea1·ed that any- crust 'viH settle on· said Leatherwhenpreeer\'.e<l '\V"ith the abo-Ve Oil. _ }ror thr~ ·woodwork of Buggies, Carriages, and :Furniture, ther:c is not a better article in use; ~ianufttcf;t1retl by A. SIMO::i & Co. I rranncra and Curl'iel's, formerly of~ France, now of !'hiladolphia, Pa., lni:;truct1ons-8ha.ko;1 bottle. .A. ftnv drops on a piece of $[?0Uge.apµly it lightly to the leathm\ n.nd you will obtain the finest lustre. Price 75cts. per hottleror S.'7..:50 per .JOHN S:&iALE, Sohl Age11t, How. dozon. man ville. July 16th, 1874. Wcigons, Buggies, cind Cutters, c.f every desc.ription, at short notice, aud o reasonable terms, F. Y. Cowle ' A.Il.CIHBALD YOU:NG, JR, Sarnia, Ont. Orders aJdre'-'"d to the J\bROHNT and OBSE.B.~EH Offic:e, fo1 any quantity, will be filled at the aOoYe-mentioned price, as quickly as he Marks ca11 be and s.::!nt.· Eowmanville,Dec, 28th,1871. ~--- SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUALITY is lhe test of CHEAPNESS, T, DARLINGTON, Bo'\ mlluvillf·. Dec. 4th.1873. - -· ------------~--~-- -·- Carriages Painted and nfl·tf C. BARKER, ml.~ Jy ---- ---- -~- · on the preuuses,,\o-ere special attention is given A B.lacksmith's Shop to all wor~, Dressmaking, &c. Miss Heal Would beig to inform the ladies of E ow1nanville aud Vicinity, that she is prepar1;1d to to..kc ord~rs for Dressmaking~~"nd fill the same with atispatb in the REMOVAL. '"'·j;;he8 to infoeru his numerous friends aod cu.S ,tonHrrs that he haR-l'emnvl..ld to : t30,i HO! NOT SO FAST. r have written these few lines A,nd all I have to sa.~J , That you can-find Jhe-still at hotne I am not gone awo.y ; " · So a.11 my kind old friends may corno · And all the young ~Iles t oo ' And get their garments 11ioely made. In fashions that ru-e ne..,\~ Where old and yottng d~&l' friends n:ay ir.tie~ S. MASON Gentlemen---of Fashion. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents ·t " '" Ba!morals, extra high ' cu . $1.25· 't·<> Beat it. imd General Jobbing. ,BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be fo1111tl witl1 the lHost com d.~ aflsortmcnt uf GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber,Goods, · Felt Goods - ~ 1 ~ called- one oft-be rnodel'n cru.s adera. 1 Let ine read it,' wns the reply; an<l down went the brandy bot;le with the' vig: orous thump of a pavior. · ' 'Vhnt, nu~us~ Trunks, &c. Specir1.l attention given to. All work dune at this Estnblishment warranted. A call ia rc;:;11ectfully solicited. J LATEST FASI:IION. .A OAitD. Harness, Whips any liquor for cooking purpo ;'l:s1 .,.. Why _ ,.:J iun a. te1npHrauce wo1na11, bu-r'I ~must u~e~ t in cooking?' Then came the old re-hash ot Bo1vmanville, Oct,. lit, 1869. .r. 11-IOil.RIS. Her experience fu11y warrants her in promisi og satisfaction. Residence, Corne1' of Church 81 reeit 1 and 11aduit Square. Bowmanville.- lJec , 4th, 1873. I have this clay ~~lJpoilltcd 1tlR. C. BltRR}Jl{ the Exclu~·h'.e i.t;rept for tl~e sale of my 'VuL· rUll S1 C, C_'\.NIZED PE~::i tm· Bowmanv1llc, Ont. j in town . Plea.-;e caU. J3uckler· 8 old stand .TOS_EPH MA.SON.,P. P. J. J.JACOBS. ontt dool:" east of JY-Ia.yna.wl's Hotel. Row-n1!t.nrille, Sept.10th, 1874. Inwtf. Eowman-ville, Sep, lat.. 1873. 'T k & and .rnJne. but tirst~olo ~s workmen employed>, thus 1ns1tllllg good value every car:e. CUTTING AND FITTING'· .. A '\Yelc~me greeting by n.. PEA~rE. Bo:wruanville, Juu6JVfli1673, S'l'O~E.~ One door .:tast of _Oor11is11's J1:nvelx~· tore1 K i ng Street, Bo\vman ville . J. S1IALE . B>wmanville, Sop\, 2iJ1·d, l.S73.