rn·.,,..,,·- THE M:EHCHANT, FRIDAY M.ARCH 5, 1875. ~~--== -·-· ---- ---- ·- ------- - --- POETRY ___ / FARM AND KITCHEN. Repair Your Rubbers. To the Christian Band. 'J't Eon'. toil on! y~ ethereal traii1; \Vho rove on the Lowin of time'P tl'eacht.Jr· ·u s main; 'l'uil on, for the riches of earth ye mock; 'Yith yonr sttuctnros E.ecnro on a mighty Rock ; Your columns of fhthomlesi:; fount.!l.iin cavell,It flows fl·o1n th e !lidc of your ~ovcreign who saves. Ye're a blesae<l baud thua boldly to r ear Y 011r h<.}pea up so 11igh to the realms so f~ir. Judia. rubber !!hoes and bottts are freql1ently inade useless by a slight cut or bole which a lit· th: cen1ent wou.l<l repair. To prepare the ce· ment, cut vil'gin or nati\le india-rubber with a wet knife, into the thinnest possible Blices, and with ahcn.rs <liYide these into threads a.a fine as ynrn. Put a ~inall quantity of the shreds {say 011c-teuth or less, of th~ c~pacity of the bottle} into a wide-mouthed oo'ttle, ani:l fill it three quarters tull of benzine 1 of good quality, per·. fectly free f1·om oil. The rubber will swell up }~ight on ! fight on ! yc'rc a heavenly ba.lHI, aluiost immediately, and in a few days, espeoi 'Vho seek for a happy celestial land; u.lly if often shakt.n. Msu1ne the consistency of Fight on ! ~for your Captain is high he1tvcn 1s honey. If it inclines to re1nain in unrlissolved J{i~ g ; masses, inore benzine must be added j but if too .A.nd you to that ln,n<l ()f ddight he will.bring, thin and watery, it needs more rubber. ·ro sing of his grace, to feast on his lo\'e, . A. piece of solid rubber the size of .a 1 l'o ex1)erience the swe et joy8 of that hen.v.::n wa.lnut will make a pint of the cement. al·nvo; 'l'hi8 ce1nont chies in a few minutes,und by using rl'o make tho high a1'cbes of the city to ring three coats in th ti usual 1nanner, will unite leathWith antben1s of rapture nud p1·aise to yoai· er strap~. patches, ruhh!ill' soles, backs of books, King. etc., with exceeding firmness. The Inia.-rub~ Pray on ! pra.y on! ye bles.'-1'<.l happy t.ln ong, her, unvulcn.nized.can be obtained :~t most large ]'oi· Jesus youi· Saviour will not tarry long ; stort.:ls whert.:l rubber goods :i.re sol<l, and at some Pray on ! be assu1·ed He declares in His \Vord drug atoras. - Chi·Uit.san W _ eekly. " ".tihcre rcmaint::th ·a rest to the people of God," Ye Bonn sh~11 inb a.bit the regi0nsof pence, Corn and Hogs. '";'i 'h ~-l· ..;. ~.: . . , :1:1 ~ cJ;.!: :1; !: .. , and the bright ones of b1iss ; }'rom carefully conducted cx1)eriments, by lf faithful to Jesus, forever you'll wen.i· different persons, ..jt has been a~certa.ined that His gift that is precious, a crown that id fair. one bu shel of co1·n \\ i1l mn.ke a littlu ov('r ten and one· half pounds of rork,gros:1. 11.10.kin:.; the Sing 0n ! sing on ! now the battle is o'or ; And ya to the e~rth shall be chained no more ; reault a.~ a basis, the following deductions are inn.do, which nll our farmers would do well to Ring on ! aye sing ou J ye are ci'ittiring i11, hiy by for a conveni~nt n~ference : 'i'o see your .Redeemer, of glory the King: \Vhen corn sells foi: 15~ cents pe1· hm:1hel,pork 1~our joy is unntter::i.ble, your e1)i1·ita EH'e ca.ln1, '£hrough great tribuL1.tiun to glot·y yon 're c01ne, costs 1~ cents per pound. 'Vhen corn costs 17 cents per bushel, pork Now, 'mid pleasures unbounded ym1r voices as·:osts 2 cent.$ per pound. cend, \.Vhen corn co5ts 25 cents per buahel, pol'k ...6i.11J you know t hat they never, no never shall costs 3 cents a pound. end. 'Vhon pork costs a3 cents per bushel, pork JAMES A. CAM PBELL. costs 4 cents a pound. A.lbe1·t College, Nov. 22, 1872. Vlhen corn cosb1 50 ~ents pe.r bushel, pork costs 5 cents a. pound. The fullowing sta.teroent shows what the farmer realfacs on his corn when sold in tl1e for1n of pol'k: Our ma.chine poet agonizer; thus ; When pol'k sella. fol' 3 centS per pound, it Oh, t11e auow,tbe beautiful snow brings 25 cents pe1· bushel in corn. Falling so fast, but only to go; \Vhen pork sells for 4 cent~ per pound, it Dropping ao gently, to 1nelt wjth a rn eh, bri ngs 33 cents per bus11el in co1·n, Oh beautiful snow, oh slippery slush ! \Vhc.n ptirk sells for 5 cents per poundr it Au lndianpoli8 father shot six timcB at a brings 45 cents per bushel in corn.--Jotwnal of 1:1upp0Bed burglar, and was a.stoniebe<l to heal· Ayricult·urc. tho follow ask. "Va7.zer mnzr,e1·i fa.zzer? wazz.e.i doing?' How to Keep Warm. 1 Crumbs for Chickens. Can you n .. n r ttslted a boy of a St. Loui8 officer who had a:t1·e ...t~d him. 'J,ike a cuss.' was the reply. 'rl'hen chase me,' said the Loy, and olI he went. I A teacher aaid to :i little girl at scho::il, · If n 11aughty girl should hurt you, .like a good girl, you would forgio·e bt:r, wouldn't you?'- ' Ytis, ma'a.m,' she replied, 'if .l couldit't catch her /' 8cene, a court romn. Seedy iudividual ar· raigned for theft. Question._by theJud].."e-Did JOU ::steal the co1nplainant's coat? Seedy indivtllua.1-I decline to gratify the morbid curioE;itt ' of the public by a,nswcring that interrogatory. A ""\)Uld be tichool teacher in Toledo rtcentlY l·eplied to a. question by one of the ex:iminers: c Do you think the world fa round or fla.t ?' by saying: 1 Well, some pl-lotJle think one way and some an.1ther, an ·:1 rn teach round or flat just as the parents plea.se.' One way not to keep w:ar1u iB to tlrink fl'eely of hot drinks ; to keep the poi·es of the skin closed ; to en.t more than can lie digested ; to sit over n. hot-air furn.'.l.ctl; to lace tigl1tly; wear tight gartera~ tight sbor.a, tight glo\'es, and bundle up with "heaps" of warm clothing i wear muffiers around the neck, and avoid a breath of c1:1ol freah air ; take wine or bitters bt:fore tntials, and pills to aid digestion,after eating. Do this da.ily a month or mo1·e, and you will be as tender as n. tropical house-pl~nt, and will ta.lee "dreo,dful oolds" ori the 1:1lightest exposure. IIot drinks ju3t before ~oing o lt, are e.~pecially f,i,vor:iJble to · induce chills ; and this is a.bout the \Vay many are now trying to cheat natllte 1 a1v· l tu pn:ilong· n1iaerat1le cx;ist once. R.m·al J.\t ew Yorko'. :IJ.:lcven ::;.l"orruan horses were sold :it the Cl 1icngo P:xpooition recently for £18,000. has g-iven a lucid exposition of the 1·ationale _of the obae1·\·:itions tnadc by tho Vll.l'ious groups of scientific men who"were appointed to watch thC little black spot KS it passed over the sun's diac, and to note the- exact time occupied by its ingress and egress-facts which, when the reports from the dllferent stations a.1-e sifted and compnrcd, will supply aistronomers witl1 more truo;;t· 'voxthy materials for their calculations tha.u any they h<\Ye yet obtained. Commending ?t11'. Gl'ant.'s little book to·our J'eadel's who deis shewing a I sire to study the theory of the matter, we turn now to the report,a of tho transit of Venus, which ha,ve been received by the Astrono:i;o.er I Royal and others from distant countries. rl'hese reports are eminently satisfactory and encourag· OF ing. In Egypt, the '"eather threat1:ned to ~poil everything, but about ten minutes before the 1 contact took place, the clouds opened, and at e\·ery station in the land of the Pharaohs, t!Je ; phenomenon was accurately obaerved. Or:igi' Which excel in STYLE and VALUE. nally it waa intended that Alexandria should be the principal sta.tion in Egypt.but on t,headvice ~ of Captain Ord Browne, the Aatronoiner-Hqyal altered bis plans-·-a ch3.nge amply justified by the fact that, while the \1leather opportunely clear<:d up in other parts of the country, the suh was a good deal obscured at Alexandria. It ·is worthy of remark that t~e tents c1·ected in the Nil1;s Valley were telegraphically connected 6rat with Alexandria. and then with a small r..oaet village in Ca.rnwall "without a aiugle brf?.~ in tho wire." One of the Most imPortant stations was nt Roorkee, in India:-. In l£gypt~ the point,()f illgreas -coukl not be seen, _ been.use the bUll~ hn.d not rise:u when tlud took pine~, but at lWokee, w!iere Oolonl:ll Ten.na11t A Lcirge Stock of Cloths amd 1';'"imrri:ings, made to 01:dM'. Fits G1laran\Vil.$ atatioued, the entire transit was visible ; tecd_ Lcde&t Styles in liats, Shirts, 'Pies, &c. and as one hundred photC"gra1Jbs we~ taken by the gallant officer, it is reasonable to assume that important results will flow from his observationt1. 'Ve have dispatched official expedi- LadieR' and Children'o Fine Make. CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN tions tu the: Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. and ·Kcrguelen Ialsnd as well as to Egypt. NEW STYLES, A LARGE ST009- TO SELECT FROM. Lord Lindsay has untlertaken to observe the transit at the l\.1auritius; while the ob~rv~r· ies Of Melbourne, Sidney. the Cape, and ~Iad· The intelligent Yeornamy of West Durham and South Ontario, are berae, may be trusted to contribute then· i:h::ue coming fully aware that OSHAWA affords the Best Mat:k.et; her Manuto the' general stock of information. Sutne factories supply the Best Implements; and her enterpnsmg .i'f!erch.[l,~lts time l)lU8t elapse before we can hope to receive ~ejJ tlie mOJst !':ity li~h Guods,at PRICES rgul atcd by a healthy competition full details from the more distant stations; and ORhawa,W<·Jet. Kin4 St, ;-;ept. ~3rd. 187·1. · for months t~ corne, the Transit of ,.,. en us will continue to bold a, place in our public journals, side by side wlth purely mundane intclligC'ncc. Not the least interesting feature of this great astronomical event is the inteniational cha1·nc· . ter which. it possesses. The Governments of Gt·eat Britain, France, Germany. Italyt Hol· land, Russia, and the United States, have all AT had representatives in th:i.t highly trained scientific COl'pB1 the 1nembers of which are no~ widely scattered over the earth'a E!urfacc. In tbose caJiu regions ot middle air in which astronomera ·liv(l1 nothing is known concerning t11e animosities of race ; and if nations would only consent to bury theAe animoaitieB, it is easy to perc.:eivc, fr<m) the already rich exped· Russian Twills. Diagon_ als. All Wool_en.::e of the past \\"eek~ that they might readily Plaid. Wincies. Homespun_ " !t11d usefully co-operate in a perpetuu.l series of Plain do . FrenchReps. . " efforts to extend the knowledge and to E>xalt the Shawls. Plaids. intellectual character of mankind. The Amcri· " Flannells. cans, whose astronomera deservedly enjoy Merinoes. l1igh reputationa, have occupied "\Vladivoatock, in Siberia., Nagtwn.ki, Pekin, and other places . It is impof::sible not to feel Sl mpn.thy w:th pro· ffls!lor Hall, who in the Jepth of ,yjnter, hns taken up a position in the Siberian wilderneM j or with the Gtirmans at Ispal1an, nnd the dia· tant A.ucklands ; or with the Russians who 1 besides occupying thirty stu.tions in Russian tcr· ritory, have despatched expeditions to Egypt, Persia, Chin:'!.. nnd Japa.11 1 and whose s11cf!ei:;s September 24, 1874h~s con-efiponded with thl:'ir public 1;1pirit. AUTUMN! 187(. I IF S. TREWIN, OSHA'W A, GRAND Just Arrived at the ASBION HOUSE ri. spkntlid a ssortu1ent of · NEW MILLINERY. Al<:!o ii s ri_i 0 c K: l lut of REAL HAIR. FANCY GOODS, & Also a l ~rgc at~~k of S1 APLE & FANCY Dl\Y GOODS, . - --o--- Stamps for Baiding and Em- ' b1cidy. Important Announcement ! Millinery, Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. -oo--- FASH I 0 N .S for Spring just to hand. :Millinery and :Mai11tle Del:)airtment IMO't11t~ING Replete witb Lat.est Styles & Novelties. DBESSHARING as usual. Great .Reduction, _ in Dry Goods ! ctOO:OS A SPECIALITY l MRS. A. FLETCHER Bow1nanvillo, April 7th,1874. l BOWMANVILLE Gents' Furnishings ' · Machine a.nd. Implement Manufacturing Co MURDO UH· BROS. Having decided to make a chauge in their business, are now selling for CASH their large ancl well a.5sorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, ' BOOTS and SHOES ! Manufactures of \VOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINER'i. AT AND . BELOW ·COST I The Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on getting NEW FALL STOfJ.K Double Turbine Water Wheels, and lfIORE .A ND BETTER GOODS FOR TIIEJR MONEY at this Establsh)llcnt than in any other house in the country. B LL\ T T I N G s-. Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds REPAIRS doiie on tlie Call Early, and secitre Ba1'[Jains, as tlie whole Stock must be sold at once, for CASH ONLY. THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT SHOB'1'ES'1' NOTICE, 'Ve ha ve now on hand a large quant.ity o( is llOW complete with the choicest supply of Common -and Gang Plows, that will bo 's1>l<l at Oh,risttncts Goods,-Raise1is, Oiirrants, Su· gctrs, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. l3owmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874. LOW PRICES ti. , --o-- AT THE SHOP. llowirianville, March 6 1873. MURDOCH BROS. Manches'ter House, Bo-w:m.anville. 1873. ·0· 1873. ---o--- 'Gi vc us a. copper, yer honor,' cried a little .A tnn.11 in California ha; raised sixty t otlS of street Arab of ten years, recently. 1 Be off with ,fOlt !' n 1 plied the g-l:'ntleniau; 1 I h a \' C no cnbba.ge on three acl'es of land 1 and got $'11000 · c11onge.' ' Pleage, sir,' continued tho urchin in gold for hi g crop. the same nasal voice; 'do give 118 a balf-pen11y: The vfrufl, or \)ofoon of glanderi;, mity lny fo1· I've los~ half an hour running- after yer !' nlonths in a state of iucub~tion in tho honstl's 1 Jolin, E!top your ·crying,' r;aid a.a etnagcd constitution before the disease breaks out. Of father tc his HOU, who hru:llkept up an intoler- this we have the mo~t positi\'e evidence. able yell fo1· the la.st five minutes. 1 Stop I say, tlo you ht!ar ?' again repeated the father a.fte1· a. J(ccpin(J Pu11ipki11.s.-'110 keep vegetabk mal·few minutes, the boy still crying. ·You dori't rows.or pumpkins for winter use, they must he ~uppose I can choke off in a tniuuto, d'.) you?' fully ripe when cut, and the stem sea.led with cried th.e urchin. sea.ling wax ; afterward they should be placed A crusty old batchelor, re.:ddiug in this pla~e in 11. bng to hang in a, cool, dry place. while 'p assing: a house wh~re t\VO children were playing, was askeJ by a friend what lie would A str:;ing-e alicl fatal disease has bt·ok en out give for such little darling!:! a1i tht>y w ert~. He among the hogs in Davis Co .. Iowa, brou;ht Uryly replied, 'art1e11ic !' there by a lot of bogs imported from tho grusa· An £-lderly clergyman who i~ a:hacl1 elor, a11d hopper regiotJs of 1(~1sas. N eacly all the bogs J'ather good looking, on bi:ing askt!rl why he had hu.ve since died . T.h"i:y ~ct 11oor, wenk in the never married, replied that be had been looking hind parts, and finally lie down and die. A new horse d;.atemper has..Jnade its appearance a.t Syracuse, N. Y., s;i.id by vetel'inary surgeons to be !:!pin.'.l.1 roeningitis. It begins witb .A. clergyman in Iow:t ~tood i11 hi s 1loor tu1d ~slight cougl1, whic11 ii) followed by n. g1'Cei:incss warne(l a donation party t.L:\t t he first on e who in t he. throat. This gradually expands,until it entcre<l his g"a.te woultl l.: e ~ tltJa.d In:ln. Ile si:t.id it rc ncbes tlie lnngs and apinal systen1, where it was bad enough tu ta.ke half .hi i:: ,Ji:l>Y in beam:.· r.:aunot be cured. If the cough is properly trcnt· without lrn,\'i11g hi;'j huuse di:st royet.l. ed, the diseaee c1n be cured at t he outset. all his life fol' a. woman who wvuld refr<\in from working him a pair u! alippP.r.;o.1 :l.nd had not yet been ablti to find her. Poverty is uot always of the nature of an aO.liction or judgment, but is rather n1erely a state of life, appointed by God for tbe proper trial and exercise of the virtues of contenfluent., patience, and resignation ; and for one man to mnrmer ngainat Goel, been use he possCRses not those riches he has given to anotlier, is 'tlie wroth that killeth the foolish man, unt.1 the envy that s1a.yelh the a1lly one.' A BI(:tis now rn.ging at l--(,URH FALL STOCK. ---o--Dress Goods NewestcStyle. of the ·. TRELEVENS Have you seen Oowle's cheap lOct Cottons? . DRUGS AND MEDICINES at tho GREY COTTONS of tli e best inake, including the celebr~teJ STORM ONT. lOct cottons at Oowle's·-·Splendid value. Bowmanville Drug Store, ANDERSON & (Jo. Bog t.o annouuce to th:c.. Electors-of "Vest D\U'h;a.tn and l!Ul'l'Oundiug couniry 1 tha.t thel- will aell theu· nnmense J. HIGGINBOTHAM of unequalled 'No, tifr,' :ingrily cxclaimiue<,l b-!1·. Scott, of the ~t. Joe Conimerci r\l,as he waved the agent toward!$ the half open door. 'No, sir; I want n·me of your i·evisi;d st:ttut~a. Give me 1he old l·}recinu and H.oman a.ntiqun.ries, .lifelike and hum~~u -a crude y~knus or a. Cupid,.and sich. ' Two fr iends Illt\ttinr;, one rernarked, 'I ha\'e jus.L rul:t a mitn who told me I looked exactly like :you. '- -'Tell IY1e who it WM, tho.t I may kncck hin1Jdowll,' repl1~d his friend. - 1 Don't tron tole yl)Urself, ho said; 'I ditl that myself. ' .\. vul:\tile young ge.ntleman, whose conquests · in the ferrrn.le world were numberless,:.,at last :::narried. ·Now my clt!ar,' said the wife 1 'I hnpe you'll 1nend."-' ){adam, said ,,he 1 you niay depend on it; · this ia my last folly.' If you ::tro coudncting a bu~iness which looks to a local t1·a.de only for support, keep day and night a~tivtily in )'OUl' service, the columns of ITOUJ..D most i·cspectful1y tender his sincere 1 f thanks to his numerous friends un d cus· tomers, aud to the public generally, for the ' very libP1·al support he has received since his comtneucing in businesa; and hopes by con· ~inued strict personal attention to business, and offering notbiug but the purest articles. at the most reasonable pti.Ces 1 to ensure a continuanco public 1Jtbtronage. of Z.cat71cr frorii IntestinCJ. - A patent has recentJ. H. would call special attei~tion to hiR very ly been takeu out in France for tho preparation superior stock of of leather from tripe, ii1tustines 1 and other auimal membranee, These ·a re soaked in milk of lime while still fresh, then washed in 'va.ter,and which are sw·e to give the best satisfaction. finally in1mersed in a paste made of starch and A well seler.ted stock of white of egg. . The snbst.ance thus formed is to be used for glove-making, etc. ; aud may also be DRUGS, t8nned or curried. STOCK and he is determined to· continue to sell at these ntinously low pric cheaper than the cheapest_ Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! · Second, what he can't buy che:.p enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fomth; he sells for cl\sh ; Fifth, he sells at bot.tom prices. oF BOOTS & SHOES, At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. 100 P" ii's Me n's Felt Gaitm,foi· Cash only.3510 Ccw" Chil<l'· WeUingto111, $1.~0 pail'. STYLE a,nd Q'tJ' AI.l'l'Y 1 FEI.'1' OVER-SHOES, STOJit:M:ON'1' · lOOOp1·a. MisscsFebaland Buff Balmiorcil~, Cases Felt Overshoes. a.t- ~.50, .ver pa.ii'-, fQt OASH ONLY. 1000 Pairs Women's, Misse.s' and Child'· F'cll Boots, the tchole to be sold for CASH ONLY T>YE STUFFS 0.ALL AND SEB lFOB YOUBSELVE8, AND --o-- COTTON BAGS, THE --o-Call early nud secure your Winter Supply, while the rush is going on at BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. ExnmiRe the stock, which -comvrises everything in the trade, of the very latest and n1ost elc gnu styles and patterns, of Engli!!h 1 Canadian 1 and An1erican manufacture. n~ BEST . in the World. Special Li"e of COTTONS at' GOWLE'S. ANDERSON & CO'S., Bow~anville, D ec . l~tL, 18i4. CHE11! jQ.ALS, Boot &; Shoe Em.poriu.m. horofl papers, au<l the papers through ns much of the neighborhood as you can hope to attract to you, by any marked adva.11tagcs you can extend to those who come to buy. 'l'he other day Justice Pott 'vas called upon to marry a couple on Fort l:ltreet · ~t, a.nd he was asking the bridegroom : 'You prorniBe to love, cheriah, · &.o., when the young man blul'ted out: · Set: hcrt1 l I want a fair understan<ling about this thing. Does that n1ean tb~t I"·e got to take care of her whole family, or only herself !' Hiis Hnn(1r explained, and the young ina.n continued: 1 Well, go ahead. I only 11.·ant.cd to know how much of the family I marrying,' y~mr Cha1·coal for Wound!J.-A corresPondeut of the ScientUic A ntd1ican says :-The best simple remedy I havo found for surface woun<la, t:i:U<'h :l$ cuts, u.brasions 6f the skiu, etc., ia chorcoal. l'nke a cool from tb.r:l etove, pulverize it, apply it to the wound a.nd con:r the whole with a. ra.g. The cha1:coal abso.rbe the fluids secreted by the wound, ancl lays t11e fou~dation of tLe scab; it. nlso prevents the rag from irritating.tho fl esh, and it is antiseptic. -o-- o- PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, COlifBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Etr,. kept constantly on hand. still continues to nrn.JJ.ufactnl'e t o order, from the best of material, and none but fu·st-clnss workmen kept. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good · Fits Guaranteed ·He ha.a in stock au ci1.Hll ef!f:j variety of Ladi~s· and Gents' 5~ratogn. Trunks, Valises, &c., all of which he is selling cbeaJJ !or cash . READY-MADE TO THE PUBI_.410. WALTER vVIGG & SON, N l'eturning thanks to their numcrou$ customers and tht'J public .';'.P.llerally, for pa.at favors. would respectfully invite their a.ttention to our p1·erJent etock of furnitu1·e, as we have lately added thel'eto, that we may thereby be enabled to snpplv all parties who may please to favor him with a call. Great irn.h1ce1nents held out to t}1ost' purchasing il.t our e11tabbsbment, Pictures. Looking GlasscH, etc .. sramed to order, and in evt!r)" style. Samples Of the different kind of lv!ouldings cain be seed o.t the ware-room. \Ve would aliio beg to inforn1 you, tha~, having purchased a --o--· . Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT" drawn by' Two Horses, King St. CLOTHING Good and Cheap. Clothing M~d.e ~der It is a well-known Fact t!iat Cowle has the best Tweeds in the couni'rlJ. Nol/vi'.n9 che<'1!'1' thon the lOct Cowie'·. I LITERATURE. The Transit of Ven11s. (From the Nonconformist . ) OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE J,EAD at t!1e very lower;t prices. M. TRELEVEN. Bowmanville, ].fay 13, 1874. SPLEND.LD NEW HEARSE, \\o"t.J aha.ll be re a<ly at a 1 tim o attend fuueraJs, on. !lhort notice nnd reasonable tetms . N . B. - Coffins kept o n b a and made to order 1 at the Horses and Cattle Medicines. K. 13.-·Country store-ket"!pera supplied on th!' n1015t advantageous terms. A d1oicc selection of LAMPS for hale chenp. , .B) wma.n villt>. Di"lc. 1868. {im. '!'be tran~it of Venus is one of those intere~t ing phenomena. which recall ou1· attention to the Btupendous facts of the pbysica.l unh·erse, and ALEand especially to the maj . . stic precision which lnatks the operation of the laiws by which that universe J:.: at arriYcd, a.nd for Sale, at the a.bo~·o depot is governed. While within the limited sphere New F?·idt a1ul Confect,i onerys, of man's f 1·co agency. moral confusion so general· ly prevails, we happily find that t}ie movements of the celestial bodies axe chara.,cterieed by the He Thought it was Delirium Tremens. most perfect harmony. If there were any fl·w in the T)ivine archit ture, or any irregularity DATES. FIGS. LEMONS {west of the Ontario Bank.) From tlw New Bn1'nt'Wickc1·. in the action of the laws '"hich determine the ORAl'WES 1'0 ARK VE 8nifll1:1s brought his two weeks' spree to a motions 0 ( sum~ and 1)lanets, such astronomical Soft Shell Al-monds,Filberts, B-rci·il and Wall close on Thursday night. Be lay on a lounge observations a.s those um.Ue in PO mnny pa.rte of E'lds, J(eiller's Marmalade, 1-Vest India. King Street, Howmanville. in the pa.rll.?r,feeling afl mean aa sour la.ger 1 wht>n the globe l~t ·- ~·eek would have been impracti. Pnxerved Ginger, Pears, JJt,Bms, 'l'osomething in the corner attracted his attenti'n·. cable or uSelcss. That the occu1Tenr.c of so i·n.re rnatoes. J: Pea.ekes, Green Peas, Raising on his elbow hs gazed steadily at it. au event as thi8 passage of Venus ncrm18 Green. Gorn J': Li1na BcGns. Rubbing 11i.s eyes, be Htared again, and M he the sun'a,disc can be predicted ·w ith unerring Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin 1:1tared ' )iis terror grew. CaUing his '\\ife, he certainty by the astront,mers, is in itself l'l.· sub- n1I1E. subscriber is 1Jl't;:J}3rcd to build and i·e· egar,Sa.Imon, Lobsters and Sardines asked hoarsely: lime exti.mple of the fact that G0d's laws are J_ pall' Tomato Sauce and Pickles 'l\firandy, what fa that 11 wholly unlike the laws of men. and that a supThey have come and. nre coming, a.t t he }l-u1t Wagoa.s, B1lggies, a·n.cl Ciitlers, ' 'Vhat fa what, Likely ~' reme and infinite intelligence exists at the heart Depot_ Sniffies's name ie Lycurgus, and hi:i wife of thing-a. It i~ \veil that our attention should, SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS from time to time. be withdrawn from the pet· 0f every <le&-ription, at short notice, and o calls him Likely for sh01·t and sweet. regrmnable termR. 1 Why tha.t-that-thiug in the corner/ i>u.id ty affairs and uosatisfactory speculationoi of the QUA UTY is the test of CHEAPNESS. the frightened rna.n 1 pointing at it Y..ith a han rJ planet on which '"e dwell, and turned in reyer· T. DARLING'l'O~ . ~hoking like a. politiciitn. ent contemplation to those wand.era of the he<i.vJ3o \\ll; vu vilJ A . D ec. tth~ 1873. 1;5J-tf Carriages Painted and 'I ri rm ca. ' Likely, dcia.r, I see nothing,' rep1ie<l the wo- Ch$, which in f3pite, or rathe.r in corJsequcncc, of men. thoir myi;tel'Y,appeal BO powed'ully to the deep· '\Vhat,you don't sec it!' he sluiuked. "rhen est ieelings of our spiritual nature. 'l'he ~yin · I've g-ot 'em. Oh, lieaveus ! bring ine the· pathy which c:Xi.sts between us and them is one ]3ible. )firandy, bring it quick ! Herc, here, of the strongei:;t proofs of our high destiny, and on this sacred book I sweai· never to touch .a. of our ~upel'iority to the nar.row conditions by on t he premises,,vere special attention is given · to ·ll dzop of whiskt-y. If I break my YOW, lna.y which ou1· corporeal oxiatencA ie environed. my right band cl(:.::ve to the roof of my mouth, How fa.r the obse:rva.tions made in the differ· C8.niage work, u,nd General and-' ent parts of the world, just a weekago1 will su11· Hero, ca.tchiny another glimpse of the terri· , ply astronomers with "the data. necessary to Jobbing. ble object he clutched his wife and begged -~n j solve the problem of the eart_h's. dista.nce fr~nl piteoua ton<>s: the aun cannot yet be authontat1vely det erm1n· ·Don't leave lne . . don't leave your Likely,' ed. 'l'he old theory, that the sun is distant All work don e (tl tM-s li:stablish1nent and burying his face i.u the folds of her dress,he ninety·tive millions of milca from our own globe e:)bbed and moaneJ himself into a troubled has been aba.ndoned, and, in fa.ct, there is gooll wa1·1·anted. reason to believe tliat 'Ye nre f01.1r millioua of e1 eer. l\. call ill reR pectfully solicited. 'l'hen hie "\vife stole gently to the cornn·, pick· miles nearer to th(! great luminary 'vhidl gives ,T, lliORlUS. e:l i.lp the toy sriakc, and tbnnv it into the us light and heat. :Professor Grant, of the Bowma'!ville, Oct. Jst, 1869. 'C"nh·ersity of Glasiow, in nr populm· tl'e~tise, stov1.1. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders · ! Confectionery Depot. . . FR-UIT, A::SD NEW DOMINJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM hn.wa, Aug. 2(ith, 1870. WllOLE RETAIL ~ :FEED MILLS. ---------JIIN Collons --- King Street East, Oshawa. The Satisfaction given by M:ODBJ:S' Auotlie1· oar load of the above noblr o.rtkles on the way. Please call at tho Dana's Patent Sheep Marks ,.,.as CARRIAGE SHOP Choice Lemon, -Ora.nge and. Citron Peels, BOW ~IAN VILLE BLANI{ETS Farm Implement Fbrwardlng Agency R. W. JAMES, King St., llow1nn.nvillc. owUJan'l'ille, Dec. ti, 1872. nlO. Large Variety Winceys--a. Deel. ~. ~ ( l; SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. IME MONEY and LABO!t ! FrC HCh Oil Poli~k . This 11 're11ch Oil Polish is prepared for. Carriages, Doggies , Ha.r11er;s, Boote and Shoes, o.nd all kind~ of Leather. It will give any article of Leat h er, a. most b1·illiant appearanci, and at the same timo, from its oily propertiea, ten<ls much to prt>serve it 1 it will a.l· way& be moist and pliant ; and mn.y be exposed to water .and washQd, and will not lose its brilliance, ltlld it is not to be f~ared that n.ny crust will settle on ~aid Leather when prt:'servcd with tho a.bove Oil. For the woodwork of Buggies, t:u.ITiages, and Furniturti, there is not a bet..te1· a.tticle in use. l\tanufactu1·cd by '-\. SIMO::-l' & Co., rra.nners and C.W'riers, formerly of France, now of l-'bjla<lelphia, Pa.. , Instructions-Shake bottle. A few drops on a piece of spon·ge,apply it lightly to the leather, and you will obtain ehe finest lustre. Price 7ticts. per bottle 1 or $7.50 per do.,n. JOHN SMALE, Sole Agent, "P,owmanville. July 16th, 1874. 41·6 UJOiS. T ··vc d B-···Special inducement given to CASH Purchasers· e F. Y. 0ow1 REMOVAL. S. MASON wishes tu inform his numerous friends aud cus tomers that he ha~ reroov!Jd to the mOBt lasting, the lea.at troublerome 1 and 1nost complete t1ver invented. They art} used and recommended by many of tht best Breeders in the United States a.nd Canada, such as G. B. Loring7 Saltlm, l\ilass., President New England 'Vool UrC.wers' Society; John S. Ross, llennepin, Ill. ; Professor 1\-I. ~Iiles, of the Stttte Ag· riculttu·al College, Lansing, Mich.; Hon. Geo. Brown, 'l1oroHtO, Ont. i John Snell, Edmonton 1 Ont. On each Mark is stamped the owue1·~s name and the Sheep's number, They will be sent free, by mail, 01· exprese 1for only four centd each, and will la.at for TWENTY YEARS. lW" 0Ash muat accompanv all orders ARCIIIllALD YOUNG, Ju., Sarnitt.·, Ont. Orders adchessed to the :b-1.EROHNT a:nd OnBEllVEll Office, fo1 any qualltity, will be tilled at tho above-mentioned price, as quickly as be · Matks cru1 ho mad(' 11J1d s::nt. THESE MAUKS ARE 'l'HE CHEAPEST, ·e ARN UM s ecfrpsetl by the fill.ti:ifactiou given by :)~1ALE to his numerous patrons. f[e is now pleased to announce that he has on hand a !arge and varied a~:,ol'trrent o A1~D SHOES o( tlw best ciuality, a.ud is n.n.x:iou~ that they shall set to ·work as soon as poissible. · 0. BARKER, llowma.nvi!le,Dec: 28th,1871. ml3 ly All Prices, All Sizes, All Kinds. Ladies' Prunella Congres~ at 80 cents " " Balmora.Is, extra high cut · - $1.25· 1 80, HO l ---NOT SO FAST. JiUE' S A Blacksmith's Shop Dressmaking, &c. ------- - - -------- Gentlemen of Fashion. Nothing *o Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS. ! have Writtea these few Aud ell I hi.veto say, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, BUCKLER'S OLD STAND wher e he will be found with the n1ost l"Olll etc a8sortment uf Harness, Whips, . Trunks, &c. I I I in town . . Please call. Buckler's old stand ) ono door east of :&'faynard's Hotel. \ Bowmmville, Sep, 1st.. 1873. Ihat you Oa.n·find me still at home I am not gone away; So all my kind old friends may L'Ome ; An4 all the young ones too Aud got their git.irmeuts nicoly tnadc In fa.shions that nre new. \Vhere old nud young denr fi'it>nds inay meet A we'con:e greeting by R. PEATE. Trunks, &c. Sp~cial attention. given to ') CUTTING AND FITTING and none but :first-cla.SB workmt!n employed, thus insuring good value en:r y c!Ule . Dowmonville, June 19th i873, STOR.F.:.-One <loor aa.st ofCornish'sJewelry tore, King- Street, Bowntnn ville. J. SMALE. Bowm·m·ille, Sept. 2a1-d, 1873 . · ' ·