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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Mar 1875, p. 4

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--THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY 1\1ARCH 12, 1S7u. POETRY The Two Bens. do China Pinks,single 50 do do double 50 Things n:ro pretty well balanced iu this-world, do Pansies. . ...... . .50 so fat· as ta.king comfort goes, and T b(::gin to bedo Petunias ·....... 50 lifn·e that, high or low, all have their tribulado Stocks .. ... .. ... . 50 tions. Fishes are hooked, wor1ns are trodden do Verbenas ....... . 50 on, 'birds arc fired at. 'Von·y is everywhere. Poor men's wives worry be~ause th6 bread do Roses .......... . 50 won't rhie, or the stove won't dra.w, or the do Sweet Williams, sin. 50 clothes line breaks, or the tnilk burns, or the do do double 50 pane of glass is mended \Vi th putty, or they do Balsams ....... . .50 C;\n't afford to hin~ help. Rich men'a wives do Asters ....... . . . 50 worry because the preserve dish is not of the do Phlox Drummondii 50 latest pri.ttern, or because aomebody finds out do Verbenas ... , .· ... 50 how a·party dress is trimmed before the party happens, or because some -gril.ndee's wife over· do Ifrench Marigold . 50 looks them, or becan:~e their help sauces 'em, 50 do African do breaks up tea sets, spoils dinners, gets drunk do Sca):>j osa . . . . .. .. 50 and cuts up sheets into underclothes. Ca.uses do Dais~s . , ....... . 50 vary, but worry averages about the imme. The Salpiglossis ..... . 50 do scale of n1iles is differe.n t on different, but do Dahlias ........ . 50 places i·emain iuSt so far apart, and so do hl~· do Snap Dragons ... . .?O ma.ntty and content. _ do Hollyhocks ..... . 50 3 Annual Climbers .. . 50 3_ Summer Flowering Early Morning. Bulbs ......... . 50 'l'he brightest, the best, tlie most bea.1ltiful Floral DeRign ...... . 75 part of the day irt th0 early morning. There Hand Bouquet ..... . 7.5 r>eoms also to be a moral influence, and sweet. Table Bouqu,et ·..... 75 healthy poweI,' at this time. The air is fresh, Rustic stand, 'vith the feelings are renewed, ·the s1Jirit is caJm,a.nd . plants. . .. . . . . .. 1.50 we enter upon the day rested and restored. If we had day without night, and 0ur hours of rt!- Collection Annuals . . . 50 pose were amidst the hot rush of constant ac- do. Shrubby Out Flowers,, n~t less than 6 tivitiEis, v..-e should lie down and be unrefreshed. It is a bleEIBed provision thl\t nature gives us, in varretrns . . . . . . . . 50 the c11rtains of the night, anrl "'e must sleep FRUITS. with the glare of the day shut out, and arise in the morning, as the day begins to eee all nature start afresh. '!'here is stimulus and encouragement in the air we breathe a.t this timQ. Is Not this True ? "l wus gla<l when they said Wlto me, ltJt us g <> unto tb1;i house ot the Lord. l\fy feet Hhall ~t and within thy gates, 0 .Jerusalem!" 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 AUTUMN ! 187'1. S. TREWIN, OSHAVVA, is shewing f1 Just Arrived at the lF ASHION 1101181,m a splendid 1U$~,0rtrnent of I-row sweetly the clea.r-tone<l bell Rings out on th1:: Sabbath air ! ThR meirsage it sce1ns to tell, rl'bu words that it setJIUB to bti·~r Send th1·ough my soul a tbriH Of joy 1 for thus they say" Oon1e 1 1nount of tho huly hill, C!J1111~ . 1neet with the Lord to-day!' ,Jcrusa.lem ! honie of the blcst ! We ho.~te at tho:rn \V-clcome cct.lla~ l'ur our wc;:i.ried fetit would resf, 111 tb e pe~ce of tlie sacred wall~. Through the golden ga.tes of pt·ai:ie, L1 p the ivory ste1Ja of prayer, 0·11.· hen.xts and onr hymna we raise, 1'o the God ,\·bo a.waitit them There i-ingeth auotber LcU·lt ~of no ea.rt.hly tone; The message itii low notes tell Comes to eai;b r;oul alone. 'l~he~e the 1 1·or·l~ it will say, "'1.1 ·. .: ·. c-::.- .,:... .,, j - t{ c::1.rtl1 n1e_ d1110, Ooine up to the Lord to-day For the Sabbath of llea ven ia begun," J 1:rusalem ! ·how is he blest \Vhoao cartb_ -wea.ricd feet shall st::md In the tetnple of perfect rest, Iu the gloriour:i Sabbath land ! '!'here faith shall be turned to sight, .t\.nd prayer· into endless I'r~ise, ;\.nd the Lamb shall shc4 hie light .From the throne of the Ancient of Days ! 25 25 NEW MILLINERY. .A..lsv a lot of 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 GR A-ND OF REAL srroCl{ I I HAIR, !'ANCY Also a arge stock o GOODS, & S1 APLE & FANCY DllY GOODS, 1 Wh ich ex cel in STYLE nnd VALUE. Stamps for Braiding and Embroidery.- Important Announcement ! ----,o---- 2:3 25 FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. 25 25 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 25 25 - -- o--- Millinery and lv.ta11tle :Oepartmen.t Replete with Lat.est Styles & Novelties. DR'.mSSHA.KING as usual. Great .tieduction, in Dry Goods ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. - - - oo--- I:MO'C'E1'1 IN; GO~DS A S-:PECIALITY A Large Stock of Cloths and '1'1'i1nm'inys, made to Order. F'i.ts Guarnnteed. Latest Styles hi Hats, Shi1·ts, 7','.es, &c. MRS. A. !'LETCHER Bowmanvill~, April 7th,l874. BOWMANVILLE Gen ts' Furnishings ! BOOTS and SHOES Machine and Imi:ilement Il-'ianufacturing Co BURDO UH BIOS. Having decided. to make a chu.uge in their business,' are now selling for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Cl'Ockery and Glnssware, rl1ht! thoughts in our spirits burn, Wo love e.!1.J·th's worship 1\·ell, Y et neverthel1-::ss we yearn For thes(lunrl of that unheate(L htil! ! Oh sw<;iet to the Christiau'e mind Tho S&bbath tba.t here is given, But then 1nost of all he longs ll°"'ol' the perfect Sabbath of hea.ven ! Ventilating a Sleeping Room. Is there any method of ventilating a sleeping room without .:reatiug a. etrong draft? YES. An open fire1)lace ,vill do. A hole cut into the chimney near the ceiling, is a. good plan. The following simplt: me-thod for ventilating ordinary sleeping and dwelling-rooms ia recommended by Mr. Hl nton in his "Physiology for Practical Use : " "A piece of wood three inches high and exactly as long as the breadth of the window, is to be prepared, Let the sash be now raiijed, the slip of wood placed on the 'Sill and the saeh drawn cloat?ly upon it. If the slip ha" been well fitted, there \vill bo no draft in car.sequence of this cfuplacement of the sa.sl1 at its lower part, but t.he top of the lower 11ash will overlap the bottom of the upper one, and between the two bars perpendicular currents of air, uot felt as draft, will enter and le~1se the room,-'-Hcr ald of Health. The New Scriptures. ..tll'oordin{! to '1.'ynda!l,1Iuxlei1, Spcnetrr and Da.1·~ win. The Cincinnati Otnnmercial pu.bli.Hhes the fol· Jo\ving, w·hieh is rather the beat satit-e w·e have seen on Extreme Evolutionis1n: · 1. Primarily the Unknowable moved upon co!:lmos and evolved protoplasm. '2. And protoplasm wa.s inorgf\,ll.ic and umli· tferentio.tcd, containing all thinga in potential en ergy; a.n<l a spirit of eyolution inoYe<l upon the fluid '::I . .And the t.-nknowable said, 'Let atoms a.ttt·act ; and their contact begat light, heat and electricity.' '4. And the Uncontlitioned differentiated the a.ton1s, uach aft(·r its kind; and their combinations bcgat rock, air, und water. . '5. And there went out a spirit o[ e\·olution fro1n the 1Jnconditiooo<l, wo,·king in pro· tupl:i.au1 by accretion and absorption, produced the 01·~a.nic cell. '6 . .t-\.nd cell by uutriton evolved pd1nor<lial germ. aw..l ger1n developed protogene ; and protogeue h~at eo7.oou and eozoon begat inonad, n.nrl 1nonn,d l)egn.t animalcule. · ·7. Aud aninuilcnle begC1it epheuiera; then bi;.gau c1·ctlping thin::;-s to niultivly on the face of the earth. '8 . And earthly atom in vegetable protopla.s m begat the molecule, 1.tnd thence came a.11 gruss and every herb iu the earth. '!). And animaculre in the water cvoh·ed fins tails, cla.\YS n.nd soale:i ; and in the air wings nnd beaks ; and on the land they sprouted buch 01·gans as were nec~ esar.Y n.s pl:i.yed upon by the euvi.:t"onment. ' 10. Anrl by accretion nnd a.bsorpt.ion the r.'.l.diata. :.i.nd mollusca, an<l mollusca begat articu1ata., and articulata Legat yertcbrata. '11. Now tbeile aro the generntion of the high· c.; r vcrtcbrata., in the cosmic period that the Un· kno\vublc evolutl'd the bipedal 1nammalia. '12 . .,,\nd every mau of the ·earth, wbil.e he was yet a n11Jukey, and the horses while he WMJ a- hippn.riou, and the hipµarion before he v.·a.s an orcclon. '13. Out of the ascinian camti the an1phibin.u and hegat the pentadactyle; and the }ll.-'nta.dactyle by inheritance and seclectiou produced the by lo bate, from -wllicll are the simi11d~ in all their tt-ibes . ' 1'1. Ancl out of the simia.U;.e the lemur pre· va.ilccl above his fcll<1ws alvl produced tho pl v.tyr:1iuc moi.1key. '15 ...And tlie platyrhine begat tho catarrh iue and the catarrl1ine monk,c.v l:;e.g at the anthi::opoid ape, and the be.;ttt the longimllnioue. orang, i:~nd the vra ug begat th e cbjmpanzee, and the chimpan~ee evoluted the wh:i.t-iR-it. 'lG. Aud the what-is-it went into the land of Nod, nntl took hi1n a wife of the 1oni;imauous gil1bons. ' 17 ..A. nd in vroceiio of I.he cusmic period were born nnto tbe1n a.nd their children the anthcopGmorpliic pl'im t:r <linl types. '18 . 'T'h e ho1nuns11lus, th~ prognathus., the troglodyte, tlic a.utochtbont the t.arragen-thee.e arc the generations of priuteval man. · !9. Aud p1·ime\·a.l was nakc.d and -not aHllllll) d, 'but Ji.,_·e ~l in quadrumaUOUS irinocenCe and st rnggletl mi&;hti1y to harmonize with the en\· irvnrrwut, · 20. ,A_nrl \r inherit.a,g1;i and natural selection tl ll ]1c µregress from the stable and homogene· ous; for the ·veakest died nnd the atrongest grew ar.d 1nultipli~d, '21. And man grew a thumb for that be nee<l of it, and devtiloped capacitie::i for prey. How to Cook a Beefsteak. Don't look aggrievcd 1 old housekeepers - you who know how to do cverytl~ing. It is not to you I offer iny suggestions, but to the young, inexperienced houaekeeperf' who get nervous when!:lver a steak ia .brQugLt into the hou~e, , especially if the1·e are guests expected at table, Some time since, o. complete encyclopredia of useful know~dge in human form 1 became an .in· mt.1.te of our family. One doesn 1 t expect a man to know everything--abO\'tl all, to be lear11ed in all the n ice1.--ies of cookt.!l'y, Besidefl 1 wornr.n have an'0 1n e prejndice against a masculine invader of those s~crcd 1Jrecincts, her kitch<'n-that monster whq is fond of lifting the covtffl:I from the ~teaming kett1e8 o.u tho st0ve,spluttet·· ing on ind Jatrionsly toward the dinner hour. She doesn't like bo ha-.:e her oven -dool.' opened aud ahut my8teriously, the brei~d rising i~he tins crit.ic.:llly exatnined, and her l'Olls l.if butter weighed in the balance of mn.;iculine- criticism, to be found wanting without lu·~id explanation of the whys and \\'hei·efoaes of the failuI'e. \"'"eU, when this le.::i.rne<l guest came among us, he pro"t'ed so pleaaant an exception to t!Je above rule, that we consulted him n.s an oracle in 1nany cases, and asked him one 1norning, " Would be not te.11 us or show· ns a better wrJ.y to cook the steak for breakfast?" He took the long-handled frying-pau fron1 · its nail, and putting it on the stove, lrna.ted it quite liot. In this he put the pieces of steak previously pounded, but to my surprise, <lid not put a. Ptlrticle of butter in the frying-pan, a.nd did not salt his steak, He allowed the steak to 1nerely glaze over, and then turned it quickly to the other eiide- turning it se.v-eral times. in this manner until it wa'.:l done. Four minutes were not em· ployed on the operation, but I think 1 never eat a jucicr piece of steak . It 1\'a.s, Vt!hen done, laid on the platter previously \·..-armed, a.nd was buttered and salted, and set a moment in the hot oven. Allo ....,.ing the steak to heat but a. moment nn ~ach aide, helped it to all its swest juices, and putting on the salt the last momt.nt after it was on the platter, clre"'· out its juices. 1 quart Red Currants... 50 25 do · White Currants.. .50 25 do Black Currants .. , 50 25 Gooseberries, three varieties, 1 pint each.. .50 25 1 grt Red Raspberrries 50 25 do White do 50 25 do Black do 50 9.5 3 varieties do., 1 pt each 50 25 1 quart Strawberries .. . 50 25 3 varieties do., 1 pt each 50 25 quart Red Cherries... .50 2.5 do Black do. 50 25 do White do. 50 25 Collection of Fruit. . 75 50 25 VEGETABLES. 12 heads Asparagus . . 50 25 l qt Windsor Beans, in pod . , ... , ... , . . 50 25 do French Beans, do. ,50 25 do · Peas, in pod . . . . 50 25 2 heads Summer Cabbage 50 25 do Cauliflower ...... 50 25 6 Tur'nip Beets. . . . . . 50 25 6 Long Beets . . . . . . . . 50 25 6 Intermediate Table Carrots . .. . . .. . .. 50 25 6 :Early Horn Carrots. . 50 25 2 Cucumbers.. . . . . . . . . . 50 25 2 Hea,ds Lettuce.. . . . . . 50 25 12 Seed Onions. . . . . . . . 50 25 6 Pot.atoe Onions.. . . . . 50 · 25 ?r peck Ashleaf Potatoes 50 25 do. any other variety 'do . . . . . . . . . . . 50 25 3 v:w. Potatoes, 12 each 50 25 G Long Radishes. . . . . . 50 25 6 Turnip Radishes. . . . . 50 25 6 Radishes,any oth'r kind 50 25 6 Table Turnips.. . . . . . 50 25 6 Stalks Rhubu;rb.. . . . . oo 25 Bunch Parsley, . . . . . . . 50 25 Gvarieties Pot Herbs. . 50 25 Collection of vegetables l.00 50 25 BIRDS. Single Canary .. ..... . 50 25 Collection Canaries ... . 75 50 Collection of Birds ... . 75 '50 Collection Stuffed Birds 75 50 Ladies' and Children'> Fine Make. CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN CARPETS, I'LOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DA.L>l:ASKS, &c. NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT !'ROM. The intelligent Yeomanry of West Durham and 8outh Ontario, are becoming fully aware that OSHAWA affords the Best J\; her Manufactories supply thG Best Implemen~; and her enterrmsmg M.erc~a~ts sell the most Styli8h Goods,at PRICES rgulated by a healthy compe t1twn OsbLwa,West, King St ~~ ept . 23rd.1874. r Manufactures of vVOOD AND IRON WORKING _ MAOHINE R <. AT AND BELOW · COST! The Stock having been pmchased in the BEST- MARKETS, buyers can depend on getting NEFFBL'S NEW All Wool~ FALL STO(JI{ AT Double Turbine Water Wheels, and 1lfORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in n.ny other house in the country. ' Ca.stings of a.11 done on the ~inds REPAIRS · Call Ea1·ly, and secure Bargains, as tlie wliole Stock mitst be sold at once, jar CASH ONLY. BATTINGS " THE S:HOl?.TEST NO,TICE;, 'Ve have no1v on ho.n<l a. large quantity of GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest. supply of " " Diagonals. Homespun. FrenchReps. Plaids. Merinoes. Twills. Plaid Wincies. :Plain do. Shawls. Flannclls. Common and Gang Plows, that will be s:Jld at Oh1·ist1nas Goods, Raisens, Currants, Sugars, Peels, etc., etc., at all P1·ices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 LOW PRICES tf. AT THE SHOP. Bowmo.nville, l\farch 6 1873. MURDOCH BROS. - - o -- · M:an.eheste1.", September 2't, 1874·. (" I 1873. -o- 1873. ---o--- ' A FALL STOCK. Dress Goods Newest'Style. of the .. Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons 7 · DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the TIELEVE1\I S ~REY COTTONS of the bei3t µ1a.1:e 1 including the celebrated STORM ONT. !Oct Cottons at Cowle's"·Splendid Value. Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM OlTLD most respectfully tender his sincer-e W thanks to his numerous friends and torners, and to the Public generally, for the CUB· ANDERSON & (Jo. Deg to announce to the l~let.:~ors of West D l:r~am ~ud surrounding coun try, that t he.} will aell theu· nnmense STOCK . of nnequMled oF BOOTS & 7 S HOES . · · At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. very ·libPral support he has received since his commencing in business; and hopes by con· tinuHd strict personal attention to business, and offering nothing but the purest articles. at the most reasonable prices, to ensure o. continuance of _public pa.tronage. J. H. would call spacla! attention to his very superior stock of STYLE a.nd QUALITY · ;ir.:;·ovi"i~i~'is:35~~;,;sch. ~~~t·~·;~;~~;;;·: lOOOprs. JJ1i:JMS Pebal(tnd B1~fj' Bcdm.oro!8, STORMONT at 1.50, pa- pair, for C..t!SU ONLY. 1000 Pair., Women's, Mis m ' and Child's Fell Boots, the 1chol6 lo be sold/or CASH ONLY PRIZI!: LIST TJYE STUFFS v.·hich are sure to give the btist sa.tisfnction. A well selected stock of o- corrTO N THE BAGS, ---o--Call en,rly and secure yqur Winter Supply, while the r u8h is going on at OF THE C.ALlli A.ND SEE FOB YO'UBSELVES, · · AND BEST BOWMAN VILLE HORTICULTURAL DRUGS, SOCIETY. . . . Tlte A1111uat E:x:hikztion held itt tile Town Ifatt, on Tlzursday, 'fttly i5th. ~ BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Examii;i.e the stock, which comvrises in the, of the very latest and inost elcg an styles and patte1·na, of English, Canadian, nnd American manufacture. -oH~ still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material, a.ud none but fir:it-cln8s workmen kept. in the World. Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE"S, ANDERSON & CO'S., Fowi:i:..nnville, Dec. 10th 1874. Boot &; Shoe B:m.po:riu.JD. . . . \. GHE.'1-JIGALS, PATENT MEDJGINES, BRUSHES, COMBS, Orders ·Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He has in stock an endless variety of Ladies' and G ents' Saratoga Trunk5, Valises, &c., a.ll of which he is selling <:h eap for cash . ~ -- . READY-~IADE TO THE I PUBJ--'~[0. P LAN'l'S IN POT. OPEN TO " ltL' MEMBERS. ' 22, li'or, behold tho swiftest men caught the n'lost atiiin9Js, and the'swiftt!st anim&ls g3t a'va.y from the .most men; ·wherefore the slow animals wct·o eaten and the slow men sta.tvcd to death. '23. And as types 1ve1·e differcnti!lted the weaker types continually disappeared.. '24. And the earth ,ni,s filled with violerice; for man strove with man, and tribe with tribe, whore by th ey killed off the weak and foolish, and secure'J the survi \.·al of the fittest.' SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ek CLOTI-IING Good WALTER 'VIGG & SON, N returning thanks ~o ~h~il' n~1mero11s .customers and th"! public ~eneraUy, for past favors, would respectfully invite their iittenhon to onr present stock of furniture, as we hoxc lately u;J.ded ,thereto, that,;~· e rn~y th ereby be enabled to suppl-v: all pa rties who ro&y please to favor him with a _call. .__Treat induce1nents heJg out to those pureha..,ing at our estnbhshment. Pie· t1!res, Loolnng_ Glnsses. etc .. to 01·ner, and in every style. Samples of the different k1n~ of :\fould1ng~ ca.;-:i be seed n.t the w n.r c-room. VVe 1vould also beg to infO rm you that having purchased a ' ' '·Best Things." rrhc best theology-a pure .and beneficent lifo . The best vhilosophy- .a contented mind. '.Che best law- the golden rule. '!~lie best cdttcation-self-knowledge. The best statesman8hip-self-government. rl'he bel::!t medicine- cheerflllness and tempera.nee . 'l'he ht:st art- painting a smile upon the brow of ehildhood, 'l'he best science·-extra.cting sunshine fro1n a clo ut.~y way. 'l'he best w11r - to war ~.gainst one's weakness. 'l'he best nn1sic-the laughter of an innocent Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. 1st, 2Jid,.3rd. kept c.onstantly on hand. $ . c. cts. cts. OILS, PAINT, Bov.·manYille, r.fay 13, 1874. 12 Green House Plants I. 00 50 25 COLORS, VARNISHES, 3 Fuchias, single . . . . 50 25 and WHITE LEAD It is a welt-known F{/,ct t!tat do1ible. . . . 50 25 do a.t the very lowest prices. Cowle lias tlie best Tweeds 3 Geraniums, single... 50 25 Horses and Cattle Medicines. in the coitntr.v. do double .. 50 25 N. B.--Country store-ke~pers supplied on _. 'AND 3 Roses . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 25 the most advantageous termf!, 3 Petunias, single. . . . 50 25 A choice sele ction of LAMPS fot· bale cheap, B >·V( ll!\!lville. Dflc. 1868. Gm, do double .. . 50 25 Nothing cheaper than the lOct Cottons 3 Foliage Plants . . . . 50 25 Cotule's. WHOLESALE and RETAIL ~ 3 Balsan1s . . . . . . . . . . 50 25 MOBBIS' Oleander ............ 1.00 50 25 J!1'5 t ar-rived, and for Sale, at the a.Love depot Another car load of the above noblr articles on Hanging basket with '. the way. New Fruit anll Ganfectionerys, CARRIAGE SHOP Flowers .......... 1.00 50 25 Please call 11t the IN Wax Plant . . . . . . . . . . 50 25 B 0 W MAN VILLE India Ru bbcr Plant. . . . 50 25 {west of the Ontario Bank,), Citron !'arm Implement I'orwa.rding Agency PLANTS IN POT. DATES, I'IGS. LEMONS -o- and Cheap. M. TRELEVEN. Clothing to Order SPLEND.LD NK\V HEARSE, we shall be ready a.ta 11 tirrws to attend funera ls, on short notice and re:tsou.'.\ble te11lls. N. B. ·-Coffins kept on bu..nd an<l made to order, at t he Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders Confectionery Depot. FEED MILLS. Choice Lemon, 01·a.nge a.nd Peels, ORANGES TO ARR. VE FRUIT, _________ ____ _ BLA_ Nl{ETS NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNI1'URE TVARE-ROO.lf. ha,\va., Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. Dana's Patent Sheep Ma..rks The Satisfaction given by T HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPES'l' the most lasting, the least trouble!!o1ne 1 a~d Large Variety A:l!ATEUR8 ONLY. ~bild. 'J.'he bel;!t journalism- printing thti· true and beautiful only, on memoi-y's tablet. The best telegraphing- Bashihc_ra.y of sun·-......._ shine into a gloomy heart. The best biography- the life which ' 'writes charity in the lar~c 1:1t letters, '.l'hc best inathematics-tha.t which ddubles the most joys and dividei:s the inost so1·ro~·s. The beSt uaviga.tivn-steeri11g cleru- of the lacl:!rating rocks of pen;onal contention. rrhe best diplomacy-effecting a treaty ot pe1tce with ont1's own conscience. 'rhe Lest engineering- building a bddge of faith over the ri \-·er of deatl.L A Checcp DiBhifccta11t. - 1'he following i!'l high· ly co1nn1euded by thoi:1t1 ·who used it :biaoo1ve a. bushel of salt in 11 barrel of water, and with the salt water slack a Ua1-rel of lim 1~, whh;h fl.houltl bo wet enoug-h to form a k ind of p~ . For the p11rposo of a di8inf1:ctant, this ho1ue-ma.cle chloride of lime is nearly a~ sood as tha.t p nrchn.sed at the shops and drug stores. (Tse it freely about r;inks, cellars, gutters and outhou:-::es, and 111 t.his way prevent sick~ess, .suifo1·ing and expo:.nse. - -.Rural J."'rew Yorker. 3 House Plants , ..... 1.00 Fuchias, single. . . . . . . . 50 do double .... . . · 50 Rose ............. ,.. 50 Geranium, single. . . . . . 50 do. double .. : ~ .. . 50 Geranium, varigated . : 50 Pelargoniurn . . . . . . . . . 50 Carnation . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Heliotrope . . . . . . . . . . W Cactus ... , . . . . . . . . . . 50 Foliage Plant . . . . . . . . 50 Lily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Petunia,~ingle .... , . , . 50 do double . . . . . . 50 3 Stocks. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3 Zjnnias ... ·....... , 50 3 Coxcombs . 1 · · · · · · 50 3 Wall Flower~'. ..... · so ·.50 25 25 25 25 25_ 25 25 T Soft Shell Almoncls,ltilberls, Brazil anrl Wall Euts 1 J(eiller's iWarrnalade, T¥est India P·reserved Ci11yerJ Pears, Plunis, Totacttoes, & Peaches, Green Pea.~, Green Corn <f: Lima l1ectns. lIE, subscriber is to build a.nd re· va1r Kiug Street, Bowmanville. ll. W .·JAMES, K ing St., J3nwmanville. J~owwan ville, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. Win.ceys--a. Dea.d N. B.'"-Special inducement given to most co1nplete t:Yer invented. '!'hey are 11 sed and recommended by many of thf Breeders in the United Stu.te1:1 a.nd Canada, such as G. B. LoringA Salem1 Masa., Preside-nt l'.1°e\\' England Wool 1..±rowera Society; John S. Jktss, H ennepin, Ill. ; Professor J\f. 1-Iiles, of the State ~\.g· riculturo.l CollegebLansing, l\fich. ; Hon. Geo. Brown, ', nt.; .John Snell, Edmonton, 01tt. On each l\.fark is sta.mped the o..,..·ner's name and the Sheep's nurnbet, rl'hey will be sent/rec, by mail, or express, for only jcu1· i:cnts each, and will last for T'VEN'l'Y YEARS. G:J· Cash must accomvauv all orders s eclipsed by the sa.ti~faction gi \'en by D1I.::\.LE Ile is no'v pleased to announce that he has on hand a !arge and varied :.i.ssorti:rent o · to his nun1erous patrons. BOOTS A1~D SHOES Wago'tl.s, Buggies, u/1td Cutten, Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines MONEY and LABO!\. sn.ved ! Ji'ruu:.f.. T I~:IE Oil Polish. ThiFI ]h·cnch Oil T-'oli!:Jhis pre~ Tomato Sauce and'Pickles They have come and are, at the :E'i:U1t SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. CASH Purchasers. ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Ji<., Sarnia., Ont. Orde1·s addrt!ssed to the MERCHN'l' and OB· SERVER Office, for any quantity, will be filled at tbc a.Love-mentioned price, a.~ quickly af.I he Mtuks can be made and s;int . C. BARKEH, BoWlnMiville,Dec. 28t]J.1871. 1nl3 ly of the best quality, and is anxious that th ey shall set to work as ~oon as possible. 25 25 28 25 25 25 25 Gf eYery desc.riptior., at short notice, and o refl.f!OUB.;ble terms. D epot. SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUAUTY is the test of CHEAPNESS. T. DARLINGTON. )1'1 Jwma nvillP-. D ec. 4th.1873. nfl·tf Carriages Painted and irilr n cc· 25 25 2,:; 25 25 A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, v.:ere HpeciaJ attention ia given Dressmaking, &c. l\"Iiss Bem,ll. ':Yould b"'g to inform the lad ies of Bowman1·ille and vicinity, tbnt she is to take order!! for Dressrnaking, r..nd fill the sauie with despa:th in the to all c~.rriage work, u.nd General Jobbing. CUT · FLOWERS. OPEN TO ALL ME~IIJERS . pnred for Carriages, Buggies, Hru-ness, Boots and Shoes, and all kinds of L l:l ather, Ct will give any article oi Leather, a most brilliant ap· pearn.nua, ancl at the same time, from its oily propertitis, tends much to preserve it; it will al'vay.r. be moi:-it 11,nd pliant; and may be exposed to \Vater and 1vashed, and will uotlose .its brilliance, and it is not to be feared that nuy crust will settle on a1:1.irl IJeathe:r when prt:served ·with the above Oil. For the woodwork of Buggies, Carriages, and }'urniturt:, tbet'e is not a better Ylanufactured by A.. Sr MON & .atticle Jn use. Co., To.nners and Ourriers, formerly of France,, now of Philadelphia., Pa., Instructions-Shake hottl(l. A few drops on a piece of sponge,a1~ply it lightly to the lea.ther, ru1d you will obta.1n the finest lu!3tre. Price 75cts. per hottle,o.r $7. 50 per dozel'.l. .TOH!\ Sl\.IAJ... E, Sole l!..geut, ·nowmanville. · July 16t h, 1814. 41-6 mos . F. · Y. Cowle _ I --·---·~-----------·-- - All Prices, All Sizes. All Kinds. Ladies' Frunella Congress at 80 cents REMOVAL. S. MASON wishes to inform bis numerous frienda and cus ton1ers that be ha~ removed to extra high 80, HO! Icut " - " -llalmorals, · · - $1.25· Gentlemen of Fashion. No-tiling to Dealt i t . ---NOi SO FAST. BUCKLER'S .OLD STAND where he 1vill be found with the n1ost com ete assortment vf All ~vorlc done at this Establishment G Carnations ..... .' .. Lily, of any kinc1' ... . Cot. Perennials,(not ~ss than 6 in each col.) do Common Pinks ... 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 2.1 LA'l'EST FASHION. A CARD. Harness, Whips, ~n town , Please call. wm·ranted. A call is respectfully solicited, ·· .T. MORRIS. Bow1na.nville, Oct. lat, 1869 · Her experience fully _ Wa.rrants her in pron1ising sn.ti1:1faction. Rl;!81dence, Corner of Church Streot, and 1\-larket Square . Bowma.n\·ille, lJec. 4th, 1873. I have thii; ila.y appointed ~11{.. C. Bl-\.H.l\.l~Il the Jt:xclu Bi-ve ::i.g-ent for the eale of 1uy Y U L· CANIZF.D PENS for Bowma.nvillc, Ont. Trunks, &c. . .JOSEPH MASO N, P.P. J . J. JACOBS. Ilo'\.Ytl:lanville, Sept. 10th, 1874. m-tf. Buckler'1:1 old stand \ on..: door east of 1-laynard'a Hotel. BowmAnville, Sep, la.t ·· 1873. I have written these few lines And all I have to ,s ay, That you can find n1e still at home I a.m not gone awa.y ; So all my kind old friends may com e ; _i\.nd alt the young ones too And get their g&n:nents ui coly 1 nall e In fashions that are 11ew. \Yherc old a-ntl youug dei:~r frii:rHlfJ may meet A welcome greoting by l{. PE.A.TE. Bowrnanvi1le, June 19th 1873. --GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Trunks, &c. Special a t tention given to CUTTING AND FI'l'TING and none but first·cla thu:;i insuring g()(I.-] \·alue tore, King Strl;'~t. -..i.·orkmen employed every caae. . ' STORE.- One door da<it of(',,rni· .... Bow)Ilan1;Ue. Howman ville, Sept. 23t'd. "! 8i: J. S~Ll.1 . E, · -

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