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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 19 Mar 1875, p. 3

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· ·THE MERCHANT, FRI >AY, MARCH 19, 1875. ==~~================~~==~~~=============================;===================== 7,000. ROLLS OP "~HE , STJN." 1 DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. . The apr>roach (·f the Pteeidt1ntal election giveB unusual importance to the events and devel?pmt·nts of' l875. \Ve shalJ 1;1_ udeavor to der;c1·1lie ~hen;t ~.upy, fait~1f~11ly autl fcarlcsf'lly, . THE_\\ J~,J.;l{LY ::;"() 1.\ lHt.$ now nttainod a. ~ible Christian . :!\'Iutua1 Life Assurance Society ,ROOM PAPER AT IOBTo E!STON'S. eo l liiil I<'or New l'aLterus in Hoom Papers, call and exannuc our new Stock -chromos, etc., etc., Ready framed, to be Cbeup. Don't let this chance of getting Cheap Pictures slip. No Humbug. Call and price them. Id · sold aTO'.Hara's Old Stand, - - - · - .Town Hall . '!'he nu.mber of men in!l,ep1,.mtlent in politic;; is 1ncrea81ng, and the \VEEKLY SlTN is their pap er espe.ciallr. It bcJm~gs to no pa1ty, an:l offers no dictation, contend111g for principle, and It exposes for the election of the best inen. the corrn11tion t hat disgrac.t>s the country btHl L}1 reatens the overthrow of republican institu· tion~. It has ,no fear of knnvt:s, a nd :;eelt8 llo ftti~·?r::i ti.-om their supporter8. 'Ihe of evtiry kind and th0 fMliion1:1 arr,re(;Ularly reported . l he p1·i oc ot the '\-\1EEKLY SU~ is one dollar. u..ycn.r for a sh eet. of eight J!a.,c;es, and fi fty-B1x 1.!olumns. .t\.t'i"th1s barely pa.vs the e.x· ---:o:--perusers of pa.per and printiug, ·we llot able to m:-ik a ai1y discount _ o r allow any pr.::mitun to friends who mu.y make rJpecial efforts to extend Ii. E. intends reducing bis E!totk, he will therefore give Great Bnrgo.ins. l{cmember to cailat its circulation. LTn der the 1iew· wliich requires paym eni: of postage in advan~e one dolBuildings.~ la~ a year, with t\\.'Cnty cents tho co;t of preThe Proprietor believefl in a Nimble Sixpence being better than a Slow, Poking Shilling. pa1.d·postage a.i.ld.ed, is the rate of subscription. It is notnecessnry to get up a club in order to R. EAiiTON have the \VF, ff.l{L Y Sl.T ~ at this rute. .A.ny ly-m9. P.l'Qwmanvill!e, Mar. 15th, 1875. one who sends one dollar a.nd twcntv ct~nt!!! will get the l)<Jpe1·, pestnaid for a y ear. \Ve have no tr~.v0ning agents., _ 'l'HE WEEKLY SU~. -Eight pages, fuly!\lX columns Only 1. 20 a ycn.1·, p0Jtr1ue111·cpa1:d, .II 1 ~· cturee f eircula.tion of over. seventy thousand cnpiea:, Its rc11dcrs are fonnd in e very 81;ci.te and Tl-ln-itory and its qua.lity is well known to the public. \V~ shall not only 1m!'lett.\·01·. to keep it f11ll y up to the .old stt·ndard, but to unpro~· e and add tu 1ts variety aud power. TH.1£ \VEJ~K LY Sl.T.r·; will continue t o be a thor011 gh r1 ewl:l[Xtptr. .All t.he uews of tbtr day will be found in it, condensed 'vhtn unitnportant, fl,t full length when uf momeut and alwa.ys, we trust, treated il1 a clear intcr~sting and instructive n1annel". ' lt is our aim to nti~k~ the \VEEICLY StTK tl~1! heRt famil.Y newspaper in the world. It ~v1ll be full of entt~ rtainin 9 a.nd appro 1 ) readlfJg tJf evCl"J' t1ort, but will print nothing to offe!1d the roost scrupu lous and delicate t .. ste. It will al wa,ys vontain .tbe n1ost ·interestinr; stories n.nd roniu-n<!es of the clul, ca.n·JuHy sel~cted and legibly printed. _ The Ag1icult11ral D eparlruent is a pro1ninent feature in the \VEEKLY S L-!\~ . aud its arti· cles ·will ah-..·nys be found frei:J1 ru1d useful to the farmer. ESTABLISHED 1840. C.iNADA CJJJEF 0FFIOI:d. 131, ST. JAMES STREET, If you w.\nt a. ~JONTHEAL BOOK ROOM S AND DIRECTORS. "\V,A.LTE-R SuANr.1·, Eeq.l..~:f. P., DU,NCAN MACDON~\LD, ~sq. Cha.irmaan, THOROUGHLY RELIABLE 0 J:~ GAN FOR Ji.:fAJOH T. E. C..u1rnELL, C B .. St. Hila.ire. T1u1 HoNORARLE JoIIN II.ilnLTO~, Hawks. but'i'.f, Ont. RESIDENT SECRFTARY.-.LrnEs Gru.m-. SPECIAL FEATURES. .·'l'he ENTIRE P.uoFil'S belong- to and arc <livid THE GREAT REMJ;DY FO ~ Parlors,Schcools, or Churches, Apply to ed amongst the Policyholders. or on which an extra Premium wov.ld be required, can be.a.isured at the ordVnary rates of t his ~ Ol.!i(!ty, tinder a spcdal arranyemcnt SPECIAL .NoN-FOFEITABLE POLICIES issued under which only 10, 15 or 20 Ann1lal Pn.y rnents are req1lired, each paytnent setmr1ng Policy for a. sum ll.SSUr~d proportionato to tlte nurober of pron1iuros paid, andfrec/ro-m futt11 LITES, DECT,INED DY OTHER Cour·~.\N.IJ£i5, CONSUMPTION and Rcknowlcdged by many prom inent physiciana to be the most HcliillJlc rrcparar.ion ever introduced for the IlELIEli' and CCRE of all LUNG COMPLAINTS. CHEAP MIRRORS. Ag-ents for tho :Dominion Oroia.n Co'v. Sabbath School Library BOW MANVILLE Present the following testimonials from com potent judges o( Organ.:;. TcstimoniaJ fro Jolu1 Camidge, ~Ill.ii. Doc., Canlua.r, England. Bowma.nville, 24th Dec ., 187:). To the Mwna.qc1·s Dom,inion Orga·n CrJ. THE 'fhis well-known remedy io offcrcJ to tho public, sanctioned by 1hc cxpcri<'uce of over fol'ty ycnr:::, and when resorted to 1n st·ason, seldom faili;i, to effect a 11pccdy cure of CHILDiiEN'S LOTS CA:SS. GOODS. BEST ORGANS .. O~ nu.yment of prem.iums. MQDF.R.\T~ .l::'nreMIUHS Coughs, Colds, Croup, Dl'onchllls, In· ftuenza,\Vhooplng Cough, lloarse. ness, Pains or Soreness In the Chest an<l Side, lllcelllng and most liberal con· at the J,ungs, r,1ve1· Complaint, &c. TH;;.; OF OTH:GR CHEAP Depot, 00 NTll'IENT THE like to µl11y on your Organs so sweet uPdstcady. .And. the workmaa~nip a.nd li0!:h excell~nt, and in every particul:ar they 11rc equal, 1f not superior, to any I have ever lieard. Ifopin-' " they will meet 0 publio nµprccia.tion. GENTL!tME::i . - l t,~ ~e lR ditions. Pros1_.11:0tusea., Pi·oposaJ. ll'orms, &c., supplied on application at thu Head Uflice, or any of the .i:-'t.gencies. by a. timely resort to this stnndnrd remedy, :u CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAr,1 Of WILD CHERflY JAMES GRA:NT, Rer;, JOHN CAMIDGE Read the following from Rmm. l)'ETinl\: Uo,y·man\·ille, Decernber 22, 1873, To the .Jfanaqe1·s of the Dom-inion 01·uan Cu. . GENTLE:ritEK. -I have inuch pleasure in test fying t.o the cxcdlcnt qualil;ics of the Org-a supplied by you at n1y concert last Saturda eveuing. The tone iH sweet and very powerf a.nd the combination of stops most admira.b I am sure your iustruments will find favor Churches, ~ they. ar~ singularly adapted fo l!l<Wred tuu~1c. \\"'1sh1ng you every r.uecess, and that the public may patronize native n1anufacture. I rema.i11 G en tlemen 1 Very reRµe:ctfUlly. Recrelar~\I. is proved by bq_nl1rc\l~ of tei;timo1Jialfl rl)t.:eive{ J:iy the propri'etors. d(les not Wry 1i11 a Couyh , and lca'l'C t/llJ c<11u1i:: , ln:kiud, us ·is flu,~ casu 'W'ilh Tltc>S t prepa.ratlon8, fn1.t i.t l.oosens anrl cfr11n .<if'~ AOF.N'l' ~'OR Sab' School Ensign, .An unscctnrian, BUWMANYIJ.LE, C. BAHRl>ll, " Offi.c~ . " ICing St. v Illustrated Paper, for Sabbath Schools. 32-ly Bowmanville. June 24th, 1870. the lungs, a.nd alla!J.'I i'i·ritatif1J1., thuo <t·e-mor:tny the ca· i ise of' the complaint · CLF.ItGYMEN, LAWYEF,S, SINGERS, and nll those whose occupation requires nn un. usual cxerciflc of the voeol orgnns, will find thi~ the ONLY P1a~t'AHATIU.!'I which will elfN t· mUly nud Instantaneously relieve th ei!· <l!rTit~lll· KIND STREET, BOWMANVllLI:.. Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON. J.Vo discount from thi;; rate. ' I l'HE DAILY SUN.-A lnrgufo11r-p~ige news- Published 1lfonthly, at Eov;nianville, Ont. paper of tweuty-eigbt columns. Daily circulation over 120,000. All t.he uewl::\ for 2 cent1:1. Subscription. postage prepaid 55 ccnhl a rr.onth '1 10 ctubs ur'10 or ·over, a dis: ·or 6.50 a year ; couut of 20 p,.er cent. Address 1 ·· l'HE dlT~-, " New York City, U.S. March 11th, 1875. :,!<1.61ns. tics, SEEDS! SEEDS! - - -:o:-- - SEEDS! The Editor has been connected, 111ore or less, cJo,;;ely with Sabbath Schools, frotn his boyhood, and will endeavor the make the E11s1GN eyery way worthy of the support of Sabbo.tb Schools, The unsectarian qbaracter of the paper ,renders ·it s11itable fo1· any Schno1. Tri <:o nnectiou there· with, a Supplement is published, cont.nining ~otes on th~ International aul"ie$ of S. S. Lea· sons. These ltre ca.refully prepared, and must prove of grei;i.t valne to both Teacher and Scholar. rmsT-CLASS WOOD-WORKER in. lluggy ::i.ucl Wagon Shop. Constant em. TERMS; ployment \Vill be gi.,·en. Apply irrimedia.tely, to Parcels of ~. 10, 15, etc., n.t rate of 30 ;\IR. J . MOU:NC:E, TYRONE. cts. per year. Single copies, 40 cts. Postage Jan. 28th, 1874. 18-tf. FREE. A1dresa, · lle-u· of Countei·:fe!ts. (Established 1803, TIE.AD OFFIOES.-1 Old Broad St., and Pall Mall, London. GE~ERAT· .\0E~c1· Fon has on the outside iorrrppcr the si91rnt·11rt: v/ "]. B U'l"J'SC an<lthe printed name of the pro- Remember that the genuine 1Vfrtar'.~ n 1rl.~r1 m --:o:-- Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'IIARA. A. M. DARLEY 18~{4. ROSA D'ERINA. prietors, 11 SE2'H Jf. 1"0/Y.Lb'c~ .SO.i\'S, nos. TON." All others m·e base imitations. Hxrnnine the wrapper careftdly brfm·c pul'chasing . CA~ADA :- 2 . 1 St WANTED. Prei-li(lont. Bow,manville, January 15, Mfl,t)IJ.f.!er crament , Montreal. Rtls6t· ...·e Ono Doll:ir a Bottle. Six llottlr1 for five Dctlars. I>REl'AlH~JJ BY A -- --------- - ------- bp-o3-m16. Subscribed and invested Capital and F'und. £1,005,000 Sterling. ~<ls -invested SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Ma.,,, .And. Bold by Druggists nn<l Dealers generally. We· ho;re no\v the most varied and in Canad0r- 105,000. 0. BARI{ER, EDITOR, S hereby tbat Stephen Cole and VVilI lia.m both of the rfownshiE_ _ Of l>ar)ington, in ·the Count.y of Durha.m Yoemen \i\~erry , PUI3LIC NOTICE givP.n, 1 '.Bowmanville, Ont. Ca,rd of Thainks. SELECT STOCK IIE SubEJcriber returns thanks to those who T past. . have eiven hiin their in and would inform the farmers t.bat he bas re· t,be Insurances aga.mst loss by Fire are effected 011 'lnost fa.yorable tetTllft., an(l loasei; paid witli out reference to the Bon.rd in London. J DODSWORTII, Inspector. RINTOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, :b-Ion t rca What the Press sav abont lt' rfHE E~SJGN. - \Ve have been tavored with a copy of the Ensign from thA :Editor,at the "\Vest Dt1rbam P:tiuting Estabhsh111ent. The Ensi[J" h a paper prevartid especially for Sahbnth Schools, ani i n our opinion "'-ell ada.11t· cd to its object. So gr':lat a fa ... orite has it be· come, t.\ia,t we h~ar {what is yery unusual with r:iuch enterprises) it bas proved for the first year a financial snccess. The illustrations are suitable and sufticiently numerous, while the reu.rl · ing matter is hcnlthy in tone, racy in Rty le,and so varied as to suit th~ tast,e of the general public. \Ve congratulate· th1:: Editor on having catered so sncccsl'lfnlly to the public want, and we cof'gratulat~ the yourig and the -public on Laviug so ch:uming a slrn1::t p1·e,.,t:1)ted monthly for tbe pcrusa.l of their children.-- ft, R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent 1\lcClung B1·os. Seed De1lartmcnt is well stocke{l and well assorted. All kinds on hanll or to arrive. J?ield Seeds! Garae1i Seeds! FloiverSeeds! A large quantity of CLO VER SEED, all of whicli was grown on the same farm, and known to be entirely .free f1·om dirt. A VERY CLEAN LOT OF TIMOTHY I TARES :- IMPORTED, CANADIAN. AND (The said Stephen Cole being tbB father. cf ;Louisn. Ehon, jn l1tir life time, wife of John ·~l8on, dt>ceased, in his lifetime, of the said .rownship ~,f !?arlingtun, Blacksmith), will up1? tl~e expua.t10~ o~ t\vcnty'1 after the pubhca.t1on ot th1s .!\ohce, according to the Statute ~u :,uch case made and pr9,-ideri, apply tu t.he Sui-rogate Uourt of Lht:: LT rited Counties of Nortlrum berland arid Durham, to be oppn:inlcrl Guardians to .Joseph J a.mes Elson Ct:lha Loveday l£l:!on, aud Udino.. Cole Ela(~1), thG 'i 11faut uhildrcn of the said ,John Ehon and Louisa Eh1c.·n, deceased. R. IL LOSCOJ\.fBE, Solicitor. Bowmanville, 1th Tu-fu.rch, A.D., 187 5. 23-3t Oshwwa, Refonncr. The is 111ca.tly })i:)11tt.\ll on good paper, is illustrated, und contains heu.lthly r~ading ma.tter. It. ough 1 : to a l(l.tg1:1 circulation. for Bnwmanville and Vicinity. Bowma..nville, June 4th. 1860 paired and refitt~d his J!i.fill, and is now prepared to attend to their wauts in the milling line. He is also coll ducting a 36 tn.o.42~39.4\v SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yet offered to the people in 'Vest Durham. GENERAL STORE. and ha.viug 1nnchaHo<l his stock for James McFeeters. AGENT 'l'HE liiJ.ephant House to his many fri~n<l 01and the tJUblic i;euvrally fm· the liber!tl patru11age exttmJtid tu him d111·it1g the pa,;t. HI .re< 1.!'e, beg s to ~~um)11uce that fnnn a.nd u.fter tho 15th Sl:ptcmlier, he will c:i.rry ·Hl the 1'1 ~ nH~ b1tl:! ioHS:>\, but iu11r1:: .;.xt·J1 1f>ive ly under the nn.'l1e and ::;tyli,: of Jo11N MuL.iiOD & 1 :u. Ptumpl p<1.yu, en l of all <V...:l:1lUHtfl i:-; r1~11rlt!r ed impcratt ve by tJlis b u>.irwss u.rrnn;...erneut, 11111 :~ll Jier,,,nnl' i11d1-ht,ed will pl1·ast! t.:~.k 1! n1iticE C.L\ SH, For the Holidays . is giving burga.ius in A W·HITE. Desirable F'amily · Residence For Sale. -Petcrbo·1·d Ji.'xamincr _ I I G·et your Seeds a,t lvicClung :Srosm TEA! TEA! ---:o:--- TEA! S ?t-Ilt. SI-IERIN is nhout leaving Tffwn, _ . lie offers for eal~, that fine t\\ o·storey Brick dwelling, lo.tely eree;ted by him. on Li.b· C'rty Street, having ' lt acre ~ of land a.ttached then:to. 'l'he hou~e bus 4 roum~ on the first fh<t, and 5 rooms. on tbe s.econd, with celh~r under whole Luilding. 'fh ere is <$good stablti on the pri:mjsei:., fl.Ud also a. well, and cisterri. 1'~ru1s re[1.sona.ble, For fnrthe·r particularP, apply tn Lbe 11rnpl'itltO.r. J3, SIIE l{ IN, lv:Iessra. b--lcCLlTNG BH. OS., ICing Street, or · H. l{. LOSC())!BE, BARRISTER . A l. QG. House. Gift Books, Splendid .A lbwmB, Prang's Celebmted Chromos, Jlficroscopes,lfoleidoscopes, OJ the finest desoript-ion, Ladies' Cumpanfons, Writing Desks, Pocket Books, &c., &:o., to please all, and every one. A arge and splendid Collection of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware. Groceries, &C. ST.._<tND.-Recently occupied by ~Ir. For the following Insu~ro1ce Cm..ipanies, and other lnfltitutioni'!, viz:The QlJF.El\- F ir·e an(l Life Inf'lm·FLn~ e C0mpeny. , £2,000,000. .$150,000 d epofiitt>d the Dominion Govc.rrnment, for the prote<l (leJ'8 in Canada. The ISOLATED RISK 'Fire Tnr.ur..,,ncc Com p~.ny of Canada. Capital 500'000.-0ue of t.J1e best and chea.pc;;.t Cnmpa·1ies doin.I'.! hu~inP .~i'-l in th(! Dominion, for Farmer!'! and T~nla.t.efl JH!'ks The CAN ADA LA'<DED CREDIT CO'Y. wi1;h 11. Rn.vinQ'S na.nk rlepartment. 'l'he UNION AND PERMANEN1' Building a.n<l Saving's Society. 1'h~Fte latter instlh1tion~ n.dvance Lo:i..nR ori H.eaJ l;sitate: on termB unusuallv easy for the borrower. · J~owJ11an viJ1~, r11JfE UNDJi:RSJGNED :in returning thanks 11nd govern tl1cm.sclvcs accordingly. JuHN McLJlOT), BowmnnYille, September 4th. 187;{. F el). (il.h, 187:~. Gray. Star Dry Goods and Clothing NOTED FOR CHEAP TyroncJ Dee. 17, 187,1. T, lfc!.eod & co: T H.Libe,·al Support and H Pat ronage . I wonld "'lici t t he ·ame McCLUNG' Bros. have an exceedingl:g Large Stock o.f TEA. Blacks, Greens, and Japans. It will pay yo:µ to get your TEA b,y the BOX, and pay Wholesale Price. Y om· a.ttention is called to the three wonderfully Cheap lines. Bo..v-mauville, Feb. 26th, J8'75. 2'2tf Horso For Sa.le ! GJOD HJ<JAVY FAltM IIORSE, G Apply at this Offic6. l\:lnrch ·1-th 1 1874, old. _ y; ars DRY GOODS! CLOTHING, etc. ---o-A SPECIAL LINE. Stereoscopic Views · The Good~were E i~nd cxtcn'l'd so lon.g t o Jobu takes tl ri.:o 0µ1Jort-u11il.y of in· ~:lcLeod, 1TI , 1foi"111ing the pu blic, that they have I bought at best ro,tea, and pur chaserr. will receive tbe benefit. DISCARDED '1~ H l1 . 22-tf NO.l. NO.;~. N0.3. YOUNG HYSON, in Caddies, which is . really Good Value at 90 cts. You can have it at 75 cts. per pound, by the Caddy. YOUNG HYSON, in Caddies, positively good value at 70 cts. .Selling by the Caddy, at 55 cts. per pound. An excellent BLACK TEA, at 50 cts. per pound. Town 1 Proper~y for_Sa.le. his OOU· S'C'BSCRIBEU c1ffers for SaJo, T. HE prope.rty .situnte on 1.iiherty Strttt, The Sweetest Flavored JAPAN TEA in Stock, importt?d this Season. CALL AND INSPECT THESE TEAS. tn.1n1r.g three.e1ghths of an acre of land. 'l'bere ig on the prop 1=1rty, a double dwelling, outhouses, ft1.lit trees, and a good well of wat&i·. Als,G 2~ acres, sit11ate on Co ncl:lssion St. . Lot 7. Terml!i $200 down, and time to pay the balance, ,~ Corn,vall Blankets Corner King andVirest ~farkllt StreHt11(;nr St. La·wrence Ha,11, 'l'oro11to p1il · y to TllOS. PEATF.. l:lowmanville, Feb. 18th, 1875. t2-tf. ALWAYS ctET FIRST-CLASS. :ODY GOODS Ch..eaper ~ve1~ ! Chothing a.t Q-rea.tly Reduced :Prices. SAI. rr. PLAST.E~R. LOWEST FISH, AT PRICES. l!l Orono and Cla.l'ke, ha~ vonsen ted to (1pen an Office ju the village of Orono, where either he or .l\fr, G. LOCKHART, L.D.S., will atttind, on the firat l\'Ionday in every month, commencing on the first Monday hi l\larch, and remain during week, for tlie purpose of attending to all Dent:tl opcrtttion:=.t. Office a.t Dr . J?i~lding's Surgery, . in order to accede to TI-IE the requests of many pt·rsons resirling both su· nSOllIBEI~, · W. BELL & Co's. Pri~e JJf..etlal Organs Also the reno\vned For CHEAP Goods, go to J. 11. BHDIACUMB}J, P<Y n·H,,·il\·, F t- b. lCth, 18'i5. 21-tf. \Vhich in 1873, at the Provincial Fair, beat ei,-ery American and Oa.1rn,dia.n Organ, tal\ing the FIRST PRIZE. SEWING ~IACHINE COThtIPANY, OF SHERBROOKE, P. Q., Having rl'oently perfected THE BANNER E,LONtt c:r~E:OITS, E J FUR REGIONS L L Ii\' a.t 'Wholasa..le. E EI_JI~I OTT'S E Grebe, very fine. South Sea · Seal, best quality. Al· p Chealp Store· aska Mink, prime. p Buffalo ·Robes, H 1H A TYRONJ1J, A ,LATEST FROM THE OJ! r.nd "ill c1111dnct their credit busi· l"ll~H~ t\,,. f ollow~: OLD 8YSTEM, ~~:ink ALL ACCOUNTS will be RE~YDERE'D on Large and dark, 0:11 a.t 1st January, 1st May, and 1st SeptembGr HasnowafullassortedStockof MAB.X'C'S MA YEl1.'S ln eac.'i and euM'Y yea1·. M et>hnnic~, Bowmanville, .Mar., 1876. McOLUNG BROS. HORSES FOR SALE. T 'l'hree gootl hort0es, all young. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE HALLETT & DA VIS PIA NO (Boston.) Which Im.-, tnker. T. S. BRANT. Lot No. 1, Broken Front. Dal"lington, Feb. l.ftl1, 1875. 21-6in, Forty-nine First Pnmiums. Important Irnpronements, in their celobra.ted STORE, FUR Groceries King St., Boiunicin ville. Dry a-cods, :Soots & Shoes etc., eto, .Gentlemen's Furnishin11s, which for l\:ln. 1v!A.Yt~R, hav1ng- a. thorough knowledge f of the Fur trade, has purchased only First.I class Stock. and is in a. :position to give sat-[1 Now l § the time to give., !!faction to all. him a call,- Ml those who co1nc first arc firstJ ser,·eJ. ~ N T I In the case o! .1.1-fannfu,ctueere, an(l other~, ·wbo6e accounts ma.y an1ount to $50. 00 nr 1 over, their notc,if a,gr()Cd trpnn,wi1J1rr be taken payable at tbe J::;,.. f1w - N · a st:;i,tt·d pc-riod . 'l'HB I Cash Purchasers .AND FOlt SALE. PI-IILLJP'S IN TllE --:o:-THE KING OF I-IO TEL, Family sewing Machines, Are prepared to Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl . TYRONE. Hats, Caps, --:u:- "5(). Prompt Payers on credits ! short ALL KlNDS OF FURS REPAIRED. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs Bowmanville, Oct. 21st, 1874.~ VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. Posseeeion ca.n be given on the 1st of March. 'l'erms easy. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, for pa.rticulars. SEWING MACHINES, --:o:-N. B.- 'J.1be Subscriber is not a Sub, or un· cler Agent, but ha1:1 the special agenc:y for tho above. I am prupared to exchange J-'ianos fur Organs, Orgn~ns for 1\fE!lodeoH8, a.l~o Sewing Mnchine!i, on rensonable te1·n1s. A-ddresM, GUARANTEE THEM EQUP.L, H. T. PHILLIPS. Feb. 25th, 18i5. 22-lf. IF NOT SUPERIOR, to auy 1i~)W before the l'Ublic. }; or bel H H QI Stoc~l'>nlia.rge Q U Well Assorted !U will nlwaya get goods ttt prices ,cut FINE, as our great. aiin will to court this class of trade. REMOVED! ---:o:.- - A :HOUSE AND LOT F quire of l\fit. TI-IO MAS, on the premises. Bowma11ville, Ja.n. 22nd. 1875. 17-tf. OR SA.LE. situate on Ontru"io Street . En- SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION EASE OF OPERATlON, U::-llFORMITY OF PRECISE ACTION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, s Cook, Hall. Parlor. and Box A "plCndirl variety of - · · IT[ JOHN IIIcLEOD & CO. 1 S1 0V ES, . for ·wood or coal. s -i E B"l 1Vman ville, September4th18i3 Good. l"a.r:m for Sa.le. Good buildings and fonccs, ~ud )a.rge young orchard. For, ::i.p11lv to \VM. TUER, HAYDON. Oct . 2Gtb. 18i4. .5-tf. -~---~----·---- N lington, containing lUO acres, more or les$. Horse For Sale. ORTH half of Lot No. 11, 7th Con. Dar- J. S. DONEY, Jan. Hith, 1875. G-6mos. TYRONE P.O. Desirable Farm Property Lyle & P. M<trtyn, W. CON SA UL, and will be FOR 1 SA LE. FIRST PRIZ l< hold in Montreal in S<.'pten1bel', 1873. Age I THT~:. c~~~~~Mac~~~~~~=1L1~:n' ca.pncity of range and ndaptibility to gre-at \'&riety of work, fine or coarse, Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE I-Iaving i·emoved io mori::J cunnnodious premis~l, IN DENTISTRY! HAVE REMOVED THEIR BUSINESS A ~ ··utifn!Youn);Mnre,risiTijl"5yea<Sold · . dinl:- hny, is a guod trfLYeUer, either i~ single to the premises !atel:r occupied by Ol' doublo, Splend1d G addie Trial gi \'en if (!t;ijitt!ll. beast. 1\,-tf. :~t. ' lJl'i~i ng Ai' THE Splendid Property of the late B. TIIL\':1 l\fitcbP.11, bciug the north half of Lots No. Provincial E:z:hibiti on, and :i2; in the 6th Con. of DarLington, combeing wood land . 200 i~<:l"f~R-a5 superi( ~r There is on the front of the premises, a very ,&~i'~!FO'fHERG ILL'S BLOOK, s pleased to see ah their old Cttstomers 11-ud a number of new ones. J. S. DONEY. 'l'ynme, Jan.14th, 1875. To Ma.stars of L. O. L None but the . .Satisfaction Guaranteed, both lll Price and Quality. J ·1 I LANK· CERTIFICAES, Applications B &c., &c., can be procured at tins office, :J.-t regulai· rates. Bow1na11"11ille, July 7th1 1873. $5 ---:o:--- TO Pllk: DAY.-Agen\s\Vauterl ! ing classtJs of w?rlnng people, of eitl1ei· sex, young. or old, ma.Ke more monE:ly at work fm· 0$ lll tht:ll' ~pare inomen:tt1, or a11 the thne, than ::i.t anything ehe. Particulars free. I'ost card to States coi;;t~ b11 one cent. Address G. STINSON & CO., .l'ortla.nd, M·ain~, U.S. Octobei· 27th, 1871. ly.bp-o43.m5. $20 -·-.- - Salt , Plaster for .Sale. ( '1 Aiilli _I Vlli~ CAN MAKE ~ BY S r:LJ.TNG ~ MONEY, t/;o::;e Cheap Pictui·es, fW' A.gents wantC1d eve17where. F or full pal'ticufa. rs, etc., address, at once, 13owmanville, JI.far. 4th, 187'5. Box 180 l3owm11nville, Ont. wanted. · f1ne,ge11tlemf.l11'i:r i:rtnne tesidenca. with lawn and flower garden, to the ·renr of which is a beautiful J\'laple G1·ove. .A.lBo wood E:lhed,stable, driv. tng house, etc .· and every necessary convenience. BOWMANVILLE, The whole, about ten acres, is surrounded by a LOCAL AGENJ thorn hedge. _ T~erc i~ a. Farm House, with thre.:i barns, with by·o37-o24-lyr all outh11ilding.'!. .A never failing streB.rn of wli.ter runs through tho premises. 'There is also a ASSISTED n;y si:le.!1did Orchard of fruit bear_inp tre~~. and a k1tcnen garden. The property is in a good state G. D LOCKHART, L. R. C. D. S of cnltivatiou, n..nrl fa rcgti.rded as the most desirable between Kingston t1lld London. For further particulara auply to MRS. B. MI'l'CHELL, ATE WITH F. Y. CJOWLF., begsto inOsl111wa P. 0, form the public generally, that he has comAugust 6th,18i4 . bp-tf.m44.o32. m~nCtld b11siness iu the Shop next to the Express Office, one door, east of ,l, l\:filno's. Having had several years expel'ience in the, he hopes to satisfy all \vho may favor him with a call. OFP1CE oi>M· McCLUNG'S Sw1·e. y .A. YOUKG "\V01¥I~<\.1'i- recently from, a eituation, where she couJ~l JJJake Bowma.nvillc. D ec. 1::174.. 11-tf, Bowrnanville, Sep. 4th, 1872. herself genera.Jly useful, behind the Counto7' in the Dressma.kiu~ de-partm c11t, or as Al'siJ;t~.nt $:J5rer l3ook-kee~ct» R.eforc11c e::1 kinilly permitted, to : If you Want Good Brend, Use th@ wwcek.d ny or ev0n1ng. l~o Cap'ltal several re.,pectable persons. both i lt 'J'own a.nd rve send wtluable p«ckage of Gcod8 Country. .Address, by. rna.11 free . . AddresR with ten cent return ='f. A., OBSERY.EB Office, Bowuu1,n1tille. Stamp, )f. Youirn, l7:l Greenwich St.N. Y. · ·nee. 3rd, 18i4. lO·t N ovem h·r 5th, 187'!. tn6·ly Oct. 1st, 1871. bp-mG-o40·6ma. . beg to inform the public generally, that thin· no\v enabled to offer them Levi Morris ! Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blindi:\ Doors, &c. )fr . lt{orTif:I would infc.t·m the gcut·rah~ublic ' thi1t he i~ p1·cp<:1-red to fill orders for J. T. ANDERSON, Better Inducements in tbfl lil).e of J. M. Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.8. New 'l'ailor Shop, J 0 H N HE A'L L Grocery Business, (AS REGARDS PRICE & QUAL11'Y) tha.n any other house in the County. ~laning an.O, l'lta.tching, Mouldings of lllt desC'l'iptions, Tv,1·ning, &c., &c., for ge11e1·al building, ou FEES MODERATE. 1 SHORTEST NOTICE, and tin WANTED. NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD Weight and Jlfcasiirn Guaranteed in evM·y 'instance. He will also t ake GOOD STYLE. contra~ts for B GOOD FITS GUARANTEED ~hutumtl buildings, and rilye i!Jcnµt Qtnltcµ, ORK At-h01ne,ma1cm-. 1ema1~; Fo R /'\LL ! I 'rea,s a, $"1'1SOittlit"ir lf' .J · "1 · SPEC[!! f, A1'TEi\ TlON TO JOBBING, J· J. D. STROWGER. L. STROWQ-};T:i Shop and Residence on Liberty Street Bo·.vrtl~lHvi,lle, D1;.c. 21E::t, 1874. Newcastle: Augui;t, 11th, 1874. . ::: 13·t · · I

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