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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 Mar 1875, p. 1

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l 1 THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Circulates:i largely Jn the Townships of Da1hngton, Clarke and Oart\.,:nght. It 1s a. common platforrn, open to the free duicuss1on of all quesns tn \\ hl~h the gencrfl.1 pubhc are concerned. TERMS WEST DURHAM Steam Job I'rintingO ill ce KING STREET, BowMA'.'!VILLE Seventy-five cents per annu II' 'rd vance The 'Merchant' and "Obser· ver,' $2.QO. RATE:S OF ADV t ' ne 11.RTISI~G. 45 per an nwn. Fio ,lf do 25 " Qua:rte1 do. · J5 " '1'1ans1ent ndveit1sements ,5 eta per bne first in sert10n, and 2c pe1 line, each subsequent one c:ohunn AND GENERAL ADVERTISER · VOLUME YI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARiq, FRIDAY, MARC.ti 26, 1875. NUMBER XX VJ. POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES , NOTES, · HANDBILLS, LABELS, CA,RDS, TICKETS, &c, &c, &c. EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE J'ancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. ' I ··Y al d woman, g11 e a f-foller fifty art of their scanty e~rnrngs to epend m llH the bundle of wotk from her, and half-le<l, c-ceuts wont yer 1' tavern. It was hterally taking tbll breHd half-carr1 e(I her np to her own rooni, g1v1 ng o.1d soc1e tJ es lnet 'Yeck One would need to I cannot farther describe the scene out of the children's ruouths, 1Jut 1n no oth- her into h er moth E" r'e care wi th tlie \Votlls ONLY .J:lUE. be made of 1 uoney to ans,vcr all the calla Enough, that after r ece1v1ng a second blow er way could she st.cure for th e e1ck ones 'An' s ure, ~irs Morton Susie bred better Sweet; laggard Spiing, that are mode on business n1en And to while trying unsuccess!ully to warrl. one off the quiet they reqtured run for a dvcther, for lt's stbr1ckcn w1th Beg to announce to the Electors of 'Vest Dn1ham and suqound1ng country, that theJ '\1ll sell '\.Yhat do~ t thou bring GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I dny, tno of our stewards call ed on me, her n1oth er, und he had no more \'ile nam es Ia all tins ti1ne they heard only once death ooor .Agnes lS, an' 1)0 wonder ~t all.' their unmen se To compensate us for our "'aiting, They want to 1ncteuse our n1in1ster 1s salary to Hing at her, Agnes induced Lin1 to he from Charley His first month's '\'llges ho d It did not nl;!ed th e do ctor's hopeleso shak e Through rain und snow, Triuns w11 1 leave l30\\'tnanv1lle Stntioa, Ly an other thouimnd, and, thnugh ll will be down on the lounge riear the tire, Q.DJ pale, heen punctually remitted to his inothcr. bu~ of tbc head to convi nce the 1nost ohst1n11tel v oF Sin ce, weeks ago, 1 Buwrnan"Vtlle tim e as follo\vs . at h:ast fift} tlollats out of my pocket, :vet I trernbhng, and exhnuste<l, she sat down after that came a long interval of eilence, bhud that she was in<lee<l i::tr1cken Thy harbingers of song 'vo1e mating? At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. GOHlG lif:!T. GOING WEf:!T. could not ohject. A u1nn with a family ot again to her 'vork and bis 1notber and Agnes began to <lread death Tbe few <lays that remarned to her '\Vas it tc flnf'h J.Jol·al . 7 22, am. I Exp1e ss , 8 20 am six children caunot be e:xpected to hve on There \Vas uttei ~ilence het\veen mother the \vorst But one day early in Murcl1, a \Vere till ed \Vith fi erce and bitter sufft·r1ng 1 0 deeper blush W ith Express* 9 27 am , l\i1xcd , 4 05 Pm. two thousand a yenl', and I hold that 'the nnd daughter, broken at last by Aiis Mor· slow, heavy step catne up the i::tllirs, tbt:ir ..It terribl e fever e:corched h er hlood, every ~i1xod 2.30 p m I Local 7 55 p m, The ioses of the coming .Tune? Express 9 00 p m I Express V 00 p m labore1 18 worthy of 111a hire '· ton, as a stl·p once more sounded on the dc1op open ed, and Charley stood before them. agoniz<:d br<:la lh, tlra w 11 thro lg h itifhuned Or d1d'st thou stay 1. at 1 ~O. Pf!J" pa~r. for CASH ONLY. *l'hlS tra1a runs e\ et y n1ornu1g o( n eek, lOOOprs Miase.t.Fdx1tlaind B11.ff 1 'Then papa,' 1 -ut in Carrie, 'why don't stnir. This t1n1e 1t was a light, quick step, pale, foot- sore, hungry and ragged. A kick l~ngf'l, was hke lifting 1uountains , while To learn BC'tne lay 1\fortda ys excepted. 1000 P"irs W omen's, Miss es' and Ghil~'s Felt Boots, the 1ehole to be sold for GASH ON LY To charm the seaaons into tune? you pay your hau<ls 1 I 1un sure t hey labor a.nd there was a glad l ook un her face as she from a vicious horse, had disabled him in -till the dreadful cough riwked the wasted rhe following tra111s now stop nt So.xony hard enongh.' i:iatd thP second month of h1s service, and Just as trnrne, ceas1og- on ly with hfe. And dost t1Iou hold, for assenge1s --o-1 'Yo 1 don't uude ratan d, Carrie,' said her 'It is Charley at l i8t' soon as he was Rble to go to his employer, In blue nnd gold, '~Vbat do those MortorJS n1ean, I won· IJncal go1ng \vest , tlu<.: at 7 30 n. m fath er, 'und~ltere ia no n·ed you should. Il 'The lloy "ho_s.nt~re.L:was about fifteen, who had grudgingly given b1m board and !er 1 11 xe(r gotng e a~ t,"'ti'"trn"""a""t---s 40 p 1n Call e1trly--mld ·secu1e your Wi.,ter Supply; while the rush is going on at 'fhe pa11&rns thu.t s:w('et thoucht express? "'"' ' fretted !fr Roblnson 'A \\·eek s1nce Rosemary, too, ~11x.ed going west., due ut 2 55 p nl it was a party dress, now,or thu.t nt!w opera well gro\t n and actn e, with n. frflnk, open lodging. se'Dt hlm a.waY,refus111 g tu give him thev got th at last \'fork, and it sh ou l c~ have And bitter rue, Local go1ng east, due at 7 45 p 1n cloflk, you were tensing abo ut--' pl eas.ant count11::tnce. Just no\v, however, means to pay lus fare on the cars. He 111.ld been done iu three flay s' '\V1th poppies of forgetfulne ss' ~fou treJ.l tinie. 'Ah, it has come hon)e, papa I' abe ex there was a!less look on bis face, \Vhieh walked the \vhole thirty uulee, and but tor ' l\h~s ~forton may be s1ck,' suggested &; ~m.poriu1n. Give me, I pro.y, cla1mc<l, uR they 1rse :fro1n the table, ~ and was pitiful tv see on one so :youa~ He the .lnndnees ol the farmer's l\'Ife, who, un the cl1.: rk 'She "'as looking very bad ly J\Q\\ manvUle, Dec 10th, 1874. To wen.r one day, n1n.mrr1 n'smnntle-, too You must see them, glanced orice tow ard the lounge, but quick· known to her b!Rsband, put up as much pro- the last t1n1e she v.·as 1n, I noticed ' Rosemary for r emembrance sweet: ior they nrc JUSt lovely' ly a\erted bis face with n look of disgust. vi~ion ns he crJuld w~ll carry, be would have 'Sick, and iny work lying there. fl Pre Then poppies red While she was speakrng, het mother rang ·Moth er,' he began abruptly, as he sat starv·tl by the roadside long be!0re he could \V ilh e,' to the 1ittle e1rand boy 'go to Shall crown my head, the belJ and d1recte<l. the ser'\iant, "Ro'bo ap· dow n, 1 I ' li ave got ,\~ork at ]ast' have reached home. In lothean coronal complete. ]..: f iss :?i-forton's and see if th at "'ark 1::. done. 1 Ob, Charley,' peared, to brin g the two packages tram her said Agnes, under her It was o. miserable h'Jrne-com1ng, Char· I ah all certarnly diechargc her if she 10 so DE..UER IN Or dost tJ~ou bear l!'ru1t and 011namental 1'1ees1 Seeds, BulbiJ, room to the parlor, that her husband might bieath, 'I nin e.o glo.d.' ley thougbi.., but not more miserable than careless' Some flow'ret ta.r~. I!'loweu~. &ic., d:c. 1 Don'i be glud, Agnes,' he o.nawered, 'till inspect nnd approve th e purchases An1l the home and ita inmates Some bud of hope to blossom yctTht! boy returned 1n a very short time M1 C. guarantees tn furnLSh nothing but they were well worthy of bis admiration. you know· \Vhot 1t 18 ; and don't mother, say The cb1ldren, just able to crawl about the witf!' a pole face, and the buudlo o[ work A balm for pain, }~t tl ees, a.nd true to ~\.ddress, '.E'or lo~s some gam, The delicate color, graceful shape and I must not take it, for it 1s: really the only roon1, looked hke starved cbangehngs to untouched. P. c~ J3ox 55 Bowmi'.l.nYJllti 'l'o recompense me for regret? bright-hued tr1mn11ng of Lhe one harmon1z ~ chance him, remembering the plump, ro~y facE:s he ' Here IS the work, sir, and 1\-!il!IEI !YI orton Jan 32nd, 1875. bp Jy ml7·o4. 1ng well with Oarne's bright young tace aud ' But y ou have not told n1 e) et what it is,' had left at the farm-house. Susie:, who- v.;as has just died' 'l'he't··rful aky l\fade ead reply, slender fi gure, as did the ample folds and sh e stud at the machine, looked strangely \\ oru ancl 'Died !' repN1ted Rolnn sou, in a tone From clouds that drO pped in chilhng tears ri ch trin1n11ng of tlie other \Y1th h er 1notil'Is to go into th e country thuty nu1es,' \Vasted, while his mother seemel bending of shocked horior. 'Why you are surely 11 ~o flov.;er for you, 1 SURGERY---SILYER ST. er s matronly bcauly. They 'vi::re such he explained 'Aiy employer 18 a stock to the earth beneath her land of care and nnstaken, hoy ' Save hltter rue, mira~t>S: ot chPapue:>ss too - on]y se\en bun- farnicr, nnd he oITe1 s me five dollars n trouble. But Agues! ah, it was fr1ghtfnl, 1 N 0 1 sir/ said the boy, 'her brother told $1" Night calls answered ~ t Dr. Boyle's old Sur. To wear through all your hfe'e long years " gt!ry, or at Dr Reid's residence. u1onth 11nd u1 y board, and I ha\ e pron.llSt::d lb~ change that was th ere Sbo looked ten me h1mself' dred dollars 1 Bo·\·tnanv 1 lle, J::.1.n. 14th,'l.875 lG·tf. No more '\\ a.a r:iull or t hought abo1,1.t wag to stnit to-in orrow niorn 1ng · years older, with her \Van, ghastly face, the '~· hy, it is on~y a week since she '\\'as es, only ~1rs Robinson, as she foldt!d the 'I tlo not like to let )OU go, Charley,' be· dnrk ctrcleR beneath her ~yes, her stoopinK hete,' ea1d the clerk [ noticed then that cloaks awav, shivered a little ao she thought gstn Ins n1 other, but Chariey interrupted shoulders and hollow toice; and the boy's she coughed all the +irnc, heurt gave a great throb ns he realu:ecl that WAS IT MURDER OR SUICIDE? of young girls no older than her Carne, her. RADUATE of Baxter Univer sity of ~Ius1c 'I heard one of th A won1an SR}, 1 said the Friendship, .New York. whom she had seen at her husliand's sto1e, I NeLtbcr do I ltke tn go, nfother' but sl:re 'VllS actuallv dying. bo , 'that-sh~augbt re nJJ3< ~ l~h~at ~ d~ ·Y ~·=.::::::~=~.,;:;;..;::l~ 1 Teacher of 'Piano and Organ, cultnabon o BY HETTIE M'CAlIM OX. nnd who m1ght not be able to get even a tell ) ou it is niy only chance ; and surely ]..fotber, do you not see that Agnes is dy· She bad bad shoes on, a.nd got h~t feet wet · V 01ce, S1ng1ng 1 '!'borough Bass, Harmony But she put the though t you don't want me to hang on here, hvtag Ing 1' he Siud, a day or two after his rtiturn, 'rbe ledger which !\-fr R obinson, of H.o b- warm eha.wl Composition, &c ·Why woo't people have common sf'nse 1' There bel1ev1ng in the first tmpatu:nce of his gn1::f said ~1r Rolnno:on 'Now JUSt th1n"k of 1t 1 Doilingtou, July 16th, 1874 41·1Y 1nson & Co., merchant ta1lors, had been away fron1 her, she coul<l not interfe1e with on the earn1ng>i o! you aud Agnes studying WI th grave face aud wr1nk led tbe l..i tmlti, an i as her h usband said, it woula HI 011e'-nodd1ng li ts head toward the lounge that his motber was blind to the ~lgus which A delicate girl going out such weather as _ ,you inust \Vork foi, and hP. 18 enouj.! b he reud so qu1ckly. bro\v, c1osed '\ ith an ,..mph!lbc bang a.nd th e be very tittle to one. we hod then, with shoes ~"lly it was ' TAifJOR. The same e\etnng, u1 a tenemen t house, I w1ll not m nke much; Lut I w1ll have my 'I see it plainly enough, Charley,' an- dehbe1ate su1c1de Puor gi rl it see111s hard equally emphatic words. 'It must be done, much as I dishke it-, up, I 1un afraid to say bow ni ~u 1 y srairs, J keeping, and the five dollo.Ls I will send to sw ered his mother. 'Agnes isdyiog-d)ing that her young hie should be so early brokGentlemen's & Boy's Garments --ooof over1i,;ork and '"ant of pioper cloth111g1 en and, after all, it will be a mere trifl e to each .Agnes Morton at1d her mother, t\vo of the you ealh ruonth as I gt:t 1t 1 She could not h11ve been mor-3 than M\DE IN THE hands whose f1te had been 'JUtr.11na.r1ly de'\Vhut could the n1otb er say 1 It was and nonrisb1ng, and I can do nothing for t>1ghteen' one of the hands, though eo much to me.' And "'1th these words be J1sl'IEWEST STYLES . Putting the book Pafely away, he rose, c1ded, h eld e~rneot couversahon over their hard to part "'lth the bo_y, '\\ho was gro"Wing h~r; and so little u1ight bave StlVed bf!lr tntS8ed the euhJP.C t fto1n llls muHl Bo·~1nanville, July, 27, 18Ci9 Th e snhJ ect ol d1 scui:;s1on WllS one to be such a. conlfort to Lierself and ~<\.gnt:.:i, The doctor who can1e to see the ch1ldren 1 and donning overcoat and n1uffleia, he pnss- work But the clerk kne"' sor11eth1ng of Agues's ed into the street. There was a p1erc11ig which al ways bus puzzled tbe bra1ns of the and \·,ho, )oung as he was1 bad already be~ asked about her cough, and J>rescr1hed ale c1rcnn1stnnces, 11nd to h1s book~-su. ft-' con R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW. wind driviog the frozen sleet fair into h1q pnor-how t o ui ake that wh ich would b< cotne, 10 sornE-" sot t, their protector against aud cod-hver oil, when we can scarcely get fid1:111ts-he rnurn1nred SOLICITOR nv· CHANCERY, &c 11 0 tather'e brutahty , bnt then how coul<l enough corn·meal to satisfy our hunger. face, but he was warmly clad, and a few ly suffice for four, fill eight hungry mouths 1 ·Not su1c1de, but n111rder I $:Ry-m urd er ..i\.gnes was afa1r,slentler, r11ther prelLy look she b1 d bun remain and e&t th e bread of Ouly think of it Charley.' steps brought him to the car, " h1ch soon l:lS foul as if done hy the strong hand uf VlO· 0FFICE,-0ver ]i.fcCl uug's Store ~ame Having decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for left bun at hrn own door 1ng g11 l of R ev en teen ; her mother wa~ ahout id Leue!:ls? Ber consent \\as ~iYen reluetaut' BuL tather can get his liquor,' said Char lence ; and on th e soul8 of her fa ther nnd as J ~1 Brimo.comb's Dental Room:; BO\';Inanv1lle, Oot 27th, 1868, ly CASH their large and well ass01 ted Stock of Dry Goods, :i\fillinery, 'And we muat lnok on and her emplo) ~r, re.,ts the guilt l\iurd~r nn. He.gave one final shiver on tl1e npper toity, but look1ug ulJe1 by 1e.... :s.on ot h ur ly; but it \\as given, and thenext 1norning, ley, lJ1tterlJ. Clothing, Crockery and Glasswa1 e, step Inside, the n1r 'vaa ltke e..ununer. 1 be care worn, 'veru 1ed look She \\as cuppled befine his f~ther had awakened from bis see her dying before our eyes and do no tb- doubtedly, but not self u1urder.' drunken stu po r, Charley ha.a kissed then1 1ng.' fePt were Uur1 ed deep 1n the p1le, of \ielvet wJt.h rheu11111t1sm. [think the cl erk \VO.S rigbt IB.S UElJ BY 'I really don't see,' th e mother was s£Ly- all good~by, and '"as O.ll Ina way to a i1ew 'The spring ruay help her son1e,' said carpets, while double doors and p~te glass 'l1he above story, IS but tl1~ cu1nmon hi s· bis rnoLher, \'1lhng to give him the hope tory of hundreds of fam1hes, who eke out a ROBERT ARMOUR 'vindows, vrith draperies ot satuL_ und~ ce, I ~ 'h.o \\':....we are to get through the winter Honie ----+! Our work 1 ~ A few days ;fte~ i=d Agn~ took th eir she n.ld given up- 1011g 1:tgu But spr1ug n1iseTil b}e existence ID some of the large shut out every breath of wintry \Vind, The lf Chatl1e doesn't get work B efore she left home when it m 1.n1e, brought little help for Agnes cities, whiskey and unchant ableness, the soft rtt.dianee of the gas filled every room, so wretch ed ly 111 pn1d even when \Ve have work to tbe store Tho Stock having been purchased m the BEST MARKETS, ~uyers can hu11, and passage~way, bringing out here a enough to do.' her niotber laid "Strict cotnmauds 011 her that - only rene~·ed demands on her fast fa1hug causes, JOHN fl EYNOK, Lot 7, 6th Co1' getting depend on '\Vby, n1other/ Agnes's vo1ce \\~as full ot she ehouli.l bring bome WctllU atock1ng::i, and strer.gth. Bue1nea.s grew brisk, and work statue, there 3. picture, each one worth a ll1 Dn.1 hnKton, (near Bethesda Church) is duly authon.zed to 2ssue 1\fo.triago L1oe11~!;' emall fortuu~. All around ""ere evid ences of surprise, 'don't you think we are \vell paic1 a p ait of serviceable boots , tLe t hick shawl wa~ hurried J the firnt did not care to emDailing t on , No\ 19, 1874 mS tf ploy new hands, and those \vho had work wealth, used and enjoyed, and the t'vo Eve ry one but 1Ir. Rnb1nson, 1lJwered the and flannel must w1nt awhile. MORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY That Affectionate Couple. ----------~-~ ---Th111k of poor JJ:ra Agnea had many nnsg1v111gs as to the were driven night o.nd day. For the first )'3.~1~s, wife und daughter, \vho awaited bim prices a mouth ago in the drawing room, by their dress, did not Thorn, with her five cluldren, making pants prud~nce of t his rne<:tsure, but, b efore she titue, however, they found the ~iortons: fa.ti Everywhere that rai lroad s penetrate aud at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. di sgrace their surroundings. There \Yas no for fnrty cents a pa1r , and, mother, I met 1eached the store, the sno\v penetrating them. Susit was "1llntg enough, but b ad trains run, \Yhether it be auu d the sUO\\ .. BOWM. ~NVILLE, lack, either, of luxuries served on silver, K~at1e L ee to dav, and I ant afraid whllt. through her unaerable shoes, qu1t1J van~ not Agnes' 1:1k1ll. The n1nther's rbeurnat1sm <lntts of a Ne'v B1unsw1ck w1nter 1 or over Call Early, and secure Bargains, as the wltole Stock must be sold a.ud costly china, and !\.Ir Robinson did they say of her is tru e.' qu 18 hed her scruples She knew that her allowed her to do but htlle, a11d still the the long tnchnes of the R ock y ~1ounta1n s, 1 You didn't speak to her 1· ha.stilJ ex- health was precious, not only to h ctself, but hurdeu Jay on A!{nea ; anrl bow near she atonoe, /or CASH ONLY. ample Justice to the good things set before aloDg the \'alley ot the Susqneho.n11u, or PIANOS, ORGANS, 111ELODIclaimed the mother, to ber tam1ly. And there was another, too, 'las to laying it down, noue ever guessed through h llll the villages of New ANS and SEWING J1fAO HJNES 'No,' said Agnes sadly,' I hurried past for t\hose sake she must guard her health True, they saw the slenderahoulderahowed Eagland; on express traius,accommodation His clouded brow, t11ongh, d11l not escape ber after th e first l nok 1 but, i:noth cr, I Tb.e sweet dream which, sooner or l!lter, more and n1ore, the hectic fl.ush grew bright- 1ra1ns und unxed t1 l1ns; going east, west, the watcbfol glance of his mfe 'You seem tronhled,' she 0 ai<l, at last, couldn't. help p1ty1ng hei She ,vork~d so conies to all wonlen, bad come to her HI the er on tbe hollow cheek; tbe cough racked 11urth und sou tb ; from hionday to Satur· having asked the same q uest1on th nee before bard, and tued so earnestly to keep a hon1e midst of her tn1~ery And thongh she could her day and night , her fa1hng nppetitE:. Jny, aud on SuucJa), if thl;!re be any Sun· A SPECIA.Lil'Y. for herself and her little staters i but ho\v not thin k of leavi ng her mothel'- for a long loathed their coarse food ; the pain in her day tra1n to run; no O)att~r which p!lrt1c· receiving an answer. is now complete with the choicest supply of In;:ihuct1nn given, and Instlurr1e11ts n.ntl Ma could she 1 n1ak1ng fine shirts at fiv~ dol· tinie yet, 'V1ll Harnmoa.d was wLlhng to side became a. dally agony l )Ct all thtse ular car you a1e 1n 1 t berP, soon~r or later, "'ren, )es,' he admitted, I feel \Yorr1ed, chines gunra.nte ed lars the dozen?' wait. In two or three years Sasie could thinge had to be passed over or forgotten tu are touud to si t the afi't'et1onate couple. a little. The fact JS, we must lower the Bowmanville··Tune 18, 1874. 'She \.\ould be better off making slnrts take hc1 place, and Charle.y \Vould be quite 'the Lln1ly stn te for food wngcs of our work people, and I bate to do They may not be in the lra1n wht!n lt stv r tR, yet,' said her molber, 'for the wa~es of a man, lully able to take care of them all. At last the end came One morning when but th ey are certain to enter it at one of the it " In the 111 ean tpne \Vill \\'as doing \\ell in a Charley arose he found that, early 1t wm~, way sta~1ous The affectionate couple nev~ 'How ca.n you do it l' said l\irs Rob1nsoii, sn1 1s death:' 'And what is the "'·ages of ou1 "'Ork, but \¥este1n c1ty whete be had gone a short his father had risen and gone otlt He paid er 1111ss the train ' and tnnea so fearfully bu.rd on u.oor peofi'or the Township of Darlington. death, ' thought Agnes, 1:1.S a sudden parox- time belore; and in the lette-rreceived from httle nttention to this, but proceeded to -f}le.: The afft:cl1onate co1q1le are easily recog· · n·-, u~ t ._,, ll_ m ,,. e's ~~n::re ara wi t i too,' ysm of conghiug compelled her to cease hur1 that morning, be ussured h er that by make the fire. But \\'hen hta mother came nized, even before th ey hrcve fully a~:'!Un1ed Bo Dec. 24th, 1874 \ the time she could come to hnn ha \vould out ot the other room she "ent at once, their public character argued her hu·band ' My neigh bars a11 her woik for a mon:.ent TL11·) are young HAMP1'0N. The \Vrinkle of anxiety grew <leepei\ 1n bavo a hon1e of lus owu, all ready for her. with a l'lok of alarm, to the h1d1ng place peopl~; not youthful, exactly, but still lo\vered the wages a inoHth ago, Just as soon Pro1npt n.ttntion given t o sales, &c, on l Casonas goods began to tall able terms. I had to 1011e1 my the inuther's face, as she hstened to the om- Th e1e was son1eth1ng "'onderfully pleasant where she was accustomed to k~ep he..r httle bav1ng that 1ndef.ina.l)le E101neth1ng about goods when they did, and if I had lowered 1nous sound and noticed Agnes pres&1ng 1u th1:-; v1s1un of a bomt", and rt was with a atore of money Her alarm was well tound- the1n wb1ch betokens newness. The wo .. brighter, rnore hopeful Jace t_ han usual that ed. The "Ro·retched drunkard had watched man is unden1ably dressed out in her bei::t. the wages at the san1~ t1n1c 1 I "'ould not hcr hand to her side. ENNISIULLEN. ' I tell you Agnes,' she sat<l, going she tur ned 1uto the store. her when she thought he \Vas aRleep, and D11to the mau. H er bonnet i ::i very incurred any Joss.' Sales promptly a.tte:ncled to on reasonable term.a. ' Stop a n11nute, miss,' s1:11d the clcik, as hke u. thief 1n the night, bad stolen the ery1s11, his necktie JS like a bit of tropical 'I suppose it can't ,be helped' said h is back abruptly to the quC'st1on wluch had It was very plun1nge. She \\ears ~at ungs; he ca1r1es wife, with a i:ngh, ' but it seeu1s very bard.' opened the d1scuss1on, '\Ye n1ust have th1s she \\·as turning tr0m the deek after rece1v- price of bis cluldren's brend, 'Eut it \\'Ill be very little to eaa.h one,' cough stopped. The doctor is qu1tc right ing the tnon ej', ' I a1n so1ry to tell you,' he ltttle, not enongh for the glorious spree a very ah1ny bag of black enamelled cloth. he said, willing to JUsnfy h1msell, 'although - 1t has ian ou too long now, and we caa· continued, 'that th~ wages 11ave been re· wbi.:b be anticipated, yet fur loss of it, lus Her bands have rather an unco1nforta.l1le 1:TFTER1NARY SURGEON, G1adu·te of duced, aud hertafl er ) ou will receive but Jam1ly had but a scanty breakfast, and went look within theu· gloves i lue ov~rcoat sits collectively, it "ill be quite (a hrge sum. not afford to ba~e you 1atd up. ' V. the Ontario Veterinary College By ap potntm~nt Veterini:uy Su rg-eon to the '¥est j But, muther,' said Agnes, 'neither cun forty cents.' hungry the rest of the day. For instance, I have twelve vest makers to uneasily, nnd his hat 1s only hall at home Durha1n n.uU Darlington Union .~gi tcultu1al I afford to quit ,\ork; and as 1or the warm 'Th~ wages reduced,' ebe r epeaterl, in a It was evening when A~nes, having fi.n- upon h1' bead. whom I pay fifty cents for each vest they Soc1ct1es .Agent fo1 the Ln·e Stnck B1a11ch of the make. T11ey make, on an a\ertige, six vests: sha\\l, rubber boots, flann el un<le1clotb1ng, eo rt of terror; 'and t hey were so little be- ish ed a part of the work she had on band, The aflectionate coup e generally select a llen.vc1 and Toronto ~Iutun.l .Fu:c Instuance ~-----started for the store, hoptDK to get the pay Beat toward the rt'ar,ratber than the Jorwurd per wel'k Now, if I 1ower ten cents each, aud all the rest of his prescription, how fore.' Co 1 SoliLtle\verethey1 \Vell, 1f3ouca.n forit Althou~h1t,\a8uuwApril, It v.:a1.1 end of the car. Th ey have u httl t! delicacy, Yett r1nary l!t'Ied1c1nes constantly on hand. 1t will be a clear garn of one dollar and am Ito g~t thelu ,vheu Suine and .&icuy Ca11~ from 11.te count1y promptly attended to. cannot go into the st1eet for want of de· get n1 or e ~·o u ar e welcorue to quit. We can bltt~r cold, and a fine sno\v, 1n1xerl w1th und will consh1erately savt' as many ot twenty centa per <lay. The men are m·kOffice -One door ea;ot of It J.!an ing's Fur i11tu1e \Vareroom sleet, was falling, penetrating her thin cloth- tbeirft:llow passenger8 as possible fI01n being more, of course, and l \vill take a htt]e cent clothes, and George anrl Ilariy's poor easily fill your place.' Res1donce ove1~ S BurcJen's stoi e, corner of feet arc frostlnt teu for want of shoes~' He 'vas not an unkind man, but he hated nJg, and chilhng her very heart The clerk 1ng ol1ligcd to '~ itnet1s their exchru1ge of n1ore off them, and also tlie lvomen pantKing and Scugog Strcets,:£.o,\ roatt'vi:l:H 'It fieorgte can get an} tbing to do,- I '111 the ta$k- set hlllli anJ. so too refuge HI w:h-o receiWld her \\'Ork knew well that only endearn1ente. mak~rs will ta1ee- flo1n ten to fifteen mltf dire necessity could have driven her out in cents off the shirt-makers, but I "111 <l1s~ get him a pair of shoes !' decided her crossnese i.s now raging at The procese by which the identity of the mother ; 'if not, b e can stay 1c, and ) ou Agues answered not a word, but with a sn<}h weather, yet he was compelled to re· offpct1onate couple becomes fina.lly and I charge, at least, half of them ' ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Here, hia daughter, who hod listened w1tl1 u1ust ha,e ·what the doctor ordtrt!d, and very white face, took up ber work <lnd left fuse her reques:t fully known, is a grndual one The first 'Vhen s h~ i cached hon1e the ' Very sorry indeed, I\fisa l\iorton, but stt>p ts for the youn g man to put his a rm wide open eyea, \\bile he eo clesily demon- though you't q1.'1t \liork, yet Susie tile F.tore LivM11ool London, ancl Glasgow strated to his own satisfaction, at least, that must take your place at the a1aclune as children asked eagerly to see her new Mr. Rohrnson ha· made 1t a rule that the O\'tlr the back ot the sea t behind th e young OJt 'rickets, or 1nfumation, .ipply to h·nds are not to be paid anything till they woman The next t1tep is to bend his hand what he was about to do v.;·ns Jnst and ri ght, 111uch as possible. Sh.J 1s over twelve no\v, shoe·. W. A NEADS, Agent. 'New shoes ?'- her yo1ce took a strange, bring Ill all the \'ark they 111ay have out ; forward a trifll:!. so as to enforce a verhal en 13owma.nYllle, .Tune !)th, 1871. U-30 distuibed h1B complacency by exclaiming, and quite a big gul.' 'Wby, papa, I~should lhink you \\Ould · If father wonld only do anythrng,' be- hard tone-· there will be no new shoes for and you bud bi::tter l,urry up with yours, treaty when the tin1 e co nies to utter 1t,with Mother, the \ests for he IS getting very n1uch out of patience n httle gent1t\ 1nanual preaeure. be nshnmed to have wome n work a v.. h ole gan Agnes, bu t she stopped sucldenly at the any of us, I ani atr~ud. Under with you· d ay for fifty cent·, and now Ibey will only sou nd of n ! g1 sturubh ng step on the have been red uced ten cents the8e silnplf', hut powe1Jul influences, the 'Ten ceut< l' A~nee opened her lips to tell him of their have forty ? H1nv~ do thry contrn e to stair It paused by the1r door; i:oine one ynung 'von1an IS pree-ently seized w1th an If Mr Robrn son could hu~ e beard the dis~esperate need, but the \lords would not irresistibly slr:!epy feeling. True, it is but live 1 was fnmbhng with the httndle, secunngly 'rrhe1r ideas of hv1ng diiTers materially unable to open 1t. ma yed tones, I fancy he wouldJbave changed come, and she returned bo1ne to s1t9' up all the tlnrd hour of the day, Bhe bas r1d-:len Beas to \nform the public, that 1::1he has ~ust ieHard o.s i;he worked, however, 1t but a few miles ; she has but a few n1 ore from yo1irs, p ct,' ans\vered the fat her, cover· ' You had better ope n it, Agne!!,' said his opunon 1n regarcl t o its being au cl;i a night. Cfi.i~ e d a splendid ne"· nssot tment uf Fancy G<lOd!'i 1~e .. ·tin \Vools 1 etc, wh1ch she will sell at was eleven o'clock the ni;xt day when the ing his annoyance w1th a lnugb, ' but that her 111other, with u ;:,1gh that was nln1ost a trifle to the bands 'rhe yuungest child to ride ; bnt she grows sleepy, nevertheless, a~ }0 , / pru.J~ as they CN. n be bought for else .v he1 e vest \Yas folded, and she started aga1n and, btif'ore long, y1el<l1ng to an nnpulse she eort of people always get along, sotuehow' groan And Agnes did J1 e1 b1J.<li11g, openth ere knew it 1neant o. c·1rtu1ling of their STAMPIJYt '1 done on SBOI~'l'.E'S1 ' l{Ol'ICE and ho 1s determined to continue to sell at these 1 umou sly low pi ices to the store. 'I r<=".ally don't see bow,' said h-frs R ob1n- ing the doo1 to as foul a cancatu1e of mau- olrc,\dy meagre comforts cannot control, Stlrrendc1s the cCJveted heud 'Jct 8th ,lS j ,4 2 3mos cheaper than the cheapest. Why he cun do itThis time she received her mouey, and a son, thoughtfully, 'ttud it ~eerns so lie.rd, hood as ever wrecked lite u1 n. bur room to rest upon the eager shou lde r of her wa1tTho! was a tern ble winter lo the poorFiist, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! when we have so much and they so little, Bloated features, l1lear e~ es, ragged coat and Prov1sions, coal und re:nt were nt the high~ large bundle of \Vork as well, with many 1ng companion, Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures IDJUnchons to u1ake more haste with lt 1 jj to luke part of that little from them. A !ew battered bat Wlrnt need to tle,rnbe tho est, wotk of all kinds scarce and 1ll·paid. Tho nffectionnte couple now complete. Thi1 d, he is satisfied with small profits 1 she desuecl to keep her work-to all of Ilut only for a nloment cents \'l'OU]d be so little to ) 1nucb to ha b1tual orunka1d 1 the man whose very The youag · wo· The 1'1oltons, w1th hundreds of others Fourth, he sells for cash , th em.' , lift! 10 a cn1ef· to the finndy whoin he might struggled on, ho"ri they could scarcely hal"e which she hslened, but answe1ed not a man suddenly find s the pos11lun somewhat Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. word. B...,<rs to return thanks tcr J11s fuends for the snp 'So httle to ine !' be spoke . imp1:1.llently, easily support 111 con1Jo1t, 1f i1ot iu ea~e , to1d. constra1ned aad a\\ k\vard, or per,b.ap~ grows Georgie, having got his shoes, sold -o}Jl)tt he ho.s received tho two )ears:, and ' when 1 haveJnst explained, only women but \\ho, on the contrary, only W'iJrks as Sick, blind, ·nd dii.y through long suf. sens1t1ve to the eye· and Judgment of th e fH,pas, by continued stn ct;. personal attention to papers for a time , and "'aa earning quite a bu~nnt.iss, t1,,Dd working the n1ost reasonable n8Vel' understand business-bu'" much those u1u ch as " 'ill give him snffi.c1r.nt menns to su1n for a boy of ten years. Bur. one day, fer1ng und exha.ustton, she iilowlv made her two occupants of the seat im med iately be~ A.ND pnc~i:1, to ensure a cont1nu a.ncE.- of wibhc patronfe,v cents off each hand will be to me, while feed lus terrible appttite for strong dnok, age ,V, ll is prepared to build hou!'ics, etc , be hon1e quite sick , he had a high way homeward. The day, hke many which bio<l, and recovers bc1self to an erect po.!<BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. to the1n it \1/Ill be the mcresttnfle. ' / on th1;1most modern style of 111ch1tccturi;. Jobnever bringmg home a dollar of his earmngs tcver and a v ery sore throat. In a short como in April, was bright as midsummer, ture. But not for long. The young 1nan is b1ug protuptly attended to. Plans M1tl 1:11)/;lcifi- Examine the stock, whtch con:i:prisea eve1yth1ng in the trade1 of the \ tiry la teat and most ele gnu 'I know yon don't wish to be unjust, ' - sometimes by blows and eurses even time the dreaded eea.rlatina had d~veloped, bot cbiUing as DecenJbeJ.. Agnes's tlun· a man of perseverance, nf courage, of 1nd1fstyles and patterns, of Eoghsh, Can~dian, and American manufacture cat1ons got up on application, on the inoHt rea-o::wnablti tt:1n1i., and oI every descnption. Office said his wife, 'but 1f ~ ou could pombly forcing thE- m to give tl p a part of the1r slt!n· ond before many days Mary au<l Harry were ly-covered feet were saturated with the ference to tb.e public eye. Re 1s be nt upH e still contu1nes to inauufact ure to order, from the best of matenal, and none but first cl:iss a.nd Shop, Onta110 Street, neaily opposite J\olr der pittance lhat he n1ay prolong his spre e both taken down. avo.d it. 1 The disease wao of the ·now-slnsh, her blood was congealed by on embraciug-the opportunity. And so '\ orkmen kept T Bu\\Ll,en's, oSuch wa ~ the hllsband and fath er who n1ost mah gnau t type, and it \Vas on1y by the the piercing wind, her eyes were dazzled on to the end of the JOurney .,.Bo ·v1nanv1llfl, Dec. 24tl1, 18i4 13-Jy. 'I heartily i,, 1sh I eould, he replied, 'but Ot course the afft ct.1011ate couple a1e not I tell ~ou, \life, 1t " 11! toke skilllul en- stood swaying back and forth ln th1· door- most caretnl nurarng that they were brought by the bright sun her breath came in ga5pr.:i, The ,\ onirtn 1s no t sic\ g1nee11ng to ge~ through this winter. Btd31· way, and who, as Agnts essayed to lead back, as 1t we1e 1 Jrotn the verge of the and , wh en she came to the door of the 1n1 s~ ;i o, 1n trried co upl e. Ile has in stock an end1oss va11ety o~ La.dies' and Gents' Sa.1a.toga 1.'runks, \rabses, &c, o.ll of ness ls per fectly stagnant, \\bile t he cosL of b11u in, struck at her \\1th all !us d1 uuk- grave. And still the \1/r<:;tched father reeled erable tenement ahc called hom e, ahe stoocl 01 wu1ry Sha C[. , hcJld her heo.d up ao 'vh1ch he is selling cheap for cMh! this: da,y appou1tcd :1!H C .BA.HJ<ER -oetJ. fuu.;c, accompan5111g the blol\· wit h a.n in. dealing blo ws and curses on all around helplessly wonder1ng if she muet reall) high as an) Lady vu t!Je occns1on, "rere hv1ug is enorinous 1 th e Excfus1ve agent for th!! sale of n1y YUL· Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg St. 1 And When hv1ng lB so very high,' sa1d epnbet too vile to 1epeat As .eh(t 1:;tag· hnn, only llllH~t when he oonlcl get hquor cltmb thooe &tairs. o ANlZED PENS fot Bo,\U'li'l.llVlllc, Ont I the cucutnstn11ces otbe1 w13e 1 we would exJOShPH MASON, P .P. A Irishwoman, who hved cuse her ' .<\..s it 1~, it is a ptue case of }us wife, 1 what is to become of the 'fery gered back, he crossed the roon1 to Ins enough to grow etllp1dly drunk, so that J J J ACOBS. Bowmanvtlle, May 131 1874. w1fe 1 ..tnd add1essed hei thu!:! ~ ~fra. J.~iorton was often foteed to give him 0 n the same floor, ·eerni:; her condition, took treacl e- nnd d1sagrcroble at tha~ Ilow1 nanv1llc, Sept.lOth,1874. 111-tf. poor 1' ANDERSON & Co. -BOOTS & PO ET RY ' As for tb e poor,' he rep! 1 <~, ' I a.u sure =================I.] I do n1y part 1 J1 ad upplirat1ons fro 1n two STOCK SHOES, with 1 ;;L;··avii~ioi~.35;.;sm,.z~;; ,.~ ;~;~~;;;. l ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot Sh.oe J. CHAPLIN, Dr;'\ ~eid & Boy le. -- Impor~ant Announcement ! Prof. Ruse, LITERATURE. G r B. PE.A.TE, Great Aeduotioit, in Dry Goods! Millinery,. Olothing, . Crockery & Glassware. = BIOS. ! MARRIAGE LICENSES AT AND BELOW COST1 J MARRIAGE LICENSES. ·,rn vV. H. 'VILSON, Oeneal Agent for Raymond Sewing Machine T H E GROCERY D E P A R TM E N T Christmas Goolls, Raisens, Oitrra'nts, S1tgars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Pr{ces.. AUCTIONEE RS H. T. PHILLIPS, wmanville,~ MURDOCH BR OS~ me, Wll'il. Da:l'ton, Robe1't Young, i ~ A BIG 1 F TIELEVENS Mrs. Ha.son, H AJY.IP'"I'O N, W. BUNNEY, BUILDER , ETC., CA.LL AND SEB FOB YOVDSELVES, l ' j ·1 A CARD. Orders Promptly Executed, and .Good Fits Guaranteed M. TRELEVEN. 1 J J -------=-----·~-- -----

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