THE MEROHAN T AND GENER.AL ADVERTISER. Circulates largely Ln the To,vnships of Darling ton, Clarke and Ca.rtwnght It is a common p1a,tfol'm, open to the flee diseuSSlon of all qttes~ m 1n 1vl11ch the general pubhc are concerned TERMS. WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Prin tingO:ffi.ce KING SrnEET, Bow1UNVILLE Seventy-five cents per annu Ill .n d vance. The 'Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2 oo. RA.TES OF \.D \ !!.RTISINO lh1e cohunu 40 per ~nnum J{o.lf do 25 '( Quarte1 d(). J5 " 'l' rnns1ent a.dvcrtlsClncnts,5 cts per ltne first m se 1 t1oni and 2c per hne, sub.sequent on AND G.ENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1875 RUMBER have the le1sure, to a very 1nterei:.t1T g nntl valuable "01k that I an1 now engap;ed in introducing among the citizens of tlus c1ty aucl v1cunty Ii 10 usued ID the n1ost beautiful nnd a.ttractne st1le of the do.), as j ou see by exo.min111g this b1nd1ng aud 11lanc1ng :i.t these elegant 1llustrat1ono It also comprises an1ong other th1ngo a full and complete etc, etc, etc t all in the regular and customary fa::-bion When the firs~ victim refused, the Cauvasaer proceeded XXVII POSTERS, l' AMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEAD8 CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, L~BELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c, &c, &c. · EXECUTED IN Fl!lST CLASS STYLE ask you a plfnn question, "h1cli j i::,, · GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! 'l'rnins will leave Bo,vmanv1lle Station, Bown1anv1lle tir.)o us follows 001'.NC WEST.. GOING EAST 7 22, a m. I Expre«s 9 27 a.m l'.f1xed ~fixed 2 30 p m r J.:l(.lca.l h.xrness 9 00 p m l Express >1<Th1s ti a.111 tuns eve1 y morning Local Ji'xpress* l'.:t:ondaya excepted, 8 20 a m. 4 Oa pm 7 65 p m 9 00 pm of "eek, latit chance Don't go If J 011 do, yon arc ruined 1' 1sa1d La"rence, '1111 tb1t a'1f'UrlJ,mtl'am 1 "He 1s Not Here He is Risen." reJklessly 'Lca~t~ a:rfl, eve.Pf body seems DY JTI Lt E F. n,1.1t1 to think I tn a scamp ..-\.nd if I bas the l3eg to announ ce to the Electo1R of ¥let:ot Dnrha,m n.nd sur1ou11chng country, that they will sell name 1 I 1nay ns well have the game 1 TLeui thell' 11nuti:11se Hail: glorious ton1b of Christ 1 to thcl.! we come, Scott boj s, they don't turn up then nose at First temple of our £~1th' 0 Church d1vme J n1e I hey let's toe l... eop cotupany with Hohest of holies' through whose echoes dumb)em, anyhow' But \\a1tmgfor the sound from dawn of tune, At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. ' fbey have been iu State's Pnson 1' Rung fo1 th our ~ong of tr1un i1h gla'l .u1d dea1, " The Chr1st 1s ni:s .. u indeed ! lic is not here I" 'I l... now thnt; be said, iu n low· tone ANDERSON & (Jo@ OF POETRY STOOI{: BOOTS & SHOES, tor '!'he follo111ng trams no" slop ut Saxony ussengers Local going \\·est, due ot 7 30.l 111 1Hrxcd going east, due at 3 40p m 2 55p Ill going west, due at Local going cast, due at 7 45 pm Montreal tune J. CHAPLIN, l!'11ut amtl- 0111a1nenta,l T'I ees, Sc6ds, BullJ;,, Floucrs &Jc , d.c ~Ir C guarantees to furnish nothuig but l! nst class trees;. a.nd true to name ..iddre21!, P 0 Box 55 JJowman:Hlh.: Jan 22nd, 1875 bp ly ml7 o4 Drs. Reid & Boy le. SURGERY---SILVER S'l'. l'..lij" gci y, 01· Kight calls answered at Dr Iloylt:'s old Su1· at Dr Reid's residence J30 1v1n.t.n\ ille, Jan 14th, 1875 1(j tf Prof. J. Ruse, G l{ !\.DUA'IE of Baxter L·n1ve1s1ty of Mtunc li'rrnndsh1p, NC'\Y York. Teacher of Puma and Organ, cultnat1on o Voice, Smg1ng, Thorough Bass, Harmony Compmat1on, &c 1 41 ly Da1lington, July 16t h, 1874 ··~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~ e. PB.A.TE, '!AfLOR MADE ill ~HE ... Gfe.ntlemen's & Boy's Garments l'IEWEST STYLES J3o"wan,1lle, July, 27, 1869 R R LOSC0111BE, BARJIISTER AT-LAW, toOLIOITOR IN OIANOF.:RY, #cc 0FYICF.,-0ver McClung's Store same fiat a.s J liiI Druuacomb';s Deut~l lWomo Bo:v.'lD.anv1lle, Oct 2'lt]), 1868 ly Il!IARRIAGE JSSOF.TJ BY LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. 11'. Darlington, {near B~thcsda Church) 1s duly Slut honze<l to rnr:me i\fa.1na:;e Licenses Da1hn!':ton, No\ 19, 1874 m8 tf ~.1n JOHN H l>YNUN, Lot 7, 6th Co~ take of a good social cup of tea m l'eter boy I evei had Got to feel 'mQ.t as 1f he And with tlna be haniled the Mtomshed such o happy Christmas with ,0111 :F'loyd.'s teetotal d ·elling, aad a very pleas· was niy O\\n,' an1d honest Abrab;tm Bhss, agent a card, to wluch a small cork was r1 he SULJeCt 'How Jo I kno11 1 why ln«D, I feel 1t ant tune theJ !ipent together llouneh1og Ins bandanna haudkerclncf rr.tbattached by a few inches oi string On tile of tem peianee lornml the pnnc1pal topic of w1tl11u and see it without , "1Ll11n my own «t tlus Establshment than m 11.ny othe1 house in the country er suspic1ou~l), bet" eeu the sentences face of the card "'ere these "ords in bold heait I feel f1ee, thankful to God and l!ap- their converi:;at1on BOW~UNVILLE, ~Well, I never,' said M1 Atwood 'ft letters Peter Ployd 1us~stc:d upon Grice anll }us py1 and then, shopmate, I kno\\ "bat the1e Call Ea1·ly, and seciwe Ba1·gains, as tlie whole Stock must be sold can't be ou1 Lawreuec Allison, niother, can wile sta) 1ng to s·1pper , duung the evernng The moot homble dcnth is is at hon1e on the eh.elves, wu1tu1g to go on at once, for CASH ONLY. it 1 .A.nd yet, it a1n't a com1non nan1e e1th to be talked to death To preour table to-morrow, and so <lo my wife and G11ce saHl, 'Yon rn1gl1t well say"' hat g'"and PIANOS, ORGA1\S, iliELODIvent the above ternUle fntc, er ' childre:i;i, too, and when I get bo1ne to night, do1ngs there would he at your boutie tlns use the Patent Life Preserver ANS and SEWING 21fAG HINES ' I - I th111k il is,' sa1l1 1 \lrs Atwood I expect to $ee the cooktog operations go- Ohr1stn1as:, bnt really I nC\Cr <l1earned of attached to this card Direc'And Lhd you say he '\ ns dead, biotht::r coming to see anU prutal...e of the same anJ 1og OU ' tions PUT THE CORK IN l:OUit EAR Raymond Sewing Machine shed, o pretty gentle foce looked over the Abraham/' Joseph Once looked ver) down -. b1lst bis \vh at a beau~1fnl Ch11st1uas fire ' you l... eep1 'Died last \\eek,) said !\fr Bhso, u1ak1ug Tiie book agent bounced out of lns chair teetotal shopn1ate "ras telling b101 tho above, Mr Floyd 1· A SPECIAJXl'Y fringe of morning glory' ines 111 the buttery is now complete with the ohcncest supply of another plunge at the bandanna handker- hot with rage, and bis blan<l tone trembled and '\hen he had done speaking, Gnce 'Y0s, mate, that'~ a teetotal fire, last window Tnetructrnn given, and In!;:trumcnts ru1d Ma.. chief 'Got burned sanng Sully and little \\ 1lh wrath as he ea1d scratched lns head, sayrng, 'Ab, Floyd, I'm Ohristlnas day I Lelpetl. to n1ake a good tile 'Father,' said A:i1s Atwood, 'don t JOU clunes gua.ranteed ' Have I insulteu any gentlen1an preAent afraid you have got the best ot me, and the at the Turk's Head, and I sat by 1t, Lli wk Bowman-.,;1lle. June 18, 1874 tlnnk .iou were pretty short with the boy 1 ones, in the f\re tbat razed tl1e cottage to the ground Why, my little RricksaJ by any of my rehlarks ?' rest of us tellera, afte1 .ill, am) that I should ing and smoking and swear1ng and JOk1tlg, ' Short ' Good Jerusalem - l'armcr At· BabJ J c,s1e yo11 know-would have been 'Oh, 110,' retu1ned the other, with perfect do well to take a leaf out of your book, for l'iinle I lelt my good 111fe and ch1lrlren rn a 1 woo,.Fs favorite explet1v- whftt \\Ould It tlnngs are net so p1onnsing at 01u house tor nnserable home with a miserable fire · ) ou ha\ e 1 I'd no tune tr;i waotc in d1plo- '\'asted tu a cinder if it hadn't been for coolne::.s 'Not at all, si r , not at all La\Yrence I wasn't L01ne, you know, m1d is all r1ght You follO\V your Lnsniess ond When Joseph G11ce ,1ucl Ins w1 te left Christmas day as they arc at yours ' rnal1c dit:iCOurses I-:Ie s a young lnnb of Sa/i'o,. the Tow.iship of Darlington. tan, and \1ton't conrn to no good, so the soou- it dtd seein aG if every n1an about the pluce I follo\' mine Good n1011n11g, tiir' 'N e1lhe1 "ould they have be<n promrn- Peter '.F loyd's dwelhng that Chns tnrn.e night, lost 1111) co1nmon-sense I tell ) ou, I boo· Bowin«nv11le,~ Dec 24th 1874 er we're quit of h1n1 the better, say I ' 1ng at our house if I had continued '1s1Lln~ he expressed his gratitude to Flo) d for his H. T. PHILLIPS, hoo ed hko a gieat call when the) told me 1 I was th1nk1ng of saving hun a bit of the Tlllk's Head,' &nd Floyd 'Last Christ- kindness, nnJ good l esson he had taughi:; HAMPTON Prompt attent10n gi \en to sales) &c, on reason~ cold chicken, and a drrnk of aw1tchel,' said Lawrence was a go1n' 1 I'd a give e'\iery The Happy Cltanp,e, or, Peter Floyd mas I hel peel to pnt a good drnner on the hHn , be also said how corrtfortable n1d and Joseph Grice able terms landlord's table, wlnle I had left my o rn happy he had been that Christmas ~fternoo11 Mrs Atwood 'Ilut yon came up so sud- cent I h1d m the Sovrngs Band-and 1t ain't no small sum, ne1ther--1 f I could nden--' family to make sb1ft "ith a very sorry mar~ and mgbt And, look A TEMPI IlA'!CE T ALF. Fon Onnrsn1As A.ND sc1, hut now I've turned teetotal, Christmas ',Just as well that I <lid,' sntfl. the farmer, kept the breath ol hfe rn him Peter Flo) d said,' I am glad to hear th it, BNNISKILLEN he1e, ~ia1tlia,' extending to her \\hat looked u r urn YKrn RooND -BY RErnEN duy, this year, v.ill see grand doings at our Grice , and,' continued he, 'your head n ont roughly 'Better save your food and drink :S t..lu8 prcnnptlyattended to on icasonablo terms hl. . e a coarse, ~rump\ed r 0 d Ho,\ er, 'he CHANDLEU, A w ORKING ~Lrn, Bm- house, and no nnstake abont it , it you ache m the morning ' for then1 as deser\res lt P :MINQHAM, At:·nron OF "ONWAHD ~:r-;n dou't believe it Joseph Guce, you may come 'Somehow I feel sorry for that boj ,' sa1d wanted me to give that lo )OU He said he Two years have rolled a\\oay sine< tl1c pwked 1t up m the 1oad after you drove UrT\-.,.ARD , TID1PERA~cn: l\.fELODIEs., llEC and see' Mrs Atwood, above oecmred. 0>' the folio\\ mg Ohm! 'o! fiddlesticks I' said the fatn1e1 'Ir away that day He ah\a)S earned it xn his rrATIO~ s, IlaY::1rns," &a 'No 1 I do not 1nean to co1ne aud see, you inns atter Gnce bad signed the pledg e, he 'l'ERIN !I.HY SUHGEON, G1adu,,te of The boys used to Joke lnrn the Ontru10 Veterinary College By ap ever a lad dese1 i,; ed State's Pnson, he docs ' vest pocket It was Christmas Eve when Peter l'loyd have vexed me enough already by telhng me was enabled to ba'e g1and do1nge nt lib poi.ntment Vete1 inary Surgeon to the \Vest about it, and sa.y tl1cv gncssed 1t \\as from 'Give a do12; a bad name, nnd hang him,' and Joseph Grice, two \\ork1ng n1en e1n about iti so I eu ppooe you \Yunt to vex and ho inc, and PeteJ: ]'lo) d "as 1nv1tcc1 to tea., Dul h:i,m nnd Da1hngton Un10n .Agncultura.l Soc1et1es suid Mrs At\\Ood, mildly 'Jonas ()ad welt's his B\,eetheart-and he "anted 1ne to t ell ploy ed at the same m ·.i.nufaclon, '\ere wait shame n1e a little n1ore, by showing in c and of course lns good "1fe too Agent for the Llve Stcx:k Brauch of the rn a hard place to hve H(: 's a regulat old you the1e wnsn't n night arore he "cnt to ing in one of the workshops :for pny time, what good things you have got.' Beaver and rroronto Mutunl Fire Insurance Both the above wo1kmg-men me slilJ bed but he kbsed tt 'She gave me a Co Floyd rephed, ' I did not nsk you to brnte, besides being a miser And nothing as th ey had fin1shed up wlint \\ ork they lH\d practising total ubst1ncuce f101n all iuto-.11 \Teter-wary }fed1ctncs constantly on hand ch.lnce, onys he 'She believed I h ad It in I said was ever proved against La\\tence Al'1son' on Uantl amne houis before the rest of thel.I' <1ome from any motive of bravado Cllrll~ from the countiy pLomptly atteuded to cating rir1nks, and not ouly ut Chut:tnuts, roe to beco111e a good innn 1\.nd iftt hacl'nt Office -One door cao:t of lt Manmg's ll'm 'O, of couro:-e not,' m11d 1vlr .·\ .t\\ood tello\\ workers Peter FloJd, nearly t~clve if you did not believe what I say, you ma; but every day all tne yeur round, do thev 111truc \Va1e1oom beeio for tb1s'-w1tb his band preosed tight 1 Tl1en he cont1nued 1 'you He's a deal too slippery a ) oung eel !or 1nonths pre\i.:iusly, had g1\cn up clr111king, co1nc and see limndenc~vcr S Burden's store. cou1e1 of feel the benefits and bl'38~!lngs arnnng ti 01;1 where the "" ful pam \\as-· I d ha' sho" ed \Vere talking JUSt uow· about \Ye teetotallers keeping away froru tl1e pubhc house, spni n Ring an(l Sc11go,; Sttee.ts, Bowman' illle that I n.nd signed Lhe ten1per11.nce pledge At the mltf her her k1ntlness wasn't thro\\D a "~a) Give Mrs Atwoo1l said notb1ug 1nore, J3nt time Le Lurne1 l 't<!etotal,1 bis dnuk1ng shnp- ha\ Jug such queer not1011s, but I beg to aay, 111g the <lr1nk and sa' ing their bacon i:s no w ragui.; at her nnturc was cast in a gentler niould than bet Lack the little red ftowe1, autl tell her I mate.:) sneered nt buu, and satd he 'vonld we have good tlnngs as well as good noho1u;, Fello" wo1krng men who ore sl!H in the that of her husband, and (;ihe ne'\et c'ould always did my best, and ue,er forgot 36 ne\cr keep the pledge a n1Qnth, but Peter at leaet, I for one, some real substan .. ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. drinking l111e, if) 01i wrnh to enjoy the fnuts she'd tru1)ted in 1ne ' ' cease to ren1ember that, If the little boy who dei.;en ed then1, and &s they ioun<l he l~cpt hal frurts, irorr. adopting the temperance of you1 la liora, g n e up sLrong drtuk, si~n IIonest Abraham's e;e::i Wt;re swlulln1ug Liverpool London, and Glasgow fell under the ha) ·cutter, ten years ago, on atsto1n1ng-, they \\6lc vexed to see h1\n pr1nc1ples; eo don't tun aw.a.y with the idea the temuerauce pledge, and save) out bacon. in tea1s as be concluded OTI. 'I1ckcts, or 1nfc..rn1n,Lwn, aµply to that t~etot,iltsm lo n1erely an op1n1on or notlus very harvei::ihng, had hved, he '\ ould getting" ou bette1 than the1no:-eJves W .A. NE.ciDS, Aqcnt 'Yes,' ea1d Mr:; Atwood, sof~ly, '1t \Hl.S It JOU would be free from the UcOasuig bave been Jl1St abou~ LlLwreni~e Allison's On the Cbnst1nai:i EvD in question, Joseph tton ns you call it, l1eeau1)e I bave proved lt BowmaJJvtUe, .lune 9th, 1Si1 tf 30 Lawrence Allison Poor boy 1 poor OoJ P effect, of a great spoiler krng Alcohol, folage ' Gnce "ent up to bis teetot\llo fello" no1k· to be a real pract1oal thing, 'vluch brn1g~ 'Im eony no\v as I spoke so rough to low the example of Peter Floyd and Joseph n1an1fold bledfn ugt-, und the best of it 1s, J cu ' I know he's an angel in he1n en/ the man, and said, hun that day,' said A-Ir At\\Ood, 1nd1B t1nctGnce, by p;n 1ng up t.l1e li.1te1ul foe, and buy have not to wait till Chnstmns befo10 you poor wo111 an \'onld sfly, "1p1ag her ejes, 'VVi::ll, Peter, rny boy, yon'H co1ne and Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. 'but all the same, every fatherless and ly 'But a 1nun cauit stop to rneo.~nie h1is,t cup with us to night, O'i'f'r at the can get the good temperance blessings, for I comf art~ for j our~eh e~ nnU fa1ntl1e.s ttJ$tead tuotherless boy see1n:-i to look at 1ne out ol words, a11d somehow he hadn ca go od 111me Tuxk'a llead , be1ng Chn::-tn1as Eve aIJd L1111' and my fanuly ba>e, nnd still eaJO), and of the public ms hereabout I' lf you v. ould L .ve grand dm 1gs rn j om hiso~es' '~o, thoink you, Joeepb,' sa1d Peter, 'I \e partake of the same cv er) \\eek, aye, and 80 the gras:; gtew green over the solitary every day too' own ho1nl!s en Ch11st1nns clays) a.n<l com Br.,;s to inform the public, that she has Just reAll that was m her mmd the next da,, kept the pledge safe and soun<l, to the pres1 c en ed a splendid new w:isortmcnt of ..l!'ancy '\Yell done 1 Flo} ct,' sa1U Joseph Gncc, fortable dm:::igs eyciy do.y, when dnvrngher httle da,ppled pony up to }oung orphan s grave, and although I\.'.[artha ent t1111e, and J don't i~ean to RO to the Doods, Berlin Wools, etc, v; h1Ch she will sell at At11 oocl ne'er had had but one boy m this 'you'll make a first rate tempelance lectur. as low pnce M they can bti bought fo1 else whe1 e the village store, she sa.w La.wrence Alhson Turk's Hea·l to mght' G1ve up the pot STAlllPI1VG done on SHORTEST NOTICE er, I'rr. sure, but realJy, 1 think I'm 111 the skul1nng around the door, ~-ind tluee other '\ orld, she al\\ ays felt as if she had t\\ o u1 (Oh, non sense, man, it's Christ1nas Eve, And the eeat of thti t10t and he is detemnned to contmue to sell 11t these 1uinously low pnces heaven· 'Jct 8th ,18i4 2 3mos. v1llnmous lookmg bo)S al!L\le m \be baekso J lt~t cotne over with us for half an hou1, wrong track, I h) an<l get a leaf out cheape1 than the cheupe~t Why 11e oan do 1tAnd Jom tl,e temperance Help myself groun~ and 1f )OU v;on't drink ale, yon can have a of your book, son1e how or other, after Sold on its Merits. Fust, ha buys fa1 cash and knows just how to buy 1 Society, then, like Peter Floyd anc1 J osepb 1 0hru~tmas ' La"rence, come here,' she: callei.1 tu him bottle of ginger beer ' ~econd, what he c...-in't buy cheap enough, he n1am1factm cs 1 Who bas not learned to dread the tiavel'You nlay have a leaf out of 1t this ver) Grice, He caiue, unw1lhuoly enough The Turks He,,,J,' replied Floj d, '1s no~ Thud, he 1s satisfied with small proltt~ 1 You \Hll ever bless the day, 1 mg agent I The 01!5 follow \"ho is canvas- the place for mB , I don t Lcheve Jt'i!) right Chnstwa2 E\c night,' said Floyd, 'l have Don't j on \\ant to bold my horse 1' Fom th, he sells for cash , "'Jien drowsy d1111k yon put a.\\ n.y, 'Jie'll stand wen enough, Ul:l 'am Or I sing for a book, or a mup, or something else tor teetotallers to go to such place':! to dnnl... got a few in my pccket and shall be glad to Fi:fth, he soils at bottom puces 13vgs to ieturn thanks to his fr1ends for the sup 1 yon don't "a1 t, and who never takes no fur Q"1nger bee' can tie hun pu1 t ht! has rece;;1vcd the two ye1ue, ~ud Then, look here, man, 1f it's let you have one for not!nng, an<l if ) ou -ohopea, by continued stuct personal attcnt1on to 'I want to speak lo jOU, La"renee Are an ans\\ er ~1 ho conies when yon rue bHSV good for me to ue a teetotaller fot nearly a would only act out "hat the leaf snys, de YOUBSELVES~ those Scott's boj s '\ i 01 ) ou ?' bu!:)1neo:s 1 a.nd worku1~ .t.t the moat re1-i.sonable ~1od eru Science has reduced war ~i11110.,t and stays t1il you are tued of h1mi and tweh e months past, should I not be very pend npon it, it the cheapest leaf p11e..,a, to ensu1e a cont1nuauct: of public patron AND suddenly to a mei e n1eehan1cal operuhon age W ll is prepa1 ed to build hou<.(eB1 etc , He averted bi; eye" aad kicked a stock \\hen pa ti once ia all gone, begins 3ga1 u 111 foolish to hO a dr1nk1ng again, and break )OU havo ever had, and it '\\Ill bring -von ou the iuost inoaern style of arclutecturo. Job , BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. 'It is scientific butclw1 l! ' \Ve now rr1ukc u--e real practical bless1age hke It has me' bing p1umptly attended to Plans aDd sp<;-c1fi Exa1n1ne the stock, which comprises, everything 1u the trade, of the , cry latest and inost ele g[l.n of mullcn blosson1 back and forth, as he the same smooth l\yay, szntl1ng a sickly WJ pledge because it i8 Cluistm11.s of killing mftehines We dcl11'e1 to tbemc:a.t1o:os got up on applicatlOn, on the inost rea. smile, that makes you ache to kick h1n1 and styles and pa.tte1 n s, of English, Cilnadian, and _·ilne11cn.n manufacture 'Oh 1 I see, )OU want to gne a teetotal 'Let me look at the leaf, l·'loyc1, and see men, the flower ot our youth, n11d they gn e sona]Jle terms, and of evcl'y descr1pt1on Office -o1 see 1! that would make an) d1flerence Such lecture, again said Gr1ce, 'but now, Floyd,' what it 1s like.' Ycs'1n' .~nd Shop, Onta.r10 Stu~ 1;1t, nearly oppo::;1te j)ilr H e st11l eonhnues to n1anufacture to 01dcr, from the best of tnQ.tenali a.nU none but first class them back to as-corpses Under these 'I' Bo\\dtmis ~Do you know "'ho nnd ,.,hat they are 2' an one recently entered. u.n office in Boaton continued he, 'do you mean to say you v. ill \\ orl~men kept So Peter . F loyd, who generally m11r1ed conditions the 1ntere ~t of confitct, and al.Bowma.nville, Dec 24th, 1874 10-ly. -owhere several persons were p1esent, and 1n not toke a social cup all th1· Christmas ' I su 1)po<se 80, mn'nm' some l~avea '\1th him, soon put. h1s hand 111 moot rill cont1tct itself, d1Bappears We Orders P1·omptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed "Vlu;rr, are you going fion. ll~re ?' hia HW::e~~~ L touc, inquired for one of the dav' hIB pocket, and tukrng out his pocbt-book, ha>e ~ut huge cxr utton·, characte1m<l by 1 Jaw} PrS \\hOSC HilU1 0 \\fl.S 01} the cluOl rrl Ul ' I \ a::i gotng a 1 )lece 01 ... Q up the rond Yes,' said Jnord, 1 I bope to a good placed a temperance pledge in Grice'~ h01ro1 llone lie ha~ in o:tock '1.U endlei:;s >' iJ.J wty of Lai.hes' and Gents' Saratoga Tru11ks, VahseA, &c , fl ll uf J '1'! !o!.(/d1e1, the t1lti..:er, the g~nLlL nn\u iesponded, and th1::1c:uvon the ,:i;}nch lw rn selhn.; cheap fo1 czi,sl1, as fur lb ih< camp ILlCl ting grornd ' social cup to tnoito\', it be111g Oh11stma.s' hand· tlus clay appointc(l l\11t C B.,,_illKER ge11cntl, a.1e no\\ J dJOtC' 1 hte1,~llJ than -o7 tl)e .Exctusivc "i[eDt for the sa.J.~ of my YUL liovl... tnan comtnencc:tl to tiuy lu" lesso11 n i V\ 1th th c1n r ' I a111 glad to hear that, whe1c ehall yon Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St TPought lUJ fc(hug rc.t.\.s o:uon as he s~w what it was, bl' r.x. flesl 1 /01 ccinnon c~\.::\JZ1'D PE::-l"S for l30'\.\ID':Lllv1lle, Ont tlic u:sun.l \\a) 'Yee'i i ' lia\e it1' JOSJWH MASOK,P.P. cla.11ne<l, '..t\..h 1 I thought it was son1etb1ng vol t w1th d1,:,gust ltl f~1ce at the'5c vast and 1 1 ih\Ve called 101 tLe purPJ::ie of u5k,111g J J JACOB& Lawience,' said :&!rs Atwood, gently 'Oh, I shall hnve 1t at home, 'vlth n1y oftbnt so1t.' 01v1ng 1t back to Flo}d he stu pi.J bu tcher1es -81)1cch of M, 111 ed.c1 zcl~ J3o,vinan' ille, Sept 10th,18i4 111-tf. Bov. manv1lle, May 131 1874 laying her hand on his arn1 1' 'tlu~ 1s your ) our attention 101 u few ""mou1ents, 1f you O\\ll wife ancl children· tlus ~ear.' 8a1d, ' Rea.4 Vie leaf over, but first, let ine l-'aS81J, of 11('(1'1.'1 'La\\ rence, look heJC, said Mrs Atwood 1\fost rr1eut .u1d nJ"ht tLut the fir st Church 'Do you want work i· should be 1000 prs IJ.11s1Jes Febal and Bu{! Balrnorais, at 1 50, pC? pan, fv1 CASH O.lVLY. 'If I could get a decent stroke of work to The sac1ed placo of Chnst'i:; deai c1npty t omb, 1000 Pair, W omen's, Mu;ses' and (Jhild's Felt Boots, the uhole to be sold for OASH ONLY li'nst preache1 of our im1nortaht,J, do, ma'am, I \\OUldn't be loafing here ' Angeh1, \\hose brightness lit the ~o.crcd gloo.n 'I have a hrothe1 au the Ouskany rivci, --o--Au::,ds to rruse the song that jet shall roll .nineteen miles flam here, that hna 'l. bopI'101n the fo.1 cast t~t, from pole to pole farm, and:Tm)!Oys a gooa many people Call e<01ly ,cud secme your Winter Supply, while the 1 u8h 1s gomg on at I he Christ is nsen indeed, and is become o.lJont th1e t1 1ne of )eat I'll gne you a line 'lhe glorious flrot·fru1ts of the <loud thnt to lnm 11 slf'op" Lfl.\\l6llce's face brightened up .Break into singing, every heart and tongue 1 ' Thank ) ou, 1na.'arn,' said b e ernnestly J-towm _m1v1llo, Doc lOth, 1874 0 Chu1ch ! thy fesbval ln gladness keep f Mind, JlO\\' I atn trusting you I' 0 earth' brmg now thy frurest fl.cnv('rs for lo\e 0 8kies r be beautiful tt.bove 'You n~cdn 1 t be nfra1<l, ma,'au1/ s..ud "The Christ is usen '" "0 Death, whe1e 11:1 Lg,wrence, huskily 'All I nsk is fli ci.J.d tH~e " 'Here,i sou<l. phe, hastily p.enc1lhng a line thy sting'" J'or through the graves of a..;c ..,still and <lllmb, or t\\ o on the back of a business card that Tl1ou h eard'st a. voice m uughty accents nng, she happelled to have in her pocket, 'take " I am the Chl'lst ' Go, tell the dead I come ' this And, La\\rence, I don t want you to 1 1 he g:1ave is open now, .tml flow 1ts pnf.loll starve upon the road ' Th) c2phves shaU <WIBe, as I have ziaen " Sb.e ga.\e h1ru a dollar \)111 as sbe spoke illnstrai1ons with "h1cb tbrn ,vork \\tll be rl'hereforc our Easter ~stn al we keep, He drew b1cl\, colouug crov;dtd will cost ove1 fift een thousand dolIu 1nemory of our King's g1eat victory 'I'm not begging, lna'a m 1 Jars, and of cour2e, n'J publmhcr can afford In g:rateful trllft fo1 our tlea.1 dead that sleep, 'Keep it, my boy You IJ1ay need it 1 to take s" a. rrnk as that wltbout first obIn fa.1th of our own nu 1 uo1 tahty )OU probably v. ill Now, go, and God Ule.::s ta101ng a few sub 3cr ibers 1 Sure, for \\ e hear His \ 0100 above all strife "I nm the Resurrectrnn and the life 1" you' '\.Vh~\ shouldn't 110 1 It \\Ould be far Tl1e Cln 1Jta.i.nat JV01k A great chok1n~ lurnp rose ll\to Law better than to go arouud \HLh aie\\ sample rence's tb10..i.t The big 1n11ple tree on the page1:1 inducni~ people to bu) a i:voik that I oppos1te etde of the green, swain before hh ne\er \vould sell OH its nlent liiake your )es goods before y0u try to se1 t then) and 'Nobody e\er said i God ble~s ~Oil' to n1e "hen finl::-h ed, if l v.ant one I will HIS LAST OHANCE. afore; said he 'Oh, l'll try to deserve her buy 1t' kindness, T. '\ 111, I wul' This was qutte ellough to give the untir· DY A11Y RA:N"DOLPH The Scott boys" r.nt on alone to prose uig cnnva.s~er a fresh sturt, and he warmed Fa.rn1 ~r Atwood had Just come in fro1u cute tLeH th1ev1ng bue1ness on the outskirt~ to the snliJect al.!d talked on in n. ceaseless the haJ ·field U von the door-~tep~ in th11 shadow of tho of the great camp 11Iect1ng L 9.wrence Alli stream about llls book, until ho hncl finis!i Just as he wai!) great barberr) bush, that hung so lull of E@n had set Ins first iootsteps ou t he pat h oi cd 11rn \\hole 11 ginaro1e 1 coral draps 111 the autun.111) and ":is now h1,,newhte A.nd~lrs Atwo0Uc 10\ehome taking breath to begin ng:un, one of bis victuns tutned upon lnm, sajing ln a \'cry yellonJng all Oler \'\.1Lh blossomfl, st~t n without eveu entenng the store 'Well, old 1rH1y/ 1'aid 1 e:i:' busban<l, v.-hen cold and ni atter at tact "ElJ bro"n faced bo;, with great black eJes, and ---oo--'Well, eir, we have now listened \Hth ao tnany rags and tatters 111 bis garments slie returned, 'v,;hat l:!Ort of a int.terned patience to what JOU lHl\'e h.q,d to say \Ve that they 1emmded you of the boa1ds of cahco d1J you buv ?' ~Ir~ ·..A..llison's fair, niaLrouly face \\as sut- ha\e looked a t the bool... and heard all the perforated paper m Widow Skrnne1's shopwin<low, a little wny do"' n the road He fused '\1th as b11Jhta blush as dje~ the goodtlnngsjoncanadvance Jnfa,orofit Now, 1f yon have a inonicnt of leisure, I roi:.e up awkv.ardly as the farn1 er app1oach- cheek of e1ght1::eIJ ' didn't buy anylrung, J ohn,' ea1d she should be glad to i:-how you a little article ed. 'Please, su,' P.a1d he, I v.asa tb1nkin' I 'I-I concludecl to wait unfll the n e"' Fall that I am agent for, an<l \vhrnh I ani now goods come in' engaged 1n selh ng to the people of tbis Clty Ha vmg deo,dcd to make a change m Lhell' busrness, are now sellmg for could get a JOb of work he1 e ' 'Bnt where's the red poppy oft your hat ?' and vicinity It lS sinall, aud not expensive, · ' IndeeU" said the farmer, i..ir1:1 ~quely CASH then large and well ass01 ted Stock of D1 y Goods, Millme1 y, 'And what n1ade you ilunk that, Lawren-!E' asked her husbsn<l. '\Vell, I told you f and yet 1t 13 found Jndi spcnsable in every Clothmg, G1ocke1y and Gl>essware, Clnldrcn crv for it mothers Alheo n ~ I don't take all sorts of vagrants Sabbath duJ that wasn't sa.fe, pinned 011 so ' hou sehold 'Is it gone i1Ja1n 7 s~u<.L ~11s .A. twood, tak- muat ba\e it, 110 gentl~rnau's l~Uraiy is 111\0 n1y employ' The boy eolore<l so dee ~_n sen let that 1t ing off her neat black strn\\-l1Q.t, and rueful- conlplctc without it I ta.1. . e no ::;ubscnbers, 1Jntierstand was pe1cept1ble ev '"" e n fieneatll the: Uronr.ed 1S.,. £llrvey1n~ ~he tUaca,vhere the r.ect pOJ?PY· but sel1 and deliver as I go flower had hcen, but \\as no Illorc '\VeU, n1e clearly I sell ?ny oood~ entirely on their tint of his sunburnt ~kin ' I'1n ready and v. Illin' to "ork, s1r/ ea1d let lt go I can eao1ly tacl... on a bit at chcr- mun met its, and Jf \\bat I have.. is not "ortb The Stock lm'irng been pm chased 111 the BES'r MARKETS, buyers can the tnoney I ask lor I~ no geutle111an llced he 'But I can't get ou with Mr Cadwell.' ry ribbon iu 1t's place i depend on getting purchase Here, sir, 1s 1ny card please 'Why no 1' 'Ln ctl with me three years The best look it over' 'Because,' flashed out the boy, , he trea ts j · ffiT'noviai~i~iS,35~~;;sah,1~:~t'n~·~~;~~~:;. ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot & Shoe :Ent.poril!ill'n. ler m u!l rny life ' '1'ery \\ell, I Cclll br.heve ~\ou, so no1V lead lbc pleJge' Flo3 d read, in a cleu1, antl c1:11nc:Rt tone, 'I pro1n1se w1th il1 c h elp of tiod, to abstu1n fion1 all Inloxll:ating liquor~, nnd to dis~ to attack 10 turn each of the other gentle'I've no objection to Jo Lhat,' said FloyJ, countenance the1r ni:;e,' and then l1anded 1t men, repeating the sau1e stor-.} aga.1n a11d 'it will be that well known beverage-a cup back to Lia fl!llow·\\Orkman ogam with easy volub1hty One of them of tea' Joseph Gnce laid the pledge do\\ u l'.in finally nuuiaged to shp in a wo1d of ob~ 'Oh P sn1d Gr1c.f·, Romevi;hat exasperated, the hEnch, saying, ~ I p1om1scd to t tke t Jechon though he could not help suuhog, 'that's lcof out of) om book utter Ob1Hm , 'Your tnode of bus111es~ J;j uot fau I 'VI hat yon 111ean, rn 1t 1' ' Don't v. a1t till ~fter Cuustrnas, take u like to see o. thing sell on its own merJt~. 'Yes/ cn1d Flo;tl, '1t is, nntl. that's \\bat leaf to n1gh1, m11n, o tnd save )Olll lnJ. con' If ;our book IS good foranytlnng, put it ou I mean to stick to for I've fonnd out there's '~ ot a. bad ideR,' t<U1d Once, 'the pubh the market, and lhoRc \\ho \Htnt it ,v11l bny a tbou~and hn1es 1nore pleasure and true so bas been saving i11 y ba,.;on long £-Dough, rit Your plan of showing a lllaU a piece of I crn.b1lity in the tcn1perance tanks over a I~an only wrnt1 I ha<l begun to Sa\ e my bacou a book tbat you ate going to iuake, and cup ot tea thau tiler" ia to be obt111aed at the when j on d1J j ours, then I and tn) f!1.ln1Jy then getting hrn nntne to n contract, is a pubhc house man trnpo:., over the beloohng ought have had gi ~ 11 <l Jo1ngs at onr l1ouse dead sure thing for )OU, but the n1an that intoxicating cup' tlns Chustmns ns yo11 hn.v~ pa) s bis mouey takes all the u,,k · 'Well P ('jacula.ted Grice, 1 \\h,1t extictne· '\Vell, the pust cu.11not be altered, but \\C 'But, my dear sir, conEnder for a ruon1 ent 1) quee1 notions you teetotallers <lo get in thP irnmense exp cnse attending the prepara~ ) our he<\ds1 t') Le sure ?t'Itnd 1 Peter, 'I'n1 know the future can, so -:;tnke ... galli,,l tho.;: tton and introduction of a costly and elu- not goin~ to ad,ocate druukcnnes8, hut £,Ive drink, .vlnlc the iron 's bot, begin to 1( u<l tt borate \\Olk like thrn 'rh), sir, the en- me the inoder:.-ttion plan before ~our 8:tr1ct differ~ nt lifo, and kt tL1s Uhnst111as c' c le the turiung po1nt grav1ngs alone of the magn1ficent plate~ and un social teetotalism' 'Say \\bat yon 1nay ,~Uout 1noderat1on, 'Why r enqturcd Grice, 'ata yon gotng to treat your wife and ch1ldren to a drop C>f something sho1t, on the quHt, Leca1 1se it's Ohnatmaa P FJoyd replied, 1 I n1ean to trcnt them und 1nj self to a good social cup to-morrow, and "ill yoll come and sup with us 1' 'Well, as to that, I don't nund,' s.\1d Joseph Grrne, 'but you n1ust tell me what sort al hquo1 will constitute )OU1 social up?· lun..:: ou not tasted a drop ol intox1 c11t1ng hq no1 51nce JOU Rtgned tl~ e pledge 1' I 1 etcrI:'loyd rophecl 'No, Joseph GnrL, I hav.2 not. ta~ted 4l 1.hop, and I never fdt h1 t I" c found out "WhH.:h is best, you know, Gnce, I \\as a moderate mau ouce, but n1odcrat1on was to me the stepping stone to drunkennes6> as it is to thousands of others. Why,' continued FJojd, 'to go no ftutbcr than )Ourself, you l... now ho\\ olt..en you go past the 111a1k, and I b<:he\e trJtal abtitl· nence is the only safe "UJ' ' Ah 1' i::a1d Gnce, ' j ou arc connng to t~itlier clo<se quarters wr'h nic no\\ , I must confess tliere'R son1e trnth in\\ hat you say about moderal1011, (u1d I know I loo often get a sup too much , but renlly, Pete1, I don't know how I should CHJO) m:self with ant the .Lt the Tu1k'o Head and a d1op of beer, especw.lly .it Ohustnrns tuue' 'NoteDJOj )Uu1self v.1thout the Turk's Head, and a drop of beer,' replied. Floyd, '\\ell, I know I can, and I behe\e you could rrhen, as regaras publtc house tu~ JO\mcnt 1 you know how it 1s, Grice, 11::1 well as I do, you CllJUY yonreelt, after a faehion, at night, then ;ou go r1ehng home, 3uu scarce know h0\\, and get: the head ache, or 'the blues/ as son1e people call it, and )Our money and hu1e "asted iuto the barg,un · 'Yon seen1 to know a bit about it,' said Grice, 'and I should think ) ou\.l 111ake a. good te111pe1atlm~ speuker after a "'bile, and then yvur JOY will be iull 1ndeed' 'Be that as it may, I never knew what ieal t:DJOJ 1nent wae, till I becan1e a teetotttl~ ler, and I hu1e not been one, us you know, a twelve mouth yet, but I know thii!) will be the bapp1est Chnstmas I've had du11ng rny marned hie' '"V11l 1t1' said Grice, 'I TI1sh I coulcl say the sau1e 1 bnt how do you know it "ill be 'Como now. 'tis dans-c1ous to del y 'lhen from the demon sevci, Flee for thy hfe, tlua very dfl.y, 'Tis better late than never 1 ' Important Announcement! I ' You g1 ve me ' ciry gqod aa \IC(,' srncl J oscph Gnce, but J nu really think 1t n 111 be best tor n1e to SIJU to n1ght 1 a.,.1d keev a teetotal Chr1stn1aa ,l LITERATURE. Millinery,Clothing~ Crockery & Greait .a,ed.uction, . in Dry Goods! Glassware. BURDO UH 'BIOSo AT AND BELOW COST! 'Y<'s,' i ephed Floj LI, 'T do tl11uk it.. \\111 be best, by a11 UH: ans .Slg n DOW, for b\ -1:!0 doing, you \Hll be sure to spend a ::;00L 1 Christmas, ancl no doubt, a happier 0110 iuto the bargain, 10111 ~ ou go dr1nk111g at the Turk's 1-Iead and elsewhere, tbe1e is no knowing \\hat scrapes Jou nu1.y get n1tu, i;u I persuade )OU, for J our own good, to s gn to·night' 1 I'll take your good aJ.v1ci;,' :::aid Jo:::;eph, 'give rne a l<>nt fucucl Flo) cl, and n pencil, anll I'll sign the tern pe1ani.;e plt:dge, and J,.-.. gu1 to sa:\ c r.ny ba"on 1 Yes, nnd he did i::1gu lt ton, ond instead of going to the Tn1k 1e !-lend, a·i '1c 1nt e11d..,u, that CblletllhlS Eve, he '\ent ho1nc and told bHi w1fe that he l1nd biought hon1e: a ne\\ leaf Ot conree hie partner tl1d not know what her husband in cant by a new L.,d, unti l be explained hnnself , after he h,ltl done so there was grcnt rcJoic1ng in Glicc\., hon1e that 111ght' AB u11ght be expeetcd, Peter Floj d 1H1:-. h1ghl: plea~ed to get Guce to SlJU the pl e~lge, and he enrne.,t1y IU\Jted hnn .ind h1a \v1fe to.,,tep. on Chrrntmao daJ Grice t.h,tnked his sbopmate lol lus 1n"1t ation saying, '~\.s I have s1gued tl1e pledgt; I will corne ' Ancl on Oh11si1nas R.fternoon Joseph Gnce and h1s w1te eat down to pnr .. MORE .AND JJET'l'ER GOODS FOR THE.'lR MONEY vV. H. WILSON, Genea.l Agent for THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT me as 'if I "~ere a dog P '~lell, what else do you conE11der yourself 1 Come ' be ufI 1 l'\ e no tune to parley w1th .iou, 01 the likes of jOU Clear out, quick, an<l don't stop to 11nger round my hen-roosts, or I'Jl 1 . . now tl1e reason "by, afo1e a J ust1ce of the pence ' As the boy walked slowly away with n s1ow, sl1uffling footsteps, and w1nk1ag hard to keep back the teara he was too proud to ! Ohristtnas Goods, Raisens, Oiirrants, Su- AUCTIONEERS ga1·s, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. MURDOCH BROS.. Wl!'D. Barton, V} Robert Young, A BIG· F TIELEVENS ,--~ I HAMPrro N, Hrs. HaFJon., w. BUNNEY, BUILDER, .ETC., OALL AND SEE FOB r A CARD. I M. TRELEVEN. -.