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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 Apr 1875, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1875. ' ---============~===-=============p===========~=======t==~=:=====r=~~~==r== =-====·-=u$tt~antt. . 7,000 ROLLS IOBTG E!STON'S fil :Bible Christian Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON. (E·toblisheil 1803. ROOM PAPER If you want a HEAD 0.F.FICES.-1 Ohl Broad _St, 1 aud Pall i\fall; London. GE~ .ERAL .\GEN CY FOR C.AKJ. P.J. :- 24 St crament , MontreaJ. BOOK ROOM that · IS 01·' · a THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Sub,;cribed and invested Capital and Reser\ e Fund. £1,965,000 Sterling. Fu11da ll1vested in Canad.a.- 105,000. Insurances aga.inet loes by Fire are effected on . most f:~vorabJe terms, and losses with out reference to the Board )n London. --:o:-- J D.ODSWORTH, Inspector. l'Oll. R.fNTO'C"L BROS. Gen . .Agents, }!ontreB THE GREAT REMEDY FOR G-REA T ARRIV At. Spring Hats &; Caps The Largest Stock ever shown in Bowman ville. - For New Pat.terns in Room Papers, call and exam me our new Stock 130 Pictures ! ?hromos, etc., et~., Ready framed, to. be . . . . sold Cheap. Don t let this ?hance of gettmg Cheap Pictures slip . . No Humbug. Call and price them. Parlors,Schcools, or Churches, Apply to AND &. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanvillc, .June 4th, !AGO 36 u1 . o.4:~~39.4w and acknowledged by many prominent phy·lelans to be t110 most Relinble Preparation. ev~ introduced for the RELIEF and CURE or .all CONSUMPTION Newest Styles! --:..i:-- OITEAP MIRRORS. English Fur, · . American Fur, and Canadian Felt CHILD BEN'S ---:o:--- ---- :RICE & :BARXE:Et, Agent!!! for the CABS. GOODS. Dom.inion Oro-a.:n Co'v. BOWMANVILLE Present the followin13:_ testiinonials fro1.n com ~etent judges of urgan.J. Tcstimonin.l fro John Camidge, ]..{us . Doc,, Ca.nluar, England. Bo\vmanville, 24th Dec.) 18'73. TI-IB :EtELIAl'l'CE Mutual Life Assurance Society LUNG COMPLAINTS. Thie well-known Nmedy 1s oft'ercd to tlM public, sanctioned by the experience of ove-t forty yearH, and when resorted to Jn scn11on, 15cldom fn.lls to effect a. speedy cure or ESTABLISHED 1840. O,\NADA CHIEF OFi'JOlre. HATS. STRAW HATS! from 12~ BES'r ORGANS ON' Vo.ughs, ()olds, Oroup, Bronchitis, ID· Jluenza;WhOop!ng Cough, Hoarse. ness, Pains or soreness In tho Chest and Side, Bleeding STRAW HATS I LOTS OF OTH:GR CHEAP Conts, upwards. R E. intends reducing his stock, he will therefore giYC Great Bargains. Rememb~r to caJ.l a.t nrz GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ..(!3r0'Hara's Old Stand, - - Town Hall Buildings....E.BU School Libra.ry Depot, a .Ffrst-cln3s Selection. I(nowincr j u.;;t whnt suits the public taste, I have pu~chnsed accordlnh']y, C11.ll early, nnd suit yourself. The Proprietor beliti\'eH in a Kimble Sixpence being better than a Slow, Poking Shaling . ~ RA>i1'0N Eowrrianvilllti, MAr. 10th, 1875. ly-m9. .R. CONTlf\ENT. To the Managers Dominion Organ Cc. GF.KTTiEMEN .-I like to pl"'y on your Organs t" . .e is so sweet aDd steady. .And the work. mMsnip and finish excellent, and in every particular they aie equal, if not superior, to any I have ever heard. Hopinb they will meet public appreciation. l:ll, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL at the Longs, Liver Complaint, &c. tills DIRECTORS. \VAT.T en SlL\NJ;r, Esri.., )1 P., Chnirmaa.n, · D usoAN ~lACDON.A.LD, Esq. lvfAJOR. 'r. E. CAMPBEf,L, CJ3., St. Hilaire. THE HONORAIU.iE JOH~ HA111r.roN, Hawksbur,!?, Ont. ·CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED a timely resort to standard remedy, u by is proved by hundreds of tcatimonin.111 rccclvcd by the proprietors. JOHN CAMIJJGE "TI -IE STJN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. 'l'he approach c,£ th e Prcsidental election . KIN'= STREET, BOWMANYILLI:. gives unusual importa1ice to t he events 1'nd de· vd opments of 1876. \Ve shnll endt:avor to de· scribe them fully, faithfully and fearles!dy. THE ,V _ E EKLY SUN has now ntta.ined a circulation of over seventy thousand copies. Its read ers arc found in every State and Territory, and ita qua.lity is well known to the public. '\le sh n.11 not only endeavor to keep it fnlly up to --:o:--th e old standard, but to improve and add to its variety and power. 'l'HE 'VEEKL:Y S'UN will continue to be a t horo11gh newspaper. .i-\.11 the ne"'·s of the day will be found in it, con densed when unim· portu,nt, at full length when of moment, and always, w~ trw~t. treated in a clear, intereBting and in structive manner. lt is our t~im to nrnke the \VE:EKLY SUN \Ve ha Ye now the most varied and th e best family newspaper in the world. It will be full of t"Jltljrtaining and appropriate read· ing of every sort, but will print nothing to of. fend th e mos t ~erupulous and delicate ta ste. It ,.,-ill alwa.ya contain th e most intereatin~ stories alld ,roma nces of the day, ca.cefully selected and legibly printed. · The A gric ultuta1 Department is a prominent feature in the """EEKLY SUN, and its arti· des will always be found fresh and useful to the farmer. The number of men independent in J?O litica is increasing, and the '\VEElCL Y SUN is their paper especiallr. It belong-s to no party, anJ offers no dictation, contending for principle, and It exposes for t he election of tbtl bl.lst inen. the corruption that disgraces the country and OF threatens the overthrow of republican institutions. It has no fea r of kna\'CS, and seeks no (a\· from their supporters. '!'he markets of every kind and the fashions ai·e regularly reported. The price of the WEEICLY SU:X is one dollar a yeat· for a shtict of eight p:.iges, and SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and fifty ·six coh1mns . As thi.i! bnrcly pays the ex· pense e of paµer and printiug, we are not ablt:!' to GENERAL LITERATURE make any <lisC'ount or allow nny premium to friends who may G pecial efforts to extend its circulation. Und er the new law, which re· quires pAyment of postag-e in advance. one dollar a year, with twenty ct'nts the cost of pre. yiJt offered to the 'peopl@ in 'Veet Durham. paid postag1;1 added, is the rate of subscription. It is not ncccss11ry to get up n. club :"Lll order to have the \VEEKLY SU~ at this rate. Any one who sends one doll ar and twenty cente will get the pape1·, vostpaid for a year. '\Ve ha\'e no travelling agents. --o-THE VVEEKLY SUN. -Ei!{ht µage s, fifty· six columns. Only 1.20 a year, 1Josta{Je p1·cpaid. l{o d'iscountjrom this rate. T1IE D,4ILY SUN.-A. la:rge four·))ll.g'e ne,vs· paper of twenty-eight columns. Dn.i]y circulation over 120,000. All the t1 e w 1; for 2 cents. Subscription, postage-prepaid, 55 cents a. month, or 6.50 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a dfa. count of !:!O oercent. ~<\.<ldress, "1'HE SUN," New YorkCity,U.S. March 11t11, 1875. 24-61ns. Read the following from Rosa D,Erina : Howma.nville, December 22, 1873, RRSIDE='IT SECRF1'ARY. - .TA>rns GnANT. DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD OHERRY doea :n-0t dry up a Cottgll,, anit leavo th· J>repar.:atL.ons,.bnt U loosens and clea:n.. e· Highest Price paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. :M:. MAYER'S. Bowmanville, .A_pril 1st, 1875; FOR SALE. OL SE A~ 1_.0T~nveniently situated H between the :b'ul'niture Factory an.d gog :Roll<l, Bowman ville. JS btult it:. 'l~he h~mse Sc~1~ ,. To the ManagerB of the Dominion Organ Co. GENTLE3ll~N. -I much plef\S\11'0 i11 ter:;t fying t.o the excellent qualities of the Orgo., supplied by you at rny concert last Sat.,_n·da evening. The tone is sweet and very powerf and the combinatioi:i of stops ruoSt n..<lmirab I am sure your instruments will find fa\'or Churches, o.s tht!y are singularly a.clnpte<l fo sacred music. V{ishing vou C\'e1·y success, nnd that the public may patr~aize n~ti "·e manufac. ture. I remaiu Geutlumen, Very reapi:>ctfully. S P EGI AL FE A T U R ES. 'l1hc ENl'Hm Pll.OFI'l'S belong t,, and are divid ed amongst the I'olfo~1holders. Ln' ES, DECJ,JN ElJ BY OTHER GOMf .ANJ..EB, or on which an extra P1·e1niuni would be required, can be assured at the ordina1·y rates of this :::5oc iety, cause behind, a.9 is tl&e casc uiith ··O·I tho lungtt, and rcinovina the cause of t1io complaint. allay~ 'm-i.taUon, th-.i· CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, aud all those whose occupntion require. an un · usual exercise of the vocal orgn.n11, will ftDd this the ONLY l'REPARATION whicli will caect-. ually and iostantnncouely relieve their difficul· uf bdck is nearly new conta:ma eight rooms, cellal·, Pump, etc., and ia now occupied by the 1'-Innager of the Factol'y. For ter1ns and par· ticul:lrs,apply to McCLUNO Bnos,, or the owner, , ROSA D'ERlNA. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. A. M. DARI.BY President. Manager Bowmanville. January 15, 187.4. bp·o3-1ul(i, under a spedal arrangement SrECLA.L NoN-FOFEI'l'ABLE POLICIES issued undor which only 10, 15 or 20 . ._\lUl.nal Pay ments are requixed, ea.oh paymm~t secunng Policy for a sum ~asured proportionate to the number of premiums, anrl free frcnn. f'utui· vaym.ent :lvioDER-.\:T.E PnEMIUMS and moat liberal C(mditions. Prospectuses,Pl·oposal Eorm~ &c., supplied _on applicatioll at the Head Utn.ce , or any of the Agencies. - ties, Dc,vare of Cou11terfelts. 1Vistar·~ has on the outside 10rapPer the signature of "I. B U'l"l'S~ and the printed name ofthepr·prietors, "SETH W, F01VLE cf' SO}{S, JlOS. '.l'ON. n .11.ll others are base 'mttatiom. A·:rmn· ine the wrapper care.fully btifore purcha·'"f· Reme1nber that the genuine Ral$attt Ono Dollar a BotUe. Bit Botti<! for lire Dol!&n. PREPARED BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, :Boston, Xau· And oold by Druggists ""<I Doolen geJ>OraliP. MRS. PETERS, Hampton. 24-tl. :.\{arch 11th, 1875. Horse :For Sa.le. llea11tiful Young Mare, J'ising 5 ye~rs ol~; dal'k l3ay, iii: a good tr~veller, either 1n single or double. Splendid i:addle beast. Trial given if '1csired. JAMES GRANT, A . 'fyrone, J nu.14th, 1875 . J. S. DOKEY. 16-tf. SEEDS! SEEDS! ---:o:--- SEEDS! Res, S_eoretary. · AGl1NT 23-ly ~'OR " Observer Offict'!1n King St. l3owmanville. Juno 24th, 1870. BOWMANVII.LE, C.BARKER, Business Site and Dwelling House For Sale. sal~ his Wag~on Shop, with Dwelling Housei and out-build· in"s situate Ji ext to the New B. C. Ohurcb, 1.Ia~pton. Also 20 acn'.::: of land, pa.rt of lot No, 1!J, in 5th Concession. Possession next fall, t erm s liberu.l. SELECT STOCK Card of 'I'hanks. Subscriber returns thanks to those who THE have given him theil'. patronage iu the past, and would inform the farmers that he hns repaired and refittfid his 1\ilill, and is now prepared to attend to their wants in the milling line. He is a.lso conducting a r11HE Wldersigned offers for Wtn YANSTONB. P. S, - Ono or t\,.ro good herses wanted in ex· change for New 'Vn.ggons. Several good rol· fol' sa.lo. lla1npton,}fareh Sth, 1874. McClung B1·os. Seed Dep 4rt111ent is well stocked and lvell assorted. All kinds on hand or to a11 rive. llield Seeds! Garden, Seeds! Ffwwe1·Seeds! A large quantity of CLOVER SEED, all of which was grown on the same farm, and known to be entirely j1·ee from dirt. A VERY CLEAN LOT OF-- TIMQTHY I TARES :- IMPOJi.. T ED, CAKADIAN AND James McFeeters. AGENT GENERAL STORE, and having purchased l1Ls .stock for oJO.m2Hf. w.v. For the following Insurance Companies, and other Institutions, viz :The QU.EEN }lre and Life Insurance Comp;::i,ny. Ca-pita.1£2,000,000. $150,000 deposited with the D01ni11ion Govern(nent, for the protec c.lers in Canada. Tlrn ISOLA.TED RISK Fire Insurance Com pany q_f Canado. Capital 500~000.--0ne of the beat and cheape~t Co1npa.nies doing business in the Dominion, for Farniers. n.nd Isolated Risks with a Savings Bank deriartment. ltnd E.Lephant House to bis in any friende antl the p~bJic generally for the libel'al pv..tJ:onagc extended to him dur· lng the past 18 yenrsh begs to announce that from a.nd after the l5t September, he will ca.rry on the same bnsiu ess, but more extensively under the n ame and style of JOHN McLEOD & Co. PromJ,Jt payment of all accounts is render· ed imperative by this business arrangement, and all persons indebted will please take notict and gove111 tLen1sclves Mcord1ng!Y· Bowmru.1ville, September 4th. THE rrHE UNDERSIG ='!ED in returning thanko The GANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. The UNION CAN MAKE) I_ ( "011 those Cheap Pictw·es, :MONEY, . BY SELLING ~~ 0 .A SH, is giving bargains in AND PERMANENT Building S aving'~ Society. 'l'he~1:1 latter institutions advance Loans on WHITE. !), etc., address, st once, A .-..ents wanted eve1·ywhere, -Ht For full Box 180 Bowmanville. Ont. W QR K At home, male or temale ; 535per by mail j 1 'ee. Address with t~n cent ~eturn Stamp M. Youl'o·G, J73 G.reenw1ch St.lil. Y. Ol' evening. lro Capital FOR l\ll ! We send valuable packa{Je of Gcock Get your Seeds at :McClung :Bros. - rrEA ' .. _ " · Oct .' l et, 1874. TO bp·m6-o40·6m·. ing cl1~Se t':s of worlung })eoplo. of either aex, yo.ung or old, make more money at. work for us lU th tiir s1Jal'e mnrn ents, or all tho t1mo, than at anything else . Particulars free. Post card to St ates coist s bn on e cent. ..A_cidrcss G. S'l'IN~ SOK & CO., J>ortland, l\fa.ine, U.S. Oc t ober 2.7th. 1874. ly-bp-o43.m5. $5 $20 PEl{ DAY.-Agent~\Vantcd! ---:o:·--- Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, THE School :E:nsign, Groceries, &c. For the Holidays! Illustrated Paper, $. VANSTONE. STAND.-fuc.ently OCQJJpied by :rti!r. G~ay. An unaectarian, Real Estate, on t er1ns unusuallv easy for t11e borrower. Bowrnanville, }'eb. 6th, 1873. JOHN McLEOD. 187...:~. TYRONE. fpr So.bbath Schools. T!John Mc:t.eod & Oo T HLibe:i:alatronage Support and H .. E E f would solicit the same extended so long to J oi:-;IcLeod, McCLU1VG Bros. have an exceedingly .Large Stock of TEA. Blacks, Gi·eens, and Japans. It will pay you to get your; TEA by the BOX,. arlll pay JT7fwlesale Pi·ice. Your attention is called to the three wonderfnlly Cheap Jines. YOUNG· HYSON, in Caddies, which is really Good Value at 90 cts. You can have it at 75 cts. per pound, by the Caddf. YOUNG HYSON, in Caddies, positively good value at 70 cts. Selling by the Caddy, at 55 cts. per pound. An excellent BLACK TEA, at 50 cts. per pound. 1.).·roneJ Dec. 17, 1874. and takes this o;i:portunity of in· Published Monthly, al Bou;rnanville, Ont. The Editor has been connected, nloi·c or less, closely with Sa.bhath Schooln, from his boyhood, and will endeavo1· the make the EsSIG~ every way worthy of the support of Sabbath Schools. '!'he unsectarian character of the pa.per,renders it suitable for any School. In connection there· ·with, a Supplement· is published, containing Notes on the International aeries of S. S, Les· Rons. 'l'hese are carefully.prepared, and must prove of great value to both Teacher nnd Scholar. Parcels of 5, 10, 15, etc., at the rate of 30 Postage cts. per y1;:flr . Singlecopie~, 40 cts, FREE. A:ldress, . C. 11AR1CE1t, l£DITOn., Bownu1.nville 1 Ont. ~ Iformi; ;;~;~t;t~h~ have THR ' USE Norwich Egg Powder, No. i. NO. 2. NO. 3. THE fm· rn::i.king all kinds of Cakes without Egga. 'l'o be h ad of all Gr@ccrs. H.J. VlEEKS & Co .· Tol'onto, sole agents fur Ontario. !l'Iarch 11th, 1875. Gift Books, Splendid A lburns, Chrornos, P1'ang's Celebrated WOOD-WORKER in" A FIRST-CLASS M icroscopes,Kcdeidoscopes, Buggy nnd '\oYagon Shop. Constant eniployment will be gi\·en. Apply irr1nh~iliately, to OJ the finest descrip~IR. J. MOUNCE, Truo~E. tion, Ladies' Jan. 28th, 1874. 18-tf. Cornpanions, TV riting Desks, A Desirable E'amily ResiPocket Books, eke., &:c., dence For Sale. WANTED. OLD SYSTEM, I to please all, :i.nd evriry one. TERMS: If y ou Want Good Bread, Use the (!tnkt$, N ovembAr t!Lh, 1874. The Sweetest Flavored JAPAN TEA in Stock, imported this Season. CALL AND INSPECT THESE TEAS. <$V01" m6·1y i'O:R SALE. P:HI LLIP'S HOTEL, '" ·r1ru DBY GOODS Ch.eaper f Brick dwellin~, lately erected lDy him, on Liberty Sti·ect, naving l:l: acres of land attached thereto. '!'he house h aB 4 rooms on the first fiat, and 5 rooms on the second, with cellar under whole Luilding. There i.a a. good stabld on the premises, and also a well, and cistern. Term ~ reasonable, :For further particular!', apply to the pro:pri et or. 13, SHERIN, ~Iesar~. S.fL1£HI:N" is a.bout lea.-ving Town, A SheMR. offers for sale, that two-storey A a.rge a.nd splendid Collection of Stereoeoopio Vie'W's 'fhe Goodswere bought at best ratee, and pur chasers will receive tho benefit. J. ELLIOTT'S What the Press sav about it: We have been !avored wltb a copy of the Ensign from the Editor, at the '\Vest Durham Flinting :Establishrr1ent; 'fhe Erieign is a paper prepared espcoin1ly for Sabbath School~, ancl in 0111· opinion well adapt· ed to its object. So.great a favorite has it become' tbat we hea.,,r (what is very unusual with such enterprises) it has proved for the first year a financial success. The illustrations arc suitable a.nd sufficiently numerous, while the read· iug 1 n atter is healthy in tone. racy in Atyle,and so vari~d as to suit the taste of the gene1·al public, VV.,.e congratt1late the Editor on hav· 1ng catered so successfully to the public w<int, and we congl'atulate the yonllg and the public on having so charming a sheet presented monthly for the p erusal of their children.-THE ENSIGN, - Ciothing a.t Greatly Reduced P:rices. VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. Possession can be given on the let of March. SAI~T. PLASTER, FISI-1, 'l'crms easy. Ai;i1)l y to the proprieto1· on the pt'emh cs, for particulars. . McCLUNG llhOS., King Street, or · l~. R. LUSCOMBE, Bowman ville, ll"eb. 26th, J875. BAlUUS]~K:R. (JkeapStore TYRONE, Has now ·.fu!l"'l.jorkd Stock of EI.ONG C ~EDI'l'S, L E L E E p p H HI A and \dU tonduct their credit busi· noss ns follows : 0 ALL ACCOUNTS will be RENDERED on the 22tf AT LO'\VEST PRICE'S. Horse :For Sa.le! HEAVY F AI\M HORSE, 6 years GOOD old. Apply at thie Office. March 4th, 1874. 22-tf AI.VI A YS GE'l' A T 1st January, _ 1st May, and 1st September ln ccie'i and every yea1·. In the case oI .Lffanufncturera, Mechanics, and others, whose account.!-! nuty amount to $50.00 or over, their note,if agreed .· upon, will be taken payable at the Bank for a stat~d period. THJ~ H. 1'. PHILLIPS. Feb. 2Gtb, 1875. . 22-tf. For CHEAP Goods, go to To Masters of L. 0. L B &c., &c., i..:an be procured nt this. office, at regular rates. J,Al'i'K CEHTIFIOAES, Applications Bowroa.nville, July 7th, 1873. Bowmanville, Mar., 187.5, McCLUNG BROS. Town :Property for Sa.le. A CA:R:O. I have this dn.y appointed Mii. C. TIAH.KER the E x clnsivt a.g~nt for the sale of nly Vt"L" CA?oz1cn P .E :t>:S for Bowmt\nville, Ont. property, situate on Liberty Strtet, con· t:i.inir.g three.eighths of an acre of land. There is on the property, a double dwelling, outw houses. fruit trees, and a good well of wn.ter. Also 2b acres, situate on Conc(;lssion St., Lot 7. 'l'erms $200 down, and time to pa.y the bal. Which in 1873, at the P.rovincia.l Fair, bea.t every American and Cana.dian Organ, ta.king auce. Apply tu THE S.UBSCRIBER offer> for Sale, hi· FIRS'l'·CL.A.SS. -~ G-rocer1es :Ory G-oods, W. BELL & Co's. :Boots & Shoes etc., etc, the FIRST PRIZE. Also the renow:ned N N T is illuatrat~d, and contains healthy rending 1ua.tter M>.d ought to have a la.rgll circulation. -Peterboro Examiner. Osllmwo., Refo1·mer. · The 11.:n:Jign is nt:atly printt:d on good paper, Cash Purchasers A:X]) Prompt The Best Paper I Try it I Postage }l;·ee. Beaitflijully Illustrated. JOSEPH MASOl'l,P.P. J. J.JACOBS. THOS. PEATR Bowman ville, Feb. 18th, 1875. · which fol' H will n.lways get goods at price~ cut FINE, ae our great aim will be I . to court this class of trade, Payers on credits short H Q IltYwrnan ville, Sept .10th, 1874_ m·tf. DENTISTRY. HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO (Boston.) 'Vhich han ta.ken Desirable Farm Property T the requests of many perSOlll> r esiding both in Orono and Clarke, has consented to open an HE SUBSCRIBER, in order to accede to Quality and Cheap ness, CANN OT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl TYRONE: SALE. rr lIAT Splend~d Property of the late "J\IIr. ]3. 1\Iitchell, being the north half. of Lots :t\ o. :3 l, and ;~ 2 , in the G th. Con. of Darlington, com· p rfa ing 200 a<;res- 35 being superior :wood land. 1.' here is ( HI U1e front of the premises, a very fine geo tleman'a stone residl:lnce, with lawn and :flo\;ur go.irden, to the refl,r of whfoh is a beau.tiful :\taple Grove. Also wood shed, stable,, dr1v· in:; hou se1 etc., ::i.nd !;!Very nece:ssary conven1ence. 'l'be whole, about ton ~~cres, is surrounded by a thorn hedge. . . 'fhere is ~L Farm !Io use, wit h three barns, with all outhni.ldings. A never f ailing- stream of water runs through the premises. '!'here is also a. splendid 01,cha.rd of f1·uit bearing trees, and a kitchen go.rdtin. 'rhe property is in a good state of cultivation, and is regarded as tJ1e moat de· sirable bot ween lGngston aud London. F or Inl'th er particulars anµly to R EM 0 VE D ---:o:--- · r I OOice in the village of 01·ouo, v.:he1·e either he ot .Mr. G. Loc.KHAlfi', L.D.S., will attend, on the first Monday in eve1·y mouth, commencing on the first Monday in :lvin.rch, n.nd remain dW'ing that week, for tlw pu1 pose of attending to all .Dent~ operations. Office a.t Dr . .F1~l4ing's S.urg ery. Forty-nine First --:o:THE KING OP J. M. BlU!vIACOMBE,' B o,~ m a nville, The SCIEYrl1Il!..,IC AMERIC~.\..N now in its .)0th year,- enjoys the widest circ.'Ulation of a.ny weekly newspa. }?er of the kind in the world. A new volume commences.January 4, 1875. Its contents embrace the latest and roost in. t ... resting information pertaining to the Indus· tri.n.1 1 ~fechn.nical, and Scientific Progress of the 'vorld j Descriptions, with Beautiful En.!i.~av· inga 01 New Inventions.Newlm)?lements, l'ew Proc ess~~a.nd Improved T11.duatrJ,f:!.8 of all kinds; Useful .l'lotes, ltecipes, Suggestions and advice by Practical Writers, for \.'/orkmen and Em~ players, in all the variou..q arts. O Stoc~='f!)La.rge U Well Assorted! U · Feb. 18th, 1875. 21·tf. Strowger Bros. ~EWC.A.S'l'LE Having remoYed to more commodious pre1nisef. , IN SEWING MACHINES, --:o:-N. B. -The Subscriber is not a Sub, or un~ der Agent, but has the special agency for the above. I am prepared to exchange Pianos fur Organs, Orga.ns for :i\felodeons, also Sewing M·achines, on reasonable terms. .Address, Lyle & MRS. B. ilIITCHELL, Aug-1.ts t 6th,1874. Osha.wa.P. 0. bp-tf-m44-o32. HAVE REMOVED THEIR BUSINESS to the premises lately occupied by P. W. CONSAUL, rwtl will be pleased to see ali their old Customers aud a number of new ones. POTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to inform the public generally, tha.t the r now enabled to offer them DENTISTRY! Better Inducements in tho line of J. S. DOKEY, 1'TROl<E P.O. Jan. 15th, 1875. 6·6mo·. JOHN HEAL, · 1 A'l'E WITH F. Y . C:OWLE, begsto in· f~n:n the public generally, that he bas com· rnenc ed business in tb.e Shop next to the EYpress Offi oe, one door east of .T. Mi].ne's.. Hav ing ho.d several years expenence in the trade, he hopes to satisfy all who may favor hitn with a call. Grocery None 'but the _B~_sT Goods kept. , Bttslness, Satisfaction Guaranteed, both and Quality. Ill Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. NOTED FOR CHEAP .l J. M. Brimacombe, L.R. C.D.8. .4.SMSI':ED BY MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, l'i.Y. Branch Ofiicfl, Cor. }"'and 7th Sts., Vlashington,D. C. cheapest and best Illustrated weekly pa11c'.r pt1blished. liver;y number contains from 10 to 15 original engrayings of new m:\chinery and nov· el in vent.ions. ENGRA\ T INGS, illustralina- Improvements, Discoveries, and Important W urks, pertaining to civil and Mechanical E11gineering, Milling, Mining and Metallurgy; Records of the latest prog1·ess in the <>.pplica.tion of Steam, Steam Engn1eering, Railways. Ship Building, N avi· gation, 'J'elegraphv. Telegraph }~ngilieering, ElPctricity, !\-fagnetism, Light a,nd Heat. FA.RY.IERS, J\.iecha.n1ce, Engineers, Invent· ors, lt'Ianufacturers, Che1nists,Lovers of Science T each er!'!, Clergymen, Lawyers, aud Peoplo of all ProfessiollB, will find the Scientific American useful to them. It should have a place in every 1 Fn.mily, Library~ Study, Office, and CountingRoo1n; in eve1y Reading Room, College, Academy, or School. .A year's nu1nber8 832 pages antlse··eral hundred Engraving-3. 'l1housands of vol· umes are preserv ed for binding and reference. Mr . . )iorris would inL..rm the geDi1 ra.l publioThe practical receipts nre well worth ten thnes th~t he is prepared to fill orders for the subscription pl'ice. Terme, $3.20 a year by mail, including post:ige. Discount to Clubs. Special circulars and Specimens sent free. May be 11ad of all N e~·a Dealers. of cill clescriptionB A<l<lress for the Paper, or concerning Patents, lYfoiildings '!'ho SCIENTIFIC AMJ£RIOAN i1 tho S E Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box A· ">pleudid variety of JOHN McLEOD & CO. STOVES, . fo[' wood cortl. or E s · · B()tVman ville, September4th1873 Levi Morris ! Builder and Manufacturer of Sash, Blind:::, Doors, &c. '- . Planing and Ma.tchi:r:i.g, · 1urwing, &:c., &:c., for genet·a.l building, on GOOD FITS GUARANTEED BowmnnviUe1 Sep, 4th, 1872. m49-tf. . (AS REGARDS PRICE cf: QUALlTY) P~ice than any other house in the County. . WANTED. J:!}uoland n flit11a.tion, where tihe could make · h t.} i·ae) f ~ener~lly useful, behind the Coun~er, in the I>ressma.king department, or aa ~.i:1s1.;;tant .Uonk-kou10er. R.eforences kindly permitted, to severa.1 respectable persons, both in Town and Con ntrv. .A.dtlred ~. :\r. A., OnsERV.ER Office, Bownrn.nYille. NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT COOD Weight and Measure Guaran:teed in every instan~e. DRY GOODS! CLOTHING, etc. ---o-A SPECIAL G. D LOCKHART, L. R. 0. D. S SURGEOK Graduate of VF'l'ERINARY the Ontario 'reterinary College. By ap.. pointtneut 'reterinal'y to the 'Vest Sur~on :Robert Young, NOTIOE, and Lin GOOD STYLE B y A YOUNG WOMAN recently from Salt and Plaster for Sale. Bowmanville, Mar. Hh, 1875. Teas a Speciality. IJ. Newc1utle 1 Augubt, 14th, 1874. LI~. FEES MODERATE. OFFlCE' ove1' ,1fcCLUNG'S Storn Bowm.arn··ille. Dec, 1aJ4. DW"ham and Darlington union Agricultura.l Societies. . Agent for the Live Stock Branch of the Bea Ver and Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Vet6l·ittary ?iiedicines constantly on hand. Cnll8 fron1 the country prmnptly attended to. Offioe :- One door ca5t of :R. ]..f.a.ning's Furniture \Vareroom. Residence over 8 . Burden 'e store, corner of King and Scugog Streettt, Bowtt>.a.nvillle. ml(.f He will a.1so take coatract11 £Or buildiui1, an~· [ptt.y1 Co. SPECIAL A1'TEN1'JON TO JOBBING. J. L. tsTRowGER D. STROWGER . Cornlvall Blankets Corner lGng andWcet M '.arht Skeet noAr St. La.wrenoe Hall.Toronto Dec. 3rJ, 1874. 10-t 11-tf. Shop and Residence on Liberty Street Rowmanville) Deo. Zld, 1874. ·ti -, .-

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