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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 Apr 1875, p. 4

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THE JYIEROI-JANT, FRIDAY APRIL 2, 1S15. .__ --· --'7.::.:.:::::.---- -- -- ---- ---·----- --- -.. -~== c-======':=== " Ce(Lse Trsing and T111st." Hr ,J. 0 . J,, HILLARD. POETRY. ===~=============~==~====~======================:~=~~==~=:==:==:===~~~~~~ -=~==~~~FARM AND KITCH EN. Horticultural Hints. ~Hl Horticultural meeting, held at .l',;a.uesvillu, Ohio, Mi·. George Towruend rei.d a' containing the followi ng hints :'VoUldyouinsu1·ea1uonuurnnttoyour1neJnvry -J.>lant trce.s-'l'bey will feed and sheltei· you .i\t Dec:r l\Iiss it tlont toke me long to tell what _ i wil do now if you \vish to quit the ways cf the wot!d aml live a married life p!ese NEW All " T ool ¥ FALL AT STOCK · Just~:.rived assortment of COME and SEE · rite soon putting your own ' portigraf in it you can have it drawn on a sn1all card you ~h'll l .ba ve. u1inc the next letter. Pl es give :Jie yoar nn.uic n.:ucl nearest post o111ce. Delay no litne for niy bisincss is pushing . me. rite whether you could tl'eat 1nc rite or not Yon senU tne JOUr portigraf in your fir~t FASHION l:IOU!SE <~ ~plendi<l ltiy '""-. .s fo'r many yenr.:i, ·. I)IL t l'Y to e1 -iter in, ;:,!.'he d-oo:r, alns ! was aJwa)·s shut, " 18till 1·emninecl in .siu. L0rd, ~""1u trying Ll'. rJ, ·.{ ng-onise for rest. "" I -;;t1·i ve for pence 1'1n longing for, A;id still'l·emnin nn bltist. I/ILL'S .. · NE\V MILLINERY. 1\lso :t lot of 01.t !.. he(p me, And thus the fi~ht went hopeless on, No l'a.y of light I sn.'"' \\hi~ .oft.en..llef\J.'. £he.fountain's brink 1 "L eonlU Iio '\\ ;1'ter dtl!.:"'· 1 wh en you no longer can. It costs but little in time or n11)ney to raise tl1e ,west f r·u1t . t ban t 1 letter, ~ 1·ou shall have mine . n ext, then we ie poorest.. . . As a promoter of bea.Jth, happintss an4.,ccon· can soon tli:1;;1d..: this inater,:·1te ~uur age and omy, a goud i:,'O.nleu is thti pa.1't of .i. farm. I how long yon hnvc thtre lam JUSt twenty Horticulture \\'as man's employment in his two, fa il' skin, lite hair; lays in \raivs. Rite\ primeval Ja.ys O f pnrity nn d innocence. . 130011. I au1 111 prvpcrty wortL fiye thon·ro lessen the gloom ·t.nd severity of \Y1nter, saud dollars. Rite soon without fail good NEW D ic1,g o n a1~.1 . " " · .At las_t the ' '; ord c:itQ_e tUYc_.s:t to me, 11. '.l'11ia. i-ea.lm, my child. fa laine, No'v c~<i8e thy j.i:ying, ~imply truJ:Jt, ..Th1Lblt!ssing shall be thinB. " plant trees out of doors, and cheerfulness within.Strawbmies and cre·m nre far more palatable and condncivc to ht!rtlth, than either tJOrk or1)ilIB. "'h b pl d' f Id. . th J .L c est ace t ~ ig or :;ro rn in e g~r en. No person should comJJ~ln of thievl:ls wlto snffel's his trees to be spoilt!rl by ca.terpillal"s i~ucl other noxhius insects. ..!\. ~Q.:dn.y spent judieiou:~ly in setting out treea, wili. bo found in after yenrs, time \Vell in- By." . . ' . I l [~ ~ ~ H om cs pun. FrcnchReps. Plaids. Merinoe;;, 1 fJ,. (:r'rt~ W/ . *'.~r. ~ U?/, l f;p @! V' [.\t1 {ift~ Hussian Twills. Plaid Wincies. Plain do. Shawls. Fiannells. REAL HAIR. !'ANCY GOODS, & Al~u a. larg-.e stock oi Stamps for Braiding and Em~ Fall &Winter Dry GGotls -:o:--- an ll a Jlu;[l 'i":Jnpply uf ~. -( ~.'1 ~ ~- Q - -o- September 24, 1874-. ~ ~ ~ How Th 9y Settle It. I h eard the vofoc, I took th e l.Jli~5, So swestly off~-;ed me.. ... And da)-by c'.lay,~yos, h 61irl y, too, ~ei1' ~ord, I !_ruit in 11.'h:o", And n ow· th e pea"'te, th b f'estf11 p eace , 'l'fu,.t tills roy "S-ouJ "With lovo, 'l'hc,hea,·en1y l\fi:Lnii.a ~me, Tl!-eJ.Y - hite' St.;: i1c f1-0m nbove. I . \Zf? ,~~~ ' ·' a ~;· . 'b1·oidery. A LARGE LOT OF ;:· ' ;:.r . . . Ow1ng to the ha rd t11n es there baf:5 Leeu F A S H B0 N S LADIES' for Spring just to hand. as usual. a,nd GENTS' Puns OI-IEAP a nol1ce<tble l't)ltictauce un the part of b arroon) habitues to st.and drinks for the crowd, Bownmnv1llo: Nov. 1st, 1873. VERY 'l,ho :grQ.biise thus is proven true, In perfect'pe'"acE', tho Ltircl \.ViJI k~p the soul tbtl!Vs on Hirn, Ac~;-niling to Hi.s \V"or;£ D-0a.r child of G·od; th i~ hli@i:! is thille, 'l'l:,t_ bh-1od n vnili:; Ioi·~ you, .. And th0u, with-rue, hollr1y 11ru.lse, MU.y own the _prorniae tr:ul.:l : ·----.--.- fer_ C_ hiokens. 1tfusic by handle-:t etref9rga.n:. Vested i ntero~ -:,tnoney in the wai!:ltcoa.t pocket. BIQw YD\11' own hor. n ; that's the \ ,,a,y the topets do when thuir whiskey's ho~-. A po!:ital card picked · up in tiHi streets a.t Nor \vicJ,i,Conn .,tbe <::ther Qa.y, borJJ thissulemn atrri:aI : 'Deer 1uary foi:- ! u y_oLGod send me a par~ of-p~nt~/ At a recent spiritual seance at E~st Boston, :::meceec..~cd in tying the medium so seC"H'«ly as to cou1pletely baffle the spirits, and in rcsponae to a meek appcn.l finlllly unwound - the rope. a policeman An carnf.lst Yankee p1·eacheT i n speaking on the difficulty of getting to heavcn 1 tolU his congre;{ation lh at they "'ould have tu be 'tarna.l slick' if they cxpet.ted to get there. ·Sec, i saitl a aorrowin~ wife, 'how peaceful the. cat aud dog are. 1 'Y ca,' sai<l the pt!tulaut hlU'1.mnd, 'but j Js t tie them together, and then see ho\v the ~LU', will fly. ' 1 ' Idiot l' excla.imed a lady coming ~'ut of th3 laijt evening, a o. gentleman accidentally ~tepped 011 h er trttiling skirt. 'W.bieh one of us r blankly rcplfotl. the man. ...~Chicago \<;>Oman lately gnve birth to foue daughters, a.nd the 11eigb bors continna.lly under the iinpression that, there is "°brass ba.nd a1rd several operas in t he hous~. After wniting four years, a )fichigan l over finally popped the question, aud the girl a.ns.wcrcd, ·Of ('.QUr8e. I'll have you. \Yhy, you fool you, ,.,-3 cuuld ha vu been rnarried three years a.go. ' vested. If 'vc cut clo\VTJ forest tn"les we should replace them with fruit trees to en9ourage tho u~ual rain fall, li'lowers al'e among the very b est inor:tl and intellectual teachers. Give them it home, then, in or about the houee. Pork i:i a scrof11l...,11s an<l unwholesoUle a.rticlt1 of foo d; all ripe fru its 1ue t.f1c reverse. Every climate produces its appropriate· f ood, Anirfla.l food for cold climates, fn'tit and vegetab.les for hot clin:mt~, and a mixture of bot.b for temperate clirnat es . Impe1ofect ilnpregnation is the usual cause of deformed fruit. To cnnse fruit treer:i to hear every year, pre· vent them fr(lm over bearing auy year; as uufn1itfuln ess is the result .of exhaustion. The fruit of old trees is naua.lly better ffo.vor· ed than th~t from young trees . The be5t soil for fruit trees is tht: cru-carrous and loamy. 7 \. igorous growth ana fruitfulnes s at the sa me time, aro absol11tely imcompatttble , 1-loot pruning promotEa fruitfuln e~s by check ing growth, and t op 'p ruillng, ju st when vegetation commences, ha$ tbe r:1a.rne effect. J:>each cannJt bc·successfully~grafted on apple atocks. 'l'he objects of pruninc; are two-fold. First, to prodi.1ce a vigorous a.nd symmetrical ~rowth, a1~d second, _ fruitfulness, TLe for(' is secur~ ed by Winter ~un i ng , and the latter by Su1n~ mer pruni ng. Scioll~ for grafting shol'ld be cut before severe fre ezing and packed h1 saw dust in th~ cellar. Neither cutting grafts nQr prunlug, should ever be done while the wood is frozen . Cattle ::i.nd fruit trcef! cti nnot flo nr:i ;:h in the same enclosure, A bog tea1n is tho best for pl owing up tho or· chard. No grain crops ~honl~l be rais0d in an orchan.l, except buckwheat or corn. Apple i;tnd pear tree~ . hvo fron-1 the bud O'l' graft, bett~r to pl ant than old ones. Hogs and poul try are t he only kind of stocl< that should be n.llowed t he ranglj of t.he orchard. It is.i;aid thu.t the · root disnpperws frorn the orc40,;;a when hogs al'e introd uced, nud vario1u1 1n elb0Js cf deciding \vho shall incur the expt:!nSe of a drink are in rogue in difft:!rcnt localities: ·Iu Toronto they g~ neral1y "· !:!UdLI.le the horse." In Guelp h they cn t n pack of cards, nnr1 the ·unfortnnate jndivi dual " 'ho turns t:.p the lowest c11rc1 is stuCk. MRS. A. !'LETCHER NEW GOODS My New Goods have Bowautnville, April 7th,1874. BOWMANVILLE I n Ilell eville they · rnn foot races along the .n:1 ain ~treet: the loser doing the an1iuble. In Cobourg tliey practise at n 1nark. ?I.ta.chine and Im:plement Manufacturing Co In Brantford tbey n1en snre ears un<l the man w1tb the largest auricular append iLges is the victim. 1,he lJ:xp(Mitor man don't frfqu eut saloous now to any extent! I u St. t hey try who cn.n stand on onli leg- the longest Jn Aylme r th ey throw pen-knives at a door. Those \\'ho snccce<l in 1na.king the kn ife sti ck arc counted out. In Lindsay "heacl or tail 11 is the rule. .A I..iindsayite wo ulU give any money for 11 ccn Lwilb two heu.c1s. Jn Bo,'t·n1anville., the party \Yho u getb stuck 1', r ings the bell, and pays the shot. N~~AllLY ALL C()ME TO HAND ·Manufa,otures ~ of Md t he asscrt..oent will be found WOODlAND IRON VER.Y COMPLETE AND WORKING MACHINERY. NEFPEL'S r PRICES MODERAT E The Public. a,re solicited to c:cll and see for themselves, Hampton. Sept. Double Turbine Water Wheels, and In Montreal they draw lots. lu H am ilt on they recite poetry f'ro1n n1e1nory, the bar-keeper h oldi ng the book Ca.stings of all Xinds b;i anil coun ting the mistakes. In ~ apanee U1ey go round to a butcher's shop, and gucsa at tl1c weight of dead hogl'l , · In Ott ::iwa they see who can r e rnen1ber 1nost na111cs of nlembers of Parlian1ellt In C.hc1thom th ey gu'!as nt the number of <l.arkeys who wi ll paes in a given tinlc. In Prescott the saloons ure provided ·wjth revo l vers and the l 1 ibuli sts go a ntl shoot · at a inark in the yard, !n \Vatcrloo they diink lager by tl ie q 11art, all st ar l1ng t oge ther a nd th e 1nan \Vho .flnie}we last pays :l or t be crowd. Y orkv ill e ~nj oys the unique d islioclion of' bein~ the oo ly place in tb0 Don1iuion \t1 h el'e e\~cry on e pnys for his o wn drink.- 8th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN REPAIRS doue on tho TO TflE PUBJ_..:ro. '\V.A.LTER 'VIGG I t~ SHORTEST NOTICE, SON, V.l e have now on ha.nd a l arge quantity of N returniug th anks to t}1t;ir n~1mf;ro11s .cuetomers and th~ pu'blic gt:n~~rally, for past favors, "'ould respectfuJly inv it e then u.ttent1on to ou r present Btock of furniture, a s we have lately added the1·!.!tO, tha.t \ve may thereby be cna.bled to supply all pn.~ties 'vho n1ay ph~ase to fav.or h iu1 with a cft lL Grcn.t inducements held .out t o those pu1·ch amng at our estabhsbmcnt. Pictures~ Looking- Glasse1:1, ct e .. sr.arued to order, a.nd in every Style. Sa_ mpl?s of the differen t kind of ~Iouldiu g-s 1..:an be seed at tho ware·room. \Ve wonlcl also beg t o i:ufornt you, tba~, h av ing purchased a. Common and .Gang Plows, that will be sold at NEW GOODS --o-- LOW PRICES If. SPLENDID NE"\V HEARSE, AT THE SHOP. tenns. Bowmanville, l\fru:ch 6 1873. E xchan r1e. we shall be ready a.t a 11 tin1cs to a.ttend fu nerals, on shol't notice a.'.nd N. B. - Coifin s kept on hand n.nd made to order, at the tl1e Crystal 1 ,, · rea.sonrtblc~ ',Julius, ·why ~litlr 1 't you bo lon;; your t.!tay r~t tho Sprin~s '?' ' Kase , l\fr. Snow, dey · charge too rnuch .' Ho,.,. RO, Juliuf' ?' Vity, <le .l<'ind· 1vrd cha.rgcd dis colored indiviclnal wirl ste.'.1.liug de Sp?VllS.' ' )"e;;i, sir, tyclJcd a 1:rcacher in a Dakota. chu:rch one Sunday morning, ·there' ~ n1orc lying n.nd Hwearint;, a11d di.;:viltry to the t;quare int:h in this .t.o..w).l..tba.n all the-Test"fif-America..' A1iU · t~eem?gregJ,,tion ~ot up and dumped the preach· N' out of the \'rilldo·w, 'l'hfl best time to kill caterpillars i::t '\\-"l1C'n pruning the trees in winter. 'v · I Il · f es iou c raise more sweet app1 t.:s . 'J'I . 1ey are eciu~tl to corn in producing milk or rrieat . 'l'he Golden Sweet, Summer Sweet, and 1\.utun1nal S w<~ttr, :n·e aruong the best for t l1c pw·pose. Grapes can be keptrfor \Vinter u:!e as well us apples or p ears. 'l'ry it. Our fruita an c l vl;lget:i.,ble1;1 are ~rowiJJ g aull ripening when we are asleep. 'l1rees nlwiiys lay 11 p ·t stnck of fo od bcfoi.u they atte.mpt to p1·oduce <i. CI·op of fruit. .A b~h, dry~'tn_ and Totten soil 1 produces the hi@'"eAt ffiivored fruit. II a., ·rnE siru..;.:·;.;JJ;LL SHELL -In I nee nt Syl, t 1e ex lu J1t.1ous "' C'n , l:ulu. · anu iu l . at South J{eus1nt;l on , a1ay ie see n spec1rneri s of the rnost learful instru1ne ut o[ r110Ueru 'vnrfa re..-tj}.ose huge suga r- loaf shaped h eavy ca.s t-irOH case.:; called 'Shrar11e1l s!Jc!l;;,'-!-so rne of thern n. y ard high, an<l (i.Jl. ed wi t·h gunpo wde1· ancl sorne 500 ln.rge buJ. ) , · 1: · NEW DOMIN ION RETAIL FURNJ'l'URE WAR.&-ROO.ilf. h::i.wa, .A. ug . 26th, 1870. K lng Street East, Oshawa. The Satisfaction given by Dana's Patent Sheep Marks I rI1RESE MAR KS ARl; 'l'HE CHEAPE ST, lod e. These shc::1ls are fired in great nun1~ ' , ' 1\ l)et.roi.t guntle1na.n walking Ur.hind two t-1chcol 1..·hikken the otl1er day heard th£ boy in.. · firlors and t ables by wa.<ihillg- t hem in a s0lutio n quire, "Vill you be n.t the p:ir·t.y to· 11ight ?' 1 I of copperas dissolved ju strong lye~ o. pounJ of !>hall be th ere, ' m1swcrcd the 1nfas, 1 but I n1a)' th e former to a gaUon of the latter. \Vhon dry, as well tell you no\v tl1a.t your lO \'e is hopeles.s. thi s sh ould be riileJ, and it will Jook \.voll fo1· a :}.f.,.unma fa determined, fath er is set, and it h:n't year or two ; then renew the oiling. right for 1 ne to ~ncourage your at tention. I cnn +n washing wind ows, a narro\V·shaped '\'@Odb e 'a. 1tister to you. but nnthi11g inore. 'I here· ell knife , sharply pointed, 'vill .take out the dnst fo re you n eedn' t buy 1ne any "-alentine or give that hai·dens in the corners of the sash. Dry ni e a11y more gum. ' · whiti11g will polish the glass, which should first Durin~ i;~ sl.e:un voy;;,011 a sudden $toppnge be washed ,,vith weak ten mixe<l with a of the n1n.chine1-y, considerable r1l~~nu1 took little al eobol. Savo the t~a. le<tYC.'3 for the purplncu , especially fl.111011 .;:- th e female pas:;engers pose. ' 'Vhat is the n1atter ? "\Vliu.t is the n1a.tter? Oot·n Brcatl.-Four cups of sweet milk; two ]'or heaven'Ei f:m lui. tdl me ijie worst!' exclailne<l one more :inxions t h an the reat. Aftera. cups of sou r iailk ; one·ha1f cup of molassses; ~hort ]:tLUS(', a h(l1use voice fton1 the deck repli· ono·half cu(i of sugar; three cups of ilonr; fiv~ e-d, 'Nothing, uiada.m, nothing; only t.h e bot- cups of (.Orn mca1; one ta blespoOJ1£ul of sodR.. h. ·1n of the vcsz:e l and tho t0p of tho earth two. houra. s',uek together., lJfolasses Cookies.-On~ cup of molasse s ; on<-:~l'hrce _Saginniw giria of the ?!'Ietho1.li1:1t perhalf cup of sugar ; oue cu p of 1arU ; one cup of suasion l1n.vin3 1 net together, concluded to pray water; ono tc~epoo1)ful of 1,,r:inger; on~ teaspoon for tlie ,.,elfnre of their lovers, but the fir"St one of soda heaped on as long as any will stay in 1 h~cl uot got Ycry far alon g in her petition when the spoon. Mix r~the1· soft :1nd bake lightly. )t Wi> >:t discovc:ri:<l that they \VCrc nll engagefl to tl1c FW.tne umn. 'l'he religio us exercises were ..Pud~ing . -Tbree tablespoonfuls of butter; at_once t enu irmteJ. one cup of lmgar; one egg; 011e cup of rnilk ; 1 bers by heavy mortars, lU!ll explode Oll to u chin g tile g ron11d, in tbc rnost terribly dcst.ructi\'O inu:un er, reducing evc1·y Jiving I.icing withjn r en.cb into a~o·1i zing, bleeding \\' :S of life, or into shapelese, gory frag· .An ottkr.n color can lie given to ne·N pine n1e nts. .1 tlie 1uos t la.sting, the leust troublcrome, and niost co1nr..lcte tlYer inv en ted . r.J.'hey art: used and recommended by nlany of thf bes t l3reedcrs iu the United St:lotes and Cun ad tt., 6uch 1~s G. B. Loring, Bu.leu1, 11ati!I:!. , President New :B11glan<l s cufrpsed by the snitit:l fact~on gi~en by S~IALE \Vool Grc.wer"M' Society; Johu S. R.osa, H cnne- to his n u 1n1Jronl:l pa.trCJUl:l . He is DQ\Y pleased l?in, Ill. ; Professor ),f. M iles, of the Sta,te .i.\.g· · to nnnonncc that he has un band a large and · ricultural College, Lnnaing , l\Iich.; H on. Geo. varied us.:.ortiren,t o Brown, Toronto, Ont. ; John Snell, }~dmonto~, each, and will ~ -.. 1873~Q:__IB 73 · GOODS AT FALL STOCK. ---o--Dress Good.s J. & W. J Newest'Style . of tbe RiGI-IT PRICES ! x · · (.Al, McMurtry & Co. lBOWMA.N'VJ:LLE. you seen ~~~;;, an~nth~ ~h;;;.~k,;~:;i~~.pedT~c~ ~i~'j;! Al~ D sen t j1·ec, by, or f;lxp1·ees,for ontv fclf.J' i.:ent8 BOOTS 0 l~ist for 1"WEN'l' Y YEA HS. u1ust 3c1..:on11mnv all ordcrf'i 01 ! ' SH j of L he DRUGS A N D MEDICINES o.t the ARCI JJTtA.J,D YOUNG, Ju., Snrnia, Ont. Order s addressed to the M EHCII:I'.i'l' and OnSEHV l!JH 0-{fi.ce, for any quantity. 'vill be filled at tb e above,,.mentioned price, as quickly a.s he }:larks can be made and s ~nt. ohall sat to.J\:Ol"k aa soon aa poe~1ble. Uc ~ t q un.Jity, unq js anxiuue t)1 a~ OEbSey 1 .GREY COTTON~"' l . ~ Cottons? Cowle's cheap lOct SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, Sept. 2Jth,l874. of the best make, inclucli11g the celebrated Bowmanville Drug Store, C. BARIGm, Bowrnanvill!31 D ec, 2 8th,1871~ m13 ly All l'rices, All Sizes. All Kinds. STORM ONT. !Oct Cottons at · Cowle's---Splendid value, J. HIGGINBOTHAM ... D most respectfully tender his sincere WOUI thanks t o biB uuruerous and cus· fd~uds THE tomers, ;'.\lld to the public generally, for th o very libf'ral support he htHl r eceived since his con1mencing in busines;;; a.nd hop es by con· tinuttd strict-personal u tt~ntion to business, and offering nothing but the purest articles. at the YDO!:lt reasonable prices, to ensure a con tinuance of public patron age. J', I-I. \Voul<l cuJJ spf~cial attention to hi.R very superior stc.9k of DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKYILLll. Prttnella Congress at 80 cents ILadies' " " Balmorals, eJ.:tra high cut · · · $1.25· INothing_to Bea.ii ilt. r PRINTS of UU(lfj_tU:i.lled CapiLal, Paid Up, HEAD OFl'IOE, SJ,000,000 TORONTO. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, STYLE and Q'C' ALITY STORMONT TJYE ~t\. STUFFS BRt..NCH OFJ'IOEB : O SJl A.'W .l, 0H.1L!rIA 1 \~t" H.1'l'DY; 00DOURG, U XIl'RIDG 1 1., BOWUANV 1L[1E, Trunks, &c. Special attention given to --- 'vhich aro snr~ to give th e host sa.ti sfaction. well seler.t cd 3tock of .:\ fLpr loJav:in~ a :&iilwauketi street ca1·1 Ito citih 11 ra n and overtook it again, and entering, louk cd around on the floor and asked; 'Did any !Jl1C' see a letter in a m~urning envelope?' All .11.nswered 'No,' and he continued : ·\Veil it!!! no grct:.t l Of;!S, tho\1 gh I'd like to be sure whether it said lUY brother VVillia.m _ O r n1y Uncle Jrune~ was (~ead ?1 If you do uot have baking powder, mix one-third of soda w ith "two-thirds of cream of ,tartar, aJld i t will be the same tbing. '.l'his 1nakcs enough to b:ike in t\vo comffiou rotmd tins. ' h~ap ing te:,tspoon of bakinz po,vder. DRUGS, CliE!ll I GALS, P.ATENJ.' AfEDICINES, BRUSHES, COklBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, ' SUPPOUTERS, Etc, Etc. kept c.01Jstuntly on han<l. · 'Bub, did you ever stop to think,' said a l\1icbiµ an a.venue grocer yesterday, a!! he tneasured out half o. peck of potatoea, 'that these 1JCtb1tots ccntain sugnr, ·water , and starch?' '1\ o, I didn't,' replied the boy, ·but I he:.ird mother l'ay that you put peas and beans in your coffee, an<l :-\.bout a pitit pf water in about every quart of mil.k you sold." S.a.ucefor P·wldihu. ·-Oue half cup of buttet· j one cup of ·sugar; tho' w11it¢ of one ·egg ; beat all together. Hive ready a 11int. er more of boiling \vater, stir in the above and let boil h a.If a miunte . '£his Bank, in additiOn totra.nsacting the us· ual banking business, offers to tho public all t he advantages of a Saving I nstitution with the securit y of ~ larg~ paid-l1p capital, by the means ot a· SAVING-S DE.PAn:rr.nn·n·. Interest al lo ,\·ed on all depos it s of One Dollar and upwards, o.t the rate of :F1VE per cen t.. per a.nnmn. . , Depositors can w1thdra.w either t he " ·hole or any.iJa.rt of thuir deposita at nnx, without previom:1 notice . Special i·at cs of interest allo>ved uvun tleposits ~rith notice o~ w it hdrawal. American Curr('ncy and ~ilver tnken on de- CUTTING AND FITTING and none but first-class n·orkmen emvloyed, thus insuring oood vnlue every case. S'l'OllE.-On~ dour east of Cornish's Jewelry tore, IGng Strcu L, Bowman ville. . COTTON ·BAGS, BEST . ln the World. Special Line of OOTTONS at GOWLE'S: 1' H l~ J. Bowma.nviliL', Sept. 23rd, J.87;3 . S~fALE. posit. D1·a.fts wnnt ed p~yab le ln Great, Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ! Another car load of the above noblP articles on the way. Please ca.11 at the READY-IvIADE CL or:rHING and Cheap. Clothing to O:t'der It is a well-known Fact that Cowle lias the best Jlweeds in the co-untr;1J. Nothing eheapei· than the lOct Oowle's. lTnited Sta.tes and a.11 pai·t1:1 of Canada . !-ij"Doposits can be Temitted by roail,a.<ldres.s- Tired of Single Life, AN ILLpois MEnon.ANT 01wnns " WIFE OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, . and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices. ed to the DDminion &nk (regi!:;tered}, when m all cases a Pa.5s-Book receipt "'ill u~ sent bJ return po.<)t, J. A.. CODD, A[lt nt, Bowmanville, Jan. 6th, 1874, 10-tf. FEED MILLS. Good ' ' t some wonderment fol.J a few gazed around 11 mo1nents. \'Vl1eu tbe organfot began tlo ·.yJlay he" turned to his grandmother and .eaid 1 in ~.. 1 \·Jiisper : 'Grandma, will there br. a circus,~ ao ... I Cl\ D sec the lion?' "Vhy, n o, Eddie, tllIB is church .' 1 \Vell,' 1·eplied· the little man, 1 its circus n1usic nny 'vay.' l\ro provision bns been Iuadt.: at Augusta,l\ole., this '"'inter, for fe eding an d loc~ing tratnpa. .tl vagabond wen:t into n police sta.tion and w.:tnted ln sleep th ere. '\\7 e on ly lodge-prisonc~ ~ he s.eJ"gt!an t behind the desk. 'You JJ)lly lodge pl':i">, ' repeated the yai;abond r11editn.ti,·ely, ' 'I'hat's all 1 ' ' vas the reply : 'yo~1 got. h1 steal someth ing, 01· as1mult some.body, or so1ncthing of that kin cL · ' I've J got to n.:isault somebody, or som ething of that kiu(l,) ugl\in repented t he vagabond, thoughtfully. rrhetl h e reached a.cross t lle dcBk \vitb his :right' anu, and knocked the sergeant off his stool, ~nyiug, as the officer got up with bis hnncl to his eye, 'G ive me as good a bed as you kin, : sergeant, 'cau::;e I tl.on't feel very well, to-night.' 1 young gentleman lately attended a· circus for the first time, and on the Sun<lay fo!lo\v:ing v:ns taken by hi e grandmother to church. Ile ..t 'I. rn: LOUISVILLE. Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B .- ·Country store-ktiflpers supplied on ]i'rom the Oourier-- J oµ rnal. · A prominent ' ¥lholcsale drug firn1 on the most advantageous terms. .r.\ < :boice selection of T.JA~IPS for i,a.le cheap. Main 5treet a few doys ag.o recei vcd the B 1wrna u ville. D.~~. 1868. Gin. follo:wiag eommunicatiun front a )'Oung ¥ Un ·y merchant, \vho nppears to_ be bent on gettir:ig n1arried, and prefers to n1ak.e a purely bu-sincsfl transaction of the nHllter. At t ~ast he doesn 1t seem to be very choice in his.sch~ctioa, as 'vill be seen by the followiJ,Jg l et te1· in \Vhic h his rea$on is bri efly FRUIT9 AND Confectionery Depot. WHOLSAL New F~·uit BOW MAN VILLE !'arm Implement Forwarding Agency R W. JAMES, K ing St., Hown1anville. Bowmanville, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. ---------·-------Cottons AUTUllN ! S. rrREWIN, OSHA-WA is showing a and R.El'AIL SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. MODBIS' J(..;r;t urriv e<l 1 a.ud for Su.le, at the above depot CARRIAGE SHOP stated: ~· {west of th e Ontario Ba.nk. ) )JOKEY aud LAEOlt saved! Frr;nch TIME Oil P oU:ik . 'l'hh1 J':ronch Oil Pulish is p1·e· Choice . Lem.on, O:i:·a.nge pared for Cn.rriagcs, Buggies, Hnrnees, Boots and Shoos, and all kinds uf L eather. lt \vill and Citron :Peels, gi ve anv articll:l of Leather, a 1 nost brilliant ap"'ays be wu i ~t and pliant ; and m::i.y be exposed to water aud 'vas11ed, and will not loRe it.a brilliance, n.n<l it is ~ot to be fea red that any cri;iat 'vill settle on sa1d Leat.l.tor when preserved w1th t he a bove Oil. li'or· th e 'vuudwork of :Buggies, O.i.rriagea, n.nd :Furniture, there is not a bette1· article in use. .i\.fa.nufnctured by ~4... SnroN & Co.! rrann()tS n.n,d Ourriers, f flnn erly of ] 'ri:rnoc, now of L'hiladd!Jhia, P;:i,., bottle, A few c l"Op s on a y1iece of sponge,a.pp ly it ligl1tl v to tho l~athP-r, nnd you will obtain tl10 finest lu1;1trc. I>rice 75ct s. per bottle,or $7. 50 pt:r <lozl:ln. ,JQfIN Si\-lAJ ... E, Sole Agent, J~ow · man ville. July 16th, 1874. 41-G mo$. and Confectionm'ys, BL.A. NKETS IN Gl{AND O" F S 1' 0 C K :Mr.--' &- --Plese sent l tn e a price ORANGE S 2'0 Al!IL VE list soon of au your goods. .A.a f\uon as yo u King S treet, llowmanville. · Soft Shell Almonds,Fiiberts, IJr°"il and Wall git thi.s pleSe giv thi s l et trn. to .th0 1nost E·uts, J(eiller's 11!cirrnalt~de , T¥est India, Butiful fancy lady you ha\'e in yonr ci~y l )re8er11ed Gi1~ger, Pears, Plums, To· 'lnatoes. &· l!ea.ehes, Green Ptas, if sou wil i wil gi,- you fi fty dol ors the Da,y ' Green G orn cf: Li1na 11cans. we git 1narri~d i'o1 ~2 yeat'.::! of age a s good n11fJ£. .:;uLscriber is prepared to build and rQ- DATES. FIGS. LEMONS pea1·anc'B, and at tbe same time, from its oily properties, tends much to pre-seri·e it, i t will al- Large Variety J t 'b ' ' B.---Special inducement given to N. srrAPLE &FANCY DllY GOODS, Which excel in STYLE tind VALUE. J. pan· look1 n as any mun, I h u.:re lived si ug 1 d lon g cnnf, llut mi notion.for tlti&is i do nt .lVc igons, B·uggies, und Cutten , won t a Girl to Break. Giv it to S111n p r itty one. Bee su r e you tell her to be sure to (,f every <les(,ription, i~t sh ort notice, and o reason<Lble t ot·ln::i. send me in her first lettre her pol'tigraf. Ifyott do this aud She Docs rite fo Me and I"" Our Dominion Excelsior RaspbenyVin egar Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines 'Tomato Sauce and PiCklcs 'l.'hcy have come and are con 1i ng , at the l i'ru1t Depot. F. Y. Cowle I S. MASON CASH Purchasers. Millinery and. IVIa,11tle De:partment Replete with Latest Styles & Novelties, . ---o--- SHELL & SHELLE D OYSTERS QUA Ll.7'Y i· th e test of CHEA P N ESB. Disease is very various, said Mrs. Parting- We Do J\.f qry i will give you f:ift.y dolor~. j ' '.l'. DARLINf>-TOI';. street door after Carriages P&inted and T riirn:cll· thillk i am a man of mi \Yurd. If .}'Ou wont COJ1\ce1'Sat'ion with Dr. Holus. ·The doctor Bowma nvilJP. . D ec. 4tb.1 87i:I. 119-tf tells 1nc that .poor old Mr, Hare hns got t,wo d O.this ple~e giv ~t to suti1 pore n1an tLat 1 llJere i1' al ways J!lt!ll that buckle~ on her lrings ! It is dreadful to think of ·ooes need it. I dt:clare. '!'he dhseaso ia so various. One \Vil 'g o to such places. Al i "'a.ut is .for h er Ja.y we h ear of people dying of bermit~g-e of the to p'rouds 1fe to quit llir wny of doio, Bee on the pi·en1ises,,vcre special attention is given to all jing!1 ; another day, of the brown creatures ; go o~l to m(', t~nd to things in the hous, here the.y tell us of the elementary canal being 'Plese address - - - - - , C.Ie111· Creek '"' work, u,nd General . out of order, and_ there n.bout tensors of the Alxander Co II b. thl'oat ; hel·e we bear of neurology in the bead, · Would to inform the ladies of Bo \vmanville Jobbing. The foll of\o·ing is the letter referred to in there of t'trJbargo; ·on one side of us we hear of and vicinity, that she iEI prepared to ta.Ire ordt'rs men being kilkd by getting a pound of tough his no te to tbe n1ercb11n t : ·for Dressuiuking, -:,.nd £11 the sn,m e with in the beef in U1c snrcopb agus, an<l hear <1.n other kills n AlXANDER Co CLEAR CnJJNK ILL. All work clone ut this Establ·ishrrient hiiuself by discovering- h ia jol'.:cular vein. Thi~g-s LATEST :FASrIION. "DEAR l\lrss- It is " wi th pl~asul'e rit.e cl.tango ~o thu.t I I don't knovr how to ·wa1'· r antea. Iler experience fully \Varrants h er in pruinising f:! Ub$cribe for any diseaso uo,v·a-days. )few .th is to jOll t a no of yon -if you huiut li\'eJ s atisfaction. Ju.nncs. o.ud new nostrils take the ~place of the a eing el li fe loIJg enuff. Dear 1f iss if you A call is respectfully so1ici.tccl , Residence, Oornc1· of Church Street, ri.nd o!d, ruid I might ..-i;s well thro'v my be1·b·bag want to have a rua.n I can do as good a pa rt Market Square . ,T, MORJUS. a.way.: by you as a ry 1nan can do fo1· a wouttln Bow1nanville 1 Dec. 4th, 1873. Bowmanvllle, Oct. 1st, 1869. ton, as Ehe returned froon the A Blacksmith's Shop Dressmaking, &c. bt:g HO! G:entlemen---ot · Fashion. NOT SO FAST. I have written these few linC'S And ull I b&ve to say, That you can fii1cl 1ue still at home I am not gone away; So all my kind old friends inay conH.~ ; ...-'\nd a.Uthe young onu13 too i\.nd g-et. their garments nie11ly mnd(· Tn fashione thn.tare new. Wher e old and young Utii...r friends may meet A wclcnme gr eeting by R , PEA.'fE. Bowm..-inville, June 10th 1873. ~O, A Large Stock of Cloths ancl J.'1·im-r;iings, nicid~ to ~;~er. F its Guaram· teed. Latest Styles in Hats, Shi1·ts, 'h es, J':e. Ladies' and Children'· Fine Make. 0-ents' Furnishings ! BOOTS and SHOES ! wishes to inf'lrn1 bi~ llllJllerotrs friends a11d cm.s tomers that be hai:i remnved to Miss BUCKLER'S OLD STAND CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN 'vhere he will be found witli the inost com etc aasortme~t vf CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT !'ROM. Harness, Whips, i I I The intelligent Y comanry of West Durham and South Onkn·io, are b ecoming fully aware thnt OSHAWA affords the Best Mtu:k_et; her ManuTrunks, &c, factories supply the Bed Implements ; and her euterpnsmg Merchants in town. Ple'1.Bc call. Buckler's old at·ncl s'el1 tne rnodt Stylish Goods,tit p RICE S rgulated by a healthy competition one door enat of Iviaynnrd's Hotel. r d Bowmanville,Sep. l st .. 1870. ! Osbnva,W<".st, King St Sept, 23r . 1874. ··

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