· IHE MERCHAC\ I WEST DURHAM Cuculate~ la;rgely in the Townslups of Darh~i:r lion ( l::\.1ke a.ud Ca1twr1 ht Jt 15 n. common pls..tfor1n open to th1::1 f1ee d1scnr;:::;1on. of a.11 ques Ui 1u whtvll th( general pnbhc art> concerned. 0 ANDI GENERAL ADVERTISER. I Stea.in Job l;lrintingO:ffi.ce KI.Na Srnm i, .Bow~1Al\HLL t IER:'ilS fie Hnti L'" cnts I<r ~111 m nd vance The Merchant' and 'Obser· 1cr $2 00 fl. \.TES Ql ADV l!.RTISING AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME YI BOW:MANVILLE, ONTARIO FRIDAY APRIL r! 1875 /{UMBER XXVIII all world cvnta1ne<l beside, an<l bent all the THE VOICE OF SPRING ener,) of lnsnotun toward; th1t h· 0 ecrct Iy longed lor~a return ol the love he felt I am coming, little mru<l1:u fol hts st~t~r ~ g 1V roe~" 01, all th ls his Reg to announce to the l!:'ector> of \Vest Du1h·m and simcundmg coc nl1y, that tleJ \\lll sell I W1th the pleasant sunslune laden mother of conr"ti l>..ncw nothing, nnd her then nnmens,,. I son hld no tbou 0 ht of acquainting her 'v1th With the houe:y for the bee 'With the blossom for the t1 e~ the ftct-fur some time, at leaot Iu her W1th the flowe1 aud '.\'J.th the l~:U 01" I come the. hom: ro bn~f pre~ence he was re$erved and svtnet1n1es, 1111 At a Discount of Ten per cent for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS pos1tnely 11eglectful of ~:Iabul, \\ho, strug T mu co1n1ug J Hn coro1ng ghng ha1J, managed to crush do"n ce1ta1n Tia1k the little bee 1:=! hummme teehngs 1n her own heait of \\h1ch she '\ilB See the la1k 1~ soaring h1.,b beartll} u&harned In the brtg11t and sunn~ sky 1000 prs 1lfissu Febn.l nnd Buff'Balm,m als ut 1 50 pc1 pat1 for GASH O. ""lLY'. . But such a state of tlnngs could uot go And the gnats aro Oll;1ihe w111 0 on for e\ er, and as the time for Ho\\ ard's 1000 /'ams Women's, Jllisse,s en1l G1iiltls JJell Boot< the ttlcole lo besolclfor OA~H ONLY T Jttle maiden now i~ s1 ung departure d1ew nen1, both were I\llly .alfve --o--St:e the ) ellow c \tk11n.1 <.:U\ m to the truth of the matter and Mabel tried J.\ll the 1:1l1:111der \\ illo" Ei ove1 in every "ay to pre\ ent HO\\arU from o,ill eUl)~Ud secute jOUl W1nte1 Snppl~ v. h1 le the 1 nd1 is gorng on at And on nwssy banks so green speak1ng-detern11nc<l 1 in tlus waJi to atone Stai hkc l nrorosef.I a.1"' ~een to ~frs Clllrk for hc1 lolly She kne" I ve1y little stiean1 J;; bu<:>ht full 1rnll how btltorly tlcat lad1 would .t.\ll the O'l'chn..rrl tlees a.re v.}ntc &; spurn her from the proud ma.nl:!10n \\hose Bowman\ tlle Dec 10th l§Z! __ - - - - - - .fiarl\. the httle lambs are blcatiu~ owners had nevr:r through all time, forgot And the ca.,-.,.-i.ng rooks a1u inetl n0 ten the pndG of btrth and poi::1l1ou And 1f In the eln1s a uo1:zy cro\\ d Mabel lost t/1" home, wbero could she fmd .A.nd the birds arc s1ng1n.g lon<l , another? She knew that a J ear must elapse .And tlH:i first \i,;lute buttertty ere HoY.:arJ would return fron1 Lurope, and In the sun goes flittn1g Ly oh 1 ho\'i earnestly ahe prayed that he n11ght l'u.en th) eyes to e trth a.n<l hea\ on in that tune forget her as she v.:ould try to (red for thee the s111ug ha~ f{l\ en forget ht n She woulU keep out of h1s Tought the buds their melodies si~lit, shes uct to her elf, and so prevent the Clothed the ea1tb 1 and cleaied the ::fk1ci:i For th} pleai3u1 u ot thy food utterance of \\ ords ~ bicb were tte1ubllng Pour thy soul m gratitude upon his 11p·,and to speak which, he only waited opnortumty And oltet he ha l sailed, then-God helprng ho1-the new, strunge emot ons wbrnh ga'e her hea1t n11ngled JOY and grief "ould pe1haps die REST AT LAST fore' er, and she would be Lo Ellie all and niorn than e'er before, as fnr as fntthfuln~eo A STORY or REA.L r 1[ fl: anc1 love were concerned Ihus she reu soned, an d Err ie l\Oll de1ed, 'ya t ch ing Jier llY Mlt5. III D BIUiS E go«rness each day, why it was that the ---~()---Ho" ard Olark came home from college clear gray e) es "htch wmall) sparkled with a hn11dson1e specnnen of young n1anhood, lo\ e and gluda.e~s, uow appeared heavy o.ud a.nU v.us lnhodllt.etl to his httle eu~ters gov seemed to he lull of teurs whene\or they erness b) his state]j motLe1, \\ho had se t'i\ o were alone ~lean while, How-a.rel was cretly IorewarneU bun tl1at she \\OUld ha\:e resolved, corne v.hat nnght, th;:i,t he would 'no student ihrtutions, iemember ].{1::;s not leave hotur until he had exacted from Grey is my claui.;hter s governeso, Howard, Mabel the promise that she \\onld wait for she ea1d, very impressively, 'and I um him,. and lo" e no otbe1 sa\ e L.unself alone ---oo--sure my sou "111 not forget himself Aud He knew' ery 11 ell \hat if she could be m he who, truth to tell, hacl not dreamed Of Juced to tMke tl'°t pronuse, ti "ould be auch n thing, u:,1.nncdiately conteinpla.ted lll rehgiouely kept bv the conl:.\c1entious little secret, the wb1lc prom1s1ng to obey lus \\Omen, e\en tho she waited years 1notber o lllJ unction, that 'fie "ould lose So witching lns chance and rendered llJl time m gettrng up a little fun that way ·till moie tleopernle by Mabel s studied if the governess \\er~ so inchned a\01dance of huu, t.lH; )Oung n1an follov;ed l\ftlJel Grey, the tunidhttleorphau who' one hr1ght n1orn1ng, when be ,:iaw the go\ lfavmg decided Lo make a change m theu busrness 1it 11ow sellrng fo1 by 'irtue of he1 refined n1anuers and ::iound erness leave the house for the usua.1 walk CASH then l a1 ge and well assoutcd Stock of D1 y Goods ~£1llme1y educut10n, (the only legacy her talented with J:tftc lt "as not long before 4_c h~d father had left his daughter;, had been in overt§kcn her, and ho-w beauti!nl she \\as Cloth mg, Crnckei y mcl Classwaie stalled as governess m Mr, Clarks fanuly, with her fooe Hushed aud glowing from the ncknowle<lged the llltroduction "'1th a ftosty :bebnutr\ a1r 1 She l1ad managed so modest little bow that seemed to saJ, 'I succcsslutlJ to elude him during theoe appreciate perfectly tlus ho iar, and undet weeks since her rfmlutiop. that his sudtleu stand the immeasurable distance between appearunco no\\ startled her greatly How Thee Stock havrng b~en purcl;asecl 111 the BE8T MARKETS ln1ye1s cau ua Then she dropped her graJ eyes upon ard cootlJ sent Effie back to the house to her plate1 nnd finished her 111eal iu s1l~nce, hunt up h1ii glo\ es, w Jnch he well kne\\ d~pcnd on ~ettrng Howard hail not cxpecteJ to find the gov· were at th ct moment htlden 1u hl8 pocket, ~rness so :youngunllf3\\'eet looking a person and charged her not t) con1e back "1thout .MORE .A 1\ D Bb'l"J.'EB GOODo !/OR 'lHEIR MONEY ancl was n101e than clemded 111 h1::1 rn111d tLat them under pain of 10s1ng Ins good night indulgcng rn lua fa' onte pa.stune 11 oulcl <lo km. And when the child, much to Mabel s no harm He had net er found lt at all d1f d1splcasnre, ho.d quite d1sappeared, the ficult to start a llj fl1rt1t11n, now and then, young innn, ne' e1 more serious in Ins llfe, Galt Em ly, and secure Bai·gains, a~ tlte whole Stock must ue sold durmg h1' college hfo, anc\ as 1t always ~poke the words \\h1cb, despite all Mabel· happens that' Inshtutes for Young Lathes resolut10ns, made her heart thum1 and at once, }JI' CASH ONLY are pl!lntcd 1n 1.Jo~e v1ox1m1t) to colleges, bound bc.,011d her control rrhc) \'ieio it ts not 'trnn,;e th 1t usu ally ways ·nd alone hey om\ the la\\ n, md on l v the gr rnd means.arc i:11scovered b' \\hlch the studenti:i old trees nluch "a\e<lthe1rleaflesslntnches on both sides manage to enJOY themselves mournfully m the wind, could ltstcn to the after the usual lasb10n But, though Ho~. p rns10uate declaration which Howard coulcl ard Clark was 1eatly tu begm the game,Ma· or "ould no longer restrain He forgot bis is now coµ1plctc "1th the cho1ernt s1tpply ot be! Grey s reserve" as so d1Jforent fro1q tho mother and all tlnnga else,save that he I°' ed manners of the 'Institute guls, that the Mabel Grey as he could ue\er lo\C a.gain, 1 young ge1 tlernan was decidedly puzzled an l to make he1 promise all Ile wanted and taken aback But as davs passed, he :\}ti.S hrs hnn dete:rn11no.t1on So lips and managed to JOlll her in after~dinner '\:nlks <:-) C::; v,; ere eloquent alike, and poor ?\label with little Elhe, and though at first h10 hearcl,nor found "ord. w1tll '~htch to make prE:sence anno:ved the go'iernesa, yet ,After bnn re~1st No one guessed the angu1sl1 a \\:h1le he made lumaelf wclcomel g.¥ 1n her heait as at last she found courage to BowmamiJle,:Dec 24th 1874 onl) he, with b1s impulsn e nature .and reply \\lnnmg maunH could, and grndually Ma 'I dare not den) that I love you How bel s reserve wo1P. off and she grc\v more ard Clark,' she faltered, 'but we can never fnendly m her convereat10n \Hlb J !ties be other than the truest ol lncnd· to each brother Howard knew that lf llws \HlS a other v· ..re have both done '\il"TOng,-wait ' flirtation it wa.<:1 unhke an~ tlnng oI the one momenL Ho\vard, as her companion be kind he hud c\ er ex.Perienced, but s01nehov.; gan an angrj protest 'It was wrong for he eDJOJed tne growing acquaintaucc 1nore me to let you \!ialk with n1e I knew, you truly than he cared to acknov.ledJe, even lo kne\\' that your mother \l~ould be very an himself, and a< for Mabel, she learned ere gry had she dreamed of our rnttmoc) long to \' atch for bis co1uiag w.1th emot1ona rhere is a great distance between UB lU qn1te new to her station-thouJh not in Uuth, ~he ndded, r10 say the governeQs \\as uot cor,...,oio:..ts a ltttle proudly 'You were wrong tu .seek of ull this, would not be true She knew 1uy societi;, a11U.-oh, Ho~nrd' cannot you - --- - - hfrs Clark \\as una.\\aII! ot the secretn~eet· see thnt 1 am an orphan, without Inendei, - ----- -· 1ngs a11d walks betVieen h~r son and her· without rclatl\ese\en, save-tho::;e who are self Bnt Effie was ahvu)s w1Lh the111,and so distant as to be aln1o::!t strangers 1 Your after all, \\bat hara1 \\as the1e lD an inno mother.JS. kind-ala~! because she knows cent walk I Mabel was only seve11teen nothmg of this 1-and 1f I lose this home 1earsold,ne1ther o\:erl\u1e,as "OmQ heroines -'Oh 1 )OU nn1st iorget me ~o doubt are supposed to be, nor yet '[l)tte reckless of yon will fast enough, her heart ga.e a is now i i"u1g u.t what might be thought of her She \\as t11mbe of pain, even as she spoke-' but T s1n1ply a na.tural charactet, Wbe enough to will be a fnend to you, all my hfe, 1n eDJOY JliSt a little the pleasure tlus wIOng thought anc\ praier 'i ou liehe>C me Ho" do1ng gave her Ilowc,er, there \Vas no ard 2 great lo\e in the c<U1e as yet !\:labels heart i\nd I10\\arJ, fiush1n=i ci:1msou, a11::iweret.l Wll;; not so castlJ reached, and flowar t haLl hcrccly -'No I do not hche\e that a gone throu~h too many ot these kmd ol gul 11bo will sec a follo\\ go to the bud, us tlnngs to lo:.e lnfl rienses quite so soon aud ou kuow T \'ill, uulesi;; you 0 1\ c me the if, ns he lw.d intended, ho had gone nliroacl promise 1 as:k, can e\ ei Le a fuen<l \\ ortb before entering upon business, it 18 proba the name sbf \\Onld bcnr" ble that the young people would ha vo iQt !\-lu \.n:l \\as very ) oung and vtry llu1nan gotten each other antl no hanu done slic had hone;;tly tried to do right, 1e olutc.. Un[ortunately, though, he "as taken Iv ciu bing down her own soirow because sick, and Mrs Clark worned bersell mto ' she not bmd llo.,arJ to her by the fc\ er ot alarm lest hi!r boy should be taken pro1ui~e lJe des1rc:d , but non wounded ,cud he 1s c1eLerrnmed lo contmue to sell ct thc:;e i u11cou"l.Y low puces frorn her as suJd~nly as h1a father lind Leen, an<l v.: eaij 1 she Uurst into tear~ '.lnd 1nstant chcapc1 th,tu the cheapest Why he c,m do 1tfi\:c year~ptcvious So she doctored and l; Jioward ha:l her in his nrins, \0\\1ug by Fnst, he lmys for cash aud know~ just how to buy ' petted h1n1, and kept Lull close)) at home all th1DJS ln ing, 1;1ot to release her until Second wh,tt he cant Luy cheap enough, he manufactmcs .A.fter two \\eeks of se\ere 1llucss the young sbe pronnsed to wait fo1 hun-evcn though 'lhird, ho is sat1s!ied \\1th s1p,i]l profits' fellow was uble to go about the house, aud 1t m1ght be )c1us Be would love no oue Four th he sells tor cash , returned to his fo.rruer pastlrue with a new save 11e1 Ins blue C) cd MaLol 1 tutl the Fifth, he solls at 1:,iottom })nces pleasure 10 lns hkiut{ lur Mabel all the time would eu1el) come wl1en the) nubht -oatronger because he ha<l not t:>een her for two le happ} without fear of rtproach fiou1 wear; \\eeks He wa)l:u.d the youu~ girl ins mother And Mabel \Ieldecl at 111.'lt, aa AND whenE:ver it \V0.8 possible to do so, betwten how could eshe 11e1 p but ) wld, ~1tli hie BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. her room tud the sehoohoo1n, au.d had nl enger, dru:k eye., looking into here, auJ hU! E.xan11ne the stook, wh1oh comvr1sea everything lll the trade uf the , er:> latest aud 111ost eJeg au "aJ s a glad smile and a k nd worcl for her, warm kisses fall,ing upon her lips, brow, stj les a.nd patterus of English, Canadian, and A.n1eur.::an nu'1lufactn1e win'· \he b]u,h that 11nanably \!Qged bcr and even upon the soft bro'rn hair be had -olit! still cunt1nue11 to manufacture to order, from the best uf i uit~n d and uonc but fir~t cla::;s eheeil;, made her all the n1ore beantlful ID so otten a~umed She prom10etl to belong "orl.:men 1 ept b1s opu.non I to lun1 1n thotight, ·wotd, and deed, nnd al -u 'I here catne a t1me at l 1st ~ beo in the I 80 pr Jln1sed t 11at it shotfJi be secict fro1n all Promptly Good beurLti of both !l.On1ething nwre than 1nere unt 1 such tune ns he cou!n allo\\ it to be He ht in F..t ck ill eudle::fi:; va11et:"'I <. f "L t1.hes and Gents K.ntt atoci-a I unks \ o.lises &1; , i'l,ll ,f hi 1ng lor ca1.;h otl1t"r \ is felt Ho\\ uU kno\ n So tltt:j parted nnd E.fiw, after ¥.lnch he 1~ ~wlbng cbe<11 for ca h --ohad h uucd to care inorc for the ~weet I her tru1tle s search for the glove::i., -returned Remember the Stand "llIG BOOT drawn by Two Horses, King St \Ol cl her \hoauuge,exj cvcnugto hist f1nrl :U.ltlel v.1th tca.1str11necl e'es and httlc ,, i:, e1 as the chi 11 tire l \\itl1 hel d l} s I el l1rotbe1 ,- ilkinJ l' tp1rl I' 111 nnotlw1 les ons u.nd pla v, "onl<l. creep iuto 1fu\Jel s chr:.ctton llowmannlle1 Ma;5 13 18i4 I 45 per annu1n 1 25 J5 " l utllf!JeJ t :'L(h CJ tisorncnts 5 cts per hnc fi1st in "crt10n, an:l lc l er 11110 each i;ubseQ'L\ent OD h )11nnn II lt <lo Quarter do POSTERS PA~fPHLETR CIRCULARS BILL HhAD<I CHEQUFR NO l'ES HA='IDBILLS L),.1>1£LS, CARDS TICKETS, &c ,(;,, &, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE POETRv. ----1~;-aud beg for a song,-tna-:- for _ ANDERSON & CJo. BOOTS & 1 t~ '~a, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' l ruuic, w1ll l~a\e Bown1anvillc Station, P ~\'iinanvtlle tnne ns follo"s L l N'ti WEST. GO!~ G .I:: \ST ~TOOK SI--IOES, I f uo.::a.l F .. xprcss M1)i.e(l 7 J{) atn 11 xprei:.s Ex1ness ~llns tra10 run~ 9 "J.7 a nt l\fix~d 2 :SO p 1u I J ocal 9 oo p n1 I ~ :-;.p1ess 8 :.io u u1 1 OG 1) m 7 vO p 1n cvcrv n1on1111 0 9 oo pm of 'veek, iiL¥~~iisio'i~~35~~~'sciui~~it n~~~~ Mondays excepted '1 he following ttaitlh now stop at Sa:xon~ tvl asseng1.:n.1 7 30a lU Local going \vest, Jue at 3 40p Ill 1fLxed r.01ng ensti due at 2 55p JU ~f1xe l go111g \\est dtte at 7 45 pm Local g J1ng cul'.lt, lne ~t Montreal time ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot Shoe Em.porium.. J. CHAPLIN, Dt:..U.ER IN 1 !! O '1 d- 01 na1 wnt(l_l '11 ee1:1 Seed.:; Bv.(fJs 1'lowe1s :\-l1 t~C, &c guarantees to fuunah notlnng but 1 ust class trecti, and tn1e to :rm.me \.ddrcss, l"> 0 llo:x )5 Bo,vn10.n' 1llti 0 Tan 22nd 1875 bp lJ ml7 c4 To Masters of :C.. O. L I ANK CllRrlFIUAES, Apphoat10lls B &c &c can be procured a ttln.':I uffiee, at (lCl'ulru: rate;:i l LITERATURE. 'l3owmanville July 7th 1873 Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGEHY- ~-SILVER ~... Important Announcement ! S'l'. Night calls answered at Dr B:.iylt I:) old Sur v.e1y or at Dr l{e1d s re~1dcucc l I; tf l3:>wtn11tn1lle, Jan 14th, 187Y Prof. J. Ruse, of Baxte1 Gllllnendship New Yotk ~DUATE Un1~eis1ty of lt-f1unc MiVinery,Clothing, Qrockery & Glassware. Great .11.eduction, in Dry Goods I I Voice Singing lho1ough Bass ( onpos1t10n &c Da.rhn0 ton Ju1y 16th 1874 r'<achet of ri..'\D6 and, Organ cultn it10n ( Har111011y 41 ly :a. PlillATE, '!AILOR fllAJJIJl ]~ Hentlemen s' & Eoy's Garments THI:: M ·lJRDOUD BROS. 1' EWE ST STYLES J3o\\ man\ 1llt1 July 27 l S(i!l R R l.OSCOMBE, I lhJUS'll!;RA1 LAW, 1 .~OLTUTDR I~' [ ffANUJJRY, tf:c 0.Fl'lUt.:,- Over ::\fc0lung s Store ::.~tJlo A[l.t lt'3 J "\! Hr1macou1b ~ l>ental lto01n~ Ro\\-1r.a.unlle Oct 2dh, 18b8 ly AT AND BELOW COST! MARRIAGE HiSUJ:D l i LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LIOENSES. ~,fl\ JOHN II lV.l l)at11ngton luly anthorn;cd to Dail 1 gtcm N l!:Y)[O)[, l. it 7 Gtlt Cou (near B\!thcsda ( hurch) is Ja.:-ne 1\L[<i,,111a-,,e L1<.;eIIBea l q l87i rr8 tf vv. H. HOWl\'IAr\VILLl' "'T LL s 0 N, TH E UTI ---- GROCERY DEPARTMENT Genea.l Agent for ORGANS, MELODlA1YS a11d SEWTNG }IfAG IIlNES l'lANOS Raymond Sewmg Machine !i. ~PFCI Oliristrntu; Goods, Raisens, Ou rrants, yars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. In:struction ,,,1vB11 ancl Instru1Ucnts n.11d l\fa dnnes guaranteed Bo\\ rnanv1llc June 18 1874 MURDOCH BROS. L\UCTION EERS H T PHILLIPS, UA;.fPION 1?1 11 ptn.ttlnt1011 gl\iCU to aalefl, &c 1.11 1e11P1Qll 1ble tcrmq WJD.. Barton., ENNISKILLEN 1 I tl) attendtid to ou 1etaonable tcr.111i:j ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liic1pool London, cind Glasgow FOJ,,, 11ckcts 01 111f1 rmat1on 1pplj to \\ .1.\. NE ~D~ .Agait Bo" manv1llc, rune !Jth, 1871 tf 30 -- ------ BI(i Rl_JRH Fancy Goods,Berhn Wools,&c. Hrs. Ma.son., ' )3eg; tu 11 forn1 the public th .1.t ,;he has isl lo <.:en ed a. "'rkud1c.l new al!Bortment of J ancy C 1ouds J3eilm Wools etc \\lnch i:;he \\111 !:!ell it t ::; Jo,, i nce a~ the} can be bought fot elBe whe1 c S111zJlNU-di cai 'SHOR1197 JlrO'llCE IJct 8Lh l874 2 31nus -~ 1IAJ\1:PTO N 'fBELEVEN.S I) w. ]3t,,J 0 K·o 1eturn )l·.llt BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., tl anks to 111·."i fucnds f JC the s lp I e ha:o recened the pa.st t"'o ~ears and h I e~ bJ con.tut 1ed stuct per;:oioual attention to bu~u:i0ss, and wo1klll;: at the most ieasouable prt ces tu ensu1 e b cont1nuanee of public patron <to~ 'v n JS pre]Jated to build hou ~ es etc on t he mo1't modern stylt: of U<~ch1tecture Job lJlng pr JmptJy attended to rlans a.J;Jd ~peC'lti cmttol'l.il got up on application on the.:inust Iea.sons.blu tcim~ un l of evc1Ji descnption Offic1.1 ;.i,u 1 Hlw1 01tL ~uo "°"IJ l Bo ~den's Io ""'""ll St et:'t JlljaJ I) oppol'nle -:\ft Ute 24\1 1871 13 Jy OALL AND SEB POB YOUBSBLVBSt New T~ilor Shop, JOHN HEAL, L AJEWI1Hl >: ,O"Ll L·g,tom fonn the pnbhc g(;!ne1alh, that he has coin 1ncnc~cl bmnnc s ill the Shop next to tho Ex pte&:":! Offi cti oue door tiaflt of T M1lnr. !'I l[av1ng h.<1.l sc\cral yon.rs experience 1n tlie tuvl1:1 hlj b o pd~ to satJ rs all \\ho rn:i.y fnvor Orders Executed, and Fits Guaranteed l uu \\ ith a ealJ G?,2~,!~1~~,?~~!~N~:~D l M. TRELEVEN. Uo'!cy teasmg )ou, MJSs-[:;sell orph·n, and tins her cxaggented 1Jea of American agilely lJc !tfabel ? 1nquncc1 the child, half grieved onlv homi:, how conhl I 11 sJ... her being JUn1ped n little too far, and ovcn:;hot the be,uau;e she thought h£t p·etty go>erness I turned out from nll ils comforts 1 .Mother, mu1k, cormng do·n on the other ,1de like o wnH \\orried I do not n1.ean to ~ound )OU but )OU dner, with }11$ h u1JB ond TIOf:le 111 lht mud ~No, Effie, was the nn1tng reply, 'but have been uiore thau tHJlllSt auU cruel his feet canJht u1 the sa<l.dle iind l11::i voat I tlnnk I nm tued, and net hke a bah) The) oung man paced the room rapldlv as skirtH clcverlJ rolled over his head to screen don t JOU tlunk -=o 1 he spoke, nnd }us tnother -.:a\\ tears lll tne him ftorr1 whnt he supposed was n lu.uglnng Time passed a httle \\CU.rily -with 11.f"'"'l j proud blu,e e'es of h~r ~on, aud wonLl!:!ied crowd Yet not a soul sn11leU, not a ~oun<l. _ l) "I../'J after How ird s depj\rture , the more 50 be- "hco she had seen tbein there before Wlf:l hen.id f3n' e n. te11eJcr r..runt of sy1npatby cause ahe TI as denied the satisfaction enioy 'I w1ll go away, began Howatd once and dcn1111e Offi.!rS of md Now a 1urk 111 cU hv tbo.:c who are sepa1ated from thcu I inure 'I will 6eau h for n1y <l-arhn 6 d ty An1enca, \\ ith badg) l.Jreeches a11<l tu1baned lo'tcrs generally-that of sending and re and night, and Vi hen I find her, 1f ~he will head, tak1n6 a leap O\~r u. mule in the cen1ng letters 'h-Irs Clarl... received them she shall bear JOll"' sons narne, and, if \\e st1eet<:s of an. .Ar11"r1cau cltyt and gi;:ttn g frequently, hut 1f et er there came a message '1n'lrnt, \\ e can \\ ork for a living together stuck ups1dt! down, \\1th Ins proboscis in a for the, onng governess, e\ tin though 1t was I Mrs Clark 8 prid(.I gave ,, av, and she rut and h1s heels in the saddle, would bu only 11 good natured remembtance, Mabel \\ept for the first tnne Rath~r than lose ea.luted \\1th so1netb1nJ n1ore thar a. grunt never hearcl of 1t, so patiently \\oil,ed und her boy, she \\ould open her arwa, if not ofeyn~nthv and demure olfors of ·11! We 'ooked for"ard to the tune\\ hen H.owa.rd her h~art, to the mlssing gul, and s::t nuike Jiave mo1t1 humor than d1gn1t} , tbc 1 urks would return agau1 She \\as learning, HoY.:ard happy agi.un All this .::.he prom· more d1gn1ty than lnunor There nevc1 1 poor child, for ho v manv tbmgs · beurt "ed hmi, aud be grew calm nud hopeful WM an Amencan who would not socnficc can )earn and keep silent withal 1 It 19 almost 'old, this httle storJ of aor· his courtesy and sympathy to bis fon He And so da)S and \\eeks pussed, and there f row Dajs and nlghta pa!:;sed, and llo\\ard 1n 1St have it, howe\er, well i:easoried, ,and came a time y,bcn ~:label staggered blniclJy JI (,}irk searched trnitlessly for hti; lost lave done tn a hurt.), ant.l 1t~ p1evaihng charac to her rooni ancl fell iainting to the floor But when he haJ began to despair at lust, he ter1shc 1nnst be exa~l~en1t1on You su\v AnJ why I Mrs Clark, m re folding a let I happened to stumble upon an old woman th1· 1llustnted ev·n 111 the mordrnate hopes ter ot Howard 13 which she had bet:n reading, in one of the poorest streets the citJ con of so caltn and sedate a statesman as l\1r smiled w1th more of nnrth 1u her smile than tru.ne<l,and puttuig his usual question, 'Did, Seward, as to the clo~1ng up o[ our late cn ii her usually cold face was " ont to exyiess ~ ou e\:er knoY.: of a young v.:on1an named y;ar in s1x.ty da:} s I hat was the huge JOl1.c In answer to .rtiabcl s look of 1aquiry _, ~1y Miss !i,;fnl.iel Ore}, v.ho was in destitute of our time There \\:\Sa cou:rt in General bov is engaged to be rna.rnerl, hftsl:.\ Grey circumstances, and had wandered from Grants army wh1ch .sentenced a u1an to Is he not a s' y tellocv to l,eep 1t seeiet so friend' 1 She replced, with her old, hou 11 ork teu) ears on Geueral Butlers Dutch long 1 Hovi Pt er, I l. . now the ladj, and nm est face seriol.s with S) n1pathy, ' Snre, sir Gap 011nal , and it\\ as gen~1ally e,1a, tt not well pleased " 1th hlS dwcce o, the behke )er av her, who would let the cratnr behe"od, 111 the army that !!aimer, who stuJents 1 "bat boys \hey are tor falhn!( m starru\, and she ma strange place 1 Sure, wade the patente l hmb', hud pm cha.eel love, to be sme · I hope l e:ll be afther findrng ),er, sa 1 Be 2000 acres of Weotern laud, und p'anled \ViLh her last words the lady left the like yer her brother · them with locust and maple, with a '1ew 1 rooln, and 1':[abeJ 1 \\: hite ant:) faint, reached l-Iowatd groaned and tarned awaJ , bnt to econom1ie in the future in 11s u1anulac her own roon1, she knew not bov;, and then God read the grief in hIB heait, and blessed ture of arms and leg5> -The Hun S S Co~ fainted When consciousness retnrned the the tears which fiowed silentl) in the dark in, Ho.rpe1 t J.11ar;a"ine fo Apnl poo1 &ul n1oaned u1 agony He hud for· ncss It was a bitterly cold night in reb - - - - -- -Reasons for Drmkmg gott~u hPr then, deep1te his protestnt1ons rua.ry, v.:hen the streets were white v;itb not' }ear ago' She could havognen him ltost audsleet Alone anud the clar'·ness, 11. 0 Id Sant IJo shute 1 l oug 2u1ce gone acros5 up then, oh so eMth, for all the love her and blown by the cruel winds, ,valke I, or t I1c aa1k valley, \\a.:1 ~worth) mau 111 ·JllS heart held for h1n1-compareJ. to now- staggered, a woman 1 oung m year,, bitt WR), nncl genial w1tha1 b nt bu1n ' ])0 \\Ott \d atter ull tbest: n1onths uf n.a1llng, and oh 1 whoe:e face \\fl.I:\ so drawn with i::ti"--r111b· ii.... "' ud occa.:1oually get ver~ diu11 k Oue d ay b 1s d1d he reahie all be \\ 11s causing her to euf cold that it sho 1ld have belonged to a mucl1 employer took h1n1 1o task, ind read hun :::i. (t!I 1-was Jt jJOtis1Lle that he coulcl for 0 ffet ol·'er l ectnre, at the close ot which ]1e as ltc d]nm u person Tb·1e " wer· .... lcv'-ls ou slr>Omcug """ so soon 1 trom h 1ppy bonies, and sounds of music and if he dtdn t think he could do \Jetter for Mis Clink "onde<efl much at }labels nmth stealrng out thwugh closed mndows the Ju\nre sudden Jlld1t:!po~1t1on but dlCl not f,Uess the and druwn ctlrtiuns , but these only mock 'Dono, mas 1, e ud the darkej, RC1.'.tld1 truth until little J;'ffie, rummngrng with erl the lonely wanderer, and the team "mch mg h1B head childish curwsity, dnrrng Mabel s tempor· streamed from ber eyes froze quick!~ on 'llit what do you \lnnk I nrj ubsen< e froiu her rooni, the bJreau the wlnte, wan cbee'ks i \Yell, n1as r, ls afe:u d I ttnk not dra"ers ¥ibicb happened for that a~y to lJe 1 San1 bo, what do j on n1enn 1 Do j oLL No ho1nc, no fntn<.ls, no re::iting 1lnce l unlocked, found and carr1erl. ' to ruau1ma' a IL ts \Jetter lo ihe she moaned feebly and mt:Eln that 'ou "ill 11ot trJ 1 small likeness of he1 hrother Theu tho as a strange faintuess can1e upon her, the ' Twoudn t be of no use, n1as r l a1;t is, fiilh6nant n1other called :Z...fnbel, and show young woman sauk down beneath the Jl1ck ltuu1 it:! 111) nat ral twas born iu 1ne 1ng her the hkenes._, 1n harsh and cruel enng l1ght uf a btreet lrunp and closed her drink ·Yer see afore I was born, 1113 Ja temper d1snn~scd the young govetneas from eyes ther and mother were boff bought on de: her hou<e She would listen to 110 explana Aud here, only a Ie\\ 11101llcuLs afLe1, wa.sL of Africa, aud paid for- in inm hone 'It vfas f!Uougb_, she satd, 'to ha'e l!o\\ ord Clark found her "hom be sought Tlus 1s about equo.l to the excuse ot tlH <lisco\Cred her impudence rn darrng to con· O, swccf, sad face I he anµ;elti, n1ore p1u old fellow in a Ne\\ Ifan1pi:1b11e brn loon1 ceal a likeness of her 801 , as though she hnd ful than inan, ho.Ll s1nouthecl a\\ ay all traces It \\as ll oclock in the forenoon, a1 d u a right to ]o\e the ougmul Do you sup· of care and sorrow, o.nJ though it was white numbei of th1rsty ones l1ad enteied the pose he \\Ould stoop to test 0 w niore than a as the snow that clung to the lamp·pos1 tn,ern fo1 their be,erage, and they lll of 1 passmg thougnt upon one 60 tar beneath and still as silence itself, yet a tender smile lered an excu~e for their u1dulg1r.g On e him m station! she mqmred, anguly, and rested on the hps and an rneffable peace said he had a pa1n Ill his 1nde , anutbe1 ha<l !1Iabe1, "bo could not explaui, even had shone there which m life had been long un· a touch of the cbohc another had a severe she been alloweJ to clo oo, , 1leutly left the kUO\\ D colcl, and so on li.t length a icd faced old house w1th her month 8 salary, antl on1) a vain for Ho\\ nrd in his agony to clusp Trogan stumped up to the bm, haHng tis ~lender wardrobe for the bitterly cold sea~ the slend~r fvrm close]) in b1a arms or k1a~ teued to the excu cs ot the others and said son Aud Effie c11ed herself Lo aleep ti cat the sn1a1l hands that or.cc had nc~tled in he night l eciltke hei deat go' crness was gone his own so lovrngly The gra) eyes would 1 Sa~, ole hoss gne us a gla:..I:.\ oi old Ja a\\ay st1ff 1\Iy ol i "omau s g:oin to ha\.1.: never inore unclose, and the hps \\hi ch, till ma1cn 1 Then followed daJBund \\eeks of distress death had sealed them, formed prayers for eodfisb for dmner, tnd ·alt codfish ullers anc\ mental angmsh for our poor Mabel m Ho,\ard Clark, cottli.l never again speak his makes me dry ' - N 1 Ledge> tbi.! crowded city to w1uch sLe ca.we at ouce ua1nc 'I he l\lne:tenng curls about }us fore after h r sndc\en chsonsoal trom ~irs Clark's head were thre"ded "1th gray 11 hen nt last The Hypocritical Smile beautdul horne 011 the banks of the Hudson Ilowarcl returned to h1~ inothe1 ' I have Beware of thi; man or woinan w1th a J1x I-low <-be shrank fron1 the nofoe a.nd dire sinned, tnother,' he rnoaued 'and iuust feel cd sn11 le rrust the 1nost hideous scowle1 confusion bv "Inch ·he was surrounded m my punrnhmcnt for lonti year/:\ to come hut belore t11e being who goe;:;, about witli an her miserable attic room, the rent of wbtch Mabel, mJ Mabel, 1s at 1est for eve> angelic gnn caiefull) exhibited to all eies, was week lj leasen1ne: her sn1all meanB I Nenr ~irs Clarks statelv borne, a Ulltl:l under any and everv circu1n~ta11ce It ls And December "as close at band She had white shaft warks the spot" here Mabel JS not natural to snnle perpetu t1ly, aud no found no work to do Her ad\ ertJsements sleeprng, and the liudson flow· silently be one ever assu1nes a mask without ever being for the position of governess hnd remained !on:, surging softly o.ll the ti me a tender re consc1ous of a neces.<;1t3 101 coucealment unnoticed, and at last she found herself re qu1em for the dear one "hose life \\as so Don t mLSundr.rstnncl ns Thore arc dnced to absolute d1·Lreas anti actual stan a blighted, ond for whom Ho11ard 1s mourn young women, nnd a fe\\ old men who t1on Weury and stck-her heart sore anJ ing e'en yet break out 1nto snuled "l..ieueve1 they speak almost broken with the sudden blow it hacl These are not the people "e mean I he reccn ed- sttll eendrng out to him she loHd, smile of which \Ve \\ arn you i::i a motionless Humoro11s Objects loving, ca1nest prayers for bi~ happ1uess, bypocrihca.l, fixed expre~s1on 'vluch \!il even thongh he hacl deslrOJ ed her'·-what No~ only 1· the suscept1b1hty to humor have seen wo1n during n silent three hours wonder tbat, w1tb no ray of hght ahead, different among d1fferen1. nationei, Uut the Journey bJ rail, without the slcghtesL altern and too hopeless even to 1emember the ~uwo10us objects differ by reason of differ hon-that sort 0f aro1le 'vhich. n1uch nus 1 ether l1n1ng btlong1ng to, purhap;i., those ent CtlStOru~ and habits rhere Iii nothing guided lady art1,ts present upon theu can same clouJs which were now ebrond1ng her very laughable to ue m the manuet in wh1cll vas when they dehneat" ma1t) rs, s,unts and 111 daikness, 'he prayed !01 death and rest we at our hotels a.nd railroad depots, gobble angels The 'portrait ot "Jud)' has a def eternal c down ou1 .tood, but even an Arab 01 a Chi ferent smile-tho fnsh1on plate simperHoward 1eturned fr0m h1s year of sight- nese would laugh at the operation 11 we did " h1ch, thollgh eeun idiotic rn not danger seeing, ullU hu~ fust words, after greeting not Yet it lo 111dicrona to tv~ to see an ous his mother, were Jor Mabel l:lu1 priaed be- Amb Judy pie\, out the choice t1Jb1ts with Persons of no penetrat1011 allucle to the y and measure, Mes Clark replied strffly which Jou bad loa<lecl yom plate, or wll a chronic snules as ' so sweet , and anv one '~f1ss Gray no longer ll\ed \\-1th he1, and little bull ol hash JD her damty fingers mid capalile of holdmg the muscles of the face in tact she "as qinl" unable to place the by "a, of especially honormg you, plug under control is generally able to squeal gul s p1tsent v. hereabout~, adding 'But .} our rnouth with it unexpectedly , 01 to see sweetlv, to roo~e qu1etlv, and to UtiC choice why ebould you care l\ bt!re she is 8urely, · Chmcse 1'tth his chop,twks load h1msell langQage and mea .. ured tones in moment~ Hov.:ard, 1ny daughters gove;iness cannot up w1th boiled rice, unU rain it down ns we of tlie greatest exc1 te1nent, ;:ind so can al ha\ e interested 'on, son, very part1Cu "onld wad 111 a gun' It is said that the ways place n better inan or worn1111 at a larly 1 laJ1e· under the domrnton of the Grand great d1sadvant11ge, and appear inJured :tnll Anl '\.\h1tc \\tth anger and grief eo1nb1u Lama, when good looking, dis.figure their 1anocent when 1ctuo.Uy most glultj td, th" J o!lng u1an replied faces to preserve tbetn from 'an1ty I ha\e '?t!othc1, she di J inteiest 1ne so l\lucb nevei seen t11at recordccl of oui ladie:ts- llea The Bearer of Burdens that all the lo\e rny heart 18 capable of has ven forlnd The idea, however, 1s as Judi gone out to her, antl I will n1art\i no one crous a~ the rartar custoru of pulhng a 'I here \\ere tlaeemcn wa11nnJ UTJ a sleep '"'e ~hbcl Grey, cl M"bel UtCJ accept man by the ear wheu they \\ant him to hill, eacu \Cl) tnetl 1nth a he ivy burden yo "r oon ' drmk, and ],eep pullmg ltll he opens hrn on hrn back 'lheu lheic stepped up to I lieu said birs Clark 'But tl1U yon not mouth, when the, pou1 <l.own the ltquor them a shoHg k1u<l man, "hq said to them, w11te inc that you we1e engaged to a hulv I know n man \\ ho;:ie cars <lo not icq iucs I 'Let nie take your ourclcns, I '"ill carry whon1 )OU inet 111 P1111s 'l You certa.1uly to Le pnlled' them fot you But the fir.st m1u 8a1d, 'I did, continued the 1nd1gnn."1t n1other, Ihc1e 1s notlung very laughable to .tu have no burden, for he had carr1cJ lnb bur 'and 1 rr.JJcated the nc\\ s to ~I1as Gre) ' American in the ~baking of hands, which 1o den so long that it seemed like h1::; clothes, 'I v.rote, inother that I was engaged every where p1act1ced in otu count1y , but or hke part of hrn bod), so that he did not but <lid not sav to \\ hon1, or 'vhere I iore1gnero do find in 1t inuch amttseinent feel it, and d1d not knO\V how rnuch hette1 me~ tl1e lady God forgive ine for my uu- Yet nothing \Vill be n1ore 11chculous tu us he ould \Valk v; ithout 1t So the 1Lil:'JL 1n LU fortunate bluutler 10 lt)1ng to break the than the saluta.t1on in G1Jnnany \.\here on(} \\ould not have hrn burden touched ne\\ s gcntlj to you r I rncnt1oned no name, rnily Bee two big, bnrlv·, hairy men 1ush to [lie second m n1 "tu1 \ery selfish a111.1. un and you drr,w "'rong conch.;,s1ons I have each other's einbrace and kbs with school k1ntl Limself, and la thought nlJ other peo been engaged In Mabel Grey ever ernce I girl ferV<n.y The people of Th1bet salute pie mnst be seltish am\ unkrnd, so ho said, lt1Jt hon1e 1 and but for the pride \\h1ch by lolhng onL the tongue aud scratching the You \\ant to play n1c so1ne tnck) I <lu uot iules every achon ~t1 l thought rf ) our ngl..it ear, n.nd the E~quunaux by rubbinJ baheve you "nut to carrJ n1y 1urt.li!:u , 1 life, my ,tately motbc1, )OU ehoulcl ha\e their nesco \\tLh their thumb and deecnbmg 1'tll not let yoit touch 1t kno\\ n the txuth ere I went away }3ut a conic section iu the air with the:ir hnget3 'I he third man '"as' er) bred 111llced, aull I cl1d nut J,lte to tell you , b1>t I honed, oh ' -a custom pnct1cccl Ly mischievous urch was sayrng to buusell, 'Oh, "ho eau help I me 1 Jor I feel that I con not ca1n llns Ler ho\\ 'ruly I hoped, that durrng my abocnce rns rn our land, but not exactly us a aaluta 1 nble weight un~ lullhei and \\hen he felt }OU "oulcl Jearn eo deatl> to lo;e my poor tory grace It ts now happily honoied 1ll the stranger touch him on the shoulder,aml Mabel as to place no obstacle rn 1he way tho breach Iu Turkey au American, tr"' offer to take his bmdcn, he said at once, It 'hen at last I could muoter enough cou elrng ,1tth bis unveiled "tle, even \\ithout is very krnd oi you' law very tharik!ul · ole.se take 1t, !or I Si;e you ca11 bear 11, and rage to confess all to you ' t b e append ages, so usua1 h ere, of six sma.11 l can not. Th~n Ho\\ ard told hi.g inother of his duldren and seven large trunk and band r:i: he strong n1an ~ Jesus The burden is last meetrng w 1th \fabel, nnd that 1t "as hoxes, 1s to \hem m a lnnnJ predicament srn only after he h·d exhausted he1 young Ou the other hand, 11bat would be funnv 1f we do not feel ot r sin, Je<us cannot 0 1 :;;trength w1th ln:i 1cl'euted n1g1ng th \t ol1e '-'1th us, a1nong the Ttuk::; h qlnt~ the r~ be1~ ~; [ ~~ ~ ~ "'t Hl han be cnn not finally ,1t>lded to 1115 \\lshes lln l pronn!:ied leroe An .A.mencl\n gne~ ns nu 1nsr UH.~ heai 1 a11 hr 1leR1rc<l ' It '"a.a o 1ly tor 71tt de :i.r in h1a experien e n1 Syria J:Ie wa~ ul>uut .Bnt li "e u e 111 ( d ol utn &11 -::. u1<l bust s~tke he Qa1cl 'th it 1 de.: ic t secrEr.:.\ I to mount lns mule an11dst ;.i. i.:.rowd of Ott in Tesut<, he \\ti! tale the ter11hh \\eight of ' ' 1 ' l ou1 F:1nF1. 1wn' - Jr tlt s ,11 Ol ildH:U ntn l. shoug 111an, vnd can take care o! e.ut.al v1 it01;e., anu \)l" 1eu to gn ... t 11.:111 n1 -b~eu ~u~ she~au I I I I 1 0 ln 0 m' '"ll 0 ! I ----------