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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 16 Apr 1875, p. 1

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'l'HE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Cucul ~tes largely in the rro" nab1pl5 of D&rhDg Stea.m Job I'rintingC:ffi.e KING STREEr, .BOWMANVlLLE ton, Ola1ke and Cnrtwn,;ht It is a common plat.form, open to the free d1scuss1on of o.11 ques: .ns in 'vlnch the general pubbc art' concerned TER:l-18 · SeHnt~ £vc ccr.ts pr ~rnm rd vance The 'Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2 00 R.\..TES or \.0\: a.RTLJ:JING AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME YI BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FRIDAY, APRIL lG 1875 !~UMBER XIX POSTERS, P AMPHLW!'S, CIRCULARS BILL HEAlJti CHEQUES, NOTES, H...\.NDBILLS LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS &c &c, &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Another Puzzle !NDEBSON & (Jo. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' l nun~" ill leave Bo~ n1an\:tlh: :-o.tntton, POETRY. The Break of Day Ga.theung up the star gerni~ 'Iba.t fa.U from the brow of 1ught1 ?t'Iorniug O\ier tlie lull tops Scatters her golden light All over the dewy\ a.Heys, Laughu1g up and down \re -plaJ in:; tlie lu11nn1:1 HQ r.nud.J.., u1 s Shook fro1n h l sh1n1n.,. c O'\ 11 .A.11 througJ1 the d eet), deep fmest Silent, and cb1ll, and gre) I bey ghdu )Ike a. band of e;pe0t1eti 'Vea\ mg tl1c '"eb of i1o.y The blue bell down in tht! ureadu\\ 'l11n1L1ly looketl.J. up, And showers of c 1uner111J h 0 ht (l rOp::; Dance 1111t~ ptuplc c11p I here son1 and th<>1 e, 1n her 11 n1 and on he1 Uo- but I shall never be quite well, neHr an) Russtan Order of St Katherme, and the thmg but a deformed cripple, yet Maude V1ctor10 and itlbert Order The Prmce of Beg to announce to the Electors of~ est Durham anJ surrounding counh), tha.t the} will !ell then 11n1nenae M\ da1 1rig-n1) d~rl1ng t My hen1t }o1ies n:1e, and 1n n1y w1fe~s affection I find, bttnJ<:!cd to cutch hei away hom all the Jiappmess world, nnd told her close, close in its em brace, rnd I sat lookrng upon her, and pray· HER MAJESTY'S COURT 1ng that Stephen might lot c her and \\ lD B H\ lUQ.llVlll~ time as follOWE (;0ING WEBT. GOUiG Ji.,.\81' STOCK oF BOOTS & SHOES, her lo>e S iu 'voulJ hsten to n1e silently, betuhng O\ e1 her \\ ork and keep1ng her f(l.ce ludden frotn n1e, I thoutiht she was sbv of showing the 1 pleaotue ehe felt in heaung her lover'~ prni:ie For before the first \\eek hatl pass Ou Monday the Sth rnst, He1 MnjeBtJ held the first recept1on vi the season, an of At a D1scouut of Ten per cent for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. S 20 a. n1 0 4 05 p m 755 pm ti 00 p m at 1 50, pa pai1, for CASH ONL~ of "eek, 1000 p1s .Mt8~e8 Pc/Jal and Buff Balm,01als 1000 l'aiis Wqmen!s, Misses (JJtd O!tilcls FelilJoot, the whole lo [osoldfor CASH ONLY ficial and d1plomatrn court, ot Backmgham Palace , the Prince and Princess Chr1sllan, Pnncese Beatrice, the Duk!! of Edinburgh, l or.:al Express,. Mixed E.11:pr08~ 7 22 a n1 I l .. xp.re1:11:1 9 27 a tn MJxod 230pm I Local 9 00 p 1n I Expresl:! ;~LTeovEisi~'is:35~~;~·s 1!~~~t'n~;~:~~:e;. - - o -- "'I lus tutia runs e\ery n1011ung ,.\Ionda:,:s exuepted eel, I knew thnt Stephen I 01 fhe followrng trarns uo11 stop at Saxony assengers 7 30a lU Local going wres:t, d UC at 3 40p m C11ll e,tily and Mixed go1ng east, due at 2 55p m Mtx.e l go111g west, due at 7 45 pm Local gomg eost, due at l\Iontreal tune ~tttni!!_o, secme yom W1nte-1 Supply, while the iush is gorng on at Dei::: 10th, 1874 ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot & Shoe Em.poriuJtD.. !}u~iu~$~ Qfinrtt~. --- 'I!o Ma.stars of LANK CEH !'!] ICAES Ilowmanvillti, July 7th. 1S7a :r... 0. :r.. Apphcat10ns pine bee on thti uµl u1 l b11stliu0 ~puea, ·.\nd light hkc i crown of bln1) Eaiths sluw 1e1 fi.b1e fi1e~ But onwa1d the inouung h1et.b "i\t 1th dew on 11c1 t"' n1klu\:. feet, Auel the inoou colnea lazily creop1 uo A.lone in the hasy -Bo1tlon Cllobt l{a1s~Lh 1 1 s J lie t ~ll Teek being present Ho\\ ever he might prospei: in his woo1ng I 1'here \VllS by no rr1cans n. nu1ncro is co111 was ce1ta1n he \\as lo\111g n1ore and n1ore pany, the attcnUance be1n~ in every case in the gentle girl whose B!Sterly care and a!f<e obedience to the Queeu s commands, and t10n hau made the >ery sunshme of my life soine so 1n\1teU \Vere una\01dalily nbsent Shyly at first, butrn a little time with all At these courts tbcre is HO ent1cc1 and a the frank conbolenee of the ) ears we had bruited uurubPr of roorns onl3 \\ere throv.;n spent togetl1et at school, Stephen me open Geutle~u as well as !aches rrn\ly the conftdcnt of h1a lo,e, meeting my sjm pass the sovcre1gn, and are mo1eover pre patby, sarc ot my hstenmg patiently to all sented, which does nor occur at a Dru.\\ u1g bis cnthus1aam 1 lns hopes and Jears 'lhe Room There was the usual attendance of "os the Duke of Cambridge, and the Duke of her lover fears prcdommatcd Ile found bis advanccB' Roy 11 HolSe Guarols, Her 1faJe·L' a Body met l>y a gentle fnendhneas "hose \ ery Gua11, Yeomen uf tbe Guard, nnd Cold frankness U.iecouraged ]urn ' II she would blush and look Sb), as other girls clo, he 'vo11ld say to me, ' I would have 11opc, but I rrnght hcen B &c , &c , can be procured a tt1ns office, at 1 egula1 iatcs streani Gua1ds. 'rho latte1 1 111onnted in the court ;yard, did not phn as the.) ord1unr1ly Majesty \-Yales, by the s1de ot Ins rnotbcr, ha<l on A Dnbhn ch1unbr1mn1d 1s said Lo have tl1e u.n1forn1 of a general oiticer, and tbe put t\\elve tr.:nelers into eleven bedroorn$, Duke of Edmburg thn Lo! the Novy The aud jet Lo havegl\en each a sepa1nte ioo111 Duke of CanilJridge ns Con1rnnndcr Jll Here 'vc have tl1e ele\(ll tedrcoms Cluef, Prince Ohr1st1an oi Schleswig IIol stein, and Prince Ed" ard of Slaxe Weimer, i 1 2 13 11 1o 1 6 I J s / J 10fi"1 'vcre nbo in t11e toyal circle, while behind 11 "N O\V, said ahei if l 'vo of you gentle1ne11 the Queen stood the Duch«s ol Welhug will go lIJto No 1 anLl 1\att there a tew ton and Lad) Abercromby The present rn1nute2 1 l'll find,\ spare roorn for one of) on at1ona numbered. ovei two hun<lrecli those as soon as I ve shown the others t o tho..:u fron1 the <l1p1on1atic corps taking prece r1orus Bav111g tJ1us sto\\ecl two gtmtl~ dence, nncl amongst then1 '\ere Koutousofi n1cn in 1\o 1, she put the thud 111 No 2, Tolstoy, ·'lcneur llc la Oour In111er1ale de fonllh iu :N"o 3, the fdth Jn JSc 4, tho sixth St f'cte1sburg, thtn can1c the ordinary lD No 0, the SC\ cnth in Ko bi tin e:1gLU1 presentations After the d1p1omat1c c1rcle in No 7, the 1nnth u1 ~o S, the tenth 111 11 \tl been inlro<lucetl and the c11plo1nltt1c .No D,ancltbe eleventh JUNO 10, 8hethcu presentations taken place, the (~neen quit· c~uue to No l, "here) ou \v11l rcnlc1u ted the Throne Room, so tlult very few· o! ber, she had left the twelfth gentlemen.along the two huudrerl \'ho \Vcte presented had "1th the ftrst 1 und sa1<l, ' I ve no\v accotnoU the gocd fortune to see the Queen herself, atetl all the rest, < ud still have a rootn the Prince of Wales, on he1 depurturc, ta.k to spare , so it o'Je of j ou \\ill plea""c step ing her place rfhe a.tbendanac uf 1l1c Ani into No 11, you will f1111l it. cn1pty' 01 bi~ssa.dors \Vas large, tho m1nH~teia from course there ii'> u l1olc 111 the saucepan .t:OllH! Honduras, Sal\ .ic101, Guaternula and l)ara wht!re, bu~ welca\1e the icade1 to detertrnn u guav only being absent A1nong l-Ier exactly "heie the fillacy rn, \\1th JllSt " r a LITERATURE. THE DEFORMED J. CHAPLIN, DEALER lN LOVER.. her grandmother for any such emot10n I a\\akeued rn he1 M) \ery p1ettiest com do, tluoughout the reception This was at Her liiJesty s expte~ commands, a tribute of respect to her much valuetl friend S11 Arthm Help· It was a loss to the cro"<l o M1mste1s weie Mi Dmaeh, wurnlllK to tlnuk twice before dec1d1ni:: a~ to the Duke of Norfolk, the Duke of Jitich wh1cl1 11 nnv, of tlic travcle1a "as left out 1 rnond, .Mr Cross, ancl !tfr Gathorue HardJ, wlnle tho Marqm· of Hertfo1d, the Lord The Lost Grave Chamberlarn, the Earl of Bpudford, Lor<l J 11 it and o~ namental 1.'} ees, Socds, Bi1lbot, l:lO'l"ers, &a, d;c. ~lr C 6UUJ'1:t11tces to furD1sh not1ung but l?1rst clnt>s hees, and true to na111e ~\ddress, P 0 Box [i[i .Bowmau,illt:i Jan 22nd. J875 bp ly ml7 o4 Drs. Reid & Boy le. SURGERY···SILVER S'l'. CW- N 1ght calls .o.ns~ercd e.t Dr Boyle I! old Snl'· ~er) 01 at Dr Reid 1> 1es1dence Eowmanv1lle, Jan 14th, 1875 Important Announcement ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- ~ ~Ibc little wo1nn11 in tLe \\orld,1 I ans\\eied, enthueta·hcolly, \\hen Stephen Med win nske<l me for a d~ac1ipt~n of Maude-' ncco1uphsbcd, und yet as n1odt:st B.8 a \:Jolet., pretty, '\'.tthout c0qu"try, n: phments fail Hat\\ hen she raises lier large, outside, who a::semblcd JD large numbers, soft eyes, and sn:nles half mernl~, nncl with but the company would scarcely miss it o. sp1cc of rn1i:;cluef, but never coyly as 1f w1tlnn the palace, a~ lt waE! al n1ost 1nnud1 the \\ ords touched her heart Later be would be pro' oked, and once he ule thetc 'fherc \\as n g1eat muiste1UiJ of Jich of claiuty houseketopcr1 and yet an ardent read hrntea ot a nval Earnestly I asour~d er' lG tf Prof. J. Ruse, G R !\..DUA IE of Bnxte1 l.T111\ cnnt1 of J\ Ii11endslup, :New Yo1k Teaclie1 of Piano -o.._ud Org-"'n culti1iat1on o Voice f3ingi,ng, 'lhcrough Bas.6, IJarmony Cotnpos1hon, &<: Darlington, .July 16th, 1874 41 ly Grea,t .Reduction, in Dry Goods! that 1n the "bole i:.{l:nge of her mule nc qua1r.itancee, ~laude h!\cl never shown fa.var Then Stephen 1oterrupLtd n1c \\1th a to ont abo\ e the other hght laugh Septen1ber was with us, and Stephen 'If) O\t admire her so n1uch, old fellow, \\ b) <lo you recommend her to) ourfuends 1 wa~ talking of taking oI a trip to the Contrneul AlrcadJ, under the rntlueuce of WhJ don t )OU strive--And theu he caught bis o"n heau long ins lo>e fDl Maude, he haJ. prolonged hlB He did not sta) tar ba; ond h1::. 011ginal in tention, and speech, while bis face flushed mean to be unkind, though l1e lorkcd re !nm ficial un1fo11ns and oriental dresse~ which ga\ e much splendor to the court His Royal Highness 11-faharaJah Dhuleep Singh was a blaze of Jew els, and the Persian and other M1n1sters wore their full national nn1forrr1s The Queen "as, as usual, 1u b lack s1lk 1 t111nmed with crape and snttn, and diamond ornan1ents Tne Pnncese of \Vale s' tl1ess was a particularly ta~teful oue, viz 1 a c1ean1 colored satn1, tun1med "tth Hon11-on Jo..ce and caught up \Vtth bows of b1own \Cl vet lined with blue, a brown vol\ et trfl.111 lined w1th blue, roaes, and d1a.1uond ornn.. ments Princess Ohr1strn.n \Vtl..3 in blue, trimmed with tulle, russels lu.ce, and i OS.::!S Pn!lcess Beatr11,;e, 1u l1ght blue._, '\1th forget 1nf:: nol::t and dirnonds There \'i as a pri:pond(,rence of\ el\ et, and in inost cases the trains were hncd with a contrasting color ()ne or t\'ltO ot these vt:l vet tra1na 'vere trunmed "ith fur, and thcr~ wa~ a du~pl1y of rwh (flnbro1dery ut vanons kn1ds A notable <lress Ol so, wrougLt in gold thread, vied with the ate1ne1 sex in the splendors of then gold bed1ien1ng<:i, nnd Uea!l.s lntrodueet.1 with en1broide1y were much adoptecl ~r h e white' dresses worn by ibe de.butant~s were nlore eluboro.te in the we had gladly urged him to do so He had moroefully a, I said, sadlJ, ' Why don t I 1:1trne to win her love 1 Ab, Stephen, I sball go to my grave unblessed by u "Iles love r· l:Ie \Vas my fuend a.t i:chool, and LaLi accepted nu invitation given ,Jeara hefo1e, to come and spend a fe\~ "eeks u1 Sc11neraet B. Ge11tlemen's & Boy's Garments MADE i~ BURDO UH BBOS. Havrng decided to make ,t clrnuge in their b usrno"s, .~re now selling foi CASH then Jui go 11ud \\ell a,5~orted Stock of D1y Goods, M1llmeiy, Clothrng, C1odte1y uncl Glassware, slnre "'th me Our little family cousl8teol only ol three (beBldes the "°' v rnts)-my aunt Auna, Maude ani mJself I cnllecl coui:un, and \Ve had been brought up like brother a.ncl sister, but ln reality, she "as a stE;p daughter to Aunt .A.nn I wac not born a cripple 1 perb.apg, 1f I had been 1 resignation might ha\ e been part of n1J nuturc At nineteen, I \Va3 a tun THE l'IEWEST STYLES Bow1na11ville, July, 27 1869 R R LOSCo.MBE, BARRISTER·AT LAW, SOLWTTOR IN CHANOIWY, £:0 0.l"FlC.E,_;::-Ovcr: :f\/[ci;31upg s Sto10 same a.n J M J:irnnncomll fl Dentnl ltoo1nri Bo,vma.uv1Uc Oct 27th, 1868 ly AT AND BELOW COST! . ' str1phng, as straight and active as 1\pollo, \\1th a comely face, as fuces go, and the full spokeu of a da) at1ll a week distant for h1; departure, "'hen one 1norn1ng, when it \\ aa yet earl~, he camo to the sunuucr house where I \\US readJng, and s1tt1ng Les1de tne sn1d, 'I am going to leave ) ou to day 'To-day J I i.:ned, and looking hill 1n his face, I kne\\ \\ h) he was going 'I did uot 1ne 1u to speak so soon/ said he in a Jow voice, that he made even by a strong effort, bnt I met her m the porch, and she \\as so k1ud, knov.1ng in) stay was 11early O\CJ, t!iut I "'aa hop~ful for the first time I tolu her of my lou, and before she spoke, I read lll) anS\\ or 1n he1 ead, wistful eJ es Shi:! does nut lo' e me Ve1.y- gently ohe told rne this I cannot accuse her of any coqnelrj, fo1 She l1us gnen me no more encourngemc1)t lho.11 the frank tr1endhn ese MARRIAGE JSSUll ) B1 LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE _,_LICENSES. l\·1 H JOHN H EY::S-ON, Lot i, 6th Con ltJ. JJa1hngton (near Bethesdo.. Church) ie July authori:!ietl to 1!:!1nu:i ¥ t<rr1ngc Llcenses ]Jatl111nton No' 19 1874 1n8 tf healthy pas~essu:,n o! every sense And al of hospitality It \\US n·y own folly · Ent The Stock rmvrng been puich1tsed m tlic BEST MARKETS, lmyc1~ c,m ieatly, with my boy heait, I lo\<d .\1rnde, Hem~,'-aud Stephen placed hrn han<la depend on gettmg 1na belle, as I culled her 111 ruy dreatns, and upon nHne, louk1ng eainestl; into 1ny face looked forward to a hie be81de her as · ~he - 'she told 1ne lll her pure womanly sy m h1pp1est \\lnch fate could ha\e iu store Ior pathv tor iny pain her rnaiden secret \Vhen lJORE .ANJJ BEJ.'~ 'ER GOODS POB 'l'HltlB A.lONEl' f pleadeLl for t-tme, hoptng to \VJU he1, RhC me told me all he1 lo\ e, ell b er heart, \\ ns al She 'vas but filteeu then, au innocent at tins EstabJ,hmcnt thau rn «11) othc1 house m the couHtry child, ia1r ai:; a ilo\\ er, gentle, loviug, and ready yu:eu to nrrother Death might cornc phoses and puJlinga tbau, of old, aud some faintly hDJed flo,.,ers, f.:uch us apple blos eeems to find m.ore fa.var than all 'i,:h1te .l\. tew trains cuu1e 1ro1n the i:.houldcr, and they \\Cre decidedly longei, and trim 0001s, Pete;, and VIBcount 13&.rrington \Vel.!l in 1'roin the Dtt 01t J:l1ct1 Pies" wa1tUlf{ on the Queen It \\as nearly 11 you have ever pnssed the ol<l dr.se1t1.:d ha1f p lSt four o clock \lelore the hst mu· giaveyard on 11us$ell sheet near the !Ton!-;( form bucl passed throur{h the Pieseuce of Cor1ecbon you kno\\ thnt thc1c is 11ot o. Cha111bt1, cllld it \\IlB long after that ere more lonel.) spot 1n Detto1t It i s u. score ot the last carriage rolled away beneath the ) ears since nyou e "'18 buried there 'fhe a1ches of the entrance gates lenc<:>s lean m or out, the fe\V trees nre rlg 1 he ann1vero::nry of the marnage of their gcd the "eathor beaten hendstones lean this 1103 al I-I1ghcesaes the Pncce and Pr1ucef.;S \<a) or th·t or have fallen do\rn The 110h ol Wales '""' celebrated at ~Iarlborough ttuJ poor \'ho sleep tnider the ragged sotl flou:Sc, on '\Fednesday, the 10th inst, by a have been dust for ye.vrs a.rel d any of thcn1 very brilliant ball The roi al family mus· left [nends behind tlu J nre scattered now, tered rn large numbers 'Ihe Duke of aud nru not here to hll up the Blt11l en Ed1nburg, Prtnce and Puncess Chr1at1au, g1ave.;;i; and plaQt a flo\ver to take the glooni P11nccss 101.1100 and the ~!atqum of Lorne, away Princess Beatuce, the Duke of Cam bridge, The other da) }Jeople saw n.n old v. o 1tan the Dul~e and Duchees of Teck, Prince \\Bndertrig th~ough the ~ruve:;ard b1ush1ng Ed" ard of Saxe \Veuner, P11nce Louis of the tno~s frotn Sfltlle of tho headstones tu Batt£ll berg were all there, and the list of look at th~ letters stu<l) ing long ovc1 the ln\ 1ted con1puse l. most of the dtplomnhc ~ua1nt characters car\ rd 111to otaers Brr corps, r?.ptesentutn: es of the leaJ.1ng anstoc- nnd b; she c1osscd the street and sat OO\Vli racy, ttnd a large gathering ofpnvateJncnds on the steps of a cottage, and \Vhen people o! tlierr: Raj al H1ghnes~cs Coote and saw how old and Jee blc she \HL::s, ancl that 'r1nney s band "a.Bin attendance The1e her CJ es \\.,re full of tear<:1 they pitied hei Wre 0111.) two sets of La.uceis and 6nc Gul- She could not ans,\ et at fir~t, but by and op on the programme, Quadrilles and by, she tolrl thorn that she had come hun \ al"!>es fiiitng up t110 ri::st The whole au1te d1eds of 1n1les to take a last look at u. grave ot roon1s was thrown opeu, and 01(Ul$ea of VI b1cl1 she knew must he in the 'aTd bnt flo~ era \ven to be 1:<Cen on all sides wluch she could not hnd lialf a cent uy '!he to1lcttes 'vcre noted for their ,,u1et.) ·!jO she buried a chil·l there and all tlnough and Jood taste The P.r1ncess looked as the long 101.1g ) e·ars though inov111g heie prett) aud l\B graceful as ever, all cl 1 t \Vas and there her 1notlie1 l';i heart bnd not tor d1ilie-u lt to 1eallze how many annn ersnr1es gotten the dead Olcl now, her stc1's feeble hacl Eaesed since tl.ia.t bright o.ud n1emor and her locks gray, aua feeJmg tbat she h lll alile t11orn1ng \\hen the Danish beauty and come clear ncrosa the State a.loue to h ave a. the hc1r upparent weic married at \V1nclso1 lust Jook at the gra\e Ymir; h td gone J\ Hor Ropl H>glrness was a bla·e of <l1a bnt i;hc tl1ought she could \\nlk to. the gpot, ).':non<ls, and \vore her Jen orite color~ The and thete '" V3 a hope in llGr )Jent th1t med more hcn'11) thau of old Call Ecwly, .md secure Bar(Jairt>', as the whole Stock must ue sold at once, for CASH ONLY. W. H. vVILSON, UOWMANVILLE, We--Aunt before her love was a.nsw·ered> but 1t \Vas no full o! youths bappmess Au.i·, "\foude aud I-made a tour that year, longer her's to bestow ' Before I could speuk, Stephen ~ad left and one ol the hotels, m wh1cl1 "e had re· ma1ned but tluee dayB, caught fire J was 1ne iga1n Did he gue:ss by tLe pain uf Lis st1H rcndinr:i: "hen the ularni was gt\ en , own h eart, the eecret of m1ne I \Vas this but A\.unt Anna and Mande, tired \\Ith our unknown 11vul as stnrthng, aa nnexpected, Oenea.l Agent for PIANOS, ORGANS, JIELODJ~ ANS M'il SEWING .lVIAO HlNES T HE '- GROCERY is DEPARTMENT now complete with the choicest supply of Raymond Sewing Machine A SPECIALITY 1.:h 1n~ Christt11 as Goods, Raisens, Citrrants, Su· gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all P1·ices. Bowmanv1lle, Dec 24th, 1874 Insh ui..:t1on g1veu 1 and Inst1 u1ne11ts nnd :bia gu ·rauteetl,,.. Bowmanv11le, Jun1:1 l8, 1874 MURDOCH BROS. AUCTIONEERS fi'oi the J.'ownship u/ Da1 lington Blght .eeing, had rellred early I hru;teued to hnn ns to me' Maude, the ch1lJ. l nad to their rootu, a.u~l had some dllhculty u1 kuov.:n hom bab;hood-l\:1audc nursing a arousmg them I hea1d theu rapid pr·par- secret Jo, e' 1 could not behcYe it ' Reject at1ons to escape by the door, and saw that Slephen fot soma stranger, \VhosG nan1e I the fire \Vas 6reat head way J nst could not guess? It must have been v. lnle ma1ze as the.} threw the door open, the ~1.a1rcae~ I \\as at school that the love grew m her The Queen helu, on l\Tednc::slla.j, a levee henrt, \\ l111e she '\\BS )et but a g1rl became fL sheet of ilarues al Bnckmgham Palace, and, although t110 l IO"C up bew1ldc1ed, ond went slowly to ha' e been held qmte recently, it ;i as cer (You cannot esca1Je tlns \vay ! I al.lout ed, pushing them back into the rooni , 1 we th· house Aunt Anna was m her httle tu1n l; tl1P roost cr0wded \Ve have witnessed a1thng roon1, and I ente1ed my s~udy beside for some t me He1 MaJesty, with lie1 pro wust try the "rndow ' I threw open the "10Jo\\ Jnst as the door It rhe doors we"re not closed, llD.d !t{aude verb1al good luck, bad 'Queeu s \\ea.ther, J!asheol mto flames A oro1vll beneath gave \Vas on hol' knee(!, her face hidden In the which a-ccounted, to a gre1Lt extent, for the a shout a!i I lifted. Aunt Anna to the sash, a bosom of the oa'y mother she had e>e1 large c10"d that collected at the pt!ace hundred arms were raiaed to rece1vc :!ier as known I could hear Let: as i:;he 'lobbed, gates In order to have the chance of pass I lowered her to them, \\bile a stream of 'It l\as cruel, to br111g hun here-cruel to 111g Cefo1c the Queen herself, one has to be water was thro\\ H upon lite 1larues bcceath h1m and to me' 'But, l\laude, 4 Wj aunt said gcutl.), c0.1 ~afely I accomphshed this firat pen!, and 1 Maude "as next !led to the rope of bed ressing the bo\\ cd hnad, I cannot understand You cannot lo\e him liecause )OU clothe::J By tlns t11ne the roon1 was all in lo ve another Tell me,tlarhng, \vhere ha\e Ilatnes, hut my <lariLng reached the ground un111Jurell I saw her ~are, and the sn1oke ) au g1' en J our love 1 and flarues \ve1e suffocaLlng me I \Vas 111 eo,1ishps, anc.1 pr1mro~e(I, \\1th choice 01ch1ds and ananthaa lca,ee, \\eie the fa,Jonteiioral trnnn11ngs, ::111d, though many tro.111s and petticoats 111atchcd in color, a n11xt1ue was 1uore generally \\ 01n and cr1.1r1ed out on tr11Ju 1:1.ud ~k 1r t uhke Indeed, the p1eeent trains n1e by no ineans so Lh~t~nct ae 1n past )ea1a, Uutarc a part of the <lrco;:s Among the to1lcftes \\C noticed a rich pur1Jle \.el vet, covered \vith lovely ]ace , a ruy1 tle green silk l1ne(l lVLth pink, lnore tban oue tuI quo1se nnd n1a1ze, nnd fie\ e1al bro" n tnd HJacmtbs, !aches of the roi nl family bad ueou 11artJC ularly happy rn their chq, we ol dres,, and Hie1r toilettes presented a pleasing contrast The skirts of the ball dresses seemed I onger than e\ e1, m')rc hcd bacl~, t1,Hc.l buidened \\Ith lace J1hc hall \VltS \\Ofn Olldnlee, curls at the back Le1ng decidellly the pre 'nihng insb1on Grenet, s1noke colo1, a <lark1sh grc.en uu~ec1 w:1th pink, ant.l all whit~, gold and \\b1te 1 .sii\cI oucl \\lnt~, 111 s1Jk, satin, tulle, and silk grenadine, \\ere stranger s hands haJ kept the hendstonc \\lute, and the gra\.( u; "hen she last sa\V tt She found tuu old \ Htl cut up by strccls, the city all a1ouncl Le" ond u.nJ ol the hundreds 0f inouu<ls and" headstones which she once !':"'.t.\~, but. a sco1e OJ. eo v.c1c left 8he flought an1ouo the le unug head stones, a.utl she stood undet the <lj 1ug "11 low am! searched the field !or the omal! stone which bo10 tl te \\ords 'Olu Willie but the !light of hme oud the hand of pro· most generally adopted, tugethcr with gress weie mote po\' at ful than a wnther s ~nn..sses uf c1nbroulery 1u rold, a1l\C'r and love 1'1fty yeaJS srnce the htlle <lend body \Vas lov.e1ed rnto the gr11vc 1 Hall a cen colvred i:itlk -T/11; (Jt ee i Disclosure of A Murder- Execution of an Innocent Girl the hope that her learn 1mght foll upon the I tury s1uce the henclatoue "Ii ts plucetl to rnatl... the epot 1 And ) et the n1othe1 t1 heart brought her back in her old agi:! \\1th l little grave obhteiated anll passed lro11 '.!be l'rcnch Mrnister of Joshcc Las JUSt sight foreve1 rcceivcc1 n report on a 'cry s.nd and extra It sad enon~,l1 to see te tlo ia.llu1g ordmaty 4f!tur, \vluch u1 not nnltkely to c1e down her wrinkled check, and to know that ate :)owe sensation Tbirt.) ) ago a. young be1 old heart 'vas ach1ag \\Ith d1sappo1ut girl named :rtlnue Guern1e \\as found pois~ ment, and men spoke kind "01cls to h .. r and wotnen wiped their evea in ay111pathy H T PHILLIPS, liAMP'ION Pro1n1 tatt"'utiou gne11 to saleii1 &c able te1 IlJS u11 nm.son W:m.. Barton, EJ.Y1'l'ISKILLE1't ;,ales p101nptly attended to on rea~onnbl~ term" ------- - - - -- - - - ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS: Live1'pool London, cmd Glasgow apply to Fon l1ckeb!, or inf1,1mn.t1on./. N .&ADS, Aue \\T ~\. it - -...---- - - - -- -===""=== ==,=== the act of lettrng my-elf th1ou gh the wm <low when I lost my balance and fell crashrng to the ground l>eneath It was many long days before I knew anytlung tnore l \\as tnl~en to auother hotel, and here my auut au.:t .Maude umsed me Uuck to life again 1 111 the darkest hours of n1y despain BownHi..u ville, June 9th, 1871 tf 30 A R1JRH Maude was the angel 11 ho brnught the light Lookmg through her tearn at the bleak and lonely fields, its lonehne 0 s re>ealed and Ht maue more lonely by the time \\ orn head stones and the clun1p., al briar, no \\ondcr through the hall with its mosaic bor ed to death, which she suffered calmly an<l that the poor ol<l "onrnn felt 1t m bPr heart Theu Maude raised her heaJ dere<l floor and colun1ns of Carrara marble vahantl), '\\lthout 1.1.tLer1ng a worU of coin and hnd to sob out 1 I m afraid I t..:an t Had bun 11 hen vcn 'To \\hem conltl Ig1vc rny lo\l', but to those \Yho ha'l'e not the cnt1ce proceed u; pla1nt 01 of Jl1stihcat1on E\.erybody felt Hemy 1 the grund slu ircase, Jealously guar<led by the greatest >;J mpathy for the poor old fathe1 Hern en s so large 1 I heard no more The sudden ru::sL of the Yoemen o! the UodJ Guard, to the ves of the two girl 0 , who "as gn mg Signs of happiness \Vas too inu ch ior m; feeble tlonle This is certainlj one o1 the inost 1m · \Iolent guef He had come into yoesession Recipe for Mak1ng Tattlers health,anu I fell fo1 waid liea· 1ly,uttetly un posing features of llJc palace, and one can of some 1noney whlch the girls hud inherited conscious When uiy aen~es iettuncd, I had ha1dly res1:st pa.using fot an instant to at!. from their n1.other, but his grief chd not sec1n '.lake n hanulul o[ the weed calleJ Him· been !Jfted by Stephen's strong arms to the mire the E-xqulsite frescoes of 'fo wuscnd, re to!be lessened therel:iy A fortr11ght ag.o tbe about, the <:ian1e quanttt} o! root called N H)l ..sofa In my stud), and he was stand1ng be presenting 1 Moi ning, · ' E\ ening,' , .Koon,· old man d1ed 1 nnd befol e l11s de 1th confe::!:i 1>le 'longue, a F1pr1g oi the herb D1cklntes, e1de me I could see lll.) aunt hol<l1ug and' Night' Jn the , estibule, those "!Jo ed to lns pariah puest, the Rev Abbe Barrr (eitlter before 01 alter dog <la)S) a taule lune 11ot the two tequieite large cards find there a large table from ,, lnch they cnn be obti:un; J Yuu ~1 111 ot pass \\lthout them as one haH to be gl\en to a page in '\\ailing: 11ud tte other to tlle Loul CL.ainberl uu who announces the na1ne t0 Her :bfnJesty' "rhongb. early, the throng na;i la1gc, and the ante ioon1s to the Presence Chainber '"ere eau, that he 'vas lnmaelf the 1nurderer of bis elder daughter He had, moreo' er, allowed susptl:IOU to r~st on the youubt.'r u1 oider to inhertt tlie money of both ] he poor \Ictun ba.d d1etl lllllOt; P.Dt without ut tcrinb a \\orU. 1u her defence, becaur;.e ahe kn;w \\ho nas the 1nurderer1 and rather chose to diet} i:lll to denounce hnn tOJllSt1cc spoonful ot Don t Jou tell it, SL! drachn1f:I of malice, " fe\\ drops of Envy, which cn.n early, and long before two o'clock, u. hu e of oued m her bed She h&d beeu betrothed a caru iges "ere \\aittng: in the !\fall 'rhe Ehort tt111c before to a j oung inan, 'v1th \vhom palace doors are open ut t\VO o'clock, thongh her vounger sister Madeleine v;ns sa1d to be the reception does not conunencc til~ three dea.perately in lo\e Tho poor girl was at On alighting at the entrance, and passing ! once arre::;ted, tried, and finally condcn1n Fancy Goods,Berhn Wools,&c. M:rs. Mason, HA1VIPTO L\l. Bcgb to 1ufo11n the public that f:jhe has ust ie \:t!L\ed ~ splendid new a.soo1tment of J'ancy Goocli:1 Be1lin Wools, etc, "h1ch she \\Jll sell Rt as lo\v pui..:e as the) can be bou"'ht for elsewhere STAJ1PING done o" SHOR1EST NOTICE Uct Sth,1874. 2 31nos TBELIVENS --~ I of pertect sub1111\::s1on to comfort me J\II11ude in her arms, near the \l'tndo1v 'Whv, Henry, old fellow,' Stephen said, Maude spoke the "01ds of res1gnat1on that in a cheer:ir tone that gladdened n:iy heait, I took l!l to Ill.) soul, l.. non ing he1 sorrow \VRS as great as rny O\"tn ~faude taught ine alter the couHJence of the n1orrnng, 'do to think of the n1ollves gained, at the prier> J 011 often frighten tolks m this WO\ 1 l of 111) mltrm1he· And the lo\e that had could heat .) OlU aunts call iu the garden, been 1n.) hope ind pnde, b~crin1e aud added and your cousin IS uearly ternfietl to death ' lie[Jr.),' he wh1spc1eU, l>e11JLn3 lo\v, 'c1id torture to my bea1t be purchased at an) quu1,L1ty at tbc shop of Mrns Nancy N 1gh t walker Stu theru "Well togctheri atH. 1 s1mmer them for half an hour ove .. ll e file of Discontent, k1ndli.:c.l "1th a little JealoU<) and thcu stram it through tlie tag ol ~11sconcephon, and cork w. Tliiee years b'd !JOssed emoe the ti1e, you hud out the trnth 1 1 coulJ only look up \\Jstlully 111to Im He had face lett me rn the full flush of youthful c I know ) on n1caut all for the best, lie strength, he fount-1. n1e a cnppled 1nvnhd, \\hen Stcpheu came to v1a1t nie Uut no longer a Uesparnng, mtumttrtng one said, sl1ll in the aan1e lo\Y tonf>, ' but 'on GoU grant Bciore me e\ier was the pedect, sv.eet life l see, love \\Ill not be di1ve11 I eau .sav 1t Jrom hnd save4, the motherly for1nmy own hands yuu cve1y J1app1ne s r ljUJcldy lilled "1th brilliant 11n1lorm' it up m a bottle of Malevolence and Jiang it upon a ske1u of Stieet Yarn , shake it ocr.;us1ouully for o. few cltty.e:, and lt \\1ll be fit for use Let a few 1.hops be tnken be fore walkmg out, and the subject will be eu a bled to speak all n1 a 1ner of evil and that BUNNEY, ,rnd he BUILDER, ETC. Begs to return tha.nks to h1s fuends for the sup pvrt he ha.a 1c1.:cned the past t\'rO ycare, and h< 11ei:;, by cont1nncd strict personHil attention to bnsine,,s, anJ working at the rooet reasonable puces to eneure a coutlnu of public pa tron 11.,:-e \\7 J3 rn p1epaiod to build hou5;es, etc , on the most mo<lcra style of aroh1tecturo Job bing promptly attended to Plans aud SJJec1fi c ~tKma got up on apphcnt1ou, on the IUOflt ica. wnablc teun.'i and of every description Office rind Shop Onta.110 Str o~t, nearly opposite 1'-Ir 1 l3o"'deu a 13 Jy Bow1na.nVllle Dec 24th, 1874 0.ALL AND SEE FOB YOURSELVBS, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. New 'l'a.ilor shop, JOHN HEAL, vO WL~', AIE Wllli l Y beg· tom L fo1m the public generally, that he hna com menced business tn the ShojJ next to the Ex press Otfl~e, one dool eaat of ,f ~11lne s li:.\.\lTIO' had several yea1a 1;ixper1ence iu the tt adc, he0 hopea to aatlflfy a.ll \\ho inay favor b1m \uth a c[l.U he sa1d, aloud, 'can I speak to J au a Je\\ WOinents out Ill thu garden 1 Auut }u1na gently r~leao:cd lll:ISL:!f Jro1u l\lau<lc, and \\ e l\ ere left alone 'Maude, I 1.a1ed 1 r:;itt.1u~ up, 111 sptb.: o! the agony it can~eu n1e .t\nd she uun1e tlt tny ....all ..:\ t laA, "'l.ic Deatly as I loved Maude, I coulJ wish fm -oread the lo\c 1n my !:tee, rn.1t1 she n~stlcJ. 1n bet uo hnppier fate than tu be Stephen's \Vlic I knew h1111 to lJe-11 mau, honora,ble my arms, sobbing quietly AND 'I co.u scarcely believe it yet, ' I 1>a1J to his heart's core, noble in every impulse, 'You love me-lamo, deformeJ, <ll i tale;i.tcd, antl gifted "1th a mar~ elloua po\\· Examrnc the stockJ whu;h comptUle8 e' eryth1ng ID the uf the very la.test and inost el egan ' What made you so 1 she answered er to "in a.flect1on He '"as rich, too, istyles and patteme, of English,, and Ame11can manufacture though h e pmsued his proless10n, .!lUd was 'lYas 1t uot to au' e my hfe you n ske~l J our Ht still uontu1ues to manufacture to order, from the best of runteua.l, a.nd nouo but fin~t d tSB You could have ea 0 tl) escaped, but already w1u1:ung a good position as a r1s1ng o\\n I workmen kept _,,_ burustcr Sitting in the f-lU1nn1er house, I JiOU w'a1ted for me Ob, .fienrJ ' ehe said, could 'lee Stephen nn<l. 11aude conveising in catne,.,~lj, 'I cannot remember \\l1en Dlj the p rcJi. hb(;l e I had left the1n l11s till, lo'\ie "'!l~g ven to )OU, b1t ne~eJ has it Ile hns lll stock n.n cndlos.o; Yan~ty of J 1\dies and G~nfa> Saratoga 1 ru11k,, "\tn.lise~, &c, u.11 of I erect hgnre l s 11a1.l1son1 e face, htd pt1fcct be~t1 ,..u sl100 0 , ~u uue, so hfe long, fb ~111ce 'vh1ch he JS eelhng cheap for -onu~nl} .b~1Ut), coutrunLr.d \\ell \"'1tl1 her Jon \\trt:: er ppl<.: 1, tlefornHo, rind s1ckl3 for detenmned to LOntinue to sell at these i umously low che,iper than the cheapest Why he ca11 do 1t.1!'11st, he buys fo1 cash and knows JUst how to ]Juy 1 Second, whrit he cl1ll't bu) cheap enough, he rna.nufacttues 'l'hnd, he rs s.it1shed with small profits 1 }'out lh, he sells for cash , Fifth, he sells ,tt bottom puces 1s hnd rescued ftom death, aud with these the bottom of my heart puces two to comfoit me, 1 hal lea1ned to bear tll) lot sincere ly an<l fervcntlv But Vt hen the letter1e lche<l. n1e ann1 u11c1ng t-5tephcu s intention of Vll:llhug me, a stiange v1s1ou ro~e LeJore 111e, uu1t1ns the h ves of t'vo \Vl10 w1.;rl! my <learest h1end:;j on eartL ~Irs Meredith,' There were markedcontra8tshere antl thc1e It ts alleged th·t the convicts m the 'ltate A lt: trned Queen's Oou1JRcl, w1lh Ins robes pr1:son in Jackson, l\l1cb1gan, arc trt;ated of silk and quamt full bottomed "1g, stand \\ ith such inhumanttJ as to render the in 1ng next to some stalwart lI1gLla.nU clnef shtnt1on a. d1-::g1ace to cn11Izal1on rrhe ta1n, chatting perhap to a scarlet \ ete1 an, Adnan l'ws charges that the most horrible \Vhose breast, co\ ered with decorations, told and ont1ageous pu1nahments are com1non plaml) that he rn days past had seen good there, that the lash JS used on tbe slight $e1v1cc for luo Queea and countr; ...i\.fter est i)rO\ocat1on, tl!iit one pnsoner "Wus gorng through the State Ball Roum, t!te hung by the thumbe lo a cross aml Jett Green, Blue, and Ilecl Drawing Room8 1 ouc the1e fur twent.} Jour hou rs, in co nsequence reaches the 'lhroue Hoorn, to paes before Het of "Which his right urm became withered MnJeety !'he Queen looked well, and bo\\- rind drnable<l, and that an cd With tbu.t t{IaCe anll ('USC which Hi SO chul old man ovi:r f:ilXt} years of age was bed to acten:Stlc of her to l!ach one as they pa:c:sE.ld th~ v.ll1pp1ng post, \\be1c he rece1vf::d in succe~s1011 Ucfo1eher 8 he woreablack:s1lk t\1ienty live lashes on h1s bare back for tell d1es.s, "1th a tlaiu trirn111ed "1th crape and ing- \keeper to ataud off \\hen the latter Jet, und u. long white tulle veil, surmounted threatened to knock bun down fo1 fa1hn~ to contrnually ------A Difference lhe1e " ull tho difference Jn the \\Utld between k.uow1ug u tlung and !eehng a thing-between l1nv1nc: ci knowlet.lge of a thing, uud Jw.v1ng t seuse ol 1t ·1be1e lS all the d1llcrencc tu the world bet\\ een kno,v1ug that honey rs s\\ect, and tasting that lt ie 8\\ieet1 150 ti:! tu have a l)etJSO of it~ swcetues.s lhtrc Iti a g1ta.t chilcrent..:c be tweeu kno\\ ing that a l'crsou 15 bcnut1iu J1 by a co10net ol Jiarnoud, aud pearls, while pe1form a task beJ ond hl8 strength It " --o- Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St 1'f.ay 13 1814. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED l~o,\1na.11\J1lc, Sep 4th, 1872. m40 If M. TRELEVEN. srnall d gentle 1111L) fi~ure, \~Oil nnline~s her sweeL face, u.111 the n1J fja\e 1 of C\Cl.} exprcs~ton b> t-=!ic ~Laude i::. 11J111e rW\\ 1 U·.) Jullug, 111 l30\\lllll.llVIllt', Sl1e 1101e \\lute on tLat day, with soft Llue I im <trouge1 as the) cars go by uroulltl the ucck \\ere fou1 Io\vs of large necessary to enfoice strict dtse1phne JU a pe01ls, \\Jth a magmficent peat! and dia prison, but the practice of such at1ocious moncl clasp He1 MaJ esty bad the nband cruelties as the Adrian newspo.Jfer des"11bes and star of tbe Order ot the Gaiter, the can on1J bnvc the effect of c1eg_rad1ng the Ordera of Y1ctor1a uud Albert Lomse of natltre ot tlie conv1cte, and 1notead ol ie Prc.ss1u, the Persian Order of the Impcual fonn1ng tl e1n, of rnuk1og lhlln1 co11f111111:'1 Portra1t, llld the ~r1xe C0Uou1g and Ootb ~ and deadly cnenne2 to society Indeed 1t Family 0Hhr rl he Que:cn \\3'3 RUpport.d "ould not be strange if a. fe\v year~ con bJ the PnncC'sQ Beatrice, in a trn.1n ancl finenient unrle1 :iuch d1smpltne should li>n pcLt1coat of pale. grceu r.11 l k Lr1 rn med with der the 111o~t 11cce it of tlie prra o~r1 t1 n" \Cl,et, a pearl and cme10.Jd necklace, the brutal ns Lbe ~ orst of theu kcel?er. am! actually see1ug su "" to ha'" a present senae ol the beauty ot the per>ou lhere ls a great difter<.:nce OOt\1 ecn kno,v1n& that a glo,e will fit the L llH1, and putttug it ou so as to have a sen::se at its fitness Just ""0 there is all the d1fl rcnc~ bct\i.:cen ha\1r.ig: u hea~.l knowlcd!:f-1 td < u 1r:t nnd o~ his ugbt~ eousni.; s, unt.l hll\ ug n. hefut h:~hn,< of his lttuef'!s and prec1on~n1::ea 1 he n1ay bo acquired fro1n 11~~1 1 1 1 blood, or fro1n hool~i:; , the s'l!cOn(l n1nsL come fron1 the I Spmt of Uad

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