...., ' THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY APRIL 16, iS75. ====-=-=====-~-=---=="-=='= ·-=--= ·=-=========================-=================--==============:==-=-7=-=========== =-=-== ·-============= ·==~~-= - -~=-~·============ POETRY "Papa, Please Let Me In." Ia the following li11e; " bereaved father tell. the story or a bclovecl child- a story lvhich \Vill touch a chord in the bcnrts of otlwr foml parents as they think of little oues \Vho huve knockeJ at their door::i, an<l. who1n now w·ould giYe the world to be able to clasp iu their ar 1us : A timid knock wae <l.t 1ny door, Aud l'estless feet w~re on the floor ;J A soft aweet voict1 said, "}>apa plea.st', And little Jinunie will not teium." I kuew the presence ,~·nitjug thei·e, '!'he deep blue eyes tho nut-brown ha.ii·. Just now·, the bolt upon him d1·a\vn, He ha<l been b~\nisbed all forlorn; !!"or turning things all upside Uown, \1.'hile J was in a. ~hllly bto\\·n. In his n1ind, and sorrowfully replied, ' Doctor, I was n drunken man ouce ; I The Reception of the Emperor of Rus· should not like to be one again.' He was, much ago.inst bis \vill, prevailed sia at the English Uourt in 1844, as upou to take the stout, and, in time, he re· Described in Martins' :tife of covered from his sickness.. Wheu he got the Prince Consort. \vel1, I, of course, praised up the virtues of (Continuetl.) stout as a iuea.ns of saving his life, for 'vhich Her J\.Iujcaty~ in her letter to Ki.ug Leopold he oi1ght ever to be thankful, and rather 1uakeu tho followb1g iiupol'tarnt remark:lectured hin1 ou his foolishness frr being 1 I hope that you \Vill persuade the King such a fanu.tic (that':; the word) as to refuse (I.iouis Philippe.) to co1ne all _ thc same in Sept,,i.king a bottle of stout daily,to r~stbre hirn tember. Our motives aud politics are not to I lost sight of my pa' be: exclusive, but to be on goo<l terms with- all to former health. -and why should we not ? We make no secret tieut for sonic months, but I am sorry to say tbn.t, on one fine surnu1e1"a day, when of it. It \Vas with auch feelillgs that the Royal pair driving through Olle of our public thorough· exercised their hospitality towartls aU foreigu fares, I saw a poor n1iserable, ragged-look- [ Sovereigns. ing tnan leaning against the door of a con1· J 'Ye now proceed to give an s..c.Jount of eo1nc mon public-house, drunk, and inca1Jublc of politicnl events in which Sir Robert Peel was O\'e1· LITERATURE. NEW NF~ARLY GOODS · Just .Arrived ·t the COME and S EE · ----My New Goods have )F .ASIUON BOUSE a ~!Jleudid a~sort1ue11t o! HILL'S ALL COME rro HA. ND AND NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot uf NEW I I and the asHcrt.nent will he found REAL HAIR., FANCY GOODS, & .A.11:10 a large stock of "E·R.Y COMPLETE . Stamps for Braiding and Em- Fall~ Winter VERY Dry Goods ---:o:- 1n·oidery. for Spring just to hand. A LARGE LOT OF His little ha.n<l touc!Jed everything, Hi8 tongue put in b'Uch questioning ; That I could not com1nand lny thoug-bt, ~ilu<l so I rose and turned him out. lie \\'ent without 1·e1no11strauc:et. cry, Ent c·1~ lt·il ~i:~ 1i;-i < ·o monrnfnlly ; 'l'hat courage cooled as I \Vent ba.;k, And somehow I Wll.S off the truck. THd I knO\\' that in hiti eyes, 1'.ly study was a. pant.11ise! An<l tlu:re he atood beseechingly, \Vith voice so soft and sobbingly; ..At1d so with show of diBCip\lnt.:, I 1·osc and let my Ji1nmie jn. His dear red li1Ja my cheeks <li<l pJ'eaJ5, About my neck he flung titres."l. 1' l'tll SOI1'Y, !Japa; ]et llle 1:1tay, And I'll be gootl a.nd lltill all tlay.,, rrhcn down with book upon the flo Jr, He l'lat and turned the pict1u·es o'er. A11d as he n1uscd he sweetly sa:ill, " I wonder when tbc folks 1\t'e dead, Aull go to 'God? How long they stand Before oul· Father takes their hand ; And say1 to them, 1 I'm glad youivc come, · 'l'o iny nice, war1u, and pretty home. 1 It is not long they lu:i.v~ to \Vait, Before God opens wide the g~t~ ?" 1 told my boy tho I .. ord wtluld co1ue Himself, to take His people hoine. 11 _. .A.11d will he come forrnc, pa.pa, 'Vhen I must lea.ve yon a.nil ma.nuun. Oh 1 If he doct'I, I'll thank him so, Vor He will know thu way to ~o." 'l'wo weeki; had pa~~l:!d ttnd little> woL'tl, Our Jil,llJDil:l was a.t dea~h'!! dark llo1.H'. lie n1ut'lllured sadly in hi6 i;lccp, .A.ud askc<l th1! LorJ his "soul to keo}>. )) "Pw knocking, papa, at t.hc <luor; l'le1:1sc let me iu, I'll pli.gu0 no n10re.. ·) rJ:hcn suddculy, \\'ith open~d cyet'I 'J'bat 1:1}1ou~ '.Vith :sweet and glad E!urpri~e: " 0 thank yon Jesu~; }OU lia-re 1.:0ltH! 'J'o take yn111· little Jinunie bmue." \Ve closed hill ~yes, hili W<·rk was doue, Our tlarlbig- hoy Wai:i fn1J11 ns go 11 e, 0 Jesus Ub11st, our blesei,,d liorJ, 'Ye thau.k Thee tor Thy precious V\ onl ; · 1 Suffer Ji~or the children, let th..:m <:OlUP, I -will leo.d them to my ho1ne," - 1'<'e:w Ym·k EvanueJist. Crumbs for Chickens. 'l'he followiug- is one of the sweet little d]ttics of the \Vestern spelling school ; U, lead n1y infant feet to wa.lk Into the apellini:; school : Let other children sneer and laugh A.t orthog-r;.l..pbic rnll;l. But iue that better v:ay t:itill loull T'iU pel'fectl y I fll.l<:lll ; Su nu1y I $hun the path tb;Lt kadi:i 'l~o where .J 01:1h Billiu~s fl;;lll. A tnethod by \vhich psrsoua with Rhu1·t inti· inoties tnay Hing songs which have bti partly forgotten, and all'lo isupply rhyuLCis, i-; f)lt;;ge~tetl. by the followiog : Oh, if I b~id a luraty t~nn lu1nt,r Lain too. Tn thP. laud of the olive ::~n<l fig : l wouldaing of the luruty tuu1 luu1ty tu yon 1 A 11d play on the thing;uny·jig. ' 1 0 Aud if in t1w l11nJ.ty t\111.1 biit.tle J fall, _ .A tumti tun1'~ nll thd.t I t:r:.tve; Uh, bury 1ue tleepju what you 111ay cal1 1 And plaut thingumboLt> O\'t:'r n1y g'l'&.Vd." A 11uosc: papet·- a dc;~~li wartent. Fahw pri1Ie gors bt:;for;; f:dise h.:tir. Old tiu1e How to t·ncfo~ · l" ~dci11:; the cra<llc. n lm.1'1.:~pull a. dog'!:! tail. ~ignal Sure t.o pnx.luce short crops-the barbo1·'g sb.e:ns. J\ \J<ll!P.f itl.ll~ un accurdeou wci,g t.he marriu.gc fee offered to a Oetlar Springe clergymau, the othe; d11..y. \Vha,t bi tho difft!reuc~ between a. tube a.n<l a fo~lish Dlltch1nan? One fa a. hoijow cylinder Rnd the other is a 1:1illy Hollander, 11 There ! that explain~ where IDY. clothes-lino went to !11 e:ii:daintcd an Iowa woman a~ she foLU1d her husUand hanging in the sta.ble. the principal person concerned, nnd as regards which it is to be eeen \vhat support anJ. comfort he de.rived f1·01n the Queen and Prince Con· sort. But before tloing: so, it ls not out of place to say, that nothing cau give a higher idea. of the principles which govcwned the relation of the Cro""\Vll to its 1'-Iinisterb after tbt' marriage of the Queen, than what is re vealed in th~ present volume. Loi·d Melbourne a.lwnys loyal n.nd generous, with all bis fa.tal good·natu1-e and readiness to J ield to the presf:'ure of his party, used his best tnden.vo1-a,as we have aeen 1 to smooth the 'ray for those who '\'ere to succeed him in the place he had so lo'n g occupied a~ the confidential adviser of the Crown. Much use 11ad been made, to the preju<lice of the Tory partr, of their cond11ct as to the vote on the 1-'rincc's u.llowancc, and other matters, at the time of his 1nan1a.ge. Si1· Robert Peel felt that he had allowed himself to be carried away, for the n101nent, by the passion of the party, and .that the part he had taken iu apparent bos~i.lity to the '"·ishe.s of the Queen and the interests of the Prince 'might well be temomberl"d to his preju· dice. But however \vell founded such apprc· hensio118 might have been undel' former reigns, the r;pirit whicli now n~igucd in tlie Palace \Vas such a-a quickly to put all such n.pprehensions tu rest. 'l'hia is Yery cleai· from \\'hat ~Ir. l\.Ia..rtin telli:i us (p. 118), and his statement we are in a po~ition to oorroborate on the authority of one to whou1 Sir Robert Peel mo1·e than once 81)oke to the saine effect. 'Peel used tu say, that he had felt no slight emba.rra.sa1nent on first corning into official cou· tact 'vith tll.e Prince, for t11e fri.ct wa.s painfully present to hi1:1 mind, that the serious curtail· lncut of the Prince's income was mainly due t'l t.h~ pro1ninent support \\·hich he ha.d giYen to Colonel Sibtbor_p 1s motion the previous year. He \Vas, therefore, uot a little touched to .:find tha.t uot a sliadc of personal soreness could bo tr:'l.ced in the Pl'incc's demeanor. On the con· trary, hi~ com1nunicatio~B were of tba.t frank and cordial chnrnct~r,\·h1ch at once placetl the ~Iinii;ter n.thiB ea.'le, nnd made him feel a~BnreJ. that not ~uly 'vas no grudge entert~~ned, but that he 1n1ght count thenceforth on being treatcU a.a ;.i frfon<l..' Al3 ;1, friend hew~ froni that Loin· welcomed nnd trusted; a11<l wlL~u he v.·a.s struck down in 1S50, in the fuli tide of 11is dpenell iutellecLual strel·gth u.ud iufluence 1 none 1nourued his losil mor~ truly than the (tucen and Priuce, ·\\'hom he had folt au en1bu.1·rassmcnt in ~]>proa.<;hing, It can11ot be imid thn.t Ivlr. )fartin is not a nuv,;lcr of b1·ev1ty, for, though these events are narrated in his work with .tmffiaient ful.ness and o,dmii·ab]e cle~b1·ne8s 1 \Ve jind the greatest diffi· culty in condensing hie a(Jcount 1 and must ofteu let the author epcak for himiielC. It w;,1.a a.Itor a tour in Geruumy underLaken hy the Queen and the Prince, which h:td afrord~U boLh of them )great delight., thii.t thHy returned to encounter a \·ery disastrous state of things at home:' I'hc state of affairs a.t hotne liTM1 not inrproved within the last six week&. The. rain, which ha.d pursued.the Royal. tourists 011 the Rhine, hn._d for inany week~, amidst thunUer anU stor1n deluge~ the harve.st fields of the British island~, anl1 f'eno1VJ feJ.rf:I for the crops has spread fro111 the farmer;; to the statca1nen, whose anxieties ~uch an. ev1::nt wei·c f>O much calcula.tccl to increaee . A new and terrible' fen.ture of npprchenf!ion was added in. the reports which continucd to crowd in npon them of n. strttnge blight 'vhich tb1·ca.tencd 'vhollyto destr.oy tbe potato Cl'Op in Irela.nd, and to produ('c serious ra·fli.ges in Engla.nd nnU Scotland also, "·here, if lesR re · lied upon by the population as a staple of food it was an importu.nt source cf "'·calth to the farmers_. In the Prince's Jonrnal for Oetobe1·, eutl:y upon entry tells of the prevailing anxiety \\·hich culrninates in the be£°inning of October in the wordB: "Vtiry bad news from Ireland - fears of a famine." A cri&es of tlie graveist moment was at hand, which had to be grappled \Vith firmly and u.t once. Cabinet Councih'I \Yere < .mUeU, and fonr of these held in one wtil:'k early in Noven1b()r, 11 agitat·ed EuglanU,perplex.· ed tho 1:1agadous 'l'uileriee:, and disturbed ev('n the ser~ne intellig~uce of i11e profound Metter· ui ch." 'Vhat enga.gocl their deliberations could be no S~cret to the outside "'Orld, rl'hll lt~l'CC Trade party saw in the disMter whicll b11.<l. fl-1· len upQu tho country a.n auxiliary more potent than the best eloquence of their best Speakers ; and Protectionists, \Yho ·hn.d long ~een that to Sir Robert Peel they must uot look af:I a louder, watche<l 'vith apprehensio11 for his ne}!. t niove in a, policy \\rbich t.)J.ey lnust ]ui.nJ fut soroe time fortiseou could ot1ly~1-csult in the a.bolitiou of the proteeth·e tluties on corn. Sir Robt"rt Peel had a.t !iri$t ~cu indined to submit to Her Ma.jesty a11 Oi·der in Council 'at once throwing -open the po1·ts aud tl'U!'>ting to Parliament for an indemnity.' He must, bowever. have been overruled by his colleagu.es. for Parliament was not caJlcd together, aa had becu the g-enern.l expectation, but \V.O.S p1·oroguod. (To be continued,) ;;~~te':i~~s:::c~t:~~;~, Elv~nisic~;::~t;; was my tee~ota l patientj ...vhom I bad, not so P R·I CE S M0 DE R A T E 'l'hc Public tne solieited to call and see for themselves. 1872 FASHIONSL.A.DIES' and GEN'rS' !'tTRS Bowmanville. Nov. 1st, 1873. .-., usual. long ago, peisuadcd to break his pl~dge. I could not be mist.aken. I l1ad reason to knovr him welJ, for he bad been a memUer OlIEAP of a Methodist church, au indeCatigab\e Su11day·scbool tcacheri p. praycr·l~ader, whose eornest appeals for the salvation of Hampton. Rept. 8th others I had ·often listened to with pleasure and edHicatiOn. I imme;liately V1°ent to the ruan, and was a.at.onislicd to find the change which drink, in so short a time, had \\'Otk· ed in his appearance. \\rith manifest surprise, and looking earnestly the poor 'vrctch~ I said,' S - - ! is this you 1' With a staggering reel, and clipping his words, lle answered, ' Yeti, ifs ]llC-. Look at me again. Don't you know: n1e 1' ' .Ye~, I know you,' I aaid, ' and an1 gri evell to see you in this drunken condition. I thought you were a Diagonals. teetotaler !' All Wool Homespun. " With u. }JCculiar griu upon his countE:U· H. ELLIOTT JUN bp MRS. A. FLETCHER ~~1nu.ndlle, April 7th,1874. BOWMANVILLE at NEW FALL STOCK AT i Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co BATTINGS FrcnchReps . Plaids. Merinoes. Russian Twills. Plaid Wincies. Phiin do. Shawls. Flannclls. · Man ufa,ctures of "\VOODJ AND IRON" IWORKING MACHINER 'i ' I \\'as, before I took your 1U~(1icinr..' 'I a1u sorry to sec you disgraciug yourself by such conduct. I nm ashamed of yon.' Rousing hin1self as dru11k· l 'll · en peop e w1 at tunes, to extraordinary ef. fort, he chaftingly replied,' Djdu't )'Ou send rue here for my medicine 1' and with a <le. lirious kind of chuckle, he h1ccougheJ out the \Vords I can never forget-' Doctor, your n1e<licine cured 1ny body, but it's damned my soul ~· T h L" wu or t l'ee of i::; booziug con1 panioos, hearing 011r conversa.lion, took hiru undt.r . . . , _ 1 a·way, a11ce 1 he answered, · NEFFEL'S Double Turbine Water Wheels, and --o-- Ma:nehester House, September 24, 1874. Bowm.an:ri.lle. Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds REPAIRS - done on . tl1c _then· protei:it100, aud [ left h11n. As I drove iny hen.rt wus J nll of l.Jit.tcr reflections that I had beeu the cause of ruining this iuun'~ prospects, not only of tLiM \VorlJ, but of that wliich ii; to conie. Y uu n1uy rest assured I did not slee l l . I 'l'l d k Pf TO THE I PlJBI_j~[ 0. SHOll.TEST 'VALTER 'VIGG & SON, N n;turniug tbanks to their nun1erous customers and the publi(,; generally, for past favore, l\'Ould respectfully invite their atf'ention to our present stock of fut'niturc, as ·.v e ha,·c lately a.ddod tbe1·oto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all parties who may please to fa.v11r hhn with a call. (·h eat inducements held out tu thoE!t: purchasing u.t our t:etabhshment. J=>ic· tures, Looking Glasse~. etc .. sra.med to order, and in evt:!ry style. Saniples of the different kind of Mouldings ca.n be seed at the \varo·rootn, W e \Yould afao beg to infonu yuu, that, having- purcha.aeJ. :.i. \:\."e have now on baud a. large quantity of th:tt ,vj]\ be s:_:ild at n1uc l t 1at n1g it. )e 1ua ·en aspect o Common and Gang Plows, ~. ~ NOTICE, NEW GOODS I --o-ti. that inan li.a.unte<l HH", and I found n1yself \vetipi'1ig ov~r the injury I had done hi.in. [rose up early the 11PXt morui11g, and 'vent to his cottage, 'with its little gurdcu in front:, on the outskirts of the town, "'~here I h ad ofti::n seen hiu1 \fith his wife au<l 1H1p· LOW PRICES SPLENDID NE\V HEARSE, \Vt! PY chi!Jreu playing a hunt, bnt found, to u1y sorrow, that he h~d ren10\·ed some t.ilnc ago. A.t Jast, with son1e di!liculty, I found hi1n locat~fl iu a couple of roo1ns in a low neighborhood, not far distant from the pulilie-house he llatl patronised the day before. Here, in snch a horne as none but the drunk· ar·J -;ould inhabit, I found hin1 laid upon a bed of slrit\\'1 fe,·c1·ish and prostrate f roln the previous day's debauch, aLusing his \Voife because ehe could not get hin1 S)~ne n1ore dri:nk-shc, standh1g aloof with tears in her eyes, broken Jown w1Lh cure and :rrief her h'ld. _ d' _ . . g ' ! ~ .1 rcn irty and c.Jotlied 111 i·ag~, all lncndless, and r>teepetl Ill poverty, What a wreck was there! 'f LU11ed out of Lhe Church in which he was an ornan::ient., his r~ligion sac.t·ificed, his uscfulnei.?s marred, his hopes of eternity b" tl · 1aste } uo'v a poor dejected sl£L\"e to his paF.i:;ion for drink, vdthout n1ercy aud without hope ! I talked to Litn kindly, reasoned wjth hin1, suceourecl him till he \\'ns \\-~ en, and never l.ost sight of hin1, or let him hav;c any peace until he liad signed the pledge again. [t took him SOllJC t.i.n1e to recove:r bi1:1 place in tLe cbnrch, but 1 have hnU tbe hnp· piness of seeing Li1n reStore<l:. He is now, nlore than evor a devoted worker in the cause Chri!it., 1111cl of te1npr.n\nce is pleaded on all occns1on.:i. Can you '\Vonder, than, that I never or· tler strong dtink fur a patient no\Y 7' 'l'he rest of Dr. 1Hnnroe's spee·c h v:as in- shn.11 be re:.uly at a 11 tiuJcs to altenJ. funerals, on ~hort uoUce and re<tsonable lertut'I. N. D .--Cottin.s kept. 011 hand and ma.dt.J to ordet·, at the Bown1a-nville. hfarch 6 187:J. AT THE SHOP. Stock F11lly Assorted@ ---:o:--- NEW DOAfINION RE'l'AIL FURNI'l'URE WARE-ROOM. hawa. Aug. 26tlt, 1870. King Street Eas1;, OshawaThe Satisfaction given by· 1s73~p_:_1s7a. - --o--of the GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES ! Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the most la.sting, the least troublerome. and aro used n1ost com-plete ever invented. and reco1umende<l by 1ua.ny of thf best Brcede1·s in the United Sta.tes and Canada, such as G. B. Loring, Sn:lcm, i\in.es., President l'\ew Kni,.:la.nd 'Yoo! Grc.wers' Sooiety; .:r:ohn S. Ross, Henne· ~1~ Ill. ; Professor M. ~!ilea, <;Jf the State ~.\.gncultura.l College, Lansing, }.:fach.; J;Ion. Geo. Bro\\-"11 1 ToroYtto, Ont.; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On each Mark is ato.n1ped the owner's They will be name and the Sbeep'13 number. ··ntf1·ee. by mail, orexpress,for onlyfow· cents each, and will last for TWENTY YEA.R8. ffi· C~h. must nccompanv all order! ARCilIB.ALD YOUNG Jit, ' ' Sarnia, Out. Ordera a.<lUressed to the: :rtIEnCHNT and OBSERVER Office, f?I any qu.antity, wig 00 filled at tbc above-mentioned snce, aa: quickly as he Z.Ia.J:ka can be 1na.de u..i1 si;l1;1t·~ ., _ THESN MARKS ARE THE CHEAl'EST, 'rhey IA'r FA.LL STOCK. Dress Goods J. & W. J McMurtry & Co. BAR· NUM Newest Style. SIGN 01? 'l1HE GOLDEN J_.JION, E:I eclipsed by the satisfaction gh·en by SMALE to his nume1·ous patrons. He is no·w plea.sed to announce that be has on hauU a lat'gij and varied aRBOl'tirent v Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct I Cottons? Sept. 25th, 1874. BOWM.A.NVILLE. 1 I l j . B()()TS . Al~ D SHOES · · I uf tho beat quaht.y, aud 1s a.nxious ~hat they shall set to work A.8 soon af! possible. GREY COTTONS iJf the bci:it u1a.ke 1 including the celebrated C. DARKER, _ ll:~wauville,Dec. 28th.1871. ml3 ly THE All I'rioes ' . All Si "e"' _ / All Xinds. ~ ~. STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid value. l l DOMINION BANK. JJOWMAKYILJ,J<:. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high 1 cut · · · - $1.25· I -- PRINTS of tulC<I.11<\lletl N oth.ing to Beat i.t. SIJ:!YLE a.nd QTJ' ALITY GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Ca pita!, Paid Up, HEAD OFFICE, ORlLLIA, BllANCH OFJfICJ.::S : $1,000,000 'l'OlWN'l'O. Os1£AWA 1 Wr11:i:.1H·, Oonounu. tended to <lemon·trate that alcohol did not UXJ3R1DGE, BolYllANVILJ.E, act "'food to the body, that it prom0ted 'l'bil:I Bank, in ac lcl:ltion totran.aactiug the usdis.ease, injured the· Inuuau structure, did ual bankiu;.,. businesa-, offers to the public all not hnpa1't 'varn1th, was totally unneces· , the advant'ages of a Saving Inatitution with sary to tho n1aintenance of life, and that the security of a large paid-up capital, by the Trunks, &c. Special attention given to STO:Et.MONT CO'l1TON ·BAGS, THE CU'FTING AND FITTING and none but first.class \Yorkm1,1n em11loycd1 thus insuring oood value every cn.se. STORE.- Ouo door en.st of C01·nish 's J ewclry tore, King Strt"ct, Bowma.nvillo. Bo·w1nanville, Sept. 23rd, 187:L BEST aL~tinence wa~ not. only safe for ttll persons, but very clesir11b1e. DRUGS AND MEDICINES at th~ n1eans ot a SA\'1NGS DErAU'l').!EN'f, Intereist allowed on all deposits of One Dolla.r and upwards, at the rate of FIVE per cent. per annum, Depositors oau withdraw either the \yhole or any part of their depo!!it5 a.t any time, ,\·ithout previous notice . ,Specia} rates o! interestallowtid upon deposits ·with notice of withdrawal. American Ourreucy and Silver taken un deDrafts grant~d payable in Great lJritain, lT uiteU States and all pa.rte of Canada. $7.. Depoaits can be remitted by mail,addressed to tho Dominion Bank (registered), wh.en in all caaes a. Pass· Book 1·eceipt ·will be acnt by return post. J. A. OODD 1 Agcut., Bow1nanvilll', Ja.11. 6th, 1874, 15-tf. posit. in the World. Specfol Linc of COTTONS at COWLE'S. J. SMALE. Bowmanville Drug Store, A lady at lrieruphis she doesn't "ront auy jewelry, hasn't a. looking.glass in the house, and ·wouldn't take a. silk dress ·M a gift. Memphis has auother living curiosity-~ cross·eyed cat. Wily l Never Order ~trong Drink ; or, A Doctor's Story. J. HIGGINBOTHAM UTOULD mvst retl}lectfully tender bis sincere t l thank!'! to his nun1erou.s friends and cuB· tamers, tuLd to tho public g:e11~rally, for the Straw-Cutters ! CL011HING Grain Grinders Good and Cheap. Fl1~ED MILLS. Clothing Made to Order Another cal' loa.d of the aboYe noblf' n.rtidos ·on the way. READY-MADE l = = ====.: - --·- 'Will the boy who tbre\v that i)epper on the At a la.rge auJ influential n1ccting or tcu1~ stove please co\lle up here and get a present of a uice book,' saiJ_a S1Jnday School auperinteud· peraucc ieformers, heltl recently in the Lec- very libtti.-.W. support he hns 1-cceived sinctl his cotnmcuciug in bui~ine~3; and ho11ea by cou· efit iu ""IOwa-; Lut the boy never movc::d. He ture' Hall of Lhe 1ren1perancG League, a37, tinued strict personal attention to business, a.nd was a far·seeing boy. offering nothing bnt the purest articles, at the Strand, Dr. Munroe, of Hull, made the fol· rnost reasonabll! pl'iccs, h> ~nsnre a, contiunauce Pause ! young mnn. You waut to get mar· lo\'i'ing remarkable statemc-nt, \Vbicb we of public tHJ..fJJ:onag-e. ried, and it is a.bout ti1nc you dhl ! But recol· give in his own words:.T. R. v. . ou1d call svecial attention to hir; vel'y superior atoek of lect t.11at unmal'ried men don't have to sit up "Are not lnedical men, by the promiscuall night once a ·week with a shot-gun, \'latching ous ordering of iuioxic.ating tlriuks for theiT the clothes-Jiuc. p.atients, uns,verable forllluch of the dtnnkAl~lxwna bai:be1·a have fine feeliug. One \vhich are imre to give tlw Lust t;u.tfaf:t..:t.iou, cnness which is now the great cu1·2e of the tl'i_cd to shoot. him.self the other <la.y bec:.nu:e a J:\ wtiU 8t\le<:teJ stock uf land 1 If ~o, inst~ad of sending your po.· enstmner asked liiiu why he di<lu't use a crow~ bar to shave ·with. He couldn't b'ar to be t"'lk- lieut to his own wine cellar or the pt.Llic· DB. UGS, house, \vould it not be safer nnd bctti:r t 1 cd to in that \vay. C'HEilJIGA LS, prescribe alcohol in th{' regular fr,rm of . A youug Parisia.n of ·wealth, who haJ baAu FRUIT, AND Pleuse call at the B 0 \V l\1AN V I L L :G Farm Implement Forwarding Agency Jt \V. JAMES, l{iug St., Bo'.'.·mauvilfo. P.u,v1unnvillc, Dec. ti, 1872. nlO. It is a well-known Fact tltat Cowle ltas tlte best Tweeds in tlte conntr.IJ. 7,000 ROLLS ROOM PAPER ROBTo EA.STON'S For New Patterns in Hoom Papers, wll aml e.~ainine our now 8tock ~O ~· t l~ .-10 1 Confectionery Depot. W IIOLSA LE and RETAIL Ju!!~ __________ _____ ,,, Co!ule's. llothing chea11er tho.n the lOct Cottons TJ YE STUFFS arriveU, a.ud for Sale, at the above depot Ne1~ F·mit ana C'onfectionerys, SOMETHING HEW AND DURABLE. ~WNEY 1 aud J,ABOU saved! P«>tdi Choice Lemon., Cra.:n.ge TIME Oil Puli.11k. This French Oil Polish.is prepared for Carl'inges, Buggies, Ha.mess, Boots a.nd Citron Feels, 1.1.ud Shoea, and till kiu<ls uf Leather. lt will BL1\..NKE'I1S I =" playing heavily at his club, v.·here he had lost his la.st E!Ou 1 ,~·bile st.rolling homeward early tJJ" other 1noruing wai> ·accosted by n. beggar : ., A l ittle cha.rity,if you pleal3ti.' 'I h:1ve no money,' was the reply, 1 Give ine only a small piece Of 1noney.' 'I ha.vn't a farthing/ s.:i.id our young fl'iend. The begger atill persecuted him, and he lost his temp~r. ']~isten,' sai<l he to tho beggar ; 'you cttn feel my pockets,pro\·ided yon agree to take what I have and let me t:\ke what money you h.J.ve with you.' The beggar diJ not dare to take up the offer, a..ud hobbled off. Onr Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin impression upou my u1ir1d, I livas not then k t h .;.:p LtJll!:itant1yon nu i1. egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines a teetotaler-would tl1at I had bct:1i !--buL > . . ,..., Tomato Sauce and Pickles I couscientiousl'· thouuh erroneouslv be· OIL;:,, IAIN J., J' o · .. ' / They have corol1 anU are co1ning, :~t tlm J:t'ruit lievcd in the Lealth-restorin~ properties uf COLORS, VARNil:iHES, Doµot. ·tout. . mid W Hl'rl!; LEAD SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS . A. hard·n·orkiug, inclustrious, God·f'earinl-{ a. t t.1ai \'Cl'Y 1O\YCS t }H'lCC~ . De Dog's. Ded. QUA[,11'Y is the test of CHEAPNESS. ina11, a teetotaler o( s_?n1c years standing, H '· . . 'l'. DARLINGTON. orses and Cattle Med1c1nes. :::;ays the LoIJdou J/'rec .Prc1JfJ : 'l'hc assel:i8oni; .suffering fron1 au alisc+Jss iu bi;;i haull \Vhich lluwwa in iJlc. JJcc. 4th.1873, n9-tf N. 13. -·Country &itorc-keepcr[i supplied u!l meet soi'ue peculiar people iu their rounds, and had reduced hirr1 "·cry 111uch 1.1.f>j)lieJ to rue medicine, as the Pharmacopruia contains P A'l'EN'l' 1lIED JOINES, many formula for the administration of j BB.USJTES, wine ~nd alcohol 1. With regard to _the pre· 1 OOJllJS scnpt1on of alcoholic beverages, J will relate · ' a circumstance which oceurwl to me some SHOULDER-BRACES, years ago, the result of which made" ·lecp SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES TO ARR. VE Soft Shell Almonds,l<"ilberts, Braoil aml Wall E'Ulli, J(ciller's 1'rfar1nalade, West Indil1, Preserved Ginger, Pears, Pl1tnis, 7..'o11natoes. cf; Peaches, Green J>eas, Green Go1~n £: Lirna Beans. I . .., I· I pearancll'l, and at the same time, fro1n it~ oily properties, tends n1uch to preserve it, it will al\vays be moiflt and pliant; antl 1nay be t..-xposcd to water and 'vashed, and ·will not lor:1e its brilli· a nee, a.nd it i~ not to be feal'e<l that o~uy cru~t will settle on said Leather when preserved with the above Oil. }'or the 'voodwork of Buggies, Carriages, and l!'urnitnrt:, there is not a better article in use. ~I:t.Ilufactured by A. Snrox & Co., Tanner~ and Curri.;r.:;, for1nedv of Fra.n(:e 1 now of l:'hiladelphia, Pa., Instructiona - Sbaktj bottle. ..r.\. few d:r:ops on a pfoce of sponge.apply it lightly to the leather, aud yon will obtain the finest luetre. Price 7li<.:ti:i. per bottlti,or $7. 50 pc1· dozen. JOHN S11ALH, Sole Agent, lktwmanville. July 16vh, 187·1. 41-6 D.101'! · -~· give any article of Leather, a 1n0Bt bdllia.ut a.p· Large VaTiety 'Winoeys--a. :0 ea.cl. Job .N, B.··-Special inducement given to CASH Purchasers. ting ' ures · Che;lp Pictures Clirnmus, -etc., et~., Reted,r frnmcd , L.u be sold Uheap. Dou t let tlus chance u± getslip. No Humbug. Call and price t hem. F. Y. Cowle REMOVAL. S. MASON' wishes to inform his 11u1nerous fdcnds aud cue towers tl1a.t hr. ha.~ remriv·Hl to CHILDREN'S g;rO'Hara's Old Stand, Ilowroanvilllc, ].ftt.r. 15th, 1875. CHEAP MIRRORS. - - -----:o:~~~ CABS. GOODS. Building::;.~ I 8<2:_ HO! NOT SO FAST. . roueive so1ne peouliar arn1wcyr;,espocially if any. thing is in\·oh·ed in the rcp1y. They went into & hou!le ye~terda.y, a.nd asked the ten.ant of tbc prcu1iees if be bad a. <log. 'No Sah, \Ve ho.b no dorg hea.h. De dorg we ha-d aw UeaJ.. 'Gone where t.he '\voodbine twineth, I prt!Buu1e 1 ' mid the assessor. 'I>uno,' r1;1plied the mau, 'he's <lone gone, <lat's [Ill i noca.' . The ll1Jiee of a strauge voice, however, attached the a.ttelltion of a. rlog· in the cellar, hnmcJ.iately un<ler oarth, a.nd he barked lung and loud. The <la.r· key lqoked a!!tonisbtld, ' Cfa,l' to grashus 1 ' &'I.id be, 'who da.t do.,.,.n dar? So n1auy sti·auge doge come roWl' benh a barkin', da.t yo' might a'poati dey WM in de house. 1 He wnr; lnArked down for one dog. ' . for a<lvil\c. I told lnu1 the only n1cdiciuc he i:et1uired WM rest; and to ren1eJy the 'vaste goiog on in his s)·stew, ant! to repair the 1nol:it atlvant:tgeou:. tcrtus. ~-\ dinice ~election of I.i .A.i\'1J'~ h1r ~ale cheap. ~~~~-i~~~~:.:_!_~~~-------~.~:_1 the daruage uune 10 his ban<l he was to I . . . support himself with a bottle stout dail 1·. i ·yF"l'EIUN.~RY 81.fRGEON, Ito bert Yo 0 did then, that the drink would re1'lly be of veteriuary )[etlicines constantly on hand. · LATES'l' FASHION. fervice to l1im, I urge<l. Lin1 to trike the CaOl!ffi~ fro~ the country promptly at~endcd "to. j Her experience fullv w:wrants her in pro111i~ing . . . h . 1 CP. .-One door en:st of Jt. J..ln,n111g's ] Hr-1 · ·' · · stout us n n1e d ictae, wh1c wonld not inter· nitlll'e 'VarerooJn. sat1sfn.ction. ff're \Vi th Lis pledge. He looked nnxiouti.ly Resirlencc over S. Bnn.lcn'a store, cornet· of Res1di:nce, Cot·ner of Church Stroot, and in lllY facr> evirlentl)' "'t·1ghina the 1nattf'r King f\.n1{ 8c11gog Rtl'C'Ot$, Howm:tnvilile. ]\ilarket Scin~l'e. ' ~ ' ~ ' · n1lt.f 11ow1nrun·11l1>, l>e(' . itlh, 187,L . . · · · . ~ ) the Ontano etenuary College. Bv apHe replied, 'I c1U:.11JOt take it 1 for I hd.ve point1nent ·vet~ri.nary Surgeon to the -\Vt: 8 ~ been some ye:rrs a. teetotaler.' ' \Yell,' I \ Dw:ha;m aud Darlington Uuiou Agricultural ~001ct1e~. said, 'Jf you kuow better tl1an a Joctor, it 1 ·.ti.gent for thfj Lire 8tnck Branch ~f the is no use apJ_Jlyiug tu 1ne.' Believing, as I Bci~vcr nnd 'l'uronto !t-Iutual ·li'irc Influrance · · · 1 of . 'r ung, Dressmaking, &c. Hiss Beal 'Vould btig to inform the ladies of Bowman ville and "'icinity. that ebe is prepared to ta.ke oi·ders for Dreaf:l.n i akhig.·~nd fill the sa1ne wit.It despath in the G-entleme:n. of li'a.shion. I have writte~ th~se few li11es And all I have io say, That you can fiud lUE! still n,t hourn I am not gone noway; 8u all 1ny kind old fdcnds uuty cnn.:ie ; LOTS OF OTH:GR CHEAP l t l\.. E. int.ends rc<luciug his stock, he will t11erC'fo1·c give Great Bargaine. ltc1nombur to ca.11 u,t, Town Hall Grauu·t· d The Propriet(lr believa11: in a. Nhnbl~ Si.x.peni.:o beiug better than a Slow, Poki.ng- ~hilliug . BUCKLER'S OLD STAND -where ho will L1J fou11d wiLb tho:: n1ost coin _ Gt<J asst)Jtn1ent uf R. EA/:"JTON. 1y-m9. · I [ 1 And all the young ones tuo And get their garments nicflly madt' In fashiDrt· that am new. 'Vhcrc o]d nntl young d1~;.r friends may Jncct A wc1cmne grcetil1g 1Jy lt. PE.A'l.11~. Bown1:\.n,·i\Ic- 1 .func 1~th 181:1. j 1 / Harness, Whips this rfay appoin;;;d MR c. llAllKEll I the ltxclusivt a,.-..cnt for the !'JO.le of 1ny ~·(.;L· for mn.lnng an kinds of Cake~ WJ.t.hout E::;_gi:.. ' CJ.NlZED PENS for Bowman ville, Out. 0 be had of all G·roceni:. H. ~· \VEEKS & \JO., in tor1;i. 11lease e.\ll. Bucl:l<a"s nld stf~nd) '11 ,TOSRPII l\'.LA.SON,P.P. nue <loor eaijt of Mnyna.rcl"a JTutf·l, ·roronto, Role a.gents fvr Ontario. J, J.JAOORR. gow1unnrille. Sep. J "t.. 187$ . ~1a.tch 11th, 1Siti. 24- ly. j Ilow1nn.i1ville, Sept.10th, lt<-14.. 1u-tf. Trun k s & c. ' Norwioh Egg Powder' I ],.,.. . . . USE THE - I I ~. A Ca~ " ~:o . I · -~-~.------- ----