--~":'-- - _, WEST DURHAJII THE .MEROHAN'f AND GENERAL A DV E RTI SER. C1rc1dl\.t~s largely in the rrowuslups of Dad1ug ton Clarke a.nd Cartn right It us a common tila.tf 01m opon to the f1cc d1scnss1on of all ques ns lll which the general public a1e concerned IEU).IS ,Stea.m. Job Printing Office, ' KING SrnLJir, Bo>nrA:i>YHLE S~\CLi) va.nce The 'Merchant' and 'Obserqer,' $2 00 Il.\.'ll!:S OF AD\ J!,IlTISING LH C<Lts ro .1i1n id ) v colu1nn 41 pct a.n111un H olf do 25 I( 11 Qua1Lcrtl0. JG 'Iransicnt a.d\ e1L1~c1neuts,6 ctr, per hne firist in s c1 t.rou, a.ntl 2c. per hnc, c11.d1 subsequent cne _AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLU.M:E VJ BOWMANVILLE, ONTARI0 1 FRIDAY, APRIL 23 187.3 NUMBER 'No, but llH are very, very poor \OU l~now bE>r 1' 1 } XXX I POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEAJ>~ CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, L U3ELS I CARDS TICKETS &c , ' &e , &c ' EXECUTED !N FIRST CLASS STYLE vere hai 1ng han: :n1ll b~n r<l b1 u-.he::<l and tJ1 e d1r..1ng 1001l\S1 ot the 1 UJto st;iblemen an<l ga1cons, 1uto the bil lia1<lioon1, htted \\itl1 t\\O fi::ie t;;.hl~r.i f o 1 the d;:nlJ nmuse1uent of Hentlern~u who se \\ \'-ell are sbopptn~, ind tbc occasional J.nlU8Cm<:ut of clerl\s on holJJavs 1 la~tl.\ into tn e rn us1c roo1n !I~re, .n1 anged on n rack and ih'-'lvee., was the eqn1pn1ent ol a full orcllestr:1, L11183 ir.i ,;1t rn1n 1,; nl-e, \\1nU. an<l. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 7,000 ROLLS I POETRY THE LAGGARD SPRING-TIME nr E:~lfl ~She dol!n1 01 t1110 sent n1e sorr1e nlOl)t.>', Joe , JU1't a ?' Yun 111ust \ aJt iii! urxt ])o h1moelf. I n1ontl1 'Xo, u1a uni 'ICno" 11tr? She w&.a my deurest friend Trouble 1 Paiclon t It woulil An<l cal1111J so1ne one to take hJS pluce, lie led the way np stairs be a pleasure hnnrncd B Ill LR J rnul:i \\ill lc,1ve Bo\v1no.nv1lle Station, Down1anv1lle tune as follo\\s GOl~G EA8T, ROOM PAPER ROBT~ t ( Jn GhJ(.Stwnat lV1n l~ ) 7 22, 11. 1n I ~xpress , 0 '.:{ n. m Mixed bI1xed 2 30 p m l Local Bxpiess ·· ~ 00 p 1n I Expresi:i *This t1ain rt1ns e\cry 1uo1nu1g Lo<.:al Exp1css* i\Ion<la;p.1 excepted, 8 20 n,.n1 4 05 pin 7 G5 p m ti 00 pm of week, 1 ho following tra1no 110¥. s top for assenge1s -]4ocal go1ng "e8t, llu~ at 1\I1xed g:o1ng east, dne nt .UI1xe·l going \VC8t, due at Local going east, clne at ~[011Lleal lune nt Saxon~ E!STON'S Cheap Nu Hun1bug Oall «ncl pi1ce them 0101te11ng, laggard Spring Vv""hy dost thou hnf[er on tliy w 1y 1:!0 long ' The rob1118, lon.; ago, H ~l\ c h DeU th r.:u t\\ ltte1u1c; thtoa.ts to suns, Aud do'\ n Un.: n1ounta1H side 'l he i;urghng at1 ca111s,l1ke gleeful <;bildren <la.nee fllul pla.y, I1nµat1cnt for th~ ;onun,..:-, Ht1ll tl1y f\10Li-iteps Htay \Vhe11 a1tthuy_ta11ymg, [pletc O, 1>1nil1ug Sp11ug? l\1e not tl1) h:i.J).<ls 1c 'V1th hag1a11t fio,\cls cno,\ 1 'fhat 1n sorue teeming tmf thy foot stc11s fleet 'Did 0 hc read the note l 'Yes ma am I seed heriea·1 it \\hile the n1an was c1rc.!!s1ng of her hair, and I to]d her, nH:i. a.in l1ow awful sick b-!1ss Da1sy was, but ah~ ti tul I \\as au 2n1pudence, and might talk "ln~n I was asked She's a ... proud one ' Well, J or, you cnn do no mote ' But arn't I to go tor tlic med1cmcs and the wine 7' ' No-there, nc\tr nnud' fo1 yeart1, unhl she mnrr1ed aad went WeFit. Then [lost sight of her for yea" Where are theJ 1 I wul call to-day, now' 'You are the dearest auntie Jn the world ! 'H'm 1 Yes It aeeme to n1e you are \\ ouderfuUy 1nteiested, Dr Charles Is \l!Ss DatSJ pretty, 1 'LovelJ, and so gentle and goocl Then Chn.rley told of hio New Year's cnlJ, of tho subsequent \l~its, of bis ple;id1ng for and obta1n1ng pcrm1ss1on to make social vis1t::i, after pr1Jfess1onal ones were no longer needed, and ho" .l'nch one c.l<epmcd his interest in the J ur, S\\eet g1rI 'She is very <lchcate Jet, he ea1tl, 1n conclus1on, 'au.J needt:i good fvod aucl hee· doa1 fro1n \\earing auxiet) 'Sae shall have theu1 AncJ, Uharleyt If she is tb.e iefuied, tH\ cet v. nma.n her in other waa, I \\ill speed the wooing' Oul) a kiss to thank hc1, autl Oharlu) 1;1;a.s off to order the ca.rnageJor the call 1 First Into the library I had seen it be 1 h1s tort', but was glad to stc it aga1u plea>ant retreat for \\earJ ·hopfera IS a large WPll hghtcd room, n1th book cai:;es, ensJ cham, and· long table on I\ h1ch he all tl1e lcadwg penod1cals, I'rench, English and German There a.re fine engravings and 7 JO a 3 40 }I UL lll 2 5t> p n1 7 4[) pm oo * 1otures · VCluomu,, ete, etc, Heady fiamccl, to be l liiil so!J Don't let tlus chance of get.. Hlip ~· Fot New Paltei11" 1u Houiu P.q 1c1H, etll .111c1 ex,llHtll e ou1 u cw Stock ting Che,tp Pwt111es ,., l\11 J. CHAPLIN, DE.UER IN CHEAP -MIRI--lORS. --- .f j 1 d ti/ d 0 1namental 1. l'CCJ 1 Sccd;s, B t1 llil!, Fl01{trtJ, t~r; I CHILD RE N'S ---u--- CA:BS. GOODS ~toga.ins lt was a \\'hole trag~dy to Chru l ey Ste\e,pson'· kind hea<t Was the mother. ·eek· l~lg chant_> 1 or d1il tLe hlontle Ueautr, \\ho ha11nted all Lrn drea1n.::, D\i.e her rightful i\{ust pause a spnee 'duli:1t thou J~1ther \\a), his idol had <lun l hv 15muptuou8 1:1to11: , ah~ 1dJ O\l':l'f;tockc<l, tloRt payment l med by the \\Ore's of the e1rand Uoy sw~ ll Y cL he lt!lt, inst1nct1vclj, that charily 'V1th t \ Cly Yal:1t;U bluu1n tl at Llusheti u the dell from a strangeL n ould not lie ac1.:cptc<l heie Or a1t thou 8tay1u.; ~till, J eudlJlg thy head hcs1clc sonic ba.bbhng The face ot the elder lady, through ull 1t1 iia.dnCss and gentleness, ~as proud, and brooki rh lt in its bunnshef!. bubble~ e\ery tone o! the ltnv \oice showecl cUuca J hon mayest c.'i.tch ono last, lone:-, hnqe1 u1g lion aud rehncn1ent look Of thine O\\ n lo\ dnte8$ .Eui 1't1 ~y1ni; fortl1 1 fcaru1:;, as 1n'11tls aro ,,out I photograph·, " stereoscope, nnd agfant kal· e1doseope for the arr.usement of little pco ple Tho library is seldom without oceu· pants Olu ladies anti gentlemen go there to reau the pape1a While their JOUn 0er ones pursue tbc business of the Lour C111Jdren and nurses hnd a f]_Ulct corner, tired lad1ca steal av;a) to consult then purses and sl1op ping hats And JUst beyond is ref1csb1ncut of anotLer kind, for an open door re\ en.ls a tlby, tasteful restaurant, with a butret au<l a aud spODl(e L1scu1t atnog ~I) conducto1 &a~\ the astu111.:)h tnc11 t 111 cx11 la1ucU that t\1c Hon ttI trcl1 c furni shes 1nu~1t:al 111struction grat1.utouslj to all 1ts e1"ploJCCs \vho choo~c to .ntul therusel vcs ol lt \ professot co1ncs lhi the purpoqe on b'rO t.:'"en1ngs ul the '~eek '11 he lessons :ue taken 111 the h]g <.hn1u groo111 anU arc OJr('ll lo ill No"' and thc11 the e1n IJlO) ces gH c a concert, to \\ lnch they 1n"1te all th(::ir fnends, anti the iuu~i e white spread ta'Lle beanng plates of caJ..cs IS lt' lllj .ul1111rabl.., On two other t \en a1y e}e~,ancl rno \\Ceks Jat~1, bliss ~I11ude ~I1ddle- <( (; U i;uarH.ntees to furrnsh not1ung but \rldreqs, l 1111t c..:lass trees, and true to name P 0 Box 55 .f30\\iruan\i1llv Jnn 22nd, 18i0 LOTS :r ... OF OTHER CHE f\.P i to do, I offend e'en by th unt1J.j ty1n.; of a.- rshov' bp-1y ml7 u4 11 u1tc11ds lt::U11c1ng u1s stock, he \\Ill thcl'('fote give Cfreat B lle1nemb(.;1 to call ut _ s _ ter -s -of -=L-'.--0 -. L To Ma. CERIIlTIC.A.ES, Apphcat1ons HJjAXK &c , &c , can be procured at at tlulj otli~, Or hath some channer a spell \\ ith crafty cunn.111g circled tlu~" a1 on11di That thou a captne a.it 9 O, \i irg1n Spring, .... 1th 1nany bloss;ons g"O'Hma,'s Old Stand, Huwn a.1nilll1J, ]\l1-1.r 15th, 187!) - Town Hall Buildings .J£11 Slow, Poking- Sbilhug l'he l>tolJlietor belie\c~ 1n a. l\"unblo .::>1:..pcnoe bcu1g b~tte1 th ~n R JCASTON. ly·mD regular rates Bow1uanTille, Julj 7th 1873 Drs. Reid & Boy le. SURGEHY···SILVER S'I', ..,._ NigLt cR.lla answered at D1 BJ} l e~ ol..l Stu gory, or at Dr lte1d s ies1dence Bo vma.tn11le 1 Jan 14tli 1 187G 10 v· crowned. What \vh1spercd \\.Olds of love, 'Vhat fond cnrc s, "hat kis'>es on tl1y \.\ aun 11 ps preased, Hath power to keep thee tl1ua f1on1 u ~ , so long unbleat' 0, Spring, no longcr stay I AhcM.y sounding through the \alley s WHls No moue}, Hot a p1l1ful 'Jolhn or t\\o,' a.nd the pat1C'llt "'anted expensl\ e mcd1c1nes and stimulants A Uught thon,.:ht flasbc.l 0\Cl' Charley Ste\CDF.on's n11n:l 'Mrs Gruhnm,' be sa.1µ, turinng l11s CJ e'3 dehcatt::ly f101u the terrful face, 'J olu daughter ueeds a. med1c1pe I do not like to trust udrngg1st to prepare from a written pi escnptlon I will return In an hou1, a.1ul adn11u1ste1 the hrat t1osij,myse1J' Whethe1 she understood the delicate k1ndaes'3 or not, ~frs Gra.ha1n's grateful eyes sufficren~ly thanked the )Oung phys1c1an, \Vho hu1r1cJ a.v.ay, soou returnn1g "'1th the ined1c1nes and \Vlne, cleverly dts tau, being abont to prcpa.1c a wardrobe !or her summer campa1gn, Lethought he1 of the fifty dolllrt; she owed Daisy Graham, resol\ed to pay it, and so pave the way for.a new ou.lcr But l\l1ss Grahan1 \\3S not at home 'Gone with her mothe1 to '1s1t some friends,' her lady told M1ss1'-I1ddleton 1 \\ho re-entered her phaeton in no anuable frarnr. ot n11ud Prof. J. Ruse, of Baxtet Unne1srb,. of l\l us1<.: GRADUAIE }""uendsh1p, :New York V01ce, 'reacher of Purno and 01 gan, eulttva.tton o S1ng1ng, 1horougl1 Ilal:ls, Hnnnony 41 I~ ( ompos1t10J1, &c Da1hngtt1ni Jul) 1Gtb, 1874 R. PB.A.TB, TAILOR SEEDS! SEEDS! - --o-- - SEEJ)S ! Gentle.men's & Boy's Gatments :ir \.DE IN I Ii.I!: 1-IE\\'EST S'l'YLES BowJua.nv1lle, July, 27, 1869 R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER AT-LAW, IJOLICITOR IN ClIANOhRY, i:c q_.i-; McClung Bros. Seed Departuient is "\Veil stocked and "\Vell assorted. All kinds on hand or to a1·rive. Field Seeds! Gcirde1i Seeds! Floive1·Seeds! 0.trr'JcE,-0,or ?tli.::Clung5 Stn1~ ~~"-UH! Hat J }..f B1n11ac outb s Doutal R oo1n;; Bown:anVJlle 1 Oct 27th, 1868 ly M.r\BIU.AGE LICENSES A large quantity of OLO VER SEED, ,tll of wluch was grown on IS:iUEJJ 8\ the same fmm, and kiwwn to be entirflp .free frorn dirt, ROBERT ARMOUR A VERY CLEAN LOT OF TIMOTHY! - - - -MARRIAGE LICENSES. l \RES - I?llI'OR'JFD, CAN \lJlA'J A"D \VHJ IE ~ . en JUHC{ li E"\'NON, LQt 7, G'b Con ll' J)a.1hnqton, (near Bethesdri Uhurch) 18 dnly anthori1.cd to 1sr:.ue Ma.1Ti:1.ge L1cen:::ea D1<1hng-to11, No' Hl 1874 mS tf Get your Seeds at Mcclung Bros. \IV. H. vVIL S 0 N, JlOWMANVILLh, TE_A! ---1)--- TEA! PLU OS, OlWA1VS, ,UELODI- 111cCLUN6' Bt·os. !wee au 1 J'.ceedmgl!J La1·ye !::>tock oj' TEA. It will pa,11 yo1i to get your TEA .ANS and SEWfNGlifAC HJNES Bla,.h", Greens, and Japans by tlte BOX, aud pnp 1¥/wlesale P1·ice Genea.l .A.gent for Raymond Sewing Machine A ::;PJ,CIAL ll Y cl~1ncs Yom aLtcutwn 1s called to the tb1ee "ondod11lly Cl1eap Im es N0. 1. YOUNG HYSO:t', m daddies, which is rei1lJy Good Value at 1)0 cts. You can )lave it at 75 ct·i per pound, by the QaddY NO.~ YOUNG HYSON, JD Caddies, positively good valne at 70 cts. Selling by the Caddy, at 55 cts per ponnd An excellent BLACK TEA, at 50 cts per pouud NO. !"l lHsh uct\[)u gl\ en, and Inetuunents p.utl :rtra Jqi:nanteed Bow1u t.nv1lle .Tune 18 18(4 A.UCTION EERS ro1 //w 1'ownshvp OJ Dai lington The Sweetest Flavored JAPAN TEA in Stock, imported this Season CALL AND H T. PHILLIPS, llA1IPTO:-< l'1ou1t ~ntttnt1vn gn:eu to snlu<.: 1 &.c, un 1e~son INSPECT THl!,SE TEAS. able terms DBY GOODS Cheaper than ever! < W:tn.. Do:u:'ton, ENNISK!LLEN dc:-i protnptly ;11..ttcnded ta On'Teal!011a.ble teuns~ Rea.dy-.Ma.de Ciothing a.t Greatly :Reduced Prices. SAI"T, PLASTER. FISH, A'I' LOvVES'l' PRICES. ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. l F ~iupool /,ondon, aml Glasyoii on 11pk1:Jtf?, 01 111knnat1ou, 4-1.~l)Jr to W A .NEALJS, Aacnt Bo\\mo..1nille, Tnnc Otll.1g71 tf 30 For CH EA P Goods, go to .!:lo\\ 111auv11le, .Mai , 1875 MoOLUNG BROS. Fancy Goods 1Berlin Wools,&c. l\f:tts, Bo.;1:1 to iufo1m the pnbhc, that iol1 c li<ls ~ u.st 1e ~c1 etl fl. splendid new a~:;;urtment of l nncy F! AMP TO L\r · ·Jct Sth,1$74 2 3wos Mason., AU BON MARCH. Year calls, when his oftice boy b10,1ght him drn.l, 'for JO'l should ha\e followctl your a "oman to look after such thmgs, aud to the nna01ve <1uoted above bouquet yesterday' Au lion 1/Iarche, or The Place of Bar- tnke care of all of tbe room, ' ConJonnd it all 1' he nluttcrecl ' \V by 'I ".is only too sony I cuu lLl not,' \\as gainEi, 1s the unpretending title bo1ne by the Beyont.l was the ladies parlor, L chnrmconldn t Godfrey wn1t until to n1otrO\\ to the reply 'Ooe of 111 } frtend;l. sprfuued bis la1gest, gayest, and most fan1oua of all the mg apattment, with the musbn curtamed sprain 111s ankle 1 And "bat a hat 1 ltheu- anlde, nnll kindly tutneU. O\'C>r lus patient::i many shops of Parts Everyl:lody knows it w1ndowrl, sofas and easy cb:;u.ra covered w1tl1 mahs111, in1eunlo111alfem ' 11e1n r here to 1ne ' Such an imnu~usc, dazzling, slnftiug chintz, a rouud table, a piano, a ftrc·p1u.ce is one that sounds interesting 1\11ss Gia 'Dolclul \VIth a shrug 'Sickness l1:1 a. \\odd as 1t I;:; 1 i\l1les of counttrs stretch with lender of bright brnss Heie the girls hnm, No 298 - - - street, lung fever horrid bore I am out no\\ hunting up a oft 111 e' ery d1rect1on, like tbe rays off a pa'· their evemngs and their Sundays, anu l)ear n1e r what a dehulerl Llest;IIpL1on oi substitute for ruydressmakei, who sends me 11tarJ1..sh 'l'botrnands of people are \\.liking hove their urea]\fasts on the Sunday lllOlll· tteatn1ent and SJ mpto1ns t Dce1dedlJ, Gud ~.vortl she has lung fe, er I dare sa~ it is a.tout, Jet the place does not seem cro\v<led lllgs Their dmuig room w"' equally pleas· frcy is P1trrcste<l 10 J'rl1s& Orahniu'~ luug \ oul Y .i colJ > but Hi the meauhuH~, I rnaet Te1npting things confront you at every tu1n, ant 'l hree large wmdowutood open, let fe>er, Well, I suppose I must go, and out find oome uni' else , SbocJWig, am't il 1 Do all ticketed m plam figures, all cheap, 01 hng m the soft ait (1f J>(ay, and about the do" n n1y v1s1ts to.~ Jew this evening coiue to see u" isoou seem;u1g so to American eyes, which do not long table sat fifteen, or twenty girls laugh Ile retire<l to h1s sleeping upartment tor a And alter a fe\v more parting \Vords, readily take in such mari,;els us good four- mg and chatting -One of them recognized Ur1ef tlane, and e1ne1ged 1 no louger in fai3h ~Inude C!llned her goklun curls from Char buttoned k1d glo\ea for a dollar, or full- and rose to ~reet me with tl1e instinctive 1.:maLle new a~t1re, but n v. hut be calletl ley's 'tsioa trimmed black silk pethcoRts tor fourteen courtesy of a French 'voman bis 'doctor's tCl~~t:r), \'arrnnted {everlt \\US a tlcht, then She owctl the money l,be nuinber and variety of articles are al' I have been seeing your fJ. uarters,' I told proot , she had heart!< s'l y 1elused to aencl to the most rnerediole Provmon ,. there for her In eveQ )Outhful heait, ihuugh the tell· sick giil All the glamour laded ·t OllCe every human want, Adam and Eve, fresh 'Are the) not u1ce 1 Are \\'e uot \'i'ell der love lbat inakes a hfe run' not vet have an<l foie\ er from Chnrley Stevenson's heart fro1n Etlen; could enter by one tloor, and at off here 1' she ano\\ ered, looking pleased come 1 t11erc l::; ever one face, one vo1~cc, upon lt nas iropoo:isilJ1c for a iuan v.hose every an hour's enU \valk forth front aPother, 'Indeed, you are And what a pleasant which the bnghte1, a httle S\\eeter than action \\as controlled uy honor aucl Chris· completely ·~mppeJ fwm head to foot, from dmrng .room this 10 1 Iiut you have eaten other faces or voices can eler be To Chiir- tlanity to give even adlniration to a v.oman stock111gs to umbrella Next du.y 1f 50 np all the breakfast,' glancrng at the empty ley Stevenson th1a face antl \fncc \\as the for who1n he felt no iespect. aud Charley 11unded, the} could return an<l exchange all dlBhes me1nor.) of ~1au<le ~11dJ.leton, a bloi'.1dc Stevenson wae conscious of a Jeehng of bit these purchaee'S for others Even if J~ve'a 'So we have, but that ls hccnusc \\Care oeauty, and only child ol one of the leading ter oontempt for Haude as the phaeton bore dress ha· been cut, even 1! it has been {Jtted all done. 'Ve hose been n'.i.rly an hour' la· J era of the city. As yet, love had not her out 0 1 sight for her, it will make no ditrerence The I "a' disappomtcd not to see the food , cnmo to either heart, )et it I8 certain the It -nas with a ne" Illteicst he found his privilege of purchase Kay, Eve IS 1nst1- but my cur1oa1ty \\as grat1fted in the inen 's lovtly blonde ae·eptcd the attentions of the WaJ to\\ard e\enmg to Daisy Gruham's gate<l. to ch·nge her mrnd, for at the- top of d1n1ng--room, to wlnch we iiext proceeded, handsome 3oung doctor w1lhngly, and g;:ne inck rooui, and when her eJes n1et hi~, full her bill she \Vlll finU this pn1lted notice and which lS an immense place, capnble of h1n1 sweetest snules in return of gratitude, and a v;. lusper thauked lurn, 'l\I ~i.\r1st1de Bourc1cault trusts that all lad- seatmg several hundred The oreakfast, JuQt a society fitrtat1ou so tar, hut OtJ.03 ho \\ondered bow he batl ever seen any ies nlak1ug pu1cbasea at Ins estabhsh1neut or luncheon, for 1t was after eleven o'clocl\.1 likely to become something more, l9r Dl beauty m the fau face of ~I.tu<le ~hddle· will tee\ entirely at hbeity to bung them consisted of pot a" feu a savory conglomer· Ste\ euson was hen expectant to a wealthy tau back lf i0r any reason the" desire to <l.o so1 ate of potatoes, mea.t and gmvy, ied wine, maicleu aunt, and Maude Middleton bad But that Joung lady did not propose to reee1vmg at their option other goods m re· bread and butter, and preserved fruit, great been "ell taught a!'\ to tbe ncccsiUt} of se- lose her adrnirer s.o eai:i}y Ol<l A1.iss Stev~ turn, or their tnnney 1 And unless E\e gallon Jars of w h1ch stood here and there m curing a 'handson1e establu~bn1ent \\Ith ensou, the <loctor's aunt, had taken the has u stronger nnud than some of her daugh- process of bemg scoopecl out by dozens of other matrimonial blessings bloude tlpon her hst of special tavoritee,and ters she "ill not disda1n no\V and then to hungry men Garco1lS w1th \Vh1te ap1ons 'fhe ripple of her gol<len Lu11, the sparkle it was astoraslnng ho\-i; often tile gay beauty avail herseli oJ. tlns ex~rnonl1nary pr1T1lege lvcre running 1n and OJt with fresh supof her blue eyes were the n1.ngnets thllt bur- found an excuse to visit her elderly friend , But the drntingu1sh 1 nJ teatuie of the Bon plies of the steannng stew and fresh pots ol r1ed the doctor in his p1oleaa1onal calls, t1ll nnd often Charley" as theie, ever courteous l\Ia1che, the point which it excels a1rr11lar Jatu, and on the \V.alls hunJ this notice, over the or1g1nal one jlfore than thtee houra slipped a\\ay \\lute th~ doctor watched Jua po.t1ent1 studying the etlect of b1s mcd1c1ne~, and finally be1ng re\varcled by see1ng her f ,n into a qu1et slumber It \\as !]_Utte too late ~lH'n he rt:nched ho1ne '3.grnn, to make ~ny ci:\lla , and as he sat over his chee1y grate, he A DOCTOR'S NEW YEAR CALL. dteamed, not ul ~faude 1 s golden curls, l.)nt 131 .A~ NA. F3Hl~lDS of the pale, sv; ect face of Miss Graharu JA:SU \R! 1st 18It i:addened b1m to think ot a coffin lid D lll.AR CH \BLEY - Laid up with a sprain- h1chng it fore\ er horn the mothers loving ed ankle, and n1ust turn O\ er 1uy patients eyes, and ) et he knew that she was hover to J our tender mercies Enclose list \\1th rng ier) clo·e to the borc'ers of tho fntore 1mmcs, addresst;!s, course ol tleahneut, etc, hie etc , for j our ed1ficat1on His hr.:)t call, the 11ext <lay, \HlS at tho Goo~ HEY p ~.atJlll' house of tlus patient, lnd by the glad eyes rrhis "'as the note that Dr Cbarles Ste\ en ot the 1nothc1, he knC\V tl1e hfe-gn ing sleep son stood perusing, with a downcast face had been prolonged, and follo\\ed Ly conand clouded biow, on Ne\\w'Xear 8 niorrnng, sciousnees not manJ yeats ago rfhP. gentleman 10 Very weak, a.1.ld very ill, ~he wae yet, but question \Vas JUSt lwenly tive, Laudsotne, tht!re wns hope no\\, and Charley Stevenson and .. alente<l, possessed a Tilodest income, t onderi·d that tlns fact should 1:10 lighten b1ti dependent ot his practice, was a favorite in heart, when but twenty four Louts Lefore, society and had a goodly llst of lady he had neHr heard of MLSs Gralrnm But :fnen<l; upon" hoin Le rnig-ht call on New ln his 111ornu1g tra\cls a natty little pbae , un.y .1 ton pas<iecl 11101, paused t1'l he came up, and Y -ear~ Vpon the nlonnng 10 1.1uestion, ])i Stev- ~laud~ !lltddletou, learning forwaul, held enson has gone Ins professional rounds , ery out her hand to the Joung phys1c111n early, and had returned honie to ruake a 'You don t d~serve to be spoken to,' she proper toilet fo1 the usual ro1111d of New said, \\Itli her great l1lue eyes ll.),ernly car ri._ihy '\: 01Ce nngs glad aud Clear , Alteady, scaling slo'v tho 1nounta1n !:!l<le, 'l 'by t usthng robe.s ?. e hea1 , Already soe thr form the surly Winter chase, O, why thon longcr seek to hide thy lo\ e.ly face 9 gmsed by a preecript1on label plastered LITERATURE. n- 1'" 'She had sueh exqu1olte taste, and fitted hke the widow's cruse of 011 me to perfection, Hni:l worked for a mere Large as is the Hon ~iarcbe, another J eat notb1ng,' thought tbat Ill used ~ou 11g laUy, will see it larger yet. An immense addias she drove tn the direction oi :i\h!ii Stcven- tion,. bmldirg. When limshecl, the lib son'ti 'I 11 ai.k that old maid who n1akes rary and resta.uran t v; ill OJ.-...eu 111to a fine her ures,es, though I suppo·e they cost a picture gallery, whose dou1e- will c xb·1b1t small fortune ' inedalhons of all the great French iuvento1s Miss Stevenson "a~ at liorue, tUe i;ervant o.nd p1oneers 1n ruechan1cal Uiacover' 1nfo1n1ed 1\faude, and that )Oung lady, beMy gmde leads up another staus to the ing a p1n1legec.L v1s1tor, '\ent, at 1..n1cc, to tlurd floor, a large p11rt of w b1ch is occupied the s1tt1ng room At the door she pause<l, by a syste1n o[ roo1ns and bureaus, intricate see1ug a lady seateU near the w1ndo\\ 1 and RR those ot a department of state, wh ere in a lo\v cb ur nt 111ss Steveu~on 1 s feet, goods ior the prov1ncea are packed Fron1 D;.usy Grahan1 thence '"mount to the loclgrngs of the em· 'Oh t 1'-f1ss Grnhan1, !!he sa1d 1 ' 1 ha' e ploJ ee' Just been to yollr ho 1 u~e to see if you could 'How inany persons ,)o you e1nploy 1u !llttke n1e sou1e surrune1 d1eeses, anll to paJ your establJB11ment 1' I a'hl 1 you a tr1fie I owe you ' N111e hundred and sixty 111 .ill,' r eplied ' ~11ss Grahn111,' said Miss Stevenson, iny ga1de 'T\\o hundred and more sleep dryl), 'hns given up dreB!lmokwg lor the on the prennses, and all are fed here Thrn prescut , lJllt the trifle will be qmte con· is the side fo.r '\omen The1e are s1x.ty of ve1 ient to"nuls tJrov1d1ng her t1otrn1>eam. them nud they have as you see, a separate Yon will he the first to hear ot the enguge- entrance to themselves ment, Maude, but Jou 1uay saJ on my Kuockmg first, he opened two 01 three authority, that \\e a1e to have a \\edd1ng 1n bed room door8 Nice httle cbambe1' all the fal~, when Da.1sy "dl beco1ne the \\ife of them, airv and au1ple, \'11th t\\o w1n<lo"s -0£ n1y nephew,-Cba-rhe' and fire-plalle& "1th grates. White chroVery sweetly MLa8 M1Udletou tnade her cheted 'luilts covered_ the beds, there wore congratalatory speech, and. paiJ her bill, Cllrlamed pegs for bangiug up dresses, lo" but In her phaeton the young lady ahecl cane cha.Lrs-everyt:nng as tidy anU a11 fresh spiteful tears m the shadow of he1 mil, as could l>e Some of the girls bad e·ch · muttcr1ng roo1 n to herself, in others there \\ere two 'So that nas the 1cason CUnrhe ~toveu 'Is there au infirmary 1n the shop,' I en son stu)ed 1nvay tram 1ny New-Year'i:i ie qtured How llo yon inanaoc if any one cept1on, and haa been 80 ofhsh ever since r' JI 111 1 And reader, tha.t \\as exact]y the reason 'If any one lB ill she 1· nursed rn her own ch \U1ber,1 rephe<l. the chef ' \Ve have N othrng could be pr< t- ings 10 tbc \Vock Eu~h~h lessons nrc gt\l'll, on the 1ema1n1ng Lwo, lt:ssons lll Uern1a l The estabhslunuat, tlic1cfore, is not 0111) a are "r the fineot A superll screen of Jap1n rne_au s o[ Jnelthood to lltar}_y a thOU "ttr.d ese silk painted Wlth birds and flowers cuts pcIBODR 7 but a. tra1111ug school a~ \\. ell,wht1 c of draughts. Al" ays a hot houoe plant rn intelligent naU atnlnt1ous IIJllld::i c.u1 ht freshest bloom ornaments the table A loot- thetnselvea for ti.Jc higher posit1on8 ,t11d 1e man m Llue hvcry brmgs ) our plate and '\aids of then fte1ds oi occupation glli.sa of red \\·1ne or orgeat. You ofler a.. I eu~1une<l. concer111ng salnr1cs, anll \\il B gratmty , he shakes his bead, it is not per- told Lbut each peroou 111 th~ ~slalJh<;.lnucot All tl1e sboppmg received a stated su1u 1n addition to Uoai tl mitted, he tello Jou \\01ld c11n come at \\lll and refresh tbetn- anrJ lD 200casca lodging, beside ~luch crtcl.i scl' cs in th1Q di:.1nty bower, \vhosc flagons ha~ au interest 1ri the sales, \ aiy1ng acco1d fail nut, aud \\hose ?natlslC'tnes and tart lets 1og to ngt1, capaclt) uutl pos1t100 rrhe chr:flj seem to renew themselves m1raculonoly, de 1ayo11s 111ake sou:i~ of thern 20,000 a year , t1er or more elegant than this httl~ roou1 and Jts appo1ut111ents The hneu uud china the hcall "01uan 12,000 There is thus * el cry 1ncent1ve to zeal and )et the bodily wants of all a1e so con1fortably _pro\Hle d jol a~ to preclude tbe tapac1011 s nnx1ety I havu noticed In other tibopf(, and wluch tcllc oi the cle1l\s' JJe1soual st:lke::i 111 th e sales La.st of all I \vns taken through a $'.('J 1c::1 of ~1llarJt· s arrd e:to1rcaees to th e. stal dP~, which are at a httle d1st11n ce h o111 the ~hop E1ghtj hor1;es and tlnrty fh e ?nc n are acconunodated he1e not. to 1nention son1e lort) of the httl ~ wi.1gun s "1th " J fin Jifarchc ' on ttu~n pun nels \\ 111ch Pan13 street! know so well N othrng coulJ lie more beautiful l.) In orde r than tho~c s tabl ci: The borse!i, large, '-leek crent 1rei::, stood munclnng their lHt) in stalls ,Lnd loose box e::i, unled with va1n1shed \\ooJ Eacb stall \Vas m.nked \\1th tbe nau1e and ped1 gree of i ~ oct:upant 1 as thuB I Ros1TA, par ru1u:s ))'! FR. .\:N<..:UE I \\US Rhown a wondrous h'1tllt.:8;:j; 100t11 , whete every buckle flashed w1th polish, a huge omn1bnc:i, \\}11ch each n1orn lng car ne ~ the ohef~ de 1ayonB to the whol esale d ep~ut ment and brings th cu1 back, a g1eat 1u.u kct \au for the suwlteA of th e Lou.chol<l, and an i..nfi1 nici1y 'vherc sick horses i.11( lodged and nursed '\..Ve have a park in tbe count1y aliso,' sa1<l Dlj conductor, taking u. lnrnp ol sugar f1om his pocket and popping it Into the DlOUtb O( a liorf;C \~l11ch W8.S tublJ1ng aga1nst !us shoulder and "b1UllJ 111g expectantly ' 'a nice pa1k \\ ith gn:tr;s, \\here \\ c send the horses "ho liave been sick to graze and get strong Ob, \\ e arc all co1nfortnble beti:, lll tHlntn!! , o( Lb.it J <au nssure j ou' 'Our chef, AI llotuc1 ctult, ho '..-\1..\llt uu, 'lS a very gre.i.t n1::u1 , 111 1ny opunon, a vcrJ great U)aU Eveu as lll Rothsclnkl IS prince of ba11ke1 ..., su 1s o:.ir dicj prince o1 comruerce Bus1ne"8 b his pleasure at1Ll Jns life fle B ~c hlolli absent troru hu; desk a s1ugle day ~otb1ng escape!:! lu t:> notice lTe observes all, 11ea1a ail, Judge s calinl), IS never exc1ted Believe n1r, n1adan1e, he 1s a great lllau And when last of all, I was ·hown the one tiny room 1n. n corner of the gteat es t'abhshment where twentj-eight )CUl S vgo the Don 1a!arche begun its career, and thought of the magic ol ·uch growtL, ancl of the thousanU soulR whose daily bread , -whose comfort, and w}1ose mental nnpro\e ment are so genero11E ly cared for uude1 its roof, I repeated to DlJSclf, 'Yea, lbe wau who has done tb1a tbHlr{ is, in his "" ny, truly a great mau '-lla1pe1 's B<I'"{~, A Precipitate Flight Wa l1ope that l\llh the passmg away ul the sno" disappca;' all temptation to repent the d1~gracetul scene enacted ou ~funaon Street, Friday afternoon As near "'11 as \le can ascert1nn, the partteulnrs nl'e as tollo\\ s ~fr Robinson, \\ho occupies the house aext north oi :\Ierr11l's groce1y 1 wa.s ellgaged in shovelling the sno\v from the iool rnto the stie~t Durrng the work, he heard a screanl from below, anJ looking o~er the cornice, he sa\v a n1an with h~ur, neck an<l cl othes full ot snow, <lancing up and do\\n on the "alk, a11d 8hak1ng bis fist towdrcl s baoda, Bellin "\.Vools, etc, \\lnch r:;he w1U Rell at ~low tJnc~ as the.) c.tn be !Jought fo1 clael\he1c ~1A 11.J/lhG danc on 8110B:J.'ES1 1 A...0'1 TCE w. I BUNNEY, ------~- BUILDER, ETC. Be.,s to 1etu111 th ~nkii to his f11ends (01 the sup J<..l rt he bas l'()OOlvcd the paat two yel1.rs, and inv~~, by i.::outu1ued rituct peri:loual a.ttent1on to hu,,.1n~!'lSi and wo1king at them.oat reasonable pnces to eu<iure a continuauc~ of puiJhc pati 011 «ge \'V B 1~ p1 e:pat ed to bt1ild hou::ica, etc , (?n t !te1no!it ~odern t,ityle of arcbitecturc Job bing p1qmpt1y attcnde'il lo l>lans qnd tipoc1fi c'ttionc got up on q.pph!HJ..tiol!; ull tlie JPO!:\t rel(. CC>ME and SEE HILL'S NEW --,A-- be stood at the door of the last patient, ltl1ss Grnha1n, \\ho hnd lung je,cr Into u dn1kened roo1n, where po\erty hnd set bcr uglJ seal, ;yet whe1e some of those heart rend1ng relics of better d,\)S hogered ) et, the doctor \vas ushtred by an elclerlJ \Votnau, u. gentlewornnn 1n the true Eagheh sense of the nord, \\ho bore the t1acea of Rorro\\ upon he1 sa<l face, aull. looked \\ 1Lh p1t1tul anxiety for lus directions 1 8hesee1nsrnuch worse since } ru~t e\en Int;(,' she snltl 1 when tb.\:! docto~ had explain- a'Jd pleac;-ant, hnt never again \\lth that air and voice that had once to]U A-laude her charms were \VlDlJtug tbeJr 'vay to the young doctot 8 hecrt It troubled hun, too, tbat h is aunt had so evidently set her heart upon a match between lumself ~lltl Maude, for lie dearly loved her, and was lonthe to cross any of her wi,.hes So, not \\Ishing to inake a.ny \ iolent rupturei 1.:unning Char· ley, one e\Cn\ug lU the ea.rly s1ning1 said '1\.uulle, Co you rcinenJbcronce ?iiehiug you could replaoo yot.r olil conipi:u ion 1 Miss shop>i, Hl not tlus pr1v1lcge of exchange, is not even the exquisite and accurate fairness of 1ts every transaction, \\ht(h will compass sea and lan<l. to 1ect1iy a nnstake of te11 sous In an a.t.:count, but the uuva1 ying cheerfulness, read1nes.s n.uJ good huinoi: of its em-ployees-- readinells which never Jegeuc1ate.s Ulto urgency, and good Ltunor which uever seews to fail, ho\\ eve1 taiced Never- once have I observed in a. clerk o1 the Bon 1\far-.;betho.t sudden change from 'gay to glun1, f1on1 ll\ely to seve1e,' "h1ch 111 other winch I could not sufficiently al\tnuc NOTICE 1'hfJ food of the emplo) ees nnISt be abundant and\\ holef:ome, and the service prcnnpt ex11~t llfr RoLrn,on, ' What ilo you mean by tbro\\ mg your blnste<l suo'\ ovE-r 1uc ? gaspetl the stranger ' 1Vlw thre\v snow on Jon 1 'ery nntur- eel the accident that kept bLS friend at home, Bruce " !.the deluLum cont11;iues thouJli she 1.s so Yes, 'Lut I ue,er can ,, ealc i:ihc can har<lly speal\: ' the doctot app1oacbed the bed A fav~, tl11n 1 yet exqu1e1telydehcate iu e'ery outlwe ~ud feature, fe\'er .fl.u~lu.-:d, \\Ith large b1ai:k eyes stnckea by illness, wasted a.ud are warned, Charley, ~our \\'lie \\ill sha1e shops falls aud envelopes Jon like a pall aa ~.\ncl \\hen you soon as you Rnnounoce your decision not to buy Comme11t.Jug ou tlu8 fact tv a resident of Pan::i, I nas told the S)Stein pursued by the Bou l\1arc1Ie to\\a1<l its c1nploycea \\as ue\ A.. few :protesSlOD&l 1uflu1r1c11 follo\\ ed,aud Aoruible t(lrms, and of every a.est.-r1pti01J Office and Shop, Outtl11.o Str e~t, nearly oppmnte ].fr l Bo .... den's B ow1na.nvill~ Doc 24th, 1874 la l): our home ' 'Very true In the iueantuue, L.\..uutic, 1 ha\e apJ.ttcnt "ho Juis been very 111 \V1th lung fe\er, and !whose sotc,support 18 lier needle She 18 not st:roflf_! cuout;h )Ct to New 'l'a,ilor shop, L that n'ldnccd business in the Shop next to the A llE "\VI1~H l~ JOH~ Fall & Winter Dry Gootls HEAb-, 0 0WI,f., beg8 to 111 he bnf! corti ]}v worn, )Ct the mo;t b0aut1ful mall its p~\Q his eyes hau ever feate<l upou \Vheu Le felt the rapid pul$e at the dch· cate wrist, bent low to l!.ten to Ibo murrums uf tbe <lelmous fancy, a knock at the Y fdun tlle p11bht.: geiie1ally, A LARGE LOT OF Offi ce, one <loo1 eaet ot.,T Milne's Fft\11 1 g- h wl Re \l.Jral ye~ns expeucnce iu the t,1 ft(lc, he hop~;:). to sattsfy all vrho ma.y fnvo1 pies~ l,1m with n cn.11 LADIES' and Bowlll(l,1rv1Jlo Nov 1st, 1873 GOOD FITS GUARANTEED m!V.tf VERY ~EN'l'S' F'C'RS OI-IE.i\P. follow h<· trade 0! die"makrng, ancl I """ 'Get leave to eec 1t ,j )OU can,' advised thmkrng, if my auntie could find a place my friend. 'It lo a good deal talked of JUSt for hei nnd wake her usclul~it "oulu be" no\\ amon~ the philanthropists ol Parl8 chauty, and wight prove ~ couifort here You will be mterested' alao,' So I asked for lea.e, addressrng myself dooi -"iuu1moned the 1.uolbet: away 'Who l:; she, Charle~ 1' t~ a dignified, gray ha.1retl cha/ de rc~tjori , or rt \\M 11n\!08S~ bl~ In the deep shllness of '~f1ss DllSJ Gtahani wanage1 of a d1v1s1on, \\C should sn.y at the Joou1 to a voiLl heaung the 1.:onvcrsation 'Qro.hain 1 \Vhat Graliani l ho1ne I l\as American and pait1 .... ularly bet\\cen th e new-coniet n.nd Mr::. Graham 'Jlct fath et 's uame 'as Josiah, and I pleo~e<l to hear ol scherr1cs.Jor pron1ohng and un quo, 1.hflereut, fro1u that of othe.r \\O enter for a nnnute Great DJIBketa of raMng lns \01cc to the key adopted hy the er:itabhshwclJta o1 the srunc class fi eah lettuce ·toou on the tloor , the tables stranger The moflt thorough entente cm clwle. i:,honld ally rngmrcd Mr Robrnson, there uerng between the va1 cons d(; sc1 vuc :tntl thfJ every probab1ht) m the "orl<l that it""' employees. thrown 011 him sever~l days before M L - - - 1s <le11gnated to 1ece1vc each 1 You did 1 JUSt t~ns n11n1t,' 0,.<isc1tctl tLt.: day .any compht.1nta or cut1c1smij wlnch the c1natrnng~r, inost positively ployces of thrn estabhsh1uent de8lre to inakc ns '\V ell, I didn ' t niean to throw it ou J au to the conduct of the lodging department The dame'6 can a.ppl3 to him at (such iJJl How'cl J know you \\ e~o the1e ?' stud ~It hour) , the garccms de 8C1 i.:ic~ a..t (aud1 a.nothe1) Rolnnsun, feebng that tlle occasion cullcJ. Hour~ stated. for son1c firn1ne ss ',. VJ1y iu thnnlle1 ain't you looking to se~ Could anytlung so effectually dest10y a disposition to ,,;rumble .. this coruial Ill· \\l1.tt JOU're doiu', and not be llu1g1ng your snow .tll over creation, buryuig up ie~pcctv1tat100 1 · able people l d~m u1<led tlic l!tranger Near the dmmg-room is Lhe kitchen aud ' \Vl10 are you, .u.1.) "uy P c;-a1d Rob1nsuu, I were full uf otray trays, on "h1ch were ranged rows of plates and tumbler.a glistenmg clean. A man ma e1de pantry ··~fill· wg dozens and do'2ns of bottles of vin ord· i.iare. Upon the walls hung coffee pots and sauce-pane which shone !Jke gold H a lf a d ozen w1nte· aprone d , white Cap petl ' I'll teach ) QU II lrn I am il Jou ilouw me agam with 10111 A\alanchc,' ,crcam cu the stranger Both men "ere l1,Jk1u;( ~t the top of their vo1ces-be1ng so1ue I"" 1.:11ty feet apa1 t -and cooks 'vere preparing diuner on u 1noni:. , \\ I t l · Ik ia cu yvt JJ tn v\ t 1 111 1 to lne trous 1angc , an appet1zu1g and P,1\vo1y f ti t " 1 J\ 1 " " 1 HJ \\ <1,.) "C r l.'H Ill :"J J!llSOll 'You lune an atH:i\\cr to n1y note I' t}1c bchev~ th e.) \\~re wealthj, at one t 11 ue the con1fort of wo1k1og people Al1ght I steam rose hke a halo nnd ~nrroundcd tliu1 , I 11 1 , · } s 1ow ) 011, i. \ ou cu1ne UO\\ 11 lere, lady ~a1<l ca0 er]j 'Jo ...1ah Gr~thaw s child <l1cssn1nku1,.; 1 ' see the Bon .&farche from top to bott&n1 1 heads you cl ough · fn.cP.11 ,,n dl o-t.1 ·1e/ Rhr1eked th e 'No~ 1n :i. u,111 J11 -.~ 1'I1ddleton \\as 11teso ( lilll !\ nnt Ste\ l'n~on '(. hnrl1c 1 And X otlnng co uld bt>; more co1d1nl than llls Ne~t \Vt"' pec~p into the bu1Lc1 '::; !ili op several wmdows rn the neighborhooLl "ent up 111g fo; caller',l·nd couldn't be bothere1\' I ~!.ma-lus " ile, l mrnn-B she dcau' ieply Ce1tnmly I He "ould conduct me v.licrc 11 tuube1~ f!tln1 qur of JUSt-breakfa!lted clc1k e