THE MERCHAN'l', FRI DAY, APRIL 23, 1875. -·---- ----TRESPASS NOTICE. 111'~,H,UBY :r·iO'l'IFY all pru·ties, that the Ponds a1ul Creeks on South half of J. . ot Ko. 10, the North half of Lot No. 91 and on Lot No. 8, 1:1itun.te in the 8th Con. eif Darlingt on, are re· 8erve<l fishing g1 xmud, belougiqg to me, and any one trcf!pasaing thereon , will be prosecuted to thc 11t1nost rigor of tho lrnv. I :~ ON AT IN THE BLOOD JAMES WOODLEY. J)al"liugton, April 14th, 1875. 10-~mcs. CASH --o- A .Full A1;,wrtmcn t of (W el'!lt or tlte Ontario BR.nk.) l\ ing Street, .Bow111au ville. LANDS FOR SALE. lfi being Lots Kos. 14and15,in the 10th Con. l\ ;TUST Bil SOLD. A ·plend;u property, I>arliugton, conta1ning 2DO ::tores, m ore or lest!. The soil is a rich loatn, n.nd the laud le\·eI, aavo about 10 n.cres on the front of each lot, About :JO ·ic res cl eared, and well fenced: Eighty moro can be ea.eily with a good sucker lefL on tho north side, for I~all Vv.,.ho;i..t, '.J.' 1, if rig1ltly att:.-:!nde<l. to will pa.y fol' the whole lanU. rrhero is on the 1wcmi.scs, a. dwtilling houf.!t> 1 burn, and good 'vt-1 of wa.ter, also young orchard. 'l1hc prope1·ty is aituatc ·within ten .nnlc-:; of Ilow111anville, three of ~.ryi·one, thr~e of Enniskillen, and two of Haydon. 'l~he ln.nrl 1dll be sol1 l cl..wa,p. ,'\. small pul'tion of the pul'chnse lnoney, requil1-,d do,vn, and reasonable ti1ne given i n which to pay tho h~la.nce. Pos· ::ieaeiou given iunuediGtoly. }'or fal'tht.:'t' infol'!n· ;:ttion, apply to the p1·op1,ietor, JAMES WOODLEY, 'l'yrou.c P.O. D<u·lington, ;\pril 14tl1, 187U. 19-3rnot>- STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, now to hand, GOOJJ and CHEA!'. (It. OnAWI·'ORD , ~IASTEn.) \ Vill lnake lier rcguln.r trips on this route,"' Cobourg every morning at 7 :30 and Port Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester, connect· i th the N O\V York Cen tral n.nd Erie ing thero tY n~nwayl!I, for all points East, 'VeAt aud South. UETlJRNlblG, ROOM) i E. ii llbsctiber i« prepatcP, to bui ld and r e· THpau· Ii you want a. Wagons , Buggies, and Gutters, H an.che st e r Ap1 ·il 22, 1875. H ouse, B o'WJ:Danville . THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Seeds! Lyle Fielc l and ·Garden - --:o::--- See«IS ! will leave Charlotte (port of Rochester) d&ily a.t 9 p. m.·, except Sa.ti1rdays, when she will le&·e at 2 p.m., for Port Hcpe, <lirrct. This is the ahortest and quickest route t o Oswtgo & Wo.tert.olVTI; \'ia La.kc Ontario Sliore i l{ailroad fi·om Charlotte. Dealers in stock &c ., will finU th i1:1 the chei:i.p- j est and rnost expeditious rou te tv TI0i1ton, ~<\.1- J bany, New York, &c . , 11'1n' furthe1 · information app}y to j' 0 H .G AN TOR s r,f e,-e1·y del:!c..ription, at shott notice, and o ren.sonablc terms. The Pe1· S111·up, a P»otecte<l Solution of the Prot-Oxl<le of I1·01i, is so co1nbi1ietl rr,.c; t.o h.rttJc the chcwacter of an allr m.cnt, "~ ertsil y lligestell am! assimilated, foorl . It ·i1w1>eascs the qna1'Uty of Nature's Own YitaUzin(J Car ri111es Painted and Trirrn.,r. . 1 Agent, I»on ·i·n the bloo1l, an1t CUA'<:S "<t tho11,sariil ills," sintply I I ll' ith the bloo<l cis the slm:plcst AND' Parlors,Schcools, or Churches, ou ll. CRA WFOl:l>, POll'l' HOPE, J(I:XGS'fOl\'"', Th orough-bred Dmham Bull --- ---- FO:Et SALE. liA.'!1 weU-kuuwn aninial, 1lhrt/ Dake, brctl by l\ft·. ltobt. ' Vadc, of Ii.01ic, iR offered for sitlc. Apply to J\LB~~R!l' r11Al\IBLYN, l!!tvr. L ot '27 . 0th Con, Ol~l'ktl, 01·uuu, .April 7th, J.87.3. l9-2i!1· T & rl'quest to annouucG U1at lhey have jlrnt t.o lmnd, a I I0r e. y. llILDEnsu:Jo;vE, I -. --DENTISTRY-:-~IIE order to accede to School Library T requests of pC'rsons both in Orono Clarke, has consented to open a.n. SUDSCl~IBER, ! th~>rc~~~?!!~~;~ 1~ttc~~1?P. I gm·n to ·ll , meates eVC>'?I P. <t1't of the botly, 1·cpr.ti1·i1,,y tltt111,ctges (l/lt<l 1r<tste, sea?'chin,g ~ .,..01·bitl secre- by Toning wp,Invi(Jo1'ating and Vitalizing the System. The en"iche<l an<l vital-izetl bloo<1 ve1·- c~niage _ <\gents for th· work, and General Jobbing. NOTICE TO LADIES. 1\lRB. l\IAY BEJ~· !Jccs to notify the latlies of J3ow1nanville t hat ah e is pr('pai:ed to attend to :ill orders for Full Assortment of Good, Fresh, and Reliable Field and Garden Seeds, ALSG Su.r~ c ry. u1a.11y residing and Office in the village of Ul'onn, where either he or l\Ir. G. T"'ocKHAn'l\ I J. D.S,, will attend , on tl1e tirst !1-loncl u.y in cveTy inout h, coinmencing on the tiret ~{onday in Mar(:h, and remain dur. iug t,lJn.t 'veek, for th e 'Pllrpoae of attending to all Dental upel'at.iou&e. Office Rt Dr . .fidding's ' the in Depot, . tions, awe le«!Vin(J nothin(/ fo1 · disertse to fee<l 111Jon. :J.'his ·is the sem·et of the wondei·ful success of this 1·emcd 11 i>b cul'ln(/ Dyspepsia, L-it·e1' Co1nplldnt1...Dropsy, Chronic I)iw·1·/taxt,noils, N e1·vous .Affectlo n.<, (}hills a1i<l Fever s, H'ttu1,01·s, BEST ORGANS Of<o" TFC.l A. ua ll is rc!ll pectfully 1:1olieited. JJisectscs of the Ki<lneys amt Bla<lde1', Female Com11la.lnts, a.Jid all ll,iseases 01·iyiriciVln,y in, Loss of Constitutional >'lu01·, .T. MORRIS. ""BoWlllan ville. Oct. l.1;t, 1869. J. DownJ a1.1\'illl·, ~I. BHIMAOOMBE, }~th . 1Eth, 1875. CONTl~ENT Imperial .Fire Insurance Co m' J,ONDON. (Est ablished 1800. O.r.rlCES.- 1 Old Broad Ht. , anti P all Mall, I.nndon. ' GENERAi· .1.. GENCT FOR CA.NADA ;- ~4 St crameut , ].font1·e&l. lliAO ST RAW MILLINERY. FOE SALE. Pl-IILLIP:s lN THt: C!ccn1h1[1 nnd l lep(iiting attended. l-0 Pl'onivtfg. KING STHET, BOWMANVILLE. 1'HE ~- - An Aprcnt ice Wanted. Ui)pusitc the Aln1a Hotol. Bowmanville, Apl-il 8th . l-IO'TEL, - :o:-··- TO THE FA~MERS I . N O'l'l:!ER lot of tho·· B est and S implest l!ROAD OAS1' SOIVEllS <Md OUL1'f. VATORS Cambined, just arri'\'ed. Plciise call t i ud Sl:le thein. anll a host of other good Imple1nentf.!. Ii. W . JAMES, l{ing Street, Bowman ville. .:\_pril 8th, 1.Si:). 28-lrn. - ------ - :!8-lw . 600 bushels :BARLEY, for seed. - - -:o: - - - ~!~~~c ?.;~ .s ?v: o~!~~;r~!: Terms A pply to the 1n·opriotor on ensy. DOMINION BANK. BOW~[ANVILLE. ~na 8tate of the system. Beinu fi·ec f1·om Al-Ooltol, in cmy fm·in, Us CIWl'f!izing effects m·e not fol lowed by ctn'l'espondlny 1·eac·tion,, b'u t a1·c 1,Je1·111,ar1..e1it, in,fti .~in,g st· 1·e1i(Jtli, vigo'I', tt1icl 'n.e1{J life into all parts of the system , awl bllilcl'lng up an Ii ·on Constitut-lon. Thoustmds Tuwe bceu chanyecl s ic/r,ly, sttifc1·i1iu .. c1·ecttiires , to str011-r1.. healthy, nrut /l(tl>)'>l/ 'll't~;z, <tn,cl ·tuonie1i; a,n<t invtttids cannot 1·ertsonably to give ·i t n t°l'ie<l. See th<t~ttch l>ottle h<ts PERUVIAN SYRUP l>lowninthcglass. I>a111.'plJ.l 'f t.s tocr,tl~, a b<tcl state of the blootl, 01· nccom,panictl by <lebU-ity O>' tt low b11 the use oftltls ·1·e1nelly, f1·u m t he A premise!!, for pa1· E't1b. ·25th. 18'75. Fine & Coarse Salt $1 per bbl --.-- K T. PHILLIPS. 22.lf. \Ve h& ve now Lhe lno1t "· ried. Capital, Paid U p, HEAD OJ<'FICE, BR.~NCH $1,000,000 TORONTO , ' WANTED. y A ' VOMAN fron1 B England , a situation, '"here sh e could make "herself generally useful, behind the Counter, in 'YOU~G .recently 0JU L.L1A, COBOURr., oF:r r cEio; : 08HAW:\ 1 'Subscrib ed and in,·eeted Capital and .Reserve Fllnd. £1,965,000 Si orling. ll'unds invested in Canada.- 105,000. ItlHlll'an cee agalnst 1osfI by Fira are effected on most favorab]c tenns, and losse8 paid with out reference to the Boa.rd in London. ' VHlTDi"', J DODSWORTH, Inspector, RINTOUL BROS. Gen . .A gents, Montrea - ---- - - -·--- - - -- - - CATTLE FOR SALE. J . SANl.JElWOOK, Darlington, April 8th, 1875. BOWUA?'YILLE, Uxnn1or..r., F :rcc. EVERA!, CO\ VS 1 in calf, an<l young Cattle, for sale by the·undensig-ued, on Lot No. 2'2, Broken Front. · 28·3ins. S PLASTER, -Bowm1i.11vrne, Ap ril 15th, 1875. ONE . DOLLAR I ---~ -· ··------ the Dressmaking department. or as A asistant Book·kee,:ter. It eferences kindly permitted, to aeverAl respectable pere_ons, both in 1'own a1 Hl Country. Addref!:S, N. A., OBSERVER Office, Bo,v1nanville. lQ.t Dec. 3rd, 1874 . SELECT STOCK FOB. SALE EXCELLTIN'r PIANO, alrucf'.lt new. l 1 rice $225 casll, or $250 on time. .A pply at this offi.~e. _ 1st, 1875. 27 -tf. Horse For Sa.le I HE AVY FARM H ORSE, G yeat! GOOD old.· Apply nt thU. Ofllce. · 111areh 4th, 1874. 22·tf ~·et A ~ ing rno1·e a.nd bettf'.l' chancea to Agents than uuy other hou!,!e in the worlil, 8alnples cnBbliug you to go to work at once, on receipt of 50 c~nta. J. LA.THAl\1 & CO., 29'.3 \Vaehington Street, B1)ston, Ma.s!i., t,. , S. 27-6ins, L \.pril 2nd, 1875. ------~ -- , ., $12 l'F.R DAY. r,\ RTIOU· $ D.1'0 . · L·ARS FllEI~. Vlearegiv- F A :a:ousE AND LOT OR SALE, situate on Ontarlo 'Strcot. E n· quire of l\.:IR. THOMAS, on t.he premises. Bow1 na.nvillc, Ja.n. 22nd, 1875. 17~tf, G-ood Fa.rm. for Sa.le. 29tb,;~·R SALE. half of I,ot No. 14, 7th NORTH .lington , containing 100 acres, more or less. Good buildiDgs and ftinces, and lnrge young cha.t-d . E'or p articulars, apply to WJI. '.1.'UER, HAYDON. Oct. SABBATH SCHOOL LmRARIES and Oou. Dar· GENERAL LITERATURE This Bank, in a.ddition totrru1sacting the u1:1· ual banking businetis; offers to t he public all the advantages of a Saving In1:1titutiOn with the security of a large 1 id-up capital, by the meo.ns ot a 8.A VINGS D \.R IM.ENT. I nterest aUQ""·ed on depoHits of One Dol. la.rand upwards, at t: ::: rat.e of Fiv E per cent. ~er Bnnuu1. Depositors can withdra.'v eitlicr the whole OL' any p art of their depOtlitg at 1\11,Y tin.le , without previous noti co. Special rates of i.utere!:!tallo"'tld upon deposits with notice of withd1 ·a.wa.l . American Currency and Silver taken on do· posit. Draft.~ grante<l payable in Gt-eat .B ritain, llnitcd St atee an<l all parts of Canada. ~Deposlts can b,i}4·cmi ttcd by mail,nddresscd t o the Dominion "'Bank (regist ered), "l\ hen in all cases a 'Pass-Book receipt will be sent by retmn post. ,J. A. CODD, Agent, Bowma,n\'ille ~ Jan. 6tl1 , 13-tf. 1 1874' B. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., .Agent Seth W. Fowle & Sons, Proprietors for Bcwmanville and Vicinity. !fowmanvillo, Jnne 4t h. lSf>O X m.o.43-39.4\V No. i Milton Placc,IBoston. · OLJJ ll Y DRUGGISTS GENEHALLY. TI-IE School Ensign, .An unsccta.riau , Illustrated Paper, ftn· Sabbath ~c h ools. l:'ublisl"d Monthly, c;t Bov:manville, Ont. has been connected, more or lesa, Sabbath Schooln, £ro1n bis boyhood, nnrl '"'ill endea.vot· the n1ake the Exs1Gri every ·wa.y 'vortb y of the support of Sabbath Schools, 'l'he unsectarian charaL'ter of the paper,renders it snit able for any School. In connection t herewith. a Supplement is p ublished, containing Notes on: t ht: I nternational series of S. S. Le1:1· sonR. 'l 'h eRe are M,rt;fully prepared, and must p roYe of ,grcnt value to bu~h 'l'e~cher an d Scholar. The F~di tor c loael~· \vitl1 'I' HE ~ J.ephant many UNDERSIGNED in returning thanks TH}J to his friends the public for the liberaJ. patronage extenderl. to l1im < lu r:i.nd . --1 House g eu1:ira1ly I, Real Estate _ F'O R, SALE is offered for Sale, being a part or Lot No. ;10, 5th Con. Darlington, comprising 2.5 acrea, n101·e or less. '!'here are about 23 acres cleared, th~ remai.uder being wooU land. Thero ii'! a. .Q.Qod frr,n1e houl!le, \Vitb barn, driving bouee and at3.ble, nnd two good \Vella. '!'here is a.leo a. splendid or-1 offered to the people in W eit DW'h a:m. . 5·tf. I rrHE ESTA"fE ol the 1"1< rm1,rr CALLD.<RY, Orchard of Fruit-bearing Trees. 'l'his property is iu a. good .etate of cultivation. l.I'o1· fn.rther particulal'l:I, a.p])ly,'r, post -_ paid, to Da. ).l("'L, 08hawa. 27·tf. April lst, 1875, "' OUSE _l\.ND situated bet\veen the Furniture }~ai::tory and Scu1 onsc ill built gog Road. ir.. Bo\vma.nville. 1. hc ]1 of brick, is nearly new, contains eight room!, cellar, pump, etc., and is nov.· occupied by the I M anager of the Factory . For termij n.nd pn.r. tioulars,applyto Me0LUNC>l31toa., or the owner, 1'.fRS. PR'l'ERS, Hampton. ~farul1 11th , 1875. 2Hf. F.I L0'l~ouvenitmt1y I - -o- I 'fERMS , Par cel.!! of 5, 10, 15, et c., 1~t t he cte. per year. Single copies, 40 cts. JARJ!,'E. Address, t·:"i. te of ;JO PostRge ing the past 18 years, Legs to ann ounc e tb at from a.nd after the 15th Scpteml,icr, he will c~uT,,. on the eatnc business, but ino1·0 lj,Xt e u~i ve1y under the name and stvl e of J o11x ~1.cLEOD & Co. PrOIDJ?t va.ymcnt ~of all !:.Ccounts is rendered imperat1ve by this bul;!:incr;s o.n·a1:1 gemen t, and all l.Jel-sons indebted ,,.,·ill please take not icf ~nd govern Uit!llll!elves accordingly. JOHN McLEOD. For the Holidays ! Gi,f't B 00j t~, lCard. c. Bowma.n,·ille, 1th. 187:3. BAHKER, EDJTOJ<, Bown1anvi\.le 1 01it, of 'I'hanks. What the Press sav about it ' THE ExsJGJ'!;. - \Ve have been t3,,yo1·c<l w1tl1., copy of -the .Bns"iyn from tho Editor,at the \Vo~t D urham ERtabliabmenl. The }}n:n'gn JI' rou \Vant ~imno ml ~tn.~ t m6·1y :'-.'"'o ve1nb;'l' G~L. 187.J.. Business Site and Dwelling House For Sale. Shop, with ])welling House, and· ing-s, !!it.uato next to the Ne"' B . C . Church, Hampton. Also 20 acre:: of la.nd, part of lot No . 19, in 5th Concession. Possession next fall, tfJrtns liberal. Ww. VANSTONE. I 1 · S , ~ --Ouc or two good horse8 wanted in cxd1aui;i;: fnr :N-cw \Vaggo11s . ScYcral good roll:t.)·$ fol' 1!ale. rr111~ undersigned offers for i:mlu liia 'Vaggon NEW GOODS! - - o-- - - :o:- -- AA.. A- ~ _.l ~ v~ given him their pa~onage iu the ~t, rt ,,H." E Subscl'ibcr returns tltaukR t o those \'r'hO P1'ang's Celeb1·ated Ch1'0'm,Q8, J(i crnscopes,Kaleidosoopes, of the jine;;t descl'i]J/.ion, Lai.lid Gomvcm ions, lV 1 ·iti·ng Desks, ·~P ~nl « I . l" l ic · .LI ·' l"-· vu-rns,. and ""·onld i11Jor1n the farmers fhat ha lla.!4 re· pa.i·oo ond refitted hi· Mill ·. and iB now Jll"eear· e<l ·to attend to th en· waut s in the nullJnll hne. He i· ol,,u <onductin~ & ~ i1:1 a va.per prepared especially for Sabbath Schools, a.nil in our opitiiou w ell ndapt· ed to its Object. SO great a. fildorite has it be. GENERAL STORE, 11.11{{ ha\'illg purcha~l.!d hie stuck for P1Jcket Booka, Jic., .fc., to please ruI, and e\' Cl'Y one , A a.~ l\nd rtplendid Collection nf CA SH, i~ giving bargain11 in that IS O>' · --:o:- a ~ Stereosoopio Vie"W· · ) The Goodswere bought a.t be5t rates, and pur ch;uien will receiTe th" benefit . m .· Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery,'Glassware, come· that we bea.r (wl1at is Yery unusual '\'ith such enterpri~es) it li~proved far the firat year a financial success. 'I'hti iilll.8trations are suitable and isi.rfficientiy numerous, while the rcu.ding .matter is healthy in tone, racy in H tyle,and so \'aried a.s to suit the t aste of t he general public. ' Ve congratulate tha E ditor on h aving catered ao succesafully to t he public ,~·allt , and we congrat ulate the youl"g and t he public on having so char ming a, sheet prei;ented mon t hly for the perm;al of their children. 011hawa, T he Ensign ia tu:atly printed on good\ is illus t rated, and contains healthy reading matter and ough t to ha,·c a. Iari:e circulation. - P elcrboro ».uuni.110·. H Libe1'al Support anJ. I H Patronage... . , E E . extended so long to<l , and take~ this oppor tunit y of in· !fo1·ming the pub1i1;, that thc.y lH~Y(' TIJohw~q~o::~~~\~ co1 T DISCARDED nm 0 I I OLD SYSTEM, I W. Y. Hruupton,March 8th, 187· 1. olO·m2Hf. PE~ DAY. - AgcntoWa.nted! ing cl3.~s of \Vork1ng people, of either aox, young or old, mo1-e money at. work for us in their spare 1nomcntt11 or all the time, than at anythino- else. l'articulars free. Post card to Sta.tea c~tits bu one cent. Acl<lt·(!S.. <; G. STI N~ON & CO .. l)ortlnnd, :b1aiue, U.S. October 27th, 1874.. ly·hp·o43.m5 . $5 --------·---~~- TO $ 20 GOODS RIGBr T PRIC ES ! S p r i n g Ha-ts & C aps G-:Et:E:AT ABltXVAX. 'rhe Largcat Stock ever shov.·n in Bowina.JJ,v.iUc, STAND.·-:H~~~o:~~!~~~r.~·~'. p ELONG C ~:E:DITS, L E L E E auu \\ill conduct tl1til' crl:'tlit Lu 'li· ni;-s:: a::i fullo,ve: ALL ACCOUNTS will hP. REND BRED {))1 p I I · · s. V ANS'I'ONE. TYRONE. J. & W. J MoMurtry & Co. SIGN OlT THE GOLDEN L I ON, Sept. 25th, 1874. · Newest Styles·! -- :~ :- ~-- · ---·-------- .6:L'W AYS G-ET AOAED. I h<.1.YC this day appointed 11lt. 0. BAR~TER the E.~clrt8ivc agent for the sale of my ~ UL· <: ANJZ.FJn for Bowmanv.tlle, Ont. BOWUA.NVILLE. English Fur, American Fur, a nd Canadian Felt ~lleapStore N A'"'~'~::;~~:;·;:: N A TYRONE, J ELLIoriiT'S H thti 1st January. H T JOSEPH MASON,r.J.'. J. J .JACOBS. m-ti. HATS . STRAW HATS I from 12~ FIItS'l'-CI..ASS. ___ , T In tho cast" Pt Hla.nufacturcrs, Mechanics, and vthcrs, whose accounts may an1ount to $50.00 or over, thoit· uote,if agreed upon,wilJ ' be taken payable at the Bank for a st at ed period. llowmanvillc, Sept.l O th ,1874. STRAW HATS Cents, upwards. W. BELL & S TJN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. rl'he approach of tho PN:sidental election gives \Ill Usual impnrtuuce to the events nnd de· velopments of 1875. Wo sha.11 endeavor to de· i:;cribc t he1n f11l1y, faith fully and fcarlcs~l y. TH}~ \ VEEKJ"'Y SUN has now attainod a. cfrculat.iou of over r;;eveuty thon!!!a.ncl co pies. I t s readers are f0und in every State n.nd T erritory, ; ~nd it8 q1 iality is well kno\~ll to the public·. 'Ve K ball not only endeu.vor to keep it f11Jly up to the old standard, but to in.)pro\'e! nnJ add to Jt.8 variety and l)(Jwer . 'l'HE \ VEEKLY SUN" \vill continue to be a thoro11 gh newsfltper. 1\.ll t he ne,rg of ~he da~y will be foun( in it, condensed 'vhen tuumpoit~ut at f11U length when of moment, 11nd u.lwn.y.s, i we ~L'U~t. t rc:ited in a clear, interest ing u.nd in ~truct1ve Ula.llncr. lt i!i our a.iui t.o mn.ko the 'VEEI'\:IiY SUN the beiSt fa inily newspaper in the w1 wld. It 'vill be fall of entertWninll, tl..nd. appropi;:intc rc~d ing of ev cLy au1·t, but will prnit notlung to offc ·nd the n1ost se1·npulous and dolicatc taste. I t will alwa.ys contain thlj moat i ntercst,in~ stories a!Jd roina.nces of thtj day, cart"fnlly selected awl =:.:... -=::::::.:.-::-· ·- ·- - -·-·-- - - - - - . _-.:::::::::;::. --=--~-- ---~---. l.e~-ibly vrinted. 1 rho Agricultnra.!- D epartmeut _is a p1'C!n1ino°:t fca.turc in the \ VEEKi iY SU!\. ru1U its articles , \·ill alway!) be found frosh anU usl>ful to tl1c far1n e1·. rl'hc nu.tuber of men in,,<l~v.eudeu~ iu_,. l?Oliti~1J i.:; inc1·1~a...oiing, a.nd th e \VEJIKLY SU~ 18 t heir paper e!:! pe.dall~·· · It helo~gs to nn_pa_rty, a.n,~l off era J10 d1ctat1on, contending for prtnc1ple, and for th~ election of tbl.l bl::!St rr1en. It e.:qro8ea the co1'l'nption that disgraces the ~unt~·y ~d My New Goods have threat ens the overthro\v of repubhcan uurtL tutious. It has no fe;~r of ku1iveE1 1 an cl seeks no fil..vor.:t from their enpporters. The n 1 arkets of ev<'ry kin<l and the fashions ii.ore rogula.rly reported. 'fhc price of the '\YEEJ{L Y SUN ie: one ilolla.J: ~~ year fo1· a sheet. of eight page:!!, and lifty-six columns. At4, th.ts barely pa.ys the exand tho asHcrtment will be found b'OllScs of pa.per and pnut1ug, 've a,re not abl~ to inake any disi:ount or o.llo~'I any pre1niuro to fl'ieudtt who may i>pec1al effort& to ~x.tend it1:1 circu latiou; l.Tuder the new la.w, 'vh1t::h req1d ros payment of postage in ad vs.nee, oue dollar· a year, with t'v~nty c~nts the i::oet c:f pre. riaid vostagc added., u1 the rat e of su~scripho n. It i::; not necessary to i:et up a club 111 order to h·v· the WEBKLY SU1' at thi· rati, Any one wlio Bends one dolla.r and twenty cents ·will get tbe pa.per1 poi:i for a._ycar. We have 110 t ra.vellinll t1rgents. THE WEEKLY SUN. -Ekbt pages, fitty· t-1ix colnmne. Only L20 a. year,po.stagc 1'rcpa id. Knowing ju1:1t what snits the )Jublic tMte, I \Vbich in 1873, at the Pro\·incia.l ] 'air, beat have pt1 rchased accordingly. Call early, and every A merican and Ca.ns.dia.n OrgaI\, ta.king the FIHS1' P RIZE. Gr~ceri;s·0rt.dS~ockol Co's. Dry Good.s, NEWCAS'~E , 1 :Boots & Shoes Strowger Bros. IN cash will ~;(chasers short Having removed to tnore com'nlodions .'Q rcmisef' ·uit yourself. 'fighest Price paid fo r Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. llownuun·i lle, ifPril lst, 1875 ; Also the renowned FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to io.forn1 the public generally, that th1\ff are now enabled to offct· thc1n · eto., " etc, which fo r M. " MA YE:Et'S. HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO (Booton.) J?orty-win~ D esirable Farm Property · Which ha· t aken fl'wst P.1·emiums. F OR SA.LE. of - 1\f E w GOODS · ___ _ ··-- .: . .- ·--·-- HAT Splendid Property t he lat. M r . B. M itchell, bting the north ha.If of Lots No. · Jl, a.nd 32, in the 6th Con. of Darlington , com~ prising 200 acres-35 being superior ' vood land. There is on the front of the premiaea, a. very fine,gcntlcman'· ·lone residence, with lawn anJ flower garden, to the rear of which is A beautiful Maple Grove. Also wood f:lbe<l,stabl<'. dri\'lng houae,etc. ~ ·&ndevery necessary convenience. '! 'ho whole, about ten aoroa, is snrrounclcd by. T - -: o : THE 1'.ING OF SEW fNQ MACH fN ES, I --:o: - 1 · (.{!; REGARD.S PRIUE J'; QUALJTY) any other house in the County. Grocery Business, "' Better Inducements Quality and ness, in t he lin e of 'o Ch ij Well Assorted !ij eap · s S 0 AND I:> 1 .1,..y. r:.~d~~d, ..t pi-ice · H1·utf~~~;t·:h1~~1~~~a;f~~,1~'.nbolH stock La.rO'e 1 1 Prompt Payers on Cook, Hall. Parlor, and Box A 'lp leudid yariety of c.aN.'NOT BE SURPASSED J . ELLIOTl ~ TYRONE. E JOHN McLEOD & CO. STOVES, for 'vood ()r conl. 1 E Bo,vman viJle, September 4th187::J, th:r~:.~;~~~}'arm House, with tbm barns,with all out buildings. A never failing 11tream of water runs through the premises. There is .a.lso a splendid Orchard of fruit beariDg t re es, and a kitchen garden. ~'he property is in a good Ktat e of culti vation. a.nd is regarded as the inost c.lcsirable betv.te-en King~ton and London. }'or fnrtber particn11:ws apply to Au~ust above. I am to exchange PianoR fvr Orgal'l:"· Orga.ns ~or :\Ielodeons, ~lso Sewing }fadn uce, on reasonable tcl'ms . !\.d<l Weight a_nd Mea~Wl'C GtlCO'ainteed in, eve·ry 'i1t8tccmee . ~ Il Th S bA 'be · 0t. 8 1J 1 / de; ~\g~~1-t. b~t h~ ~h~ ~~~i~l ~~~cl~ If~~ rh ~ ~s ~11· NO PRESENTS GIVEN , BUT GOOD 'l'e a, Speoi· J · L · : D STROWGER S"'ROWGER L W t""' tJ · DENTISTRY! Levi :Morris! Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds, Doors, &q. . . .,,, ~I t· . MRS. B. :urrCHELL, Oeha.wa P , 0. Gth,1874., · . ·'j~"s. DONEY, Trno'" l'..O. J . J au. lCith, 1875. f:i-6\n oa. . . Ne'"'·caatle, Augnbt, 14Lh, .L8/4. --- ; O, HO ! ~ VJ1J R.Y COMPLETE AND -f ~ hi 1 Star Dry Goods and Clothing \ifent em.en_~ ,J; a.s on. House. l l. «i. l. NO'l'ED FOR C HEAP A Desirable Family Residence For Sale. 1 ,MorJ'i..x would inf ... 1 1n tlie gc111·1'al i-.nhlio that he fa prc1 Jarcd io hll ordc1 ·s for L 8HERit\¥ is 'nhout leaving 1 own , A: ;he:\!Ioffers for aaJ.e, that tine t :Planing a.nd. Matching, J. M. Brim a~-:ombe, l.R.C. D. 8. A6efl!t!DJ.BT NOT SO FAST. I ha.·re written these fe,v lines And e.11 Ib o.veto say, T ha.t ycu ca:u 6.nd me ~ till at home I am not gone a.\v& y; So all my k ind old friends may com e ; AuU all t he young on es too And get t heir gu.rments ni.coly 11111-de In f;t.'!hi ons that are ne\". \Vhere old and yonng dr. ::.r fri ends niay 1neet :..\ 11,elcnm e grel:lting by 11. . PEA'l'E. Ilow1n:inv illt·, .Tnne 10t h '187:l, DRY GOODS! PRICES MODERATE. Th" Public are ~"licited to call and see for themselves. CLOTHING, etc. ---·-' A SPECIAL LINE, l!ri-.;k dwelling, lately er ected by him , ou Liber ty Street, having 1$ &e<cl o( land · ttached thereto. The house h as 4 room! 011 the £ret :fl8.t, and 5 r oom6 on t ho IWCond , with collar un. der " ·bole buildiug . There is a. good & on the premieca, and also a well, and cistern . 'l'erm. '5 reaeonable. :For fnrthe1.· particnlt}rP, !LPPlY to the p ro_prietor. B, SHER.IN, ~I essr.!i. McdLUNG BRdS. , K ing Street, Ol' , R. ii. 1 .oscoi\rn11:, Bo.wn1anvHle, l?~li.'26th, 1875. BARHIS:I' F.It, lYioidclings of cdt . clescript·ions Turning, &c., &t., for general buildiu.g. on G. D Lt~BART, L. R. C. D. S SROR'rEST NOTICE, andliul N o disconntfrom thi/$ raf.c. . 'l 1HE DATLY .SUJ.V.- A lar.;efour-p.age news. 1 22tf ·FEES M~QDERATE. OPP/OE orn· ,11, '()LUlYG'S Store. nowJna.nvi ll tl, J>ec. );~71. COOD STYLE H e will also take contracts :"or 1uildiug!, and 1!2·11'· · 1 paper of twenty-eight colun1ns. Daily circula· ) tion over 120,000. All th".l news for 2 cents. 1 Subsc1·iption. posta:{e pi·epaid, OS cents a. n;onth, or fi.50 n. yea r . To clubs of 10 or overt a- ~s -count nf 20 ~er i!cn!i. Address, "l'HF. OlfN," New York Oity,U.S. !\!:irch 11th, 187ii, l -t-6ine, WANTED. WOOD·WOHKlm i11 a A 1'Il\S'l'·Cldl.SS 13nggy and Wa:g11n Shop. Constant e1 np1oyment will be given. Apply i1n1 ncdia.tely, t.o MR. J, MOUNCE, 1'ruo'". .fau. 28tl· , J8H JS.If, SYEUJ, IL ATTENTION TO JOBBING. H11mptoi1. Sept. 8th 1872 H. ELLIOTT ~~N Corn"'all Blankets (\·r ne1· K ing an~l ,\7 l'St ~I arket St.rt·Pt ne.'.l t Rt. 1.!l\\"t'e Ral l.'l'oror1 t<'} Shop and Residence on Liberty Street Bowmun\'illc1 Dcc1 2Jst 1 1874.i ll·t f, .tf ·1 1 l '