THE MERCHANT FRIDAY . APRIL 23, 1S75. } · '-'=--'=-==========================~=============== ===============================:~=-=====================:::_ 'St.ppo1:>e I should qu1~ you aLout your bald 10a1e1...l heai.l, yoil ~1 ouldn't .;et mad, '~ould yon" said H.1l)lrt<lon, 4 or .. l'il con1e doYWll ilHIC 1:1.nll n young fo1) to an ind1gu n1.t oltl man, in a rail \\ n.y station. ' ::\ot a.t all I should oDly Just spht .} otir head opeu "ith tlns snow slio\ tl 1 say, that "'hen my head gets as soft as youra 1 I · 0, JllSt you come, JUSt you co1nc,' can raise han to 1:1ell, or soru;:~hing o{ that 1:101t1 ' screa1ued the strangt r w1th the auow u1 Lie sm1lu1g-ly iephed the old m:iu... ~.~-=============~ -=-=--==---=-cc...=======-:== C<.lntinued from First Page 'D1,n't 10\l call me narncri,' neck, guiug passionately through the n10· t1ons of l>la.ck1ng a pair oi imaginary eJer, c tba.t'M nll I aak ot you, you cock e1 ed bedbug.' 'Stop 1 our ho1lcr1Pg a.round hue, } ou bow·lt'~gt~d reph1c 1 ' yelled Rol11nsu11, danc ing ou t 1 1~ edge of th~ roof in ou ~Ct-.tacy of T1lgt, ·or I 11 hauuuer the lightr-i 011.t of ~ou rn ·oout a--bfurd.r r be!-' And in ltn in~tant the frightened n1a11 ¥.'11.S suil1ni; to\vard the walk, 1nadly c)a\\ Jug the ntt with a pair o[ leg!:! an<l a 1oug-h n1dled suow aho·~l. 1'hc occupants ol the w1n<lo.v" s~nt np a screau1of1101101, while thtj in4]1\ 1dual on tbe \\ulk gave one phrtn z1cJ. ;; lance at the nJ!proacl11ng R JH!Ctocle, knd turn~t.l nbout, and tied d1stracteJly np the ~trllt:t, sbouttn& 1 Fire r· a.nd ' Poltce ' at every 3ump Robinson sti~uck 1uto the sno" w1Lli a velocity that lH::ar.l)' tlllJ Ointed his nec.k, but 1i~ ,.,. tl' ull Jq~ f~ l t 1n rtn 1n~tant, nctl\i;:ly Wardtog Of the blows Ot au lllHt.g1nary 35· A little gitl bra.ids the hau of one who s~t in front of hcr,1nstead of stud~mg,when the teo.oh· er rema1ks . ' Home is the place for a.rrangmg hair, not h~re What would you t111nk to st'e me bra1d1ug lny h<tu in f!Chool ?' P1esently Susa.n'a hand is 1a.1sed, and the teacher, supposing she \·ushcs to nr:ik some question about &aila.nt, and crying 11.t the top of 1 Keep h1~ voice 1 llim offn me. Help' lit:lp Jot tire sake Of}Ily faquly, help me.' Mr. Merrtllis, who Lad been attrai;tt!J to the Joor by tne noise, cnme out and tool... k1n1 by the arm, ..ana told him the stranger bad fted 'Goue !· quickly "Jao·1lnted J\ir. Jtobm- &on, looking bur1edly around. 'Gad, 1t Id well he has. l was couung for h11n, ~!ct rills , coming for huu bot, and I gtu s~ lie 1:>H.'It 1 -D(t~ibury "/!-.~t;W¢, POETRY. THE FOLLOWER \Va hln e a youngster 111.Wc honse, A little man of ten, \Vho dearest to his 1nother i~ Of all God's little mf"n In·doore and out-J1e-c;h11gs to hc1 , He follo\\ s up a.nd down ; He .teals bus iileuder hand 1n l1~r:-;., He plucks ber by the g~v;D. "Why do you cling to toe eo, cb1lt.I ? You tra.<Jk me C\ ery where, You uever lt1t tue be alone." And be with ser1011s rur . Am,,vered, aa closer still he drow. 11 ].fy feet were inade to follow Jou 'l'wo yea11:1 before the boy wue lJvn1 .Another child, of seven, Whoin Hca.\en had lent to us a. ·~·lnle, \Vent bat;k ag-a1n to Heaven Ht1 came to fill h1!$ brother's p1act.', And bless our fa1hng years The good God sent lnm do\'11 iu lo\ c 'lo dry our usclesr:i teara, I thuik so, 11'.l.other, !or I }1ea1 In "ha.t the cliild ba.11 said A mca1nng tl1a~ he knew not of, A messngc from the dead. lie answered wiser than he kw.~\\, 11 My feet weie m.adetJ follow yon " · Come Jieie, nl;} child a.nd1:11t \\1tb Your head upon mv bteast, Jn ( , You are the last of al~ ~ns, And you must be the best HQw much I lo\ e )OU, you mA.y guc~!4, When, i::1vwu to a u1a.n hko nm, Yon sit as I a1n Httlug no1', Your child upo11 your knee, Th1nk of me then, and" hat I (And practiced when I conhf), .., 'Tis sometlu11g to ·se and g1e,it, 'Tis better to be good Oh, Hay to all tlnngs good and tru(', ~ 1\-Iy feet wei:e made to follow you "" be" Come here, 111y v.:1fe ancl Ent by ine. And plac.:e )'Our hand in mine (And yours, my child) 'vhilti I h:.n ' yvu 1'l'is wicked to rep1no. \Ve've had our sha1 e of so11 O\\ s, lo\ c , 'Ve've had our grn.ves to till . But thank tLe ;::-ood OH~ rheu.d, \"\ e have each other <it lll I \Ve'\ e nothing in the world bcsuh f.1 1 Ji'or we are only three : 11other and cl111d, n1y l'.1fo and c111kl, Ho'v dcLLr you are tu n1c I I know-indeed, I al\\ aJ-s kuc,~, My feet were 1nat1e to follow you ' -:R. R. StoddtlJ<l, 1H fla1pc1' .s Jlayo ;:;1,1e. {01 Apr<!. aoo Crumbs for Chickens. :; 1 he onginal ,i::1cenLacl'"e-n(1gs A patient "a1te1 ~ ~ oung doctoi. you 0 iu,\u 1 he lVorth of \'i\)lll ~n -doublt:i High living for hard tunes- roume 111 the attic, 'J he latest t111ng in f1out k ,, <l(Ol 1od,s- night St, 1 oUtK has ten dog:i The na.· tn'ee wear a 1Ject1011 of stove1,1tp& oa e.ich leg J.unng tho mat! clog seMon 'Vhen a V1nci1111ati young n1a.n says to hts woul'e idol: 'Don't kiss me a.uymoie,uow, Sal, I'm t1rcd, 1she knows he has JU&t been shavetl by. <lllC of those p1etty fema.16 barbe t~ A young man charged with being lazy was A11lced if he took lt from h1i:; father, 'I th1ok not, 1 was the reply : F a.ther's got u.ll thu l;:a.z1· ness he ever had ' J.. O.irrenbrook man recently took a 01 the dark. He managtc! well enough, only he got hold of a piece of ato·e·black1ng inl:ltead of !o~p, w1t11 marked iesu1ts. "l'hree and su:penpc pe1 gal " ex . ..la1mcd :\ Part.111gton, looking over the Price Current '\Vhy, b!ess me, what l!) this wo1ld a cvm1nf: to "'hen gals are valued ,\t only tlu (;le and sixpence f' An Idshma.u who ln:cs \\1th a Grab ttn1tc ivntes to a friend that, if he want8 to kl.low ~hat '1lhgaut hving l"", be must come to h1s house, -wlien breakfast consists of notlnng, and the supper of \\hat v..i.i.s left froHl bn:ak1 fa!lt He blushed a fiery red, her l1t.:ti.rt \\ ent pit a-pat , she gently hung her head, and looked down at t.!ho mat H1:1 tren1bled in his speee;h , he ro8ti from where he sat 1 .tnd ehoute<l with a. 1creech, 'You 11e a1tt1ng on my hat" 'She is ft.perfect .Amazon,' said apup1l 1u one of our schools of Ins: teacher ycsteida.), to a companion 'Yes,' said the other, who \I as better versed in geography than history ' I notict:d she had au ,iwful big mtiutL Vermont is presided "'over Ly a croes-eyed teacher. A fe,v days ago he called out ·'!'hat boy that I am looking at "ill !!t'<!p <Jut on tht floor ' Immed1ately tY. l:'Uty se' en 1\ alked out In fro11t of the u..:ton1sbt::d po 1· agogue, 111 the lesson, nods, when she the following : 1 ~{o.ry says yonr hair i~ falr.;e, and you '" ouldn1 t another? dare to do 1t hc1 e " The " 'ifC hi rot o!'.1.1.led upon t o 11.:hnquish all her rights, Lmt th.e wny to eoc11re ther;e rights ts A farmer caUeJ a.t thl' house of a la,vytir ·Ts t ' sqnecr a.t hoine ' ' he euquire<l of thtl law· not to c:intend for thenJ Eve1y "oooan should b11u,; to h u1 \~Ori... cH! yei 'e \\'lfc. Ile · was\ ered negatn; ely. ~4..fte1 o. moment's hes1ta.t1on he suggeste<l · · Mebbe wifo and mothe1. the san·c cnei ~y of }JUrpose, ):OLlraelf can g1' me informntion as v;cll as t' the same conccntta.t1on of t alent, which she ex· squem·, :ui ye'1tl lua wife?' She promised to clo pectf'l her lin sban<l to de\ ntf to }us profe'<f'l1on in life. !!O if she found it in her })0\\'.er, and the far1ner Hap~) the wnuan \\J,osc husbmid '" I! uly 1 proceeded SpoaY.e ye were an old white mear, and I should bouo'v ye to gwang to 1n11l her better half , \\ho. "hen b e comes. oh<ays Wlth grist on ycr back, an' we should get no brings the stmshi!!e with hun. whom \\1fe,baby, farder than St1ur hill~ when all at once ye dog, and cat, ah hur1y to greet. Such a mn.n should back up, and rear up, and pitch up, and ia '\\Orth \Vorking fo1 ' :But what man ca.n al kneel down backwards, a.nd 1J1-euk yer darn ways bnn~ sunshine if he be sure of encount<..:1s less infectiold neck, who'd pay Ior ye? Not I-da1n me 111g clouds at hotnf! "' S1nallpox 1 ous than 111 humor Ji'1ght a.c_-a1nst cro~snciis as if I woul<l 1' 'I1he lady smilingly told lh1m, as again st an evil spu1t It is the "litt le foxt- s ii she closierl the door, that a.~ he had bin1self set v.luch destroy the fruitful \lnt:s rl'here a1c \led the, advice would be supetflous. w1·1nen 1 who to-day would unhe1ntn.tingly sact1 fice hfe itself fo1 husband and cl11ld1 en, yet \' ho in spite of this affection, 111n.t tll e b app111e~s of these tlcat ones by continual fretfuln e~s and fe.ult-fi.ud111g I am not 1n"'1st1110 upl'll the ha· The Reception of the Emperor of Rus- d1tional " sweet smile " undc1 nll c1rc11msta.nces. Angels ate rarely found on earth 1 but is tht"1e sia at the English Court in 1844, as no m ednnn bet'\ Pen smiling aud sco\ding Described in Martins' Life of " Cleanliness HI next to godlin ess " Ho'\ any the Prince Oonsort. gentle1nan can prt'. servtl h1s n.ffect1on for a slov. ~nly w1fc, p.lsses comprehen sion, even lf 8lic can {Gontutut..><l,) reta·n self iespcct 1It :\Ia1t1n notices that 1 at tha.t tune, the There is a 111ei11 um in all tlun~s. ::ind Llrc6 \Vh1gs, a.t least tl1e "\Vlug ka.der.s, had also should cvi.:r be suited to the cHcumst.tJicee of cbaug-ed then \Iews on the snbJ cct of Prot ecthe wearer A toil et fo1 tlu patlor should not t~11 But, us be Justly iemarks, there '\ 1m a b e worn 111 tho k1tchen ; but neatness of person great d1fte1ence heh\ een the p08ltlon of the is no n1ote 1ncurnbet1t in the one plnce than the Con~1.:1 vat1ves and the WluJS m re~pect to this oth..:1. .4.. clean 1.:nllar is ar:; quickly put ou as "' qucst~ou, a.Il 1mpo1tant n.t the t1u1e 'l'he Whigs soiled one , .and t he fc\\T minutes necessary fOl we1e not hampe1cd by pledges to uphold Pro brushing one's ha.1r, nte never th1own away tect1on- ple<lges on the faith of "\\hu.:h their The 'vowan "\\ho her rnottu "A tin1e inali:s bad heeo placed 1n power '!'hen came a:titl ·place frn t!Ver~thiog, and everything in its Laid John Russell's famou~ Edinburgh. letter, t1mu an(lplacc," an<l stic!...s to it, haf:> conque1ed dnted 2'3nd No\ crnber, 184.'.5, in wluch ho su.1<l, t..nd 1f w1th this Jewel of woildly "1sdo1n, 'It u, no longe1 worth v;hile to contend for a she ha-.. e .o.11:10 the 'Pe11il of Great Price,' muy fix ed duty, The impos1t1on Qf aIIY duty at wo1th1ly wear tlie cro,'ii1 wh~ch the n1othcr of present, vt1thout o. p1ov1s1on for its cx:tlncttou King- Lbmuel sought f6r his v. 1fe n1 a short penod, would but prolong a co11tcst ~ Let it bti) our du £"f earthly a.1w to plca8e al1eady ?Ufticwntly frmtful of anuuoi:uty and your hu!:!bantl. ~ t:n et allow y'tu11~df to pnuk <l1 scontt'nt 1 tba.t .. it Jl"l onl) John, an<l llon't ina.ttcr " Ille rl'be effect of th1s lelrt1::1 was, no lluubt, , t!lY husband won, nnu'! t ulso b1;: kept, and he wlio gn:~t, but it. is probable that Sir Robert P eel's hav111g \,ooc11 a dainty r111d att1 D.A::tiVe qhl , find~ deter1n1uut1on '~ a>J uot m1wh 1nflue11c"d b\ 1t, lu1nsolf '~e<l<led to a do-ndy, c111~ lcss \,lf1.J 1s and luul Leen rc8oh e<l. upon in his own nnnd 8\\Intlle<l. 1 Do uot lay asid e all tlrc ac befo1e r:ro so 1:1L1ewd a. man Jna }'.l'oait1011 for comphsl1meu t wluch u~11livate<l the lo\ cr-; they ~nmc time n1u.St nece~sar1ly ha· o .appeared un a1e JLISt as pleasant to ihe.bu1:>bti.ud tenable As our a~thor says, 'A Munstc1, ]rJll hIB lll:!e<l in so f.u a:1 you cu-u, yet tlo not \\hose Judgrnent '"ent along with the policy (aru.:y th ~t you cn.n lm e\ 1;:11 ytlnn~ to him, no1 announced by his a.dversa1y, hatl no alternative fret bcc11.use you are not A dozeu times a di~y, \,nt to p1ov1<le for hun the opportu1uty of car11- ho will for~et Yl'll U very ex1ster1 C t.l, even \'ih1le ing it Ot1t ' wo1k1ng- for you J but do not munnu1, Lis love i\.ceoJ<l1ng1y uH the G~h December, lie placed foi yeu lii none the leE!s oarnest bticause of thli:! his 1 c£St~nation 1n Her l\.ia;Jesty'e ha.nda. How Docs he think yon 11n the rush ofJus busi it \\as t ecetvecl the following extract from Sir uel31:! to connt the th1obb1ngs of the henrt u1 hie Robe1 t l)~el'~ ' 1Iemo1rs · will sho'v bo13oiu 9 Be content, if hke th;;i.t you are the 'In thl' course of the interview with Her cent1e of h1B l1f1;:, if evE-Ly outgOtng- tide of feel l\{a.Jesty, which took place after ruy arrival at 1ng :fintls ! til v; ay back to you Oi:;bo1n"' on the 5th of Decetnber, I trust that I~et 111m kee p h1s fr1en(l :i 1 1f they be not evil , I Em.tisfied the Queen that I was 1nfluenccd by he may need Jhem sotno day , aud tlieir claun oon s;.t.1erat1ocs of the public interest, and not IS so difft'rent fiom yours ' by the fen1 of rebpone1b1hty or of reproach, llt Never l'lame your husband to othe1· people, humbly tendenn; my resignation of office "hate .. er hi& faults If tht'y arc such as y ou Rei "\LtJesty wa.s<l to accept1 it with ca.n keep ludden fiom the eyes of the \~orld, do , m.'.llks vf confidence ant! appropriation which, .so Jn any cas,ic, you w11l find them easier to howeve1 ~rabfy1n.g , mnde it .!} VOI'Yt fi0.1.nfnl 1.ct eudu1 e and to conquer if you go fo1 th against to replace in hc1 Ml\Jeaty~s hands the trust she them, clad in the armor of inl""Jlt patience, ask· h<J.d confided in II.JI~ ing help only fro1n Hun who nlone can icb.lly ' I \HU not say u1ore than that the generous help us Hllppo1t \vluch l bad uniformly It:lccived Irom If, as 1>0mut11nwi chanct>s, the staff on which n. Her IiiaJesty and from the Priuce 1 a.nJ. all that worunu has elected to lean t111011,;h life, proves p:lssed on the occasion of the retirement, made ~ hopeleijaJy crooked stick, even t h""n to thollc an 1mpe<>t110u on my heart tLa.t ca.n never b!=l who seek c-01nfo1 tat the foot of the cross, com<:: effaced. I could llot flay leaa t han this without patience and ,.res1gn a.t1on, with susta1n1ng t101n.; llolcnct! to feeling-a of grateful and duti· streugth 111 the grnsp of their aims and healmg ful /' acbtne11 t, '~,1'o R Peel'~ Mcmo11 s, vol m the tonch of their finge1 s And 1f, io. GocPs 11 p 222 Pi'O\tdence, thme co1ne1:1 that sorest. of all t Lord John Russell I\\ as then sumruoned frotn to u \\Oman.,\hen she nn1st a ppeal to the st1ong Ed1ubur<.;h to attt:nd the Queen. and '"as en· arm of t11e la\V for \)rotect1on from h er husband, t:rueted with the feunaticn of a ifint$tl y '11us the blow will be 1esl!I unendurable if it be not proYed at 011ce to be no easy task .barbed and poll.lted by the tongue of IL bandied ' John ltus:iell had from the fiHJt nnt1c1 e\ il counsellois. pated failure a s by no means u nhkeJy, and he l'o the w1fe, who, luv1ng anct bchev1ng in hL'r had told Her ?vla.Jl:'ijty that in such au C"\ient husband, beg1us her 1narrltltl life with eurnest pur Sir H.obert Peel would hnve no difficulty u1 pose to ' 1lo lum good and not evil all the da3 a .:au~lllg on tbeGovcnuuent .But not the leSe of h~r life, 1 and who 1~' hles..tied '~1th a. n1od1cun1 sevete was the strain upon that statcstua.n'a of bra.iris, marriage is seltlom a mistake. 8oi couraite and )oj alty when appealed to by bm ro\v nwy- nay1 '\ill cotne - 1ULln and \Vc1tnntiss. SO\ e11gn tu i e~utne the hchn of affairs The '!'here may be tun~s when heart and flesh fail, expencuce of the last had taught him what but shoulde1 t o slJoulder-the husb,tnd as th e he must be prepareU to face rn the coolness of stionge1 to the \\ utd\\ atl(l ~idc -the1:1e two w1ll fonuc1 fl iends, the grudging support of wnvil- comfort and help each othe1 , each Lotter ai1tl bng Adherents, 11nd the rancour of d1sappoiut happier fc1 the Lond betw eeu thern , theu sor ed political antagou1sts Very significant t::J the rows dl\ tdt'!t.1. , theu JOYO doubled by that curi b11cf record in the Prince's Diary of what Ot.'Ctir- ous moral ar1t hrn et1c, the key to which Is pos red - 811 !{obert Peel comes down in the after· only by marl'icJ. folk wh.J lo~ e and tho1 noon, 11:1 very much agitated, but declnres that oughly respect each other he will not desert the Queen,und will unde1 tako "0 women, be true in y ou1· 1natinctr:i , tho Govermnent .. ....... ... 0 wo1nen, be pm e ID your lives '!'he biogr.~ph~1 cou1meDts upO n tl1e suo.nfi<..:e You utoultl the future as mothers, of lus pr1va.te feelings ·which SU" Rpbert l?eel ¥ otL gov cm tJ, e preseut .Ls Nives. 1, tnust ha.\ e. n1ndc on this iuemorial occa.!!iou. -E' r:chanue .And, n1dcc<l, n otlnng can well be more pa.inful fo1 a high nundca man than, a::i tbu Leader of ~ a }>a1 ty, to ha-.. c adopted some d1at1oct hue of IJol1cy un s01ne \cry important question there by largd) pledg1ng both h1wself and his follow· c1s, and then tuu11ng sudde~rr<>und and say· at thJ 111.;, "We o.1e in the \\l'Ong,anilou1 adversiiuee in the 11.ght " Brr Robert Peel's v~ry sens1th·c natu1e 1nnst have mad~ this confe1s1ou doubly d1ist..re8s1:u;._ to him. And then when, from the forc e of c1rcu1n!ltanc~s, us 111 the p1csent case the Ltia.rler is not corupelled to retlact his opinions, but to t&.ke actwu upon tbs conbary l/{TOUtD 1ewpei:itft1ll} tender his since10 l'l' tha1lks to hl.s nun1e1ous frrn)l<llil auJ cusop1n1ons, the painfulness of h18 poo1t1on rurntl t'o its utmost height, n.nd · e,·ery generous ru1nd 1 ton1ers, and to the public generally, fop t he vety hbt>u~l l:!upport he has 1ece1ved since ]us not under the imrued1nte S\\ ay of pai ty politi1.:s, commcnc1ug in bn~tueas , rtnd lto\Jes by con must feel <lee-ply Ior hun and with h1m Such tn1uHd 1:1t1 ict perso11a.l att~ntion to lUStnt! SS , a nd wo;o1e the feehng5 of tl~e~Queen e.nd the Punce offenng uotluug but tho pur1;1~t ai t1clcs. ,\t the most rcBsonablc p11ees, to ern:mu:! a cont inuance Consort '1 of puhhc patronage 11 J li. would <mil sv1 c1 tl fl.ttention to lnl'I vcr~ ' They had been long accrnstou1ecl " wnte!'l our author, "to a<l1nne Sir Rubert Peel and supeuor stoek of those about bun, foi tbink111g only of what was ST1JFJ.~S be8t for the "'elf are of the State, \\1th httlo \vbu.:h sure to gn: c the bvst sa.t1sfnct1on 1·a.1e whethc1 1t was good for Ins party or not .A. well i; elt>< t (·d stod~ of But u1 tins most hying hour they felt mote strongly than eve1· that }w had showu hunself DRUGS, "a inan of unbounded Joya.lty,cou11Lge, patnob CHEMICALS, ism. nnd b1Jh001nded11ees. " ThPae ar~ H er Ma3 esty's wo1ds, wntten two dayi:; 11fte1 bm ie· J'J1TEN1' MJ<.,'D!ClKEl:J, su1npt1on of office 11 His conduct towards 1113," she addil, "has boen, I n11ght st~y, alrno~t BRllSHES, 'chlvalrouR.' I never seen h1m -so excited CONB&, auJ SO aet e1mu1e~l, anfl SUCJJ a good <:C\UStl lfl\Bt. succeed " SHOULDER-BRACES, 'Ente1hwnrng such \.JC,\S of the ].J11u,,t:ry SUPP0RTl~RS , Ete , Et·. aud of the rntuation, th e result of the m1n1Ate kept t.on ::.tautly o·1 hnu(l i1al cu1>1~ could not be oth arwi.'le tha.u 0111.t1fy husLand you chouse must, to greater 01 lt.:ss tX· tent, he tllC con ti oiler of yolll" dei:1truy. L1fo is for all of us, in g1eat dcg1ee, wh:i.t "e oursf!lves make it. and especially is thie true 111 wedded life. l~very woman's happiness, it h er husband be not a brute, ia, unde1 Go<l, m hc1 own handt.1, aud the keepeie of 1t arc love and p:'.l.t1euco. Few ~en a1e so churhi:1h as to be un kind to \VIVCfS \\hose c111ef ~nd In hfe 1.: 1 t-0 ~ helpmeets for then1 'fwo parties are ne~ded to u. quarrel, and if, when a sharp "iord ia spoken, the ang1y ie1:1ponsc is withbt·ld. the strife d1eth out Is it eo harcl to hold one's tongue' "\Vbat goo<l does n b1 tt c1 retort do ? 'J11te Lond bet" ecn h J&baud and \\lfe is for a lifetime, w11l 1t p[ly to dispute with ont SPRING! Just Arrived at the !NDEISON & (Jo. BOOTS S. Iin eve1y dep.trtrn ont, p111 cbase1l und er ve1y favo111blc en cmnstances, and I '\"'\re se1 rJJ fW I j · i;; FASHION HOUSB NEW MILLINERY. Ile· to anu ouncc to thu 1 ~ k i.;t o1 s of \\'e$t Du1ha.m and 5\ll l 0un d111g co untl y , that tl .c) will sell ..., their immense ~,.L'OCK OF & At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. SI-IO ES, NEW SPR.IN G G 0 0 D s' 1REAL d eteunl1leLl to ~ ell at .\STONISHINGLY J,OW PRICES. \..}i:;.., 3. l·1t uf HAIR. FANCY GOODS, & Also a lar .;c ·tocl, of rmr::r·~v:iisi~,i~:35b~;~;~,/,~~·ll~;~~;~~. 1000 p 1s. Muses Febal and Buff Bal morals, at 1 50, ipe1 JJ< Hr, fo1· CASH ON LY 1000 Pair& TVoni..en's, .llfi::;::;r>s' an<l Chiltl's Felt Boots Ow nliolc to le sold/01 OASH 01' LY . . ., Stamps for Braiding and Em- - -o--Call e,u ly and "eciue) out W1nte1 Suppl.), while tlie 1u0 h is gorng 011 n~ '1:iif" ~OOd.CJ «nd Costumes 0ompr1~1ng ,1\eiy1.a1ge IW of NEWES'l' ,\ml FINEt:lT Fabqes v:u1ety broidery. Dress dltilo J.Vl.Wl:l~dawliMg 1-i .. nnagcn1ent 'l\R' ~ ,..,~ "l'I 6 , done to mdei l.y Skilful and obllgmg ·J ' b1,wrng .LaLest J\i oveltics m 1'1 c nch., hughsh, and An llllll SUally at~l ,\Ctl\:e drnpl~y ' thi, Se.LH ?JJ, FASHIONS for SpnDg 1ust to haDd Fowmau\1lle, Dec lOth, 1874.. ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot & Shoe E:m.po;r,iu:.n.. '1vf 1"ll1" ne""~'" eru- ================= =-~-=--=-~ - ==-===-= =========-=--- == Atneric.J,n Hats, Bonnet s a,nc.l Ti i rrnn111g~ DBESSHAKING '1 usual MRS. A. PLETCHER Special aUeut,on to getting ilp 01 de1 s fo1 F.AAIILY MOUKNING I '1\Ji"!!l Bo\1 n' £t11\ ilk , ..i.:\p11l 7th,1874 ..!.W. 'l'ltlet"I ~ ehe """'le! liJ Q(.I liil ~VY . "'1'1 ~tyk ~ , A 'e1y fatgc to 8elect f1 om, of cloth, cashme1e, silk ~tock BOWMANVILLE Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co LITERATURE. velvet, and ],ice goous, of latest \ e1y clcg;int, (m m«de to 01dc1) Staples, E mbt.1c1ng e\ e1.) llc"cr1pt10u of fab1 ics, to meet the ' va.nts of ou1 11un1e1 ous custo111e1s rT'ERMS---LIB ERAL. Ma,nufa,otures of '\VOODJ AND IHON Important Announcement! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. - --ou--- WORKING MACHINER'i. Mutual Life Assurance Society Double Turbine Water Wheels, and Great Seduction, in Dry Goods! .., ESTABLISHED 1840 CL'l \.D\ 0.EFICE.<:I 13l, :;T J.urns S1REET, MON1 HEAL DIRECTORS 1 Castin gs of a.ll Xinds W ,,\J,u·.: 11 SHA'NL1 , Esq 1\1 P, Ohauniaa.u , MAJOH T. ]£ CAMPB EII, C B S t Hilanc 'lJli;: Ho~o1tAn 1 1<: JonN HAMII'.l:OX, Ha" ks bu1g, Ont }{F.SIDJ~N 'l SF UJ~li 1 A.1\Y. - .r,\,IY.;:, GuA.N T D U t\U~\N ~IAC !JO::i \. LD, E "ri l{EPJ-\.II~S done on the llUIDOUD BIOS. Having dee1dcu to make a eliange w theu Lu,rnc>s, « le nu w , elJi ng fo1 CASH their lurgc and well a..~sorted Stock of Diy Goods, hl1llme1}, Uluthmg, Crocket y allll Gbssw:u e, S PE CI AL FEAT U RES. 'l'hc B~ Tl lt.E r1tu1 11~ SlIO:EtTEST \Ve have on U U \ NOTICE, ed a111on~-st bu-long to nnd the P olt1;11/wlders. ired.1vH.) on ha11d a. lal'ge quantity of L1Vl£8~ DECI,JN.Ell ~Y Olli.ER Cu~1'r.ANIES 1 01 whwh an extra P1-eniium would bt! required, CMI be assured at the orrlinary rates of this 8oc1ety, under a spec al arranyenicnt 0 Common and Gang Plows, th.~t ,.,,. in Le sold at AT AND BELOW COST! Tbe Stock havmg been pm chased in the BEST 111A RKETH, lrn yc1s c.tu depend on getting AfOBE AND BE1'1'EB GOODl:J .Ji'Olt THEll{ MVNRJ" S:PECIAL =-'lo~ }'Ol<' IU1'AilL~ Po1101.1o:s issued under 'vhich ouly 10, 15 or 20 Annunl Pay ments a1e 1eqnir0Cl.1 each pnyn;i.ent securing Pohcy for a. sum assured proportionate to the nurobe1 of pr emiums paid, andfreejroni futu1 :ri.foDER \ TE P llE MIU:\IS .ind 1uo1:1t hb61al cCln~ - THI:; LOW PRICES tf. l J Dominion OrO'a.n Co'v. BOWMANVILLE Presl:lnt the follo,v1ng t fro1n coin petent JUdgce of OrgauJ Testimonial fro John Canndge, Mus D oc, CauJu:tr, El]gland Bo" manv1lle, Dec , 187 ;J To the Manage1s Domin£r1n V1{}an C<t CENJLEMEN - I hke to plu.y on you1 01>gn.ns t" e 1s so a'i.·eet alld !;tead;"i. And the wo1k~ ma.n~ntp and finish exc.elleut, ,ind in e\ ery purticula1 they a1e equal, 1f not 11uper1 or, to any I hll.\'e ever hearl.l H qp1n1J they will ineet public 11ppreci.tt1ou AT THE SHOP. B(.)w1nanv1Ue, !\larch 6 1873 dttiona Prospectuses, Pro"(losal .Forn11:1, &c., supplied on application at the H ead Uflice, or o.ny of the Agencies, J A MES GRANT, R es, Sec1eta:ry. JOHN CAMIIJGE U.ead th e £ollow1ng ho1n Roi;a D Edna. Bowman\1llo, December 22, 1873, .A GBN·r l'Oll B0\1 MANYJJ,Ll' , " 2j ly Obser~ e1 Offi.c~." 0 BARKER, J{1ng St. Jam es - -- - ---- ---- ------- ll owinanville. June 24th, 1870 To the . .Managers of the Doni1nwn 01'f]a11 Co GJ::NTLEMEN. -I ha\' e tnuch plc.H:.i nre.1u tt:s fyu.1 g to the excellent qualities of the Org supplied by you n.t niy concert la~t SatUl'da evenu1g 'l'he t onti !'i fJ'1 eet and veryJ)()werf an<l tho con\b1oahou of stops n1m;t a 1n1rab I atn sure your 1nstru1bents will find fa;1,or Churches, as tbt'y a1e i:11n.;11larly adapted fo e:acl'd lllU81C V{1sh1ng you evciy success, and that tho public may p::it1omze nrttlvc manufac turc I iomaUl G-eutlemen, McFeeters. Call Ecwly, and secure Bai"!Jazns, as tile wlwle Stock innst be FALL STOCK. at once, for CAS!l ONLY, - - -o- - Dress Goods DEPARTMENT Newest Style. ITH E GROCERY is now cumplctc the choicest supp ly ul of the 1873. -o- 1873. ---o-- - at this E"tablsbmcut than in any oth cl' hou se in t ho counl1j ~old with For t11e follow1ug Inaurance Cumpan1ea, aud otht:lr Insbtn t1ons, viz.'l1he QUF.EN}"1ro nn d Life Io su1 an ce Com p onv Cap1tal£2.000,000 $ 150,000 deposited --;v1tli. the Donutuon Gove1 n1nent, for the protec der8 in Cana da. pri.ny of Canado Capita l 500'000,- 0nc of the best and cb tlapoRt Comµan1es d 01n g bns111ess in the Dorn1n1on, fo1 Fatmor8 and J i;iolat.ed Risks AGENT Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? The ISOLATED RISK rirc Insu1ance Com Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. President A M DAHLEY ~:lauager Very rospootfully, ROSA D'ERINA. GREY COTTON8 STORM ONT. lOct Oottons.. at Cowle's··-Splendid value Oh1·istn1tis Goods, Ra'isens, Cttrrants, S'ugn1·s, Peels, etc.? etc., nt all Prices. 1 Howmanv1lle, Dec. 24th, 1874 MURDOCH The CA NADA LA:"i"Dl'D CR E DIT CO'Y. with a Savings Bonk d ep artment The UNION A~n PER~fANE~'l1 Bu1ltl1ng .-i.ud Sav w g'e S ociety ':I.1he>1e lat tet n\stltu ti o1~ s advanc e J,oans on l{e:i..l E state, on t c1nm unusui\J.b: easy for the borro\\ er . BowmanvJlle, Feb. 6th, 18i3 ao\'illlaJlVille, Janua1y 15, 1874 Lu o3 ml(i, The Satisfaction given by I · FRUIT ANP Confectionery Depot. to his numerous pat1 ons set.::hpst!dbythest\.tit:f,ict1on 1:1 , 1·enby:::il\.TATl~ He is no'v }.llt:lasc<l lu~nd 0 BA~NUM un·d '"" 'tirent 0 PRINTS ISTYI.E ~~dquQ; AI.ITY STORMONT - ---- ------- --- to announce that he l1as on n Jn.i ge and WJ!OLSALE and RETAIL J:... ~t ·BAGS, BOOTS _ AND SHOES CO'rTO N 'l'HE of the best CJ.Ua.hty 1 anJ. is anxtuua th LL they shall set to "'ork ~s soon as rioss1bk art l\ (l<l , and for Sale, u.t the\·e depot New F1·uit and Confectione1·ys, BEST Choice I.emon, Orange All :Ji!ricee, All Sizes. a.nd 'Citron Peels, DATES, PIGS, LEMONS All ltinds. ORANGES 1'0 ARR. VE Soft Shell Alinonds,Filberts, Brazil anrl Wall Ladies' Prunella Co,ngress at 80 ce11t~ E'l.~ts, in the World. .Speciul Linc of C'OTTON8 at C'OWLE'k! A BI Cl IS l]OW l t J ltlQ HURI-I :1.t DRUGS AND MEDICINES Bowmanville Drug Store, Keille?t's Marmalade, 1Vest India P1 eserved Ginger, Pear.~, Plums, 1.'o· 1natoes. &< l }eaches, Green Peas, Orat-1~ Oor1i & Linia Beans cut " " l3alroorals, extra high · · $1.25· Nothing to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Our Dominion Excelslpr RaspberryVm egar,Salmon, Lobsters an<;! Sardmes Tomato Sauce ana Pickles They ha\ e come and ru. e coming; at the F,i:u1t Good I RllADY-MADE I CLOTHING I and Cheap. 1 TIELEVENS j ll I J. HIGGINBOTHAM Depot SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QU4 L11'Y " the test of CHEAPNESS 'I:' P-~i;l:, INGTON l_l:uv. ma11' ill'"' D ec .fth.1873 nft- tf thus l.nsu~ 1 11 g It i8 a welf-/f1WWn Pact that Cowle has the best Tweeds CUTTING AND FITTING and ht iii dete11nined to t ontipu~ to sell in the count1·.11. ttncl n one but fir~ t cla<>s ·~nkmon omplo1 cd, Special ~ttent1on Tru~ks, 4LQ. Clothing to Order nt these 1 uiuouslv lo w cheaper than the cheapest \Vhy he ca u do it-1',ir.~t, he buys fol' cash and knows just how to buy ' Second, what he can't buy cheap euougli, he nmnufactu1 ee Thud, he is satisfied with ·mall p10fits 1 J?ourth, he sells fqr casl1 , Fifth, he sells at bottom 'pdeq 0 gn en to sno,l vtttue e,, ecy Dressmaking, &c, Miss Heal \Yould Ll:'g to 1nfo1 In the la.dies of B own1a1n ille l vicu.uty. t she rn J.H epared to t nk~ 01 de1 s fo1 D1 e ss1ua k.1ng, ·~n tl fi ll t}J.e flit1lle with despn th STORE - One doo1 ~.tst' of Coruiish 'sJtlwehy tore, King Stn: et, Bo"m;\nville llvwmauv1l1e, Sei>t 23rd J87 l Nuthi ng chewp;r ---------·----t/lp.» t/i; !Oct Cottons Cou.1fo's TJYE .J SMALE Jn thQ L A TEST FAS I I ION. IDana's Patent ----- --Sheep Marks -~ ~- H Er l:lXperience fully \\,urants he1 in promhuug sati.sfact1 on. ne~alence , U01 u er of Chtncli St1t.:(.:t, and Iifarke t Scina1c Bow1nanv1lle, lJ e~ ab, 1873 ___.... Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~FEED IV1ILL8. Anothc1 ca.t lu.ld of the a.hov e nobl1 the W/l,,y ,Plc a:.;e cAll nt the .LI BLANI{Er:rs IN C 4 LL A.ND SEE FOB YOUDSELVES, 1 I --o-4~D Large Variety Jop .ti!, B -··Special mducement -given to E.xannne tho stock, which comp11se8 .. e\ e 1 yth 1 ~.; in tho trade, of t he ve1y lat es t aud 1n o:;;t i.: 1 t t;1J1 styles a.ntl patterns, of :E.nghsh, Ca1 i u]1au, and t\..1ne11ca n n1;rnufacture. ~Rll\lG YOU~ FRIENDS WITH YOU . -o-)\ odun~n ke pt ' 1 Tft still <;ontuntea to Jllal~uf.H: tiu e to oi dc1, f101n the ltel)t of 1nn.teun.t 1 r.nd nuni. : but f 118 ~ cl.t~ll M plaa un . 0rders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guarant eed CASH Purchasers. H e h~~ lll - R- l:lt ock au en<lles11 vruiet y of Ladies' and G ~nts Saiat oi;a l r nnI. .::>, \ ' t-1! 3<.J ", A ach00l lng to th~ Queen aud P11nco H'\Vc arc N eef e11f1 oh (glad 1n 1:1<>ul1 a~ they say JU Co!JuJ..;," the lJI 111ce wt tea to li..s ::itep :i:uothl;'r ~1th De U "' 01 f l 'd ( ccm eiJ, moic requeut Y !/tU i : Ii cl 111 high glee), that we have !:lu1v1ved a n1wisteual c11s1s offouttt't~n day~· d1uatu.1n 1 and a.1 e now OILd ])AIXrr I ! ' CO] ~ORS .J.. ' .t ~r Al{:!\ lt:a::J E:-3, and \Vfl l'fE TiEAlJ at tJ1 e ve1y lO"Q"t ).Jrt.cti~ u1ogt coniplete ~"er iu\ ented 'l'bef a1t.1 u:-:1e. d aJld r ecommend ed by n1a11 y of tlH bes Breede1-s in the United Statm1 a1Hl <Ja.uad n such oo G B~ L o11llg, Suleui , Ma!:!fJ , l'rc s1Llt>ut l~ e w )~ 11ghud Wool G10,verl) 1 Soc1ety, John S R oss, Henne pin, Ill , Professor 1\1. }file~ of the Sta.te Ag ticultura.l Coll{'ge, Ln.ns111 g, l"f1ch , H ou Geo TJIESE ~!AftI'S AUE ·errE DimAfEST the inost ln.'l tlug, the least tro11bhvom e, and B 0 W ::\fAK V l. L L E Farm Impl~ment \dnch h ti i1> isell1ng cheap fo1 c,u:.ih &1.:, ~111 of Forwardmg Agency W .TI >iE.O, t( l<.iug St , llJJ\\ tpan' ille Jk,v. 1t11tllvi1!ti , JJ ec, 5, 1872 nlD Cowle ,_ J .. Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg St . Dowma1n ille, 1!ay lil, 1874 " ~!i! t!I; I _,.......,.___ - - a-- M. TRELEVEN. .A young lady .iii:' town Jias two geuUem~n a.dmirere:. rl'he wiser O:ttlrn t?. o, wheu h<'I goe11 to tiee her of a.'ii evening leavos h1s i1a's }argJ ... do;: at th~ frout doo1. 'VJtene\ er the 0t C( e.nd sies tbc _<.1 qg, he departs -i uu:aedt· atoly , he had the ta'il of lns coat t.:..keu off vuti stamhng exadlJ "horu wo- stood Lefore- upon Horses and Cattle .M'11cl.l&ines out feet, whc:n :a.s duHng t h!:! crtsi~ wu 'tl:'.Cl 0 vei y N B - Conutry eto1ekeept::l l-\ suppherl o.. ue~1ly st::tnchng on oui heads. 11 the ino~L aLlva.utageon.,- Lernt-8 ('I1o be 1.:ontinu<..:d ) .;\. ~hQiCC soh:ction of LA~IJ,S fUJ ~.iJe c]l(a[1 < }in I. ll lo\~ ll iu vilh D. l8($S~ ~- --~ ~ A Talk [ Bm,u, Tu10nto, On~' John J J w1th Young Wives _ __ I _,\'" '". .__ . . Bobert 'l ho b1tlf J :ar b etween Uctu'uer und ...,\ .pril, is eU1pha.t1cally the season of inarnages, aud hun~ dreds of uau10n 111 the thousc.nilti of homes to whid.L tlus p a.per f 1ndu lbs weekly ,~ .iy, have 10 . cently tn.ken, or ate i::oon t o take , upon t h em~ selves the ~O,\S of mat11mony. ·~Fo1 better, £01 wo1::ic, for iwher, fo t poorer, i n sw'tnesi, in hi.:nlth tlll cleath do us I)[trt " Ouce done, tl e · nig)!t. A Wicl. . low vag1rt.D tl\:M about to he co11llein11 t:d to impusonmentofm 1f1a.t he had [10 \!~Ible means of:...snp]iott. 'Wi~iblc t' exclaun ecl the defendant as he nnlle<l honi, }u;; ··tonl'll·d ... ' ,.,. pocket a. piece of n1vuldysauHtlge and ~ h~ucl ohl 1 crust of bread. "\Vi.!'lble '- n.lll't th ~t , i::n hle 1· j d eell 1s final , tbe1 e is no ,..:ett1ng ont of it, <·x~ cF:pt tlirough th e ga.t1: s of clcnth or divorc~ A s j } Cl tl m ll(t ~ou1 hc-d, AA \011 Jnnr;tlti". and thf" I V}' lll£It1~-;\.RY SURGEON, Gratli:iu.te of the Ont&no "V~ eter1nacy College B y av e$t p(1tntment Vet<::nnn1y Surgeon t o the Durham and Da1 hnJ tOil Uniou A.gnuultuial Soc1et1es 1 Agent for ~he I,n e Stock Brn.uch of tlie Bea.ver :lll"d Ioionto :\futirn.l JJue In surance C ' 0 vt:Jtenuarv )ffJ(hc1nes COll fol lautl y· O U h a111l Oa lJ,.; tro111 t }i e cou1t y pro1nptly nrttcndcd to Offi.c~,·,- One d oo1 t'Mt of Jt ~Io.n1ng's }i'nrn1ture t arc100111 · 1Wsi1 1cnc H(i vei Bnrden'a s.tore, coi 1 , ei of KLng a nd Rcngog St 1t et.~, ]~owmaLni.llle Youn~, '.O ,,l I I I s 1n~tf Ont On eacb :}f(t.rk 1a -stanrpod the O\V1, e1 s na me nnd tho Sheop'g UUlllbcr They ,., 1]1 be scntj, ee, Ly, 01 expiess, foi only fotii 1.;ent;:; TL\tE MONEY aod LABOJ{. 11a,ed ! Fren ch. I ecwh1 and vdll laut f 01 'l\\JliN'.IY 1 E,\.11.:,I, Oil P ol111h '.l'h1r1 Ji'rcnch 0 1L Poltsh 1s pie ~ 0Mh 1nua.t accompany ,µ_1 order:; pctretl for C'air1agcs, Buggies, HarnC'"'S, noots I I anLl SJuj:es, and all kmds Leather. lt Hill AnCII-Il~AI;D YOUNG, JH , 1 gpe anyo.1ticlt:: of I,.Ae-nthru., a.n1ost b11ll1ciut ap S.11r11ia, unt. j pea.ra1rce, a+:..d at the sa.1ne- tnne, irom its oily wishes to 111£01 m L11:1 numerous friends and ens Untt.:rs Jfl:ldl ~ Ei!lud tu t he 1'.Ir:n cLJ~l and 08 · p1ope1tief!, t\'uJ.5 )fl}lcb to p-!t6~1}'e-it, it \Hll n.l towe1i:i ~at Lia11<1$1eJno"\'ed to Bt:li.l. ijR Office, fox any quantity, WllI tie filled .tt V1'11ys be moist and pliant 1 and ,na.y jJI) l:'X [JUµ#~ the aboyti nienti.qued pnce as l 1inckly a.a he to '~ ater and \Va.shed, and"' ill uOt loije 1tS br1lh iiarks i;a 1 bf;I m a.iili:' $..h Ll IDnt a.nee, aud it is not to be fear ed that .~ny crust J ~ D E i\. ltKEl-t v.111 E!ettlc on sa.1d Leather when prt.:Ser" ed with v 1 ere h e "ill be fo~nd \' it:"fi ~be ~nost c.:OUJ · ' the above Oil. For the wood\\Otk of Tingg1c1$1 at-H a..sso1 hneut uf Du\, uian~ ill o, Dec, ~Sth, 1S7L. in l 3 l y Oa..enage,5, ,J.D.d l! u1oitu11.1, tbe1 e is not n better -~ --~- _........., .............., -a1ti,,d o i ~1 u ::e, \1"anufactu1ed by A. f:.n!,Ol'i & 1 U S E T J-1E Co , ~!'an and Cll111ers1 forr11e1 ly of] ratftle\ · lf:1 ea 110\\ of l:'hiladelph1a., P }}' !nsf rtJCt'iop.s -Sliak~ bottki Aft!w drops 0J1 lL phice of Rpringc, o.pply ' it lightly t (I t he l caLhPt , nnd .} Ou w1U olita1n t he 1 &~ fo1 m1k1 og all k md:; ul Cake~ \\ 1L11 out F:g-gi:i finest ln ~trl..! Price 75cts pe1 hottle,01 $'7 50 p ~ r 111 to \~ Please cull. B11ek ler's old i;i,(l.u d. T o he hu.d of a ll G-rocc1F1 H J \V.t.:J.l]K '.l & Go, dozen ,J OHJ'S S.YIALE, Sole Agent, l~ow on tt door east of ~faj nard ~ If otel Toronto , sole ai;:-e nts f ·r Ont a1 LO 1nauv1llc [ Dvwman' 11lt·, Rrp 1~7 .l l\fuyh llth 1 1B7.i 2-1 l y ,fnly 16th, 1$i.t 41 G mo~ Snsll, Jl<lmonl on, SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. or ~-- - ___,...........- - · , REMOVAL. S. MASON TO TI-IE 'VALTER I l~1JBJ~_[(~1~ SON, WIGG'-~ . I BUO~LE~'S Harness 014> STAND N retur1nng tLa,nkt1 to tLcn nu1uc1ouH cut:1to1ne1s and thl" puhbc g1 uet allj, fvt pa.~ t f L \U f'S, wo1Jld resp~ etfully unite then u.ttention to our p1 eocut stock of fun11t1u~ , ail \\ e li.n tl b.t elv added thc1cto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all pa1 ties who n1ay 11 lc 1,.,, 8 to fu,y1; 1 him v.1th a ca.IL G~eat inducements held out to those purclrn.s1ng at our e ~ta.Ulisbtt11.:1 1 t P ie Sample$ vf t h e clii1c a m t 1ttires, Looluug G!aase8, etc. sramed to order 1 and 111 eoery :;tyle 1._-ind of }\!ould1n~ can be seed a.t thE! ' ruon1 "\Ve \V ould ahw Leg to lllfv1111 J on, tli.t\ bav1µg Pl/'o)i"'llP ~ Sf.L~ND LD N~W" HEARS~, NOl.,.WlCh .-OWder Whip$, \\c shall be 1cn.dy at a l1 t1mc!:l to attend, on sho1 t 110{,1c..: nnd 1cJhOU > 1Jhi {( lll'.I )[ 13 - ColBns l< ept on hand n.n<l nlri.dt: to orclcr, a t t he ' J 5,iJr:µnlcs . !fE'fV pON[ NlO fY RE1'1IJL FURNITURE WA B H-lW UN Kmg Street East, Oshawa h :it\\ n Aug 26th, 1870· · __J