j · THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1875. - ---- -====== POETRY. LOST, :BUT FOUND. I was a wandering sheep, I did not love the fold ; I tlid not lo\'e iny Shepherd'd voit;I.{, I would not be coutrollucl. I was a wayward child, I did not love my home, I did noL luve my father'6 voice, I lu\'ed afar to roam. The Shepherd .sought his i:beep, The }'ather sought his child, They followed inc o'er vale and hi!J, O'e1· desert8 wa~te and \'dld, They foun<l 'Jue nigh to death, Famishd<l, and faint, and lone; They bound me \Vith the ba.nds of lo\·e ; They Ba.ved iho wandering one! Thuy spoke ln tender lov1:1, They raised my drooping head ; They gently dosed my blecdi11g \\ ound~, J\( v fa.iutiug soul they fed, They wash.eel iny filth awa~·. They made me clean and fair ; 'l'hPy brought me to my home in pcnecTbe long-eought wa.ndcrcr ! J e::ius my Shepherd is, "l'w1tr.; Trc thn.t loved my i:oul 1 'Twas li~ tlw.t w&lll!J m in Hi.s Llood, 'Twas He that made me whole. 'l'was He that sought the lost, 'J1lrn.t found the wandoring sh!;!eJi, 'Twas He that brought me to the fol. I, 'Tis He that still doth keev. I was a wandering sheep, I 'vould uot be contl'olled : But now I lov'e my Shepherd's voi1Jti, I love, I love tile fold l . · I was a wayward child; I onco preforred to rdn1n, But now I love my Father'.~ voi\:~ · I leve, I love His home ! - Bonar. Crumbs for Chickens. If you want to teach & dng arithmetic, ti~ up one of hia pa.ws, a.nd he will put down three anJ c.l.l'ry oue,every time. ' Hullot bub ! trying to get an appetite for ) our dinaer ?' ' 'YelJ, n·o-o, not exactly; fact il!, I'm trying to get a dinner for my 'appetite.' hy 1 Stephen, I thought you got married tuore'n a. year a.go?' 'Well, Ellen. it was talk. t!d of, but I found that the girl and all her folks were opposed to it, and so I just gave thti1n all the initten. and let the thing drop. 1 · \ \7 The other day a young lady met a gentlen1nn whOfle offer of marriage she bad sorue months previously rejected. She had repented her dL·· cision, and informed him of tho fact in tlii3 naive and innocent style : __, 'You have no tw.:t in mattel'8 of love. Yon ~hould have asked 1ne again.' Captain," e:aid a. fit:Sb.ionable la<ly to a.n old· f1v1hioned naval o1licer, 'vho sto"Jd up to go through a. country dnncc with he1· twithont gloves-' :ie.µtain, you are perhaps not :-t.W<t-l'e that you ha.vc no gloves on,' ' Oh 1 nt::ver mind, 1na'a.m 1 ' answereJ. the cnptain- inever rniud ; I can wnsli. my hands when we\·e done.' 1 Yesterday was indeed an eventful J.~y iu the life of a la.<ly 011 We'5t Jackson 8treet. During a trip on the street cnrs to Etnte street au<l lmok, she saw tho lovelic::it polonai~e patt~rll Bhe eve1· saw in her life, the handaome8t felluw 11hc ever saw· in her IHe. the homeliest woman tihe ever saw in her life, got the wot'St fright she ever had in her life from the drunkest roan s}w ever saw in her life, uever was so insulted in h~r life us she was by a young man who f'.!poko to ber 011 the car, n.ud finally got home feding more tired thall ever 1:1hc felt in her life. PA'l"S EcoN:::>Mr.-He was ~n Irishn1an 1 anJ Jn the first year of lliH marriage the Prince wa~ called upon to take a public pn.rt for the p1omotio11 of that .Art which he so greatly lO\'Cd ;' As the l'dnco'a devotion to art soon becau1c kHO\Yn, he was callc<l upon to take a. protuiuent part in ita encouragement before the public. So early ne March he ·was appointed one of the Directors of the Ancient Concerts, and directed ' hia first Concert in this capncity on the 29th of Ap1il. His l:'election of the music for the occa· sion was make with :reat cai·e, c\lld lie attend· ed. an elaborate rehearsal of it withjlthe Queen t·l"o days before. This concert haa peculiar in· terest a!> the first of a ve1·y i-emarkable serie.e I directed by the Prince, which, with 'vbnt done Ly hin1 elsewhere, gave a. etimnlons to the cultivation of cla.iWca.l music, and of musical art generally in Bng_ lan<l, that has been of the highest vn]ue in ra.i.<iing the public taste.' A much wider spher~ of action in respect to Art was to be open.ed to the Prince Consort in the Succeeding year 1841 :-· 1 One of the first acts of Sir Robert Peel o.fter I lhe instalment of hi8 l\finil!try, was to suggeat tli.a.ttho l1rincc, whose wide range of knowledge iu art an<l science waR by this time g~neraJ.ly kno'\'n, ahould be plaCed at the hoad of a. Royal · Commission toinql1ire whether advantage might not be taken ot the l'ebuilding of the Houaea of Parliament , to p1·omote and encourage the Fine Arts iu tho United kingdo1n.' The original Commission included a very re· markable array of na.mel!I 'In May 1844, the na111t1tJ of Lord ~Iahon and l\fr. (afterward Lord) 1\'Iaca.ule.y wore· added by n. supplementai·y C'ommis1::1ion~ "To me per· son ally, ' the Prince -writes tto Sir Robert Peel (4th April 1844), in answer to his letter suggesting this addition to the strength of the Com· mi.58ion, "their addition would b1:1 ,·ery gratifying, a~ thel:le sittinga (besides the iutetest of the subject itself) give me an L\ogreeablc opportunity which othcr~Yiae I should nut hnvc, to get more intimately acquainted with some of the moiilt dis tinguished men of the day '\·ithout reference to politit.'8."' The Secret8:1'Y of t~is Co1nn1i.tssion was Mr. (fl-fterwards Su) f!b.arles Eastlake. He met the )Jri..J1C<!1 possess1::d with the th~n prevalent, bnt utterly groundles1:1 idea. that the P1ince would entertain some peculiar fa..-..·orJor his own countrymeu,as it was not then generally known a.~ it is now, h~w pomplet~ly naturalized in hf;!tll t and f'Oul the Prince wa.a ; and that there was nobody 1nore thoro_ughly ~evoted to British interests nnd to British welf~~ than himself, This kind of error is not confined to the British people, tho lgh they have often been espedally accused of it, In the history of y.11 nations it may be seen that the foreigner has often exce· eded the nntive in his devotion to the ·countr.Y of his adoption. Sir Charles Eastlake manifest· e<l, in tho course of this interview, the spirit awl the' good sense which nright be i:xpec.ted frotu so eminent- a man. 'I listened to his (the Prince's} pl!l.lls, a.nd made objections where . I thought it necessary . Two o.r- three thnes I quite forgot who he was,be talked so natnra.11.r, and argued so fairly.' Sir Charles, who was afterwards much in con· tnct with the Prince, and also saw not a little of the Queen, must have often rebuked him· self at tht1 surprise be felt that a Piince should talk so naturally, ~d argue im fairly. - In other r:vurt~, and in our own as iu a former da.y au.ch ». fl:leling would have been not only natura.1 1 but more than justified. The earthly Joveis ha.nd would grasp thQ thunderbolts on the slight· est jndica.tion that his supremacy in knowledge and wisdon1 waa questioned, and his talk would · be of the c-haracter of ' thunder, nothing but thund~r. , =============== ==================-=:;===================;===================~==========· ==== ==-= - ~~ - -~ ·-== ============-=====-===== -~=--============ ' I Press Toward the Mark.' '"'M I I We very often miss the end of life by having no object before us. Our wotk is doue with our eyes bandaged. We play blindfold with the world's evils, and accomplish, in consequence, but little good, or at tbe most, secure bnt feeble reforms. To conquer, y·Ju n1ust know you have a foe, is now showing foll Jines of and what, and where, and with what weapons to figh~ Yenrs ogo - wbeu we were a boy--t:1. pupil in an old fran1e school house, '->y the foot of a hill to the south of the village, we went with a n_ umber of boy~, in every department, purdrnsed under very fovomble circumstances, nllCl one afternoon fo winter, to ba.-esomesport. is determined to 8ell at ASTONISHIKGLY LOW PRLCES. A meadow was distant half a mile away. A . . . light snow had falle11, and the company de· and Cos7ti.;me~, comw1s1 n~, a very ~arge anety sired to make the most of it It was too [ of NEV\ EST and 1' INESr Fabrics. SPRING! s. lli" IGS6))s. I 1875 Just Arrived at the ANDERSON & (Jo. oF NE w TREWIN, OSHAVVA v F ASBION HO'USli: :t lko Lu ~tuu ounc c t o the J~ l ect ors o( 'Ve8t Di.;ir~a.rn and H11Ton1111iug countrr, that the.} will sell then· umnc~ se .. SLJleuditl U~ SU l tment of :::;;;rroo1c GOODS, & 1300TS & SHOES, NEW MILLINERY. Ah·o u. lot of At a Discount of Ten per cent. fo1· CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. I SPRING GOODS, done Lo " order REAL HAIR. FANCY ;~L;;·~v:misio'i~;35~~;~~~~llin9;~;~;;; 1000 pr.·. Misses .Feballtnd B ·u jJ'Bal1rwr11)s, < 4t ~.50, p rJI· pai1·, for CASH O... VLJ'". .Also a lm'gc 1:1tock of 1000 Pairs Women's, Miss1~· and Child's Ji'elt Bool-, th' u-71016 lo be solilfo?' CASH ON LY IDress dry for snow-hailing, and not deep enough for coasting. rt did very well to make tracks in. Goods Dress ... @lk1"ng eY.&.iW av.I. Stamps for Braiding and Em· broidery. - - o- Call en,rly rtllll seeure your Winter Supply, while the rush is goiug Oil at ~· .. anage1nent. - by Skilful and ' obliging FASHIONS for ~pring ANDERSON & CO'S., Eowmanville, Dec. 10th, 187-l. Boot & Shoe Emporiu:m.. . ==-- _--=======- - --- -- It was proposed that we should go to · "lR'l" ne~ An uunsnally att1ucLive dis play, this _seaso11, emtrce, near the centre of the meadow, and ·.J ' brncing Latest Noveltie8 in French, J.,'nglish, imd that each one ·hould start lrom the tree,and American Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings. sec who could make the straightest track-,. that is, to go from ufe tree in the nearest Special attention to getting iip Orclers /01· The proposiapproach to a straight line. FAJJfILY llfOURNING. tion was aascnted to. and we were all soon at the tree. We ranged ourselves around it with our backs toward the trunk. We were "lA" ~ A ve1f lttrgc stock to select equally distant from each otlier. If each ~ from, Qf cloth, cashmere, Rilk, had gone forward in the right line, the velvet, and lace goods, of htest ~tyks, very eleg<1nt, (or made to order.) paths we made would hnve been like t~e spokes of ri. w·heel-the tr'>!e representing Emhraciug every dcs cri l'tion uf fabrics , to mee t the the nave. We wne to go till we reacheli wants of our numerous cus tomers. the boundaries of the meadow, when we were to trace our stef'B to the tree. We did so. I wish I could give a map Oshawa, April, 187,';. of our trnckR, Such a map would not present much reeem blancc to the spokes of a wheel. 'Whose is the . straightest 1' said James just to hand. 11s11al. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bow1nain illc, April 7th, 1874. .,...a,ntles sh aW'l s., BOWMANVILLE Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co ' Staples, TERMS---LIBERAL. Manufactures of \VOODl AND IRON Important Announcement ~--~ ----10-----· WORKING MACHINER't Alison to Thome.s Sanders,, who was at the tree first. 'Henry Armstrong's i:s the only one that BELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society is straight at all.' 'That ~e a fact,' said Ju.1ol!S. 'They look ESTABLISHED 1840. more like ·uake tracks than straight Jineo. CANADA CBIEll' 0.l:'li' l C.BS. 'How could ":!t all contrive to go ao 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL crookedly, when the ground is so amootl), DIRECTORS. &D!l nothing. to turn us out of the way 1' said .lacob Small WALTER SHANLY, Esq., MP·· Cha.inuaan, 'How Jii.i-you come to go 30 straight, DUNCAN MACD0N.ALD, Esq. ~fAJOR T. E. CA!IPBELL, U B .. St. Hila.ire. l:Ie11ry. 1' suhl Tho1nas. 'l'HE..liONORARL:E JOUN HAMILTO:X, Hawltii· 'I ti.x:.~<1 nty eye~ on that tu.II pint:-tree ou burg, Ont. the hill yonder, and nerer lopked e.way RESIDENT SECRFTAl\Y. - .TAMES GMNT. tro1n it till.I reacheJ the (cn"bc,' · . 1 [ went as str.iight us I cou.ld without j k· t Lb · b t ti ' d ' tl ou ing a any ing u le groun , sai Great Seduction, in Dry Goods! Double Turbine Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. Water Wheels, und ---oo--- Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds REPAII-{S doDe 011 the MURDO UR· BROS. Having decided to make a change iu their bu~iness, are now selling for CASH their large and :vcll assorte d Stock of Dry Good R, Millinery, Clothrng, Crockery uncl Glasswnrc, S PECI ~ L FEA T U RES. '11be EK'l'IH1'~ Pnot:'I'r 8 belong to and aredivid ed amongst the 1 1 0Ucylwlder8. LIVES, DBCLINEU DY SltOBTEST NOTICE, \Ve Lave now on hand a la.rge 11uantity of J1:1,nies. 't:;o,did l,7 saitl another. 'So did I,' -suid several others. It np· pearerl- that no one but Henry bud nimeJ at a patticular obj~ct. n e atte111ptecl to go straight \Vithout any dt!finite aitu. We failed. So it will be with men for t:Y~r1 who have no mark in view, General purpost:f!, general resolutions,, ·will not avail. \Ye must do as Henry did : fix upon sotnething distinct antl definite ne nn object, and go ~teadily forward towBrd it. tu o:rmru COMl'4\.Nl1'S, or on which an t~tra Premium wpµ~d be l'equii·ed} can be assured at ~he ordinary rates of thia Society, under a 8)>etial arrangctncnt SPECIAL NoN-FOFEITABLE POL101ES issued under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay men.ts are required, eacli payment secunng Policy for a sum aSBured proportionate to the numbet of premiwne pa-id, anrl free from futur vaynwnt of _preniiums. MODERA'l'.£ PREMIUMl:i and moat liberal con· Uitions. Prospcctnscs,Propoeal Forins, &c, 1 supplied on a:ppliCa£ion at the Head Uffice, or any of the Agencies. Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at AT AND BELOW COST! Cllll Dominion OrO'a.n Co'v. BOWMANVICl:E~ Present the follo,ving testimonials from com petent judges of Org~nJ. Testimonial fro John Ca.midge, ~{us. Doc., Canlun.r, England. Bowma.nville, 24th Dec., 187$. To the Manu.ge1·s Dorniniun Organ GQ. GENTLEMEN .-I like to play on your 0l'gans t" ~e i<J so Rweet a11d steady. .l!.nd the woi-kmansuip aucl finish excellent,· and in every particular they are equal., if not aupel'lor, to any I h~ve ever heal'<l. Hopinb they ~ill meet public aprri·eciation. THE LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. B owmauville. l\i!arch 6 1873. tf. The Stock having liecn pnrehased in the B.l!;ST l\IARKl£'1'S, buyers depend 011 getting MORE .A 1 YD BE'l"l'Ell GOODS FOR 'l'HElll JlOJVHY (To Lt1 Continued,) Thus only we aucct:ed. 1\Iultitudes of Chri·tiuns go through life without having led one single soul to Christ, JAMES GRAN'.!', AGJ<1NT l'OR BOWMANVILLE, C. llARKER, 11 1873. -o- 1873. - - -o--- at this Estalilshmeut than in any other house in the country. and aJL because they never bad a single aim to bis glory. The Miduight Preacher. 13Y U"IBV. H. B. HOOK.EH. Rea. Secrtitary. JOHN CA~UJJGE THE LAY'rERN. Revenge d ~~ells in little mind ~ Sincerit) Observer Office/' King St. 23-ly Ilowtnanville, June 24th, 1870, took the obviously economical view of the sub· ject, It was on the train from New York to New Itaven. The conductor on reaching liim eaid, with brevity an<l blandne11s 1 'Ticket?' -"\Ve11 begorrA,' ll.tlSWerc::d the Irish party,'~ illQSS I've made a bit of misbtake. I wanted to go to Easthampton, ~Iassachusetb1, and I lu,ve J:.t>u1sht a. ticket for EaiJthampton, Connec~i· cut.' 'Why didl,l't you buy tbe dght ticket':' Rn.id lbe conductor. '\\r ell, I saw the two of them, but the mw tu .~asthampton, Connecticut, was the chel"lpe1:1t, and so I bought that one.' ' It was cheaper by $1. 05, UuL ye conductor 1RJlit·esed it out of Patrick. - EDl'l'Olll:) DnA\\EH, in Harpet·s J."liagazincfor Jlla?f· watera gladdened my sight in the day, but we see co1n1nonly is r.ot it, but a subtle dia· far greater wai the ple~sure as I beard t~e ·imulation, to gain the confidence of othere, is an openness of heart ; 'tis ...!\. \. isit 111 the country found me at a quiet found in a very few people, and that which . liotel on the bank~ ofn riv::er. rrhe flowing Imperial .Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON. (Established 1803. HEAD OFFIOES. - 1 Old Broad St., and Pall Ms.11, London. GENERAL '.\ClCNCY FOR <JAN.A.DA :- 24 :,;entle mnrmurini;t of the waters in the 1\-forality, or retbrmation, only strikes at \rnkeful watches cf the night. In the uni· the branches of sin ; but the Gospel and versa] stillness of th~ hour there was ueth- true grace at the root. St cramcnt , l\iontreal. ing t<> coll n1y attention elsewhere. I gave ROSA D'ERINA, Show a good man his error, and he turns myself up to lbe many and pleasing lhonglits Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Y'ra Subscribed and invested Capital an<l B cst:n e it into a virtue; a bad tnan doubles bia Fund. £1,965,000 Storling. H. O'HARA. A. :l1. DAI!LEY suggested by the midnight music of the President. J\Ianager fault. Funds i~vested in CanadJi,..... 105,000. Bo\\' tnanville, January 15, 1871. bp·o3-ml!L waters. 1-tead the following frotn 1Wsa D'Eriua : llowmanvilte, December 22, 1873, Tu the Managers of the DO'm.inion 0'rgan Co. GEN'.l.'L:KMEN· ...;I,bave much pleasure in tes: fying to the excellent qi"Uilitios of the 01·g supplied by_you at my concert last Saturda evening. The tone is sweet~and :very ,powerl and the combination o.f stops most admira.b I am SW'e your instn1ments will fh:Jd favor Churche~, as they are singularly adapted fo sa.cl'ed music. -wishing you every success, and that tbu public may patr.onize n. ativo r~n~nufa.r. ture. I remain Gcnt1emen, Ve1·y respectfully, F A_LL STOCK. - --o--Dress GooQ.s THE Newest Style· ofthe Galt E'ai'jy, and secure Bargains, as tlte whole Stock must be sold at once, for CA Sil ONLY. GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest s1q1ply uf Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? GREY COTTONS of the best ma.ke, including th~ OJirristu1 as Goods, Rlvisens, O 'nrrants, S'ttgar s, Peels, etc. 9 etc., a.t all P1·ices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 o::elebratcd STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid value. MURDOCH BROS. It 'vas no violent stretch of the imagina· tion that the river seemed to be a speakera prE:acher, and it seemed to say, In the quiet stillness of the night you can hear without distraction, and I will discourse of the life of the Christian as illustrated Ly Viould lny own. Dressmaking, &c. Hiss Beal Insurances against loss by Fire a.re effected on most favorable tel'IWI, and losses paid with out reference to the Boa.rd in London, The Satisfaction gi van by J DODSWORTH, Inspector. RINTOUL BROS. Geu. Agents, ~fontrea R R. LOSCOMBE, :Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowma.nville, June 4th, 1860 BARNUM s c<.; lipst:d by the sati1:1fiL1JtlOJJ gi \'en by S?t-!ALI;; to hie numerous patrons. Ho is 11ow pleased to announce that he h M c,u han<l a 1argc a.nd varied a.ssortrrcnt o of unequalled How Ile Explained. A r('sidcnt of the Sixth VVa1·d lu~s LeQ.n mis· sill6 n oocl fi om his pile for several wetikij vast, a·1d the othe1; night ho watched and cau~ht a n~gro loading up a Lig at·111[ul. Springing~ ont, he cried : '.A..h ! hah ! l'vc c,~ugl1t you lnbve I!' 'Is <lat yoa ?' .tskell the nt!gro, as he d.rop1;tid Lbe woo.J· 'Y o:!cl, this is I, auJ [ waut; to ku·YW '\\hat you are (1 oing- bei e-?' · Dvin~ l eilh r 'Ye·, sir,' ' ""ou 1:1ee ills yel'e wood piie, dueisn't yuu !' in· quirell the da.rkcy. 'Yclil, ldo.' "Veil, <lHre's a new family n1oved into <la.t t1ha11ty ove1· dn.r,:i.11d I don't like dere looks one "Lit. I believe dey'd steel wood quicker'n lightn· ing,and I cum _ over to warn ye. If ye 1niss any 'vood don't ea.y I didn't tell ye what kind <1f folks dose are l' Aud he wa1kttl away ]ea\·ing the mttu dum· founded. m.o.43-39.4,v hidden. No eye of wan sees into the deptbs LATEST FASHION. of tl1e earth frolP wbkh I come. So s_piritual liFe in the soul arises from those infiolte Hcrexperiencelullywarrautsherinpromising satisfaction. A GENT cofrnsels 9f God into which no finite ruind nes1dence, Corner of Church Street" , au<l }'or t11e followillg Insurauee Companic i aud 0 f tlle b es t q_ual"t l is . nnx10ui,; . 'Iici. L Ll wy 1 y, au c 8 can penetrate. Market Square. other Institutions, viz :shall set to wo1·k as soon as }JOt1siblt'. THE The purif)'_in~ .power of my waters sugBowma.nville. I.Jee. 4th, 1873 · The QUEEN Fire and Life Insurance Com· pauy. · Capital £2,000,000. $150,000 deposited gest". a similar sgeucy and duty in every w.ith the Dbminion Government, for the protoc Christian. I cfean&e wherever I go. So dersin Cana.da... Tb;e·ISOLA'l1ED RISI{ Fire Insurance Con1 the saint, himself cleansed by the washing have this 1lay appointed MH. C. BARKER pa.ny of Canado. Capital 500'000,-0ne of the of regeneration aIJd sanetitied by the Spirit the Exclusio1.. a~~nt for the sale of my YUL- best and cheapest Conlpa.nies doiug business in the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated Riske of God, b}1ould be a· purifying agent in re· C.A...'ilZED PENS flk .tlowmo.nville, Ont. JOS};PH MASON,P.P, '!'he CANADA LANDED CRllDI'l' CO'Y. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents lipncial Lwc of C'OTJ'ONS ot COWLE'S, ference to all the mor~I pollution aronnd J · J.JACOJ3S. _ with a Savinga Bank department. " " Balmorals, extra high _o _w _1 _ n_ ··_ ·v _i_ ll_ e, :..S _e_:pc._t_ .1 _ o_ th ...:'_ l8 _7 _ 4_ . - · --m - ·_ t_ f ._ The UNION A~n PEHMANEN'l' Iluilding birn Hie word, his example, his influence _ Il cut $1.25· 1 and Saving'!:! Society. in all its forms, should be a constant rebuke DRUGS AND ·M EDICINES These latter instltutions advance Loans on READY-~fADE Real Estate, on terJDJ:l uni.1suallv easy for the of eve1·y lorni of sin, and c6mmendatory of borrower. all that purifies the hearts and hves of men. at the Bowmauvillc, Feb. 6th, 1873. GENT'S BOOTS. I am a symbol of the harmony and union. Bowmanville Drug Store, that should exist among all the saints. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Every rain·drop ·ncl every rill that reache· bdg to illform th~ladiee of Ilov."Dl.a.nville a.nd vicinity, that ahe is prepared to ta.ke orders Like the Chrliitian'a life my origin is for Dressmaking, ..,nd-fill the ea.me with deapa.th in the · 36 STYLE a.nd Q'C'ALITT STO:S,MONT J ames McFeeters. BOOTS AND SHOES L. A CABI>. I All :Prices, All Sizes. -All Kinds. COTTON ·BAGS, BEST in . the World. A .BIG· RlJRH J Nothing to Beat it. TBELEVENS I l me con;ies into perfect harmony with n1e, as soon as we tneet. On the instant of the J. HIGGINBOTHAM FRUIT, AND .Trunks, &c. Special attention gi ven to ·Good CLOTHING and ·Cheap. LITERATURE. The Reception of the Emperor of Russia at the English Court in 1844, as Described in Martins' Life df the Prince Consort. (Continuod.) Our object in r1noting the foregoing Ual'l1~ii \·~, is to show the tiUpport and encouragement giv. cu by Her Majesty and by the Princt.? Consort to tlie Queeu'd Pr·ilne l\'.linister. An<l thii:I sup· port was not given to that !"rime J\Iinieter only, but also to preceding and SllCGeasive Mln· isters. It JlOW remains tha~ we should speak iu de· tail of the Prince ()on sort's lo\- e of art1 and of the service which J1c rcndert:d to his adopted country by tP,e :promotion of art. 1'he con· sta.nt labors of hia very laborious life pr'3Yented that continuous self.culture in art, to which he would otherwise doubtless, have devoted himself. Our author tells us · that, both in painting and iu musical composition, ho ha.d acquired considerable technical skill : and in the etcher's art the Queen .and hb.u.$t:lf found :11 Uc· lightful occupation for their scanty k:isw·c . To sing and play together was also one of their consta.ut rcCl'llntious. To the Prince iuusic waM, at all times, a source of suprc1ue delighta.n element in v.'bich the hindrance13. and d1"!· appointments, l"lnd shortcomings of lifo were forgotten.' I\ifr. 1'--Ia1·tin haa given us, i.1t 'J~x tra.cts from lctter1:1 of Lady Lyttclton ' b 1 ' :t vivid idtm of the poetical 1Power whi.<.;h the l.JJ'iucu threw into hia playillri of the organ,-· the elu· quent exponent,' as lvir. )lnrtin assures u:i it was, 1 of his thoughts and fa:nciea.' And rna.ny of tbuee who h~d the p1ivile~e of being ptei:ient at the Private Concerts in the Palace will re· cog:uiz~ the truth cf the following picture of the Yrinco in his latter years :'He would often st11nd apart in the dnt whig· rootn, while some great work of EeothO\'en, Mozart, nr ~fm1ddssohn was being pe1formt1d, wrn.pt in reverie, but with a look in bis face which those could best understand, who know by 1t 1 hat the pressure on a brain oftf:l l\ totJ fL~ly taxed was for the rr1on;um.t rt:movr.d.' touch we are one. So should it be with all the saints. Called by the Same God, enlightened and 1'.iin~\jfied by the same Spirit, joined by a living faith to the ~ame Saviour, and made partakers of the same heaven, where should there be the most delightful of harmony if not among the children of God 1 Let my busy life remind the Uhristian that his should be like ii. Since I started on tny \Vay I ba-~re not lingered a momf'.nt. An idle hour 1 Not one. And can any saint more than I afford to be idle 1 Gravitation impels 1ne on. Bnt what glorious 1 W thanks to his nuu1erous friends and OULD most respect.fully tender his sincere CUB· Confectionery Depot. TV JIOLSALE and BE1'AIL J ~.n1~ arrived, and for Sall;!, at W1e above u~ : pot Clothing Ma.de to Order and he is determined to continue to sell at th ose 1 uinously low prices cheaper than the chcttpe;t. Why lie call do itFirst, he buys for cash ttnd knows ju st how tu buy J Second, whtct he etm't buy cheap enough , he manufactmesi ' Third, he is satis fied w i th s mn ll profit8 ! ' Fourth, he sells for cash ; FHth, he sells at bot.tom prices. tomers, a.nd to the p11l1liC {;cncral1y, fur the very liliera.l support be has received since his <.;Omm~cing in busines3; and hopei:i by 1Jon· tinued st'rict personal attention to business, and offering notlnug but the pure1:1t articl~8. at the 1nost rca.sonable prices, to eiisure a continuance of public patronage. J. H. WQuld call special attention to ills \·ery tmperior stock of and none but first.clasf:! workmen employed, thu ~ iusm ing g-ood value evory ca.1:1e. tore, King Strellt, Bow1nanville. New Fruit a11d Oonfect· ionerys, CUTTING AND FITTING It is a wdl-known Fnct t!tut Cowle lias the best Tweeds in the count1:1f. STOi tE. - One door !'.l ast of Curnis11's J ewtilry Bow1nan\'ille, Sept. 23rd, 187:L DYE STUFFS Choice Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron Peels, DATES, FIGS. LEMONS ORANGES 1'0 AliR. VE Soft Sh<lt Almonds,Ji'ilberts, lfraoil and W all 1 J . SMALE. Nothing che"per than the lOct Cotf011s -------- ---~- Cowle's. which are sure to give thti bust satisfactiou. A. well scle1.:tl'd stock of J;'TERDIAltYSURGEON, Graduate of the Outario Veteriuary College. By ap· pointmeot y-eteriuary Surgeon tQ tho· \\I~est Durha.m and Dadington Union .Agricultural Societies. glory, an OCt!aO of bouudless bliss. Agent for the Live Stnck Brauch 0£ the Beaver and Toronto }!ut11al .Fire Insurance Sui.;h wa;:i the 111usic at ndilnight that l.Je- Co. ·v·etcri11ary l\Iedicines constantly ou 11antl. Huiled the lonely, aud made if a Jiappy fro1n the cou1.t ·y promptly attended to. honr, the nppllug waters preaching, and CaJlM Office :-One door t:'O.st of R. liianing'a Fut" suggesting sweetest thc1nes oJ thought, anti niture \Vareroorn. Residence over.,S Burden's store, corner of giving, by its striking syo.1 bols of the King and Scni;l'og Streets', Bowma.nvill1e. Christian lifP, a new in1pulee to rny own. mltf wherever I go. I fertilize the valley, en· rich the ineadow, drive the mill, quench the thubt of man and benst, and carry the burdens ut' i11d ushy and con1 merce to t11e sea. So let every s.aint he, not busy only, but busy iu usefulness. N othiug- stops 111e in niy course. A ro0k 1' But I go over it, or 1uound it. A da1n ! None ever ha.s or can stay me long. So no obstacle should stop the Christian in the resolute un<l faithful disc.barge of all his d utfos. I haven grent en<l. iu view, coutiuucd the uddnight preacher. r 1uuet reach the great and wide sea Every hour and moment l am woviug that way. But the gre~t en.d uf evtry child-of-God is a heaven of eternal DBUIJS, Euts, Kfliller's JJ:armaJadc, West I ndia ]Jreserved Ginger, Pears, Plum,s 'l'oOHEi1fIOALS, 'Tltaf.oes, & Pu!ches, Green l'eas n1otives itnpel thoee who have a Saviour to Ureen Corn cf: Lima Beans. PATENT NEDlOINES, gl9r1fy a heiLven to ·~.:in, and inunortal Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin BRUSHES, egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines s.ou le to save. · Tomato Sauce and Pickles CWIBS. lt-line is not only a busy life, but it 11 hey have come and are coming, at the }1'1·1ut abounds in usefulnt"ss. I give bleAsir·gR SHO ULDER-HRACES, Depot. 1 Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. .t\..noLh~r _. _ ,,_ B:LANI{ETS fN CA.LL AND SEE l'l"OB A~D YO UBSELVES~ BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exn.1niRe the stock, which comprises en.~rything in the tradt"\ of t he v ~ry latest and 1nost cl l'l{'·ll styles and pattcr11::1, of Hngli~b , Ca n:l.diau 1 and .-\,.n1crican n1anufaeture, ' Ht: still cuntinuci; to manufacture tv order, frorn the bc"t of 1nate1ial, au1 l non(ll lJul, llri; t-cl a~ 8 workrncn k ept. - oo- Large Variety 'Wincey s--a. I> ea.d Job ca.r load of the 1.tbo\ c 11obl<' artides on tho wa.y . J' lcasc ca.ll at the Orders Promptiy Executed, and Good Fits Guarant eed He has in stock au endless variety of L.tdics1 anJ Geut::i' Sa.ratoz~ 1\ nnks, V1.1oliaaa, &c., all of wliich he i8 1:1ellhig d1 e1.q) f \11' cash. SUPPORTERS, Etc, Etc. kept 1..011stantly on }iauJ. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest yrices, N. B.···Special inducement given to SHELL & SHELLED 0 YSTERS B 0 vV 1.VIAN VI LL B CASII Purchasers. Farm Implement Forwarding Agency QUAUTY &. the test of Cl!EAPNE!:!8. H. \V. JA..J1ES, 'l'. DAllLINGTO:'<". }?t.;v.:u;;.11nille. Dec. < itb.1873. n9· tf l{i11 ;; St., l~nw m au ville. H v wu1a11 vil1l' 1 ])cl'. U , 1872. nlO. F. Y. Cowle. REMOVAL. S. MASON - oRemember the Stand " BIG :BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Il:ing St. ~fay l:J, 1874. l3owman\iUe, M. TRELEVEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS ARE '.l'liE CHEAl'BST, I T the moot laathig, the lcatit 10.ost complete ever invented. 1'hey are used troublerome, a11d and recommended 15y mau~ of tlu ~!!l t Ureellet'S in the United States anU Canada.1 such nR G. ll Loring, Salem, Mll.!!s., Prc1:1iJt:'nt Ne'\v J£ngland '\\'ool Growers' Society; John S. R-Ose, IIenne. pin, Ill. ; Professor l\f. MiltJs, of the State .Ag· ricultural College, I~ansing, .Pt:lich. ; Hnu. Geo. Brown, '.foronto, Ont.· ; John Sutill, Edmonton, Out. On each I\fo.rk b stamped the ownt>r's DU.W6 a.ud the Sheei.i's number. They will be aent fue. by mail, or express,for only j cu1 · i;e~tts each, and will la.st.for T'\\TEN'l 'Y Yt:Alll::!. ..- Cash must accompany all orderti ~~' I Horses and Cattle Medicines. N . ..B. - Co1n1try i:;tore~k~~pers supplied on the most ~th·autagcous terms. A i::Loice selection of LA~Irs £or !'iale d1eu.p, D· :nvu1 :i 11villt·. O.:c. 181i8. ijm, SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. Ca rriages, l:htggie::i, Harne1:1s, Boots and ::)hoes, a utl all kin<ls of Leather. lt will gi\'e any article of I~e athcr, I} mo$t Urillia.nt ap· peantllt.:(t1 and at the san1e tiruo, fron1 itfl oily propel tie8, tends inucll.·to prt-serve it; it will tt.l· w:~yo be inoist and pliant; and mn.y be expo~ed T pared for IME 1IONBY and LABOlt saved! I<'rendi Oil Fuli1Jh, 'l'hii! French Oil Poli::.h is pre. TO -THE r)lJBJ_;:ro. W ALrrER CUB vVIGG & SON, g~ ·11l-1 r11Uy, V ~Obert Younei, to water and wa.·hvd, and will nutlu·o its brilli· auce, and it .IB not to be fea1·ed that n.ny cru:;t will settlt: on 8U .irl Loather when prt't:ierved with the above Oil. For the woodwork of Buggiea, C:arl'iage8, an(I lfuruitur<;l, there it) not n better ARCHIBALD YOUKG, J11., article ia use. 1\-Ianufacturcd by A . 8tMON & Co' rrannm·s and Cu1·rit:rs, formerly of Frnncc, Satn1a, Ont. now of i:'hiladelphin, Pn., Instructio11~ -Shake Oraers -Mdre~sed to the MERCHN'l' aud OB· !1ot~le. A few drop8 on :\. piF;co of sponge.apply 8EnVER Office, f01 a.ny qnnntity, will be tilled at · it hghttyto t he teathm·, and you -...-,;ut obta.1n the tbe a.bove·mentioned price, as quickly as he fin est lui,tn;. P1i1Je 75cti: ;. pe1· bottle,o.t $7. 50 pt r !\-larks can be made and s:;lnt. dozen. JO}I:N SMALE, Sole Agent, liow. C. 13ARKEI~. ma.n ville, Eowmanville,Dec. 28th.187J. ml3 ly July lGtb, 1874. 41-G mos. I BUCKLED'&! OLD STAND Harnesst . ete n.s:.ol't111ent uf Ji.wt fit \ or:-, -."' e h~n c btoJy a~ded .theruto, that we lll!lY thereby be enabled tu ~ npply all pa1'ties who n:/ny \ilt!tL"ll to favui· lum w1il1 a ~alL Great incluce1nents lwld out to those purchasing at uur estab 11di uient. }>fo. t~res, Looloug_Gla.sse~. etc .. sra.rr1ed to order, <1ind in e\·ery styl e . Samples nf t he thffei 1:: 1Jt .lb ~ k1n4 of 1'-Iouldwgs can be seed at t he w11r& ·roora , 'Ve \Vo11 l~l abo beg to infor1u you, tlw ~, whe1·e h6 will Le found witll th(j 1110 8 t com 11a\11ng purch().Sed ~ wi1:1Leo to iuform hie nnrn~1ous fricltds and t oruers tlw..t bP. ha~ l'emovt!1l to foi.: a~ returniui; thunks a nd tlt'! puLlie I NW(luld respectfully lnv1te their attention to otu· prl.)sent stock of fiu·nitut'e ~o ~hdr n~nncrou:-J.cus t c.1 11e1·E; SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, . Whips j ill ' . towu. Please call, BuckleL · a old Ata.nd one door ear.it of Maynard's Hotel. Bowma.nville, Sep. 1st. · 1873. : ~ Trunks, &c. l wt:11:1hu.1l be nmdy at a 11 ti1nes t :J attcnJ. fuucrab, on 1:1hort noL:<.:l;:j llnct rcasonabfo N. R. - Coifins kept on hand itnd mm.le to order, at the te1 ·w~ , NEW DOMINION RETAIL :PUBNITURE WARE-BOOill, lrn.wa 1 Aug. 26tb 1 1870. l{ing Street Ea6t, Os)lawa. l -- ·