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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 7 May 1875, p. 3

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· THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY 11AY 7, 1875. $25· REWARD! 'l 1lie above reward wlll be to a.ny person who will f11ruish ample proof that the Boots & Shoes-sold by the undersigned, aro not what he Ontario Bank. DIVIDEND No. 36. IS HEREBY GIVJ<JN, NO'l'IOE dividend of ]'our per cent. upon the paid THAT A NEW SPRING _ STO(Jli AT Daily Line to Rocheste1. Commencing on or about the 19th, of April. IRON IN THE BLOOD MOllBIS' THE STEAMER :Sible Christia,n CARRIAGE SHOP up Capital Stock of this Institution, for the cur· rent half yea.r, hM tl1h~ day been declared, and that the will be pajablti at Lhe 13ank and its Branches, on and ofter TUESIJ_.\. Y, the FIRST day of JUKE nox.t. 'l1he 'fra.nsfer Books will be dosed fron1 tho 16th to the 31ist day of M11y, both days inclus· iYO. BATTING'S CASH --o-- STORE. "NO:RSEM.A.N," (R·. CnAW~'onn, 1rIAs'l'ER.) Will n1ake lrnr regular trips on this route. leaving_ Cobourg every 1no1,ning at 7 :30 and Port Hope at!) o'clock, for Rochester, connect· ing there with the New York Centt·al a.nd Erie (west of the Ontal'il) B;.i,nk.} King Street, Bowmanville. represents them. Notice is also gi,·en, that the AKNtTAL GENERAL MEETING of tho Stocklmldei~. for the election of Directors, will be held at the Banking Houee, in '£oronto, on TUESDAY, the FIF'l1EEN'l1II day of June next, The chair to be takeu at 12 o'clock, noon, precisely. By order of the Board, -. A Full Assortment of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, now to hand, GOOD nnd CHEAP. BOOK. ROOM AND - Railway" forall11oiota Eaat, We·ta.ndSouth. j UETUHNI.NG, D. FI8flER, Cashier. Untario Bank, Bowman ville, .April 14:Lh. 187li. 3] . .)ins., · Bo'Wm.anville. . April 22, 1875. For Gents, For La-dies, For Children. Good Stock. S.P.EOIAT(rn1i~i\1l,Tli~ilfl¥N TO S'l'ORE.-One aoor east of Cornish's Jewelry tore, King- Strt<et, 13owma-nville. FOE. SALE. PI-IILLIB'S lN l'H.E HOTEL, Seeds! Field and Garden ---:o:--- Seetls ! to lucu<l, a will leave Uhat'lotte (port of I{oclte~tel') daily o.t 9 p, m . 1 except Saturdays, whe;11 she will leave ·at 2 1). rn. 1 for Port HL pe, d1ri'ct. This is tht:l' ahorte~t and quickest route to 0$wego & \Vatertown, via Lake Ontario Shore Railrow.l from ChA.:rlottc. Dealers in stock &c., 'vill find this the cheap· est and most expeditions route to Boston, Al· b~ny, New Yol'k, &c., FQr ftu'thc1· infonnation apply to VILLAGE OF. HAMPTON. Possession c<\.n be given on the hit of March. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor on the pre.mises, for pnrticul~rl:!. R. CRAWFOT'..D, PonT 1-IoP.r.. Or U. F. (t!LDERS LEEVE, KnsGSTON. - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- Feb. 25th. 1875. H . 'l'. PHILLIPS. · 22-tf. WANTED. Lo.test Styles and B y A YOUNG WOMAK recently from England, a situation, where she could make h\lrself gencra.lly useful, hehinU the Counter, in the Dressmaking department. or as .A.8sistant Book-kee1.1er. 1-leforenct;is kindly J?erlJ;litted, to scver:il respectable persons, both in 11 own and Country. Address. ·· · N. A., 0DSEUY-EH Office, Bow1nanville. Dec. 3rd, 1814. 10-t LVLE1MARTVN t·eque~t to announce that tbe_y have just "TI-IE SlJN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. "l'he approach cf the Presidentnl election gives unusnnl importance to the events nnd de· vclopn1ents of 1875. \V c shall enden...·or to de· 6Cribc them .fuHy, faithfully and fearle s~l~. 'l'HE V~' BEKLY SUN' has now nttninod a circula.tion of over seventy thousand copies. It.°' reu,dcrs found in every State and 'rerritocy, and itB quality is well known to the public. We shall not on ly endeavor to keep it fitlly up to the old standard, but to i1nprove and add to Jts variety :lrnd rio,ver. THE WEEKLY SUN will continue to be a thor0\1gh newspaper. All the news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unim porta.nt, at full length when of moment, and always, we trust, treated in a clear. interesting and instructive manner. It is otlr aitn to the VlEEKLY SUN the best family newspaper in the world. It will be full of Cute1'tainiTig and appropriate reading of every sort, will print nothing to of. fend tl1e most scxupulous ruld delicate taste. It will always contain the most iuterest.irut stories and romances of the day, carefully sel~cted and legibly printed. The Agricultural Dovartment is a prominent feature in the '\-VEEKLY SUN, and its arti· cles will always be found fresh and useful to the farm er. Tho 11un1b1::l' of men .independent in politics is increasin&", AiWl the \VEEKL Y SUN is their paper esvecw.ny. It belongs to no party, a.n::l offers no dictation, contijn<ling for principle, anil. for tl1e election of the beet men. It expose8 the corruption that <lisi:z;n1.ces the country and threatl:lns the overtlu·ow of republica.n institu. tions . It hru:i no feat· of knaves, and seeks no favorB fro1n their supporters. 'fhe markets of evl!ry kind and the fashionR are regularly reported. ']_lhe price of the '\-VEEKLY S'ON iri one dollar a year for a sheet of eight pages, and fifty-six columns. As this barely pays the expenses of paper and printing, we not able to make any discount or' allow any pr,mium to friends who may make f!pecial e:ffort:J to extend its circulation. Under the new law, which re· quires paynient of postage in advance, one dolla[' a year, with twenty Ct'nts the cost of pre· pai<l postage added, is the rate of subscription . It is not 11ece8SDt'Y to get up a club in order to have the '\VEEKLY SUI'l at this rate. Any one who sends one do!la.r n.nd twenty cent8 will get the paper, pootpaiU for fl j;ear. We bave no travelling n.gents. 1'HE WEEKLY SUK. -Eiaht pag·e, fitty. ~ix coh1mns Only 1.20 a year,posta(ltf)rcpaid. 4 School ' Library r :Depot, Full Assortment of Good, Fresh, and Re· liable Field and Garden Seeds. ALSO J. Sl\IALE. Bowmanyille, :P.fay 6th. 1815. WANTED. WOOD.WORKER in· A l'IRST-CLASS B"Dggy and Shop. Constant en1\~lagon KING STREET, BOWMANVILL~. ployment v-.:ill be given, Apply in1mediately, to ----------------·-·- Jlloll. 28th, 18i4. MR. J . MOUNCE, TrnoN>:. 18-tf. · Farm For Sale. _ The ]'arn1 known aij the 500 bushels :SARLEY, for seed. ---:o:--- --:o:- - " J oness Farm.," situate on the Sout11 side of the Kingston R oad, and about one mile West cf the 'l'own of Bow~ manville, and being the South eighty.two acres of the Vi.' est half of Lot No. 17, in the .1st Concession of the Township of Darlington. A good Farm House, capital .outbuildings, a Spring of pure, fre':Jh water, and·a. small Orchard on the premi~es. Title indisputable. F'or'ferme, etc. 1 apply to Fine & Coarse Salt $1 ·'per bbl. ·PLASTER, · · ONE DOLLAR I Bowm~nville, -ti)ril 15th, 1875. The Pe1·uvlan Syrup, a P1·otect,.. ed Solution of the Protoxiile of I.1·on, is so combined as to have the chm·acter of an aliment, as eatJily ligested and assimilated with the blood. as the stmvlest food. It increases the quantit11 of Nature's Own Vitali:dng Agent, I1·on in the blo0<l, and. cures "a thousanZ ills," simply l!Y Toning up,Invlgm·at-lng ana the System. The en1·iched and vitali:i:ecl bloocZ pM·nieates every part of the body, repai1·ing damages and was~e, searching .W sorbid secretimis, atMI leaving nothing for disease to feed iq>on. This is the secret of the ivo1i<le1'ftd success of this remedy ·Mi curing Dyspepsia, Ll;ver Cmnplaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dim·rltrea,Boils,Nel'vonsAffections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vig01·, D·iseases of the KWneys and Bla4dm·, Female C01nplaints, cind all diseases 01·iginattng in a bad state of the blood, or <tecompanied by debil-ity or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any fonn, its energ·i zing effects m·e not followed by corresponding re<tetion, but m·e pennatient, infusing strength, vigor, and new lif'e -into all pm-ts of the system, and building up an Iron Oonstit·ution. Thousands have been changecl by the use of this >'emedy, fron· weak, sickly, suffe1'ing crca- lttres, to st1'ong, hetlthy, and 1ttippy men and u1omen; tnd -invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. See that eacli bottle has PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Pa111.phlets Freea subscriber is prepMed to build and reTHE. pair Wagons, Buu.vies, and Cv.tte1'8, c,f every dcsc..ription 1 at sho1·t noticc 1 und o ren.smw.ble term8. Carriages Pain.te<l and Trin. A Blacksmith's Shop 011 U.1.11 pre1nisci:i, wcro ~peciaJ att en tion b:1 to all g1nm Cn.rriage wm·k, and General Jobbing. All wot·k done at this Establishment wm·ra-nted. A call is i·e:-ipe(.;tiully solicited. .T. MORilIS. Bow1nn.nville , Oct. ] ut . 1869. tsO, HO! G-entlemen of Fa.shion. ---NOT SO FAST. I ha'l'e written the-se few lio f:"::i . .i\..ud all I ha.Ve to say, That you can find ine still at hotn e I am not ipone away ; So all n1y kind old friends rnay come ; ..A.nd all the young ones too ·.i\.nd get their garments nicely m:\d ~ In fn.gllions HTe new. Where old anU young de&.1· fr iends ma.y meet A welcome greeting by R. PE.A.'1'11.:. Bowmanville, June ]9th 1873. \V fJ. ha.Ye now the tnoat \'aried nn<l Seth W. Fowle &; Sons, Proprietors No. 1 Mlltun ;plaee, Do1to11. FOR tJASB. · R . RC'SSELL LOSCOMBE, Solicitor, &:c. Office ~vcr 1Ic0lung B1·os;' Store, King St. BowmanvilleJ ApL·il l!)th, 1875: ao.4ins. SOLD UY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. THE · FOR SALE. The Cheapest. T _ Desirable Farm Property Ontai·io SELECT STOCK DOMINION BANK. BOWMANVILLE. ; Capital, Paid Up, HEAD Ol'l'ICE, OF 0.lULLIA, BRANCH OTFIUES: $1,000,000 TORONTO. 08HA'1r·..A 1 __.,.. , The Most Fa.shiona.'ble TWEEDS! The Largest Stock of HAT St;>_lentlid Property of t1ie }ate ~:Ir. B. l'IitchcUoi being the north half of Lots No, ~n. and 32, in the 6th Con, of Darlington, con1prising 200 a.cres-35 being sUperior ·wood land. 'l'he1·e is on the front of the premises, a very fine,gentleman's atone resiclence, with lawn and flower garden, to the rear of which iii a beautiful )faple G1·ove. Also wood shed,stablf:", driving house, etc., .and every necessary convenience. 1 I'ho whole, about ten acres, is surrounded by a 'l'orn hedge. '!'hero is a Fa.rm House, with thrw barns, with all outbuildings . A never failing stream of wa. ter runs through the premises. '!'here is also & s~lendid Orchard Qf fruit bearing trees, and a Jdtchen garden. The property is in a good state of culti v~tion. and is regarded as the most deaira.b1e betwl°'en Kingston and London. For further partitmlara apply to J-. ELLIOTT'S Conou.RG, WmTlrY, BowU.ANVILJ~E, u ·xnn1naR, MRS. A.ugu~t n. l\II'l'CirnLL, Osba,.,·a. P . 0. Gtli,1874. An Institution for Business training, where Boys, Young and Middle·aged Men can procure an Education suited to the wants of Every Day Life. ~rhc snbjccts taught aro just such The Best Patronized, Most Thorough and Practical BUSINI~SS SCHOOL IN CANADA ft.S e~·ery Merchant, Farmer, l\Iechanic and Professional Man require in transacting every day businefls, and embl'aCt;J the following : - THE DAihY SU.1.V.- A larg~four-page news· paper of t'venty-eigbt colnmna. Daily circulation oVtJL' 120,000. All t~e news for 2 cent8. Subscription, poi;tage prepaid 1 55 cents a mottth, or 6.50 a. year. To duba of 10 or over, a. discount of 20 percent. Address, ' ' '!'HE dlTN, " Now YorkCity.U.S. Mar<h 11th, 1875. 2i-6ms. No discountf1·om this 1·atc. SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and . GENERAL LITERATURE yet offered to the peopls in West DurhAim. T'\iVEEDS! LADIES Arr,TENTION ! The Best - ' · A CJijt Book~, --o- - Book-l(eeping by Single and Double Entry, Spenceria?t Penmanship, Conimercial Pape Banking, Steamboating, Correspondence, .Arithmetic, Brokerage, Spel~-iny, Comineroial Law1 Prcutical Gramniur, },ff.chanicetl Dra11.,oi1~.Q, Actiutl Business 'l.'hi15 Bank, in 11,ddition to transacting the US· ual Uanking buBiliess, offers to tb.e public all the advantages of a Saving In~titution with the security of a b;1rg_e paid-np capital, by the mean~ of a S.i'Vll\GS DEPAHTMEI\'1'. Interest allO·ved 1Jn :tll deµosib of One Dollar and upwards. a.t the rate of }!,!VE p er cent. per annum. D epoi:iitor s cau withdraw eith er the whole or any lJ&rt of their deposits n.t auy time. without previous .notice. · Sµecial rates of int ere~t a11owed upon deposits with notice of withdrawal. Amel'ican Cm·rcncy and Silver taken on de· posit. DraftR granted payable in ftreat Uritain, lTnited States and u.ll p!td!i nf Canada. . ~LDeposits can bl'" rcmitte<l by m~i.l,addrees· ed Wttho Don1).niou Esuk (reid>:;tered). when in .all castis a Pase-Book r eceipt will be ~ent by return vost.. ~T. A. CODD, A,qt:nt, Bowma1H·ilk, .Tan. Gth, 1874, 15-tf. TYRONE, J[as now a f_n ll a.;;~orted St.ock of Groceries Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes etc., etc, which foJ· · G'ou1'sc, Telegraphi·l{f; Phonography, .Cc. Our Course of '.1'1·a.ining .iB ~nder t.he aupervisiou of - - -:o:--- . For the Holidays! Splendid .Albums, P1·ang's Celebrated Ch1·ornos, MiM·oscopes,IfolcidoscqJes, OJ th.fl finest desc1·iption, LoAies' 0Mnvan-ions, W1·iting Desks, Pocket Books, &le., cl-c., to ple&l!e all, and every one. A. Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J . ELLIOT1 TYRONE. - (o)- Our, l'atronage is n1uch larger, and our terms l ea~ than any other BmUness College in 'l'he united a<lmir:;sion of over one thousand of 011t Graduates, now filling lucrative positions a.<J A ccountants and Telegraph Operators, are the guarantees of cmnpotcncy and success we offer. fW" Specimens of P en111anBhip and College Journal sent free of cl!a1·vc, on application G. BEA'l"l'Y & Co. , J.:ellcvillc, Ont. July lith, 1874' 028-ly .'~ SEVEN COMPETENT AND rEIXPERIENOED TEAOHERS. ==-=========~==================== .AH.l!l 'IO llE 1"0t;ND AT ·-A' I - MBS. :a.. ROPXINS' GOODS · that IS 0>' · a _ Styles I Ca-rd of Tha,nks. IIE Subscriber returll.I:! tha11ka to those who given him ·their patronage in the paat, and would inform the farmers f.bal. he ]laa re· paired and refitted his Mill, and is now prepared to attend to their wants in the n1illini; line. He is also conducting n. · - - :o: - - G-BEAT AE.BIVAL Spring Hai;s & Caps The Largest Stock ever Bhown in Ilowmanville. T LADIES' and MISSES' OU'l'FITTING ESTABLISHMENT, 'My New Goods have a.nd eplendid ColleL-tion of . · Pai·vo ! King Sttect, next Door '\Vest of l\I1irdl)(:h Dros. whel'e can be found the Latest Novelties in l!f-illinery Goods. .A l' . NEARLY ALL COME TO HAND Newest and the asscrtment will be found GENERAL STORE, Stereoseopio Vie'Ws anrl. having }lUrcha!!c<l his sto(.;k for DENTISTRY! - -:.i:- - 'I'A:CLOBING . OF THE FIRST ORDER. Prices to suit All Cia.sses. Also n. well selccteJ. Stook of \TER.Y COMPLETE AND English Fur American Fur, and Oanadian Felt CASH, is giving ~argai.ns in HATS. STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS from 12h Qents, upwa.rds. '1.'he Goodev.·ere bousht at bet1t rates, and pur chuers will receive the benefit. · ]~adies' and in Kid and Lisle 11iread, Ladie8' Fancy Silk Ties, New and Fashionable, direct from New York. Ladies' Linen Cuffs and Collars, Skirts, Corsets, &c., &c. In short, Ladies' Veils, Misse~ Gloves, PRICES MODERATE Tl:ie Public are solicited to call and see fer themselves. _ Hampton. Sept. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, , a Ffrr:>t·claf:IB Selection. l(uowing ju"t what suits. the public taste, I ha\'e pui(:hai;ed acc01·di.t1gly. Call l&J']y, a,nd suit yourself. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery,Glassware, Groceries, &c. STAND. - 1:,cently occupied by Mr. Gray. J. M. Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.8. A88Il:H'EDAnY 8th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN bµ 'lighest Price paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. s. VANSTONE. TYRONE. G. D LOCKHART, L. R. 0. D. S Tyrone, Dec, 17, 1874, M. MA YEB'S. Bowruanv:ille, April 1st. 1875. ;i..---------~- -~~~~- FOE. SALE at this otli·;e, April 1st, 1875. Everything in Ladies' Goods. ~ HEREBY NOTIFY nil parties, that the FOR SALE I Ponds and Creeke on South half of Lot No. 10, the:q-ol'th half of Lot No. 9, and on J. . ot No. Sa.b' School Ensign, of the late PJOLI'P pa.rt oi Lot No. 30, 5th Con. Da.rlington, co111prising 25 acres, J.n ore or Iese. There are a.bout 23 acres cJcru:ed, the remainder bein~ wood Janel. '!'here fa a i:i.ood house , with ba.r11 , driving house and stable, and two good wells. rl'here is also a ]~STATE T ~E U! offered for Snle, being a CAU.J:!..U.~tt Real Estate TRESPASS NOTICE. 8 1 situate in the 8th Con. of Darlington, are reserved fishing ground, belonging to me, and any one tret:ipassing therl:lon, will be prosecuted to the utmost rigor of tho 111,w. · THE FEES MODERATE. If you want a An unsectarian, THOROUGHLY RELIABLE };XCELLENT PI.AN.0, almoi;t uew. A~ Price $2~5 cash. or $250 on time. Apply 27 -tf. Illustrated Paper, for Sabbath Schoult!, 'Ve iuteud to i·cpleni.a.h o u~· St.oc.:k, cve}l..y week, from the Canadian and N c'v York l\la.rkets 1 with the JAMES WOODLEY. Darlington, April 14th, 1876. 2tl-·mos. 0 RGAN FOR s Strowger Bros. NEWC.A,S'I'LE Having removed to mol'e corr1m0dio11s premh1e~, IN OFFICE ove1· lllcCLUNG'S Store. Bowmauville. Dec. 1.'~74 . 11-tf. ~-=-~~-:----,-~-~~- ---------~------- G-ood :ra.rm. for Sa.le. Orchard of splenilid :Fruit-bearmg Pub[i,hod Monthly, at Boicinanvillt, Ont. Levi Morris I Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blindt>, Doors, &c, Mr. MorriiJ would iufv11n the ~cn(!ral public th1.Lt he if.i preparer! to fill ordflr!3 for Trees. _/ (~ood N lington, containing.100 acres, more or les"- La.tee't builtlings- and fences, and laJ"ge young orORTH half of Lot Ko. U, 7th Con. Dar}'or !Jarticulara, apply to WM. 'l'U:Elt, HAYDON. 5-tf. Oct. 29th, 18N. Novelties! chard. 'fhis proptrty is iu a good ,state of QUltivation. For furthm· pat·, apply, if b y letter, po!5tpaid, to ·o n..M.cOILL, 01:1ha.wa. April lst 1 1875, 27-tf. . USE THE Norwich Egg Powder, for ru:lrking all kinds of Cakes without Eggs. 'l'o be had· of all Groce1·s. H.J. \VEE.K8 & Co;t ']1nrouto, sole agents fur Ontario. 24-ly. !\larch 11th, 1870. · PLEASE CALJ, ?..lltl Ex::i.m i ~ Stock and Price!!, ing mor.e and better chances to Agent~ than any other houiie in the worhl. Sa1 nplcs cnabliug you to go to work at once, on r~ceipt of !'iO cents. J. '.L ArrHAM & CU., 292 'VMhi11gton Street, l3ns.t on 1 }fa.r;s. 1 U . S, April 2nd, 1875. 27-6in s. DAY. l'AR'l'JClJ. $ 0.TO'$12 ·PER T,ARS FREJt '\Ve are g"iv· 1': PUBLIC NOTICE. JS HEHEUY GIV}:N to allparNOTICE tics concurnetl, tlmt on or before the Tenth :Da.y otMa.y Next, t.hoir 1wcm.ii;es must _ ]Mi pro!JPrly<l of all ~cctuuulation of waste and tilth, or thi&1y will be pr0Se1..:uted a! the law directs .. Dress Making and Dress Fitting AS Aift. SHERIN A SPEClALlTY. SA TISFACTION GUAR:\NTI'M' ~D. A Desirable Family Residence For Sale. is n.hout leaving Town, be offers for 8ale, that fin e two-storey Bl'ick dweJUng, lately cl'ected by hhn, on J... ib. erty 8treot1 having 1J acrcB of land attached thereto. 1'he house has 1 rooms on the first flat, aud 5 1·ooma on the second, with ceUar under w bole Luilding. i:rhcro is a. good stable on tho premise!!, and aJeo a well, and cistern , Terms reasona.blo, For fw·thcr pa.rticul.art1, ~:PPb': to the proprietor. B, SHERIN, ?ifcesrs. M 0C L t.7NG BROS., King Street, or DR. !'AT'rERSON, Chairman Board of Health. Eow1uanville, Aprii 29th, 1875. 31-2wk8, Philadelphfo and ' York, l'atterns alwu,ys on hand. .Ye-w R. ~owru~ville, a. LOSCUMBE, 13..iRBlS'l'E:R. l!'eb. 26th, 1~{5. 22t! If you Want Good Bread, Use the ~intmmtl $5 TO ~en.Id- Ql!nkt~. m6·ly Our Goods are all New and Fashionable, a.nd will be sold at Reasonable Prices. DENT~STRY. Nuverubf'r 5tb, 1874. iug ot working people, of either sex, young or nlrl, 1nak.e more money at. wo1·k for us lll thtJir spare 1nomentR, or all tho time, than at anything else Particulars free. Post card to States costa b~l one cent. AddreHl.'I G. STINa SON & CO., Portland, 1/faine, U. S. $20 PE~ DAY.-AgentaWanted! the l'equeste of many pen;ons residing both in Orono and Clarke, hn.s consented to open an Office in the village nf 0l'ono, where eit,her he Re tne:mU1.H· MISS STOUGHl'ON'S or }fr. G. LocKH~~n·r, L .D.S. 1 will nttend, on the firr:it Monday in every inonth, commencing Old Stand, 011 the first ) iu ~1a.rch, rmd re1nain during t.bat week, for the purpoa. e of attending to J)es pectfully, all Deut::i.l operations. Office nt Dr ..F'ii;-lding's Surgery. MRS. IIOPJ(JRS, Bo·,vm11nvHle, Apt-il 30th, 187G. THE order to accede to October 27tb, 1874. ly·bf,·o4'J,m5,,. J.M . BRIM,.\COMBE, Bowmanvillc, Feb. 18th, 1875. 21-t-f. The Editor has been connected, more or less, closel',Y wit11 Sabbath 8choolR, frmu his boyhood, US'!' Bl~ SOLD. A splendid property. and will endeavor the make the ExsJGN every J. beiug Lots Nrn. 14and15,in the 10th Con. way worthy ot the support of Sabbath Schools. Darlington 1 cunta.1nb1g 200 acres, more or ltiss. 'l'he unsectarian chartwter of the paper,renders '!'he sojl ia a rich loam , and the land level, save it auitable for any School. In connection thereabout 10 acres on the front of each lot. .A hont with, a SuppJement is published, containing 90 acres are cleared, and well fenced . 1~:igl1ty Nctes on th" International sei-ies of S. S. Les. n1ore can be easily c1ea.L"ed with a good sucker Aons. These are carefully Pl'cpared, and must kft on the north side, for Ii'all Vlheat. 'l.1his, prove of great value to both Teacher and Scholar. if righth" attended to will pay for tho whole land . There is on the premises, a dwelling TERMS: house, barn, and goo<l wflll of water, also young l'are<..·ls of 5, 10, 15, etc., at the rate of 30 orchard. 'l'he property is situate within ten Postage tmlcs of Bowma.nvillc, three of Tyrone, three of cts. p er year . Single copiei:;, 40 cts. .FREE. A1drcas, Enniskilleu 1 and two of Haydon. The lanrl C. BAR;KER, En1Ton, will be i5old ch eap. .A small portion of the pur· Bowmnnvillc, Ont. chase ruont!y, r equin·d down, and reasonable tirne given in which to pay t11e balance. PoBsession given im1necliately. :E'or furt11C'r infoim- Wha.t the Press s11v about it : ation, apply to the pi·oprietor, 'IHE ENl';\JG-N.-We have been tavo1·e.d with a. copy of the En sign from. the Edito1·,at the \Ve~t JAMES WOODLEY, Tyrone P.O. Durham P1inting Estab11sbrnent. rl'ho Ensign Da.rliugt011, Avril 14th, 1875. 29.Smos. is a paper prepared espcciaJ..Iy for Schools, and ill our opinion well adapted to its object. So great a. fa17orite ha.sit be· cowe' tha.t wo hear (what is vtory unusual with such enterpri!:ieE!) it has proved for the first year ~11{8, . M AYBEE bogs t o notify the ladieB of afinancial t:IUCCCtlS. The illuatra.t ions are suit-Bowmanville that ahe .is pr~parod to attend to able and su:flit:iently numerou8, while the read· all orders for ing matter is healthy in toue, racy in l'ltyle~and so ·v aried RB to suit the t!lato of the general public. "\\' o congratulate th~ Editor on bav. Clea.nin:J and llepo,iria[t attended to Pr?mptlg. ing catered so succeBBfully to the public waat, a.nd we cong1·a.tulate the yout·g a.ut.l the public An Aprentice Wanted. on having so cba1·ming &. sheet presented Opposite the Ahnu. Hotel. monthly fdr the perusal of tLeir cbildi-en.Bowwauyille, April 3th. 28-lw. Os!tawu Reformer. 1-'he Ensign is nc:a.tly printed on good ])&per, is illustrated, am1 cont.a.ins healthy reading me.tter and ought -to have a large circulation. F YOU h a ve n. Sewing Mn.cbhic, 110 n.rn.tter -P~erbo1·0 Exa1niricr. of whn.t mnnufacturc, out of 01·<le1·, J will undertake to tnakc jt as good ms ntiw, or no chn.rge wi;1 be c. Orders left at Ye1lowl~ea & Q.lliek'R, will ['eccii,.'e pron1pt attention. OR SALJl~. on Ontario StreAt. Euqnire of 11lt. ~rH0:\-1.t\S, on the premfaeri. G. H. '!'HOMA,.~. Bo\"o'miu1ville, Jan. 22nd, 1870, 17-tf. a0-3n1 OS LANDS FOR SALE. Parlors, Schools, or Churches, Apply to M BICE & :SABXEB, Agent. for the Pla.:ning and iv: a.tchi:ng, BEST ORGANS ON THZ FOTHERGILL'S BLOOK, beg to inform the public generally, thnt they now ennbleU to offer theru Moiddmgs of aU descriptions Tm·ning, &c., &c., for general building, on CONTll'tENT. NOTICE TO LADIES. Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. NOTED FOR !CHEAP E. Grocery B · Better Inducements SHORTEST NOTICE, tntd Jn GOOD STYLE He will aleo take contr1:t.cts fo1· b uildings, and pay,, SPECIAL ATTENTlO"V 1'0 JOBBING, STRAW MILLINERY. us1ness, Shop and Residence on Liberty Stre et Dowmanville, De c. 21.t!.t, 1874. - DRY GOODS 1 (AS REGARDS PRIG'E cf: QUALlTY) than any other house in the County. ------ -tf A O.A.Br:D. for llQwnia1n:ille, Ont. NO CURE! NO PAYI I CLOTHING, etc. -o-A SPllOIAL LINE, NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT COOD Weight and lr!ea8U?'e Guamnteed in eve1·y in.~tan~e. I h·ve this day appvi,,ted .MR. U. BARKER the . E:cclu~ii-c a~ent for tl1e Bale of my VOL· OA..i.~IZ.l::D P~NS .A HOUSE AN:D LOT ' - - --- F Corn\vall Blankets ·· Corner King a.ndl\i"est 1\-I:nrket Street nc.-ar St. La.wrence llall: '£oronto 'l'ea,s a, Specia,lity. J. L. STROWGl:R J. D. STROWGER. Nr.,·ca.stle, Augubt, 1-!th, 1874. Il1,w1nanville. Sept.10th,1.Si4. JOtlJ·,PH MAsm,·,l'. P. J . J .JACOBS. Horse For Sale I G OOD HF.AVY J1 'Al',J1I RORRE. G verta old. Applyn.t t.h iH ( lfli.-'A, )(,ooh {Lio, 18i4. 22-tf M --

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