==============~--=========== ~ --~==:================================-===================================================~=========== POETRY: Don't Sell My Father-Rum. ])u1L ' t LITERATURE. - - -- Live within your Means :-;ull hun auother dunk, plea.st: , lfc':s reehug ahcn.dy, you Hee; .\1111 I ftiar, \vhen he co1nea hotnc tu n11 ,h~, He 11 IJeit.t my poor mulhcr a.nd nic :ShtJ'i; \· a.1tn1g in darkness and cold, And 1head1ng to heal' bnn cou1e hOIU\: He treats us so bR,cl \\lien he's di unk Oh t don't ~ell him nny more ruin I h e:.i.ul 1notlnn praying last rught, (She thought I ·was quite sound aslet;>p Rhe p1ayed God her husband to sa vc, l-lls soul hom temptation to k eep ~11 · c11~1! hke her poor hetu t woulJ 11 e,ik · Hu, trying to w1nfort hfjr flOJUC, l lold hc1· I'd beg you tu-day Not to sell fatlwr .~ny u1mc l tlln. We Jon '\ like ·lingineBB, we don't like The Reception of the Emperor of Rus· economy, when it comes down to rags and sia at the English U ,ourt in 1844; as Described in Ma.rtlnS' Life pf starvahon, We have no ·ympothy ;,fb the J'.rince Consort. · the not10n that the poor man should tic himself to a post and stand still, while the (Continued.) llut tho ~ c \\·ho have had the.$ood fm;tune to cunverse \\"ith either He1 :MaJCBty OP the Pl'1nce must soon have Ueen 'lriade to feel that they welcomed in others tlie 1;1implicity the 'directrest of the ·world moves forward . It ia no IS£RING! la~6is.'I 1875! s~ TREWIN, OSHAVVA is now showing full lines of \__~ !ND~ISON ~ (J~ BOOTS & 0 lleg t.o announ ce t o the l ,k l;to11:i uf \ Vest D1:uha.m au<l 1:1 ur1otmd111g ~o uut.ry, that the) wt.11 acll their nnmen se man's duty to deny him.elf every amusehe ' may get ricb [t ment, every recreatio11, every couafort, thGt uesa, the franKnese Y. hich · & r{ conspicµliUs in maf.e an iceberg of lnmself, to shut Jn~ eyes the1n$elves This was-er;pecia.Hy---tbe case with. and eara to the sufl'e1 iugs of h1s felio\v&,and .-the Pnnce,, who had a. s111gu ar eli.ght in :wh~t to deny lnmself the enjoyment that resulte Dr Johnsgn W q.ttld have~·~ ~o.Qd, and who from generous actions, that he hoard hns been heard to tµi.y tha.t Ono of he grea.teat wealth for his heirs to quarrel ahout. But pleas tu es iu lifejs to hear a lot1.'g_ cy~ree ..Et.goe_d 1 · · mans [ a1gumeut '.l'h. o .au.tho~· pf th:o~ 'Ip~oduCt1011 there ts an economy wl:..1<.' rn duty, and wluch 1s especially commendable to the Collection.. oft~e Ednc'e'a sp&ches' oorrol>orate8 thi!i. Statement, "' 'In aerl<>us c_oµver- in the mon "ho ·trngg'·· with \Vhy don't yot1 have s:.11netb1ug to :.d i s11.tion,' he j!a:y.s, ·the J?Hnc~ ... pe~baps; the an CCOOOffi)' WlHCh lS COU.:1istent with hap· That will uot make pijople eo sad first tmnn. of his clay. .;Jl.e- \Vil.S a vefy.% :i...cere p1ness, nnd wliich n1ust be practised 1f the 'J'hat w1ll not 1nake dear mothe1s g1ieve, perEon 1q his way of ._t!ll~~nlf ;. ~ the.~, )\'hen be poo1 inan would secure inrlependence. And kind fathers cruel and b~d., spoke at ·II ~POJl ~ny B)rbJ<\!lt lJ,.e, '!!'X~r. p~y,ed It 1s alrnost e\·ery ru1u1'~ pt'ivilege, and it A-11 inc ! it 11:1 hard ; and I see v. Lth it , he' Ilever t9ok. one ... i'iiae~o£ the.question becco1es lns duty, to li'j;~ 1citliin. his n1eans ; l'rou're ~ngry becauire I have cume. because th~ per~on he \v:ae CQU~rsing lftth htul \: V ealth does noL l'u1gne a poor, sad httlc glJ l,' ta.kt::n the otJiC'r .f and, J n {ac ~e~ae5it .diacussion not to, !Jut uiithin. thcn1. And <lon t sell her dea.1 father 1 n1u 1 \Vas on~ of his gr~;f~ en· .Jie wae: ma.ke the man, we admit, and should never .,.eiy patieut' ui bear; 1~~ d 'contraclic· be take111nto account In our JUdgu1ent of tiou, .lnd1 .. 1 · !:, t-A b,s'opposed, men; b·1t competence should always be se· so t}Jat lr_om oppositibii Ii~ might elicit truth, cured, when it cau be, by the practise of which' \Vas ....1.wayff hiiJ-6fst ubject.' economy and self deni.I only to a tolerable 0 ht £ha.t the Si.r Ohatle.s..lLastJak~e ~ nO~ :So1not.hi11g about dogs-fleas. exter.t. It should be secured, nut so n1uch motr.cnt ~ CO e W eu__li'eJf:l.!lS - s~g(l fta'&lU~t for others to look ltpon, or to raise us in the A duuglnne f!tic difficulty - heavy b1 ead the introdµcT,1ojj. _1llf6i'~®'): octiat§. \IJ·<l llis Hoyal H1ghll~&,.s..1nsi8tea !:!Poi? this, Sir Charles estimation of others, as to secure the con~ Iu1provlug one's t11nc·-111enthng the clock had made his Ill~ ~ ~~:~w Se9retary· aciousness of independence, and the con7 e . _ ~l,U"Bt:ll,O'V g.iv~ ~ ~~"D. WQrd~ :- · atnnt ~at1stactlon 'vhich 1s deriYcd from its ldbip . .... \\ It tn.kes a 'pn:ltty s1nt..1t mtiu to tell when he 1 I ahnost:~id .as mueb r\>',Y . bb~i:i;ing _that, I acquirewe11t and possession. l S happy. ' was 1rrovoqably comin1tted -l:>n that '}>Oint by The home cbcle- walkiug aiound with the my letter ~a tlig cha.ir.Q,.e.u..bf. tJ;_£liij:ff -~ JD~it The Extravagance and its Restric· teti. Fri~~ Mbe:t &aitf.1te kne\\\J. '.\VBS, for he JJ,Lby 11.it night tions had rea~l tllat. le~ter, · i:'Hc ~lded~ hewe ier, that \.Vhat fa: better than a. p1onus1u,; ~ oung 1111i..11 ? he qtutl' agtecd with -me, J: thefi sa,,i.d I saw rrlle vct'}fll.11 jJOhhc1an, l\lr Tl1urlo\V ...'\. paying one. no obJectkm t.o... ~§gl~h a~~J.$ts,, v.~o might be "reed, in a review of the obstacles in the \:Vhy L':> the f5Ull hl..c a gouJ loaf? J~cct1u:so its entrust~d with t)1e n1anag~q1e t ~~J!i4erablc 'vorks, employing Germans under .. thetn. 'l'o \Yay of the resuniµt"ion of specie pnjmenta lig-ht ,dien it n.ses, my agreeable Surprise "" P.riucC Albert would not says th:-tt the most se1Lous d1ffic"Ulty is the In \~}iati'ihip has the hugest numhe1 of p eo- cvC'n admit tili at thlfJ \\' Bil nooess¥Y; for ho aa.}d gold sent to Europe to purchase luxuiioo be was con viuced that hl aU tb:nt rela.ted to ple been wrecked 1 Courtshrµ The e\'1dences ot tl11s depleting infatuation piact1cal d~~°ie.J,ity, \~11iOl{ \vi.i..s t4e C1e~µtwent 1 A Svanish ptuverb says .A. luss ' ithout a in w~ich lt "'ns asauruo<l. thnt some iustructiou wl11ch are flaunted 'vherever fa shionable 1noust.iche is like rut egg "ithout ~.i..lt ' (for fresco) wo11ld be itecessary " the }1nglish ladies congtegate, he thus sets forth : wore part1cuhuly skilful. .. He obsetved that in There a1e 10,000 ~ew York la<l1es "hose 'l'lle spelhng n1an1a IB raging P111 ties of fon1 costun1es, ·when 1n full dress, cost at least in] the i·'- ~ : : ';·1rn ~eh seats facin~ · cnch ot11eJ all m~rc roephnnisw~ ~ho English generally am· passed all othe1 nations: He gave several in· $1,000 each Fifteen years ago, tbe sarne a.u~l spell. at.inces, and at'n6n.; othe'rs said, "E\:en to the number uf fosliicnaule ladies would have '\Vhy do you use p~.unt "' askel1 a v1ol11ust of varnish on coac11t!a, it i.§ surprising how much appeared atlornetl quhe as attractively at Li8 daughter; ' :b"'or the same reason tha.t you more perfco~ tho Engl~h ~iactice iEl th,\n tbrit an u\t·1age e:xpense of 82:->0 Ten thou.,,nnrl use rosin, papa.' How is thn.t 1i ~ ' 'V}1J to help one sees ou the Continent." ' cl11l<lrc11 u1,t.lt!t t~n .) t:ars ol age, are now u1e draw wy beau , On this }lr l\Iartin not ~s ·:: tlabor~L1 ly un<l. fautu'lt1caJly atra) ed at an 'The Prmce, it ia \\ell kuowu, \H·s i;aihcu' No eetiu a1)puls in school ours,· 1cads a sign larJJ' ohservant of the ina.tcnals usediu tuanu· ex.pen~~ ol lrn111 8100 to $1UO each, \Vlllle ou the blackboard of a schoolhouse in enligl.t facture, a11d of thi;u i::;pecinl qua.hties, and of Ll1~ 1.:btl1ltcu of \vealthy c1t1t.cn .: i , fifteen ened old hiassachusetts, where education 1S sup· ten su1 p11scJ. people by his intimate knowled.;e y('a rg ago, \\ ete e11u p1y Uut ,1 ppropiiately ltt· po1:>etl to sit on the tOlJ rail and 1nrke fac..-ea at of the tcchrucalitcs of their O\\ll cruft. \\T e tu ~d ,1 t un expense of $20 or $2 5. Atid lt 1gnu1ance. rirt> able, on tlte authority of J.ord Portm;in, to lti puinlul to r 1 tlt"i't that 111 coneequence of ,\ sub1::criber to a South \V"este1n J1cwspaper cite the following atr1ki11g Jnstp.nces of the c\C· thlS 1it\'l-.h pendltllre UfJOll a class that died recently, lea\iug four year"" subscription cniacy of hu:i kno\Yledgo in o. matter purely nevet (:',ti 11c a doll.tr. th(:'re rue other tens unpn.Hl. The editor appeared at the grave anti tecbnwo.l When at Sa.lisb!Jry, in 1857, on the dt'postc<l in the coffin a. paln1 leaf fan, a 1 nen occas1m1 of the Royal ..<\gricultut-al Sooietyis of tlion2'and:-; without e1uploy1nent, and suf· Show, the Pxince \isite;J the Ua.thedral Cha.pte 1 feiiug for luel, foocl a.nd ra1u1ent. ' 1.:o~t an.d a therin0me~1. Rous(', the ieatora.tion of which wae nearly AddH1onal evidence of tbe t!xtravagance I\f::i.ty- ' Please m'n1, is it J.Lue as )ot'n~ ,\g-o con1pletec l. 'l'he Prince ad1nired the \Vork, but \Vlnch 1 le1noral1zes both these who luxur1~ 111g to buy a g1an<l p1ana.? 'Vill 1t .be a tta.l obseri.:od to Lortl Portman who.attended hun ate in its vulg.u exhibition and tho c who graud one like they as 11.t the all?, b-11strcAAthat the faint us~d 'vas of the J\\·rong kind, ' W <Jl, yes, ~fa1 y , I bchcve f!O, but-\\ by?' ·'and that h1 a sliort time it wo·1ld fall off m look \\ lth eyes fnll of envy upon those tX· 1via1 y-' You si:e. m'n1, cos' wheu ynu,,i.:cnf; out flakes" A friend of Lord Portman's viaiting b1bnirig 5) be.rites is furn1shet.l by a letter l Lonld play to k eep the clultlre11 quiet ' the Clrnpter Hou·e in July, 187o, found the from New York to the liuthland (Vt.) walls lll great disorde1, a part of the paint fal· li~rald. \-Vr1L1ug ot the exper..d1tures for ....\. Olergyn1an in one of our Eostt-111 1.; ties"~ ling a'\\-ay precisely as the Prince had fore· luxuries iu thatcfty, itsayi:> : 'rfbe fitting· met by a sett<ly look ing 211Gn with no flask of of the put!or of a wealthy PL1ladelpbia \\hit:>key in Lis pocket, v.ho inqu11ed 'Eh. i:s tol<l ' The P1ince':-; attention ·wM not. merdy c.lhect.- banker were all in Egypt1an style. The tht:s the nearest ioaU to the almshouse'?' 'No sir, ' r~pltecl the cle1gy1nau 1 1)ointi11g to tL ~ b1.1t· e::I. to the encouragement of art, acco:r;_ding to pale tapestry carpet"', the upholstery o:t the thu cotnmon but iestricted use of that word, anttque couches, woven fot the suit, and the tlc, ' Lnt that is ' which is mostly employed to s1g11ify works of His nt· bang1nge, \\lbich represented desert .scenes, Don't caJlonmc for th1cc<lays, ' l~"h.Lt.i..u sculpture, of pai n ting, and of inusic Ashland 'g:nl poc.;ted on the front gntc, and bhP tentwn wM not the less uf;ef.u!J.r btllploJ-ed, 10 _ were tapestry, fine as 111ellow palnhug, at Imther ru:lded · 'l'rr1 going to t:a.t. c.;omc onions visiting _anc.1 e11couraging whate,er of skillw\·aa distance enough to lo:-.e sight of the st1tcbe11 to b(l seen a.t the great centres of commerce u1 This compound of light green and sand yel~ t.ln~ W('Ck if I ne' or have anothc1 beau t11ia couutry .~ ~~r. l'd:trtin gives a vh1d nc· low tapestry, ebony and ivory l:!phinx bends, 'l'Jus is wlia.t L1zzc \Vhi~pe1eU to lie1· hn l l at count of the Pclnce~a visit to Liverpool:cofhns nnd claw1::i, cost three huu<lred thou· the ftont door on Suuday night 'Don't come 'Not a f!O!_nt wai:i lost to his obs~vat1011. sank dollars~noney enough, cotl)mon follµJ to 8ee me any 111ore Just yet, .John, ]'athe1 has heen havmg his bnota half soled, with two ri)ws "He bnd often beard," was his iemark to:i\Ir \VOultl. -tl ihik to sp~ud on one s1lite of p3.rBramley hfoore, the Chairtnan of the Ltver- 1 A C l II · d d from of na.1}1! a:ronnd the toes ' pool Dock Com1n1ttee. who attended, "of the ors a 1 orn1a n.1 iona1re or ere An aged colu1e<l i.11d1v1duti.l stepped into a greatness of J:,l\ei-pool, but the reality fa.r ex~ a ho~se a parlor suit that c~st two bnndred st or'-' OH \\'""'oodw1-1.rd en enue, u.nd a1::1l~ed ho"' the ceedP.d his expectations." Aftt!r opening tlie and tilty thousand dollais 111 golU, all de· thonno1neter stC'od: 'A hund1ed and fu1 ty· dock "1th the usual cere1no11ies, the Prince signed and 1nade in tb1a city.' !\.Ir. Vleed suggests, as a method ol re· n111 e degrees below ?.e10 ?' replwd one of the b1ought thcepthuaiasmofhi::i boststo a climax clerks 'Is that a fax '.I' exdiumed the old by proposing at the dcJeuuer which followed, forming these flagrant abuses and follies, I JnSt ma<le a bet "Prosperity to Brit;sh Commerce." Hl~ll 'then Pve lossed $2 'fbc that Congress sbould 1 pass a law io1pm~1ng Prince's dock, the largest in the port, \Vas th(!n · l · 1t ·wnrl\ bundted 3.u' fifty n p:!eted; \isi_ts were paid to the South Cordutlc~ o.n s1~ks! velveki, JC\Vel ery, 'v1nes~ 1 8 · J.~ne;\\ l1at letter in the alpha.b<.Jt tlo you like porat1ou and Bluecoat Schools, and a careful etc' hunted lD lta oeerattons for two years. b ·r;;t "' ' \Veil, I dou't hke to say, D'Ir Snob~.· survey 'vas 1nade of the St C'.fCOtge'g Hall su~h a law, he thinks, )\'OUld virtually pro· 'Pooh l nonesense ! tcll ught out1J an1' . '" hu 11 \Vith '"Jucb c.oni::;ider,\ble progreea bad bee~ f11b1t during that peri~d tb~e ~iU:portation of do you hke best ' ' 1 'Vell,' (Llushmg amJ ch op· n1ada. Mt. }. . hves, the a1cP,itect, fqu.nd ti) his these ]uxnries, the a1ri.ount of gold they ping ho1 eyes), I hl~e (n) the best' clehght that e.'> e1y arclutectual featui-e of 1:ovel· would have cost will remain at home, and ty or 11nportance, \Vlnch he would J1a.i.:e wished the resumption of specie payments would 1 H erbet,' sa.itl a v e1ph xe11 1nother, 'why lS to be noticed, 'ills a.pprec1ated and commented . . it that you'1c uot a better boy~· '\\'ell,' said on by the Punce At ~he docks an<l ware follow without an £;:1lu1t.-Ohn..stictn Era. tlie l1tt1u f~lluw, :sobe1ly, looking up 111to he1 homms it had been the same. '!'he Dock cngin- ( lJoelon ) fuee v..ith lns honeflt hlne eyes, 'I S\1ppvse the eer, Mi. Jesse Hartly, a m-.nof the fits~ eniinli:'.l.lre.t"on IS that I don't \\ant tu lie I' w~ ence 1n his ptofeas1un 1 \vas at once su1prised EUui.:ation beg1nE? the gentlen1a.n, but tl.nnk t..he child gav~ the real leal::!On 'vhy all of and gratified l~ f the technJc.il knowledge of reading, good con1pan,v, aut.l reflection n1ust us. Ligas well ns httlt', a.ie uut bettt:r thn.n "e hydraulic engineering shown by tho Prince · is lJO man 's duty to I w ¥J N E TXT s p RI N G r1 0 0 D s l \ Iin every department, pmclrnsed under vel'y favoiable ci1cumstanccs, mny is determined to sell at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. :cress Goods and .. .,_., · Cu;;tumes, compnsmg a very Large anety cve1y of NEWE3T anrl FINEST Fabrics uy Skilful a11d obliging pove1ty-1 D I ress Maki" ng done ' to order t "l\11"1"111"nery An unuemaliy attractive display, this SMSOn, bracing L11test Novelti es in ]!'rench, Jmglish, and ' EiJ.ephaint Bouse UNDERSIG1'1""ED in ieturnwg tha.11ks T~ to b1s nui.ny fritn<ls and the public generally 'l' HE ~t.I'OOK OF 1 SHOES, 1 At a Discouflt of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. and 1 ..;;il' f.or the hberat p~bonagt! extendetl to lnm dut· 1000 pr$, ...\ii.sses Ielxd and Bull Bal11io1 als at l ."50, per paH", fol' CASH 0 .JY LY, 1 ing the paHt 18 yea.rs, begs to announce that fron1 anti after the 15th Se-pten1ber, he will carry 1000 Pairs Wonien's, MMsPs' and Cfhild s Felt.J3ool>, the" hole lo be sold fol' CASI! ON LY ou the snme business, but nlo1e tlxtensl\ cly under the uaule and stv1e of JoHN }fcLJ:COD & --o--Co. P1om_f't 11a.yment-of all accounts isl ender. cd impcrafave by tlna business a1rangernent 1 and all pertlllll~ indebtticl v. tll vtoase take notice Call early aud socu1 e your " Winter Supply, whilo the lllsh is goiJJg 011 at and govern th emselves accordingly. FELT c;'v!;i'$i~i'S.35~:;~'s "d;e~~ i.,,~~·~~~~;:; JUHN McLEOTJ il'Lt111n.gen1en eIH~ .i,y.i, ' American Hats, Bonnets .incl Ttimmings tirti'.. A very large stock tu select .i.~· gw Iii WV VV ~ horn, of cloth, cashmere, silk, ,·el vet, and lace goods, uf!atest styles, ve1y elegant, (or made to orde1·.) ~"'4"1· "1"1tleS ·---c. eih4"1 """1S TERMS--- LIBERAL. Specictl attention to getting up 01'de1·s FA J lfILY JJfOUl~NING. /01· l Boot & Shoe Bm.po:riuin. TJohn MoI.eod &; Co T =================================c---Support and H HLibe1·al Patronage E E Bo"'·1n:tn\ 1llc, Dec 10th, 187 !. 1 Bowui:..\ll\ illc Se1)ten1ber 4th, 1S7B. ANDERSON & CO'S., would sohc;t the same · · lform1;;~~;~;~h;have a.nil. takes this o;i.:iportunity of in· uxj e>11led so long to John !.foLeoJ, ( l 1w Staplee, Embraciog every desc11ption of tabrics , to meet the wants of our numerous customers. OLD SYSTEM, 0 l Oshawa, April, 1875. !.EI.IANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society Ji;STABLISHED 1840. C .l N ADA Cu1 EF 0FF1CE8. H A L E p EI.ONG C ~E:DITS, E ~111 L and cnnduct their credit bnsiness as follows ALL ACCOUNTS will b1~ RENDERED 1st Janu::y:h· 1 ~~ff.ft· 1H Great septemberA E p Important Announcement ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- .B.eduction, in Dry Goods ! l 13l, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTR"EAL DIRECTORS. \VAT.JTEH. S11ANLY, Esq , ].1 P., ~r11ntan, DUNCAN M.apDONJ.LD, }j8'). lln cuc'i cind eve1·y yewr. In the en.al' 01 .Ld:anufacture1s, 1\.feohan1CA 1 and others, \vhose accounts 1naY an1ount to $50.00 or over, theh note,if agreed 11pon 1 w1U be taken payable at tbe Bank for a stated penod. l\:1AJOR 'l"Hl, Ho~ORAHLt.; T. E, C:\MPBEJ,r. . , JoH:N" CB.. St. HHaite. H.A.1IIL1o!ll, Hn\vkss GRAX'r burg, Ont RTcSIDEN'L' ~ECRFTARY. -.hrn N Tl · N T H 0 'l'HE HIJIDOUD BROS. Having decided to make a eha11ge in their buHinoss, are now selli11g for CASH their la:rgc and well assorted Stock of D1y Good s, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery itnd Gla~sware , " S PECI A L FE A T U R ES. , r11he E~1uu~ l?no111s belong to and arcd1vid Gd arr1011gSl the .PolicvlroldC'ie. LIVES, DECLINEU 1:n~ .OTB.ER 00.M:P..uiIIGS, j)l on '""·hh.:h ar1 'extra P1e1niwm1could be required, can Le aBBwed a.t tlte ordina1y ra.te1S of this 8oc1ety 1 uncler " :specia{ a1Tanyenient SPECL\L NON·FOFEITABLE 1>011a1Es i&itted ~ H E Cash Purchasers Payers on credits rompt "'° short 11:1 always get goods at p1 ices ut ir:tNE, as our gt eat aun " ·ill be to court tlus ulass of trade Stook I.a.rge ANT> AT AND BELOW COST! The Stock luwing Leen purchased in the BEST depend on getting ~IARKETS, under which only 10 1 15 or 20 Annual Pay mentS~ a.re required, each payn1f;l11t secunng Policy for a. sum assured proportionate to the numbe1 of premiul.Di! pa.id~ a.nrl free frorn futur 1:1<L1Jtnent of premiuma. ]..fol.H BATE PHEMlCMS a.nJ mos't hbeta.1 d1t1ons. C(l~· Prospectuses,P1opoaa.l .Fo1~e 1 &c., supplied on u.pplication at thtt Head Office, 01 ru1~ of the ~geucies. JAMES GRANT, Res, Secretary. AGliN'l' l<'Olt BOWMANVILLl,, C.BARKER, "Observer OfliN,' King St. 23-ly Bow1na.nville. June 24th, 1870. .A. -~lendid variety of P1esent the following teathnonials fron1~ m cos. petent Judges of Organ.t Tesbmon1a.l fro ... John Calllldge, l\[ns. Doc , Oanluar-, Eng:lan<l Bowroan,1Ue 1 24th Dec. 1 I87!i. for wood or co·l. OH~ McLEOD & CO T o the Ma.nagens Dom1nwn 01'[/(ln Cr>. GEN'ILEXEN - I hke to plu.y on youi Orgaua B(ltvmauvillc 1 Septcmbet'4th1873 ti" ~e is so S\veet..u.nd stenc.1~. .Aud the '"'oik- -----~ ma..n.sn1p~ and finish excellent, aud in every particular they a1 e equal. if not superior, to any I have ever heu1tl. Hop1Ufi they will meet public app1eciation. TanOPVoEanS~ox s I E IJUyers citn MORE .AND BE'l"l'ER GOODS FOR 'l'HEJJI, JfONA' Y { at this EstaLJshmcnt than in auy other house in the couJJtry. { Call Eai·ly, and secitre Ba:rgains, as tlie whole Stock must be sold at once, for CASlI ONLY. / ' } I JOHN CA~iIDW£ Imperial Fire Insurance Co OJ<' LONDON. (Established 1803. Old Broad St., and :FOR (J}..; lADA :- HEAD OFFIO ES. - I f Pall Mall, GENERAL London, -\.GENOY 24 St crament ~und, , 1\-Iontrea.1. Subscribed and invtisted C a1nta.l an<l Reserve £1,965,000 Sterling. Funds invested in Canad&- 105,000. ltea<l the following from Roi:ia. D'Erina : 13owmanv-ille, Decembe1 22, 187.1, To tJw 11Ianagertof thelJuntintoa OrqanOo, GENTJ.JteMEN. -I ho.ve hlUCJh ple{l.Bure iu tes fying to the excellent qua.lities oI the Org supplied by you at niy conceit last Saturd.i, e'"ening The tone is sweet a.nd very powerf and the comb1nation Qf stops moat admlrab I am sure your instrn1nents will find favor CbtLI'Ches, as they arc singulj,1ly adapted fo sacred music '\V11:1hing you eve1y s'Uc-ccss, and tliat the public may p~tronize nl'.l.tl\' c manufaw. t111e . I remain (}cutlemen, V<"Y'""P"ctfulll'.J. THE GRbCERY DEPARTMENT RE_ MOVAL. S. MASON willies tu infqnn his nurneroul:) fr1e11d s and <us -ton;i.e1s tlw.t he haEI reninv ed to is now complete with the choicest supply of Ohristu1as Goods, Raisens, Oiirrants, Snga1·s, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. Bow1llanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 H. O'HARA. Every Instrument Wa.rranted for 6 Yrs A. l\I, DAHLEY Pref:lident. l\[a.nager Bowm.anv1lle, Janua1y l&, 187!. bp·o3 ml6. ROSA D JJ:RINA. BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he w1ll Le found with the n108t corn itto asso1tmcnt vf -MURDOCH , BROS. Insurances against Joas by FU"e are effectccl on moflt favorable terms, and losses paid with out refer~nce to the Board w London. Harness, Whips , Trunks, &c. rn town Pknso call. Buckler'& old atanJ. one door east of M~ynartl's Hotel Ilo,Huan,1lle, Sep. l:':lt .. 1873 J DODSWORTH, Inspector. RIKTOUL Imos. Gen. A gents, 1'.fontrea. .AI.WAYS GET iJ. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent FIBS'l'·CLASs. , P11·ize hicllal Oryc~11;s the ~'IRS'l' for Bowmanville and Vicinity, Bowman' ille. Jnne 4th. 1860 Jam es W. BELL & Co's. I McFeeters. m.o.43·39.4w \Vhich in 1873, a t the Provincial l i'nu, bea.t eve1y A1ncr1cau and Cana.d1an 0.rgan 1 taking 36 Just Arrived ~tt tbe AGENT For the follovdng Insu1·ance Cumpa1ues, and other Institutions, viz :The QUEEN Fu-c and Life Insurance Company. Cap1tal£Z,OOO,OOO - $150,000 deposited with the Domiruon .G0Yernn1ent, for the proteo dera in Ca nada. 'l"'hc ISOLATED 11.ISK ] ' lie Insurance C:om 'parry of Can.ado. Capital tiOO'OOO.- On e of the best and cheapest Companies d01ng busmeas 1n the Dominion, for Farmers and Iaolatcd R1sks v.ith a'Savinga Bank departn1ent. FASHION BOUSE a. 8plendid assor.t1ncnt of - ---- --~- --- - --- ----- - 'I'hc d1 uge thut Bt1tluu 1 of the 1'I1h\aukec ,r..; ( ff1 rnd, has to pull on lui:i undc1shirt ft'f'IJXt be· lo" on accnuut of t11e a1r.e of his ears, is a ba.<!o 1 1 en t 011 ,\.i.-:'ve known Bot, ovtr twt"nty one ytarl', h .1' e slept with b1m gn:at 1nan:Y tunes, 1111<1 \\ c kno"· that bib ea.re are fle x1blt:: . In .;: nld wt"atbe1 \\O tu~ecl to use the off 011e for an e x.ti n. quilt. J\hnat }Ittlstead tlnnks 1t conclusive t-:\1llence tha.t the editorial cranium is la.eking 111 that hou1:1onta.hty gentu.t.Uy defined as 'lo~el·hellcled' \\hwh thscusses ina.terialise d spirits in four column ed1to1 ialt1. Murat very properly inrlnires· ' Of '~hat use &l'e the s1nrits ! they can't enb .s ci ibe fo1 a nc\vapaper, n.ntl they don·t adve1· tio.i e , good sp1nts don't care to return to earth, and baU ones ougl1t to re1nain 111 hell where they l:cloug. ' Here 1s a goo<l thing on the 'tater bug.' 'l hree tnJ>11con1par111g not.i::s: One sayti, 'the1e iu: Lwo buga to every 1:;ta.lk.' A aeeoni.l say!{, 'They hav~ cut Jown my early orop u.nd a1e ~ ttuig on the fence \Va1t11ig for my late c1op to COIDC up. , 'l.,ah::l.\V !" said a. thh d, · )'(l\l ku{1w notlung ab~ut it. I passeJ a seed store the othet da.y and saw the bugs lookin~ over the \looks to aee who had p111-.::hascd seed potatucs 1 'So cloae and p1actical,'t says l-Ir. 1\fartin 1 'wag the Pi ince's iotereM; m the tleta1ls of the wo1 k, that he tcqucsted t,4at a. t.1tj,mpl~ of th~ granite-rubble 1nasonry Jusf1(1 (in tlie docks, by the excellence of which he had been Ht1 uck, i:nigbt be sent uµ to him n.t \\T1ndsor Cn.stlc. P'hese J.etails ara.g1ven on the authodty of Mr. )1obe1t Rawlit1son, 0. '.B., an intimate of both i\lr. J?.lm~s and..i\-h. H.arbloy 1 f1om whon1 ho re· eel\ ea thetn at t11e time. H St. George'e Hall/' ~fr Rawlinson \Vntes, " 1s a noble monumFnt of tbe n1 t1stic ~k_iµ_ of the yonn!=( nnd gifted nrelutuct. '!he Lherpool Docks. rue atnong the fines'; spec11ne11s of hydraulic ~ni:,oi:ne~ring in th~ \~od<l.. 'l'he Piince \Va1:1 at bon1e \uth such n11::n a.midst fHHh \\iOrk1:1. To.an aic11itect he could talk a s an a.rchitect ; to au e11gi11eer, aa nn l;'ngiueet ; l o a painte1, as a.1)ainter, to a scu11Jtol', lli'! a sculpto1 ; to a chemist, as a. chemist, and so through aH the bra.ncl:ies of I~ug1nt:l~11ug, A1-clutecture, A1t, and Sc1euce,' (To be Cont inued.) finish buu. PRIZE. NEW MILLINERY. Al~o It is a matter of course thllt he \VhO Mw th~ 1 i:nownetl woultl sin mnst first tcul in lua duty. I . a lot of HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO {Boston.) \Vhich ha1' taker; REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & A.lsu a large stock of A BIC.jis now ragu1g ~\.t l~lJRH · 'l'he CANADA LANDED CREDI'!' CO'Y. Dressmaking, &c. Mies Heal "\'lould l.w.g to infoun t11e ladies of Bowmf\.n\ille and V1C1nity. that al1e 1s prepared to take Ot'<lers for D1e;;ismak1ncr,'"·nd i1ll the fJa1he with dt::spath n1 the 'l'he UNION AND PERMANEN'l' Building and Sa.ving's SocietJlo 'l'he~e latter 1nstltuti0Hs advance Loans on lteal JiJsta.te, on terins unusua.llv easy for the borrower, Bowmanville, Feb. 6th, 1873 J?orty-nin e First l'rcmiunrn. ---o:-THE KING OF Stamps for Braiding and Em· · broidery. J TIELEVENS .- - LATEST FASI-IION. lier cxpcdeuC<! fully \Yarrants her in })roruising sati!:lfact1<.1n. l{es1denco, Co1nc1 of Church Street, and ~{arket SqnaJ c . Dowmanvillc, lJec 4th, 1873 Con.ieet'ionery Depot . SEWING MACHINES, s-. TV HOLSALE and RETAIL J .:st arrived, and for Sa.le, at the abo'e depot · FR U 1 -T, ' AND l FASHIONS for Spring 1ust to hand. DBESSMAKING ' US11rJ,l, - - ·o.-N. B. - Tho SuL.\icl ibcr ls n ot a Sub, or under ":ligeut, but hrLs the spemal agenuy for tbe above. I am p1eparetl to ex<,:hangc .Pianos fur Orgau81 01g-a.iu:\ (01 :i\fclo<leons, also Se'" iug 1t'Ittchu1cs, on 1casons.ble terms !lcldress, J S DONEY, 1'rnoN · P. 0 Ja n. lJth, 1875. 6 6mos. MRS- A. FLETCHER 130\Hllall\Jllc, .A.µ111 7th, 18i 1. DRUGS AND MEDICINES Household Hints Pu1c soft water is tho beet of all blood pu1·itiers. at the New l!'riiit ancl Confectionerys, Bowmanville Drug Store, Choice Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron Peels, DATES, FIGS. LEMONS ORANGES 1'0 Alill VE BOWMANVILLE aml he is detenninecl to routinue to sell at these 1uiuously ]ow pi i c~ ~ · Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufactuing Co It <l11:1solve1:1 ahnoat every in1~ w1tl1out those ·~hernical changes and clepos· .uiy,' o:rud )!1·. I~ur.tl; '1nucb you kno\v alJout tte which nre likely to nr1se from the net· 1 your bade--huo, read that ' .Aud lie pointed 1011 of drugs. Wby, then, u,e doubtful, to t1us 011 tho bill of !Me. ·Potatoes a la 1'1>an· dangerous, and often 1njuriou11 1lrugs for caa1 ' ' purifying the blood ~·hen pure, sin1plt:!, · \Vak c up, Jui.lge, wake up; thelc.,, a bu1 safe, pleasar..t, and far more effectual \Valer gla.t ln the hou:.e !' sai<l ?I-It s. Portly, in J31ook- 1na.y be 11a<l \vitl1out 1no11ey and \Vltho11t lyu, to her husband, the Qther night. 'l'l!e pm:e1 Jud:;~ 1olle<l out of bed, grasped his rc\·ol~er, £"'- liot leu1u11ade 1s oue of the Lest re1n· .u1U opened tl1e door to sally forth fo1 th~ lob lt a.cts bf 1 Then tnr1nng to h8' wife he s1~id 'Cotne, el11cs in tl1c world Joi a cold. 8m ah, and lead tl1c 'vay Its a n1ean lltau that proniptly au<l Fitecbvely, nnd has no un"ill hut t a W01I1ll.U I pleasaot afte1 effects. One lemon, proper- Soft l:!hell .Avnwnd,,Ji'1!bert,, B1u.:oil and W<dl .E'uts, J(eiller's l!farmaladc, TVe/jt I11dia HIGGINBOTHAM ' lic1 t, wrutu l wa1tc1 1' calleJ. ~11·. lJre1Jerved Ginqer, Pectrs, 1.)ltlm ~, 1.'o· ou'-' of our city hotels ; 1 bring 1ue some of and k1dneyc., thus \Vash1ng ou!; the bloo.tl_ \-'TOUJ . . U n11Jst 1-eSJJl'Ctfully t ender his si11ce1e 11icitoes. cf; }Jeaches, G1 een Peas, ] '1 auci~' potatoes. ' 'l'he "'aiter stared, anc.1 n·1tbuut any irritation i\1-" the syst<>1n, ·anU If t' tbn.nks to his 11u111erous fuen<ls and cusGreen Gorn J': L M na, llea11s. tomers, and to ~ the public generally, for the s1uJ. he d1dn,t think they had any. 'Haven't purity that may find its way to the blood, ~nd passes it oil through the slnn, ltrng·, l{urlJ-1, u.t J. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ! FEED MILLS. .Anutlwi c.it load of the a.bo'l! nobh .utlt;:lt:s the '~"'Y· ]Jlense c;.ill .it the 011 cheaper than the cheapest Why he can do it~1rst, he buys fo1· cas!1 and knows just how to buy ! Second, what he cant b11y cheap enough, he manufactures ~hire\, he is satisfied with small profits r ] ourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. Manufactures of C ...<\.LL AND SEE POH YOUBSBLV EB A.ND --u-- , ve1y hbt>1al support he ha~ received li!Ince lns commencing tu busin0s3 ; and hopes by con tinutid strict }JtJrsonul ttLtention to bmnness, and offer1ug uotlnng but the p11l'est ai twles, at tho most rcnsona.ble prices, to ensu.re a. continunnco of _ public p.itron~e. J. ff, would call spt.ida.l at.tc11t1on Lo hi11 very superio1 stock of Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVm egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles SHELL & SHELLED OYSTEUS QUAUTY is the test of CHEAPNESS 'l'. DARLilSUTON l'ov.lt(jli\'llJ fl, r ec. .JtJ-o.187 . ~. . n9 t f \VOODI AND !HON Ex.u1une the sto~k, \~}Uch corntnises, e\ e1yth1ug Ill the trade, of the very lateet nud nl ost ~l e 1 ~ 1 st:, lcs and pattcu1s, of English, Ca.nad1an ) and A.n1edca.n uianufacture. g 1 HI:' .,,till cont1nue s to llld.Jiuf.1cLtue t o oulc1, frQtn the best of n1::i.t.edaJ. 1 a.nd none h ut fii st d ' '" 01 k1nen kept .t'J::> BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU '!'hey have come nud are cormng 1 at th e 11 '1uit Depot. WORKING MACHINERv. - -o---o- - NEPPBL'S T>YE \~Inch ~TUFFS B 0 'VV l\1AN V I L L E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency H. w JA~ms, Hv\\Wttln 1 1le, ])1 ' l. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He has iu st ock 0. 11 are su1c to give the best sa.tfafai.:tion. A \vell sclt 1. tetl stock Of ty ~ci ueezed , 1.:ut in Hhcea 1 put in sugar and I l you \\'Ould huve a faithful Sl'l vant, cover with a ltal1-p1nt of bo1liug \Valer. BRUSHES, Drink JUSl IJelore_goiog to bed; do llOt exantl one that you like, serve your:se1f. pose yoursell Oll the follow1ug day. 'l'b1s OOJJJJS, ll it Jn,tn cmptiesh i,; purse into Ids head, re111e<ly \VIll war<l on au uttack of the chills 110 llHlll can take 1t a\\-·ay from 111111 ..An SHOULDb.:R-BRACES, nml !ave1 i( used promplly. 11n ee t1nent in k11owledge al way~ pi.\\ 8 ll1~ SUPPORTEUS, Etc. Et1. liangiug 11 broon1 in the celh1.r way keep!! best h1te1est. it from beco~inF ·:111" nnd bard kept Lon~tautly on han<l. l\..uowledge alone is not sufficitnt. It is Replacn1,.t furniture as \\'e ewee)' saves OILS, PAINT, .... "' nd~ed, po\\1er ; but 1f undirected by v1rtu~ much d1/'jor<l~:r aud Cc.Qll!u.:::io11 COLORS, VARNISHES, 1~o.uwledge ia bur. the s~r,·ant of '1~e, and The fumes of a Lrimstone match "ill reand WHITE LEAD tend.a only to evil. 1nove berry ~ta1ns from a book or paTJer or , at the ve1y lowest }llWes engraving DRUGS, OHENlCAUJ, PA 'l'EN'l' MEDJOJNES, Ku1.; St., Buw1na11 v1Uc ti, 187:! nlO. Double Turbine Water Wheels, , ~tllll cnc llese vaiioty of L adies' a.n<l Geut1:1i Sa.iatuga 'l'ruuks, ,ra.Ii::>e:s &c. all of which he ts l:lelhng ch eap for c.rnlt ' ' - -o - Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King StllO\\ ln,111 \il l~, ~lay j ,-j, Dana's Patent Sheep Marks muBt complete tivc'r 1nvente:cl. 1'h~y arc use<l a.ndrecommei;i.dcd by many of tlu best l3ieedei s iu the United States and CaJ.J.ada such as &. l.10ri:xig Sa.leu11 1'-fass., I->iesident I~e\v England \Vool (°}ro,vers' Society; J ohu S. Rosa, llennt: pin, Ill. ; Professor: !\f. Miles, of the State Ag· ricnlti,rrhl Co1l~ge, Larunng, Mich. ; Elon. Geo \Brown, 'l'orollto, Ont. ; J ohu Slle11~ Edioontuu 1 Out. On each Mark lB sta.lllped the 01\'lll.'r's name and the Sheep's u 11 mher 1'hey -will be sent free, by maJ.l, or expteas,f;r Oltly fO",;,r WJ "/j 1.,".Lc/i aud will lo.st for l WEN'l.'Y y~,ins Cli- Cnsh must accompany all ord~i & 1874. M. TRELEVEN. mnEsE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST, .l tl1e mot1t la.sting, the lea.st trouble11omc, and , - , -, I TiliIE )!ONEY and LABOl\i A<l.Yed ! n. Oll Pul i.<!k · 'l'brn lt'1ent;L OJI l.,oh:ili g1ve a.ny a1 t1ele of SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE · J1ru1<k ls pre- Castin gs of all Xi11ds I-tE.P~t\Il~ t; ~luJJ <.: llll TO THE l t:tur11111g- PUBJ~l~C. t~ .. . ...'.!.'ilk up..llll dnlles m pomt of perlorrn- If j ou v. hh to u1ake a. l'ail OL sc.xe'v a.nee, hut lay th e m down in point of de· N. B - Coun t ry store keP-pers supplied on p t'nil c \ncr. Duty can ne.ver have too 1nuch drive eas1 l y nncl hu~t ]o~g without 1usting, the mo"t ndYn.ntagcous t erms. dip it in mtlted grea<e first. This ioexccl· Of our diligence nor too htt1e of our conhA r;h01ce select:fbn of LAl\fPS for l't:t!e oherip. Bowirir1.n v1ll('. D i~c 1R6S 6m. lent for fencing nnd other exposecl work. lle..J.l-Ce Horses and Cattle Medicmes · ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Jtt., Sarnia., Ont. Orders n.ddres'Sed t o the ifEUCHNT a nd OD SERYER Othce, fo1 any q_uantity, will be fiUcd at tbe nbovc-mcnt1011ed price, as quickly as be l\1arks can be ma.de and s:int. C. BARKER, Bowma.nvillu,Dec. 2Sth.1871. ml3 ly parud for Ca1r1<1.gel:!, . Buggies, lia.rne1;1:1::,. Boots and Shoes, aud all k11Hls of Leu.ther. . Lt \HU J.. eathe1, a Ulo:St brilliant appeu.Tnnce, and at the san1e t une, from itci olly pru~lortics, tjlnd.t; much to prt>serve rt, Jt will alwa) s be 1Ul,.ll$t and phant_,. and u:rn.y btl_ e:-:po~tlJ to water and washed, and \Vlll notluse 1ts bnlh· a.nco, and it Ul not to be.Ae.arcd that any Cf'l!l'!t w1ll settle on said L etr.the1 whou 1,10:-ar.<1 vecl \'.1th t~e ~bove 01L ,For th e \\oo<lwo1k of Bugg1t::s, .Uau1agus, a.nd 11\rr111turt1 1 tb~1e IS not a better article in use, .i\fanufactured by A SIMON & Co , 'l'annera and Curr10rei 1 for1ncrlr of ]f1ance t1ow of l'hiladelphi.~. Pa., Instluot1011s - Shak; bottle. A fe,v drops on a. Plf'CI:! of spouge,npply it lightly to the le:i..ther, n.ntl you"' ill rJbta1n the fine~t lustre P1 ice 7Gut1:1 . pe1 bottle, or· $7.50 lJt:r doz~n .fOHN S:\£ALE, Soli:: Agent 1 man'iillc. July 16tb, 1874. 41·6 moa. tJ I 'VALTER "\VIGG tlHU1Jrn lllllllCJ'0\18 SON, to tht:::it cUBtO lllt.:1!:1 anJ the !JUbhc gt'llOlully, fo1 p<Lbt favors I 'N°\vould respectfully 1nv1te their g_ttent 1ou to uu1 prei:;ent stock of furniture, as .Ve lune ln.te!J NOTICE, \Ve lu1Nc no, 011 ~. laigl.} qu,iutity uf added tber1:1to. tlutt we may then;by Le enabled to Sl\})ply all patties '\'ho may }ll \!ase t u favo 1 him \~·1th a call Great inducements held out to tb:ps~ purchasing at our cstabl1 ~h1ncnt Pie tures, Looking Glasseti, etc . sramed to order, and lD every tityle Samples of t h ~ J 1:!feierit kind of !vfouldlngs can be tieed a.t the ware·1oom . 'Ve 'vouli.l a.180 beg to inform you, tL a ~ bnv1ng purchased a ' l 1 ~ I Common and Gang Plows, that will be s"Jld at SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, \\ u shall b..., 1 co.dy at a 11 times t J attend fuuernls, 9,1 ~hort not' cc and 1 e a.e o11~~bh· i o:: u ur~ B - Coffin R~ ~'t Rn hil,!-id and tua.de to order, a t th!.! l 1 LOW PRICES If. Hou:-1 NEW DOMINION RE'l'AIL FURNJ'l'URE W.ARE-IWOJ1£. -1 I AT THE SHOP. B owinanVIlle, Ma1ch ti 1873. .- b·wa, Aug. 26th, 1870. ""'<ilii'l King Street East, Oshawa. .. · L l I ' ------~ I ) ----