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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 May 1875, p. 4

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THE J\fEl{,CHANT, --- -- ~ ~'RID.A:Y, :MAY 14, 1875. - - -The Reception of the Emperor of Russia at the English Uourt in 1844, as Described in Martins' Life of the l'ri~ce Oonaort L Uoutinue'a] POETRY. The Dying Child, ln. J \M I S J \W!-:OJ'-, -- ( 011w to u1y bed, mothc 1, 'Vhy sit you thc1c and'\ cep ~ <... cnuc sit dov.n by iny i:.tdc, 1notl1ti1 l3dorc I go to 1:1leep 'l lw fu1 tlwI J.evelo1~ulent of the l?uuce Cou I .,.. ant to talk to you t.ndnlc, (Dear motlie1,do not c1y,) Once mo1e I waut to see you f:lnlllc, I th 1nk I'm going to die l uen s1!; do'"n by n1y Eudc, moth~r i~.nd list to what I sn.y, giowing very we::i.k, ::\Iy \01ce is But st1ll I want to pray , '1'1um, uwthet, kiss 1ne a" goo<l 111c:l1t,' ' .And 1f I \\ no more, :iron'U kno'v l'1n with thE" .u1gdl:! bright, So.fc on t]w gohfon 1;11.01e. " 0011 I must lc< you, dea.rc~t No n1ore ou earth to 1neet, 1u1Jthc1 Bnt in the 'vo1ld of endless bliss \V c shall each other greet, 'I he a.ngels uow are com1ng, mothe1, I 1.11.:e thew in the room, ' l'hey'ro '"a1t1ug round my bell, mothei, 'lo take n1e t o 1ny home 1ly Ludx in thc>".81hvc lD ll) li e, And n101.llde1 with the clay, But fat abo\e the star1y sky ~t) soul shu.U soar away, Sb 11ll JOJU the hea,.enly hosfu:; ~bo ' u 'V1th them iny voice I'll 1a1s c', And i:11ng of Jcsu1-1' ds1ng love, Ia S\vectes t songs of pra.ise l1ood by, <lcm- mother, I must i:\"CI 1.iy S.i \ iour bids n1e come , FatC\\ t:ll Lo all tlungs here below, I see my heavenly ho1nc, Ifn.11t 1 hear you not the 1nus1c 1nvoll In 1aptu1outJ stranis RO S\\eet > .A.d1cu to ea1 th , dear fuends, fitr{ " ell 1I1ll ,\·e 1n hen.,. en shall meet Crumbs for Chickens. Bauk biters-fleas .At ,,,hat t1n10 a day Lttle before E\e \1,lf:! Ada1n t:Iea,ted- ~\. political eveo\s of the day aoit'a 1noeat1a11t la.bol's to promote the hl'ist in Car1 olsfor E'!Jf/8 - It~ is not ~·t:inerally kuown ter es~ o£ art, science) and mannfacttliea, '\Vtll lti 11uw showmg full lines oJ be seen ln the iemaJ:ning portion of hisli:fc 1-wL.wh that boiled car1oh:, when properly p1opared, Mr M~ln hno yet to publish. liut enough form an excellent substitute £01 egga i11 pud· has &heady beeu fltated tQ..Pt<n:e that, ft'Olll tht: dmga They must, for tlus pm pose, be boiled l~ _ IV j_' ' P1"lnce's Dret coming to England, up to the an<l run.ehe<l 1 and }?Msed through a cloth · t1me at wh1ch the present narrative ends, he did or hair se1 \ e strainer. 'rhe pulp 1e then intro· · not fail to be a most atten ive obsu er of all duced among the other '"·redients of the pud- , m every dep,u tment, pm chased under v e1y favoiable en cumstances, and is dete1mmed to sell at ASTONISITDl'GLY LOW PRlCES that was going on in these great depa.t:tmenta of dmg, to the total oml8s1on of egg· A pudding labor, nnd to render bis aul-anU sympathy to all made up in thIB wn.y 1 ia much h~hter than and Co"tum oS, comprism§O' a ve1y La1ge V,uiety good efforts made ui that, or indeed in any when eggs ate used, and1s much more palatable. , On the j)rmc1]_)k of economy, th,.faet is \\mthy . !oil of ~E\VEST and FINE T Fab1ics '\\ ortby d1rectiq~1 .... It lS to be l1ot1cea o.Itlie Puntre.J it ]5 YCty of the p1 udeut b011a~vlfc's attention by Skilful amL obhgmg charactenstw of tQe man, tlla.t he did not care 'lom (elO 1'"1 !)8 - 'l'he gene1ally uscJ, 18 C ot those works only tn which h~ himself took th e E:: maU and gui.cefully ahaped penr tomato, tin active pa1t. It is mentionea tbnt-reU and yellO'\\· Pick them before t·i;.> Hpe ' He lovccl to rule through all-the distncts of Scald and peel \\lth, lost the :flesh be brok· "l\Jfl" An unusually aLt1act1 ~e tlJspl~y, thi ~ seas~n, ell1I~ondon wher.e building ana " impro~ em ents en Lay them on a comrnon pie plate, closely J..Y/,, 'biacmg Latest N ovelties lJ1 Ji1cnch, :English, and v; er~ ln progre>1s, more· when t~ p:tcked but only one de~p Pnt into a \ ery hot American H,1ts, Bonnets and T1 umrnnp;s 'vere such as }V'Ould conduce to the hta.lth or re- oven. 'I urn occa.s101HW.l), pouring off all JUtce creation of the working cla§ees ; imd iew, if any that oozes out until yuu arc 8Ure it 1s all out knew so "oll, or took ~such iutefeiJt'\as he did, 1hen sca.tter half a.~ttlMUll of auga.J.' over them. 8'pec1·d attm twn to gettrng up Orders fO'I' \ 1n all tl1at was Le.iug done, at, hny <lLBtance, Put back in the oven FAMILY 1l10URNn1·G As soon as the sugar [, 'veB.t, north, O l south "' of the great c1tyIB "cooked 111 11 on Olli! i:ude, tum the tom.atdes from V1ctope- Pffk to from Regent's carefullJ one by one , $Catter some more sugar 1 Park to the Crysta.I Palace, and ?ar beJiond on tbem and put back in the O\ en fl.. very large stock to select They must "l\,f' "He would fz:equ..entlyretu01 1 " the Queen say!, be \\ atched very closely uo\v, and tuined.a t.Jn .,_ ,.,'! f'1 om, of cloth, cashmere, silk1 "to luncheon ate. greatpncQ:, and would always t er¥als for th1 ee or fou1 houie. 'l"he pe1fect1011 velvet, mid !lice goods, of latest R tyles, vei y elegant, (01 nMde to 01de1 ) oome through the Queen..,s tlress1ng room, whew of you1 B\\ .. ctn1eat d epends in a great nieasute !he gent.'rll.Hy '"as at'th~t time,'\\1thdtbat bl'lght on the nicety Wlth \\lnch thlij Htiljge of its pre· Emln«cmg eveiy dcsc1iptwn of fab1m;, to meet the lovrng em.111! \v1th ..,d1luh he'"-ever g1eeted her, pat ation is conduct ed Now your plates want.~ of om nmne1ouH cnsto11ieis. telling '\\here he had beeu-v,rhat new buildings and put them in a wnrm dry place, protected he had soen- what etud1os1 &~.,he had visited from flies and dust, turrung them once 01 twice R1d,ng for more 11d1ng'a sake he disliked, and a day for fiom one to bvo '\veek11 Your fi~s said; Es enn 1,iyut Mich 8G [It bores me so]" 1flll now be >1uffir.:1ent1y cured to pack into Jars Os ha\\ ,1, Ap11l, 1875 Fi om a work so comprehens1v-e and varied a.s 01 boxes this is. it 1s difficult tij) determine whe.t passo.gfjs :Fo1 Scratch"s in horse!!!, the best ap1)licafao11 Lo tlelect~ m order to give the" b"'e s..t idea of v.hat I.fl, Luisecd Oil S ozs. , Lcaclwater :t ozs. , thu icader v.111 ~d iil It m~st worthy of 11otlec But 've c tnnot go wronr; iI1 cu.lli.Ug attenhou to Glyconno 1 oz , Cru bohc Ac1d 1 1 oz. , shako atci and oil foJether :first 1 then mtx !!01ue of the Pnn<;e's remarkable expreS81onH f11ti lead '\V 0£ op1n1on \\htch n,1e scattered through tl1e the n.cid and glycer1ne, and a<l.d altogt>tl11;i t1hake the bottle well, and a.pply t\\lCe a clay book. Mutual Life Assurance Society In a me1noran<lu1n by the P.11ncc, which J\e For Hide J3ound Horses, Take Cream of tn.1 EST AB[,ISHED 1840 gave to LorU Jobn 1<.ussell, on Italian affaus, tar 2 ozs , Salt pctic 2 ozs , Sulphate of Iron there is the fullo, pregnant and JUd1crous 1 0z , Aut1mon) 2 ozs. , Fenugieek 3 ozs , CXNAD:\. CI:IIEl OF.E H.JES, those of" ~ur r~nders 'vhi> rec!Jlle<::t the Sulphur 2 ozs , Gentian 2 ozs , AJ aen1cum 2 To Jle!HZ C1nn.u Wa1'6c-'ra.k.e a thick solution of gum Arabic, and stll' into it plaster of Paris until the mixture lB of o. proper oousU1tenoy. Apply it 'v1tll a b1usli to the fractaxed edges of the chma llare and stick them together. In a few <l..11ye lt "ill be nnpoas1ble to break the nr ticlc Jn the same place The "lnteness of the cetne11t renders it doubly valuable SPRING! IG~6is.1 1875 ! I REMOVAL. w1 sl1ca to inform hIB numerous friends an<l l us tomera that he ha~ rc1noved to 8. 'rREWIN, OSI-IA-W-A. S. MASON ANDERSON & · ~o. :Ucg- to aunotun::c to th o l!: lt;ic L oi s of ' 'rest Du1ha1n ntu1 Slllroundu1g comttry, th.\t the.} will sell their nnmen se BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will Lo fouu<l w1tlt the moat <wrn ete : l. f.l ourhnent uf 8rroCK OF BOOTS & SHOES, At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. NE W Sp I 1'T G G 0 0 D S Harness, Whips 111 'Trunks, &c. ;~LT'ovzisi~i~35~C"·l;~;;i·ll~;~:~~;;~: l 000 prs lJ.liascs .Pebal and Buff Bal11i(n al~, ot Lt>O, pe1 pau, f01 CASH O.l.;LY 1000 Pairs Women's, kllSses' and Ghikl's Felt Boots, the "hole to. be solrlfor CASH ONLY l as :Cress Goode I IDress lli"ne.;..,,. ·t1 to\\ n I' lease call. Bucklo1 's old stand one Joor east of J\Ia:i; nard's Hotel 13ov.;m.:'\nY1Jle, Sep 1st . 1873 - -- - --- --o--Call eaily :u1d secme yom W1ntei Supply, while tho iush is gowg on ,it Ro~ mnn' 1lle, Dec ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot & Shoe E:mpoJ.~iu:m.. lUtl.i, 187 ! :Ei.Lepha,nt House HE UNDERSIGNED in retul'nmg t anko to bis many friends and the public generally for the hberal patronnge extended to him during the 18 yeat's begs to a1u1ounce that from and after the l5ti1 September, he \\Ill carry on the same business, but moro uxt~nan ely under the name and style of JOHN McLEOD & Co. Prornpt vayment of a.11 accounts is render· ed imperatl\e by this bu~nness arrangement, and all pe1sons indebted will pleaBe take notice and go' ern tllcmaeh es acoordingly. JOHN McLEOD 1lowmanY1llo.September 4th. 1873. T;EIE -tl h le:! . \ . ...,..a,n es s aiw ~ T Sta,Ples, TERMS---LIE ERAL. 1 TJohnXoLeod & Co would ,0Jic1t,the saruo ' HLibe:l.·al Support and H Patronage E oxtendcU so longato John !\icLeoi1, aud takei, this oppo1-tunity of in forming the public, that they have T Important Announcement ! ----o--- E DISCARDED Great lteduction, in Dry Goods! Millinery,Clothi:ng, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- [1~7] mil not frul to remember the oceas1011 ieferred to by dl"S,, mix 111to a.finQ pO\\dt:t, .ind give the f!POOnful t\\ !CC n day R tabJe. 131, ST JAMES S'IREET, MON TJ\EAL JJIREOTOJ!,S OLD SYSTEM, 'I " uili I w;:i.s a pu<lding,u1nmma" · "'\VliJ' ?' ' jCu;uee I shoul<l h:n c aucl1 lots of sugar put into lilt: 1 ~ ~Jo Red used on a iailioad s1gn1fies tlauge1, and stop It ii-.; tho same thing displ ty e<l on a uiau s nose \Vhy rue the days in aununer lon ~t.: 1 than the tl:ii)S llt \nnter ? Be1·nusc it is lwtter Ill summe1, i.lld huat expands Geo1.;u Saud defines L 'J t1e as ·an iutt.:rn~ 'l'lw dufirntion 1.s p1e,,,1t:ioly the san1!]. fot n. canal bo:it tJ ~vllS]JOlt' t;e11tlcn1an Lhovc .i. so11owful looking ho1f!e tutu Lu~\ u last S ~t1u<la} ,u.ntl stopp1n.; 111 fiont of t hu bank block, he requt>sted a l:iUlii.11 buy to h(Jld hun a moment - , liold huu !' cxc1a1me<l the boy, ·Just lean hnn up against thb po:,tt bat 11 hold 'nn ' 1. .A schoolboy being asked b.) lhc teftcho ho 'W hu ~hvuld flog lnn1 1 Iephed ·IC you plcrusc, su·, I H hould hko to Lave it on the Itahau aystc1ntho..: h en.\y ehokes u1n\.irds, and U1e do\\n one8 li;ht lowa t ells of a s1na1 t w1fc who help c 1 hi l hue ban l to 1 a,ise se\ onty acres of wheat l he " ay she hdpeJ hiuL "as to stand iu tht 11 uut and shrl<c a brou1n ::i.t bun 'd1t:n he sat d o\\ n to rest .An I11sh1nan wi th ~ heavy' btrn rlle on hld 8hou1Jcr, 11ding on t11e fiont of a 1101 .sc C<n \'i!LS .t~k e cl ""}1y ht.\ Lhd not hm bundle on the pl.ttf01 m He replied ' Be\?1£1, the ho1-ses L :i. ve enough to drag 1ne I 'll car1y the b un d! e ' 111 a. ispcc1a.l < ~r, ~a 1Hlence, when thu train t1toppe~l aud t}tld b1al.i·1nan jelled 'Elizabeth 1' A ballet girl to he1 feet, half a":Sleep, and cned ' \Vliet e's Beecher ~· a.nd then Jnd h er face a.ini<l the'S of lan~hter which followed tbt unfor t u11.1te t ~r:>oeiat 1on of names A thelttr1caJ. cou1pan1 '\ u:; do~1ng .A. conte1.npo1a.iy m :; ks ' \\That ate the street l anp1:1 fo1 '>' 'l'he rnau ·who doesn't know a :;treet lamp JS fo1,1a hardly tit to sit in a.n echtor 1 ~1 t.:hau !;Uid 1nould public opuuon la1nps t1u fo1 \' ca1y J-Oung tnen to ice ine aga111:;t at 11 ithu;;,l1t 1 when tb t1y fo1gc:t the \\,iy h o1nc A couteinpoitttj pro1 oses t o pubh~h the ua1nes of n.U the wo10 ~ 11 '\\ho black tht:iu ku11Laud's boots '\\ itl1ouL g1 umbhng, Such won1cn llesei,.e aclO\\n of glmy, part1cula1ly 1f they don't wind up bj polt><lnng off the af0t esa1d husband with tlrn bhtCtdng brueh over the !e~ c Pnnce --> 1 'Wha.t will be Lord ~l1nto 1s pdsii1ori at Ron1e"> 't\-,.1il he be 11 rmruster accredited to the Pope, 01 a m!:'tnLer of the 'Rritish Cabinet? He w1ll De oppos!:'d by the 001 ps Diplomatique, at the head of "lnch the Austua.n AtnbaE;t;ador iH su ~reme, who will be SUPP9tted [if only under band] by his QOUea.gue. These t" o l.,,Ieatr Cathohc power.shave mea.Js in their hands bo 1ufluence the Vai.t:i.can,,"h1ch \\e cannot drea1n competing with ~rhe Probabibty is ~hat io1d Minto will have vely lit!J.e.1eal in,ftuence, an'd will be responflible for every act ot u doubtful nature, and of wl11ch he may ha.' e been totally ignorant. ' rrhc.:sc arc surely very wise suggestions, .uid 013 remarkable M coming from a young man only twe'nty eight years of age. Lord John Ru~sell ~ assnied He1 ~laJeaty, that the \le\\S iixprb~aed in the lnemota.ndum entuely cbu1c1<l ed w1tll the Couroe-of conduct ·wh1clt Lord Pal merston and Jumsd.f had agreed.. tQ recommeu<.l to the:,Que~~ . . · / In a 1 subsequent lette1 to Lord John Rua sell J.\POJl the same subJ ect the Pnnce ob .. serves.' l! Db land has, by he1 own en.ergie~ and the fortunate cucumf.lta.nces ui which she has been placed, acqtnrcd a start tn c1v1lisation, liberty, n.nd prosperity o'er all other countries, Her popular institutions are moet de' eloped and pe.r· fet,1;ed, and ~he ha_;i run through a deyeloptnent wh1c.:h the othe1 count~a.e~ will .yet 1n sµccc~s1on have to pasa: tJuongh, England's m1ssion 1 d11ty l)-lltl 1nterest Jf:! 1 lo~ut he113clf at the helM:l of the dLff11s1un of c1 \ ihzat10n...rutd tbe attrunment of liberty J)'e t hei mode of actmg, however, be that of fostering allirprotectJng every efio1t wfl.<le by a State to advance m that direction, but not of pre68ln.g upon any St.\te an advance which lB not the result of its o"vn unpulsc Cn1iliE! ation and hbera.l 1nstttut1ons must be of org~nu:: growth aild of nationnl development, if they are to prospe1 and lead to the happiness of a people Any stage in that development missed, any Jump made m it, us sure to lead to confusion, and to retar<l, that' cry de\ elop1ncnt which "e J.esne Institutions n ot answering the stato of society for 'vhich they are intended mu:;t '\York ilJ, even if the8e mstitutions should be better than the state that society IS In Let ]l~ngland, therefore, be careful [1n her zea! for. progres-.] not to push any nation beyond its own n.iarc.:b, ,tntl not to unpose uijo11 any na.t1on what that nation does not rt:self produce, but let her d~claro he1self thQ -protcctm a.nd friend of all States i;;nga.ged in progress, and let them act1uue tbat confidence Ill England that me will, 1f neceijstu·y1 defend thetn at her own risk and ex· pense Tl11s '\ill give her the inost :powerful moral pos1t1ou that any country e'er mii'1nta.1n Livmstone's Last Prayer. '!]1'"' fullo\\ ing sonn et,. fruln thp gifted pen of th!) 1lev lhchar<l \.V ilton, 1\:I A , touchingly uefro;s to the " attitude of p1aj·e1 " in" lucb the great plulantiopist '\Vas found nftci l;1s death On his bowed 1..nees u1 ntt1tude of riri.yer, 'Ihey found htm- those lJ1ave .-\.fncans , hlB head Bent low betveen his Ju1.nU~ upon the bed 'l'ht:y hst~ned,bnt no voice thnlleJ. the 111ght a.a, lhey looked, but s.~w no nwtwn anywhere, A.,~t!;k, the) touched lum- hu was co1J ,utd , H.1~ )1vble sp111t up to hea1 en had fled Aud }1;:ft his '\\ cary body kni.::elrng there And there through a.11 tbc ages" ill he kut!cl, A.s if for h1 s lo\ erl Afrwa to plead, Aud ·nth lns outpou1ed lieio hfo appeal To beaten a.nd ea.1-th till GoU and mang1¥C heed And tbnt daik continent, from cast to \\est, 'V 1th r1s1ng ben1n!l of Go1'1pcl h 0 ht ie bl est WALTER SHANLY, E sq, MP, Cha.1 11naau, 'Du1'cAN \.ODONALD, Esq I\fAJUH '!1 E CAMPBJ<LL, CB St lI1ln11 e 'I.1ut IIoNOR:\.RLll Jo11N IIAMJ L'.IO!'i, lfa\\kfi :rvr burg, Ont HRS IDEN I SECRl'l' UlY - .TA>ri s Gn "T S P ECI A L FEA T U R ES. rl'he ]~NrJUE Puo111.::1 b elong to and aredn1d ecl. a1nu11gst the l)ohculwlders LlVEB, DEOLINF,IJ UY OTB.ER CO.llPJ..tHES, or on wluch an cxtia Pre-niiu· m. would be required, can he aasui-ed a.t tlie ordinary of thIB 8oc1ety, uruler a special arranuement SPEOIAL No::or-FoFElTAllLI.a POLICIES rnsuet.1 uuder "b1ch only 101 15 or 20 Annual Pa.y menta requ1l'ed, e~ch payment securing Policy for n. sum as:iuted pro1,01 t1onate to the numbc~ of premiums paul, and /1~e from futu1 ELONG 0°~:ED:C'l'S, L E L E E arid " ill condnct their credit bns1 ncss as follows ALL ACCOUN'l'S "ill be MURDO UH Having decided to rnake a change rn then u usw c,s, .Lt e now sellwg fo1 CASH thei1 large and wel). asso1 ted Stock of Diy Goods, M.illine1y, Clo'thing, C10cke1y and Glasswaie, Jf p RENDERED on the THl~ :Oo:m.inion Oro-an BOW MANVILLE vaymcnt of prcm. iwms. 1.10DERAIE PnEMICM S a nd 1nos t hbeial C(·Jl- P1esent the iollow1ng testrmonia.11\ fro1u coin petent Judges of Organ:t Te~t1moniaJ. fro John Oa1n1dgc, J\'Ius Doc 1 Canlua.r, England Bo"·man'\i1llt1, 24th Dec. 1'-187.c:. H A Co'v N T lst January, 1st May, and lst September e~ety p H A AT AND BELOW COST! ln eac'i and year. In the case 0 1 J..l-fanufu.cturers, Me<ihan1cs, and others, whose accounts may amount to $50.00 or over, then note,tf agreed upoD,\\tll be taken payable at thP- Bank for a state<l peuod. N T The Stock ha\ing been pmd1ased m the BEST ~1ARKET8, buye1 s cau depend on gettmg iVORE .AND BET2'ER GOODS FOR 'PHEJI.R MONEY at tl11s EsLauMuncut rn any othc1 house in the count1y - - - - =- Parents Help1r.g Children m Study _ \Ye' teachers feel that the niJ which p·rents \vtll persist iu g1 v1ng to their children at horne is a gieat hindrance to tl.e1r 1111provemcnt, and, consc11ucnt l) a g1eat 10 Justice done to us 1.'he teache r, for 1nstanc1:1, gn es a pupil ..!:l leseon cons1st1ng of questions on the map. He "ishes h1m to look for tbe an i: \vers h1mself, aPd, by habit, to gain fac1hty 111 find111g places Thq child, 1f he cnnnot had a 1m111ed10.tely, asks the parent to tind1t for hini Ile complies, d1tion1; P1oapectuses 1 Propos::i.l .Form!!? &c , aupr)litid au application at the H cad Unice, or .u1y of the Agencies JAMES AGl?NT l!Olt GRA~T , R ea Secreta1 y 130V{~1.A.NVIJ.I . E, T o the JJfwnago 1$ Donunion Orgtt.n Oo GENTLEMEN - I like to pl~y on you1 Organs t" .e 1s so rnveet and steady .And the '\ orkmuHsnip n.nd fui1ah cxcellef1t, Wlld 1ll eve1y particular they are equal, lf not aupel1or1 to any I h a \e ever heard Hoping thoy \\ill meet pubhc apptec1ation JOHN CAMilJ(, h llel\d the IolloWu iJ fron1 lto"-n. lYEn1rn. 11ow1nanv1lle, Dccetnber 22, 1873 TUE Cash Purchasers A~D Prompt C.DARKEU, To the .J.l!a.nagers of the Dom. niimi Organ Co. GE:.iTLEnE.:-i -I ba~o much pleasure 1n t~s fym~ to the excellent qualities of the Org illlppHed by xou a.t my concert Satu1cln. evening "I he tone is s'vcet and v01y powe1 f and the combination of i:;tops UJOSt mc.'lnnrab I l!lllre your in stn1ments will find fo.vor Clnu chcs, o.s they a1c tnnguli:;rly qda.pted fo sn.ere<l music \V1shu1g :,ou eve1r success, and that U1e public n1ay patt 0111~e n~tive m11nufac tn1 e I rcmn.m Gentlemen, \ 7 tel\ resp£>ctfull y, "Obsorver Office, " King St 23ly llowma,n\ 1lle. June 24th, 1870 Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON (E·tabh·hed 1803- HEAD OFFICES.-1 Old Broad SL , and \\hen, if he liad refu,ecl, the chlld would have lound rt by hnnselt Li[ler a time, and, Pall Mall, London. .\. GE:t;C) F OR C:AN.AIJA - 21 St GENERAL \\bile lookrng !or the pnrhcular place, crament , Montr~ a.I Hl H Stock Large 0 0 THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT UWell Assorted ! U Oltristu?as Goods, Rctisens, Currants, SnAND will alwayF; get gooUs at p1 ices cut :FINl~, as our great rum will be to court this class of trade Payers on credits sho)'t Call Early, and secitre Bw·gains, as tlie whole Stock nmst be sold at once_, j'ai· CASI/ ONLY. would ha1e teen usefulatothert1mes He Fund.a invested m Canad::v- 105,000. would also h·ve been fonnmg tho h·bit of Insurances a.ga1nat loiSS by :Fire effected on self dependence. most favorable terms, and lossea prnd with Take another case A teacher, atter he out r eference to the Board lll L on don.. RIN'rOUJ, BROS. has, HI Lhc class, explained a ce1tain rule in J DODSWOHTH, llllipector. Gen. .A.gou ts, l\Iontrea. ar1thmehc, antl 1nade to perform exaT.Uples under that rule, till the process bas become R LOSCOMBE, Bamster., Agent fu.nnhar, gives the1n so1ne exu.111ples to be for Bowmanv1lle and Vicinity. done out of class A pupil eorelessly makes Bowmanvtllo, Juue 4th. 1860 36 " ould huvc g.untd a general kno\vleclg~ of Subacnbed and invested Cap1tnl and the s1tuat1on of places on the tna.p \\ b1ch Fund. £1,965,000 Sterling U~1-;ei ~ 1 ROSA D'ERil'j~ e Every Instrument Warranted for-5 Yrs H O'HARA, A M DAHLEY President t3owmanv1lle, JrultUt1y 15, 1871 .\. S STOVES, '>plend1d vaiiety of fm \\ ood or coal Cook, Hall, l'arlor, and Box JOHN McLEOD & CO Bo .v1nn.n\ ille, Septembcr4th 1873 .J!I E s is uow complete with t h o choicest SllflJly of gat·s, Peels, etc. 9 etc., cit all P1·ices. Manager MURDOCH B'ROSm Bowm.lllville, Dec 24th, 1874 J.yp o3 rul6 AI. W' A YS GET R. ~I:RS'r-CLA.SS. j Just Arrived. nusLakes in doing them The teacher mo 43-39 4\V fJ.113.lnt old g( 1~tle1na1 1, of an a<.:tive, bL1u1ng ed' 1.11spos1t1ou, ha<l. who was at work inhIB i:ro the san~e effect the Priuce 'vi;,ot e on an t- nrdun, was qn1te thl.l JcVt:tse 'Jone!'.!,' c;nidhc, 'did you evet see a. ana1l" 'Ce1tan1 J),' t;,iid .Tones ' 'J her1. 1 ' sa.1d the old 1nau, 'you ll llb t btt \ e n1 ct hnn fo1 you uould never have 11 1 ()J lak en liun ' other occa.e1011 . 'Vc ai e frequently inchii'ed to plunge States into const1tnt1onal i efo1)ns-towa.rds which they ha\ e no 1nchna.tiou..... Th1t1 rI hol~ po be qv!tc w1ong [v,de Sp,tm 1 Po1tugaJ, Greece,] although it is Iio1d Palrnersto~·s hobby, but, on the. l i thu1 ,' 1ephed .~ Uuno eul 1 tea.1~ tu hei othe1 ha.nrl, I tna1ntaan that Eigland's true 1 1 , yo11 rn.ny JU.Wand Ja.w1 and howl a.nd rip po1nt1on I"' to be the defence and support [die 11d tea1, but 1'11 tnarry John Ste\\arl1f I die Schutz ~llacht] of States, 'vhosc independent de· 11 1I it \.11d the old man leaned back a.ncl ie.ibz. \ elop1uent Ii! sought to be nupeded fro1n \\ ith\Ctl lLat he might as well try to pull a. locoruo ouJ; ' ti \ e np hill [l'o be Contmued J .\. ]: ieneh bntchet who '.VM on h1fJ de,ith bed said t.o his ..,,1fe, 'If r-die, Francmse, you must lna.11} our shop boy llc1s a good young man, 1;111d the business cannot be cal'riea on ·w ithout a uiau to look after it ' 1 I have been th1nk.h1g alio11 t tha t alrc~dJ ,'said his "ife. For the followrng Insurance Companies, and and thus encourages useless habits. other Inst1tut1ons, viz rrhe QUEEN Fire and L ife Iusurance ComAgain, tu ar1thmEt1c a.nd algebra., proble1ns are often given, concern1ug which pa.ny. Oapital £2,000,000 $100,000 depof.utecl with the Dom1n1on Government, for the protcc there a1e no particular directions 1n would tell bun to loo], till he found his mistake and conect 1t. 'l his would be a good me~tal dlSciphne He takes the example to his parent, who-fiu<ls the uustake for h1m, James McFeeters. AGENT W. BELL & Co's. \Vhwb ui 1873, at the Pro\ incia.l ]'a11, beat e' cry .Amen can aud Oanachan 01 g ~n, taking tho FIRS'l ' PRIZJ} A li:;o t he u:u o,., n erl at the n. 1;plend1d as s.01 tincnt of ------- ---- --- NEW MILLINERY. Al·o o lot of t11e ders 111 Cailada The ISOLATED RISK 1' J r e I nsurance Coni boo!., but the benefit ol which consists m pany of Ca.nado. Oap1tu.l oooioo.o - Oue of the the thought wh1oh the pupil 1s obh~ed to best and cheapest Companies do1ng bus1nefJs 111 the Domuuon, for Fanners and I solated Risks with a Sa,.ings Bank department 1 exercise in regat(~ to the manner in w h1ch they are to he solved. In euch a case, if the HALLETT&DAVIS PIANO [Boston ] 'Vhich ha d takeL REAL HAIR. FANCY GOODS, & Also a la1gc stock of A BIO is now 2ag1nJ a t The CANADA LANDED CUED IT CO'Y. Housekeeper's Department. 'rhe UNION AND PERMANENT Dmldmg poreut tells J11m how to do them, dces be and Sa\ ing s Society. not HlJUre Lis child 1 ."ho, then, bas reason Thef!e latter inBtlt\1tlol!lB a dvance Loa.ns on to complnm,- tbe parent or the teacher, Real Estate, on terin6 unusuallv easy fo1 the wnose efforts to d!Smplme the mmd of the boITOViEt? Bowmanv11le, J<'eb, 6th, 1873 pupil are rendered unavailing by the interlerenee of the parent ! But the parent mil reply, 'If I clo not as<~st my child, he will Stamps for Braiding and Em- - o- THE KING OF broidery. TIELEVENS J IFA , S HIONS for Sprmg 1ust to hand. usual. lose lus 111arks or brs-stand1ng J U the class.' acked 1Vheat,- l!..,or a. p1nt of era.eked grain, If you have comuntted the tra1n1ng of your A~D have bvo quarts of wa.te1; bo1hng in a smooth child to the JUU1c1ou s. teacher, he w1Jl not non pot over a quick fire 1 stir 111 the wheat make him lose cre<l1t because, atter having 'l'i ttRlHLE - A Danbury girl reue1\ t:)d.u. po1ous slowly , boil fMt and constantly for the fir~t worked a sufficient tnue ovet a problem, he plMter in .~ goigeous en· elope bca.nng a mono half hou1: of cooking, or unt1l 1t begins to tbwk bas not been able to solve 1t He will regi,tm Abo11t ten o'clock that night the ownt:r en and " pop up , " then hft it from the quick \\ arU him fvr the eltorti 'v hethe1 tbnt ~Hort ut that n1onog1 am, staJu.hng disrobed before his fir<;, and place the pot where the wheat will J~~~ anl\ed, and fo1 Sale, at 1,he aLo~e tl.epot is successful or not lt the pupil bas made til e, prepitr,\tory to &pply1ng a i:er.nedy ).,o lns book slowly for an hour longer. Keep lt cov New Fruit and Con;ectwnerys, eltest, fa1nteJ. deal!. away on dra.w1ng frotu a pa ercL1 closfly, stir it uow and then, a.nd be care a nu.stake through cureles~nes"', nia k1ng h1n1 lose his marks "ill Le the be;,t 'vay to n1ake pe1 & 1nass of p -1.pe1 ,rnottoes and fl.o'\\ eis There ful not to let it burn at the bottom \\,.heat cooked thu~, is much sweeter and him more careful another tune l\<lX nn fJle 111 the pM101 Sund~T evenmg nchcr t11an 'vhen left to s11ak and s11r11ner fo1 Again, how n1an) parents help tht:tr _\.n ex change gets off tho following- on delin hours, as many think necessary 'Vh1te "litiu.t clnldrcn in \\I1l1nJ compos1t1ons, thus DATES, FIGS, LEMONS 1 ciu~nt subsvubcns Looking over an old led cooks tho easiest '\Vhcn ready to <l1sli out, ha\ e OBANGES 1'0 A.BB. VE not only p1evcnt1ng the111 from str('11gtben· your ID6ulds morntencd with cold 1"ater, CO\ el 0 c1, '\\ e see a long arr.ty of names of for mer sub Eat \\it.Im 01 iug the po,vers of their 1n1nds Uy exercise, Soft :Shell Almunds,l l'ilberts, B1 a.i l and 1Vall i;c.:11bt..:i;s who are lndchte<l to 11>1, Sumti of tL.e1u lightly, an~ SQt in ~ co:>l place E'uts, l(ciller't; J.lf<.i..rrnalude, TVest Indic t, Lut teaching the1n to trv to (}ccet'\ e then ha' c 111oved a.way ancl at:e lost to sight, .i.lthough 'Cold with milk or sugar Preserved Ginger) Peass, Phutis, 1 O· teacbe1s I say trj, Jar the e:xpe11cncod lo m en1ory dem arc ca11y1ng the con 1hotluir.ll6 Dropl:J - Ont.1 01111c~ al cohol, t\\ o matoes. & }Jeaches 1 G1 ecn l)ea1,; , tubution boxes 1u our most re~pectable chui:ch- tl1acbms Cayenne p epper, ot~e ounce kcioseue teacher \\Ill not often be deceived If he Green Corn & J,im.a Berens l.! S, .inLl othcis nga111 ha\ e died and .tre ftngels 011, let it sta11d t'\entJ four hours n.fter m1x.1nJ is JUd1c.ious 1 he v;1ll gne tlic pnp1l 110 credit Our Domimon Excelsior Raspberry Vin iu hcr.,ven- but theyo\..:e11s JuStthesRmc ' It ~u1es the waist toothache ever known. for whit he hasdo11c \\Ith thea~s1 s tance of egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Sf!a. }'o[tm. Pw -Take a. lemon,gro.te the Vt":el, anothe1, Uut will renanl h1n1 tor his t:xerTomato Sauce and Pickles .A. u Ini:ilnna.11 \vent in Lo a gin tn1l1111 Louis squee~ the pulp a.ud JUlCC into a. bowl-b~ 1;1u1 e tions1 however tnany faults there may lie The) ha' r. comr. anu arc coining, at th e l 1uit \J1le, t ook a drink, ca1nc out lle stoo<l a few ])epot to r -s1no\ c 1.:\ crJ seed, to. wbith u.<ld a teacup in tb~ style, rfhe OhJCCt is, not to have a 1)" nHnntes, when 'things com1nenccd \vork1 ful of "lute :.iug~~r, one of ntw nulk 01 watei, a SHJ<~LL & SHELLED OYSTERS lTt grn.bbcd hH1 st01nach, t\\lsted h11:s face out of well written e>sa y copied by the pupil, uut tablespoonful of coru 1:1taich and the yolk of two shape, 1ushed back into the gin mill and shouted to teach ln1n to ex:ptl::SS )11::; 01.lill thoughts QUALITY is lfw test of CIIEAPNL'SS cgg13 v. ell beaten , pon1 this m1xturP. into a. 111ce to the tbu bar~cn<.lt:l1 'Sa), I axe d ye for wh1s 'l'. DARLING'l'ON pa.ste must an~ bake slowly. Beat the wb1tcs \\ ith lac1htj l.. ey, au' ye g;1\e Jnc the wiong bottle, hand r c \\HHJH\ 11lt JJec Hh.1 873 nD tr of two eg~ to a stiff froth, a.nd when the pie 18 But it tu.ty bi.: sa.1d that llll tcuchc1s are ·ne ~b bariel o' wnte1, until I pour it down an , Jltst <lone, pou1 it over JUl:lt to stiffen, not bro \\ n not ]Ud1c1ous in rega1J totlus tb111g The11 d1own the torchlight procession that's go1n' '1'ap wnt Blu11<.:>na nyc. -H~ a pounU of tap1 let the patent se11d hni ...I 1ld 1o one that. is, through me thi s blissed mnnt Ouh r 1ntu tLer, oca soaked f< r one hour in a p111t of 1n1ll1.., Boil and e\ en if tb1s 1s 11npo::s1blc, \vould it uot J m on fire in nnd the)~ 'put hun out ' till tonU.e1, sw~eten to taste, and vour it into .t liESli l\1..r.\.llKS ..4-RE 'I HE CIIl~AI>EST, be lJetter to let lHm lose 111s ruarkis or 111s the most la.at111g, the 10.aat tl oublerome, and ' 1 n e cer1t8 frue foi thn.t child, 1na.d uu, ' inould. '\¥hen cold1 turn lt out an<l ser~c. 1t 1n stani11ug 111 the cla~s thnn to l et Ii Hu loae inost complete t:vei: mvented 'l'hey aro u sed a i;tteet car conductor, as be opene<l tile door a dish with 3an1 around 1t, and a little Cl ean1,or and recommended by ruany of t h t best Bi eedti1s the bentl1ts of prup~r me1.1tal d1 ~ c1pbne l on ot b1ttci: almond v;1thout til11 pu t lns head into the car ' 1 V~e 1 y '\\ell,' flavored. w1t.h lcrn. in the United States n.11d Canada, ~uch as G B. AN Ex1 EillC:Nc: J u fmACll.t.:Jt I t'he 1cphed, feehng 1n her pocket, · tLis is t ll J lll1 or ci:eam Loring, Salem, ~las s , Pi:esid~nt 1'1e\'i England Wool Gro\vers' Somoty, John S Ross, Ilenno 011.han child, nnd T'm lts guardiau 1 n1ust French Stau; -~have the cab_bace as1ur utJ.ier pin, Ill., l1rofessoJ. 1'.L ifilcs, of the Stat e J\.g llL)lAR Ji...K lw.\ ea receipt for 111 moneyA prud uut, aucl as slav;. To oue pn1t of cut c1:1.bbage, ha.\ e three r1cultural College, Lansing, }iich , H ou Goo Tbet:e pn1nl13 are ""ell 1n.td1.:, and \\ c ha\ e Brown, Ioronto, Out , John Suell Echnonton, :;non a.& you wnt<: one I'll drop n tut kel 11::. the eggs bolled ha.ld, mash the yolkt1 with a spoon, On eat..:h 11,Jurk 1$ stampetl. the O'\\ner's box ' He shut the doo1 a.nd l1::ane1l O\ ru the and uld gradually oue wwe gla.,elt{ul of_o1l. thttn but ou e sugge stion to ad<l Clnl<l e 1 should Out. uawe and the Sheep's number 'l'ht1y will be bieaJ.. hke a man in <lep thought oue of vinegar, one t~e..spoonful of CO'WJU9U not bt: ret1u1rr.:d nor perw1tted to take any sent free, by mail, 01 express,for only fc ur 1.ents mustard, salt and CaJ enue pepper to the taste books llome frorn s<;bool, nor to learu anJ each, and'\\ ill la1:1t for l\\ENl 'i 1 El.ARB Du11ng a. l.!Onven;atiou bet,veeu t\1 o c1t.1lellfl I>our the llll :-;,ture O\ er the c,tbU.tge an( ~... Oaah must aceompa.i1y all 01ders lessons, nor to nute con1pos1t1ons out of 4Jf De~ro1t, one of them o. w1dower, rema1ked, AJWIIIBALD YOUNG, Ju, '\'\-Cll s1.:bool Six hours a <luy in school ts tin1e 'I ha.,. o Jni:it r!lturn( d from Elm'\vood, Cemetty Sarnrn,, Ont The best tlnn,.{ £01 obapved hand~ .ind, enough for childten to Uo emplo~ed in n.nd I feel do1vnhea.rteJ. ' 'Yes it makes a mn.n 01ders adch e;i.f.1 <1 to the ].f J't W.HN c and 0.s 11 e lJ::l, Glycerine 1 oz. , Carbolic Ac1c.l l ch , Ro feel sad to , icw the grave of a. lost loved w1fe,' study and rec1ta t1 ons Apply this rule, SI~nvEn Office, foz any quantity, " il.f'be tilled fL t "\\11.E the leply 'Vliie- gia\e 1' ex~atmcd the \Vater 0 dr!i , ro1x, and apply ft. httle to the a.nd thtne will bf' no further <l1scus1non of tbe abo·e mentioned puce, a e r1u1ckly a s he Mat ks can be n1 ~de n.nd sent fho;t, 1 \\hy,I\\r.'\S\l!J t hat v;aytocollccts01ne face andllanda..a(tcr :-it 011 wa!4h and dry the skin the q Lleshon so well ans\\ ercd by ".c\n ex: a B A.RK:F.It, money ft om a f.ello d \\ho hn.s been ow mg rue for -or n"e the Ca1bohc Soap, "'Inch IS both mna pe11enccd teacher " - N Y Observer 130\\tna.nville.Dec 28th 1871 . ml3 ly t 1vo n.nd\e I\ yeal, and I conhln't get a rod " ·1 [, TUust1 ati,;rl Household ..ilfaga... uie] FRUIT, SEWING MACHINES, - - o-n ot a Sub, 0 1 un dc1 .A.!Jcnt, but Juw the spee1u.l aJency fol the above~ I am prepa.xe<l to exchange P1anoa fur Org u.ns, Orgau::i fut Melodcons, also Sewing Madnnt:s, on r easonable terms !\..dd1ess, lS Confectionery Depot. · WHOLSALE and BETAIL MRS. A. FLETCHER Bo,.,ma,.nville, Ap1117th,1874 N B - 'l he 8ubsc11be1 BOWMANVILLE Choice Lemon, Orange a.nd. Citron l?eele, J S DONEY, T":t lt0i'i£i P 0 Ma.chine a.nd. Implement Manufactuing Co Jan. 15th, 1875 G 6mo8 Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. A1t0Uw1 ea1 ]oa.U of t11 e oJJo\ e nobli .l.l t1L lcis uu aud he ts determined to contrnue to sell at these 1 mnously low cheaper than the cheapest Why he can do 1tFn st, he buys fo1 cash and kno\\ S just how to buy! Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, h e manufactuies Thud, he is satisfied with small p1 ofi t.~' Fomth, he sells fo1 casl1 , Fifth, he sells at bottom pHces Ma,nufa,ctures of CA.LL AND SEE FOB AND - o-- YO UDSELVES~ WOODIAND IRON BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exauune the stock, \\lnt:li c.o1nvi1ses e' crytlnn;;, 111 the h ade, of t h!) vet v l.~te st aud niot.t elte · Lll stylos ~\lld patterns, of, Canadian, a..nd .A.111crican 1Tianufactu1e, "' Ht- still continncs Lo 1ua1n1factu1e tu 01de1, fiom the best of matc u aJ, .~ud nctii but huit cl.tss "01kmen kept WORKING MACHINERY. --o-- o- tho "l\) · P1cnse call t\t the NEFJFELtS Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He hns 111 BO\VMANVIL LE Farm Implement Forwarding Agency H W JAMES, I<111:; St ' 130'\\ JU Ul\ illt:i Bowtl lltllV111e, Dec v, 1872 n LO Double Turbine Water Wheels, ,1!Jd stock au cndlces v a11et v of Leu.hes' an<l Geut1:.' & r atoga 'l i'llnks, \ .,hsD-t, which he is selltng cheap fo1 en.s h - - o- &1 , i ll nf Rcmember the Stand "llIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St M. TRELEVEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks T SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. T I~fE Castin gs of a.ll Xind.s MONEY au<l LABO I.:. !:!a·ed 1 JJ'1 c1idt Oil Pol11;1h '1'111~ Ii':rench Oil Poh~h is pre £01 Ca111agcfi, Buggies, llarness, Boots ~hoca, and all ku1ds of Leather. lt ~ i ll REPAll{S douo on tho TO THE '¥ALTER vVIGG lfi' r l !Jitoted and give any a1ticle of I.,eathe1 1 a most bri lliant ap pe::nancG, and at the tnne, f1ou1 its oily pl operties, t(.luds uiuch to prei:;er\ e it, 1t \/ill al \\ a.)is be wornt .~uU i)ltaut, aud uu~y be e" pobc<l to " ate1 and ,., u.?;hed, anU v.111 n ot lose its br·ll1 ance, and it lB not to be fe:ue<l that any cru~t "ill settle 011 sa1tl L ea.t h et ,., hen p1 t>!':lt:i..: ed '~ ith the abov e Oil l!'or the \\ooJ·work of Bu~gies, Uaruages, and }1urrutuu,, there i s not a bt!lit~r at tide a uise ~lanufactured by A S1l1UN & Co , Tanners l'l.nd Om?:.aers, fvrmerly of }.,ranee, no\\ of l?l11lo.delph1u., P.i.., Instruct1ons-Shakl:l bottle A fe,, drops on a p if!Ce uf sponge.apply it h ,;htlyto t11e leatl111, anrl you will obtn1n th e f1nc st lustre Price 75cts per bottle,01 ~7 50 p~r dozeu .fO .lf!S S:\:C ..AL:B, Sole Agent, flO\\ · man ville J (~SON, J>a.. -; 1, f iv0~ 1 "'I .ret.u.rulllb tha.uks to thcu 11u!lli;1ous cul:iloun.:11:1 a:ud the public gcuc1ally, fuJ. I N-would respectfully ite theu out present stock of furn1tme as we ha' e lately addeJ. tbert:to. th1J.t we may the1eby be cnu.bled to supply all pn.rties 'vho may \il t <.1. ~e to fa.vor him w1th a. ca.U Great inducements held out to tbos~ purr.:h us1ng at our estab 1sbu1u1t P1i.; tures, J.,ooking Glassei:s. etc srameU to 01dcr 1 atHl 111 every tit yle Sa1uplei5 of th e d1tfe11::ut k1nd of Mouldings can be seed at the '\Vare roo1u ,.,,,o '\~ ould ubo beg to mfo1m J ou 1 t l1 L';, ha.vwg pu1uha"-eJ. a attention to l 'Ve Lave uo'\ ou hauJ ~ hi,rge fJ.Uant1ty of Common and Gang Plows, that will b e s'Jld at SPLEND LD NEvV HEARSE, we shu.11 be l curly at a 11 time!:! to 1Lttend funerals, on short notice aud r ea"ollnbh tc-1u ~ ::-.r. B - Coflim·i kept on h ~nd and made to 01der1 at the LOW PRICES ti NEW D01lfINION RE'l'AIL FURKITURE WARE-J.W (J,1[ h:.~;wa 1 J uly 16th, 1874 41 6 mos Bo\\mam1Jle, M:uch G 1873 AT THE SHOP. King Street East, Oshawa. Aug 26th 1 18i0 _

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