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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 21 May 1875, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. C1rcula.tea largel y rn the 'l'ownshipe of Darling· ton, Ola.rke and Cartwright, It i8 a common platforn1, open to the free discussion of all quea· ns 111 wluch the general public are concerned. TERlIS, WEST DURHAM Steam Job :Printing O:Bice, Knrn STREET, BOWMAl..-VILLE. fcnnlJ f'e c<r1< rn nn n ind ver,' $2.00. 1 vance. ·rhe ·Merchant' and 'ObserUA 'l'~!:i Oll\ ADV i!oll'rISCNG, AND GENERAL ADVERTISE VOLUME YI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1875. HUMBER · XXXIV. '>·[ ffalf <lo. <luartcr do. J5 'f rausient ach·crtisements,5 cts per line first 1n· e1 hon, and 2c per hne, each B"ubseauent c.J:lie lue colun1n 45 per annum. "" POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ! Trains will leave Bowruanv1lle Station, Bo.\·1n anv1lle time~ as followa: GOING W.t::S'.1'. GOING EA.ST. Local .l!:xpress11- , 7 22, a, 1n. 9 27 a.m. I Exvre~s l\'faxed ., , 8:20 a,n1. 4:05 p.m. .Mixed excepted, ·rho fol1ow1ug trains now stop at Saxony for aS8f.!ng1.::10 ·Local going \Vest, due at . 7 .30 a. m :M1x.ed gmng cast, due ut .3 .40 p. m ~1xerl gmng \Vest, due at .2.55 p. Ill Local g01ng east, due at ... 7.45 p. rn I\fontre11l tnne. }f onll,\)!:l . . 2·30 p. m. I Local .. 7 55 p .n1. J~xpress .. 9 00 p. 1n. J Express ~1.00 pm. *Th1s traia runs every morn1ng of week, I Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGE UY---SILVER ST. G'.f/" :-iight <.;a.lls g'(Hy, O l answered at Dr B ')yle's old Sur. at lJ1 l{e1d'a resulence BoTVmnn\ illc, Jan,, 1875. 16-tf. l Tni ver.sityofl\i!us1c Full Assort~ent of Good, Fresh, and Re· GRADUATE Fntnchhip, Ne\'i Y" ork. ufB~t~tM I Prof. J. Ruse, Teache t of P and Organ, cultivation o Voice, Srng1ng, ~cro ugl~ Ba.sf.I, Ha1ruo11y CompoiSit1011, &c. Darlington, July 1tith, 1874. 41-ly a. PJBA.TB, TAILOR . MADE IN 'l'Jll' Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments J'\EWEST Bowmauvill~, STYLES. July, 27, 1869. R R LOSOOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, 13UL101J'OR JN CffANOJIJBY, &c 0FFWE:1 -0\>·er )fcClung's Stoi:e sa.n1e flat [1.,8 J . ~I. Brimacomb's D ent()l Ro01ns DowmauYille, Oct. 27th, 1868. ly MARRIAGE l $Sl1 J~IJ LICENSES Jn: ROBERT ARMOUR .MARRIAGE LICENSES. JOH)! H fl YKO~T. Lot i, 6th Co11 .ll DatllllCl"ton, fnear Bt:ithes<lnc Church] fa duly .auth011zed to 1e1:1ue ¥arringe Licen~ea. I>a111ngto1 L, Nu\·. 1.9, 1874. m8·tf, 1\IR "\V. H. v'{ILSON, BOWMANVILL£, Genea.l Agent fol' P JANOS, ORGANS, MELODIANS unr~ SA'lVIN(f MAG IIJNES Raymond Sewing Machine A SPE CIALITY. .f1mtiuot1on givon, and lnst1u111ents a11d J,i!a c h l m;!S gu<i-r,cnteed nowm <1nv1lle. June 18, 1874. AUCTIONE ERS /i'uJ' the 1'ownshvp of Darlington. II. T. PHILLIPS, ~~VD:J.. HA}1P'l'0N. L'1 ompt ,ttLt11tion given to sales, &o, on reason· able terms. · Barton, lt.',YNlSKILLE ... Y. =:u L es ]Jro1nptlyattended to on reasonable te;tms. ALLAN L!tU STEAMSHIPS. ~'10TI. 'l'ickets, 01 ink1matiop, apply LiverRf!O l London, and Glasgow to W. A. 1'\EA DS, .A£1tl1tl. Bowmitnville, ,Tune 9th, 1871. tf-30 COM:E and SEE ' Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. Mrs. Mason, HAMPTON B1::1gs to luforru tl·" pl lhl fo , tlia~ i5be has ;ust re· ce1ved a s\)lendid new assort1nent of .!J"'ancv Goo<la, De1 in ';\loofa, etc, which she will sell a"t a.slow price as they can be bought for else .vltt1e STA,1_llI"'I~rG done on SllORTEST N01'1CJJ..' !Jct 8th 107 4. 2-3mos. -- -- ' w. BUNNEY, Fall &Jfinter-Dry Gootls A LARGE LOT OF BUILDER, ETC. Be:!,'1! to return tha.nks to ht ~ ftiends ior the s11p purt bt:i h a~ iecd.,.1-:d t he past two years 1 aud hnpes, by cout1nucU Eltlict pernon,il n.ttent10n to bm:nncss, and wo1k1ng <Lt the nioat reasonable IJrJeer.i, to enf-l 111(1 a contanui;i.ucf.! of public patron· age 'V B is piepared to bu1ld hou~es, etc , on thsroost mo<le1n ~tyle of a1clntecturc. Job bmg- p1omptly attended to. P lans anU specifi. cations got up on apphcation, on the 1nost rea· sonablc terms, and of everv deS1Jn.vtiol1. Office nud Shop, Ontauo Street; nea1ly oppos1te ~fr. '[' l~nwd en's. lo ly. Bvwu1anv1llo Due. 24tll, 18i4. LADIES' a,nd GENTS' FtrllS CHEAP. New Tailor shop, JOHN HEAL, L Y CO'\VLF., begs to in· fm.rn the puhlic generally, that he hn~ c..:mn. men ccd business in the Shop next to the }~J<"· ~r ein Olhuo, one do01· cast of ,1 . .Ivldne's. Jiav1ng hatl se~eral Jears e:xperienCfl in the tr.W.e, he hopeM to satisfy all who iuay fa\ or hirr1 with a call .A'l'E \Vll~ H }!" GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowma.U'i1Ue, Sep, 4th, 1872. m49-tl. J. CHAPLIN, DE.-\L~Il IN 1"1 wt a1ul 0!',wmentcit :J.'teu, Seed.;;, Bulb ~, P'lowt:/i'8, &<.: , &!e . }h· 0 . gua1auteer:1 to furoish uotlun~ but Fnst-cla1:1s tiee6, and true to 1u1.ou.1i;. "'.\.ddres .., P. 0 . .Box 55 Jan 22n.d, 1~75. bp·ly in17-o4. PRICES MODERATE. H. ELLIOTT JUN To Mastera of :ti. O. L T..s A:-;Il( B &c..:., &c , cun be regul0ir rate". tJER1'[F1CA"F~S, .t\.pplica.tions proc111eJ attlus office, at Bowm·nvtlle, July 7th. 1873. so good and noble. Every one esteems him. 'I don't bke those glaring hues,' said ~Irs Raybu1n bad ideas of her own 011 Human Nature He bas but one ta ult-he is proud.' Robert. 'rl'hts is niy choice ;'and be took the f:!UbJect ot party-givJ ng, ancl her pnrtie::i, Virginia. n1ade a little i1upa.tient move· a. pure, delicate tea·ro~e f'ron1 the basket, tn consequenc1·, ·were an in,·a.ria.ble su~cesa DY USOLl!:. DICK. A Man with an Aim. ment, and a ring dropped on the gravel and placed it in her rich lock·. Then they She ;1ever invited more guests than her Tht: re is a strange disposition in human AT Give me a man with an aim, path from her hand, rose together, and want to ·pcnk to Sophia house would hold, neither would she try nature, either blin<llv to tread the same Whatever tha.t nim may be, 'There J' she said, aa she stooped to pick Lane a.nd her hneband. the te1upers a.nd endangel' the toiJ ets of her paths that have been~ travelled by otht:ts~ \Vhether it's wealth or whcthe1 it'a fame, it up, 'I shall lose that ring ton certainty, ' \Ve are glad !t'Ir. Lane arr1ved in t1rne lady friends in the scramble of a stand-u p or to stnkc out into the niost devious e1'.· It matters not to me. some day.' to accompany you,' 1frs. Rayburn was sa}· supper. ~foreover1 she did not beheve in travagtncies. 1~bere is no portion uf social Let bun walk in the path of right, 'It looka too valunble to be loosely worn,' ing, and the wife's smile and deltghte<l re· amateur waiter~, and the best attendance !ite, which affoids nlore real sahataction Aud ktiep l1is aim ill a1ght 1 --o- -ply seemed to imply that all the zest of the tLat could be procured) was added on ~ucb than the honors passed iu rational a.nd un~ said Sophia. Ancl \\ork and tn -!l.y lll fn1tlt aw:iy, 'Yes; the device fa pretty,' replied V1r~ occasit'n l\-·01J.ld bo wa.uting otherwise. \V1th bis eye on the s:htter1ng lw1ght. occasions to her own well train~ U. fa.uiily reseJ\'ed conversati on. It opens our views, A Full Assortment of ginia, carelessly replacing lt on her finger, Sophia) in the l>luu dress, and looking ra· servants. She bad seen too n1any due rois· and bringa the fac nJt 1e.a of reason, into tnore Give 1nc a roan who s11iya, 1 and holding out her hand, 'Robert gav 1 it d1ant, was leaning on her hue hand 's arn1. haps at the hands of awkward. young inen, vigorous action und ideaa are brouglit lu ' I will do somothrn~ well, n1e. The initial Jetters of the stones form She was a chm1nutive creature, and 1t ·would or still n1ore awkward ~help,' too tnauy light, which would otherwise probably have A 11d make the fl eeting days A story of labor tclL" his name-ruby, onyx, beryl, emerald, have suitedhcrootterto take ho!dofti1· hand, plates of ice·crearn deposited on silk d1essea lain still in the recesse~ of the mind. '!'hough the auu 11e lu~s be 1:1tri,.ill1 now to hand, GOOD and CHEAP. ruby,topai. I must have it altered to fit me for he waa a tall, stout man, with a type of to the despa1r of their horror·&t1cken Uut 'l1hinking ia one of the least exeiciaed lt is better than non3 at all, when I go back to town.' countenan~ tlrn.t is usu ally termed 'Jolly.' helpless wearcr~ 1 too many handsome car· privileges of cuhivateJ hurua.nity. A nund VV1th somet3ing to d0 all t:he ~l! <lol" tbtongh, After this, Sophia led the way back to He was far from handsome, and not par- peta ruined beyond repair. So, u.11 were long habituated tu a certain set of objenh1, H e \dll nol 1:1tumble or fall, the parlor, where the bnby had been intro- ticularly wise, but his wife thought him con1fortahly seated, and nim1;1y 'vuited on 1nsensible becomes fond of serving tbem , April 22, 187.3. But S[l.tan a snaie dLJced, and was now the centre of attract· Apollo nnd Solon rolled into one ; and anJ. 110 lamentations followed uext morning visits them fron1 habit, and parts from them For the foot uf tbor:11.c: who st1ay, lion. though he wus already nnddle-aged, she de- over stained and trodd.en silks, so1lr.d car· v..ith reluctu.nce. Hence, the avarice of the \V1th never a thought or oi.. can~ Mrs. ]<;Jington had been fully prepared lighted in calling bim 'Charlie,' as if he pets and battoied furniture. '\\'here the path 1na.y lead away. ~ 1 old 10 eveiy kind of posetissions. 'Ve love for interesting d:umlosures on the pait of the were a boy. The rua.n who hatb. no &lhl, weove I A long row of tables, exlcndrng down lhe the world nod nil it produces dd ' . Not only leaves no name doctor's wife ; but, to her smprisc, that lady Knowing all the guests of the evenmg, centre f tne 1r· tn1ng·room, acc.omn10 ate life, and nll its advautuges, not because it - - -:o:·- - 'Vhen this life,s done, but ten to one declared she knew of no engagement. she made a sort of triumplial progress the DlRJOrlty ol the guests, but in the back gives us pleasuie, but because we nre He leaves a record of shame. ' It is true, that Mr. !\ofnxwcll is 'Tcry oft- tbiough the roon1s, introducing and exhib- parlor wore placed several small round :ah- habituated to it. We look around "ith Give me a man whose hea1t en at our house, and that Virginia frequent· iting her Oharhe, who, his round face beacn· !es, each capaule of holdmg half a doicn discontent, and displeased with our abotlt:o Is filled with a.mb1tion's fire , These Mrs. Ray bur11 called her ly takes & walk with lum,' said she; t but 1ng with sat1sfactt0n, allowed bimselt to be persons. yet the length ofour captivity only in~reaae; '\Vho sets his :m..'1.rk in the start, 'Society I1:1lantls,'. and they were greatly in she will not let me hrnt at anything of the led hither and thither. our fondness for tile cell. The t1ees we .And moves it higher and higher. kind. 'If we girls were to marry every 'Silly little tbrng !' sa1d the young ladies reque·t, especially nmongst the older peo- have planted, the houses we have built, or netter to die iu the etnfe, . man we wke a country walk with, there ' What can sho see in t!·· t fat old man to ple, who would get up snug little. parties of the posterity we llM'e begotten, all ·erve to The h(lJ)dS with labOr rife, then own, an<l be merry after a subdued request to ll.JlllOunce that they have just to hn,nd, >L Than to glide with the stre<W.1 1 in an i<lle would. be hard times for us,' ehe aays ; bu.~ such a fuss over 1' brnd us clo,er to earth. Life sues the young But the older ones liked 11. They 1ashion 1 upart from the more uproarious fun like a new acqualntance. .A.nd lh e a purposeless life. [dream, ind·ed, l should like it, of all thing·.~ To u@, who are · Neither was Robert hims.If l!lote com- thought such affection ns thot might be at the large table. declining in ytara, it like an old As the doctor and Robert entereil the mun1ca.t1ve, though .Yrs. Lane, the first trusted to stand the test of time. friend. It has no new story to make us time she sav; him, attacked him with tho Robert looked on, and thought it beauti- hall, the hoscess met them. 1 s1nile, no nt'v improvernt!Dt with which to 1 I aw so glad you are come. How is the littfe patron1z1ng air young matrons are apt fnl. He wondered if 1l1rginia would Jook surprise, yet still n·e love it, and feel all the TOO WELL MATO~ED; OR THE to assume toward the!? bachelor friends. up to him hke that, after they had been poor little baby 1' pohn1ancy or final auguish iu the scpar~ LOST RING. 'Bette1·, dear. Will do \rnlL Is supper atiou. He aumired the beauty and attractions of marrrnd a year. A ye~r ! it seemed long Mias Foirfax, but would not acknowledge time to anticipate, and they were not mar- ready 1' "!'here they go as uaual J' said Mrs. Ed- any deep peroonal interest m her, ried yet. 'Sllpper is teguo. Dancing is hungry ington, looking from the lopg parlor-winALSO The Five Great Exhibitions. .About a week later, Sophy was playing But he resolved not to wait any longer work, yoo know, so I thought beat 11ot to dow across the flower-beds o[ her pretty with her baby in her own room when her than was absolutely necessary. On the wait. I have put George at the head of the garden, ' What a beautiful couple they Tho London Ttnus i'BJS : "Tbe 1 Gieat mother entered. morrow he would speak to Mr. Roy burn, long table, and Mr. Edmgton at the foot, 1 are, and the most perfect match I ever ixhib1t1on of 1851, held in London, \\as 'The R·yburns aro going to have a and after his consent und that o[ Y1rgima's but tbere aro places for yon and Mr. Maxaaw !' 1 opened on the l~t ot May, and!<l tvell at one of the islands. party,' said she. 'Jd:ra. Rayburn hasjust pa.ents bad been given, the iest woultl be ,J uat as she spoke, a tall, handsome young been here, but she could not "'ait to see easy. ---:o.--'I hope it is a sandwich i!:!lauJ, for I nm open for paymeut for 1'!1 daya. The num· ruau, of about twenty·seven, in close attend her of viSltoro was 6,039, 195, aud £424,322 you. I hope you have something nice to 'l'he evening wore on pleasantly to most half famished.' a.nee on a young gul, nearly as ta.11, and J\[r ~ . Rayburn led Hobert rnto the parlor, was received for adm1ss10n. The 'Exposi· wear. It is to be on Thursday, the day present. There was danc1ng, and Yirgiata ~1tute aa h11ndso1ne, t!merged frow the She dtd not tiun Uaivc1scllc' ot 1855, at Paris, was after to-morrow' was conetantly engaged This \\llS Robert's and her husband folio\\ ed, of the opposit~ bouse, and proceeded slowly 'Oh, yes 1 I have a lovely blne silk, the tnbulat1on. He had not learned to dance rn know that he expected to tak e \-irguna to opened on the 15th of A-lay, and 1e111.uned down the village street. The latest fashion ; but Chnrlie will be here boyhood, and as he grew older he despised aupper, and, iu truth, she wa .:i f1.1,r tro1n sorry open 200 days, Sundays included. I Of whom are you speaking, maJDrha ta nding bet\veen her nurnlJCrofv1e.itors was 5,162.630, and £128,· then,' said the young wile, with a bright it as a pa.stitne UU\\urlhy the intellect of a to see the good under& asked Sophia Lane, the youthful marued She had found 090 wa. ~ received for adulis~ion. The' Inter· sn1ile. n1an : at best a wustc ot tune, Doctor son and bU:1 pietty cousin. daughter of the house, who, whh her two 1 She thou~ht of the delight of once more G~orge 1 un the contrary, was a ~raceful and V1rguna a churnnng com pau1on, and she national Exlub1t1on of 1862, in London, months old baby, had just arnv1d. Bowmonville, April 15th, l875. seeing her husband. Dress o.nd parties had accomplished da.nm~i:. Ile led out 1110 cous- thouglat how plea8aut 1t \rould be for her was opened on th e lst of }lay, and remain· ·Of Miss Fa1rfax and her lover, Robert httle attraction for btr witbo11t htm. in tepeatedly-Robert, fron1 a cou1er, be, a11d the doctor, who had no daughter of t:d open J71 days The nu1n uer of vHntors Maxwell.' said Mrs. Edrngton, Doctol Raybum'a oldeat sou hod been Ill holurng them with looks lhut vct1nly strove L1Ic1r own, t') bave th11: f-tvorite n1ccfl do1ni· was 6,211,103, nn<l £ 408,539 was rec1.::ivcd She was a spr1ghtly n1atrou of. furtJ·five, cilt:d \\ nh the1n ae the w1fe cif t be1r (lde:iit tur a<lw1esions. Tb ti i Exposition Univer~ Europe co1nptet1ng his stud1~s, and It was to appt:ar uncoiH:erned. wbo having successfully ru:ur1t!d her ont> to welcorne his arrival that the party hart George Rayburn see!ned to haunt v-1rg1n- i:son Therefore, she looked on weJ l pleaai.:d selle' of 1867 1 at Pana, wac:i opened on the child, found herself at 1~1sure to superintend been set on fol)t, ·1t1rg-inu.'s visit wa.~ draw. ia. He was a gay, fr.01k, good-hun1ored as they went through dance aft<'r d:tuce, and 1st of Apnl, and remained opened 217 days, the loves, 1hrtat1ons, ond inatrnnon1al doA tog to a close. She only waite1l to see her fellow, blue eyed, brown·hatred, foll ot hr. finally pa1red off together at the suppet· 8unda.Js includ!:!cl. T he number of visitors mg· geMrally, of the village of Deepwoot!, was no less than 8i805 969, and £420,730 cousm. It had been arranged, between her and glee. 'l'o amuse Mr. Maxwell, he prn- table. which she did mdefat1gably and w1\h zeal waA received for ndun1:1e1ons The · U n1ve1·· and Robert, that be was te follow her to duced several volumes of Europeau views, ('l'o be Continued ) 'Robert Maxwell! What! IA tbat shy, sa1 Exl11bit1on' of 1873, at "ienna, waa Balumore iu a few tlays, there to ask h~r: and spent son1e time 111 expb1n1ng the1n. proud, distant fellow caugbt at la·t I I tather's consent to their t11arr1age. opened on the let of l\Iuy, nnd remained Robert tried to feel interested, but 1n BOILS. used to think he would never fancy anyopen 186 Jays, Suuda.}Arncluded; the nurn. 1 Ent, iu the meantime, dearest,' he had va1n. :{le lrnd neither eyes nor ears for any· thing more earthly tba.n the moon or tbe ber of visitors wns G,740,500, and £206,478 urged, 'will yon no~ let me speak to your thing but hli \\:ay ward idol. ~ho, on the A boil is generally very sm!l.ll at first and pla'net \ 7 en us. I dare say his in::unorate is was rece1veJ for adm1~sions. Thus the uncle 1 I think it is due to him that I do contrary, ne-\.er seen11:.·d to see him, except a follow lmrdly not1cea it , but in a few days eo).J~~ goldell-h1:Liied fiury, all <l1n1ples au<l so, at leust, before you lea,·e.' when now and then she woulJ. send hin:i. a 1t geta to b e the biggest of the two, and th e total nun1be1 of visitors at the five great W hite" r.oscs.' ~ 'Ve1y well, Robert; but, pray, put it otl' pleasant stnile !ls she gh<lcd off with some chap that hae it ia of very little account in Int~111aL1onul Exhibitions was 32i05D,007, a ~ ' I~<leed, dear, yon nr~ mistaken. She is tilljllst before I go. I don't care to be ex- hglit-looled partner. compo.r1son with the boil, )v}iich then 'has gr~ater nu1Hher than the entire population a tall, daik, stately beauty, as hke b1wself, h1b1ted to the rusnr.s aa a tame honess, \\1th He wandered about the roow, speakinr. him ' B.Jils appear my&terionsly upon ul the United Kingdom enurncratt:d at the for that matter, as if she weie his aister, 1 you for my keeper.' !cw ·wordb, feeling lonely and 1n1serable various po1t1ous of the human body, eon'i- census of J87], a11d £li588,104 was received ' And her uame I' She lnugbed, and Robert joined her. The He tncd to get Yirginia hiwself for a hltle, ing when and where they 'please,' and of- ffir admissions. The ' IJrogreas Medal, 1 a,s Fo1 New Pattern8 in Hoom Papets, rnll and examine OLll' new Stock. ' V irg1nia Fairfax She fa a neice of 11ra charm of her presence al ways carried him but she only ea id : ten i n very incon'\'enient places. Some- it wns termed at Vienna, for the greatest Rayburu, \\hose husband bought old Dr. times a foht11ry boil is the suu1 total of the n1nnber of vi.lntors in one dA.y, belougs to away, but he d!Cl not qmte hke eitber~thc 'I am so sorry you don't dance. ltobert; ~· Ohromos, etc, etc., Ready fuuned, to be Johnston's practice. She hno; been staying Expositioa U1n\·er=-0Ue of Pai:i.s in 1867, .IO · sold Cheap. Don't let this chance of get- there fur t~vo tnuuths, bL1t her home J;) in speech or the laugh He felt that he had bl!t think bow peculmr 1t would look for a.flhct1ou, but frequently there is u 'rub bush· the "hen 173,623 persons paesed tbrough the in' lot of'~1D,' to help the firstone. If hut a hght hold on her heait. you and me to be seen mopmg togetber like ting Cheap Pictures slip. No Humbug. Call and price them. Baltim01e, The evening came-a lovely one iu Sep- a pair ot inelaocbuly owls. I'll go iu to n bml comes anywhere on a. person, that turn-stiles on Sunday, tl: e 27th of October. Sophia clapped her bands. tomber Docter R·y bttru's house stood well supper w1tb you if yon will look for me ;' pGreon always wisheti it bud con1e somewhere Tt1c 1... ienna Exb1b1tion was a 'good second' ' The very same ! She was at school with back from the street, in rather extensive and with that he was forced to be contented else, although it would puzzle him to tell with 135,67'1 on the closing day, Sunday, ---me in N cw l:"ork-the prettiest girl ther·e,tbe 2nd of N OVt!nt ber ; Paris 1n 1855 comes gro1u1ds. 'rhe doctor's office waa on one Late 111 the evening he found lii1nsclt in e.:i:actly where. and the cleverest, with a voice that, Signor S!de of the doo1, the prrnc1pal pailor on the the doctor's room-the ·Indy, ao it "as usSou1e personf:l call them 'dutnb01 ls,' Uu t next with 123,017, on Sunday, the 9th of Cantatore said, if ebe were poor, wOnld othcr ; but the back room. bad windows ually called. Here etood some tall olean- tle p1oper nnme w boil. If a chap has a September. Then comes the London Groat maka her fo1'tune. But ahe wllS so proud! open1ng on a varnndah at the side, and was der<:1 in tuba, brought in irom the garden in b01l he generally has a gooil deal of sym- Exhibition of 1851, with "hat was tbeu ---.o:If she were offended, she would hardly ever Robert's custom to meet Virginia there, anticipation of :fro:ty nights. patl1y from others-'in a born.' 'Vhoever thought tbti extra.ordu1a.ry number of 109,· make it np. She \\ould not 1nakeanapol· LOTS OF OTHER CHEAP GOODS. Robert pasoed between them and the \\in- 1,1.!'lks him what ails hun lqngbs at him for 915 on Tueflda.y, the 7th oi October, four often nu perceived by any one, when tbe days before the close ; und lastly1 London R. E. intends reducing his 11tock, he will therefore g1, e Gre.-1.t B gains. ltemem be1 to cail \t ogy, and hardly take one.' two would wander off togethei·, to a seclud· dow, and sat down, moody and disconsolate lns pains to answer, while many unfeeli ng ' Vi.7 eu~ you and she good friends 1' iu 1862, with 67.891 on Thursday, the 30th ruake gan1e ot his misfortnne or persons ed part of the shrubbery, where the tall ' He looked out rnto the starlit ahruhbe1y ~0'£Iara's Old Stand, - Town Hall Buildings.~ 'Oh 1 )'E:f:I ; we \\!:!re guotl fr1endo:i, not v10· of October. We wn1t now for the great evergreens ellectually bid them from view. and wished that all lino racket were over' bot!. It is very wicked to make fun of 'l'he Proprietor believe!'! W a Knnblo Sixpence being bcttel' than a S1ow1 Poking Shnhng lently intimate; but I shall be glo.d to 1ncct Expot:.1tion at Pbilar.Ielpb1a in 1876. 11 Tlus evening he went early, hoping for and he nnd Virg1n1a once more \.'iandcr1n~ persona with boils ; they cannot bel p it, R. EA~1'0N. ber. 1 his wonted pleasure .betore the company ar- among those leafy shades, happy, and umt- and often feel very bad about it. Physi: 13owrnanvillle, 1'-Ia1, 15th, ]875. ly-m!:l. ·You \V1ll, to .. n1orrow,for she fa coming A ltespectful Boy. ~·============================== early to call. Well, Rohen Maxwell ans , rived. lt was growrng dusk without, but ed with no Doctor George to come between cans don't give boil patients very much .sat· the parlors were hnlliantly lighted, and th~m, with that eaay, careles,, carry·all-be- isfaction as a general thing, although young been paying her devoted ntten(ion, and, I An old mnn entered a railroad car nod 'r1rg1n1a was iu her usual place by oue of fore-nJe manber of his. physicians jusL beginning to practice aie think, they are engaged. As I said befoie, open. ·windows. Hid eye took in, with rnp· was looking around for a seat when a boy · Just then he heanl voices at the do0r, and · tond of t1ying tbetr lanoes on them, they are exactly matched.' ten or twelve years of age rose up and said, terous adoration, tl\'ery line of her txquisite said to be 'heallhy,' and judging Boils are Doctor George led ·virguna in, and se11.ted 1 ' They too v.·ell mntcbcdJ 1nother ; face and figure, 'rake my s~at, sir.' The offer was accept· from tbe way they take hold anil hang on her in a chair. and, n1ark me, if they quarrel, it will be and the inlirm old man sat d'own, 'Why ed A strange fe~hng came over him-a aense 'Rest here, darling,' he said. 1 I will fix and ache and bun1 and grow 1.1.nd~ra1se Qaio serious, for, I know neither of then1 would of insecurity in the treasure he owned. did j ou '(ive me oour sea~ 11 he inquired of generally, there is no doubt they are healyou up in no time. I am as good as a yield.' the boy. 'Because ymt nre old, S!r, and I If YirgtnJa shoukl di~ I thy and have strong constitutions. lady's maid.' 'Then, I hope they won't quarrel,' said am a boy!' was the reply. A hundred But be looked ·K·lll. '.['he bloom of They are generally lively and pl·) ful at "\Vhy, George, you wnst be a universnl Mrs. Edington. health was on tbnt rounded cheek, its hght geniua !' said \."" irgiuia~ nigl:t,and it is very funny to see a chap with a years ogo there would have been little need The _11ext <lay, !Iha. Ra) burn and her 10 that darkly flashing eye. to repo1t, ns ren1arkable, a r;imilar incident. How lovely she looked J l!'lnsbed, excited, good large one, p1ospecting arouild bio couch mece stepped across the street to call on the ' Fool that I am,' he thought, ' to be scar· the light dancrng m her eyes, and one long for a place where hts boil will fit in 'with- Among th ings that are good or hopeful in ladies. Sophia, as she welcort1etl her old ed by shadows.' the rising generation, there 1a one great braid of her beautiful hair unbound, and out b urting.' Boils tend to 'purify the blood,' Bchooln1ate 1 thought what a beautiful \\' O· cllauge fur the worse manifest to everybody He took a step nearer to th~ window, As Doctor strengthen the system 1 cahu the nerves, man she had gro 1vn, and, be1ug an impul· thinking to brcnk the spell by speakiug to floatrng far bofow her waist. -a declining spirit of reverence to\\'U..rds tranquilize the spirits, improve the temper, s1ve little soul, hardly retrained from an ex- her ; but he started back, for a yonog man, Geo1ge began to twist 1t up, not quite so age uad towards God, 'Thou shalt rise up -:o;--deftly as a lady'· maid, poor Hobert'& tea- allll beautify the appj>l!rance. clamation to that effect. whom he bad never seen before, was bend· They are good things for tna.rried n1en before the hoary Lead, and honor the Ince of It was not ' loog before tbP. two 1·ounger ing over Lt!r, and hie words cumc low, but r<lSP fell out unnoticed uu the carpet. '\rho .spend their evenin~s from home, a-. the old man, and fear thy God ; I am the 'There!' said George, after tl 1n1nute; ladies were out ao1ong the flowers. Sophia. frarlully distinct. Lord.' 'your hair is as tidy as ever. I took a hair· \hey give them an opportunity to rest their made then1 an excuse, for she longed to 'v~1rg1nia., darling~ it is such .bappiness to pin from the other side. Time are lot· of night keys, and get acquah1ted with theu plunge into the momentous tI uestion . meet you J You cannot think howl have them. .Now, let rnti get )OU. a, fiowei.) familie8, It i.::1 1:m1d that boll:, save the pa Medical Practice Without Alcohol 'I hope you won't think nit: 1mpe1t1nent, longell !or 1t !' VEI~.Y 'Oh, I had a flower ! I su ppoae I have tieut a fit of 'aicknca:i.,' b1lt iJ the slckness Yirg1n1a, dear/ she 8aid ; 'but l saw yon In a private letter of recent date a Penn Robert would not wait to hear her reis not best to have, it inust be an 1111-1.ired Bowman ville. Nov. 1st, 1873. danced it out.' coming horr1e yesterday \\'ith Afr. Max.\"·elJ, ply. Ho was too honorable to !Jston to conYan, N . 1-., physician \\rites. 'There is ' Yes. Come to the parlor, and I will a1ean thing. It is al so said. that a person one thing r h ~ve use<l niy influen~e and all - - - - - - -and-won't you let me congratulate you 1 versation not iutended for hia ear. He en· ts better Biter he has them, and there is no 'Yes,' said 'T1rg1nia i 1 we are engaged. I tered at once, nnd stood before them. But get you a beauty.' dou that one does foe\ better after bavrng iuy entleavora for since I C9.ille to this counHe drew her hand within hia arm, and don't uund telling you, though l don't ca.u~ V ... 1rgin1a received liiin with perfect com· thoy left the room Poor Robert, who bod got rid ol tberu. Many <listing nshed per try ; that is, showiug n1y brother physicians to have it talked about. Don't iepeat it, posure. the folly una absurd!ly of admrnistering bet!n too mbt!rabl~ to tuuve, sLepped from sons have t:l:!Joyed these harhingers of good liqt1or in any for1n to tLe1r patients, either please j so many things might happen.' 'Ob, ~Ir.1Iaxwell ! This is my cousin, health. Sbakespenre had them, and meant bis seat by the wmdow, picked up the torI hud in 1872 Sophia ·tared. Doctor George Rayburn. George, .1\-lr. Max· boils when he mid 'One woe doth tread as a medicine or Leverai;o. saken flo\\oer, antl placed it in his bosom. 1 7 and 1873 no less than ninety-six cases of ' \,\ hy, surely, nothing could bappen. wdl. I hope you will be fnends.' upon anotbeer's heels so fa·t they follow.' Mrs, 1\aybnrn hastily entered. typhoid lever, from tl1e mildest form to ty' Many thing· might, Sophia. I knew a The t1>0 young men looked keenly at 'Oh, Mr. Robert, will you do we a great Her Fortune Too. phus gravior, and I trcnted every one with .. gtrl who left echool JUSt when I did, and each other, and bowed. My New Goods kwc But there was a ahe has been engaged tbiee time&! You constnunt sou1ewhere, auU it was a rt!hef to favor 1' When ltc v. Dr. Rodgers was solicitrng out a drop ot liquor, and, fltrange to say, not 'Certainly. Pray comn1antl 111e.' can't think now unplearnnt ii was for her, all tbree when Doctor George, at a call m1ssiona1y funds, during his m11.11stry iD one died, am! their ages ranged from a child 'Will you fiud the' doctor aud tell hio· New York, h(-' ca.ll at the house of a widow·, eight years of age to an old man cigbty·he go! so talked abu!it.' fron1 his 111otller1 hastened away to receive he 1s urgently wanted at J\lr. Watson's l in hun1ble circumstunces, ·who had recently seven, who is now nltve.and can testify on 'Tben, why did she do it 1' asked Sophy, some of their guests. They fear the baby is dying.' in amazement. lost her dauHhter by death, to comfort her on th bi ii narrow escape from death or poison. ' I never saw you 1n e\auing dress be· Where do tb1ok he 1s ?' To the village-bred maiden, the happy fore, darling,' saiu Robert, when they were in her sorrows. He rnentioned, ho¥:ever, Such experience aa this in the treatment of ' At one of thet!fj tlue~ place2.' wife of a " husLand she adored, such things alone. the objeet rn which he was engaged, when fevers is without precedent, and if physiShe sat down, wrote hu;redly on a slip of she placed a considerable sum of' money in cians will only try to treat their patienhl soun<l.ed strange ind1;e:d. To ht!r, betrothal 'And do you like me!' paper, put it into his hand, and left the his hands. Surpnsed at the amount, be re· without the cmsed stuff, th 'Y will save 75 was as scr1oue as marriage, und marriage, a ' Like yon 1 If any one had told- me that truo &a.crantent, holy, and irrevocable. room. !used to tske it. But she saiu, ' You must per cent. of those they uow lose Loy its use.' dtess, or anythrng else, could improve you, AND Robert w...:glad to esca~e froru the house, take it, J had designed it for my daughter, -Natio11al Advocat£ 'But you love him, surely 1 she asked at I should not have believed it.' from the sound ol the ddncers' feet, and and I am resolved that He who has taksn length. . , ' Then you do think me impro~ed I' Those who quit then· proper character to 'Ob, ;. of course I l~ve !nm. ' I don't know, dearest. In that white, what he thought the soulless, trivolous her to Himself ehall also have her fortune.' merriment that was going oni assume what does uot lie.long to them, are, y .1rgmia, in the short time site bad been I . t k d 1 k ad t fl Thi' was a beantifu! offering. How many . _ mis yM1oo 1ng res8~ you oo re y o y Ile found t11e doctor, and acco1npanit:c.l. in our Church bav<> suffered duriog the for the greater part, iguorunt both of the out 1n aoc1ety, ha<l been inuch ad1n11ed, anti Rway Jrorn ine, or fade uf! into ntr.1 him to Mr. Wataon·a, ·where they discover· year in a sinular manner, but have made no character they lea\"c and of the cbnractcr rather ·po1led. She uid not) et kilow wl1at She !auKht<li 'Conie, l{obcrt, you are fanciful See, I the little OGe better, and asleep. a trerHi:1ue a won1n,n pos.sesses n1 t. he love Doe I or such gift l Are there none who have thus they a.osnme. of a ,~ orth , rnan. have a whole husk( tful of flowers here, and Rayburn lll"aS aLle to con1fort the anxious The Public me solicited to cull and see fer themselves. n1eana tbrowu upon their handf.l to reuli.z~ . When God fa a"gry "1th n· 'us not .) . I want you to choose one ior n1y hair, Arc ' Yon \ \Ol:l 't be angry~ '\ irg1uia, dear,' not t.he:;e roses superb 2 such a deep crim- parenti with 1iopea of au1 ern..11ut! nt, then, the cb..irus of those who are s1tt1ng in the through it punciple of hA.tre.d that be sllowa 1 J pleaded Bophy, 1f I say, Don't\·ex Robert? son .And Jook at tlns scDrlet pna'·iion~ promising an e.,rly via1t next day, bA took region and shadow otdeath 1-Fo1<!9n Mis- his anger ; 'tis to Llra w us to liiiu even in Hampton. Sept. 8th 1872 lip leave j We have known lnn1 all our lives, and be ia fiowe r.' sionX'r?J. the t1n1e of his anger, NEW SPR~.11WG STOCK POETRY. BATTING'S CASH ·STORE. STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, HaneJb, e ster House,· Bo'W"D:1a.nvi1le. Seeds! Field and Ga1·den Seeds . ! ? I liable Field and ~arden Seeds. LITERATURE. a i for seed. Fine & Coarse S~lt $1 per bbl. r PLASTER, -· ~ ONE DOLLAR! 7,000 ROLLS ROBT. EASTON'S 1 ROOM PAPER otures ' 130 CHEAP MIRRORS. CltILDBEN'S CABS. .HILL'S · NEW NE lN GOODS NEARLY .ALL COME rro HAND i - -- --

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