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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 21 May 1875, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, F1UDAY, :MAY 21, 1875. - ----======= POETRY. EVERYDAY. ---=-·=-=-===============;=================-=-= ·=-=========================~========--==========-==-=- -===========-==---=-==-c.=--:=:-::=::-o-=-=-======================= - c1 1 cum~r Ptcklu..-Every one knows how tO make these, of course; but here's a space lt1ft LITERATURE. v;·aah the ououmbers when not more than three daye' growth; 111 · keg or jar in olo·e Jay. U'\ EJ,JZ,\UETH AKERS ALI.l'N ers ; over eaoh layer place a. layer of ealt in which alum-a. tablespoonful to each pint of Uh, t11f11ng tal:!ks so often done, e&lt-has been well mixed i do not add any wa· Y tit ever to be ! (Continued.) ter, a.s the water dra.wn from the cucumbers Oh, ca1es ~b1ch come \l"ith eve1y auu, Again, with what SAzaci~ 1'nd bolduett! ' the will cover them. When wanted, freshen them 11nrn after morn the long yea1 s tbJ oughl P1ince comments, in a. letter to Baron ·:StOek:. and scald in strong vinegar, sriced to taste; \Ve sink beneath their paltry sway,mar·, upon $.e King of Prd.~li~s epe~ch.. ,. . add to .it a. tablespoonful of sugar to pint -The uksome C<ill of e"cry day. ' " I have read \Vlth alarm the King of vinegar. Drain the pickles dry, and coYer of PruSB1a's Speech, wbioll in my Yile wOrd·fo:r- with the fresh vinegar, and you the be&t The 1·cstless sense of 'Histed po\\ er, word translation into .BngJ.iHA Pro-duce& a. ~ truly of pickli::s. The t.n esomc round of litt1e thing!!, ~.\tc hard tQ bear, as hour by hou1, Doubtless, some will con.sider my pickles ra.· strange im-pretsaion. Tliose wh"'61tnow and love Its tedious iteration brings. th~ King recognize llill!. ~p...aJ)i!~iC:~a.a.nd.f~el- ther expenshe on account of wa.ate of vinegar \Vho shall evade or who dela.y ings in every~"\\o:ord, and ~vill hc"'r81'.a.t,efUl to him and use of sugar; but the 'inegru· "Which is first 'l'he smnill demand~ of every day? for the franknei;is with · whip~ ~~' e&.rei!e@ poured over the pickle will imbilfe too much of them; but 1 if we -put oureelvea il].tQ-j:Jie.:ipQeitiqn_ the salt to be agreeable to the ta.ste, and will Th~ ho'"lcler in the tu1rent's cuunie of a cold Critical }Jublic,oUl' Silt\s:l_ ~e.t sooner or later lose its shength, while the fresh By ti<le terupe11t lashed iu 'aiu, confusion o[ id_ eas. Ai:d ~:ha.t ~~olfrless in .. A vinegar poured over th~ p~ckles already sour, Obey~ the pebble's force, King to t1pt"alt ,extempore ; a.nd"at such.a. mo· has nothing to do but keep the pickles from loa~ Au<l yields its substance grain by ({nun ; ment 1 and at such length;:not-,o ' to ' touch all ing any of its strength, while the adchtion of So mun1ble strongest lives away ihe most teITiblb an~ UfGl}}.t ~~ca,;\~p"t~ ~o sugar keeps the Yinegar in full strength all the the ',\'ear of evexy day plunge in~o them·elap·<la"e~., t f!.blbQ:q\f, to Wit· time; a.nd as there is enou~b wastage in ev~ry \Vho f:inds Lhe hou in his lair, ne~, to p~~mi~e~'th:teat~, ~~"' t%_.c ..~' ~ family a.rising froO:: soured fruit or from the n~s\~'ho tracks thl'l tiger fo1 life, In writing to Baron Stoekri:J:ai .a few days inge of prea~rYe dishes, Jelly glasses and Qt.lier l\[ay 'vound theilt ete they are aware, later tlie Pxince remarkffOn .. two .sJ'.Uhlitle:riiI S'l'.'CCt and sour "lands to keep up a good 1'Upply 01 conquer them in desperate strife; the cha,!<l.cter Qf Iµug\eorick_ \Vil iam.\..1:tlcU of G"Ood vinegar all the time, the expense thus Yet powerless he to scathe or slay were soon ~o.,und .. to,.iQ_terfere Ia.t.alb' wltli-)iia increased is very small. r111e v1:1xing gnats of C\ ery d..y. power· to deal with "tfu>- ~r</blogis· at Pl"!\i>ticrJ Lettuce is another of our garden products T>olitics. -., "' ... .. ~ · \- ... · ~~ 'lhe steady :::;L1aiu that nevei i;topf:I ' "The King lets himself li.e,,,misteli:::by similes which is capable of many changes as to preparIs mightier than the fiercest shock : which captiyate;!iis · fanc~~ w!1f'Cl!-liicun,e;~ 1Ut ation for the table, .An excellent du:ib may be 'l'he constant f~ll of water-drops only so far a11 they suit hiff J'urpb8j, audfW.htcli prepared as follows : First, nice heads of Will grove the a.damantine rock ; flequently Qy no meai;~ret~ct _flie~ n~~ Sti~xd lettuce, tend~r and crisp; ·wash and cut into \V c feel our noblt:st powers decay, things, but sa.tisf;x: bCC/\'D c·they:aro, cl~lf)r :&lll"l !hred8 or, If preferred,into quarters ; have ready In feeble ·w ars with every day: some cream to '\·hich a. small bit of btltter and suggestive .(g<Wt·i3j'1ff.A:J.'llif:m!ij<J· ~loe>!> dls· _ 1:1ome salt and pepper ha.-ve beeu added i heat '\Ve rise to incct a. heavy blowCU56l0Il with 'hifu irD.~iJJ16."' .~ .. · :~ '"' Our souls a sutlden bra very fillsThis last e:niil.rk of°"1l\e~rn e 0QM_prt ~will this to the bo1hng point and pour over the let· But we l:llldure not always so b· allowed "t>llscf.:ant' .melt ho ~i))g\jlarly tuce, covering for a few moments. Tlus is alTbl.'l drop by drop cf httle ilia; most a dish of green peas, which comes in long shrewd~ .. M'~~t ~f .ihe gre~at t : eJ,TOra iii 'Ve still deplore and still obey world find·W&"nuppo;~ i/1 iifv\ile~~ioh ff1t before we can these favorites of the table. The ha.rel behe~ts of every day. tiv.te the fal)~',,ot>.(Qo Jl!l.t:Ml'V· ti! ehlightcn, · F1·tt;d Toniatoa is another excellent di.tsh, the uuderstqnding . · ,... G, ~.. ~ ' :34 The heiut which boldly faces death Slice rather thickly , salt 1 pep~r and roll 1n Hio chor·cter of Bo/le ~itui eq_uolly U pou Lhe batLle field, and darcf:I flour; th6n fry brown in butter kt\pt to boiling !!triking:-=.. ' " ;.. ··· \ . '1Cannon and bayonet,!! beneath , The "Pope f; the oounts1·pw.t of the «-king of heat all the time. The needle-points of frets i\nd ca1e1; Prurwa ~ great impul&ivcnl::as, h°&lt·diJt~ted Another good way to tomatoes is to 'l'hc stoutes.t spints they dismayadd a little flour and sweet cream to stewed political ideas, little· ~utte~ 6l~P,te.Ue~t;wit~ 'l'he ti1ly stings uf every day. iomatnea, 1ui:t before dishinr;r them. No cracka i;rea.t deal of ~lti \'ated~intallig'e!!Ct! - (Ckist).~ er8 or bread is needed; pepper, salt a.nd butter, And even saints of holy fame, and acceseibillty to outwD:?d n:{ff:u,l'n'Ce8, 'Flitt a.a in other dishes, constitute the seasoning. Wh,)~e sou1s by faith have overcouui, rock on-wni~ , ~oth iffi.i/t, i \h~b\ieh~ th·Y "\Vbo wore amid the cruel flame can set tbelr-11ubje~W\il ~o!iou, and' lfeep the No,v, I'll finish this sheet with my Anlt1'1can. '.fhe molten crO"\\o'll of martyrdonl, direction and spreaa Of,: tb&. moYement etttirely York!hu·c I'udding. \Vhen scraps of bread, Boie not without complaint alway in their own .htl.nda i Jl~ t4at ~ey, ala.Pe poSr and such meat a.s .is no longer available only a.s 'l1hc petty pains of ever day, s.., tberj~l!_t:ot?eqnJrol't]$. .rµoV.,menl:; JJe<;SU.e "ha~h," have accumulated, chop the meat tineit ema.nates from' thetn r .. ill v ..~. ly, soften tile bread 'v1tll boiling water, then Ah, nloro than marty1 1 aureole, In conclusion~,;,;e--.';'ould~ cit'e -a. Teilla.rk' tha.t mix meat a.nd bread together,add a.n egg or two, And more than hero's hPart ot fh"l, "as made by the Prinoe Consort 1 which ·we some salt., pepper and; bake in an ordin\Ve need thti hllmble atrengtb of soul think, though it u:1 not of a political or diplp- ary baking pan. 'l'hus yo1 sa\e brea.d and illeat "\Vh1ch daily toils a.nd ills require matic nature, deeoives much r.onsideration lll and have an excellent dish that isn't luurh I Sweet Patience! gratitfus if you ma.y, the present time. ' An added grace fo1· every day l 1 11 ' ' I -don't understand, he would often e:ay T keep moths from destroying Caipets,fu1s, - Scnbncr'11fo1· .11to11ember. '· people ma.kini:c a. busin~e:s of, shooting, and &c. Ta~e Spirits of Camphor, 2 OZfl:. ; Oil r>f going out for a. wholo day ; "t like it as an Oedar, 2 drs:. ; Ca.rbolic Acid, 1 oz. ; mix thoi·nm~cnient for ~few houra. - D~ Ileute"Ater (in oughly., Md "·~t small pieces of cotton ba.tteu 01 England) wollen tnn Gesc"'h.aft tkraus ma.chin.,, flannel and place amongst whatever you wieh We said at t.hti commencement Of this article, to preserve, you can add a little ess. otberga.The latest inst1nce of ltke curing like 1s the ,111nounce1nent by a veterinary sut-geou that that Mr. Theodore Martin had been very fortu- mot brother perfume if you wish to destroy the nate in having to portray the life of one who 8mell of the acid. bi &.'ldy u1 a remedy fol' staggers. wa1> ao deeply lnterested in .. and so thoroughly ret,·o ~t. Louis won1en were refu~ed place:i as, conversant with, most of the principal events Fruitless Rea.ding. duvers on atrcct cara ostensibly because tht1y of hia time. 'l~here is, however, one drawback coulJ11 t manage mules. This was frivolous. against. which the author has bad to contend. Nine.tenths of the reading done is, pro· Tbeyhll.d both been ma.r1ied for years. Tho Prince Consort's character waa of tha.t bably, eilllply to pass away tin1e, or procure A. yvuug nian sent his gill a box..- of grapcil tempered,, and thoroughly wella pleaeant excitement for unoccupied hours. .~nd the next day a fellow met hnn on the street conditioned na.turti 1 which does not admit l!'cw wbo read do it with any defimte pur.~nd s:ud. 'ri'hose grapes we1e Jolly guud laat of a.ny of those violent contrasts which are wont u1ght, scud some up euery "\V cdncsda.y eventng especia.lly at fi;st sight,' to make a character pose 'ol increasing their stock of knowledge - that's tny night you know.' intert1shng. 'l'he worli:l in general ls tnucb or ideas, and few, therefore, nccomphab any fascinated by what .is picturesque in character. useful purpose, by reading. On the con· Cuarous SuPERSCIUPTION.-A letter 'vns lnte· A hero such A.a Cortes, pious And unscrupulous trary, it becomes to them a kind of dissipaly tlepoa1ted in the 'Varre11, Ohio, post·oftice, poiite and cruel, amiable and fierce, iJl.evita.bly tion, reaction from the interest of which \\ ttl.1 the following- addre1:1s : amusets, Mtonishe!!, and attracts us. The read."To 'Vindhrun township speed yoUl' way leaves them more dull and unsatisfied than et likes to read about. these contrasts, and perTo Portage County strait, We blame tbe effects of the readhape, pl111nes himself upon the Ia.ct tllat if he before. J Puiina1d find without delay, ing of novela upon novel writers, when real .. ha~ not the greatness, a.t least he ha.a not the in· 01· efae J, Braina1d's mate." ly they are more chargeable on novel ree.~ consiSteney, of the hero of the story, Bill S1n1kes· home n1ellow the other In reality there was something in the Prince ders. Fe\v stories but poBsess some motive 111ght, and '~hen hw wife asked Jum ::uled Consort's character which entirely relieved its \vorth tracing, son1e character ·with points lnm he im1d h e beell to the spelling sehool noble gravity and consistency. AB. we have of interest, if we read it carefully and with uud had (Inc) got foul of lup - pip- poppointimated before, he \Vas one of the mol:!t humpoppu- Jup pop1ty-l11p- pop - lnp- h1popyt1· orous of men- humorous in contra-dist nction the iutention of finding what. +here 1s in 1t iuua-or some such (hie) confounded word, aud to witty; and the kind of humor was peculiar· deservin;: of praise or blame. But the army it had given him one of lus · epE:lh1.' ly Briti;ih. It pervaded ii.11 descriptions he gave of-story readers stop for nothing 1111 they Tha la te Prince! Bhhop of \Vurtzbuig, in one of anything tha.t be bad seen; it \\"aa lambent get to the end of the volume, and know of las hQ.nt1nJ expeclitious, met a poor bo,y at· and not fo1kcd; and in short was of the kind nothing in regard to what they have read, tunJinJ some 8w1ne The Prince, among other that dom1 not admit of reputation. except that all the troubles came to a happy ~forcovOl', as the Piince had a great dislike qucst~onf1 1 asked him what his wages were for a termination, and the hero and heroine were for gi'1ng pain,and to saying anything that was *v.ineherd: niarried nt lnst. Descriptions of natural ill natured, his humor never .,:x:pressed itself m 'A new suit aw.I. two pair of 8hoei; every scenery, detruls of individual character, the thoae ,ehort sba.rp a3.yiuga, which are easily re1 ye.u,' ~as the reply careful working out o! results from the incollected and ren.dily repeated. Still, this '~o inmc !'said the pnnce. 'Look at ino i I r.m a shepherd too, but I "ea.r better clothes humo~ous na,turc of the Prince formed o. cid~nts and rndividualities grounded togethg-reat ~d ver present relie~jto the omewbat er-all these are ' skipped,' overlookcrlt ,uH.1 look btltter.' y of vlltue wli1cli was always (o be never thought ot; in fact the book itself is · 'l'JJnt nui.y be, si1,' said the boy in ]us 8im· stern '1.U 1 phc1ty, 'but I Bay you have nlore '"'inc to perceived in llim as the groand work of hie char- forgotten, or, at least no clear idea of its acter. k eep thlln I have !) As 1 nn .instance of this 11t'ernness, ' we n1~y features is retained, after forty·eight hours !{ore lB a filty yi;:a.1 olJ JeU d'e3p1·1t that is mentivn the feelings of the Pdnce as rega.rde have passed. q u~tP 'a~ good as new.' A lich old geatlen1a.u, the-conduct of Louis Philippe in the disastrous Such readings as this is worse than useless uf Mu namri of Gould, 1nb.rr1ed a gul not yet business of the Spanish marriages. It is evident -it waste· valuable time, and furnishes the m.\t of 'teens ' After~the \\ edtling be wroto that the Queen Wild enclined toforgivethat couthe f\/llo1v111g- couplet 1 to 1nforn1 a friend of the dU'ct; but the Prince could not, feeling that ' if brain ""ith nothing in return. If a book is not worth reading with care, if itaddsnoth'l1::ippy event ;' truth ,had deserted the l'6i:lt of the world, it iog to our store of knowledge, if it supplies .. You see. n1;r doa.1 dot:to1, ought to find a. in the bosoms of 'l'h(lugh eighty old, no fobd for thought or discussion, it is not King~.' " ~., A girl of nuu~t1.1en '\Ve ende.(l.VOredJo give a genera.I re\.·iew worth reading at all. Indeed thi· is a very J~'dl rn love with 01 d Gollld !" of this import4nt and euggestiv work. It is good test to apply to a book, and one which, 'J1o 'vh1ch the doctur replied : howe.Jer, a work of '"hich extr&et.s give but a. if it could be properly applied by the clase faint uotion, and it must be read,throughout he· of readers who would be the most benefited '_,\ gu l of nineteen fore a Just opinion can be formea of the conl\<Iu.y love Gould, it; ia true; by it,' would induce their stock qi literature t1nuot1s labor, of the 6trict adlierence to <luty,...i lll1t bt:lieve me, ..dear sir, to a very low ebb. and of the cxccE:ding in\el1igerfc6devoted, to lt is gold" ithout ·u l'" ~ Reading is like food taken into the stom· .British interests, which. tbfa portion of the ' Life l\vG unhke this \\·as the i·etort of the young ach : it is not the amount consumed, but of the J?rince Consort' reveals to us. J 1 !) tJ an age · ! lover 'vhose name was Page. the quantity ~ppropriated and turned into .ilt.: found one of the damitel'ts glove.s,ancfrtt'l.un· Recipes in Season. good blood by the active forces of the organl~l 1t w1t.h thPae lines. · ism which tells the story o! the benefit de· (In ilfooi~'Ji Rurtt! New Yorker.) " lf £1 um you1 glo" e yo~ take tho lette1 g As so many recipes 4ppear in.t¥ Df.\)O<j! juoi; rived from it. '1 'ln::n g1uve 1s lovc, whlCh r cte:o~to.tli:i. 11 after the fruits or vegetables to whieh they re. Book· .bould be read slowly, a little at a Sh., auawored : fer a.r 1<I,Ui~ done~ I will J1end these in ad'va.nce time, thought over, and talked over. If "If from your name you ta1(e 11101.ctter P, of the .crop. '1'hey are mostly about cucumbers, 'fh{"n Page is a!$e. and that 'von1t do for me, 1 whif.h 1n1e so 1ieldom used ex.Capt aspicklea or they will not stand tbi· process, throw them aside as worthies·, and put your time and A Highlander WM one day looking +tot a print alicJ.d f n vinegar when fresh. energies in:o sometbing better. Read hJS· 1ro1n a p1ctu1e hy one of the old Juasters, in filrted Cuc1nnbers.-Rub the cucumber well wh1i,;;h ::mgels were represented blowing trum- when ~ashing ; slice lf!ngth \\oise j la.y the elices tory, poetry, or plulosopby with ao1ne in· pets. 11.o inq_u1red if the angels played on tn1m· on a cioth or dra.iner,; sprinkle with salt, and telligent friend if possible; if not, alone, and pets 1 and, being answered in the affirmative, leave for a half hour. Then, ha.ving some but- write out your notes or com1nents ns you 1nade t he following pttl1y re~ark :-'Rech, ter or Jard boihng hot, <lip in flour your slices go along. Very soon Jou will find yours1rs, but tht:y rna.un !J0 easily pleased wi' music, and flj· until brown. The butter must be kept self in possession of a maes of facts and ideas I wondor they dinna bor1ow ::i. pair o, ba.g- to the boiling heat all the time. To be eaten "'·hich ·will 1 nakc you an interesting com· p1p ... s.1 as soon M _JJOSsiblv af~r taken from the fi e. prtnion to those with whom you have conSitwt'd Cucumbei·s.-- Pare and :ilice ; sprinkle \Vbile ~t the b1cukfast table a little gitl made verse. You · w ill loose 15eJf·consciousness in loud and ~tepeated cries for buttered with aalt1 and letne standing in a d1a.wer one the 18.rger domain of thought, aud cmbar~ Aftc.1 d1spos1ug of a liberal quant1ty1 isbe was hour j then stir in a little water until done. rasstoent by being occupied with sotnething told tho.t too much buttered toast would made drain off tho water and season with butter, besides yourself. Instead ol belllg morally her ill.;; wistfully at the dish for a mo- crea1n anrl pepper. 1nent, she thought !:lb~ saw a way ottt of the difMixed Ptckfts. - rrheae do not eonsist of cn· confused anU bewihlered by the absurdities ficulty, and exclaimed,' Well, give me anuzzer cumber alone 1 but of 1'eans1 radish pods, marty- ·and exag-gerated sent11neut of tictir·n, you 1necc, 11nd send for ze doct1br" ruas, cauhflowgrs and young con1 when very will begin to see how wonderfully everye:mall, each gathered and stored :\way in time, thing, ffODl the Jal'gPSt to the Smctll'St partl· The Marriage Fee to which a smnll portion of alum has been a.cld-~ cle, u·orks in accc1xla11ce \Vilh natural la.w, ed. 'the cucumbers are used a.fter they are and that our inharmony proceeds from 'l'he la.te Dl·. Boynton was once disputing grown and have become yellow., slice ·w ith a far1net· about the ease ·with ,whidi a lengthwise a.nC cut in any fancy shape, sprinkle within n1ore than rroUJ without. ~ We n1ust really read, and read that wbich m11.11:0-ter earned money. with .salt and a very little aJum- aa.y a teaspoon~Now,' said the f11rmer} 'when you are cal· ful to a pint of aalt. Let etand ' twenty four is worth reading, if .ve would know 9.nd be led ou to ma-rry a couple, you ne\ er expect & hows; then,ba.ving frcs1lencd the other articles, able to tell wba~ we know.-Hea1 th and 1ess sum than three dollars, and you ina.y some- place altogether in a Jar; pour oil hot vinej,l'a1 ; Home. ti.Jnes get ten for a few min\1tee 1 let stand one v; eek ; then drain this off and add Ber\ ice.' fresh -..·incgar, muatar·d seed, eeltty seed, and A Rule In Spelling 1 Pooh/ reph'!d the doctor,' I would a.gree to peppe~·. give you 11nlf of my uextJ marriage fee tor a The full grown cucumber i~ also used as a. Au exchange, speaking of spelling and bushel of potatoes. 1 sweet pickle, but .I cannot ::iay I fancy the spelling matches, says a correspondent A few da.ys after, the doctor was called on to dessei't when we have so ma.ny better nrtieplice a loving couple at Dogtovon,a place ;i.bout chi.:s. It is aleo gocxl in making up chow-chow. sends it thia rule, which 1s worth learning, four roilea from where he lived. 'Vhen the After hu.ving ta.ken the sfo.:ee of cucumber from and may help eomebot!y in a crisis :ceremony was over, the bridegroom said to the the salt, wash and chop fine ; chop also green 'Your key~\vord, 'llve,' tor spelling receive "'orthy minister : tomatoes, beans, (con1 when quite sma.11) &c., and behcve, is gooJ enough as fur as it goes, "\Yell, pa.raon,I !!'pose I muat fork O\ er some- a.ll ha.v1ng been salted twtinty-fours at, or but furnh;bes no aid in spelling such words thing for your trouble. \Vhat say you to tak· kept in bri4c s1uco gathering-the'remove<l as retrieve, grieve and others. Son1e fifteen lug one of my terrier pups? The best b1ecd, I by soaking- m fTeeh water, however. 'l'bese can tell you, Ul the countiy. Shf.lck1ng nice to should all bti (.;hopp~d fine as possible and scald- years ago a schoolmaster gave we a rule have in a barn. \Vorth full five dollars, anJ ed in strong vinegar. Lot Bta.nd &\veek i.u_ tb1t1; that I have II.ever seen in print, and "hich I suppose u. figure 2 "ould do for the splice then add the ~ustard seed, coter.r aeed -ginger1 l think is reliable and worth prtJserving. It The Reception of the Emperor of Rua· on my paper that lnU·t be filled, sla at the English IJourt in 18U, a.a Described in Martins' Life of, the Prince Oonsort. l -:-i ,' Pick and SPRING! s. Ia~61)s. I 1875 ! REMOVAL. S. MASON TREWIN, OSHA-WA is now showing full lines of ANDERSON & OF . ()o. ~ell wu;hes tu nlfonu his numerous friends and cus Deg to announce to the Electors of \\test Durham and aurrounrling country, that tbeJ will thoir iiomcnse tolllere that he hM removed to BUCKLER'S OLD STAND Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. in town. whe1e he \Vill be found \Vlth the nioet eom etc nssortmcnt uf ...._ - ATOOK BOOTS & 0 SHOES, 0 At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. NEW SPRING GOODS, in eve1y department, purchased under ve1y fovoiable circumstanecs, and is determined to sell at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRlCES. ;;mL·;;·~vliisi~"i~ 35~~::·s h·l~'eTF~ ~~:~~;;;~ 1000 pr8. Misses Pebal and Bu.ff Balmo1·als, l l Dress Dress I'!. OQdS and Costumes, eomprising a very Large Variety \if" of NEWEST and FINE8T Fab1ies. 'I\ Ji" ek1" .A.Y·ww Pleaf3e call Bucldet 's oJd stand one door east of },{aynn.rd's Ilotel. l3ow1nn.nville 1 Sep. 1st.. 1873 at 1.UO, pf"I' pair, for CASH ONLY. 1000 Pairs Women's, Mims' ancl Child's Felt Boots, the uhole to be sold for CASH ON LY ~~-~-~~ -~~ -~~-~ --o--Oo,11 eaily and secme your Winter Supply, while the i ush is going on at n(YI done to order g ~Lanngen1ent. by Skilful and obliging ANDERSON & CO'S., THE "I\ A"l"lll"""'er~r An unusually o,ttractive display, this season, emJ..VJ.. ,.. ,J 'bracing Latest Koveltics in French, :b.:nglish, imd American Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings Dooi: &: Shoe E:m.poriu:m.. .liY.&.iW>· · 't\ A" ! I ""tle e.. l!!!h!!I "'""le! f'I Special attention to getting iip Orders flYI" PAMILY MOURNING. :Ei.Lephant House HE UKDERSIGNED in returning thanks T to his many friends a.nd the pubhc generally for the liberal pa.tronage extended to him dur· mg the past 18 years, begs to announce that from and after the 15th September, he will carry on the aame business, but more ~xtenshely under the name and style of JOHN ~1CLEOD & Co. Promf>t payment of all accounts is render· ed i~peratn e by this business arrangement, and all persona indebted will please take notice and govern tLem11elves acoor<l1ngly. 4 A very large stock to select from, of cloth, cashmere, silk, velvet, and lace goods, of latest styles, ve1y elegant, (or made to order.) iii U'1 hil ~ VY 1W11 Staples, Emuracing every description of fab1ics, to meet the wants of our numerous customers. JORN McLEOD. ,ir;t Jlii· TERMS---LIBERAL. Oshawo,, Ap1il, 187.>. Bowma1n;Uo, September 4th. 187:{. Q.1.!· HLibe1·al Support and H Imperial .Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON. (E·tahli·bed 1803. HEAD OFFIOES.-1 TJohw~u~o7.:~~~.~coT Importap.t Announcement! O Eextended~~]~:::~!~ · ?~r~t.~~e~h~~ubl~r,o~~~~tre;h.~~ E Great .Reduotion, in Dry Goods! oiso~~DED McLeod, ~ Pall Mall, London. GENERAL .\GEN CY Old Broad St., aud FOR CAN.ADA .- 24 Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. --oo- St f c1 amcnt , Montreal Subscribed a:nd invested Capital and 11eserve Fund. £1,005,000 Sterling. Fwids invested ln Canad..'\- 10.5,000. Insura.ncea agrunst loBB by Fire are effected on most favorable terms, and losses paid Wlth out reference to the Board tu Loudon. I oLD SYSTEM, J DODSWORTH, Inspector. RIN'rOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, Montrea. il.. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent Crumbs for Chickens. for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowma.nville, June 4th~ 1860 36 m o.43·39.4w RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society THI!: ESTABLISHED 1840. OANADA CBIEF OrFICEs. :0 ominicn Orll'a.n Co'v BOWMANVILLE Present the following test.imon1als from com petent Judges of Organ;;. Testiinonial fro Bowmatnille, 24th Dec., 187'~ . To the M anagets Dvrrun ion t))'gan Co. GEXTLEMEN -I likti to pltt-y on your Organs t..~ .e is so sweet and steady. And the ,.,orkman:!nip a.nd excellent, and in every particular they are cq ual, if not supenor1 to any I have ever heard. Hopin~ they will meet pubhc appreciation. A N 1 E p H E1 LONQnnd ·ill ~~~.d~~io\ti~.c,redit will be on the C~EDITS, E buSl· L llUR DO UH BBOSe Having decided to make a change in theil' business, are now selling fo1 CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, ALL AOCOUNTSE RENDERED 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September p H A N AT AND BELOW COST! ln eaa!i ancl every year. 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL John Ca111idge 1 l\fu.s. Doc, Oanluar, England. DIREOTORS. WJ..LTER SH.ANLT, T 1 In tLa case 01 ~'4s.nufacturers, 1\feGha.nics, and others, whose accounts may amount to $50. 00 or over, their n-ote 1 ii Ii.greed upon, will be taken pa.yn.ble a.t tht" Bank for a stated period, T The Stock having been purchased in the BES'!' MARKETS, buyers can · depend on getting MORE -.4ND BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in any other house in the counuy. Esq., M P"I Cha.ir1naau, THE DoNOAN MACDONALD, Esq ~IAJOR T. E. CA1IPBEI..L, C TnE HoNORARLE burg-. Ont RllSIDENT SECRFT~RY.-JA>J£S Gl\ANT. Hila.ire. JoIIN HAMlLTON, Hawks· B.. St. Cash Purchasers AND JORK CA MIIJGJ~ S PECI AL FE AT URES. 'The EN'l'IRE PROFII'S belong to and ared1vid ed amongllt the Pol1cl}lwklera. LIYEB1 DECLINEV BY OTHER COMP,US".CJnS, or on which an extra. Premium would be required, can be aseured at the ord1nary rates of this 8ociety, Read the following from Rosa D'Erina : Howmau\.1lle, December 22, 18i~. supP'hed by ~rou at my concert last Saturda evening. The tone 21; tiweet and very pO\\ erf and the coinbination of stO})S n1ost admirab I am sure your instruments will find favor Churches, as th«:Y_ a1 u su1gulady adapted fo sact-ed 1nusic Wishing you every success, and that tlrn vubhc may patronize n~tive rnanufo.c t111 e. I remain Gentlemen, V t>l y resp('ctfully 1 To the Managers of the Dominion Oruan Co. GENTLEMEN. -I have inuch plea.sure in ti;s fyin.,. to the excellcut qualities of the Org H H 0 ~7:.;~F;; I0 THE will always get goods at prices cut }"INE1 a.sour great rum will be Prompt Payers on credits short Call Ea1·ly, and secure Bai'[Jains, as t!te whole Stock must be sold at once, for CASH ONLY. I GROCERY DEPARTMENT under a special arranuc1nent SPECIAL Nos-Fo1:'EIT.ABLE POLICIES issued under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay ments are required, each payment secur1Dg Policy for· a sum Msuretl proportionate to the nurnbe1 of premiums paid, and free frorn, fut1{r 'l'Jaym~it of prcm.iu1ns. and most liberal coll· :li'IODEitAT.E P.H.lilllUMS d1tions.. Prospet..-tuses,Proposal Jj.,orins 1 &c., supplied on a:pplica.tion at tho H cad Uffice, or MY of tl1e Agencies. H. O'HARA. A. M. DAHLEY President. Manager Bowml\.nv1lle, Januaiy 15, 18f4, bp·o3-ml6, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs ROSA D'EHIKA. s S E S !. godyc~ S, .E Cook, Hall, Parlor. and Box A qple11 <l1d variety of UWell Assorted ! U Oliristm as Goods, Raisens, O'urrants, Su· is now complete with the choicest supply of gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all P rices. 1 · JOHN McLEOD & CO. B(),vma.n \·ille. September4thl873 Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 MURDOCH BROS" ALWAYS GET JAM ES GRANT, Res. Seer eta.ry. AGF,N'l' FOR BOWMANVIJ,LE, O.BARKEB, ·· Observer Office 1 " King St. 13owmauville, June 24th, 1870. FIBS'l'·CL.A.SS. W. BELL & Co's. "\Y"hich in 187il, u.t the P1ovincia.l Fai1\ beat every A1ner1can and Canndian Organ, tc1.king I Just Arrived at 1 James McFeeters. Prize M ellal O'rgans AGENT tho FIRST PllIZE. .Also the renowned tllC PASHION 1101181!: Sjplendid assortment of ' j I }!'or the following Insurance Companies, and other Institutions, viz :The QUEEN 1i'1re and Life Iofnn·ance Company. Capital£2,000,000. $130,000 depoSlted with the Dominion Government, for the protec dcrs in 1 A BIGu:111ow ragu1g at NEW MILLINERY . Also a lot of The ISOLA'fED RISK File Insurance Com pany of Canado. Capital 500'000.-0ne of the best and cheap~t- Con1pauies doing business in the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated Risks HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO [llo>ton.] \.Vlucb ha" taker. R1JRH REAL HAIR. FANCY GOODS, & AJ~o The CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. with a Savings Bank department. The UNION AND PEinrIANENT Building a l111ge stock of and Saving's Society. TheAe ln.tter instltutions advance Loans on Real Estate, on ter1ns unusuallv easy for the borrower. Stamps for Braiding and Em· --.o.-THE KING OF broidery. TRELEVEN S Bowmanville, Feb. oth. 1873. FR uIT ' AND FASHIONS for Spring iust to hand. usual. SEWING MACHINES, -.o:N. B. - Tho Subscriber is not a Sub, Qr under Agent, but ha8 the special a"'ency for the a.bove I am prepared to ex:cba e .Pianos fvr Organs, Organs for Melodeons, lsd" Sewing ~lachines, on ieasonable te s. !\..d<l1ess, Confectionery Depot. w HOLSALE and RETAIL Ju2t arrived, and for Sa.le, at +he al)ove dP.pot MRS· A. FLETCHER Bo·wroanvillc, April 7th 1 1874. New F?·uil ancl Con;ectione1-ys, Choice Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron Peels, DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES TO ARR. VE Sof.t Shell Almon<Z.,JTilberts, B, and Wall Euts, Keiller's Marl/nalade, T¥est India Pres1;rved Ginger, Pears, PlumJ, Tomatoes. & Peaches, G1 een Peas, Green, 001 n cf: Lima. Beans. BOWMANVILLE J s. Do, ,y, TJ:.!!ox~ r. v Jan. 15th, 1875. G fimos. Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufactuing Co Straw-Cutters !. Grain Grinders ~ and he 1s determined to continue to sell at these rninonsly low puecH cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do it First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Second, what he can't buy chettp enough, he manufactu1c" Third, he is satisfied with small 111ofits ! Fourth, he sells for cash , Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. --o-- Manufactures of C.ALL.A.ND SEK FOB AND YOUHSliliJLVlm8~ BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exnm1ae the stock, whiuh comprises evelytlnng ju the tr:tcle, of the ve1y latest and inost el~gnu styles ~nd patterns, of English, Cano.dia.n, a.nd A1ncr1can mannfactu1e. -o-He st11l l.lonhnues to manufacture tt) Ohler, fron1 the b~st of m:1.torial 1 aind Il( be but inst cl,\.SH 1\'orkmen kept. -o-- Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles They have come and are coming, nt the :Fruit FEED MILLS. ~t·H WOODIAND IHON A11oth1:"1 Depot load of tht.: abo\ e uoblP n.1t1clos on the '"ay, Please ca.11 at the WORKING MACHINER):'. SHELL & SHELLED OYS'l'ERS QUA iITY ts the test of OHEAPNESS. '!', DAHUNGTO:-f. Ec.v.mi;.nv1llr:. Dec. 4tli.1873 nfJ tf B vV :MANVILLE B. W JA.MES, J{i ng St., 13ov. man\ ille. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guar~,nteed Farm Implement Forwarding Agency J~vWUl<~llYlllt·, JJec. 5, 187:! n10. Double Turbine Water Wheels,, and Re his in atock an eucUes." \arietv of L.iili~' and Gents' Sa1atogi\ 'l\unk 15 , Valu~i;:::; &1;, .1.U ti( \Vhlch he is ::ielhng che<~P for c.~sh . ' --o- Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg St· M. TRELEVEN. Bowmanv1Ue, May 13. 1874. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS AltE THE CHEAPEST, T the most la.sting, the troublesome, and moat complete ever mvented. They arti used SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. .l Oll Pol!6h pa1ed for Car1iages, Bugg1e1:1, Harness, Boots and Shoes, n.nd all lands of Leather. lt will ghe any article of Leather, a.most brilhaut appca111n<.:, and at the · same tune, from its oily properties, ttlnds much to pieserve 1t 1 it will aJ. \vay& be moh1t and pliant; and may l'le exposed to ·water and '\'ashed1 :md will not lose its bnlh· a.nee, and it 18 not to bo feared that cru~t will settle on said Leather when p1eserved "'ith the above 011. li'or tho '"'oodwork of Buggies, Oarriages, and Furniture, there .is not a better article 1a use. ~Ianufactuied by A SIMON & Co , Tanners and Cu11iers, fm tner1y of France, now of l:'hiln.delphia, Pa., Instructions-Shake bottle, A few· drops on a pu~ce of sponge.apply it lightly to the lea.the1, and you will the finest luetru. Puce 75cts per bottle,u1 $7.50 ptr dozen. .JOHN SI\1ALE1 Sole Agent, P.ow· 1nanville. July 16th, 1874. 41-6 moa. nlil>IE .MO~EY Ca.stings of all Xinds ~h ?' Thu doctor took the pup with JOy. The joke \vas too good ; he has.tenell to the farmer, sa.y1ng: 'No\\', fnond, here is Iny fee -how shall we tliVlde it 11 The :F'arme1 reh.shed tha joke so well, that he increaseLI the potatoes to half a dozen bush· els and recommended by 1nany of thf be~t Breeders i.u the United States and Oauada, such as G. B. Loriug, Salem, Mass., Premdent l'l/ew linglund Wool Gro'9.·ers' Society ; John S. Rose, Hennepin, Ill. ; Profet:1sor ]..f. rtiiles, of the State Ag ri1,,'Ultural College, La.wung, J\i1ch. ; Hou. Geo Browu, 'l'orouto, Ont.; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On each ].!ark is stamped the owner'" name and the Sheep's number. They will be sent free, by ma1l 1 or e:xpreas,for only four cent3 1 clo' es1 cinna.moll, tUri?ah vinegar j 1llao1 a. i& this :-All verbs-and words iu ques· wch, e.nd will last foi· 'l'V.'Ili~TY l: &AM. Gii- Cash mu1:1t &L'Company n.11 orders tablespoonful of suga.r to each pint of vinegar. ti't>a. are always verbs-irom which nouns ARCIHBALD YOUNG, JR., This t)hould be done-in a-U pickles. Drain tbe are formed 1 that end in eption, are spelled. Sarnia., Out. vinegar fro1n the chow-chow; mix thoroughly with the e before the i. Otherwise not. For Orders :.iddresse<l to the l\.1ERCHK'r and On\vith the spioes in the fresh vinegar. and store exan1ple, 1 reooive-recept1on," BERVER Office, fo1 any quantity, will be filled at a\-.;ay. I use JU~s; it is a little difficult to take the above-mentioned price, as qu1~kly as he the chow·cho\\ from these ; but it keeps 60 }!arks can be made and sent . The truest mark of being born "'ith great much 'better, can be sealed so much easier, that C. BARKE!l, qualit.1~s is being born without cnvv. it pays well. 13owmanville,Dec. 28th,187J. nl13 ly and LABOR saved! .h're.ick ThIB French Oil Polish is p1e- REPAIRS dune on the TO THE "\VALTER vVIGG & SON, return1nl? thanks to thi=ir numerous and the puLhc gcnerally fvr I NVJOuld respectfully invite their s,ttention to our present stock of furniture, aa we ha' e 1;i,tcly cu~tOlllt!l"S 1 pn::L L~vo1s, SRO~TEST NO TICE, Vl e now on hand a h;.1ge quautity of added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all pu.1'ties \Vho may plel1"'0 to favor him with a. ealt Great wducemen~ held out to tho8e purcha.$ing at our ehtabllsbiu{'lut :e1c tures, Looking GlasllCM, etc. framed to order, aud in e.vecy !ltv1e Sru.nples of the l1Jlure11t kind of Mouldings can be ~een at the ware-room ,. Ye \vould ~also beg to i11fonn yon, tl!a\ having purchased a 1 Common and Gang Plows, I that wiH lie _ SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, 1 c~onnblt LOW I Bo~lllanville, PRICES ti. s~ld at ! i . wu shall be ieady at a 11 timef:I to attend funcra.1s, on 8hort not;.ce and N. B.-Coffina kept on hn.ndand mad1;1to01clB1, at tho terms NEW D01WINlON RETAIL PURN11'UllE WARb'-lW Oi1f. hav,·a 1 Aug. 26th, 1870. AT THE SHOP. M01oh 6 1873. King Street East, Oshawa. J -·~ ) L l -1 I

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