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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 May 1875, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Circulates largely in the T owns11ipa of Darling· ton Cla1ke and CarL\\ right. It ia a common platforin, oQen to the free discusi:;ion of all ques· us in which the general pubhc arE' concc1ncd. 'l'EilMB. Steam. Job l'rinting O:ffi.ce, KING STREET, BOWMANYILLE. f(. "EDi}i · f.i; e < £r.1s r£r s.111 rr, ind vance. The Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2·00· RATES OF ADV ti.RTIBING. VOLUME VI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ERIDAY, MAY 28, 1875. NUMBER 'Than I deserve 1 It may be so; .and yet, I tlnnk that one who gives all, tuer1ts something better than studied . neglect. CouJd I have acted so to you J I never thought you a coquette befot~, V(~gima.' 'And you do now 1' 'Yon force me to it.' ery well, sir. 1 once heard you so.y you despie:ed a coquette, and as I h~ve no Janey !or being thus despised, 1 think it is best we ehould part.' 'Do you renlly nieau it 1 Virginia 1' ' I do. I could not be happy with one so jealous and exactrng.' ' I do 11ot thrnk I am oxactrng D1tl you uot dance nearly all the evening with Doc· tor George, hardly speakiug a \\'or<l to, or even looking at, 1ne 1' 'Am I to blame, because you do not choose to do as etltera <1.o in society 1' 'Did you not go w1\h him to supper, re· gardless of your promise to lr.e l D1d you not losJ the Jlower I placed rn your l1air, and did not his baml supplant it by those xxxv. POSTERS, P AMPHLE'l'S, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADE/ CHEQUES, NOTES , HANDBILLS, LABELS , CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE POETRY. . GRAND TRUNK RAIL:WA:Y ! I Stution, . Tr,uu:3 will leave Bowrnanv1ll e . Bu\l~ruauville t11u e. a.e follows . "Thy Kingdom CJme." I' AT BATTING'S --o-A Full As.ortiucnt of STORE. F.A'.NCY - DRY GOODS, .....=:=.,.;:;.._.,_ Lo ! through the breaking sl...ies, Dawns now with sweet aul'pdi!!e, The morning star . whispers in the air, Lile waking everywhere, Voicee as if in pra.yer, t,; Ol NG W ES T.. GOlNlT .t;A8J, Now near, now fru 'Vher the summe1· d<ty thus opens, Do \Ve e'er mistake t11e tokt:ns ~ Do we not soon, Luca.I. }JxpreH!:l* .7:22, a1n. I Expross., 9 27 a.~u. : M1xed 8:20 a.m. 1:05 p.m. l\I1xed . . ... 230p.1n I Looal . . 7:[i[i p.m. Ex1}ress ·.·· 9.00 p. Jn. I E xpr1!1'~ . 9.00 p.m. · This traia rurui every 1norn1ng of " 1::ek, lfondays oxcepte<l, rt1he iollowing traiDt:) 110\Y slop at ::)axony STAPLE and f , uoiv 'to ha1,11l,, GOOD aml CHJ!;AP. fo1· nsscngets .·Local go1 ng \Yest, J uc at :l\I1xed going east, due ot Al1xed going west, due ut Local going cast, due at. Uontreol time. As melt the ch1ud.H &way, ~ee the mild eastern ia.y, Shinll1g to pe1fect day, In the glad noon ! Fa.111 would we t1 ust, (J Luul, That Thy most mighty wo1 d, . ~ 30a.m . 3·40 p. m 2:55µ. m . 7.45 p. Jll -( ll per togHher; but be sh..,'t have her. be doee, I shall be M.D. in right earnest0 Oh1ist, out' Sav1our l{ini;, the madd est doctor thn.t e\'er took a de- fiauuting paesion·floweis 11 Conquest to victory brtng , - --.o. grc~.' 'Tirginia tnade a httlt: impatient 010\:cDisplay Thy power ! ' Well, ~ou l1au Letter try your luck. nien~ lt. ~·as liab1tual with her when any Ou 'l'bee Thy people "I'll, 0 loo11e the captive's thralJ, love her <learly, a[)d shoul<l be proud of one, as she called it, lectured her. Htir uuLet hostile sta11darda fall, such a ,laughter.' gloved hapd wao resting on the rail of the In this 'rhine hour hous,e that had received his bridge, and ·s she raieed it, htr ring drop· Jn the old ·;· · ·j·~~ Blest Spu-it, let Thy grn.i::!, pareuts alter their marriage, and fiom ped oft'. There was a n1omentary glitter as 1 all of human race i wh1ch they had been carried to their last she looke<l after it, tben tt struck the 'vater The tl'uth reveal J quiet home, Robe rt l\..iax.well lived alone. a.nd disappeared requesj. .to annou_ n ce that they have just to hand, a · Come a.ea mighty wind, His sisters were all mnrriP.d and away. She started, and gave I\. httle nervous ' · · J Sin's fa.tiµ cho4ns unbiDd, RA.DUAi-+'E of :Baxt~r Univt!1sity '!f ~I usic olten wondet'ed what Robert could laugh. People Show the dscea·ed and blind F1iP.nd ~h1p, ;New ':'Yp1k ' do wilb so Jarge a house. In truth, it was 'There! I have lost" the ring you Obrist'! power to heal. Teacbe-r of and Organ, (...1\.1.ltl'1a.tion lo Voice, Smg1ng, Thorough Bal:is, Hai mony bllt a sn1all part of 1t he occupied ; yet now tne. I kne\~ I should, some day ; it wl\s nl· 0 SaYiour, Prince of Peace ! Composition, &c. i and then, ut long in~ervalst one or more of together too large.1 Bid now all diecord1 cease Darhnglon, July 16th, 1874. 4J-ly his sisters would come, with cl,nldren and Robert turned pale. Ajll~ngst Th~ lrien<le. ' 011e Kfns-alone_'\\·o kn.ow; nurse·, aud the 1ong unused rooms would 'Oh, Yirgi 1ia ! can you part wt th it aud :mr~ baittlefield, one foe j be opened, and the garden-walks once more with me so lightly l' 'rAILOR. From !trength to l!ltrpngth we go, echo to the sound of ht tie feet and childish But her pride wllB u p- ;he answered Till conflict ends _ ALSO Gentlemen's· & Boy's Garments voices ; then they woultl go aw&y again, and nothmg. Till within heaven'· gat e , ~he house be all alrnt up, silent \nd lonely 'Only promise me that yoll will not go MADE r.f THE Angeis shall celebrate l'\EWEST S'I.'YLES , a:i betore. out with that man.' A world's new birth Bowma.nville, July, 27, 1869. Robert haU grown fond of sohtude, as \Ve 'I 'vill go out with whom I please. 1 ,, So shall the truo morn wake, all do when those w~ love most are scatter'Then it is, indeeU, time we parti::U, ob· So sha 11 a new light break, It R LOSCOMBB, ~,o .-ed. People called him cold, aud set him stinate, cruel girl !' For, B&itb the Lo1d, *'I make BARRISTER-AT·L4W, I ' dowu fot an old bachelor. But of late, · 'Thank you, Mr Maxwell. Have you N~w heavens-new earth'" 1 M. W. :K;. there had Lt::t::n something unwon~ed stirring a."Qy more na1nea to call we 1' SOLIOIT@ R IN ClFA.NOERY,flJ:act ' 0 0.l:'I: IOE,_;:-0\$11" l?t'IcClung'a Store .sa1ne \J the depths oi tha.t earneet, quLet spirit'Oh, l""irginia will you not relent r 11.s J . J\:[, .t wimn.comb's Dcnta,l Rooms sometlung that wh1~pered of a time to come, 'Yes, when tbRt. ring corbe.s ba'.ck to !lJY :Bowman,ille, Oct. ·27th, 1868. ~ when the old house should once more put feet, o.nd asks me to wear it again, l will re· on the br1gltt home-look of welcome, when lent, and Le the slave of) our unreasonable, LICENSES TOO WELL MATCHED ; OR THE one beaut1fnl as his dead mother should tyranuioal temper !' ~ J§.~UJ:;D BY 1 1 LOST RING. She walked <inickly away, and Robert, take her place, and thi· lonely heart ot Lio RO.BERT~ ARMOUR · Bo1vm8nville, April 15th, 1875. be no longer shut in with its pent-up power gazing: after her for a 1noruent, turned non1e· (Continued ) of loving. ward, with a gloomy brow and a trcubled I MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' I thank you so much,' sbe sa1<l to HobHe had p1etu1t:d Lo hirnsclf a gruceful spirit. ert, 'for tbl.! trouble yotl took to find the: tigure stan<l1ng in the wide, ol<l-Jasbione d f N ext d ay R o bel t Ma.xwe ll was not in h1s ~ 1fR .TOIIN H EYNON, Lot i, 6th Con lf_l Darh~tOH, Juca1 Bt!thesUa Church] is doctor.' Robert, of course disclaimed. ' \ rir. doorway, and a Ja1r facegreetlug bun with wonted place at chnrcb, and then l~ was tluly authorized to isauo M~ttriage Licenses. ginia has gone to supper "ith George, 10 smiles and loving words, filling up his lile known that he had left Deepwood. Da:rhngttrq, Nov. H.t, 1874. mS tf. with all the S\.V~etues~ tha.t ba<l. so long ago 'Of courae you knew,' said Mrd, Rayburn, help him do the honoia.' Robert's countenance !ell, an u Ins arni ,p'l§Setl out of tt that he ha1Lc.eased to regrll.f. Ji\! ]!er ntece. . ·~ .... ... trembled uhder P.Irs. na·yburn's ho.fill. Ol th1nk It could cvel' again 1etur11. 'Oh, no-noL I,' said V1rghna, aud ~frd. 1 Poor follow be bad beell loukrng lotwurd Aud 011ce he had bruugl1t 'Vuginia m, to Rayburn nlarvelled. , : .a · all the evening to this bout, a n<l uow that show her his mother's picture, aud a~ she On fl.!ooday, \ T 1rgin1a was oil, too, with BO\Vl\111.K VILLE, ' " I · it bad anived, lie found huuoell tie.cited. h · G t " 0-f · , b look er.l up at ll10 .i:mJ't; eyes, they ha<.l secmed er. cousin eOfKC or eacort. 1 .. · t i~ ' Aiy son is a etrange1, you know. ij e to ~nnle <lown approval 011 Jus choioo. 'J have the wost charrn1ng surprise tor PJA1YOS, <JRGANS, . JJJELODlffYf. \; 1 ,Eo ntinued, 'and T always like to l\_ecp tuy- 1 Bui to -night a dreary clolld had come you, dear,' said Mrs. It'uirftn:, as t:oon as she ... q ~c~ free on tbeee little occas1011!:l, so as to betw een bnn and the heuven of his hope. ll.a<l her <laughter to herself. i Tbe Laur~4.NS liiut SEW I~'IJ;J!i;f_(J If)NHS l .,. ,h11ve an eve evervwhere, saitl the snnltng \Vhy bad this new-comc1· stolen away his enccs are going to Europ1::, and hEn.-c a~kEd 1,hoatesss. . ' I bav~ got a sweet little island treai:i tuti 1 Even ~ it w~re but for a paasiug you to nccon1pany tbe1 11. I Wa.EI r>urc yo1l Raymond Sewing · Machine ' queen for you, howe\:e1, and a great pct at hout, coul d /to,, have acted 80 by her/ AnU. would hke it, aod sol ha1r·e suLJ Yet!.' A 8l'EC IALITY. wy owu. I·li::re she is!' and she gave him s J llOOr n "irgin1a started. uob er1, aa<l , weary, com1or ti ess, l a aeat next pretty Cei;il Or,t11din, th e t.:let- eutercd his own door., and sought his UH· ': U:urope l' said she. lusti ui.:tiun gl\ uu , a.ud l1u1Lrn1nent~ and J\.Li E' N p R J'ape rs, c.1JI tin d examrne Ottt· l! C \V 1 '-,'t .1 ;. l ·k , ebmos guor.utoed. ' or ew atterns ltl Ootn -> cv, gyUlan's daughter. e8.eiy pillow 'Just thiuk of the aJvautai,.::cs, dear! Bowwanville, J'un.e 18, 187'1. Notwith~taud1ug ~Id geue1al rcst·tvc aud Busy arnoug !.us pa.peis next J.ay, about Your s1ng1ng \v1ll be so n1uch uuprovecl 1 Clnomos, etc., etc., Ready 11aJned, to he oolil.uess, a.11<l the pndc that was attnbu tcd noon ltoUert chanced tu lift his heu<l autl and JOUI French and ltahau pe1fected: · · sold Cheap. Don't let this chance of getto ~him, i tobc1t was a great ta.vonte witli the espic~l two J1gures on horseback p~1ng They are_ going to Paris and ltaly, will ting. Cheap Pictures slip. No Hu?J-bug. Call and price them. young ladies of Deepwoo1l. "\Vhat )'Oung down the 6trcct. Ile atarted from his chair, winter in Rome, and be in Loudon for the b'vr tlic '1.'o wnsh·ip Dai·li11gton. man would not b~, with an mdependent In· ~ncl looketl Jong and earnestly. season. and you ancl Julia will both be pre· He ha.U never hearJ. Virginia say idie seute<l. at Court. !lrs. Laurence sa_)s come, en unblenuBbcd char~ct~r, anJ lLc re-H. T. PHILLIPS, markable per.;onal attrachous tha.t e~ery coul<l. rul e, yet, there she \\'ns, and Doctor American girls are the rage in Europe JUSt ' HAMPTON. one ackuowledgeLI 1 Georoe beside her. Disturbed to the ve1y uow. Not one with any p1ere11s1011s to 1'10111pt a.tt1:.11tivn given to saJ.tls , &t, on rea.son· But to Cecil Giaha.w. he \\as u1ore th~n cautr~ ot his sen:>.1t1 ve nature, he tlltned to good looks but may be a count~ss at t.he able term::!, an er<linary favonte lic 'fas ~ J1::11st, 1f she has a mind.' ~ · her., h e10 an d h'1s ""or k agiuu. ---:o:.-- - her drea1n- u <l.rcurn that she carrieU lH<lThat eaening, he' wafkeil up to the house. During this apeecb, Virginiu. had tune to den in he1 heart. Her soft, eweet e3 es1 ,\.frs. Rayburn sat by the window, acwiag, ponder the u1atter. It had taken her by ENNISKILLEN. LOTS OF. o·T HER CHEAP -.;tt.les 11romptly attended to on r~aso1~able terms. with a tiwjtl welcome, an<l aud her tn.-o bay~, of ten aud twt:ilve, were surpnse, but ehe welcomed it as a change. R. E. intends reducing his stock, he will therefore give Great_Barga1ns. 1Wmembe1 t;o ca.11 at now looked she ble'8ed the happJ' ch ance that bad b usy over some presents George had 'Tl1ank you , dear moth er . I s houl u " like g;;rO'.Hara's Old Stand, - Town Hall' brought her such u nlook ed-io.r felicity. To brought them. That obq.uxious individual it n1ore Jf you were going; Uut I ~ball en· rrhe Propuetor believeti in a Nimble Sh:p ence boing better than u. Slow, Poking Shilling ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. her, ltouert would often unbend, as he dtd was nowher·. joy it, I am sure. Wben do they go!' (To b~ continued.} , R, EA~TON. to tew ; he waa too proucl to" be n, and R b h I' ' This is Afondav Live1pool London, cind Gtasyow "How1rianvUlle, Ma.r. 15th, 1875. ~ . o ert pa1tl L e usuJJ 1 comp 1meut·, · ,· the steamer sails on ly-m9. Christianity is pre-eminently th e religwu he never inrnu1ntd this · '-'oun-s glrl~~ ,,, R a.y b urn was not f ·Ligue d b y Saturday ·, the India, ol the Cunard Line. OR 'I11ckeLs, or inf(...nnrtt1on, a0JlY to ·· · prefer- h ope<1 ui1s The Thief's Device. of lo,~e. One of the dearest na.n1es ot its ~ '\V. A. NEADS1 Agent. euce other than that of fuendsl11p. So, as h er exer t10ua, t hen trn11'di y as,.e 1 ,· tl 1 ' f A1iss . You will waut uothing Lut a travellmg· BowmK-nv1lle,_.Jrn1e 9th, 1871. tf-30 great T~ache~ ie the Prince of Peace. Love his parad1ee was for the pri:sen L ~lnit out, Fairfax werB at liorne. dress, antl that I pro¥itled, And as to There ia a fable among the Hindoos that be resolved to forget his m:i·ery, anti be has me, I will Join you, if poss1Lle, with Ada, a thief having been detected aud condemned is the grand motive \1y which the Gospel ( 'Oh, yes, she 1~ ut hotue. I Jt!<ir \Ve are urges obedience, and the whole circle of happy as circumstances wuul!! ~llow. m the Sprmg.' to die, happily hit upon an expedient which gowg to lose her very soon, Mr. ~Iaxwdl. My ools,&c. 'As we are to be is Ian d era, I suppo~e we \Vben Vuginia lay down tu h1;r own Utd gavo hlm hopo of hfe, fle seut for his jail· Christian dutv is coruprised in love-lo·c s1stt!r has wntten fut her agau.i, and her are lo be fed op shell·ftSb,' sa1tl the d octor, that night, she Jelt bow differently this er, and told him that be had a secret of great D1v1ne and human ; and peace, perfect yis1t cannot be prolo1jge<l beyont.l a very . . f deep in tl~hcious preparat1ou5 o oystert:". European voyage would h~ve seemed to her iwportance which he desired to impart to peace, the fruition of love, is the blessed . t short time. Arthur, go up·stairs 1 and tell 'Oh, no 1 not o.ltogether,' rep led i his w1 e. two months earlier. SIJe wished that she the king, and "hen that had been dope he consumrna~ion promised to the faithful d isBega to infotm the-. public, t hitt she has ; ust reyour consm that Mr. !\Jax well ~ here.' '\Ve have communication with. the n1a1u · could recall tbat hour on tbe bri<lge-tnke would prepare to die, Upon receiving this ciple, ' Peace I leave with you, My peace I ceived a splendid.. w a.ssori meut of .E'aucy ·11 h V1rg1n1a. down with ber hat on. . These \\'"ere the parting Goods, Berlin W OOls, etc, which she will sell a.t land 1 and supp 1ie~ Wl be 1art co wing. back thoi1e ul'.lk1nd, r~lentless \\orUs. l3ut piece of mtelligence the king at once orJer- give unto yon.' ' Will you t·ke the old walk, to mght 1' as low pnce astheY Ctttn be::JJolfght for elsewhere b words oJ Christ to flie sorrowing friends, J ames'-ad<lress1ng a servant-' ring some pride \va.s u11per1uost stil1, u.ud whispered, ed the culprino be conducted to hie presS'l'A 1l1 l>f1VG done on S ll0RTES1' Jtro:PICE u id Roberi. when, before He was taken uway, He .ndcoffee, and a pitcher at lemonude.' 'Let b101 seek iue, iJ he wants me;' an<l tf f)ct. 8th,i874. ~ 2-imos. ence, and demanded ot him Lo know bis 'Uh, yes. It will be almost the lw;t, tor The rnau she spa k e tu1 at t h .u u1otnt.!nt, not 1-why, then, al.le shoulJ. cros::i the sea, secret. The thief replied that he knew the dressed to tbe1n thei tender coneolatio11 nnd go ou :U:ouJay.' I the earl.lest admonition which John has re· threw wi <l e the door of the d nnng-room, and for,,et hnn. secret of causing trees to grow "·b1ch would 0 Robert's heart leaped !or joy. Now ti; qilJI d1Bclosed ·view of the mainlaud-t h e When Robert Maxwell ldt Decpwood, it bear fruit of pure gold . _Th,e experiment corded. And when the closing scene of sutStill, he lelt 11 e b rll l iunt with lig b te an d fl owers, should be all light again. ---:o:long ta) was in the vain eftort to e8c.ape his own might be eu·ily tried,andhis majesty would fcring Lad arrived , and Jesus, seized by the that v·1rg1nia ho.d 1ll~treated hiw, and she 1 &nu loaded with every probab,c tlamty. troubled opi11t- to turn hie back on all that not loae th.e opportunit.v; so accompanied officers of the Chief Pnests and Phar1Sce·, ehould make amends, He had rnfl'ered too A But alas ! for Robert, There at the head, could ren1iutl h101 of his sorrow and bu mil· by bis prune 1n1nister, hie courtiers, and was gently answering their rude que stion· Ilego to ieturn thanlrn to hif::I frieu<l.s fo1 the sup much at her haudo to let her pass so eaS1ly, j I D h G J)l.nt he has rei.:t:l1ved the past two, and c ose to oc~or eorge, w ose ace \\'.l~ 1alio11. He had laid bis h1::a1t at th1s WO· his chio! priest, be went with the thief to mgs, Peter, filled with indignation, so ught ho1>es by cont1nned Sl t~t n.ttentwn to . ng all over·, aucl turned towa rd h··r, H e was none of your hun1b]e, self·deprecat<l beaml to assist his l\faster by violence, and cut off busin~ss, aud wo1king at the 1110st 1 llasonable ... man's feet, an aftt:r accepting, she had a spot selected near the city wall, where the sat '\rirgiuia, radial'.lt, ls..uglnugi crown ed Ing lovers, n1uch M hti pHzed her 9.ffection. the etLr of the fligli Pr1eo;t's servant. L Tesus prices, to en..qure a continunnct of public pa.tronHe felt tha t be had gtven as well ao le· epurned tt from her. In th e turrno1l of !be thief performed a series ot solemn incaunge. W. D. is prepared to build houses, etc , him sheathe bis sword, and ltealed the bade with ecnrlet poss1on -flower e. great eity he would iorgct her, and be once ta.ttons. Thi!3 done, the condemned n1an 011 t,l1 e n1 ost 1 nodt:rn style of arch1tectu1c. Job· ce1ved. wounded man. bing promptly attended to_. Pla11a and specrfi As Robert gazeJ, the room seemed to more free nnd happy. Bownmuv1llc. Nov. 1st, 1873. producetl a piece of golJ, and declared that Thuy passetl out ot the ga.rde11-gute,walkuat1ons got up on apphcat1on, un the 1no· t rea~ But though the ltte a·1d death ol the great ew1rn before htru, H1s flower had. beeu desPassiug along Broadway at 1~ bus1~st 1flt should be plauted, it would produce a aonablti terms, and of eve1y descupt10n. Office 1 I ti ed down the str ee t to the fust CClrner, then a:nd Shop, Outazio Str ect, nearly opposite )fr. pised 1 Jorgotten, a most tra1up e on, and hour, with bis eyes beJJt on the ground, he tree every branch ol 'Vbich would bear T~a~hPr of Truth was one unvaried illustra .. took the quiet by-road. lea<l1ug to the river. T Bowden';; . tion of the ptiuciule of peace, thougli If113 now she wus \Vc11.11ng the bl1)Sson,s he b a d 1an Juli tilt aga1ust some oue. gold. .Bo\~1ua11vilhi Dec 24th, 187·!. 18·1y. . I k _1 .il Jew ren1;uks were rnade on the beauty of h J precepts all breathe of love, and mercy, uud 'I beg pardon,' saiJ Roher!, w1lhont look. told her e " 1 eu. ~But,' he added, 'this muot ha pllt ~nto How thankful \va.a l\.obert w heu th e bus· the cveuing, nnd tbeu 1:1peech flagged. At ing up. gentleIJea~, "hat1 in <::Very age, bus been tbe tho grountl by a hand that h .. never Leen last Houe1t spoke. conduct of Hie professed followers] Wilb tie of preparation heralded the J o1>a1turn ot ·" · oI no lid~. 1 cannot Lalk 'Why, .Maxwell, olu fellow, " 1t you J stained by a d1ehonest act. ,My hand is ~ot ,. Irguna, 1t rs the guests. V1rg1nia came into tht:: hall to them, may we not say th at hatred, cruelty, abou t sunset and you wert:: cruel VV hen did yon conic I I a1n so glnd to n1eet clean ; therefore, I pass it to your majesty.' sec them off. Robert, gloomy and silent, and violence have u~i::n the rule; love, 'l'he kiug took the piece of gold, hut hes· to 1ue last night. Y uu n:;e<l 1ue l>a<lly, I you!' stood \'iith lus ha.tin his Lantl. mercyJ aud gentlen~i:!S the exception 1 Ill My New Good.,; lmvc It wae John \Vest, auohl college lricnd; 1 itate<l.. }'inally lie said : A'!'~ Wl'l'l:l ll., Y. J OVlLB, begs. to in'Oh, Mr. ~lax well, you u1usL excuse 1ue, didn't deserve it. th" name of the Prrncc of Peace tb oy bave L fulm the pnblii.: geutlrally, that he h,w co ~1and almost before bo aware, or bad ' I rewen1ber, in 1uy ytlunger days, that 1 lie stopped, hit) Jact: lJUiveuug w1Lh eu10but I eutirely Jorgot to go to !!Upper " ith !ought their battl"s ; to promote H ts relt1nenced business 111 the Shop next to the EY~ t1on. V1rgrnrn etootl still and looked at tiwe to escape Itobert found hin1self carried ofteu filtered money from my father's treaR- g1on they have gone forth with th e s word pteH.~ Office, one door e~1st of .T. M1I ue's. you. ' Ha.\.ing had eevcial yearH oxp~neni.:e u1 the bitn. They \\e1e now on the bridge, bt:· of up-town, doo11cileJ. in his hons~1 and the ury, which was uot nun~. I have rE'pented and spear; to w1u thc1r brethren to the ')... ou forgot rue, Y 'irgin1a. 1' lie ur.;keC, iu d. ~raJe, he hopes t o satu;fy nll w}10 nu~y f nvo1 of the sin , Lu t yet I hardly tlare eay ruy neath 1\ lucL JloweJ the rt\ i::r, 1.lecp and recipient c1f the ioost cordi11l ho1:1pit.ahty. him \\1th a call. tone audible ouly to her. ohed1ence of Ii1s couJman<l~, they Mr~. 'Vest was del1~,l1te<l to welco1nc her hand is clean. I, therefore., pass it to tny ra111J. ' Y ~ !:), at the ruoruent.' She spoku wJtl.i hewn the1n in [>iecc81 scattered th e111 111 FITS husband's .~ hieutl. She 1'ugb111gly told him prime 1n1n1stcr.' 'I LLtied yuu hadly- auJ huw 1 pray 1' Ah~ the greatest coolness. 'l rcu1cmbc1t.:d aiterfragments, coneigued them to the- deep, conm49-tf l:fowm:,i,1n:illc, Sep. 4th, 187'2. she and J obn had Ucc n n1arnetl. neatly The latter, after a. brief cons1deiut10n, ----~ ward, of ..:ouroe ; lJut you wc1 c nowh ere to a~kct.1, in her 1otLicat tone. sumed them in fl.un <'~ 1 itnmureJ. the111 i u three inouth11,and the llHl.L111uo111aJ tete a-lefo auswe1ed ; '\T ugnna, you know you til.ighteU rue. be seeu ; auU, tbeu it was your Unty to tin<l the tl ungeon, infl1~h::il upon then1 e very ' It ·Vere a pity to Lrca.k the charw forru of torture that th e ingenuity oi liurnYou ueglec~cd and avoided me for tha.t Doc- wu.s bccu1uiug nie. 1 DEAL!:Jll 1N-' You are <l.01IJK Uil s. teal clw.rit),' i:aid through a possible blunder. I receive tux· AND Robert would uot apologize, uor eveu ex· tor George Rayburn.' ing zeal c11uld devbe , Uiey have forgotteu ll1·1ut and Ol'namemtat 21-eelf, Sccd.-t, Bulbs, she. es lrom th<l people, anti as I aw exposed to V1rg1n1a ra1se<l her delicate cytbtows. l!'lowc1s, J:c. · &.-c. plain, He was too deeply wounded io offer their Lord's asserl.1011 that llis J,ingdom ie ·And no'v we have got youJ' put 1n her many temptations, bow cau I be sure th~t I 'And may I cot speak to my cousin l her hiM Lan<l. He bowed his farewell, and not of this world, und 11 i. iu<l1gnant re buke 1\-lr a. ;;uaranteos t o furvit:ih w.. thing but rrruly, sir, this 18 asserting your autho1ity husband, 'we sLall not let you go till we have remained perfectly honest 1 I must of the dieeiples who <lewed that He woulLI 1"irat-da:;s trees, and true to n ...\.<lllress, left the house. ·hown you everything. And Lucy have I">. O. Box: 55. Bowu1anvillti. rather too soon.' give it to the govornor of our citadel.' A little late1, Mrs. RayLurn was 111 tl.c call fire froru heavtn 10 consun1e His ene~ 1 Jau 22nd, 1875. bp.]y ml7-o4. '.Nay~ Iain 9.Ssert1ui; no authority. I and I will con1c 11ext) ear, and you shall No, no/ cried the governo1, dra,., 1ng dira1ng roo m, when she ft::lt h~nH~ll odzed ou ly p nL it t'tl you1·selt. Did you treat hllll mi ea. Oh, tr1eudi:i 1 ,. h1 n \\ e thin)\ of tht tic do the honors of Dee pwood .' back. 'Hememberthat I have Uie se1rn1g rouud tl.J~ ,.. a1st, <ind forcibly co11\1;yt'd to a 01 111c as '-"'Otuan oug ht- the nian ~he llas th1r:g~i are \\c J1 i,i fi:Jlq] n ith eu111n1 , 1 1] N1·xt day, as they sat at d111ner, J0hn out of pay auJ. 1noi;is1ons to the aoldi1:r, Let promuied to ma r ry 1' '.l'he Public are solicited to call and see for themselves. sofa in the parloi. hunnhat1ou I SI d i ~\ t 11nt P-t1dul\u~1,..t to West e:md to bis wite : L)Je high p1iest pl8.nt it. ' She colored, CERTIFIC.U:S, Applicat:ons 'Co1ne mother, you dono e1wngh fCBtOt~ lhc l«:;lfglyll ()( !t ·\ C rUH[ pt.aCP 1 B LA~K ' Yon are Yt:I) uJJ1ensou ahl f.', I L1cate<l &u, &c , can be p1ocure<l :;itth1s office, <lt 'I aaw rny f11e11d 1 Ca.pta1n 1-luntly, of tl.2 And the priest ·aid : for one c t·1:. n1ng. They can gatbe1 up the Shall we not lf'nch, n1.d i11 o u1 o\\n p.::r~ona i·egular rates. n1y cott~1n no better tban he de.,ervc~, and India, to ·day, Lncy, aud J1e has inv1tecl u:s 'You forget, I liave t he collecting d illustr.'.tlt, ti,( 1 c1vcn ly doctnnc.e a1 it Hampton. Sept. 8th 1872 Bowmanville, July 7th, 1873. legs and wings without you. Dearest liltlo ~oti, I um sure, no worse.' 11 all to lunch on board to 1norrow, You tithee:i, and the <lisbur5ement fnr sacrific<.·,' Founder 1 ~1;~~)1;11~22~·~1~8~7=5·================================:::::=====, I Seeds .! F~~~d:~d i' Seeds! :.ig«·~Jc ...,.anch.~ai:er House, Bowm.anville. mother, you1 pa1ty has been a triompb, and you are youugcr autl prettier t11an ever.' 1 Just the sa me foolish boy,Georgie 1 She ' put uut hei hand, auJ strokecl his cheek. 'But I don't want you to tell mo how young and pretty I am-say, rather, who was the prettiest girl here to-mght J' 'Oh, inotb er ! can you ask 1 But \ T 1rgnnn 1s JJ ot pretty, she is glorious.' ·Take care, Georgie. I fear someone ll·s been before you. 8he and Mr. M~well arc very 111t1mate ' ·Maxwell! what, that haughty, disagree· able h1gh·tra1<cdy hero, w1tb his air half Hano let, L.tlf O\hello 1 Mother, I forbirl the bans.' ' Oh, 1 dou ' t know oi any e11gag~1nent. She disclairus it to me ; but there ba,·e beeu evening walks, and m1lch attention on bio pait. 1 ' "f iluever aeen a Cuna.rdt:r 1 have you, b-Iaxwell 1' ' 'No. I shall be glad of the opportunity. The captain, of course, ie au E·glishman !' 'Yes ; and the best of good follows. John Bull can ba gruff and rampant enough, but these q1111lities don't crop out iu my friend, who is a jolly Briton of the true blue· order.' "f_,et there be light' ii now, in these last <la.ya, Gone forth o'er earth's ln~hw<\yH, Cho.sing through sin's dark wnze, 'fhe long, long night. ·Ah 1 l thought he looked desperately !:a\ a~c when she a nd I came out from ·a!ip- A '. Prof. ·· J. Rus'e, TYN G Full A~s:O~it>ie~t o~ 'Good,·Fresh, and Reliable )'ield and Garden Seeds. ·· . P-. A- T , On. 500 bushels . :SA!t~EY, for seed. F1'ne &·Ooar ' S S" aI·t $1 per bbl. '1 LITERATURE. MARRIAGE I - PLASTER, · -: '0 N'E-c bOE kAR ! w~ H. ~VJLSON, Genea.l Agent for ~,. '· · M · PA ' PER Ro@ 7,000 ROLLS ROBT. 'ElSTON'S CHEAP MIRRORS. J: 1 AUCTIONEERS 130 'el"'otu'"eS ! o/ I CHILDREN'S CA:BS. GOODS. WD!<. Ba,,.to:n, uv At length the th1el oxclaimed . ' I thrnk lt were better tor society al1-hve ot us should be bange'l, sincti it appears ./ tb11t. not au honest nw,n can be fouud a1uo11g ua.' tu spite of tho la.nitntable e:-.:.posure, the king laughed ; and ea pleased was b e wi th the thief's cuuu1og expedient,tbat he grant· They went accordingly, anJ. were received ed bun pardon.- Excha,,ge. on tleck by the captain-a tall, broad· shouldered man, with a bronzed counten· " That Cat." ancc, and the frank, hetl.rty ma~ner of a sailor. l)eople who have servauts should ah'a}~ A plectt~mut hour was past:ied iu v1ewu1g keep a cat. One cat to two 1:>e1 va uts rn the 1uagn1ficent ship, anJ iu the <li::.cnssian about the necessary nverai;e. of an elegant collation, at which s~veral Servants who understand tbeU1f!elves aull friend· ot the captain were ftcsent. know what is for th.cir 1ntert!et, will nevlt When they left, Captain Il untly handed engage in a JaC'1ily where there is no cat. 1 Mrs. We&t to the carriage, anti, after saying Ha\'e3ou' is one of the quest1011s farewell, returned to the ship. Rpbert, seat· every st::rvant seeking a place should ask ed by Lucy, was thinking how' perl~etly he along with ' Have you a piano 1' and 1 1 s looked the monarch of that ocean palace, the servants' ball carpeted 71 when another carriage drove up, autl the 'Vben the choice cut-gllLF!s anU clnri.i get captain cro~sed the plank to receivt! its in· broken, inquue into the, a.n<l Bndg~t mates. RuberL, still idly gazing, saw a. will tell you. 1 An' shure, ma.',uu,d1<ln't Je gentleman alight, then a grpup of ladies, know it v. ns the eat ?' and beard cordial greetings, and au intro· Ask her what bcoarnc of the coll beef, ductioa, in whicll his ear caught tbe name and the half of the mince pie, and the pie[,. of ' Fuirtax' twice repeated, and then they led oysters lt:tt of yest e rda~ 's dinner, an d all weuc on board. I<'ir.t,- a~geaUeman. and ahe will ·place her arn1a akirn bo und look at two middle-aged tadies, uext, a young one, you with ama zement-' An' shnre 1 rua'uu1, iu a h.t, with a · profusion al lair ringlet· it was that cat J' falling bel1ind it; lastly-what is it that The covered basket tha~ her s1stet Norn. makes bis heart beat wildly, and his cheek had along with her wheu she called to talk grow pale ? 'l,here ii; _!.>ut one such forn1, over the 1 illigint' wnke of Larry 0 Loony but one such step as that, in the worlJ.. had nothing' to do with the dis11ppcarance 'Gloriou· fellow, isn't he 1 and . gloriou· of the eatables. No, iodeed ! abip !' ~aLd John, mounting to his seut, and 1.'hat Ctlt is responsible for the waste of touching the horses. the sugar, and the &trange shrinkage ot the Next morning, Robert read in the passen· barrel of corned beef, a>1d the melting awny ger-list of the l ndia the name of~;.. Fairfax, oI the couteutR of the butter firkin. At Rome, by a fortunate cha nee, lb e ThP. noises beard at lnidnight-whid1 Aweri<'all party met Lady Sarah Clilford, a see1ued to the ear of the \\'akeJul n1ist n'ss not very distant relative of .Mra. L1urence, like the etealthy opening of the side duor, and the wife ol a distinguished member of and the smack of requited affection, aud the Parliament. She was happy to make I he hasty grinding of a ma11's boot h·al 10 the acquaintance of her American coy.sil}81 and concrete walk-are all laid at the door of r1t.the1 proQ.d or exhibiting them to her ' that cat ' by the p1etty housem01d ' NO· friends. body fa for a mon1ent to suppose tbo.t J i mOu learning tbat they meant to pass tbe my Boyle, the butcher'· ooy round tl1e cornext eeaaou in London, she did not wait t" ner, knows anyth10µ about i.t ' be asked, bUt -0ffered, in tbe inost gra.~ioua~ Servants have tbe1r rights- let nou ocly manner, to present the whole party at Court, gainsay the fact, and let no one attempt to 011 which the shadow of the ~ood Prince interfere w1tb those rights. 'rhey have ,l Consort's death had net then fallen. right to demand that "here they work a 'Tbo·e two girls will marry brilliantly,' cat shall be kept. ·aid Lady Sarak. 'They are new, yon see, Everybody must have a scape- goat of besides being undeniably charming. Miss some kind. F11i1 fox i· the very image of Lady Edith The miatress has her nerves und he1 t1u11Fuzcoyle, who came out last ye.r. She had 1Jy cares to fall h·ck upon when she feels ue~t to noth\ng, for the estates are fright· cross ; Lhe master has Browu 's fttihtu·, Ins folly encumbered; bµt she mametl u mar- defaulting clerk, and the stringeut n1oney qms, with a fabulous fortune, and your market to find fault with when his ill trn,. daughter ls 'lUite'as handsome, in a different er has led hiu1 to curi:;e the otton)an ovt·r sty le. They ·et each other ofl' to a marvel, which he has stumuled, or the pooule uor; ~nd your !!isle iu dressing them is, I must 011 whose wretched tail he has trodden say, J>orfectiou. You might have been boru And servants &houltl have a eat,on whose ~ Par1s1enne. 1 shouldc.- they can lay all thmr Hh<irtcomMrs . Isaurcuce su11led. Ffhe 1latt.ery Wllts ing@', and whose presence JU the house will pleasrng be sufficient to exonerate thtin1 f1om. n1u lt1Lady Sural1 traveled witb the Laurence tudes of charge:! the1r hon es ty and party, and oaw the!ll ins1<1l!ed in a prettily integrity of pu1 pose. furnished house; nea.r he,r ~wn residence. Never seek, tben 1 to cle1n1vc St!I\unts ot London was . 1.nt)s'!ally.J~ll that Sprin~, their righti1. and, onco introduceil. by her IBdysbip, in· By all mean a keep " cal. vitations .flowed in uj;ou, beJ:,friends. 'l'he girls, as sbe had ll!"4ic.t,_e£, bCMme the belles An Arithmetical Puzzle of the season. Wherever they muved, murmurs of adrn1I~ion followeu tl1em. \.Yill some of our reader~ sentl an an swer 'Have yo.u Seen the lov~ly Laurenec 1' to the f<Jllow1ng1 which wn!:I given us liy n ' !lave you met the a~perb };'airtax 1' were_ friend : A sboetnnker sold n pair of boot" questions constan\ly ··ked, Mrs. Laurence, however, knc\V what ahe for $5150. The purcliaser tcuderecl hi n1 ~ was about, and she never 'allowed Julia and $501 bUl; being unable to cl,ange it, he t1:1 keti Virginia to be seen at more than one it to a grocer, who acco1n1nodated h1rn. The party ou the aameJeifening, ~no matter Wbat purchaaer departed with the boots, and r. · i . I the rnd ucement. . , This served , three pµr· 844. 00. In an hour or two, t11e g1ocer chsIt saved tbe, health and beauty 9f covered !he bill to be a counterfeit, nnd her charge ; it made them the more sou.ght received good money for it. How n1uch 'ii I · after ; and ti pleased the ,1.izpll onef of le.. did the shoemaker lose by tbe tramaction 1 attractive metal, who 'thus found a clear field oftener than they expecte-1. The Law of Love l F Fancy Goods,Berlin W CO.M E and SEE · Hrs. Mason, HAMPT· O ·N, HII~L'S NEW w. BUNNEY, BUILDER, E T 0., LARGE LOT OF and GEN'l'S' F'C'RS LADIES' · VERY OFIEAP. ===========::'.: :==================-=':.:-::-:::-:.:::=-=- New 'l'ailor shop, JOHN H· E AL NEW · N~~ARLY ALL COME TO HA.ND CO~IPLETE GOOD GUARANTEED J. CHAPLIN, VER.Y PRICES MODERATE. H. E~LIOTT ~}JN To Ma.sters of L. O. r. 1 1 l r I '

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