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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 May 1875, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY :MAY 28, 1S75. LADIES ll j I · TrIE Sohool ·Z nsip, Au un~ectarian, Daily Line io Rocheste1. ----··-- ----===-~-~ Ccunmciiciug on -or a.Oout the 10th, of A -pl'il. UOllBIS' I A'l'TENTION ! Illustrated Paper, for Sabbath Schools. THB STEAMER CARRIAGE SHOd (wtli:;t.. uf the l:k~nk,) --(o)-- Published Monthly, at Bowman.ill·, Oat. The Editor ha.a been connucted, rnoro or less, c101:1ely with Sabbath SchoolR, from bis boyhood, and will endeavor the make the EN~HG~ every way worthy of the support of Sabbath School· . The µnsectarian character of th0 pa.per,?eriders it auitable for any School Iu connection therewith, a. Supplement is publh1he<l, containing Notes on the liJtenia.tioual series of S. S: LeasonS. 'l'bcse arc carefully prepared, and must }'rove of great value to both T eacher -and Scholar, ]iiew ejfJt;~" -A'l'- If you want a I King Im1rn_ ..l pa.n l!EIURNI ~G , St1·eet, Bo\vn1a,nville. .,,0.Cl'iber i, M:RS. :R. HOPXINS' 1 THOROUGHLY RELIABLE ~repu1·,;d to Wcigo1rn, Baggies, an<l Cullen . LADIES' and MISSES' Parcela oi 5, 10, 15, etc., at the rate of' 30 OUl'PITTINQ ESTABLISHMENT, eta. per yenr. · Single copie~, 40 cts. Postage· 'rERMS: ORGANS FOJ;t I J St1·eet, 11ext Door "\Vef!t. of . 'vhere can be found the ~furdo<;:h Bros. FREE. A:idreso, C. BARKER, Eorron, Bowmanville, Out. Parlors, Schools, or Churches, Apply to Lute st N'ov<llties in Jlfilli ner11 Goods. What the Press sav about it : ,\ 'l' Prices to suit All Cia.sses. A lav a. wdl selected ~tuck of THE ENsIGN, - Wc have been tavored with a copy of the Ensig'n. frorn th0 Editor,at the "\Veat Durham P1inting Esto.bhshmcnt. The E11sign is a paper pi-epa.retl especially for Sabbath Schools, and iu our opinion well adapted to ita object. So grea.t a fa,~orite has it be· come· that we h1~ar (what is vt>1y unusual with suoh enterpriaes) h h:~s proved for the first year a lina.11cial.~uccees, '!'he illustratious suit· able and sufficiently numerous, \Vhile the reading m1!'tter is healthy in tone, racy in Rtyle,and so varied as to suit tho taste of the general public. \Ye congratulate th(l Editor on hav· ing catered So successfully to the public want, and we congratulate thA yotwg and the public on having so charming a. tobt1et presented mouthly for the pern:')al of their· chil~lren. -Reformer. . ~c Ens.i[J1h jg JH:iatly p1·i~ttK} on goo<l p a.per, ig illustrated, and conta1ntt healthy rea< matter and ought to havo a large circulation. -Peter&cJl'O E:X(1/jnine1·. . 0~/w..w<i will leave Chadotte [port of Roche15ter] daily \ at9 p.m. 1 except SntuJ"da.ya, when ·1::1he will leave at 2 , for Port Hcpe, dir.rct. · Thls is the shortest and quickest route t.t.1 Oswt-go & Watertown, via Lnke Ontario Shore Railroad from Cha1·Jotie. Dea.Iara in stock &c., will find this the c1i.oaveet and most expeditiouo route to Bo1:1ton, Albany, New York, &c .· },Qr further infonnation n.pply to nm GREAT REMEDY }' 01~ I ! vf every d1~R(,ripti l.Jn, nt sh ort notit;(.', v reasonablo tun:n:;;, and acknowledged by mnuy promim: nt physi- CONSUMPTION cians to bo the most ltelinblc Prqmr11tion evPr h1irod111:;!!d for tho REJ .. IEF nnd CUBE of all Carriages Painte,i and Tri11 n.n '. :RICE &; :SAltXE:Et, .At:;-cnts fur the R. ORA WFOnD. PORT HorE. Or <.:. F . GILDERSLEEVE, KJKGSTOX. LUNG COMPLAINTS. well-known offered to seldom fnih to effect a apeedy cure of This remr.dy ii> tbo public, snnctionod by tho cxpcriC'nce of over fnrt.y yenr!l.1 nnd when resorted to Ju sC'ason, on the pre1nrn cs) were si1ecfo,J nltenti<"ll is g:. \ l ll ui :ill A Blacksmith's Shop "THE STJN." BEST ORGANS ON 'l'HZ ~.AILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. CONTlf\iENT. :Bible Christia,n ! Everything in Ladies' Goods. I 1 I \Vo iµtend to rcl?lcnish our Stock cvc1·Y week from the Canadmn ~ti<l KO\\· Y ~rlt Mi'\rkeh; w1th tho BOOK ROOM Latesd; ~I Novelties! PLF~ASE OALL and. }~xaruinc St.~ek NJd Jil'icos. FOB fJASB. The Cheapest I 11 Dress Ma~in~ and Dress F1tt1ng A SPECIALITY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. rii W E.E D S 1 · · · A... '\TD Philadelphi<i and New York Paf... terns avways on hand. The Iviost l'a.shiona.ble TWEEDS! School Libra.ry Depot, Our Goods are all New and Fashionable, and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. 'l'he apptoach of the Presidental election gives unusual importance to the et-ents and <le\·elopments of 1875. We shall endeavor to de. 1::1crib.e thern fully, faithfully and fearles!'.lr. 'l'IIE WEEKLY. SUN haa n.ow attamcd a circulu.tio'u of over seventy thousand copies. Its readers arc found in eve1-y State a11tl Territory, and its quality iis well known to tho public. 'Ve shall not ouly endes;vo)· tu keep it f1tlly up to tho old standard, but t() ilnprovc and add to its variety and p<>wer. THE '\tEE.K'.LY SUN will continue to be 11 thorol1gb ncwspn.per. All the news o( thu day will be found in it, condensed \vhen unin1. portaut, nt full length when of inoment, and always, we trust, treated. it1 a. clear, interesting and instructive manner. It is our aitu to 1na..k1:1 the \VliEKL Y HlTN the best family newspaper iu the world. It will be full of cntcrtainin~ and approj)riate read· ing of every tiort, but w1ll priut nothing to of· fend tho 1nost :;cyupuloua and delicate taste. It will alway1:1 oontaiu the most, interest-in'? !ltoriea and romances of the da.-v 1 cal'efully selected and l"Wbly printed. " The ~gricultul'al Departn1ent is a pro1ninent foitture iu tL1:1 \VEEKLY SUN, a11d its articlea will n.lw~ya be found fresh and useful to the fat1.1ler. The number of n1eu iudependent iu 1.-'°liticl! is increa&nff, and the. \VEEKLY St.ns· 1s their paper especially. It belongs to 2111 party, an:l offers no clicta.t1011, contAnding for principle, and for the election of the bcgt U)fl)), It exposes the cot·~uption that d.IBgraces the oountl'y and threatens the overthrow of 1·epulilican institu· tions. It has no fear of knaves, and seeks no favor!.' from their supporters. 'fhe ma.rkets of every kiutl aud the fashions are rogularly reported . ' 'rhe prioo of the 'VE:EKLY SUK is one dollar a. yea.r for a sheet of eight pages, and fifty-six. col111nus. AB thia barely pays tho expenses of paper a.n.J printing, we &l'C not able to m!i'ke any discount or allow any premium to friends who may maka fJpecial (:ffOtt.a to extend its circulation. Under the new law, which requires payment of postage in advance, one dol· lat: a. yea.r, with twenty c~nt~ the cost of pre. poatage added, is the rate of subscxiption. It is not ncccssaJ·y tog-et 'Up a club in order to havs the WEEKLY SU:ll at this rate. Any one who sends one dollar and twenty cent! wilJ get tbe vaper, postpaid for a year. 'Ve b.Sve no tra,t·e11ini:o" agents. . THE WEEKLY SUN. - Ei~ht page,, fitly"tx colmnns. Only I. 20 a year, postage '}J1'epaid, l{o disc.o1int frorn this_ 1·ate. THE DAILY SU.lY.-A Jarg'e four-page newspa.ptlr of twenty-eight columns. Daily circula· tion over 120,000. All the uews for 2 cenbi.. Subscription. postage prepaid, 55 cents a ir.onth, or6.50ayear. 'l~oc.:luUsof lOor over, a dis. count of 20 f.excent. · Address, "l'HE SUN," New York City,U.S. ~larch 11th, 1875. 24-6ins, Couglts, Colds, Croup, Dronchltl8, Jn. llucnzai,Whoovtng Cough, lloarseness, rains or.·Soreness In the Chest and Side, meedlng at the Lnngs, Lh·cr Complnlnt, &c. (!v.l' \rurk , uad Gcueral Jobbing. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUREU by a timely resort to this etandn.rd remedy, IH All 1vo1·k dune rd thi" EstabUdrnien t wa1·1·a1dcd. _:~.~wmauville, O c t . J ~t. 180!.I. ·--·· - -- ·-. ls r1rovei1 by Trnnllreds of tcstlmonfals receiver 1Jy the proprietors, DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD GHERRY .flrto:11aratlon,., buf. it loosens and. cleu1u1cs tho llttl(JBJ and allays ir1·Uat411n, l/u.u t'Cinoving tho Cause of the co1n11laint. A call is n:spci.:tfully 8!1lii:it.~ d. .r. )101'1:18 doc.a not dr11 up tt Couuh, and leare tho ~artse behind, as is tlte otiso iclth niost ----- - - - - - · SO ' I-IO . ' Gentlemen of Fashio11. --~--- CLERGYMEN, L&WYERS, SINGERS, 1 1tnd all tlio~e whose occupit.tion requirCs nn ::in. usual cxcrciac of the Tocal organs, will tl !i ·i this the OX-LY I'REP.\IU.TIO!f which will dfo1 tl· unlly cmd jnstnntaoeously rJZ"licvc tht'ir Jillh~ ul . NOT SO FAST. I hav 1:1 w1·itlen t lwso few li11'""t: prietors, 11 S11.;TH Jr'·.JlOJVLE<f· SON.S', JJO STOJit." All others are base imitaUol,ls. ·1::..r;am· Beware oJ Countcrfelt11. Rtmember that the genui1ic 1P'"istar's n,tf~mt~ luuJ oH th.r. mtlside 1llt'ti.Jl.per tlul ai(Jnatiir!; (}/ · 1I. B VTT.':ll:. mul theprznfrd name oft!:cp1'c ine tile wrapper car~jully tics. before purcha;::-:ng. One Dollar a Bottl· Sit llottfos for Fire Dollan. PREPARED DY SETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, Boaton,.14asa., And oold bf Drugglots aDd Dealet· l!"ll·rolly. And all I have to F.ay, That you ca.n find lne &till at lw1~w I am not gone a,,1·J;y; So all 1uy kili<l ~Jd frie~ds may C· iHH:l , And all the young :'1H(!S tuo .A.nd get thei r ga,l'1J1Puts nicely nrnlll\ In fashion1:1 that nrc new \Vlicre old an<l young d~1~ frien ds .uwy 1neet .A. welcniu c grt;l'.Jt in;.r by P~ . p}jA'l'.hl, Bown1a.1n·ille, June 19th 1873. -:------ ·~-------· -- .,., THE ~----· ___ --- DOMINION BANK, BOWMAKVII,LE. Capital, -Paid Up, HEAD OFFICE, 0RILLIA1 , $] ,000,000 TOl:ONTO. O!:!HAWA1 .OlV .. ~CH OFFICES : COBO Ulm . BoWMAN\lLL.1'~, \VnrrnY, UxBRJDGR 1 Rc1ncruber\hc1,Jace,at MISS S'rOUUHTON'S Old Staud. The Largest Stock of TvVEEDS! KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Rvspcctfully, !itRS. IIOPKIN8, Bo·,vwau\'ilhi ~\.pril 30th, 1875, 31-Lf. , 'l'hfa "Bfi.nk , in ~dition to ti·anAiwtiug the us. 11a.l banking business, offers to tho public aU the adv:;iptagr;g of a Snvi11g Inatitution with the secur1ty of a. farg_e naid-np capital, by the mean~ ot a. 8AV~G8 D.El'ARTM.F.NT, Interest allo1ved ·:.> n all deposit~ of One Dollar and upwartls, at the rate of .F IVE per cent. ver annum. Depositore can withdraw eiLhi.::r the whole or any part of ~hchi deposits at any time, without previous notwc. Special rates of interee.tallowed upon depositi; with notice of· withdrawal 4merican Currency and Silver taken on deposit. Draft~ granted payable in C ':h cat Britain lT nited Sta.tBl:! antl all parts of Canada.. ' f;ii"Deposits ~a~1 be remitted b:"-,~ mail,adtlreased to the T1ou:un10n Bank !regiatcredl, whc11 in all cases a Pass-Book receipt will be scut bv return llO.l:! t. ~ Bowmanville, J~. Gth, 1874. 15-tf. ~ 'l...,Y i~~()N J·~, Has now~ full a.:ise>I"1~d 81;(.lck of Groceries Dry Gcod~:1 :Soots & Shoes e1ic., etc, wh ich for J. A. CODD, ,.f,:cn[, Quality and Cheap - ------- - -- ·-·· = =-·---·====c..:====== RETIRING CO NTESr_f_, ! Desirable Farm Property ness, ---:o:- - - FOR SALE. a_ ,·erY O~NNOT BE SURPA SSED $20,()00 To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. 1HArJ' Splcudi.<l l)J·uperly of the late 1'--Ir. B. Mitc-.hell, btiing tho north half of Lots No. :H? !Uld 32, in the Uth C1H1, of Da,rliugton, comprHitng 200 acreti-35 being superior wood land . There is on the front of the pri.!mir.;ei;, fine,gcntleman's stone resiclcncc, with lawn n.ud. flower t;at:elen, to the real' of which iH a beautiful lt'Iaplc Grove, Also wood shcd,stablC', driving 110use1 etc., andevet'Y Lle1;~8Mry couveniunce. '! 'he -whole, about ten a(;Tes, is surrounded by a Torn hedge. '!'here is a lfa.L:lu Houae with thtc-.i barns with nll outbuil<li.ngs. A ncve~ failiuVi 8trcalfl uf wa· ter i·un_s through the prctnises. There ie also a. splendid Orcha1·d of fruit beariO" trees and a kitchen gru:Ucn. 'J'he prope1·ty is fn a g~ o! cultivation, an4 is regarcl'en jl.ij I.he 1no1:1t de· an·~~blc betwC"ell Kingston 1.1J1d London. 1.1or f11rt)l(:1· Vitrticulara auply tu ~ms. '1 The . Best J. ELUOTl TYRONE. \Ve han~ no\V T )VE E -1) S ! the iuusL varied a11<l SELECT STOCK OE that IS O· · Card. of 'I'ha,nk:s. a - - :o:- - G:Rl!lAT AltltIVA:t. Pti1"VO ! ------'l'he Ln,rgest Stock ever shown in Bowmo.nviU~. lIJ~ iSuJ?.t;ciibc.i· returna tha.nkt:i to those who have g1:·en }um theit· patronage iu the pa."lt, an~ wonl<l 1nform the farmers that he Jw.H re· paired nnd rofitt11d_his ?I.fill, and ia lauw prepar· ed to attend to theu· wa.nt~in the millin·~ line T He iii al.iso conducting a 0 · -·- -·-- Spring Bats & Caps GENERAL STORE, <~url DENTlSTRY-r B. MI'l'CHELL, O!!h&waP. 0. bii· tf. m44-o32. F. McARTHUR ha8 decided Lo go out of Lho Dry busin ess, and will commeuco Newest Styles! -;I!!;- SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and English Fur, GENERAL LITERATURE American Fur, yet ofiercd to tho p~oplc in Vt cs.t Durha1n. and Canadian Felt having pu1:c.~hascd his stock fC1r CASH, is giving bargains in Ontario Bank. DlV!DEND No. 86. GIVEK, N dividond of HEllEBY pe1: cent, upon the paid OTIC:~; I~ ]!~ou r 'JHAT A un Lhe OF THE FIRST ORDER. -. o- - 'l'AILOlt:CNG- 20th of lllay, , A Grazi.d C~earing HATS. STRAW HATS! !!TRAW HATS fro1n 12:? Cents, 1lp1fa.rds, Sale of his Zn.tire Stock. The Spring Importations only having been co1upletcd a few weeks, the StocK is very large and ·well assortet.l. As it mu~t be sold within a given tin1c) A. Trem.end.ous Bed:aoiiion willbe m.ade. TERMS OF SALE :- Unde1· $50, Casli; orm· $50, Four 11iont1ts Ci·edit on approcad notes, The-Tailoring in Ordered Work, will be continued as usual, during the Bale: up Capital Stock of thi1:1 lufititution,for.tho cur· rent half year, lias this <lay been declared and ~bat th e i;auie 'vill be pnya.Llc at the Eauk ai:J.d its BraJioJ1ea, on and :ifter 'l' "U}~SD ·.\Y the Fll~T day of JUNE next. ' 'l. ' he 'l'rausfer Books will l Kt cl ot:ied from the ~6th2to th1~ Bll'lt d~~Y of J\Ia,y, both dnys inclusive. N,oticc ia alt>o gh·en, that the ANNUAL GENERAL ME1~1'ING of Urn Stockholders, f.or the election of Directors, will be held at the 13nn~in,¥ l[ouf:ie, i1J 'roronto, on TUESDAY, , tlie.]'l.u'TJ~Ji;N'l'l"f Jay of June next. The ' clrn1r to be taken at 12 o'clock, 110011, IJredsely. By ordEr of t he Boun.l, GENTS' For the Holidays I n J.i'irst-class Selectiou. FURNISHINGS, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery,~lassware. Groceries, &c. STAND. -· Uecently occupied by Mr. Gray. J. M. Brimaoombe, L.R.C.D.S. A&.!:> l ~f!D E'f Knowing ju~t what suits tlie public ta.~lc, I purchruied accordingly. Call ea.:rJv itnd suit yourself. v ' S. VA~ STONE. ~' TYRON'E. G. D LOCKHART, L. R. C. D. S Tyrone_} Dec. 17, 187-t. 'lighest Price paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. .Bowtuanville 1 April 1st, ]Si5. FEES nIODERATE. OFFlCJ:J ovu 3JcCLU.i.VG'S Store. ]) , l<'l 8HER, Ontario Buuk, Bo·w·mauville, 1\pril 14th, 1815. Casl.tie1 .. ;JJ.5inr;, M. MA. YElt'S. F. F. McARTHUR. Bowmanville, :May, 18 75. ---- ~ FOR SAL:m. PHILLIP'S HO'l'}.;L, is offered fo1· f.;n.lo, being a part of Lot :Xo. ;;o, 5th Con. D1trliugton, comprhdng ~5 acres, moru or J-esQ, Thel'e are about 23 acres clet~rtl tl the J'en1aindcr wood land. 1rhcrc is ~ ~o od fnune ~lJS(' 1 with barn, driving h?ll ~ e au<l !'table, and tift(f good wells. '1'h0rc 1s a..lso a splendid . S A L E' · Iin :B..,OR -Orono and Clarke, ha.s consented to open an Office in the village of Oi·ono, where either he r[1HE }~t;'l'£\.T.E of the late o.r l\~l'. G. LOO.K.~.Al{l', L.D.S., will atteild,_on I . the requests ~ i Real Estate ·1 . DE:NT:CSTltT. ·~ THE l'll:'BSCltlBER:i n ord«r to ~cce<le to of many persons residin~ both VILLAGE OFHEHAMPTON. p . b . h I l" h · O.S:!lesswn can' · c G'l \'en on t o st o .u:...IU'C · 'l'erws easy. ...i\.pply to tltc propl'iotur OJI Uu.· preini1:1ea, fLJr l>H.·rticnlars. FtiL. 23th . 1875. $25 llW!BD! '.l'he al.Jove reward will be paid to a.ny pcrenu who will fur11i8h amr>le proof that the Boots & 8]10(.:S sold by the undexsi1:rned, not what he 'represe11h theuJ , ~ Gij1 Books, 8ple-iid,id .A lb~1ns, Prang's Celebrated Chromos, lficrosc(fpes,Kctle·idoscopes, DRUGS AND MEDICINES o; the finest descripat thi:: tion, · Ladies' Bowmanville Drug Store, Companions, IV rit-ing Desks, Pocket Books, &c., &c., t.O })}CR-SO Strowger Bros. NEWCAS'l'LE Haviug removed to more comtno<liouspremiset , IN Levi Builder, and Manufacturer of Sa,sh, Blinds, Doors, &c. 1-'HJLIP UAJ,Ll1AltY, the first Mon~ay 1n c_vcry month, com~enc1ng ?Uthe fu·st MondiLy 1n 1'-Iarch, t'l.U<l te}na1i;i during th at week, for the purpose of attend111g to all Dent:.1.l opent.tiuu~ OHlce a.t l)r, li'jdding's 1 ~ all, nnd every Ul}!), J. HIGGINBOTHAM ,. l-1. '1'. l'HILLIPS. 22-tf. -----·--- --~-----,-~--- ii>Ud splendid Collection of Surgei·s. 'b . ·. . . . . '\ i~ proy11.; r ~y i i. . u1 a good sLat.e of cultprat1on _ . } or furthcrpa.i·twulal's, if by letlt:r,· postpaidapply> to Dn. I\lcGILL, Oi:!ha\Ya , ApYil )-st. 18'75. 27-tf. Orchard of , Fruit-bearing Trees. I' ~ WANTED.---- ch:~:: 2~t:.::;:cul~~;,~Pt'lfi!t, H.i~?J: Desirable Bo,vrnnnYille, l'eb. 18th, 1875. 21-tf. ~n-~ d ·.m-~~--S --l --·~ vOO rli a, · NOl" l"i h a.If o f L-N . ~ ·· l> ai·· ~ .1: ot .r o. .14 , "'l I,,. 1 .... uu. ., ling_tm_i, containing lOQ, a.croi;, inoro or lesi::. Good l>url?1I1 t;i:; ru.!dfencea, 3.Ud l,a.rge young or· · J · M. 13JlI!vIA.C V.!\'1BE, J TRESPASS NOTICE. .PotJd'i and Creek" on IiJ~ ltE B 1~ NO'J.,Il!'Y all yarLiu~, that the South hnlf of J..ot )l'°o , 10, thcN01·th hu.lf <if Lot N o. !), a ud 0 11 ) , 0 t No. Qt Q . arm . .or e 8, b~tua..te ~u the Sth Con. of :pa.l'lington, arc rc~ervecl Dshn1g grotu1<l, bcloug1ng to UJe, aud a11y one trt!spassing thereon. will Le proi:iecutcd to ·i\.V I the utmo~t ri"Or ' of the l · · .J AALES \VOODLEY. Darlingtou, April 14th, 187!J. 29.~moa. I Gr80800p 0 . ~- . i Vi6'W'S 1.TOULD must respectfully touder his sincere i'f thanks to bia nu111erous fdends a11d customers, and to the public "enerally1 for t]w very libPral support he has ~·~ ceivcd 1:1in.ce hi1:1 ' c~1nuwnci~g in busincs~ ; and hoµe s by con· tuiut;d strict personal attention to bush1e~a, and Offt.1nng notb1ng but the purest articles. at tho uiost reasonable prices, to ensure a. con t1 11\umce of public patronage. J. H. would call special ~~ttentiuH tu bif.! ve ry superior stock of - · FO'l'HERGILL'S BLOCK, beg (,o infoun the public gm1erally, that the !'" are 11ow cunbJOO to offer thctu Better Inducements Planing a:ncl A YOUNrf WOMA...'< rnccutly from A Fam . Eugla.nd, a fJitua.tion whore she could make hCl'f:lelf gcne:l'ally u~eful, behind tho Counter, in tho )Jre 68makjng depurtment, or aei Ai.::>istant __ nook. -kccPJer. Itefei·ences kindly perrnit.t ecl 1 to _AS :t.-IR.. BREil.l:N is n.l'IOut g rJ ,owu, 1'CYoxal rc8j)ectable pc.r:.on8, b(Jth iu 'l'own and he offers for t>afo, that fino two-storey Uouutry. Address, Ilrkk dwellillg, lately m·ccted 'h>y him,. oµ Lib. N . ...:\., O BShHV.EH Oflice, liowmauvillo. erty ·streot, baviug- llacrcs of land attached Uco. ;;n.I., 1871 1. 10-t thereto. 1'he house ha8 · 1 rooms on the first flat, antl ti rooms on the second, with cellar Un· der whole Luilding. 'fhere is a good on the p~·emises, and al8o n. wpl4 nnd cistern. WANTED. Tenn9 reiisona.ble. ]fo r further particulllrfl, & l<'!Wl'.l'-CLASS WOOD.WORKER iu a ~Ep1y to the proprietor. B. SIIERIN, Messrs . King Street, or 1-i. 'Huggy and \V.agon Sbop. Oon~ta.ut em~ McC LUKl1 BltOS., R !rIBE n · .J · LOSCC ploymcnt will be given. _.\.µply immediately, t.o 1 · ' BAn1nsTE11.. MR. J. MOUJ\CE, Trnoirn. Bowmanvi1le, Feb. 26th, J875. 22tf J au. 28th, 1874. 18-tf. B y ily Residence For. Sale. ~,lUS'l' BE SOLil.-Asplundid vmperty. lt.l beiug Lotfi Kc>s. 14 and 15,in the 10th Cou. l-A -N DS FOR SALE. p or G t 1-- The Guvdav. f'l 'C Uvught. at ]J(';~t t·a.Ll:'f,j, aud :vur chasers will receive the benofH . · T>YE .A well STU~'FS which are Stll'c to gi11e LLe lJt,~t 1:1a.ti.sfaction. 1:1e!e~~ted stock of en s, USE THE ACA.ltD. hav ~ this rla.y a.ppob1ted 1\'fTL 0. 13.A.E,l\'..Ell the ./!,,'xdu:;Jii;f! agent for the fJa.le of my Vut· CJANTZED PEKS for B, Ont. Dadington, oontauiing 200 acres, moro or less; 'l1he soil ir; a. rich loa.m, and the land lcve1 1 Ha.vo about 10 aci:t!s on the front of ..iacb lvt. A bout HO acres arQ t:leared, and, well fenced , Eighty n10re earl Jrie caaily cleared wit.h a good sucker foft on tho north side, for ]'all 'Vhcat. This, if. rightly attended to will P<~Y for the whole land . 'fhere is on the prcmhies, a dwellin&; houM·, ha1·n, and good well of W<tter, also young orchard. 'l 'be property i~ situn.te witl1i.11 ten miles of llowmanvllle, three of 'l'y1-one, threa of Enniskillen, and two o_f Haydou. 'fl.le land will be sol<l cheap. A small portion of the ptu·chase money, required <lo""-n, and reasonable tllue giYen in wWcb to pay the balance. Pos· . . . a· t ,, r tl · acas1on giveu1mme 1a e1y. £01' ur \er1111orDl· ation, apply to the;: proprietor, . ;rA.~fHS "W~OO-DJiE1:~, 'J'yrouo P.O. Dadington, April 14th, 1875. 2U-3mos. For La,d.ies, For Children. La test Styles and Good Stock. STOJtE. - One Joor east of Oornit>h'~ Jewelry Store, K iug Street, Rowmanv\lle . J. SMAT,B, Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. NO'l'BD POR CHBAP l. DRUGS, CliJi:M IOA LS, (A l! REGARDS l'RIOE .f QUAL11'Y) SPECIAL , Jl'T}',.NJ'ii!N ro JOJiJJJNCI. PATB1\i"J.' J l[EDIOINES, : thMJ any otl>cr house in the County. BR USHNS, NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD COMB/:!, Weight a»id Meas1 we G'uarnnteecl Shop and Residence 011 I.ibert.y Etreet ~h;t, J.874. -tf in every instaMe. - Bowmanvillo. - -- - · Dec. -SHOUJ,DER-.l:HtACES, kcpL Grocery Business, in the lino of J]1ouldings of cd£ dc"~r ·iption.~ 1.11t1·1ii·nvi · J:c. , &c.) ffot general llUildiJJ1;, on ~OR!_EBT :rt atching, NOTICE, a11U i 11 GOOD S'.l.'YM: 1-Ie will ah;o tr.kc luLt.nicl H for ln1ildiDg1", al!d }:fl')'S DI"{Y GOODS <on·l·u~~~:~~TEns, Ek, Ek ~eas a S~e:~~~~!r; :fewcastle, [Dressmaking, &c. Miss B:t.S~l CLOTHING, etc. ---o-11 BJ ltl'"I k et s 'C ())'Jl,\"3, 1 .OIL8, PAlNT, COLORS, I I :r J. D. STROWGER. and WHITE LEAD NO JF vARNISH1£S, Norwich fnl' making all kiuLlf.I of Ci1kes without R;.(g-s. To bu had of all Grocer~. JI . ~J. \V. r:-1-:Ks & Co., Toronto, iiolc agent1t f qr Ontn.l'io. 24-ly. March 11th, 1875. Egg :Powder, I If you Want Guutl Bread SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Use tbQ, ORDERED WORK. A SPECIAL LINE. a.t the very lowt.:!st prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines. tlle moHt nd \'Rnt:'l.g-<.·uus t~rmo;. A f1..l1i.)ice seluction oJ LAI\fPS for . . nJe C"heai) JJow1nanville. l)p,c. JSO.'l. · ~ ~m: · JOSEPH M.AS0.1 ',P. P. · J. J ..TA COBS. iU\llllHUt :;:; · ~ha~f - ' (!l:nktl,$, mG-ly .N. 13. - Country store-keF._ per8 supplied nu l i Dow1nanvi1Jc·, Sept.lOth,1874. No\· Otli , 1874. nnrnl"lr l{ln~ _and 'Vt"At l\f t.nkct Rtnir.t St 1 l~a wri~11ce lf<\ll. Tt1l'nllt·i lie:-i:r for Drc!'!!!ru aking,·-..~d !~!l t.htJ ::;mnt: with de.i<path have u. Se wing ~lachine., 110 matter n1 tnt~ . .01 what '""'.rnl·cturo, out of ordor, I will un · , . LATE S 'J' Fe\ SI-T JON. <le~ tt~ke to make it a.~ i;ootl :is new, or nu ehai··~·f: , Hu· ex1·~1:cn ·e ~· 1i ' . 1 1 .1 . , 1 } · . . . , . wi~ he rn:tde. Orders left, fl,t Yc1lowl~e8 "&.:: l . ' J. (, · _-_ .;, ' ..', ·:_, :!~:,: ~\.'I' IB P"1 . J,· 1·111g Q11wk's~ w1ll rcc('.ive l>..r omut attention. I .·. '·L. r>! ,,( "~\ 11 · 1 · O· H 'J'"OJI·[ ·s '[ n·'1'~ndte6l.Ct',. Co n N' pf f' li ~:rch S!1·t'("t, a.n(l llowurnniiU" i\pi·il ')Ot}i 1 76 n ...~~ fl. . '1 _ nr<:e. ..::ir11i:u·e . ' .. : , · ""·. m o~. ,cn.rmr.nv -11t>, Ueu . ,lLli; !fU.'5, CURE _ I _ NO PAY I Augu,t, 1411'· 1874 · -··--~ Woul~ .b~g to info1'!ll lle Ltdics of BvWlUhll,,i lle ·n<lyic1n1ty.that'"""P'."P""'dtot.keorde1·e yo·u g 1 1

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