I THE l'YIEl'tCHANT, FlUP:A.YLMAY 28, 1:875 POETRY. What of Thy Life. \Vha.t of thy Ll11'.E, 0 friend of mrne ~ FARM AND KITCHEN. Potato I Culture. S.1rr1e yea.rs ago we consulted Se\ ct al careful analyses of the potato, both tops and tubers 1and found it to be pecultarly a potash plant, though containing som1;i lune a.nd considerable soda,, 'Ve then made out a pre.actiption, which we thought lllc.:luded all the ingredient that th e potato plant requu~d, a.nd tr1!!d the experiJnent. The reanlt \Va:; remai:kable. After continuing the experiment twelve years in succession, on I the SA.me soil, ·we bcca1n3 fully satiafied tha.t the pota.to is JUSt what the chemists tell ua it is, a potash, lime and ao<la plant. In th11 region '\vb e:re we then lived, the potir toes "'ere of a 'ery inferior quality, wet <iind so&"tiY· Ou1 ol.JJect wa~ more to get those of /b "Dorl quality, d ty and tnealy, than to obto.111 Lugo crops. \:Ve thought it possible by ~iving the plant JUSt what tho chemists say lt IS inade uf, \VC might \Vln both in quantity an(~ quality. The result proved that the OOUJeoture was t rue. Our prescription was eight busheli! of wood ashes, four bushels of hot (1 ecent1y burnt) oyate.1 shell hme , two bushels of pl'l>stor, and one bushel of common salt, tor QDC acre of land. It 1111ght be well to enlarge each ing1edwnt for the first year. Afte.i the second year, each mtgbt be dnnin1s.h.e<l A little every year, so that in a few yea.rs the average per year, "ould become O.$ above ; tha.t is, JUSt Dfteen buahckl of the 1nixture yearly. That "\\ould Po euough 1 p10v1ded the tops , we1 e alwo..yl"'$ left to rot on the held, and thus thi ow back into the soil all that had been taken out to g1 ow the preceding crop, except the t;lnnll atnount c_arnetl off in tbo tubers. Cau You Alrord It? Can you afford to work Iiard all day, and read, study, or coul'lt the vagaries of society all night, thus wasting your vitabty, ex· h aust1ng your nervous system, and bringing on prewatu re disease, deea.y and old uge 'l Can you afford to eat hastily, and then rush to .etudy or bu1:1ineeEl; \Vtthdrawiag the ne1vous ~nerg) fr1.11n th e d1gest1ve syaten1 to th e btcnn and n1nf!cles, and thus 1nduc1ng dyapeps1n, 111 a fe w yea rs, at rnost, to scourge and haunt and mRk e rou n11srrab le for years 0 1 for IiJe 'I Cun you affo rd to live on nch ,u1d l11ghly seasoned food, eat champagne 1:.t1 ppers, be· cause an ar tihpal appetite is thus grahtied, rendering gou\. dystJePS!', apoplexy, m the nu<lcl1e of hie alrnost a oc1taiuty 1 SPRING! IGS61>s. I i~ 1875 ! I REMOVAL. 1 ~i~c~i~~l~~ ~u'"~~ ti~:~~~ I t I will not :uik thy cree<l, Or whether plant of grace d1v1ue In ihy hea.rt scattere seeds 'I he form of fruth thab fills thy wa.nt, I Uo 110t care to know , No1 'vhether at baptfa1nal font, Ubnsfs love to thee d1<l flow S. TREWIN, OSHAVVA now showing full lines of ~OOdS and Costumes, comprising a very Large Variety "isJ1eo tu infonn his nnme1ous friends and cue Beg to announce to the Electo1a of t('l1ne.1s that 11 0 lutfi t emo\'Cd to S. MASON '\Ve~t Durha1n and sur1ound1ng country, that the} \Vtll se 11 their 11nmenae STOCK tt: afH ;, 1ui1ncul vf OF At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. BOOTS & SHOES, How oft it is :y Oll fast and prn.y, .AJoue on bended knee J OI by what chart :you shape you1 way, You need. not tell to me. NEW SPRING GOODS, in every department, pu1chased under very favorable circumstances, itnd i, determined to ~ell at ASTONISHI~GLY LOW PRICES. Harness, Whips, ;EL;;frOVEnsi~i~ 3'5~~~~~Chil~e7t"(;;~:~~;;;: Trunks, &c. lOOOp1·s. 11Jisses F efxtland Bu.ff B(/_bnorals, ca 1.50, pe1 pair, for CASH ONLY. Tiut t:::ll me if the inborn g()o<l Stands forth 1n bold rehef, If \ utue ne'e1 nm:!understood, Of Jeweb n11, 1~ ulnef' I I I in to\\11 Plea11c ca.11 Bu(;k l e1'~ oJd ~ta.nd olie i.1001 ca.st of l\layna.1d's IIotel 1000 Pairs Women's, Mu!SP·' and Ghil.d's Felt Boots, the 1thole to be 6oldfor CASH ONLY .A ad Joist thnu Q\\U from how to houi, T1 uth'8 uu111stiat1one, .s'veet, _\..1 H..l does her 1natchless, living JXY\\11 ~lake all thy life complete 1 Are all thy <lays so thickly struw,1 \V..1th pure and loving deeds, 1'li.~t n1,tk1ug othera' cares thine 0>1 u, 'l'hou dost forget thy nct:ds 1 II l· t t1hin no q 1\ ! 1 el v.1th thy £1 ieu<l , No strife nor b1ttmncas? Dost see in ALL tnuch to comm.em] .r'\ud much to pt·1zc and bless" DoHt keep the peace with all mnnJ.u1u.l1 Knowing no dread 01 feat· '1 St1iv1ng in every act, to find Thy conscience sweet aud d e.u ? Iu all thy ways, hast thou e'e1 dun e The BIS! thy band could do? lf so, l'n11:1ure thy crown 1s -won, l"aU.elese, aod pu1e, and true. As C01'DCC1' is frOU) day to da.y, -'l'his is the test of ina.n , The 1111:nde bfe, the outside \Vay, Conformed to 'Visdom's ph~n. \Vho n1akes ]ns 1ulea of life by tin~, ~lust walk \\ith anp;els he1c, Uu earth must live in pt:JnCe an<l bh~s. With LO\ E'S cvangela nea1 Crumbs for Chickens. .An old bla.ck woman,reciting her' ispeei unc c' aa1d 11he had been to heaveIL Did you see any of de colored ladies dttr ?1 asked a. )!oungei sister. ' Oh ,you get out; you '11pose I v; ent 1n de k1tched ~henI"'as da.rr ·Then you won't lend me that d1n1e HOvel 1 eh :' 1nquued one boy of another in the Post 1 Office on Saturday No I wou't. ' ' AU right then, Rext tnne otu chimney burns out you shan't come into the yard and holle1.' ~4.. pleo.sant prospect; Traveller (1n li1i1la.nd) Ht- pull her up, man. Don't you see the mate 1s 1 unning away?" Paddy. ' Ilould tight, yer 'ont)l'. }'or yer life don'!; touch the re1ns-e:ure tbey'ci as rotton as pears I'll turn her head into tlu~ river nt the bridge belo>v here. Sure tha.t'll stop be1, the blagya1d ' · You Jist ought to hnve been 0\'01 to our house last night shouted one small hoy to an other on the Ca.mpus }il!rutlu&, yesterday '\Vhy mn.k1ng piotutes ?' inqturcd the other. ' N ant n1uch ! Humph t No, sir, our folks went awa.y and we had pop corn, two k1ndtJ of swctatened >va.te1, 1n1l.k. and cainpho1, drew the dog around 1n the tablecloth, and the hued girl tol,t ua r-i; ht ghost stones , On the north Londvn railway a short tune E!1nce, apassenger icmEukecl 111 the he.:n ing of one of the co1npany's servants how easy it \\a s to 'do' thaoompany, and srud he oft~u t i avclfod hom Broad st1eet to DalBton .function "'ithullt a tit.:ket-' Any one can Uo 1t -I did 1t .)eote·· day,' When he a11t:hted be wati followetl by an otl1uuJ, who a!;Jn:d hun l1ow it W:'.LS dutw For a confndera.t1on he a.greed to tell hun, 'l'hIB bei ng gi ven, ' NotV,' ea.id the 1nqut.rer, ·how <lal. you go fiom Bro~d strcr.t to Dalston,) unction 1 yesterday, without a ticket~' ·Oh,' was the 1 epl y, 'I '"alked' ll fellow in Kentucky ra.n nway with a fai n1e1 's d,iughtei und houm,und wn.s hotly pu1ou eil The fa11nf'r got "\\·ith1 n clo1::1e range, a.mi Il ou1ished 3 lG>Olvei. 'Don t shoot for ht'aven'll aa.ke " shonted the lo\ e1 ' I \\ on't,' '"us the reply, "cause I'm afcated I U Int iher hORS Just lea\ i.: tbe1 ho!:iS and take ther ga11 ' That t:Olnprointsc was aooepted by the young folks, \\ ho walked on to a pieachc1'.:1 h1)use, ancl the f11ther rode home on his ho1s..: ' 'l"he cost of t11c ull:-; tu1 c need not be O\el font dollars n.n acre for one yeat· Tbe land \\ e meed for the expi:11ment "\\as a yellow loaro,not rJCh natu1all.:y, but i:a.ther lean, and it had been bndly wo1n )Jy tak..iJig off fl'Olll a quat ter to a half ton o( ho.y yea1ly, and .feeding quite down t o the turf, fa.11 and s pnng, without any manu1c. '\Vorn out land , \Ve then thought,a.n<l still thmk, is Just ag rrood for such a put pose as auy other, p1ovided it be feasible, easy to tend1 and keep clear of woe_da, The potatous we hat vested dur1n0 the tweh e years a vet aged at least a hundred l' usb els a year per acre, without any other manute than is mentiClled ui the foregoing presmiption. The re:i.son why no 1nol c ·was needed, lVe apprehended was, rthat what v; e put on the lantl Willi fully equal to v.ll we took off. 'l'hat lB the true wa.y to farm la.nd. We filllst put into it as much as we take oJl, nO t as 1uuch in " I 'm Too Busy " mou1o1y value of course, for then there '\vould he no p1ofits , all would be loss,-loss of timo, of A llHJf·~han t Slit at lns ottice desk \ rart· labor, of interest on the capital employed, and ous letters \\ ere sp1ea<l Uefo1e Jaw His of the ilnplements used. llut of all the elexrient~ whole being was absorbed tu th e intricacies of crops t.arken from the soil, as much must be put back into the soil as the grow-th abstracted, of bis bu s1ne ~s . A r.r>.aloug lu!:!nd ul rehg Hn1 eute1 ed the or th.e lai+d \YJ.U dcteriort\oto, to tbe damage of the present and coming bene1,,t1(1ns. - John A. oltice lfa11l1, in Et·angeltl!t. 'I wti.ut to 111tc1eat you a httl~ iu a new efturt tor the cnus~ of Chua',' fla1J the good Keeping Milk Bound During Thunder ruau 1 S u, )U tl 1111 ~st t:X~ u se me,· replied the Storms. 1nerclw.nt 'I'n1 loo bnl?-J to attend to that Experrments in Sweden, have shown that the SU 1~ ect DOW ' well known effect of thunder storms iu f:IOlU'Jng 'But, su, i 111 q u1ty is on the ,. 1n cr~ase n11lk, may, in a great degiee, be avo1de<l or among Uf:!,' SBtd hi~ Ju~nd counteract~d bJ a.rtitical 11eat In the dairy. The 'Is it 1 I'm uorry; but I'm too busy at plan is to stat t a fire in the :room 'vhere milk is kept, \\hen e-.. er a thundt::r sto1m is seen ap- Ptt!2eot to do .u1y th1ng.' proaching. This is done C\:CU jn hot woathe1, 'I can not tell. I'm 1Very busy. I 'm the purpdse being to drive out the excess of busy ev ery du~. Excuse, 1ne, sir ; I wh1h mo1stu1e 'I'he expla.nat10n gh·en, is that duryou a ve1y good ii..:orn1ng. ' ing the approach of snch storms, the 11.tmosphere Then, bowing the inti uJer out of the o!· becomes loaded with moisture, and the damp, moist, heavy air resting upou the milk, produc- fice, he r1::sti 1ned the etu<ly oi his papers. The n1erchaut had fiequently repulsed es acidity and spoils it. Dry a1r, then , 1s lll1 poi taut in the dauy 1 a nd \.\h~never there a1e the J11 ends of Lun1an1ty In thrn ID':l.nuer. a, tmosphe1t< t:ha.uges \\ b1ch brJng ext:e$fllve tnoi~ No ruattel' wbat the ob.iect,hc \\ias always too turc in th~ au of the dairy, a fire should be at bu::iy loall!:'nd their cl anns He had even told once ~tarted to counteract the ba.d influc:nce Lt h1s nnnl:'.lter tha t lte was too bu::iy for an,t"'uuld laa\ c upon the milk. tlung but tu 1nake 1nou~y If tlus explanation be cor.te~t, and if artl1ic1al But one 1uorn1 ng a d1~ug1eeablc 8tl a nge r heat h.1.5 th(· effect of preventing 1u1lk hom bi:ing 1 ,J ' bucing Latest Kovelties in Frnnch, English, and an'l a mrry one 1, American Hats, Bonnets and Trimming· ( 1un you affurtl to i ndulge Jn fast hv1ng, dress1v~ bejond your tncans, d11v1ng livery ho1 ses 1 or keeping a horse ;ourae1f, \1'hen Specinl attention to getting wp 01·dei·s /m· · your in co111c 1~ not liJeq uate to s11 ch ex· FiJ.JtILY 111.0URNING p~nses I Can you afford to s1noke and chew tobac_ fl., A very large stock to. select co, thus spending Jroin fb·c to J l\J::nty or "!\A" gw from, of cloth, cashmere, silk, thirty doHars a ruontb, 11lJuring your uervotB svsteru, n.1l<l thereby transrbitLiug lo vehet, and lace goods, of latest styles, very elegant, (01 made to order.) yonr chll<lrcu a weakened conat1t·1tiou, ~mbrncmg every desc1iptio11 of fabri GS, to meet the m ·· king them puuy invalids for life 1 wants of our numerous customers. Uau Jou afford to buru o ut y our nervous system and demoralu:e your whole character by the use of alcoholic liq uor 1 Cau you afl'orrl to make mon ey ut tbe ex· Oshawa, Ap11!, 1875. pcn sc of your 1uanhood, your health, your JUSt re·pectabil!ty and rntegrity '/ Cau you afford cvcu to gfun the whole world and thereby make ol yourself a moral wreck 1 Can yuu aflu1d tu rob your n11nd to clothe Mutual Life Assurance Society yo ur back with silks and satim, and gratify ES1'ABLISHED 1840. a ni t re Jov e of dJeplay f Can you alfoid to be trickey, and thu· CAN.AU.\ CUilIJ:' OFFICES. de!raud your employer of the JU·t service 13l, S'l'. JAMES STHEET, MONTRJ<:AL you O\Ve hnu, even though you get your DIREOl'ORS. pay~ thereby making yourselt a n1oral bankr~i~t 1 \VA LTEH SHANLY, Er:l(f.i..,.)1 P. , Chaiunaan , Can you 11ttord to con1mit su1c1Uc ti:) rough the rnd ulge nce of appetite an<l pass10n, adopting the tool's 1notto : '.t\ short hfc Dress \iii'" Dress 'lJI" al.V.L..v "fl ll'1"ll1" ner"'r .J,,'(,J,, BlnnnaTIVlllc, Sep. 1st.. 187 J -~~- -~~~- --o--;:._ Call early iwcl secut e yo;tr vVinLer Supply; while the rush is going on at of NEWEST and FINEST Fabrics ~kl" n.~ done to 01dcr by Skilful an d obliging g ~[aua.ge1nent. An uuusualiy uttrnetive display, thi > seaSOJl, em- !i.Lel)haint House {01 'l' HE to his many frii::nds and t he pubhc genera:lly the hbeial patronage extended to h1ro durmg the past 18 years, begs to announce that fr orr1 aud a.fter the 15th September, he will ~airy on the same bue111ese 1 but more extsnsivcly un der the name and style of JOHN McLEOD & Co. P1·ompt payinent of all accounts is rendered Unperu.tive by thu~ business nnangement, and all persons intlebted will please take notice and govern t..Le1nselvcfl accord1ng!y. T iiE UNDEI'JSIGNBD in 1etu1niug th.mks l~ov;in.~nville,"Doc ANDERSON & ,CO'S., Boot & Shoe B:mporium.. lOLh, 1874. ..,..,a,ntles Staples, sh a,wl s, JOHN :McI,EOD :Buwnlall\ illc, September 4th, 1873. TERMS--- LIBERAL. Important Announcement ! ' OLD SYSTEM, :B.:E:I.:C AN CE DUNCAN ~1:\CDONALD, ~sq. lliJoR T. E. 0aMPJHi:LL1 C B.. St. Hilaire. THE Ilo::-ron.ARLE Jon~ HA)ULTO:N", Hfi.wke- bu rg, Ont RJ<'SIDEN'f SEC1UlTARY.-.TAurn GRANT. S PE CI AL FEAT U RES. '!'he E~llRE rnoFI1'8 lrnlong to a nd are d1vid ed a1no11 gat the Pallcyholde.rs. LIYEf:!, DJWLINBlJ BY OT HJc:H. CO:l>il'A.N IES, or on v.hich an extra Preniiv.rn would be required, cc.w be assured a t the ordinary iatc.a of this Society, uude1 a spectal ar1 a.ngement SPECIAL No::-r FoFEI'L'AIILl!l Por.u:.HES issued uuder "\\ hich only 10, 15 or 20 Annual P ay ments are required, each payment .securing Policy for a sum assured proportionate to the numbei of premiums paid 1 and free from futv.r vaymcnt of prt'lniun~s. J\fODERAIE PBElIIUl\IS L E p T .E-IB EI.ONG- C ~!DITS,JE 'nll b~ 0 ---oo--- and 'ull conduct the11· credit brnnuel!~ as follo\\i:; ALL . ACOOUN'l'8 RHNDEREJJ on the L E p MURDOCH IBIS. Havrng decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for CASH then· Ja1ge and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, l'lominion Orooa.n Co'v BOWMANVILLE P1es1:1nt the follo>ving te1itimon1als frou1 cum petent JUdgeB of Organa. Testimonial fro John Camidge, !\![us. Doc. 1 Canluar, England. Bowmanville, 21th Dec , 1873. To the Jllan(l.(IC1'8 Do-miraon G.EN'l'LEMEN .=-I O~gan H A N 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September J H A N A~ AND BELOW COST! 1n, ecw.', ,md every year. and n1ost lrberM con- ilit1ons. Prospectuijes,P1oposal Fo11n~ 1 &c. 1 l:lupplicd on application at t he H oad Office, or any of the Agencies. J A~CES G RANrr, Res. Secreta1 J. Go T In the case Qt J.VIanufacturer1:1, r,.reehanics, and others, whose accoun ts ma.y amount to $50. 00 or over, their note,if agreed upon,wil1 be taken payable a.t the- Bank for a. !ltat ed period. T The Stock lmving been purchased in the .BES'l' MARKETS, lmyers can depend on getting MORE AND BE'l." l'EB GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY at tbi5 Establshment tlmn in any other house in the country. like· to play ou your Organs AGm>T ~·on BO WM~V ILLE, C.BAitKER, rua.osnip a.nd finish exCell ~nt, and in e\ery part1culn.r they are equ.il. if not auperior, t o any I ha.,·e ever ht1ard. Hoping they "ill meet puLhc aµp1ec iation. .TURK CAMIDGE Itead tlw fvllowing hmn Rosn. D'Euua. Ho~manville , December 22 1 1873, To the Mana9ers uf theDonnnion O?gan Co. Gl:::NTLEME..i."'I". - I h,ive niuch pleasure in tes fying to the 6Xcellent qnahties of the Org supplied by you at u1:y conccrt last Sa.tuida evening. The tone l S aweet and vt:ry powerf and the co1nb1nation of stops 1uost aduµr:.i.b I .un sure yonr rustrun1ents will find £avor Churches, as they are s1ngula1ly adapted fo sacred music Wialnng yon CYt'.!1y sueccss, and, that the public ina.y patronize 11at1ve mt\nufa.i· ture. I 1cma1n Ge11tlcn1e11, '\ruy n:lsp{_lcifully 1 J t" .. e is so sweet and ateady. And the work- 1 THE Cash Purchasers AND "Ubsc1ver Offictt," King St. 23 ly Bowman' Llle. June 24th, 1870. H will a.lwa.ys get goods a.t puces t1ut FINE, m; out g1eat aJm will be ) to court this class of trade Prompt Payers on credits short C1ill Eai·ly, and secure B(trgains, as the whole Stock imtst be sold H Q THE at once, /01· CASH ONLY. Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF Q Stoo~umI.a.rge "lpleud1d va.neLy o f GROCERY DEPARTMENT LONDON. affected by thunder storme, the kiiowledge is uupo1tant to 4,utter dairymen. In the best dau1c1> the bed.ting IB effected by means uf st earn p1pei:!, which g1vti "'more uu1ro1m tcmveratwe to all pa.1 ta of the i'Oom, than could be ha<l by the hea.t f101 n a 15tOH3.-Rttrcil N~w Yo1 lc ei, blepµ et! very softly to hlS s1do, lay10g a cold, 1no1:lt hand upon his brow, aull saying Growing Parsley in Beds of Manure. ' Con1e wu h me.' 'rLe 1uercba11t laiJ down his pen ; his h ead grew dizzy· ; his ~to1nach felt faint and sick ; be left tb t! counhng roou1, went h orn e, anU 1ot1re<l to his bedcb11u1ber. (llstabhohod 1803. HEAD OtFICEf:!.-1 Old Brood SL., a.nd Pall Mall, London. GENERAL 1-cENCY 1un VANAUA ·- 24 St cr atncnt , },.1ontuh \J SubscnLed and iI1veste<l Capit1tl Fund · .f.::l,96G 1 000 Sterling. ~u1d I Ret1crve ROSA D'Elt1NA. HIS un.veleoale v1s1tot had followet.l. hi11J, and now took his place by tLe bedS1Je, In ma.ny place1:1, pn1 .. ley 1s <lifficult to t:ult1' at~. In so1ne s1tuutio11s the seed '"ill not ger- \Yhisper1ng, cve1 fUld anon ; " You n1nst go minate, nu<l in othore the young acetllings \\tthcr a.nd die irnn:u:d1ately alter they co1ne u.bo\ c grouutl. 'l'hlll used to be the way in wh11.:ll it beha> ed in tho kitchen garden n.t Drumlanl"1;, and for years pnrsle}' there was scarce. Mr. l'homsou has, ho,vever1 " enti1ely o\ercomc the difficulty .c.Vter..try1ng it m vnrious "\Y&ys a nd pos1houis, he no\\ i;rowa it ill bed~ made up wholly of rotten leaves and stroug manure. 'fhus circumstaueeU, it gr.o\\ Eto porfect1on, nnd I lately saw the1c a large planta.tion of it lll excellent condition The roots ramify freely 111 the nu~nure, and the plants become so strong and \ 1goroua as to defy all attacks of 1nsectq \\h1ch fotJrlerly pto,ed so dest1uct1ve to1t. 'fhe manu1c, too, does not soon become exhausted or need renewing, but if it did, the fine c1ops obtauu;ii] fJom it \\ould soon repay all tronb1e besto·wed in that d1rection.-Co1 rcsponrlent Hl with UH~.' Funds invested in Canada.- 105.000. J1unnancoa agrunst lose by }lie are effecLod on 1nost fa.vornhle ternm, .md loo ~es paid Wlth out 1ef1:1runce to the Boa1d in London. H. O'HAHA. A. M . DARLEY President. Manager BuwmA.uville, ,Tanua iy 15, 18~'4. bp o3 ml6. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs · E U'!"ell A~sorted ! U Chr'istrntts Goods, Ra,isens, C'l.irrants, S'lis gcirs, Peels, etc., etc., ctt till Prices. S ._\rralb is now complete with the choicest supply of Cos. PVoEans~ox 01 <oal JOHN McLEOD & CO. I B 1 ,y1na,nv1lle, Sept-0mbe r1th L87;J 1 fo1 \\OOd E . MURDOCH BROS" Bowrna11v1lle, Dec. 24th, 1874 Another Spelling Puzzle t:Orteapondent of the Boston Adtei · propvses tho fo1low1ng seniencu as an ex· crc1se for spelling matche s l .. ook1ng trp into lus g-olopl1011s eyes, she ~..-id, ' ~.olnd HI it,1ncl eeJ ti ui;,, ..L\.lfred that our soul,1n the proCCHl'I of j t1ansu1ogulic.:R.tton, explunctdies 1tst:lf through th e whule c~boollll:l of ete1n1ty?' · N a.y, tlea1 est,' 1epl1ed Alfred, and hi~ countcnu.iu.ic bettayed an LXp1efiswn of iiasClficetiou, no t to say d1sgi Lin t!( iuent v. luch :)Q.VOl tetl over h1a fl.latu1ed foi an instant. 'Ou i so ul cannot become suffic iently matter· ,t ted to adtntt of the necessary 1:1µ1ffi1cat1on \~ lilJ h--' rl'he iic utenl c w ~ 11eve1 tinuihed , fot' ~ he ~pole he i;cati:::d huneelf upon a chni1 '~ho:ie leg& hu.~l b(;en exserrated two inches, and h~ came 1 V>\n unexpectedly k erchuok . · tt~c1 flLtted A A colJ clull ~e t tled ou th e iut:acliant\; .r DODSW UR'l'li, lUNTOUL BllOS· heart, spcctLes ol sl11p~, honses, and la;nds Inspector. Gtm. Agen t!:! , MoutHk\ before his excited imnd. SL!U .his I R, . R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent pulse beat slower, 1'1s lleart he01 e<l heavily, for Bowmanville and Vicinity. tluck films_gathe1ed over lns eyes, bis tonBo·wmanville, June 4th, l860 36 gue rl:!tused to speak. rfhen the merchant ' m o.43-39 4w knew that the uaniu ui hrn visitor \Vas .-----Ilun1a111ty 1 niert;y, au<l 1ehg101i haJ alike begge<l lns rnlluc·JJce, me,\lls and attentwn, AI.WAYS G-:E:T FIRST-CLASS. Death ' ' Trmmphant Impudence A tnembei of tke bar "\Vas recently 1n une (f our th11ving i.nteuor to\vns ou busmes[I.. Jn the hotel he ·~as accosted by a. very agreeable gentleman, who finally wanted to knO\Y wlie1e he \\.as from. The leg'"al gentlcman 1).1ot exactly relielung the sbanger'a fam1ha.11ty, a.nawe1ed/1:1hortly, 1 ll'ron1 l\ ... e\V York." 'l'hc next quel'!tton w.t.S, · }'01 wh::- t huuso at e you travelliug ?' ·For my own,' ' You are ? 1Iay I al'lk your name t 'You may.' P~use-enJoyable 1u vain ; but wb e~ death came, the excuse was powerless; he \\ a5 uorn1Yelled to have le1su1e to die Let us be\vaH ho\\' \\C niake on1selves too busy to secu1e hfe'o great t:utl. \Vhcn t.he ti.xcuse irne~ lo our hps 1 and ~ve are Gai'drn about to say we a1 ·e-too busy t6 do goo<l, let .A_n oaken . color c~n be given to u ew v1uc us remember \Ve cau not be too tusy to che. floors and tables, by ·w ashing them in a !'!Olubio11 -Ch1 i<tian ut Work of copperasdissolvcd 1n strong l,>e; ,\pound of Danger ! Danger ! ! Danger ! ! ! the fouuer to a.gallon o.ftbe latte1. When dry, thir3 ~hould be O iled, and it wlll look well for a. yf:'at or"two; then ieuew the oiling Bl' EDW.\.RD ABBO'l'T, Four young men- ITT- Yonkers went out Colotado Potato Bug.~One prut of Pa.r1s into tbe field s the oilier <lay, gunmng. PreGreen int" enty parts of gypsum or plaster, 01 sently they came to a board enclosu1e, on of flour, rn the pr.,po1tion gene1.t.Uy used. which '"as a s1gu w1LU tho above starLluig ·words upon it In addit1on the sign gave not1ce that w1th1n the enclosure "'·~re seve1Pme-Knot Readings al cans of u1lro glJ cenne, perhaps the most Fo1· tl1e: follo>,1ng Insurance Compa111es, a nd other Inst1tutions, viz .'fhe QUEEN Fire and Life Insurance Compa.nv. Copital£'J.OOO,OOO $150/000 <leposct·d ,,,,,it.Ii the Donunion Gove1nment, or the protec ders in Canada. The ISQJ,ATED ltISK Fire Insui:auce Com pany of Oana<lo. Capital 5 00'000,- UDe of the best a.n<l cheapeHt Companies doing business 111 the Dominwn, fo1 Fnnnerr; a nd I solated R1 ~k s Just A1·1·ived W. BELL & Co's. , Jam es McFeeters. Pt·ize hlellal 01·uans IFASBI~t; 1-1011sE A GENT \Vhieh 1n 1873, at the Prov1nc1aJ ]'n1r, beut eve1 y American nnd Canadian 0 1gan, t.1lung a. t1plcntl1d as.so1tmcnt oi the FillST PRIZE Alao the 1cnowncd NEW MILLINERY. _i\.lw a lot of HALLETT & DAVIS PIA t~ 0 [Boston.] 'Vhich bas t aken A GOODS, & BIC-i- R1JRH The CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. Tl1e UNION .um PE1~MAKEN'l' REAL HAIR. FANCY with a Savings Bank department. Buikling n.ud Saving'a Soc1etv. 11 he~e latter 1nsfltutions advance Lonns on llea.l JJst11.tc, on tern1s unusuallv easy for the borro\ver. Bowmaov1lle, li,eb. ()th, 1873. .A.l.: u .l la100 sto1.:k of Stamps for Braiding and Em- --.o:- THE KING OF broidery. I TIELEVENS FASHIONS for Spring 1ust to band. llfllHitl. to the lawyer,embaiTas:sing to the otl1er. I Y·l dl ' rdespe ra.tcly), ' wha.t IS your name ?1 1 Joncs.i · \Vhat 11ne arc you w " ' I don't unden1tand ). ou, Sn,' ' What a>-ejyou selling?' (impatiently). 'Riains' (coolly), 'l'he merca.ntilc traveler saw lns oprort111nty, and looking at the other f1om hend to foot, he said, slowly, 1 l'Yell you appear to rony a lleuced siuaJl lot of samples, ' Tho ncli wi·eral depos118 of \b e Weot Y . ,.1rg1n1a mountains llO\V attract many i but for years the Society's colporteura hare trave1sed tLe same n1ountruns and valleys seeking precious J ewelo for lhe Sav1ol1r's crown. One of these n11ss1one.r1es recently founcl a family \Vithout a Bible and \V1thout money, but not without property. ReJOJced at an opportumly t0 get this Book of books, they ha.stoned lo 'ell enough of their cattle to purehase a good copy. Sonle fatn1lie a t~rribly de,trucllve explome agent now FRUIT, Confectionery Depot. AND SEWING MACHINES, --.o.-N. B. -The Subse1ibe1 is not a. Sub, u1 u n~ <lei .r~ent. but ha:; the specrn.l agency for the a.hove. I a'tn pi-epa1eU to exchange Pianos for Organs, Organs for JV[elodeons, also Sewing Machines, on reasonable te ·ms ~dd1ess, knov. a AnU the pu1 port of the whole '\\'B S to wa rn people out ot tL e way, ~ee bo\v the young inen 1n1nded the warn1ug. Two J ..:g':. arrived, and for Sale, at 4 he :tbo-v o depot New Fniit ancl Gon;ectionerys, ot the m, n1ore cautious than their cornpau .. ton~ , hid behind son1e trees 11t a little di s· I ta.nee, to look on. 'fbt: other two went near, and-will lhe reader bell ave 1t-thre\V a stoIJe or two at the can>i. The explol:lion DATES, FIGS. LEMONS 1.V lIOLSA LE and RETAIL Ivl.RS. A. F LETCHER B1iwn1auv1llc, Ap11l 7th,1874. BOW MANVILLE aml he is determined to continue to sell at these rninously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Choice Lemon, Ora.nge and Citron Peels, J S DON J Jan. 15th, 1875. 6-6mos, , 'l'r1toNE P 0 Shoe-Acide ln ,ut 111sh stoiy lll JJcnUti/:s illtsce.Ua;1y, a nnu dcred schoolml),stcr is ea1d to have been found dea.d in the road, with his h \"ad full of f1 actwn's, 'I'm th1n.ku1g it's shoe-aside,' aa1d r~a1y ·The ho1se'is shoe, >vaa i t 2' 'No, u..lla.ns,' aa1d Lauy, 'shoe tHndu 1a Latin f o1 cutting your t h1 oa.t. ·But he dtdn' ~ cnt hu1 throat/ said the w1<lo\\' , 'Stu(j it's all ouo,' sa.1<l L<1r1 y, · \\heihei he did it with iazlur on hm throat, or a hMnmer on his head. It'l:l shoe aside all th e sanlc>.' 'J3ut tho.re was no hammer found ' ·.No; but he 1night June Lid the ha.miner after h e did it, to th1ow ofl the"di r:,g race of the shoe·as1de. ' 'But wnsu t there any life UL huu ,\ih("u l1e was found ?' ·Not a taste. The crov.neH! tmt on hllll, a.n<l he never sa.1d a word ag..unet it, aud if he was ali' e he would ' ·And d1dn t they iludlo.nyth1ng a ti ill 1 ·Not hing but th e vardick ' ',1:\.nd v.ae1t Lhat that kilt hun "' 'No, 1ny dea1, 'hvM the crack on the head, bnt th~ vardick was, 'twas tlone1 and sou1ebody done it, nnd thtiy \\ere Ule.ckgua.rds, whoever ltey were, aud 1.u1known.' OllANGES 1'0 AlW. VE wbicb folio" ed blew them lo ·toms, and badly, ii not fat a!l) liurt the others And Soft Shell Almo1eds,Filbei ts, Bm'1l and Wall whom be vi1;1ited in 0ctobe1, aud to \Vborn now th ey know how 1th! t he1nselves Euts, Keiller's Marmalade, I'Vcst India Preserved Gi11qer, Pears, ! 1lut1is, To· ho bad rnld or gmntcd books dud tiact>, Tlu s ts a so1 t of tb1ug yo n ug 111en a1e do· ma.toes, & l 'eaciwq, G1 een Pea~i have by this menns been led to ttnn unto ing v ery of ten. They gu iuto hus1 a es~, and Green Corn J; Lima Beans. tbe Lor<l. co1ne face to lace with tcrnptut1ons to specuOur Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin In <lescr1b1ng th e \\'ork of th e prc::ceJuig lat1on<1, fraud. '!~he signal is D~nger ! danegar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines 1 1 1 mouth, he so.ys 'I shall not soon forget 1 t. ger' ' dan ge r 13ut tbia only se1ves to Tomato Sauce and Pickles 1'he even1nt; n1eel1ngs in the Ja.m1hes w1tb \Vhct their cunos1ty, and they try the1r Thoy have conie and aro connng, at the Fruit Depot whom I stopped were a lJl<Sll!Ug lo mauy. hand \\Ith the .;;a tn c result that has overCold and careless souls '"'t·re revn ed, autl whclrned ilO many others They go lnlo SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS young personS \Vere awakened and 1ntere~ L society. The \\Ille cup ld handed th em QUA [,JTY ;, the l"t of CHEAPNESS ed in rehg1on. At 1nany of the l1ouses we Dauger ! danger t 1 rlauger t ! ! 1s \vritten 'l' DARLINGTON had no light to read by except pmo knots all ovtr Jt. 'It lntcth hke a serpent and :ClJ \\ll!.nH1ll1 Del. 41L.187.1. u!J t f They would hold up tb.e pme·knol· so that stingeth hke a» au<ler.' N everthelesa they I uugbt n~au the Scriptures or s01ne ot Lbe tbink it wont hurt llu21n, an d takl· 1t, v. ith small books to theru. One evening I iead the r,linost irn ar1able result-~ wz.1~ Hmm l\1AHKSA1<E THE CHEAl'JlS'l', 'Buy Your Q.,.. u Cher11e a' to a houseful oi \Ve a1c corning every day lo the pldces the 1uost lastuig, tbt: least troublellorue, aud people, and they begged n1e to l ~aa it aga1 o where th ese iuorally <lc!>ttue.ttve age utt:i have most complete ever in-.,e11 tcd. They aiu \1scd .1 tt.nd recommended Ly many of th~ best Breeders W e iuay \\iOllu 'Anotl.e1 1·ven1ng I stopped ut ti hull!'lC b eeu I et f lll uu1 wu.y t!r ut 1u the United States and Uarrn.{l;t., such as G. B. \Vhcrc the1e \Ve re scvcl'al hard-looJdug DH' ll the l)rov1d('Dt:e wlilclt leav ~s thc1n 1 but \\ C Loring~ Salem, Muss., P1e~1dent l'fc\v En::,li1nd I began to '"'h that I had not stopped C<L llllO t be l>!Jnd tu the wiunnlQ:a whlch at.:- V{ool Grv>vors' Society; Jolu1 S. H.oss, Ht:lune., p1u, Ill , Profes:;uL ~[. l\1ilcs, of the State Ago there, but I LlwnghL I must do tho uest I con1pauy the1n. \Vu 1111::llclle with th em at nculturn.l Collc-ge, LaQ.sing, ?¥I1ch.; Hon. Geo. could for them. I found that so1nc of tlienl our neu l. \\'hell will )'ou ug U len aurl ohl Browni 'fo1onto1 Ont ; John Snell , Ed1nonto11, r Ont. On each l\fa.rk is sta1nped the OWil!O'r's had been in the army, so I read 'Charli e lt:arn w1s<lorn, adnnt th at caution is better iu.irne and tho Sheep's nu.,mber They will be the Drummer Boy' fur them. The bard · than tem erity, an d be willing to Ue guilled sent11ee, b). waiil, U'J f.xpress,for only four ccnt8 Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ Ma.chine a.ud Implement Manufactuin g Co Manufaotures nl C .A.LL A.ND SEE FOB YOUDBELVBS, AND Second, what h e can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Filth, he sells a.t bottom })!ices. --o-- BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exa.i.nm.e the stock, which cornpnses everythinir in t he tl"'Mle, of the very latest and most styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and Ainerica.n 1na11ufa1.:ture. eleg.~n FEED l\1ILLS. a1 vVOODIAND IHON -o-- a-- Anotbe1 cat load of the abo\ e no bl" tl1c \~ ay. Please call at the h cles oJ J WORKING MACHINER'i. 1-fc still oontiuucs to manufactui i: tu orilc1, fium the best of 1nater1al, and ncle but first-clnss "\\ 01 kmun kept Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Ho has 111 B 0 "\V MANVILLE Farm Implement Forwarding Agency n. w JA:1:n::;;, K111.; 8t., J3ownuw1v1llc J~o\~llJ.utviU c, ]Ji,:e, 5, 187!.t nl£ Double Turbine Water Wheels, an cl i:;to1.:k a1i endless v1uietv of La.c11e8' and G-eut:1 1 Saratog-a. 'l'runks, Vali.sea, &1.:., all of ·~hi ch he is 8ellu1g cbe~~p foi ca~h - -o- - Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawu by Two Horses, King St· .Bu\~ UH\ll v1lle 1 :J\luy Dana's Patent Sheep Marks l.:l, 1874. M. TRELEVEN. 1 T SOMETHING NEW ANO DURABLE. IME ?¥!ONEY and r_.ABQJt saved! J?rcnclt Oll Pol1llh l'luB French 011 }1 oh~h1s prepared fo1 (].i.rrw.gei:;, l3uggies, Harnt'~i:i, Boots and Shoes, aud all kinds of I .eather. It '\JU give any article of Leather, a most bnlliaut ap . pea.ranee, au<l at the aatne time, fronL its Olly p1 opert1es1 tends much to p1cs01 ve it / 1t will always be moist aud pliant, a.nd mi\y L>e exposed to "\\ater and '\vashcd, and v..111 uotk1!!e its Lnlh ance, Mld it iH nbt to be fcaied that nny c1u.it will .settle on sa1d Leather when prt'serve<l with the above Oil. li'or tl1e v.oodwo1k of Buggies, Ua1 uagei:i 1 and 11,unnturu, the11.:! is not a beittH n.rt1 d e ill use. M anufautured by A S!MoN & Co t 'l'a.uners aud Curne1s, formedy of li'1a11eo 1 now of l:'hiladclphill, Pa., Instructions - Shake bottle. A few d1ops on a piece of sponge,n.pply it lightly to the leathflr, and you will obtrun the finest lustre. Price 75cts. _ per bottle,oi $7.BO ]>t:r dozen. JOHN SMALE, Sole Agent, Ho>vman,1lle. Jnly 10th, 1874. 41-6 lllos Castings of all Kinds T R.1£ P A_IJ {S dont on the TO TI-IE PUBI_j~[C. loolung tnen wet~ tender as children when I presented to then1 J es11s Ohnst.,the Sav1ou1 of th e lost ' by the example e: and P-x p er1e uce which th( past affords? 1~here ;:u e nnin) tJungs car:h, a.nd will last fo1 '.IWJo.:t."TY 1: EARS \Ve have t~ow ou li:J.ud ... b1gc quant1ty ot be s::iltl n.t 1no1e tle,.i.dly than f.R' CRsh must accorOl)fmV all orde1s AilCilfBAI,D YOUNG, Jn., Sanna, Unt. Orde1s .~UdrcsseJ to the MEitOHN'I' .~nd Common and Gang Plows, th.it \ \J Jl 'lhe Library of LheEvi.copal Tlieological SEHVER Office, fo1 auy quantity, "\vill be filled at N oth1ng rnn.kr.~ us n1 orc agrecaLlc to God th e above-1rrnoho11ed pnce, as quickly as he Sem1nury, near . A..lexan<iua, V--.-a, haA $10, l\1ruks cnn be made a.nd s=int c. B \..RKEn., 000 from the estate of the late He' W H and man, than to have great rr1 erit .ind a little op1n1on of oursel\es j Bov.m,inv1lle,Dec. 28tb.1871, ml3 ly 0. Robertson. nitro-glycenne - - - --- , I On LOW j PRICES tf '\ e ~hltll be 1cady at a 11 tunes to atteuJ fune1 als, on t!ho1 t uvt.ice and l'L l{ - Colline kept on bawl iloutl n1 adc to ortle1, at the t e,~son,~blt· t terms KEW DOMINION RE1'AIL FURNI'J.'UllE WARE-ROOM. ha>va, A:ujt' 26th, 1870. AT THE SHOP. Bowmn.nY1lle. March 6 1873 King Street East, Oshawa· -------~~ - ---