THE MERCHANT WEST DURHA:-1 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. C:u t.:ula.t ... s lrugely in the Townships of Darlwg· Stea.m Job :Printing Office, Kew S1REET, Bow,rANYILLE ton Ula1ke and Cartwright It is a common vlatforn1, open to the free dts(,'1Ul81on of all quesns in '\ hich, the general pubhc con9erned. IER:MS ~L\(l~j f'\{; vanca The Merchant' and 'Obser· 'rer,' $2 00 .RAl'E $ Qlf \.DV ~RTISING, certs }(l ~lllll·, ind 1no t:iOlu1un 45 per iun11m l alf do 25 a tl1ui,1 LP.r tlu JU 11 ra.m:ncn t a.dvertBe1ne11ts,5 cts per line fhot lll· 1.: AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME YI BOWMANVILLE, OKTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, l87u 1{UMBEH .XXXVI POSTERS, P Al\iPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c , &c,&c , 11011, and 2c pet hue, each tiubscauent one EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Table Manners The to. lne is tho pla.t:e at \\ l11ch ~ huu dy 1nt!et, and "here there should tJc th e Jrees t and 1uost unreetra1netl social 1nte1couTst> \V c to ln e , Uut th~ in~ie :i.n1n1al uecc (' Slty lo lifted up a1lli glollhed whe n tbe NEW SPRING STOCI A 1' GRAND 'I1ra1n~ TRUNK RAILWAY' will le n c llo\\ n1anv1Uc :::it,1L1on, Bu"'nutu\1lle t1111(' ae follows LlUlNG "J:;~L GOHiG t::u;J CASH --o-A Full Asao1trnellt of now to !mud, GOOD mu.I CHJ£AP Hanch.estei~ STORE. livcal 7 22, a 1n 1 :FJxp1ess , EiqJl esa..!J 27 & n1 1V1uu.i<l A-11'\:ed 230p1n I Local Exprel:!s 9 00 p in I l~xpress *l'lus tra111 runs uve1y 1no1n1lJg 8 20 a n1 4 05 1) m 7 55 p m l\Ionda.J s exci:!pted l he follo\.\ ing hap s ~ 00 p n1 uf week, STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Apnl 22, 1875 110\ :-;top al Saxony I uJ assengers L0cal gotng \\eot, tlue at M ixed going east,-<lue at ~In:.e<l go1ng west, due 11.t Local go1n6 east, <ine nt :\.fontreal t11ne 7 30a m 3 40p m 2 vfip m 7 45 p lTI House, Bo"Wn1u11nville. Seeds! Field aucl Ga1 clen 1 Seecls ! Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGEliY---SILVER ST. W N1i;ht ci\llri. ans\ver<d at Dt Boylt:'s old Sur ~ery 01 at J)r Reid s residence J3ot\tnan1'1llc Jan 14th, 1875 16 tf ---o---- Prof. J. Ruse, of I iequest to announce that they have p1st to haud, a 'loH:e, S1ng1nr.c, ~I.1horough Bass, Conlpos1tiun, &c Da1hngton 1 July lGih, 1874 of Baxte1 "G1n\cra1ty of ?tiutnc G){A.DUAl'E E r1endsb1p, New Yo1k. Full Assortment of Good, Fresh, and Re1 tio..cher P1ano and Organ, cult ation. o Ha1mony 41 lJ liable Field aWI Garden ALSO Seeds. B. PZ.ATE, TAILOR G e 11tlemen's & Boy's Garments "MADR TIS THE "t\EWEST S1'YLES 1~owrnanv1lle .July, 27, 1869 500 bushels ---o--- for seed. R R LOSCOMBE, lHRBlSTJi!R AT-LAW, ~OLIOITOR TN CITANOERY, &c Q,1frOE,-Ove1 McClung's Store ;,a.1ne flat is J M Bnmaoo1nb'e: Dontal Room,, Bo\vmauv1lle, Oct, 27th, 1868 ly Fine & Coarse .Salt $1 per bbl. l-.laster, One Dollar :fifteeen cts., per bbl. BowmDnv1lle, Apnl 'l5th, 1875. MARRIAGE Hl8UED lH LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. JOHN II LYNON, Lot 7, 6th Con Darlington, Inea.r Uethesdn. Chnrch] ts .duly authonzcd to n1sue i\iarriage Licenses DaJhngton, No-.; 10 1874 108 tf lf ~.11t COME and SEE · ---- - - - - - -- - - -HOWM \NVILLL, vV. H. ';\TILSON, G-enea.l Agent for HILL'S · N-,E W -o- PlA1YOS, ORGANS, MELODl.[J.YS MMZ SHWlNG jlIAG HlNES Raymond Sewing Machine A 8PBCIALII Y cluuc ~ g ua1ante~ll Fall~ Winter 1 Dry Goods· lnsL1uutwn ,;1vc11, and I1u1tiurucnt.s 111d ?\Iu. A LARGE LOT OF lluw1ua1n~lle , J Ullt: 18 1874 -~UOTION Pu1 tlw Township of EERS Da~ hngton LADIES' and GEN'l'S' F"O'RS VERY Bow11mnv1Jle Nov 1st, 18711 OI-IEAP. H T. PHILLIPS, .i ~r on 1pL ~tknt1ongl\eu HAMP10N to sale1;!, &c, un able ter1na lC<~Oll· Wm.. Ba1~ton., NEW GOODS My New Goods IMvc ENNISKJLLEN. ;-, ·les proulptly at.tended to on reasonable tel'lns. ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Lwerpool London, and Glasgow F NI~ARLY \7 lllf<.rmuhon.). applJ to \\T A :N EADS, .Agent Ilowmn.nvtlle, .Tune 9th, 1871 tf 30 ()Tt Ol 'r1ckeU!, ALL COME a.~Hcrt.nent will rro HAND .t11d the be found Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. Kirs. Mason, ER.Y OOJ\iPLEJTE AND :I-I AMP TON, 13egs to lnform the public that. slle has Just le <:e1ved a splend1d new n"-i=iortmcnt of .Fancy Goods, Berhn Wools, etc, which she \\ill sell-at as low puce as they can be bought for else~here S1'.Al1PJNGI done on SHOR11ST NOTICE j)..:t Sth,1874 23n:ios PRICES MODER.ATE The Pu bhc .11 e solicited to call an<l see fo1 themselves w. age BUN NEY, "eg:-:i tu i~tutn thauks to lus frien<ls 1or the sup pu1 t he htIJs i ccel\ ed the pat.:t tw u yea1s, a11d hopes, by cuutinncd ~t1 ict personal :\ttention to bus1ne~, aIJd \\ orlnng at the tr ost reasonable Vl l3 Id -prapa1ed to btuld houfl;es, etc , on the o w~ t inodcrn style of a.rch1tecture Jobbing- piumptly nttendei.l to Plana and r;pecifi. cat.1on s got up on application, on the 1n0At reu. l'lonablc terms, and of every dcsc12pt1on Office ;i,n<l Shop Outano Str et·t, nearly opposlte li-Ir vrwe~ to cruiu1e a. contJnua.ncE: of public patron BUILDER, ETC. ! l3uwden'11 Rowmo.nville l>ec 24th, 1874 l;J Iv New Tailor shop, JOHN HEAL, A l E Vi llfl l! Y ()()WT,},, rn form the vubhc generally, that he has coin tuenc!;!d Uusmess in the Shop next to the E" I l C't!~ Office, one dout east of ,T l\11lne s H a v1u"' had ~eve1al ye irs exper1011ce lll tbe L ta.<.lc, he0 hope!!. to sn,ti::ify alJ who uw. y fa\ or him with a ca.11 L GOOD FITS GUARANTEED !J3 0~~1ntHn1llc , Se11 4th, 1872 w40 tf J. CHAPLIN, DEALl'lR 1:-1 j 1u t u.nd 01 na.mental T1 ees, Set.di!, Bulb~ l'l1W(fl8 <.(:C, JJr; )1 1 C gnani.ntetis tQ fu1n1!!h notlung- but }qr:-;t 1 a~ " tiec;;, and true to vame )tdd1oos 1 P 0 Bo:x r.15 l1o\\ man v1lh.1 bp ly 1nl7 o4 .Tau 22nd, 187ri- To Masters of I.. 0. L \.l\ J\.. CERTiliIO~l S, A. \)phc<l>t1-on!'. , &c , ca,n Le at th1,,, office, at BL&c ie~ar iates ,. . l3olvIDa.nville, Jnly 7th 1813. in hei: fuend a bappi- front o1 her house He was constantly in Hampton Fiept 8th 1872 ness her box o.t the ope1a And l\-1rs Fairfax Ou1 girl has been very to~tunate, said "as eut1stied She had no hope that her DRUGS AND MEDICINES l\-1r Laurence to his \Ytfe 'St I\eS lo a eldest daughter would change her 1n1n<l, at the thoroughlv hne follow, and [ hu1 e perlect and what a match the marqms would he Bowmanville Drug St ore, coohtlence in g1\ iog her to b1m But \Vhat fol Ada, for Ada was certainly the attraction 1s ::&!1ss Fairfax ahuut 1 Ho.a ~he said a11v now And if she married a ~arqu1e, why tlung lo ~ou 1 should not V1rgrnrn have a duke 1 'llmo {wt:::rt uf thti Oatu.t 10 Bnuk ) 'No, why do you ask f she lJudt het Spant!l.h castle 1.:Inlf ot 1t v;as HIGGINBOTHAM 'Because, only yeaterdaJ, the ~farqu.1s of de~llucd to come <lov. n "1th a i un , the othllTOULD most r~8)2ctfully tender h1s inncete Fiampshue asked u1y per1u1ss1on Lo adciress er half gre\v up, and stood a state]y strnc J30Wlllftl1Vlile l\.Jng ff tha.nks to lus numel'OUS friends .ml! cus her' turc to1ners, and to the pubhc generally, for the ve1y hbrral su15port he has recmved since h1s 'Indeed' Ah, that account·' Ile called LoiJ liurnpsb1re did uot go to the elders commcncinJ" 1n bus1nes;i , nncl hopes by con to <lay, nnd v;as adin1tted, Lut as Julia an<l tins He proposed to ...i\..da in the con tnnieJ. atnct personal attention to bus1neai:i, and offering nothing but the purest articles, at the frli}.. isulisc11lici lis }ll O}J.HclJ tu l.Ju1hl a.ud l !j I were both engaged with rt.he dressmaker, servutory, on th~ eve111ng of one of Ludy St nwst reasonable p11ces, to ensure a continuance pau ·v1rg1111a received h1111 alone When I came Iv~s ~receptions AU.a, olus)nng and deof public p:i.ttonage do\\n i:.ta1rs, I thought she looked ve1.) pale, hghted, referred him to Lei fa.lht!r 1 and be J, H "ould call svec1al attention to h1~ very superior stock of and that Lorl IIampshue's n1anner was rC'· fore !:ihl! \\Cllt to bed that night she "lli::; a He Iett almost un- march1011e<ls elect , aud V1rg1nia., \Vho 1eallv c,f t:VCIJ <lc,,c.ription, at shoit nutlco.:: 1 ultl o rnarkably confused rue<l1atelj 1 au<l decliued Ulj 1nv1t.it1on to liked hnn for bis many noble l.lualtt1eE1 1 felt i easona l.JJe teruw whwb ,U't\ o;uu: to give the Lust sat1sfattio11 dtuuer' rejoiced that Lo1d Hamp<.ib1re "a,; to Uc her ~\. ·veil irele{ ted ::i.tock of 'Strange 1 f:l.!Hl 1\11 Latuenc;e, '[t \\01tld brother-in law DRUGS, Carriages Painted and Trim n: cd· lie a splend1J pos1t1011 lor he1, aud she AI1 ra1rfax, ho,i,.ever, 'votdd uot COlldellt CHEMICALS, I would hll 1l 'vell But it is not your fault that the \\ ed<l1ng: shoulJ. take pl ice 1u Lon J'ATENT Jllb'DJOINES, dear ' A.nd the subject Uroppetl Uon IL should 1 Je c;eleb1a.tell, he sa1J, umtdst 1'[1 ~lnd i\'Irs l..,utrfo.x aud then ~ ouu~er }ns owu lr1eud~, aud at U1s own house 1 BRUSHES, A Bl k . h' Sh COJ.IBS ac sm1t s op daughter Ada can1e ove1 1u bme tor the Lord H:unpslnre \\as too n1ucb tu love to SHOULDEl{.-BRi\.CES, 1 uu the p1mn1::1e?. 1 \\eti0 s1~1yial attention is given wedd111H After lhat, the re,\ of the party d1,pute the matter He wae ready to follow SUPPOR'l'ERS, Etc, Etc. 1 turned their faces Northward. Adu. to Aushaha or Japan, d only she would kept <oustantlyon hand I Cflrr1,tge wo1k, and General :Fn:,t the lo,ely Eughsb lakes, and then not n.1akc bun ~alt too loug So, it \las the gra1lder ones of Sc;otland, the Northern settled that he sLonld JOU1 then1 1n America OILS, PAINT, I Jobbiug '3ap1tal with its ln"tor1c and rc1nanhc in earlj u1 August, and be rnade happy rus 1\0on COLORS, VARNISHES, terest"-, and the land ot Bt1rn s and of Scott, thereafler as c1rcun1sta:ii;e-s \\ ould allo\v and WHITE LEAD .All wor/1 clone rit this Establishment Viere successn elj v1s1tt:!d and c11J1Jy1.:tl with ·v· 1r~ n1a t\as glarl to go home She ha l at the '"e1 y lov,. Cl:lt pr1cc!'I tht ~ ~ fit antl app1ec1a.t1ou a..h\ays ll et \1\Ith enjoyed hi.:r t1i:neJ;i, but her healt 1,1,; 1-:i over wci? 1 ·anted. Horses and Cattle Medicines A-:i to i\-Irs l:'1ndax, she \H1.S t oo 111 cultn1e<l Atner1c.u1i::i, and wl11cb the the e.eft.. N B - Uo11ntry Htorc keBpers supplied on Sc;otch rue t;\c;r so te'Hly to ncldlO\\lellgc inll ol exn1tat1011 on A1laf! account tn 1<11 A call 1" n )llj peut..fltlly aohc1ted the molit ntlvantageous term" ,T MOURIS nnd admuf', 111ui.;h dts1ppo111L1ucnt 011 tlie sul~ ei.;t ol J er A cho1ce selection of LA}fPS fo1 t.ale cheap. B<>wrnn.1n:1lle, Oct lst, 1860, Bowmanv1lle. Dec 1868 6m. H. ELLIOTT JUN r L>p HODBIS' September is, In Scotland, one of the eldest daughter She said to hernelf that Fight with a Hippopotamus. finest nlonths lll the )t:lll 1 with a clearness \ 7 1rg1n1a \\as hand~om~r th nu Ada, nncl as ot nln1osplu;;re all the n1orc enjoyable be- ahe would 1 of cour8<.>, be n1ucb with her sis WORK A.ND WAIT A ~rag1ca.l inc1Uent oc.3tur~J. not long at C<.1.U<::.e o::.o 1a1c , but October 1~ drear and tt!r, "hat might not the future seasons h lVll te1 the establishment of the c:ln1p ·rhere A hul"jb,udman, who 1n<t11y yea1i'! ! gluomy Uejond expression, and our travel- in state 1 So she sat on the deck v;rappcd \\ns nn old blind ehe1k \\ho fieqacntl) Had plowed bllS fields and Row111n te us, lers fled fiom lt to the sunny South Ill v~lvet aud sealskin and pleasant 1neU.1la. crOSt:il;!<l t11e 11vcr to v1s1t the new comeri::i Ore\\ weary with his doubts n.nd 1 ltornc wns a\a1n their dest1nat1on t1oas, and the good ship India llev \\c.,t· One day he \Vns returtnng \\1th his son, 'I to1l 1n va111 ! 1'hcse iot:kf:I a.nd r.rn.ncb \'ir~mrn folt happier tbl8 Wmter than WlLrd O\er- the suin1uer wa\cs \-.;hen the canoe \\as charged by an angrJ \Vill )leld no ha1 vest to 1ny bands , the last She was deeply attached to ber And 11hat of Robert Maxwell ull lb1S lnppopotumus :;"izmg the hi!' bark at '.Phu bei;lt seed .rots n1 barren lands pu1ents, and enJoyed tbe fresh delight of tune 1 l:lun1c waa not home to b1 1i uny the rnd v. he1e the sbe1k was sitting, the 'My d1oop1ng- vin ii< w1thi::1n1g, her ) oung sI::iter 1n all she sa\v She \v1th- longer. lie had lt::ft it, and csta.bl1shed n1onater crunched tt to fragments Let" ctn No pn1ru1secl giape11 its blossou1s br-111; , drew from a great deal of general society to himself lD N~w York l'hus it came that, his pondtrous Jil"';i' and so crushtd and No badts an1ong its branches inng keep Ada company strolling down Broadway ouc hot sumtncr \11cc1atcJ lhc poor old tnau that, although ' M)' flock is dyiu,; on the pla1n , In fact V1rgmia did not contemplate the e\ en1ng, he stepped into 11 1estfhlrant to rescued by his coinrades, who hastened to 'l'ht! hea .. ens ate brass-they y1ehl 1 n tan1 , prospect ol anothet season \\1th pa1t1cula.r refresh b1n1self 1v1th a.n 1cc Re \'>ass1tL1ng his assu:;t1nce, lie died tlnnng the n1ght The ca1th is 1ron- I to1l 1n vain t sat1Slact1<U1 She felt as if she bad h~d apa1t, when his car \.Vas suddenlJ Cd.ught by 1 be b1ppouotnmuS"S we1e often tbe source \"\ lule yc~ 1u.: spake, a Lrenth lu\ l iit111 ctl euough of the whirl of fash10nable Ille, and the conversation of t\\O gentlemt-u utanoth of great annoyance, anJ so111etl1nea of dan llili drooping· 1ne hkc "tug of bud, she bad an 1oet1nctn ~ 1dea that she "a~ ex- er table, The words that pierced h1n1 like g~1)to the expet!1t1on One beantiiul moou And fro1n 1ts leav e~ a \01cc he heu.rd , pected 10 llO credit to her opportun1hes b) a dagger's po1Ht we1e these, 'Fi ufax,' hght night, when the fiot1lla wq.s quietly nt ' Ihe,;ertns andftu1ts of life uiu~t be rnuk1ng a. br1lhnut She some 'Balt11nore,' 'ma.a;n1ficcnt n1lrrtade iiuchor 111 n lake close to the 'Vh1te N 1le, l 01eve1 Jud in mystery, how d1 vmed that be1 refusal of Loi d Han.w· 'I dare .sny the old folks nre m1ghttly one ol tbeso rnousters m1de a most deter Y t!t uone can to1l 111 valn for inc i; lllre \\Uil kno\"n to her tnother, and, of pleased,' sa.1<l the othet gentleman m1nell attack upon the d1abbeeah belonging ..1:\ uughhe1 hand more f:lk1lled than t,lnn", course, d1sappro\ ed., though as yet, she had 'I belie\ e you/ \\as the roply 'A n1ar- to S·r S1 1rr11tel Bak"r The vessel was close }fust.. the clusttllB on tho vine, not spoken on the subject qui~, and as 11ch as a. c;tocuo, as M;..; Par· 1 to a 1uud bank co' ered w·1th b1gb grass,und And makes t.he fil' with ba1'i estsl1111 0 rrh~re · werC UlRllY ..1:\meIIC0.IlS lU l'tOtUe , t1ngto11 \voulJ sa) nbout thirty yards astern of her \\'as a shal Mru1 i;<:l.U bot wu1k , C:oJ C;i,l.l c1oatc, sum~ SOJOtun1ng there fol pleai:iurc, sou1e The) moved a\H), but Holmt hadhcml low part of the lake, about three feet ,\eep But they who work, and \Vatch and wait, for health Arnongst the lattei, \Vere a enough And jet, \\hat was t111s ncwB to A light hoot of :t111c was full of sll1ps of Have their rev. acd, thongh it come la.te mother and dunghter of the name of Col- ban 1 liad not 'lost' beel:'I. \\ r1tten on bl:, hippopotanins flesh, and the dtngy was fas'Look up to heavcn.liJlehold Mid hear ville, who haJ bt!en introduced b~ her phy- heart j ea1s ago 1 and could there eve1 bo for teaed along~hle Evt-ry one was soundly The clouds and thu~1::11ng.<; 111 thy ears1c1an lo Mis Faufax ~fhe inother was luw such a \'VON"l as found 1 sleeping, when, SaJS Sir s~mttel, "I wus An answe1 to thy doubts and feai ' dy1ug of .t slow d~c;lin<.>, the fragile <laughrl'he \\cdd1ng OV01 1 the br1d.e U.Ud b1Hle suddenly a\.\nkeued by a trenlell<lOUS splash He looked and lo ' a. cloud draped mu, ter woru ont \'>Ith watching and anxiety groom off on th~1r honeyn1oon trip, the 111g close to the dia.hbeeab 1 ac;companzed bJ \Vi th tra1hng smoke and fla 111es afar, ' They are porfoot gentlewomen,' said the Fa1rf1x: 111ans1on grDdually sulis1ded into the hoarse wild snorhllg of a furious hippo Waii rushing from a. distant sta.1 good doctor, but they are t1m1d and 1etlr- con1parati\.e quiet pota1nus I Jurnpcd up, and in1med1atelv And every thmty flock and plain 1ng, and, I fror, tn ver) reduced c1rcum· 'You look pale and fagged, Y1rg1n1a,1 p1.:rce1ved a hippo, which \\-0.S apparent}; \Va'l'. naing up to meet the rain stances' i::;atd ~ir.s l{1msay, h!?r mother's eld~st s.s about to attac;k the , essel lily sc,..vant, 'rhat came to clothe the fields w1t.b gta.111 ·r111:s v.ils enough for Airi; Fairfax 1".ro te1, one :lay, after the other guests had. .111 Sule11n11n, \\as sleeping next to the ca.bin .A.ial o.n the clouds he ~aw again 'I am going du\\ n to Rocky door l called to lnm fo1 a r1ile Bvfore Ue sick and a stran~er, l' n:s to enhat her d1>:.pe1 <:c<l l'he Covenant of God with men krndliestsympath1ee The poor America~ to rnoiron, and shall cariy jDU off the affughtecl Sl:lle1man collld bnng 1t, the Re wntten Wlth his rambow penInc.lies v.crc '1s1tc:d, a11d her delicate tact 1\-ith me' h1ppopotun1ilS dashed at llS wi~h indescrLb~ ' Seed time and harvest shall not fail, Virguna asseuted :;he \\AA at home able fnry With one ulow he capsized and soon disco\ered many v;ays of increasing And though the gates of hell ass~nl, tbc1r coruro1ta without gn;1ng them offen:ie where she longed to be, she felt 1eatleas ennk the ZLllC boat, \\1th lt:i cargo of flesh 1".Iy tiuth and promum Bha.11 pr1n:a1l ,-1rg1n1a took tllem under her especial stIU, and she felt a.:iha1ned of herself 101 be~ In another instant he seized tbe dingy Jn - Selected Yet it \Vas st ]I h1:, immnnseJawe, and the crash of sphncare Every do.y, ior two or three hours, in{6 glad to be ufI again she took Mary's place by her ruotber'o her o'~n, her uatne lan<l, and sl1e loved the tered \"\ood Letokened the ooniplete deacouch, wh ile the poor girl enJOyed the fresh Rea t1 uctton of iny fa\: ante hoat By Uus a1r she so niuch needed in n dn \·e \V1th b.frs On a br1~bt Septeni be1 evennig tshe wa.i t1tne I had procured a rifle frotn the cabin, Fa1rlax. or Ada, nn<l then rested, hstenp1g to walJnag on the sho1e \\ Ith lH r at1nt 'l'he \\here Lhty \\-t:re alwa}S kept fixed in n TOO WELL MATCHED, OR THE her new fnend as she iead aloud latter feeling tJrecl, 1'at down, a nd V1rg1n1a roVi, luaded and ready ior act1011, with bags LOST RING Mrs Col ville became veri fond of her walked on I:I~rmu:::id "-a.Ud(Jt!d,u1-11t olten of br~ach loading a111111un1t1on on the :.an1e 'Yuu con1e into my room hke a Iay of did, to far off days at Deepwood, an<l to shelf The movemenll of the animal 1'eJe (Concluiled ) bo1ne sunah1nc 1 toy dear,' she \\ould say Robe1t )faxwell 'r"o years since she pnrt- '" iap1d as he charged and plunged alter11 hf'1r v. cal th and anstoe1.tt1c connec.tiou, , I cannot tell, ll!iss Faufax.,' she said ed fro1n hnn in auger \Vbere '"aaL~no\v1 nately beneath l..11e wute1 lll a cloud offoa1n together \Vtth their acknowledged culture another tinie, of ~horn yo:i remind me It bad he forgotten her~ u11d 111ar11e<l son1e ono nad \\a\e, that 1t '\\as nnpoa:i:1ble to aim and good breeding, sec!, the popularity Utll"t be of sonle one I knew 10 my youth \\Orlb1er ol lus love 'I correctly at the: ~n1all but fatal spot on the of Mr and Mr. Lau1ence I ho.i; e been puzzling all night about it ' Jusl then u \\ave larger tlian it~ fellowa bead 'I'hc u1oou wos sh1111ng extrcn1el) The London world accepted them \'"irg1n1a "as standing at the taUle, ar ca1ne leaping to her feet \ irg1n1a stepped bug ht, and present]~ ,as he charged 1:;tra1ght 'H.eallJ unexcepuonable people, those ianging son:ie fio\\ ers she had broughtback It kissed the sh1n1ng sand, and then at the Llis.hbe~ah, I stopped hup ·with a No Laurenccs ! Dinners quite :taultless, und fragrant J0111.1u1ls, 1oses, and del1c1ous Ro retrentcJ, 1eav1n5 belund it a tuft ol sea 8 Reill) .:ihell To 1ny surpr ise, he soon re one seldorn taste!:i such clarest 1· f nHlD \lol~tf:l :$be turned tonatd ~frs Col wccp SomeLlilnJ glistened u1 tLe tangles co\ e1o·l, and again commenced the attack T hus t I1e gtntlen1en vill<' of the \\Ced Y trg1n1a started, looked, I tired !!hot after shot .tt lum with no, 1s1ble "Vbat perfect ta-:ite ~fro J.. aurence ha<:i, to It \las he1 Jo11g lost effect The d1uhbeeah rocked about in the 'Ah t' cont1nne<l the sick lady 'I know stooped to exan11ne it be eure 1 and receives admirably 1 I rea.ll) \Vaves 1a.ised by the eITorts of eo large an an· llO\\ You are the 1mage o( n1y dear f11end ring 1 never expected such good to1~ in Au1er1· The ( 101npany at H.ucky Bead1 \\as self'ut in1al I his n1overnent rend~red tht: aun Emil) Han·ey Not when you laugh, but canst' *.\.t length, apparently badly when you lot1k at me \\lth that pensl\e air, andrehned1ather than fashionable Awongst uuce1ta.1n rbus tho ladies it, with an excited flush on her cheek, a wounded, he ietued to the high g1ass ) ou have her' e1y expression' 'Good 1ntuat1on 1-1 believe Jou .Noth ' VV as Rhe inarned 71 askt:d 1rg1n1a, not br1lhant light in her dark e; e, moved V1r- 'fberc be lay b) the bank, a.t a.bunt twentJ. u1g to do, and pa11.l handson1e for <lo1og it five ya1ds distance, t:1nort1ng and.. blo~iog " really feeling an) cur1os1tj 1 but to si en1 111· g1n1a, obser\ ed and admired of ull 'l'hem Amcncu.n gents th111ks no 111ore of They asked ht1 to sing, and she coin plied rhu1J..1ng the creature tnust be dying, terested in '\hat pleased the invalid their money than nothrnk \\'a1ts on t1'eirSir Samuel "ent to bed,bnt 1u half un hour 'Oh, yes 1 She n1arned Robert ~lax Vi ell ~t once selves a <lnd, too l~xcellent s1tuabon ' 'It \Vas uot worth refu,.,1ng/ she said .... as tt\\akened again by another fur1uue. -the handsomest inan I e\cr saw' 'I bus J obn '1 hon1as a respresentati ve She 101got bet auchenee and poured hei charge A ufle ball m the head rolle<l the V"1rgin1u's iacc flushed 1v1th n .sudUen man of his cla<:is l\hole eoul 1uto the beautiful ol<l songmon<5te1 O\er, and he floated helple~ely As to the 1bap:,0<.hes of the J ounger men, cn1ot1on This tune he surely 'I wns l.i11t1csrna1d at her wetl<l1ng,' con- "Woultl you 101ne back to 1110,Dougl,ts,Dou,.,las, down the streum of \\Inch the lovely An1encans We1c sub· inust lie dt'ad To the amazement of all, ?tf1s Colville, 'more than tb1rty Lnuecl In the old semblauce tlu\t I k.nC\\, Ject matle1, I lorbear to put lliem on pa he presently recovered, and only gave up I \\ ould be ~o faithful, ~o lo\ ing, Dougln.s, years ago fhen she "ent to a d1staut part pei Douglas Douglnl:I, tende1 and tiuc' .ftcr recemng seveial bullets l u bis body 'fhe enthns1a!301 they ex.c11eJ, reached 1ts of lhe cou11try- Deepwood, the plac;e was Oa the follo\\1ng mo1n1ng a post mortem called-au<l I cro11secl the sea., and we lost N<:nera scornful \Yentl f:lhould gi1ev..: von, height tne day the) were presented at tlie exnm111at1ou showed that he had rece1ved s1ght of caclJ otlu:1 'I don't kno\V 1{ she Id smile aweet a.a the angels do, D1a'i\1ng toou1 Both were attired in \Vlute three ~hots 1n the flank and shouhlet , four be living or deud 1 oulv kno" I never Sweet t1t.i your smile on nie ehone ever, -tho richest and softest ol satm-but Dough.a, Douglas, tei1der and true I lll the h<>ad, one of \o,;h1ch bad brol\en his sa.\.\ such a likeness as vou bear to her.,' Julia's dres~ wm:1 trunn1ed \\Ith 1.;lusters of lower ja\V , another hnd passed through 'Ahl Mrs Colv11le, she hae been dead I was not '\ 01 thy of you, Douglas,~ purple and vrh1tc violets, \\ 11110 V1rg1n1a'e Not half worthy of auch as you lns noae, and paRsuig do\vnv aril, had cut \Vas ado1ned \\Ith sprays uf ha\\thor11 1 a.L J u1any yea13 Now all men besides to ur.e but sbai.lowa, o[ one of h1s ]a1gc tu"ks Such deternuned teruate pink autl \\bite It \\oul<l be hard V1rgnua Lad uot n1eant to say tlu~ It DouglM, Dongkr.11, tender 'nd t1 ue ' and unprovoked fnry n3 \\as cxb1b1ted by to say \\lnch o! the t\\O \\<IS the lovehest, came out before she "as aware, but the 1:1· As the strain proceeded, passionate, re- thie anuual .:iad ne\ er been w1tnesaed-he and as to self-poesess1011, one 1h1ght hnvc 'ahd took t)o notice 'Dear Eanly,' v;·as thought they hod been born and bred 10 all she oaid , but often after that, she woul'1 morseful, implormg, all held their breatl1, appearccl to be raving n1ad His lJotly \\US the atmospbe1e of courts, V1rg1n1u, esµeci~ MY to Vug1n1a, u.s she sat by her, 1 You and thought they never heard such a mass of frightf,11 scars, the result of con t1aual cor1fl1cls wstb bulla ofb1sown spec1esJ ei..g1ng all), had the air of a) oung queen. look hke EmllY to day ' some of these wonnds were quite fresh 'l d id not like it/ sa11l a'1 old lady aftt:i As she bent over the extended hand of She never asked how her Joung fnend 1 There was one sca1 about two feet in length, the sove1e1gn a glance cf adnuration felt had kno\\11 ol Emily s death, 11.11d ·v11g1n1a ward ' I sounds too re,ll Jnst aa the song closed with its l~st be- u.nd about t\\O inches below the level of tbe rather than s~en, passed ro1intl tbe ~ircle \VllS g1 ad of 1t She could nof have borne seeching ua1! uf 'Dvugla.s 1 ])uugla3, tet.c.l (.! r skin, upon the 1lfl.nk He "as tv1 surrounding her_, a:nd 1 t \\ll.S a!Leiward ,;iud to apeak of Itobert-Itobe1t whon1 she. had that l\Ia.JeBt.} herself had ren1a11ked on the rejected, ill·need, forgott12n .c\b, no! not autl trui..: P V1rgtn1a lol)ked up, and sa'v dently a character of the 1'fl orst descr1pt1on, but ~hose madness rendeied him calloiJ.s exc"'ed1ng lovehness of the young lady with forgotten She kne\v now \\hat a tre~urc reflected iu a m1rrot on the oppos1te wrtll to all pun1:shmcnt rrhe attack upon the the dark eyes fixed rnproachfnll) ou heidark hair anJ hawthorne blossoms she had thtO\Yil a\\ e.y vessels was probably mduced by the sruell Yet e\ en in that hour of conscious tr 1 'fhe London season opened br1lhautly the face of Robert Max1>ell' Slie sta1ted, half rose, and then there \\as of raw h1ppopota1nus fiesb 1,vluch v;as hung u1nph, memory \Vandered back to Deep Ada v. as mllch admued Less beautiful a loud craoh of the piano ke) s She lrnd in long Rtnps about the r1gg1ng, and with ~ood , to the bright Septembet evening, than ber sister, she was hveher, anU not ao to the br1dg-e over the 11\er, to t1 1c lost retiring, and many who had bet;n repelled fallen foi\\ard, "1th her Jace 1est1ng on lier which the zmc boat was filled. The dead htppopotamus that \\8-:i floating astern lash 1ing , and, ah 1 the lost love "\Vas there by the hauteur of the iuagn1fii.;t'l1t V1rg1n1a ll.tnl.S There \Vas the usnal co n1mot1on 1 but a ed to the d1nhbeeah had not been molestanytlnng 1n all tb1s to ca1npensate for 1t 1 found cou~olation 1n the u1ore hbe1al smiles aud a secret voice wh1spercd- N o of the younger :l\11ss Fairfax But ·v1rg1n1a Jathe1 ly old gentleman can1~ furward, lifted ed -.From "Ietuinha,' by S S CONANr, Before the season drew to a close, J uh.i was as tnuch follo\' ed as ever ~fore ehg1- bet up, an<l placed her on a sufu She soon In Iiarpcr's Maqa~ine b1uug:ht down her bnd She was engaged to Lle11 1ve1e at her feet tl1:u1 she could count 1ev1vell, and nent up ~ta1r:, v;1th her auut 'Who is that ladj 1' asked one gentleniau Happy Husbands. the Lord St Ives- young, rich, handsome, on her ten '"lute f1ag~1s of another, out on the piazza all that could be desued us a 1nan nnrt a The :J.Io.rqu1s of II01npslJJrt haunted 1fra 'M1sa :E'airfax, of Balt1n1orc Beaul1ful husband ]'a1riax's drawing room IJ1s horses and It" a mau's own fault ii be is unhappy He1 parents weie dchghtPd, and,\Tirginia groom fornlcd an equest11an g1onp daily in creatu1 e, IR she not 1 Her bnter 1s the Mar.. w1tb hl.:i v..1ie, in inne cases out ot ten. It POETRY. LITERATURE. charn1s of iilt'asant tunver~at1on au<l ot mutual courtesy sur1ound the cuaton1 c o far as the sustauang t 1 life Io co1H ·ned , thnt oUJect nngbt be reached it ea ch took lns bread unrl 111~at and retired to a close t to eat it a.lone But tlure is a ;:p1ritual hfc that Is to be fed auU ousta1ned, and i t is starved \\here there 18 110 graci.:, not only before, but during a 1uea.l The great trouble wlth out/\. 11e1 can lite a1, that it 1s too glnoinJ \Ve t,ik.e 110 tuu e to entertn.111 and amuse each otlJer N ot seldor:1 doe1:1 it 11appen in sorJe honses that a n1cal prog1 . . soes in dlad s1le~ c<.>, except when It is nt>cessa1y to speak about th e rhshes, or lo bel p son.e one to potato el3 01 pie. '£h1s ts alrnoet us bad uo rudent ~s 0 1 r1uarell1ug 'fhel'e ought to be l.inght, genial, sparkling talk, JU wh1ch the cht!dit:n should be allowed lOJOiu 'l1hete t'-'I 110 "Cll :}C \\ hnt~ ever HJ co1npell1ug an t11tcl!1gent child to s1 ~ like a deaf mute at the table tho tJh ) on the other hand, ch1lU.1 en sh ould not rnou op olize the couvcrs(lt1on, noi be nllow< d to r."J.. . strings of urelevant q 1est1on9 Eo,; erv oue should ptepare for the tfl.IJle l)y son1e s1ruplo process of dressing 1 he halr should b " sn.ooth, the hands y, ashed, the g eneral ap pcaruuce of each inJl\ iilual in \·1t1n~, fl.'"lll ench should try to be a;.; ngreealJle ns pGss1l>l1 to every othe1 It is quite wond~1ful bo\11 a little frc,hemng of th< toilet fre,Lens up t11e soul as well as the face 80 fur) v. c ought all to be luxu11onil It the 1nother seea to it that her 1:1<'hool-bo) sona ahvays con1e to dinner \\ ith clean hands tncl n1ul s, and that her dnilghtcr:, ue\ t r (llw<llc into the 1?on1 in da\\dry fi11 c1y or soile 1 "·rap pere, she \\ill do 1no1e than she drt:: :un s o[ in the n ork of 1nak1ng I hen1 g 1 ow 1nto real gentlen1eu and lad1c~ '!'be table itself ou~b t to ha' c a festive look ]i'lo\\ era ha\ e u spec ial grace 011 th e breaktast IJoard A dish of h u1t n1celj a1 ranged pleaset:i tlie t:ljt! a~ '\ell as the p.~lat"' Oleo.11 hneu t:VCU thoud:h c 1ursc ' u.nd whole plute3 a.od cnps, \\1th bnght glass and silver, htilp ap1 elite u.luug A fe·~r well cooked d1:Jl es, however plain, nicely served, will pron1otc health and happ1Deos ~etter thnn a gieat Vd.llety ruin ed 10 the prepa1at1on Sonic housekeeper .. , \\ ith an e\ e to ~ f.n 1ng troubl~ ou wasb1aK" dav, hllve nrlopte<l th e n1arble. 011 cloth 1n~tend at the "t bite t.1a1naok for ordinary use For our pa1t, ne "ould prefer ecouomy .. u nhnost lllJ oth8r \'iaJ A fine white tllble cloth, or a buO: or cnn1 sou one 0( cus1onnlJy Ior breakl~lS t oI tea, will furnish forth the Jarrulj feast 1u1H:h more beaut1lully -Christian at lV01 k at d1n.ler / 'r The Martyrs to Truth \Vhcn ne ren1e1111Jer how lw1d it bas al· ways been to eatabhsL a new pr1nc1 ple, o~ e\en to introduce a new thought to the p tb he nnnct, hO\V many centuries of U1i::;cuss1 on ha\e been requ11t<l lo erad1cate ing1a ne l eri:or-s, uproot 1n Lo111 p1<J u chce~, OtHl cL~ugc long chenqhed opuno11a , aud how fie1cc and bloody have bec111Le st1 ngJl es between ne\v truths and ulll errors in all 11gcs , a11d \\lien we flee how rapidly at the preoent ti nH new doctr1ne<.i 1 new arti: ; 1 new fiC1cr i.;eF, arid new syste1ns Jn all departu1t'11ts ot hun'ifl.1 research, 1nvolv1ng all the relatio ns aud ~lll the interests oJ hnn1ur1 be111g;i. 1 n1e 'bu 111t111g into birth,' holv can \VC help Je~1r111h to re main yet a httle longer on tlus bta ut1 fnt footstooJ, unles\3 we a1e s1cl~ 1uul 1111 c1 uhle ? By the n:a.y, the sick nntl in1se1ah lc ~ re generally more afraid and n1oie un\iil llng to die (morbid 'caut1ousnc"s ar tl ' \ \ e ncsa) than are the hea!J,hy anJ ha ppy lt l~ the persons \\ho have the u1ost to h1,; e for -the n1ost to g1'e and the least to get-who are the wost ready to die, other tlnng::. t cntJ equal These are the inartyro to truth and the saviors of mankind But tlic \'i Drld knows th~m not 'fbc world 1s still too prone tu applaud 1ts dt!Ce1ve1s and reward 1ts de~tro) ers, while It persecutes its teacher:.i and crucifies its eav1ors Socrates conceived the idea of the lln mortuhty of the soul He offered to gn c t0 the world '"hat he reg1r<led as a ne\\ t ruth, and the world put h au to death Cont ucrn· taught the upper and lower classes of Clnu~~ that their real interest~ \VerP: mutuul 1 oud both classes repudiated lnm 'rye ho, Bra.he, Galhleo, and Ser\ etu.:i advanced v; hut th1~y sincerely believed to be important truths, and vis conscrvalrl.(I. bu rut the1u :r.t the A greater than all of these taught the )!eople to do to others as th ey would ba<;e others do unto them, and for tln~ fle was cruc1hcd between two th1e' es How strange that in all agco d1ffi::1ences of op1n1on, " luch a1e unayoH.11hle, ha\ c been punished with n1ore seventy than vices and crunes, which are '-Sci..cnce of Heallh b~art1ly reJ<Jiced CARRIAGE SHOP J. clnooess ot Ifarupshne ' 'He1 s1ster 7 Rabert'~ heart leaped. 111to the sPveuth hea\en Could it Le possible that he was the Douglas at that tc;: nder, Im· pafls1oned stral'"' 1 Late tn the ufL!:!1noon of the next. daj, V1rg11na can1e do\\ n sta1ro 'fu he1 gre 1t rehet 1 the parlo1s \.\er~ ewpty, nn1l she sat down by a wm.low to read But the book fell on her knee, an'l he1 eyt:s looked drean1 ~ Ily out on the ocenn, "hile her V<>ice un cousc1ously 1nurn1ured the words of her song,' Would :rou co1ne buck to lne, lJoug las, Douglas ' There wa.:i a ra.rJ1tl. ~Ler, u.n<l Rolie1 t i\1ax we11 was at her sirle ,\very ()xcept1onal wou1an \Vho w1ll not <lo all she c&u to beau attentive \Vtfe, and a u1ore exceptional one who will not be 'ery disagreeable 1! she finds 11ersellw1lfull) neglecteu It \\ould be ve>) easy to bole a man who, having bound a worncn tu huu 1 111ade no c:ftort to iuake he1 happy , hard not to love one who is constant and ten<ler , and. \\hen .i 'voman loves she always ah1~es to plea" rhe great men of thlB "orld ha\e oiten been wrt:tched 1n do1ntrttlc relations, while n1ean, con1mon mco, have i:, Felons On the Fmgers :bi!an:r perBons are llalile to c.xtLe111 e suf· ier1ug froni telons on the finger ·rhese atlec tions are not 0nly verv painful, but not untre qt..ently occasion pe11uanen+ crippling of the mcinbers afiected 1 he toll0\\1ng sHnple p1escr1pt1ous are r~comu1ended as a ctne tor the d1stress1ug .nl!nent ' "V1rg1n1a, I have CUIU.t.l back vrr 111 ~OU T>YE lorgn c me, fo1 the suke oi all I have su/ier e<l. snu:e we pa1tel1 r She held out hur h.uiJ.~-bts anus were 1ound her n1 a 1non1ent - a puss1onatc; ctn I - brii.ce reunited then1 1 .A.Jl, 1{.obei t, I too h~ve ~uflere<l r Look ,tt th1 .. / an<l she show ell her r1ug 'It c,une back to n1e y·...sterd.;i.y, and I felt a:Jrc yo n y;ould. cou1e next A1 cl the11 she told l1ow she luuu<l it 'Your haud 1~ as slender a~ e\er 1 tlarhng,' stud Jtobert "I b1$ ring muet be iny cllre for lbe present' He took out his pocketbook, aud 1ruu1 its depths prod11ced a pale, faded rose. 'Do you retnember this 1' 'Oh, Robert, forgne me I I ha>e hated I \\111 answer 101 it, tbe lon~er jou pRSfllOn fiower:5 ever since that even1ug' Two n1onths latc1, Robe1 t placed a circlet the BLhle, thn n1ore you will hke it; J.L' ill of pla.111 gold on V1rg1niJ.'s finoe1 And be gro\v S \' eete1 a.1u.l sweeter, and the n101e neath it, c~eft1lly fltteil, w11:1 tl1 (' lo,,t 11ngi j ou gpt into the 5p1nt of it,- the more } OU "111 ge t into the "'l lrtt ol ( lu rn~ to Lt 1t8 fruthtul guardian for eterLUorc been exceedmgly bappy The reason is very plain Ab::iorbcd 1n themselves, those who adn11re lhc \vo1ld s apphiusa 'vere c11.reless of the little wo1ld ut ho1ne , while those \Yho had none of tlne egotism, stro\ e to keep the hearts that "ere their O\vn, and v.;erc happJ 1n their tcndcTness No \\Oman "ill love a man the bettei for bemg reno\\ ned ur p1on11ac11t Though he be the first among w.1cli, she \\111 only be prouder,' nol ronder' aud 1f she loses him through h1810no" n, as IS often the, sl1e wdl not even be prond lint give her lo\ e, appreci at1ou, kindness, Ltnd the1e is no i;acnhce she would not mu.kc for Ins content and 1..:01u· fo1t Tho man who loves her l\ell, " her hero anU her king No less a. hero to her, though he is not one to any other J no less a krng, though In, kmgdom JS her heart and only home 'l cikc co nun on rich salt such as b used tor salting do,vn pork or heef1 dry 1t in an oven, then pound It flue 11nd mix v.1th sp1r1ts of turpentine ln eqGal parts Put 1t on a 1ag and "rap it around the pa.rt aflecteJ., a1id In 2.J. hours "ie uc ctued-the fel on l S dead. It WJll do no harn1 to try I\.eep the Ielon lh Dp1nal Marrow o! Beef It '\\ 111 quickly cure 1n u1y case It \\llS th; crJ ;;fa d)~ng ~;n, whuse lite had been, sa<l to say, poo!ly spent, ' 0 , t.hat my influence coultl Ve g ttbered up and bur~ ied with rne " ?\.:Iunv n wcul 1 h}f~"'led 11 p1 on11se in l 1 ounse 1J th~ Bible lt: nuuu ta h t~n Lbi: I 1 y of l ao1ro\·, 01 tue..J, r pt 1t1on '~ ~ Icn utBcnt to upen its Blore 1 ar cl tn I wruru tu 011 ti'a hf'art Stt CIJ WOI ls iS l1 uf g ·od c!Jeer1 lt lti l , IJc uot llr ~h t ~------~-- -- --~