ic :c:t h 4£ THE MEHCHANr FRIDAY JUNE 4 1870 RATES or ADVERTISING PEN AND SCISSORS lu co I at Monlleal Saturday a lawyer iuoted some pomts m the Beecher trial vhcn J dge l\Iondlet sa d Don t for Gods oakc quote from that caae I ere It s ad s 0 race to New Yoik Mr A T A exander has sulu two u h s valnaLle short horn cattle to Mr Fox of England v z the twent~ fourth Duke of Audr e and the tweu e h Du ess of \u dr e at $30 000 for the pa r It s sa d that the renowned B lly Bray once rrfused to resent a k k that he had received because the an ma! that hill eted it was only a J&ckaes after all and the Agent for the Clough and Warren Organ s so d sposed to tr at lhe lo\\- vague n nu af one of he TJrone se be u l·st ~ ck s es e ol the iii· s 'lbe ecr be ad s th THE WAR C1.0UD RllLIGIOUS n by t2o o "<lclrm"°' I by 1' s Clu g llros Ha f Dollar fea fry --- · NOTICE lean that I be held m ( aua<la A Vast Country Tile Holyoke Calamity ar0 e ga he l be on grounds dur ng ti c day E o super or samples of cott.o s ook McCI ng B oe c t do" ========0 -~ GRAND EXCURSION NIAGARA FALLS! A at t eUam neaa t GRAND REVIEW Of 5000 VOLUNTE RS On Thursday, June lObh, Pr nte at e ght (8 cents per ) ard ·t Clung Broa iT The Potato Bug V. th the not weather ts appearan n Hb1 I.ERO OF RE DI AS E was John Lynch a brave firemRn who waa th first to re·1 ond to the alar n H des er bes the s enc "hen h< reached the burn ng church as ·ppal ng '\ e lged t ght and mmovable n ti e door ~ny vas u dense wass of 1 uwan tv from s x to e gbt feet n I e gl none ol then able to stand up r ght from the terr be preasure of tLe crowd beh nd while upon and over them a sheet of lire roll d I ke a wave st,ean ng far out nto the 01 en a W tho ta n oruent pause to cons der the r danger Lynch and Oh ef :Eng neer Mu !en r shed n o the firo spurred on by the p teous c ea For God s sake cone and help us a <.l began p 11 ng out the bod es A moment later and a w-ell d reeled hyd ant s ream from the Mount Holyok Hos ot uck the b ave rescuers and undoubtedly saved t em Iron be ng burned al vo The first pe sons dra vn out were huru ng b t they passod d rectly thro gh the strean ol water and th flame wl ch vere devouring them vc e ex ngu shed Some of the poor c eatures fell fa nt ng on the long JI ght of wood n ·t·p lead ng down to the street and a Jew we e able to valk though w th cona de -able effort By th s t rue the ent re I re Department had arr ved and "orked w th s ch energy and ll that when tho lire ext ng shed the charred wooden walls of the ·tructure vere stand ng and were pulled down by the book and ladder men n order that a sea ch !or the bod es m ght be n ade meached de- lee ded y n he A Strange New Theory of the Whole Aft'1ur ARRIVALS AT THE RUEBOTTOM HOUSE 1HUR8DAY MAY 2 TB Choice Flower Plants 1'01\ SAU P Coleman's Greenhouse Read lliontr al T E Howard G I art e Ioron o Rev J; C Reyno I mood Rev G S fuyno ds Bolto McHenry Toronto JiRUJA! 1 Ir mb I Ir ng Mon trea I Ho) J ill Wr ~ Cobo g II Hobbs O;I a a l ~1 Ha ard 1 oro c Montreal R Hu uph es H l Cl -J P COLEMAN Greenhouse on Ontar o St eet '0W."1'1 1Vlll '· M y Oth 18 41 "as bat he supposed p rpe rato s of u rr urder s n ar to the N ssour one a Mrs F nley and a man nan ed Sm t we ear ested for the m rder of Mr R S F nlcy S nee theu the wo n an has mude a co fe s on mpl a.t ng Sm th and herself as follows - THE C:;,imbr1a.n 'Woolen Mills. l lfa1 t 43 Improve Your Stock a y POLICE COURT !IA B ES EsQ P M Pres d n Desirable Farm Property d :F'OR SALE Co cot d by J M Dou ]u,11 ceod ll 0 ) ea R Spr u 0 w HOW} \.NV t Whea.t Rye Ba.r ey Peas Victoria U111vers1ty 0;1,mpalgn gm Oats D essed Hogs Clo er Seed P tatoee Egg· Wool Hay IORONlO foRON<O J no 3 J 187 000 But $0~3t ti Personal It " 0001 OOOtoOOO Oto07 000 to0 70 o 0 80 Fo 23 l i s lool o tforBarg ns t Mc Cl 0 B os Look o an<l loo/. ' 0 Oto05 02atoo24 POOto95!J 000 oOOO 0 3 0H oOO oOOo j l 5 00to 800 Horse :For Sa.le I J1Sl Har· I