===:=====~==~==="=;:=~~===::=±::::====~~:===:=~~~~~~~~-~~--------------------- ~-~=~---=-----:----=----' - _-'- - "_ _ _ _ ____ --- -~ Executor's Sa,le :Bible - Christia,n Daily Line to Rocheste1. ~J~-:.:d :;,j ,~ ~;;~ -~ if'~~,, I_, 80, .HO ! In "gland · 1 1'1. --u 1JGntleu1en of Fashion. DI.rent tiront KOBE Cotnmeuciug · Oll or about the 19th, of April. oF THE STEAMER ---:o:--- THAN Short·H orns.1 The Estate of tho Jato 3500 Rolls of Room Pa,:per Received this week, direct from Englitud. ! ----· ) NOT SO--Ft,3T. 1 ha.ve wriLten tbe"'e few linl:'M Aud till I ha.'Vc tn B.'.ly, That yo11 uau find me :;till at lw ltH: I :un not gone 11<\ray; So all roy kin<l old fa:icnds w ur {;i)H IL' ' .t'\.nd all the young ::inP-1) ton .A .nd get their g a.1"lne11ts l1ir..:dy tn:~tl(' In fn.ahions that:irc new. Vihere 1)]11 :.1n,J young JP~~r f1·i{'n<1H may n1eot JOHN BELLWOOD, will be solcJ w.ithout reser\·o, on BOOK Sp;!e11did Patterus in Gold aud Satin Papul'. Gold wid Satin, follows: ·rmd otlter Bordering. !fall Papers, and 1!t11el' Pape'l"o', 30 Head of S/w1·t-ho1·ns; 25 Cotswold JN GREAT VARIE1'Y. a& Thursday, Sheep ; al.~o June 17th, Berkshirn Pi,gs and Prices from Five Cents per Roll. Dmft Horses. of fashionable blood, oon~istiog of I pedigrees C_ ows, IIeife1.,;, Heifei· Ca.Ives, a.nil 6 Bull.e. 1 j Thii· herd comprise8 eon1c of the beHt known 01? G001) ]j'ANS, CHEAP. :aa.se Ball Clubs and l3a.lls, and I.a.crosses and Balls, a.t Special Prices to Organised Clubs. RYAN'S PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALL. India Rubber, Solid and Inflated, Sponge Balls, Ross Balls, from Ten Cents each. 'l1hc farm fa situate<l 2~ miles frou1 N uwcastle Station, and 40 east from 'l,oronto. Tea.me will be in wa.iting,on the evening pre· vioce, and morning of the da.y of 1utle, to convey {la1·Lie!i to and from th~ Station. Catalogues furnished on a.pplica.tton. TERMS: A.11 sun1s of $100 and under, Cash ; over that amowit, credit will be given until the lat day of October, 18i5, by purchMers furnishing approved notes. Seven per cent. per annum will be a1low1Jd for cusli., on Bums o\·er $100. 0 0 ~ H Sabbath School I.ibra.ry Depot, ~ · "\\'i11 1uake her regular trips on this l'Ollte, leaving Cobourg i;overy morning at 7:30 and Port Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester. connect· ing there with the New York Central and Erie Railways, for all points East, \VeRt and South. RElURN1NG, I MAKES THE WEAK STIWt~G, I will lca\'ti CJu11·lotte [port of Rochester] daily ; a.t9·p.m., except Saturdays, "·hen she wil1 lea.ve ?-t 2 p ,n1,, for Port Hcpe, dit·Pct. ~l'his is the shortest and quickest route to Oswego & \Va.tertowu, via Lake Ontario Shore H.a.ilroad fro1n Charlotte. Dealers in etock &c., will fiu(l this the che!!p· eet and most expeditious route to Bo~ton, Albany, New York, &c., F'lr further infonnation apply to the cltalractel' of' an u-llnien,t, a:l euslly digeste rl and a.:ssJ.uiilatccJ ed Soltt(ion of the Proloxirle of Iron, is so co11tbi-nccl a.s to li.ni'l1 ,i.J icrt,~tMJcs t/l(~ qr. f ;r1;ntlty h~£it 1.i1·e's Ou.:n ·vi.tull:::J-ng The Per1iv· i a,n 8yrlt'jJ, c:s J">:;·otec1~ ...:\ welt"omc c:;r~ ~:ti.ug Ly ] {., P JJAT !£. Bowm1u1vi1Jt', .Tu uc 10th 187~1. With tlte blood "·' the -9impi11st food. It of A .yent, I1·01i 'in the blootl, <e1ut f:U.J'(.'8 "athO?tSO/fL(l o, C. F. GlLDERSLJrnVE, R. CRAWFOTID. Pon1' HorE. KIKGSTON. "THE STJN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. '!"he approa..ch cf the Preaidental election I gi\o·ea Utll1sual importance to the events nnd de- Ho1·ses, $3.00 Eu cit. ft&i'- O' Hara's Old Stand, l-\owmanvilllc, Juuo '..!Li.cl, 1875. Lunch at IO o'cloclc. Sale to coni1nefice at 11. 33-td. Town Hall Buildi;llgs...Ef 1l. HASTON ly-m9. Cla1·ke, ~{ay 18th, 1875. 'l'O Wagon and Buggy Makers. the village of Hampton. They contain a. waggon ~hop, 20 x 60, filled with a.11 necesaary machinery to carry on a. large business,.aJ.so two story D·welling House, 24 x 30,in first class con<litiori, with kitchen and woodshed, together with all accommodation, also barn and driving house. Allio 20 acres of land. Possei:11:1ion next fall, terms liberal. The property inust be sold, I ns the owner is going west. be ;;ul<l,the premises of the undersig-ne<l, Mu1:1t situate next to the nuw ;n. C. Uhurcb, itt ~ ~ · Kl ~lC STRliET, BOWMANVILLE. · - -:0;,-- rL! ~ . WM. VANSTONE. Ilampton, .M ay Uth, 18i5. 019-11132-tf. WANTED. A Buggy and Wagon Shop. Jan. 28th, 1874. Constant employmcJ1t will be given . App}y inunediately, t.o FIRS'l'-CJ,ASS WOOD-WORKER in a MR. J. MOUNCE, 'l'rnoNE. 18-tf. 0 A:j -·i:Q 00 - USE THE Norwich Egg l'owd~r, for ma.king all kinda of Oakes without El{gs, To 00 ha.d of all Grocers. H a J. \VEEKS & Oo., 'loronto, .sole agents fur Ontai·io. llf·rch 11th, 1876, U-ly. velopments of 1875. We sbalJ endeavor to Ueactibc them fully, faithful?" and fen.rlesi;iJy. THE WEEKLY SUN has now attaineil a· circulation of O\·er seventy thousand copies. Its rea.ders are found in every State and Te1'1·iLory, a.nd itH quality is well known to the public. We shall not only endeavor to keep it f11Uy up to the old standard, but to itnprove and add to its .variety and power. 'l'HE \VlJ:EKLY SUN will continue to be a tho1'011gh newspaper. All the newe of the day will be found in it, condt.tnsed when unim· portant, Rot full length when of moment, a.ud alw&ys, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and instructive manner. It is our aim to mllke the \V];J£l{LY SUN the best family newspaper in the worlt.l. It will be full of entertainini;, and approprittte read· i'ns: of everY sort, but will print nothing to of. fend the most scrupulous and delicate taste. It will always contain the most interest.in~ ~toiics and romnnccs of the day, car~fully sel'=c ted an<l legib1y ptinte<l. The Agricultural Department i~ a. protttinent feature in the \VEEKLY SUY. o..nd its articles will always be found fresh n.nd useful to the Panl.phlets F.t·ee. farmer. . . The number o[ nrnn judeµen<lent in politics is increasing, and the WEEKLY SUN is their paper especially-. It belongs to no party, an:l Seth W. Fowle & Sor.s, Proprieto1s offer.11 no dictation, contending for principle, and l\~o. 1 lUUton. Place, Bo ston. for the election of the beet inon. It exposes the cownption that disgraces the country and 30J.D BY DRt:GGISTS GE~rnRALLY. threatens the overthrow of republican institutiollll. It hae no feM of knaves, nnd seeks no THE favors from their supportel's. The markets of evt>ry kind nnd the fashions are regularly reported. se<t1·chi>tfl ..m ·;;;w1·birl secretions, atid ~eaV'lny n-0th-iny /01 · d'isease to j"eccl iipon. This is the sec1·et of the rvonde1'f1i l success of this ?·e1 ncrl11 in curiny Dyspepsia, Live·1' Compl<tint, Dropsy, Chronic Dial'rhrea,BoUs, Ne1·vous Affection11, Chills and Fevers, .lCumio1·s, Loss of ConsUtutionttl Ylgor, Dise<ises of the Kidney.< <md Bl<i<ldm·, Pem<tle Complaints, mul all d'lSe<tses oriyinating in tt bad state of the blood, or <iccompanied by <lebiltty or a low state of the s11stem. Bein11 fl'ee from Alcohol, ·in any Joi·m, Us enm·giziny effects a1·e not followed by co1·1·espondiny 1·e<tction, b1tt a1'e pe1·1na,1icnt, -irifu· sf.nu. st1~e1iyth~ vigor, ft.tut tie1v life 'tnto all 1uwts of the system, and b>tildiny up an Iron Constit>ition, Thous<tnd.' luwc been chanqerl by the >ise ofthls ·r mnetly, f1;om weak, s'lckly, sujJm·ing m·eatures, to strong, healthy, (J;IUt happy men an<Z women; an<l · l nv<tl-ills cannot 1·easonably hesitate to gi;ve it a ti·ictl. See that e<ich bottle has PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown in tltc yl<iss. meates every pCl/l't of the body, 1·epcti'l'l1ig dtiuictyes and l l'(ttJte, 171-trr.Ilziny the Systeni. 'l1/t.c e:n1·lche<l an<l vit<tlized /Jlood pe1·- ills, · "' fll~n1>!t1 by Toning up,Invlf/OJ'ttf J11-r1 tt nd. If ycu wtint ~ THOROUG1IIT RELIAJ3J,E IO l"lHl~ Parlors, Schools, or Churches, AppJy to BEST ORGANS ON 'llLi.!· CO NT l!\'ENT." ------- - - - SELECT STOCK The price of the Real Estate FOR, rrIIE SALE. ES'l'ATE of the ]ate PHILIP CALLBARY, il!I offered for Sale, being a pa.rt of Lot No. 30, 5th Con. D11.rlington. comprising 20 acres, 1nore or less. There ru.·e about 2:-J a.cree cleared, the f'(!mainder beiu~ wood land. There fa a. good frame house, with barn, clL·iving house and st&ble, nnd two good \vellR, '!'ht-re is . also a. eplendid le':> Orchard of Fruit-bearing Trees. This property is in a good state of cultivation. }~or further pa.1-ticulru:s, apply, if by letter, postpaid, to Un· .McGILL, Oshawa. April 1st. 18i5, 27-tf. cc &'J . I LAD I ES I 0 0 0 OU SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yet offered to the _ people in \Yest Durham. --{)-- dollar a year for a sheet of eight page!!". and fifty-six cohupns. As th.is barely pays the ex· paiiaes of paper and printing, we a.re not nbll;! to 1nake any diecount or allow any premium to friends who may make l!pecial efforts to extend its circulation. Under the new la.w, wbicl1 re~ quires J>A.yroeut of postage in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty centK the cost of prep.a.id po11ta.ge added, is the rate of subscription. It is not necessary to ,::"t'!t np a club in 01·1ler tu ha."·e the WEEKJ...Y SU~ nt this r:ite. Any one who sends one dollar and twenty cent~ ifill get the pa.per, postpaid for a yea1·, We have no travelling- n.g-ent.s. THE WEEKLY SUN. - Eid>t page·, fitty~ix columns, Only 1.20 a year, postage p?·epaid. No discount from, tld,, rate. THE DAILY SUN.-A largefonr-page newspaper of twenty-eight co]un1ns. Daily circula· tion over 120,000. All the news for 2 centa. Subscription, posta.J:;'e prep:iirl, 55 cents a rr.oonth, 11 or 6.50 a }·ear. .J.10 clubs of 10 or over, a. discount of 20 percent. · 0 .A.ddre1111, TH}~ SUN," New York City. U.S. March 11th. 1875. 24-61ns. WEBKL Y SUN is one DOMINION BANK. HO"WMAJ\V J LLE. Capital, Pnid Up, OFl'ICE, BIL\ NCH or~tCES: $1,000,000 'l'OlWNTO. 0SUAWA, J" . On1r.1. r.\, COBOIJHG, Bowu . Ui\' Jf.1,r:, \VRl'J'BY Uxnu1'Dc;1~, WANTED. y A YOUNG WOMAN rocontly from England, a situation, where she coul<l 1na.ke lu.!rself genera.Uy useful. bljbind the Counter1 in the Dressmaking department, or as ...-\.HSiatant Book-kec11er. References kindly permitted, to several respectable persons, both in 'J.·o'"""Jl and Country. Address. N. A., O:OSJ::RVER Office, Bowruanville. Doo. 3l"d, 1874. 10-t B For the Holidays! · Gift Books, Splend,icl ii lbums, P1·a1tg's Celeb·1·ated O/womos, This Bank, in addition totl"ausactiug t ho US! · ua.l ba.nking businesa, offeri:l t1) t.11 !;! Jntblie al l the advanta ges of a Savin.~ In~ti tutio 11 with tlw sec11rity of alarg-e naiil-np cApil;d, by the means (I~ a SAVINGS DF.PARIME~'.r. Iutertist nlloNed on all depositl'I n"( 0Jle Dollai· and upwatde, at the rate of F1vr; per con t. per annum, Depositora can withdraw either the whole or any part of their depoi:ri t8 n,t any t ime, without previous notice. Special rates of inte1·es;tallo·wed upon J.eposits with notic e nf withdrawal. A nrnrictH· Unrreucy and Silver tr.kc11 un de · µm1it. Draftf'I gr:~nted payable in ~ 1 ·cat Britain, lTnited Sta.toe:; and all pn.i·t~ of CarJada. G:6·D epnsits can be ron1itted by mo.il,nddress· ed to the Dorrunion "B1u1k (r egil' Lt:)" t.Jd] , when in all case~ a Pn.e.s-13ook receipt will be sent by return post. · .f. ~<\.. CODl), Auent, RuwmanYille, Jan. Gth, ]874, 15-tf. Groceries Dry Good.s~ :Boots & Shoe~ etca, etc, which for c11eap TYRONE. DENTISTRY. !!UBSClUBER, in order to accede to THE the requests of many persons residing both in 01-ouo and Chtl'kc, ha.s consented to open an Office in the vil1age of Orono, where either he 01· 11-Ir. G. LoCK.HAltT, L .D.S., will utttind, on the first Monrlay in every tnonth, commencing on the firat l\i!onday in ~Ia.rch, and reurnin dur· ing that week, for the purpose of attending to all .Oettb.l operations. Office at Dl'. F'ii;-lding'a t;urgery. Bowman-ville, lt'cb. 18th, 1875. ness, C,ANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELL!OT1 r1 J.Ji.m·oscopes){ff/e!idoscopes, i!f the finest desci·iption, Ladies' Compan1i-0ns, Desks, Pocket Books, &c., &c, , A 'I'TEN'.l1IO N ! - -(o)-- W1iting Card of Thanks. J.M. BRIMACOMBE, 21-tf. A'l'-- to Jilcase all, aud every one. I Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. half of J.ot No. 14, 7th Con. Dar· NORTH lington, containing 100 11.cres, n1ore or leBH. Good building! and fences, a.nd large young orchard. For pa.rticulnrs, n.pply to wM. TU}Jll. HAYDON. Oct. 29th, 1874. G-tf. MES. R. IIOl'XINS' LADIES' and MISSES' OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, King 8treo t, n~xt Door \V'"est of ~Iurdoc11 lh·os, where cau be foun<l the / and splendid Culle<.:tion of that IS · a --:o;-- GRl!:AT ARB.IVAL Stereoscopic VieW"s Spring Hats & Caps GENERAL STORE, · 'l'he Largeto1t Stock ever shown in Bowmanl-ille. SuLsui:ibet· i·etur:ns than\,~ Lu t hutic who ~l.l::LB ha.ve &ivcu him their pl'tronnge in the past, an<l would inform tlie farmers tl1at he lia:.:i l'C· JJa.ixed and reti.ttAd his Mill, and is now pre~)al'· eU to attend _ t_ o their want.<1 in tlHi milling li11c. Ile is a.iso condnc:ting a DENTISTRY! A Desirable Family .Residence For Sale. S MR. SHERIN is ahont leaving 'fown, offers ru1,J haviug- purchased hfa stock for La,test l\roveUies in Jiill:inery Goods. A1.' sale, th.at fine two·storey la.tdy erected by him, on Liberty Skeet, ha,·ing I.t acres of land a.tta.che<l thereto. 'l'he house hai; 4 rooml!I on the :first fla.t, and 5 rOom!'J on the second, with cellar unp derwbole building . There is a good sta.bl~ on the premises, and also n. well, and cistern . Term'! J'easonable. For further particulat"F, apply to the proprietor. B, SHERI!\-, Zt1essrs. ].fcdLUNG BROS., Kint{ Street, or Bowmanvill~ ·.Feb. A he for Brick dwelling, 'J'b e GoOd1:1wt:re boug.t1L at best J's.Les, and pur chasers will receive the benefit. Newest Styles! -:tt1:- - CASH, is gidng bargains in Prices to suit All Cla.sses. Ahm a well selected Stot:k of $25 llEW!ID! The above reward will be pa.id to .a.uy pw-son who will f1Jrni1:1h a1nple proof that the Boots & Shoes sold by the undersigned, an~ ~wt what he repreeents them. English Fur, American Fur, and Canadian Felt HATS. S1'RAW HATS! from 12~ IL R. LOSCOMBE. ·B.u1n1S'r.1<:n. 26th, J875. 22tf A CAltD. I have thia o1"y appointe<l the E;cclu~ive MR C. BARKEH agent for the sale of Iny VuL- CJANlZEn PENS for Bowmanville, Ont . JOSEPH MASON,P.P. J. J.JACOBS. llowwanvillc, Sept.10th,1874. ru-lf. FOB SALE. RETIRING FliOJVI $~0,~00 PI-IILLIP'S lN 'J'HE HOTEL, I , Everything Ladies' Veils, Ladies' and J\Usses' Gloves, in Kid aud Lisle Thread, Ladies' Fancy Silk Tics, New and :Fashionable, direct from New York. Ladies' I,inen Cuffs and Collars, Skirts, Corsets, &c., &c. In short, STRAW HATS Ot>nts, upwards. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. STA1'-D . - B~cently ocunpied by .;\fr. Gray. J. M. Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.S. ASS!SJEU :i..Ilt GENTS' FURNISHINGS, a First-clae:s Selection. Kuowing ju<1t what .11uite: the public taste, I have purchal'led a.ccordingly, Cit.11 early1 and e:uit yourself. S. VANSTONE. 'l'yrono, Dec. J7, 187.J.. G, D LOCKHART, L. R 0. D. S TYRONE. L/ighest Price paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. FEES MODERATE. OFF'iCE over .1l . fcCJ.UNG'I:) Slu.-e. in Ladies' Goods. -For Gents, For La,dies, For Children. Lo test Styles tt'nd Gootl Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. S'l'ORE.- One <loor ~a.-;t of Cnl'nish's J cwelry Stol'e, Kiug Strt:et, Bo"R'1llan ville. M. MA YE:Et'S. Bowrnan'l'ille, April le:t, 1875. VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. Posee1:1sion cau be given on the 1st of ].fa.rch. 'l'erms easy. Apply to the pt·oprietor on the premises, for particulars. '.rHE Strowger Bros. Levi NEWCASTLE Havi11g removed to more co1urnodiu11s pren1i ~~t, IN ------- - -------- llowurnnvlllc. Dt!o. J;i74. ~orris ! ----- ------- JJ-tL CONTEST! H. 'l'. PHILLIPS. 2'2-tf. 'Ye inten<l to replenish -------- ---· -- ----- - --TRESPASS NOTICE. HERl~BY Fel.i. 2Uth. 1875. OtJl' St0ck, C\'tn'y week, front the Canadian and Kuw Yol'k Ma.rk~ t~, with the Sabbath School Ensign, .Au unsectarian, Novelties ! PLEASJ:o; CALL and ]~ x:un i uc Sto~k Illustrated Paper, for Sabbath Schools. Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c . 1f1·. J.\ lo;Titi wuuld h1Lnn th e fCD1·ral pnlJlic:r th at lrn is ph.:pa.recl to fill orders fo1· ~l WORTH OF Poudj;, a11tl Crl:leks on So11th half of Lot No . l~OODS I 10, theNorth ba.1£ of Lot 1\o. 9, and on Lot No, 8, in the Sth Cou. of D·u·liugt.on, are re~itnB.te NO'l'l]l'Y all partie11 1 that the l'ublishetl ltifonthly, al Buwnianville, Ont, The Editor has been connected, more or less, closely with Sabha.th School~. fro1n bis boyhood, ancl will endeavor the nrnke the E~8IGN every way worthy of the support of So.bbu.th Schoofo. '£he unsccta.ria.n character of the paper,rend"rs it suitable for any School In connection therewith, a Sttpplement is published, containing Nctes on the Interna.tionnl stirics of S. S. L e;;sous. These are CMl.:lfully prepari::d, an<l uiust prove of grent value to both 'I'eachcr and Scholar, Pa.reels of 5, 10, 15, etc., a.t the rate of :JO cts. per Yt!M. Singlti copiel:!, 40 cts. Postage l"llEE . Ad.dress, C. UARKER, EDt'l'On, Bowtuanvi!Ie, OnL. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, bt:!g to inforn1 tlie public geucr alJy, that the j" are HOW enabled to O!fer them . ,Ja . an1ng· and. 1 1 :~;;- atchi:ng·, To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. served fishing grou1)d, belon1;>-ring to me, and any one tl't!tipa~ing- thereon, will be prosecuted to the utmost rig0r of the h~w. nnd Priuea. Better Inducements in the line of Noulclings .JAMBS WOODLEY. Dal"liugt.fln, April 14th, 187£1. VJ au desm·iptiu118 1 vA·:nJi/Jl{.j &c., d.~c . J for gcueral L11ild. i.og , ou F. F. McARTHUR ha' Jc:eid ed to go out vf the Dry Good~ uusiness, autl will corruneucc oil the Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. N 0'1'.ED FOR CHEAP t. lt. t. DRY GOODS I CLOTHING, etc. ---·-- G1~oce1~y SHORTEST NOTICE, RlHJ Dress Making and Dress Fitting A SPECIALITY. SATISFACTION '.";UA RANTEED. 'l'ERMS: J. SMAI,};_ BQwmanvillc, :Wiay 6th.. 1f;7;j, -------- -----~----- B11s111ess, Cll iu I Ho will nlso l"ko lo';'.:·~~l' for lmihliog> , GOOD S'l'YI E mul (AS R.fl.'GAJWS l'RIOE ,O QUALITY) Sl'EUIA /, A TTEN TIUN TU JOlWlNU. 20th of May, gt ve11 tm10, 1875, LANDS FOR SALE. ll Bi Lhau a.ny citl11jr homie in the Couuty. What the Press sav a,bout it : 'l'HE ENSIGN. - We have heen tavort'tl with a copy of the }f.'uJJi[)1t front thn J~ditor,at the \VeHt J)w·ham l)zinting ]~sto.blrnL.ment. 'l'he Em;ign is a. paper prepa.rcd espe<~ia.Uy for Sabbath Schools, !.Dd iu our OJJiniou well n<lapt· ed to its object. So great a fal-'orite ha!> it lie· come' tha.t we h·:!a.r (what is vt.iry uuusual with i;uch enterprii:ies) it has prove<l for the first year a financial success. 'l'be illustrations a.re suit. able a.nJ 8Uffi.cieDtly numerous, \vhile the rend· ing matter is healthy in tone, racy in Htyle,and so varied as to suit the taste of the general public. W c. congratulate tht! Editor on hav. in"" catered so successfnlly to the public "\'\rant, an°d we congratula.te the yourig and the publie 011 having so charming 11. sheet pre~euted monthly fo· the perusal of th.cir children. -- l\1 1·u· s'.l' The 8pring Iwportations onlf having been c?mpleted a few _ we~ks'. the 8toc K 18 very lM"'C and wel nssotted. As it must 1e sold w1tbm a I ~ · ' A Ora.nd Clea.ring Sa.le of his Entire Stock. A. TrenJ.e:ndous Deduc~ion W"ill be m.ade. TERMS OF SALE :- Undei· $50, Cash; 01iei · $50, Four montlts ---------------"'! \ 0g tn Ordered Worl<, will be conUnu~d as usual, during the Sale, Crecli't on app1·outcl notes, F. F- Mc ARTHUR \le, M11~·· 187/}. Dal"liugton, conta.ining 200 acres, more or less. '!'he soil is a rich loam, u.uc.l the laud level, aa.vc a.bout 10 acres on the front of each lot, .A bout 90 acres a.re cleared, and well fenced. Eighty mol'e can be easily dearetl with a good euckt!r left on the north side, for ]f all Whea.t. This, rightly attended to will pay fo, the whole Our Goods are all N ew and Fashionable, if A SPECIAL LINE. land. There is on th'<;! premises, a dwr:lling and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. house, barn, a.ntl good well of water, also young orchard. The property is situate within teu mil es of Doi.vmnnvitle, three of Tyrone, three of }Jnni ~k illen, and tW·) of Haydo1L 'l1he lmHl C..:orner l{ing and,Vest ~Iarket StrcP.t n C;ar R.(.'1H<:'U1 bcrihc!J l!lce,at ~1TSS ST OUGH'f ON'S will be ~old duJ::tp. A ~1na.ll portion of the pul"· St. Lawrence Hall. Toronto Old StanJ. ch:'tse moue:v, requil·11d do\vn nncl l'eaRonable 1 ·----' till'l<~ :,,i 11;;n in whlch to pr\y the bt\hi..ricti. l)OS· If you \V nnt Good Brend, Use th~ ·t I f-ICSsio11 g'ivcn im1netlrn,to:ly. Vorftnthceinform- 08hat~(t Re/onner. 'rh~ 1'J1181fm, is neat.ly priut~d on good ps.per, /'e.~)J(,C fJlllly, ,1 Linn , :qiply tu tln..i propr11·tur, is illustrn.ted, a.n<l containg hca.lthy reading '11RS. JlOPKlNS JA1ll'~ WOOl>LEY, 1'; rnue l'.O. I n1a.tter .'l.lt<l HnghL to h.:1,ve a, h~rgu circulation . Bowmauvillc A~ril 30th, 1875. . ;;H~tf, D.i ~jugtuu, April 14th, 1875, 2t-3mo1 - Pcte-rbcn·o .b':rom.i110·. · N ovembcr tiLb, 1874. mO·ty Plii/adclphia and Ne;w Yo·rk l'tittcnts always on hctncl. BE SULD. A. splendid property. being .Lots Nos. 14· and 1U 1in the 10th Con. NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT COOD . i ·n every instffnec. ·weight and .itleasnre Guaranteed Shop and Residence on Liberty Street Rowm.itnvilie, Dec. 2J. ... t, 187·1. .tf 'l'ea,s a, S:pecia,lity. J . L- S'rROWGER J. D. STROWGER . Kewca.stle, Augut:.t, 14th, 1874. Dressmaking, &c. Hiss Heal '\'ould Lt!g to infu1·m t ht: !a(Jiei:t nf Hu\',UJan vil1e and vkinity. that ~ h e i . . p1·epared to ta,kt: ordl:' rs fo1· Drer:isu1a.ki11g,'lm.l tijl the Eitme with despath in tl1e ]it1· ~·x1 ·'-" 1 1 u; ,c l: , ~ ;:h· C orrr\\'all Blankets NO CURE! NO PAYI ~huuotnt I of wl~af; ma.iiufavture, llUt of orller, I wi1l 11u· dt·rtake to UH1kc it as i;ood RS uew, or 110 eh111·!.!\' wiU lie ITTHlle. Orders left 11t Yellowleu.; '& Qnick !'!, will r1 ·e~·i~·e 11r0mvt attention. 0 1 111 y·ot.. have a Sc1T'ing- lla.chine, 110 rn:.J ' ~r \' a;-rnut s 11;·1 ·11 p t···ll' i1:1ing FA8HJ()N. "tt'iiA11r·ti( 1 11. C t 11. 'l'H O:lfAR. .Uuw:u::nn ille, .A pril :tilth, 1875. I l\I nrkl't Sr1118!'t·. Bowm::.mdll i~, Rt·.-i1J1:nce, ( ~ l'.i 11.. 1· nf C~ h11rch St.l'~'t>t, .. ru11l Ike, H! J, 1 ~7;3 , .