., _ THE MERCHANT, FI-UDAY, JUXE 11, 187;3 - ·------,- = - - - -· ~~ --==:::::::::---..::::::::::. ~-=====-----=== ~ -=-~ ========·-=-=-=-===========;==:==========:=====:===:================;==============;===============:===================- . ~ ~ ~ ~ Executor's Sale OF :Sible Christian Daily Line to RochesteI. Commencing on er about the HHh, of .A til'il. I I I SO, HO! ---- ~ - ? · ~~ e ~11; Sliort-Ho1~ns. ~ /I Th:;~:?~fI~:~~:;h, a~ fullows: ,j1f1 - -· THE STEAMER Gentle:n:1.en_of Fashion. NOT SO FA ST. I h:;tYe written the ~ e fP.vw Erie,., .A_nd all J h<~ V e to say, Tha,t you ca.n find me still n,t. home I an1 1t0t gone a.way ; So all rny kind old friends may com e ; ..And itll t:Le young Jnes too A.nd get t heir garments nicdy 111a.di: In fashion~ t hat arc new '\There old a.n<l you ng d·l'!.. l' fr1P.ndi' niay I ao 11 eacl of Slw >'l-hurns; 25 Cotswold Sheep ; al~o ( Br;rkshirre Pi,qs and Dmft Horses. - Thi:.1 hel'i'l CtH:fJpriBC!:l oiume of the Lest kuuwn pedigrees of fashionn.blo blood, con;.isting of · Cow~, J{eifel'ei J:l eif~r C1;1,,lve:'l, and & But~. .. ,l'he fa;;rg ii:! situated 2~ miles from Newcastle Station, and 40 e~l.St from Toronto, , 1'eains wil! be iu waiting,on the evening pre;vio'..~s. and morning of the da.y of sal9, to con· · , "tatalog-ues fn ~·nishc:ll on application. vey t>arti:e~ to "'nd from the Station. TERMS, rs 0 0 r:q H · OM "NOitSE:M:AN . -. '" Ro· l l I l AND (R. OnA.W.F ORD, 1'-IM!!TEH-.) 'Vill .make lrnr reguhu tl'iJJS ou tbi;;. ronte, leaving Oobourg every morning nt 7:30 and Port Hope at g o'clock, for Rochester, conneetiug there with the New York Central and Erie Rnihv.11ys, for all points Bast, \V ef't and Soutlt. RETURNlNr.-, 1 I TI:IE GREAT RF.l\IEDY r·ort I --.--~ <> reeling by R. PEA'!'E. Bu··"'i:n anvillc, ~l 1n1~ 1 t b"'1 !37.':{, will leave 011adotte [port of Itochcster] daily at 9 p.1n., except Saturda.ys, when she v.:ill leave at 2 p,m., for Port frcpe, din:·ct. , '!'his is the shortest and quickest route to Or.!wego & \Vat.ertown, via Lake Ontario Shore Rai1road from Charlotte. . Deal era in stock &c. 1 ·will find this the chenp· est and most expeditious route to Boston, .A.1ba.ny, New York, &c., F 0r further information apply to ' R. OHAWBOlcO, PoR'r II01' E. CONSUMPTION . nnd acknowledged by mrt~y prominent physi· c!A.ns to be the most Reliable Prl>prarittlon ever introduced for the RELI:Er and CUUJ!: of all Desirable Farm Property -- F 0 l-(, S ALE. LUNG COMPLAINTS. llucuza, Whooping Cough, lloi ~r~c Or C. Ii~ . GILDEllStEEVE, This well.known remedy iG offered ta the public, sanctioned by th<! cxpcrlc 1~ce of over KINGS'l'ON. forty yc!lrs, and when resorted, to ill scnson, seldom fails to eifecl a. speedy cure of .. .i\11 ~Unl8 0[ $100 awl under> Cash ; ovel' thai a1npu_nt, creait wili'l;e given until tLe 1st day of Octobt< r, 18i5, by purchasers furnishing apProVed notes. Seven(per. cent, i)e1· annum ·will ~e allowed fq·1· Ci~~i ·. 1J'n sums over $100. Sabbath School Library Depot, · '.'TI-IE STJN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. The approach of the Prflsidental f'Jc~l. i n11 gives unusual importMJce to the e\·ents <'Ind de· velqpments of 1875. \Ve shall endeavoi· to describe them fully, faithfully and fen,rles11ly. Tl-IE _ ~.,.EEKLY SU)I has now n.ttniricd n. circulation of over seventy .thousand cc~pies. Its readers are found in every State and Territory, and its (iunlity is well known to the public. Vile shall not. wily en.dea.vor to keep it fi1llr up to the old standard, but to im.provc and Md to its varietv a.ni.l l~lWl;lr. THE WEEKLY SUN will continue to Le a thoro1 1gh 1iowspa.1:.1t:n·. All the news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportu.ut, u.t full Jcngth when of 1noment, and 1 alwnys, we trust, tl'Gatcd iii a clear, interesting and iustruct.ive lna'nner. It is our ailn to mllke the \VEEICL Y SUN the best family newspaper in the world. It "ill be fuH of entertaining and approeriate reading of every sort, but will print nothing to offond tho most scrupulous and delicate tgste. It "'ill alwacys cont:'.liin the moti!t interest.iaq stories and romance,s of the day, carefully selected aud legibly printed. ~'he Agricultural DeEartn1ent is a prmninent feature in the WEE_ K LY SUN. and its nrtiI des w\ll fl.l_v:o.ys b1r. fouud froah ~-1.u{l u1:1t-ful to tl1tt fn,rmer. ' The li.mnbcL' of inen i1td~pewJent ]11 volitics is increasing, and the 'VEEKJ.JY SlTN is tboir papei· i:apedal ly. Jt br.lung1:1 to w.11Ja.rty, nn~l offcrf:I no, dio~ation, contending for principle, and for· the ele1~~1on of the lxi£$t 1nen. It expos\;'s the corruption that disgraces the country and threa-tens th'e overthrow of republican institutions. It has no fea.r of knaves, and seeks no favors from their supporters. The marke..ts of every kind a:µd t11e fashion~ are regultt.rly reported . . 'l'he price of the \\"'EEI{LY S'ON is one dollar a yen.r for a she.et' of eight pages, and fifty-six colnnms. Aa this barely pay~ the expmises of paper nnd printiug, \Ye are not abl~ to rnnke :i.ny cUg1;1ount or allow any ]lremium to friends who may m~ke f!pecial eftorta to extend its ci1·culation. Unrler the new .law, whicl1 ~ quires payment of postage in advance, one cloll11J· ~ year, with twenty c-.euta th e cn~t of prepaid postage added, is the rate of subscription. It is not· nece~sary to' get up ~a Chlb i-n Un.ler to have the WEEl{LY SU:N· a.t this rate. Any one who !lends one dollar and twehty ct:nl13 W'i]J get the paper, postp.;tid for a year. 'Ve have no tn1.\·ellinrt _ n,gcnts. '£HE \\i'EEKL Y SUN. -Eig-ht lJa~w!'I:+ fitty . six columns. Only 1. 20 a year, postage prepf,1_,id. ...Vo dfucountf1·om U~fa 1·ate . THE DAILY SUN.-A Ja.rgcfotn'-pnge news. paper of t,wenty.ci'ght o()}Umn~. JJ<i.ily circula· tion over 120,000. .A.ll the r1e1v-s fol' 2 cent:-t. Subscription. 11ost'1ge prermid, 55 <.::en ts a rnonth, or li.50·a year.. To clubs of 10 01· over, .a. dis· count of 20 per cent . Address, "THE 8lTN, 1= New York Cit.y,L - .S. )farch 11th, 1875. 24·6tn~. ~--~ Coughs, Corns, Croup, Broncllitis, In° ness,Palns or Soreness In Ille Chest nml Side, lllccdlng at the J,1111gs, lrlVCl' Complaint, &c. Lunch at l 0 o-'clock. Sale to r:on11n,ence a.t 11. 33-td. Clarke, ¥ny 18th, 18'75. \' Sale. Ah~o, double-reed, with octa.,'e cnurler. at a great bargain. · .. :Bowmau\·illc, June, _jrJ, 1875. "'\'. T ery ·llico Se,cond hi.tnd . FOR SAI. . E. Dunban1 Pia.no foi· a · powerful ]~asty 0.L·ga-n ~ timclyJ·csort ;u h1 proved by hundreds of tcstimo11inh1 rer.eiv(:f CONSUMPTION CM~ BE -CURED by a to this st.anrl!trd remedy , the proprictorn, I I lly DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD OflERR'i 1n·cpa·1·ations, lntt- it loosen.9 (nut clr!a11;;cN tlw luuys, und alluylj i1·1·ltat1,(111. ~ Kl.NP. STREET, BOWMANVILLE. does not d1·y up a Couyh, a.nd leave tlrn ca:usq behi-ncl, l'.V~ i.'l the caso with '11 H) 8·~ tlnt \1 T)l H 1-\ T Sp lend id Propert y of th~ late 1f r. U. , . 1'.1:1t ~;~rnl~. hd ug- the north hn.lf r>f L ot!:! :r-ro. .~I: ~,url .:i2, H1 the iit.h Cou. of D;il'livgt0n. compr~!:'.1ni{ 290 ncres - ~~5 lnrln g f! llpt>.rior· -wood.land. . .rh~!l"e Ii'.l on the · front oft.hr. pri.!mi.~es a ~'t! l'V fuw, gentl.c1n;1u':i st one rc5Ji(l tHtc~ . with l~w11 an(I fi owP.r ga rden, to the r~nr of wl1~(· h is a be>n.utiful I\ia,plc G 1·0·,'e. Also wood 1:!l1ed,stable, driv!~g homiH, etc.. and every ni:> ces.sary convenience. J,he whole, Rbout Wn a.cref.1, iR surrounded by a r.J orn l H· d g-~. Y There ~s ~ I 1'11rm. liou so, with threu l.lu.rns, \vit h ull outh1nld mgs. 1\ n ever fa.ilinJJ stren.n 1 uf water ru_ D:s thl'ough U1 ti premises. Thei:.eJ_s nlso a ' 111:lknd1d Orch:'tnl of fruit bearin g- tret=: f.t. and a k1 tcb ti:J? g a;den . Tlie property i>i ill n. goOd st:lt e o f cult1ve..tlou, a111~ is reg arded as the ni ust d esuable betwPcn J(111 gi: ; t·m :iud Lo11dun l·'ru· furth er pa.rticuhwH anp iy to · }i HS. B. 1'-I.l'l'CHJLLL, Oshawa P.O. A ugust Gt,h,J 874. bp-t(-tn44-o3Z . -VV'ill be ~old t·emovh-ig the cattse of the co111-11l,~iHt. J. M. BRIMAUOMBE 1m-in31i. CLF,RGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all thol'\c whose occupntton rcoiulre::. 11 11 m1 usunl exercise of the vocal ' organs, wil! f111rl thh:l 1h<~ O~LY Pn1n·A1t.<1..TION which will d !.(·1·L· ually awl imitantnncously relieve their diflil 111 U1$E 'l"HE -- ~o:-- - Norwich Egg I'owder, !or. n1aking all kinds of 'Oakc-s w~thout :F:g-g:s, robe had of all Grocer:o. R . .f, w EEKS & Co., Toronto, sole a.gents fur Ontario . March 11th, 1875. 24-ly. · tics . "1. B UTTSi.:! and thcprintt d nmn6 o/t./ie vr~ p-rietors, "Sp;TH TV. li'O WLE cf" SO:·lS, !lOS· fnc the 1(Wapper carejn-Zly before purclwsin:J. PUEPACED IlY 'Re:mtmVer that the genuine iP:istff~·'s Bu!drm has on the ouf.sid6 wrupp~-.,· lhe ;,'ivo1fi·a1·1: o/ 'l'OJ.V,1' All otllerS are base imitutions. R.:cmn· JJ,c'l.-vare o_f Conn.tcl.·:ieitg. J. . Real Estate FOR rrnE ES1,ATE Ono llollar a TI<llic. Six Roal" for fac llr,l/m. · SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, :Boston, Mass., And B<>ld !Jy Dru.ggiats nud Deal~rs generally. SALE. " 7 i.: of the ]1:1,,te Prnr~IP CALLBARr, iii offored for Sa.le, being a pnrt of Lot Ko. :l0 1 5th Don. DnrlingtOn, ·corr.:iprising 25 acres, more or less. 'l'here are about 23 acres cleared, the remainder being - wood land. There fa a. good fre.n1e house 1 with barn, driving house and stable, nnd two good wells. ThL·re is afao a. splendid h!~\·u nQw the most varied i:ntd Cheap Store . · ~ry1-x:c)NE, Orchard 'l.~his ~of Fruit-bearing Tree11. · DOMINION BANK. BOWlvIAKYILLE. I-Iv,s now a f .:111 as!iorted St,ock of propertJ· is in a good state of cultivation. Ji'or {urther particulars, apply, if by letter, po.st· paid, to ~ Dil. J\fcGILL, 01:1h:.nva.. . April 1st, 1875, 27-t:(. . SELECT STOCK Capit>tl, Paid Up, . l~EAD :'Ji] ,000,000 1'0IWNTO. OSFCAW.!i, WRITDY, ..- OFl·'IOB, WANTED · . BRA~C.H 0.F'F.ICE8 : . Onrt.T,L\, OOBOUltG, BoWMANVILLE, hl.l1·se]f g~nerally useful, bebbHJ the Counter, in the Dressmaking department. or us _i\.osista.nt Book·kt1eJ')er. References kindly perinitted, to sevorn.1 respectable persoas, both in 'l'o,vn and Cou_ utr:y. AdJress. :::-f·.A.. , Oos t~nvr:ri Office, lknV1nan\'ille. Dec. 3rd. 1874. \0-t B y A YOl71:\(} "TOJ\..f AN Tel.:t:!Iitly f~·om E,nglantl, a situation, where she ·co'u ld ina.kc lTXBRlDGE 1 OJ:!' :DENTISTRY. IIB :SUBSCltIBEB :h1 onlel' to acce<le to . , the requeste ,of n1auy persons residing both in Orono and Olarke, has oonRentccl to open an Oftice in the ·v illage of Orono, where either he or Mr. G. LocKHAI,tT, r.J.D.S. , wiJl .aLtt-?11d, on I thefirat 1r'Ionrla,y in every month, commencing 9n thti first 1\-Ionday in l\IllJ'ch, and rf.11 1ain llur1ng that vteek, for the pm·post:i of r~ttending to n.11 JJental operations. Office at D1 ·. Ji'i·~ lJing'ij ~~ ' T 'SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE , yet offered. to the people in \Vest Dn.rhau1. - _ - ·--'-'-·--·--·----_;._. , ,_ .Bov,·111auvillti, ireb. 18th, 1875. . · J. M. BHIM.ll.UOMBE. 21-tf. This Bank, in additioi-1 to tra.nsactiug tbe ns· ual bankinp; business, -offers to the pu})1ic all the a.dv:nntn.gefl of a Saving I11~titution with t.ho security of a hiq:~e 1 .:niid.up capi:tnl, by the means ot n. FiA¥1'Nfl.8 D1: P.\ll'r?1.fTJ:N T , lntt:rmit allo .ved ClD aU deposit s fif One Dollar nnd up\\"a1:d s, at th fl ra..te of l'IYE per ceut. per annun1. . . I)epoeitm·s can withdra\\" either the wl1ole or any part of their dcposi'9;, at n.ny tb:iie, without previous notice. · Spcial rate& of inter~t'!t allo,\' i::d UIJOl'l d.eposit.3 with notic e Qf withdrawal. 4ruerican Currency and SilY(·r taken on de· J)Of!It. l)raEtA gra.;u ted payll.ble in fh-el).t Jlritain, Lnited Stn,tes anrl all pal'h uf Qx,n:1..1.la. f&·Deposits can be' re:foitted by mail,~rl dres8ed tot.he Domini(in l):u1k [1·e gi~h:t ed], "'hen in all cases a Pass-Book' receipt will be ser1t by return post, .T . A.. . OODD, Ar1ent, Rowm:inville, Ja,n, flth. 1874, 15-tf. Groce:r·ies Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes etca, etc, ' whi ch fo r Quality ~ and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SU RPASSED J ·. ELL iOTl ~ TYRONE.' Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. Good ·~dfoncee, and to lm·ge yutuig orchard buildings For part1cularH, R-pply W ,\-l. rl'UliR , HA l DO)[, Oct . 29tl1 . 1874. 5-tf. of Lot ~o. 14, 7th C\11~. 11gNORTH halt contaiuing 100 n.cres, more or less. ( ,., lin~ton, LAD I ES ' ., '1 ,, --·-0- - --- - - - - - --- - ---· A1'rJ-.ENrr1·0N I .-l... 1 DENT_ ISTRY ! Gift Books, Splendid A lbiims, Prang's Celebmted Ch:ronws, N ·ic'r·oscopes,Ifoleidoscopes, O.J the finest desm-ipt·ion, LarliR,s' Companions, W1.,iting Desks, Pocket Books, eke., &c., tu plea>!e a.ll, nnd eYclJ: oue. . A Desirable Family Residence For Sale. SHER.I~ · For the Holidays! ~- ( u) --- is :i.hout leaving Tova1, for sale, tl1at fimi two·Storey :Brick d-vtelling-, lately erected by him., on Libert;~r Street, having l:i ~tcrcs of Ian.d attii,ch ed tbe,reto. 'l'he house has 4 roorns on the first flat, and 5 rooms on the second, -with ceUilr· under whole Luilding. There i1.:1 :i good stablt: 011 tho vrernises; and ,also ~· '\Vcll, and r:i;;.tel'l1, Term~ ren.sonable, For further 11a.rticularP, apply to the proprietor. TI, SIIERIJ\-, ~lcflr-!l' S . lt:((JCT.UNG BROS., King Street, or A. SheJ\ilR. offers that IS OF a Ca,rd. of Thanks. Sul.iscl'ibc r returns thanks to those who T lll~ hitVl' gi~'e? him their ratrouage in t he poot, - A'l' - --:o :- - :MBS. :El.. :t!OFXINS' LADIES' and MISSES' OU'.rFITTING ESTABI,ISHMENT, l{ing S tr e~ t, oext Door \Ve1't of }furdo<.;h Bros. where can be fo11nd the Gil..EAT .A.RitI'.V'AL Spl":tng-Hm.ts & Caps The Largest Stoel~ ever shown in Bowmanville. and would 1nJotn.1 the far1n0r5 that he ]ias re · pa:ired and refittod his l\fill, ·and is now prcpa.1·· ed to attend _to ~ht>ir wants in ~he inilliug line. He w nlso conductmi; 11. J. iilJ. Brim acombe, L. R. C. D.S. A~l'\J S l'l,~D,._ BY K lt. LOSOOMBE. 2GtlJ, 1875. Bowr.ann· d Ue, F~li. BA.111,t IStER. GENERAL STORE, awl having purclni..ae.d his stock for -22tf G. D LOCKHART, L. R. C. D. s FOR S-'\LE. PHILLIP'S T~ Newest Styles! -:ti:- HOTEL, Llttest Novl!ltics ·i ri J lf-illinr;-ry Goods, ;;\. l ' CASH, IB g:i ving bargn.in111 in THI;: VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. English Fur, American Fur, and Canadian Felt l ·I Poseel:!l:!iou can b9 given o:ri the lEt of M~uch. Te:r-ms easy~ Apply to the ·proprietor on the lll'eniisel:l, for parti~nlars . II. '!'. PHILLIPS. ,J!·b. 25th. 1875. 22-tf. l'rioes to si.1it All Classes. A hlo a well select ed Stock of HATS. A and 8plew1id Collc~tion ~ STRAW HATS! fron1 12~ STRAW HATS Ce11ts 1 upwards. TRESPASS N.OTICE. parlie·, that the _ fond~ &p.d Creeks _vn.Sonth half of Lot No, LO, theNqrth-balf of Lot No. 9, al'.ld on I.ot No. 8, situate in the 8th Con. of Da,1·1i11g1.011, a.re reserved :fishing ground, belon!{ing to 1ne, o,nd any one tN:!~pasl:!ing th~reon, will be p1"0$0Cuted to the utmost rigor of the law . I HEREBY NOTIFY .all Ladies' Veils, . Ladies' and JVIisses ' Gloves, ln Kid a,nd Lisle Thread, La.dies' Fancy Silk Ties, New and Stereoscopic View-s GENTS' FURNISHINGS, a Firnt-class Selection. ST~4.KD.-;neccntly o~cupied Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery,Glassware, Groceries, &c. by 3'1r. Gray. FEES MODERATE. OFFlCE over 3fcCLUNG'S Siore Eo""'-n1anvillo. Dee. 1;~74. 11-tf. Levi Morris ! Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blind8, Doors, ~c. l\:fa·. l.forris would i.nLrm the gcn1·ral pu'blic that he ie preparf!d to fill vrdm·s for Knowing ju~t what suits the pub1ic taste, I have purchoscd accordingly. Call earlv a11U suit yoursE:!lf. ~ ' 'fhe Goodswere bo1igbt at best ro.tes, and p ur chasers will receive the benefit . $. VANSTONE. Tyrone) Dec, 17, 1874. TYRONE. .JAMES WOOTJLRY. Darlington, April 14th, '18'lfi. 29-~mos. LANDS. FOR SALE. ll'l. being Lots Nos. 14an<l15,in the 10th Con. 1.rTUST BE SOLD. A splendid Pl'Operty, Fashionable, direct from ~ew York. Ladies' Linen · Cuffs and Collars, Skirts, Corsets, &c., &c. In short . L/ighest Price paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. ) - --:o:--- lVIO l?E THAN S500 ~olls of :RooJ;n I'ai:Per l\eceivet DarU11gtcH1, containing 290 acrer,\, more or les.s:, Thesoilisarichloam, andtheJa,nd Jevel,save about 10 acres on the front of each lot. .L\ bOut 1.J UO acres are cleared, and well fencer]. Eighty r more can be easily cleared with a. goo(.1 sucker left on the nor~h side, for ]'all 'Vheat.. This if rightly attended to will pa.y for the whol~ land. There is on the prcmfoes, a. Uwdling VVe in.t end tv I'epleui~h our S t ock, every week, house, barn, and good well of water, also voung fron1 the Oauadiun nnd Now York :\-in.rkt;~s i orchard. 'l'he property is situn.tc wiLhli1 ten with tlitt miles (')f Bownrn.nv:ille, thre~ of Tyrone, three of Enniekil len, a.n<l two of Haydon. · The lanrl will be t'!old . cheap. . A s~naJ.l port.ion of the p~\l'· ~~ i a~e .!:lltJD~~, rertun·ed dq\Vll, Qilld rca~pnabl e · tin1e given l n wlnph tp JJ~Y the l:ialan<.::e. Pos- j seei;iuu given immedintely. F01· further inform- . 1 (!.tion, apply to.the vroprietor, E:uerything tn Ladt'eo' Goods. $25 1 M. MA 'l"Elt'S. Bown1a.nville, Apl'il ].i) t, 18'i5 . :Planing a.net Z IG a.tching, 11fould11rtgs of IEW!ID! Sa.bba.th School Ensign, Strowger Bros. THE A.n unse(.)tarian,· Tii-i·ni~ig, alt descriptions &c., &c., f1)!: general b11i1diJ1g, on SHORTEST NOTICE, aud in t The alx>ve l'~warcl will be pa.id to nn.}'. pc.rsun who will f11ruish ample proof that the Boots & Shoes sold hy the under1:1ignecl,· are not \Vhat he represents them, I Lat .e&t Novelties ! Illustrated Paper, fur Sabbath Schools. NEWC.A.S'I'LE "' FOTHERGILL'S l3LOCK, p11 hlie GOOD STYLE litl wil1 al~o tnkc cqntqi.cta for Lnildings, and }ll:l)'S Having removed to 1no1c colnm0dions prcmiscf, SPEGTA L ATTJCNTION 1'0 JOBBING. l'nblished Monthly, at Bowmunville, Ont. 'l'he Edit(Jr bas bt~en connt::cted, moro 01· le~s. closely with Sabha.th Schools, fr01n his boyhood, and '"-ill endeavor the make the EssrGN every wa.y worthy of tlte l:lU pµort of Sabbath School!\ . The unsectnriun character of the paper,ronders it suiLa.ble fo:r a.oy School In connectlon therewith, n, Supplement is p11blishcc1, containing NoLoa on the Inte1·n<1.itional serie~ of S. S. Lessons. These n.rc cnrcfnlly prepared, and inust prov1;: 1.if 6'1'tlat valut:1 to both 'l'e:i.cher and Scholar. Parcelf:! of ~ O, 15, etc,, at the. rah1 of 00 cts. per year, "'Single coi:dei:!, 40 cts. Posta.ge .fi'REE. A~1dress, b(lg to inforn1 the arc llO\v .-J:A'.>1ES WOODLEY, Tyrone P.O. n arJj11gtu11, April 1~th, 1875. 2fl-31uos ·I gfmerally, that the i' enabled to offe1· then1 P L I:J.ASB CALL P.nd - --- 1 Better Inducements in tho line of Shop and Residence on Liberty Street E ?-'. am.ine Stock and I'r:icci::, - :-!pleudid l'atterns itt Gold and Scttiu Paziei·, Oold aud Satin, rmd other B@rderir1g. /fall Papers, and otlter· Papers, JN (}REA J' VARIETY, l'~ "":<r, .II 8tar Dry Good$ and 0 House. For Ge11ts, · Prices from Five Cents per Roll. A l~OT :::::n; Dress Ma~in~ and · Dress F1tt1ng I . · A SPECIALITY. SATISFACTIO:'{ .'.:a ;ARA:'{TEED. G1~ocery --- Rowmanville, D""c. 21~ t. 18'74. -t..£ --------~-------· Dressmaking, &c. Miss Heal For Ladies, For Children. a·J"·.lll 'l'ERMS : B11siness, (AS REGARDS PRICE rt QVAL7TY) tlian any other hou se in tl1e County. \Vould Lt!g to inform thu lndi e15 of :Bown1a.u-..·illt1 a..ud vicinity, ~httt she is prepnrcd to take orders for DreH~mnk1ng- 1 '\.n<l £11 Hie aauw with despath ill the NOTED FOR O:HEAP C. llARKEH, JlmTOH, J3o\vtnanville, Ont . LATESrl' FASHION. I~ · I DRY GOODS I CHEA . CLOTHING, etc. Base :Ba.11 Clubs a.:n.d J3a.lls, a.nd La.cr.osses a.nd. Balls, (}001) ]. "\NS .r . ~ ' Wh:it the Press sav about it' 'l'Hm }JNi'ffG:t.-. - NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD Weight and 11feas1111·e G·iiaranteell in everv instance. a.t Special Prices to Organised. Clubs. "· ---o-A SPE-OIAL LINE, Phihidclphi<i un.d New fo1·k Patterns ctlw<t1JS on hanil. RYAN'S PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALL. India Rubber, Solid and Inflated. Sponge Balls, Ross Balls, . from Ten Cents each. C OI'Il,Va11 Bl a:n ]{etS Corner Kii::tg an<l ,Vest Market Street n&ar St. Lawrence Hall. 'l1oronto ----·~ · Our Goods are all New an! Fashionable, and will be sold at Reason;ipl~ J?ri<;~s. Horses fr¥'0 'J fara,'s Old Sta~1d, " : I I ' " $3.00 - Town Hall Buildi,ngs. ~ ff. EASTON ly-ro9. ., .......,-.--, . ]r.(ISS STOL-<:tHTON'S I Ri;'m e1nbertheplace,at Old Stanrl, A 1-1 ~OUSE AND LOT ~ 7 -tf, ) U.,OR SALE. sitnutc on Ontn,rio Street. Enquire of MR. 'l'lI OJ\'.[AS, on the 1)rem.ises., J'enJectf11.lly1 MRS. IW P Tl( N8, :ll-tf. -If you \Vant c:ood Bread) use th(t. /if' t.. \!,l-' }\11,f'~. \Ve have Leen ta-vorecl with a copy of the Ens1:gn from tltFI Editor,a.t the \\."est Durham Piinting Esto.bhsbment. Tho .7f:11ui(ln £ ,J IB a va.per pr epared especi.illy for Sabbath Schools, antl. iu our opinion wen adfl,pted to its objeut, So "!"eat (I. fa~orite haa it beoomei that we hear ('..::hat if:! ve-ry unusual wltl:i i:.uch enterprisef:!) it has p'roved for the first year SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO a financial The illUBtrafons a.re sn ;t. . · ~ble and su.ffimently rrnmerous, wh~le the read· ORDERED WORK ~ mg matter 1s healtl1y in tone, rnoy in fityle,and STOR~.-One do.or a,a.st of Cornis.h's J ev.re1ry so va:ricd as to euit the taste of the general Store. King Street, Bowman ville. I pt1blie. We congratulate the Editor on havJ. SMALE. ing catered so snccessfully to the public want, and we congratulate the yonflg and the public on having so charming a. sheet presented monthly fol· the perusal of their children.-- Latest Styles Goo<l Stock. lfa:r experience fully w<1.rI,ants her ht i>romising !rn.tisfachlon. Res1dcucc, l\ir.ner of Church Strec-t anfl 1'Iarket bqnare. ' llowma.nville. D ec. ·1t.h, 1873. 'l'ea,s a, Speciality. J, L. S'l'ROWGER -------- A CARD. ---- ~- ' I .uce·"· . J D STROWGER · I · . Newcastle, Augu1:1t, 1'1th, 1874. CANlZ.E n Pl!l ~S (or hnvn thl$ t1ay apµointeJ. I\:[lt,. C. BAlU.{J~H the Exclusi.i:c !\g ent for the sale of my 1'.,.u1~ i3own rnnvi1le, Ont. NO OU RE J NO PAY J OSJ.PH MASON,l'. P. J . J.JAOOBS. rn-tf. J Down1anville, Scrt.J O tli,1874.' Oshawa Refcwmt:r. ~1 13-owmauvillle, Jun~ 2nd, 1875 ~ Bowwanville, Jan. 22n:~l , 1875 . Ilo\\·nuw. ville Avril 30th , 187!J. N'ovembPr 5th, 187.J. m6· ly · · · l d ie En111.,gn IB U(:at1)" pnntef on goo pn,pcr, iB ilh1r.t.ratrl, rmd 0011t11inl:! }1e1-1ilthy reading matter and ought to have a large circula.tion . - Pctet·b01·0 lik.;amil!C1'. _.. l·' ~ . . . · JF YOl: have a Se;nng !t'Ia,cb1ne, no n:iai,tet· of what manu~aoture , out of order, I \qU un· d~1take to make it a~ good :1.$ new, 1ir no chfl,l"g'fl will be made. Orders left at ·Yellow lees & Qu~ck 's will recei . . p. t tt t" ve - iom1:1 a en ion._ G. II. TIIOI\i.A.S. & wmri.nville, 1\..pril 2dth, 187<1. 30·3n101'l , ~nyth i n ,s el:.. ~ . StateR co~tR bu 1 d-t.1w 11lltr~ free. 1Prn:1t ca,r<l t'tl 1 '.L·~ \;e11i. .A.dd1·ess G. STJN. RON & CO .. P ort. laud, l\T ~~i ne 1 1T. i3. (kt ubP-r 27tli , l87·1._ ly-.hp·o4.3.n15, jng cla.ss.:is of working people, of either B f:l x., young or 1Jl1l,. m:·11-e HJf1i't~ tu oney a t ·.vi.irk frir us in their· spnn: n 11 qw nt:.; , t 11 al l t·!ie. th nc, tha.ll at 1 $5 TO $20 PE.Ii DAY.- Agents \Vanted!