THE MEHCHANT, :FRIDAY JUNE ll, 1S75. POETRY. LONGINGS. I. FARM AND KITCHEN. Epidemics aRd Infection. - - - -The old man laughed. 1 Oan you cut it down in three days 1' said he. ' God helping me, I will, 1 answered Rob· SPRING! 1\-lother. thuu art not far away, 1llthough thou :trt not here, .A nd though thy hon1e i.a not on ea.rLh, Thou secmest ever near; Though gone .f do not weep for thee, ]3ecausc thy spirit dwells with 1ne. It i1> uot very long to wait, And though I often miss, When burning fever'hurt...m~. : orJhe windo~,and so .l<.-f<ll'oc theJn to breath~, ' daughter, >1:119 tlie sweetest maid he kuew. in every department, purchased under very favorable circumstal'lces, and in town. Please call.. Thy gent!, rnothet'· kis·; -----Fto"'JlP'i«'·exlent, .;:.v.itfated-atmosphere that She wa. neat ana comely, and fair withal. is determined to sell at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRlCES. She had a s1n1ple graee in every rnoven1ent of her lithe flgurc, and two charming dirn~ plea when she smiled. She J1ad been well spoken of' at the Hun1lay S(..bool ; and her mo ti-ter cu11ed h era d evo I cd d aug h ter. Sh e hall inuur.:ently engaged the aff~ctions of the fnrrrwr's son ; but the fartner had set his face against the inatch: He liked BeRsie ; but she was not the \Yife, be said, for Robin. 'Ve aJUove our childreu as we love ou1sclves ; it i.a, in fact, an in.stinct rather than a virtue, 'Then, verily, thou shalt lllltrI)' Eea$ic. n.1Hl, ff need be, we would protect theu1 at the But roind,ahe lends no baud to thy help.' sacrifice of our own lives. But let there be an 'Sob~ it,' replied Rolin. Then he shook epidemic iu tHe town where wt 1h·e, and heroic bailcfs Ftth his father . to seal the corupo.ct, as our will may be, with what discretion auU tL~y pal'led, the old man going away do We tho e.xereiae In the tho place, · h a sini'I'e 0f incredulity. we shut babie,,S.wit? up f:rom freefirst air lest a wit whiff of the-sic ne'Siahould..enter a.t....the.,,..door ~bin Hall thought Brssie, the shepherd's in. S. I lf'\i "" TREWIN, OSHA'"W'A is now showing full lines of \, · -1 ~S6Y£s. I I 1 1875 !I REMOVAL. '"1 ·. p --....= S. MASON w1d1t:: " lo 111fonn his. J_91rneroua frien<ls i,iud cus ANDERSON & (Jo. Beg 00 a11uouuce to t11e Electors of Weiit Dur-ham and surroundinglcouutry, that theJ. will sell . their ilnmense tomers that fie haA removed to BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be found with the n1m1t com eh fl."lsorhnen t uf 8TOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES, At a Discount of Ten per cent. for OASH, for THIRTY DAYS. NE W S p R IN G G 0 0 D S ' Harness, \Vhips, ;ELTfo~;iisi~is:·35~=~·:sCh;f,~~~ti1f~~i. Trunks, &c. 1ooo,P"8· MissesPe.balct.nd Bvff Balrnc.wal.~, at I.GO, per pailr, for CASH Oll'LY. 1000 Pair. Women's, iffisscs' arid Child's Felt Boots, the uholc to be sold for GASH ONLY ; boon, 1nothe1-, God will stop the V"'in, 1 ' makes th,em the ea.E;ier pl'ey if attMked. Then ~\ud lily ra.e in thine arms again. . ~ weallow them to play with the cats and the A~tcl thou~h I c11nnot here beh1.ik~ 1 long·.hafred doga whic.h ha.Ye access everywhere, The spring and ~rrigftt, running up e\·ery one 8 back yai·d at all hours, l'he ooolrlc tll of autumn t:1ne, and by th preven.tod t f noth2ug d' kn.own 1 fr. om carryi.'ng "Vi'uit~r JlUTe atid blight, c e con ag1on o any .1seru::i~ in t le1r .:::onvenieut know that God wtll]et me H ee oats. In the meantime if a stranger comes to the house, ignorant though we may bti of The beauties Pf eternity. wha.l".Jte is 01· where he came from, we ncvet I \Hll uot weep th(l.t I am Llu1d. think of such a thing as hindering hitn from I wlll not wish to see; petting the children os be pleases. We keep I ll li "-e a good, obedient lifo, no disinfectant in constant use after we know 'l'lw,t I 111ay come to thee : the epidemic exists, and finaUy we lt1t the chilllclp me, 0 God, to do my best dl'en have as rnuch as they wfah of the compan· To win at Inst eternnl rei;t. ion,Ship of the maids, who, by rea.son of their crowded church.going, are so very likely to J..:u~ 1J t lo \ t, n.y m ~Lh ·r Rltll, gather the contagion in their garments. Look Although we dwell apart, 11 momont at that la8t statement. :Oi5ease finds Should it uot be the same with Grnl " its favorite food in the region of po\·erty, bad ..,,. .Should He not have n1y heart 1 air, na.rro'\v quarters, and. in the unhealthy G nd, may I learn to love Thee here, l blood made by poor and insufficient diet. It is ... i\.nd may thy Spirit too be nea)' ! universally acknowledged that suob spots are ..A.n(l so at peace with all I'll live, the bot-bod and propagating ground of every· In hope the time will come thing of the sort. 1'he un!ort1U1ate people '\\'hen God will think I've lived euough, whom the disease thus victimizes, frequently L1nd call me to I-Iia home : going through the trial without a phyeiciau, 0 mother, then with thee abo >'C knowing nothing of fumigation or disinfecti<tn, 'Ve'll dwell together in His love! and laughing to scorn what they happen to hear of it, seldom denying themselves the pleasure II. of free going and coming, cannot but be the Life tells us we 1nust soon 1epay tuea.ns of 1:1a.illy 8 prea.Ui11i; the evil fl·om which The joys we hers but borrow ; they suffer . If the1e aie ha.lf·a·dozen. families And all we think n. heaven to~Jay, iu a house, as not unf)'eq_uently happens. and 1\:lay Pe a hell to-morrow. the sickness be in one of those families, none of tiu when 1ny heart Ieela gfa.d a.ud li bt, 0 ttnd Costumes, comprising a very Large Val'i ety .wreSS f!_OOdS ~ of NEWEST and FINEST Fnbrics. :Buckler's o1d stand otrn door of Afa.ynn.rd1s Hotel. Bowmanville, Sep, lat. . 1873. --o--Call early 1wd secure your WintAr Supply, while the rush is going 011 An un11snaliy attra,~tive display, this season, em,. bracing Latest N oveltics in French, 1:nglish, and Robin muat look higher. It was true the American Hats, Bonnets and 1'rimmings. shepherd's family was as good as his ; but Special attention to gettfog up Orders j<Yt riches made all the tlifftirenc~. A good FAMTLY J.~lOURNTNG . marriage mrght better Robin's condition in He was a liaw1sorne young man ; and the chance \\'as not unlikely to fall in his way. Bessie was a good, affectionate lassie ; \Jut the f:.niner was very arnbitious. Fie could not conRent to receive her as a daughter. He thought there Vt'llS no possibility of his consent beiag won in the maaner be ]if~. Dress Maki"ng Millinery at do11e to Ol'Lle1· ~f t "anagemen . by Skilful auJ obliging Bowmanville, Dec. 10th, 187· 1. ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot & Shoe Bm.pori·lll· 'l'HE E.Lepha,nt House HE UNDERSIGNED iQ. returning thanks T to his many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage e:x:tfilnded to him dur· on the same businea:s, but more extensively Mantles velvet, and lace goods, of latest stylos, ve1 y elegant, (or made to order.) Ai ~ sha,wls l't fi·on1 of cloth, cn,sh1nere, silk, 1 A ver_y htrge stock to select fr~~h:naa:f\;rst~e~Mh~=~~ei~°oo~~h~~ll c!~:i undor the name and style of JoHN MaLEoD & Co. Pr01upt payment of all account.a is rendered imperath·e by this businesis arrangement, had suggested on the spur of the moment, and. he ·went home laughing in his sleeve at his son's folly in indU(r.:pJigi n"'"'such an idea. Evening had fallen, Robin's aickle to anJ fro, nnd the corn fell ear Uj)Oll ear ' at his feet. One of the fttrm boys follo\Ted him, go.!heriug them. into shea\·cs ; and pretty buxom J)essie stood by looking on, find1 ing it difficult tu restrain herself from lend· I ing a hancl. Rohin was silent and swift Staples, Embrncing eve1r description of fabrics, to meet the and all persons indebted will pleaae take notiC n.nd govern themselvea .accordingly. wanlis of our nurnerous custon1ers. JOHN McLEOD. Bowman\>-ille, Sevtember 4th~ 1873. TERMS--... LIB EJ~AL. Oshawn, April, 1875. E.E:C.IANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society TJohn Mc:C.eod &. Co ·T Important Announcement ! HLibe:i.'al Support and H Patronage woul<l solicit the same EI 1 And all the world to UJC seems bright, I give 1nj'heart to God and say, He still, 0 heart, be still ! the ":"ell members of that family would think of over bia work. stay1ng at homt! from church, and of course He bad not time to look ES.1'A lJLISHED 1840. C.tNADA CaTE'F OFFICES, and takea this opportunity of in· )forming the public, that they have extended so long to John McLeod, E Death tells us a.s he ta.k.P.fl a.way Our friends, and leaves but sotTow ; \Ve'reliving here perhaps to-day, And dying here to·morrow : So when my heart with loBf! is torn, And I with L:twr grief a1n worn, I gh·e rny care to Goe'! and say, Be still, 0 hcact, be still ! H. R.K. none of the members of the other five families "'ho do not feel the1nselves to be affected_; and what is there, then, to prohil"-it them from tak· ing out with them &ind scattering through the congregation the germs of the, and the maid from innocentl;f a:q.d ignorantly bringing them home in the shawl to t{te ruin of the child whom ~he also lu\·ed U1 conln10n with the rest of the house, and whom she would do her utmost to save 2 up, when the moon came out of the clouds, accompanied by a single star, and ' Bessie said, 'It is nigb.t. 1 When she '\lent away he did not gaze after her. He sharpened his sickle, .tud fell to Lis \\'Ork with a stronger will. His heart was throbbing with love, It sent new life and new streLJgth through all his hmbsas he thfJught DISCARDED 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL DIRECTORS. Vv""ALT.ER SHA::fLY, Et>q,, :Th-1 P., Chairn1aan 1 DcNOAN 1'-IACDONALD, Esq. MAJOR T. E. C~U:l."PBJ.£1'..L, 0 B .. St. H ilaire. 'l'H.E HoNOIIAULlll JOHN HAMJL'ION, Hawke. burg, Ont. 0LD SYSTEM, i and "ill coni.l uct their credit bu$· ness n.s follows : I ' i Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- Great Seduction, in Dry Goods! Crumbs for Chickens. ~"'oot.-pads-Bnnion plasters. Silence. Bec~ut:ie Name it, and you break it. 'Vhy ~t11'y ~e conundrums 1ike inonk1;1ys ! 01c trot1bJeao1ntJ. 1\-""heu is wheat like a blunt knife '! 1s sent to bl:! ground When it By an I1ishmau : \Vby is a atorm ·when it's clearing up like a ca..'ltigation? Sure, nn 1 ain't it a bating 'Vhy is a lame dog like a slanting roof? Be· cause its a slow pup (slope up ,) 'Vhy is a very o.ngry ma.n like the clo.:k at tifty-ninP. minuteB past twelve? Been use he is iust ready to strike one. 1 Oh, Jolu1 ! Drunk again,' sobbed bis wife, as he returned froru a midni:;ht spelling school. 'N·n-ot so, Elizabeth,' he replied. 'It's only Lhe bird~singing in my heart. Tha's all ' jected to analysis, is found '"to contain a l:lln<tll percentage of butter, notwithstanding it lu.,d ?n being set, thro"'-n up the t.Team very perfectly. Experiments that have been in adding water to milk to facilitate the rising of the cream have sh0wn that more cream is obtained. 'l'hus a specimen of milk was divided into two portions. Ono portion was set for creo.m, nnd in i;;even hours yielded 7 per cent. of cream. 'The other portion was mix:ed with an equal vol· ume of water, and the diluted milk set for crerun. The diluted milk iu f:leV'en honrf:I gave C per cent. of cream, or 1~ per cent. more ore.:tilll than it should ha\ e yielded if watering made no dift't:!rQnce. It may nqt be advisable, a ter in this 'vay on all howe"-er. to use the woccasions for getting tip the cream, since water ad<led to n1ilk J1astens the acidity of the liquid, \\hich in 'varm weather should be guarded of Bessie. Bessie blithe and bright came \ripping back in the IJJOrning. She found her lover Watering Milk to get the Oream. still bcrrt to hia work. Ho bad not failed It is .well known that milk set in the. usual Ur flagged all through the night. The farmway, throws up a goodly percenta~e boy siept a bri< f el··ep on the stubble, but of c~llm, does not yield up all the fat in the Hobin worlrnd on as if he hacl but j nat beu1ilk, because the Rki:mtned milk, on being sub· gun and a arcat lH~ap of tnown corn lay 0 . . · · 1 abo~tt hnn. He sw1led J.S Bes1-ne came into he fi~ld, t a ad made a short pt.iuse to eut the Ureak fo.~t !'1 he haJ L1uught. Then he woke the fa.rm hoy and went on as steadily and rapi<lly as belure. The 2un 3.dvanced to the meridian. It slanted perpendicular rays through the R)<JSIDENT· SECRFTARY.-JAM·· GHANT. S PECI AL f EAT U RES. 'l'ht: E::-rru~~ PROFITS belong to anfl at,.e divid efl a1nongst the Policylwldcrs. L El:c.oNG c;,ED:C'l's, L E EALL ACCOUNTSE will be DUI DOUB BIOS. Having decided to make a ch1111ge in their business, are now selling for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, ' or on wl1ich an extl'a Premiwsn would be required, can be assured at the ordinary rates of this Society, L,IV.l!:S, DECL11'{ED .BY OTFIT~R COMl'ANIES, under a 8Pecial arrangement issued under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay inents attl required, payment secul'lng Policy for a sum assmed proportiona.te to the number of premiums paid, and free from SPECIAL NoN-FOF£ITADLE POLICIES 'tJa'lf11U!!nl of Jne1nium..-8. MODERATE PREMIUMS and most liberal cnn· ',Silver beech and maple yellow-leaveJ, 1 until the scarlet berriee, tbe wild roses, and the nightshade drooped upon the hedgerows. It gleamed upon the haymakers and the pedestrians until they called out with thirst. It 1~·· many degrees of heat in the shade, but the lovers stood out in the open ditions. Prospectuses, Proposal Forms, &c., supplied on al-Jp1ication at the Head Office, or any of the ~<\.gencics. JAMES GRANT, Reo. Secretary. field and heeded it not All but the bees had left off work. more Bessie said 'Good night' and the dew AGl:N'l' VOR BOWMANVILLE, C.BARKER, " Observer OtfiCt:!," KiDg St. :Bowman ville, J uue 24tb, 1870. Present the following te~timotliafa from cum petent judge.a of - organ;.,. Testimonial fro John Camidge, lt-Ins. Doc.· Canluar, England. Bowmanville, 24th Dec, 1 1873. · To the Managers Dominion Orga.n Co. G!!i.'H'.LEMKN. - I like to µlay on your Oq;ans tC' ~e is so sweet and steady. .A»d the 'vork· maasnip and finish excellent, and in every they are equal, if not superior, to any I ha"·e ever heard. Hoping they will meet public appreciation. p H :Oominion Orooa.11 Co'v A BOW MANVILLE N T .HI'.: RE.KDERED on the 1st January, . 1st May, and 1st September , 1n eac~ and every year. T QI In the case ot J..,fanufa.cturers, Me6hanics, and others. ·whose accounts may runount to $50.00 or ovor, their note,if agreed upon, wilt be taken payable at thi:> Batik fol' a stated period. p H A N AT AND BELOW COST! T The Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on getting MORE .Al'iD BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. THE Cash Purchasers AND ,JOHK CA~filJGlJ · \Vhcu a l1asl1ful lover ha.s manafle<l to h'ling against. up his liat and gets E!:llely into the parlor, nothing confuses him ao much as to find a. saucer of tnclu; on the first chair he drops into .t\.n exchange says that every wo1nan has a Once 23-ly A Word to the Girls. i.:h ancP. of being ruar1 ied sometime or other. It js not unlikely. '!'here's no telling \\hat a 1nan -will do when he is drunk. was asked by her mother A !it.tie girl, who about su!'lpicious little bites in the sides of ft. doz;· en choice apples,answered i 'Perhaps 1n:unma, they have been frost-Litten, it wag so r;old last night. ' A. tall stranger entered a !'!aloon in Detroit .md pulling off his coat inquired: ' Is there a.ny· hocly here who wants to lick me?' ' Ye~, yes !' exc;lai1ned half a doztm loafers in chort1s, as they rose up. 'I t11ought there was P cooly replied the stranger, ua he opened the Joor and walked out. A doctor went to bleed~ Yankee, who lan- Jennie .Tune has the following good counsel for girls:-" GirIS, ta.ko hold of the first 'vork that comes to your hand, no matter what it""' is. You will soon find out if it is- the thi:ag you want to do or ran do best. The mol:!t p1onfr.:i· ing young actress in America to-day commenced life as a nurse-maid, and a well-known artist only found out she oould paint by e(pbroidering for a living. The e.,'{ercille of the fac11lti0s in any useful QCeupation is good, and excellence in it ennobles it. 'But whatevl:lr it is, bring a..11 there is good in you to bear 11pon it, that the record may be in 110 way dfacre<litn.ble to you.·' gathered upon the herb. Once more the nightingale trilled forth her lay in the hayscented air, nnd the harve·t-moon rode high in the heaven·. Once more the farm· boy fell asleep, and all the land was quiet, but love had not tired ; still-still from eve ymperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON. (E.toblished 1803, HEAD OFFICES.-1 Old Broad St., and till morll, from morn till eve, Robin went . Pall Mall, London. _ on with his work su,tained by love and GENERAL <\.. GEllCY YOU CANADA :- 24 St crament i J\{outrea,l, hope. Read the following from Rosa. D'Erina : 1Jowmnnv1lle., December 22, 1873, To the 1lfanagers of the Dominion 01'gan Co. GFlN'r.LF.ME:N'. - I ]H\.ve 1nuch pleasure in teij fying to the excellent qualities of the Org ilnpplied by you at l11y cor1cert last Saturdu. evening. The tone is aweet and very powcrf and the combination of 8tops most admira.b I am sure your will find favor. Churches, as they are singularly adapted fo sacred music. \Vish1ng you every success, and that the public may patronize nath·e manufactu1·e. I remain Gentlemen, Very respectfullr, Hl will always get goods at prices cut FINE, as our great aim will be to court this elas.s of trade. Prompt Payers on credits short H J Call Eco·ly, and seeitre Bargains, as the whole Stock must be sold at once, for CASJI ONLY. Stoo~NDI..arge Q T HE GROCERY DEPARTMENT· On the third day the farmer passed by and paused with amazement to 1:1ee hia corn all laid by his son's single arm. Robin was very pale. He had fallen upon the stubble, and Be..,ie knelt by bis ·ide. She be Id a H. O'HARA. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 y·rs President. I\.fana.ger Bowmanville, Janu~ry 15, 187,1. bp·o3 ml&, ROSA DERINA. A. M. DARLEY , F1m<l. £1,965,000 Sterling. Subscribed and invested. Capita.I a.nd Heserv-e l !U· . Goods, Raisens, · Currants, U-Well~ssorted - ,Ch,risttnas Sit· S ga1·s, Peels, etc.~ etc., all Prices. S oook.AH1'a'.i'td~a~i~~:ya~dBox STO 'V E S · EI it~!~il~!,ct~?mt~th?Si \E MURDOCH BROSH is now complete with the choicest supply of tit for wood or con!. ' Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 cup to his lips. Funds invested in ea.nada.- 105,000. Insurances agrunst loss by Fll'e are effected on inost favorable terms, and losses paid with out refeience to the Boa.rd in London. AI.WAYS GET ___ lier eyes "ere full of joyJ DODSWORTH, Io.spector. The Harvest Bride. A CIEitICAL REMINISCENCE ful tenrs1 and a prayer of thanksgiving was upon her tongue. Far1ner Di1nsdale ap· RINTOUL BHOS. Gen. Agents, Montrea. I FIRS'r-CLAes. W. BELL & Co's. Prize JJIeda-l Organs Whieh in 1873, o.t tlte Proviucia.l 1"'air, beat every American anll Uanadian Organ, taking guiJly exclaime\l : 'Oh, doctor, you're a great butcher '.' 1 ro which the doctor rejoine<l: · 0 h, yes , I'n1 u s(~d to sticking caJ vcs.' It bad been a hot day, but the heat was past. A pleasant warmth lingered, and a refreshing bree"· was ruetling through the thick leafy maESes of the trees. All Lbe Sevcrnl passengers on the lower 1\fissiflflippi leaves in the wood s \Ycrc tinted with the were attracted hy the alligators ba.sking in the mellow richness of autumn 1 anJ. undf.r a. r-.u n::;bine. ' they amphibious, Captain?' gleaming sky waved acres of' ripe yellow af:lked a looker 1J11 'Amphibious, thunde~· !' corn. :ioswered the enthusiastic officer, ' they'll eat a. Farmer Din1sdale and his son Robin were hG~i a. minute ' ( A Bo,,ton dramatic critic says of a gifted ·-·'She wore a. handsome dress, and t' 1· 1 eliy hung a trail. Her subtile gra.ce, flexible :.i.s the sinuosities Qf a 1noi'Iliug's mist, and ) et thoroughly propo1tioned to the curves of the chn1u.titcr, nre most especially notice!lrhle.' a.ctn.i~~ proached the group slowly. He waa agitat· 6d by conflicting etnotions. For a moment he was ·ilent ; then he said :' I could not have believed in thie, but 1:1iuce it is so, every labourer jg worthy of h1s hire.' Then be took Bessie'· band and placed it in Robin's, so whE:n the corn ·was garnered n. R. LOSOOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanvllle and Vicinity. 36 - Bowmanville, June 4th, 1860 James M F ·~w 43 3 4 Just Arrived at the c ee ers. AGENT For the following Insurance Companies, and othet l ;neititutiona, vb~ :The QUEEN Fire nnd f_.ifc Insurance Conipany. Cnpital£2,000,000. $150,000 deposited with the Dominion Government, for the protec Jers in Cautt.dtti. '!'he ISOL.ATED RISK Fire Insurance Com pany uf Oana<lo. Capital 000'000,-0ne of tbe best and cheapest C01npanies donig business in the Dom.inion, for Farmers and Isolated Ri~ks \Vith a Savings Bank department, FASHION HOUSE a 1plentlid !.ssortment of the FIRST PRIZE. Also the ienowne<l in Robin took the wile home whom be had chosen, and i:he was a good wife to hira all 'V" ell, i:ny son,' said a. Detroit father to his tiig h':.-year old son, the other night, · what have you done to-day that tnay be set <lo,~n AA a good deed?' 1 Gave a. poor boy five cents,' replied the hopeful. 'Ah, :ih ! that was cba1ity, and charity is al was right. He was .a.n orphan boy, '\ll.S be~· 'I didn't stop to ask,replied tho boy,· ·I g-ave hiw the n1oney for lickiug"a boy w-Jlo upset my dinner basket !' "Vtill, L-ncle Billy, don't you want any moi e civil right~?' 'Not any mo', I tauk you, 1 replied Billy ' Nearly done ruined now, Hed to µay my ow11. loctor's bill, lost all my mm1Py in F1eedn1an's Bank, nebl>er got no forty acr~i;i an de mule dey promised me, an <·an't help myself to a little chicken, fryin' size widout swine to de penitentiary. l'se got 'nutf cibb1l iight,,.' A Clergyman was endeavoring to instruct one of his Sund~yschool scholru-s, a plough boy, on the nature of a 11'iracle. 1 Now, rny boy,' said he, ' suppose you should seo the sun rising in the middle of the night, what should you cnll thnt "' 'The mun, p1nse, sur.' 'No, but,, said the clergyman, 'suppose you knew it was not the moon, but the eun, and that you aa.w it actually rise in the midctle of the night, what should you think?' Plase. sur, I should think it was tiine to get u_p l' her daya. Many a time did he sit by his returning home after work. They had fireside and tell his cbildreu bow be had bad rnther a long spell of it, and the per- won her in the blessed harvest.time, and ir:. spiration stood in great drops upon their the harvest-thanksgivings she was remembrows. They were very glad to enter the bered by him as a gift from th~ Lord with last field and to come in view of thei~ des- the golden corn. tination, but as it was neared they walked The year is about to take UJ> its bright much slower. The way · was a narrow footpath. The farmer walked first, and inheritance of golden fruite. The Lord of Robin followed. The path inclined over the harvest gives us signs of great abun· an elevation towards a 18.tile, and the elder dance. He hath \'isited the earth with His man sat upon the stile for a rest as soon as good~ess. He hath watered the rid~es, He lie re·ched it. Robin leant his elbows on bath settled the furrO>l'.L!.~reo!. He has the topmost rail and !ooked '\vestward. His made them soft with"showets, and blessed gaze followed the wings of a windmill, and the aprrnging thereof ; and so'ngs of thankshis thoughts entered a little cottage hidden giving are ready to burst forth for tho in a profusion of foliage fanned by the air promise which He makes. Blessed be the agitated by the white wings. The farn1e1·'s name of the Lord ! HALLETT& DAVIS PIANO [lloston.] NEW MILLINERY. A.lso a lot of A BIG- RURH · '\Vhich had ta.ken The CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. Foi·ty-nine ---:o:-- REAL HAIR, FANCY G90DS, & Also a large !:!lock of The UNION AND PERMANENT Billlding and Saving's Society. ~L1hef'la latter institutions ach-ance Lou.ns on ReaJ Estate, on tel'lllS u1n1suallv easy for the borrower. Bowmanville, }'eb. 6th, 1873. Stamps for Braiding and Em- 1~IlELEVEN S broidery. THE KING OF SEWING MACHINES, FASHION, S for Spring just to hand. FRUIT, AND l --:o:-N. B.-'fhe Subi,;cribe1 is not a Sub, or under, but ha.a the special agency for the above. I am prepared to exchange P ianos for Organs, Organs for J\felodeons, also Sewing )facbines, on reasonable tern1s. ~.\ddress, ..~ J. S. DUNEY, TYRON' P.U. Jan. I.5th, 1875. 6 6nws. usual. 1 · Confec_ tionery Depot. JV HOLS.ftLE and RETAIL J'.J"t arrived, and for Sale, at tJ1e abO\'e depot i MRS· A. FLETOHER Bo\vma.nville, April 7th,1874. A bad boy thus describes his n1isdeeds and. their punishment: b-Iy sister E1n has got a. feller "'ho 11as been coming to see her 'most cvc1ynight£01· some time. Night before last, just to have a little fun, I v,rent in the parlo1 1 il)td crawled \rnder the sofa 011 thA s1y an<l ""~a1ted tho1·e till he and Em hnd got settled; and juat as ht> was asking her if she wa1:1 willing to become his dcn.1· partner for life, a.nd t1·uflt to bis strong right arm for protection and support. I gave three l'ed·hot Indian warwhoops, iu1d tired off a.n old horse pistol that I had borrowed f·f San) .Jolm1:1on, an<l 111 y gtacious ! ho\\ that follo'v Jumped up and scooted for the door! Ho never stopped to get hfa hat, but tumblr.d head over hcc_ledown the dooi- steps. .As for ~m, she waa Just that scared that she squ.a.tted right down on the floor, a.ud screeched tlll dad and mother came 1 unning in with notlnng on but their nightclothes, and wanted to know whait the was. But Eln only yelled the loud~ er, n.nd kept ~ointing under the 5ofa, till dad h:'Ot clovn1 on h1a knees and saw me there, and pulled me out · by the hind log. When he had · got me o,~er his knee he then \Tent tor me with an old tnink strap , aud I've not .r;ot over it position on the stile commanded a splendid A Loafer's Soliloquy· landscape. The sun was sinking upon the water, and the whole earth, as far as the horizon, was bright with the reftection of "I .i.rish I knew whe1e to get a cent, I do. his glory. The brightest spot in the land- Bless if I don't emigrate to 1Camtschataka scape wa'- tho f11rmer's gr~at field of ripe to dig gold. )!oney'b !:!career than wit ; corn. This engro8'ed all bis attention. lt can't live liy lleithcr- at least I can't. Sold was well gro·wn, nnd the ears \vere large and \he la·t old ohirt, pawned my boots for three full. The field repre·ented many pieces of cents and went home rich as o. lord. gold, and 011ght to be cot, but for tliree days I told my landlady I had a buudred no laborer was to be had, and Fanner Diins· thousand dollars, and wanted the best room date was sore vexed al!ld troubled about the in the house, Insulted me by soying that matter. He sat on the a.tile swinging bis the attic ·wae too fiood for me. thick stick between his knees. He Atared I'1n an injnred 1nd1vidual. Society sorrowfully at hiR great field of beautiful persecutes n1e. I don't do society no ham, corn, and wondered what be should do. a.s I know on . I don't rol) wido\l-s houses. ' Son/ said hEi presently, 'if so be I coukl I don't know no I <lon't put the get yonder meadow cut, I think [ would bottle to 1uy neighbors' lips. J ain't got no give my consent to thy n1arriage with pen· bottles. Couhlu't fill 'em if [did . I'm an nUess B~eisie. ' innocent tnan. K obody can ever look rne '"1"bat '.' cried the son, startim2 fron1 a 11.i th~ fact: u.nd say I ever burtl'ern-nobody; ..., reverie lit with BesSie's Lluc. eyes. and yet I haven't got a roof ay 1uy hcarl The farmer emiled grimly. 'I was spea.k- beneath. My old landl!idy rated-why ? l ing of an impossibility, of course, 8'iaid he, co.:tltlu't pay. uud left. 'Cause why 1 ain't 'but it came into my 1niIJJ, and I must it better to dwell in the corner of the bonee· needs say it. I ain flO ,·exed to have this top than with n brawling womnu 1n a wide good coru stao<l. three days u1ol'e \\lieu iL i1:1 house? Bnt I ain't gpt a house·top; but if tull ript!, tbat I aaid I think I \\'Otlld give I had, a cornrr wouldn't lie aate, would it 1 my consent to your niarriage "'ith penniless l'rn a despnt nH}.n ; I'd go to work if it B1-ssie if you could manage to fii:;et it cut.' wMr1't for my exce~sive benevolence. I'm 'You promise me thy consent, tather,' afraid of taking the bread out ofoomebody's eaid Robin , nod the meadow shall be cut.' n1outh. ,..Besides wisdom's th1:1 principal ' 1 Son Robiu,' 1ephed the old man, 'yon thing ; don't the good book say so l \Vhut's [talk nonsense. If I cannot get bands, I n1oney to wisdon1, Isn't I studying the character 1 It a 1nnn kicks 1ne because I wist you will not.' . i Trust n1e,' said the ~011, t I will use my can't pa~? for my licker, ain't I getting unown bands. Bessie will not take n1~ 1,v1tb~ derstanding? Ain'L jta. Jes.sun in human t th V CUUfieD t ; SO I WI·11 CU t IJo·"n the natul'e 1 l'in told the world owee. me a hvOU n . · d th t t corn in the rneadol\-·, au y conse:1 o our ing. \Vhen is it going to pay 1 I won<ier ; I 'ru tiired waiting.' 1 · bridal shall be n1y woge.1 New Fruit and Gonfeotionerys, BOW MANVILLE Choice :C.emon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron Peels, D.A:TES, FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES 1'0 ARR. VE ' Almond.,Filberts, Brazil and Wall Soft Shell Euts, Keiller's MaT'frwlade, West Irulia Preserved Ginger, Pears, Plums, 'l'oniatoes. cf: I)eaclws 1 Green Pens, Green Corn di..· Lima Beans. Ma.chine a.nd. :Cmplement Manufactuin g Co Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED J\tIILLS. A.uoth~r and he is determined to continue to sell at these rninously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do 1tFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Secon<l, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; :Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. ~- Manufaotures ol CALL AND SBJI: FOB YOUBSELVE:Si AND --o-- l BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exan1i1=1.c e stock, v.:hich corupl'isa~ ever-vthmg in the trade, of the very latest and most ele"an ijtyles and patterns. of Engli.s11, Cana.difin, and American inanufacture. I'> \VOODl'AND IB.ON --o--o- Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles 'l1bey have come and are coming, at the lt'nut 1 oar load of the' e uob]P article8 on the '\'Ry. J1lt:!a5e call at the WORKING MACHINER IJ. 9 He still oont1nues to manufacture to order, from the best of materwJ, and ncU but first -c11.88 wcrkruen kept. · Depot. Farm Implement Forwarding Agency SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS Il. W. ,f,\MES, QUA UTY is the test of CHEAPNESS. l{jng St., Bowmanville, 'l'. DARLI~GTON. Howmandlle, '.JJ~c. 5, 1872.. nlO. -~mrinv11lt'_ B 0 \V lVI:AN V I LL E NBB'FEL S Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He has in stock an endless variety of Ladies' nnd Genta' Saratoga T1·unks, Valises &c., a 11 of ' whicl1 he i;;i 8elling <:heap fo1· cash. Ticc. 4tl1.1873. n9-tf Double Turbine Water Wheels, and Remember the Stand "BIG B{]OT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Bowmanville, May 13, 1874. --o- Dana's Patent ~heep Marks I I rea? nice yrt, l 1\.-101\r:E Y a:1td I.1AllOU. saved! l!'rench a.nd recommended by ruanv of tlu best Breeders T Oll Polwh. Thi s French Oil Polish is pre· in the United States and Canada, such as G. B. pared for Ca1T1ages, Buggies, Harness, Boots lt will Loring, Salen1, Ma1:1s,, President New England aud Shoeti, and all kinds of Leather. Wool Gl'0Wel's' Society; .Toh:n S . Ross, Henne- give any article of Leather, a inost brilliant appin, Ill. ; Professor l\f. J\1iles, of tha State Ag- pearn11c1t, and at the same time, from its oily r:icnltnral CollegA, LanRing, Jtfich.; Hon. Geo. properties, tends much to prese1 ve it l it will a.tBrown, Toronto, Ont. ; John Snell1 Edmonton, ways be mo1.:it ruid pliant; and inay oe expoM:d On each Mark is stamped the own~r's to water and washed, and will n<:>tlose its brilh· Ont. name and the Sheep's nutnber. 'rhey \vill be ance, and it io not to b<J feared that any c1"1ust sent f1'ef\ by mail, or express, for only fou1· r:ent8 will settle on s0ifrl...Lea.ther when presurved with the abo\e Oil. T 'or tlrn woodwork of Buggies,, and will loot for TWENTY YE.A.RS. Uarria.ges, an·l li'urniturc, there is JIOt a b~tter ~ must aL'Corowa.nv all orders article in use. )fannfaotured by A SnroN & AROIHJ.l.U,D YOUN«, Ju., Co , Tanners and Ouriie1s, formerly of }.,r:i,ncu, S[t,1n1a, Ont. of I.'hiladoJphia, Pa,, lnstruchona ~ Shake Orders addressed to the l\1KtwffN'l' and O:B- now bottle. A. few dro}Ji:! on a piece of sponge, apply SERVER Office, fo1 any qu1uitity, \vill be tilled a~ it lightly to the leath?r. n,nd you \yill obtain the tbe a.boYe-mentioned price~ ns quickly as be finest lustre. Price 75 Jts. per bottle, or $7.50 pt:r Marks can be made and sent. .fOHN S::\fAJ_.F., Sole l~gent, How0. BARKER, manville. July 16th, 187'1. 41-mos Bowmanville,Dec. 2Sth,l87L 1nl3 ly 1 HESE MARKS .um 'fHE CHEAPEST, T the most troublesome, and most complete eyer invented. rl'hey are used lasting, the least - - - --·- - - - -- -SOMETHING NEW ANO DU.RABLE. I:\.fl~ " M. TRELEVEN. - Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds l~EPAIRS done on the TO THE I PUBI~~rc. th~ WALTER vVIGG & soN, returning thanks to their numeromi custon1eui and public g-t!nerally, fo1· past favo1s I Nwould respectfully invite their attention to om· present Btock of furnituru, as we ha\ e latelf added thereto, that we mny thereby bo ena.bled to su:[>ply aJ.l parties who mary \1le;.i,:->a to favor him with. a ca.IL Great induce1nents held Otlt to those purchasing at our estab ishmcnt . Pie· turee, Looking Gla.&<ie8, etc. framed to order, and in every style. Samples of the d1ffenmt kind of Mouldings can be .oieen at the ware-roon1. We would also beg to infornl you, that, having purchiU'!ed a. SltOE.'l'ES'l' NO'l':CCE, "\Ve haYe no·.\· on hand a large quantity of Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at SPLEND LD NK\V HEARSE, LOW PRICES tf. II I we ~hall be ready at a 11 times to attend funerals, on short notice and iea.souttble ternJB. IS. B - Coffins kept on hand and 1nnde to 01_:..der, n.t the NEW D01lfINlON RE1.'AIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, haw&, Aug. 26th, 1870. AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, b'Iru.·@h 6 1873. King Street East, Oshawa. · ' - -- - - - -