THE :MERCHANT, FRIDAY JUNE ls, 1S75. · POETRY. REST.I BY MARY Jl. S LE IGHT. =================~"'~ I ni11cty·ol'.!e acres of cornJ sevf.>n inches high, FARM AND KITCHEN. count of them. I know of their taking' s'1 PRl NG ' in four houro, bat Wednesday. One hunTake Care of Your Teeth. dred me_ n with hoes, oould not have des· The following suggestive p&ragraphs or thi111 troyed that amount in the sa1uc time.-Ex~.£j e ct are from the !ferald of . I-lealth : tract front Letter. [TOOTH BRUSH.ES, " ltK81' ! Rest ! .s. ..... IGS6ns. I is now showing_ full lines of 1875 REMOVAL. wiJ:J !Jcs to inform his numerous fa·i~n<l s 11nd ens tomel's tba.t h e ha8 r eluoved to 0 D eath, I r\.~h my hands to tht:o, Sweet a.Il~el of release ! P <\SIS but thy ~·and a.croBB my brow, 'T'"vill bring 1ne rest and 1ieat."e." Alas l Thus u1u~e in weak despair I cried, So fie1·c e the bt1rttle presE!ed, F doff Ill)' armor anU lie down To silent, dreamlees rest . ~~· ln ! Oi.:ath heeded not my outatretchcd hMHlfl, Kor heard my frer1zied call; 'f.ll(~ :B ut One 'vhose teuder, pitying lo\I Q 1-Iad known and felt it o.ll- All, ·11,The wilJ. unrest, the cea.selese slrife, Ihti cruel ache and smart,-( 'arnt: , inuther-like, drew my tired heat.1 lJlo'3e to His loving heart. Ho\V can a good tooth brueh be sel ect ed, and how shouidit'betiSed-? Al1swer.-The brush should be Bclected .fo1· its moderate softness, ruid by no means £01· it.-! stiffness ; it ahould have rounded edges, both of bristles and handle, that neither may \Vound the gums ; the length of time for each brush· ing of the te eth should never exceed from t en to twenty second.a ; the water ehould never be ao cold a-s to cause the least uneasineaa to the teeth, and the articulatin g f11ce of the teeth should be even more carefully bru B hed than the lahial or buccal. Twice, or nt most thrice, brushing daily is as often wi any denture will permit ; and great caution in regard to brushing the gums from o:ff the neck!:' and even roots of the teeth will have to Le extlrcised if U\ore than one brushing daily ie indnlged in. CLEANIN G THE TEJ:!;TU, . TREWIN, OSHA\VA. S. MASON ANDERSON & Dog to announce to the J<~lcctor~ of 'Ve~t Durham anJ Ruri·ouudiug~coun try, that the} will tit1l 1 their itnmense BUCKLER'S OLD STAND Whor e he will be found with the ruoJ:Jt com ctti af! eortnicnt uf 8TOCK OF BOOTS & S HOES, At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. - The Man With The Tin Trunk. Front the Detroit Free Press. He smiled blsndly as he haltetl. for a moment in front of the City Hall. He looked like a man who could palm off almost any· thing on the public at 100 per cent, profit, and yet leave each cui:tomer iu a grateJ'ul NEW SPRING GOODS is deterrruned to 8ell at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRlCES. Harness, Whips, ' in eve;'Y depart.ment, purchased under very favorable circumstances, and Costumes, comprising a very Large VtH'iety Dress GOOdS and of NEWEST and FINEST Fabi-ics. obliging 'l'dl" l"lk1"nr:11 clone to order by Skilful Dress d.Y.&.~ g lV!illinery' An unusually atvactive display, this season, embracing Latest Novelties in J<'rench , :Ena-lish, '"nd ;ind 1rfauagemunt. Trunks, &c. in towu . Please call. I3uckler'e old stand one Joor eMt of Mayna.rd's Hot&l. Bowmauville, S ep, 1st . . 1873. ;~I:T1"ov~isiI~"is: 35~::';'~"u~~~:lin~;~_;~;; 000 pra. Mi.aaea Pebal and BujjBa.lmoral:i, at 1. 50, per )Ja.i1·, fo r OA S ll OZ'VLY . 1000 Pairs Women 's, Missrs' and Child's P elt JJoofa, the " ·hole lo be sold for G.AS/f ON LY - - --- --o-Call early and secme your Winter Supply, while the ru ~h i" going 01i a.t And now Iu hea.venly arms: at rost I lie, l \_ ntt·r.t . ~n1d F!l Hd. o. 11d s till- 0 joy to kuow at lruit to re!St I s to acQept His will ! His 'vill ! How cau T question "more, -or yield rro doubts rLnd fears The rest I thought I ne'er could roacl1 Ia mine 1 0 sons of men ! ' Crumbs for Chickens. Unea.i.yrest.s the head that has nospdng bon· uet .1= Why do honest ducke dip their bta.ch1 unrlcr w~ter? To liquidate their little billl. Wb.a.t is that fron1 which if you t~Js:e the whole, some 'dll remain? Wholcs01ne. Tailors are said tO be like some of their custo1uers- they sponge firat 1 and then cut. A Frenchman intending to compliment & young lady by calling her a. gentle la.mb, said 'She is mutton as i$ em.all !' Customer~ -11\fotlier v.·anta a nice plu1np chick '\Vh..'tt rule ha \'0 you in r egard to the use of tooth powdera, soap, t.itc, ? Ans. -~ Dl". }"lagg saya :- " 1'ooth powder:i contai11 ing inwlu ble ingredients, such as ground barke, and C$pecia1ly pulf"erh:ecl charcoal, do nothing toward preventing decay of t he teeth, and are eminently inj urious by their insinua· tion under the margin of the gums. " F or very many years it bas bean noticed that the use of soap as an adjunct in cleaJ1sing the t eeth, has proved very efficacious in the prevention of decay ; this is bdievt!d to have been particularly due to the alkali:.u~ i·ea of ce1·tain kinds of soap form erly usod, such as mottled Castile, f or example ; but of ln.te years to this has been added th e equally great, Uld possibly greater, efficacy of some of the D\l.OS noted antiseptics, such as creosote, ca.rbo acid, etc., which conjoined to sapon ac eou ~ cornpounU::J, have wrought \VO nders is the i·etardation, and even arrestation of caries. Together with the~e, or any soaps, it is adYisable to use E ome frictional pn\\'der, g-entle or harsher, according to requirements; with some the addition of precipitated chalk is all scfficicnt to prtvCn t the tend'en{'.y to yellowish discolorn.. tion which i.a apt to accompany the f1·eQuent use of .filOap alone ·; but a.gain, in other instances, · it is found ne ~essary to employ powdered cut· tle·fish bone, or even finely pulverized (levigat· ed) pumice stone.,, DlW.\.I 0£ IRE T.KE-TH . 1uood. He h'ld o. tin trunk in his hand an<l as he sail ed do\'i-'ll Latayette u.venue the boys \\"Ondered wh ~ ther th e trunk coi1taincd tax i-eceipts or horac liniment: '.Ihe stranger hul ted in fron t of a residence, hiS smile Cle~ veloped, and h e mounted the stefB and pulled the bell. 'Is the lady ·t home !" he inquired of the girl who answere.l the bell: · The girl thought he was th~ ccnS11s taker, and she seated him~ in The parlor aud called th e lady of th e h ouse. When the lad v entered, the etranger rose, bowed·, ap.d ~aid : 'Madam, I have just· arrived in thia tOW"n ANDERSON & CO'S., R.wma.nville, Dec. lOth,1874. Boot & Sh.oo Bm.poriu.iu.. --.- American Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings. I 0 Special attention to getting up Orcle?'B for FAMILY 1lfOURNING. :E.Lepha,nt House HE UXDERSIGNED returning thanke T to his many friends and the publio generally for the liberal pa.tronnge extended to him dur· in THE Ma,ntles Staples, ~ I'll ~ very largo stock t o se~cct ~ !ill VY , from, of cloth, cashmere, silk, velvet, nnd lace goods, of latest styles, very elegant, (or made to order.) Embracing ev.e ·y description of fabrics, to meet the wants of our numerous customers. sh '""'ls after a tour extending clear do\\:U t'O .flOTida, · and wh ertver I ·wen~ . I "y as recC ivec1., ·w ith glad welcome. ' · 'Did Yoll wish to sec my u~lia!ld I' she asked ashc opened -the tin trunk. _, 'No, m. a dam ;!' dire·ctly \vi th ·the lady Of the house iu ill cases:' i\. woman will appreci;tte the ><irtues of my exter· mHlator aDQ purcbast! a bottl e Where a Ina.ii will ord er me off the ste ps \vitbout glancing ing the p aat 18 years, begs to announce thn.t from and after the 16th September, he vtill carry on the. same business, but more ~xt~nsively lmder the name and style of J" oHN McLEOD & Co, Prompt payment of all accounts is render· ed in:Jporntive by this business arrangement, and all persons indebted 'l\'ill please talce notice and govern tl.Jemselves accordingly. JOHN McLEOD. TERMS--- LIBERAL. Oshawa, April, 1875. Bow1na:nville, September 4th. 1873. a.t"Tt!·- en, pleatie,' Shopman-' TruMCd ?1 Customer - ' Oh,. no : I am going to pay for it!' 'Vhat is the difference bet\veen n. belle and a. burglar? The belle carries falr;e locks, and the burglar false keys . He held the old i.hirt up by the neck before discarding it forever, but he't mourning for the garmc11t. He only, ' I wish I had n.11 the drinks again that have gone through th~\t old neck-band.· A. 'Vestern pa.per tiays of tho air, iu ila relation to m1u1, 'it kisses and ble11ses him, but will not obey him. his wife, 1 J one::i sa.yi3 that ifl preciee1y like Kill him I kill him !' shouted n. crowd in 'V irginia City as they ga.theTed n.round n. hotel. 'vv~ hat for?' inquired a Ptra.nger . · He's cot on alligator boobs anU a velvet con.t. l\i!ash 'im.' '\.Yhat time of day do the t eeth dec~y rapidly ? 1Ans. - }-,ro1n midnight till the breakfast hour. 'l'he meal$ of the day bf'lp to preserve the t eeth Ly friction and the flo'v of saliva, which to a great extent cleanses them of decaying matt er; a.nd thus it is thnt the teeth pass throug-h the day and early part of the night without tn ud1 '(>rogress of caries ; but after retiring tb c r maining particles of acidifying food, the inHpisaating mucus, the devttll)pjug fungi, all combine to .make the hours toward morning pre- t:imin· ently the '{leriod of decay. Then it is that t ho placed bet\Yeen the teeth late at night and allowed to stay there c-0mes to the r1:sc..'Ue, and by its antacid r~action prevents in great degree that disintegration dependent upon acidity and parasitic growth. ' Your- your wha:t 1" sheaekcd. " Mutual Life Assurance Society 'Ma~aln, Ae rePHed, a S ire plaCe~ a· fottl'· ounce pbial of dark liquld on tile.palm of his ESTABLISHED 1840. left hc:£nd 1 -cJn a.dum, I deE ire to -call your at·· C .\.NADA CFIIEF 0.FFICEB. tent.ion to t~ Sun-set B~dbV'g ExierminRtOr. It h aa· bc~p tried ; £' hom'" e -nnil' ~ br08.a, i'nd l:ll, ST. JAMES STHEET, MONTREAL in no cn.s e l1as fai led to:..::. DIRECTORS. ' What do ')"O u a~n~ Sir -1, SIJC""' deiiianded, WALTER SHANLY, Esq.,:&:[ P. 1 O'hn.irmaan, getting very red in the face. 'Leu\'e this DUNCAN 1fACDONALD, E sq. ~1AJOR T. E. CAMrnv.1.L, C .D.· St. Hilaire, house instautly.' JoUN IIAMILTO~, H a wks/ 1 l!.I uaaa1 . I do 11ot wi sh JOU to irifer frorn 'l'HE HoNORARLE burg, Ont. n1 ost n1y - ' RRSIDENT SECRFTARY. - JAHES Gum. ' [ wunt you to leave tliis house ! ' ahe R::S:LIANCE HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage E 1~~\~·~h ~~ublY~ £~~r\\;.;~.~~ Disc.!r~DED OLD SYSTEM, 0 extended so long to John McLeod, T John McLeod. & Co T · Important Announcement ! would ·olicit the same 1 0 E Grea,t !'ted.uction, -in Dry Goods! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & G-l:issware. ---oo--- it shric k l:' rl. S PE CI AL FEAT U RES. · 'Vell my boy,' a.Eikcd a gentleman of a little eif,{ht-year-old boy. ' what nre yon crying for!' 1 'Cause I can't find clad . I t old the old fool if h e went off too far he'd lose me.' was th e filia.I rPply. Th( y rnot, that h~, ~he went to the store, .And inarle hin1 ttITll his de-pa.rtment o'Pr, Tilf he vanished behind the gooodR. and then She pleasantly she '\'oulcl call agn.iu . 0 11 ! 1ny fri e nd~.' 'excJ~m e d o. t empe rance Ten Rules for Farmers. 1 . 'l'akc good papers and read the1n. 2 . J( ecp an account of fa.rm operations . 1 3. Do not lea ve implements scattered over the farm, exposed to snow, 1ain 1 and beat. 4. Repair toola and buildin gs at a p1 -oper t ime,and do n ot suffer tmbseq1ll:lnt threefold expenditure of the tinie and money. 5. U :ie money judiciously, and (do not o.t· tend auction t1alea to purchase all kin da of trumpery because it i s cheap. 6 . Sec that fen ces nre well rcpaircd, an d cnttle not grazing ill the meadows or g1·ain fields or orcba.rds. 7. D o not refuse to make correct exp eriments, in a, small \Vay, of many ne\v things. 8. Plnnt fruit trees \Yell, for therr1 1 and of course get good crops .. 9, Practice economy by gi ving stock s4elter during: the winter ; also good fo od, t a.ldng out all that is unsound, hnlf rotten, or moldy. 10. Do not keep tribes of cats and snarling dogs around the prrmises, \vho eat u1ore in n. inonth than they are worth in n. lifetime. Lrvi:s, DEOLI:!{ED BY OTHER 00MPANIE8, or on which am exti·a Prcrnium would be required, can be assured a~ the ordinary rate:t of this Society, under a speci,a,l arrangement SPECIAL NoN-FOFEITABLE POLIOI ES issued under w!lich only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pa.y THB ments ate required 1 each payment seounng 'll1ad au1, I don ' t wi sh lo evcu hint that J>olicy for a. eum assured proportionate to the all)' Of tbe bdett:u<l.s in your house are in· numbe:t of premiun1s paid, andfrec/rom futur habited by bedbug·, but-' vaume1~t of prem,iitm'.s. Present the following testimonials from · What ! What's that 'I' she cxclairned. petent judges of Orgnna. Testimonial fro ~IODERATE PREMIUMS aud most. liberal C(lll· John Camidge, 11:ns . Doc., Ca.nluar, Eng-land. ' I said that I hadn't the remotest idea ditiolla. Bowman,ille, 24th D ec., ! 873. that any of the l:ied steada ill your bouse 't\-"ere To tlte Domini-On O~·gan C". Pros~e_ct1:1ses , Proposal .Forms, &c·· 11'.upplied GENILEXEN .- I like to pla.y on your Organs iofested by uctlLugs,' ·be replied. on application at the H Office, or any of ' t" ~e is BO sv:eCt a.nd steady. And the work·Take yoursr!'f out· of this yard !' sbe the Agencies. mansnip and finish excellent, and in every JAMES GRANT, particular they are equal, if not superior, to sbouted,"snatching a tidy offthe back of a Rea. Secretary. any I have ever heard. Hoping they will meet cha ir and brandishing it at him. public appreciation. 'Madani, allo w tn e tu exµl aiu 111y- ' 'I will call tbe police !" Rhn screa med, 1nnking for th e door, and he haBLily locked his trunk and hurried out. Going down the slt·eet about -two Llocks he sa w the lady of th e house at the parlor window, au<l iustcad of clin1'bing the steps be i: tou d un<l crtb e wiudo\vand politely said : Tho ENTIRE P.H01" l'rs belong to and are divid ed a1nongst the Policyholder&. ELONGC ~::S:DITS, E ~ill L L E E an<l conduct their cred it business as follov.·s : MURDO UH BROS. Having decided to make a change in their bu "i'uess, are now selling for CASH their large and well a.ssorted Stock of Dry Goo<ls, Ilfillinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, ' ALL ACCOUNTS will ba p. ·RENDERED on the p l>om.inicn OrO"a.n Co'v BOWMANVILLE A N T H 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September 1n eac-i and evM'Y year. In the case ot .1.~fnnufactlll'ers, J'.\.:Ieehauics, and others, whose accounts ma.y ar.nount to $50.00 or OYer, their note, if agreed upon,,vilJ be taken payn.blo at the- Bank for a stated periotL A N T H AT AND BELOW COST! The Stock having been purchased in 't he BEST .MARKETS, buye rs ctLn depend on getting MORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR TH'&IR MONE Y THE Cash Purchasers AND at this Establshment than in '"ny other house in tli e country. 'Beg pardon, madam, but I should like 23-ly to ca.ll your-' 'Oe t out !'she s~ r~a111ed ; 'get out, or I'll FOR BOWMANVILLE, C.BARKER, ' ' Obse_rver Offi~, " JOHN CAMIDGE R ead t11e following from ll osa. D'l~rina : Bowmanville, D ecember 22, 1873, Prompt King St. call th e gnrd~uer !1 1 1 will get out, n1adan1, but I understootl-' Eo\.\·man,·ille. June 24th, 1870. \Vi~h you Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON. (Established 1803. Hun OFFICES.-1 Old Brood St., and Pall M all, London. GENEltAL <\. OEl\CY FOR l'.AN.AllA :- 24 St cra.ment , Montrea.l. Subscribed and inYested Capital ·and lleserve Fund, £1,965,000 Sterling, Funde invested in Canada- 105,000. Ineltrances againat loss by Fire are effected on moat favorable terms, e.nd loaires paid with. out reference to the Board in London. !'1ratcw, 1 thitt I had a window in my heart, that yrm might all look iu nnd see the truth of what Ttf:ll you!' "Voulil n't a rinin in yoni- lltmriach do just as ·well?' asked a. small boy . Said a. saucy Rochester bea.uty to a foppish fellow who bored her with lii~ compliment$; · " { vur presence and conYersation are vMtly agre e~bl e , and what is remarkalllo your attrac· tiveness doen1' t 5eem ~o depend npon braini; at au. , ·rwo Irishmen traveling on the Baltimore and Ohio R ailroa<l came to a mile post, when one of them 8B.ic1, 1 '!'rend aisy. Pnt. H ere lies a mo.n 108 yeal·s old. Iiis 11amc "WL\S MiJes fro1n Bn.ltimore. How Bouquets should be Made. It hru:; been a.n object of curiosity t o inany NO\\'; George, before you go to play, ar e you how such o.n arraogemeut is effe ct ed. I will qu i to sure you knO'>\' the lesson Professor B orax inforJn them. Procure a quantity of the finest gave 1·ou to learn?'- ' ,0 yes,mamn1a..' 1 'Vell, wire (copper preferred), such as is used in 11 0 ,v, what cll.t1$es heat witlH)nt, light?' 'Pick· making artilicial flowers. '\Vith this the bouquet led peppers.' should be tied; no string or matting isrequiped.. An advertisement in Washington Star Tbs wire should be kept in a coil for tying, but reads 'If you want to be \\:ell dressed wear a some portions of it should be cut into length!! \\.'" arwick collar, a.ud have your boots blacked.' of about six inches. I t muf'lt be \\'arm er at the capita.I to admit 'l'be following flowers if well arranged have a. of aitch a. wardrobe. good effect. The center, a double ·wh ite Camellia, the fiorets of a 0 ood double pink 1\-fris. Roi'P, of Connecticut,"s11id- she v:ould Geranium, and Stephanotis ftoriblUlda,and <lou· hang herself if Rose wasn't home a.t eight o'clock ble blue v-iolet or Forget -me· not; t hese ar~'"h en he came in at night she was suspellded ranged in concentric ch·cles round the centra, to a h ca1n, culd and dead, a.nd he 1·ubbod bis with a few fronds of the ~fnidenhair Fern r egu· h ittuls and ..vhiepeerd: 'Ther~·s a womnu \vho larly arranged between them, with a few of the could11't tell a lie!' fronds plo.ced roun<! the outer e<lge projecting Jt \\·ns .i.2 o'clock nt night \Yhen ~Ir. Berger, about 2 inches, to act as guard to the ot11er n[ I\Iacon, Ga., discovered a colored_ preacher flowers, a4d about 3 inches of lace paper, or, as in bis stable untying a horse, and the l'reaoher it is better kno\vn 'vith us gardeners,as bouquet ouly obserYed- 1 Jess what all de time, paper. In making tbe bouquet, one end· of the coil l\iistah Berger, yout· horse iM bay sure enu:ff, and dat 'spute between me an' Brudder J a.ckson wire ia fixed to the stalk of the centre tlower, and every single flower which is added is secur· i1:1 settled.' e(i by a twist of the wire . .A. littl~ mosa ~bould 'l'he bottom has not. dropped out of ft\'cry· be placed just \Yhere the 'vire is bound round thing. )V c are sure of it, for ·we recently sat 'to prevent cutting the stalk. To supply th e down on a wood bottomed chnir on which a tack ·want of a long stalk the 6·inch lengths of wire was standing on its bead. We imn1edie.tely aro twisted round the abort stalks of the flowere: arose with renewed confidenc,e in our agility. and bent doWnwards to. ae1·vtl in place of atalks. A nowsboy, eeated on the post office steps, .By the use-of the wire notnearlyso 1nany flowcounted his pennies over and remarked ; ' ScveD- e111 are required, and they will have a much tccn cent~ in all '!'hat's five for the ci~·cus, lighter n.ppcarance, and can be arranged in their place~ much ll'.lOn'I reguiady than if 11.rg~ three for peanuts, four for a sinking fund, four I owe to Jack, and there's one left to support :t trusses are need, 'vb ich a.lwa.ya loo k stiff and heavy.-Ri.i.ralNcw Y orker. '\'idowed mother until Saturday night.' 'J ·a·\V-n ! J.a-w-n !' she ahoutetl out ofa aide window, but the exterminator agent was out of the yard before John could get around the house.' H e se e m ~.d discouraged as he walked dowu the street, but he had travelled leas than a block ·w hen he sa"· a stout wun1an sitting down on the front steps of a finerei:ii .. dence, fannjng herself. 'Stout women are al\vays goocl·natured,' he ! oliloquized as ]1 H opened the gate. ' H aven't got anyt.hing for the gra.,hopper sufferers !' she called out as he en· tered, There was an angelic smile on his face as he approached the step·, set his trunk down, and said: 'I\Iy mission, madar1u, is even nobler than actiug as agent for a destreased com· munity. 'r he grasshopper sufferers do not comprise a Olle-bundredth part of the world's population, while my ruissi0n is to relieve the whole world.' 'I don't want any p epperment es ~encf',' she continued as he started to unlock the trnnk. 'Great heav12 n~·, tua<lam, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. A. M. DARLEY ~reaident. J\1anager Bowma.nville, Janua.ry 15, 1874. bp-o3.n1l6. To the Manage1·s of the .Doniin.ion Organ Co. GENTLEMEN. -1 have much plea.su1c in tcs fying to tho exceilent qualities of the Org supplied by x ou at my concert last Satnrda evening . 'lbe tone is sweet ancl very power£ and the combination of stops lllost admirab I am sure your instrume11ts will find favor Churchef5, as tht-Y are singularly adapted fo sacred music . Wishing you every success, and that the public may patronize native manufac. ture . I re1nnin Gentlemeu, Vei·y r espectfullv, ROSA D1ERINA. 0 .Stock La.rge Q THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT !U Chrristn1cts . . UWell Assorted Goods, Raisens, Currtints, AND Hl will always get goods at prioe1 cut FINE, as our grea.t will be to court this of tratle. Payers on credits short H Call Eal'ly, and secure B(trgains, as tile wliole S tock must at once, for CASH ONLY. ue soU is now complete with the choicest supply of S S rr OV ES, .s E\ Joi!ft:M~LrEcoab co.I E 1 cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box A .<; pleudid variety of ' ga1·s, p ee lS, ef, C,~ Ct C,, U t U ll p rices, & Il'>.vn111.nvillc, September4thl873 llowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 J DODSWORTH, Inspector. RINTOUL BROSjl Gen. Agents, l\.Iontrea , ALWAYS G-::S:T R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowma.nville. June 4th. 1860 36 FIBS'I'-CLASS. W. BELL & Co's. Prize JJfedal Organs \Vhich in 1873, ·~t the Pro vincial ]'air , bea.t every Ameri can nnd Canadian Or:;a11 , taking m.o.43-39.4w James McFeeters. AGENT - Just Arrived ut the For the following Insurance Companies, and other Institutions, viz :· '£be QUEEN Firo and Life Inaurance Com· pany. Capital£2,000,000. $150,000depoaited with the Dominion Government, for the protec ders in Canada. FASHION HOUSE a splendid Msort1neut of the FIRST PHIZE. Also the renowned The ISOLATED RISK Fire Inauranue Com Capital 500'000,-0ne of the <lO I resemble a best and cheapetit Companies doing businesa in the Dominion, for F tu·1nel'a and Isolated Riske with a Savings Dank depn.rtment. pa.ny of peddler of cheap essences I' be exclaimed. ' I um not one. 1 am here in Detroit to enhance the coruforts of the night-to produce ple·sant dreams. Let me call your attention to my Sunset Bedbug Exter1ninator, a liquor \\'urrented to--' 'Bed what r she flCrcamed, ceasing to fan her fat cheeks. 'My Sun·et Bed Lug Exterminator. It i· to-doy in the use of thtl humble negro cabins on the banks of lhe Arkan'33.w, as well as in tbe royal palace of l· er Maj esty Q- -' 'You r·r-:rnscal !' ypu villyun !' ehe whec.:r.ed; 'ho\v dan~ you insult rne ru- - !' 'No insult, tnada111 1 it is a pure matter of- - ' 'LeaYe l 0-it o-v.·Mt !' ~he screau1ed, clutching at hi ' bair, and iic had to get out in such a hurry that he couldn ' t lock the trunk until be r each ed th e walk. HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO [l3oston.] YVhich ha.!! t nko:r. NEW MILLINERY. .A.lflo 11 A BIO is now raging a.t The CANADA LANDED CREDI'!' CO'Y. A.Nn lot of The UNION PERMANENT Building REAL HAIR., FANCY GOODS, & Also a large atock of and Saving's Society. 'J.1hc$e latter instltntione advance Loan!J: on Real Estate, on terms unusually easy for the OOrrower. Bowmanville, l'eb. 6th, 1873. Forty~nin e F irst P1'emiu ms. --:o:- THE KING OF Stamps for Braiding and Em- TIELEV~NS . broid.ery. FRUIT, AND SEWING MACHINES, - -:o:-· N. B. - 1.rh e Subscr ibc:r is not a Sub, or under Agent, but has the special n.goncy for the above. I atn prepared to exchange Pianos for Organs, Organs fol' J\'Ielodeons, also Se ..ving Machines, on reasona.l.>le terms_ .A.ddreSl:I, FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. Confectionery Depot. WHOLSALE and RETAIL J :.!Iii~ arrived, and for Sa.le, at t.he abovo depot DBE SSH.A.KING Bo\vma.nville, April 7th,18i4. UB~/J MRS· A. FLETCHER New Frwit and Gon;ectfonlY!"ys, Y ~u wring iny bosom,' flaid ·a. dispafring J3nl· timore lover to a coquettish girl who1n b e ha.d long marriage. His burst of giief de· cided her. !id, putting forth her hand, she soft· ly 1nurmured, 'Well! ring my finger, if you \\·ill be happier for it , I will YeX you no long· er.' Sunday was a delicious day. It \\'as nature's grand overtu1·e. The !tmshin~ wa.a ba?my and brilli~nt, the air was as gentle as an ~~ngel's toucht andlthe birds' melody thrilled earth and Heaven. Man walked forth into the country, breathing in the dcJicious fragranoo, bathing his 8 ;-,ul in the blessed sunshine, and i·ejoicing in the glad rnui:;ic of the birds. 'fhe next 1nor11· ing he \Vas yelling at tba top oI his voice, · Vlhcrc in thuuder is that ar thi ck undcrshit·t , Maria.? SOME clesire is ueccssary to keep life in n1otion, aud he whose real "rants nre .su p· plied must admit thooe of fancy. DEA1'11 le 1\ most imµorta.nt event, It sta1ups the ebaracler aull conditions of 1ut~n kind for eternity. As death finds th em, beautiful N ev:s. su f,b ey will be found to oll eternity. J a11. 15th, 1875. G-6mos. H e traveil ed several blocks and turned DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES TO ARB.VE severul corners b efore he hal ted agaiu, and hi s s n1ilc fa<leLl aw<1.y to a tuelaucholy grin. Soft SheU AlinoniU,]i'ilberts, Bra:<il and Wall COLORADO. Straw~Cutters E1'ts, Keiller's Marmalade, West Indi.a Ile eiaw two or t!iree n:iggcd· children at a 1'be hopper/:! rnovo in swarrnB, and tLc gate, noticed tbat the honse was old, and be P·resetwd Ginger, JJears, Plitn1.s, Tomatoes, c1!; f'eaches, Green Peas, motion of the alien army ia the Btrong<' st braced up aud eqfereJ. Green Corn &: Lima Beans . about 11 a. m. But wb en the forward 'I vhants n o zoap,' said ihe wou1an rof Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin rna.rch is· nlade, Ji-Ir. LeBher is ready wi th the hon2!e as s11 c stood in tb.c door. egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines his can of kerosene, pOuring a litLle into the ' S oap, madam, soap 1 I have no eo3.p. I Tomato Sauce and Pickles ditches whieh defend the north .and west noti ced th:it you lived in un old house, and Th ey have come and are coming, at the 1-,ruit Another car Joa.d of the a.bovt! lloLlf' artides un sides. The Boulder creek guard s on the Dt!pot. th o way . as uld ho1.tsef! are pretty apt to he infest· south, a n11 tbe east can be secured by d itch, Please call at tl1e SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS ea' -' tl:.ough th ey huve not stotn\ed that s1<l t: yet. 1 I vhunt:} uo bapc r )o{Ollara !' she cx1.:laiu1· B 0 \V :MANVILLE QUAUTY is the test of CHEAPNESS. The effect ut th e scnn1 of k erosene \vhicb l: tl, in ot ion i ng for 11 1111 t o leave. 1'. DARLINGTON . Farm Implement Forwarding Agency float s on the \\·a tc r is to k eel over the k h:k· 1 Paper coll a rs ! 1 have oftcu bc '.!u iui sUowruauvilhi. J)cc. 4th.l 873. 11 9·tf H. W. JAMRS, ing youugaters, whose dead bodies· drift t ak <!n fol' Shakespeare, 1nad111n, but never King St., Bo\vman ville. down 111 tuillion"l. rrhe <l itch is fron1 four to b efore for n. r collar peddleT. Let 1ue Ho\vman villo, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. fiv e feet w1de- lbc boppers not strong unlw ,;k iuy t runk !lutl show- - ' cnou~h to junlp across, Lut a ll fall in, not r I vhaut s no rnatclies- no dobacco- uo knowing the IH:rfidlouij :itrean1 fro1u L erra SOMETHING NEW ANO DURABLE. ;,, !' ~he i ut ~rruptcd; aud her ltuA band TH'l'JSE )1 A \.RK8.AilE THE CHE.A.I>EST, fira1n. \Vit.hi~ the s.acrcd, 11 n poisonecl encau1e annu1J th e corn er a.ud, a fter ey in g the the rno!!t lasting, the le:~1:1t troublesome, aud IME MOl\'JlY a nd LABOH saved! Fren ch closure. iir. Le8ber Qa.g one of the n1ost must complete ~ v er invented. They a.rtt used Choice I.em.on, Orange a.nd Citron I'eels, BOW MANVILLE J . S . DONEY, 'frno'" P.O. The Grasshoppers. Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufactuing Co and he 1s determined to continue to sell at these ndnously low prices cheaper than the ch~a.pes t. Why he can clo itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how t o buy ! . Second, what he can't buy cheap enough:, he manufac tures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. --o-- ! Grain Grinders :Ma,nufa,ctures of OALL .A.ND SEE FOB Y OU.S'lmLVE S b AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exan1ine FEED MILLS. WOODJ'AND IRON e stock, which comtirises eveyything in .the trad e, of the very Ia.te:it and 1 nvat el eg~n styles and patterni;, of English, Canadian, and .A.111eric::in manufact ure. WORKING MACHINE ft t Ht:' still continues to manufacture to 01·der 1 from the best of innterbJ, p,nd ntn.e bu t fir st -c1U.1:1s \Vork1nen kept. --o-- o- . NEFPEL'S Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed lie hnis in stock an £mdless v1Y:iaty of La.dies' and Gents' S a.ratng :~ T r unk s ' 'vhicb he ia selling c]Jeap for ca~h . Double Turbine Water Wheels, I and - - o-- 'T a.1ise1:1 ' &c ·i.11 of ·' 0 Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. l::\owm anville, ~fay 13.1874. M. TRELEVEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks Castin gs of all Xinds ph1i;l'S about th e town. - Bonldtt' K AXSAS, nrr1;n t fo r a in o nieut, r c1.nar k cd : 0 1 l l' yu u d un 't he quick out of herl', 1 i.iball not huve auv shokiog ubout it J' J l'r ie as easy to decei\'e one's self without perceivil)g it, asit is difficult to deceive others without thei r percei,·iug it. Comparatively tew fife destroyed by outrageous and 11annag vices such as blas· P be· n 'i.\ r li{ fr , drn n kl:'n '~PS"!, or u11clea.uuf. es ; bnt er. ,,· :-l b d ff · · c oa t -af ·e r which d [ ing clnu·l-i. of i · a ri~ I P.;. .,nps-:; rir{l un d t.hctn, an have j usts e u t .:ie1 r sends thein asleep into everl asting destrllC· the wi ngs connnen ce to grow. They are tion. j very hard tu kill. Kuusaa ia ruintd on .ac- Bmok e of J·l I ::J j i. ;..; \.,y ; L1il, J.tudlJ in<li lft" rP n c.e wh u.;b casts i ts stifi- i-trf' I every A t Lli tsk }a,,t ui gb t., th e agent \\"RS sitting I se nd you sample o[ our product by mail ·on a sal t t u fro11t of J\ comnussion (grasshoppers) . Tbey lrngan getting wings hou!:et aud the sbadows of evening \Vere last Tuesday u:a orniug. T hfl win gs form in slo wly deepe.niug tbe u11::!l ancholy look on a black bunch on the top of the back, wh ich his face . bursts open, v·.'hen they instantly comruen.ce t.o fl y. Ther e fHe thrf" e cropA, ll~ you ?nil 1 ecn t. 1'h 1 J TnosE ptiesionate persons 'vho carry their I .'t~e l>y s uoph: ey 1,t\' e con3ume Liea.r t in their iuuut h ure rath er to be pllied I 1 green 1hin g t hey con Id uwat icate- than f ea red , th eir threateu1ngs eerv1og no other purpoe~ than ~o forearm Wm thll't ,. 18 th reatent:J. . . . I and recon 1 mended by many of tbt bestB1·ee<l ers i n t h e United States and Canada, such as G. B. Loring, Sale1n 1 M11rsa., President Nfnv Elngland Wool Growers' Society; .John S. Rosa, Henne. llin, !IL; Professor M. I\iil~ s , of the State Agricultural College, ].Jansing, l\Iicb. ; Hon. Geo. Brown, Toronto, Ont. ; ,John Snell, Edinonton, Out. On I\fa.rk is stamped the o\vner'l· nume aud the Sheep's number. They will be sent f ree, by mail, or expresa,fox only four tents ~ach, and will for TWENT Y Y EARS. W 0Mh must accompany a.11 orders ARCIIffiALD YOUS~~;aJ, JCU~t. ....._ Orders addressed to the ~ERC~NT a~d OB· SERVER Office, fo1 any q uantity, ,nu bt:i tilled at th e above-mentioned price, as quickly as he :lvlarks can be made and sent. C. BARKnR, Bgwmanville,Dec. 28th.1871, ml ii ly Oil Puli:Jh , 'l 'hiri l i ' rench Oil PoliHh i$ p; for Carda.ges, Buggies, IIarness, Boots It will and Shoes, and all kin1ls of 'L eather. give ariy article of Leather, a inost brilliant f!ppea.ra11ci, and at the same time, frotn it8 oily properties, ttinds 1nuch to pr('eerve iL i i t will alwayl!o be moist and pliant; and may be i.:x p O:'iP-cl to ,.,.ater and \V ashcd, and will not lose its brilliance, and it is not to be fea1 ·e<l Lhat ~DY crust will settle on Leather when prt's ~r v ed with the above Oil. }'or th e woodwork of Buggies, Uarria;~es, a.ull l!'uruiturc, there fa not :_i. better article in use. 11a.nufa.otured by A . SJMO N & Co., Tanners and Curriere, fo:r1nerly of }i'ra.nce, now of t hiln.d!:Jlphia.. Pa.., In structions - 8hake bottle. .A. few drops on a pi!lce of sponge.apply it ligbtl v to t he leathr.1', and y ou ""ill obtain t h~ fin est lm1tre. P ri c~ 75ots. per bo ttle,ol' $7. 50 p~r dozen. .fOHlS Sl\.fALB, Sole Agent, nowmanville. July 16th, 1874 . 4l·mos . T REPAIRS d11ne on the [O. TO THE PUBI_j_ WALTER vVIGG & SON, roturniui; tbn11ks to their nutn erous c1rntu111crs~ a.n<l .th<;j, publit: gc·neri\liy, fve vnst fn.vors I N'vould respectfully invite their attention to om· present stock of furnit ure, as we ha"e Jatel.Y SHORTEST NOTICE, \ \'e huNe n ow· ou hand a large quantity of added theJ·eto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply a.11 parti es who 111ay plcaHe tu fa.vol' him v.'ith & call. Great inducements held ont to thoee pu rchasin"' 11t our estn.bl1ab u1cnt , P ic0 tures, Looking Glasse::i, etc. framed to order, and in every e1tyh.·. 8an1plef! c·f t he <lifferent kind of l\-louldings can be ~een at the \vare·roo1a. "'e \\.·ould iilao hf'.g to infonu yun tlia~ having purchased a. · ' '· Common and Gang Plows, tha.t wiH be sold at SPLENDID NE,¥ HEARSE, 1 wtj shall be ready at all time!) to attend funerals, on sbo1·t notioo und r~a s o tu~ Lle ter nis LOW PRICES tf. N, B. - Cotfins kept on ho,nd nnd made to order, at the '· NE.W DOMINlON RETAIL FURNITUR E WA R E-lWOJJf. hawa, Aug. 26th, 1870, AT THE SHOP. Bow1na11ville· .l\fa.rch 6 1873. King Street East, Oshawa · ' --