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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Jun 1875, p. 1

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.J THE :MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. t la~fonn, open to the free cliscu!!s1on of all quea. Ouculates 1arge1y in the Townsh1pa of Darltngon, Clarke and Cartwright It !fl a common ns m > the general public IER:MS, lllt' (No. -S ~~ WEST DURRAH Stea.m Job :Printing Ofilce, KING STJ\EE'l' , BOWM ANVILI,E concerned.. f'cv£n~~ five cft:ts. ffr vr11rr, ind vance. The 'Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2-00. R~IES OF ~DV11..R1.rISING, One column 45 per annum IIa.lf do 25 '< Quartet do. J5 l'rans1ent advertisements,5 cts per line first ln· erhon, and 2c per line, each subsequent one AND GENERAL AD·V ERT1SER. . ' ' POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS , BILL IrEAD S CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS , TIUKETS , &c, &c, 1~~, VOLUME VI BOWMANVILLE, O~TARIO , FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1875 NUMBER XXXIV EXECUTED IN Fl RST CLASS ST\i LE I [e that all 1' with a little )lyeterical '(~001l ni or.01n15 1 sir,' said he \\1.dk1 ng up laugh , then you won't fu1l 1 for I have five to the tarm1?1, \¥h1L' ~ tli etro u b l e? J:;; yon1 SHADOWS. thoueand, all my 'Jl\n 1 aaved out ol the 1oatl too heavy 1' . l money you gavo 1ue to spA nd on the Jlou se 'Ob, la, n o 1· a DS \\ele<l th e f<J.11ncr1 p ne.h· We nre trn.velhng through a country nl!ld tnysclt Ah, JU r nk, you thoug ht I 1ng bis ba t to on e ~ i de of lu s h ead nnd ;::;.tr1k· 1 Of shadows aud of night, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! ::1pent it' ' r And but dunl)' scan the landscape tn g an a tt1tud 0 .J.1he niatter Js, the cu t · That" 111 g1eet us with the hgbt, 'Ahce l'-~Iark t.ook the httlc sb1ver1ng ters <lon 't pnll together,' For a veil of m1et, around us, Traut~ \Vlll lenve Bo,vmanv1llc Station, fnrm in his arm8- ' you are ~'Orth your 'A.h 1 ' s::uU Georg e, \\ Hh an i nterested Hides tbe future from our saght I3owrna.n" ille tune! as follows we1ght 1n .gold I' look at the s l e ~k horsee, and tlie l uac l o1 rrhat mist - 1t ba.uJ:s Lefo !'~ Uil 'I know it,' ~lyly retorted Ahce, but it corn whi ch reall y d 1J not look <::o very GO L" G WEST.. GOUiG EAS T L1kt! the my1:1 t.c ve1l of old, Local 7 20, a m I Express , 8 30 a m. baa t-i.ken you five yearR to find it out And large, 'd that 'b th e troul:ile, Vi hy d on t J ou l?x:presf!* 8 45 a.m M ixed 3 50 pm 1 eyond wh11Jb shone God1R glory eara as he went hurredly from the l'Oom, her orders and aend the carnage early The l\iark, 1f you cannot c'\ncel the rest of your moke them pull Logeth er l' ?l.-f1xe1l · 2 25 p in I Local 7 10 p .m And beauty all untold, heavy,senauous odorQ: of tropwul plants fill .. dt!bts, we'll sell the house and furniture, . 8 45 p m I E x press 8 45 pm beectles" of her excited, ' - - ' 'A h odv wou ld thin k th ey mi ght ,' sa1d So we look beyond our shadows ed the room with a fragrance that almost and hve in a roon1 or t..,;o until the panic tl1e man , ' "hen t h6J '\ e bc~u n oll... e<l. to· *Thts trn.10 runs every morning of v.:eek, But ~lark was out in the cold, sunlit ~"'or the glonous streets of gold '&-Iorida). s excepted, ~treet before the Ji ttle won1an had recover· took her breath aw,iy, and in the distance is over , for you shall not f;;ul ' gether this fi\'e ) C ar,' and ptck 1ng up the ' 'l'he follow1ng trains now stop at Saxony And as at Cbnst.'ij depa.rtm o ed from her astonishment; h1s white, even the music of a popular waltz rose anil fell, Murk sent for a carnage, and they went re1us lie call ed ou t '!Jee up, J oh un H', go 'l'bnt veil was ient 111 t \'1;a1n, tor assengers teeth clinched tight!} together, as he bur· the soft, voluptuous cadences soothing her home thtough the white no1seless streets, 'long l( ate,' .A nd the Holtest of Hohe3 Local go1ng, due at 7 30 a. nl r1cd down to the rl1m, musty office, where so drnturbetl nund into cal1nn1::ss that " !lR soon Ahce, recounting, as she went, the sto1y Tohnme ' geed up' w1tll a elatter, h 1t by Vt a~ made ri.u1te free to men 1 Mixed go1ng east, due at 3 40p m So our shado,vs all will vanish mauJ arduous dut1e.s demanrled his atten- broken bv the entrance of two lo.diee, ~ hoae she heard in l\.lr. Aul)tln's perfun1~d library. the lnn e ]{ ate "A.8 ready to ' go 'long,' he A.fixed going w·est, due at 2.55 p, m firat "orc1 a eharneu Mra Sheldon to her At ita conclusion she said . Local going east, due at 7 45 pm has decided to go 0 ut of the Dry Goods business, and will commence \Vheu 1\'e shall corn~ llgain. tion had ceased ln s e flllrt~, and all tha t on the seat, nnd heltl her 111 the questionable light Montreal tnne 'It was cruel of you to keep 111e Lil the \\as accon1plrnhcd was some cr'a ck1ng \Ve hear voices all around ua lfauy of hie buo1ness friends who met or of an eavesdropper. Of those who've lived bijfore, dark so long, ~lark. And never, never about the w a~on )Dt.l con::;al erable du -i t pa~sed h1tn on the streets looked cur1ousJy 'I wa.s aaton1shed to eee M1s. Ma.1k Shel- treat me hke a fool or a child agarn .A.nd we trace out many footpr1uts Pur about the ho1 s~s. at his downr..ast lace ; for his mind '~as too Of trn. vellers of yon'l 1 'Ye see,1 ['l ald th~ 1u a n~ stund n1 g b.L ck ranch pre-occupied to take any 1uterest in ton out to night,' cxcla1n1ed the elder of the 1f I ani a soap chnnJler's daughter, I have Of thm1e who've passed tho eha.dowli pas1nni;,t occurrences Ile beard nothing, two ladies, whose diamonds flashed Ill the sense, and feeling, and judgluent, o.ud dis- agn.ini ' that "'heel stick ~ a h1t Hl t he rttt, And reached the farther shore ere lion enough to save sonlething for' rtuny ant.l 1f they were -:i. rri1 nJ to p ull tOfie t hcr , saw nothn1g, but the blue, numL bands of go.shght ]for them are no mo1e Vl!ihngs 'Why l' <lays" they ' d have it in CL tn1n u te ' street beggats, who seen1ed to beset his path In that ls.nd where they have gone, 1 SURGERY---SILVER ST. I sef',' sn1d Geo1ge conteinpl atn cl}, ' Have you not heard l ll'hy, Mra La· needless to say tlrnt Mark redeemed every few roJs, for his charactcnstlc charity For they see the wondrou11 glonea The Spring Impmtations only having been completed a few· weeks, the ' toohsh fellows, aru't th e) 2' 1 mer ' b'I ark Shelton is on the verge of h1s note to the chagrin of eon1e of his bus1was "'ell known, a:ud few were thi:. paltns W Kight ca] ls answered at Dr Boyle s old Snr. Stoc" is very large and well assorted Wh1ch the Saviour sho\\; El His own, As it must be sold within a gs1y, or at Dr l{e1d's residence ' who had secretly gloated over " 'Well, I dunno a bo u t th::it,' ans1,1, ered the that did not eloae on the coveted penny. bankruptc) ' ne'3B rivals, And as lie sees, thuy see Him, given time, 01\man\1lls, Jan. 14th, 1875 16 tf .And kpow as they are known }"'or Mark" ns a good man, humane, cha1i· 'Mark Shelton 1 Impossible r Why, J hl8 d1fficulhes ; and, although bia affoctiou farwe1, who C'.'\ld ~ ntly had a good Lleal cf 'Pve ti ee u a good Tr~:pt.endous table and generous 1n all th1ngs~ and until a he is cona1dered eine of the staunchest mer .. fo1 his "'rfe was never deruoostrahle, the respect fot bis ho1ee "J But they've nevtir sent a. mcssa~e year back the world had gone well with chants in the c1ty 1 Back from that distant lo.nd, care be took of her was wonderful, for he many husbands and wn es pu ll apart a SlJbt TERMS Ofa BALE :-Under $50, Cash; ove1· $50, Four months 1 And \'fUS, l~or a.11 the cloud·riftB given tu1 btm But the panic swamped dozens of bis But he he.a lnst cri.:d1~ some ... had found that the price of a good wife is wor(>e tha11 they d o.' of Baxter Un1ver.s1tv of 1\Iusic Credit on appro'Vad note.Q. G R~DUATE Fnt'mdsh1p, New Yo1k. Are from a higher Hand, 'Indeed!' oa1<l George '<l1Lh sorne su1debtor:; . J11s busioesa '\\us dead in a financi how l-Ie bas been on the street for daye, ' a. bove rubies.' The Tai!or111r In Ordered Work, will be continued as usual, dunng t1ie Sale. Te11..chc1 of Puma and Organ, cult1vatton o And we'll ~ever have their kno..vledge pr1se, but at the sa me t1rn e steah ng a gb.n ce - -- _ _ _ _ al sense; anJ. his creditors were clan1orous trying to ia1se money to cancel n1ost (Jf tus Voice, S1ng1nl{._ Thorough Bass, Harmony 'Till we're »tand1ng \\here they stand. F F. McARTHUR t'ompos1t1on, &c. for bills he eou ld not meet. He bad never urgent debts ' ond I "ouldn't be surprised The Origin of Some French Fashions. back at the carr1age-wh1ch, of course, I d id Bowmanv11Je, M11,y, 1875. There was on~ -th~ loved d1s:01pl0 Da1hngton, July 16th, 1874 41 ly not see ' been careless, unwise or extravagant in fill· if his wife did have to give up her et~ heh \Vho reposed on J es11s''Yea, yes,' sa1d the 1uan, 'you see J obn n1e The Pans correspondent of the Londou 1ng- or d1"'cbarg111g contracts, and his bus1 · hon1e before the winter 1s over ' Wbo painted many pictures 'Sne is a nobody, any" ay He1 father Daily News \\rites to that JOUrnal on May wants to pull to one side of th e road and ness difficulties had come upon hin1 so Before lie sa.nk tO rtmt , 'I'AILOR. 'Trace a fashion to its or1g1n, and you ~ate \.\'auta to pull str;i.1ght ah cu d, eo th e.} s~ iftly and 1mpe,cept1bly that Lhe blow fell was only a soap chandler, aud I h.:nti often :.l;I) And the p1otures we~ 1nsp1red, b1 av1er than tf he had been expect1ng some wondered at Mark Shelton's t 1Bte rn choos- will nearly always fiod that it ·prrngs from don't agree ubvut 1t A.f en a1nl \!.0 1uen a1e ADd the parnte.< of th·m ·bleat Ge.utfemen's & Boy's Garments e thing I <l on' t m n,1 1 < ing her for a wife,' remarked ~fra Latner, tho consc1ousnesa of a defect au d a w1sh to all'\ays doing tli~ aau1 such catastrophe MADE IN 'fHE 1 So we still pursue our Journey AT so much a.bout the old tolkrs he cont111 ucd, The fatherland of ' " nolme ia But Alice Shelton knew nothmg of all who had once a dec1de1 fancy for Mark her· mask it I'IEWEST STYLES 'l'oward the fa.ther.Shot6, Spain and a Span1Bh Queen ti r~ 1 ' _ hoops 'hut it f:!POl la the clul dre n.' And always 'm1d thtl sha;dow11, this. The menLal turmoil goiag on in he1 self. Ho,vmanv1llo, July, 'J1, lSIJ!.l 'Spoils the child re n r \\h at do yo u 'Soap cbar,dleis are as good as other to d1ss11u1late unequal hitis 1~ V -. nus of Io a gmdmg Hand bofot~ ; husband's breast never found vent 1n a d1sn1e11n 1' said George, opening his ey 01 R R LOSCOMBE, And the Hand will nevet ug eatu1fied word or look, u.nd until the previ- men, provided th ey rtre sober and respecta- the Boulevards, who conirultrc<l su1c1de by 'II ump ' a m a n ca n se-t:: t hat \\ itli halt au BARRISTER-AT-LAW, -.... Till we've passed thtl boundary 0 ~1 1 ous day he had kept his tace and n1anner ble, returned the lady ~ ith the diamonds, throwing h~rsclf over u balcony a few years --o-eye,' n·as the ans Vi er ' I ! a 1n an u.nd h i~ · C. J . G ::>OLICITOR IN CHANCERY, &c But the "'hose father had nnce been a pea nut ven- ago, revived the high-heele.l shoes, which free horn all traces of aux1ety wife pull toge ther, if they Jo ha ve a. hat· e a ================)constant exmtement and \i;orry had been d~r, while Mrs Lamer's ancesto_rs were Lou Ls Quatorte ong1nJ.lly brought into. fash~ A Full As~ortr.uent' of 0FF!Ob:,- Over J.fcClung's Store same flat bard i<.crabblt: of 1t, th e ch1h11en Lu1n ou t a.a J M Brima.comb's Dental Rooms too hard for him, and the dunning of ti famous for blue blood ancl reckle5' ctwatpa· ion to appear taller than the King ot Spam Bowmanville, Oct 27th, 1868 ly at the meeting rn the Isle of Pheasants A w1:-ll e11ongh, but if lhl" y are eveilast ingly cre<l1tor, \Yho deruanded the punctul\I pay- tion. pulliHg a.part a nd sr..old11Jg at 0n0 a11ot l1 er 1 'I Jou't pity l\.lr~ 8belton, 1hougb,' lady \\ho der1ves prestige fl'om rank, for· ment of a not ot tour thousand that tell tl u children nl wa' s go to d1::itruc L 1ou ' MARK SHELTON'S WIFE. went ou .fi-1rs Lamer, politely ignoring the tune, and sta1Lhug beauty scalded her arm due on the 21 of Dl!cember1 together w1th ISSlJED BY Mw to hand, GOOD :.nd CHEAP George exa nuu ed K a tt./i:; luun ess an1l An ugly mark bore other unforseen debta 1 had so upset him elder lad) 's home thtus~ , ' for I expect three winters back. hrushetl ,111) rron1 h er h'\t k. ' You sµ e ~ k BY OLIVE BEIL She tbuught of that he could not cover hia mental distress she 18 J u~t like other wom en in tlle snrne \\ ituess to the accident 1 One cold morning 1n Dccen1ber, ' ~:[ark es wit.h the of cheerfulness he had s1tuat1011 ~fu.rk made oceans of iuoney, \.\earing to coucce.l It t.ho:;e long c.rrnetl a::; 1f) on ha d e.x p tj l u~ uce, he saul, ' you I nave a wile, I suppose 1' April 22, 1875 Shelton, Esq J and his wife, sat down to and she sp eiit it' gloves, '\\ l~ich out of mercy to the plebeian worn tor weeks past 'B leo;:a you, yes,' wa~ tbe aJi:nH : 1, ' nu d six breakfast in one of the cos1~ Bt of d1n1ngl Doubt1es~ ,Jue:t gi \c a.ny woman wives ol Napoleon's~fursbalsand a~nerala, His greatest trouble wo.~ for Ahc' N ever R JOHN H llYNON0 Lot 7, 6th Con boy ti . 'Ve ne ver had no troub le Unng1ng roon1s, b'lark with a. cloud on Ins uuusualR Darlington, rn ear Bl!thesda Ch11tch] Is 'l'he ha.ts very strong-and he often under1ated her never had nnythia~,somc money t o splurge f the Empress Josephine adopte11 up our children, hnc yo uug 1n eu they ,ire dJllY authoriZf!d to u1~ne Marriage L1conr-es ly pleasant fa.ce, and h1a "1fe's placid cvnn· , and see llo~\ fast sh ll 'll go through tt,' blantlug down over the e)ebru\\S were the str~ugtb-he hau 1·udeavorcd to surrotuid 011 D itrlington, No'>. 19, 1874 m8 tf. uow, every one of the1n \.Vh eu I to ld one tenance wearing n puzzl ed and sorrO\liul her \\llh every comfort and had carelully laughed the elder ledj, as she ghdeil out of result ol a lady of exalted rau~ losrng her of then1 to do sornet bu1,s, my wih'~ d1du't look, for when had he been angrv bef01e I Queen EltzabeLh B neck was kept all har1ass1ng details or cares from her the library, ht:r iich silks sweeping after front ba1r. take lllem beb1n<l th e door and tell lnm hrs He had scarcP-ly spoken to her the previhet like purple billo\!.R, \\hlle I\fis La.mer yellow and thin, hence the 'stiff muslin ears. He had glven her money without father was ha.rd on b 1n1, and gi ve bnu a ous evening, and he looked sullen and ed her liken shado,v, 111 h er pale· mane' The double veil of ~bite au~ black @tint, and t.e supposed alH· spent it hke follo;Y sugarplum . No, !'.:lr ee , she'd tell hu11 to gloomy ·till. What hail she do~e 1 She tulle wa~ contrived by a Pa11la1nentary BOWMANVILLE, oth ... r wo1nen, io1 she wns al ways\\ ell dress· colored !".al letan robes m1nd ht s fa ther, 1f lie wan ted a b} b~l p from bad pondeted the thought over 1u1d O'~cr, "1th a b·~complex1ou. She nseJ woman' P 00r Al ice Slle 1ton h a d h 0 ard C\ ery ed, and h1s boo1e waa a n1odel ot order and yet she hod not daied to ask hmi. pearl powder to lnde her r~d sk1n 1 and the her i ,,nd when she told 'en1 to do .in) t hin g good taste. Be that al) l t may, he never word, and sat per!ep tly still, with her ehm, The moru1ug sunlight strean1ed 111to th e PIANOS, ORGANS, J11ELODIwb1te an d bl u.c k vc.I l t o ct 1ss11nu1a t e th e sh e knowed I'd back lie r up, auJ t he rll \Joj s thou ght ol tra the cUUde of his failure vtt11te finger:-:. clasped tlghtly togr..>ther roo1n as th ey sil ently Urttnk their coffee aod pearl po\\der, \Vhtch \voulJ. have sho\Vll on soon found v. h1 ch " ay t he win d l:>le \V AN8 and SEWING IvJ AG HlNEB ' or no woman ~ as E\:ery facult.) of her nature s e ~ m paralyzed abstractedly uitJble i their n1uflins; aud to home ext1.1vagance I1 4lack net .A . old Pans111n beau, with an Children ain't no fcJols 1[y adv ice to JOUJJg n1ore thoroughly (H.:ono11J11.:al, without being b} the 1nte11ei1ty of h r r emotions H er hon· bToad stripes of y~ll11w gold lap on the sea· expeuen ca of more thau halt d. century of fo lka 1i:1,' he added 1 n o<lJ1 ng 8Hlc " t ~e tO \\ ards Jifer prctt) e'st 1 cons1.:1ent1ous br.nrt wus shocked at the green grounJ ot Lhe carpet, mmglmg softly m1Serl~, than Mrs Shelton. tash1onable society here aud at the cont1ent· the ca1riagc wh ere I \\as sHtl ug, th ough I toilettes were;ays Ill exceptional tao:itei h) pocnsy of t\\O of her niost n1t11nate so· A SPECIALITY. with the bright tints of the c111tucnn leaves a.l gambhng and Vi'Bter1n~ places, m111ataine can't tl11nk h~ inten d i· U U.D) tlt111g pi:1so nal ---:o:and her dres::1 for !\.Ira. Austin's party \Vas ciety fnendo, and with the b1tterness \V&S th.e 1 ' to pltll tog e th~1·, a ud that sprinkled it ; and lightrng up the pie· that when a fashion 1s not traceable to a de· 1u his ren1ark@ Instl uctton gn en, and Instruments and ?I.fa. not dta1gned for any unusual displaJ of ele· mrngled a feeling of mtense pity for Mark, tures on the var111ahed walls, uut1l they chines guaranteed formity 1t must have or1~vna.ted in the de· children will soon kn ov. what to ex pe1Jt , gauce, although the gatherlnfi nas to be one who hurl kept all tL1s from her ears that Bowmanv1lle. June 18. 1874 stood out 'i v1lied into hfc like perfl:'ctlou 1n e1re of a.. reigning or rising belle to crus!:t a hie, .Joh nn1e 1 g et u p, l{ ate ' at unusual Ur1lhau1.:y she might hear it from eucll UncharitaJ ohnn1e and l(ate conclu<led t o pull to· the mellow light The fire burned cheer· nval Certa1n things now a k1 niode owe The night of the 20th carne-a dark, ble hps V enly, she thought, Lhe world their vogue to this cause. fully Ill the pohshcd grate, the wnary chir· It 1a a Joung getbcr, th1s tim~, a nd tl11 load v. ent J o r \~·ard ruped Lhthely rn lm glided cage, while the atc1r1ay ])ecembi:1 tnght, the air filled with 1s a ta1u eho\\ 1 and those wbo love it but duchess uf the F1ubourg St Ger1nain, 1n· eas1ly 'Thank you, sir, ' tlii ld Geo1gl!, li fting b is trn1hng vints that testoou~d the recea3es l'!f snuw:ilakes, aoil the eky gray and oyerca:it Jnoths, fluttering about 1ts dazzhug plea.- tent 0u wrenching the sceptre of fl\ebion F'o1· the 'f_'ownship of Darlvngton. eures, only to have their wmgs srnged by · Bowman ville. Nov 1st, 1873 every '\\'1nd'o 1v tur Jt::d each d~hcate tendril with heavy clouds lrom a waJllng beauty, who haa brought m hat and walking back to th e Cilrnage, · I ll ' It l8 goUig to be a temble night, Mark,' the cruel tongues of flame that leap up afternoon dunces, and the new bonnet. think on your advice ' tu the warm sunhght, as if tbahkful for the Mn Shelton ea1d to her husband, who set from envy, mahce, and deceit. warmth and co1nfort arul hnllowt!lt glow HAMPTON As ·we rode on I fe ll t o in 1 Hn11 g \\ ,1s Frain. [ront to back rim, this bonnet 1.s of '~iark shall not fail,' she s:ud, r1s1ag up, before the hbrary fiie, ev1d~ntly absorbed P101nptattention given to sales, &c, on reason· that filled that v1e.,nnt room ' . endle68 diameter. It l· oet on behmd a that the reason w·hy ao1na oy cb 1l rl ren ' \\ t u t a.ble terms. 'I will ' I \V1tb a wh1te, deter1n1ncd tace Mr 8belton firushed h"' breakfast and in the contents of the lVen1n;i; paper. wreath piled up upon tho spot where to destruction,' as be tutn ed iti h eeaus1: ·how them his wife is worthy of hiw ' have thought ofice or twice since l co1ntook up the mormng paper. )!rs Shelton, phrenologrnt~ tell us the orgun ot fi1 n1 ncss tbti1r parents did not llgree in th en· tt .:u rnng f Heedless of the ga)ety ant.l warnlth a pale httle woman 1 whose cln~ f bcuJ1,ty lay menced dressmg, that I would not go ont I he.., and it deftee madly the laws of grav1ta- Perhaps the old farm er might be ng ht ENlrISKILLEN. around her,of the blrndrng snow-storm that to night.' in her eyes, which \\ ere so blue and ti1:1st· t1on. \V1~h its tra1hng garland~i it bas a looked about among 1uy acq_ ua1utances ior 0 ultis v1omptlyattended to on reasonable term1 fol one could not help loHng 'then owner, ' Go, hy all n1eaos, Ahce 1 the carriage is \\as raging \Vlthout,oi the loag 5110\.V·bound wild, frol1eaome look, which smu. the giddy examples. There was Bert Saw,Yer Wlrn.t watched his moody face uneaa1Jy. · Her close,' her husband replied glanc1ng up at wnlk that lay between the Austin tnans1on spmts of yon th. No pity has it for the a wreck be was to be sure, and l1 a<l. h nd sn1ooth polished black Lair v.:as coiled up in the tuni httl~ figure arrayed in a dark silk, and her buiiband'.s warehouse she hurried Jaded or 'reJuvenated' hair; and it doea not every advantage, too An only son an d id ol a loose double twist, \\1th here nod there retnn1med 1 wub pale blush roses in her up to the dressing rootn, anu, wrapping lend Itself to the stratagem ot the double ized by both father and moth er, but t he} Liverpool London, and Gla6gow w ent out into a tiny curl peeping ou~ g1v111g hei a. g1rhsh purplish-black hair, and at the white tbrollt, hereelJ up in a c1o,\k and furs, · veil of white and black tulle. It only goeo were never known to agree in what t ile) OR T1cketis 1 or lnf<.imat1ou, apply to the storini and bravely faced the bhnd1ng look that Mark had often a<lnnred. Her halt veiled with fihny lace He sn111e1 bit His mother told h13 with a bared face. Endea\·onng to let her- wished him to do. \V. A. Nl!]ADS, .Agent. morning dress of navy blue cashmere', with te1ly as he saw her going out in her happy sheets of snow thnt tho Wlnd <lashed into aelt doy; n easy, the mature q u.eeu of fo.sb100, father was severe, an<l. his ± a.tb er tol<l Li m Bowwanv1lle, .Tune 0th, 1871. tf 30 her face-.t face aln1ost as ghastly as the ...;;ptendid Patterns in Gold and .Sati1t Paper. Gold and Satin, snowy lace at the throat and wrists, was childlike innocence, as she wight never go snow whom this bonuet was meant, to dethront:: 1 his mother \vas s1!ly. I well re1ne1nbe1 ho'v thot tell so soft!~ oud swiftly on the simply elegatice itself, an<l better than 1111 again, among people who had no SJ mpatby bad recourse to a.rt1fic1a l blossoms of a rus shocked. I ·was, though but a chi ld , on sec. and otl1er Bordering. .Halt, arid otl1e1· Papers, half-de,erted pa>ements 'l'he gas flared WBFI the work of the '3llrn flngers that were tor failing 1nercbauts, and who lfvould uot eet tint, created entirely by hEir fleur1ste Jng bis mother, oue J ay when r was nt th eir JN GRE.(1.T VARIETY. nervously tw1rhng the silv~r teaspoon in give his w1f~ a thought If she \\t!re notricb out throucib 1nurky 12;as lamps with a dull 1 Sbe is now being driven into her last en- house, g1ve h1m some \\ b1:ikey, hecaui::e h e e1ckly glare , hacks and carr1nges went her dainty coffee cnp in the worlJ 's goods ' ueuchments. The fiat baa gone !orth that at said lie knew be need ed 1t, or;,ly lns ta.t h t r But A-lark was too much erigror>sed 10 his i I wish you would go,' she stud, U eseech- whirlmg by lJke sheeted ghosLs, and once afternoon and garden parties natural wreaths never was willmg be ·hould hove anythmg own moody thoughts to find ouy rnterest rn 1ap;ly, lingering at the <lour to ndJUSt her 10 a while eome belated pedestrian almost are to be \Vorn. Begs to lnform the pubho. that she lia.s ~ust 1eOn removing her hght he wanted ; and on his father's con11ng un ce1ved a splenrl1d ne\v assortment of Fancy wife or paper, for, after a 'ain attempt at cloak, ' .\-Ir. Austin "ill be e.xpecttng you.' walked over her , but still '.llrd Shelton straw bonnet the danse1u;e v; 111 still r~ta1n expectedl) into the room, she hnrnedly slip Goods, Berltn Wools, etc, \\ h1ch f:lbe will aell at rending, he the latter down and sat si· Air Shelton s1niled, tlnuk1ngi perhaps, walked on, htr heart too hanl and lllll'.to111 her floral crown. Those fiowe1s w1th which ped tbe bottle rnto th e clooet M low pnce M they can be hought for else ~11ere ' Whnt s STAllJ.PIJtG done on SllORTitS'l' NOTICE lenily Ruzmg rnto the fire of the forb1dd1ug face of n man of \\'horn he to tlunk of fear or fatigue. early Suranier decks the fiehh~ a uU ~ardeus tbn.t 1' asked Mi:- S .:1. wyer, "ho see med to ·1ct 8th,18i4 2 3mos 'V bcn she reached the ware house the are suitable only to bright, II"""h youth suspect constantly that something wa:'\ ' Mark,' Lurst out Ins w1fd, who Jelt as if hod begged fol a loan ot that afteruoou, she were unUer the u1tlue nce of a night- whose curt ' caunot spare a dollar, sir,' rung ~lock on a distant steeple 'vas JU.S t str1k1og Thia fashion, with plain w1)1.J l 1 l'J1 lllmat- "rang - - - - -·-- - -- -- - -'Ohi nothing but ca mphor,' said mare, ' what on earth is the matter w1tb 111 his e{lra yet He nrose from bis seat hy ele\en. and 11ark was standing in the d1n1· 1ag over pretty, ts sure to lie o::p1 1· .J1c::1 ll, and hig wife 'Be1t's go L tbc head a che How ' I 'l'he not 011Kinal you 1' Lhe tire, and gotog over to h1s wife's a1de 1 l.r-ht office, putting on blS overcoat. It \\BS borruwed fLOUJ one could sh e expect h~r IS t)ll not to df' ce1y e And Ma.rk answered her wit h tbat ;::;.ens1- fast~ned the warm wraps clo1:1er about her porter dozerl in a chair b~fore the stove in set by the late Comtees d' Aµpony1 w!ien her 'rhen t !J er c w~ re d ear 1lr and 1'.f rs ble ma.ecuhne evasion, 'N otlnng' throat the outer room, and Alice s\o le softly past she 'vanted, not to hide a defect but to ex- Calkins, the incest peo ple 10 th e 'votld , bu t 'I kuow there i:i soo1eth1og nrong some1 Be cureful of J ourself, little woman,' he him aud stood before lier husband elude from her circle some fioanc1era' w1ves ~omehow the) could 11e v1::1 e xactly ugree Be·rs tu return thanks to lua f pends for the SUP. v.bere' went on 1'1rs Shelton, d esperately. pv1"" t he haa 1ece1ved· the p.1;1~ two years 1 anCl ·Alice " said, with a forced atten1pt at gayety ; 'and wboEe visages did not bear 10 the aunhght If ~Ir. Ca lkins expre$eed hlln selt w1 t b a u y hopes, by contmued Atuct persona.! attention to 'Are you angq w1Lh me, Mark 1' IlLs eyes dilated in ast.ouisn1ueut Ahce proxinnty to ua.tural flowers The wreaths degree uf warn1th ou au y suhJect, Mrs Udl CDJOY yourselt, for Lt ia utterly impossible bmnness, and work1uµ; <iit the niost reasona.bie 'No Alice, I'm not angry with you 1 prices to ewure n. cont1nu a nci: Qf public patrondropped lOto a sent and looked up at lnw, worn nearly forty years ago at her g11rden k.1ns was .uri.) ti') say, ' Oh I do tot t b1nk for me to go.' age ' W J3 11:1 vrepa1 ed lo build }1t>uses,- etc---; j rrhen tell me you1 trouble I llBV er saw I want to do what is (ln the most modern style of arcbitecturti Job He accompani ed her to the carnage, and with a glitter 10 her blue e)C· that held ptl.rt1es 1q tbe J:i"'uubourg St Gi::!rn1a 1n were that would be right you 1:10 depressed before, and \\ e arb u1arned h1:qg rirompt1y attended to. Plans and specrfi rnounted b) e. 11-Ille, BarJou, who \Vas Sllp· nghti ar.d my con ~ c1e n cl'· would 11ot .d low aa be closed the doo1 on the placid httl~ face, him ·pellbound oat1ons got up on application, on the roost rea five years to-day Mark ' ' Mark, <lo you thrnk ['m a fool 1' posed to have discovered a ptt!p":l.lation n1e to do tha.t' 1'hP-n &Ir Ua lk 1ns woul d sonab1e terms, and of every description, Office g-0'.ffara's Old Stand, '.Blesa me 1 So we are 1 I had enhre1y beinwa1dlyanathetnat1zed the weaknehstUat Town Hall Buildings . ..,d and Shop, Ontario Street, nea.rly oppoa1te Mr Her voice bad a r:l~py r ng that star!.led "lnch. would keep them fresh to the end of retort by saying, 1 ~l y wli e tln nln; so aurl so,' prompted hin1 to withhold the story uf Ins forgotten it · Mr. Sbelton looked up for 1 T Bowdcn s R. EASTON the firsr. tuue, and glanced acro:il.:l the table difficulties froru. her, when Rhe daily 1au the ~lark. IIe glanceJ at the snow~covered the fcte. ·ro one of these afternoon dances which \\ould be ~x.actl y "h ut J\1rs Un.Hans llqwmanv1lle Dec 24th, 18H. l:J-1 Y, Bowinanv1l1 1e, June 2tt<l, 1875 ly m9 wraps, and then made a dn sh for the soak- the Comtea8e Lebon came in a did not think ! an d th en wo uld follow i e· a.t the little woman 111 blne, \Vhose cheeks n sk of ht!rlr1ng 1t froni hps less hable to ed bvots peeprng out from und·1 the edge tnlk dress, profusely gar:nshed with real h- n1arks upon each oth er s general d ispos1had lost the peachy bloom they had worn solten its det01ls Yet he et11l hoped that · THE of her bedraggled 'liken sknts lac flo\rers, and a white lace iscarf over hla..:. t1on~, and their 1dea$ u pon vauous sul 1 J eG ts, the 1norrow "ou Id brtng some cbnnce of that day five~ ears ago. But the dear face 'Alice "-one boot came off with a Jerk fnlk A bonnet to correspond was set hght- especially tbo8e upou tra11.111 g children, BOWMAliVILLE was as fresh ag ever in his partial cyee, and I·deem1ng l11a lost credit· although lus ef- ' v;hA.t 1uaar1e whim drove you out 1n the ly on a wreath of Panna , iolet.13. The paragon winch though I dare sny 1t '"·as all 1nten d h1s heart ached n\ore tor he:r than b1wself, forts to rata~ the $4,000 clue on the 21st, streets such a night as tb1s t' I-le flung 1te antl inirror of fashion that year was !fme ed for plaJ fuln11ss, It W..t.:3 not at all ple ar1an~ were still unsucce~'5ful. He '"as almost Capital, Paid Up, $1,000,000 for he knew she would suffer keenly 10 the ATE WITH F Y CO\VLR, begs to in· mate to the farthest end of the room Em1le De Girardin, the Tenth }fitse, as she for v1aitors to h ear i a nd their chli d ren, h ow form the public generalh~, that be has com· cr1s1S he was dreading eo nntch ' lt the worn Ot:J.t \!.1th ph.)t-ilcal and n1ental labor, HEAD OFlfIGE, - 0 TORONTO '0, !\-lark/ ~{r5 ~belton's temporary v.; as t·11lleU She app~ared at one of Com- they chd act 1 O n the o t h<~ I hand, th1;:1 e menoed bl\siness in the Shop next to the EY Jet he put 011 hiil hat and O\ erco11t and drag1 children bad been s11ared to us,' he, DBJ...NCH Ol"fICJES : pre ~s Office, one door lrliilne'-!. atrength and coi1rage was swiftly van1sb1ng, tesse d'Appon)1 'e afternoons 1n eky blue was Deacon 1"'hc!u's Ja1n 1ly It 'vas uh \ a) S ged ·wearily down to\\o through the tast0SHA,YA 1 _ _ _ _ Jiitvn1!;~d SeverRr. experie11ce 1n thti OlULLIA, Mr J\.Iorris would infw rm the gen,,.1al public mentally, thinking of the two latle gr-J.vea 00BOURG, WHITBY, gauze and daisies. She took a fleuriste "ith so plenRnut to go tlH ' re S eve n eh1ldreni to trade, he hopes to satisfy all who may fa vor that he 1$ pl epared to fill orders for falhng snow and n1nrky d,1rknese, to spend ' are Jou go1ng to fa1l 1' ic the Green wood, ' tht:y would Lav (j been BOWMANVlLLE, UXBRIDGE, him \\ ith a caU, Mark instantly con1vrebended the sltu- her, and a little girl to cull daisies 10 the be sure, but ~ver) t h111g \Vas so hai ruoui oua a co1nfort to her.' But he kept his th1Jughtis the dreu1y hor;.rs of h1e "lfe's absence, por· ation She had heard the story of his finan· garden of the Embas~y. Thia Bank, in addition to transacting the u1While the latter You never hearJ l1tl le b1cke11ugs be t we en iog over ledgeu! 1n hi~ oount1ng-room to b1msel1, and aa1d 1nste01.d ual ban!ung Pus1ne!s1.. offers to the public all CJal troubles, p1obably 111 some distorted gathered, the former coinposed wreaths and that father and motl1er even in pla.yfuln ess Bow~ a.nv1U e, f:?ep 1th, 1872. m4Q tf !\:leanwlnle l\irs 1'1ark Sbelton,not qu.1te of all descrvptw'ns 1 the advantages pf a ;:;av1ng Inst1tut1on with ][eiilihng8 ' Will you attend ]lfra. Allstm's party the security of 11< large paid-up capital, by the sittlsfied with Mark's 'strange trcak,' at she forms and the knowledge bad almost crazed bouquets, which were supplied free and fresh "Ve'll sec \Vhat n1t1.11111 Hi. think s abou t 1t,' Ahee 1' Tu»ning, &c, &c, means ot a SAVINGS DEPARTME?'T. was the father's an s wet to t he ebtld1sh 1u1 'Ou the 20lh 1 Yes, the uneasy h~ht left called he! husband's refusol to attend the her. He blamed himsoll ·eve1ely for keep· between the dances. Interest allo iVed on a,Jl deposits of Ona Dplfor general building, 011 He al· portuuitle:;, and th e 1nother's ~ '~' c " oul d lar and up~a1ds, a.t tbe rate of FIVE per eeut Ahce Shelton's loving eyes, for since he \Vae party 1 '"as zealous! y trying to feel at ease 1ng her in ignorance of the truth per annum. DEALER IN not do it unless pa1 a \\ ns "ilhng,' conv1n c· not angry with her she did not care to pry an1ong Mrs. Austin's stylish guesta. For, ·ways ba<l a repugnance to womanly 1nter· Depositors can w1t4dra.w either the whple or SHORTEST NOTICE, Fruit aiitd Ornantental Treea-, St»ds, Bulbl, Fanner l!}-own's T lleory ference 10 business ~mattersi but felt, in JtlSed the children ve1 v ~oo u thut there " as co mto his secrets. Aud yet, 1f he only would any part of tbelr deposits at any tlllle, withou~ somehow, she felt depressed and ill at ease and 10 Flowers , &;;; , d:c pre'\'1o~s notice. operation and sympH by between the fath er coafide 111 h· r, she ·would feel so relieved r among the fasb10nableo who had hitherto tice to his wife's general worthiness, he GOOD STYµ;t: Specia.l rates of interest nJlo'\ ed upon depoiqt.8 BY B H 1!.:fr C guaran tet:t! to furni sh no~h1ng but and mother ' Will you go, Mark 1' l-elcon1ed her ns the \\lfe of a prominent Ebould have trusted her in thrn emergency. First cl ass ti tleS!, and tru& to nfi.m ~ ...\Q.drf,'\~, \Htfl notipe of w1thdrawq.l ffe will p.h.iu take conttacts for bu1[dUigs, .ii.nd .~rnencun Ou1renpy tt;id Sil\ er t~eu pn de ' Hu ~h 1 Alice t -for she was beginning As we turned the corner, we came upou 'Wflll, what rlo y on tl11nk about it 1' ask' I th1ok uot' A curious an11le parted hi s P. 0 Box 55 Bo" roarn1llu j oung merchant who we.o steadily r11nng to I n.ys ppait hps. ;T>µi 22nd, 1B 73. bp-ly m17 o4 em111 PnCP. in the cornnu:rc1al world Tberc to aob hyotertcall)-' Jou must not be Fariner Brown with a load of produce on ed Gcoigf, ;;iud <'nl;o; tn.¥11ng t oward n1e l>r~ ft!! g1anted payable Ill Great Br1ta1n, SPECIAL AT1'ENTION TO JOBBING. '"\-Vhy not 1' 1n a tone of fn1tp11s e l"p1ted States n.nd all pp,rts of Canada. If I can r aise the money to p.ty h1i:1. way to market Htt:i hor~es had COllle with 1l ~ 11111 ·, \'ht B au u nd l. tcurrent of coldnes!! 1n their nlarn1 ed. WDepoSlts can be remitted by ma1l,addrcsa· 1 J sha ll be othe1w1se f'ngaged ' Ma.ste~s Thn way was two 'r [UH 1ncl 1n ll to th 1uk he \\<\13 a.bou t off a u ote that f11lls du~ to n1 orrow, I 1n<l.y to an obsL1aate halt greetu1gs that her se11t1ltt\"e nature d etected ed to the Domw1on Bu.nk ~ghtered], when in 1 'N ou'lense, 111ark )"on must not be S!Ich instantly, nnd an angry flu1.'h rose to her weather tlte panic yet 1 narrow for us to pa:is 1 aud G~orge handu:ig 1 n vht [ nn5\·r ere1I r,.\.NK CEltT [FlCAES, Apphoat10nR all oaeeB a Pass Book receipt ,.,111 be sent by 1 I-low mucb \v1L1 you need 1' &u , &c , can be procured atth1s offi.ce, .!a.t return post, me the te1nsJtHnp('rl out t o "'t'e what \Vl\.~ :: I gue"'"' h ~ \\ I~"! 11 ut tJ t lhlt of t he \\Uy,' Shop and Residen ce on Liberty Street a slave to bue1neas. li'e w men are a~ proa- chi::tk when she> ovE'1hca rd a re1nark: rcl~tJ. A CODD, Agtnt, regular rates. perou~ In the world,' Bo\\ manville, Dec !:ll st, 1874. .t£ ' Four thousand dollars the matter, \ ~ a i d 0 Po r i-; i:.s wi> dtov e u p to t.h e h ou ae. Bowmau,ille, Jan. 6th, 1874, lo ti, 1ng to 'llfrs . Sh elton's old s1l~,' j;lowmanv11le, July 7th. 1873. R 'E~·T+ , RI NG POETRY. FROM CO NTES1 1 $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS · 1 have been prosperous/ dreaLn1ly, 'hut' 'I suppose ruy dress is not up to !their -he never fit11sbed Lis eent~nce standard 1n puu1t of elegance,' she muttert:d 'And the p9.UIC never affected you Ill the b1tterly , 'but I'll ne;;er ru1n Ji.fark "1th least,' innocently remarked ~lra Sh elton, ruy extravagance in dress-never!' She 1::d1pped out of the gay, over-crO\\ded who knew as much abo ut the subtle work· iugs of tl1e fiuauc1al wodd o.s she d1<l about parlors into the li brary, where she found refuge behmJ the heavy hangrngs of a bay the mythtcul 1nhab1Lants of the moon. Mr Shelton Jumped up, slightly flushed "'indow, Sbe dropped into a lo\v seat,and sat watchrng the streams ol gae hgbt tl1ckin the fJce ' tVhat 1d1ots won1en are ! 1 was the com· eru1g across tbc street,uow o.nkle deep wttb phmeutary exclama\.lon that met his wife's soow, wu1h1ng that !\lark would remember To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. F. F. McARTHUR Drs. Reid & Boyle. 20th of .Day, 1875, A. Gra.nd Ciearing Sa.le of his Entire Stock. It'" Prof. J. Ruse, 4 'eduction. will be m.ade. B. PE.A.TB, --· 1 BATTING'S CASH STORE. I: MARRIAGE ' LICENSES STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Kanoh.ester Honse, Bowinan.ville. LITERATURE. ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. M COlVIE and SEE · W. H. v\TILSON, Genea.l Agent for HILL'S NEW Raymond Sewing Machine Fall&W~te1~ DryG~~ds .. A LARGE LOT OF AUCTIONEERS H. T. PHILLIPS, LADIES' and GE1N'l'S' FtTBS VE-RY CHEAP. W::m.. Barton, Direct from· Englando ---o--HORE TB:AN ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. S500 Bolls of Room Paper neceived F Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. H:rs. Mason, HAMPTON. ' Prices fi:om Five Cents per Roll. - A LO'I1 OF GOOD FANS, CHEAP. RYAN'S PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALL. w. BUNNEY, :Ba.11 Clubs a.nd Ba.Us, a.nd La.crosses a.nd l3a.lls, a.t Special-:Prices to Orga.nised Clubs. from Ten Cents each. BUILDER, ETC. India Rubber, Solid and Inflated, Sponge Balls, Ross Balls, CROQUJ<:'f. SETS IN GREAT VARIETY. ~Rocking Ilorses, $3.00 Each. New '.I'ailor shop, JOt-tN HEAL DOMINION BANK. Levi Morris I L Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blind:i, Doors, &c. qoop FITS q.UARANTEED J. CHAPLIN, :rla.ning a.nd :frvia.tohing, I To of :C.. 0. I. B ( · /

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