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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Jun 1875, p. 3

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·THE MEI~C_HANT, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1875 ( · - ·- - = = = == =:;;:::::;::==:;=== NOTICE. Daily Line to Rocheste1. Commenci ng on or about the 19th, of April of J. & W. J. MoMunTRY,Cj&o. iathis day dis· po.rtneri:;hip hitherto existing between the The tmdersigned as Merchants in the 'l'own. of Bowmanvil1e, under the name, style and Firm Bible Christian SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion. ---NOT SO FAST. THE STEAMER solved by mutual consent. All cfobt:-; due tho said Firm are to be left to John 1vicMurtry 1 who will settle all d~bts dt~e by the said Firm, Dated at Bowmanv1llc this 12th chiiy of June, A. D'I 1875. Witness. JOHN McMURTHY, w. J. ll:!oMURTRY, JOSEPH McLEAN. ROBER'f ARMOUR.. { -· At McClung Bros. 'I'he RUSH is to continue and Increase for another SO Days ! The Public have responded nobly to our recent call, and now we call again ! Goods are Selling because FACTS are tellling ! We shall continue to bade up om· Advertisements by GrvING the BARGAINS we PROMISE ! When we SAy Bargains we MEAN Howma.nville, June, lith, 1875. m·38·3t. "NOitSE:M.A.N,"I (R. CRAWFORD , MASIEii.) BOOK ROOM AND To Wa.go:n e.:nd Buggy Makers. M sit uate next to the new B. C. Church, in the village of Ha.mpton. '!'hey conta" in a ivagm:1h be 0019,,the premises of the un~ersip:ne~, gon tihop, 20 x 60, filled with ~11 necessary iuachint1ry to carry on a large bumncss, also two story Dwelling House, 24 x 30,in first class con· dition with kitchen and woodsbed, togotl1er with ~11 accommodation, also barn and driving ho1se. Also 20 acr~sof land. Po:isession next tall, terms libcrn.L The property must be soldi as the owner is going weet. NE WM. V ANSTO '. ·~ H ~ I \rV ill make hcl' regular trips on this route, leaving Cbbourg every morning &t 7:30 and Port IIope at D o'clock, Jor H.oohester, connecting there with t he Kew York Central and Erie l\.ailways, for a11 points Ea~t, \.Yest and South . ltb 'TUR NIKG-, will leave Cbru'1otte [port of llocbester] chtily at9 p.1n. , exce1)t Saturdays, when she will leave at 2 p,n1., for Port Hcpei db'i>ct. School Library Depot, KIN() STREET, . BOWMANVILLI:. I have writteu the8a few lines A.nd tt.U I have to 8ay, rhat you can find lnC still at h01n e I am not gone away ; So all my kind old fri ends n1ay cnme ; A.nd nil t.liu young ones too And ,i.::-et their gn.rinents aicely m::i.dt> In fashions that arc new VVbero old a.n tl young d~&.r frienda may A wolc0me grei.:ting by R. PEA.TJ!J. Bowrna1nrill e 1 June 10th 1873. Hampton, May 5th, 1875. o19-rn32-tf. Clenera.l Servant 'Wa.:nted, At once. Apply a t the Dominion Bank. llowmanville Juno 10th, 1875. 37-1£. 0 0 This is the shmtei;t ;}lld quickest route to OswE.<go & \Vatertown, via. Lake 011tario Shore R.ailroad from CJ1a.rlotte. Dealers in stock &~ .,will find this the cheapest and most expeditious route to Boston 1 Albany, Ne>v York, &c., Jf0r furth or information apply to R. ORA WJ<'OT:D. --:o:- - Or C. ]'. GlLDERSLEEVJ!:, POUT HOP E. !{J:NG STON. 'Ve haYe now the mo1't ta.ried a.nd TRESPASS NOTICE. Pondf4 and Creeks 9n South half of Lot No. 10 theNorthbalfofLotNo. 91 andonLotNo. 8 'tiituate in the 8th Con. of Darlington, v.te res~rved fishing ground, belonging to me, and any ur1e trespasi:iing thereon, will be prosecuto<l to the ntmost rigor of the law. "THE S1JN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. Th e approach of the Presidental election gives unusual imp.orta11ce to the events ru1d devo::lopinents of J87·}. \Ve shall endeavor to describe them fully, fu.ithfully a.nd fen.desR]y. r.l'HE \VEEKJ,Y SU!\ has now attained a circulation of over seventy thousand copies. Its readers are found h1 cvel'y State and 'l\:!rritory, and its quality is well known to the public. We shall not only endeavor to keep it fnlly up to the old stand ard, but to i1nprove a.nd add to its variety and p_ower . J·. ELLIOTT'S I HEREBY NOTIFY o.11 parties, tbnt tho SELECT STOCK Cheap Store TYRC)NlD, Has now a full assorteJ. St.ock of .JAMES WOODLEY. ~:::::::.:_:::...__:_..:..._~-'-~~·-~~ · OF Darlingt'ln, April 14th, 1875. 29-imos. . ' . I A H:OtJ'SE AND LOT Bargains ! 10R S.i.\..LE, situate on Ontario Stt:cet . .En1 q uire of MR. TlfOMAS, on the premises. Bowmauville, Ja.u. 22nd, 1875. 17-tf. NO CURE I 11' YOU hava Sewing 1 what <krtake to it of Large Crowds have visited our Stores during the past month,and the avidity with which e;ood~ have been" T~KEN " is gratifying evidence that both Oood s and Pnces are NO PAYI "TAKING." We arc pleased to see our _efforts to. " Sell th~ right_ Goods at the right Prices " appreciated, and are carrymg tlus war into next month. Some of our cheap Linr,s are running out, but more (tre a1'1·iving, and for the next 30 Days we shall offer greater inducements than ever ! Now Hemember !- For the next 30 Days M:cClung Bros. is the place for Cheap Goods ! ---:o:--- ~ ~ · TI-IE \.VJ~.1~:Kr,y SUN "Will continuo to be n. ~fa.chine, no ~atter manufacture, ont of order, I will unu1ake as good as new, or no cha.rge will he Ordera left a.t Yellowlecs & Quick 'e, will receive promot attention. G. H. THOJl:!AS. Bowman ville, April 20th, 1875. 30-3mos. House a.nd Lot for Sa.le. ,\ very desirable town proptrty for Sa.le, sit.t\. un.te on Liberty Street, known as the Bellwood Cottage. rl'h~re is half au acre of lanq al.tached, a.lso all necessary ncoommodation, in sheds, wntor1 &c. Apply on tbe premisea1 to Bowmanvillc, June 16th, 1875. ., 0 ~ 1 gh newspaper, a thoro1 All the news of the day will be foUJld in it, condensed whe11 unimportaut) at full length ·w hen of inornent, n.nd alwn.ys, we tr"Ust, trea,t ed in a clear, and inatr\wtive". It is ou1· aim to m11ke the \VEJlJKLY SUN the best family ncwspa})lll' in the world. It will be fuJl of ent ertaining :tnd appropriate reading of every aort, but n·iU print nothing to of· fond tho most sornpulons and delicate ta ste. It wHI always contain the m ost stories and romances of the day, can"Jully sefoctcd and SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yt.!t offered to thc lJeoplc in YV cat ~u1·ham. Groceries Dry Good.s, Boots & Shoes etc., etc, which for - 0-- le~ibly l'hc Agricultural D~p_artment is a prominent feature in the \VJ:i~EKLY SUN, a.nd its a.rti· printed. R. SQUIRES, Jr. tf. FOR SALE. PHILLIP'S l.N THE HOTEL, VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. · l'osseimion can be given on the 1st of :&farcb. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor on the prtllllises, for particnlars . ALLCOME! MoCLUNG · BROS., Bowmm1ville, June, 24th, 1875. Fe.b. 25th. 1875. H. 1'. PHILLIPS. 22-tf. 8 - o a= r farmet· . '.l'he number of men indeJ)entlent in J?Olitics is increasing, a.nd the "'"I~E {LY SUK 1a thoir paper especially. It belongs to no party, an:l offCra no dictation, contending for principle, and for the election of the be1ot n11::m, It exposes the COl'ruption that disgraces th e country and threatens the overthrow of repul>lican institu. tions. It has no fear of knaves, and seeks no favors fro1n their supporters. The markets of evf'ry kind and the fashions an1 regularly reported. The price of the '\VEEKLY SUN is one <lollar a year fo:r a sheet of eight pages, and fifty-six column s . .As this bar ely pays tho expenses of pa.per and printing, we not abl~ to make any discount or allow any premium to friends who ma.y make fJµccial eITorts to extend its circulation. Under the new law, which requires payment of postage in advance , one d ollar a year, with twenty centf! the cost of pre aid postage /\dtled, is the rate of snbr;cription. t is not necessary to get up a club in order to oles will alwa.ys be found frCBh ru1d useful to the Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl TYRO NF. For the Holidays! I Gift Books, Splendid Albums, Fran.g's Celebratcll Ohromos, · Microscopes,K aleidoscopes, · OJ the fine st des01'ift.1tion, Ladies' Oompwnions, lV riting Deslcs, Pocket Boolcs, &-c., &c., to vioaire 311, a.nd every ono. Card of Thanks. Subsc1iber retUl'llS thanlcs to those who T Hl~ hu,ve given hiin th eir ratrouage in the pa."t , l'l.Ud wonld inform the fatmcra that be has i·e · paired and r c-fltfa!d his Mill, and is now vrepac· ed to attttnd to their wn.o.ts in the n1 il ling line. He is also condueting a bave the WEEKLY SUl'I at this 1·a.te. Any hu.nd Dunha1n Piano for Also, a powerful Ea.sty Organ, ' douLle·reocl , with octave coupler. '\.Vill be sold ·yT cry nice second \ Sale. at a gr eat bargain. · J. M. BRIMACOMBE. Rowmanville, June, ~~rd, 1875. · 11n-n13!.i. USE '.r:HE c:.c , I CiJ'O LAD I ES I le':) one who sends one dollar and twenty ccnt8 will get the paper, vustpaid for a year. We have no travcllinR° agen ts. Norwich Egg Jilewder, for inakiug all k iu<la of Cakes without Eggll. 'l'o be had of nll Grocers. IT . .T. \V.REKS & Co., '1 oronto, sole agents fur Ontario. 'l'HE WEEKLY SUN. -lliqht pagea, fitLv· six. columns. Only 1. 20 s. year, postaf}e rwepaid. No discountji·om tla".$ rate . THE DAILY SUN. - A 1arge fou1··page ne>vspaper of twenty-e.ight columns. Daily circulation ove.r 120,000. All tho ne-..vs for 2 cents. Subscription, postage prepaid, 55 cents n. month, or 6,50 a year. T o clubs of 10 or over, a. dis· count of 20 percent. Address, "'l'HJ~ SlTN," New Yol"k City, U.S. March 11th, 1875. 24-G1m1. A and splendid Co ll ~ction of GENERAL STOR E, Stereoseopie Views nucl hav iug purdrn. .eed his stock for CASH, is gi\'ing barg ains in ..., March 11th, 1875. 24-ly. Real Estate 5th Con. Darlington, comp~aing 25 acres, more or leAs. 'l'here are about 2::1 acres clea. red, tht:i remainder being wood land. There is a good fra1ne house, with barn, driving house $.nd stable, and two good wells, r.l'here is also a ao, FOR SA-LE. rl'HisEoffered }JSTATE of the for Sale, bemg a part of Lot No, splendid · A Publishe£l 1 \Ionthlyi (tt The Goodswcre bollght at best ra~ s. and pur chasers will .receive the beuofit. ~ato PH1LU' C~LLBAHY, THE Sa.bba,th School Ensign, .A.11 unscctatian, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. ST.AND . - Recently occupied by J\.1r. Gray. --(0)- Illustrated Paper, for Sabb"'t.h Schools . S. VANSTONE. 'l'yronc 1 Dec. 17, 1874. Orchard · of . Fruit-bearing Trees. TYRONE. ]?or fnrt.b e r pa,1·ticnh1l'fl, apply, if by letter, post- 'J7b is p1·operty is inn. good state of cultivation. paid, to Dn. McGILL, Oshawa. Bownianville, Ont. April l·t. 1875. 27-tf. WANTED. y A YOUNG WOMAN rcocntly from B E u r. land, a situation, where alie could lllake hoJi·self geo.erally useful, behind the, in the Dressmaking department, or tiis At:is1atant Book-keeper. l"leferences kindly pcrinitted, ~o !!-evera1 respectable peraona, both iu ~!'own and Country. Address. N. A.I ODSERYER omce, Bowruanville. IS MRS. · :a. IIO:PXI:NS' a The Editor has been counccted, 1nore or less, --:o:- - LADIES' and MISSES' OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, King Stree t, next ))oor \'fest of l\furdnch U1·os. whete ca.n be found the GREAT All.RIVAL Spring Ha'ts &; Caps Th o J:,a.rgest Stock ever sho1'-·n ·1n Bowmn,nville. or closely with Sa.bhath Schools, from bis bo)'hood, will endoavor tho mnke the F.XRTGN every way worthy of the SU}lport of Sabbath Schools. 'l'b1:1 unsectarinn chara.ctor of the pn.pcr 1 reuders it suitable for any Schoo]. Jn conuection therewith, a Supplement is publishod, containing Notes on the International seriea of S. S. Lcsf!Ons. These ru-o car!o1fully prcpn.rcd, and must prove of great value to both T eacher and Scholar. a 11tl ., - -- - - - - - ------------ Dec. 3rJ, 1874. 10-t Latest Novelties in l>[ill,inery Goods. AT G-ood Fa.rm for Sale. hall ol Lot No. 14, 7th Con. Dar· NORTH lington, containing 100 acres, more or lea~. Newest ·Styles I -; G't ~ Parcels of 5, 10, 15, etc., at the rttte of ::::o ci.a. per yea.r. Single copie~, 40 cts. Postngo Ji'REE. A1drosa, TEHMS' DRUGS AND MEDICINES TJJE GREAT REMEDY FO l~ at the C. BARKER, En1Tou , --w:-- , Bowmanville, Ont. CONSUMPTION and ncknowkclgcd by J:)lflll)' Bowmanville Drug Store, prominc11t physi- Good buildings and fences, and large young or· cb3.r<l. For particulars, apply to WM. Prices to suit All Classes. Also a. well ;,elected S tock of English Fur, American Fur, and Canadian Felt What the Press sav about it: TIIE ENSTGN. - We have bu1;1n htNored with a eopy of the En.~ign from the Editor,a.t the . West Durham Printing Establiahmont. The J'./11..sign · is a paper prepartld esper:iu.Uy for Sabbath Schools, and iu our opiniou well a<lar)t· ed to itt~ object. So gr-eat a. fn\'Ol'itc haa it be~ come· th11t wo h~ar (what is v{~ ry unusual with 1:mch enterprii;es) it has proved for the first year a finn.ncia1 succe~rn . 1'be illuatntt ions are suitable and sufiiciently numerous, while the read· ing matter ia healthy in tone, 1· h1 t>ty le,and ao vari~1tl A·S to suit the taste of the general public. \Ve congratulate th ti Eflitor on ha.v1ng catered so successfully to the pi.1blic want, and we congratulate the yourog and tlie ·public on having so char ming a. sheet presented monthly for the p erusal of theit· cliildren ,Osl!awa Rejorme:1'. The E n8ifin is n~atly printed on good paper, is illustrat ed, and contains h ealthy reading matter and ought to have a large circulation. - P cte:1·b01·0 l!..'xaniinct·. cians to be the most ltcliablc Preparation ever introduced for the RELIEL·' and CURE of all J. HIGGINBOTHAM thanks to his nunicrous fri ends and cus· tornerB, and to tlie public generally, fo.r the very liberri,1 support he hA.s l'eccived since his commencing in bnsines3; R.nd hopes by cun tiuued strict personnl attention to business, and offering nothing but the purest articles, at tho most ren.sonable prices, to ensure a continuanuo of public pa.tronage. J. I;I. J:Vould call spr,ciaJ. attention to hir:i ~·cry ' Oct. 29th, 1874. TUER, HAYDON. 5-tf. HATS. LUNG COMPLAINTS. This remedy ic offered · to the wcll~koown W OUJ...D mc,st respt'ctfully tender his sincere public, snnctio ncd by the experience uf over forty year8, nnd when resorted to in srm1on, DE:NTISTRY. t])c requests of mnny pt'rsons residing both in Orono and Clarke, has consented to ~ipen an Office in the villngo of Oi·ono, wlrnre either he rw b-Ir. G. L OC KRA.RT, L .D.S., will nttend,,on the first Monday in every mouth, comn1:enc1ng on the fi rst Monday in }:[::i.rch, nnd rema11.1 during t.bat week, for the purpoBe of atte~Hh~g TilE ~UBSCltIBER,in order to ri.cccdo to \o all Dcnt:l.l operations . . Office at Dr. F1<:'lding s Surgery. J. M. BRIMACOMBE, 2l~tf. Bo-..nnanville, }'eb. 18th, 1875. A CARD. have thiH day. appointed C. "BARl{EB · I the Exclu:sive age11t for the aale of my Vu1· o.AKizEn for Ont. PENS Bo~-man..,,ille, · m-1:.f. HATS! STRAW ,HATS Ladies' . Veils, Ladies' and STRAW front 12~ Cents, up. ·.viw<la. .Misses' Gloves, in Kip. nnd GENTS' FURNISHINGS, Lisle Thread, Ladies' a ]'irst-dnss Selection. Fancy Silk Ties, Knowing ju<it whnt snl~ the J)ublic t aste, · I New and have ptlt'chased accordingly. Cnll early, and Fashionable, suit yom>fleif. direct from New Lfighest Price paid for Raw Furs York. Ladies' Linen ALL KINDS OF FURS REP AIRED. Cuffs and Collars, Skirts, M. MAYER'S. Corsets, &c., &c. In short, Bowruanville, April 1st, 1875. seldom fails to effect a speedy cure of I TJYE STUFFS CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUREU wh ieh ni'e sure to. give th e best satisfaction . by a timely resort to this stnndnrd remedy, it! (Jonglls, Col<ls, Croup,. Broncl11tls, Ill· lluenza, Whooping Cough, Hoal'se. uess, Pains 01· Soreness in lite Chest aml Slde, lllee11ing at tlte Lungs, Liver (Jomplalnt, &c. suPedor stock of ls proved by hund rPds of testimonials receive( by the proprietors. A~·ell selc(lted stock of DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD GHERRY clo(!3 not d1·y up a (Jouyh, and tlM cf'ucsc 11ehinrl, us 'is the ·u.:-ith 11u,.st p1·eiu1.1·a-tions, but it toosens and- cl ea11 ~1< .'1 Ute lungs, and allays 'in·Uation, thus 'l'e1noving the cause Of the coni.plalnt. ~fl{. Everything in Ladies' Goods. l3o·.vnn1.11v il le, Sept .lOth,1874. .TOSEPH MAflON,P.P. J. J.JACO!lS. Strowger Bros. NEWC.A.S'I'LE Having removed to inore commodious premiset. , IN LANDS FOR SALE. HODHISt CARRIAGE we8i of the Ontarj SHOP Bruik. We inten d t o replen ish ou r: Stock, every week, from the Oa.nadia11 and N cw York M air kets, with the FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to inform the public ge.ncrally, that ther are now enabled to offer them King Btreet, Bowman viEe. a.ud PLEASE CALL l~xarnine Stock and P dccs. Better Inducements in the lino of If you want THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Grocery B11siness, (AS REGARDS PRICE J: QUAL11'Y) than any other ho"Use in the Oollllty. subscriber is pre11al'cd to TlIE. pair build and r e· ~ 1fUST llE SOLD. A 'plendid property, lt.l being Lots )J'oo. 14 and 15, in tho 10th Con. Darlington, containing 200 acres, more or les!!. 'l1he soil is a rich loa.n1, and U1 e land l evel, save a.bout 10 acres on the front of each lot. .A bout 90 acres are cleared, and well fe nced. Eighty niorc can be easily cleareU with a good !!ucker loJft on the nor th sirle, for ]'all Wheat. This, if rightly attended to will piiy for the whole land . There is on the premises, a dwP.llingh ouse, ba.rn, a.nd good ·~·e ll of water, oung orchard. The 1n·operty is situate witllln en mile ~ of llov.-rna.µville, three uf 'l'y1·ow:i, three of The above reward will be paid to any 1Je1·son 1 E nniskillen, and two of IIn.ydol.l . l1he Janel who will furnish an1ple proof tha.t t h e E.o()ts & will be sold cheap. A small portion of the pur- Shoes E:old by the up.dcraigncd , ·m·c not what he chai;o money, rcquir<,d down, and r easonable represents them. ti1ne given in-which to pay th e ha.lance. I>ossessiou given immediately. For fu1·ther inform ation, npply to tho proprieto1·, $25 CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, nnd all those whoae occnpation rcqulrcs an un usual exercise of tllc vocal org11ns 1 will liull thi s the 0.N LY I'nEPAHA'IlOK which will !' ffl.' l!t unllr nnd instantaneousl y relieve thoir diffi (' Hl · tics; Bc,1rn.rc of Counterfeits. Remember that tl~e gcn1tine JVfat1!1 ·'s Bal.~ r11m has on the oulsUle 10ravper lite stgntfture o( DRUGS, CliE'MIOALS, PATEN1' MEDICI NES, .· lJRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Et.;. kept (.oust:intly on hand. REWARD! OILS, . PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices . "I. BUTTS," a111l the printed name o.(thepro prietors, "SETII JV.llO JVf,E<f SON,'i, UOS· 1'0lV.u All ot1iers are brise imitations. J!:xarnine tlte wrapper carefltlly before pui-chasi119. Horses and Cattle Medicines. Country store-keopers suppli~d 0 11 the H1oat advantageous terms. .ji. r.hoice s~leetion of LAMPS fur onle cheap, How1nanv1lle. DHc. 1808. Gm. N. Ooo lloll>r ' lloiil· Set llotllcs for l'i ro Dulbri. T' REPAR J ~l) n. - flY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass., ADd 11old by Drus-giets rwd Doalers generally. ~--~ ---·---- -- Wagons , Buggies, and ()utters, r,f every des(.ription, at short notice, and o reasonable terms. Dress Making and Dress Fitting A SPECIALITY. SATISFACTION C UA.RANTEED. J.AMES WOOD.LEY, Tyrone P.O. Darlington, April 14th. 1875. 29-3mos Q - R - GANS FOR Desirable Farm Property For Ge11ts, For Ladies, Latest Styles r. ,.......,. Tr Dressmaking, &c. Miss Heal 'rVould b~g to inform tJrn ladies of Bowmauville · and "iciuity, that she is preparerl to take orders for Drcssnrn.king;·.nd fi ll the same with <lespn,th ii,. the Carriages Painted and Tri rr n;ed. FOR Afitchell, SALE. Propel'ty the of ~ft·. Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. NOTED FOR CHEAP LATEST FASHION. ]fer experience fully warrants her in prornfaing · satisfai..:tion. l\eSidence, Corner of Chw·ch Street, and l\farket Sq1mre. Parlors, Schools, or Churches, NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD "' RICE Apply to Weight and llfeasiire Giiaranteed · in every ·instanee. on the -premises, were specia,J attention is grven to all A Blacksmith'. s Shop . work, a,nd General Jobbing. Philadelphiri and N ew Yorlc Patterns always on hand. I-IA'r Splendid of the Jate ]3. T being notth b:tlf Lots !\ o. 31, aJld 32, in the Con. .Da1·lll1gton, corn· of prh>iing 200 aeres-35 being superior W<)od laud. '!'here is on the front of the pr~mises, a. Yer;t fine,gentlernan's stone residl:lnce, with lawn and flower garden, to the rear of which is ·a boaut.ifnl :b-laple Grove. Also wood ahed,stahle, driv- DRY GOODS & BA:RXE:R, 'I'eas a Speciality. J. L."· STROWGER J. D. STROWGER. Newcaatle, August, 14th, lt':l74 . c~.rriage Our Goods are all New and Fashionable, and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. Agents for the BEST ORGANS ON THE All wo·rk done at this E'stabz,i'.9fi1nen t Rememberthep!ace,atMISS STOUGHTON'S Horse Fo1' Sa.le ! warranted. A call is respectfully aolicited. .T. MORRIS. Bowmanville, Oct. 1.f~t. 1860. Old Stadid, CONTI I'-. ENT G old. OOD HEAVY FARM HORSE, 6 year;, Apply at this Office. l:)cspectfuUy, · · " ,WRS. HOPKINS, llowmanville April 30th , 1875. 31·tf. March 4tti, 1874. ing hou se,etc.· and·every necessary convenience. The whole, about t en a.cres, is surrotwded by a. 'l'orn hedge. . There is a Farm House, with th.rec barn'8, with all outbuildings. A never failing stream of wat er runs through the premises. There is uho SJ?lendid Orchard of fruit bearing tre~s. and k1tohen gn.rdun. 'l'he property is in a go<>d state of cultivation, and ia regarded as the most de · SP.ECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO sirab1e bet wren Kingston a11d J.. ondon . ORDERED WORK. For fnrthE'r particnla:rs apply to S'l'OHJ£. -Oue door ,o:a."i uf Cnrnii'h':; JlJwclry MRS. E. l\II'l'CRELL, Store, King Str~et 1 Bo w111auville. . Os11a.wn P. 0 J, SMALE. August 6!:.h,1874. bp-tf-rn44-o~. Bowmanville, )fay 6th, 1875 , · For Children. and Good ·Stock. CLOTHING, etc. ---o-A SPECIAL LINE, Bowmanviile · .Dec. ·Hl1, 1873. WANTED. A'I' TJlE Cornwall Blankets Corner King and\V' est Market Stroet nt:i:t.r St. L awrence I-Iall.Toronto Any quantity of Good ) Ierchanta.blo V..7ool, for which tne highest Cash l-'l'ice \vill be paid. On hand also. a Well-ai;sol'ted stock of Tweeds, Full Clothi:'i, l?la.nnefa. Stockinb Ya1n, &c., which will be ~ukl low, for Oadi. Cambrian Woolen Mills. If you ·want Good B rend, U .se I.lie Wool Ca.rding; Spinning, Weaving, &c· l'cne as Usual. D . TAYLOR, Novembf'r5thi 1874. n.6·ly Hampton. May 20th, 187/i, 34·3rros. - .

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