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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Jun 1875, p. 4

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· POETRY. Farmer John's Return. Hr):Ue fro1n hir; journey Farmer J uhn Arrived this morning safe and sound ; His black coat off, and his old clothes on, "Nowl':pi myself!" says Farmer John; And be thinks, " I'll look around." , Up the dog; "Get down, you pup! Are yon so glad you \\·ould up?' And the ola cow lows at the gate to meet him; ': Well. well, old Bay ! t< Ha, h11, old Gray ! Do you get good feed when I an1 away ?" 1 · THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY JUNE 25, 1S75. no~ice \\·batever "'ns taken of this; DO\\' be-' gon his difficulty, for be felt that if it was ' the expres11, and he sent them round tLe cJrve at the rate they \VerQ coming, over wi1-ibe1:1 to iHforru his 1n.uneroua friends and cus Beg- to aunouuce to the Electors of '\Vest Durham· and .sur.·vundingtcount1·y 1 th~t the)" ·will tJcll their irnmens~ · . the train \vould go, and a general smash l(l. m ers that hi, haa rerunve<l to 1vould be the result ; ·while, if t.hey went to BUCKLER'S OLD STAND OF the left, on the road to M--, they might where he will be found with tlle roost (.'Om overtake a coal train, and dash ·into that; At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. ettl asi::ol"hnent of but there ·wll.B not a moment to be lost, so .is now showing full lines of Harness, he decided, in leas time than baa been takt::n to narrate it, that Qf the two evils he Whips, would choose the least, unu let them go 000 prs. Misses Pebal and Buff Bal·niorals, at 1.50, per pa,i1·, for GASH ONLY. Trunks, &c. straight dtl, rather than risk the rounding of in every depadment, purchased under Yery favorable circumstances, and in town. Please call. 13uclder's old stand 1000 Pairs Women's, M.isses' an<l Ghil!l's Felt Boots, lhe .chole lo be sold for CASH 011' LY the curve. Almost before he had time to is determined to sell at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRlCES. ono Joor cast of J\.iaynard s HoteL ner\'e h1 mself,dash came the train, and flew · --o--Bowman ville, Sep. let.. 1873. post the points. and Costumes, comprising a very LMge Variety Call early and secure your "\Ti11teT Supply,. while the ru'h is going on at \jjf IW of N~WEST and FINEST Fabrics. Only one peroon iu the train sec111ed. to be ' A Drop to Keep the Cold Out.' It was t.l.Jc day before Christcnns, ]n the year 18G- , and as a irHitter of course, eyery- SPRING! la~8is.I 1875 ! REMOVAL. S. MASON ANDERSON & . (Jo. I-:iOOTS bo<iy was fnll of' preparation for the coming holiday ; as you \Valked along the streets, S. and looked in at the shop windows, you folt instinctlvely that each shopke.eper was ir.tent ttpou pushing bis trade to the utmost extent, while lnrge and beautifully-decorated tickets informed you that 'Christmas comes but once a year.' Hence bidding you lay in a stock of plums and currants not 01nittii1g to lond the 'Tree' with mysterious bundles for the ~ mnsement and 'vonder of rrREWIN, OSHA-W-A 8T00K SHC)ES, NEW SPllING GOODS ' a.nd ;~z:·:rO'V:iisiI~i~ 35~~;,:sChik;~~;i;,,~~~:~;;;~~ 1 · Yun h<1.;-e not a. rib !"says Fa.rmer John; " The cs.ttle looking round a.nd sleek. ; l.'he colt is ~oing to be a. roa.n, And a beauty t<Jo i how he has grown ! \Vc-'ll wean the ca.1f next week." Sa.ya }'ar1ner John, "When I've been off, Tu cu.ll you a.gain about the trough, 'l'o watch you and pet yau while you drink, ls n. greate1· comfort than you cau think l" .1.\.nd he pats old Ba.y, And he slaps old Gra.y : "Ah, this is the comfort of going a.wily !'" the children boLh large aud small. ArrivLng at the Railway Station everv· thing there also Lad the same aspect; in a11 directions might be seen porters hurrying to all'J .fro with piles of boxes, and hampers of all sizes and shapes, laden with presents frcnn ']..fy Mother, 1 and '~Iy old Aunt,' to the 'Dear Boy,' or the 'Dear Girl, or· fro1n some eccentric but good soul, to the widoi.v and the fatherless in a. dia~ftnt town, "·hose Conscious th~t anything was wrong, and "For, after all 1 " says Farmer John, 11 The best of a journey is gottin~ home. l '-..e r-ieen great AightS; but would 1give 'l'hi.d :;lJu~ ;1111 !:ho pJa,ccf11l life I 1i \'C, For all their Paris and n.ome? 'I1hese hills for the city's, And big hotels all bustle and ~re, Land a11 houses, and roads all stones, Tha.t deafen your and battery )Ur bones' \Vould you, old Ila.y ? Woul<l you, old Gray! That's wha.t one gets by going a.\vny l" 11 There ~Ioney is king," says Farmer John, "And Fashion is queen; and it's mighty queer 'l'o see how sometimes, while the man, Raking and scraping all h,:i can, The wife spends every year, Enough,yc>u would think for a score of wives, To keep them in luxury o.ll their li \·ei; ! The town ia a perfect Babylon rro a. quiet chap,i' say"S Farmer John. H You see,old Bay, You see, old Gray, I'm wiser than when I went away. tho.t was the guard ot the end of the car~ 1 Y.L.~ ~":ina,gen1ent. riages ; he also bad listened for the whistle, and had in re,ility put on the brake, but on looking out and seeing the red light, and do ' m presently that they passed the points, and Amerfoan Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings. were going the wrong road, he instinctively ( knew tbat somethin5 was wrong with the Special attention to getting iip Orders hearts would thus he relieved of a heavy engine, especially \\'hen he looked at the Jf'A1lfILY J.IOUHNJNG. burden by the unexpected delivery of a signal mau, and en\\' him WhVillg bis lamp 'feast of fat things,' just as they \Vere des· for tliem to stop. All this time the passeng<'.rs were ~otally unconscious of danger, no doubt n1any of" tben1 v,.·cre inriuJging in all the bright an~ :Cress -r.!..OOdei obliging "AR'""king rdone to order by Skilful :Cress ... "l\ll"l"lll"ne""y An unusually attrnctiye d_ispl·;y, this seas?n, J..'fa bracmg Lo,test Novelties J! rench, hnghsh, and em- ANDERSON & CO'S., Bowmanville, Dec. 10th, 187-i. Booil & Shoe B:m.por:iu:m. ===~====- JiiJ.epha,nt House for n1RE UNDERSIGNED in returning tbauk· for the liberal' extended tu hun during the past 18, begs to announ:ce that from and after tbe 15th Septembf;!r, he will c;arry on the same busine~, but more extans1vely under the name and style of .1ORN McLEOD & Co. rron1pt payment of all accounts is render· ed imperati\·e by this bu1:1iness a.rrangeme?t, 11nd all perROns indebted will please take notice and govern tLemselves accord1ng!Y. THE -! -· .1 to his many fri(:lnds a.nd the public g.enerally .,. pairing of a dinner such as they bacl been in the habit of having, when ' father was alh,e,' or when they were better otf. Sn pressing- was the traffic, that when it v.·as neces~ary to begin to arrange for the Express Train to London, tbe Superinten · .loV.&."1 "'! 'ft.Jr' ticipations of the hearty "'elcomes they were to bave, when they arrived, and should meet ·with the loved ones at hom~. velvet, and lace goods, of latest styles, very elegant, (or made to order.) "'ntles ~ ~ sh"" 'ft'"lS . from, A very large stock to select ~ of cloth, cashmere, silk, VY , dent thought it <dvisable to send orders to 'fbe guard, however, could not endure the T\leS, StfiMJ: Embracing every description of fabrics, to meet the wants of our numerous customers. .JUEN McLEOD. Bowmanville, Septembe1· 4th, 1873. 'l"orn Vi.Tells and Fred Eve"Cis, to prepare idea of remaiuing in suspense, so, \\·ith the themsel\·es to take charge of the train, feel- courage of a true hero, he climbed up to the ing, as he said, that the.y wfre stCady, trusty top of his luggage-van and then crawled on men, they would be better prepared for any his hand.'3 and kneC's. lest he should come in etnergency that might nrise i so when the contact with any of the bridges that cross- TERMS--- LIBERAL. Oshawa, April, 1875. message was delivered, they forth with began to 'J)repare fur the journey, and at the proper time presented tbemsel\·es at the station to receive instructions. Meantime, as the day pasaed away, the bustle and confusion increased, and towards fou1· o'clock, which was the time for the 0 I1ve formd out this, 11 says :Farm· e r John, train to be despatched, one continual ruah " That happiness is not bought or sold, and noi~e gave illdication that the ""·orld was .Antl clutched in a. life of 'vaste and hun·y1 Thoughts of pleasure, and da)s of wo1·ry i on the move ; at any rate that part of it And wealth isn't all in gold, which 'vas to be foun.:l. at L--. n-Io1, a.Dd stocks, and ten pet cent., Close by the platform, and within easy But in simple ways and sweet contont, acces9, stands the so-called 'Refreshment ]'ew ·wants, pure hopes. and uoblo ends, Rooms, 1 and from time to time, one au<l. Some land to till, and a few good friends, another might be observed going in and Like you, old 13a.y, Like you, old Gray. coming put, bavrng 101d in the needful or '!'hat's v.·hn.t rve learned by goiu:; away." imaginary stock of provisions for the journey. Among those who thus patronized t.he .A.nd n happy man is :Fv.rn1er Johu, 'Secoud Class' roon1 1 \\·ere the dri9er and 0, a. rich and happy man is he ; Ile sees th(:) peas and punipkins gro\viug. stoker, 'vho in consequence of having liecn Tho corn in taascls,tbe bnckwheo.t l·lowing, so sud1leoly called on duty, had been thus And fruit on ville and tree ; ' obliged to avail themselves ofthi·temporary rl.1bc large, kind oxen look their thanks .iid, to prepare then1selves for their duty. t\.s he rubs their heads and strokes their flank&; 'It bids fair to be a cold journey,' said The doves light round him,and strut, and .coo. the dti\'t!T. Says Farmer.John, 11 I'll take you too. ' Yes, that is does,' said ],red Evens the And you, old Bay, And you, old Gra.y, i:1toker, 'a.1:1.d I wish \ve were at the other Next tllne I travel so far away!" end.' 'So d'J I,' said Torn, 'but \Ve'll wind her - J)loo-rc's Ru.·r<.1,l New Yorker. up tight and make her go when we Ret away, I warrant you.' 0 'If coal will do it,' said Fred, 'it shall be at your service.' Lady l{il1en>.·-Corsets. ed the line. He at length reached the tender, and there to his horror aad amazement 7iefound both driver arul Jtoker fast asleep on Mutual Life Assurance Society the coals, with the train dashing thirty miles an hour on the \vrong line. ESTABLISHED 1840. He had eeen sufficient of the working oi C~... NADA CHrEF OFFICES. the steam engh1e, to kno· w how to ahut off the steam, be therefore did that at once,nnd 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL then proceeded to wake up '!be driver and DIR£0TORS. stoker. By dint of sundry knocks and kicks, he at length roused them to their V\.'.A.LTER SJLANLY, Esq., ~1 P., Cha.irmn.iJ.n, DUNCAN l\'[AODONA.LD, :EllQ. duty aDd danger. Even then, it ""as snn1e }fAJOft T. ~. CAMPBELL, C.B .. St. Hilaire. TJohw~ul~o~i=~~~.~ Co T Important Announcement ! HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage E extended so long to John McJ... eod, and takes this opportunity of informing the public, that they have RELIANCE E DISCARDED TRF. Grea,t l1ieduotion, in Dry Goods! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glass\vare. - -- oo--I OLD SYSTEM, rucruents ere he conld µ-et them thorou~hly 'l'HE HoNOR.iRI.E Jou~ IIAM1u1·0~, Hllwksbui;g.! Out. to reali:..::e where they were, or what to do. RF.SID. E NT SllCRJ!TARY.-J.·MKS GRANT. H e\\-·cver, ut l\ngth he su~c~eeded io ELONG- C0~E:OITS, L E L and v.ill conduct their credit bnsinees as follows : thoroughly openin)! their eyes, and then he said, S P ECI A L FEA T U R ES. EALL AOCOUNTSE MUIDO·UB BIOS. liaYing decided to make a change in their business, are now 3el.lh1g for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, M1llmery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, The ENTIRE P.uOFITS belong to and are divid to go to . i:leep in this way, and uearly run ns in~o eel amongst the Policyholders. . LIV"F.S, DECLINED BY OTliER COMI'Af;"!ES, or on tLe coal train!' which an extra Preniiwm, would be required, can 'Where are we 1' said the Jriver. be assµred at the ordinary rates of tb.ia Society, 'You are a nice pair of fellow~, 'At B-- , nearly ; \\'C ·have passed the junction some distance,' said the guard . SPECL\.L NoN-FOFEITA.B"LE POLICIES issued · Thauk God "fur that,' said the drive::r ; under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay for if 've had not come this road we should ments are reqltired, each payment secunng all have b"n smashed to piecee. It's the Policy for a snm assured proportionate to the narrowest escape I cvt:r had in all my numbe1 of premiums paid, and free from futur under a $1JCcial arrangcment ""'========,,,;,=====!!!!!!!· Crumbs for Chickens. Present the following teeJ,imonials from t:.0m vaynumt of prem.i-ums. life.' petent judges of OrganJ. 'l'estim'oJJial fro 'And 1nine too,' said the stoker. MoDERA'.1'-E PREMITJ~IS a.nd most liberal c<ln- John Camidge, Mus. Doc., Canlua.r, England, Bowma.nville, 24th Dec.,I 187$. 'It·s no use wasting any more time,' said ditions. 'l'o the Managers Dominion: Ora an Cc. the guard, ' so you had better put on the P.i·ospectuses, Proposal .Forms, &:c., supplied GENTLEMEN.-! Ilk~ to pllliy on your Organs tr .e ie so sweet a.ridsttlady. .And the work· steam, and drh·e us on to the next station ou application at the Head Office, ~ or auy of p H A Dom.inion Oreoa.n Co'v BOW MANVILLE N THE JOHN CAmDGE will be RENDERED on the 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September ln eac!i and evM'Y year. In the case o:I: .1.,{anufa.cturers, J\leeihanics, aud others. whose accoonts may amount to $50.00 or p H A N AT AND 13ELOW COST! T over, their note,if agreed upon,wilJ be taken payable at tbt> Bank for a. stated period. T The Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKE'rS, buyers can depend on getting MORE .AND BETTE;R GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. THE as cautiously as you can. 1 the Agencies, / 'rhe average young man is deluded into 'All right so far as the engine goes,' said thinking his awcetbeart's hand is a lemon. Tom,' but I fe<~l as if I should lik.:i 'a drop In a few moments they reached the place, JAMES GRANT, Rt:s. Secretary. tips of my fiagers to the tips of my toes.' · 'l\vo solea tliat beat as one,' remarked the Just then the first bell rang for the train boy to his mother, 8lJ she v.·as dee.ling '\·itl1 hirn to be got ready, so away the men \Vent ~o foi· bis sins with both slippers at once. their post of duty, where soon, by the blow~Iary .Jane)1a,·e yon given t11e goldfi~hfreJSb ing off of the steam and other unulistakahlt! water?' ·No, ma'am. 'Vhat's the use? The.y sounds, it was evident that ' Puffing Dilly' haven't drunk up what's in there yet.' was ready to dash away at the proper much to the aurptise of tlle station master. AGBNT FOR BOWMANVILLE, After giving him a. brief ve1'f>ion of the to keep the cold out." a.BARKER, Nature provides no reservod seats for the " Observer Office," King St. whole affair, he consented to the train be' So do I,' said Fred, 'and l dhall have a rich and dainty. "\Yhen there is ic1;.; on the pave~ ing shunted on the other line, and in due 23-ly thimbleful of rum in my tea.' Bowmanvill·. June 24th. 1870. mcnt they sit where they :::an. 'Do the satne for n1e,' said Tom, as he time it was driven back to the junc!ioa, We have henrdof but one old woman wlioldss- handed his cup to th~ young woman who which they reached in safety. td. her cow ,but th er~ are thousands of young ones ·The passengers all the while were \Vonput a small glass of rum into each cup, OF LONDON. who J1a,·e kissed gret4-t cal res. dering what was up j son1e imagined one which they quickly dispatched. 'How many people, says J ere1ny 'f'a,ylor, (Established 1803. 'I feel all the bett(:r already,' said Fred. thing and some another, but of course the · are busy in this world gathering together a HEAD OnrcEs.- 1 Old Broad St., and 'So do I,' said To.m, 'I feel it fron1 the said nothiug, except 'it 'vill be all ~ handful of thorns to alt upon?' right.' Little did tbey dream how miracu- P·ll llfall. London. loqsly they had escaped, und to whon1 un~ GENER.AL ~ GENCY 1 finish excellent, and in evf:lry particular they are equal, if not supel'ior, to any I have ever heard. Hoping they will meet public apprecintion. tna.IH1nip and pash Purchasers Prompt Payers on credits AND short Call Ea1·ly, and secw·e Bargains, as the whole Stock must be 101,d Imperial Fire Insurance Co FOU CANADA :- 24 St of the p1·incipal stations on the main line, it was so much behind, that the station-master asked the guard th~ reason ; there \\'as no der God, they owed their deliverance. Subscribed and i.Jn·eated Capital a.nd U.eserve Every Instrument Warranted fdr 5 Yrs "\\""'hen at len~th the train urrived at one Fimd. £1,965,000 Sterling, H. O'HARA. A. M. DAHLEY Funds invested iu Canada-- 105,000. Insurances a.grunst lose by Fire effected on most favorable tenna, and losses with out reference to the Boa.rd in London.: President. Manager Bowman.ville, January 15, 18?4. bp·o3-m16. crament . Montl'e.aJ. Rend the fo1lowing from Rosa D'E1·ina : Bo"\"\'llHtnville, December 22, 1873, To the Manciuers of lhc Oi·gan Co. GENTLEMEN. - I have much pleasui'e in tes fying to the excellent qualities of the Org supplied by you at ruy concm·t last Saturda evening~ 'I1he tone is sweet and very powerf aud the combination of stops ruost ndmira.b I am sure your instruments will find 'favor Churches, n.s tht'v are singularly adapted fo sacred muaic. \\rishing yori every sucpess, and that the public may patronfae ntttive manufac. ture. I remain Gentlemen, Q THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT U Well Assorted !U Christtn as Goods, Raisens, Currants, Si'1· Stock t.a.rge AND Hl 0 E will ~lways get goods at prices cut ]'!NE, as our great aim will be to court this class of trade. H at once, /or CASH ONLY. · is now complete with the choicest supply of V ory respectfullf, J. ROSA D EuINA. S Cook, Hall. Parlor, and Box or A ciplendid va.I"iety of s 1 JOHN McLEOD & CO. Bn.vman~·ille, STOVES, . for 'vood con.I. E Seotember4th1873 gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. MURDOCH BROSw Bowman Yi lie, Dec. 24th, 1874 · 'I do not think, madam., that any ma.n of time. be ]east sense ·wouJtl Approve your conduct.' At length the last five minutes arri vt:d i ', ho"'· can ,Vll judge ·what any inan of tl1e while from all parts of the platform Yoices least sense would do?' were heard, ' Take your seats,' 'Any more District visitor, blandly - ·~~ell 1 dame, aud for the London express 1' and hat boxes, how do you find things? \Vhy hy looking railway ruga, coats, &c., .were hastily stow·· nrtcr 'em, to be sure.' ed away in the carriages; then came the The latest anecdote brought to lig-ht by the porters to exa.1uine the tickets and lock the Centennial celebration ia rather amusing. doors; then the whistle Was giveo 1 the train While the British troops were marching throue:h 01d 011-mbrige one of them said jestingly to a began to move ; au.d amid tbe \ of farmer llvwing seed : ·You may sow, hut we handkercbiet::1,_' Good bye,' 'Remember me 11ha.U reap.' "V(:l111 perhaps you may,' 'vaa to all,' 'Be sure to write,' &c., the living th.., reply,' fur I arn sowing hemp.' 1 mass of beings started on their Little 13es~ie iB the daughter of a, clergyman journey· ·.if :F'reeport, Me. Not long since, when her But let u~ just turn inside, and listen to fa.ther V.'as awny, and she ~-as pl:l.ying in the the con.versati'on. that is going on. yard, a strnnl2,el' came a.long ~ndfinql)ired if the 'It's very colU, 1 said an elderly-looking rni1~ir:;ter wu.e at ho1ne. 'No,' she replied, 'b·lt gentlen1an o.s he reclined in a first.class carlnother i.:: in the house o.nd she will pray for you, you poor n1isern.bli" ilinner,' He passed riage, ' nn1 glad they put. that foot wn-rmer alternative but to tell all he knew, which when he had done co used a shudder to through bis fratne. However, the train must be dispatched, so the station-master ALWAYS GET J DODSWORTH, Inspector. RIKTOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, Montrca R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent decided to go in company with another offor Bowmanville and Vicinity. ficial, and charge of it, the remainder of the journey to London, which in due course was reached ; the passengers, meanwhile, as they we1·e put down at each sta· tiou, grumbled at the train 'being so much Bov.wanville, June 4th. 1860 36 FIRS'l'-CLASS. W. BELL & Co's. 1 m.o.43-39.4w Just Arrived. at the. behind.' It not until a day or two afterwards James McFeeters. Prize illedal 0 rgans AGENT \'Vhich in 1873, at tho Provincial J' beat r that the se·:ret of the delay came to light, Fo1· the Insurance: Compani1::s, and eve1·y American and Canadian Organ, ti:tking the li'lRSrr PltIZE, but judge of the pasaengere' horror and other I11stitutions, viz :·rhe QUEEN Fire and Liff:! Insurtt-nce Com· tbaukf'ulness, when they they SU.\V the facts pany. C·pital£2,000,000. $150/000 deposited .Al~ o the renowned ·tated in the public newspapers. The driver with the Dominion Government, or the protcc dera in Cnn:i.da. and stoker were of course com11dtted to the The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO [Boston.] hands of the police; and in due time ap· pany of Canado. C(J.pito.l 500'000,-0ne of the best nnd cheapeoi:t Companies doing business in peared before the magia.trates . The evi· the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated Risks The CANADA LANDED CREDI'r CO'Y. dence of the pointsnutn and guard, together with a Savings Bank department. '\oYith the confession o! the 1nen themselves The UNIO)I A~n PllRMANEN'.l' Building was eo conclusive, that they \Vere found a.nd Saving's Society. 'l'he!'le latter instltutiona advance Loane on guilty ; but the Company, through their so- Real Estate, on terms unu!3Uallv easy for the hcitor, expressed a hope that us the men borrow·er. · Bow111anv~lle, Feb. 6th. 1873. had been old eervauts, and up to that time had sustained good characters, the punish· ment might be as moderate as the case would allow. Taking this view of the ca1::e, the n1en \4-'t!re ordert:d to be imprisoned for '\Vhid1 bai; ta.I( er. PASHION HOUSE a splendid a.ssort1nent of NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of A BIOis now 1·aging a~ on. in, but I'll just have'. urop to keep tho 1 Jt is re1at. eduf a c.ertain minister, who was cold out. ' ' Do, my dear, 1 sai<_! the lady l\-' ho appear· Forty-nine First I'1'6miwms. --:o:-- REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Al:.o a large stock of noted for hie; lo11i; sermone \vith many diYisions, that one 1lay; when he was among hiR teens, he reached at length a kind of resting-pla.ce in his disl~ourse, wheµ,pa.usiug to tn.k.e breath, he asked the question : 1 And what shall I ea.y more?' A voice from the1con~rega. ti on earnes:tly respondetl, "'Sa.y 'Amen!'" A young lady wa$ stto.nding OD the wharf, waving her handkerchief at a, schooner Jying in the atream. 'Know anybody a.board·?' queried her companion as hti along .. 'No I don't but they're ·waving their hakerchiefs a.t me,' !'!be replied. 'Ra.nd Iha !J ker (hoo) chiefs ! 1 he exclaimcd 1 dropping his basket and leaning agn.i.nst a. woodpile ; '-..vhy, them's the men's shirts hung up to dry.' She waved into i. ware· houae. A zealous vegetarian, expounding his theory 'A man who eats pork becomes a little swinish, dnes he not? and if he eat& mutton he is inclined to be sheepish.' 1 Perhaps so,' re· pliOO. the late Dr. Walker, as quoted ; · but I have noticed tha,t n1en who live on vegetables are apt to be rather-small potatnea. 11 A gentleman who had c&refully ~rained up his servant in the way he ahould go, so tha.t wbeo his wife was present he might dt'part from it, aent him with o. box ticket for the theatre to the house of a. young lady. 'fhe servant returned when the gentleman a.nd wife were at dinner. He had, of conrse, been told, in giv· ing answers to Ct! klnd of mesaaies, to sub· 11titutti the masculine for the feminine pronoun in Apeaking of a lady. 4 Did you see him ?1 asked the gentleman_ 'Yes, air, 1 replied the servant; 'he baid h1:1'd go with pleasure, a.nd that he'd wait for you, sir.' 'What was he doing~' asked tb1:1 wife, careleuly. . 'Putting ou his bonnet and ebawl,ma.iam,' 11aid the idiot. TBELEVENS ed to be his wjfo; 'I eball be so glad to get to the end of our journey.' In tho other carriages, from time to time, similar remarks were made \Vith ve:ry 1ittle exception, and by the occasional sceut tbllt came across the seatS, ~ it was evident that the article they we~e usiug, '\ovas nothing else than ardent sp,trit, disguised under the names of brandy, rum, &c., which has been proved by the experience ol travellers iu the Arctic Regions, actually to bo worse than · ttseless" for such a purpose, inaRmuch as Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. THE KING OF two years each, with bard labor; the magistrate giving them to understand that ha<i it not been for tl1eir previously good character, transportation \vould have been their lot. Nothing, ·it is strange to say, was said DENTISTRY! SEWING MAOHU~ES, --:o:-- FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. usual. it is positively pernicious in its influence on about the guilt"! tho·e who laid the snare; the body. flowever 1 such are the notions 07.tqht it to be so ? The pointsman, for his dis}'lay of wi~· of the people, and so long as the delusion is 'licensed by law,' is it any wonder that the <lorn, was appointed to a higher situation ; while the guard, who had acted so nobly, masses believe it to be right 1 However, tbe train is now fa.irly on its displ11ys in putting on the coal, it is evidenL that. he intends to go a-head, so after clearing tbe various branches, and. getting on to the main lime, every power of the giaDt is soon taxed to the very utmost extent ; ao they <la.ah along, passing station after eta· tion, ns some of the passengers said, 1 Jl1St like ligbtniag.' After purau1ng the journey several miles there is a junction ; the left hand line, which ia almob't straight, leads to ~1-while the right hand leads to Loll<lon j liut N. n.-irhe Subscriber is nut a. Suh, ur UO· der Agent, but has the special agency for the above. I am prepared to ex.chn.ngc .Pianos [ur Organs, Organs fot· ~J\:(!!lodeons, ah6 Sewing Machines, OJl reasona.ble terms. .A.ddreas, MRS- A. FLETCHER Bovrmauv.ille. _·\;pril 7th,1874. BOW MANVILLE J. S. DONEY, 'ffllO~· P.O. Jan. 15th, 1875. 6·6mos. Ma.chine ~nQ. XmplellJ.e;c.t Manufactuing · o and he 1s determined to continue to 8ell at these ruinously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; , · Fift)1, he sells ·at bottom pri~es. was pl·c·d iu a good position !or the re- way, and by tha energy which the stoker mniu·der of his life. ' How was it that you did 1t 1' said a fellow to the driv·r one day wbeu he called at the prison to see thetu. 'I hardly know,' '"id Tom Wells, '"we felt 1111 right when we sta1ted, and after we fairly got a-goiug\,·e just sat down to reet on the coal, but I suppose what with the col<l air and the fire, we become drowsy; still, bet ween you and me, someth~ng with- J. M. Brimacombe, l,R.C.D.S. r A881Sl'ED BY G. D LOCKHART, L. R. C. D. S Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinder~ ~ Manufactures oll OALL AN:P SEB F()B TOUll~fELVE~~ A.ND .. BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU , E~amiRe --o-- FEED MILLS. \VOOD A.NP lEON e stock, ·~vhich co1uvr~es everything in the, of the very latest a.i1d 1nost eleg ~:n. _fltyles nnd patterns, of Eng1ish, Canadian, and _i\.merici~n ma.n.ufacture. FEES MODERATE. [. Bown1anvillc. Dec. 1:{71 J. Anothe1· cat load of the above nobl~ articles on the 'vay. Please call at the WORKING MACRINER£ Jle ~t~ll continue.a to m~ufactll-r~ to ord~r. from the best of 1naterial, and fl(n~ but first-class 'v.orlr.i;nen. kept. ::::;- Q-- --o-- NBPD'EL'S Orders Promptly Executed, and Good · Fits Guaranteed ~ ha,s in stook an endless variety of T.18i~ies' and Gent.s' SaratOga Trun~s, VL~lWets, &cu in tells me, ibat the whole wischief resulted Jro1n our going into tbc refreshment room, to have i A DUOP TO KEEP 'l 'llE COLD OU'!'.' B 0 \V MAN VI LL E OFFICE over McGLU'NG'S Ston. Farm Implement Forwarding ,Agency 11-tf. R. W. JAMES, l(iug S~n J~owrnanYille. Rowruanville 1 Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. which he is selling cheap for cash. ~o- " &ill of A Parson Well-Balan,ed. ·.\..Scotch Minister knew how to ~g. After a. ha.rd day's labor, and while at. denner tea.,' a.e he c::i.lltd it he kept praising 'tho hn.a.m,' and 11tating · tho.t bj-s wife at \l.'a.s as fond 0 1 haa.m like tha.t as he ~AiS,' when the mistress kind1y offereci to send ber the p1e~ent of a ham. ·It ki ' I s uncou n o' yo, -uncou kin'. but J'll no pit '1· to tbe trouble; I'll jU11t tak it on the horse afore me.' 'Vhen he Ieft.1 be mount. 'ed, and the ham wee put into a sack, bnt there '«·as trouble in getting it to lie properh·. :But hie inventive jienus soon settle-I it. 'I tbh1 k, lnistress, a cheese , in the . other .en' wl\d . ma.1<· a gran lir..1a11ce. The b1nt was immediately n.cterl on, 11ud he trol tt>rl off cvntent.-dly. wiib hi1 trne-. oWing to the curve b1.;ing "ery short · dangerou~ all the drivers are instructeJ. that when they come within a mile or so, they are to shut off the steam and put. on the break, so that the rounding of the curve may not be done at a . greater. speed~ tbna four miles an hour; should they go faster the <lBnger "-'Ouli'l be, t.hat poB.:;ibly the whole train ruigbt be upset. The nlan whose duty it "°·as to be at the and GENIUS. It ib often fo1iud that a tine genius has but a weak Ipt!mory, for where the r,,eniqs 1a IJrigbt and the in1aginntion vivid, the po"rer of_memory o1ay Le too much neglected, n.nd lose it~ irn pruvement. An uctive.., fancy readily wanders O"t·r a. multitude of objects, and is contjnually ent.e"rtaniiurs itself with new flying images j it rllns through a nutnber uf new scenes, ~r new i:t"ges, but with· Double Turbine Water Wheels, /l;Pd Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. M. TRELEVEN. Bowman ville, !1-'Iay 13.1874. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks ----~--------~~- box to take charge of the signals arid points, was a.this plU:t wa1 ' t1 'ng for the ·up evpre"s' out due;i.ttention, anJ. seldom euffers it.F.elf the cold out,' and""' preS:ntly he Ml-\' ~n the ilistanc8 a light : this warned hinl that the train was corning, so he prepaied for· ~Ii~ work to lie done. He was $Otne\vhat flllrrjsitd drh·1::r had IJ<·t wbh.11. rl · P ' .t~ 1 1uied on i..J1e I he !ill~ht 10 11 ·\l'"t> iCl.o nt.' 1:>0 lie t 1_ t 1ed lL-ht tn eatch hi:- ttl"tt·. 1 il1P1J1 but· PR to paso, previous to tel<in$ bis tea 'to keep to dwell long enough upon any one of them to make any hnprtssion thereof tt.pon the 1njn.Q., and com1nit it to lasting !e. .one plaiu and 'Jlivious r{ia.· son why thel'e ar~ COQi. e ~c:.r~o!!-a of very t)rJg · ht pn.r t 11 a11<.l active · sp1r1 · · 1jo w b o l111¥e Iiu~ I i:;h ;,:.i tt i.nd narrow 110WL~ra of 1·t~1n~·.n1 h-rnn<!e, fur. h».vin~ dc.11l:'S ul tL~ir ov.-11 tLcy are 11ot i ;E1ulH;1~uus t.u bo_.rrow. "Jo' .,,_ 1:1 I I TI!\iE MO~EY aud LABOlt saved! ·French most ~ver ia}'ente,d. 'l'h~y used . ~ ILildre.commended by many of thf b.eetBreeders Oil rlhis ]french Oil Polish is prein the United States and Cana.da.J such as G. B. pared ~or C;:i,rriages, Buggies, llarness, Boote Loring.). Salem, Mass., President l"1ew England and Shoes, a.pd all k~nQ.s o! Leather. lt will Wool urvwers' Society; Johns. Rosa, Henne- give any article of Leather, a Ql.Ost brilli~nt pin, 111 ; Professor 11. lt-files, of the State· Ag· pee.rancti, a1}d at the BaQ:l& time, from it& .oi y riculturaJ. College, !Ja.n.sing, J\iiicb. i Hon. Geo. properties, tends much to prt>sen.'e it, it will ~..l· Brown, 'l'oronto, Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, 'vays be moist and pliant ; a.nd ina.y be exposed On each :b-fark ia stamped the owner's t(I water and 'vaahed, and will not lose its brilli· Ont. name and the Sheep's number. They will be a~ c e, an d it is ~dot to bhc feabred that a.nydCf1:1St sent j?Y.e, by mail, or express, for only four cents "\VI11 sett1e o~ sa1 iLeat er w en prt>serve ~·.1th each, and will last for IWBNTY Yf:AH.& t~e 8:bove Oil. , For. the woodwo_rk of Buggies, ~ Cuih must a rd Carnages, and ] tu·mtun: , there is not a better ccomuanv n.11 o ers . a.rtiole in use. Manufactured by A. SIMON & ARCII-IB..A.J,,D YOUNG, J.I-:., Co., Tanners and Cul'l'iers, forrotlrly vf France, Sat"n1a, Ont. now of r hiladelphia, I'a .. Instru ctions ~Shak ..: 01·cte1·~ a~dressed to the !UERC~N'I' ai:d On·1 ?ot.tlf.!. A few drOJ1!3 on a pi·~{:e of sponge.apply -'?~l<.VEH Of!H.:ei. fo . >any. q11.8i.J1t1ty, w1l.l be f1lled .1tt it . hµ-htlvto th.e leathfl r, and you will obtain the th ~ 1-l-hP?~ -~cp.~1oned pr1ue, as qu1ok ly M he fitlestlustre. Price 75ct1:1. per hottle,Ol" $7.50 per I\1ark~ aan he' IDllile- -l!.J?..d ~ ~ ~ t. . dozun. .fOHN S11:ALE, SoltJ Agt!nt, Row- T the most la.sti;ng, t}fe le:!l.;;t troublerome, and complete a.r"' HESE MARKS ARR THE CHEAPEST, SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. Ca.stings of all done on t.he ~inds REPAIRS SHOE TEST 0 TO THE '\VALTER WIGG & SON 1 him '"ith a call~ Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our est abhshn1ej1t. Pictures, Looking Glassel!, etc. " f ramed to ordw, at)d in every style. Sa,mpl~s of the different kind of ~1ouldjt; s:ian be !Jeep. a.t' the \V&r~;rooru. We ~ould also beg to ~n.form you, t~a~9 hn.t ing }Jurchased a. . 1 al'" i;-orr,:cc:m, N returning thanks to their numerous customers aud the public ~rally, for pu.~t fa.vors, I would respectfully invite their -attention to our presept stock of furniture, as we have latefy . added thereto, 't hat we may thereby be cna.bled to su.ppfy all parties -..vho "µlay pleasu to favor \Ve 110~"' on hapd a. large quahtity of Common and Gang Plows, t.ha,t wi1\ be S:)ld at SPLEND!D N:eW HEAESE1 wi: shall be ready at a. 11 times to atten<l funerals, pn short notii;e ttncl re~onj)bl p terw s: LOW PRICES tf. N. B .-- Cotfina kept on band a;nd to order, at tbfj NEW D01lfINJON RETAIL FURNITUHE WARE-ROOlif. hawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. 0. 13 .4- ~E ~t , Bow:manvill·.Dec. Wtb.J.811, !PP ~y . m~nville. ' ·,r~1;y1§,th, isr1; AT THE SHOP. Bowman ville, .l\1arch 6 1873. King Street East, Oshawa· 41-mos.

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