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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Jul 1875, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY JULY v, 1S75 POETRY. The D1gmty of Labor 'L1hoae who toil to earn their bread, N ecd not blush to own their lot , 'fhcy 1n noble footsteps trea.d1 And.~ cla.1m to hire have got Tull i..~ not the '\ :i.go of SUl, l!--,01 in J~<len work was gob en, ~ "Th-L~11 v;i\JS made to work and win Spoil of ea1 th and bhs" of hel\' en FARM AND KITCHEN. II1s graces unto you.' Then aJdressing h1n1self to tLe congregation, he Ea1U, 1 \Vas The Smoking and Keeping of Smoked not your charge unto me, and do ye not apMeat prove this vocation 1' They all answered, 'l he folll)wmg sugg-estlons among those inade by Profossot· Nessler in regard to the preservation of inea.t : The keeping qualities of smoked 1neat do nut depend upon the amount of smoking, but upon the uniform and 'Proper drying of the meo.t Smoke of 1h1gh tempera-tun' arid lnoIBture, and the condensation of wa.te1 u11on the mcn.t, are all injurious in smol'"ing tneat. With bot dry smoke, the surface u1 dned too rapidly , a crust filled with cracks 1s form,,d, and the fat may l?Mtially liquify, and thti drying- of the interior of the meat be lnndered. Bacon is often met 1v1th that 15 brown to the depth of an inch, or even mort.i, simply because ?t was too warm, or at t11ncs moist {sweat), either during the smoking or the subsequent stoung. It 18 doubtless of cou81dert1.b1c a<lvantage to roll the meat, on its ien1oval from tho salt, iodoro smoking, tn snw· dust or bran, or to strew it with them, since the crust formed lll timok111g '\ 111 not be so thick, and if moHture condenires upon the meat (sweat. 1ng) it rem111ns in the bran or sawdust, and the bro\\ n coloring matter of the smoke <locs not pen etrate the meat. 'Vinmth, of itself, ia not regarded as inJurious to ~rooked meat if mois ture 1s absent and the au- lB not too confined. In Gteece, ineat 113 p1 ese llcd in the of trees, 1u ~n,\ce ra.ther than in cellars, although the latter aro much cooler, because they are at the tnnc much cheaper. If a cellar is not very dry, smoked meat will "\iery soou mol<l 1n 1t, even lf covered \\1th sn.wdust, a1'hes, charcoal, etc For the pres er'\ nt1on of smokod meat, a wnrm room is a1so preferable to enclosures hab]e to great vanatwns in te1upetatu1e1 since in the latter, moisture is apt to condense upon it. l3y far tho bm1t place, in most cases, for keepmg smoked meat, 111 a su1t.ible 8IT10ke·house, ill which it re1nruns dry without drying out enti1ely 1 ns 1t docs wh~n hung in a clumney H e whQ at the anvil stands, St11k1ng- wh1le the iron glows, rhQug-h he work~ w1th horny handi'!, Kobly 1>t11kes the r1ng1ng lJlows. At tho loom, and in the fiel<l, In the shop and on the r:m1l, Where men wisely power wield- 'It w~ls, aud \VO approve 1t, '0Yerw11elme<l by tlus unexpected nnd solernn charge, Kncx, after an ineffectual atten1pt to address the andience, lJtust iuto tears, ru.:ihed out of the a52enibly, and shut himself up in lus cha1nber. His countenance and behav10r that uuy, and till the day he was corupt:lled to present b11nsc lf in the public plucc of preacL1ng, dtd suff1c1ently declare the gmfund trouble of bis heart; 1 .s. SPRING! laS6is.I 1875 ! REMOVAL. wi~heo to 11 ft1rm ·]us numerous friends and cus twm. .:rs th fl.. t hf! ha:-1 l emoved to ANDERSON & (Jo. Beg to announce to the 1£lectors of VV est Durham and surr0un l111g fcountry , trhat the} \\ill ~ell their unmense TREWIN, OSHAVVA is nuw sho\~ing full lines oi S. MASON BUCKLER'S OLD STAND ~TOCJK OF _f-{ QOTS & SHOES, 11 hu1 e lrn \\ill bu f 01 n d \\1th the ruost com et e a ,,~orLucnt uf At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. NEW SPltlNG GOODS, in eve1y department, ptudiased under ve1y favo1,cble cncurnstances, and io determined to sell at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. Harness, Whip:,, Trunks, &c. u1 iiE:rfco;t~i~ii~: 35~;;SC/nl~a1f"~~~:~~~,~~ 000 pis ..i11ws68 Pebal a11(l B~1J..1 Balnwrals. at 1 50, per p(t11, fr·i U.A Sf:l 01'\tLY. 1000 Pam Women's, Jliiws' and Child's Felt Boot,, the illwfo lo be sol<l/01 CA SH ON LY for no man saw any s 1gn at 1u1rth ftorn bun for many days togelbe1 ' The Brightest Store Lamp, BY T. DE \\'ITT ['.AL}1~GE Therc is chrrnty in toil Tic who wo1 ks with throbb1ug- Li inn Tl11nks to teach men how to hvc 1 Dress Dress M1"ll1" r.!..00.:! e \iil'" and Costumes, comprising a very La1ge Variety I.I.IOI of NEWl!:ST and FINEST F.1brics by Skilful and obliging - - - ---- --------- - - - l>lu~1.1:·e ct\1l l"l,~wl<ler's old sta.n<l 011e door of ~fa.yn:\nl's Hotel .l3owm<}onv11le, Sop 1st 1873 town --o--Cn.ll early >tnd secme yo111 Winte1 Supply, wli ile the 1ush "goi11g on at "l\JI" .!.Yolaw l!lk1"n~ done to 01der g Ihan,tgemcnt. \\'nte s, thnt otl'ters good may smu, Spco..ks, to truth fresh icst to giv<'" Ile cmn clai1n the 1nai1ly right \V1th th<> sons of toil to Btand, Ile ~V:1serts h is menta.1 nght, ECclps to hleHs his na.tiv-:: land }-lf-' 'd in h"e" a 11'e ef ease, \\ Mtiug- u.U l.u s clay· Aim1ag ouly self to please, }" \]Jed with pride and court1ngprtLise, Call him nut n. noble man, Such exh!tence 18 a. shame , And whon ends his bfo's blank span, Soon will dic his en1pty name Labor bungi:! reward and r est, Educates the latent poweis , And he serves his age the best Vlho employs his golden hours , Vilork1ng not beyoncl his mi~ht, Toiling not against his "Jl, Aud beneath h"s ~!aster's sigh t Glad his mrnsion to fulfi l. All things labor for our good He \\ho muc le us ne'> er sleep.i , He "~ho tills the gromul fur food, :Fur }us pains a harve;st r!.i:-lps None who wotk need fet-1 asha.·wll1 As they do whAit good they can , 'Tu~ an honor to be named, As we toil, " a working 1n::i,11 " ne~r An unusually attiacti ve displ.ty, this SCllliOll, en1The Bible is the best store l<11np. Illessecl "'.J 'brncing L'1test Novelties in F1ench, Bnghsh, and is the merchant who under 1ts g1ow reads hl'~ ledger, and transacts his bUl:lLtless, and American Hats, Bonnets ttnd Trimmings pockets h1s gains, and 5Ufft:!rs h1s losses. It may be well to have a fine sky-light, to hove Special attention to getting up 01 dc1·s Joo· \ a magn1fic1enJ glassed show-wind ow, by lJ'AJJflLY .~fO UllNING night to have bronzed brackets spouting fire ·---~in a very palace of 1nerchandise i but 11 yon D... A very l"rgu stock to select have not this eternal lamp you hacl better "l\ R'~ntles .l.Y.&.w ""' w W hJ· fi Oln, of cloth, ca.slirnero, stlk ' J quit keeping store. " ' hat is the iea.~011 so tnany v-. ho started 111 1ut::rcbaut.hl:le, WI th 3ood velvet, l1nd l,1ce goods, of Lttest styles, very elegant, (or matle to 01dcr) principles, untl larrprospects, nnU hol,'lorable Embuicing every descuption of fab1ics, to meet the 111tentlons, ha\c lJccomc gan~blers .tnd dt!~ wants of our nume1ous customers frauders and kuav:es and de."=pcr11docs and liars and thieves I They did not have the TEl~M,S--I~l~AL nght kmd of· store lamp . Wby 1s 1t, rn our day, inerchand1se 1a auntten 'with uncerOshaw,1, Ap1 il, 1875. tainty, and thrf'e·fouiths of the business of our great c1t1es ts only one huge species of gambling, an'1. Rociety is np~urne<l by false assignments, and l wo tl11rd acts, and repudt~ ahons, nnd 1n1per1lleJ trust-funds, u.ud PO'I"l'RP Ox rroNGUE - Boil tf;lnder au till· frauduh. nt certLhc1tes of stock, ancl \\ilJ l\intual Life Assurance Society smoked tongue of good flavor, and the foUowmg schcmr.s in ra1lronrls w1tl1ont any track, aud dl't) cut from it the quanhty desired for potES'l'A BLISHND 1810. banks without any capital, aud cities '\Vlth· t1ng, 01· take for this purpose thti remains of on~ llowmanv1Ile, J)ec 10th, 187 l ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot & Sh~e '.:ll:m.1>0Fi u:tD.. ---- E.1.ephant House IIE UNDEHSIGNED in retunung tluml... T to hii! m any fntndsa.nd pubbc generally for the hberal patronage e:>;.tended to hLDl durs THE the shl!l'"'l"le! Sta,ples, fron1 ancl a{ter thti 15th Septe1nbc1, he \\1ll carry on the business, but more ex.bmsively \l ndcrthc n·moanu stylo of Jomi MoLEoD & Co Pro111pt l1ayincnt of a.ll accounts 18 r('ndered nn!lcratne by this business arrangement, and al pe1.,;ons indebted "ill plf;l.a.<io notwe aind govein tbemaelvea accordingly. w~thepaet1s years beg· to ·nnom1ce that JOHN McLEOD. LIB Support and H ----o--HLibe1·al Patronage E Jou~ lform1~ ;~~;~t~t~h; E Great Seduction, in cxtondcd w d,wl t.~k c~ this opportur11ty of TJohn McLeod & Co T Important Announcement ! would ·ohmt tho e>me Bo\\ 1na1nille, Sept en1ber 4th, 1873. . tn J chn McLeod, 111 hMe Crumbs for Chickens. 80 you hain't ne~e-r beard The na1 iest word Of lnra they n1oked Ben, Irn~cription on a fence in II::i rd\\ich, !\-Io ' J\fo budd} hii.:h no hoRses 2 this £ens '. A <larkey called .~t Owensboro', J{y , the othe1 day. and wanted to kuov.. 'Does 1hs postor fis k r.ep stamped antelope~" Illinois wo1nen are so near si:;htld that they c.,in 't tell the11 h usbands £1 on1 a mule when ten In so1ne case1::1 a &trong sighted feet ,nvay, woman cant tell t.lrn d1fferenl."e ·· '\Nhat muko you look so glum, Tom 'I' ' Oh, I had to enrlure a sad trrn.l to my feehngs.' Vi'hAt on earth '"o.s it " · 'Vl1y, I had to tie 011 n prett)l gu l \; bonnet wttl1 her mothe1 look 1ng on 1Toln1es 1cmnrks on the ~ondciful p10\1s1ons of ua.tue He says tbei e 1a not 1:1vc n left a 11, 0 lO\'i crence under ,i flat rock °\\'1thont a tlnn bl uck bug prepared by I>rovidcncc to fill it It rn t he same \\.ay when vRcnnc1e~ occur In offi cial poq1tions Lo\e - Young Bridl" ',V,u; she hnt own darling duckums ' ' ~eH, she was hie ownty donty dar]mg duckumb' Fx1t olrl ll!fl.l uell mnn, enragPd nn<l disgusted A Tcn111;1:1see 1 nan who eet out t J be a o:n ,};e· t:hflnDer, s;o that he 11Hgllt tiavd \·1 th n c,1cnr; :ind view the land, was (allcd upon to i1clo 111 a l1f'f'L1Se ~oon after p1clnng uv }bs brst Jnttk· 1 " il n.i.l~e. · fl lgh tb of a teaspoonful of c.rearn of Tn.rtar ; boil until by tryuig in culd water it will form a hard lM..11 "rhen pour on n. greased tin or alab 0I1ua1ble. As it cools, "pull" between tho hands or with ahook 1 unt1l very light and white "\"1lile " pullil1g-1" flaivor Wlth extr.act of lemon 1L.' 01 .., anilla Let it stand in .~ warm place for a 'S1r,'said a httle blu.stering rnnn to a 1tiligiom1 /e\\' hours unt1l 1t gra1ns. c ppouent, ·to wha.t sect <l.o you c:uppose I be· k1ng"I' 'Well, I dc11't exactly J.nov.,' replied 'I 0 l!AK.lil 'TRACING r Al'ER. -1{.ub the paper ]1is opponent, 'but to J\H.lge from;,. our size and w1th a. mixture of equaJ parts of oil of turpenap1Jearance and con1:ltant buzzing, I should tine and nut o;i_, and dry it immediately by t b1nlt you belougcd to the dass generally called 1ubb1ng 1t \nth wheat flour. Then hang it on a. line for twenty four hours. If '\Vashed O\ er 1nsect.' ·Yes, you may come again 11ext Sunday with oxgall, nnd dried, it will ndtrut of lxi1ng eH~lHng, Horace, deo.i,but "-and she hesitated. '\vntten on with ink ; or water-colors may be 'What rn iti da.rlmg ? Have I g1vl:'n you pain?' uaed 'Plt·a8fl, SU',' B<tld 11 Lr:iy, wil11 two bottles, to 1occr '1not11 er '\~ante a cent's \\orth of ~oui bc~t ye~st ' "Ve11, \duch bottle "ill ~ou b~we1t in?' ·Please, sir, she wants1t1n both, ... 11(1 ,,on't you put cn1ks in 'em, and send 'em l·ome, as l'm going t'ol1lCr wa.y, and mother E.:ays .:c li e lu1i111 1t gut no cent bnt you must cha.rge 1 wlnch has been already seryt:>d at table. 'l'ri1n out auy houses, and joint stock cornpanies off the slun and riull, we1gh the meat, m1nce it without any conscience 1 And wby ten very small, then pound tt as fine as poBSlble thousand of our business men ridden w1tb a with four ounces of butter to each pouncl of n1ghtma1e enough to crush l-Iercnles and to11e""Ue 1 a small teaspoonful of mace, half as P1oroetheus 7 It is the waut of a r11-{llt klnd ruucb of nutmeg and cloves, and a tolerably of a stoie lamp 'iVLat rumcd the m"rchant h igh seasoning of cayenne. After the ~p1ces princes of Tyre, that great city of f~ltrs a.ntl are well beaten " ith the meat~ tasto 1t, and add rno1e if re.quued. A few ounces of any well bazaars and paloces , her vessds of trncle roasted meat mixed with the tongue w1ll gh·e it with ced,1r n1ast,s and c1n l1ro1Jer1,;d ea1le: al1ll firmness. The breast of tnrkeys, fowls, par- ivory liencbc"-, drnen l1y fierce hlasts on trn]~es, 01 pheasants may be lused for the pur- Nouthern wat' r.i, and thcH clroppni~ dow11 vose with good effect.. 011 glassy Indi an t<l!fiS, hnn g1ng \"\Ine fr.Jin Helh1Jn, at1<l cha11ot cloths frorn DcJ tu, and '; VASllING Po\\ DERl:). - 'l'he paSlB of all wash· gold antl spices from Jtrnab, and e1nerald i1Jg powders is the soda of commerce,bleuded \\Jth a common Scotch soda in variable pro· and ag::ite f:r;orn 8\ ri 1, h I waterg foa1n1ng l)Ortions The bzst of them consist chicfly of with 111nu1neru\Jle kec1is, her ~tore bvuscR the for1ner article. '!'he a.lkahne n1atter is 1e Lu1s11ug \\lth th e t1<asurcs ot nll nitl1onsd uctd to coarae powder, ~d stured up with that lplcll of e1t1 efl, 1J '1 a. thro 11 e of ivory l1qu1d size, or with a decoction of linseed, Iri~h and eUou: 1uith r a cro" n of gold £.nd pearl moss,01 Britu;h gum. It ir; then dried, or again and <l1 :t.rt1u11il 1J1tl c.a111'1ncll aod chrysoprase 7 crui:;hed and po,.,dered, and at once put 1nto ])ack !{;CR, into which it 1s rruuroed tight and Tbe want ol · righ t krntl ol store lamp. II' coveted up Immtiild1ately. Really good SJda the prrnc1plrn of re1Ig10n had ruled in her can Le bougl1t nt n. penny a pound, and tins lH tracl0, do you ~uppose that dry 1ot \\ouhl only re<)_1ured· to be rendered partly caustic, have s unk the shtpfl, aud that' e1nun would -.... 1th a httle quick-lime, in order to make an have eaten up her robes, and that GoJ.'s excdlent w ~Li:ibmg P'i,wder rntlls would ground up thl! agate, and Ct:nn.;:a TT AMS AND :BACON. - In curing Lanl.9 that fi shern1en would dry tllt:1r nets on the and ha.con it will be found advantageous to use rocks wl:pch once '\Vere a qn a ke \'11th the the same qu;:u.tLty of common aoCa. n.a of salt- roar and tread of a great rnetropolis 1 O, petre- one ounce and a half of each to f"urteen what Lhroned have fallen, what rnonutnents poundt1 of ham or a piece of bacon, u s1n~ the have crnrnblcd, '\hat lleets have sunk, \\bat usual ri_1111nt1ty of sa.It The soda.prevents that stntues have ueen defaced, what barlians1ns ha.11.lncss in the lt>lln of the bacon wl1icb lS so have been crcutelli , .. hat c1 v1l1zation retarded, oft~n found, and kebJlS it quito mellow all through, besides be1ng .a pruventn e of rancHhty. what nat1ous damned, a1l for want of the 'l'hIB receit t has been very extonai' ely tried for right lnnd of a store larnp ~!t!D of bus1uce:s ! hf teen years, and invariably app10 .. ed of your Bibles with you to-morrow morning Place them in your store or shop. Do CREA)[ C~UiDY.-Take about three pounds o~ '\h1te s11gar j add one pint of "ater, and o.n not be asbarned 1f anyh~y at noon sees you CL'l".AD\. ClHIHI' o~.1:u HM, 'l'HJ~ Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. -oo--- ' Dry Goods! 13L, flT JAMES STREET, MONTREAL DlllE01'0RS VVAL'l'EH S11ANL'i, OLD SYSTEM, .ni<l \\ 111 conduct then crecht bnsi Ill:ll.!13 ,la follows · Dul'ioAW 1fACIJONALD, E sq, 1'11 P., Chrurtnnan, l!:sq C B .· St. HAMILTON, l\L\.JO"R 'I' E CAMl'.B1':LJ,, THE HoNOHARLE Jo1rn burr., Ont Hilaire lin"ke. RlcSIDENT SECRFT-1.RY. - :Trn·· GRA.r S P ECI A L FEA T U RES. The J~.'Hlll!!l PJJ.Ol~ll'S belong t o d1vid e<l amongst the Polii.;1 1hokle1s. LIVES, DECLTNi IJ BY OTH)i)U. Co111rA.NlES, or on w hicb an extra, P1·, would be requ1red, can be assured nt the ordinal"y rates of this Society, under a 3pecial ariangemcnt S.P~CIAL NoN-FOFElTABLE POLIOIES issued unde1 which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay menta are required, each i1ayment securmg Policy for a sum assured ptoport1ouate to the nt11nbe1 of premiums 1 and free from, futur -vaym..ent of preiMums. 1.'IODERATE PREYIUMS and moat liberal c0n~ d1trnns. Prospectuses,Proposal Fom1s, &c., supplied on application at the Head Uffice, or any of the Agencies. JAMES GRANT, Res. Secietary. Presi:!nt the following tesLnnonrnJs fJ om v;n1 J)etent Judges of 01gan:i. 'l' eflhmonrn.l fro John Ca.nudge, :&tfns Doc., Canluar, Eug-la.ndt Bow1ua1nille, 24th D ec 1 187" To the .Vanage?s . Donunwn 01gan Go GE~ILE::'iU.N .-I like to play on your O<gans t<> .e is so isweet and stead). And the w01kma.08ll1p an d finu;h exceUent, an<l in every particular they ate eqnRl, 1f iiot supei 10r, to any I have tiver heard lloplDJ' they v.111 rueet pubhc n;pprec1a.t10n p H A l)ominion Oro-an Co'v BOW MANVILLE N TH 1'.l JOHN CAMilJGE ELONG- C~EDI'l'S, L E MURD~UB L E E ALL ACCOUNTS wJU be BROS. COST! RENDERED on the p 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September eac~ 1H A N Having decided to make a clmnge in their busmcss, are now selling for CASH thei1 large and well assorted 1Stock oi Dry Goods, Millme1 y , Clothing, Ctockery :tnd Gluss wllle, 1 AT AND BELOW Jn cind every year. T In the case ot i,fa.nufactnrers, Me1Jhan1cs, and other.;\, whose accounts mny amount to $50 00 or over, their note,Lf agreed upon,w11l be taken payablo at thE> Bank for a stated period. T The Stock having been pmchased in the BEST MARKETS, buye1s can depend on getting J.lfORE .AND BE'l'1'ER GOODS JJ'OR 1.'HEill M01YEY at this E~tablshrnent than in any other house in tho country. 'rl:-IE Cash Purchasers A:ND AG!rnT FOR BOWMANVILJ, E, C.BARKER, " Observet Office," Kmg St. 23 ly Bowmanville, Juno 24th, 1870. Imperial Fire Insurance Oo OF LONDON (llotabhshed 1803. lI.EAn OFFICES.-1 Old 13road Pall ll!all, Loudon. G.ENBTI..4L crament !\..GE?> Cl 1 readrng the Scnptuies. It Is safe always to do busmess by ite teachings. There was a young man in a store tn Boston, sta nding \lehrnd the counter, sell mg goods A gentle1nan in, and asked for some M.11.ldlesex cloths. 'O,' s.1.ld the youn~ 01an, 'we haven't uny Middlesex cloth., but here is somethrngJust as good.' 'No,' replied the gentleman, 1 I don't \\ant the1n ;' a.11d be passed out. The head man o! the firm down to the young man, anll 1:>a.1d , 'What <lid that mun want 1' 'He wanted Mid<llese.< cloths,' replied the young mun ' Why didn't you tell him they were M1tl- St., aud 24 St \C FOB :&fo11tre .i1. CA.i."'CAll.A ·- R ead the follow mg- fi:om l~us,i D'.ErJU[l. J3owiuauv1lle, D ccembe1 22, 1873, 'l.'o the llfanagets of the Dominion 01gan Co. Gl!lNTLEME?o~. -1 have much plea..<iure 111 t es fy1ng to the excellent quahtieti of the Org supplied by you at my ccneert last Snturdn evening The tone IS sweet ar:.J. '\ery powcif ru1d the comb1na.t1on of stops inost aclrouab I am sure your mstrurnents will fiud f~voi· Chu1ches, a.a tht.!y arc s1ngulally adapted fo sac1ed n1us1c '\'.V1sbing yon eve1y success, and that the public m~y P<~tron.LZe native n 1 anufo.oture I rcmrrin Gentlemen, V ei:y n~spt ctfully, H will get goods n.t prices cut l! "'"' IN !!:, as our great aiw will be I to court this of trade Prompt Payers on credits short 0 U Well Assorted !U Ohristmcis Goods, Rctisens·, Oitrra1its, AKD Stock Large H 0 THE Call Ea1·ly, and seciire Bargain:;, as the whole Stock must be ootd at once, for CASH ONLY. GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest supply of ROSA D'ERINA. Subscribed and mvested Cap.tal n.nd J~e s e1 F1lnd. £1,%5.000 Sterling. Funds invested in Canada- 105,000, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. Pre1ndent. Manag-er Bo,\manville. January 15, 1874. bp u:3 m16. A. M. DAJtLllY S E Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box A ciplcudtd V:;\noty of STOVES, fot wood or coal JOHN McLEOD & CO. S~ntcmber4thl 87ij E s gars, Peels, etc.,, etc., at all P1·ices. no.vnv\ UVillt:J , MURDOCH BROS . Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 In.aurancea againr:rt loss by Fire are effeuc;ed on most fnvorable terms, and loases paid with out re.terence to the Board in London. ALWAYS ctET J DODSV. ORTH, Inspector. RINTOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, 1'-:fontren. FIRST-CLASS. W. BELL & Co's. Just Arrived at the !l.. R, LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanvillc and Vicinity. Bowum.nv1lle, June 4th. 1860 36 m o.43-39.4v;- dlesex cloths 11 ' Because th ey \Ye1e not, be .lsl:cd, ns r).,e still reromned silent 'You air . 1 ' ThE..n you can take your hat, and STX\11EDw11..:r.ER CRESSES -Wat('r creBsesara <lHln't rofC:.111 to, I'm sure,' i;bc reciponded, ' but leave.' rrbe young man took hlll hat, and next time i1lcaE:ie dou't wear one ofihose collnrs very delicious stewed. 'Ihey should be !)laced left. I-le "ent into merchandise in C1nmn"ith the points tnnitng oubHu iJ, they sorr1iteh in strong salt and water to free them frollJ in· sccta,after v.:hich they should be carefully pick· naL1, "W cnt on up till he beca1ue a n1erchant 80 c d o'er, the water drauied off, and then put prince, and not n1ore ennnent !or wealth A l hJ sicrnu 11~ n, co\u1try to" n 111 l\.1as into a. ste\1ipan with a lump of butter and a ht· than for piety. God "ill never let a young EacLu"c tto:, \\ho had bctn annoyed by numer· tle salt and peppet ; a. few minutes will isuffice man suffer tor doing right. Full J 1..1.st1ce ous quc5t1011s concern1ng the condition of a to render the cress quite tender A little vine· may not be done hun in this woild; but in rut 1ent, tta6 f:'t.opped \\ lnlc on Jns lnrny rounds gar may be added Jtust before iservJng, but this the last day, before an assembled univerae, hv n. rn.:in "1th tlrn old qnf'.!tion 'How's inust be according to taste. it will be found out whether or not they ]If - - ~· ' Sick,'i l"phed the physicni.n. 'D ocs he ke1 p lus bed ?' 'Of conrse he does, you were M tddlesex cloths. S1RAWB.ERln' SHORI CAKE. -With one quart (1 1 u't ~upposc he's fool enough to t>dl Ins bed o( 1:1£ted flout mix thoroughly two tea.spoonfula Every Man m his Own Fashion. bec.t,1H1 h4/s s1cki do JOll ?' of cream tartar and one of soda, or t11e equ1va· j Prize Medal Organs James pany. F .t\.SBION BOUSE ';1, McFeeters. AGENT $150,000 depuatt<ld \Vhich in 1873, .~t the P1ovlt1Ctl l l· u1, beat every .L\merican and Cnno.drn.u Otgan, talang the }1,IItST PltlZlD Also the refJO\, nod <:jpk:ncl1d assortment of F'or the followmg Insurance Compnnitis, and other Inst1tut10ns, "\iZ ; The QUEEN Fire and Life Inaurn.nce Com- NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of Capital£2,000,000. HALLETT & DAVIS PIA N0 [i;u,ton ] 'Vhu:h had t ak ci:. A BICiIS R1JRH I ! with the Domin1011 Government, for the -protec ders 1n Oanada. REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & now U \g' IO g' ...t lH\.ny of Canadi:>. Ca.pita.l 500'000 , -~0ne of the best and t:hea.pest Compa.rnes doing business in thn l)om1n10n, for Farmers and Isolated Risks The ISOLATED lUSK Fire Insurance Com JJ'orty-nine JJ'wst Prcmi urns -~-o -- AJso ,:i. large stock of lent of these 111 balung powder ; rub in a bit of butter the sizf' of an egg, a little salt,and S\\ eet nulk enough to form a soft dough ; roll half an inch tlnck and bake in a shallow pan 15 or 20 ID'!luter:i , ha"\ie ready two quarts of fine, fresh etnnv berries ; spltt the ca.kc, put half the strnwberries between and cO\·e1 thickly with white sugar and creum, put the other ha.If on the top and cover in the same way, sen c a.s · 'Ihey tell a tough story about a new ba.g- soon as done. s,agc nian on oue of our local t1 a1ns/ ea.ya the Los Angeles Star. He \\as told to pile up the John Knox's Call. trunks in a baggage car, and be sure to haug John ICnox's call to the mici.stry is thus the thecKs an the outB.lde. The literal 1nu1ded jOuth piled up the trunke,and then tiiukoffthe related by McCne . 'Theso persons were cbeeks, '\nth the leather straps a.tta<:hed, and so pleased with Knox"- talents and his manhung the1n U}lOn the o~ts1de of the ca1 The ller of teochrng pupils that they u rged him baggage master rtt the depot was duven nea1 ly strongly to preach in pu!Jlw, and to become frantic by the passengers per the Orizaba. at· colleague to Rough But he resisted all tempting to ldentify their boxcfl. their r::ohc1tat1ona 1 assjguing as Ins reason nur1ng a. class meetmg held by the I\-ietlwd1flt that he did not consider himself as having brethren of a Southern village, Brother Jones a call to this emploJ ment, and be would went amon~ the colored l)Ortion of the cong:re· They did not, gat lon. 1' JJ'lding there a man nutonous fur lns not \le gmlty of mtrus10n. endeavor to serve God on the Sabbath and Satan however, desist from their purpose; but, t.hc rest of the week, he said. 'Well brother having con1:1ultcil \v1th their brethren, c111nc Dwk, I am glad to see you here li<n n't stolen to 11 resolution, w1thout hie knowledge, that ullj Turkeys 1:11nce I saw you last,Brothcr Dick?· a call should be pu \lllcly g1 veu him, in th< 'No, no, Brother .Jones; no turkeys ' ·Nor n111ne of the whole, to become one of their chicl~ens, Tirother Dick" ' No, no. J3rother ,Jones , no ch ickens i 1 "rhank tbe Lord, Bro: 1n1n1sters' Accordmgly, on a day fi.ed fo1 the put· tl1er Dick! '!'hat's doing wE:ll, my b1uthe1 ' pose, Rough preached a sermon on the elecsaiU Biother Joncs, lt'onrng Brother Dick, whu tioµ of n1iniste1s., tn '\Vlnch be dedared th e 1ruineihatnly relieved }us overburdene".l consci ence Ly sa.y1nl! to a nea.1 neighbor, with an power "hrnh any congregation, however immense s1gh of rehef, ' If he'd sa1rl ducks,he'd small, h .ld over any one u, whom they per· 'a 'ad me.' ceived gif ts suited to thC oflice; and how da.uge rons it was for such a person to reject the call of those who dei:.1red instr uchoo Shun evil speakrng Deal tenderly w1ch The sertnon bt!1nc; concluded, the preacher the absent; say notbtng to inflict a. \\ ound turn ed to lCnox, who was present, and ad on the Lr reputation 1.'hey 01a.y be i,;i,;iong dresser! bun 113 these words 1 Brother, :you o.nd v.:1cked, y..::t) our knowleLlµ"' of it does sl10uhl not be offendt!d, although I speak not obhge ) on to drnclose their charnctt't un to' ou th.lL whH:h l have 10 charge1 eveu f'Xct!pt to save others :from inJlllY 1,hi'n trom :\11 thonc h ere pre1:1ent, l\ b1cb 1s tht" do it 1n o. way that bePpeaks n sp1r1t of In tha nan1c oJ God nnd of His Son J e'IU S kindness for the ab!:lent offender Be 11ot Chrrnt 1 anrl in the name al them that pre· busty to credit evil rcpo1 ts, they are often sentlj call you by my 1noutb, I cbarge you the result of misunderstanding, or ol evil that yon rel use not th1s holy vocation, but d1::sjgn, or they p1 oceed froru an exaggerated o.a you destre the glory of God, the increase or partl!ll disclosure of facts w~it and of Christ's kiugdoni, the edification of your learn the whole lnstory before you decide, brethren, nnd the comfort of me, whon1 you tLen believe JUSt what evidence compels understand well enough to be oppressert you to and no iuore. But e'l..'Cn then take with the n1ultitn<le of la.horsa that you take heeLl not to inOulge the 1Q11~t unk1nclnes~, the public oJfice and charge preaching, else you dH~t:i1pate nll the i;pint oi prayer for even as y ou look to avoid God's heavy d1sthem, and uuncrve) ou1sdf f,)r doiug them V\iheu a. Vicksburg negro wotnru) \\118 inform· tel th<:J other duy Ly n re1JOrte1 bf \ the Ilc1afd (·f t}ni.t city that the puce of sea-hons had In· cre,IBed fifte(n per cent. during the present m(inll1, she elevated her ha.nds and exclalllled : 1 De Laud only knows :\vhat is to become of poor fo1ks t Seems z1f de more wo "orkcd de oftene.r de white folk s go and riz de rnce on de nessurnsa1ies ot hfe,' The CANADA LANDED CREDI'l' CO'Y, with a. Sa~ings Stamps for Braiding and Em- 1'he Interior pleads that e.ery p"8tor be a.llowed to do Ins "ork in the ·special man- Bank d epartment AND TRELEVENS 'l'he UNION PERMANENT Duildini; ner uesl adapted to hun, and gnes this good advice to ruembera of CO!lgrega,tions, which "e coulu \\ish nught b~ beedcrl " UnUtrstand that there is as n1uch diver· iu the shape ot leaves ol the forest. And and Sav1ng's Society. _.These latter institutions ach ancti Loans on Rea.l EJstate, on terms unusuallv easy for the borrower. Bowmanv1lle, l!"'eb. Gth, 1873 broidery. THE KING OF FASHIONS for Spring 1ust to SEWING MACHINES, --:o-- hand. s1ty in the shape of b11nHtn n11nds as there IS inasmuch as you never tried to preach your· self, and know very li ttl e about a pastor's respons101ht1es, it will be modest in yon lo be very spa11ug Ill your suggestions as to what he ought to do Sou1e men can preach best with 11.auuscrivt i some best \\tthout j so1ne arc logical, others aie peot1i;:il ; son1e practical, and others more or less theolug1cal ; some discuss con troverted points, and others are sa1°r ~hen they let them aloue , eoiue are at home In the SJ.bbath-school ; DENTISTRY I ) usual. ll'IRS- A. FLETCHER N. 13. - The Sulmc11ber 15 uot a Sub, 01 unde1 Agent, but boo the spccrn.l a:;eni.:y fior the above I am prepared to exchange Pianos fur 01ga.ns, Organs for J\Ielodeous, ahlo Se\· 1ng j\faclunea, on reason:ible terms J s DO~EY, T...:nON I Jnn 15th, 1875. 6 6mos. ~dd1ess, Bo\\ rnai1v1lle. Apr1l 7th, 18i4 r 0 BOW MANVILLE - - - - - -- - - -- - Machine and Implement Manufactuing o :tnd he is determined to continue to sell 11t these lllinously low pr ices cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy 1 Second, what he-caH't buy cheap enough, he rnanufachues Third, he is satisfied with small p1ofits 1 Fom th, he sells for cash ; ]fifth, he sells n.t bott<l}n puces. others find themsell·e· at a loss for words when they stand bc!ore a JU ~· en de aud1euce. It your pastor ts a fa1tbful auU consc1ent1ous n1an, he w1ll do his best in every regular avenue ot pastor wor-k. But do not b~ sur~ prised ifjOU find th11t be le,\U8 tnore to one side than you would prater. You tn1ght wrnh that he \\ e1e 1css sensational aud more scbolarly, or nJore sch olarly and l ess super~ fic111l But the malong of his n11ad Wail not u1 ) our bau~ls, 11or was it altogether in his tlavc re s pect enough Jor huu to belie' e that h1s wny is the best \Hty for 111111 1 J. M. Brimaaombe, L.R. C.O.S. ASSISI.ED BY Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED l\tIILLS. Anothet ca.~· OA.LL A.ND SEB FOB YOUDSELVEB,. AND --o-- Ma,nufact~Tes ol, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. l~xn.m1Re Q. D LOCKHART L.R C.D.S vYOOD AND IBON ,.,. e stwk, w41ch con1v11ses e\e1ythn1:; in the trMle, of the ve1y latest a.ud sty las and pii.tter1u1, of English, Canacltnn, a nd A1ue11ean manufacture. ino ~ t el egnn WORKING MACHINERY. Ilt still continues to m,iuufactu1e to urder, from the best of material, n.nd but fi, st. class . "otkmen kept --o--o- FEES MODERATE. load of the abo\ e 110Ll1 u.rtlclcii on the \\ .ty Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed lie has in stock an t:lndlesa va11ety of L,td1es' nud Gout '.\' \\'lnch ho IS sclhn ~ <.:heap fot ca::ih S:tra t og~ P lo."-"t: <..:.-1oU <tt the T1unks, Valis es, &c , all of B 0 "\V J\l[AN V I LL J~ and clou't harrass him b) holding ·p bclorc hin1, as your ideal ot a Chnstw.n n11111ster, a a1an wit h vet}' opposite chutnctenstics Chnt;lian layn1en, Ohnst1an 11nu1sters as "el1, i::,houid hetd the iu1ur.ict1011 wh1c.:h OlJ'Ji'lGE ovm· JlfcGJ,U1YG'S Store Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency i: 'v J .A..&rus, 11 tr. EuW:m an\1lle, Dec lm4 K.iu.; St , J3own1a.11' illc. P.o·vmcll\V1lle, Dec 5, 1872 Double Turbin Water Wheels,. and --o- Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg St. M:-TRELEVEN: llowmanville, May 1?.187-l. 010. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks COUlplete and recmnniendecl by n1any of thf best Breeders Paul g!l\C to T1n1otby gift tb11t rn Ju the~' 'Ncg\(:'ct uot Lht! T the n1ost la.st111g, tl1e lt:Jast t1'Duble1ome, and most tl\er ln\entcd tfhey , llSl!d UESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPES'f, SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. rr1r,:t:J1~ J\fOKEY a11d I..4!\BOR aa..,ed 1 l!.1c11ch Oil l'oll~h l'lnfi li'ronch Oil }'oh!:lh 1s piepa1 cd fo1 Carnages. Bugg1~s, llat ness, Boots and Shoes, ,IJlll all k inds of Lcflthe1 Ct w1l1 g1 \ e any o.i t1clu of Le:.i.the1, a mi:>st brillian t appearl\llce, an<l at the same ti'me, ft oin i t ~ oily p1opert1es, tends nn1ch to pteee1ve1t , 11> \nll ;i\ way.s be moist and pliant, anrl lUc\.) U c ~x pused to water and washed, and '"111uo ldu~e 1 Ls br1ll1- Castin. g's of all Kinds P.lrdlel ilnus neH'l tncet; aud {) litt~t u1u s ca u \'oOlk t1.unwIJl· ou1:5ly, anti without crossin J each other e lla~k, hy a lto\\ 111g Q a ch oth~I to i uo in the grooves ol then own t nd1 v1d uah_!}, and discharge those serv1ctis lor Ubn:;t for wlnt:h tb ey were spel 1ally fitted " li,EPAIRS dcJne on the ~ n o~.m'r.'I ~m i!;'. , TO TI-IE PUBI_j:rco vVAL~rER or plensnre and desire th at He shall multiply The d::ictnue of a dLv1oe cllange JU heart of man is a full proof of the div1n1i1: ARCHIBALD YOUNG, Jn., Sa1 u1a, Ont or1g10 o1 the Scriptures None bnt ('~ God Orders addressed to the 11EIWIIN'l' {Lnd Onof ahu1gbt) power could dare to g1 ve the SEHVE!t Office, for any quruit1ty, \Vlll be hlled a.t pronns~ to chaug1;:1 the heart ot ru tin, s1nco the above-mentioned pncti, 11;; qnickly ,~s he I\-1nrks can be n1ade and s ~ nt noth1ug short of so ch a.liu1g\Jty TK )\\ t-r c.u1 c. n .uurn1i, Bowmwnv1lle,Doc, 28th.1871 mla ly accomplish a change eo glor1oni<, in the Unlted States and Canada s1wl1 as G. B. Loring..l. Salem, Mass , Prestdt-nt Now liugla.nd Wool urowe1s 1 Society, John S. Ross, Hennepin, Ill., P1ofessor l\1. J\1iles, of the State Agncultura,1 Oollege, La.ninng, Mich , Hon. Geo l3rO\\ll, 'loronto, Ont ; John Snel11 Ed1uonton, Out Ou each ~f ark is stamped the owne1 's Tlu y will be ua.we and the Sheep's number. sentj1ee, by mail, 01 express,for a-nly four cent~, a.nd will last for l'\\J::~·.n: YEARS. the W'" CMh rnust accoinoanv all orders WIGG & SON, ~il d:t i:EJ ._, '- NOTICE, ancEi, and it 13 uot to 1110: fea1 ed t hat n,ny c1nst will settle on SM!l Leatltei when p1t>aervt:d w1tb I the above 0 11. Fo1 th e '~oodwork of .Buggies, Canu:tges, a.nd rnrn1tu11::, t l tt: I U i ii uo l a bettc1 article in use. 1.'In.nufactuH:d by A. Sn10N & Co , Tnn1n:irs nu<l Currrnri:;, flh"O:H;H ly of Ji 1anco, I now of Plnladelv lna, Pa, Instn1ctions - Slwkc bottfo. A. few ill.op~ o:i a p11'l c0 of ap onge, .11.ppl y it h ghtlyt 1 tl e ' !ie.r, au d yon w11l obt ain the finestlustre. Pi ice 75cto: pct hottle 1 ur $ 7 50 per dozen. ,JOHN Sl IATiR, Sole Agent, now~ inanville. Wa ba \e now on hind a large q_ua.nt1ty of N retnrninJ thanks to the1 i num erous cu etomer9 and th11 public gtmeraUy, fOL 11uf'.f; fa 1= ou'! , would reapectfu1ly 11n1to their 9.ttention to out p1 esent stock of furniture, ti.~ -., e h a\e la..L el y added thert:to, that we may thereby be enabled to snppl v 1.ll 1) u Wea who n:1ay \ tl ua~ c t 0 fiwm: h1m w1th a call. Great inducements held out to tbost' purchasing o.t our est.~b isb mcn t P ie tures_, Looking Gla.sse8, etc f1amed to order, a.nd 1n evet'Y styl~ s~~mples of 0.1c di.ffeient lnnd of boiouldmgs ea.n be ~ecn at the \\ are-1 oom "\Ve would also beg to 'i.ufo1 m you, that having purchased a ' I i Oo rimon and Gang Plows, SPLRND1D NEW HEARSE, w~ LOW that WJll be s::ild at PRICES M. shall be ieacly at a 11 t11nes to attend funerals, on short notice an1 reasonabl e te rmi:i N. B - Coffins kept on hand and made to 01 der, at the · NEW DOMlNION RET.Ll.IL FURNITURE WARE-R001¥f, AT THE SHOP . July 16th, 1874 41-reo,, hawa, Aug 26th, 1870. Kmg Street East, Oshawa1 good. · i

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