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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 16 Jul 1875, p. 4

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· · THE MERCHANT, :FRIDAY JULY IG, 1S75 POETRY. 11 Only a Drunken :Man " ouly a <lruuken man, they sauJ }J.nd i')tepped aside 115 be stag,;i-ered b) \. 1J a.~ Uw Wlndow J hung my head .A.nd t<.to.q-gcred, tou, rn. the :tgony rha.t ::;ei,.;eJ. lllJ he~tL \\Ith a Q.UlCkened pri..-w, A s the truth -went burnln,"; tb1 ough my b1&1n lL H Dd I He\~ r know it before 'I 0 j es- I thought I d1 ~ with au ang1J shltn1c , But thon-but tl11::11-I was loath to gucst'j I\[j lJrothei and hmi to lJe qn1tc the same, Oil o e HI my vCrj own-how can 1 hOJ oth"r bo 'ouly a drunken man~' \Vhy su1t;llyi 'tis but a whilo ago \\' e plaJ ed to etbe1 tn snnles and tf!at s \Vhat do.yR they v. en: we filled tlrnm so \\i1Lh i:;port aud wonder,and Gh1ld1sh fears' A 1u'l once, I nnnd in horrvr we ran '\ h me hotu ' only a arunken m1u1 0 I .A.n l nov. I iut by fl d1 unken man And 111 here ls m:,. b1 other~ I do n it ku )W, I fi id no trace of hnn in thtl face rlh:1t lei;irn at. my gray baned pa.11cnb 80' lln:,. \e watc:L~d filnce the weiuy n ght began, r( 01 i:;o hi 1 for " onl) a drunk en. man , n Oh nearer seerncth the dog l'h ~t \I nut; lH iH~.J 1Jc>~1 l<> th"tll there, 'lhan the soulleiil:! head they la:,. on the Ued, "\\r itb the h tn<S1ng bps and 1d1ot stare 1 Ac~nrscd n1a.rks of the terrible ban,] ln :;td ti nth 1 he M only a d-l'unkea 11ut11 I 8 J IJ11 Uh God,wbe1eart'Ihon? Can'st l housee, ]1 rom far awaJ Hea~en 1 the woful sight hitter and "~ild grows the heart in me .As I look c n the torturnig l bgbt Aud l])esc old lo' ed ones, life t:1hun lrn it span, Been.use of" only a drunken n1an 1 Oh the c1uel n1i;)1ts md tn eking dayR t 'fhe dreary future that bides its \\Oe 1 rlhe tl1oughtlefJ!S\.\Odd "\1tb 1tslJuSy WflJS ! "ilill the pl1nntoms da.rke1 01 lighter grow? t;h1ne forth, bra\ e hope, u.nd seek to scan 1 Ile~ ond, is there ' onh a. clrnnken man} · 1-V<tness C1'Um'bs for Chickens. --- ~--- :Th[ns1c by hru11.kl-Street or<Jan" Schenect[l.(ly g1r1 at <1pel1111g ~d ool omt dO\\ n on · pantaloons ' .c\_ One S\\ allow doN! not n1 il.. e u. sprmg Lut a ~1· zcn ~walloVI s sometimes marke one fa.U Old gent - '\'\ hnt do you wear specs for,boy " Bootblacl. .- ' Cos I puts s111 h a shllly shrn~ on 0 f.lntlc1ncna boo'"~ it hu1ts me eyer; How a woman can keep on t:i.lk1ug w bile ":ibo b'\H1ts up h1;11 hack hair :;inJ. !u" hm month full of h urp1ns ts a myster) n )t } ct exI?la1ned - Cu.1 l l:-'J ct..el ·No, saul b'.[r'< Podge1~, vmy pos1tLvel) I go 111to th£ oount1y, 1t-Ir Pod,,..ers goes w1tl1 rne Ilus cit) tun t no n.fe pl ... co to h ive "' man alone iit · \\hat k1od of sMs i.ges ts them / ri ueneJ iln old nf a ) oun,,, 1nan < f hte1atm e nn~l pea uut~, is he v is:-i~fl th1on 0 b the train "ell ng bauana<1 'Vhen a bo~ falls ~nd peels the "'kin 'ff }11R nose the hrr.;L tl11ng lie does is to got up and yell \\:hen a g1~l tumbles and hurts ht.!tself badh, the £rst tlnng she c lot >i 10:. to get up s.nd lwok at he1 drc55.. w1lh fah:m to1)i:;, lwllu..... }w1~~ cvllw" ca111agt.i i:;eats aud ottuniau::i, i.:r11t111 tJn:1g :lmr..1c ephcks rubber garments \I lnch v. LU hole] six 01 ei,,, ht g-a.llon~ of hquor In a recent ra1lwa'\ ac tdent th;:i cn,,,'"lnee1 of the train \\llt~ one of the suff.-.rors, when they iemoved his garinent1:1, to ascertain the n lture of liu:1 lllJUUes, 1t wa:; f:ound t lrn.t he bad on a lnoo;e tnhber '\est, fille<l out \'\1-th b1anJJIu the museurrt above rriention!!tl the) show what ""eems t\\ enty bales of bnen fastened together with a s ..rong rope, hke tbo-.e "h1ch are daily seen ln the oti eets of Paris, brought 1n wa.goni'l from the factory lhe \\a~on bea.nng this 1 xc1ted susp1010n, be1ng too ostentatiously let te1ed. ' Linens and ~ry Goods, unJ lt '"A~ St 1~ed one d<1y Jimt ttftet entenog the city 11 here "e1 e se\ en teen bales of hnen,as the most practiced eye would adm1t - zinc cylinders, every one ot them covered each \Hth its linen Jacket of p1opm thwkuess and pl:nted edge r Out of them was poured lOb gallons of 9t> pe1 cent alcohol ,., h1eh should have pa1d rnore th.u1 l,2o0 f1a.ncs to the o~tl'vi. Anothet: ClUlOU8 dt!VlCe '\HIS :J. huge cu,i:;k of turned l·Oll tihapcd and painted to resemble a crt"bnolet, still wother consisted of v. bat seemed load~ of plates fa>1tened four tlozen together, the lnside t\\:O dozen in each perforated and conta1n1ng canteens filled with hquo1 Another extensive fraud consists in brulbllld' in liquor through underground channels The people of the ocll in tell a story of a disco' ery of one of these frnuds wb1chlf:l \my curious It vtas ieported at the central bureau that at cer tam wine shoJJS ne u the Hotel J.e \ 1lle, w111e a11ll bran<ly of bood quaht} were sold ftJ..r below the rulmg prices A careful surveillance die Co\ c1cd that theso shops were supplied ho111 tv. o storehouses ::;1tua.ted far avart ft om ea..,h othe1, which in then turn r~cened snpplies floru ~1 little caek \\ngon whrnb. came 1cg-u.lm lJ from No 11 Rue de Jcss1eu r1111s wai'3 u, houlje blult opposite an cnt1 epot a sort of bond eel "arehouse of liquors wlnch was guarded with grcn.t care and ns strong a.a a fortress It suom eel there 1nur:1t bt: a d1sttlle11 in the house, nnd 1t \\as watched nnnutel:y but no tell ta.le smoke escaped f1om the cbnnne:ys no tlo\\ of w:iter r in d.own the H t"IBl.;lt 'T'ln ec \\eeks passed in cxamnung the place and keeping an tiye on all "ho "ent in nnd out, and at 1aRt, eurh one morning, the i:;ub 1n-.peetor, the officer of the brl.,g'ade, two clc1ks and comnnssary of pohi;e, de1nanded 1:1.d1111ss10n to the hou~!) rrhc) 1nad1:1 1 d1 . . C01ieIJ , lJut 'lu1te an unexpected one lwo pumps pl \y1ng Jn to tn o tuns were set Rit "ork, and ga'> e one mne, t1Je other brandy of the h1gh~st proof VVhence came the upply~ In run1a;ing tlnoughastable ilttacb ed to the honse they SC1\ttor d with p1tvbfor1n; a heap of earth in. . .one corner, under 1t wer(' plank~- uncle.1 tho plan lo.· a '\>tell 22 feet det:'t) 'lhcywentdo,vn,d1scovcred a. s ubte11::1.nean Jiis sage undt-r tb~ strett ,\hwh 8l0J)ped tt t11e cellar of the cntrl!pot, but three gutta. 1ie11..~h t tub(s going through the v;ull, left nv doubt of the proceedings One d these tnbcs co·tVCJt:'d wine, a second, lirtndy, the.. third served fo a ::i1)eftk1ng tu he It was a very cle"l'er tnc t , tuc owners stored their liquor 1u the 1;1 t1epot to p'1.y duty only as theJ withdrew it, au<.l thc11 pumrie<l it off, subtenaneously, tlscap1u 0 lhe officialsMtogethe1 Clever a81twas,ho'\\e\c1, the re'\enue otlicem \\ore too ..,hu.-rp £01 tlrn1niand t11e11 hRs wrts '\ery heni\y. 'T :-;uppose 1ny tempen1.11ce fnen(hi \\ 111 not consider me ortnodox q1'1_hg.,t subject. I am utterly opposed to outside meddltng with our domeotic and family affairs, for J believe in e\er) man te111pe11ng lumse1f' To wlucli lJ1~ tcn1pErarH.:e fllenc.l r1 phed SPRING! Bnt, Judge, our example fo1 good or evil, and eopec1ally the latter, l::; marked by our neighbors J\[riJ 'le not, \\lthout intending so to do, lcn<l weaker men astraJ 1 ). .fay we not, Uy hecdlessnes-:., even lead our o"' n children to become fond uf strong dnnk 1 1 s. laoo:Os.I ot 1875 ! (~ REMOVAL. S. MASON \H:-;h' s tn iufo11n his numerous friends nnd cus t nH:rs that he ha,., removed to !NDEISON & Co. :Ue..{to :t.Ilnounci; to the Eiocto1s of We-.t ])mha1n and i:;ulruund1ng:country, tha.t the) \\ ill scl1 then nnmcnsc 'rREWIN, OSHAVVA is now showrng full lines BUCKLER'S OLD STAND \\ h~-t,.\ lw will be t.Ju111i with tlt1:1 nwst com ell a.:-;:;ortrnent uf 8TOOK ....,.......... -~ -~ OF BOOTS & - SHOES, NEvV SPitING OODS, Harness, Wh!pS, Trunks, &c. JU 1000 l\tus 1lfen'8 Felt (ht1tcrs, fl)1 Cash onl11 3 510 FELT OVERSitOES, -000 p1s ..11li.Hc.~ .Feoal a1ld R11f{Balt)/o,1t{1S At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. Ca.~cs Clu.ll s T1"dluiyton3 $1 110 pan - ------- - - --Cases Felt Ove1shoes. St P<ttll saj s 'It meat muke n1y brother to oite11d, I \\Ill eat no tlcsli wl11le u;e woild standeth, lest I make my brother to ott~nd 11 To wluch the Jndge answere;J. 'EverJ person n1llat be a la\\ unto lumself As for St Paul, perhaps, after all, he was not Vl.:'IJ itil 50, --o--- p°'t/pa11, fo1 lDiS H -0 .i'r i:Y. rn e'et) department, pmcbasecl under veij lavornble circumstances, anil rn deffii'.minecl to sell at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRlCES tond of n1rat Form\ part, I have adopted tho.t ot'1cr ud vice of Ins to Tunotb.} ' Dunk no longer \\ ;'r, but use a httle win~ 1 Consequently I have the best of \\Ines, and sou1ethinp r.itronger, too, on n1y sideboard .friy chtld1~n huve a.hHl} s had free access thereto Yon nll are acquainted wiLh Leo I am not ashamed of h1ru Ile 11!1 only a fo.1r sample ' The next <lu\ the Cotn1nencem 0 nt exer mses occurred 'l he son oJ the Judge did much Letter thai L1s \\ ar1nest fnends bud ex.µ~cti;:U Olll a11d } uuug ,,. ere ahke de An unusually attrnctive d1sp.l>ty, th rs se<1.su11, em Latest Noveltrn" 111 l!'1onch, bngl1sh, and Amencan Hats, Bonnets and Tnnmnngs Dress nf"ll Dress "l\H'eki" d.YilmliV g "fi ffl" lll" ne?°'7' Ji.Viz. ,J 'br.tcmg "I\ Ji" tle · ~OOdf!! and Costumes, compnsrng 11 very La1ge V.\llety \8jl'" hi of NEWEST and FINEST Fabncs - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- Bucide1 'a o1d stand 1000 one door cast of J\fa.ynM'd s Hotnl Ilowma11\1lh S<i11 lst 187.... town call Pairs TfTorrwn'8, ..1lfi,ss·.,~ 1 arul Clnltl ~ l!dt Boofs, the uhole to le sold for 0.ASil O.l'{LY Call eaily and sctuie )"111 \Y1··te1 S11ppl), _,}11lethe 1uoh 1' gorng on i1t · done to order by Slalful and obligrng 11:anagement :Bowmann.lle, Dec 10th, 1874 ANDERSON & CO'S.I r_r HE Boot & Shoe :E::mporiu'1:1B. ------- Special attention to gettmg up Orde1 s fu1 EJ.e:pha,nt liouse RJi~ U:NDERSIGNED ill t'etu"1:n1n.; thanks to hIS n 1 a.ny friends and the µubhc gene[ ally for the hbern.l patronage erteIJded to hun during the past 18 ) ears, begs to announce tha.t from a.nd after tl1e 15th September, he will carp on the bus1ncQs, but more ~xt 0 ns1ve Y under the name and 1$t) le of JOH~ MoLEOIJ & Co rrompt va.ymcnt of all a.ccountr.; 1s render ed imperative hy th1s business arrange111 flnt, and all pe.,.:.ons indebted \>till please take notice and govern themselves accordingly T'I · FAMILY 1WOURNlKG ~ T lighted \\ ilh h1.s eloq nence II is tat her so nn;; ch pleased that he freel; expro.,sed hts adn11rat1on lor bis son Unde1 the excite rnent of the hour, th s was allowed to pasa as excueable p11de That evening the host and ho::itess ot the Judge gav~ a large partv In honor of the gradu thng class rfbe tem perance friend of the Judge, wbo bad dis Clh""e;d that qui.:stion with nun on the prev1 ous t'Ve11111,.,, cuug1 ttJlatetl the Judge on h n 1ng r:used till Ch n e.on To whtch the Ju<l~e ha<l the lnl taRte to 1eply 'YeB, ) es, f flll1 pIOLld A \ e1 v large stock to select hom ~f cloth, cashmere, silk, velvet, <incl lace goods, of latest styles, >e1y elegant, (or made tu 01clc1 ) \\as iii ~ D. sh awl s, Staples, Embtacrng eve1~ descnpt10n of fabucs, t o meet the w.ints of om numerous customers · JOH:N McLBOu TER1VJ:S---LIB f1~RAL Bowmauv1lle September 4th, 187.~ Important Announcement ! ----o---- of that bOJ , hut, dn } 011 Mutual Life Assurance Society know, he uas b1 ouqht up v. iih the l1ottle 2 If I that f1tht1 toultl }111\e kno\\n what \\as ESTABLISHED 1840 tran,.p111ng at that n1oment in b is sou's room at tl1e co11egf", uo such silly Joke could or \\Ould luive fal len from his hps The 131, 'll' ,J\~1CSSl)U.El',MOJ:\'JHllAL Judge knG\Y, ho\~C\er, tbat bis 8011 <lid nOt DIRECTORS hear bis imuarkl'l, f{)r 111s anx1o"L1s e.)e had '\V AL! . K H SuA~LY, E~q , :'.l.i P , Oh.'1.uJl'.l i..a.n, noticed e\ ery one' "ho had entered, and he DuNO'\.N .J\{AcnoNALD, EQq kn~\ that Leo bud not ycta1n\td A 1no J\.f 1 roit 'l, E C.UIPB.ELL, 0 B St H ila.ire Inent tl:icrcaf tC'r the roon1 nrn.te entered the THE Ho=-iOHAliLE JOH~ H'\.Mll'ION 1 HawJ...s. burg-, Ont RELIANCE OLD SYSTEM, FARM AND KITCHEN. Prunmg Apple Trees. 'l'here 1s probably no better tune fot p111n1ng trees than now, that lS 1n the month of June or July, according to the la.titude Befolf· pruniog ~our apple tree1'1, however, con1:11de1 \1hcther tho) 1cquue1tornot Top1un""\'\1th out an obJect be) ond that of merel) pciformm; the ope1 a.tion,is tune "a~t e d,1f no '" orse rel'.lults follow '[here are fa.r too many persons '\ho prune thui tree1:1 th1ou 0 b li11h1t, never for a m<}ment asking themseh es the que8t10n, "\Vhy or " hneforc do '" e prune~, If the hninches of 1 otu trees spnJJJ out from the :stem too low do¥<'1l, then remo'i c enough to su1t ta":ite or con ver:itence 8omc varieties are too tall. and the fruit 1s likely to be blO\\U off by the wind" lhet:1e ishoul<l lune the~r tallest i:hoots sho1toned, in ordei to inake them th10\\ out side brnnchea lo\'\ er do'\'\"11 'l'hen there ate othern which produce s!lch a 1nas:i of &mall ln.~n~)ies that neithe1 light nor a1r can ieachly to the centre of th~ head-the 1nne~ b1anches be cowing barreu au<l diseased 1n consequence Such ,'br5 theie 1c41u11e thinning out f1equently A [1emoval of one half all the btanche,, \Hll be Uec1ded1y beneficial Agau1, when tw·J branches cross each othc1, and the bark of either becomes chafed by fni;tion, one ~bould be removed. It sometnnes occurs thnt trees becon;.ae i;tunted hy Q'\erbeanng ::::.~'\it:re pruning in such case,,, '\1th 1na1nn 11.1g and cultl\ a tion, VI ill he ben1:1t:ic1al 1n 1eeto) m~ y1,.,oi; and fruitfulness If a man can find no good ) eason for prunn~g, and cannot foresee the results iu advance, he had better let it alone · \V11l \uU ha\e a s1nall tneve of the b3ht meat 01 a small p1tlCt1 of th"' d 1rk 1 iwke l Hobs 1 u nclc as he cat\ cd the tu1l-..ey at d1nne1 I \\Ill t.tke \{nine piece of both, answered Bob A }l°e1\~nk gu1 hastened the ilepart111e of a lrnge11n 0 gentlctnun ca.Iler tne otl1<..:r cvenrn; by r~rn u king nf.l >1he looked out of th "' in<lo\1 I tl u k 11e shdl lrnq.: n beaut1fulsurn1~e patlur, aid ba Hlt::d the Judge a note from RF.SIDEN'l.1 SECRFI \RY - .T \.MES GRANT aM e11i.tut:uL tili1.::11c1,u1, say1og t.h<.Lt L~u Wcl~ I q111te Luo UH\\tll t.rJ leuYc lnsrootn, nud that lie u1 1t:L., be tXt:U::.etl. ho111 attending the 1 he E'.ll':rt1m PitOFlIS belong to <livid partv B1:::lv1~ the JudciP t1nH to get erl ainon~st the I'oliculwi'.de:rs r(:J. l} to go to see h1~ i:;1ck sun Dr K.1llor LI'\ GS, DECLINED B1: 01HER COMPANIES, or on cun h1n1selt air vu.1 rit tue 11'onse o! enter "h1ch an extra Premiwm would be required, oan ... tauinient f.11.,; a.:'l~urcJ the tu.tber, and all he asslnod at the 01dinary rate~ of this Society, 0 1 ht1::. Jire~cnt, that Leo wa~ sleep1nJ under a 8;pCc al arrangement SPECIAL NON FOli'EltABLE POLIOIES 1$8Ued SJUndl\ nn<l, If not lhdtu1bed 1 woul:l be all r-1,;bt 1<11tb1u JJrty t1gl1t bo1r;o., that the under ·wluch only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay 1i.::1:1ct1on !n.n n the high state :.if excitement ment~ are req1ured, each pa;ymcnt Policy for a stun assured prDportionate to the through l'>l11ch .Jo 11ad p<tosed had prostrat numbel of premnm1s poid, a.nrlf1e11 j1mn futv.r P.d l11rn, aua for some tune be \\0.8 threaten vayrncnt of pn;1niu1Y'..s, t'd \\1th Lra1n lever, but tf permitted to ~!ODER \.TE P1nnrnnrs and moat liberal C(lnsleep he "a.s out ot danger, and would soon dit10na be lll bis usu<J.l good health l'erbaps the Prof:lpectuses,Proposal .Forms, &c 1 aupphed Doctor told all, but we '-'itll see for our- on apphco.tiou at tho H cad Office, or any of selvef! the Agencies JAMES GHANT, Alter ftn1sh1ug 111" cratoncal effort eo Res Se0reUM y. creditably, Leo met, by pnor appoint1nent, with a nuntU~r 01 lns youn~ friends at his A.GJ :N'l' von BOWMA:SVILLE, C BARKE!~. room From Ueneath the heel he tlrew an " Observer Office," King St oi.d trunk, and 1ron1 1t took OLlt several BO\\maJn1llc June 24th, 1870 bottles of \\Ille nnd one of brandy '\Vlule 23-ly S PECI A L FE A T U RESr ELONG C ~EDITS, L E L E E p p .tnd "111 conduct their et edit lmFJ1ness as follo'~ s 0 ---oo--- ALL ACCOUN'I'S v;1ll bo MURDO UH BROS. Ha,rng decided to make .t change rn theu bu,1ness, .Hf' now NClJmg f01 CASH then ],t1ge and well aRso1ted Stock of D1y Goods, llf1llrne1y, Clothrng, C1ockery «nd Gl.tssware, REKDEHED on the THE l)ominion- OrO"a.n Co'v BOW MANVILLE Present the following testnnournJs fro1n ~eteIJt Judges of Orga11J Testimon11l fro John Ca.nudge, lit[us Doc, Canlnar, England Bowmanv1lle, 24th Bee , 187:. 'lo the Jiana(Jr.18 Dominwn V1gan Co GE::;:TLE:MEN - I like to "Pl~y on J. oul' Orgnns tc> .e is so sweet a11d stcath .And t1n: Wol'k maosn1p and fiiush excellcr1t, and 1n every particular they £ equal, if 11ot ~l_!l)er:im, to an) I have e'\Oer heard Hopwg they ""1ll tneet public apprec1at1on JOHl'i CA MTlJGll Head the follown1g from Ro~a D Enna Ho1\:manville, Decu1nbe1 22, 187J To the . l!wnagers . of the Dominion Organ Co GEN'l'TlH11F.1' ~I hnvc much pleasute 111 tes fy1ng to the excel1ent qualities of the Org i;npplied by yo11 at my concert last Sa.turda even1ng The tone is sweet and i; cry powerf and the eomb1na.t1011 of stops most adn1irab I am sure :your urntrument~ \\ 111 fmd fa.vor Churches, as thev are s1ngulm ly adapted fo sacred mu;i.ic WJ.Slnng )Ou e\e1y s11ccess, and that the public may patronize native m i..nufac lnl'e I reu1mn Gentlemen, 1ltry l espectfull), H A N 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September H A N I I AT AND BELOW COST! l1n ea0i and every year In tbe ca,st'! 01 J.Ylanufacturers, Iriechan1cs, and others, whose accounts 1nay amount to 850 00 or over, their note 1f agreed npon,w1U be taken payable at tbe Bank for a statt>d perwd T T The Stock ]rn,\ rng been pu1chased rn the BEST .l\:lARKETS, buye1s '.in depend on gettrng ,}JUBA .AND BETl'EB GOODS FOB l'HEJR MUNl':r at this Establshment than rn any oth01 house m the co11nby THE Cash Purchasers A.ND · \.loud hcurtcd peace lo'\1ng D \lt1rno1e mflll pi111te<l ln~ f1 ont i:itepfl t" entJ th1ee tnn1"' tl) ui.; to plr.M.:e Jn~ '\\lfe, and then Hhc demile<l that tl "' inst col01 " ui tht best re1na1 k of a keen ob":iel\ e1 Lb:it yon can got.Jner1Uy tell a ne\ 1;y married couple it 1..lie lmner ta.b1e, by the indignn.twn of the g1 ooJn \~ hrn a liJ alights nn the b1 Lde s b ittei Iu an omnibus recently a boy a sudden J"'.rab amo!Jn tlie fitra'\, cau 0 ht something and thr:n u Jm i f!l "\Vhos lo~t .a. n10kcl? Four lnen l eld ont tlt;;JJ }in.nd::; to lum, and four more Wfl.,nted to 1but fi"lt ashamed rhe1c Was a p~uu ful pau~e, and than the ho} uncJ,wped his 11a.nti and exh1b1ted a button £\. rather SlDto ulru 8CC 1\l'l oc.._ urred it lhtl J~pot li1H..1 iv afternoon ...4... lady \\ft£:: g 1ng by ,;,.hen a 0 er~tle.nan ~tevped out ~nd auul tu hl..!t IIov; <l do ~ extending his haul tu 1 ,_mtling .J1~erfully 'I beg vardon,' ~aid i:;he, looking li(lr l nt hun, ·yon ha\c the acho.ntage of me' ' ' hJ, don t you know me' he asked,amazed 'I can't remenbc1 '\t.:U, 1 r;.ho sa1d 'Vb~ I UH(; cl to be i;( u1 l usb<in<l- :John Agustus lien dcrson j ou kno1 $he remenlLered hnn h1~ compan1one dtank sparingly of the " rne he Jranl"' deep I,> of the stronger hq uor. .Beioie deln erinJ 111(!) ~ddress he hld taken se\eralgla::ise8 to ne1'e bun upforthcda) s Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON (Estnbhshed 1803 HEAD 0.liFIOES.-1 '\ GFl\CY 1 II <.. lt 1. . the ~agacwus \\oik Co1 i::upwnUy tlns second rcconrt!e to ukohol veJ} soon produced its nece.,sary eff,,,ct , . . a that wh1\e the others ·w ere onl; 1nr.rrv hl bccarue boisterouo, and even dehnous The Doctor was sent for, and came, ann belH H Q Stool:imLa.rge \Q THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT U Well Assorted !U Ghristtnas Goods, Ra'isens, l u rrani8, will alwa) s get goods at prices cut :U'INE, as our gieilt will I to court th s clas::; of trade Prompt I Payers on credits short l Call Early, and ~ecm e Bargains, ao tfte wlwle Stock must /Je ~utd at once, fw CASH ONLY. 1s now complete with lhe choicest supply of 1 1 Old B1oad St , and Pall Mall, Loudon GE)l'l:RAL F(Jl{ I (.A?iJ\lJ.t. crament 1\-f f4 Et IWSA D'ERINA. A M DARLEY bp o3 wl6 Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H O'HARA President Bo\'imanville January 15 1874 ~[a.nagel' to line! ltie youthful hero of the <l·y nllhcled \\llh H1Clple.ut dehriuni tremens rrhe struggles cf the liquor infuriated n1an1ac \\ere so iierce that thr: Rt1ength of three nthlet1c c01npa.u1ons \\ ns eevercl.} tnskcd to bold the victim u1 bed The Doctor at once adnun1stercd op1at(S and eDJOined secrecy At length the p·t1ent slept, and the danger Sub8cnbcd n.nd 1n'\iested C1.1pitD.l and :Rieserve F·mu, £1,960,000 SiaJ lmg S STOVES, I E J..?1~~ ,1t1.cs~~~!t.~~th?s9a E Cook, !!all, Parlor. and Box for VI 0~1d A ~pleudtcl \l:H iety of s gars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. Bowmanvtlle, Dec 2~th, or coal MURDOCH BROS. 1874 Funds invested ll1 Ca.nada- 105,000 Instum1cea agatnst Joss by Fire nre e:ffeuc.ed on most fa,orable terms, and losses p:11d with out 11.::1lenmce to the B<1ard lll London ALWAYS GET J DODSV.ORTH, Ini,pector. RINTOUL BROS Gen Agents, l\.fonhe.o. FIBS'l'-CLASS. W. BELL & Co's. Just Arrived. at the \'i as u\ er \.Vhr-m he beca1ne fully co11Enaous, R R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen for Bowmanv1lle and V1cm1ty. Bowuuumlle, June 4th. 1860 36 m o.42-39 4w tlurly hours thereafter, ol his cnt1cal co 1d1tioo, in repl.} tu the Doctors 111qn1ry how, v.;hen, and v.:here he had acqnuc<l the taste for shong dunk, for the Doctor it was not rer.eut 1 he said Birds the Farmers ~·nends 'I begun <l11uk1ug wme when qmte a ch1IJ, froru my io.ther's sideboard, wh1r.h lost its pn"' er to exhilarate 1ne sufiic1('ntly 1 as I grew oldf ri and I took to dunking bra.n<ly , but tlna IS the first time it got aln!cttl of me, and shall be the last 1 The Doctor was anx1ou~ to ::;ave the J outb Jam es lVIcFeeters. AGENT Prize hiedtil Organs Wlueh in 1870, at the Prov1nc1al ] au heat eveJy .Aroi;irlCan nnd Ca.nad1an 01.;an, ta.kin,; · lll"ASHION l'IOUSB a. splendid a.seo1 tment o A f~nta1H 'pnssen ob cullah, was a.!:ikHl a few J Y"' ~ wee \' ln t:.he ne\ er wore w h1te, as black \\ ~ men v. e1 e ger eralh fond of deukmg them r;ehei:i ou l 111 shows aJparel 1 Kai.3e 1' sEt-1d she, · 1 all 1,., 1hn k a white diess rnakr~ a nigger ], I like a fi.y 1n t JJfl.H of nnlk ' J hPJ ha>te a dnadful mean 1nan tn Iowa }-le 0 ~ 1 c tbc measle~ to a. ne1ghl,:ior tho other diy, and ha:) been <.l')1ng e'\er since-not be <; n ~e he pa1 ted "'ith the measels, but b~CallSe ht:> lu\d gn en them away Could he have sold them, he\\ould lune died happj r1 he follolting 11; told of ~n old lymphatic negro who had \\ onderful large feet aml Wfl.S a.h'\ays reatlj to take a rest One day wlule lying upon the c1b1u floor slumb1::ru1g, 1A<"lth his feet !Jre 13 ~nted to a ghmmcnng fire be opened oue eye ~11 (l geLt1ng a ghrupse of the dntk obJects, he 1n18took the1u [01 two little negroes and cned out 'Get fu1n 'tote me, I int) , kick you 11 the fire if yon don't-I v.ill f.lhuah I' and '1.ga1n he sn01ed His dreams not be1ug plt:asant, he finallj opened both eyes, and still '-'ee111g tho pe~ts, he drew up his feet fo~ the tbrca.tcned kick~ but u.larmcd to see the enemj ad\ tuce upon hnu, belhn\ed out 1 '\-\ hawar you connn' to now Go \\ ay dar' Iio r ho 1 Ill) v'\n t1 o ftet, el 1 uah1' Proh1b1tory Liquor Law m Pans In Decen1bot, 1871, the assemblv at ' 7 ornail ]t',,, fully persuaded th i,t No lat gc share of the d1sorde1 and cu me preva.ilmg during the l.. n1n tntm1st -i ulc in Pans was to be ascnlJetl to tho p1.:1petua.l Olf,.ry that had reigned throughout that tnn e, resolved to make a signal proti;st against the ttit n1c ,.,h1ch had been at the root of the ei;1L In 1evismg so1ue detai ls of the octno (Lhu v.ell known tax levJt:rl by t11e City of l'a1 a upon the dcn1ees- the necesaanes of life-to the nun1be1 of seiienty 111ne different articlea,o:u their entrance mto the city,) they nnposud 11pon cl1at1lled liquor.'.!i brl\nd1cs ub131nthe, g111s, h16h 11roof a11:ol1oll;, &c , MI ad valo1 em duty of 100 1mr cent ' 'rhe t ffect was overwhelming 0ind lmtuediate 'j }H! quantity iutroduccd into the city fello1f byt\~Q tlurtls of 1ta \\hole amouut, the URt! of these liquors wa.s as once 1111t beJond the i~ach of po01 er classee, t\nd an amouut uf ·crnoe and suflonng ha.s been -sa.vcd \\ h1d1 the JCr'\(l.gmn.t1on cao ecar1,:ely compute ~t tM ~uine tun~, ho\Hl" ei followed a second of re,, .,;ults th~ spring111g up 111 e" my d1rect1011 of ..a gw.nt erop i:if f1and1:1 11pou the revenllL \\ie ba\c seen how F1ench legrnlattoU has attacked this fr10 htful evti. we will UO\V nf t11:e ho\\ <.:raftily French cup1d1ty s.ef:!k5 to retain 1t~ "°LC,tcd g.a.1ns, and the law be1ug c.D# p,Jl<.l suuple "· i11le the .offen~s are Uiany and mult1foua, we ~hall allo\\ untch 1nm:e space to the lt1itte1 than ,\:e hai;e reqtnred to explain the forme1 '11 1~ 1,;entral bureau of the oc,t'llH has o.i ball under the roof rn. \\ h .ch are ~polls taln.n fu>m the public encm3 1 i e, spe<;imcns -0f the var ~ous obJects per\:erted from the:u i:!<,l l ernJ leg)t1)1Gte U'<es to (',(J.11Cn.l hq1wrs 'fb t>1e Me bats 4 Not long ago, nea 1 Rouen, J ll the '\ialley of Ji.Ion\ ille, the c1owa hac;l fo1 a c011s1d~J.ab1t: time been proscribed 'J he coct.chafeis iccoulingly roulhphed to such an Pxtent than an entue ~neadow v. as po111tod out to n1e as completely \\lthcrcd on the surface lhe laiv ce had push ed so fax their subterranean ~crks, that e' ery 1oot ofg10.~s ha.d beflneaten, and aU the tud could be rol1etl back un Jtst:l( ltke o. <-':t111~t Ihe mult1pli<..:ait1ln of inflects I.S most rne1edtljle, but our brrds seem equal to the e1Dtlic.~11cy l\f1chilet sa:,.s 'r.rhe S\\allo" 15 not satisfi.tJd with less than 1,000 fhcs pet diem' and a. pnr of spa.rrows carry home to their young 41300 caterpillars weekly , a tomtJt, 300 dadj The rna.gpu:ilHnitoc after the l.llscct!! \\hlch ho con cea,led beneath the bark of the tiee und h .,.e upon 1ts sap The l.1u1un1111 0 Lnd and the fl:y catcher punfy tlrn chalice o! the floVI l!I 'l'he bee e tter, in all landro 1 carries on a fieri'C hos bhty w1th the \\asp which nun~ our fruit A large number of inaccts rcmMn dur1ng \.\Ulter Ill tb.e egg or lai voe, '\ aiting for spnng to bur t into life , but u1 tlus state they r.1e diligently hnnted by the 111av1s 1 tho '\Heu, t~11U the treg lod1te '!lie fu11ue1 t'U1n O\l'et: the le~neswlw::h stre,,. the earth, the latter chmb to the loftrnnt b1anches of the bees, or clean out th~ tr\<nk In wet mcft.d.o,\s the crows o.nd ~totks bo1e tho ground to seize the white \\ orm \\inch for tlu ec ~ears before metamorphosmg into acookohnfer, gnaw~ at the root.s of 0111 grasses '- The Animal Kinydom tbe ] IllS'l' PI\IZE Also the reuo\\ ned For the following Insurance Companies, and other Inst1tut1ons, v1z The QU} EN Fire and L1fe Iasuran0e Com p·ny Oap1t"1 £2,000,000 $150,000 deposited ,\ 1th the Dounn10n Government. for the lJIOtec ders 111 Canada. NEW MILLINERY. A1&o a lot of HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO [Boston ] 'Vhich lHhl taken REAL HAIR. FANCY Aho l-1 GOODS, & The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com I HI(~ H1JRH pany of Capital 500'000,-0ne of the for many reason"', e.:ipecia.lly on account of best and cheapest Compawes tlo111g b11s1neQs 1n hto bc\Jef that an engagement existed be- the Dom1n1un, for Farmers and Isolated Risks '.lheUANADA LANDED OREDI'rOO'Y t\'\ ccn Leo und l 1s own daughter He there- with a Ravings Bank department '.!'he UNION ,1._,11 PERMAKENl' Building fore tuli1 L"'o that l11s ouly sal\i tt1011 t1.epended upon tok'\I abst1neace 1 that he had never and Sav1ng's So01ety TbeRe latter 1nstltutioas fLdvance Loans on J01ned a. temperance eociety, but would Real Ei;tate, on terms unusuallv for the quietly unite \\lth h1ol in s1gn1ng the borrower Eowmanv1lle , Feb 6th, 187 ~ pledge Leo reuchly assented, nnd the old rnau uf t!l .t) and. tbe } uung one of twenty organJL"d D. p11vutc U.::;soc1u.tion of their own Both expected to keep it dnnn~ life The Doc tor chd, but, ali1s t liE'O aid not In con2r.q11cncc of Leo having cxpcnenced a l~Jgo s.tock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- --o-THE KING OF 'broid.ecy-. TRELEVEN S · FASHIONS for Sprrng 1ust to hand ll"Ual SEWING MACHINES, --o-- DENTISTRY! MRS A FLETOHER de1 Agent but ha:i tho spccrn,l ;i.,;enµy for ~h.e above I an1 prc:p 'bte.d to E:J,c l!'ir1.n,os for ~ddt ess cl1ang13 of heart 1 an,t JOJnfd the Church a N B - ihp Sub.::~11b~r ill 1111t 11 Snb, or un B;)wma1n 1 lle . t:\1n'll 7th,1874 fe\v month& o.ttcr'1ng from college, bis father abanUonul the idea of making a la" 1 c:r of 111111, aud a.;nt Lum to the Pnnce· I ton Thtolo~lf'.al Seminary After hav1ng been liceoc12d, r.nd 11a\ 111g preached accept alJh tur a. je.a.r, he ina1r1ed the daughter of th ~ l l d f U d e P l,)st1.:iun a Ji;:fl. yre t!Ue to, an ,accept1ng a call, becanie the pa.1;;tur of a large and weci.lthj congregatl in No perBon ever sa\\ l rno1l 11 uulson e 01 Jeiuteci un1pl(· /\.fl{ 1 STR \.W BERRIES -After the plants a1 e tlnough ~ou1e t1nw::;. }.:icautlfnl boy w11ti born to them be tnng, the mulch shonlcl be remo\ cd, and the rlhe TilJfSC ri:quireJ. 1H-1l10f to put into the ~oil bet\\ een the ro'" s stirred, and'~ eeded, and yonng n1other 1:i food 'lhe young m1n1stcr manuxed, if fine manur.e h not to be had apply procnt( d sornc liquor ut a drug store By a goucl tlrel'31;1ng (f ~round b~me or. other fertil uccidt nt n '1'JJ.l lost its cork an l i:pillcd its zer If new beds a.1e be set let enough runne11:1 content~ ln hie pookct r,rhc fu1nes bred grow to funush vlants and re1no\e the rest h113 \1rmn IJe L uile1l lhe vdl· po115on1 then RASI'JlEHRlES ~As ~oon a.<1 through bea111.g, sw nllu" e<l n Kl of the nas.,~ hqu1d Tb at cut out the oltl ca.nes and tie uv t}n1 111 w ni r t he led 1n Lrn pra 1 er uie1..:ting He grO'>'\th Three or foul new canes to a plant me I 0 U I ~ enough :.H; RO unu"'ua y e oqnent as to r~t:el\ e - ------ ---- Organe, 01gaJ.H1 for A:Iclodcon,s, also Se1.¥1ng 1tiach1ncs, on re \Sonablti tcan"- J s DOl'i ], Y, I HONE p 0 BOW MANVILLE J ··ll l&th 1 1875 6 f.huoi; J. M Brimacombe, L.R.G D.8 \.'l.SJ::5.l'ED BY Ma.chine a.nd Implement l'!Xan ufoctuing Co and he 1s determmed to contmue to sell at these nnnously low cheaper tha,_n tlfe cheape·t Wh\ he can do 1 t .l!lirs~, he hJ.1.,)rS for ca;sh )}now~ ~iist how to hu,y 1 Second, \vhat he can't buy 'cheap enough, he mliunfoem1e~ Thud, be 1s satisfied with Rrnall p1ofits 1 Fourth, he sells for cttsh , Fifth, he sells at bottom pnccs --------- --~- G. D LOCKHART LR CDS Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED lVIILI--iS. ..;\_uother ctr load of the' e noblf' articles on the way J'lciu1c cQ.11 at the Mainufaotures o!J ~~i,LL Exnnunc -o-- AND SEE FOB 4WD YOUBSELVES~ BRING ¥0UR FRIENDS WITH '\VOOD AND IBON WORKING MACHINERt c stock 1 winch comvnse~ e\ eiyth1ng in the t rado, of the \er j h~teet and II\( cit el eb 111 styles and patterns, of Eni;l1sh, Canadian, and Amcnoo.n nuinuf11cture - o- lle ~till cont1nuoil to mr..nufacti,p C tq ortj.or 1 from the l;iee:t of lllf!>tenal1 a.ud th;no Lut fiist class workmen k:epls you. - o- FEES MODERATE. 0FF1 UE ovel' 1¥11 NBF:PlEL'B Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He ha" 1n stock an enclless variety of Lachcs and Gents' Sa.ratoga lruuks, \T,hses &c, all of wh1ch he is l:!elhng c.:heap for cash lj n1a11y congratulations thereupon rlhere- B 0 '\V :MAN YI LL E OL Ul'i G'S Sto1 e Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency lltf Double Turbine Water Wheels,, and --o-- Remsmber tbe Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg St Bow mru1t1lle, \fay li.!~ 1874 Away With TcmptatiolL HO" A }lJNISTEH BlJ:C.&:J1E A IH)8IJ ~ ··fter he ne\· r \\cnt into the pnlp1t or into tbc <l1.:sl1.. of the 11::ctun: roou1 w1tl1out kehn~ I the 1 .fft:cts of alcoli(iJ One< \e111n~, ha,1nJ U :Bow1narntlle Dec 1i74 Il W JA"vihS, King St 1 Bo\Hna.uullc J'owmauville ]Jee 5 V312 M. TRE~~V~N 1\en too 1nudJ, he fen !-JJJOn the lcctnre uµon 1 1 d1air ---- - ---------Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the most lastiug, the troubler-omo, and most complete e..,.,r in-i;onti;:<l 'lhey n.c.u used n.ncl recorpmendea by n1any of t4r- host Br~odElrs ln the United States and CanadRi l:il}ch fl.fl G B Lonp.g, Si:i.lem, ~ia(!)s., PiesuJcnt _..Jew Englanll \\Tool Grvwc:rs' Society, John S lW'F!s, lleune ~ I b s A p1D;-Ill..,_rrofcasor ~1 -11 oft oRtate g ncttltttrft.·L Ci511t"ge~ansmg, ~:heh ' on Geo n1 rroronto, On,,. ~ J vhn SneU, Edmonton o own, t 0 h 1\f k st mr eel the "' nei 8 ll n eac h ar 15 a ) 'Ih r 0 ill b name nnd the S cep 6 number e) w e t:ient f1 ee, by mail, 01 exp1e::.s,for only fou~ cents each, ~d \\ill last foi T'\"i El'TY Y'fl Ul.S ~ Ot\sh roust accompany all ord+.ns ARDIHBALD YOUNG, Ju., Sarnia Ont Ordcrlj aild..reattaU. to the lii.1.&li.O:r·n:i'I-' and OD SEUVER Office fo1 any quantitJ, w1ll be tilled at t 1e abo\e me;1tw11ed iw1ce, as q_u1c1dy a~ he Marks cpn be 1uade and s9nt nlO roou1 tlooi while atte1npt;ng- to ~1t <lO\\ll rr!iESE M.UtKSARE 'IHE OIIllAl'EST, All ~a\ SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. TI1'-1E JYIONJ y and LABOlt saved r Fi e,H;f~ Otl Polush This French Oil Pohshis pre i>ared tor Uan'la~cres, :Buggie", I-Iarncs.r:;, Boots Ca.stings of an Kinds ll:L lll\'i\f{f]'['; ~1-i'llUM th it lie \\as <l1u11k .r\.. few yea1s s1nce a nurnber ol l.LU1e~ 1 r.l lh<:y lo\ed lnt11 lIL~tiJ 'here dtHoteJlj g,el)tl.e1ue11 wc1e U$~ P.n1 blec1 in tLe cll"gu11 ) ,tt~acl '2d tv h.1.~ 1u 1 11able w 1th llt.l ":ts pr~ furn1aiwd p~:;:lo1s of u '\enlth} uJ.all '"'ho re\t·ulcd upuu to lc:t:J,.11 to ""O..Ve li'e d1sg1ace of sided neal to oue (If the pr1nc1rY'l AmtNu,iu colJelo!;CS The company l'ln.d ru et ~o St.'e Judge Fiddle, a member of Congress,~ i1oae son \'HlS to be the valedictorian on the n1or IO\\ at the Comn1encen1ent By couirnon cousent 1 as the idol ot b1~ ~Ja,,s, th1s pos1 1 1on expub1un ..~ lie :i;eturned \\1lh hia herirt ) '\ tle a.1 <l then uncoll"Ctvu:i babe to Lu! futhei'e J1r1 1 Jfll? Soon afte1 a1rn1ng he The heurtt> ot li1t:1 p!::!ople were uearl v brol>:en lll£PAIRS <louc on the TO THE £01 lJao;t f<J..\ vn!. ~ e ha· e I ttelj added thereto, that '\\C may thcreh) be cnab100 to supply tll 1iartles who may plt.:a"tl t o f.,vm Pie lpn1 with a. call~ Gre 't 111Uu<.:e1nents held out to those purchnstng at ou1 e-.tabhshm ent tures, Looking Glu.s"'eH etc f111mcd to ordc1 and in every style Samples of tht diil ~rer:;t kind of l\lnuh:liu~~ cw1 be -ieep .t.t~he waie roo1n }Ve v.ould also beg to mforrn s ou tlrn."' hav1n.; purchaJJeQ. Qi 1nv1Ltl ou1 p1 a:,i °"" found the old oule boa,d ot1d J;ccanrn helnles . .ly 1ntox.wi:Meil I hen, tor the i~rst tin1e, the eyes ut th1: Judge were opened) bQt too f had beenas-lgncp to Leo Dorrngtheeven l\te for poor Leo His hther and molber lD'"' the couvereation t 11 rr,e,d :w,pon the sub I a1e dtad lirn -v1fe 1s earn1ug her hvtng o ,, by Lt ch1ug school , but hti, once so bright, JP.r.t of t<?mpera.uce An advocate or tolaJ I once so eloq wnt, is now, or \\US Quite re abshnence aeked the Ju<l6e fur J.rn opuu on, ceutly, a hostler at a. couulr) waJ&Hie t&' v.:h1ch he .i.tave J.S f.oHows, I en1 - Iri the Ola 1 .,twn at TVorlr Bo~m,,,xmlle,Dec C BARlrnR 1 2Sth.187L w13 ly and at tlie satne tnne 1 ho1,1 1 t~ ~1ly properties tends n~uch to pr<"sei:\e it lt \\Ill al \Ht) he ~mst and !llrn11t :i.nd n1av exbosl::ld l!i d I ·.· ,( ll 1· to water an Wa.15 )Qu, an4 w1 not Of-le its n 1 a11cfl, and 1t ls not to be that \ny crust I will sett11:.1 on sa.1d Leather when preser\ ed ~1th the abo\ e Oil Fo1 the -wood \\01k of Durr ef'I Oan1ages, a.nd l u1tutL1.1 t.: 1 t}iete 1s not a b~tte{ a 1 t 1clc 111 uso Ma.nufu.otured by A SDIO:t\ & Co, lanner~ and CuHteL'l'I fot'lnOilJ of l"rance, now of l lnlv.dclplnu., P.t., Instruct1onts - Shake bottle ..1.\ few drops ou a p11 ce of sponge apply 1t hghtlyti> Joh e le1Jt11m, and y:ou will obtain the finest lnstrc }>rice 7Vcte ,. ._per hotile 01 $'7 i50 p,er dozen ,JQTfN S1\(AI E, Sole Ageiii, 'now manv1lle and Shoes, al}.d a 1 kiuds of Leather lt will g1vc anj tut1cle of Leatl1er1 a.most b1illi~nt ap pearap.c~, tbant.s to thl:!n nurueronfi custon:1t::Hl .tnrl. tb public g:,..11ei<1.ll:; I N\\ 1cturn111J ould 1C"'pectful1y their atfention to esent stock of ftun1turc,' Le 11 SlIOit'rEST \Ve. no\~ on J1a31d ' l;:l.-l 0 e wiH be s::ild at IJlla!l~}ty nf Common and Gang Plows, tb~t SPLEND LD NE'V HEARSE, Wti shall he 1endy at :'L 11 times to ~tte11d ftlt1urala, on ~hurt notice aud reason :ibl(l ttlnJ ti N B -Cofhns kept on hand nnd ml\dc to order, at the LOW PRICES tf NEW DOMTNZON RETAIL FURNI'l'URb' WABE-l~UIJM ba"l>, A:ug 26ih, July lUth, 1874 41 mos AT THE ~HOP. BO'.'IIIl::t.nville, Aftuch 6 lS'r:l King Street East, Oshawa 18~0 J "'""" ------ ----- ---------- - - - - - -

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