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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 23 Jul 1875, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, , JULY 23, 1875 POETRY. Jesus, and the Doubting Christian 'l'he followiug lines .aaid to ha~e beon composed by a young wo1na.u \vho conld neither FARM AND BEDS KITCHEN. 1 · ! .I The n1f.l.]()t1t} of µeople have inueh to leain about beds and their management Disease read nor write:and feeblen~s E! very often come from bad beds .T csus sn.ys I'll cve1· keev W1ihout refresl1ing sleep, '~h1ch ca.n only be j, ao" ,J10wmg full lines of lu safety my bt.:Joved sheep , found in good l eds, \Ve cannot cnJOY or exert }I rom stn and endless sorrov; hen, the full po"·ers of our physical or rot<intal na· 1"'001 !sinking 1J.::1ul, I will keci... thee. tures. The first question v.-hich many of our Lor<l, I hE'lteve thy \Void ~s ttne wisest doctors are now asking of their patients But I polluteLl atn and poor : is, 1 How and l\'here do you sleep ?' The loca.· in every department, pucha.sed u11der veiy favorable circumstances, rind My goodness reaches not to thee, tion of a bedroom is everythlllg, Scienc.e a.nd s sake v.:ilt thou keep me ~ J'o1 mercy1 is determined to sel1 at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. common sense tell us that out bedrooms should always be on the flunny side of the hou!e, and I fmw the lying in thy,blood, that ltgbt and ai1 should p~s freely through and Costumes, comprising a very Large Variety T came to b1 rng thee back to God , them the most of the day Woev~r sleeps in \ii'" of NEWEST and FINEST Fabrics. 'l'he poor in sp11it bles~ ed shall 11~, a. bodroom on the north suJe of the house, into 'l'rnst me, poor soul I will ket!p U1 ee. which the sun ne\'er })cnetra.tes, IS dyl.llg daily, do11e to oider by Skilful and obliging 13ut Lord, I have a deatlly \\ ound, He pal:!ses through bfo in an enervated condi· presellts of costly duuuonds, waH per~1steht . al.Y.l.1111 c;i ll~anagemcnt 1 An ev1l heart ,v.thiu I find t1on, and lev.,es a posterity unfitted fot the :l l l . lf \ , in his calls, and ~fter a br1el cou1tsh1p they By nature enmity to thee , struggles and hcroi$roS of life. 1\fan alone is emwere duly1narric<l, Miss Flynn joining wrth 't\11"1" An ' 1 . U lUSUally aLtuwtive display, thi, seasqn, Ofien<led IGug, \\ ilt thou kt:fl}J me. forgetful of this in;;trueti\'e and helpful law 'bracing Latest Novelties m F1ench, 1'nglish, and We do not consider, and therefore suffer and her uncle against the strenuous opposition I Of old, this bondai::-e I beheld, d1e before onr allotted time. The seOOs of dis· of the n1int. She \\'as posSessed in her own American Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings Yet 'vas with love and pity fill ed , ease are 1n our mattresses 'l'housa.nds of fatni· rtgbt of a consulerable property, and the " 'l1herefore 1 I died to se t thi;:e free, lies sleep on feather and curled hair Peds which acknowledged belle of the vicrniLy. Her 11'or my own sake I 1\-"JU keep thee. Specictl attention to getting up Orders 01· have been 1n da11y use- nnd they boast of it- sorrows have not yet robbed her of her re· FAMILY ilfOUBNING. for twenty five Ho\V often have such Yes, l have proved thy po,ver, my God, markable beauty, and su ffering bas left no beda, even in well regulated fnmihes, been tutn· /I nrl felt t11y cfficncious bl0<xl , ed out under the sun and exposed to the air, a.s marks of grey rn tl1e splendid ·uburn tress· Hut lilll i..:u11uus \\ h1le s . u I )Ne, 0. A ve1y large stock to selec they should ha... e been, especially in the sum· es thaL hang m profnsion nearly to tho 'Vilt thou preserve backsliding me i ol.Yi&.1111 iii ~ lill VY 'I tiom, of cloth, cashme1e, silk mor months, for hours togeLhex ? It is fright. ground. \Y1tbiu a few weeks after the nuptials velvet, and lace goods, of latest styles, very elegant, (or made to order) Befure I wrought upon thy '1,; ill ful to think of tbe quantity of perapl.l'at1on from I knew how treacherous thou would\1t deal, our boches '"hl ch adhc1es · to the unrefreshed the ne\\. ly married couplr went to Par1fl, Embiaciog eveij dosc1ipt10n of fabrics, to meet thi I did thy base ttauf!grestilons i;ee, mattresses. Ignutanc~ of matters mfl1cts aqd l1erc ber 1nental soon c;o1111ne11ced. .And ) et l e&il ved I \VOtdd ke~p thee upon posterity untold burdens, and robs the They had been in Paris but' a Jew days wants of om· numerous customers world of an immense amount of pO\'ier, How \\·hen at a faslnonnblc gather1ug one eveuM Pertnit me once a.ga1n to speak, can a man who has slept on an unhealthy bed mg Welles· accomplice Wo1tb, appeared and Sometimes 1n tears thy face I se1:k, rise in a singing mood 1n the morning, ready And oft a gloomy veil I see i for a good day 1s work ? Almost any bed well. addressed him caielessly as Charley BulOshawa, April, 18i5. Can'i:1t thrJu be 'vroth, and yet ki.-e-µ n1e" managed coutx1butes to "~gorous health ,tnd lard, '!'his wae the first inkl111g the wife long life ·rhe material of tho mattress is of ha<l that she was the victim of a grave Je. Let thiii one answer thee i;ufh1;c, the smallest account ]freshness and cleanli cc:ption, but for the tirn~ ~lle hid her griet. In anger I do nOt chastise , ncH3 are the essentials. In these f:!\Yelterin"' Welles continued to speu<l mo11ey freely, More fervent then thy cry, thy pita, nights no bed is fit to be occupied that has not And as I live, I '"'ill keep thee. nn<l 1t soon became appartnt tu hint that be been under the sun for seve1al hours i.n the 1nust have au 1ncorue to keep hia purse sup But when I feel temptation st1 oug, twenty.four. \Ve h ave a groat deal to learn Mutual Life Assurance Society And if 1ny JOtuney should be long-, a.bout beds The maids in ou1 house make up plitd. \V1th "hnt he had re1uu1n1ng, what T fear I shall dishonor thee , the CJibs and beds almost as soon as they arc Worth could fnrnl8b , and b.J the aid . of ESTA BLISHED 1840. \Vilt thou continue to k eep ml;l" vacated, without the slightest regard to their Mrs Welles· fo1tune, Welles nnd Worth set punfication Tht> struggle for healthy up in busn1esa together by establishing one I am Lhy Lord, thy chan.;el1:1sa fr1ii!ntl, life is of our own crea.hon. Ae ·we our of the n1ost gorgeously furnished ealoons in 131, 81'. JAMES STHEET, MONTREAL .l\Iy love and mercy ne'er shall en~l , b1;1ds so '-"ti tnus£ Lie on them ·rhere is light In all yonr conflicts, tn1st in ID(>, Pa11s1 known as the' Am"11cao µestaurat;1t, 1 enough on tins anbJect, as on all othera, but we DIRliJOTORS. 'l\1 hoe.ry hairs I will k eep thee love the dar}.. ness rather than the light. W e winch beca111e a tavorite resort for \'1s1tors \V:~J,l'ER SHx~Ll', J~i,;q. 1 P. 1 Chairmaan, But when my days on earth 11ast, Tbe busi111:1ss "as not t1Hnk with pity of the family which attends th e fror:: 1 th JS countJy. Du~CAN ~fAcno~ALD, JBsQ. 'l'hie body will return to dust , ns rt:muneraiive as had been anticipated. poisonou~ theatres and l eturns to neglected !r!AJOR rr. E. CAllPBll:I L, c B St. fiiln1re. I tterob!e at the Just decree, beds at m1du1ght. 1lus is ca.Jletl ~nJo:yment and. bcconnnl-l' pre::sed for iueans VV cllce and rl'RE HoNOllARLE JOHN HAMILIO.N, HawkA· In death's dark hour 'v1lt thou hl1lp 1ne ' burg.! Ont and rec1eation by pe1soni~ .... ho know not \~httt w1ft! sailed tor New York \Vlnle in Patis URSIDEN~' SJlCil]'TARY. - JAM>$ GnA>r \Vhen J1eart, when litreni;:th, when flesh shall they are doing f1l~ had Uc.t 11 th e rcupit11t of n1any ric1 1 fail. 'J'he higbef!t meclicul authorities in this <mun · g1Jts, the 1nof!t of \vl11ci1 hPr hnsliand had When, when doubts, when fear pre · ,\il, tiy and Europe a.s-aure ua that the healthrni;t i:q11,u1d1 lt>d 'l'bc E?;THtE PRor1fS bfJlong- to anda1e divid \Vhe11 life 1 and earth! y co1uforta flee, bed possible ii:. clea.11 sh.~w, replenished at le:.tPt Atuved 111 tli1 s t:.1ty 1 the d1:h.·ct1.,ts "ho e<l amongst tJie Po7~c:yholdeis. l\f)-' God, wy God, ..... thou keep rne '1 once I\ fortnight, and turned under the air harl Uctu is lrn.d ov.1ng \Yelh·s \\ t: lt' not ta1dy 1.1vM, DECl,J.!>l'Ell DY OTHER COMPANIES, or on da.tly. rl'his is a hint to our fa11ner ft ien<ls, who Can I forget my heart's delight 9 Jn anest 1ng l11n1 and. taking- huu to ltf.1s~a· wblCh an extaa P'l"e11ititm would be requued, C.!Lll have st1aw in abunda nee, all the year ronu<l. 1'hy soul is precious 111 n1y sight , Many people \Vaste so much upon appe.trance!I elius~tt~, " btre ht>< plcnflcd guilt) to the be aesured at the ordvnary ratca of thie Society, I conquert d death on Cc.1.l~ar), and gaudy shov: that they h a ve ne1tJ1er the ba1.;k 1vl1bery, an<l \\O...q s ent e uctd to twe1:1ty under:. a speC?ttl arrangement Aud Ironi ibs stu1g I ,dll ketip thee SPECIAL NON·FOFEITABLE POLICIES issued rucans nor inchua.tion to 1nake tben1selvva co1n· y eu1:i 111 the S~ate prt~on-thc full ex.tBut I will be near thy dying b~d, fortable and healthy in the iuiportant ite1n of ot tlie h1w-,1hflt' he H~ lJO\\ llt Jund labor. under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay A1nid the waves sustain thy hmul ; beds a.nd under c1oth1ng The first tl.nng tha~ P1e\ 1onA to the nrrc~ t M1l'I "\Vellef! bad ments are req,1ired, each payment aecurlng , My 1-o<l and staJ[ thy help 1:1l1all be , good and successful boardn1g·house keepers do Policy for a. sum assured proportionate to the slu1t;d $4,000 of Jurnhure 111 her O\Vll name In perfect peace I \\ill keep thee· HI to tlxpose '\·ith pride thch· mattres!'leA and numbet of p1enuums paid, andfrce/rom fv.tur bedding. 'rhe thmg that poor housekeepers with a mon named Strong m this city. It 'IJayment of pre-nuums. Present the follo1ving tcstimonia1s from ...,om I atn the light tbat ~oes btf1He, petent Judges of - 0.rgana Test1mon1aJ fro do is to show theirs. Nothing more repulsive appeared in the statements rnade to the 'l'o guide the p1lg1i1n to ihe f.;hore , IvlODERA'lE PRE:l:IIU::l-IS an<l most liberal con· John Camidge, Mus , Doc., Canluar, England. to \H::ll hied people tb,\n an ill·look1ng bed,a.nd Court that the detectives had that At n1y 1 ebnke shall Jm dau flee, Bowmanville, 24th Dec 1 1137::.. d1t1one. none mme 1epulsive to health. the hn sband ehonld be lcmcntly dealt with In hfe and death I will ke~p thee To the Jlfanagel'B Domin1on tR·gan Co Prospecluses,Propoual .11.,orrne, &c,, supplied Y\.,. e ~H'l.\'C smd bedrooms sbonld be on the sun- provided he \\ould give a bill of sale ot this G£NrLEME~ - I like to plt;,y on your Organs Come then, n1y i;iste1, come 1ny ~ p o m;c, on application at the Head Office, or any of t\" ,,e is so sweet and attiady. .And the \\Or~~ ny SH.le of the house ; but if the sunbeatn r.. furu1turt>, Lut the bfassachusetts judge the Agencies. I v.·ill fulfil my encred \'O\\ s , .... mansojp and fini B h *xcellent, and , in ever;r are to be carefully excluded, and the i ooms JAMES GRANT, particular they are equal, if not superior, to would not consider this At tbis time Mrs Thou s11nlt in bliss n1y g1or:r sec, · made dark with bli.11ds and curtains, 1t is httle Res. Secretary. any I have ever heard. !lopin~ they \till meet '\Vhen on thy throne I ha\ic placed thet-. 1 public appreciation, tna.tter ou which side of the house tlu,y are, 'relies was living \v1th her t"'o children in JOHN CAMilJGE tno rooms in Fourteenth street Suit wa.s AGEN'l' l'OR BOWMANVILLE, Sunlight is espet:·alJy need\d for the sick, aud It is enoug11, 1ny Lord of lo\ e, C.BARKER, lt 1 s especially excluded from them, everything com1ncnced by the detectives for th1:: turn1. The hill and mountains may re1nuve , Read the follo\l1ng f1om Rosa. })'Erina " Observer Office, 11 King St. is darkened to keep out the flies and heat, but ture,the \\'i fe be1ng made a third party to the Bowmanv1lle, December 22, 1873, But T shall still unshaken be, To the, lifa1iagers of the Do1ninwn Grgau Co. both are puufying. '!]ill fhe::::, it is no·v,.. said, u;;;tnaJJ.~ille. Jnne 24th, 1870. 23-ly 'l'hy '"·ord is past, thou wilt kcc p nH.! cause, tl:ie queotion h~iog whether the pro· GENTLEMEN. - I ha.\i e much ple.a.sure_in tes deansjt the a.u of animalcul::e an<l eyorcs, some perty belonged to tlie husband 01 the wife. fying to the excellent qualities of the Org of v. hich a1e, pe1hap~ 1 the germs of our diseases. supplied by _ you .it xny conceit last Saturda Mrs Welles also 1nst1tnted procecclmgs 'l'he sunlight will punfy walls, furniture, beds evening The tone is sweet and very power£ a.nd the comb1nation of stops moat a.dmira.b and wearing apparel in the ioom, as ·woll as Rga1:1st the detccL1vts for grand larceny for OF J,ONDON. I nm sure your instruments "ill tiod favor invigorate 1t;:; human occupants. Nearly twice breaking open one of the sto1ed box.ea ()hurcbes 1 as th~y a1 e swgulatly aJapted fo (Established 1803. as inany patients recover on the sunny rnde of 1'he c1 v1l su1 t was decided last \Vinter, ~lrs 'l'he matron's lament- let us sweep en.cted music "\"\'-ish1ng you eve1y success, 11nd HEAD OFFIOES.-1 Old Broad St., and hot1p1ta]s as on the n6rth Slde. 'Vliy turn all Welles being allo11ed a puit of the goods, that the pubhc rnny patron1ze nah'ie mant1fac:1!"01 a. young wotnan to begin to pick lint on a our rooms practically to the 1101 th side by shut· PaJ.l MaJ.l. London. ture. .. she pnJ ing costs , and the criminal action G:ENEUAL <l GRI\Cl FOR (),tNAlJA :- 24 St young tnun's coat collar, is @aid to be tl1 e fh~t I remain Gentlemen, t -: : ni, blinds, aud ctn t~dns. II" e do so, "'t least Very respectfully, > Montreal, symptom that the )Oung inan is 1n pe11 l against the detectives "'as c hscontinued by crament let us bear the cousequflnt wanness, Wi::li kness, HOSA D'.KRINA. ' B11tt~r do" n " as the goat 1 c1narkctl to or sickness without murmuring. '\<Vhn.t is ti uc the D rs!rict-Attorney Subsenbed and in,esttid Capital and I:caerve Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs And no\v comes an(Jlher moat i;dngular Fund, £1,965.000 Stei·lmK. H. O'HARA. A. ~L DARLEY himself, as he Faw the fat mer's w1fc cr<i$.~lllg the of bedrooms is also true of liY1ng rooins a.nd Prl::lsident, }.l!a,na.ger field offices The oldest and most respectable me1. featme m her trials. While tlrese proceedFun<ls invested m Canada-- 105,000. Bow1nariYille, January 15, 1874. bµ·o3 m16 . <ant1le hou~es ;n London had a prnle in keep· jngs "ere going on, detectives, with exInsurances agamst loSB by Fire are effeuc.ed on .An old coudtwtor says he is no JHdge of feinule ting their offices in the dark cout Ls, nnJ with Uh1ef Colonel 1Vocd, \\ere unre1n1tting in most favorable t1::1nnsi and losses with bea1ty1 but he can alwap1 tel! "hen laclier. a1 e be su1all wmdowa of the olc1en tin1e, and the their bunt for Worth, Welles' uccomplicein out reference to the Board in London. · pai;sing fare. ' J DODSWORTH, UINTOUL BROS. JiVes of their book·keepe111 an<l clerks, who the bank robbery. They prnfessed to beA young lady, \\hen tol1l to exe1cHie fo1 bet \YOI ked long hours 1n :these inusty old offices by Inspector. Gen. Agents, Montrea health, said she would jnmp at ant fTc1 1ancJ run go.slight er-en at noonday if the wcat11 er "·as at heve that Mrs. W ellee knew where he was. R R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen her own risk. all dull, were not worth five yea:r'a purchase. In accordn~ce with this beliefa person call· for Bowma.nville and Vicinity. ' ed George Albert Mason, it appears from The song of the cashbook or ledger might, in A man may be prope1 ly to liave Leen Bowma.nvi.lle, June 4th, 1860 36 drink1ng like P .fish "hen be fi111.h1 that he hal:! s uch offices, u.n accompaniment to the the testimony, was sent to l\frs. '\Vellea t~ Ill o.4Z·39.4w · Song of the Shirt,' and how mn.ny 1:umila.r ascertain what she knew of Worth. She taken enough to make lns htJad S\\ im offices rrught bt: found in Nc\v York . demed any knowledge of h1' whereabouts, Sun11kins h,\.S disco\ ered that the p1easnnt<!st Mothers, please see to it that your hou!:les way to take cod 1h er 011 l::! to fatten v1geons are thrown open from garret to cllllar in "'atm ·but rn1d she believed she could reach him ~Iellal by advertising for a lriendof his. Mason gave \v1th )t, a11d t11en eat the (Ji,geonf!. "e;:i,ther f1)r several hours in the hea.t of the her a twenty-dollar and a five dollar bill, Which in 1873, at the PrnHllCial beat A boy 'vho was; gent tn a di uggist fol chlotide day, so as to get as much light and heat, and with tJstruchons to give them to no one but of lime to 1 kill 1nfcct1011 1 ' demanded instead thorough draught of air as you can , and d..inng every American and Canadian Organ, taking tha.t ti1ne all beds and blankets should be ailed the person "'ho aus~ ercd the advertisement . the Flll.S'l' PRIZE 'a }Jound of oobbler's lune to kill affection ' For the following Insurance Companies, aud 1 as niuch as possible llt the sunshine The interview \Yas had, but nothing r~nlt other Institutions, vu1 :··\lso the rt<iuowncd A C'lncago repo1 tor hn.s JUSt "'on his 8purs by One hint more. ]'e~ther bed~ and pillows The QUEEN l"'ire and Life Insurance Com· ing tberefru111 another \Vas agreed upon. an <trllcle lieadcd · Despeui-te Bloodshed-rrhe pat'tially smother the body and the head, and pany. cap1t.i£,ooo $150,ooodepoStted & 1.--. lliluidt:ted l\fan not expe~ted to h\:C " absorb such a quantity of the perspiration }iason called agam and left two more bills -..vttli the Domin.ion Government, for the protec [Boston J of the -Bame denominations to be given to dere in Canada. It was a. laconic !titter from a lady to her which tll ey cause as to make an old feat1lel bed The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com \Vh1ch haa taker. , husb,uul . 'I wnte to you becam:ie I have 110 · a bag of uncleanliness,espccia1ly if it hn,s served the, acquaintance of Worth, and no one else. pany of Canadp. Capital 500'000,-0ne of the beat and cheapest Companies doing busine~s 1n t,Hng to <lo, ,\ntl I conclude bt:cause J b1Lv e 110 for s1ck folks. For tins ren.son one should Tluring all this time the U mted Statee. the Dominion, for Farmers a.nd Isolated RllikS J?o?'ty-nin c tlung to sny.' 1 never purchase an old bed or p1llo,v, t:Ither of detective& ·were watching the operations of The CANADA LANDED CREDI'l' CO'Y. fcnthers or hair . .- ]{. ~Y W1tnc~8. Mason, who was the pretended go·between v.·itft a Se.vings Bank department. An unhappy ruau says he'sgonig to t.:ea in The UNION AND PER2.VIANENT Building in securing Worth. Tbey suspected Mason and the hope t]ia.t he'll be wrecked 1 and hvr. all ---o.-Sa.ving's Society. of hav:ing paaaed conn~erfeit money m the The!te latter institutions advance J. . oans on alune on an island for many years, nnd then Real Estate on termil unusua.llv ea8y for the Wedded to a Criminal· 1 northern part of this State, and, calling on come bo1ne and find his wife ma.1Tied to auothborrower. ' C".r 1nan. THE THE SroRY o~, A YQUNG ENGLI8II LADY- Mrs. Welles, induced her to show them the BowmanvHle, Feb, 6th~ 1873 . KING OF 1 WhJ: ,' a country clergyman to one of !\fARHIED, DEcEf"-ED, AND DEsEn rED- last money Mason had left, which proved 1 to be counterfeit. J\1usoD \vae tbtreupon las flock 1 do you al" ays sleep in.your pew when SoMEIHING THAT REcAr r.s '.l'BE BoYL· ~~ J arn Ill the pulpit. while you are all <tttention arrested, and there \Vas found bet\veen thP. S'ION DANK IlOBBJi.IlY 1 Because, su, to every stranget I invite "' mattresses 1n his room a large amount oi --.o:-v;hen you preach I'm sure all"s ught J lJttt I· ( J!'rom the N. Y. Graphic.) counterfeitmonev in t\ve11tiea and fives only. can't ti· a stranger without keeping 'a good One by one the sharply defined characters lfrs, '\\relles ·was arreated us a witness on lookout!' an<l 1ncidents in the drama of romance and the order oI Judge Blatchford, and kept in N 13. - Thc Subscriber is not it Sub, 01 un· A ragged u1ch1n, begging the othe1 day, -wa~ der'":Age.ut but ha,s tho special a.gency for the custo<ly by Dep1lty l:mted States Marshals Q.;i:ked by & lady, \\ho had filled hu; Lasket 1 1f crime daily enacted in New York arise and above. I arrl prc.pared to exchange Pia.nos fo1 disappear ag1un lrom public view, scarcely Colfax and Holmes aL the headquarters of Organs, Organs for :i\:Ielodeuna, a lso Sewing his pa.rentij ~ere li\ing. 1'Iachines, on r ear;onable terms 'Only dad, ma'am,' s~dtl1e boy. more marked tbnn 'the ripples in the har- Colonel Washburn, chief nf the 17mted ~ddress, 1 Then you've enough in your b<Wket now to bour crtated L!r a passing vessel, 'vbich cir- States Secret Ser,·ice in this city, untH J s DONEY, TIRONF. P. 0. ( upon he1 testimony) Mason was f~etl the family f1·r some time, StiJ!d the lady, Jnn. 15th, 1875. 6 6mos. cle and foum, only fo grow lei:;;s and le1::s p~r· 1 Oh, no, I't, neither,' saJ<l the lad, ' fo1 1 cept1ble ur.til they are finally lost to sight. convicted and sentenced to prison. <lad and me keeps five boarders, He doca the Mrs. Welles and hr children a~e obliged :K ow c0nies again the sad story of a \\'01nan housework, and I does the mnrket'n, 1 betrayed in to rnarnage \\-·1th a crnn1nal, to change their p1aees of residence frequentQueen ElI..Zabeth, admJnng the elegance of taken 110111 a home "'·here she had enjoyed ly, Worth not having been caught, and her Lhe Marqu1~ of J\Iedina., a Spanii!).1 noblema11, all the luxuries which wealth could provide plrrces of abode being tinder constant surv1l· J. co1nplimented him on it, bt:ggmg at the sam· lance by the detectives So vigilant 1s the ABSISI.EIJ BY ttnle to kno'v who possessed the heart of oo ac· and the 1J.ttenlions winch her pe1?onal atwatch thnt the nei~hbors are ltd to con1tract1ons and b1gb nccomphshn1ents cns1l:y comphshcd a cavali~r: Q. D LOCKHART L. R. C. D. S 1 bia.dnm/ said h~. 'a lover usks too mucb tm gained for her, and a t ]ast 1ett alone to care m1.:n t unp1eA..Santly upon tbe uu1tter, and such an ocuasion, but you1 maJcsty's will lS tor t\\o young ch1ldren ~n the m1dat ot a with her husband in prison lor a score of 1.-1.w. Ji~xcuse me, however, if I feat· to na1ne ·trange city, v. here the inenhou of her nunJe yen.rat uncl berseU iu a strange country, her 1 but request your magesty'i; acceptance of Another cal' loa.d of the above nob!R. a.rbcles on ia more apt to exc1te suspicion than the con1- w.lLbout sympathy and without 1nends, her lier 1 He eenthet a lookmg·glara the \Vn.y, case aflords one 1nore of the Jong series of miscrat1on which id her due. Please ca.U at the The milkman in our town was a funny old unhappy ron1anccs lrhose characters Jost1e .A . bou~ aev£n ) ears ago the Do.} lston Runk, genius, and drove .t steed ·whose articultural w1Lh us unkno\'tU 1n !Ill~ st1eets of the great B 0 vV JYIAN VI LL E proportions rivalled those of the famous Ro&in· of Bobton, "as tobbed of over $500,000, metropolis. OFFICE ovel' 1 l!lcGLUNG'S Store Farm Implement Forwarding Agency ante. One d<LY 1 u1 front of tlie post-uffice, he principally th e proper ty of nurds .ln<l widR W JAMES, "'as tryini;r, by a \.igorou.s application of ra'v ows, "bich had been d c po~1ted th ere upo1~ · I onee ren1arked to a Doctor, your pro Eowwandlle, Dt:c 1::\74 hide, to coax the beast into something fruste1 the supposition that th«:: bank. ·was on e of . King St., Bowman ville. fe ss1 on IS n1uch s1n1plcr tha.n 1nine; there than a. dow \'ialk, when 1'om Pai sons, a pretty Rowwanv1lle, ])ec. 5, 1872. nlO the ·aleet rn the Slate It had been Jor vrc but fe'iv diseast s of the hu1nau systew to young felloW: who thought that he kne\\· alrnot':lt many years the depos1tory ot guardians, ad- cure, whil e our ca~«::s are 1nfinne. Ile took everything, came out and hruled him. 'I .say Allen, clo you 1a10\V what happened minrntrators, uuJ o~her hdnc1ary 0Jtice1a. do\\n n book fro1n tbe shelf and read m~ Cc 1rcd for him; but expensive Lablls and a In the robbery Bulla'd was the 1 gentleman,' while Worth, bis C>mpan10n, attended to the mechanical part. Inuned1ately alter the ruubcry Bullard \\.·ent to Englund nni thei·e assu1ne<l the name of Welles, by which we eLall <lesig· nate bun hereafter in thi'3 statement of th~ facts. He spent hie 1ll·gotteu gaiDs lavislily, and by his olmost faultless address won the regards of ruen1be1a ol good aocit:>ty, While in Liverpool he met at a party Mies Katy }'Jyun, nn orphan, who ·was ltv1ng at that time ""ith her uucl~ and aunt, two wealthy people, and representing Litnself to be a titled gentleman received perm1sss1on to pay h1s addresses to her. lle 1nade her 'ait I rte brought ruin. SO, HO! G-entlemen of Fashion. ____ ANDERSON & Uo. I -OSHAWA. ---NOT SO FAST. Beg t~ announce to the l:lccto1s of \Vest Du1hu1n and "U lrounding t:oun tr), tbnt th e) "\\Ill sell theu iminense NEW SPRING GOO:filS, l'!.OOdS Dress I ha.' e wrLtteu these few bnE>s And all I hLLve to s~y 1 l 'hat you cu.n find mo still a.t liome At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. I am not gmic a.u ay , So all my 1-nirl old fr11.:11L!1; 1na:r cnruc, 1000 Pai1s Jlfen's l?dt Gitdtrs,for Cash only. ]I) Oases Child' 1Vctlingto11s, $1 50 l'""· ..1\.nd all the yl)ung J nt ti too And get their ga.rments ll WAly wade In fashionij that arc new "\Vhere old and young de&.r fi iendt! may 1000 pairs Mis!t§L Pcbal cmd B uJf Bujf Bal 1 norals, ld ,· I 50, p ci· pair, meet /01· GASH UNLl' STOCK OF BOOTS AND SH008, SS CASES FELT OVEitS:HOES. 1000 Faus 1Yornan/s. li-li"qe8 (l'Vl Uhil(l:;; l!' Boots1 lh" ~r-hf)le A wck.'{)rne grct:ting by R. PEATE, DowJ7lan\'1llc, (Tune 19th 1873. lo be ~old /01 CASfl ONLY Dress 'IA"!!lkl"UfY' ll1"ne""" af.\'..dr ·.J --o-Call early and seem e yom Winte1 Supply, 11 !11!0 the 1 u h is going 0 011 "t ANDERSON & CO'S., "l\Jt',..ntlei-i ~ I-·- - - - f E.Lepha,nt House for the liberal patronage extended to him during the past 18 begs to announce tha.t from and after the 15th September, he Wlll carry on the san1e business, but more extensively un<ler the name and style of JOHN MaLEon & Co. Prompt payment of oJl accounts is rendered unpttrative by this bUfil.neSB arrangement, and a.I persons ihdebted will plea.'ie take notice and govern the.mselves MCorchngly. THE Bown1 ttll'\-tll, Dec. 10th, 187i. Boolt &Shoe Em.poi·inm.. sh"'I "'"lS UNDERSIGNED in returning thanks THE to bia inany frit:lnds and the pubhc generally Staples, . TERMS--- LIB ER1~L. :RELIANCE E TJohn MoLeod & Co T Important Announcement! ----o--Libe1·al Support and H B Patronage Bowman ville, September 4th. 1873. JOHN McLEOD, would ·olicit the same exlen<ieu so long toJchn McLeod, : .uHl ta.kes this opporturnty of in forming the pubhr!, that they Ei Grea,t lteduction, in Dry Goods ! ' .. DISCARDED THJI; Millinery, Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. , ---oo--- ir I OLD SYSTEM, S PECI A t FE A T U R ES. ut L E p ELONG C;EDI'l'S, L E and "111 C()nduct their credit bnsines& as follows: BURDO UH BIOS. ..-t' t .l 1 " r r ALL ACCOUN'l'S \\ill be RENDRHHD on the I ! l/ominion Orooan Co'v BOWMANVILLE H A N T f 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September E p H A Having decided to make a change in the11 business, me now soiling for CASH their large and well asso1 ted Stock of D1y Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery a,nd Glas,w1tre, AT AND BELOW COST! Mn ln eac'i and every year. In the cast! ot ..rlianufa.cture.t:a, 1 !fechan1cs, a.nd others, 'vhose accounts ma-y amount to $50.00 or over, theu note,if agreed upon 1w1ll be taken payablo at thf> Bn.nk for a stated period. N T · The Stock having been putcbtcsed in the BEST MARK1£TS, buye1s depend on getting 1lfORE .AND BETTER GUODS 'P,OR THEIR MONEY at thi8 1£stablshment than in any other house in the country Cash Purchasers AND Call Eai-ly, and secure Bargains, as the wliole Stock mnst be sold at once, .far CASI£ ONLY, Prompt Crumbs for Chickens. Imperial Fire Insurance Co H1cut~;~~~i°:h:~1~.:·;f~~d:illbeH THE v.111 always get goods at pricea Payers on credits short 0 Stock La.rge U· S E Well Assorted ! A '!plet!dtd vn.r1ety of AND U, Ohristrnas Goods, Ra;isens, Citrra!J!~S! Su· gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., ctt ctll PricetJ. · · o E QR 0 Q ER Y is now complete with the DEPARTMENT ~hoicc,t supply of cos. TaoPvonrs~ox for 'vood or coal. s JOHN McLEOD ,1,, CO. Bowm,mville, Dec. 24th. 18i4 MURDOCH BROS. B0 \'ffi'ln\·1lle, Senteruhe r4thl873 ALWAYS GET FI:EtS'r-Clr.6.SS.' W. BELL & Co's. Prize 01'(/<tns ~air. Just Arrived th· · F .ASH.ION'HQ,'V SE at a splendid a.ssortn1ent o Jam es - McFeeters. AQ ENT HALLETT DAVIS PIA"TO NEW MILLINERY . .Also a lot of A GOODS, & BIG:., REAL HAIR. FANCY Also a large ""Stock of Stamps for ana Em· ' · , Qrqi~e~; . ~ ~ ~ ~ TIEtEVEN S SEWING MACHINES, FA fof Spring just to hand. 0 · s HI0Ns _ · · _: n- -~- DENTISTRY! i- --r.r:i.urual. ;I - DDESSM.Ao~JNG - · -1.. - i : ; , MRS. A. FLETCHER Bow.manv1lle. A,;,Pllll 7th11874. BOWIVIA~VIJ.:;L,.E Ma.chine M. Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.S. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Manufactuing Co": ai+d I"1npl~ment _ and he 1s determined to continue to sell at the'e 1 uinously low cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do it}'irst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Second, wh11t he can't buy cheap enough, he mannfactmes~ Third, he is satisfied with small profits 1 Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom p1iccs. ' : ~-o-- p1 ices C A.. LL A.ND SEE FOR Y011B8ELVES, AND Mauufa,ot'\.' ofJ ·~I · ·--.'- BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. - ExruniHe \VOOD AND IRON e stock, \\hich comprises everything in the trade, of the \ eiy Lttest a.ud most elegan styles and patterns, of English, Uauad1au 1 n.nd _\_nleucan mn.nnfacture. WORKING MACHIN:E~ 't He still oont1nues to manufacture to order, from the best of mateual, and none bt1t fir st class \Vorkmen kept - o - --o-- FEES MODERATE. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He has in stock n.n endless vru iet~1r of J,ad1cs 1 and Gents, Sa1.ttoga Tru11k8, Valises, &c. 1 all of ,vliich he is selling cheap for --o- - - - ---- - - Double Turbine Water Wheels,. and Remem e Dowrnanv1lle, ~Ia he Stand " BIG BOO'J1 " drawn by Two Horse;, King St. M~ 13.1874. TRELEVEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks intemperance, 'Ihe lady t1xpre:iscd he1 aliho1 rence of the ha.bit, and was proud to any that her hu1oJband was never under the influence of liquor. 'l'he lady 1s son, a. httle four~year old, sitting at the foot of tho table, upon bearingthis M1mrt1on,and v.ish1ng to 1efresl1 his motht!i's 1n~ruory, called out: 'Oh, mar don1t you.1e1nembe1 wl11;111 pa ca.tne home drunk, and you wouldn't 1oJleep with lnm ?' The effect may be u11a.g1neJ. T11iitN"n inch H~ had been carefully reared, and every ndM \.intagc. that n1oney could procure waa ae.. .shells were tame in 001np:n iso1r~ T!te burglary was one of the most sk11f11lly the names of thirty afiections of one we111 to Balaam ? planned and cxecntctl of the wany bank ber, when I begKed h11n to stop for ft·a r that Quick o.s thought came the answe1 ' '!'he !lame as has happened to um- au ~s rt:bLenes that have occurred tn this cou11trv WI Lb s uch capab1 ht1es of chs~ol u I1on ex1et~pake to hlm.' d ur1ng l he last dt!cadc. 'fbcre is no'v lt~ tn1 e J'll1ght not l>c possible nt all So he "-e1 with stive1a.l others, were takinf; tea. \\ ith ing-or was a tew da)'B 11go--111 tlus city a \\ bo tlnnke 1t au ea~y matter to conduct 11 a lady friend rrhe conversation tinned upo1 1 woman \\ho baa been unintcnL1onally Lut Suuday school " 111 hnd an tnfiniLt! nutnber 1 the most lasting, the least troubler.ome, n.nd most complete ever invented. '!'hey a.rt1 used and recommend~U by nu111y of tht best Breeders in the United States and Canada, such as G. B. Lonng Sal~m Mass., President l"few Bngland Vlool <Jr(l\vers~ Somety; John S. Ross, Henne· pin m · Professor J\'.f. I\I1les, of the State Ag· ric~ltura'l College, La.nsmg, Mich., Hon. Geo int1u1ate ly ase:oc1ated ·with one of the rob- of lllalud1es '!\ht ch attack tht! clases that Le Brown Toronto Ont. , John Snell, Edinonton, bers, and has nlso beeu the meana of btingM nt~('r dreamed of, ttnd wh1ch be \Vill be Ont. 'On eacli'Ma1k ie stamped the owner'e name and the Sboep's number. They will be ing au1JLher nqte<l cr1011 n a l to J ust1ce. Ifer thrown on all the resour ce~ of l11s geuius to sent free, by mail, or expre8s,for only four cents C'JJCh and 'Wlil last for TWEN'l'Y YEAHS. trials aud suift~riogs have inter't\ O\'en vtitb cure - 1.'xr;hange ,W. Cilah mu~t a.ccompo.nv all order!) them a nun1ber of 101nant1c incidents. .ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Ju , Ile that r.overcth a transgte~1on aeeketh Sarnia, Ont. Charles Bullaid, or.e of the principals 111 Orders addressed to the ~IEncBNT and On· the grcnt robhery, beloaged to a wealthy lo\ e ; but be tha.t rcpeateth a matter sf'pa· <l s&UVER Office, fo1 any quantity, will be filled at tbe above mentioned pnce, a s quickly as he and aristocratic tam1ly in New England. ra t et h very fn en a T HESE MARKSARlc THE CHEAPEST, SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. ~fONEY Castin gs of a.11 Xinds Boast nolthyacIJ'of to·m-;;r;,v , fo1 lhon 1 Marks can be and s : i n~ BARI{Elt, kno\\est not wbat a day may Lring forth, Bowm·nville,Dec. 28th.1871. ml3 ly I a.nd LA.TIO]{ so.ved l F1·e1i1 IL ThiR F1en ch Oil Pohsh1s pre p.~1ed Carri~es, Bugg1es, Harne~, Boots and Shoes, and all land<i '<lf Leather. tt will gne any a.rtwle of J~ eather, a. most brilliant ap pearanc~, and at tbe same time, from lt:-i oily properties, tends much to prest<irve it, it \\ill al· waye. be moist and plt.lnt , and may be exposed to water and 'vMhcd , and will notlooe its br1lh auce 1 and it is not to be feaied that c1 ust will settle on SD.rld Leathe1 when pi~ser~ed \\'1th the above Oil. ]'or the wootlwo1k of Buggies, Oaruagcs, and 1:'u1nitu1ti, there is not a better a1 bcle in use, !vianufactu1ed by i\.. SIMON & Co Tanners ,\nd Cnrner;i., formerly of ]'ra.nce, now' of l:'luladelph1a, Pa., Imsl1uct1ons-Shakt! bottle, A few drops on a p1i:ic0- of aponge,apply it hghtlyto the leathe1, and you will obt1un the finest lu8t1 e. Price 75cts. per bottle,01 $7. 50 per doz011. .fOII1\ S)i.A.LE, S,.,le Agent, nowmanv1lle. 41·moo. July 16th, 187-1 , Oil Polu;h TI1IE for REP1-\.IRS done on· thti TO TI-IE PUBJ_j_[O. vVALrrER V\iJ:GG & SON, 4~ ne1aJ l y, [01 £.'.Hors, 0111 £u1 rutnrc, a.s we ha' e lately added thei:tito, that we rnav thereby be enabled to supply all parties \\ho way \>lea;i.c to favor him 'vith a call. @reat IIlducementfi held out to theist.· ptuchas1ug a.t 01.U estab 1sb1oeut Pie. turea, Lookin~ Glasses. etc. fratned to oi<ler, and Jn every styl e Samples of the d1flcrent kind of Moulawgs can be ~een at the ware·1001u '\Ve would also kg to 1nfo11n you, that, having purchased a rtltur111og thanks to thtu nu1nerous 1.:w:1to1ner-s und thi:i J.Jubhc I N\\'ould respectfully lll\'Jte their a.ttent10n to p1csent stock of SHORTEST NOTICE, '\.""ti luHe no'\\· on hand a large (1uan~ity of Common and Gang Plows, that ....."Jn be sold at 1 SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, LOW PRICES Bown>anv1lle, AT THE SHOP. ~fruch we shall be ready at all tnnei:; t 1 attend funt1rals 1 on short notwe and reaso11abl<> te m1':, N. B - Coffins kept on bawl and inade to orde-v.1 at the NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNI'l.'URE W.A.RE-R0021f. Osha,\·n, Aug 26th, 1870. Kmg Street East, Oshawa< 6 1873. If,

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