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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 30 Jul 1875, p. 1

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rHE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Uircnlates largely m the 1 ownshtps of Darhug on Clarke and Caitwught It l8 a common ti t.tform open to t he free d1scuss1on of all qucs ns in \vluch the general public are concerned rEn:Ma fEV'TJt~ £\e cents i:c.r :;.11 tn ind Steam Job Printing O:ffico Krna STn~m Bow.ilHN\ HLI v' va-icc The Merchant' and 'Obser ver '$2 00 .R \TES OF ADV .t!.HTI S!NG AND GENERAL A:EJVERTISER. , VOLUME VI BOWMANYILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JULY 30 1875 l{UMBER XLIV POSIERS p AMPHLErs CIRCUL'1.RS I CHEQUES ~OTES l ie column 4o per anu11n l:f t.lf tlo 2t> Q 1a.1ter do J5 '1 rans1ent advertisements 5 cts per hne first m ort1on o.nd 2c per line subsequent one HAND BILLS LA 131!. I S CARDS 'lICKEIS &c &c &c · EXECUTED IN FIRST CUtSS STVl.E 2Wl . . .,, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I FROJY[ r:rr-IE · CONTEST! rra1ns \\ill lcn' e Bow·n1anv1lle Station, L low1n an \1lle tuue as follows QO l~G W.EST GOING E\.ST / 20 a.m I Expre1SB 8 45 ~ rr1 \ Mn::ed 2 25 p m J.. oca.l Express 8 4o p m I Express ..,lhti! tra.10 runs O\ery morning ).fond t.} t:i excepted I veal J xp1 ess~ tyitxed 8 30 n. m 3 oO p m 7 10 p m 8 45 P m flf week $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS To be Sold without Reserve, at less th-an ·Wholesale Prices. Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGERY -SILVER ST e~ - N1Qbt c::i.lls rulS\VCred at Dr Boyles old Sur geiy or at Dr Reid s ref:!tdence o v1nu.nv1lle Jan 14th 187() 16 tf F. 'F. McARTHUR hL S dec ided to go out 0± the Dry Good" lmsrness, and wi ll commence on the Prof. J. Ruse, \IE of Bo.xter lfi11ver13 ty of h1u1:nc GI"] i\_DU rt<i1ndi;h1p New York 29th Cr edit on appt ovad notes. -1875, er of l 1ano and Organ cult1vat1on ' Towe S1ngu1g I horough Bn.aa Haunor y Co1npo~1 hon &c Darlh gton July 16th 1874 · 'lhe Spnng Impottatlons <;>uly h .vmg been completed a fc" weeks tho Stoci<: 1s vm y la1ge' .m1d well a ss01 tad As it must be sold w1tlnn a given hme Sa.le of his Entire Stock. A G~~nd. (Hearin · 41 1) R R LOSCOMBE, 1J ARRIS1ER AT LAW, i:JOLWITOR IN CHA N"OliJRY, &c 0Fl"!CE,-O,er McClung s Store same flat :i.s A Treme:n.d.-00.s .Bed.metion. -will be TERMS'""°F SALF\,--,.Undm· $50, Cash, o,,;e1 $50, Fou1 rnontlis The Ta1lormg m Order· d Work will be contmued as usual, during the Sale J Br1mac(lmb a D ental Roo1n"3 Bo-..,mau\'ille Oct 27th 1868 F F McAlUHlJR ly MARRIAGE ISSU ~IJ BY LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. lfj_ Darlington f ncn.r Bethesaa Church] 'luly authoozed to rnsue Marna0 e Licenses Da.rhngton Nov 19 1874 m8 tf NEW SPRING STOCK AI' for it or not 1 be great burden ot hie in boat I then killed a deer, ate \'illh L rehl:!h n1.} h:1end Lg ... as pale as a shGet I Llad POETRY. structlons to h1a brae of students wua on which 1 remen1ber to this tlay, and 111 a few no idea. that an Indw.n could look so white the inlportance flf con1ma11d1ng the tem <lays more was out of the wood s and my 'VhJ E!J1ahJ whats tho:! matter 1 fl ave MABEL p er keeping cool and having the feelings in treasure \\1th me I dared not show it ) ou got loot ! an unper urable state of qu1scence' Alas! even to the old D Jctor bnt how [ gloated 1nin1ng roHnd a11d llJ)steno sly point BY MRS ll ?it COLL \COl'T he v;;as tbe roost 1rr1table nnd passionate over those bones studied thcin stru11g iag to the cnlno he said, Jn a Jo,\ voice, T sa.w thee first in cluldhoo ls hours Woman there - he slck,-be very s1i.;k r man I "'er knrn I bad been with b1m at them They were tlie beg10mug of my Before thy life had k.no1vn a ca.1e, \-Vhen tears and srmleR like Apnl plaj ed a J1stance one afteTnoon to 'JS1t a patient professlonal knowledge, and "orth to rOe a Ah r what is the matter witn her? Over thy face so young and fan ' Me don t kno\\ He very sick He and 1t was a cold Apnl m1dn1ght "" thousand fold more than their cost got hoUie The doctor s house stood on the I so.w the "' hen new hope and lo\ e I \Vas !3ltting alone in the Doctors office see ang{ I, see God, Hee De\ 11' He's eyes Flar:!hcd in t.1 y C) es of dusky ught Hes teeth bi te so' vety apex of a high h1l1~ and on the west one day, VI hen who should come waddling look so tne tra1d ! 1-..nd filled thy hen.rt with glad sv. e(::t JOY s1tle of a very steep descent In trying to up to the door but 'Aunt Becky Gorhom, He point so .And tendc1 dreams of rosehued li ght hod the kitchen door- it was very dark,- as everybody called her On enterin~ the log house I found a "o She "a' the l Ha \\ thue on thy bodal morn tbe doctor aturn bled o>er somethmg, he shortest person of h er s1?.e anJ \' etght I ever man, l.} ing on a \ erv rude bo 1 \\ lth an Jd1ot Pute aa thy robes of snonJ ,.,]ntc knew not what 'Hang u 1 and dang 1t t saw,- a poor wo1nnn who lived and laid up son on one side of the room holding: up a The ;:iu11shuie with 1ts Wfl."\ cs of golJ cried he, for be ne\ er swore in good Engl1::;h money on tweuty dollars n. year and her sore toot and the husb1nd standing o\.er J{1ss('d t hy brown t1esses t 1rc uuJ b1 ~ht ' Here Mike, take hold of this confounded boord,-one who had no enemies, and not the wo1nan with n kind of hO\\ 1 cont1uually Ag in I t:!tnvthi.:e when thJ ) fhe v. 01nau was shin breaker, and let us see if we can't get character t::nough to 111.1. Y e ' Cr) w irm fr1 en<l s pouring 01 t cf l11s niouth };pat w1th a moil er i:;; bolJ lo~ e it out of the wav Wehfted awhile \.\hen be She had a Hry good oprnwn of herself rn all rolling her oyci:o gnaelnng her teeth p ointing heu t(!nde1 uhng1ng hopee inarle lue She ga.\ e 1t a furious kick, and aw av do~ n the respects, and there \\aa sometl11ng so irrea upward, screecluug, an 1 shuddering } au :.H:1 the 1 l'.;Jht that shin ea above hill it uent, ratthng und bounding and ISllb1y ludicrous in her round, unn1ean11 g trembled all OHr and "as apparent!) on .A.nd only once ag~in I looked cl1Dk1Ug till 1t reiched the brook at the face and mascultne voice, one could hanll \ the point ot convul51on3 I he hn""band was U1 t n thJ marble face so f ~ir foot ol the lull 'There r lie there, "ill keep fr om lau~h1ng whenei.:er she appeared nea,rly 1ntox1ca.ted, and kept ho\\hng, 'Oh' 1)\:lc ked u1. thv mist) l'Obos of "hitu ) e 7 said he I he next morning I heard his As she rolled rnto tbe door 1 I new that oc h ' "lrnt u·ll I Jo 1 Poor "1fo you IJ \Vith hllic.'S nestlmg in thy hair the - ) ou 11 certainly die I and oh och 1 meek wife la1nc11hng t11at 'all ber new soap something "Was out or sorts I he Lll'ds s::mg ' ith a aadde1 tone wlJat \\Ill I do 1 The \\on1 an \\as semng wa::i spreaJ over the groun l hke gra\ y and 'Is the old Doctor at hum 1 lhe aoft breeze died upon the p.u and I kDO\V not wh1t snt.kcE', a'llgels, de'\i1la tbe only soap keWe ID tbe region cracked 'No, Mrs <1orh0nl Can I Jo anything But in 13tarht bo1ue above besides I stepped. buck and beckoned the and rn1ned 'I h1s was h1 1n1perturbahon, for )OU 1 'lhy br0,-; can n ever pa.le with and, as he prided. l111nself Ill governing h is Why 1 \ e got the toothache most des Indian tit: is broken and thy h eart ' Elijah docs tlus \\ 001an ddnh. 7 temper I used to wonder wbat It v.ould p1tly Can beat no more m JOj or prnn Where is the Doctor 1 ~o, he never drink ~fan chiak so at) have been had he not governed it 'lhough ti e1nbling bps may sadly pray 'Gone out of town BL1t I think I can horse VVornao ne\er drink For thy aweet 'oLCe and smile I now bega.u to fiod real d1fficu lt1es I take out ) our tooth for you Sul\?n: S10.i:: F \.RM Are yon sure 1 had VCI) few books, and had never eetn the ) ou 1' and her face actualh; expressed Y~a -he never drink skeleton or frame of the human body and amazeme.nt He good "o in an ha l ne1e~ witnessed a surgical operation or Yes Ouc~ 1nore I 1uslic l 111tn the hon"e a.ga1n a body d issected 0 1f I could ha\ e had a 'Wb,y yoil don t know nothing about it I and said Stand back and ue still i\ir skeleton to look at for a single bour Ac,. Never pu1lec.1 a tooth In your life I hope [ can THE DOO:IORS THIRD PATIENT i.:1dentlJ, or rather, pro\1<lent1ally about 'You nre mlataken ~irs Gorh nn [ ha\C hi Elroy Let lll.e see h e1 do her good this time I met \\ ith an old hunter, who pulled several tins 'ery day In on ltEMIN'1SCENUES o~ OLD DOCTO.R MIQAJI spent most of his hfe iu the wilderness ' WI o are ) o i I nsked be fiercely (I bud been pullrng the teeth out of the i narrating bis exploits, he to]d bow he and skeleton, and putting them back ~gain) ASH_ER 0 don t ) on know 1 I an1 Dr Arsher a fcllo" liunte1 bad once found a. man dead ' You don't sa} so 1 f1on1 ]ifas::;achusetta upon the, goo I pub!Jc Still I v , tic )OU! g doctor, anc.l uoboJy gtve n1 .-. paJrou age Some \ve1e alra.1 l of new tloctort< !'iu II<: w :i.nt~<l the doctor to Le a n1a"nc1..l 10 in 11 d some hated to lc1n e an old roaLl f 1 al w one Tn vaiu did I oxen d oors n1 d wu1 do,\s, and sho \v \1tds and let the i 1.,e )f ' °' LITERATtURE. l\1 TR JOHN H EYNO="f Lot 7 6th Con 1s CASH .--0-A Fu 11 As,01 trnent ol STORE. t Dressmaking, &c. Hiss Beal \Voukl beg to infouo the ladies of Bowma.nd.lle iUd \ilC1n1ty that sbr. is prepared to take. orde1a for Dre ssn1ak111g ncl fill the same with dc!}p ~th in the STAPLE April 22 11>75 and ~ to FANCY DRY GOODS, GOOD md CHEAP 'I do sny so Suppose }OU JUst let rue The look at your tooth bunters buried bun shgbtly, and placed a Sbe opened her 1nouth, and there it was, heap ot :.tone& oi.: er the grave I tnade the -a huge double tooth JUSt rnch a tooth., most minute lnqu1r1es of the old man, as to I wanted to begin i;-.ith It was 1nuch de to instruct them n l eauttful cabinet, the spot, the route lo 1t, the distance, and ea.yed Dut she would not let me touch It opp,ortun1t1es to vu!lt hospitals, to wnness the like 1 then tried to dra\\ a map of the c Mlster can t you put someth1ng 1n 1t J surgical operations, to obtain subjects for vvay but I soon found that \\hen 1n10g1na some of yom stuff 1 d1~section, and to read from a full library, lion came to retire, and knowledge to tell l bethought myself, and con ! l barJlJ can have no conccpt1on ot \Vhat it was to what she knew it was a 'ery diffe1ent ~t conceal n srn1le as I cro\\ detl in n.11eat piece PART I ID the forests, who bad probably once got The young medical student M ho now 5oes to the medical school \\here he ~ meets with a multitude of eager Joung 111en pur Sltng the same erid, where are learned pro lost ancl eventually died of starvation h~nd, lfer ~xper1e1 cc fully warrants her in prornia1n sntisf.:wtion Residence 0 mer of Church Street n.nd l\farket Bowinan-;1lle D ec 4th 1873 LATEST FASHION Maneh.estei· House, Bo" I f..UCTION EERS llo1 the Toil nship of Darlington COME and SEE F. HII-tL'S NEW ---o- become an e1111nent ph) ~1c1au fifty years ugo lt he shall advance as fir bcvond the meu of that penod as h1'3 opportunities are greater than their~, he w1ll 111deed be a d1s t 1ugu1shed n1an NO\\ the frosts of seventy years inc upon me, I have thought perhaps 1t would inteiest 1ny brethren of the profession io ha~ e me recal some of the 111 1..adents u1 mj profeP"-lOnal hfe Act1 la bars J ucun<lt, and I hope. to be pardoned if T uin n1ore egot1st1cal tbau sorne would al lo\\ to be i11 good taste It 1s the privilege lair go if he knew my object I retired to t brnk and to plan The of saltpetre She shut heii mouth and fear gra"e was 111 the heait ol the \\1lderne0s in tng- lest she must have someth11 g t pa\ he State of Ne\\ York, on n little lake, left at once Tt "as Just as r expected lu called by the lrn~ters Cran berry Lake,' five rrl1nu·es a~ came back, holding her und known only by them I kne\\ 1t "ould head with bot't hands, and excLann1ug be 1mposs1ble to get a hunter to go with me 'Wh) what on earth d d Jon put 111to 1t on sucb. an errand, or even to allow me to young n1an 1 Would Lt be pos s1ble for me actu:tlll to pos;i.ess a hutnan skeleton 1 I <leterunneJ to try So on a certain day I WM at the last bunters lodge, on the Saranac River, queshou1ng old ~fr ~Ioody as to the route, the crossings :fron1 rii.:cr to lake, and fron1 one water to nnoth er, n.~ to ~he tnrr}1ng places and, compar 111g his a.ns\\ers \V1th iny map, 1t seemed madness to at ternpt to go alone, as really as 1£ I \Vere setting out tor the rnoon But I procured a little ho(l.t !rom I\iood}, and, tak ing an old riflE', a bag of proy1s1ons, ind un axe, launched nl-y frail craft on the l::Jwer ' N'itrate of potassa 1nada1n noth1ng eh;c I deat yon h a\ e k1llc<l Do get it out Once inore she opened her n10 ttl and the turnkey "hich I bod concealed 10 my I assure Jou ' 'Well,-0 dear me H T PHILLIPS, HAMPTON 1 1n 11\ Lattu1t101rg1ven to Jmles able tern1s ~c on roaso11 of ugc to bo ganulous 011e of 1ny eo.rh st und deepest unpres s1ons was niade by our old funnJy doctor He was a la.rge, portl) man kind bea1ted, good tewpere<l, th ough liI:'lspeech was qu1ck seldon1 ~iv1nr, ofhnce, and uh' n's right in pr1nc1plc IJ1::; presence alw1ys h g hted a sn11le 011 the fuce of l.11s pnt1ent, for tbe an gel of bope al~ays a,_;cowpan1ed him How sleeve was on 1t, and Jn one instant the tooth flew across the room She ~ave i vell of pain and ind1gnalion Wm.. EN.1.,TISJ{ILL.EN l ><pr lJl.Lltlyattended to on reasonnblo tenns '" hv, you pesl y folio" I told \Ou to take out that Rtulf that niter of potato as l ou called 1t 'Well, I ha\:e taken 1l o 1t 'Yes, and the tooth too and inayl1ap ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. r Lwer1Jool London, and Glasgow FOJl infumat1on apply to W A NEADS Aye >t J3o vmn.nvillo Tune 9th 1871 t,f 30 l1i.:k~ls 01 A LARGE LOT OF Fancy Cfoods,Berhn Wools,&c. LADIES' and GEN'I'S' F't1:RS Bowman ville NO\ 1st 1873 my cbddhood hu\C I slipped beJund the g1 cat pt! n tree by the garden gate, and watched him, us he d1sn1ounted-for he al\\BJS roi e horae back - thto\v his huge sacl<ll~ bags oi.: er h1s Jett arin and slowly lll often Saanac Lake, ·nd set off alone What days ru1uetl niy Ja \\ for ever -of toil I had seurcb1Dg for outlets to the ' Not at all You will Jiu 1 all safe Hrs. Mason, HAMPTON, Beg'S to inform tho public that she has rnt ro e 'ed n. splendid new assortment of l a.ncy GoodH Berhn V\Tools eti.: which she \\ill sell at lfl lo-..\ p11cc a.s t hey can be bought for el;:ie l'i here S1 I Ai PING do ;e on SHOR1'ES1 NOHCE 1 Jct 8th 1874. 2 3mos VERY OI--IEAP Direct front Englantlo - - -- o w. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC. Bega to return thttnks to )us fnends f )r the sup l vrt he has I'9Cc1ved the past two ) ears a.nd hop e1-1, bj continued atuct personnl attention to, and working at the most reasonable HOBE THAN 3500 :Etolls of Itoom Faper Iteceived Splendid Pattei ns in Cold and Satin Pape1 Cold and Satin, and othm Bordering. Hall, and otlie? Pape1 s JN GREAT VARIETY age W B 1s to build hout;es etc on the most modern style of arclntecture Job bu1g promptly a.ttend!:ld to Pl<L-nS a11d spcc1ti cat1ons got up on apphcat1on 011 the 1nost ieu. aona.ble tenns and of every descnpt1on Office and Shop Outa.1"10 Str cet nca.rl} oppmnte 1'-fr I Bowden s 13 ly Bo \manvillc: D ec 24th 18i4 pnces to enau1e a cont1nun.nct of public patron New 'l'ailor shop, !UE "\\ I'J:Il F Y v OWLE bog· tom A L t he public generalh that he has com menccd 111:.iness in the Shop nex.t to the EY £01 n1 Prices from Five Cents per Roll. cnce c.hd I l ook upon 'the doctor, - a man VI ho could feel th e pulse and detect a fever in the wrist, could exttact tectb take blood, draw a blister, order em etics and ever stuUb orn old ( easur swaUa-..v p11ls1 salt~, ipecac Jalap,ho\\ ever much he n11ght writhe his gtea.t black face tnd make mouths or shrug the shoulders )l' ext to the 1n1nlster whom r 8a\lf lll the [ Ulp1t, I CDil"-tdcred the doctor the greatest man In ing, and at a vei" earl~ a~e I deternuoed to be a rhy sic1nn How often did I return to my humble hon1e with bun Hes uf ~ ild weeds or rr1 v hat 1ull of goltlthrend dug up 211 the swamp t How ' ReallJ Doctor Jon've done the work as \\hicb the lorest abounded I On the fiftli well as tbe old Doctor, only I don t hke to da) I had travelled perhaps a hundred nnles ha\O things done so qmck Thank tl e Lord, 1n niv c1rcu1toue rout~, 'vhen I came to the though, that the thrng 1s out Great I oils on the Racbette Rrner, and What at hour \\a· that I I had pulled theh knew that I must here leave my boat, iny first tooth, and been called 'Doctor 1 and strike oft through the" oods for Oran how Lt Blight explod e l felt su~e tor all Drawmg my boat up careful Uy conscience smote me for the de cpt10n the bOJ s send so that his emetics were 1na<le bcrn Lake I had practised, and I felt that I h uct v10lat of toads caught aln e and carefulh baked ly into the bushes, I found a ne\v cause of ed one of the prmciples agreed upon m the fear It .,.. as au Ind1an ne'ivspaper' i e , and 1">10 lncl to powder \'\ tth what rever oo.e side of a large cedar had been he'\\ n off, dark night m the forest 0 \Valk Into the house with o t knocki ngI know thnt in those eaddl e bags we1e in) s tenes, and hon ors, tn 1 sleep ing agencies of great power and I looked upon then1 a'! an Inch tn 1111ght be s 1ppose 1 to look upon a char, bu1nb sh ell,--not kD0\\1ng '\hen or lakes, carr' 1ng n1y boat throu 0 h the \VOOds She then \vashed her mouth, fou1Hl hei and brursh, gu1ded by trees m:.uked by the JC\~ s all right, and a sm1 e ht up her face Indian :3" k, sleeping on the ground, as ·he left, and said,and half k;llecl Ly fea; of the panthers" 1th and on it with charcoal, was dra\vn an In d1an cauoe, with t\\O men 2u 1t pnddhng a There "ere no d1plon1ns, no be1ng tnade doctor by a vote of half " dozen men 1t took the whole eommun1tj to rr1ake a doc tor 1n those da, s But I was .e:ure I had now received my doctorate And sure dog look1Dg out, and six deers (buck's) heads rrhe canoe 'vas beaded down strearn A full moou "us over then1, and a buck S: heud under 1t By tbis I knew that there were Ind1ans nenr me, wbo l1ad JUSt gone down the nver, having k1lled six bucks al ready and were to spend the lull t:tJoon rn huntnig below This was for the iaforma hon of other I nd1ans who might w1ah to enough, after that, people tall er than Aunt Iu propor coulil not be verJ SLck hrnelf Ho w I l ; Beck) began to ca 11 n1e doctor or, ' the ful to the poor as to the rich young do...,tor t10n ns I have been faithful to this vow, T that n1ght, half -s leeping lll I I alf w tkl n i I felt encouraged, I now left m' old teacher, and sou 0 ht ha-.. e been proepcred where I might se up for n1J self though too, because no'v I hall had 1 iy first zJatient e\erv day satisfied me that I was poorly I-laving accomplt=hed my exanuuat1 n1 of prepared to have human hves comnnttc 1 to tunber, I r eturned to n1y uncles, and held me I rend e\er5th1n~ on 1nel1i.:1nt! :ta<l a consnltnt1on as to \\lat \i,.as next tn be disease which I could obtain, nnd question done 'The d1fhcult" said he,' is in get ed every doctor and even e1 ery old ntnoe, tiu3 the first patient 'Vhen a.1oung phy I coulJ hgbt upon Some shook their eicu1..n has once uc omplt h ed th11t, he is in I to ld lnn1. bends at tny q ueshons and lnntcd at the a fll.1r way to gntn practice danger of cxpenn1entlng and ta1npenng that I w" aafe then, lo1 I ha<l had my fost \\ ith human hfe, of bt!ing ra5h and 'fbe hke patient and related the circumstances as Othero t11P. I to persuade m e that the whole abo\e 1he old gentleman shook hi s head of medical p1act1ce coHsilltcd in b<>ing That woulu have done admirably had 1t able to clcuuse the bowels and empty been Ill your village, \"\-h ere 1t could be the sto1nach and Jet N ltnr e have the op kao\\ n a nd " an tlered over but now no portun1ty to d >her O\\n cures In vain body tut your lndtan tnend can tnnrvel did I procure \Lais and ,.J<llc bags open over It Yon Ill st tr) again and 111 order an otliae hang out 1ny SlJ TI, 1 Dr .A.;iber' tomlyo1l"1lllcndyoum) eolt Lebo and advertise, To be ECl!n at the office at and my ky You nn1st go back to) our ter hours The last \Va~ h terally true, fur home wheie ycu1 oillcc 1~ and }OU rr ust nobody called me a\vav or came therr. to rnttle boxes, Jlagle vials and !:!Very 111orn consult rue t\t the end of three long ing you 111ust get out Lebo, an d Jr1ve month"- during which lln·itcJ. out to througb the i.: tllflgc as if hfe u1d Jeat t tea twice but without ha.\ IY1g had n1y first bung on yom speed, and bJ and b) ) ou pat1ent an uncle of mine propos<>d to send Villi be in dciuand, tis well as ap1 ear to be me up to ti A hea<l. \\aters nn:l sources of Depend upon t n ephe \1' the \Voild Joee tbe Hudson, to exam1na a township ot Jund not tL11i.t or judge fu1 itse lf and the article "1Vh1ch be ha<l been purchasing So I ad th lt IS 111 <l.emaud he it what it rua.y, is the ver~1sed r that Dr Asher,being called away art1cle they nil 1icek after The certain by urgent blts1nees, would. close his office and sure \'iil) to 1nuke your fortune wonld dunng his unavoidable absence, \\Inch be to get up sotne 1 1nack pills rnade of alots, would be as short as possible ~iy 1.brec flour, and 1nol 1sses , but I trust von have lions were tu follow the HuJ.son up us tar too much ;.:.elf 1e~pect an d two much pnn as Indian River then go np to Indian Lake c1ple to s\\I ndl c the public out of n1on ey take Elijah, or Lige, (tie Indian) a, he tor which) )U render no c:g_tn\ttlent I see \Vas called as l gu1d t' 1ad go over to Rock no d1ilercnce. myself between put uog ofl L3ke, \\here the land was to be found ~ n1one), or fiou1, or n1e<l1c1nc that 1s \\Orth ter \anous in1shap~, I Jouud 'Lige, a noble less -unless it I e that the latter IS n1ost fello\.\, bL1t then h11:1 canoe rnust be puvvoed cruel, as it hopes to be dashed and my pestle nnJ r~ortar 1 ng otn. e tth: 11 J late 1n va 11 I I arues~t!c.l L lo nn l <lro'u out 1n d1ffc1 cnt d r ect1ons No JlU 1 ts were offered At l ength \t\ hen I had l ecome n10<1t discouraged ua I bro 1gh-t out my horse o ie t 01 n1 g I !:! L\\ N J Lu Iy bung out l11s a l tl i:! door of the h otel 1111 n1ed1a tt ly opµo ite I know 1 h vr 1t "us but I suspectetl t11c 1 f IUH 8t Le ui d1 t> I in the fellow BL1t \\hat 1.;u1il l 1 u ~ ~ly pahe11 t:. (1n1 tg1n llj ODcR) lUW~t l \ U:!llC' l puuctu Lil y So I 1 OLll de<l with nlj p .!:!Lie. a.nd mortar :.i.. few uo inenta tool\. up 1 uyoe sad lle ba.., s, hung out o i t he doct 'To 10 turn soon u10 intcJ. iny sulk, L111.1 ru\ u oITat ~ I lrI OUS rate rn 1 f w n t)tJh:Ul~ I looKeG back , a n 1 there v. ns .Ned f:un )' 1 lnn<l n1e with a h:df rognt::ih s in de 111 J ..1:-; face I reig1 eel Uf to let I n1 l ts l L 1 t bC\\OuldnotgorLt l<.h o\.eL l ot ti top J IJ1 3 speed b lt the1e N1.:d \\U~ L l J l me in n1y wake, e1Hle1 tlJ <lcter nine 1 \ 1 follow me, and to "h w np n11 u) ri I 11 8 and diligence to U 11cre p tt 011 U v I prcspircU 1 nd alinost gro \ne.d 1s tlie fe1 ow stuck to me as a bu r At l eng th I tit 1 ed Q nddenly do"' l R atnbow L u(; ' and<lro\e asf1staslc ill lu'\\ u ,-NeJ \\as a Uxtnre Bc1ng assured. ti at he w J ld n1ake me the 1augh111n <1tOCK ol t he vJl l 1..,c l was pluun1ng '\hat to do \~h e n [ n ot1i.; 1, Farrnt:I .fi tlch ut a distance befo1i.:: LI e 1110-..v 1ng As n1y e) e fell on l11 u1 I u h1.;etl t!J -i.t he fultcr cd and fdl the ti 11e [ !'lot opposite him l heard a gro iu Ir l mo I had on a red fl(l.nnel shat \\ 1thout any n1ent n1y r~ek111g Ln.Qo stop1 cd an 1 I .,, as hft1og l armer Fitch up ho i1 gro111 l collar, wood pants and boob, :-ind looked and calling Ned Lnn<ly to co1u i; to ttl \ 1 l hke anJ tl11r g rather than a doctor £be fariner \Vas Ll e.tdn g ltl e an ox i t he O, tny £foa1 rnv dear r shouted he wa"" terr1blj cu .. " itb h s SC) the, an l wrui ' here s th e grea.t Dr .AE!ber from N e\'i ftunt1ng Huv. l ~ti un chell the U ootl 1' ork I the great Dr 11.sher An angel of bound up th e \\ onu I car rt 1 l uu lior 1 at 1nercv fron1 he 1ven and the great brazen tended bua Unriuf" l 1R onl! c1 H nt u I as serpent in the w11Uernef!e: my dear n~ 11 li e "-UH], ic Ravel h1~ hte r !;\ o 111 l I r cure you I Oh och th e great b1 lzen se1 N ~u did uot get ll e lu1 l">h Jll in oo pent ta.1necl a second n1 cl t 'al rn. 1lc l t. l'I 1 d Bt<l<l ng the loo! to bold h<S tongue, I felt cnc0u1 iged next summoned a11 rny bttle n'led1cal know But mJ thi1d pu..t1 cnt Ali th( I I \ ledge t o bear upon tl e diagnosu3 of my pa han 0 13 a tale !\ly lt ire!. p ltient I IHt ticnt s c.11>i.ea..,e and soon e.at1=fted JU\ S\!lf was the tuinin g po nt in n:n hf 11 >l rn that it was a v olent ca5e of l1y stC!rUt ) ct to be told ot::i by h :trd la.Uor and exposu1c I \HT II l'tun1n1aei1ng bet" een the logs wh11t WU;, tny I I ad n1atle 11p n1y 1 tu1 t t } I v 111J d1t: JO) to find a paper con tau ing a lu1up of poor 111 ic \\ere nost1u1os 1u hl l ou assufcctida I I made up seoeral ptll s, and dropp1 ti one into the anappn1g of the \,}11 ch I n11eibt lu:ne rult1cn 1nto uot1c,{: u l l J ne v th1t with ul es cclocJntl 1 U ,_;n,I " otn (l.11 e"' ctr tc\v uun utes The discover) ol thu; n1ed1.e1ne sntl tied n1e that 1t would omol I con Jiu 1 e p11la by Llie Lane} not have been in that peculiar place unl ess pronnsu that tle-.. wot ll 111e u It she bad been in soine\\ h at f.llnnlar conch t1on eases tlint ever lfll ctetl l 11 1 u it before Defore I go t tbe1 e she had 1.;om could roll up ::i. fo1t ne by lyu,..., d~n lv ahoe1t but lto1n tll"\i s l 1 pla. net.I of bnrnui ~ up a nd they hnd da:;,h plaste1s an:l lor."'nge~ ed a p 111 of cold water a\ er ]ier Then abou11oated ill cn1p111c1sn1 and re~ oh i.:ll tl t t she J1ud co1nphuned of fr eezi ng and they I woul<l. be hororaUlo 11 ill\. pTO lei: n I "'oulJ. sta rve JHy tl11rJ. p ,11 cr t l 1 l 1 ot had a fire large enough to roast an ox In further searching, l found a bundle of j et called fo1 ini.: F ill J u1auly re I 1 n valer1an, which she had gathered. HI the to t.lo ught ai l hou ot ibly I cc uld 11 t \,; 11 \Voods aud, ruukinJ a strong decoct1on of ce:o.l h oin myselt 1 fee ling ol J et ou;;y \ t i 1t, I induced her to drin k nO\V and then a. I su.w ctr1Ht0 e1:1 lo:i.. I d w1tb 1 e )vle g) I H t swallow In ftbo ut t\'io ho 1rs she was quiet, my oihue nr d c:ill Di B1 ~ l1'" tl ~ \_;ell! I 1 I!\~ tl-1 ch trl l her ;:ieuses returned and I found h( 1 n1od l rated Ind1 ~n docl 1 est sensible, intelhgcnt wo1unn Ii e v10 tan could hardly rt! ul 01 vu te l 11 \\ uoth lent syropto1ne v;ere gone auJ ieturntd no ing about tbe: I u nu S)1Sten1 111 t Jl(;X.t t > Y i:.:t -., Jt! I 11~ more I then prescnbe<l such poultices for not! ing about d1 ea c the poor idiots foot as \\ere Lo be haJ. The pudeuce and cool b 1i.1.«f1 11 g heh ttl to J c; "onEtn rcco\ etcd in ty; o days =o as to leave of pal1ent.,. Jio\\ people love tu b 11 l cl .A.t len 0 th when 111y hop I u her bed An1ong t he tnany pat1e1 ts I lave upou since had, and among the heilVj tees and to sin k, on return1 10 ho r e on l:' 1 11.., rich Jlfts "l:i1ch I ba\ ( ;:1ucc l u.d howercd from 01y sohtarv c 11 ce- lc1 1ou 1.: I i; llt l upon 1ue, I ha.v6 ne\ e1 ha d any so rich as 1ny boarding pla1;e -1 fuun I 1 sho1 t noti.:, were thethnnks of that poor wo111an \Vhen written in n ne-at lehco.te, i id I ti o g 1L I came to leave her She had 110Ll11ng; to trembling hand 1L!tlnw.L LJg th at 11,..3 offe1 n1e but a si ngle loat at co arse bread Lue_} Bi usley dcR1rcd to consrdt Dr AHl u: I took a piece and c1rr1ed it \Vltb rue and professionally and conhJeutiulh th ;:i t.: \ n ei.:ery tune I took it ant of luy prov1e1on ing or to ruorrov; inortung as \' 111 Ll 1;L ~ 1 t It Vl.:JS to o lute to 0 o 11 at bag, I ble:ised God that .1ny profession was hts con\eruence night, espemally as ha vu g scc:n ~{H:1:::; J. . 1 one ot mercy, and promised h1n1 that, if ever I got into practice, I would be as faith- Icy \\alking out Jnot at suusct , I J 1 i..; n, _, f 0 Jind them I conccnled my boat with great nch I felt when I h ad· snpplv of penny caution, and set off at once for n1y lake A deer bounded up before .:ne, but I \Vas too JOHN HEAL fl LGT 01:r GOOD Fr\NS, CI-IEAP. royal nrotherwort boneset,' snakeroot, ehn bark 'elder berr1 e'-, and every oth'-'r herb with which I could fill the garret I I.JI e1-1s Office one doo1 east of T ~filnc Ha.v1ng had severa! years experier ce in the trade, h e hopeH to aatJ..Sfy all who may favor bun with a call :Base :Ball Clubs and Balls, and La.crosses and :Balls, at Special :!?rices to Organised Clubs GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowmauv1llc Sep 1872 m4~ tf USE THE RYAN'S PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALL. India-Rubber, Sohd and Inflated, Sponge Balls, Ross Balls, Norwich Egg J?owder, f n making a.ll Junds of Oakes w1thQut Ei:i:gs lo be h ad of all Gr@cers I-I J 'VEEK8 :t Co ] or ntu sole agents for Ontario 241y :ilfa.rch 11th 1375 J from Ten Cents each remember catclung sou1e green frogs and puttlng them 111 au tight bottles, because I had h eard the) .,~e re good to draw canker frou1 clnldren s n1ouths , but they unfo1 tunalely died before the experiment could be tested Not a plant grev.. in Cunoe S \\ unp 111 the ' \\am pas Lut or 1n the much utraiil of the Indians to let my rifle be hemd All that day I tr n elled rn the \vooda by the 1nstruchons I had received How oJten I hastenec\ toward· a bright spot ln the 'voods before zoe, 1n hopes of seeing wy l·ke, and bow my heart leaped for Joy, when, JUSt beferc sunset, I actually struck it 1 I co lld bai.: e kissed Its verj mud How I found the strangers grave, and ex ulted ns a miser would have done over gold, UROQUET SETS IN GRliAr \..:\RI ETY Rockin9 Horses, $3.00 Each. f!;&JO'Hara._s Old Stand, 'Maple Lot from the adders tongue up to and ho11 I \IOrked und t11led, and finull) the wlustle "ood, with \vluch I \Vas not got the bones-every one of them 1-1nto f1nnha1 . A.11 the good old lndi1:!'1 for miles rny bag anU on n1y baok, I shall not at around, said, ' That boy 11 ce1ta1nl) make a doc.tor - he takes to it so tempt to describe It cost me th1"e da) s ha1d worlr, and \Vork not the n1ofit pleasant DENTISTRY. in Orono and Cla1ke has consented to open an U flice 111 the '1llnge of Orono w11cre e1the1 le or~lr G IooK1 'I.RT LDS -.,-;11latt1::nd 011 tbefir;i.t 1:Ion lay in every month commencing on the first 1\-londay 111 Ma1ch aud1e1nam d lr mg tJia.t week (01 ti e purpose of atten ling to all Deut:tl operations Oft1cc lLt Dr F1Pld1ng ~ Surgc1) SUBSCJtIBEB in orde1 to accede to TIIE the iequesta of n1a.ny p<.>1sons res ding both '.!HE Town Hall Bmldmgs Jfff R EATO.'V m9 ly rhus I pa'8ed lllJ boJhood on a firm, en JVVIng no ad vanwiges for educatiou, except such as were aHorcled b' the con1mon f1ee ~chools st1ung along the ba::;e of the 01een ~Iounta1ns, And I was ready to set out for my boat and set out I did, but haidly left the lake ere I was lo8t It was cloudy, the forest was tlucli.. and wet, UJJd I knew not \\ h1ch 'vny tv go Wbat a long, awful night \\ll::; that l or the hr~t time in my life I trul) and s111 cetely pra' ed I n1ade 'O\\ s to God, rf lie w·ould conduct n1eout ahvc and latd plans for my future hf~, and the pr1nc1plea on DOMINION BANK llO\\ MAK'i ILLE J M BRIMACOMBE Bo" mfillv1lle l eb 18th 187::> 21 lf Pa1cl Up HEAD OHJCE D llt NCH ( l ~ $J 000 000 JORON JO LeE8 I. Star Dry Goods and Clothing House N<YJ:ED FOH CHEAP tu Can a<la Jron the blu.ff:3 at New Ilaveu ~fed1c111e \Vais my annlseu1ent durmg tbe " mny days ol my boyhood lt It ) ou W mt Good Bieacl OiHLLJ ~imnoml Nov b01 5th 1874 m6ly Conoui G no \111 L'l \ 111 E O s nA"\'f~ \..Y.H1rrB~ UX:HlUDG:f J. CHAPLIN, DEALER IY }1u it and 01namental Tiee.s Seeds Bulbs Flowers &:c tL;c :ii.Ir C gnarant~;furoish nothing ~ut }.,1rst daSij trees and true to na1ne ...'\.ddrer;r; P 0 Box 55 .Bowml:\n v1llt1 Jan 22nd 18,.,.ti bp !y ml7 o4 NO CURE! NO PAYI YOU hH-ve a Scv. mg ?vfaclune 110 mattei of '\hat n a 1ufact ue out of orde I ~nll un dertake to make 1t as goorl as new or no cbnrgfl will be ma le Ordm s left at Yello ~lees & QuJck s will rc:cc1ve prornpt attention G H THOMAS Bowl!l~u.illo April 20th 1875 30 3mo· I l lh15Ba.nk iuadd tt ion tu t1ansact1ngtlcu.i ual banlung bus1net18 oilers to tho public all th a ad\antages of "Sav1 g Inr-;htut1on \\1th t1ie secn11ty of a.lar~ pa cl up cap1..tal by the J · u1eans of a S..:.1..v 1NU1:) LJ ~l' \llUrIENI Inte1 est ::i.llowecl on all deposits of One Dol I called them my ' elong·ted pills lar and up vat ls at the t ate of] n: E per cent per a.nnu1n. ' At tbc age ot twenty tuo J lound myself A. SPECIAL LINE Depo"Ltors cat \ iL b.<l1 a.w e1tl c1 the \Vhole or with anoth er student, and with a me::hcal an) p art of their deposit at an y t11'.l.1e w'tho lt previous notice book protiud1 ng frorn each pocket hnrly on Spec al 1 a.tea of tnte1 est all "\\ ed upon deposits th e trac:k ot n1y proless1on at old Doctor w th notice of '\ithd1 a\'\al Con e1 l{1ng :ind\\ieat 1'-fa.:rket St1eAt nE:u .c'\mer1ca.n Currt-ncy and dilvtr ta ken o de S il es Il e lad 11 great repn tabon for beinJ St La-µ:rcuec Ef1.ll Toronto poSlt a d,ep man and 1f takrng 1n supe1techm' Draftf'i granted lJ LJ able in G1eat ll tfn l Umted States md ·lt µa<t· of Cana la "f' 'I' cal la.nguagl:' and ln a "a' not t be under WDcposit~ can L em tte l by n1a l n.1 lrer.s .Af& w · 0 .L:af. · .._. st( 1 d I v R.1 y b dy 111 e vul~nce 0 f aepth atl to tho DoID.lnt n ._.ank [rog1ste1c 1] whtn n I ANK CERI a ICAES !\.pphcnt10ns ti en he \\as l leep n a u But I have s1nce all C<\Ses a. P!\ss Book 1 ece ipt W1H be sent bJ %c &c cll.n be procu1 ud at this office at h. ur1 etl 1hat LI e ' 01ld \\lll c1ill a mnndeep retwn post J i CODD Agent regular rates who brings up mud whether be d1vea deep Bowmazmlle, July ith 1873 Bowmanv1lle Jan Gth 1814 lo tf j DI-tY CLOTHING etc ---o-- GOODS nny of our domestic anunnls \\ e1e su:k, or looked sick I \\as down upon thetn at 01 ce, H1l1 f <l1~t1octly rernembe t ( \' hy i.:un t '\e n:. drnt1nctly Ieillcrub(l1 wh a t "e have doue to ln11uau paL1ents lll tbe course of our practice 1 g1v11J 0 n1 v ol l dog l].o\ er a dose that ma<le h11u alr1J,1cl of we Jot a whole year, and our one e) ed cat Cyclops, a pres cripti on that threw her into fits, and the yo uu g turkev, 'laro, a few p1lls whtch for ever af ter stopped Jns growing and gobbling which I would act All my success and Corn" all Blankets f To 'llll'a,"te"S 0 B character u c to be traced 1 ack to that Jone ly n11sht In the morning, without bavrog clo~cd in) eyes 111 sleep faint uu(l hungr) I set oft again though \Vith feeble courage How inte11sel) burdensorne w11s n1y pack and iuy rifle now r About noon I came to a luftj 1nounta1n and after pan ~1ng and rt>st ing nllny tunes, I 1eached rt.a summit 'I h~n a world of forest la) spread out before rue (made tight ·nth pitch) ana thou I mnst and many a beautLful lake too, look1Dg m wait another daJ for hun to go down to 1ts green 1nnge like a basin of s-1lver After M ElroJ s to get his troum s M Elroy wus a long time rn settling the geographJ , I de a squatt~r on the Indian Rn er a nd the cu.led "\\ luch n1ust Le Tuppi:.r s Lake, a.nd only 111an who hved in that township .A.11 thou gh I could not see tlie th1eud of the day, till three o clock tn the alternoon I RacUcttc Hiver yet l Jn eio 1t run~.t lie" est \Va1ted for n1y gnulc, but he came not A.f of 11 au I Lh lt the fall s must lie about sp ter trying to sleep to \\h1ttlc, to wblatl~ Promrn1ng tofollo\\ his adv c... t~ 1ar HI in<l so l l1eu came hope and \\ !Jt pl:'tt:d to aud be patient, I <le tern11r el to go aw av uf eoul I wi.thout con1p1unus1ng pnnc11 c I ue aud I !tit i::lloug r<l TU"\1\1:'.i lhut t~rn1, lrllllT .l:oll \\IJgtheLlar.edtrecs ac ( pted tl e hoii;.e and sulkv, auJ 01 ce n1r,lit. T got soi 1.:ar tL.S to I tu1 ti1e ioar of thH ugh thick \\Ooda for a rr11lP. 01 more I more announced to th e public thut I had tlie lulls, an d the n~xL day I reached JD) came to the loH c1bm At the <loor I mot rel urned, au<l would be most happ) to 11 a1t and forro1ng all 1nu nc1 of co11Jectu1 >< t~ to the nature of ti e conrsultat1ou di.; ;,H l But who was Lucy Br u sl cy 'l J !11 : 1 [ d 1<l not kno'\\ except that she W :liJ a J;euul1lul Stranger t o who1n I had been 111t10 luc d \ Lu had Cotnc to spend a few n onti s 1 1 u, 1 Inge \\tth adistu.ntrt.: l ttne She 1\ <l1 l:l~ etl lD d eep l110Ui 11 1 g \\ f.l~ 11 l 0 p lUD Ull l 1 stood to be poo1, t uouuh once 1n ~Te a L Jll encl, and beautdt l sl c certrnnlJ \\ e. us ever\ bebo ld e1 t1.::::;t lii::d DJ s)1uc n1t:i. s or ot h ~1 , I haU got n to the 0 ood gr w ol her relative, and uspcctel th at lt' " ts to her 11 iluence that l w is ndel;tcd 1or llj call Rad the 'onng eti1.n1gl'I the f r t 'slight cough u1 d hectic f1 l"h wlucl1 n.1e such sure herulds ct tlrn.t aw Jul tl estro,(r -tLc cou:::;u1npt1011 l I r ec:.::o lved that l t:VtI shn1 lJ. p aten t be treu.Led iuore cutefn ll ) IIal he sone chio1lCll sea'Jc b1dlc1 lJut su1e to 1nake V1-a npo11 the syBtc m till it had destro\ ed it l I \' o i lJ. lcn\ c no f Jlu1ts 1nnlacle, by wl H .:b t rlvJl c.1 0 1.: the f Long before m 1 ntug I I \J H:J ri.1 ll treote<l a f'lc.;Ore of th 0 e1::iC8 1n Dl ) JH::w tt 1 fair tia~ cnt I ci.:cu lOl:!e u.n l our 1.:nht:(. than usual ntl iclld \ hnt bo oks I Ji t l c 1 Scio!1 11, 1 htl l '" l 1 d 8p1nc Nor ncec.11 feel rt hntn 1 to o"' n that I li1u 11 l n1y bootr;;., coul 1 a t n11 l L ur \\Jth tt k st couimou ca1c and 1i " 011 1n\ best e)u\cs atnnenly 1 Ill On JI.} \\:l Y T t1h whit nn.:iht b~ t 1c µol cl en n1cdnun lJ1.:t\ u."'.:n t he chec1lul l l O\ 1 t look " 1tl ,\ l 1c.:li \ ph) SIClllTI wal t~ l Cll COUt lJ 0 lno p dwt t, and th l t lon t> ft c~ 1 S)Il L J tthy ,~1 1c h I e \\JBhs to put 011 t t= h ow th:i t Le I 1 !lt:} syn1p 1tl11 es, an 1 fe~l'l lhc 1 t1p on 10 htte~ of hi<::; p oslt1u11 I 11 1 cln ell toll il tit latter predomu t d I r on ll.) j 111~ t probably prevents the u·e of · l!Jfan· that the young lad v ti t l ho} e l I e ' w 1 ut might be useful m restorrng health Ne, er seriousl) ill, she l 1 t 11 tn a ]~ gl uu l do that But tb1S r1drngout-11by, 1t will ea1d she \\OS ne\e n better httlth 11 I t l do Lebo gooil to exemse, and Jou good to life I threw u1\ s lt B t once upou n1y Jig ride, and I d 1n t see as it can be "ro 1g n1ty and s1ud th \ t ;:v1 she l1a d dv n e the and yet, shak111g lna head, I coufe~:s I don t quit..e like the looks of it honor to iri inHltt 11 t !«ho Wt"-ht'<l. to (Oil 1 a suit !:I.Uc! 11 r p1 I 1 1 fE:ho l < )t'.l. lJok nnd lu Ille t onn I r ::t LI t1 I I , t!'ilen nti->ulllVas~1~t;.. f con 11:uuet1 on olu t 1 1 im·ee l ! ) l

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