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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 30 Jul 1875, p. 3

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r THE MERCHANT. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1875. . Wa.nted Immedia.tely. ~- Daily Line to Rocheste1. Co1un1e11ciug on or about the 19th, of Apri l DRUGS AND MEDICINES · !'J \lie Bowmanville Drug Store, A learn the Prin.ting. SMART, INTELLIGENT BOY, to THE STEAMER Apply at this Offi ce. Ma.thushek rrHE Subscriber ha-s been appointed ~'\.gent for the Oelebrated 1.'J:lathushek Piano. Look out for advertisement next week. Bow1n2.nvil~e, Sugars! ~ Sugars! Sugars l ----· " NOBSE~«:AN " J. HIGGINBOTHAM OULD ;;Spt"ctfully t ender his sincoro thanks to hifl uunierous fri ends nnd cus· tomer~, and to t.l1e ptJhlir. gr.u er(l.11.y, fnl' th e very hbt>ral support be lws rectiived since his C?mm.enci~g in bu8i,nes:.i; r;,~icl hope fl _ by con· tinu1 ;d stl'lct personal attention to btu:i1nei>s, aud offering nothing bu.t the purr~t ai:ticl ~s . at Urn most reasonable prices to ensure a continuanee of public patronacre. ' J. H. would cafi speoi<1-l u.ttention to hi 15 \' orv superior stock of . · W R. CHERRY. 4:4-lin. Jtily 29th1 1875. Auction Sale Valuable Farm Property. 'l'he Subscribe1·s have re.cein~d i.nF!tructions from ·!\Ie!:'srs. !vlcC:ee & .Tonc>1, to sell by PUBI,IC Lyle & Martyn are now receivirw" lar.,.e consignment of Sugars, direct from New York, which they will ~ffet· lowest prices. at 'P=l l · her regular tri;is on thi~ rot;i.te leav mg CoboLn·g 1t vel'y inornlllg ~t 7:30 and P ort Hope n.t 9 o'clock, for Rochester, conneetiug the1·e, \·ritb Lli e New York Central a.nd Erie Rail.w11ys, for all point s, '\Vest and South . H'E'l' OilN I NG·, 'Y ill make (R. CR.AWFOTID; MAd'l'ER.) ' AUC'l'ION, at the On hand a large and fine MSOt'tment of H , Queen's Hotel, Oshawa, -O::i- Glassware, Fruit Jars and Crockery DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES. a.t r11wo o'clock, p.1n,, -the followin!j valuable property, consisting of THE SOUTH 143 ACRES, of Lot No. 34, iu the 4th Conceasion of the TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES NOT TO :BE EXCELLED. - - -: 0:--- 0 i" ~ Iwill leave Charlotte [port of ·l{ochcfltcr] dnily at 9 p.m_., except will I leave at 2 p. m. fo1· Port kcpei d1r0ct. This is the shortest and quicke1>t route to IOswt:'go nn \Vntertown, "ia Lake Ontario Shore Saturd~yE!, whe~ sh~ i At MoClung Bros. The Public have responded nobly to our recent call, an now we call again. ! Goods are Selli11g because FA C'l'S are tellling ! We shall conti11ue to back up our Advertisements by GIVING the BARGAINS we PROMISE ! When we SAY Bargains we MEAN Bargains ! Large Crowds have visited our Stores during the past month,and the avidity with which goods have been" TAKEN" is gratifying evidence that both Goods and Prices are TJYE S,...I'1J1TFS sn tisfactiou~ which are !!Ure to give th e bt.:st A well selected stock of Railroad from Charlotte. Oealers in stock etc., 'Will find this the cheap· ef.:lt and u10al; expeditioufl route to Boston, Al· bany 1 New York, etc. , Ft)t' fu:rt.hcr jnformati.on apply to PonT Hol'E. Or C. :b'. GILDERSLEE,1 E, K ING STON. -· --- ----~--------- 'rhe :Et'C'SH is to conti:nue ind. in- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, crease for a,nother 30 :Cays ! PATENT J't!EDJOJNRS, BRUSHTCS, OOlvfBS, RCRAWFOTID. d 'SHOULDER-BRACES kept constantly on hand. SUPPOI~TERS, :Etc, Et ". Township of Darlin~ou, 0 _ OILS, PA.INT, . COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEA D at the very lowest pricc1fl "THE S1JN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. ' Aboiit Foiur· Ahles f1·om Oshawc i. Ther~ Horses and Cattle Medicines. is a good Ba.rn with stone founch~t iou, and Stables under it, on the pren1iscs ..A. young Orchard- of 175 trees, uotnp1ising- two :t.cri;,~ 1 baf'I been planted this year. There ia a good never-failing Creek runniog across the corner of the fa.rm, and a bountiful supply of spring water. The laniJ is w ell adapted for either a. Grain Growing or Grazing Frrru. A Liberal Discount on CASlI Purcha,ses for Sums of Five Dollars and 'tJ'pwards . ~ · Possession ryiven this Atitnni.n, in tinrn for J?all Plowirig to l.;e done. TERl\fS EASY. iFur furtl1e1· partjeulars np]Jly to tLe Sulic. Lo1 1s a. b ove nomed, or to BISHOP & McKAY. A t: C'l'IO:N.EEHS. Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE Having removed to moi:e oonunodious premise~, ACABD. ~ U)· lf, · Oahawa, July 2tat, 1815. 44-2w. I ing class'.!s of workiug J>eople, of either sex. young or old, 1nake more money at work fnr u1> in tht:ll· spare mo1nenh, or all the time, than nt rt.nything else. Particulars free. Poi!t <.:H.rd to States costs bu one cent. .Addrcs!! G. S'l'I~ SON and CO.,Portland,!rI9..ine, U.S. $5 TO $20 PER DAY.-AgcntsWantod! have £hif) 1.luy a.ppointed 0. HAll KEil the l!.,'xclusii:e agent for the sale of my ·vur,· OAN IZED PENS fol· Bowmanville. Ont. JOS~:PH ,11ABON ,P.P. .T. J.JAC OBS. Bowma.nville, Sept.10th,1S74. IN FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, eg to inform the public geherally' that the r are now enabled to offer them HOBBIS' Oclober 27th. 1874. 1y-bp-o·13.m5. CARRIAGE wc~t SHOP To Wagon Makers. nfft:!rs either to T or lease bis pretniseJ::>, which are well situated in tht: viUa.g+J o( Ti111nton, where au excellent HE uutler~i!{u Od Better Inducements !! ell herehy in the line 'of of the Outnri Bunk, liusiness has been built up. The premises com11rise two 1L(:1·P.t; nf first-class land, on which aro a \"1'.nggon Shop, :Dwellincr House, with outbuildiuga, :'!. goud bearing Orchard, '"ell of water, etc. Possesswn 1st Oct. next. For furtbet· piu·, apply to the owner, .JOHN I~. l,A.V"IS, Tn.unton P.O . J u1y 22nd, 187£i. o30-m43-tf. G1 ooory 1 -th~u1 auy other house in King . Street, Bowman ville. (AS REGARDS PRICE J! QUALITY) the County. Business, T coon J. L. STROWGER I-IE. subscriber is prcpa.rtid to build and re· pu.u- FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 100 acres all cltared, beinr OOJ\.!PRIRI.NG '\Vest half of Lot No U,2n<il Concession of th~ 'I' own ship of Cartwright. There is on th e premises a good frame House, Barn. and other outbuildings. There is a young- Of chard and a never failing welL Immcdi~tc possession if desired cau be giv e11 by purchasin'-" Stock 0 implements, and t~e growing cropfl. ' For further pal't1cnlarfl apply to the proprietor on the premfa:os. Wayons, Bilggies, wncl Cutters, ;,f e ve L"y dea(. rivtion, at tibott 11otice, anc1 o:i reasonable t erm8. NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT Weiyld amd 1fleas1i1·e G1ia1·anteecl 'in every instance. 'I'eas a, Speciality. J. D. STROWGER." Newcn.stle,Auguot, 14th, 1~74. -~----- Carriages ·Paint en~ a.nd Tri n: n: ed .. A:BilAH.UI MOHlUS. Cartwrigl1t. ~Tul y 1st. 1.S71'i. tf.hp-o2'7·tn40 A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, were special attenticm is given to all c~,r:riage 0 0 lO CC> 0 '· _Desirable Farm Property Butchers Notice. N consequence of the dopression in the tnoney mRrket and hu.ving to pay ca.ah f111· out· stock we the undersig-ncd Butcher15 of this town are con1pelled to do a bu..,1neafl, Theref.ore on and after the work, >end General J'obbing. FOR SALE. I , I ~ The cf the rresidental election gives unusual impnrtauce to the events and <leveloprric·nts of 1875 . VVe shall endeavor to de· scribe therr1 fu Hy faithfullv and fearles~Jy. 11Hl.D \A.1 UEJ<LY~ S1}l'f has now attained a circulation of over s· e venty thonsand c~o;t:iie~. Jts ren..ders are found ll1 every State and 'lerritory · ·and its QUnlity ii:; well know n to the pnhlic, 'Ve sh nll not only cndc,avor to k eep it f11lly UIJ to the old ,standard Lut to irul}ro ve l\lld add to iti:1 vnriety autl p oi-vcr. THE WEEKLY SUN will oontiuu to be a th or011 gh n ew5papcr. .c\11 the ne\\'S of th1:1 day will be f1nu.1d in ii:, c<m<lrrised when unimport ant at full length :when of moment and always we trust treated iu a clear and ini:;tructivo manner. Tt is our aim to mllke the 'Vl!:El{LY SUN the best family- newspaper iu the \Yorld. It wi.11 be full of c:nt ertaining and a.ppropYiate reading of every sort but will print nothing to of"rt·1Hl the most scrupulous and delicate taste. It will always contain the ruost stories a.nd romances· of the day carefully selected and legibly '\!l'in t cd. ~rh c 1\.gricultural Del!_a.rtinent is a prominent feature :in t he "\VEEICI.1Y SlTK and its arf.icles will alw:ty~ be found fresh and useful to the farmll·r. 'l'he number of men independent in p,olitics is i11 cl·ea"1iJ.1g and the '\VEEKLY SUN is their pa,p er especially, It belongs to no party n.n:l offe~i:i no dictation contending for principle and for the election of the bel!t men. It exposes the corruption that diElgraocs the country and t hreat ens the overthrow of republican institutions. It bas no fear of knn,ves , nnd seeks no favors fl'oro theii- supportt11·s. The _ markets of evC'ry kind and the fashions t!JTC regularly reported. '!'he price of the '\VEEKLY SUN is one dollar a ycnr for u. i:;,heet of eiglit page:;, and fifty·E!ix cohnnns. Aa this ba.rely pays tbe exp.enses of paper .and p 11inti.Hg ·we are11ot able to make a.ny disC'ount or allow any premium to rden,ds who may make rJµecial efforts to extend its circulation. , Under the new law which requires payment of in advance one dollar a year, with twenty ct:nts the cost of preJ !ftid postage added. is the rate of subscription. It ii'i not n eccssa.ry to goet up a club in ortler to the '\"'i'.'1£1£1CLY SU1'1 at this rate. Any one wbo sends one dollnr and twenty eenh will get the paper postpaid for a year. \Ve ha v!j n<' travelling agents. 'J:HE 'YEEKijY SUN, - Eight pages, fittyei.ix colun1ns. Only 1.20 a year po.~tage prepaid. 1Yo c~Meonntfrom this rate. THE DA. TJ1Y SUN.-.--A large fou1·.page newspaper of twenty-eight cohunns. Daily circulation over 120 000. "'\.11 the nc\YB for 2 cents. Subscription, post~e pre-paid 55 cents a month, or 6.liO ft year. 'Jo clubs of 10 or o\·er a discount of 20 per cent. .A.cldress TF.:£E SUN': l\1-cw York City U.S. l\farch 11th, 1875. 24-6m1>, i N. B. - Country fo!tore-kcr,pcr~ su1)plicd 0 11 the most advantageous terms. A 1:boice selection of J,A_j\fPS fo1· hfi.le oh<'1fl -":,c---- Bow1nnnvi1lr. D ec. 1868. 6m. _ _...__ - - -- -- ...-----·--- -- "TAKING." We are pleased to see our efforts to " Sell the right Goods at the right Prices " appreciated, and are carrying this war into next month. Some of our cheap LinP.s are running out, but more are arrfoing, .and for the next 30 Days uie shall dlfer greater inducements than ever ! Now Ren1einber !-]for the next 30 Days McClung Bros, is the place for Clieap Goods ·! - -- :o:--- 0 Cheap Store TYl ~ C)NJD, I-las now a full nssortljd S+.ock of ALL -GOME I Bowmauville, J unc, 24th, 18i5. Groceries Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes etc., ~tc, which fat· MoCLUNG BROS., Quality and· ness, Cheap CANNOT BE SU RPASSED J. ELUOTl TYRONE. · " HA':r Splendid Property of the late :Th-fr. B. · !rfitehell, being the north half of LotE! No. ;~1, an<l 32, in the 6th Con. of De1irliu gtu11, cou1prising 200 ·cr· ·- 35 being superior wood lond. There ia on the front of the premi~ei:I, a ve1·y fine,gentlcmnn's stone·residence, \Vith fo,wn and our business will be conducted on CMh princiflower garden, to the rear of which is a beauti· ple, srnali profits and ci.uick return.s hof,ng it ful Maple Grove . . Also wood shed,stable, dri\·. will ineetthe viewl'I of the Puhllc favorab y. ing house, etc., and every necessary convenience. GAWKER & BROTHER. The whole, a.bout ten acres, is surrounded b.~- _.......... _ :>1. D. "\VIL IAMS. 'forn hedge. . C. YOU::<G. 'J.1here is a l!~arm Roust>, '"'·ith thre~ barns, with M.HICE. all Outbuildings. A never failing stream of wa. P, S, - _<\..11 those in arrear~ by Luok o,ceount ter runs through the p1·emil:!ea. There is also or otherwise will pleago call and settle forthsplendid Orchard of fruit ben.rin,... trees and with · kitchen ga:rdeu . '1'111:1 propljJ"ty is ~ ii, !,l'O~d state £own1anville,July, J8t 1.8"73 lin-;10. of cultivation, and is regarded as the most de !lir.a ble betwt>en lGngaton and London. For further particulars aoply to T Ca,rd of Thanks. :Si'ble Christian tlrn11ki: to who TIIE have given him their patronago in i;hc past Su~sc ribe1· :rti tu 1 ·n~ tlto.s ~ an~ \\'onld inform tJ10 far111en; tl.Jat lie has ?e paire<l and refittr.d.his :&fill,, nnd is uow prep al'ed to attend to the1r wu.uti:; u1 the 1nilling li ttti, He is also C'Ondncting a 12th Day of July, 1S76 All work done at this Establishment - -- ---·----~ ---. warranted. A call is r eapectruny R O licitcd. .T. MORms. · Bowmanville, Oct. lst. 18{)~. LADIES :A_rr'TENTION ! -(b). GENERAL STORE, BOOK ROOM AND aucl having purdrn.sed his ·s tock for CASH, is giving bargains in! MRS. B. MITCHELL, Oa11awa P. 0 i\..UjtUSt Gth!l.874. bp-tf-m44-o2:; . House and Lot for Sa.le. I I I Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. of IJot Ko. 14, 7th Con. Da.i·NoRrl,II ha.If conta.ining 100 acrel'I, tnore or less. liugton~ very desir:ible town propt.rty for Sitls, s~t U1tt e on I.1 berty Street, known as tbe .Bell· woocl Cottage. '!'here is half an acre of land, a.lao a.11 nccessu,ry accommodation, in ljbeds, .water, &c. Apply on tbe premises, to A R . SQUIREi:l, Jr. tf. Eowmnnville, June 16th, 1870. Good buildings and fences, and large young chard. For particula~, a.rply to 01·· Oct. 29th.1874. w M. Horse For Sa.le! OOD HEAVY ]'ARM HORSE, 6 year· Gold. Apply at this Office. !\.1arc h 4-tl1, 1874. that· is a The I'ern17ian Syrup, a Protected Sol'Ution of the Proto.ride of' Iron,, is so co'11tb'i'necl as to ha've the chat·acter of nn r1,liJnent , as e;(l,Sily d ·i yeste<l < .vn < l assi1n:ilatclJ L~DIES' ·' Sabbath . School Library :Depot, KING STREET, BOWMANYILLE. Dry Goods, . Dress Goods, TUER, HATl)Q1', 5-tl. OU'.i:FITTING and MISSES' ESTABLISHMENT, --;o:-- Crockery, Glassware,, &c. Sl'Al\·D. -R ec~ntly GREAT ;A.BBIVAL OF occupied by 1t1r. Gra:y. JCE follo' lands in the Township _ of T Clarke, namely: l\"nrth ha.If of Lot Numher 'l'wenfy in the eighth Concession n.ho 'l~ he LANDS FOR SALE. LANDS FOR SALE. SOLD. "' A splendid property, ll'l. being Lots ~os. 14 and ]i),in the 10th Con. Darlington, contn~ning 200 acres, more or less; 'l1he soil is a rich loam, and the land level, save a.bout 10 acres on th ~ front of each lut. A bout 90 acres are cleared, anll well fcmced . Eighty more can bo easily cleared with a. good sucker left on the north side, fur }"all ~'"heat. 1.'his, if rightly attended to will pay fo1· the whole l:Lnrl. rrhere is on the preinis~s, a Owclling house, barn and good well of water, also young 1 orchard. fhe pr?perty is situate within ten miles of Bow1nanville, .three of Tyr" o ne. three of .Enniskillen, and two of Haydon _ 'l'he lanrl will bo sold cheap. A small portion of the pur· chase money, r.equin~d .down , and reasonable ti1ne given in which to pay the bnlance. Po;.;session given immediately. }.,or further information, a.p ply to tl11~ Ja1)ro·ietor, J .A'l\-fES 'VOODLEY, Ty-rolw P. 0. Darlington, April 14th. 1875., 29-3moa l{ing- Stl'ect, next Door Vl eilt of )lurdoch Bros. l..1rUST I~ E the South half of Lot Number 'l\venty i'n the nint.h Concession. For particulars apply to the 'Proprietors l!t1essrs. TH01\1AS & ROBEB,'J' STEW ART, nea!' the premiRes, or to .J. T(. GAL13l{AITH Barrister Bowrna.nville. m4w. Bow1nanville, July 13th, 1875. ~~~~- -~~~~~-~~ ~~ with the /Jlood '"' /h e sim1plest j'ootl. It incren,,cs the gnantity of J'fritnre's Own 1'-it«lizin(! Auerit, I1'0'n 'i1t- the blood, an,ll cu·}·es -fa.thottso,1· u l ill!i,' ' si1nply where can be f011nd the Spring Bats· · ~,'lie Largest Stock ~ver shown in}~owmnn . villq. S. V AlHlTOl~E . -, :o:-'l'yrone) Dec. 17, 1874. TYRONE. · ';\; L atest i· ave/lies 'i-n NUtine·ry Goods. A'l' Vitaliziny the S11stem. The en··lched and ·vitalize<! blood permeates evcr11 pni·t of the bod!!, b111.'o'ni1iu UJJ,Invlyo'r atin,y and Newest Styles! -:~:- :Price~ to suit All Classes. We hi:n-e now the tnost varied a.nd Neiv PartnershiJ>! searching U"M ·J<tw1·1Jid sem·c· tions. <t7itt leavin(! nothin(! for diserise to fee<l 'M1JO·n~ t·c11a,it·i1t(J d<t1nayes a·nd ' -.O ltste, A lf.iu ~~ well 8e ler. 1.t!il· Stock of ·English Fur, American- Fur, a,nd Canadian Felt :Morris &Watson GENERAL CONTRACTORS y JND BUILDERS. -- Manufacturers of Sash.Blinds HOTEL, Doqrs, Mouldings, and Win- PH ILLIP'S IN '1'l[ll dow Frames, VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. TVith or ~1;ithout Cas1:ng. TV ith or without llanrl P.fol.lld.o;, JrOlt SALE. Possession can be given ~on the 1st .of March. Terms easy. Apply to the 1Jro11d ~to r on th e pren1iE!es, for particulars. det·ful s·uccess of lhis 1·einedy h i cu,r in.g Dyspeps· irt, l.llver <...'01nplu:i11,t, Dropsy,. Clvron,ic Diar1·/ima,Bo,i ls, 1...--e1'·vou.s ...4ffect.£011 ,s, Ohllls FeuA-t'.i, Hu.Jn.ors, Los.· of Constitutional fliyor, Diseases of' the Ki-<lneys wrul Bladdm., Ji'emalc Coinpl<iints, ., and all diseases 01·iyinr.ttlny in a /Jad state of the /Jlood, or accompawied by debility or a low state oftlw system. Beinyfree · from any fonn, its ene,.giziny cnccts are not followed by co·1 ·J'espondiny 1·caction., but a,1·e 1Je1'1nane·nt, i'ftf'u .. s· i ng strength, 1 _ , irlyor, and new life into all parts of the system, Tlvis is the .secret of the won- Ladies' Veils, Ladies' and Misses' Gloves, in Kid and Lisle Thread, Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties,~ New and Fashionable, direct from New York. Ladies' Linen Cuffs and ·Collars, Skirts, Corsets, &c., &c. In short, HATS. STRAW HATS I from 12~ SELECT STOCK WANTED. - AJ' Y.'HE STRAW HATS Cents, upwards. Cambria.n: Woolen Mills. OF Any quantity of Good .i\ierchantable 'Vool fnr which tho highest Ua.eb .Price will be pa1d. On hand also. a 'Vell-nssortP-d Rtoc:k of Twf: e.Us Fall Clotha, Flannela, Stockin·..,. Yarn &c which \vill be sold low, for C a~h. · ,, GENTS' a. First -C lafls Selection. FURNISHINGS, l{nowing j ' u~t what suit1:1 the public taste, I hiwe 1Jurc ia.s r.d accordingly. Call early, and suit yourself . Wool Carding, Spinning, Weaving, &c Done as Usnal. . D. TAYLOR, l:lay 20th. 1875 . Harnpton . 34-3n1os. L/ighest Price paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REP AIRED. , Everything in Ladies' Goods. 'V~ inteud to n~ pl1mi r;J1 0111' Sto(;k, ever·v week, frmn thG Canadian and New York Markel:;. with the · lVI. MA Y:E:R'S. Bown1anville, Arril Jst. JS'il: ; -~~-~~~~~--~-~- SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARiis and GENERAL LITERATURE yet offered to the people in '\Veet Durham. II. T. rHILLIPS. Planing, Planing & Matching, Sawing and Turning, Or1wmental Fob. 25th. 1875. 22-t.f. P.iclccts, in ever·y ·viw·iety, ancl Scrnll Smviny, · of every deeeription DONE TO ORDER, ·on the and IJuU<lin(J up an Iron Constitution. · Thousantls have been chlinyed by the use of this 1·e·11w<ly, from weak, siclcly, suffei·img c1·eatures, to strony, healthy, and happy men ancl women; an<l i1i1Ja,i:icls catinot reasonably Jiesitate to yive it a trial. See that each /Jottle has PERU · VIAN SYRUP blown ·in the glass. Patnphlets Free. THE Sa.' School Ensign, "'\.11 unsecta:ria.u, Illustrated .Paper, f0r ::=.abbath Schools. -o-- $25 REWARD! The above rewa,rd 'Vill be paid to any perr.;on who will furnish ample _proof that th e' .Hooti:J & Shoes Bold by th1e undersigned, are not 'vhat he .r1epresents them. Novelties! PuUl·ii;hed ltfonthly, at Bownianv·ille, Ont. Tho Ed itor has been conu ee{.efl, n1'01·c or less, doRel:y with S abbath Schools, fro1n bis boyhood 1 und will endeavor the 1rwke the F.:-1s JGN every wn.y worthy ot the support Of Sabbat h Schools. ThC uni':let:t::i,l·ian character of the paper,rcndcrs it suitable for any School. In connection there-· with, a Snpplement is published, containing N ot cs on the Internationn.l series of S. S. Less o.u~. These are carefully prepared, arrd muBt 1irov of great value to both 'l'eaeher. and Sl'.holar. For the Holidays I Gift Books, Splendid Albums, Pr any'8 Celebrated Ohronios, Microscopes,Kale·idoscopes, OJ the finest clesci·iption, Lail:ies' Gompan-ions, Writing Desks, Pocket Books, &;c., &;c., tiJ please aU, and every one. SHORTEST NOTICE. Seth W. Fowle &:·sons, Proprietors No. 1 DIJ l ton Pla ce , Uo,ston. <~nd ]~xa.m inc Stock and Prices. ---- Shops on Liberty Street. North of the · Ea.stern House, Bowroanvi!le. Bowma.nville. July 9th, 1874. 41·tf ------------- ~-- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENBHALLY. If you ,,..; ant A HOUSE AND LOT S ... situate on Ontario Street. En· F OR quire of 1\-IR. r.l'li0)1A.S, on the premise!:!. '\.L~. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Dress Making and Dress Fitting FOR SALE T offered for Sale, being a vart of Lot No. :10, 5th Con. Da.rlington, cotr1prfaing 25 aC res, HE ES1.1ATE of the late PfHLH' CALLBA'RY, i~ Real Estate 'l'El{.MS: Pa.reels of z;· , 10, 15, etc., at the ratt'- of 30 cts. per yo.::o.r. Single copici;, 40 cts. r FRE'E. A~·~lress, "' Bowmanville, Jan. 22nd, 1875. 17-:tf. l"OU REJ\IIOVAL ! s. MASON ""i1:1hes to inform bis numerous friends :.mrl 0Ufltome·rs that hti has re.moved to llucltler's old Standi where he will be found with the wo~t eu1uplete assortmeut of Parlors, Schools, or Churches, Apply to more or less. 1.'here are about 2:3 acres cleared, the r1:nna.inder being wood land. '!,here is a good hou~e, with barn, driving house anti stable, and two good wells. There is also a splendid ,. A SPECIALITY. SATISFA CTlON c; CARA ;:.<TEED. C. BARKER, ED.l'l'OU, Bowmanville~. · What the Press sa.v about it : -~ Orchard of Frnit-bearmg Trees. 'l1hi1> prope:rt.y is in a goo<l of cuHi va.tiuu. }'or further part icular s, apply, if by letter, postpaid, t o Dn. McGILL, Osh·w·. April 1st. 1875. 27-tf. Harness, I HEitli!.BY Whips, 8, Aitnn:te~n Trunks,&c., BEST ORGANS ,in town. Please call. Buckler~s old stand, oue dooy east of Gifford's J-Iotd. Bowma.uvillc, Sept. 1st, 1873. ON 1'H'11 Agents for the TRESPASS NOTICE. CONTINEr-.T. NOTIFY all parties, thn.,t the Ponds nnd CI"eeks vn South half of Lot :So. 10, the~orth half of Lot No. 9, a1{d on Lot No. tl1e 8th Con. Jf parlingt.on, are reserved fishing b'TOu11d, belon(,,'1.ll:J to rn e, l\llCl f1.r1y one trespassing thereon , will be pro~ccutcd to the utn1ost rigor of tlie la.w. .JA:\iES WOODLEY. Da.rlington, _i\.pril 14th, 1875. 29-31nos, TH.I!; ENSIGN. - ,Ve have been tayored with a - copy of the frm:n the Editor,at the \Vest Durhau1 P1 ·i nting Establishment. 'l'be Ensign Phila.delphia <mcl N ew York Pat- is a paper for Sabbath · terns always on hand. Schools, au<l in our opinion well adapted to its object. So gt·eat a fav·orite has it become1 that wo hen.r (what is very unusual with such enterpriseo) it has proved for the first year a financial success. rrhe illustrations are suitOur Goods are all New and Fashionable, able and sufficieutly numerous, while the retl.ding n1atter is healthy iu tone, racy in !;tyle,and and will be sold at Re;isonable Prices. so va.ried a~ to suit the taste of the general public. · We congratulate the :Editor on hav.· ing Cfttered so s11ccessf11lly to thti public want, and we congratulate the you rg i;i.ud the public RemPu1berthe, nt .J11ISS S'l'OU11-II'rON'S on l1 n.v:i ng 1:10 charming a sheet presented monthly for the perusal of thefr children.-I Old Stri.nd, e-11 !'or G·e11ts, For Ladies, !'o:r Children. ,Lo.test Styles· ttnd ~ I Goo<l Stock. , " SPECIAL ATTE!:<TION GIVEN TO 0 1.DERl,D WORK. · S'f01~..~. - Or e door e... :-;t of Cornish'i:s J t(W.til.fY Store, K.ihg Street. Bov.n1anville . . ' "i A a.nd aplendid Collectjon nf Si:ereoaoopio View· Odtwwa Rcforme, 1·. I t'·f ll .ne.<;pec Yll y, u lllRB. HOPKINS, Bowman ville iAvril 30th, 1875. 31-tf. 'l'be JJ:n.~ign i8 lH::it ly print1.xl on gnod p~.per) if:! i11ustratcd, anrl C<mt 1~ius hea.ltT1y L'cnding ro:1.t ter R n ~l ought to haYe a lo..rge circulation. - P(.,te1·b01·0 Exaniin e1 ·. The Goods wt:tre bought a,t best rate1:1, and pur· ohuera will I't'oeive the benefit, .T. SMALE. llowmunville, ~In.y 6th 1S7l5 , r

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