THE continued from firBt page. 1 1IERCHA~T1 FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1875 phys1c1ans, sir, but they gjve us no hope of his rl.!covery. Ile is so violent that he has to b~ chained day and night, o.n<l is especi· slly outrageous when I come into lns pres c11ce. Th'Iy aunt, his w1fe,rece1ved u terrible sh0ck on hearing nly uncle ret1 J1Il ftom ]~nro pe, where he went on busuH:oi<, ruviog in tnadnees, and she iR now on a b ee~ of sickness . Sbo had heard of j ou thro ugh tlie J1ra1~es of a backwoodaman, whose llt'Ife he saj s you cured oi' a 1 fit of ravn/ di str.1.ct1on in le ss than no time' l Is t}H1.t Ro 1 I \vas co1u1Pw.sionetl by iny aunt to cou1 e tei this v illoge, aud. it your ch11ractPr Htoo<l, as she hop ed it woulJ, to see if we could not g1·t you to ruy uncle under your specrn.l chttq. .; c, with the hope that he n1uy be res lo1 ~ d tu reason; but if tl11s tnay not he, tLat h e may be made as con1fort.a.ble a s poas1Lle, I have been reading so!uc French w1i te1 s_ on Insanity, and I have acquired son1e ne.w thought in relaliou to 1t. PerIi ,1-'_, J UU \\Oul <l lik ·' t rl r~nd t 11e1n 1 It so, they are at your service.' ::>he po111ted n1e to nt least n. dozen y.plun1es, \\ htch, by theit l.>1tH.lir1g I knew 0111st be I1'renl;h. \.Yhat conh.l [do 1 I could read French but very 11uperfcctly-next to n<ithiug- and I long· ed to get ,it the tbot1ghts and views in those volu1ues, an<l J i;t I dared neither to e;ay that I could or could not read l"lenth I behe¥e n1y face rnnet hnre shown a tLoubled expression, fuL' she said in a kind voice, 1 Doctor, perhaps you VtoulU ltkc to think ot Olll proposition a few dayR, aud 111 the 1ueanti1ne I will send O\'l'r tile voluu1c~, and you can <lip iuto thetu or not us you can ==========---=== - =-~-====================:;========:::;==============:::.::::::::.::::::::.::::::==::::::::========================:=======================:============= Value of Evergreen Trees Among u ~ only aa we would interpret a corresponU· Fruit Trees. 111g act in man; and these facts in birds and aoce in behalf of an uncle, a rich uierc!Jt:n1t, who nas at that \7ery moment con tined 111 men, producing allied reau.lts, Indicate that A well grown e~ergreen bee gjves of continu· close connection between all animal life chains-a n1adrnan ! ally an exodium of ·w arm th and moisture '\V ~ have consulted many <l1>'.it1ngui::!hc·1 l \\ h 1ch is so readily comprehended from an Beg tu anuouucc t o the hlectors of V\r-e,.t l) tul.u:un o.nd sn1 tound1ng countr;-, that th ey \'llll se 11 NOT SO. FAST. S. TREWIN, OSHA"'\AT A. id now sh owing full lin es of SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion. ---l h.~ve i,v1 itten ANDERSON- & --Uo. OF reaches a. distance of its area in ]1eight ; and when the tree planters a.<lvocatc "he]tcr belts Blll'rounding a tract of orchard of fifty or more acres, ·when the intluence of such belt can only a. tl:istance of the height of trees w said belt, they do that \vhich "'·ill prove of little value.. To ameliorate climate, to a-ssist ju pre· vention of inj ll!Z. against extreme clima.tic cold Ul winter, and of the frostiug of t11e germbud of the fruit in sprmg, all orchards sliotlld planted in and amo11g th:em, · indeacri1pinately, e11 ergreen trees, at rli stances of not more than one hundred and fifty feet apart. Such a course pursuec 1, we have no doubt, will ren· der-gre1i.terJi.'C~lth 'tc:.i the trees a.ncl be µl-od U ctive of mo?e r~gular and unilorm crops of fruits. evolution stund·po1nt. Now, as au instance of this ':f1Jretelling' power in birds, \\re noted, during tlll~ past Spring 1 the arrival of ~-< ~ fAA' How Good_Farmers Make .Moneyr RF ',( the first cbewink (Pipilo ertythropthalmus) on A jll ii 2ith. BuBily among the dried leuves and ta ngled briers it hopped, enlivening the .. thicket with its constant song, just in every depa1 tment, puchased nuder very favorable circLllllStanee>, am! as 11 d ozt:n ot its kind hacl done throughout is determin ed to seli at ASTONISHING LOW PRl CES. the preceding Sumrne.r. Jn a few days it bad d1-sa§_pmed, and not n cbew1nk has and Costumes, comprising a very La1ge Variety been seen or beard fol' nearly six Jnonth~. of NEWEST and FINEST Fabrics. Now a few are noticed ou thetr 'w)'.ay Sou~h "rtJI" · done to order by Skilful and obliging from the country. 'north of us. 'l'bis log,a.1iw Management. ity is one where these birds usually congro· gate, -and ,\,e Jlnve often found a do'zen uesta 't'\,l!I~ An unusually attractive display, this season, emin the limits of the spot. But a few miles DB, NEW SPRING GOO. their l lil lllCUSC these few 1i11e::i And all I ha ve t o say, !'hat you can find me still a.t ]1omo I a ru n ot gon e away ; At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. So a,ll my kind old ft 1c>11 ls u1 .1y crmH' , 1000 Pai1 s 1.l . len's Felt Ga.ilers,jur Oash only. 10 Ca se.~ Ghihl s 1Velli ngtons, $1.50 pair, .A.nd .~Jl t he yc rn 11 g ~nl is too .i-\.11d }!et the11 ga1tucnt s nic1·ly tnudt> In fashion.s that are ne w \Vhere old n.ud youn g d<i..1 fri t·nds may STOCK l-3 00TS AND SHOOS, 35 ·OASES FEL'l' OVEitHOES. 1000 pairs 1lfisse1· l'eual cvnd lJv,!l Buff Balm orals, at $1. 50, p er pair, / 01· O"lSil UNLY. 1000 Pai?'o Woman's, il!iS>ci and Chil1l'o Felt Buot,,the uhol.c to be sold Dress Goods " ·' Dre.eiS .&.V·Ellk'lng' "l'IJl"l"lll" n 1cut A wel cc nne greeti ng by lt rEA'l'E. Bowuw.n' ill e. June-19t11 1873. Joi GA S H ONLY --o--Call early and secme yom Winter Supply, while the JU sh is going on nt rrhey keep account of farm operatiOllil. They do not refuse to make col"l'ect exper11nents. ifi. a small way, of many no'f thlrigs. They plant their fruit trees · well, C are for them, and of cotu ~e get good crops. They practi ce economy by giviug their st ock good shelter d u1ing( thO rwi~ter ; Wao good\ food, taking all that is u.nsoUnd, b alf·rott eu or moldy out. ). r 1 rrhey do not keep tribesJ of cat.~ or sna tli ng dogs around their promiser;, \\'ho eat niore ill ·" mont h tho.n they al'e v;o1tb 111 a whole hfetime ' J..1astly they rea.d tl1e advertisements, know "hat is gomg 011, and frequently !lave money by it ' f · I ·· Spccessful f is n1a<le by attention ·to " little things . ·The fa\:mer :who doe,s hiii b1;J1:1t, earns his money- with bes t appreciation; and u::ies it v.:ith befJt result~. $uch me1~ are the salt of the eart h. - e (wol ina Fa,.,.mc1'. ..:._,. · I I away these· birds were as abundant as usual. In two ways we can explain the absence ·"'* · ·ilt<lol· j ·' bracing Latest Novelties in l·'rench, English, and Amcricai:i Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings. ANDERSON & CO'S., of these birds ; either tl\Qse. lhat were accustomed to occupy it. wel_lt to a UjHV locality, and the single bird that had preceded them, fln ~ lng his comp~nioE s did not some, left rather than remain alone j or he left to ~111.1p 1mcc that food woul,d be scarqc ; for it ' " ' r has remust ue rememb ere d , 'J as D , arw1µ marked, ~ znost and hirds keep to tbc1r riroper )l.omeEi, aud do not needlessly wander about. '\Ve see this, ~~en "1th n1iHrat?ry birds, whH'h almo~t always return to thc csame spot.' At any rate, the Sun1mcr of 1874, in tbi s neighbo;:ho,od, was the dries t 111 the past forty yrars, abd it seemed as it.the chewink kne\V What was coming. Special attenti on to getting up Ord en ' F.AMILY MOURNING. ~ ' /01· :Ei.Lephant House in ieturnini; thanks to his many friends and the public ge uorally for the lil?eral patronage extended to him dur· ing the past 18 years begs to a.nnounoe that from and nfter the 15thSeptembert he will carry on the sanie business, but more extans1vely under the name and style of JonN McI..1EOD & Co. Prompt payment of all accounts iB rendered imfora.tive by this business arrangement, and "'1 persons indebted will please t notice and gove1n tb emselvea accord1ngJy. ~.,..,;'Ii JOHN }1cLEOD. Bowman ville, September 4th, 1873. THE Bowuu:tuvi Uc, D ec . lOtli, 1874. B o o -t & Shoe E :m.po irium.. "l\JI" tleS h""W'll!! A very large stock to select ... ,.an: s "" .. , from, of doth, cashmere, silk, velvet, and lace goods, of fatest styles, very cle(iant, (or made to ordeY.) g(j TIIE UNDERSIGNED l"l. ~le · StfilflJ: 141 a, Emlnaciug every desmiption of fabrics, to meet the w:: m ts of our numerous cuf'tmners. TEl~MS--- LIBERAL. Oshawa, Ap1il, 1875. -l>ozndar Hcience jlfonthly.' WAR- t a Question in Cookery. :RELIANCE treat, sending a wide spread desolation, \vherever man is found-. 1Vg.der its wither· ing 11(-fiuences, more deadly than pestiferous 01iasm, it blBSts every rising hope, trip· pies industry, exhausts natural resources, fo.n s the fires of jealousy and bate, widens J,ocal chati1ns, excites ruahctous auunos1ties, prrict1ca lly closes the doors of the churches and the halls of learning, and th us fearful! y degrades our fallen humanity. In its absolute sR·ay, its tyrannical &st1u1nptions, it 'se,o.:es not only the public treasures, but lays a ruthles$ ha.ncl on the natio11u.l conscience, Ph1 ·cnologica t J ou,r1ud fci N ove.mbl!r. transferring the individual moral sense to 1.l:f<1tin 'ousc. the censorship of a superior nlilitary posiBY A GA8P.EH. A UIJEAP AN D Goon MOUSE 'l'HAl'. - Take tion, making tnigbt the synonym of right. 1 the bowl of a clean clay pipe llnd fi.11 it with 0, S(::xtant of the lnectin ouac, \\ hich swetlpB 1\nd dusts, 01 is su1Jpos ed to '! .tnd ma kes ti1ei!, cheese; put 1t un<ler t ht1 edge of a glass tum- The mfenor JS thus compelled to yield his Ancl hte$ the ga.~ , and eon1~ ti111e1» loa11es a ecru bler in sucli a, manner that a alight touch "·ill moral convictions to a superior in comcause the tutnble1 ttJ !:!hp QfI-·the baJ.f and the mand, ever subject to Lhe caprices of men loose, In wluch case it smels orful ....:. wu~ nor larn-p il~; mo11se, of co· lrae, underr:.eatli. This arrang-e· by no means modela of purity, or to the And \Vnllgs the bel - and tol es it wen men dy ea. mcnt -will catc11 more mioe than anytrap I ever snpposcd emergencies of the accidents of To t he i;r1ef of sut viven pardncrs , & sweeps ea"\.\>-, a t t he cost of one cent. - .Rttt·al N~w Yo1·~ ~ 1" war. In such cucu1nstancies1 and under paths; such 1nffue11 ces p1ivate virtue must become Aud for these services gits $1(·0 per a nnu1n, In Search of an Oyster. dwa1:fcd, and \'lee assume gigantic propor\V1ch them that thinks deer, let hu:n tn it; G et1n up befo1 e star-lite in all weth ers, nnd tions. The S abbuth, a necessity, not only Oy st ~1 a are good, take them nhuost any K1ndlin fi1 ea wen the w eth e1 1s a..<i cold ol mai1's moral hut of his physical nature, way, but here in a Troy (N. Y.) paper we .A.$ Nero, and like as not green v. ood for kin is violaterl, tlesecrntcd 1 becoming a day ot find a new use for then1. The story goes dlins; hilarity and carnage. Famiharity with thus: I wouldn't be hired to do it fo1 no soruP., crin1e u1akes it less 11<l1ous, wh1l sce'bes of Bu t 0, Sextant 1 there 1 k errnoddity A short, stnLby fellow, with his hat on \Vorth 1norc thf\n gold, which dvan't cnst noth· one ai( 1e of Li s head, and his pants roll ed up, cruelty und bloodshed cannot fail to callous the heart, ln u ta] ize and del:ltroy, in some ink w Jl ke<l i nto n Congre ss stre ~t oy ster hou8e 'lil or th 1no1 e then auythinl~ except the S1)lc of Jegree, the 1no1e ennobling and the finer r veuing, ,anJ, holding ..t.lLe stun1p of an Mann;scnsiln l1ties ot our higher nature. I rneenpcweran:, Sexta11t, I incen pcwc1 a1c J unlit St'g::u bctweeh hia clen ched teeth, J H. HAKAJ!'OHD. 1 0, it hi plenty out o'doors, so p lenty it d0an t looked around and i inquir~J., " 'Got 'ny oystlrs 1 ' A G LOIUO U8 VICTORY. DO Wha.t on eai»th to do with itself, hut ilics about 1 'Yes, sir, 1 said the oysteriuan, ct S he ca8t "\-" Ve left ten tho·tsand · The hel1l is ours S ccnteti:Q. l caves and hlo\\in off men's hatts; his eyes over a balf-a-dozcn baskets tull ly- iunong I he ::i lain. It was a glorious vicIn short, it's Jest H ns f1ee as" Out donecs, iug around loo se. tory l" But 0, Sextant, in our church it8 u.~ scarce &.~ 1 \~l ell, how n1nch be thry a d ozen 1' Such are the \vor<ls of triumph he;altled piety, 'Eighteen cen~. ' .J ' through the laud, f1om centre to circumfer· S Jar ce as baukbills when a.j unt i! beg fo1 · 111ish· 'Eighteen cents 1' ' uns, cnce, after the deadly conflict. And what 1 1'.~es, sir, clg:hte c~ cents.' \\'1ch sum say is purty often, (t,\1n·t nothin' to doe,.such a triumvh imply I A fearful cal- \Vill you iuforn1 a rf.!ti.Jt.;1 how oatnrnftl crad . . · nt:lhs ate made ? l have hcnrd that they ate ('Io be Continn~d ex.cclltint as ar). artic..:fo of fcod. A ns . Oatmeal crack ncls, 01 bo.nnocks, as the Scotch calls tliCm, ar1.1 t·x.cellent iudeed,and are usually mad e as follows . Take the beat 11 Pewer A re .. , quahty of oa.tmcn.l and stir ju barley with enough water to ·w et- it through; add a pinch '!he New York Ei'ltngeltst hns a ;::n.iu pnt tin~ of salt , let it stand for t en minutes to sv-:~ll ; humorous poem on ite tra.Yeh1 "V c copy it then roJl out the '1lixtnre A quarter o£ n.n inch ft ou1 their columns, and also give the follO\\' ~ in thi<.:kness,first fl ouring the hon.rd and rolling ing iofo1mi;i.tion respecting it, for which \Ve pin '"ith \\heat flour; cut it with a biscuit cutstand h1debtcd to the t1a1ne JOlUu,t.l. I t wa.s ter, and bak e in a. n10ll e1ate 0 1 en ,as these cakes w1itten in Canandaigua sorrw twenty two yeat~ \dll burn quickly, and.only requll·e to be of the t~, by Mrs. An~bella Wilf!Vn, (nuw of D e- lightest bt'Own. Th ey \\'Ai snap easily between troit ) "The Ole Erick M ect1n 1ol1!l1;1 " ,~·as the fingcra, and arc delicious for lunch, requ·rt he Congrega tivnal Church in Canandaigua, ing no butter- to make them palatn.ble If put of which the Rev. Dr. Dngget was th e pa::.tor, into a close Jar, the:y will k ~ep for several nnc l the ' sextant ' so pa.thetically addred8ed, n1ontlis. In the Highlanc1s of ~ Sootlp.n.d they pre~er~ e thdr bannocks in the barrel ol oa.tme:al, was }Ir. Coburn : and ca..u ~e\l:r> the..1J!. u. lon~ t'"uue. - I:;iom the A Apcle fo1· .L h e 2 the Scxtwnt of the Ohl B1·u;k connnand 1~1surc' POETRY. Mutual Life Assurance Society Wnr, like iuten1peran ; e, ia a giant evil ln ite ru.rniHcations, reaching and conta.minat· .ESTABLl8IIED 1840. ·ting all of the interests 'of society. Like the C.\NAIJ.A C l-1nrr OFFIC ES. river \Vith its p~Oisoned follntaiot, its cor.. 131, i'l'l' JAMES STREET, MONT RJ<:AJ, rupting iufl.nences r each. every nook and re- H TJohn McLeod &; Co T Important Announcement t would eohcit the same E Libe1·al Support and Patronage lfm mi~ ;~~~c~t~t~h~ haw )extended so long t0Joh11 and t:~kos this ovportuidty of in- ' ~lcLeot.1, E Great Red uotion, in :Cry Goods I Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. - - -'J O - - - H - -- -- u- - --- DIRECTORS. WALT.ER SHANLY~ Esq. , M P. 1 Chainnaan, DUNCAN l\..fAUDONALD, Esri. MAJOR T. E. CAMPBELL, 0 St. Hila.ire. 1'H.t: lioNOHARLE J onN HAMILTON, Hnwke- n. OLD SYSTEM, bu.rg, Ont RRSIDENJ.' SECRJTTARY.- J\llrns (}RM<T. S PECI AL FEA T U RES. The E~TIRE PROFIT~ belong to a.ndare di,·id eel amongst the PohC'!,llwlderB. LrvHS, D.f!:CLINEJJ B): OTHER COMl'.A..."'iIES, or on which an ext_ra I'remiuni would be requued, can be as..s u1ed a.t the grdin.a.ry rate~ of this Society, under a spcc-ial arrangement SPECIAL NON·FOFEITABLE :POLICIES iBsued under which only 10, 15 or ~O Annual Pay ments required, enc~ payment seourtng Policy Ior a sum l\Mtlred proportionate to the niirnber of pre1niums paid, andfreefrom futur vaym.ent of preiniuma. MODERATE PUEMTOMS THE X>ominion OrO'an Co'v BOW MANVILLE the following testimonials fro1n petent judges of Orgru1;i. Testimonial fro John Camidge, Mus. Doc., Ca.n]uar, England. Bow1nanv1lle, 24th Dec 1 18i:.O. Prer;~nt Mid roost liberal cC'on· diti.ous. In the casl' ot .1.\{anufu.ctnrers, i\:Ceohanics, and othera, \vhose Prospectuses,PropoAal .Form~ &:c., supplied accounts mn.y a.n1ount to $150.00 or on application at tho H ead U111.ce, or any of To the llfanagers Drmiinw n Organ Go. over, their note,1f agrcod upon, will GEN'ILEM.EN. - I likt- to pl'-Y on your Organs the Agencies. be taken payable at tl.i~ Bauk for t<o ~e is so sweet and steady. .And the workJAMES GRANT, a stated period. man.snip a.nd fin fah excellent, a.nd in every Res, Secretary. particular they aro equal, if not .§Uperior, to THE any I have ever heard. Hopmg they wtll meet Am:NT FOR BOWMANYILLE, public apprecia tion, C.BARKER, JOHN CAMIVGE " Observer Office, n King St. Al>i D Read the following f1om Rosa D'E1ina: Prompt Payers on short 23-ly Bowmanville. June 24th. 1870. Bowmanv1llo, December 22, 1873, credits To the .lJfam.agers of the Dcnninion Orgwn Co. will always get goods Rt prices GENTLE!IEN. - I have nluch pleasnre in tes cut FINE, a s om· great aim ·will be fying t.o the excellent rinl\l ities of the Or~ to court this of tradu. supplied by you at n1y concert last Sa.turoa. OF J,ONDON. evening. The tone is sweet and ve1y powerf and the combination of stops roost admirab I am sure your mstruments will find favor (Estobliahed 1803. Churches, as they are singularly adapted fo AND HEAD Oll'll'ICES. - 1 Old Broad St., and sacred music Wishing you evo1y success, and 1 P.U Mall. J.ondon. that the pubhc may p atronize nn.tive wanufac· GENERAL '\ OEN CY FOR C.AN.A D A :- 24 St ture. I rem:tln Gentlemen, crament , ~f ontre a.l. V ery rcapectfully, A <Jpleudid v~tiety of ROSA D'ElUNA. Subscribed. and b1veated Capital and RcBerve Cook, Hall. Parlor. and Box F·md. £1,965,000 Sterling. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Y'rs R. O'HARA. A. M. DARLEY Funds invested in Canada- 105,000. President. Managel' Insnt'allCO s aga1nst loss by Fire are effe1.;(ied on 80\\1na.nV1ile, January 15, 1874. bP·o3·ml6. & moat favorable terms, and lol!ses with out reference to the Boa.rd in London. Doi iVina.nville, Seotem.ber 1th1873 RINTOUL BROS. tn ee ; 'Shucked 1' amity lo 111011y con1n1un1ties. It itnpliea J DODSWORTH, \Vot I giv e aiut 11othin 1 to nobody), but 0 1 St..:X· 1 Inspector. Gen. Agents, Montiea Open ed, uf cour~l', if you want th c n1 inourning, sadness and grief, vacant places, ta.nt, opened,' the stay and staJT ruthlessly removed. Wid· R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen U shet 500 iucn, '\'imin an tl ch ihh f'n, for Bowmanville and Vicinity. 'Well, g1'm me one not shucked.' o\vs and futhcrlesa children are made in a S pc1=h aly the later, up in n. titc place, Bowmanville, June 4th, 1860 36 ' One ! \Vhat do you want of 01te oyster 1' mo1nent. S111n hu.s bad broths, non(· 2 swctc, TJ1e pall of mourlling ia rspread m.o.43-39.4w 8 u1T1 is fcvcry, sum is scrofl o,1s, sun ha i bud "~T ell,' said the cnsto1ner, confidentially, over many communities, and grief, if not, l~a.n1og over the oyster stun(! a11d taking hie despah, ~nters thousands ol house1101ds. 1 An wnne haint none. & some o\ l:r clc,\n , segnr fro111 between his teetll , 'you see I ' m Lile-plans are fru strated, fondly cherished ·s iu and out an1l out and in, :But l of em bH·tlu. I go111' to a socrn. l p .\rty out here near 1:\ 1lna hopes are scattered, and often want and suf'· Say CO tnru::s n in1nit, or] n11lho11 & .~ half to-night, au' some of the boys 1night get a fering must result, and many families, once at the brcths an our. N uw how long ·will a. cbo1ul1 f nl of la~ t r\t fooliu' ; l'ye been 'round n good deal n.u I ind ependent, becon1es ohj ects of charity. For the following Insurance Co!l'.lpaniea, and '\" Vhich in 18i3, at tho rrov111c1~tl l., iur, beat t~ ll yer th e1e's nothin' so coolin ' and hca.lin' And what have we in return for the ten other Institutions, viz :that rate ? evel'Y Amen can and Oana.d1an 01 g;c-i.n 1 ta.kmg I a::;k you.. Say 15 n1i111t ; , .tud thc11 wots tu be like for a black eye as. a good, blg oy8ter. thotlsand lives lost on a single side, for the 'rhe QUEEN Fh-e and Life In eurance e?m· tl1e rillS'l' PTIIlll>. a splcndiJ n.sso1 t1nent o d1<l? I guess you'd bette{ gi'n1 rne tw0. flow larger number still, of those main1ed and pony. Capita.1£2,000,000. $150,000 depo'1ted with the Dominion Gove1n1nent, for the protec Ah~o t he r enowned "\Vhy tbi.:?n they ntUI:! bruthc It all OYCr cL0'111, crippled for life 1 What for the million·, dera in Canada.. much 1s't 1' And tben u.n1n, & so on tlll each has took it - --'l1he ISQL..,'\.TED RISK Fire Insurance Com on millions wasted, the thousaade of prodown pany 0 £ Canada. Capita.1.500'090.-0J'.!c of t~e How to Pl y the Piano. ducers slain, both parties impoverished 1 best and cheapest Compames doing bns1ne~I:! in .A. ~ leaot 10 t 1.n1cs, & let it lip ag1 n , . A ud \\Ota [Boston l Alson, lot of Why an u.sult, ·upposed or real, has been the Dominion for Farmers a.nd Isoln.ted Risks "\\., hn r:1 ta.ken inm e, 'l'he CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. It "'as a youog 'i'l'onutn with as 111any punished and the honor of the country vin· The S'.lmt: h1d lvidt11blR don.n't have th e privilege REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & with a Savings Bank depn.rtment, 'vhitc Houn ces round her a s the planet Sut· Foi·ty-nhic F'in t l'remiwn1.S. The UNION ,um PERM~1'fEN'l' Building Of bri.::atlnu' lns own arc and no one's else ; dicated 1 A little meet revenge has been urn h1s nngfl, that U1d tt, She gave the a.nd Sa.ving's Society. Each onf: nn1st take "ha.tever eomes to him A \so a l::i.l'ge stock of secured and a tern porary decision in refer .. These latte1· instlt,1tioES aclvu.nce Loans on (J, Ecxt1tnt, donn't you kno\v our luuks are 001- music st ool a. whirl or two, and Ilufi'e<lj}own ence to the comparative power of the two Real Estate, on terms unusuallv easy for the lusses, .. on 1t llke a twirl of eoapsuds-'in a. hand bu· botTo,ver. nations obtained. 'l'o blew the fit:lt' of life and keep it flon1 Bowmanville. Jt eb. 6th. 1873. sin. Then she pnshed up her cuffs, as ii G ou1g out ; & ~"'· ca.n bcllusses blow "ithout she was going to fight for the champion's 'dnd? _ THE KilNG OF How .Many Would be Left. belt. Then she worked he1 wrists nnd .A.nJ. aint w111d .A.RE? I put it to yoiu (en· hn.ntls to limber 'em, I suppose, and spread shcnH 1 A writer io the Cburch Union nsks the out her lingers till t1Ley lookc<l ns thougQ Aro is sa.u1e to us as milk is to babies, tollowiog pungent 'l uestion :they would pretty much cover the key 01· watt:r to fish, or pendh1ms to clox, for Spring just to hand. · \\Then the followh:ig classes are tltke11 out Or 1oots & a.irbs uuto an Injun Doctor 1 boa.rd, fron1 the growling end d o wn to the . --.u:-01· little pills wito an omepath, little sciuealtJ one. Then these two hands of our churches ho\V 111a:1y would be left 1 Or boys to gU hi. Are is for us to breethe ; All who wtll not pay then· just debts. of hers m,\de a j L1n1 at the keys as if they \Vot signifie.:i who rireeches if I can't hreet11c ? All "bo are hypocrttal. usual. N. 13. - r:I.'hc SubBctibe1 11:1 not a. Sub, or unwera a coupl~ of t1g ;::i coming down upon \Vots Pol, \\' Ots Poluf'I to sinners who are ded ? MRS. A. FLETCHER All \vho nre <lectdtful and tell about othtler .L"' \ .ge nt. but h)lfi the svecial agency for the ~vli1te ~heep, o.n{f the Dud for \Vant of brcth ? \\... hy, Sextant, ~hen a. fl.o.::k ot Uluck an above. I a1n ]Jrepal·ed to c xchnn.$e .Pianos for cr13 behind then· back~. Bow1nanv1lle, A.pril 7th,1874. piano gave a great ho\i.·l as it its ta1Jbad been Organs, Organs fo1· Melodeona, also Sew1ng we dye, All wlio get in aelit \\: ithout a prospect 1'-iachines, on reasonable te11n s . Its only c:or.e \\'C ea.u't breethe no inore-tha.t's trod 011. Dead stop1-so still you could heor !\.ddref'a, of paying the sarnf', all. your hair growing. 1£hen another howl, o. s ,J. s D0"1EY, 'l'YRONl l'. o. All who are proud and scornful, holU1ng And now, 0 Sextant, let 1ne beg of vou Jnn. 15tJ1, 1875. 6·6mos. if the piano had two ta1la and you h'd trod 2 let a little into our ehcrch, themf'elves a.liove their fellow men and on b oth ot 'em ut ~nee, and lhen a g1,u1d (Pcwor arc i::i f:lertin~ propper for th e pews), ~hu_ nning those les~ fortn11ate than theu1clatter and scran1bl and. str1ng ot JUmpsp Aud do it Week days, and on Sunda.ys too, selvcs. up and down, back and forward , on e hand ! t aint much trouble- only make a. hoa..l, . .'1.11 who worship 1J11Jnly n1orc than th ey J. over th e other, hke stampede of 1at ~ aud And all thl..l are -will co1no of itself. .Jo their C1 l."ator It luves to come in where it can get wa.rnt, ASSIS I !ID l.IY mice more than an thing I call nin!'1c All who specul a te ou the ignorance o l ~\nd 0 ho\~ it will 1·ouse the peple up, Olive,. W endell Holmes. G. D LOCKHART L. R. C. D. S oth ers .A.ncl spirit up the predcher, and atop gapes And yaun s & fiJj itts, as effectual All \\ho arc tattler.. Can Birds Foretell Events 1 ofj .;'ta w1ncl on thf9 dry the Pro tit talks All ~ho l:lt'll inlox11.:ating liquor to tuake "\VOOD AND IRON Of \Ve have a lready expressed our belief n1on ey. that many birds ho\;e the ability to for. tell Auoth~ 1· car load of the aVo\ e noblP a 1 tfr·les 1111 All 11bo think more of ·!eked rich meu i. comrng storm. As thlS 18 not direct ly th.11: the~ Jo of a poor one. the W :\y. connected "'·ith tLe ubject of ou1 es::ay, as ]>lease call at the All who oppre~s tile poor. An Idea for Teamsters. we are now considei;ii ng lt, ,ve will pass to All who make Joog prnym lvr th e rnke OFFlGE ovm· J llvGLUNG'S slon B 0 vV :MAN VI LLB A g-reat deal of Jabor and hard tugging nmy another feature of this prophetic powtr, us ot be1ug heard of 1uen. Farm Implement Forwarding Agency be saved if e\ery wagon or truck t i3 pro-nd d it :lppa rently 1e, in buds, a11d tbat is/ t11eir ' ...<\.ll who a re \'a1n tu1d self co111.::cited. l{, \\7 J ..AJ\1ES, 11-tf. J3own1anvill e. D ec. ld74. with 100 feet of stout rope and a :irngle pulley. ability to j Lu]ge ot th e gen eral ch.1ract(:r oi \Vheu these anJ. t'I good 1nany other~ thttt lCinz St., ]3owmanville. A snatch block is the best arranged, with· a the coming season bv a visit ol a iew dn.ys' cou!J Le mentione<l are taken oul the ]~O\\' UH\ll ville, D ec. 5, 1872. nlO. st1011g hook, a:nd the usual conatiuc{.-\011 foy duration early iu Sp~1ng V\'e hn\·e so hechurch woulrl be almost without u n1eruber. :d1pp1ng the t1ght of the iope uud er the strap quently noticed that- CPrtai a bt rd s, comru on 1 and The religion of J esue does not havt?. any ot to the sheave instead of wrut1ng to reevtJ the to a locality during tihe Sumu1~r. occas1on.d· the tort'go1ng dt·feeta. It n1akes the trne line through one end. If a wagon gets stuck in HESE M J\ RKSARE 'l'JfE CHEAPEST, heavy niud or iu the snow, the dti" cr ha1:1 only ly fa il to vi~1t it, except one or two ind1vid- conve1t checilu\ 1 hopt.'Jul, auU charitable ; the 1nost lasting, the least troubleiromc, and I~IE :MOKEY a.ucl L.ABOI-t t=m.vcd ! fi"'1endi 'l'hey used to fasten hiis block to the tongue, reeve Um uals that in A.pnl con1e tor a few Ja) f\, tl1at d1 :sposed to vi sit the widow and OfJJl.iau a11d most complete ever invented. and recommended by many of thf beet Breeders T Oil PoUsh , 'l'h1fl F1 unch Oil Puh sh is prerope t Jnuugh it, and let hir.s pull on the it has appeared tQ us that these 'pioneer' to kee p un spotted lrou1 the world. It docs iu the United States and Canada snch as G. B. pared for Carriages, Bugg1ea, l:la1nes.s, Boots 1 other. 'J'h ~ wotk j!:I, of cotn se, Jn.siJ1a.h·ed, or b1rda 8tnv ~ . ~t1sl actory reu.so11s lor be lie ving no t mak e one piou· 1 aud soo1nt11l, but on Loring, Salem,, President 1~ cw England and Shoe!!, and all kinds of L eather. It will Wool Grower:s' Society; J O hn 'S, l:toss, Ifenne- give any a.1 ticle of Leather, a most b11lli o.nt ru.ther they brnig tiw ;ce 8.8 inuch po\, er t o bcar 1 that thete would Lie u acul·city of fooU, and don e on. th o tlie contrary, 1L u1k ea one Ues1rous to be goo<l pin 111. ; ProfeSHOl M. Miles, of- the State Ag pea.rancl.l, and at the same time, flom its 01 y J.n dragging the wagon cleo.r '!'here are other so re turn to iueet the11 :fello ws, and, inform p1ope11iies 1 tonch:i much to pr<'serve it, i t\\ 1ll 1~l ric~ltui al College, Lani:s1ng. 3\-:Iich ; Hon. Geo -to be ru eek and humble, and to Ue kind applications of this simple device, which 1 ea.di· Brown Toronto, Ont. ; John Snell, Ed.Juonton, \va.ys be moist and pliant, and may be expoi;ed Jy suggest th~Jnl:lelvel:l. 'Vith a couple of iskid.1;1 ing the111, th ey all depa1t to ' field s lo all, as opportun1ty may oftei. Oh that 0Ht. 'On each l\.faik is stau1ped the ownei:'s to water and \Ya.shed, and w1ll 11otlose its built· rl'hey will be ance, a.nt.l it is not to be fea.1·cd that 1tny ct ust for a n uiclined plane, heavy logs could be easily and pastu1es new, ' JUSt as a R1ugle cro\v, dis· we had less pretentious in our eh1.ucbts name and the Sheep's number. sentf1 ·ee, by mail, or express,fbr only four t;tri,ls will sett le on said L eather wh en preset v-ed wit h dra.\-.;n on a. sleigh by the uuhitched team covering danger, will turn the \\'hol e cul- 11nd 11101 e genuine ()h1rntian1ty. the above 0 1 1. Fot the woodwork of Ilt1""lCS ca,ch, and \Vill laat for TW J!.;N'rY YEA RB. \ Ve have now on hau rl .~ lar g'e q uant1ty of .Another case wh ere it is hk ely to be useful is ony fro1u their course as they are going lo Uatriagei:s, l~nd ]furniture, th ere is not a b~tte~· Cfl1" 11'.lust accompany a.1101de1s a rticle in use. 11:anuf.ictured by A. Sr¥OiY & \\·hen loaded sleighs attempt to cross a "'·oodm1 their roost1ag place. Tlns, be Jt und erstood, ARCJHB.ALD YOUNG, JI!., Co . 'l'sinneTs an<l Cu 1uerfl., formerly of l i'ranco, bridge. Although the ho1ses draw the load 18 our s11ppos1t1on, and it may he \vholly un· Sarn1r., Ont. Wiln1ot, the lnf1dC"l, wl1eu dy1Pg hud li1° no~ of Phila.delpbi a, P:t., Inf!t n 1cbons- Slwk~ that '\·11\ be s3lJ ~it Orders addressed to the M ERCHN'l' and OB· bottle A few <lro]Js on a. piPce of spong.;-,apply very easily ovbr t he snow, they are oft en n1 · true ; but how ate we to i n tiepret the mean. trcmhh ng, e1n ac1<tted haud upoo tl1 e sacred SEitVER Office, for any quantity, will be tilled at 1t lightly to t he l eu.tiH' t', o.nd you w1 ll obtam tJ e able to start it over the gen era.Uy denuded~ o irl · 1 en flooring of th e bnd g~, ,\nd h ence would be iug ot any t o r pa1t1c11 l ur movernect ot volume, nni excl aimed solernnly and with tbe nboYe-muutJoned pncc, as quickly as he finest lu l'lti e P1 lee 75cts. per bottle, ol' $7 90 per Marks can be made- and s~nt. <lozen. ,f OH N SMALE, Sole Ageu t , llowm:i.teria.lly aided b~' the tadde hitched on as we n. bird excevt by a human standard? An u!l\\OHted energ~·, 'The only objection C. BA RKEJ\, manv11Je. bvo described. -·Sc-> e1tt1 ffr. A merican. act on. ihEJ pa.rt of a bird is int elligible to againet this l3ook is a bad life I' Bowmanville,Doc. 28\h.1871. wl 3 ly Jnly lGtb, 1874 ~l·moe, 'Bowmanville, March1873, 6tf, E LON(} C0~EDI'I'S, E L L E E p p H H A A N N and \'ill conduct th eir credit brunness as follows : DURDOUB Having decided to 1'take a change in thei1 bLrnincss, a1e uow se!Jing for CASH their l:trge and well assorLed Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery tmd Glassware, ALL AGCOUN'l'S will b1· RENDERED Oll the 1st January, AND BELOW COST! 1st May, and !st September In eac~ <tnd eve1-y year. The Stock lmving been pmchasecl in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on getting T T MORE .AND BE'l"l'ER GUODS FOR TH[j,'JR MONEY at this Es t~bl shm ent than in any other house in th e country. Cash Purchasers Call Early, and secnre Bargains, as tlte wltole Stock must oe sold at once, /or CASH ONLY. , r Imperial Fire Insurance Co H Stock Large 0 UWell Assorted !1 ij ----H THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT 0 Christruas Goods, Raisens, Citrrants, Su;· is now complete wiLh the choiG cst supply of J E S STOVES, Joi:fN-'1i'gLEco"ti co. E s gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Pr·ices. Bowm,rnville, Dec. 24th, 1874 MURDOCH BROS. AI.WAYS GET 1 FIRS'l'-OLA SS. W. BELL & Co's. James McFeeters. AGENT P1·i~e Just Arrived J.lledcil Ot·gans lF ASHION HOUSB NEW MILLINERY. toPi HALLE'l'T& DAVIS PIANO .1~ HI(:;. hs 11 01v ra.;1ug a t - --.o.- - Stamps for Braiding and Em- TRELEVEN S broidel'Y· DENTISTRY! SEWING MACHINES, FASHIONS DBESSH.A.KING· BOW MANVILLE /VI. Brimaoombe, L.R. C.D.8. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders § Machine and Implement Manufactuing Co and he rs determined to continue to sell at the se rninously low p1i~es cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash aud knows just how to buy ! Second, whrct h e cn.n't buy cheap enough, ho manufactures Thi1d, he is SH ,tisfied with small p10fits ! Fomth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. - - o-CALL .A.ND SEE FOB YOUDSELVES~ A"1D :M:a,nufaotures NEFFEL'S BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exa1uu-1e e stock, \~l1ivh coml)rises ever" thing i n the trade, of the \ el'y latest and JOO -it elt!g a n styles n.nrl patte1ns, of Enghsh, Cnuadi~Ln , a nd A me1ican ffi a11ufactur e. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD · FEES MODERAT E· FEED MILLS. Hl· ~till ~1nues to 1na,,nufactu1e to or<ler, f1oni the best of n1aterial, and none but fid;t- cl.\~S ' 'vorkmen kept --o-- o- WORKING MACHINER Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He ha.e in stock an endle~3 v.uiety of L i-t.dics' anU Gents' Sa.ratoga Trunks, \ T ,t.lises, e tc" all uf \vhich he i&~eU1ng cheap f or t;tteh - -o-- 0 Double Turbine Water Wheels, · _n _'o_ w _ m _ ·"_ 'i_ u" _ " Ca.stings of all Kinds Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg St. M. M_.. _ 1 _:J,_1s _H_. __ TRELJJ~VEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks T SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. TO TfIE WALTER vVIGG & I ~ a l" REP.A.IRS so:r~ , SHORTEST NOTICE, Common and Gang Plows, 1etu1n iug tJ1ai1l'-E! to tht:i1 nufnGrous l!!USto1rwrs and th1: p11blic gnnetaUy , for. Jm;. t f,1\01 1:1, 'voulcl respectfully invite t heir at t ention to ou1. pn:sent stock of fu rniture, tto "' e ha.Ye lately added thereto, thttt "e ma.y therelJy be euabled to supply all pat ties who n111y j)}eas:e to f.~v o r hiu1 'nth a ca.IL Great nHhtcemen t-i: h eld out to those pnrcbafJw g at our esfai b 1 slHnl"11 t P ie· Sampltm of th e \l i/leient t nr es, TJook1ng Glasses, etc. framed to order, a ud in every st yle kind of o uld1ngs can be f'! een u.t the ware·room "\Ve '\ Ould :ilso IJeg- to inforn t ) (·U, tl.ia ~ , having pm chased a SPLENDlD NEW HEARSE, Wtl slh~ll be 1eacly n.t a 11 times t..1 at tend funerals, on shor t uot1ce aud r eat>o u ,~Ult:' )[,I> - Cottin s k e11t ou h,nl(l ~t1 1 d made to order, at th e it:11u" . LOW PRICES NEW D011fINl ON RE'l'AIL FURNI'l'URE WA R E -B OOM. Kmg Street East, Oshawa· Oshawa, Aug . 26th, 1870, I AT THE SHOP.