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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 6 Aug 1875, p. 1

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TUE MERO HAYf AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Crculn.tcs largely in the I ownsh1ps of Da1li ng tou, G l~rke and Cartwnght It is a comm on plalJorm, open to the free d1scuss1on of all questions m 'vh1ch the general public are concern ed. TERMS WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job l'rintilig Office KING STREET, Bo\\~lANVILLh ft.'\Clii~ i."l:E vance The ve1,' $2·00 l) Merchant' and 'Obse r- CfJ'.tS JfT t l l l l i , lll d RATES OF \ D V .!!iRTISING t!alf do ie column 45 per annum AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME ;\'I BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FRID.A Y AlJGURT 6, 1875 H Ul\fBER XL V POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEAD S CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c &c &e 25 H r1 Quarter tlu J5 " :1ns1ent a<lve1't1sc1ncnts,5 cts per line first Ill· erhon, and 2c per hue, each subsequent on e EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE ' the death ot John, James bn<tened to the nlen appeared 'Fa1rlotJg, show ivir Brai:. left I ,,.a,, watching nnx.1ously the result, with the niece, Lucy llraisle\, \Vere f ie place where he died, and, much to lus ley to his roo1n Stay , those irons on his when 111 he bounded,nppareutly fresh, while queut,- to report :;>rogres-:i , to express nl) amazement and horror, found the e::.tate ot hnnda IUU$t be uucomfortable bir Tirn1s Fairlong ca1ne l11npu1g after h1ru, hardlJ hones and fears, and to ex:plain rny r eason THE BURDEN BEARER John so un olveU 111 a corn plication of specu le\: 1 nO\\ Oll your honor prom1se me that able to stand for such and such Lren.trnent lier aunt, 1he lat1ona, that he was a bankrupt, an<l not a you will be gentle and qmet, and we will 'Doctot can't Jou seud somebody w1th wife, \Vas too feeble n.ud too nervons to at "Cast thy burdens on the Lo d and Ha i:ihall farthing was saved from the wreck He take off those irons, and ~ ou ~hall be tree " lllt! next hn1e that can " some I 'l'he tend to it, and so she resided 1n the city, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' sustain thee ' · can1e back not a little depressed in spirits, The men who came nith b1m began to re curmudgeon bas no ' in him 1 and left 1t all to her m ece and my self Was and takmg the death of his brother ~arder monstrate, and talk about hun JUSt atJ they 'T'ra111 s \\1ll le1ve Bo\vmo.uv1lle Stat10 n, I did not fu.11 to congratulate him ou hav it wonderful that she shoqld think my pl a ns Chr1s~1nn, when thy way seeun1 <lai k est than anybody ;upposed be could Indeed, would about a wild an1n1al in cha1ue I 1ng beaten one of the g1cateat \\ alker:;i in wise alJd Jnd1c1ous, an<l. tbat I should ad Do :vu1 an' Ille time as follow.s When th1:ne e1 efi \\ ith teitri:( 11.1 e d1m, b~ neve1 seemed to be the a-aine man after paid no attention to them, but kept lookrng the ::ltatc 'Ent Mr Bra1'ley, Stacy will 1n1re a beauti!Ul orphan \\ho \\aS y,.atc~nng (,.QlNG ' ' ES'l., GOING E \.ST Straight Lo Goel l by Fath~r hasteD1ng 1 >rnrJs Ent everybody admired and praised at n1y patient. Local 7 20, u 1.n. I Exµr~sa , 8 10 a. nl show you a v.arm bath, which you will O\er a DHtn1ac u1th so inuch inte1 est, a nd 'l1ell thy troubles all to H 111, 1-i xpross* 8 45 a: m M ixed 3 VO p 1n. 1 lus -..;onduct towards hi::. orphan niece Ile I say, you o\vl's bead" sa.1d he who could so readily apprec1~te iny El C1ha\e JUSt ttme to take before dinner' Kot to human ear confiding T\.f1xed 2 25 p n1 I 7 10 p m. soothed her and took her to his own house, 'Dr Asher is my name, if 1011 pleasC',~{r JD:qi~ess 8 45 p 111 I Expre-ss 8 45 pm Tbat mgbt he ae·ually slept quietly more v1ces 1 Thy sad tale of grief and care, "· and assured her she should never want Bra1sley,' said I "' Tins tra.10 runs every morning Qf wee k, It "ns evident that my calling b un a But before thy Father knr-chng than half 1he night, nod I folt that I bad, I\fondaJ s excepted She bnU never known the want of money, Pour out all thy sorrows there ' "ell, then, Asher, ])usher, 'l brasher, got in the right path The next morning, \ilhun had 1nade a deep 11np1cs ~ 1011 upon and the los>i of her property made no an Smasher, \\hat~' er you n1a) bc1 you re a as Faulong was too rouch used up to "11lk I Braisley I could detect him hshinrr for Syn1patb;; of fr1euds mn.y cheer thee, press1on upon her It 11 as for her parents qut::er one \Vb) 1 don t'\\- for v.btt.t directed Stacy to bring out the two horal:'s, my real sentnneats on that poiut, anl"'>l l:!D \.~hen the fierce "lid etorm has bnr'1.t, and the endearments of cLildhood s home they put thes~ tlnngs on rr1e, eh 1 saddled, to tie one, and leave the other apparent was lus desud to kllO\Y wh t1t ( But God onl y can console thee that ,he mourned With unolesbe l"ed 'How should I know, "hen no onee\er \\Ith the Undle carJ!lcssly throl\n over his thought of l.111n, that my own suspicions he When it breaks upon the first, Hts own children "Were sons, \\ho prorn1Red told n1e 1 For eome crune, doubtless 1 Go with words, or ti.:a.l.'8, or stlP.nre, lie had now, ten beau, and then for hrnisell to be rather out gan to be awakened has decided to go out of the D1 y Goods busmess, n.od will commence Only laj thee at His feet, i to !lipeud all the e~tate winch be nng-ht uc 'You may well say that Why, Doctor, months after he came to ine beco1ne alrnost of sight 1>resently I came walktnJ round on the S URGERY---SILVFJR S'l' rrhon shalt Pl ove bO\V g1eo.t H1i;i pity cu1nulate Gradually, boy; ever, lns jcehpgs I bought all the cotton Ill creation , I have the house arni lll arm with my patient, aad ent1rel) ra"i1oual , and ) ct t1here was a durfc And His Lt!ncl0rnei:cf'I hO\V f:lW eet ':zy N1"'ht u::i11s answered at Dr B".l:yJe's old S1rrtow 1nl Lucy seen1ed to undergo a change stripped the country of clothrng-I ha<e as w~ can1e near the horsea, I eaid, 'Excuse streak frou1 the clouJ still left, \dnc 11 I gu1y ot at Dr R01ds residence Hi.:: "een1ed to grow cool, then <l1stant, ruined thousands and thousands of fam1l1es, n~e a moment, 1'lr Bru1s1ey, I mu::.t get :in could not e:xphnn or fatho1n 'Ih1nk too, thy d1 \inc Redeemer rlns I \va s oivman\illc Jrm 14th, 1875 16 tf Knew as Lhcu canst ne\ er kno\", mood}, and fina1lJ lt nns platn that her \.\ 1<lows, orphans-ay orphar1,s '-thousands outside garment bt>fore I l!.!ave·" Scarcely anxious to unravel, and I set rny selt t o .All the ileepest deptb.R of suffering, Bociety was irksome to htm About two and m1lhons o1 orphans '-no \Von<lcr they had I turned ITI} hack ere he '\:aS tn the 11ork accordingly Afte1 be had retired to All the v;e1ght of hnman woe ~ears after th 0 death of bis brother he was put me in 1rons All ru111ed, star' 1ng, ruin saddle of the loose horse, and clattering out his rest and \\as asleep, I ~IippPcd into 1 11~ And though uow in glery seated, I{~ l)lTP. T'E of Baxter Un1\ ers1ty of Mu '1C ca\led to Europe W bile absent, cotton ed " An I horribly did he gnash his teeth, of the yarJ,-tbe very trap I had set Stacy roon1 in the place of Stacy, every otbl!r He can hear thy feeblest cry, G lu0ndsh1p, J:<iew York rose at once, and the \\hole wotld ~een1ed and shake lns 1rons I calml\ rflpeate<l my mounted tbe other horse instantly and n as n1ght for a. fo1ta1gbt These \\ere sleepless Even hear the strfled s1 gh1ng, '!'cachet of Pi:.uio and 01gan, cultivation 0 The Sp1mg Impo1tat1ons only lrnvrng been completed a fe>1 weeks, the with the cotton speculation. Jan1es quesl10n, 'Vnll )OU be quiet and gentle 1f after him \T o1ce S1ng 1ng- 'I horough Bass, Harmor ·Y Stoc,, ts ve1y Ja1ge and well ass01tecl Of tl1y dumb hearts agony The horse on \\bicb BraISley nights to n1e, but I \\O.S well compensatc ~J .As it must be sold w1thm a Compos1tlon, &.:.: · BrnISley wrote to hlS agents to buy, buy- I II take them ofJ 1 bad monnted could by no matter ol argu- Before thlS, I bid ottered an empty hand given time, All thy gtlefs by him are ordered, Dailmgton, Ju1y 1GLh, 1874 41 ly buy all they could Let ters came fast and ' I 11 try Doctor ' 1 ments be 1n11de to canter, and his trot was but a true and stnc~re heart, to Lucy 1 L b ~ Needful in each one for thee urgent, all urg1ng buj, buy Soon the bub R R LOSCOMBE, In a le\\ nnnutes the 11ons \\ere off, he long and terrible liard But a"ay he went, port1onlesa orphan, anJ she had consented Eve1y tear by him iB counted ble burst aud tho 11sands were \\recked stretched himself up to ]ns full be1ght, and and Stacy, in an easy gallop, after b1m to t1111te her destiny \\ ith nnne "-re look.1 d IJAURISTER-AT-LAW, :-Undei· Cash, oi·er Four months One too n1uch there cannot be , Jw::t as it burst, Jan1es \\ats lea\1og Eng lifted up lns arrnsi as 1f tQ Q.tr1ke l\.nd if wh1lst the) fall so thickly, 130LICITOR IN C:JIA NOJ,llY, Ji:c But tt After he baJ ridden about ten m1lee, he be- for\\ a.rd to prtvat,ons, and perhaps po\ i:rLJ Credit on approi;ad note.~. Thou canst own lf1s wo.y is right, land for honie Then he began to figure was JUSt ato I expected His arm::. n ere so gan to sober UO\\D Stacy des1gnedly kept but youth looks only on the snnny side o f The Tailoring m Order· d Work, will be continued as usual, dunng the Sale. 01~ ~10.E,-O-. er ]\>1c0lung s Sto1e i!amc fl nt rrhen bitter tear of anguish up how wan.} ortletti he had written, how stiff from long conftneinent, aud felt so back as J J3nmacomb's Roomt3 .l\.t length he can1e to a roaJ 1,1; h1cli the future 1 und hope peeps out frotn the F F McARTHUR Precious ism Jesus' bight Bo\vmanv1lle, Oct 27th 1868 Ly Ina.ny bales Lad been purchased, ho\\ n1uch strange, that he knew not w ha~ to rnnke of seemed to run parellel with h1s \Y1thout telling her Ol' nn y It led darkest sh[l,de Bowm1mv1lle, .May, 1875 he had lost on, till he saw th:i.t he \\as it :Far too \Veil thy Sa.\'""J.OUr loves thee, The m<::u who brought him, hurried directly, though not quite as di- one SUP.p1c1ons, I l 11U. a plan of n1y O\\ u lVL~RRIAGE 'lo allow thy life to be a bankrupt, and ruined The fact wa>i, the out, as 1f a ticer had been nnt:ha1ned I rect It was no\v that Stncy scrtian1ed tor Brnislcy "as so near]) reco\ ercd, that he lt;;SUEJJ B~ One long, calm, unbroken summer, bubble buist here so early that Ins ogents bade u1y inen show him l11s rootn, a.11d, to h11n to stop, and put up hls own horse began to tafk of resunung Ill s bus1nesi;i F ie One unruffled atortnless sea , had not obeyed bis ordera Money had been my Joy, be followed meehamcally I hnd But the fellow got it rnto h·a bead that he evidently fE:lt gra t~ful to rnc for what I lHlll IIe would have thee fondly nestling his idol He Lad lived !or notlnng else, and fitted up a neat room Jor h1m, \\ itL a door was ce1 ta1nly running a\\ a.}, and tbat Stacy done for b1m llllt he ne:verspokeol L ucy, Closer to His loving breaet, AT He 'vould that world seem brighter , now h1s gods bad been taken aw·ay, as he so strong that he could not break 1t, and v. itb was tr.} 1ng to ~top h1m, and he cheered, o.nJ. - never inquired after her any n1otd than i\ 1lR JUHN H EYNO:'<, Lot 7, 6th Con supposed, and wlrnt had he Jett 1 He figured 1ron bars across h1s window on the outside kicked, and made brn horse ~tl 1nost break If there had been no such per.:.ou cieat t d '\V here alone is perfect 1 est ltl. l)arhngton rnelir B ethesda Church] IS and t:Owpnted t ill he hecan1e \vild, frautic, He was about fi lty )tars old, 11 p.)\\erlul hie hard trot \\:hen, before he knc\v where And now· the t11ue liJ.d arrived \vhen 1ny duly authorned to i~o:.uc :\fa1-r1a..;e Licenses 1 'I hough His \HSe and lov1n6 purpos~ Darlington No\ 19 1874ru8 tf and deraa,;ed, and had Lo be broudh t ho rue fran1e, and a n1an of great n1uscular strength he wu.s, pop r the horde bolted dnectly into patient was pionounced b) all Lo he cured, Clearly yet thou mayest nCJt see, in trans \Vhen he reached l11s borne he He ev1den tly tried to restrain h1meelf for a the y11ru \\hence he had started I was out and ~as to lea\ e u1e 011 the n1orrow I had Still believe v. 1th faith unshaken, --o-did not know his own w1fe, but seemed to time, and to keep Ins prom 1se But by lll a inoment, aJm1nng lus horse:naush1p, one test ) et to apph All Vll.11 \vork for good to thee , II be could bca1 rec:)gr11za Lucy, so far as to shudde1, and 111gbt he was ho~ hng, scrramiug and ttar- and inwardJy lauglllng at his evident cb1~ that, he 'vas cured '.l.1hcrefoie, v-ohen thy way is gloomy, }le did bear it It A Full Asoortroe"t of And tb1ne eyes with teariS rue dnu, ho\' 1, and screech i'l.t her presence He could Jng his clotbes 1 Jid not go near lnm that gun and f1tiguc:> wa~ thus The day beto1e be was to 1 a\ e Stra1ght to God thy Father, hastening, not bear tlie s1.sht of he1 person n1ght, though neither he nor 1 slept 1nuch 'Doctor, what's the na1uc of this brutb 1 n1e, I sent ior hnn to corne to me iu n1v Toll thy so1ro\\ all to Hnn -Selected '\Vould l.h:!t,: to inform the Indies of Bowma.n\1U Such, in subst,u1ce, wa::. the story which But in the 111ornrng1 \\bat a sight 1 He little parlor He came Jn aud sat down 111 'Trip, I believe ' a.nd v1cin\ty that oihe 1s prepared to take oide the poor girl told 1ne with u1aoy tear::. For had torn everytl11ng rn the shape ot clothfor Dressmaking) ...ud fi11 the sn.n1c \\1th despnth 'T11p hamrner, you mean 1 ~7 hy I had a chair\\ h1cl.i I had de:;. 1~n e<ll~ i.Li.ced 10 a m the my part I could not see anyth1n~ in the ing into the smallest ~hreds, anU rubbed rather ride a trip hammer t:Lll day than strong light I n1ose. and locked the doo-s, to hand, GOOD .rnd CHEAP young lad) that should make even a mad the straw in hi<:. bed t1ll 1t was liti::rally pow mount the hrute aga1n 1· LATEST FASHION. aud put the ke3s 1n rr1y pocket" [ th e n Her 1:1>;pencncc fu1h \\a1ranh~ he1 lll p1ouns11l man bate her It \vas c-vH.lent tha.t sbe lov der Eed clothes an<l all \Vere used up, and 'I behe'e nobody aslced you to nde it,' sat down betore bun, a.nd looked h1m fnll sa.tbfactio11 THE DOCTORS THIRD PATIENT ed }um n1nch 1 and \\as \ery grateful to 111m there the creature "'as, without gu ai t1c1e of sa1ci I, rather drily u1the face HG\\as troublc1l, but St1i April 22, 1875 Residence, Corner of Church Stieet, an d for his gren.t kindness 111 g1v1ng her a home dress of any k1nc.1 l went into lus room J'.\.ia.rket Sqna.1 c 'Strtcj ,' Rrud he, a~ he '"as going to h1a nothmg OR, llE~INISCENCES OF OLD DOCTOR MICAH On taking leave 1 [ loaded n1) ar111s with alone, leaving tu) men JUSt at the door, and bath, ' do horses, and J>ad~, and a1en, and l3owmanv1lle Dec 4lh 1873 'l\11 Bri:uslev, n1outh s 1 go,) ou used to h.$HER tbe I1rench books, ass!lred Miss Luc} of ruy ready to JUmp ~t my eall every tb1ng here, do JUSt as the Doctor talk and groan about hav1ns 1'U1ne<l aud deep intc:rest.111 the case, and promised to 'Well, )fr BraISley, I hope JOU find \\ants to have tbe:1n 'l' robbed oiphans ' I want to kuow how l \.lU IT conrnde1 the snbJect, and let her know 1ny )OUTS(1f well tb1a u1ollHng, ntter a comtort 'Yes, every tb1ag, except h11:1 patwut:::,- much of IC was ln an1ty, and bow nnu.:h fi'01 the Township of Da1'lington decunon in u few day.:. flow I ha~teneU to able night's 1est How boundly you niuet they sowetnnes try to run a\'1ay, but;a)S \\as living truth 1 Concluded It appeared ev1deut1 a8 the la\vyers sa.y, iny office, and borrowr->d 9. gran1 have slept not to have heard any of ruy ln· contrive to fetch up here again' ' What makes Jou ask 111c such a q ne s mar nnd d 1ctio11ary 1 and po1ed over the sane patients ' that the story of her uncle's madness was as t1on 1 sa1d he, haughtily By kind treatment, dn.1ly and severe exITAMPTON follows At a veiy early age the t"o bioth- books day a.nd night, I need not say Never 'Why1 Doctor,' stdl pautiag fron\ exer( ercise, and the coohng draught of aalts on 'Because, s1r, I have my susp1c1ons ' 1'1otrq_>tatte.ntion given to sales, &c, on ieaaon abl~ term~ er.e, Jan1es and John Bra1:;.lcy, left their did a poor fellow study harder to ner1mre tlon, 'I haven't slept a n1uk all night' alternate days, I thought ma few weeks I 'Where did you get them ? .Efa· Luci home among the lnlle to trJ then fortunes the laDgu 1ge, to master the content:;; of the 'Ah, "bJ not l conld see a little 1mproveu1ent in my Bra1sle3 been putt1ng them into ) our bend? In the c1ty 1 they \\ere apprenticed to the volntue;i., and to acquue 1nforruat1on, than I 'I \e been i11ak1ng ftour, Doctor See patietft Sti11 be wai:;; at I une.s ~ ild, excited I hear you are thick with her 1 ENNISKILLEN same mercantile house.>, and served their did durrng the Lhree weeks thnt follo"ed therc,-five 1.JundreU barreis of best Balti- and futio'rls, but we cou1d n1nke }nm swal'No, sir Lucy never sa1d u "ord, and Wt1~ p 1om ptly n.ttended to ou reasonable terms. time together It '\as soon fouud that By Lhe ·nd of that time I was maoter of more, Howard Street brand, all ground i11 low his salts 'vithout confin1ng, and take I pre>:ume never indulged a thought, prtJ u James \las tho boy !or a bargam If a torced what seem t d to be locked up in an un. one mght 1 What sa) you to \bat, Doctor!' exert:1ee at 1ny bidding I bavf\ 1t horn n helt er But he harped d1c1al to you ALLA.N LINE STEAMSHIPS. sale was at band, he knew it1 and apprised knowIJ. tongue And he cawe up and began with both upon bis crime of ruunng so inany families, witness 1 Liverpool London, and Glasgow :rvly 1eaders \\111 bear in m1nd 1 that half. ha.nda to rub l!J.} Jace --o-his cmploi ero accordmgly 11 a lot of goods ' Whon1 Uo yon n1ean /1 till I \\as f<urly \Yorn down \\ itb It One on 'l1ck ets, or 1nf<.rmat1on, !\\)ply to a (century ago the "hole treatment of the none tbc choicest ca1ne 1n ,James v. ould con'A good mght s work, LrulJ You'll pay 'Yourself' morning he rushed into tny roon1 and began W A NEADS, Agent trive to sell them \\Ithoul dehy On one insane was to bear~ ith them 1! they were nll ) our debts eoou, at thot rate ' '1' to 1nourn and lament over the same old no\ m in v11le, Tune 9th, 1871 tf 30 occa~1on a litrge lot of tuo]a<.:ises wo.s to # be gentle, and to chain tberu, put thenr1n cag<::s 'Debts,' said he with a start' what debt 11 story, when, turning round s·1ddenly and 'Yes I have sle(Jt in ) Our rooin, c1 sold on the wharf When the first hogs- and J.nng e on ~ , arid treat. them hke wild 'VVhy, the fa1n1hes yon told rne ) ou had glaring him in the face, I sa1<l, ' Mr BraLS· ro.thcr watohed 1u ) our roorn, 'vb1le ) ou The r~uned by the cotton speculation ' head was put up, \\lib tLe pnv1lcge o! tak- beast~ 1t th uy \\-ere wild and frenzied ley, I think, on the whole, that you are tbe \Tere i:::.leep1ng, for a fortnight at a hnie , ing' one or the \\hole/ it was ohser\ed that hope or tLe thought of curing a deringed ' 0, ) es , yoll kno\\ about that tlo you 1 greatest '1ll1ain I e\er n1et with 1· I had and I have heard the re\ elations of a. con a carmani with· his face duty, and in lus person '"'" not dreamed ol But I now got Who told you 1 Well, their cries and !'(roans heretofore heard bun \\ ith great urbanity, science\\ h1ch sleep could uot qu1et' Il ll Bowmanv1llc Nov 1st, 1873 }legs to inform the pubhc that sbe has ~ust re well soiled faot k, and a \\hip 1n b1s lia11d, a new idea 111 ruv head, and the very ex· do nng in 1uy ears day and ·111gbt 'lhe and e'en delicacy I-le started, as if stung was now pale, and shook in every Joint and ce1ved a aplen1hd new assortment of .Faney was eager to bid He did not haDg bnck perunent cansed my heart to exult u1tb ex orphans ' Oh, the orpbl?.ns !' b~ an adder ' What do you mean, Doctor 1 limb Goods Beihn \ VoolB, etc, u b1ch she will sell a t and try t0 nppenr 1nd1fferent as the n1er c1te1ueut At the end of three \\ e~ks I call as lo\\ price as they can be boueiht f1rr else wher I llO\V left hnn, d1rect1ng my men to 'I mean Just what I say I think you ' What do you suspect, Doctor 1 ST LllPINrx done on SHORTEST NOTICl~ chants did He wns pJompt, and the mer ed on Mias Lucy, and mt1mated that I dreee him, aoothe hin1, nnd prepare him for-- the greatest v1lla.1n that ever lned I' 'That you h11ve robbed Llicy of tse\ienty I Jct Stb,1874 2 3mos chants, eoneluJmg thnt the poor fellow had wuukl undert11Jte the case oI his uncle, aim- breakfast To my s:Jrpr1se, he made no ob ' Ab ' b., Lucy told you,-the mrnx' Ji\ e thousand dollars' contrn·ed to scrape rr1oney t..nough together ing at a cure, oa two conditions, name}.}, Ject1ons to being clothed, or to have h13 What makes you sny so ~· Hardly gasprng, as he tned to breathe, to buy i a whole hogshead,' d1d not bid that I should have no one to interfere with room c1eansed 'fo hun1or bun, the dirt 'Why, frorn your O\\ n hps You tell me ngu.inst htm Down came the hamn1er of me, t bemg allowed to manage ruy patient \\0.S put into a clean flour barrel Juat be agn1n and aga.1n that you have rtnned thou be added, ~This 1s all j ou suspect 2' tl,c auctioneer, and 1 'Well, ca1rua11, how rn my own "·~, and that I should be al fore his breakfast, Fairlong and Stacy pre sands and thousand::. of families, robbed ' No, air, I snsoect ) ou murdered J ou r Begs to return thanks to bis fnends fo.r the su p brother John, Jor the s1\ke of robbrng hls many will you take 1' 'Ill take the whole' lO\\ed to cbatgl.! twelve hundred dollars a sente-:1 h1u1 a turr1bler, de!:nnn:S him to drink \\idows, and plunde1ed orphans Now I pvrt he has i ecen e 1 the past t\\ o years an d Thia last 1ten1 seemed to stagger tne it, \\:lth my best \\1shes fc1 his health 'The whole ' 11'ho will be respon"ble for year h< pes, by continued ~tnct personal attention t 0 It know· enough of mercantile business to child' h11,.,1noss, nnd wo1klng: at the niost reasona.b1 e you 1 1 Griffin and Laug ' Tha auctioneer niece and the.. aunt, but I aesured them that was an ounce of Epsom salts d1ssoll'ed 1n know that nobody could do nil this mischief 'How could I, when he die 1 Jrom prices to ensJJ1 ea cont1nunnct::: of public patron . and the O\Vllers raved, but there \Vas no 1t would. cost r11e every farthing of that sum \Vater age Vi,7 B is pr-eprned to build hou!'.es 1 etc without coolly s1ttmg down for yeara and home 1' ,_ on the mos t modern style of architecture Job ' help1 and James Bra1sley, Ill the carn1an's to tnake my cxper1n1ents 1 \\lthout any cou1 The Doctor 11nnts I should drrnk thot planning nnd plothag to do it You must 'B:; alow rorsoN 1· b ing- promptly attended to riane and spec1fi ,_ He was Im· stufl ' Splendul Patterns in Gold and Satin Pape1· Gold and Satin, had made two thousand dollars Jor persation tor my services dress, I he Dcctor r 1'ell the meaehmg have been years m thus plunmng before cn.t1on s got uv on avvlicat1on, on the 1nost reu. He said not~ word, but !:lanK down ou sonal.ile teuns, and of every de<:icnphon Offic Griflin and Lang,by that stroke Griffin and mensely rich, and 'What \\as thnt sum 1n co\\ar<lly, 1goorant, rantum~scantucn scala- you effected J our object ' and other 13,ordering. !fall, and other Papers, What am I to the lloor hke ~ead, fomt, and hard!~ b1eaU1 t.nd Snop Ontar10 Str e~t, nea1ly oppoa1te JV[r co1npar eon with the saving of the man 1 At Lang pocketed the mone;y, pta1'< d Jam es wag, that I won't, thats all " L1 Bowtlen's thmk ol such '1lla1uy i' IN GREAT VARJJi,TY ing NO\\, then, thought I, a Jew n1owcutfi Bowm~nv1l10 Dec, 1874. 10 ly fot Lis ahre\\ dness, anti p1owoted him 1n length they agreed to 1t all, and I was to be 'But 1ou don't mean to send that woid He was thunderstruck, and taken al l will decide whether he is to be a maiiiac their sto1e. On another occasion, beu1g seat readv to receive him m n srngle week I bad to the Doctor, do you 7 said Stacy aback Ile sa\\ that my conclua1ons w~re for life or not I threw "ater on him, an d I 'Yes I do though ' to the office ofa commis.10nary of the na1y no t1,ae to lose JD making preparations correctly drai,vn from the premises, and the alter a while he opened his eyes and look ed on some errand, and wb1lo the officer was procured a sn1ull, but couven1ent house, He anxio11sl3 around In an rnstant Stacy and Fairlong chuck- premises he had himself furmshed It \.\as not tLe eve of out, he took the liberty to peep rnto brn rather retned, \\1th a l.flrge garden I next ed hun down in a chair, bad bis armi::, and n1erely, 1n a subdued vo1ce, 'I protest, a madman papers ~l\..1nong them hejound an adve1~ procured two strong, haudy, pn.tient ~oung body lashed in, his mouth op~n 1 and the Uocto1, I ne\ er wa~ so bad as that " AL'E WI'LH F Y vOWLF., u 'Doctor I 0,Just heavens I n.m )11 )OUr men, l\1.Jo \\ere to obey my orders 1n1p11c1t t1sen1ent soon to be p1inted, 1nv1t1ng pro form the public ge11e1a.ll) 1 t h at he has cmn down Ile could make no reSistanee , salts The shock \I as l>enefieial He never hands What slull I do 1 As ) ou \I oul d I 0 l 1 d f II d h menced bus1nes,, m the Shop next to the E'.I: ne \vas a ong e~ge e ow, an t e posnls tor a large quantity ot vmegarlor tl1e y press Office, one door east of .T Milne a lb II l 1th d k I all he could do was to swullo· He ""' mentioned his supposed crime aga1u .Hut have mercy at the Great Day, show 1ne1cy 0 navy, to be d·hvered at au eally date Ha\ ing ha,d se\ eral expe1 ieuce lll th e eti!Rinad t' ed, ndnl as quic bas aheadt then hberuted, inuch hutnble<l at the vie my task "ns no eas.} one Sometunes he to me 1 e horses, t e ar est· traclc, he hope" to satisfy all who may favo r What does the fellow do, but whip round nex ure wo sa tory, and amaied at then 'I Lllckness At would contrive to elude uur \'lgilance un lnm \\ ith a cn.11 , !\-Ir Eraisley, I i:;ball require you to do b tt d I ti I d t t It t I 1 e 11nc 1e 1ar es ro 2.a;; crea urE>~ ~ to all tLe 'inega.r dealers in the c1t3, aud the! table I had him \\ith me, but accountably, and get away I reme1nber t\VO tb1ngs -first, to restore to "tour nc1ce engage so 1nuch of their sLoc.k as to tender 1t cou Id p1ocure Th en a goo d , f ait bf u l I1ouse I k d d neither of us 1uade any all us1on to tbe salta one day, Stacy cuuie to me tn d1stresi:i, say· the aeventy five thonsand <lollnrs, \\Ith in m4U tf Bowma.u\1lle, Sep. 4th, 18i2 imposs1hlc for them to throw Ill prop°'als eedper, an n1y accommo ations "ere M v iue11 "'ere at hand, but not in s1nht I 1ng that rrir Braisley 'VllS gone StaC.) had ttrest from the death of he1 talher ' and y · o rea Tbe result wa;i., that Gnffin and Lang, at treated. him, not us an insane 1na11, but as a USE THE slept in the roon1 \Vlth bun, and, having second, tliat within t\'o mouths you lea ve At t h e t lme appo1u t e a, a carriage d rove an enormous advance, furnished the vine V!Sitor Ue WdS \Of} talkative, and bad to locked the doo1 1 placed the key under his Jonr country foi ever, On tht.!se two con gar, and made it a very p10fitable JOb Uo up t o iny Ue\v lIa bJ t a t ion, nn d t \\O men go t CHOQUET SETS p11lo~ But the patient 11 atcbed h11n till GREAT YAHIETY d1tions I pro1ni£::e ne\: er to d1vulge ) our fit m:i.k1ng n.111..iuds of Cakes \11thout E ,.;gs the cont1ar3, .T ohn w11s so open, tau: and out dragging a large, po\\erful man, cur::. go O\:er all bis story ot l1av1ng ruined so ing, swearing and Ie<:.Isting \\.Ith a1l lua many thousands of \\ld{nv~ and orphans fo bE;i had of ill Grocers H J \.YT'JHKS & Co fiOnn<l asleep' then he crept and got the secret, and ou their fulfilment I can saftly gu·lele88, that though everybody liked him ' I onn1to, sole a;cnts fur Onta.110 Our , th e d oc A!te1 breakfast, I merely ,aid, ' j!J Brais- ke.}, opened the door. and \vas go:ie pron11se )OU that you '.'Ill never aga in d1 and respected b1m, yet he v.; as not allowed m1~ l I t I k ept OU t 0 f h 1!3 \Va) t l 11 J\lmch 11th, 1875 24 ly eearch \\~a ]o:Dug and anxious, looking 1ote ley, }..,a1rlong will show you a pleasant walk, vulge them in your R leep' ,111r"O'Hara's Old Stand, Town H,tll Bu1ldrngs ~ to do mocb al the buyrng or selhng He tor' \\as sought for nn<l loudJJ demanded and \\ells, examining river banks and cisterns, I tlunk 1t "ill be bend1cial for vom At Ieng tli I Car e1e~s Iy wen t lD t o th e room, ~ was kept at the books of the concern, and Never did a poni \\retch more cheerfully R EATON and takrng no notice of the J,eepere, but health to take a good loug \\ alk I saw by till at length l\ e heard h1tn singing ! "\-Ve Uowmanvilllc, Jl ll" 2nd, 1875 Ly they were well kept m9 make the required than d1cl h e found him 1n a tall grove, perched in the ni1r1~ SUBSCJ{IBER 1n 01der to nccetlc t 0 In process oI tune, the t\\ o brotlierd bud 6 <ed my eJ e on the ·ye of ibe mamae, .md the flash of Im e~ e that he thought be could very top of one of the \alleat trees Nay, it .eeemed to take a load off h1a in1nd J_ thf 1equests of n1any persons 1es1d1ng bot!i We 1n Orono and Cla1kei has consented to open an lHli: con1pleted their apprent1cesh1p, and com· with a tnule gave bun mJ han<l \\ttb great now run a.way, u.nd the propo~al \\as recc1v.. and heart at" once We \Vere both a\\ ate tried to coax and flatter l.i1n1 Uo,vn, all to no Office 1n the village of 01ono \\here e1thei h poht~uess, und said ed with glee Fn1r 111y instructions menced business for therusel ves under the or ~fr G lJOOKRA.RT L D S , will attend on At length I called for nn axe, that I had no le~n.l evid ence that could con ' ~1 1 Braisley I beli e\ e 7 \,- kcep in Slght of hiu1, and let him purpose the fu ~t l\Ionday in every month, commencing firn1 of J & J Bra1sleJ Ja111es Lro1Jght1nto 1 and began to cut the tiee dt·\\ n Ile rub- vwt him, and yet he as gladly accepted my )Uthe fir st Mond ~.} Jn Thi "1 ch, and rema.111 dur 'WJ 1o in the nauie of all God~ lowest \Valk or lUn to his heart's content But BOWMAJSVILLR it all the ct1nIJ1og and o' erteaelnng policy He kept hIS ing that" eek for the purpose of fl.ttcnd1ng to bed l11s hands '\\1th delight 'rrhat's it, proposals as 1 made tLem c.rc 11 t 1on: are you i said he don't lose s1gbt of hun \..way theJ "ent, all Dent::i,l operat1on!'l Office at D1 F1,..ld1ng wh1ch had been called s!ue\\dness and ::.a "ord to the letter He paitl o>cr lhe 0ap1t,il, Paid Up, $1,000,000 '])r Asher, at your service,' still keeping Bra1sle: half running, muttering to hl[nsell, ])octor I that's 1t 1 Now 1'11 have a good 8111 et) gaclt) , anU John tllat accurncy 10 accon~ts money, and poor Lucy alwn_}s suppof'ecl it J M BHIMACOMBE, nde I' J30\\U10.n\1lle, l!eb 18i.h, 18il': 21 tf and that urbanity 111 manners1 \\ h1ch ga\ e n1y C) eon hls '])r ...i\..sher, sir, the doctur and strer1ng right 011\\ard, while poor l1"'n1r· HllAD OFFICE, \\as thereco\ery of debts due her Iatbe1,'!OBON~O '~11 Bra1sley,' ea1d I, resting as 11 ex "ho takes care ot so many deranged pea long had ueed of all b1s legs, long as they .BR.ii.NCH O.ll1'1Cfill the firm great popularity and respectability unexpectedly rerovered I nce1..1 not tell 0 S HA\\J.. 1 0 lUI I IA, were1 to keep up w1th b1m On they \\Cnt, hausted \\Jth fat1gue 1 1 Mr. Braii:;ley, I al~ NOTED FOR CHEAP It ca.1ne to pass, that tlie.} accuu1ulated pie.' you how I mamc<l the benuhful g1rl,\V!ii'IB)., Conoun< "l'he <leuce you do!' gr()wled iuy patient \Valk,- walk,- walk, the, six, e16ht, a~d waya thought J uu were a gentleman before I' UXB.HlDLll:, BO\\Af\K\ J.LL'E, J)ropert), and became r1c!J 1 ar.d they were what a pattern of o. \\It~ she \vas,-how 'And "hy a10't I no\\ ? But Isa\\ that be gave u 1 un ler my steady nine u11lcs out rhere see1necl to be uo DE<\.LER lbl 1 c11res::.ed Insp1rat1on has testified thut tna11y) ears she was the light of n1y J,vell lh1s Bank, in atld1t1on totiau!:lacting the us ..F 11t t and 01 nnmental T1 ee8, Sced:J, Btil~, ga<e ieiy slightly tue to him Suddenly he ·topped, au<l 'V'{ould a. geutlernan e1t tbere t9 ride, ing, und a blessing to we an<l n11ue,--liow 11essJ... offevfS to the puhhc all u al banking burs1 7 loweu1 d:c , d'.:c 'tu en \VJ ll praise thee \\hen th'eu doest 'vell the advantages of a D:tvmg Institut1on '\\lth 'Yeoi, su, that 8 w' sole bu~ 1 uess, anJ I \\a1ted for l1 a1rlong to ~01ne up w1th hnn and tnnke me cut aown the tree 1 Ko, he foJ tbysel1 ' _.\.fter many yeai s of success she left me at leugth tn my age, \\hen I the security of a. large 11a.1d up capital, bJ the ftf1 U guitra.ntees to furnish nothing bnt cure them too ' fhcre, D0\\ 1 you pill amelle1, whaL do you would come down and cut it down himself' lul buomess, at the desire of James, the firm Ii'u-st clasf't trees, and true to name ...\dd[(·E!S, nleans of a SA\illiGSDEPARr.ME?il, needed her the mo, t, and lo>ed he1 the -o-Interest tllo \Vljd on a.11 deposits of Oue l)ol 'Cure e 111,) ou son of niKht and <lark th1nk of tb,\t 7 Don t you w 1sh you had P 0 Box 55 .Bo\\manv1lle In a m.1n1lt6 he \\as do\vn and pecking most,-lelt Il1e and " tiiit tip to tbat pu11.; separated It was said that John was great lar and upwa1d:; 1 at the t ate (if Fn B per cent Jan 22nd, 1875 bp l) ml7 u4 ~<\.uJ. \\.hat will the tnvay at the tree A. SPECIAL LINE lVe then Mf!lnred him \vorld \Vhere there w no dt!a th because the1e per annun1 ly gneved bv this movement, but had to ness 1nv1tnble, vou 1n1 p of a ,Juck-o' lantern, a pau o1 legl3, hey l - you, cu1e 'en1, eh 1 Doctor say to )Vu, to <lrnel aud lug and Depo::!ltors can w1thd1a\\ e1tbe1 tho "'hole or that the axe wa::. too dull, and that dinner is no sin,-ho\\ un ugcd e; es \\ eep al th e ~1eld to the strong Will of Jarnes After any pnJt of thell' depo.::1tf'I at any t1trto \\1thout cant keep up I' 1 CeJta1uly, sir, eaul I, \\Ith the eJe fixe<l. \vould \vu1t too long,-and thus \\ e got biw remembrance of" i ut she \\ 1~, and wee1J, pre\ ious notice the u10solut10n of the Ihm, they both conhive t l11s day appmntcd C BAl{l\ ER Special rates of interestll.11°\\ t:d upon deposits sharply on Lis, and with the niost irupci'1he Doctor \lJll uever believe )oU Leat home At length the lius1ness too, with Joy at the thought of wliat she will C'ot ner l\. 1ng- and~ est I\-laiket St1eP.t ntar tinued 1n Lu~nness tho Exclwnve ag-ent for thu sale of my· v-uL \\:!th notice of \Vithdrawal St La'\ ren<:.e Hall rro1onto C\.NJZED l'F. t<S for Bo"t".;rn::i.nv1lle Ont at John led h1m to a dLsla.nt pa.rt of the con· turbable gra\ity 'c~rtainly, sir, l never me1a walking, unlsss he aeea it with his Ameni::an Cuuency ~uid 8ilve[ takon Qn de He bad been with me about e1gbt n1onths, he" hen I meet her ar{a ln I tun no" un ,JOS~ PH 1 lf,\ SON PP posit tu111! There he \Vas tak~u BH.:.k, and th ere ho.d a dera ag~tl or insruH:: patient that T J1d own eyes' gradually growing cal1ner and better, but old n1an, I had rnn1J,ruan} cn~ es of 1n· J J HCOBS Dra ft-; granted pa) able m Grea.t ]3iitf.L 11 t I-Ie ~on 1 t: W e ll, JUSt tor the J uke ot it there v-;ns eorneth1ng v.:b1ch T could not un satHIJ stnce> :u1<l IHl»l hnd ma1n \<.:nrs of Dow1n,inv11lc, Sept lOth,1871 n1 tf~ {T n1ted St ttes .ind all pa.rts of Canada be died 111' "1fe ""' lust leavi.1g the not cure' Ile looked puzzled a rnon1ent, r.,... DepoA1t s ~!Hl b em1tted b' mail a ld1c5Fl· v.;otld wh en the uew1' came, and it haE:Jten- a.n<l Llitll Urvkc out lllto tbe coar~tst lln eC· he shalt see 1t' And greatJy to th~ del1ght derstand I-le - 1nc,ody, eolernn, ond anxiety 1n 1 j prof Ofl. JO!.l, but uo ,e::i.r has It ) ou ·want Good H10'1d, Use tho ed to the Do~r.J.ir11011 ..... u.nk [reg1ater(Ji1] ,d1eu 1n I tovl\ 140 uud~e of Jt, of the \\eary attendant, he wheeled about gloomy dunng tLe day, and rtat1e:;is dunng been so anxiou<.i, .,nd no pa t1eut has been of LA:'<K CLR'l'IFICAES, Appllcattons, ed her rl epattlllt> TU~ir onl) child wn.s or tl\es an<l l.'lbu btl all cases a Pass Book l r. c e1 pt v. ti) bo >ient by &c, &c , can be p1ocu1ed at this oitice at pha.n L uc5, iu \\h O<:.i.:! p1 eseuce I "as no\v b 1t 11 pplj 1U6 a suiall iv u1y \\ histlc to m; nnd put again, and wa.s at hoine a_'laln tbc n1ght Il e would stnrt, and n1 Ins such consequence to n1 c ns tny Trn RD PAieturn post reguhu iat.l:'li:l d .A._ CODD, Agtfl t, Dunng thi s lime my rnten ie11 s TIEN1 . sitting, aud leormng tbese part1eularo. On 1nonth, I ble w ,1 l oud call, ,~nd n1y two 111 less than five honra from the tune he sleep Bowmanvilie, July 7th, 1873 Bo\\manville, Jan 6th, 1874, 15 tf, Nov bcr 5th, 1874. ~ m6·ly RETIRING ri'HE POETRY. FROJVI CONTEST! $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. Drs, Reid & Boyle. F. F. McARTHUR .. . I Prof. J. Ruse, 20th of llay, 1875, t, ' I A Grand C ,learh1 Sale of his Entil'e Stock. A Tire:m.en.dous Ded:netio:n 'W'illl be ll!Dade. TERMS OF SALE $50, $50, LICENSE s m: ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. NEW , SP.RING STOfJK BATTING'S Dressmaking, &c. CASH STOllE. " · STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Bowima.nville. LITERATURE. KBnehester Bouse, . A.UOTIONEERS H. T PHILLIPS, COME and SEE '· s. F. HII"'I-"S I · W:rn.. Barton, NEW Fall& Winte11) Dry Goods A LARGE LOT OF F Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c . LADIES' a,nd GENTS' FtrES CI-I EAP. Mrs. Ha.son, F_IAMPTO L\J VER.Y ' .- · Direct · Eoglan~I" W. BUNiiEY, ---o--- BUILDER, ETC. ' 3500 :Rolls of Boom Pa,per Received. :KOBE THAN """Y ,. · . New 'I'a,ilor shop, JOHN HEAL Prices from Five Cents per Roll. L ·- A LO'r CHE:AP. r Base Ball Clubs a.nd ::Ba.lls, a.nd La.crosses a.nd Balls, a.t Specia.l Prices to Organised Clubs, GOOD FITS GUARANTEED RYAN'S PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALL. I ndia Rubber, Solid and Inflated. Sponge Balls, Ross Balls, from Ten Cents each. I 1 Norwich Egg Powder ' IN Rocking Horses, $3.00 Each. · DOMINION BANK. ' Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. r. ·ro J. CHAPLIN, - DllY GOODS! CLOTHING, etc. .A QABD. · I Corn\\ all Blankets l 1 ~ianunut ~tMit ~~tltep. To Masters of L. 0. L B l I I r · l t

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