I I THE MEitCHANT, FltlDAY, AUGUST 6, 1875 1· TO CAltl'ENTE:EtS. HT A::'.<TED D1MEDIATELY, A good"" "· f f A pp1yto ~iONEY -WANTED! Daily Line to Rocheste1. i - BRUGS AND MEDfOlNES at thti Comm enci ug on or about the 19th, of April i ' HE STEAMER · Bowmanville Drug Store, \7\1 Bowmo.nville, .A.ug 5th, 1875. - El TNN'J~·y GOC)DS Arr PANIC PRICES. We have determined to offer 41).tf APPLICATION "\Vill be made to the Parliawent of Oan ada 1 at i t:!! )11::ixt ::lession, for au Act to IncoriJOrn.tc n ----· "NOliSEUAN " Extraordinary Inducen).ent s t o Cash Buyers. tomer~, nnd to the puhlie ge11erally, for the very hb<"~al S?P1JOr~ he has received since his 'VOULD most. respectfully te~1der hIB sincere tl1anks to his nuuierous frwnds and cus in business ; and 11opes by con- J. HIGGINBOTHAM BaJJ.k, to be callod The Midland Bank of Canada, ·with v. Capitnl of One l.J.iltian of Dollars, and wi th the Rend Offi ce ther eof in the '1.'own of 11ow1nan ville. HOBER T A HMOR. Solicitor for Applicants. I: ow m an ville, .._\_ugust 5th, 1875. 45-Dt. 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT, will be allowed~ off our usually kw Priees, on SUMMER MILLIKERY, MANTLES, LAC E A ND TISSUE SHAWLS, PARASOLS, C: RE NADTNF.S, AND ornr.c: LIG HT DRESS GOODS. - -- :o:--- r:q 0 0 · J \V'a.nted Immediately. A :SlvIAR'l', .11._ k::1.l'n t he Printing, - \\'e will also submit to the s»me SACHIFICE on H I I 'Yill rn 11 kl:! be.r regular trips on this route le::i.v111 g Oobourg every nwming at 7 :30 and 'Port l i ope at 9 o'eloek, for Rochester, connect· ing t h ere with Lhe New York Central :mU Erie R..1.i.lwuys, for o.11 points Ea.et, "\Vest and South. (It. On Awronn, )L\STEF..) ' hnu~d stnct pet'l:!onal attention to business, and C?mm en01~g IJ:l'l'ELLIG ENT BOY, to BOOTS & Apply n.t t h is Officu. SHOES, GENT'S AND CllILDREN'S READY-111ADE CLOTHING, HAT3 & CAPS, &c. Ma.thushek J?ia.no. H E S11b::;eri be1 · has been ap11 oi ntecl Agent fo r t he Celebrat ed Ma thushck P iano. o ut f or udv ertie ernt!nt next w eek. T GENUINE DISCOUNrr SALE! NOPUFFING! Eve·ry Person lw/1Ying o, DOLLAR 1'0 SPEND f or neccssc wy Goods, will pleltse call, relieve our necessi&ie8, an cl reap the Profits. ~ I . UE'r UH:::iING-, , . will leave Cha.rlotte [port of Rocheatel.'] da.il¥ nt 9 p . m. , oxcept Saturdays, whe11 she will l~avti at 2 p.1n., for Por t HGpe, dirf'ct. This is the shortest a;uµ quickest route to Oswt.-go an \Vatertown, "ia Luk Ontario Shore Railroad· frotn Charlotte. I Dealers in stock etc., will fi.ud thjs the che·a pest and ruo.:it expeditious route to Boston, Albany, 1\-e,\' York, etc . , l'r>r furth er information apply to R. CRA Wl<'OlW. P ORT flOPE. Or C. 11~. GILDERSLEEVE, , l{J KGSION. At McClung Bros. ?he It"t1SII is to continue and in· crease for another SO Days ! The Public have responded nobly to our recent call, and now we call again ! Goods are Selling because FACTS are tollling ! offering nothing but the purest articles at the most re!tsonab1e prices, to en 5w·e a continua.nee of yubhc pntronn.ac. . · 1:!· 'vouL d cafi spc cinl ft ltention to hhi very supel"lor stock 11( · rJYE which are sure to gi'vc tlrn b1.;st sati1;1 fact ion. r\ well sefocted stock of STUFFS DRUGS, GBElliJGALS, PATENT JfEDIGINE8 BRUSIIES, ' G01lfBS, '· SHOULDER-BRACES kept <.onstantly on hand. SUPPORTJ~Ttt:l, Etc , Ek R CJTE11UY . B :>w 1n a.uv il~e,___ J uly_ 2 _ !)_ th~ ,_ l _S_ 75 _ __ ·1_ 4_2_ w _ OILS, PAINT, f Executor's Notice to Creditors. .l l LL Pe:r.:!ons holdi ng cln.in1s o,g n.inst the E sta.te of th e late Mn,ttlw w .J un e~s. of tbti rl'w.vnsbip of Darlington, in t he County of ])Ul'· ]1ar11, Far mr::r, n.rc notified to i::eui.1 iu lJtiil'tie nlars of th~ satne to}{.. Russell Loscmnbc, of tho 'J\nfl 1 n( Bowm~nville, Solicit or fot· the unders~gnc d E xecutor. or t o -the nndersign A<l, on or ~ S. TREWIN, King August 4th, 1873. Str ee~ West, Oshawa, '\Ve shall cpntinue to back up our Ad vertisernents by GIVING DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. the BARGAINS we PROMISE! . "TI-IE StJN." COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the \.rery lowest prices . ' Horses and Cattle Medicines. N . 13 .- ·Country store -kcr-p~ri; mq·rplit'd , ou the most a1lva11tageous t ermfl. ~i\. 1;hoice selection of I,A l\.1TS for !: a l e ch l"1 1J Ilowmanville. Dec. 18G8. Cm. 187!). The 1:1 a:id pa1·Licnl11r s to include ncccssn,ry d <tt c::1 an d items, and to gi \'e the Christian · names ri.nd Surn arnes uf t he Olaima.nte, aud t l1eir Post Ofh cc a,ddrcss. A nd N otic,:; iR given, that frotn and after the 1 said tlat e1 the ]~xcuntor of the flllit1 J~ r; tu.tc will proceed t o distribute the a!!8ets of the Test ator 1 an1ongst t he l?arti c,; F.ntitlcid t b(:rct o- b n,ving i·r gard to the cln.itns of which he shall then fln.ving r emoved to inore commodiou s premi1::i; ~ 1 h use uoti(Je, fin d ·will not b (~ liabl e Cu r· t l1c .A.sI~ sct11 so J.l st.ribut ed , or anJC pt~rt thereof, to an y pt:1·.:mn of wlHii:H:l claim 1:1ucl1 E·xecut ,,r ~lrnU oot l"OTHERGILL'S BLO CK, hi1s e ha.d notice o.t the time uf such distribu. eg to infonn the public generally, that the f' t ion, this notir..:t1 bl.'l iug- g-iveu under S';!ction 27, are n ow enabled t.o offer them. Uap. 28, of 29~h. \ 7 1c. ~'!. nd all persou s indebted t o the sn.id E st ate arc req 1wsted to se ttle their inclebt':!dness furt h ·v ith. in the line of WILLI AM WINDATT, hefm·e I.li e FTI'~f".'.!1 DAY o ~, SE I"l'E~fD EH , Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE ~ ~ · · Better Inducements B:cecutm· I.ast 'A-' ill for l\L Joness, d ccen.sed. Bow1uan ville 1 July ~lthi 1875. 44·4w, Into the Subecriber's p1·9rnise s, 4th Con., Lot :Ko. G, D.:u-li11;;t 011, a small Bl~~ck PIG. 'l'h ~ owner is r equested to provo property, pay exv enrse.:i, nucl t!i lH~ it a way. , VY. P AJJ~SONS. July 29Lh 1 1875. 4'1·3in. (AS . REGARDS PRIGE J': QUALlTY) than ~ny otJ1or house in tho County. =1"0USE TO LE'l\ - A good conveni ent _ J_ lwtL'>t> , ~situate on :Libert Street. ~i\..pply to 1.IQ A"TED STn J..\, .l - Grocery B11siness, l'l 'l'J1e approach of the rresidenta.i ekiction gives unu1:1ual importance to the cventg and developments of 1875. 'Ve shaJl endeavor to .de. st:ribo- ~h en1 fully faithfully and fearle s~ly. 'l'IIJ!] \\T]L]~J{LY SlTN hai:s now attained a circulation of O\i'CT seventy thousand cories. Its r eni lcra: are fonncl b1 every State and 'l crritog :i..nd its quality is well known to the public. \Ve slrnJ! not mily endeavor to keep it f11lly lJP tu th e old standard but to iinprove and add to its \·ar:i ety and power . T H E '\VEEI\.LYT" Sl:--N will continu"' to be a thor~) l'gh newspaver. All the news vf th~ day will he f ound i n it. condensed when nnimport ;int at full length when of 1nome11t and nJwfl.ys \Ye trust t rea te d iu a clca1· interesting and in8tructi'i'e manner. I t is 0111· ai1n to tri<t.ke the \VEEKLY SUN the best family newsp aper in the world . It ~vill be f uJi of ent ertaining and approprill.to l'" i:la.U1ng of every sort but will print nothing to of. feud tl1e 1nost scn1pulous and delicate tiiste. It ·will always contain the most in terestin~ stories and ro1nances of the Jay caxefu lly ael~cte d and legibly printed. The Agricultnrn.l Departrnent is a. I>rominent fofl..t u1·e i u the \"lEEI{.l~Y Sl.-N and its articles will aJwn.vs be found fresh and useful to the r;:i.r11ie1·. '\Vhen we SAY .Bargains we MEA:)I Bargains ! Large Crowds have visited our Stores during the past - --- -- - - -- ---· . I month,and the avidity with which goods have been" TAKEK" is gratifying evidence that both Goods and Prices arc " TAKING." mto next month. ~t the right Prices " appreciated, and are carrying th·is war '\Ve are pleased to see our efforts to " Sell the rio·ht Goods . s.ome of our cheap LinP.s are running out, but more wre ar1·i·ning, and for tho next 80 Days we shall offer greater inducements than ever ! Now Remember !-:For the next 30 Days McClung Bros. is the place for Cheap Goods ! - - -:o:--- Cheap Store Has now u. full assorted St.ock of rrYRC)NE ' . ~ TllE GR E~T REMEDY FOR I and acknowledged by many prominent uhysicinµ s to Lm t he most Reliabh:i !'rep:uatiop. evor introduced for the RELIE.F :ind CUUE of all CONSUMPTION 'l'hls well -known rrimcdy i:,; offered to t11e liy tho C. CAWKE R. OR S.A.LE. --.;\ good Erick J)welling , with g ood uutbu iltlin gs. hanl and soft water, etc. Apuly t u C, C A \'VKEP~, Bo\vinauvillo. 14-tf. 1 PRESENTS .CIVEN, BUT CODD F Weight and 1lfeasm·e Giiai·antecd in evM'Y instance. LUNG COMPLAINTS. }1111Jli~1, ~a 1 1d.i o n ccl 'WANTED. \ l~ES PE CJ' ,.\."RT,"F: GI R L , 1 .... \_ !'l ou:>c worlr. ..A.pply to 'Tea,s a, Speciality. J. L . experience of over fo rty years, and when resorted to in sc11son, seldom fails to effect a speedy cure of f or General J. D. :rv1n s . Corner of Li berty Bowrnan villti . · ,Jul y :30th, 187tl. ;.; 111.l DEYJ{ F,~{, \Vellin,,tou Streets , "' 44-:Jw. ---- ----Newca.r.tle,Augu~t, STROWGER. S'l'ROWGER Desirable Farm Property 14th, 1874. - _.,,....,,. -.------ Cougl1 s, Col<ls, Croup, Bronchitis, In. l111enza,Whoo11111g Uongll, Hoal'SC· ncss, Pains 01 · Soreness.in the Chest mul Side, B1ce1Uug · at the J,ungs, Uve1· Compiltint, &c. t>y a timely resort to tbls stnndnrd remedy, a ~ is inoved by hundreds of testimonials rcccivcO by t he proprietors, does not dry FOR SALE. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. W ISTAR'S BALSAM OF W ILD GHERRV uv a Couuh, and lea.ve tf/.(i 0 0 0 ..., rrJIB in Lus1 11ess has been Luilt up. The pr0111iscs con1M pri~e two a cres of fi.rst -cluf-IR h ,11 d, o u which a1·0 ni ~V~ggon Shop, D welling 1-Ioi..rn o, with out . lnuldmgs, n.goo(l hearing Oi:e hitrtl, well .of wa.tc: 1-, c lc. Poss ession 1st Oct. next. Fol' fur M ther _p111·tienlars, apply to tht1 owner, JOIIK IL LA )..,.IS, 'l'aunto11 P. 0. Ju ly 2'.J.nd, 1875. o:J0-1n4;~ -tf. n nd \'~·J-J i gui:l d hereby offers eith er to H ell or lease lns premfa e~ , ""'hich are W(' ll sit uated t?e villn.ge vf 'l\~nntn n, whe re fl. rt excelle11 t J!'OR SALE OR TO RENT. ·1o~fP_JtI8I )r (f 100 1.-t 0re~ _all cleared, being U \Vest h a.If of Lot No 0,2ud Uoncession of the Townsh ip of U111 ·twright. There is on tho pi-ernises a. g-ood f1·n.tnc I:Inus e. Barn . and other on tb ui ldi ngs.. . 'l'hei·e is n. y mrni; firchri.rd nnd !t n eycr failing '\:ell, I inrucdiato possession ~f deilired can b o given by p urehaeiug Stock, un~le n::-ent. r1 , and t~1e grn\\ ing- crops . 1 ! or furth er p art1cuto.1·::.1 a11ply to t he pro1i ri ctor on t h e 1wemises . . ABRAHAM MOlUUS . Cn.rtwright,.Jnly 1st. 18'75. tf.b:pMc 127-nl40 rJ1IIAT Splendid Property of the late :\fr. 13. i :\f.i toh eJ l, Llling thti north half of I.ots No. 31, n.nd 32, in the Gth Con. of Da.rlington 1 con1-priaing 200 o,cre.s--35 being eupCrior wood l au<l . rrher e i~ O)l the f1·or1t of the premises, a very fine ,gcntleman's stone r esidence. with lawn and flowe1· ga.r·cl eh, to the rear of ·which is a beauti· ful Jrlaple Grove. Also wood shed,stahle, <lriv· 1n_g houl'le,ctu., ~tud l:lvery neccssiiry conv eni ence. The "'.vhole, about ten acres, i8 su:rrounlled by 11, Torn hedge. ·rhere is a ],arm Honse, with thre.:i barns, with all outhnila ings. A never failing stream of water runs through the pre mises. rrhere is t:tlso s1)lcnclid Urchrrrd of fruit bearing treea :ind kitchen g:M·cfon, 'J'lJt.~ p rope.rty is in a go~ state of cultivation, and is regarded as t,he most de. sir able hetw<"en " J{j n g ~ ton and London. l'or furth t:U' pr\rticuhlil'fl aoply to ,?<1W5. B. MITCUE LL, Oshawa P. G Angnst Gth, 1874. Lp-tf·m44- o :::~. l.Q. t)C(.UH I} ln1hi. 1u.l ,. (.(.fl is the VtiS e u:-ilh 'llH'JRt p1·e11a,1·aUonit, hnt it lQOS~l'~ a,n < l (:fo(l.tl.Ht1S the lungs, aua ,a Ua.ys ir·ritation, thus 2·e1n.oviny tlie vause of the coniplaint. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those whose occupation rcqufr es an un·· usual cxcrci1:1e, of the -v o1;11l organs, will fiml ·this the 0.NI. Y Pr.ErAnATION which will effectually and instantaneously rcUcrc tllcfr difllcultic;i, <:O ' I CIO· The nun1bcr of men independent in politics i.s increasing and the V\-T"l~EKI. Y SUN js their paper especially. It belongs to no party an:l offe1·s no dictation contending for pi-incjple and for the election of the best men. It exposes the corrnption that disgraces tl)e country and threatens the OYerthrow of republican institutions. It has no fear of kna ve$ 1 and seeks no fttvor~ from their i;upporters. 'l'he markets of ev0ry kind and the fashions are regula.rl.r reported. rrhc price of tho \.VBEI<LY SUN is one dollar a :year for a sheet of eight pages and fifty-six colnrnns. As this bart1ly pn.y s tho expenses of paper n.nd printi11g we nre not ablt' to m.ake any dir:;count or allow nny premium to fn ends wbo may make ripecial effort1:1. to extend its circulation. "lTnde1' the new lu.w which :reM quires pu.yment of posto.ge in advance one dolla:z: a yea.r, with tw~uty cents the cost ?f pre· paid postngc added is the rate of subscription. It ii:! 11ot neces~ary to get up it club in order to hav e the v;rEEKL Y s· u~ at this rate. Any ou~ who sends one dollar ·nnd twenty cent11 will get t.bc·papcr postpu.id'for a.year. W_ e have 110 trD,v.ellin~ agol1 Ls. . THI£ 'VEEKLY SUN. - nic:ht pages, fiftySlX: cohunns. Only 1.20 n year po1Jtagep1·epaid. l{o discountf1'om thi~ 1·ate. 1'1£fi.: DAlLY ,."i' U.lV.-A large four-page newspaper of twenty-eight cnlnn:irrn. Daily circula. tion over 120 000, All the news for 2 cents Subscription. postage prep(~itl 55 cents a month' or G .50 a ye:u·. rl.'o clubs of 10 or over a dis: count of 20 per cent. .A ddress 'J'HE SUN:' 1'- cw Y ark City U.S. ~Iarch l:l.th, 1S7ti. 24:Gius. Groceries Dry Good.s~ ALLCOMEI Bowrnanville, June, 24th, 1875. :Soots & Shoes ~tee, etc, which for McCLUNG BROS., Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J . ELLIOTl TYRO NI: . Ca;d. of Thanks. ~========== -= --=...::...:: :. .::::::::::::=.=.=.=.==-============--= -·==== B ei.v a.i:e Q:f £ Onnte1·.lcits. Re?nembe1· that t he 9 cnulnc 1Vistar's BalJftm 11.ns on the .ou.tside wrapPer tile signature of p1·icto9-.~, o:sE'l'II ··--- "I. 11 UT'J.'8 1'1 o:n(l the vn..nted name of the proJr. FOJVLE (f' SO.:.\TS, 1r o::;. :l'o.-:i.T". i' AU a.f.hers a.re brtse imitations . Rxam'l:iie tlt~ wro:pJlt."J· CM'ff!dl!!J before pu1·chasing. -··-·-- - · -- ~ One Dollar a Botti· Six Hollies for Fire Dolfurs. PJU!:rA.RED BY LADIES 1 SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mase.,, And sold by Drugg-hsta nuoi Dca.Iera generally. '· A "a liiJ . ble 1 Chri·sti·a,n TlIE Sul~scribo_r r otui:n.s thm1ks to those who a1ven h1m chm patrona ge in · l'"' t an? have wollld inform ~he fannera tl13t heth ha s re paJ.red and refitt0d l1is J!riiU, and is now p rc p~t r · ed to attend to their ¥-·ants in the milling li110. He is also conducting a. · RElVIOVA_ L ·! S. MASON wishci:! to i11form !Jis nu1ncrous frien ds and ((US· tom11rti tha.t be h a.q removed to Buckler's ol<l Stand, where b e will be found with the most COtU'pl~tti a.':!Sortn:ient of A 'T"J ENTIO N ! --(o)-- BOOK ROOM · AND GENERAL STO R anrl havi ng ll1Jrchascd his stock for L. CASH, is giving barga.ins in~ ing elasfli.:R of w01·king people, of either so.x , )'"O lll"l f.C, or old, 1 n ake 1nore Tnoney at work for us 111 th i.:~r Rp nru mn men l ;,;, ur nll the time, than at any t lnng- else. l:>articulars free. Post ca.rd to Stat es costr. hn uue cent. Addres$ G. STINSON a nd CO.· Portland,l\J~n e , ·u. S. · o.~tobnr 27th. 1874. ly-bp·o· 13.m5. $5 TO $ 20 l'J£R D AY.- Agent·\Vant eu: House a.nd Lot for Sa.le. very d ee ira.bl e t own proptrty for si.t · A uate on J .iherl:y Street, known as the Hell· St~l 1' , Harness, Whips, Trunks,&c., in town . Please call. B uckler's old :< ta.nd one door en.st of GHfo l'd'f:I H otel. Jhnv u:mu ville, Sept. 115t , 1873. ---- -----~-------~. ·-Al'- MRS. :Et. B:OFXINS' LADIES' and MISSES' OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, TCi 11g- Street, n ext Door \Vest of ~iurdoch Bros. whera can be foun(l the that IS a Sabbath School Library De:pot, KINI: STREET, BOWMANVIUE. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, - - :o:-- Groceries, &c. STAND.-Recentll' occupi ed by Mr. Gray . \Voocl Cott ag e. There i.:! half an acre of land atta ched. ;i,l"o all ueetil:i!:!.ary nccotnn:iodation, in ~he( h;, \vu.ter, &c. A.p1) ly on t he premises, to I\. SQUil\ES, ,fr. Bo\\i·uu.iuville , June 16tb, 1875. tf. If y oi..1 want Spr:inn.g B3ts&Caps Tllt! l 1ni:gest Slock c vtir show·n in B0Wmuu1vi1le. - - :o:--- $. VANSTONE. Tyrone, Dec, 17 1 1874. TYRONE. Horse For Sa.le ! Neiv ·Pa,f't·nershi11! THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Latest N ouelties in lrfillinery Goocls. A'.r Gold. .l OOD REAVY FA.RM HORSE 6 years Apply at this Ofli<.!ti. ' 1\.{ :tl'ch 4 Lhi 1874, lV.torris &Watson 0 11GANS, GENERAL CONTRA OTO RS . AND BUI LDERS. Prices to suit All Classes. Also a well selected Stock of Newest · Styles! --:f,):- "\Ye have now Lhe rnost varied and English Fur, · - - ----- -- --------- Parlors, Sc.ho ols, or Churches, Apply to American Fur, and Canadian Felt Auction Sale - OJ:'- Valuable Farro Manufacturers of Sash,Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, Property. TV#h OY without Casing. 1'Vith or witho,u.t B«nd 11{oulds. The Subl'lcrihei·s hav e rtietii~·ed instructions from Me~sni. 1YicG6e & J_onc><, to sell by P U BI.IC AUCTION, at the . _ !\gent s for the Queen's :S:otel, Osha.wa., Planing, Planing &_Matching, - ON- BEST ORGANS ON' TH ~ Sawing and Turning, of every descripti on Ornamental P.iolcets, · un every variety, ancl Sc-,,oll Saw·i.ng, CO N TINENT. 1-1.t 'l'wo o\ :lock, p.m. 1 the foUo\.\-·ing vah1a,ble ' , Everything in Ladies' Goods. Ladies' Veils, Ladies' and Misses' Gloves, in Kid and Lisle Thread, Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties, l New and Fashionable, direct from New York. Ladies' Linen Uuffs and Collars, Skirts, Corsets, &c., &c. In short HATS . STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS fro1n 121 Cents 1 upwards. SELECT STOCK _.WANTED. AT TH I~ Ca.mbria.n Woolen Mills, OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS, a First-claf:!.il Selectio11. Knowing- just what suits the publio tnstc, I have pnrcha::.1e<l acr.orc lingly. C~ll <:lM)y, autl suit yourself, Any q.uantity <?f Good .J.\ferdrn.ntaLle \Vool , for wluch the highest Cnf:ili Price will be paid . On hand also. a Well-assorted stook of 'fw eeds Full Cloths, :!:t"'lannels, Stock in..,. )'.~arn & c which will be sold low, for Cash. ' Wool Carding, Spinning, Weaving, &c Done as Usual. D. TAYLOI\, JTt\.Illpton. Lfighest Price paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. May 20th, 1875. M. MA YEit'S. Bowmnnvillc, .Aptil 1st. 1872,; SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yet offered to the people in "\Veiot Durham, ;~4-3n1o s . property, consisting of THE SOUTH 143 ACRES, of L ot 1'.fn . 3!, in the 4th Conccfl~ i nn of the 'r ownship of D .'.trling-tou, DONE TO ORDER, on the SHORTEST NOTICE. - -1 Shops on Liberty Street . North of the Easteri~ House, Bowmanville. Bowrnanville, J uly 9t.b, 187'1. 41-tf 'R,iWO'\l"lJ;'jl!>'·' ill' Q. ~ , .JDi..llf.l~A liOIJ a.IL THE Wti intend to replenish our Stock, every week, from the Canadian a11d :totew York l\ilarkets, with the Sa.b'ba.th School Ensign, itn unsectarian , CARRIAGE west of the Ont.i ri SHOP Bank. '" --o-- $25 llEW!BD ! The above reward will he pn,iJ to auy 1Jersc 1 11 who will furnish ample p roof that the Booh & Shoee sold by the undersigned, n.r·e 11ot wl1at lw reprc sent::i tbe1n. A bout Fo ii1· .Miie8 from Oslw:wa. '!'here h a go od Darll with stoue fonn (lation, nnd St able s i;nder it , on the premises. A youn;.t Urt:hard of 115 trees, co1n11liEJing two n.creR : hn,s been planted this year. Tlu.::re i:i a good never-failing Cre e~ runniu g n.c1·0~ .; thu corner of the fa.rm, and a bountiful supply of s1iring water. 'l1lie la.wi is well adaptf:d fi:·r Bitlwr a Gr~tiu G1 ·owing or Grazing ]·'r,rrn. Novelties! King Street, Bowmanville. and Illustrated Paper, for Sabbath Schools. Pv.blishccl ,,.,Jonthly, at Boicmanville, Ont. FOR SALE. F HILLIP'S .I N THE PLEASE CALL Exalnine Stock and Prices, HOTE L, sub:,crihm· hi"p ruvared T llI~. pa.n· Possecsion qiv0n t.his .A u.tv..m,n, in time for Fall f.Jlowing lo be done. TER~I S VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. rossession can be gi ven 011 the 1st of 1-Iarch. Tor1ns eai;:y. .A..pply to the proprietor. on the pren1ises 1 for particulars. to bui.ld and re- EASY. apply to the · Solici- \s"" }1'01· furtliet' a'io ce. tX~rtieulars , BISHOP I H . 'l'. l'HILLIPS. F eb. 25th. 1875. W<igons, Buggies, cind Onttcrs, cf evt:il"Y dcsGr ir·tion, nt short n otice, and nimmnal>le t erm:\. 01.1 & McKAY. f .A. IJO'l'l ON.J<.:EllS. ,14-2w. Dress Making and Dress Fitting A SPECIALITY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ·rhf: R<litor has been connected, n101·e vr lesR, closely with Sabbath SchooIB, fron1 l1is boyhood, and will endeavor the make tho EXSIG;{ every wn,y worthy ot the support of Sabbath Schools . The unsectal'ian cl10.ract<3r of the paper,renders it suitabl ~ for any School. In connection therewith, a ::;uppletncnt is published, containing Notes on the Interna.tiona.1 series of S. S. LeAsons . These are carefully prepared, and u1ust prove of great "alue to bobh Teacher and Scholar. For the Holidays! Gift Books, Splendid A lbiwns, P1·ang's Gelebratecl Ohrorrws, Jl1 icroscopes,I{aleidoscopes, of the finest clesoription, Ladies' j Companions, Writing Desks, Pocket Boolcs, &:e., &c., to please all, a.nd every one . TERMS, Parcels of 5, 10, 15, etc., n.t the rate of 30 Si.ugle copie~, 40 ct::i. lJoatage l!'RJ3E. .l~.. :idr.css, ctB . p er year. 01:1l1a.wa, July 21st, 18i5. Real ·Estate C A LLBA UY, C. BA l:i..KER., Eon:on, Bow1nanvllle, Ont. Uood buildingi; and ft'lnu ~,~ , and large yoi.tn 0o orch1..trd. For pn,r ticulars, np_pl;y t o 'V]l. 'l'"C Ell, HA YDO~ . Oct. 29 tl" 187-1.. 5.tf. -- Y.ood-Farm for Se.le: - F 0 R · S A L E . Olt'rH of Lot 1'1, 7th Con. D .'.l..r· rrRE ESTATE of the late P.HJJ...11' is offered f_ o r Sale, being a part of Lot No. N l 1:. ngton, con t aining 100 more lesd. . 30, G t h Con. D:u·li.ugton, co1nprising 20 ncrei-. h:~lf ~o. Carriages Painted and Tri n med. What the Press sav about lt' acre~ , 01' l more 01· lct!s. r . rhere are about 2;; a. crea cleared, th~ re1naincler boing won rl ln.nc l. T he1·e j,s l~ ~ood fraime house/ with barn, driving house nnd ~table, and t\vo good weUf:!. ".l'liete it-J also 1-1, splendid · on the prc1n ises, vtcr e ~ pecial a t t ention is given to all 4 Blacksmith's Shop Philaclelph'ia and New Yo1·1c Pcitterns alivays on hancl. · · Orchard of Fruit-bearing 11a.id, to Trees. Cnrriage work, imd General L ANDS FOR SALE. rr,H}~ foll owin g land~ in the 'l'owµ~ hip of C birke, nam ely : 'l'he N 6r t h ho.l f of Lot " N mn b,~r '11w0n t y in the eighth Corwessio11 , :-iil.~o : the Sou th h a1{ 0£ Lot l\ u.m bf:l r 'l' wenty in the riint h Uoncossiou . F nr par tionlar s apply t o t lrn pn ipriotors ~Ie ssrs. TH OJVI AS & R OBJ!JR'l1 S11 E \VA1 t~L1, n eo. t' tlH: prcmitws, or to J . K . GAL B L t A.IT H Barris ter J3owman \'ille. J30,v u1an.vi.lle, July 13tl1, 1870 . rn 4w, 'fhj.:i. 11roperty hi in a good state of culthra.tion, For furt.her part iCul;trs, apply, if by fotter, post - Jobbing. Our 'Goods are all New and Fashionable, and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. B.cm E'm 1 "IssoTOTJ~FI"'ON'S Jer 'h a.. cp1 ace,at ~tl ~ i.'l 1l" J 1 Old Stand, DR. McGILI,, Ooh:1wa. .A.JH" il l $L , 1875, 27-tf. All work done cit this·Establishmient A call ia r espectfully floli.citc~l. ,T, MOB itIS, .A B:OUSE AND LOT F OH. SA.J.. 1~. situ ate on Onta.d o Street. E uf;· rlui re of lvIR. TII 011:AS, 011 the premiSO Bow1nanville1 J an. 22nd, 1875. 17·tf, Bowm anville, Out . 1st, 1869. Bowmanvil!e IA~ril 30th, 1875. Resi>eotflllly, MJIS.t H01'10NS, 31-tf, THE "ENSIO~.-\oVe have been tavored 'vith a copy of the E ·n&ign from the Editor1at the \Ve1't Dtu·haw P1inting ~stablishn1ent. 'l'he Ensign is a p;lper prepared especially for Sabbath Schools, aud U-1 our opinion '"-ell adapted to it::1 object. So grea.t a foi11od.to lia~ it becomC!' that wo heM (who..t is very unusual \Vith such enter(1ri~ ea) it b.fl.~ proved for the ft.rat year a. fu111ncio.l success. The illustrations are suitable and sufficiently numermHJ, wl1ile t he rending matter is 11ealthy in tone, racy in style, and so varied as to suit the taste of the general public. ·v..re congratulate the Editor ·on hav. ing catered so successfully to the public want, and ,ve congratulate the yoi.u1g and the public on having so charming a sheet presented inonthly for the perusal of their chilrlren. Osll.ctwa R efonne1'. rrh e Rnsi;1n is J1c11tly pdnted on good J>R]?CI', is illust1·ateJ, t~nJ contains healthy reading matter and ought to have a large circulation. For . Ge11ts, For Ladies, For Children. ,Lo,test A a.ud1splendid Collection of Stereosoopio Vie"Wa Styles a/nd Good Stock. . ' SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO 01 DERBD WORK. The Goods were bought at best rates, and purchasers wHl receive the benefit , STUH.~~. -0 1 : e <loor cast of C0n1is11'1> J ewelry Sto1·e, l(ing Sti .:ti t, Bow man,,ill<'l . J , SMALE , B0wmanville, )fay 6th, 1875 -. - Pcterboro Examiner . +--