THE lVIEH,UlIANT. FHIDAY, AUGUST o, 1875. - -========= Saturday Evening. 'I he "eek 1$ past, tb e Sahbat]) da\1 u cmrt'" on, Hest- rest in peace-thy toil ts done, And f'.tri.nd 1ng, as thou stnndest, on the l>uuk Of a. now scene of being, ealmly thlllk Of v. h.1t rn gone, u1 no'?i', au<l soon sha11 be, As one tht;tt tre1nbles in ete1ruty ]'01 such as this now closing v. e ek Lt-1 1Ju.(';t, So rli.1ch ad\·anc1ng time will close my 1;tsc, Sucb as to moll ow shall the awful light POETRY. ~-=~=========-===--= =-== -=-=:o-================;==============""=======================================~-======================================= Pubhc Exammat1ons -lf \: UAIL HA:.\llLTO.N l{eal wants are few, and can be ~rut1 ficd I for CL' l l ; at all events they shoul<l be lnuited to n hat can be paid for in caab. Ho'v mucll Sugars ! sugars ' 0 Sugars ! ~O, I-IO ! lt wuttt: n ~xctn11ual1ous are <lrud~~(r) to the t~acl1e1, i.:<.$e1cs.:JneHi tu the pupiJ. nl.ld wnste to the cornm.1.1111ty, puoJ1c exn.nnnn.t1011s a1c· still wor::;P fhey are not only J of allx1t:ty 1 how many sleepless hours, ho-w I nHtU} hcnrt "Lunnngs, drnsappu1ntment e and 1 reg11.: te \\ oul<l bt:avo1d12d 1f \l i b :rid e \\ e ll.: a~\\i1'S st11ctly ndhei.d to 1 1 Ge:ntler.11.en of Fashion. NOT SO FAST. I h '.1. \ ll w11ttou tl' eso f~w hnf's A nd all 11 av e tn S".J, l'b i:.t you ca.u fi11 J nie still a.t houw I arri not gont away , So nil rny li..1.n d (;ld f11 cnJ s n 1 n~ cornc , .An 1 nll th.-..; yo111g 111 s loo Au d Ket thl311 gu.rments IlH!f!ly mo.dC" In fa,sluons that ate new 'Vheie old u.Htl ) oun,; del-11 friend~ may !NDEISON & 10 (Jog usel t:sti, Uut dernora!Jz·ug. They introduce tulsc standard of scholarship, a 1a1se WO· ti"e oi action \V1itte.a E>xam1nat1ons are I - -- tolerably accurate tEtlts. There may be he1e and there son1c nnfa1r faihue through mere ner,011sness, but ord1na.r1ly the good Sp111t of Goo<l. 'on th1e week's ve1-ge I tltn.ull, 'frac1n; the guHhng influerice of Thy hand , schola1 and the poor sc h ola.r show them~clTha.t hand ~hich leads 1ne gently, cMmly still, vcs "1th ngo0cl deal of exactness on tbe1r Up life s dark, stormy, tiresome, thorny h1l1, e.xam1naL1on papers Tnc only o'bJect1onis Thou, Thou in eYery storrn has shelter e l me that the) sho\V thernsclv('s w1th even great· .Beneath the " 1ug of th;y be111gn1ty er ex!l.ctne~s on th eir daily 1e13ordi and, there· ~:\.thousand grave::i my footl:!tepi;; c re lmYent, fore tbc other oue 1s,nry.Bnt a pubAnd I exl.St-Thy mercy's monurr1e11 t , A thommnd wuthe upon the bed of p,un, lie oral e.xa1n1n1:1t1on is no cr1ter1on \Yhat· I lt\ e, a pleasure flows through ever<,' Vl.!1n J eve1 of schohush1p It is not schola1slnp, \\ aut o't'r a thonsnncl wretches w !l, vc H lic1 "\\.~r d, b ~1t sdt po& seEsion and coufi<lence that carry I, c11dcd by ten thonsa.nd me1c1es, i:itt\wl the du\ 11 the se c"mt111ed with scholarsl11p; \\ell , if not, the f111 thlul but timid I-Io~\ can I praise thee, l'ather, how e.xpi .J,,:, J\{y (1ebt r:if reverence and thankfulu e ;;~ ? pupil l1<1s the hit let reg1et of undeserved A clebt that nu intelhger1ce can count, fat1Url! Of tl,e eternal 1norn1ng hail my s1,:,;ht \Vbile e\ ety moment swells the vast :unount ll'o1 a. \Veek'R dnt1eE1 Thou hast g 1veu 1uu St.leH 0 tu, "' 11uch J:{ * eaa1ly hloken * dO\\ D , * ?: b1ought me to its peuceful cl.,st. at kn5t l1, Aud here iuy grateful bo3on1 fa1a \Voul1l ru se .A. fresh 1nen10nul to Thy glooous pr,n::;e Ilt:LWfK ~.\nd Wt! \'OU.3, ::;Ce ~aul about O\erwork 111 schools. Lha.t teacher and pupil are ner- both are frr Crumbs for Chickens. A movrng tail-a hungi y dog's l'he end of e· erythmg-thc letter g 'lhe way for a desolate old batchelor lo secure better ~uarte1 s is lo take a leg1l1t.: 1a.te work of te:acb1ng "better-half." que ntly lt-a\ lug sd1ool 1'1 scnrc11 of heal t h Ch e clH !llre.1 h<tve not the cJre-free faces, the p l t11np11 es~, the blooru, which shoul~l characte11ze clu ldhood,nor hn\:e tbe teacberri the flx.ltj U.lld ll"" ITIUCSS of strt:!llgtb tl.Je 10 bust hard1hood, v. lnch should characterize men and wo1nen Tb~ reasoris are not ldr to seek It 18 not the learning or training of schools' it IS nothing th at belougs to lhu tsh 1nult1plicallon of tasks that tlro 'v1thout SLEEI'LES8NESs - 'l'o take u. l' e.uty nieal JUSt Ltft:rc retiring 11:: 1 of course, 111 Jnr1ous becuuse it is very likely tu L11slurb 01.u:~a, a1 c now I ccc1 vmg a Jar ge c011'1gnment of Sugai s, d11 e ct i1 om which they will offei at ]o,vestp11ce' rest and pro<luce n1gbt1r1at'-' I:lo\\c"\'~r, a little 1ood nt this tnnt:, ii cr:e ts hungr), 1sdec1dedlybenefic1al ,1tpre\r11ta the gna\,,. On h.tnd a l<>1ge .md fin~ asso1 tment of ing of an rn1pty stcn1ucl1i \\1ll11lsattu1rh111t n:stlesr:iness and u1 plenc:ant d1 t.au1fl, to s.J.y notlnng of 11ul:aOle hf'ada.cbe 1 01 of nervuuE! and olli1::r dtraugcn l rite. tl1~· u c xt n1on1 ng One shou1J no n1 01e Jie dO\\ n at night liu11gry then he sl1oul 1l he JoNn a fter u. \try Jull d1uuer, the con~lqu e nce.of either be1ng d1sturl11ng and honnful 1\. cracker or t~ o a bit of breaU and buttt 11 01 cul\.;i, a h ttl~ fl tut, son11::t.l11ng to ieheve the sen se ot \' S.cu1ty, a 1nl so restart! the tone of the s: stern, IS nll ib,1t is ri ecessar) \V·e have --- 0 --kuo\-.;n p ersous, bab1tu,-1.l sufl.e.re1s honire!:!t· at night to e:x pen en cc matenal beutfit, c\cn thouqh they were not hungry, by u 'l!l y l1glit 1uu cl1 eo11 be!o1 oJ be d t1tue In place of to'l~1ng a.bout 101 t\'o or three hours a~ fouu .., rly, th ey \\.Ot1ii..l soo11 gro .v d r0'r\-·:sy, fall a~l ee p, aod not awak~ 1nore lhan one~ or twice until sunnse 'l his ruo~l e of treating insun1n1a, lins reccutly been r e commenQed by several chst111gu1sh1,;d pLy- Lyle & Martyn :'.'lew Y 01 k, T""g to annuuhcc to the ]1 ,lt>cto1s of \'{e::;t D111h'\rn ru1d si..iuound10:; counti1, t lrn.tthcy \\ill ,;ell then 1mmflnse STOCK OE' i-i OOTS AND SHOOS, At a Discount of Ten per cent for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. 1000 Jlai1s . 1fr:11's . Felt Caitos,/01 Gash o.iiy Grirn~Clnld ~ ~Velhngton3, Sl fi 1J p n1 1000 paws .il1'8sm· Pebltl and Buff Bulf Bcllmoml·, o ,t $I 50, pei pam 35 OASES OF FEL'r OVERSHOES! fo" GASH UNLY ---o--- meet A \\Clcotn l:! g1eehng Ly ll PEA.'IB. Dow1uan\1ll Glassware, Fruit Jars and Crockery .Ju ne l'lth 18i3. 1000 Paus FVontan ~, 1l1i~sc ~· and Cn. ilcl ~ F'dt Boot ~, the uholc to be sold f or G.A.Sll OJ:{LY 1 DIREC'f FROM THE MANUFACTO RIES. Al~D Call ea1ly aucl secme yom Winter Snpply, v.hilethe 111eh rn going Oll ,tt ANDERSON & CO'S., Rowrnanv 11le, Dec lOtli, 187 J TEAS GENERAL GKOCERIES Boot & S l1.oe B :m.poriulll.. ==--= - ==-=--=-=--=--=-=-= -=----c=_-_--:,,,,..--- NOT TO Bill EXCELLED. E.i.ephant House in 1ctur1ung thanks to Ins inany frwnds and the public generally for the liberal pa.t1onage extended to him dur. ing: the pMt 18 ye,ffs, begs to announce that from and ~fte1 the l5thSepten1ber, he will ca.ny on the same business, but more ext<:ins1vely under the nan1e and style of JoB::i !\.-1cLEOD & Co Pro1n pt vayment of all accounts is render· cd imperative by tb1s business artangement, and all pe1.,,,on.s indebted w1.U please take notice and g-o' e1 n t\.Jmnselves accord1 ogly. JUHN McLEOD. Bov.:man\.'lllc, September 4th, 1873. TI-IE A P1',,rchaises for Sums of Five Dollars an ct "C'pwards . Discount on CASH THE UNDERSIGNED s1cH tns, and tb~ pre~cuµL1on h as gtnerally been uttcu<l ed with bapp; r(s tdt<i - ScrW It 1s the fuo l- , nllr Jui ~~io.i cli. When Ag<1ss1z was pressed to dd1ver It l;:; a happy tnatch whe11 lbc 11us1ua11J a lecture for pay, he 1ephed "I can tra1n1ng ·it 1s the p1hog up of a ponderous u1ach1ue1y that <lacs no \Vork but its own ancl wifi:: are onr, not only in thc1nselve1:1, not afford to waste my ume for money" j - ---- Mutual Life Assurance Society ES'l'ABLISHE'D 1840 C.\~ \D \ C'i:iri::t 0.b'FIC.1£8. Support and H HLibe1·al Patronage TJohn McLeod & Col T 1 would sohc.t th· same Important An11ouncement ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo- - - an "dcrnn1t1on gnnd," an cl Is p.~1d for out of but 1u God; not qi ore 11. flesh than 1n the 'l hey "onde1 ed at the short collect- the 1rnrse of t be perell& and the blood of Spmt. 1ons 111 a l\11ssonr1 chu1ch, and 1nvest1tbe child anll it lS fir st, l!lst, and alwaJS gated to find that one of the collecto1s the pest1lcnt and po1sorous air, \\ttbont bad tar m the top of his hat which it would ~een1 llO nio<l.ern scbool- FARM ANI.:> HOUSEHOLD A lazy fellow once declared m a pub hou ae can lie ~c<Jns 1d ered thoroughly furlie company, that he cou ld not find unto a.II gooa wo1k Give to tbe bread for lus family "Nor I,' replied pupils only t:ie task of learmng faithfully Curing Hens of the Propensity to Sit. 1 131, f;T JAMES S11\EET, MONTREAL E Du:-iC ~\N J\fACDONALD, Esq . :Th-IAJOR T. E . CA~fPBEtI, CB DIRECTORS \V .AL'l ER SH \1' I y) }' 1'1 r . Cbau1naan, l nt.nded so long to Jolui a.nd takes tins opportunity of in forming the pubh~, that ' ~foJ.eod, E Great Seduction, in Dry Goods! DISCARDED '!'RF. ind us trious \York for it " n1an, 'I'1n obliged to St Hilaire. TttF. }roNORARrE JouN HA1nvrox 1 Hawks burg, On t IlF.SIJ)l£N'l SECHli'J' \RX.· ..--,JAlfE!.-1 GH\l"T ead1 day~s lesson, and ga1n1ng each day a Bl AGRICOT \. S P EGI AL FEAT U RES. "Fal.H!J UJ 1tllO, jab11s j./J. CIVllttb11s - as the Brooklyn man said when he a previous day, exrl'pt as it n1ust natu1ally clll eked a pewter five-cent piece mto cou1e with the adcted drihculty ol that chy 's th e fare box of a Broad1>ay stage t1sk , let th ere be 110 fc,arfnl looking Jor of 11 rer or cl of iaitbfnlnes.::, tiev~r burd~n any duy "1th the neg1 lence or tbc d1sab1hty of A western ~d1tor msists tlrnt he wrote the 'vord "trosseau ii as pla111 a~ a p1h.cstaff m connection with certam Linda! presents. The printer, bo,vever, vulgarly put it "trousers." f·1tnre J Ltdgn1cnt '>' hicl1 iuay be 111exuct 1hcre's nothing so 11ondc1 ful about ll1,1lleable glass that can be hammered A fnend of mme bas a glass still unbwken, though he has kept puncli rn 1t at mtenals for several yeaJS Love is sed tu be bhnd, but l know spHng~ iu their "-Ouls and mur:i cles n1 their lots of phellows m love who can <ee bJdJt <.: , as t\(·ll fl.S b1111ne1n thetr sk ull s t11 ice as much m their galls as I kan !' A Nevada lass havrng received an offer of marnage fro1n a yonng 1ne1chant who h>ld been m the ne1ghbo1hood but a short time, replied Well I don't know. Girls are scarce and high "' onnd here. What are you worth A l,idy who had been trnchrng ber little four-year old the el emrnts of a1nh n1etJ c was nston1shed by h1.-, running and propounding the follm' mg p1 obi em 11 Th.Tamma, 1f you had th1ee l;uttc::rfbes, and each butterfly had a b1 gm Ins ea1, how many butte1fhes would l ou have?" The mother 1s still at work en the problem A Boston editor blushes for the 1gno1rnce of:hree young gals ofth,tt city who lllcd to get their horse's bead down so that it could drmk by unbuckhng the crupper Probably the same girls who unbuckled the breechmg str,ip going down 11111, because 1t pulled ag,1mst the poor horse so. Very slern parent mdecd- Come here, sir Wh,1t is this complamt the schuolmaster has 1nade aga1nst you ?11 :vruch m3ured youth-- '· It's JL1sl nothmg <tt all. You see, Jemmy Hughes !Jent ·' pm, and I only JUSt left 1t on the teach er's cha1 r for hnn Lo look at, ,tnd he c~une 111 \Vlthout Ins specs ,1nd S1.t right do\vn on the pin, and 110\V he "ants to blan1e n1e fo1 1t 11 A fourteen l car-old gu l m Sandy Hill, N Y eloped "1th a school boy, got n1m11ed, and 1eturned horne \Ytth hun to be fo1givcn She was soundly spanked bv her mother, and the busband on his '"'Y out of the house w,tS kicked e1ghttctn times by his father. 1 hey had 1 evet 1ead anythmg hke that m novels 1 and cap11c1ous , l~t th~ ·pupils never be teu1· ptctl to roll up the great bundles of knowledge to he laid down in a heap at the fe et ot the coni111Ittee on exan11nalion day, lict the111 Lave plen!y ot fresh, untiunted air 10 brcatlH·, 11111\ I think the puny pupils and Ll1 t! 11e1voua tPr.1c.!1e1s would slowly <l1eappear 1ro n1 our $·J.1ool-roo 1ns, and thetr places be f:!ll}JlJlitd by \.\'Omt:n and children w1th Small Waists and Consumption. ( T V C. Smith's 'Ways of \Vom~n ') rrhe det:l<lt:rcltUIIl of small Wa.tsts has been the pr~inut.ure d~atb of thonsands upon th ou~ ~uids of the fairest and n1ost prom1is1ng yo u nJ la1 !1 c ~, bel ore they had llme to learn t hl <la'l ,.{1 r..i they were 1nv1t1ng by folknvuig the exan1ple of those \\ho teach by their prilct1ce that they prefer coufonn1ty to the 1equ1re1uents of a perverted taste to exernp ho n fron1 the penalties oi be1ng out of s]ape, u1 tl1e s.::nse of those \Vho ro J lH.lgn1ent 1n regard to tl11s important mat· ter Fa\orcd, u.s 111suy robust won1en are, with a fine orgun1za.t1on Ill other reEpects, thnt can ln e ont a long hfe 1n co1np::i.rat1ve health and comfort, but they are Jew compared to t he \OSt numb~r "ho lull short and die before they have atta!ned all they mrght have had "n earth. The first or toptuost ri b on enher s1de, JUSt under lhe collar bone, H! short, th1r., and sh.irp on it1' inner curvature. It bas uo 1not1on, being a brace bet,vee r1 the tlor:-,al cul tunn nnd the breast bone It is 1mmo,u.l1 le ior the purpose of protecting large arti.:r1cs and ve1ns be1ong1ng to the arrns on either side of the neck In caseo where the chest has been rna111 pulated till tl1e lungs cannot expand downwards they are forced up above tuat nb H1s1ng and fall11:;.g abo' c a.n<l. below that rib level, the lobe cha.h's and freta against the resisting curvature It is H1.flamed nt last, and the 01go.n lieeoni cs diseased lf that chafh1g is not relleve<l, ~but 1n each iesp1rat1on the se1ous co"e11ng oft.he lung ls ur1tatcd l!ont1nnully, the lnfian1mn.t1on 1s apt to extend quite 111to tlie body of the organ, increa:,ed aucl 1t1te11t:'ll1ed by exl!1t1ng cmot1ons, labor1ou~ pu1su1L1:", or unfa'iorable exposures. F1nallj, the ruucous lunng of the al r-cells w1th1n the lung by 1npath1ses and becomes 111llttmed also In thlti cond1 t1on we 1uay trace the l!On1n1cncenleut of pulu1onary con sum pt1on lt would be deno n 11hltc><l "-por aJ1c, und \\i 1ely d1ile1ent fro111 puln1onary disease by inheritance Con· snn1pt1ou Is not only developed by t ight lacing; but a 1nult1pl1cat1ou of cases, wb l'! re the or1g1nal conlorruat1on of the iud1v1dnal Ja'iorable 101 a comp<1ratively long h1e, 18 be.)Olld question ri-Ied1cat1ons CfiUUo t stay the onward 1na1cb of d113organ1z:.it1ou when nlceral1ons eat the tJdi:.Ues. Once des troycd they can never be r eproduced, Therefore, if pn~vcnt1on 1s bettPr than cure. less expensive, and al\\ays inore agreeubh·, why not prnfit by these suggestions' No comrrls~1on of ~he Lase of the chests of IUCD be111g induced by tight d1css1ng, 11 chnh11g of the upp1 sudace uJ the lnng rarely occurs with tht;.'rn G1eat n)cu, giants 1n auy department of busy ltle~ thos c '!ho )}Nrnu: Pit011 rs belong to audare d1v~d It 1s quite as na.tuia.l for a hen to Eo1t as it is ed amongst. t he I'olicljhoW.ers. to eat Cl" to lay eggf:! Hence, a[tcr a h en has I.ii\ ES , DECLINElJ ]J'( OTIIEll Co3-U' \NIES, or on pro d11ce1l an 1ndefin1te number of eggs, some- nh1cl1 an ext1a. I'11nni1tm would be required, c.a:n times a fe\\ a.nd sometimes 1nany,shc will cease be a.msur od rtt t'ie ord irtary iates of tlus Society, to lay, and her system 'i'l lll as~ml:l a prope1 v.r1dei a ~-pa;'1~l lnr11J1i[fcmenl pre pll.ration to pa.i;s the pet tod of 1ncuba.hon SrEClAL N oN-lfoF "El'f' ATH~ Po1,1c11 s iasued \Vithout impanng her health \Vhcna hen is not , 15 or 20 Annun.1 Pay under wlu ch only 1O in a" ln;y1ng habit," it,\ ould be 1u1nou:; to her uwnts rc(11u 1ed 1 ead1 payment securing health to re1na1n 1nact1ve on the nest for tweu Pohcy for a. sum assured proportionate to the ty one succtias1ve daya-the period of incubation Some hens arc so slightly inchncd to in· nun1bet of premiums paid, ru1d free from jv.tur C\1bate, that the propensity may be curod ~ayment of pre-iniutr.-s. fit lnply by drning them a few ti1ncs f1om the 1\.-IOD.filA'.IE PREMIUivf8 auJ most libl;!ral oon· nest, v;hil~ others, even \~hen they ha\e pro d1hons. duccJ only a half sitting c,f eg:;,-s, \\ill stick to P1ospectustis,P1opo s~l .Form~ &c., ai..1pplied their nests "1th pug11ac1ot'B dtJsperation If it on ap-plicnhon the Head U1"1we, or any of IS UOt d~Sllablo that a ben be ]:elIDlttt..!d t:> lll the Agencies. cuba.te, sh e nnu1t be treated. ph1losopluca1Jy JAMES GRANl', llcs Secretary. and u:r.dent<incl1ngl).. \\.h en the dcsu e to u1 cu bate co1ne!3 011 , the laying habit dn;app eU's AGI:"' ~T liGil BO,VMANVILL];, :M: y own p1 actwe ui to put such hens as are in C llA.RKE!t, chned to incubate in D. lllrge cage in the bcnne1y, "Observer Offic~." King St. where th ey can i,:ee other fo" lA ontc:1de of their Bowman ville. J uue 24th, 1870 pnson, and give thc1n a genei ous su pply of 23-1]' soft food and \\ ater. ...'\.fter one or two clays they are 1eleascd, when they will commence inn:nechatcly to " feed up," and to bring the system ag;:un to an egg producing hnbtt OF LONDON A. gre(tt many sens1l)}c people, ""ho clo not understand the cor1.ect way to rn1u1 age hens at (E·Lnbhshed 1803. tb11s na.t nrn.l period, take them lnto a. dark apa1 t· HJ.JAD OFFIOES, ~1 Old Broad St., and nient ~nd 1:1hnt then1 up in a bane), or tu1n ·· Pall }!all, f_.ondon coin basket ovit!r 011e. Othtns orde1 a h eu to -\ GE1'C1 yon CA~.ADA :- :'.4 St be <.lucked nine. tunes tu water to cute the p10· GEN ED.AL crarr~eut 1 1'.'fontreaJ pe11s1ty to, OtheHt \\ 1ll hold a. hen s head Snbsci-ibed and invested Ca1ntal and BcBflr\ c 1n a. i) 1 1tl of '\ ntc1 \"lnle Ol1C is count1ng lifty, Fi1n.d. £1,£165,000 Sterling. Ot.heH1 \\Jll tie a picee of i e<l flonnel to a hen N11 ~e1on8 other ~tup1d rnnedteR at fl adopterl, Funds invested 111 C::-,u ada.- 105,000 all of wh1cb a.if" unplnlosopb1cal a.nd ineffectun.l. l nmuances against loss by Fire are effec.;ted on most favorable tenns, nnd with But ·when secured in a cage as suggested, a hen "ill soon co1nmence ]ay1ng- another inthng 9f llUt retenmee t o the BoMd in London. RINTOUL BROS. eggs \Vhen I ha.\:e a valuable hen 01 turkey, J DODSWORTH, Inspector. Gen. Agent~, l\.f.on t1ea whose eggs are desnetl fo1 lt:'aring stc<.k of that pa1t 1cu1ar bree<l, she is kcI--t ]a, 1ng A s soon R. R. LOSCOMBE, Banister., Agen as she ha.e p1oduccd a b1ood of eggs a.nd dl~)re" for Bowmanville and Vicinity. to sit, ~he is put in the cage for a day or two, Bowrrrnn-.,: 1lle. ,June 4th. 1860 36 anrl her eggs a10 pln.ccd beneath son1e otl1er rn a 43-39.4w fowl By this system of manogPmeut a tur· key w1ll often layth1ee 01 £0111 s1tt1.11gs of eggs ELONG- CliE:OITS, E 1 L 01· and VI OLD SYSTEM, ill conduct their credit b11s1 ness as follows : MUI DOUB Clothing, Crockery and GLisswai c, Having decided to make a change in thei1 business, ,uc now :,eJliug fo1 EA.LL ACCOUNTSE CASH their lru ge and well asso1 ted Stock of Di y Goods, J!Iillinery, w1ll btl pl l)ominion Organ Co'y. H BOWMANVILLE T I-I B Present the following testllnon1.a1s froio ,,,om petent Judges of 01 g-ana 'l'e~timon1al from John Camidge, Mus Doc., Canluar, ]~nf{ln.nd Bowmanv1lle, 24th Dec , 187 '.) To the -~a11.age1s Doniinion 0,g(i,n Co GENTLEMEN - I like to pla.y on youl" Org ans ti' e 1s so s·weet and atefl.dy. l\ nd the workw ma.nt3n1p and funsh cxcellel..l.t, aud HJ every part1cu:\al- they are eqn:i..1, 1f not snperioi, to any I ha"e ever heard IIopin~ they ·w1ll 1neet pubho appreClat1on JOHN CAmDGE RE!:i'DElUJ:D on the A ' 1st Ja.nuary1 1st May, and !st September p H A N " AT AND BELOW COST! ln eac.', and every year. The Stock haHng been pm chased in the BEST MAHh.E'l'S, lmym s can depend on getting N T In t he ot .J.\°fn.nufactnrers, l\.fec,ha1ncs, an<l others, "'"hose accounts may amount to $50 00 01 o\·er, their note, if a.greed upon,,\ilJ be taken pa.yablo ::1.t tbe Bank for 1 a stated period. T 1 MORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR llfONEY at this Establshment than in any other hon R e in the count1y THll: Imperial Fire Insurance Co ltead the fullowidg fro1:n Itosu. D'Eruw. · Bo,\ruanv1lle, D ecember 22, 1873 'l'o the Manag e1·s of the Donun wn. Oi'{lan Co G1 .r>TLI:MEN - I h:ivc 1nnch pleri.sure ID testifying to the excolhmt qualities of th e Orsa:11 s npphed by you at n1y concc1 t last Saturday evening The tone is sweet nnd very powerful o.nd the combination of stoJJS n1 ost admirable I am su1e your tn str uments w ill find favor in Churches, a::. tb t.: y arc smgularly adapted for sacred wus.ic \.V1sh1ng :you e'e1y success1 and that the public may patronu:e nahvc mannf a~ lure I remain G entlemen, \t t-ry re~pectfully, ROSA D'ERJN A. Cash Purchasers AND Call Ecwly, und secure Burgains, as the whole Stock must be sold atonce, for CASII ONLY. Prompt Hl will ah~ l\.yS get goods t\t pnces cut FINE, AS our great aun \\111 be to court this class of t Payers on credits short H THE Q GROCERY DEPARTMENT Ji O'HARA, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Vrs _ 4 M DAJ\LEY President. 1"Ia.r1~er 0 i3owma.nv1lle. Janu:uy 15 1874 hp· o3 nr16. Ohrist1nas Goocls, Raisens, Ou,.rrants, Suijl Well Assorted !ij, Peels, etc., at all Prices. s etc. ~ 0I Stoc~NDLa.rge is now complete with the choicc.t supply of ALWAYS S s1 0VE s, E El Cook, Hall, P&rlor, and Box 1 i\. c;plcntUd "\'".'.Lrrnty of JOHN McLEOD & CO for \\ ood or coal. l::lowm<Lrtville, Dec. 24th, 1874 MURDOCH BROS .. Bf) .vm1in v1 lle, SeDternber4th187~ 111 (.nc season A New Food for Horses and Sheep A fa\ 011t e and 1a thcr a ne\" kind of mash for horl:le!-l is corning into USC', c01nposed of t\\O quarts of oa.ts, one of bran, nnd half a pint of flax seed. The cats are fir st p)o.ced in the stable bucket, over "h1ch ia placed the llnseed j add b01hng water, then the bJan, 1.:0 Hn1n~ the 1nur.tu1e with an old rug, aucl allowing it t o thus iest for hve 1iou1s, then sh1 the inass 'vcll up fbe h1an absoibs while 1cta11ung tbl:l vapor1 nnd tlrn linseed binds the oats nnd bran together. ...1.\. g1eater quantity of flox seed would mn.l.....o the pr(;parat10n too oily nud less i:elisbcd. Ono feed per d·ty ,i:, sufficient It IS etHnly d1qest1ble and is spt:Cta.lly ada.J)tc<l to youn g a.n1rnals, adding to t111:J1r volume rather than to their height, g1v11ig substance to the frame Professor Samson l e11nnds ns not to O\ erlook tlw food, the nounsluuent question, m conn ec· t1N1 with the i.mehorHl1on of hve stock. He cons1de1s oats, af! RO generally g1 \en to sl1eep,ns obJect1onab1c nnd n:pp1ondnng the unprofitable U.ams generally reCt-i VC one pound of Ott.ts daily, half tbat quunhtJ Oais, fo1m1ng uu exc1t1ng food, a1 e el:'pec1ally st11tcd fot rains dur ing ihe sea15on when they serve, but for has· ternng the de\ t:k111ment of young sher. p tliey only build up the bone8, not t l1e fle sh. W. BELL & Co's. James A G':~~eeters. P1·i~e .ZJ_ fellal 01·o<ins For the following Insurance Companies 1 and other Institut100!!, v1z rrhe QUEEN Fire and Life Tnau 1a.nee Com pa.ny Capita.1£2 ,000,000 $150,000 deposited with the Domuuon Gor ernment, for the p1otec ders in Canada The ISOLA TED liISK li'ir0 Inr;u1 ance Com panv of Cu.p1ta.1500'000,- 0no of the best" a.nd cheapest Companies d01ng business llt the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated Risks The CAN ADA LANDED CHEDIT CO'Y. w ith a Savn1gs Bank dopartm~nt 1 Arrived. at the \-Vh1i..:h 111 1873, at the P1ov1ndal F~1 11 Leat every A1nerican nnd Ca.nnd11in Orcrun, trtk111 g the FTRS1' Pl\TZE ~i.\.lso FASHION HOUSE .1. sp lend1U a..aso1tment o the i 011 0\' ned HAI~LETT & [ Bosto1. l \Vhu.:h had taker. DAVIS PIA WO NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of A BI<:+ 1~ no Hl Jl llJ a.t The lJNION AND PEl\MAKENT Buildmg Fm·ty-nfoe Fii &t l'reini um& REAL HAIE, FANCY GOODS, & 1\. 1nan \Vent into a furnlt111e room at :Vr ankato the other day and Sell down on ,\ wooden-bottomed charr. He nmned1atcly aiose and danced and howled like the wildest sort of .a den1sh 1 he propnetor anxwusly mqmred 1f he had an attack of any kmd. "A tack," yelled the man. "l should say say so, and the confounded th mg st0od on its head, too" An Tnsh couple a few cvemngs smce, at about nme o'clock, rang the door bell uf one of the Protestant parsons of our city. The doo1 w,is opened b} the clerg} man, who on enqrnnng "hat they wanted was infonned by >hchael that he and Bndget came to be mamed "But 'vhy,'1 asked the parson, "don't you go to the priest?" "And sure \Ve and Sa· . ,,ug's Society 'IheRe latter uistltutions advance Loans on Ren.l T l.state, 011 terms unusua.llv easy for the borrO\Ver Bowni;i,n\'11le, ll cb 6th, 1873;o a largo stock of - --o-THE KING OF Stamps for Braiding and Em- TIELEVENS broidery. DENTISTRY! 1 SEWING ~'MACH IN ES, - - @-- F A SHIONS for Sp,·mg 1ust to hand. usual I Mcndmg with Plaster If :vou ha.~ e a t: l ack in the \\all i.n the corn1~1 of the roo.n, or anyv. here else-do not send for t he 11laste1er, bnt get five or ten cents wo1th of i\1 y p]n.ster of Pa1 is , w~t with cold water , you.' then t11ke your fin ger nnd 1ub it 1lltothe ncv1 ce A Dutchman 1ead somewhere that till 1t u; smooth Bad nail }1ok!;l in the "'all \SSI8J Jil ll DY money doubled itself by compound m can be 111 the s1.uue ~ n:y Should t he tup terest every fomteen years, 1f 1t " put G D LOCKHART L. R. C.D. S of J our hnnp becume looB ei tnkc lt off And "n.'-h carefully away and left untouched The it \\1th soap, v aeh the gln.,s aJs0, then r:ut the gmleless Hollander at once dug a hole plaster aronud U.e glass , put t he b1 l'H:l!! top on m the cellar and buned four hunched \vho make the "orld conec1ous of their 11)Bn ag-aiu, let it i:;t1u1d until htlrclene<l, and it is 1 l11s dollars packed rn a teakettle reaJy fo1 uso A Jsmp should 11 e\ er be was fomteen years ago last Wednesday encc-those wbo quicken thougbt,or re-.:olu- filled qn1te full, :-1.<; tho keroRcnr. !>oftens the t1on1ze publ1~ eent1ment 1 and lea\ e the 1111pLtste1 On that day be rose at fom o'clock m the n1orn111g '·resurrected" his cash, p1ess uf their geo1us 1u the 11story ot tbe \\Ith the confident expectat10n that It age in winch they fiuur1ehecl, weie uut tbe Old Orchards. OFFlGR OVC· 1lfeOL UNG'S Sto1 e had rncreascd to eight hundtcd dollais ,,ans of g::i.unt nioLlH'rs whose \\ a1sts 1esetn· ] he <..\~)mmo n p1csc11pt1on for 1ege·1(· .-1.n His d1ssappomtment was great, and blcu tho m1dJle of an bour-~la '8 11-tf Bo\\ in an\ 1lk Dec ) .~7 J old orcharJ. Hl plow111g und a hb~ral use of nin.· when his friends rnten1ewed hnn about nure Ha\ 1ng ;\ d.tched tlns p1 achce 111 sevetal n1athc1nat1cs no,v,he expresses the op 1n 1m~ta11ces) while it 11e' er fails of inoUucuii: one ion that ·· dem anthmetJCs ISh all a he !" Cash Instead of Credit. or two good crup::i of apple!:l, i t J>( follow<·d by a, rnp1,t acca, or the 01c1,.,a,, 1iol1J ·he 11ppmg Woman's Infiuence. i> ' ople who bu) for c,tsh alY<a~8 huy on an1l h1culong of mnny r oot"-1 inducing tht.: fn1 .As a rule, 1he \\ho]o tone oi a bon1c de- credit : '.rIIE CJ.:lEAl?ES 1.r l'J.~y Vuy .d~o mur~ closel), ~u.U rnation of fnnt bude, hut i urning t he genern,l TlIESE 1fAl{KS .ARJ1 pend.a upcn the wuman at the LeuJ of it ; health of the trees. Ce1 t,unly the:> could uot the most lastnig, the tt...ubler.omc, n.nJ select iuure car1::lully Purchases " l.J1cn are !ltL~nd the sintln 1f tht- large ci 01 6 of 1:1 pplt'S mhst complete ever invented They are U'>ed the average bonJC' - nf't tht! pov l? rtj H t ncken and.1eeo1nmended by ina.u)i of tht best B1eedcri1 paid lu1 ,,}J(!U lbt>y ale 1nade l'fu J1u11t{'d ho1ne, nor.the \\'ealth.} ho1ne. [u this avt:.1 l 'Ve, thC'i e in th~ Uni ted States a.nd Canada, such as G B. which thl:l roo t g 1nd11ct:1 age home, \\hetherennsh1ne shall 1 uter tlie n1ore exactly lo the purchaser's wa111.o There Core, pref et c ~r e fully s padm g <n o inul old trees L01111g, Salem, ?\-lass , Pres1d<'nt N e\v }.]ngland rooms, \\Lethe1 the parlour sLall he u"ed us noll11ng like L,1"\'tug to euuut tLe n101wy nnd thorough n~a uunn.; - N y T~m eli ,.~lool Growi:...'ls' Society, .John S Ross, B;enne and eujoyerl, ,v}1~ther the taUle .. Ji all lie 1n- out wLen the aitic le IS Liought to ina.l<i-.: pin, 111., P1ofessor Iv!. )-11les, of ths St1:1.te Ag ncultural College, Ll)nen1g, l\:Itch , Hon Geo \'lt1ngly spt<:ru:l, "'hether br1gtJt ltgl.itl:! .tu<l Econou1u.:al The au1ou11t of indcl tBrown, Toronto, Ont , John Snell, l£Un1onton, bright flres shall gl\'e warn1tb nild cheer cn1 people l l h l Aenuple and verv d:Iectn e 1cincJy for l~f elon Out On each l\Ialk 18 stainped th1:1 ownei's v;1uter nigb.ts-whetller, in bnet, the horue Ct ne~ s llJC.UfltC 18 uot Bl Uc CODSll eil:.!lt \\ I.Ji. u ~an be n with cqnal p:u ts of castilo 80/:t.p nfLme a.nd the Sheep's nu1nber. '['hey \\ tll be shall;., be an rgrecable or 0Jsagreeabl~ pl nee, the pay Jay lS farofl 1~nd tnaple su; a.1 he Lt and 8t 11 then1. tl·· sentf1ee, by mail, 01· exprese,for only fc ~o icnt s 1s u.sua.lly what th(1 woI11au dete11nu1es Peri-;ons wl10 do all thur bti Slllt"8 on a getheruntil th~y iuako .i lol·ia.1Jl.Y tlnok 811Jve,, and w1ll lastfo1 IW!i.iN'lY lEAU8 ~ Cl\sh 1ni.u:it lCcou1pan v ~JJ orde1r. l\Ien a1e powerless 1n the HJatter 801ne ARCI.l-lBALD YOUNG JR. find solace for a d1sn1 tl bo1ne iu <.:tutl \ , cad1 ln.1.s1:-i know JUSt ~ht.: re they ~tand and It tihould be apphod n~ soon ea poSJJ1ble 1 n.fter S p1e~d ~Ulll;U o:it soaie, occupation Bl bns1neas , sonH;! 8UhDilt what the) C<L 1 affurcl J consequentlv they d1o;covering the pre~enCB of the felon 1 01 a crs add1csse<l to the ~f.~rtOIDi'l' and OB \Vlth what pat1e11ce th~y can , o' h~rs tire a t- fiud a fll r Oe<.: aSlllDS for rr 6 rcttnig 1 111 n. turn lt thick on a st1 1p of cloth 01 soft 1.!a.tbt r, and appl) a.swarm &sca..n be bo1nc , ienew in'" few SERVI R Office, fo1 any q uantity, will be tilled at tracted by tJ1e cheer ol the pubiH~ hou~e, of lHllt-' !hut they 11a\1..· indulged 111 tins h d t , th Tf t lic above u1 en t LOned pt 1ce as qu1ckh 1u1 he 1 ~ b f ou1s, au cont1n110 i 11 e p8.1n cc-·~ sce ... I\!a. k.ti b made and iP and it 1s especu1l1y youl'g men wlio a1e Hpt I uxnry u1 tbat, i\ b1ch t cy \\ ou ld lia ~ e or· 1 you LO.\ e not caH~i.le, any soap w1ll do "Vii e 1 I r ca1· e ' ~n C. n ARJ{El{' in consequence to drift 1nto l1nd cnnipa11y gone had tliey St'en "\\hat was conn ng. baq) l)r 0 ., ed this remedy on 011i own t4nm.h j Bowmanv1lle,Dec 28th.187J, m13 ly itna bad habits. N. B. - 1l'he Subseubur 1s not .1 Sub, or under Agent, but has the ~pet:iri l agency for the above I am p1 ~ pa1 ed tQ exchange .P1::inoa fvr Organs, Orgnna for 7'1dodeons, ,ili:;o Se'\ 1ng ~Iach1ncs, on reat1ona}Jlo ternm !\.chlress, J DONEY, 'l'IRO"N"F. p 0 J fl n. 15th, 1875 6 6mos l\lRS. A. FLETCHER Bn\\ tnnnv1lle.·'\.-pn l ith, 1874 s BOW MANVILLE did," s.ud Michael, ·' and he tould us to go to the devil, and so we came to Machine and Implemen,t and ho 1s determmed to continue to sell at th ese 111i11onslv low pri ces cheaper than the cheapest. Why he CMl do ~tFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy 1 Second, '\\hat he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures 'l'hi1d, he is satisfied with small p1ofits' Fourth, he sells for cash, Fifth, he sells at bottom puces J. M. Brimacombe, L.R.G.D.8. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Anothe1 cat load of the nbooe 11oblf' artll lcs on the W~) Pl ea..<ie call a t the Manufactuing Co CALL A.ND SEE FOB YOUBSELVDSt AND --o-- :M:a,nufa,ctures oij BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU . Exanune e stock, which cot:aJ:Jriscs everything in the trade, of th o very Iatef.l t A.nd inoat cl egan styles an<l patterns, of English, C anadian, and American manufacture vVOOD AND IBON -o-IIc stlll continues to manufac.ture to orrler, f101n the best of lllateual and nvne but fi1s t-d."1.Sa ""orkmen kept. FEES MODERATE. WORKING B 0 vV lVIAN VI LL E Farm Implemtnt Forwardmg Agency TI W JAl>.mS, King St., J3owman ville. P.owu1 u1v1llu, ]Jee, 5, 1872 nlO MACHINER ~ Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He 11 11~ in stock 3.l) endless vllnety of Ladies' and Gents Sa.ratogtl. 'l ru11ks,- Va.Use s, et.o, a ll of NEFFEL'B \\ h1ch he is Aelhng cheap ca~h, 1 -o- Double Turbine Water Wheels,. =no =w = m = a= "' :..: '1= 1.= , :r. = fo = 1= J.:.: 1s "1= ' 1 ==-=== and --o-Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Ho;ses, Kmg St. £01 M. TRELEVEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. n"'\IME 1\iONnYantl. LABOlt sa\ed t Ji'i en ch J. Oil Polish rrlufi French Oil Puli~h l" pre pared fo1 Car11ages, Dugi,,'1CS, fia111( SS, Buots and 8boes, and all luuds of l.,t!a.t hct. tt will i:,1. \ e any a1 t1cle of J... eather, a ni.ost bt 111 tant a p p-0n.ranc~, n.nd nt the sntne tune, fro1n itis olly properties, t ends much to pri:'scrve it , it will ;;:.l· ways be uw11:it and plw.nt, ~ind n 1iy be exposed to watci and "\\nshod 1 and\\ ill not lo~e its bruhancc, an<l it is not to be fe ared that a.11.J c111 st \\ill aettlu Ou s:ud Lc1.1.tl1e1 \\ he11 !JJ eaerved with the above Oil 1ro1 tho \\Oo1 h\01k of J!ug-g1 e~ , Ua1r1agea, and 1!\11n1tu1c, thcte b not a bet.te1 artv.: le lll use. ~lanufacturetl by A tilliO:N" & Co , Tanners and Curnt:n1, fo 1n1m l v uf l·ram,:e, ! uow of L-'h1ladclphut, P11 , Instructions - Shake bottle A fe,\ drops on a plf·cc of spon:;c.npvly 1t hghtlyto th e lea.thP.r, .tn<l you will obtain the finestl L i.et1c P nce 75ct~ pe1 l10Ltle~o1 $7 50p~r dozen .fOHN SMAI:E, S··le Agent, Row aianville. July lCtb, 1874 4l·mos Ca.stings of all Kinds Rl!~PAIRS I ~ TO THE- PUBI~:L Q. _ ' "\VALTER \VIGG & SON I Slt<JRTE fJ T \ NOTICE, ;.i. retu11nng tbanka to their 11un1erons custo1ners 1~nd thtl publw g( n~rnJl \', fo1 p ,1,st fu. vozs, '" tluld respectfully unite th~1r attention to ou1 p1esent stock of furn1tu1 e, ,u; n e h~l\ e ln.tely ad<le<l thertito, that we may t heLeby be enabled to supply all partieB who iuay to favo1 lum \\Ith a ca.lL Great 1ud11ceinent..;; held out to those pnrch.as1ng at our efltnhLsh1111..nt Pit.: t11'"1es. Looking Glass:el:!, etc frau1ed to ofdl:l1, <~nd 111 evo;:ry style Sample ~ of the different kind of o uld1.ngs can be 1Seen at tlJc w< 1001u '"'IJVe woulJ also beg tQ lnfo1n1 you , that, ha\ 1ng pu1.cbasa<l a I Common and Gang Plows, that w1J1 be s:>ld nt e 1ui.vo DU\· 011 hMJd huge qu,1,,11C1ty of SPLEND lD NE"\V HEAHSE, we shll-11 be 1ea.Jy at a 11 t1.mes to atte11.d fuue1als, on short notice ,iwi N B -Coffins kept on b:1.l1d [tnd inade to oi<ler, at the rea ~ onnblt t<~ nu~. t LOW Bow1nfltnv1lle, PRinEs \.I .&1.~ . . cn1873 NEW DOMINION BET.A TL FURNTTURB WA RE-R OOJl. Osha\\'3., Aug 26th, 1870t AT THE SHOP. 611. K·ng Street East, Oshawa