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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 13 Aug 1875, p. 1

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urn 1~ D < hlEROHA~ T AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C:t c tl ttcs largely in the rov;nslnps of Darlin"' l u ku &1l l Citll\\11.ght It is a. comrnon pl ,tfo nn, o-t>t'.lU to the free d1scuss1 on of all ques t l n 111 .,... Ji i.:h t h e genern.1 public ~re con cerned TERMS ft\(1 ~:=,) WEST DURHAM Steam Job Printing O:ffi.ce KING SrREEr, BowA1ANYILL E l :[.\(. crn t s J<r \.TES OP i 1 l Ir Vl'\Ce er $2 00 )1 The i1erchant' and 'Obser· \DV~H.T I $ 1 NG ind 1 iU~tcnt 11rh cihl'lementi.; 5 cts per hnc first 111 c tnn and ?c per line, E>ub~equent one llunior h < >l 1n1n -l \lf tlo 4> pcn a.nnum AND GENERAL AIJVERTISER vOLU:;\U<. VI BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRID.AY, AUGUST 13 1875 POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS BIT,,L HEADS CHEQUES .N O't:ES li,,\NDBILLS LABELS CARDS, TICKETS &c &c, &c , 2n J;_i ' ' ' RUMBER XLV EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE ~iONEY GR_urn TRUNK RAILWAY I \V1-i_N TED l GOODS Arl-, PANIC PltICES. _ 1 Ir u11::1 \ ill leave Bowinnn\ 1ll c Statton, !?owma.11\ 1lle tune as follows GOL\fG Wl!:S'I' GOING E \BI We ]i,,, e detcumned to offer Extraordinary Induoamen ts to Cash Buyers. I veal J xprcs~ )\" &lu;:cd 1 xpress 7 20 am 8 15 a rn 2 ::I> p m 8 4o p m Rxprcss :!Ylixed I ocal ExprE!Sfl 8 30 a..m :1 r>O P 1P 7 10 p m $ 40 P m 25 PER CENT. - -- o---S[1Jne DISCOUNT, 1<-I Ju.,t1a1a ruu8 c \ cry moll)lJ-lg 0f week :\ I ond t} s ex cpt d \nll be ,1llowed of'! om usu 111)' Jon P uces, on SU :\IMER MILI ll\ ERY M <\N1 LE<; I ACE Mm 1 ISSUE ::,II\\\ LS PU,, \ SOLS, GRE!\.\DINES, rnn ornm Ll(,111 Dl,LSS GOODS Drs. Reid & Boyle. S URGERY- SILVER o \ manv11lc J nn 14th 1875 We will «lso submit to 1,he BOOTS & SACRIFICE on READY MADE srr SHOES GENT'S AND CHILDREN S CLOTHING HATS & CAPS, &c ~<.i'~1 gh tc n. lsan B\.\ered ntDr BJ~] 8 oldSur g \: or at Dr 1-te d s ier.o1dcnctl 1" tr GENUINE DISCOUNrr SALE! NO PUFFING! I ie1y l'e1 ·on ha1 1 ng o, l Prof. J. Ruse, of I3a.xte1 U1 t H.: · r:n l y uf l\f L!'. 1c N ew York I aeher of Piano an l Orgn.n cultivat1on Voce S 1ng1ng lh ro ugl )3ai;H Ilnrmon:y l\ lllPO"lltlOn &c 411> D:uhngt on Jul:) 16th 1874 ] l 1J Gt \ Dndsh p ~ TE I vJill pleuse enlt ~ !flw~e our 1wceesdies and reap the ProJ1h " R TO SPEN'D Jo uecesoiXry Goods R R LOSCOJYIBE, D1E IUSTER A1 LAW, 130LICITOR IN CIIAl'iOERY, &c 0 111..:.w,- O,er IvicCl wg: >l. Store same fla.t \S J Hrimacomb s Dcntnl R.oomd Bowrr.:n.1nillo Oct 27th 18(8 ly · S. .~_REWIN, ,, King ' Strest August 4th, 1875 stood I told lnm how glad I was to know he ~as getting ta.n1onc:i, but he only nodded, ancl said engerlj PEOPLE WILL T.a.LK ' Th1i;. ) oung lady seems rather interest You u1ay gtJt through this worl l but twill be e<l-I am flattered '\ery slow, ' Yes, lhat s mJ Cousin Sus1e 1 I rephed If you hsten to all tl1at is sa1d as J ( u go '1... our cousin t pray1ntrodnce 1ue1 nndYou 11 be "orncd and ftette<l, and kept in a J ohn, as snre as yon live, that w1Il be o. stew, match For ineddlesome bongucs \ ill ha\ e somcth1u g 'N onsense 1 "as 1ny. reJ01nder I know to 1l , Harry Lonsdale, and Susie was not by any For rco1 , c Wlll talk Han y Ji lted daehrng, If qi..uet and ino lest ) nu 11 h;.i,, e it presumca m eans h" ideal hand:.on1e girls, \ 1vac1ous, rnagnetic , girls 'J l not yo1 , J u1 nble _p )S1tion is only is~umcd } n le a wolf in 8ltctlp s,cl{)thrn i;, 01 clsc you re of tltc [res' han style, wrt.h O\ al iaces, Ian guishrng CJC , and haughty lips He }\ad t1.fool :Ct t don tget exc1ti.:<l ke p pe 1 fct.:Ll~ cool sketched such to inc bj the hour, and I I or JC() )le \\ill talk knew some of the Joung ladies w1th whotn I r g ene11.1l ~ ~ n )l lc they U \ent o lt th n be wao on Hry friendly terms The idea of f:!p1ec11 h1s fanc) ing tlulj cold, p;rej htt le creature, Youll hear somo lcul hr ts tl d 3011 ate selfish \.\ILh no hHu rc lo Lo.tst of, au<l. a manner e:o and 1nea.n qurn t that ~he wa1:> selU.otn nol1ce<l at all \\ o.~ ]£ 111 right l on~ ~ t and f nr as the day I hey 11 call Jou a roJ ie in a sly snc!tk1ni:i '~ \Y preposterou ci 'It flutt~rc<l hull to Sl!e I ur aU1:101bed by I 01 I eople w 111 ta lk: hB picture/ I srud , 'only praise lnm o.nd And then tf >ou show the kast boltlnts~ lf I n1 not surl! that Bei..::lzebub h1m1:1ell 1n1ght n ot ho1d !nm 1n the chains ofete1nalir1end Or a slight ill linat1on to take ) Our o\\ n part IJ cy ,1,.,41 call }OU a.n upst ~ t c nce1ted and ship Ho.rr) Lonsdale 1s the \a1neet rr,au I '\l\lU ever so. w lor a uw.n \\ho reallj ill a. g1e ~t But k eeL) st1rught <td don t f!tC1p to explain ge111uci For peo_l..!le ~illtu.Ll< 'Well, WG 11 see, i;a1d tnj ,,11~, with that I f ti J i.:acl bn.1 e j our dress 01 old fashi.oned your confident little nod of hers 'It will be h ot suffiClent pun1~huient for your unbelief 1f I Son1e one \Hll ~u1cly take ~ ot1ce of that ha> e the cbance to say some t1mo, ' I told An l lnnt iathcr strong tlia.t yo'fi can t p iy 3 our POETRY. 4 way , ) " I:nt don t get exmteJ \VhatQ\ er they s11y J?ot people wlll talk If1vou dress in cape, N f:1~ fM1j10n dbn t 1 1 · 1 ~ think to es MARRIAGE ISSU~D LICENSES B'Y ROBERT ARMOUR -----MARRIAGE LICENSES. . ,rn JOTIJ\ H E'I NON L>t 7 0th Con J\ .l lnear Bi.: thc :.da Church] dnly aut} nze l to issne M a1r1 L.iccnse:; D:ulrn~tvn t0 i;, FJROJYI 1 ,_. ] o~ tht'!y cr1tlc1seJthan .in a (hfferent aha.pc Yon 1e. a.41MU1of y.:onu me n .n s or 1~our tMlo1 un J)O.ld , j~ :J.I But mind vour own bus n~~\ thc,.;e s 11angl1t to be,. 11'01 p(nple No\\ the best w eM~ Vi ill taJk TJ 111bnp;ton No· 1() 1874 $~20,000 WOR~Pl-I OF GOODS Dressmaking, &c. To be Sold without Reserve, at less is IJ to do 11:1 Ll l.lo as plcnt1e ]?or J ou1 mind if y< u hay e one will th en b ~ :i.t rn8 tf n Of course you w1ll meet with all sorts of ab1foe Eut luu t thwk Lo stop theu1 it s.111 t any u:.o For people " ill ta1k Heal \ V) 11 bug t than Wholesale Prices. go out Qf the '.'""'.==========~====~) inform the la hes (f Ilo\\lnan>1De tn l v1c1111t" t l1n." she 18 prepared to take ordc-rs 101 D 1cssn1 a1\..Ul!',; :..r 1 (j_U th( sntne with tles1 ath ln the F. F. McARTHUR 11rn d eci ded to LITERATURE. GRANNY CARRIGAN S CAP BOX LATEST FASHION and H'-.'.r experic1 cc fu ly \\ u a 1r; l1 cr in prom1s1u 1mhsfact10n Hesi.:lence ( mner Ot Church Street ].ia.Iket Sq 1aro Do1-\ warn 11le Dec ..,.__4th 18i 3 ________ Darlingto n. A.UCTION EERS /'o r tho 1 ownsh~1) of H lJ r l'HILLIPS, llAMPlON SllCl'l 1111'1 1 r. ~ t 11 t1 !lplento tUh~ L %c Oll lC<LSQll illy \\lie >i. cous111 was a slender, old fash ione1 look1ng gu:l, v, 1th qu1et, retiriug nwn ne1s, auU a habit o! gltd1ng about \\1 th al r u i: ed to call most noiseless movements bcr Luo little giey ghost It see1ned to me, "'ben tn) \\ ifc fh .. t broached the subject, a Qu1xot1c notiou to take tlrn g11l honie \\1th 1u1 Uut Nellie s hea1t u; so large and sn lo91ng The Sp1 mg Im pot t ,it10ns ouly havmg been completed a fc\\ "eel,s t he 'Just think of tlrn poor child n1nne Ill St c ,, 1' 'c1y la1ge and well assorted As it imrnt he sold \\1tl11n a that great" ilderness she sud \\1th p1h ing ey cs 'and \\ e 11a\ e plenty untl to g1"\en time Dry Goods on the b us mes;i tnd " 111 e01mne1we 20th of lUay, 1875, C1 ed1t on appi oiad note'. usual durmgthe Sale F F l\1cAR'IHUR A G-1·a.nc1 Clea:rin Sale of -:his E11tire Stock. A l'J:l;p:e;;m,endous Bedltl!etion -will be TERMS OF SALE Under $50, Ca~h, orm $50, Four months The Ta1lormg m Order' l Work, wrll be contmued as Si Ult -.. 'So bus Annt Cheney 'res, but she lives lll the h tck wood ... , rn11tnrj n place as can lJe found a~ ' ' II J Jfi.J..Yir.:li.fLLE.t.V I ti I attendi:ld to ou re Jjj,Q11able tcrrns The poCn t\llAN LIME STEAMSHIPS. 1873 u 1 l,7'0R llt!i:cti; f i rr1at10n apply to \\T A NE o\DS Ag" t 1T n::i.11 ·1lle f u 10 Jtl 18il tf30 -~ -~-~ -- FD,ncy Goods,Berlm Wools,&c. NEW AT Mrs. ason, ~ lI ] L'\_ M p T 0 ,., t u Hf 1m the l l l)hc tl at she ha:i: u st re cB ~ed ;l. spler d tl no\\{rtnwnt of F111cv C d~ Berlin \I\ ools lllf v. luch she w1ll sdl at :IB lo :-. puce as tb n cn.n b e bought fo1 che whei e LA. ~E10R 1En NOTICE q ot 8th 18i 4 ~ 3mos. · O~A_SH --0-- STOllE. s utrrraonc," w. BUNNEY, STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, to hand, GOOD '"nd C ~ n3AP BUILDER, ETC. T'cgs to returu tb ank s t o Ins fnt:nils for the sup 11 rt b e h::i,:. received the past twC1 ~ea.ra aud l u1 es by continued stuct p0rsonal attention to b unness i.nd working at th~ u oat reasonable 1 r c fl to en~uro a continuance of pubhe pation. l e Vi." B 1s prepru:el to Li.1 ld 1ioui:1es etc, " Ll e most mode.111 style of architecture J b· b 110' pl mrtlyattended t) Pli11 Rand Rpec1ficab01 8 got up< n apphcat10n n tb e inost rea.· 8 )Un.ble te'"JUH itnd qf every de~cnpt 1on Office :tnd 8b: l_P Ontario J3tr eet 1 nearly opposlte !tlr . T l~o wde11 i'l 13 ly. Ho\1i ntall'\ ilb Dec 24th 187 4.. Maneheste1~ Apnl 22 1875 COME and SEE F. HIJ"' I_J' s NEW t New 'I'a,ilor shop, JOHN - -·-- HEAL L A LE VV I I FI l -~t O\\"LR be~s to nt· forn1 the p lbhc geu1.n illy tlmt he has commence l b is nc,,,s 111 t he Sl p next to the :E l lo s Otfi\iti one d ot east of T }11lne B ][::i. J a l se\eltl :')C rs e :q enc1c c in tbe 0 L1 n. lc h hopes to sat s[J all who 111::.." favor liun \ rt h <.\ C!lJl1 chilJ hils had no n1other Jor J ears her l itl..i er h:tR been an in\ n.hd ever s1nce sbe wa., ten ) ea1 s old and no\\ he 16 gone it dof:;a sec1n hard shll shoulll Ue cu11den1ned to RO ii tude and ol 1 Aunt Cheuey At lenst let Let us us inv1tc l er to c 1n1c lut a season give bet a. tl"'!w iumneuts ot plcasute, poor child I Sl1c \\ 111 be )e11,,hue<l, so af-lt0111 h ed with this be~' ilcler1ng New \'. Jtk I consenkd ot cour:'!c, as doocl hnsb:i.nds are in duty bouud to do und on n. cert nu October alternuou tl1o ve to tb e stnt1on for 1ny "des cousin I knew her th e n1 bn1cnt she rnadc her appearance, tLough I bad 11 e \ Ar seen her hefuce The httle ~t ature ap pealed to 1nvs\rr1p.:tthJ at once by '-1..:r 1n descnbably forlorn appea1a11~ e So small, so white, so t11n1d 1 her lustrous grey c~cs, her on y beaut), roving arounrl startled to unwonted lu~tre ' Is tlns Snoy MJ nam I I a.ked ' "Y tB , I \'I as beg1nn1n3 to let!l ~ 11ttle fngbtenec\ at the COD fllS OD eh Rn·d ' you are cous1n Nellie s huigbo.nd 1 I led her a\Va) from the cro\.\ <l, au<l. olie \'i as 1::1ilent and strange the whole Wa.j home, utterly preoccupied with the s1glits to be eE:.en at all tunes 111 our g1ea.t metropohs ..E'rom t,hat time .Sus) \\as one of ns,I mean in all that perb.111ti to the nLanners and ens toms of the househdd, aad ) et I never could feel any nearer degree of friend 111p than th it \Hth wlnch I "elcomcd lm the hrst dc.1.y to our pl~aea.nt home Fall &Winter Dry Goods ~~~~::;~:11~~:~~,::;:.:~l\t~v~;~~i ~~e:~~ 1 GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bow U'lrn tll e Sep 4tl1 J Q72 iu49 tf --- o--- take a i;Inglc present froin nie 'She don t carl! 1or hLtle 'an1t1es I - A LARGE LOT OF esE THE l\forwioh f Egg Powder, LADIES' and GENTS' FtT:RS VERY Bo\\lll 11tv1lle t 1 nalo11 g- all 1 1nds ot C11kcs "itbuut ] .,.ga. (ob0 ha l oftl l f rocc ui Jl J \\:EEJ~S:.Co, J oro 1to sole n.g" nt., fvr Outa1 o 21 ly 11th 18" ' OIIEr\.P. No' bt 1873 A CAR:O. I 1 n c th is ln.J appou trJ 1 0 DA lUCT~Il U J xcluliWC u'"'ont i J t t11e s We of my 1 \JJ.( At-: l i1.1:r l E:t>:1$ fn Bowma1nil e Ont mu,n\'1Ue DOMINION BANK HOW"'IAC\VILJ J lHJ' JOS] Pll '1 iSON PP T J J ,\.C Oll» lll ti S(q t 10th 18"'4 C ip1hl, P ud Up IIllAD Ol lICE Bl> NCH 01Ul LJ<\ COBO ltli Bow L\N\IIT :c o t~J,CE8 '!11,000 0()() IQJ,OC'f I 0 01'HA\\ To Masters of L. 0. :t. ~e &:c c:i,n bu 11octnod at this ollwe iit 1ln~ Bank lU ad htwn t ot1a. nsactu1g the 11 1!! 1 ·uaJ. bankingrognlru r t.t<; !ol business offers t o the 1n1bhc ! 11 J ~ \~llillll\1lle, J il) 7th 1873 the advantagE.s of a ~a\1ng ln:,;t1tut1 u w1th the secnnty < f a lar t!.e na. d up (;:t111tal bv thu means of a S\."\I~G8l)EPU{TI\1 E.r>1 BL ~NK CEHl'Il'IOAllS Apphcntwns \.~ HllJJY L iBl I D(;,,. SOMEHilNll NEW AND DURABLE. "\'[Q)lJ_ Y ri,nd L:\..BOllrSa \ i::cl F1cn"h J O l Polii!k Uull .F':rench 011 Polish is pro I are l £01 < ar rJ:l.""N· Buggies Ha111u~s llc ots a ud 81 ue" and a'il kmds of<>r lt \nll gl\>e u y articl e of b n10;;t bulhant ap l earance n.n 1 at t he samo L1me, from lt~ oily l r pcrties tends 1u 111 b. to preser\ e 1t 1 it will rdto \\ate1 and \\a bcl aud 'VI ill not lose its brdhauc and i t u1 not ,,o he fea1ed that A UJ crus t \\ 111 ettlc qn s t i l T eatb er when pr eiserve 1 \\1th the tt! ovt: Oil l r t lu "'oodwork of Tin;grns, ( tu :.i 0 A an 1 J urn tun.: tl 01c ts not a b(lttel u.rt d 1;11rt l c l\.fanufa<Jtuu.i<l liy A SrMON & ( o J rtJ ncT m1 l Currw1 :.. fonnerly of]: rnnc u \.\. of I lnl itl"'lt' a 1 n I ns ruct10n~-S ha.1 t.l l uttle '\__ f w Jroµ,, Jn a 11ecc of sponge npplJ it h TI~ o ]eflth l and vou wll1 obtain the fu e~t lu tre }l-µ,:t.l 7.octi:; pe1 bottle or $7 oO per doz D J011:N S}~~' Sole \.gent T-10\m~11 \>1lle -...... nlIL\fE J nt c1e ~t 11110\!ied on all 1e-t f.!J h:i of On u J) l la.1 t1,Ud upw trdff at the rate of P.J.\.1!: ver cent " a;yl) be inou~t n.nd plunt and n Ht) tie expo1:wd pr0v10us notice ::5pecut.l 1ate ~ of rn.terestalJ \ e<l upon depo it " ith n otice of w1ththa "al Amer11.:1.n Oor1eno:i a n i 01h t r tal'"on on de p osit ,... Drafti--; granted payable ln Great llu t a. n lT n1tc i St ntes and all pf;!ii:ts of Canada. ~;rl) c posits can b 1em1tt~d by ma1l addre,,,>) ed tv tUc Do:mt uu ._ jre 0 1i:;te1ell] w}wn J Lll oa.s s u. I ass B ol l ccc1pt will be sent by 1 eLur u l ust 1 A CODD Accnt HnW111rtn,111 1?- Tan <i th JS~i Jr-; tf pet annun1 De[os1to1 s c.:in \H thd1aw e1thtr the \\hoh 01 a.ny f their c1 po rl nt a.r )' t no \ :'itl1t ut 11 ) ou \\ mt Uood .l:lrcad Ose 1h ~ ~imiumct Nov ~£u~t (!tnlt~~. m6 i, July 16th 18i4 4l ·mos be1 5th 1871 shes ns fond of nice things as auybod,, I 'e found that out but she has an absnrd notion that unless "be ear11s costly JC:Wels, ljhe won L w ea1 the1u, \'iVD t Ue Jepeudent even on n1e ior t he nlo ::it tnfl ing ornaments She aJnured the little, ol l fa1:> luonell pearl bi: ouch th at J on al\\ :tj s ltk~d so wr.11, and, offered it to her No ins1st n~ I in1ght I could not pre\ a1l on her to accept it I ha~ e tncd ug uu and aga1n to tern pt her, for really, I lune so 111 lJJY uielcss things, that I don t '"ear at all , l.iut 1t s no n1au11e1 of tv:e S hr. s the n1oot ob shoJ.t.e httlo creature I C\Ct snw Star Dry Goods and Clothmg f1n1e pa:ised, 'lnd I became accusto u1cd tu House thr i:ihght ~i:ey fi~u1e s1tt1ng beJ:i1de n1y \\tl e or Ji1tt1ng nbont ltke a contente.J ghost NOTrD FOR CHEAP \Vtle had louuJ a cotnpauton for I er sohtflr} hours, and I was gl td To 0 cthcr they huunted the picture gri.lleries:, an l art s:,i.1o ,n, tonether thej shopped d 1ove 1n th e park or lunched ' Whom uo yoa lluuk 11 e m et to day ? wi fe a~ked rne one cventug wh en " c v;cre A. SPECIAL LINE together '01 all men rn the ~orld, Harri f__,onsdale, whorn I ha\ en t seen since he re turned lrotn Europe, and b.e bas a picture Corner K111g andWe ftt ltiarket Stieet ue at L0z1er s tb1:t.t tn ery bo<ly is going w1lll !)t La,,renct?> Hall lo1 onto o\ e1 It is a beautiful lnng-you know I JH 'er cou cl talk art Jar~on but 1t sattefi.ed nie 1t-i p1 ct n1 ef'. selrlmn do \\hen I Sa\\ }um, he suc mc<l qui te as n111ch ahr;o rbc l in sl1ul' D EALER IN Jn 1 ~ a Ornamr. 1tal J.1ei-:.s Scc l.s J:lt 7li~ 1ug Su sH~ as sht! \'a::i 1n F.! nd , 11,., h1~ 11c J l ters ~c u:-c tn e You tlH1 t kn O\\ lo~ I rctt\ she look 1fl C gnar:i.nt ees to furDL.'ih nothln J ut e] 1: on needn t snnlc John for bcr e:.ycs l irst cla.o;s t1 ces an l true to nimo ...\ddtess v.: ou d redt!e'"'1 :u1} lace Sudden1' Hnrt: P 0 B YX £i5 Bowman\ illt:J so.Vi me, (lnd carne up elra1ght to "ber~ \\ e Jan 22nd 1875 bp Ji ml7 o4 sa1d 'Don t she 1{[;. r. DRY GOODS! CLOTHING, etc. ---o-- Corn\vall Blankets J, CHAPLIN, We looked ·t cuch other ID ·1lence if) w1ic bad pulleu oJl Lhe de ep eo\ er uf ancl no practical n1con\en1ence coultl ar1cic 'About the riches black silk )011 e\er saw the box wlLh son1e ~xerlton, n.ncl there, fron1 lus pos1t1on un til ~ meeting of the -better tl1an mine The matenal niust snugly packed together,!-; us 1n the [-louse occurr<:d Tu 1eu1ove the text fo1 t he n opponents grun1bhng, tho friends of ha'e cost a hundred dollars, what will the facP, "ere the mi,,,mng bank notes dre" come to 1'lien it is made up 1 Nellie and I stooJ. dumb w1·h d1sma), Mr Crooks \\ill be glu tl to <ec bun eafdy ' WJtat can 1t all mean 1 I queueu lookrn g fiiot at the. box ·nd th n at rach P.lected, and 1t1s plca."!1ng to note th:\t thete b now a strong prol aL1hty of Ins be1og ' Don't usk nH:: , I m hearl s1ck at the other though of it Its a miserable bus1net:is, can 'Oh John 1 poor, clear innocent S tsie 1 chosen to ri::present South Oxford for th e remainder ot the present Parlia1nent it be possible 7-bnt no, [ wou t HUj it Ce1 wa., hc1 liret cxcla1nat1un Next 111 order ai ter the caErn of Mr Croo l\s ta1n lt 16 that she bas sotne bu iness rela '"hat witchery is lh1 ~ 1 I n sponded, ttons m the Cit) Half the latters she gels 'ho\\ under the sun dtd that monei ! ct came the retuemeut ot tl1e Ron rfir tile ]{ellar and th e appo1nt1n ent at a sncccs:.01 nre not Harr) s there 1 'I \\onder1I that ft llow lo\ CS her 1 'Jvhn, dea1, ho\\ UllJUSt \\e hrnc been ' fur th e office of P ro v1 nc1al Secretu1y 'Lovea hllr r he ".:oreh1ps her 'Dou t tt.nil._,e tne U11nk :n1y rnote meanly The r<:ttu:n of ilfr S C '1Tood, who "as 'And will mnke })(r 111s w1lc 1 ot mysell, oa1d I 'I coulU sell John (Jot i.;alled tu tho Vlcan t sent in the Cab1nct, to Ina constl tuc uls lot rat1ficat1on of lus nccept 'Ot cour1:e be will' ngn.n 1no11ey 1111U aU, for 1uxpent.:e. I , lVhnt-1s out duty in that cas(, do yru 'John, wh ut conld Bhc h :n e tl1ouf,ht of nnee of office haa been the signal fo r deter mined opposition South \ 1ctona. 1s no\\ thrnk, N ellie 1 ns 1 the sctine of a sp1r1t~tl conteot, waged in a 'For heaven's sake suy nolh1ug about ll, Suppose v.o go and ask her, dear 1 1 I ~111 John Remember, she rn 1nvcous1n, and 1t 1 Lt go right there, John, I mannc>t '"J.nch shows that c'ery inch of isn't as tf we "Were poor I J rather lo.,e would not bEne tlus WCIJht on Illj con· var.tage ground 1~ to be etr nggled fo r 10 t he Mr Wood 1s taler fi\ e Lbuu~und tlinn to have nn\ trouble of science au hour longer tor more th an twice clecllonsy ct to come ably sure of re elect10 n, but the fiery st' le that krnd ' that mt crable money ' Its terribly unpleasant, said J Let gn e the coneh1s1on in Nelhe s of oppos1 t1on he has encot utere d sho di.I arouse the L1berab to a seu~e of th e neces 'Of conrsc it b-houible Aud sh es so ,\ orJs thoroughly happJ, that it \\ oulU be ti. plea 'I >\i ent to tho bousc-yon ve no idc11 elly ot Uec li! lVE:: action to counteract tbc ac sure to look at her it one didn t tlnnk, didn t "hat a beant1ful htUe palace ofa place 1t 10, tl\ itv of the Coneervatn ea For a tun e it "as a que~t1on who snould dread- oh Jobn and poo1 Nellie hid her John an d I asked the maid for Mrs Lons face m her hands dale The girl showed rue mto such a per mar::-ihal the 'hostd of the Oppoa1t1on after Mr !v1 C And s,t11l the purchal:ll"'!S contuntcd N el feet dru,.\\ 1og ruotn ~Llue furniture, deat , the House had a,oe m bled he and I said nothing- never asked a ')UEA 111 have blue nex t vear- and I -sat there, Cau1e1on bud d1\1dtjJ. b1a authout, "ith tion no~, but v.e \\ere nll tbe llme watch tre1nbhng hke the culprit I felt ruvself the wlnlom Radical, Mr Wm McD ougall, rng, m1'eraLle ltnd unhappy Then I hcaril Iool, teps, and my strength who gues at the summors of the partJ to do \ OU SO Susie must huvc noticed the cbange 1n quite deseitcd ru e, but I clinched rr1) hands battle for h1::-i new ~fuund faitl1 in varl)UB To my g eat a<tomshmen· llarrJ called us, but she v; as so preoccupied" ith her lo\ e nnd sl'\t up str1nght Presentl), Susie can1e counties Just o.8 it seetned <lectd ed that it ibe hou.,c th1ce c\ e11JI gi:i uut oI the week that she probably nttnbuted 1t to some other in Mr McDo"gall hal earned the righ t to dtr after that, and under the 1ntluence of h1~ eause 'Tu.f\ dear con~1n t:;bc exc111 n1e<l, in her ect and cor trol the 1ne1nbers at the left of prco:cnce, the little g1ej cousin grew pos1 Ilnrry was now a constant v1s1tor He ooJt, 1nus cal \01cc-' then .)OU found the the Spcukcr, an une xp ected blow can1e in tn:ely be1u tiful I noticed n change 1n he.r eqme to 1ny ofhce one day, and "ith an al nioncy the d1 sco,e1y. th at he was 1nehgiblc to sit deportment She seen1cd at hn1es n1orc tno::it radiant face, told ine of Ins lo\ e for The Oppos1t1on 'Irnog1nc mj co11stcrn11l1on t ='l'" ot u. \\ ord n the Legi,lature at ull prcoccup1ed &.t other::., elated, mirthful, al ruv \\lfe s cousin 'I hope vou do not ob could I saj, I was so shocked to th1uk !->he has been thrown into contusion by tlus u1 most \Hldly happy, pa1llcularly on those Ject, he added, when I heard hun throngh kne\\ nounceuieut, and 0ne ne'\ spa-per after an da, s "hen lt seemed probable that Harry ' '\Vhy should I 1 I asked ' She IS only 'Don t look so hljtrcssccl, she so.l<l gen otLer has vainly cndea' orc:d to \\ ould corne I began to sliare in m) WJ!e s Nellt~ s cousin' tl) 'tlon L lecl tiouUl.;;d about it It wJ.s a\\ay the pl'"tu legal decision winch leaves antic1pation."j anci began to "atch H arrj 'Hang- it mau ) ou re cool enough about quite llatural-perhaps Ai1stakes will Sou.Lb S1mcoe \-\ lthunt a r epredentat l\ c nnd He d1d not seenl hke an 1mpaso:ioncd 1t, anJ way, he ea d 'Cant you get up a happen in the best rehulated families, she the ConoervaLn eB without their per\ ert ~~ , ~1ttle enthns1asrn wheu a ft!llO\\ is ha.If Le a<lU~d suuhug leaile1 The aut1C1pat10ns of what they ..<\..bout this time, n15 \\th sn1d to me 011c side n1mself wltl1 liapp111 "~a? You Ion t m1gbt ha\ o done with 1\fr f\fcDonga11 at 'A.nd yon rcallj knew abou t it~ da.) that Sus1e \\as rcce1v1ng letter::i fron1 want bet to go, eh' 'YeR, I overheu1J you uucl.!, w1tl1 out their head did not fngbten th e 1lrn1stenal 'T an1 qu1te w1lhng, I an <l l t\l re<l, 'but I n1 ean1ng to, but I \\US too proucl t) notice 1t part y without )l1n1 they \\111 cnl A. scrrrce some h.r ntt friend ' I . notice v. hen they come, eomet1mes I confess theres no acconnt1 nr{ ieir tastes She 1n the least d1c nloua h . . . ure tb!l.n the\ did 1n the I only began planrnng ho\\ ly less r 1 baud them to her, but ahe ne\:er lnenhona is \ierJ furlroru th~ person 1 tancietl would I sho1ld get t\ay and keep tLe kllO\\li;Ll e daJ s ~hen Mr J U TI) kert f trm<hed tl1e1r 0 thern again Shouldn t J 011 tl11nk she be the cboice ot my Ja<:it11l1ous fri en ~l, Iiatry front liarr"\ Li a1us "ould speak about them 1 asked my wile J.;onsdalt No cxtraord1nar\ 1ns1gbt 1:::. rcqu1 retl tu '\\.rhat 1 you ne\ er told bun 1 Susie a tnoven:tenh t'i ere no\\ of impor discern th e or1g tn and cnuse cf the 111ethoU 'Ah, JO!l arP. thin! 111g of our ol<l discus 'N"tJi.:c1 why f!bonlcl I? I oul~ lcrl hnn tance in lnJ C\ ce How had that plai1n ht s1ons- bnt let nic tell) ou, ehe 1s perfectly to tl11uk that ) ou were not ogrccahle to me nnd earnestnes<:i oJ la te, displn.jed bv the tle gul cont1ne<l to caph\:tl.te hA.ndsome, Leaut1ful in 1ny eves, and bttle. short of a - forgn e UH', but how could I h elp 1t, Conscnatnea Th~ ren1oval of Sir Jo hn popular Harry Lonsdale, the most exac rng d1vin1ty jfacdo1 ald to 1:oronto and 111s a:Jstuupt1on lier e11es arc certa1nlj glonous m 1art1og un 1cr such an n1d1gn1t\ But fellow iu h "' 1el ittous with women I ever and then hercharin1ng w1nn1nghttlewajS )OU ha\e 11ot S<i1d wheth er you found the of dJTect control of the par ty \\ires, UC not kn e\\ ? The thi ng cr: rta1n!J "as done witho ut their Blgrnhcance He has never a.nd her peifect taste 1 Juve wl1at ex11us1tc 111oucj SL1e1e cau e out in a new char-.:tcter Her taate Ye .. , we ba\e and cc n 10 Su w, you are thsgu1sed his lielte£ that JJDWC[ iu 0 11La110 18 gre) dresses \\ere b11bhten eel with e.A.q u1s1te the k ey to power in the Dominion, and the ' That is true, said I an an gel, I sa. d hits of color She spoke to mv wife of 'w~11 1 con1e, old fellow T ll\ ~lau tJ hear '\. erv far lron1 th nt, ' f'rii<l Sn 1r ennhog struggle for su premac.) n1 the !Jeca.l Legi::. necdn1g new dresses und to ~elhe's n ton ) ou O\\ n up to sornetlnng la.tu re is b11t th e mean~ to an es 1 Alter I 11 be bl est if I la\ o often tr1ed to cxcus1 you Lo Tilj b b111e11t Uoughthersl!li several I hen c111ne I shouldn t think, were you a single in o. n, selt,Jor c1rcnrnstances \r\erc certainly aga1ust the c1efeat and humtha.t1on to v. h1ch lie w lS ornan1enta few, but cl 01ce and co~t1j ~ou ~ere 1n lo\ e \\ ith her 1 o JTself 01e, particular)\ \\he n I spe nt so la vishly subJecterl in his last general oppcci.l it nut>LL '\\here do you suppose Bhc gets the M'y answer quite sn.t1sficd bun 'Jf I I conlcl not explain the reason then I uni seem tbat he would nhan<lon ho pe of regain !HOile} 1 l~k1 1 OT\ \\lfe But 'hope sp rings \\ere single, and she +he a Jlv \-\Oman in the uow 1-1:, half L1 01her forged papas n lng his lo~t grou nd 'llo\\ do \\C know but fl he tnaj he rtch work! I \\ouldn t marry her lot a le\\ th ouswd dollaro, yearo ago My cte1nal iu the hu1nan bretst, and Sir John tn<l eccentric 1 wa!'l rn) response 'You '\Vhe\\ ' well, thats what I call a tnfio father for my sake, nnd the honor d the evidently be he\ es that th e tune n10..\ conic pttHd her and thought h er n poor 1011c girl, de<.;1ded, be sa1d, nnJ \\ent ofi out of tern family, let l11m go clear w11.>h his 111 gained wnen h e will Le rcplaccu rn ill hi s old dig but her f ither n1ay have pociscssed pro 1)ertj per rutws T he icaliz'1Lton ofl11s desir e appcnts boot, to a lurgP. ~1n1ount for all l\ c C'aUtell lhc Ottan l Go\e1n1nent 1s Se'\cra1 \\ecl'"spissc<l. Su8rn hat.I l1olilL ~<l 'Somu inon lb a ago, he lcanung ihnt pa unprolmble 1\ elhc shook her "1se head "' nlj "ifc other engagcnient S he could pa." a<:i d ead, refunded me the 1nonoy bj in firuil) fixed 111 power, and 1t would be i ' I don t believe be left a ccnt-mdce,:l, not Uut lw ttY.ure oi the cont:.tra1nt 111 our stalmeuts, pled 1ngn1c to ""eerecy, lS he dt<l su1pns1n 0 ttnu ol atla.1rs that coul<l 11ns1.::at 0 "hat an1saying1 It 18 a tnatt er of cerhn.n manner Nelheaud Iircqlle11tlyhad htLl e n0t ~1sh it kno\\D \!\~n that h wr.s in ex. the Ontario M1m ot ry beforn the end of the tJ that ho uul uot, Jor Sum tolu me so her tall s togeth er over the niatter, in which \\e 1s'd1ee So I kept tho sc r ~t , because I pre ev t Pruh.:tmeut No one can bla(l1C th e aelf Bes1 J ~B f-lh C! \\ uL1lJ h LVc got hne Lhil.lgs comtuented upon t11e strange good lnck that vro1u1sr.!l li11n I woukl 01 c wei;k a 0 0 I Conservatives 01 their chieftain tor \\01k1ng cnou1 .)1, 8Co t.'.'.8 of tunes I \e seen the look bad seem1hgly O\ert·ken Miss Sns1e J he re e1ved news of his death und. hoping h 1t their nnt mpatlons ahonl I n1 h ere' e when I J1avc Ueeu shopping at d1eappearauce of my three thousand doll11rs, 'And so, concluJcd rr1; \\ 1! ' I a::!kcd not rnn too birth, le~t the)' lu~te th e b1tte1 Ste ~\ ri.rt 01 r:n1~6Cdt1vc of 'e mplluess uf pocket and her sudden accession ef co~tly dresse s her forgnene5s ior our UHJUSL sw::1p1c1oni::, nes, of the hope deferred whieh nmketh tho and anguii::ll of t t;pint...:rfor ,ou sde now and J-e welrv, did look, to <:iay the least su:i and- I - [ tell Jon, fol n, she is an angel heart sick As fo..r o.-. the re ult I R aflected what exq t;1te taste she "has ' But I wish p1c1ou::. I had no doubt ot it But how d1<l u.,t they nJight as weJl JJp, on t heir O!:\ I S for th e she v. asn t snch a secret th1n14, that'b what !One (lay on in~ ieturn home, niy wJfe money get lJl n1y o1rl grnnni; t: cap box 1 nex.t four Jeara-Lo idon Achertiscr torments me I do like to be confiaed rn' informed rue that Susie \\as intendinJ to Fron1 that dav to thrn I hav.. , ne\ er l earned, W bat follo11 ed made -tbe comersahon leave us and 1t "111 probably al\\aJ s rcmam a mys Ringing For the Water Boy memora ble So1ne mo nths pre' 1ous I hail 'She came to n1e this morni ng, cout11111ed \er) received the snm of three thousand dollars 1\elhe, 'and told me that ,\,unt Cheney had A good story is told of a verdant one" ho for a ,mall piece ofland This money, or a \\ ritten saj iug that she \.\ isbed her to re was a pa~senger in a ra1lioa:l exp1 ess tr~1n The Poilt1cal S1tun.t1on m Ontario part of 11, I had occaston to use I went up turn , ·nd as she had a great deal to <lo, she 'Where's that ere boy with the water to the closet in my room, oue side of which thought it better to have the wedd1ng outfit can 1' he queried of Ins ne xt nelghbor The 111story ol the pat! of 187u that h.i served as~ sde Tu 1n.) utter astournbment, therl! I said to her '~e thought ' He his gone forward to the baggage ca1 ,, 'iev.:ed from the ~t11ndp01nt of an the 1nonev was not there I searched the you wou1cl be n1nrr1 ed here, Susie bhe I suppose, '\i ai; the r\::ply c1uset tluuugb and then called rny "1fe for looked strange for a moment for i;be must Ontarro pohtician, h!ls not been nne\- entful, 'Wall, t1 ye s pose I cau git hnn back though httlo excitr.ment has been occasion a COJISU!tat1011 here ogo.1n I' hn\e seen how httle 11enrt tlH re was in Ol) cd since the gen eral elections at the begin Together we looked ui every ava1lable wotid,. Then she Sll.ld \...unt Cheney ex Ccrtn1nly,' r ~aid the other, 'you have YVhen the l:iUm1n1n6 up place-cl1:a1ed lhe shel\ es u! tire library, pected the ceremony to take place there , n1ng of the year ouly to r1ug for bun and he nodded to searched through all the closets,, had in fact, been n1ak1ng great preparations was made bJ each party, those "ho had no ward s the bell lme that ran <bov e then 1 boxes, trunks and nooks that the house af Besides, she qmte wanted to seo Aunty s personal kno" ledge of the country might hea Js forded) but in va1n the n1one~ '\as gor.e , w1thered old face-and there she choked lune Ut!ell amused. to hear the oppos1te Bt!lore one No soor1cr satd tha n Uo ne conclusions L1 btraliS and Con<:iet\ ati \ r.,,, no Slgn of bank bilb anywhere So she is gorng to morro" lllght, and is coulcl prevent it thers \If as a tremendous n.hke claimed to be "ell satrnfi.e<l with the 'Where could )OU have put them 1 ask packnig no\\ The conscq uences were at once ob tug resnltot tl1e contest lhe former had gain ed tUJ wife tired and cn~couraged I would ha\e gnen the \vor1d to oe able 'VIOUS three sh rill wh1<tles were heard, ' I put tl:tem m that closet , mJ ke) has to saj I wus aorrj, but the truth l~, hf'r ed a numcncEll \i10tory, 1 ut the latter had half a d ozen brakemen inn to their posts, so 1mpro>ecl their poettwn that they l1oped been rn that httle box ou the end of the presence had become hateful to inc , I w 1nt and the train ca1ne to a standstill "1th a to b e able to over tu rn th e Ji..tinIAtrj a.t some mantle piece, and I ha>e never been to the ed her to be gone suddeunees that startl ed l1 alf the passengers tlrr1e not far in lh c future Ilow lhat \\ US closet 81nce I left the mo11f'y there, but We were ¥ery polite to the last I saw with ustoni':>hinent, antl c lU~ed everj man to be accomphsheJ. \\ 1lL Lh e \ ole of a in1n sonle one else bas, it seems \ Susie off in company with 1ny wile Ifarry nex t a \\1ndo w to hoist it an<l look ont to 'None of the servants l ut old Hester ever went wHh her, the happiest n1nn I ever onty was a pu zzle to n1any, even of those see wha t was the mat er \-\hose political cvnsc1cnce compels then1 comes into this room,' mu1 mured N elhe 1 saw In a few unnutes tbe conductor, red and to have faith m the wildest creattons of the 'and I "ould stake Ill) hie on h,r honesty It \\as a relief to bebo1d l1er \avant cha1r, excited, cau1e foan11ng 1nto the car to know Consen atn e press l3ut the nature of the I or course, a.ud so" ould I her place at the table, to 111u;s her gl1d1Dg who pull ed th bell 10pe 'Ihree thotu:mnd dull~ro wby, fuhn, 1110\ctnl!nts, and we fe]t that we could talk n1eans \\a~ not lon g kept secret The order 'Herc, nust ~ r tlus \\ uy I Ill the in an n a:3 passed around tu prote ~t the ret nrn of thats o. large sum to 1o::.e and do as we plea~ed , "1th no spy or ea' es shouted th ll1ff~n<ler drawing all eJCS upon e'er\ Liberal where there was th e sl1ght~ t 'Laigc or s1nall, its gone dropper in the wny N el he m scied her for b101 'l3nt where 1 my w1Ie qumed, pe1plexed a tJ me, and often talked and \\ onde.,..ed suspicion that a me1n ber cou d be unseated You, ~a11 thl! cotn1uclor, 'antl "hat rhen it wa.:i supposed t hat an extraord1nnrj an d anxious 'V{ho could ha\ c kno\\ n it about he1 She answered her first lett er, dicl 'on do it for 1 "as there 1 People \'1111 <lo such unsernbly and declmed to attend her wedding, but effort to ga1n some of the 'aco.terl. seats 'Cos I \\ \nted some water woukl ou equalize patties th at a nn1Jontv sti ange tl n1(fs somet1mi:'!P: the second letter 1eroa1ned un a uswe1et1 'Wanted son1e " ater ' could be gained on a catch qu estion Man\ 'Yes, I ba>e spoken of havrng t.iat 'Sartin I \\autcd the v.atcr Loy, und Not a great while alter that, Harrv took amount bj me two or three t11u e;1 1 bnt no a house in the cit' fer his bl!d e, n1d I Sa\\ of the election trials have coiue of, \\tlh the my p ard ner here rn the seat ·aid Id better 1\fem ht is one \\fl f'. prcRen tln1t 'ou and Susie lt was him occas1onatly To\\ ard s lus wife I e n usual 1esults oft lt cl1 >n tri ils rtng fo t h1u1 as ~ c do at th"' hotel, and so I have been shun here and there, though n on abon11nable ca.rclcss tb1ng to do, lc11\1ng terta1ncd a f!;chng of strong avers1on yank.ed the rope \"\ ill he be alon,: soo n 1 It it lying loo~e inotea l of putting it in ""' she \\ho had broken up tho dear old fe-w ha.\ e escaped unscathed NC\\ elections Aud by th e b) e "lnt rn thunder L \on ho.:~ e tnkon place 11 sr.veral of the const1tu the b mk, as I sho ild stoppII1 i )r 1 mt1maci, for Harry anl I had been famous Day after day we looked fo1 the moncv, fr1ends, and now he llC\ er calle l at tile cnctcs, without nny chunges of pobt1cal im The sbo ·t ot lan;::hter that greet ed !Lts port bmngefl'ectcd tl1ou,..,h t he total rc~ult speal~11ig uf our susp 1c1011s to no one, until oIHcc hon e1i.t confe;;i ~1un wa<:.t too much for the to dav rn a tnfl e more ach a.ntageous to the tinall} \l c ga> e it up fo1 lost A \leek after conductor, a Jd he had to wo.1t till lie hucl \\ e often heard of Mr Lonsdale s reeep M.1m 0 terial party than the sho\\rng at the th1~ Nellie c:\ute to my roorn \'\Ith a pale got lns train under wa) again before be ex hons, her dinners, her perfect taste, h er encl oi the gencr1l elec l1on 1\(1 II0Ug1ns p'arncd the mvster>es ot the bell rope to hi s iasc1nat1nK 111anne1s, but "'e Ut!\l.!l called has dlspossL:s l 11-Ir lvlunro und ste pped ' Its so ellan 0 <.:, she n1urn1urcd, and I It "as Late In the folio\\ 1ng season before iuto lus old r lace lU '"lest Llgtn, f\.nd :\-11 \ erdl\nt customer clo hate to IJa\ e such lhouKhls , but John, \\e prcpa1ed to tul'"e our annual flitting into ~fcI nt) re an Inaepcntlc nt, has gn en \\ ay '\\here could Susie have Jot that splend1d the country T had se nt most of the m Cornwall for M1 Snet8rn~er the old .No 1na1 dcsc1 ' C:'l t o be pHnscd fo r hrn s<l1ta1a? f hch alE\\hlt:;pcred hou s~b old good,,, wlnch ah' nvs ucco1npa11,.,d .. l h 1 k d l goo ln cso:. unlci::s h~ hus strength of charact er uit!u1uer, \\ lO 9-S a ways ran e as a r e t '\\hat solitaire 1 I asked ~ us, and gathered enough to 0 ether for the bl '1 t l t Otl l , '· [ to Le wicked All other goodne·s rn geu a e .u lnis ena 1s ter e ec,,1ons 1-1.a" t! 'X ou not seen 1t 1 8 he "ore it to hnal lond t I erally nothing hu t in lolence or n n potence ::<rellte cumc np to tn·pect l ll t Jr b u t t ,, 0 s i con1e o , .uere is no cuu::iti o ot will JaJ tor the fmt ttnle them suppose that a revolution in iavor of Con 'I suppose she ie engn.ged- lJa.rrv gn'lo lt ' Where m the wor;<l did j ou get that servo.ham w 111 set in f1 om this date forwa1d to h er, I suggested He JS\\Olthy oJ bonor 11ho "1lleth the old cap boj< 1 sbe a;ked, laughrng 'And By way of sddrng unety to the s01ig cl But HarrJ d1dn t gll cit to her I asked why h"'e )OU m<talled it OD tlie top of all tbe Opposition, a pleasing theme li a~ good of eve1 y ma 1 tt n1 be is inuch un her, an l she said n o 1 tbe other puekuges I been i nrmshed by the defeat ol Mr worthy thereat wb a see {et11 lns owu profit, T he deuce w \~ all I CQuld Sa.} opyiresE!e th olb Prti an(l 'Don t)on lrno" the \ox, Nclhcl Ire Crooke 1n ] ast for:-intn and lns "ll bse i 1ent An f John t r cnll) looks ilarn 111g the pbed 1t was grandmother Carugan ~, the ie te nt1 on of th e Tl e:1sure1slu p \\1tlioi.. t lt n 11nh{:1 ol c h lhuig~ she l1as Leen buy \1;:1y one 1u wl11cb ~li e U:Jcd to put he1 old til~ same tlnie 1ep1esent1ng a constltu 1 l \ T t i .a.Dk ., ll ut t: \e ly otL~1 11111 n "cond1 ir1~ ot lat~ 1 Jnrt'\ dollars for a parasol bleck cap \\ hy, I can ·ee h er face ID it D1scuf.lsiun Lai; 1J1ought out t l e fact tl at nor 111 l to h ~l il en ir own l~ one of the 011h th nk anl nlln e d1dr t cost t"enty, tlu::i u1ot1 t Jlt, and-wh lt upo11 ea1tl1 1 I thci c is 11olln11g unconstutwnal iu 111s bt>i.r g nn~lo tt UIG::J d l ut i ~u naLutc: "PleaseJ. q lox <l lh e drunl est glo\cs, e\ ervth1ng by exelauned, cutting r!-hott m~ o:peech allo veil a r tiionalilc tnne to Rr.vnre a ~e it, with e wh ctl er s lot 1 our o" n "\\C hate ' the dozen ' 0 · ----

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